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MAW Old School Rules 2007 results part 1


Rip Chord presents

MAW Old School Rules

Att 220

May 18, 2007

Stanley Hall



Larry Wood d. Al Coleman E

PRP d. Steven Lane C-



Thunder strikes sudden C+

Nevada Nuclear is preparing to come out when Atlas, Titan, and Persephone blindside him. The attack is total leaving Nevada in need of medical attention.


Rock Downpour and Merv Ernest welcome everyone and comment on how brutal the attack of the gods of Thunder was a few moments ago. Persephone seemed to glee at the destruction wreaked by her behemoths. But now to the action.


Masked Cougar vs. Antonio D

The Masked flyer really had not trouble keeping Antonio on the receiving end. Masked Cougar wins with the prowl at the 6 minute mark.


Blonde falling D

We see Oscar Golden coming out and being called by a female fan. "I'm your biggest fan, I have all of your albums, and I really would like to have your autograph....in a personal place" Oscar agrees and heads backstage with the young lady, but its a trap. Ricky Douglas and Mean Machine are waiting and the girl is none other than Karen Killer. Oscar really takes a beating.

"Two beatings tonight, Merv you really know how to welcome a guy."

"Rock, these are the things you see every week, action, fights, and wreckage"


Fury of Olympus: D

Zeus Maxmillion is shown checking on Nevada with the EMTs. "He grabs a mic and looks into the camera, "Atlas, you big piece of galactic trash, you little worm wanting to be a god....you are nothing but filth, you are a titan of old you was vanquished by me Zeus...tonight I will complete that job and vanquish you from the eternal halls of the ring."

"A lengthy diatribe there Rock"

"Zeus has had his moments"


U R on Howard.... E

Back to the ring...Jorge Washington and Sgt. Bubba Lee West, the Real Americans come out. "Howard, you think anyone you can find someone who can help you to stand up the the Real Americans, you little piece of maggot slime. We are what real Americans should want to be. Lean, mean, and full of vigor. You are the poster child for the decadence of America. We will beat the slovenness out of you." Howard then comes out taking umbrage.


Eddie Howard vs. Jorge Washington E

A real heavy hitting match that saw Howard taking advantage of his anger and drive for revenge on Washington. Close line and suplex ends the match for a victory for Howard.


Winning the war: C-

After the match, the Sgt hits the ring and the two real Americans take it to Eddie Howard. There seems to be no mercy till the two villains finally head to the back leaving poor Howard in a mess.

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MAW Old Schools Rules 2007 results part 2


Zeus Maxmillion vs. Atlas D

Maxmillion comes out a ball of fire to avenge the beatdown of his partner. Atlas was hard pressed to keep the Olympic powerhouse off. Finally Persephone was able to swing the advantage back to the god of thunder. Atlas finished Zeus off at the 11 minute mark.


Finishing the job....or not C+

Atlas and Titan are not finished as they try to finish off the other half of the Olympic Powers, but out of the back comes a heavily bandaged Nevada Nuclear and he’s carrying a chair. He quickly runs the villains off.


Coming soon: B+

Another video of Puerto Rican Power and Jennifer Heat is shown to the delight of the fans.


MAW championship

Remmy Skye vs. American Elemental C-

Elemental gets another chance to gain a measure of revenge against his exfriend, but it was not meant to be. Skye proved too much again tonight hitting a Skye Diver to win at the 18 minute mark.


You the man tonight C-

As Skye is headed back up to the back, he meets Frankie Perez coming down for his big match tonight with Mainstream. “Ok Pez man, this clown has never beaten you. You can take him out. You will take him out. West Coast Mafia rules!”


Mainstream Hernendez vs. Frankie Perez C

Perez has the edge over the Mainstream, but tonight was the night of destiny. Tonight Mainstream pulled out all stops to put Perez on his heels, even when MAW champ Skye came out to interfere. Mainstream rallied with the crowd to hit the From Behind at the 25 minute mark. Next month Mainstream will get his shot at Remmy Skye for the MAW title.


Overall C-

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Rest of May around the USA


Sunday night, our show Friday was good. Now to settle down and enjoy what other promotions have to offer. Tonight has two...TCW Total Mayhem and DAVE Total Disruption.


Jean, Larry, and I were kicked back at Larry's apartment ready to take in TCW's show. We would catch the DAVE on DVD.


Jean: Well lets see what Cornell and the boys can bring.


Larry: "It will be a show. Who is main eventing tonight?"


Jean: "I think Corporal Doom and BLZBulb will take on Liberty and Giant Tana. Should be a classic, real classic."


Larry: "Don't knock 'em Jean, you'll be there one day too."


The show started with Painful Procedure d. Harry Allen and Joel Bryant. Allen taking the pinfall. A so-so match saw Demon Anger d. Ronnie V. Pain next. The third match drew some more banter from the two brains in the room with me.


Larry:"Those Hardcore Uproar guys are my cup of tea."

Jean: "Sure Larry the move like you do too."

Larry "Jean you know you can't deny those two can work a crowd."

Jean "I wouldn't say work a crowd."


Needless to say it was entertaining as they defeated Vin Tanner and Chris Caulfield to retain their tag titles. The match of the night was next as Nemesis defeated Stevie Grayson. Awesome match. Troy Tornado retained his International title over Rick Law in a pretty good match. The surprise of the night came Demon Spite captured the Hardcore title from Charlie Thatcher.


The All Action title lived up to its name in a gem of a three way as Freddie Huggins defeated Chance Fortune and Steve Gumble to retain.

Time for the first of the co main events:

Tommy Cornell in a texbook Cornell defence defeated Henry Lee to retain his Heavyweight title. Corporal Doom and BLZBulb really looked good tonight in ther tag battle with Liberty and Giant Tana. Liberty also looked good as Tana came in to make the save. Doom picked up the win though to close out a very good show.

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MAW Super Showdown 2 the Card


Rip Chord Presents:


MAW Super Showdown 2

Stanley Hall

June 15, 2007

7:00 pm


Last month saw a major developments. RCI champ Mainstream Hernendez won his right to challenge MAW champion Remmy Skye. Eddie Howard and a mystery partner will take on the 'Real' Americans. gods of Thunder will hope that Persephone will help them retain their tag titles against the challenge of the Olympic Powers.


Quick Picks:

MAW championship:

Remmy Skye © vs. Mainstream Hernendez

Real Americans vs. Eddie Howard and ???

MAW tag team championship gods of thunder © w/Persephone vs. Olympic Powers

Mean Machine/Ricky Douglas vs. Canadian Blondes

Steven Parker vs. John Greed

Masked Cougar vs. Steven Lane

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CZCW in June WK 1


Remmy Skye and Frakie Perez came to the office early Thursday morning....."Here the Surf Slam from Monday night."

"Yeah, check out the tag title match."

I told them I would and poped it into the player.


It was a pretty good show: Valiant defeated Jesse Gilbert in a pretty good opening match. The second match stole the show as Fumihiro Ota kept himself relevant by beating Fox Mask. Jeremiah Moose made a nice comeback by defeating EMM Moe after his failed bids to beat Skye for the Extreme Title. The tag match was good too. Perez had been teaming with Prince Adam lately (Perez had been after me to bring Adam in to the West Coast Mafia). They did look great with good chemistry winning the tag titles from Insane Machine and Plauge.


The first half of the main event showcased CZCW champ Donnie J retaining against Remmy Skye. Remmy came out of the match looking great. I can see lots of improvement in the youngster. I'm afraid we might not be able to afford him next time his contract comes up.

The final match showed Cpt. USA still had some gas in the tank as he and Jimmie P took out the talented Air Force 1 in a thrilling match. All in all a good show.


I wrote a few notes and decide it was time to work on the final touches for Super Showdown later this month.

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June Wk 2 USPW Americana


Well time for the monthly trip with Rip to Arkansas. I enjoyed the time spent with Rip, but still you can get tired of seeing the same 8 people each show......


Rip: "My boy, you read to learn?"


Me: "Always."


Rip: "I don't always agree with the first match up" (Al the Hillbilly vs. D. Rushmore). "But let's see what they can do." After watching the two put on a good showing. "Well it wasn't too bad. Al has improved and Danny looks to be moving up the card. That don't mean you go and hire him though.

These next two seem to be moving a tag program along." After watching them, Rip was not impressed. "You would think the T. Warrior and Pete would have better chemistry by now. And Java and Eric are really lacking. Patric Cool has shown me more. Lets see if these last three can warm us back up."


Rip was refering to the last three matches. Devine retained his national Title title against former champ Mic Muscles. These two are looking good together. Muscles might get a call soon as we could use another big man for the plans I have down the road. The next match drew big praise from Rip.


Rip: "Now Cpt is really working well. I haven't seen him that spring in while."

Me: "You should see him jumping around in CZCW and CGC. Last week he was keeping up with Jimmie Fox and Snap Dragon with Jimmie P's help."

Rip: "Was he now? We might have to bring him in soon. Just a patriotic swing?...Ha...don't take the serious kid"


Well the Main Event was pretty predictable with Redwood challenging for the USPW World title. Force was pumped and as incoherent as usuall. A good match, but way too predictable but as Rip told me on the trip home, "Sometimes predictibility is what you need. Remember the fans are the real bosses."

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NYCW for June


Frank stopped by Monday morning after our workout. Well here’s NYCW Youth Gone Wild, from Saturday night. We had a sold out crowd at Ministry that was fairly hot. Jean is really looking good up there too.

“Thanks, Frank.”

“Also, I really need some time to rest up some. If you want to let me lay low for a bit I won’t mind so much.”

“I will, and thanks for the heads up.”


I popped in the disk. It looked to be a full house alright; this would be two months in a row. The opening match was ok…with NY Doll and Stienway defeating the Sting. The next match brought a smile to my face. I had been a big mark for the Masked Mauler when I first started watching the ‘sport’ and here was the latest incarnation winning the Tri-State regional title from Mr. America.


Steve Flash and Eddie Chandler put on a great match next that saw Flash go over. Good to see the chemistry on these two. I wish I could afford Flash right now. Jean Cattley was up next with Coyote Dynamite. Dynamite was off his game tonight, but Jean is starting to turn some heads. He picks up the win in this encounter.


Whistler held on to his Empire Title fending off the Big Problem in a good match. The main event was also a good one as Frank and Travis Century showed some good teamwork in a victory over Grandmaster Phunk and Hell Monkey.


All in all a good show, the Jean and Hell Monkey signings in March has really been a good move for Stomper.

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Needs more pimping of Rip Chord and all that overness he has. I'd put him in almost every angle you can. Several high rated angles before a match can really pump up the crowd and raise the match grade in '05


Thanks Dmack....I didn't know that....

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MAW Super Showdown 2 the results


Rip Cord presents:

MAW Super Showdown 2

June 15, 2007

Stanley Hall

Attendence: 218




Puerto Rican Power w/Jennifer Heat d. Clyde Wilson C-


Main Show:


Blondes challenge Mean Machine and Ricky Douglas E

Oscar Golden and Flash Savage come out to the podium, “Mean Machine, Douglas. You both sneak attack or double team your way to get us. Tonight we want you both.”


Real Americans vs. Howard and ??? C-

We see a short video hyping that the Real Americans will take on Eddie Howard and a mystery partner tonight.


Masked Cougar vs. Steven Lane D

Steven Lane came out with a handshake to only kick poor Masked Cougar. Lane capitalized on his underhanded tactics to try to put away the highflyer, but Cougar was not to be undone. Cougar rallied to win with a pinfall at the 8 minute mark.


You’ve got to be joking C-

Mean Machine and Ricky Douglas come out with Steven Parker and Karen Killer. Machine and Douglas who are usually all business can barely contain their laughter. “Tell me your joking blonde punk. You two want us? You want a piece of the Firm? Tonight you will pay.”


Steven Parker vs. John Greed D

Greed and Deadly have been thorns in the side of Firm for a while, but tonight Parker gets Greed one on one. Greed puts on a good performance, but Paker was the better man tonight, hitting a Future Shock at the 9 minute mark.


Romance: Puerto Rican Style A

A short video of Puerto Rican Power and Jennifer Heat is shown.


Ricky Douglas/Mean Machine w/Karen Killer vs. Canadian Blondes D

The Blondes had the tag team experience and the upper hand early as Machine and Douglas seem to underestimate the Canadian duo. But Machine and Douglas quickly turned the tables to pick up a win as Douglas pinned Flash at the 11 minute mark.


Last title shot tonight C-

We see a short video showing the recent history of the Olympic Powers trying to gain the MAW tag titles from gods of Thunder. Tonight is Olympic Powers last shot.


MAW tag team title match

gods of Thunder w/Persephone © vs. Olympic Powers D

Atlas and Nevada start off the match. Nevada looked ready to explode taking it too the big man. Atlas quickly bailed giving Titan a chance to take a dose. Persephone tried to turn the tables on the outside, but Zeus thwarted her. The end came with Zeus hitting the Thunderbolt on Titan to win the MAW tag titles.


Olympic Celebration C-

The new MAW tag champs celebrate by posing and dissing the fans at ringside.


Real American Taunt C

Jorge Washington and Sgt. Bubba Lee West come out, “Howard, you think you can find someone? Nobody here has the pure American talent of my partner and I, tell ‘em Sarge.

“That’s right you big piece of maggot filth. Real Americans don’t pander, Real Americans don’t hip hop with the drawers hanging out. Tonight the Truth and Justice will win out.”


Revealed…… C

Howard comes out as West finishes his tirade and grabs a mic, “Americans, you are not. Tonight you will face me and you will face a force of nature….you will face Natural Storm.” Out came DC Rayne. Natural Storm has reunited tonight.


Natural Storm vs. Real Americans D

This was a brawl waiting to happen as the four men tore into each other. Howard seemed off his game tonight, but DC took up some slack. The Sarge and Washington used brute and dirty tricks to cut the ring off and try to destroy DC. The end came with a hot tag to Howard at the 13 minute mark for Howard to pin Washington.


The champ speaks: C-

As Natural Storm are soaking in the cheers out comes the MAW champion, Remmy Skye, “Mainstream Punk, you think you’re something special. You got lucky against Perez and Insane, but tonight the Mafia will show you how we roll, dude. Tonight I will end your little charade and show everyone why the West Coast will always be superior.”


MAW championship match

Remmy Skye © vs. Mainstream Hernendez C-

This match had been two year in the making. Hernendez had been on a quest to gain the MAW title. The first RCI tourney was a bust as he was attacked prematch by West Coast Mafia member Frankie Perez. Then this year he won, but had to go through three matches to gain this shot. Mainstream hit high and often and was on the verge of victory till Perez came out and turned the odds. Skye took advantage and really poured the punishment on Mainstream. The fans were really into this match wanting to see Skye get his comeuppance tonight. They rallied the underdog surfer to rise and rise again. After hitting a Skye Diver, Remmy was poised to pin, but Mainstream somehow kicked out. Skye was becoming frustrated. The end came as Perez tried to interfere again only to hit Skye by mistake at the 31 minute mark. Mainstream somehow got up and hit a From Behind to gain the win and the MAW belt.


Overall show: C-



After many subpar matches earlier on the card the main event really saved us and gave a good finish to this trimester of shows.

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SWF times of trouble results....


Settling back down with my cold drink it was time to watch what SWF had on tap for Times of Trouble. The word that TCW had grown to an international company has already had an impact as they began to snatch up new stars for their shows.


Shady K d. Calamari Kid and Flex d. Warlord Agony in the opening matches. Both were as good as our best main events, but it seemed that Calamari had been lost in the shuffle as of late.


The American Everyman Freddie Datsun d. Black Hat Bailey in the next match, that was a great match as the two men really know how to work a crowd, especially Bailey.


Robbie Retro d. Jumbo Shrimp next, while Eddie Peak won a three way over Groucho Bling and Joe Sexy. Johnny Martin pinned Texas Pete in a while brawl.


The Shooting star title was up next as Bart Biggz retained over Akima Brave. In the second best match of the night, Christan Faith d. Squeeky McClean in a match that had me on the edge of my seat.


The Almighty Dollar held on to their tag titles over the Dirty White Boys, while Jack Bruce d. Eric Tyler in a brutal battle.


In a match that pitted two different styles- Peter Valentine and Skull DeBones d. the Amazing Bumfholes.


The main event was a rematch. Runaway Train had taken Enygma’s World Title back on Supreme TV at the end of May. Enygma gave him a great match, as this was clearly the match of the night, but it was not enough. I must admit the first clash was better and both left a bitter taste in my mouth as Runaway Train emerged victorious.


All in all a good show for SWF….

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TCW Excessive Force...or my roomates for the show.


Well I was all ready to settle down when there was a knock at my door. Who could it be coming in? Jean Cattley and Honest Frank.


“Hey man….what you watchin’ tonight?”


“Hey Bookie, what’s on tap? Could it be some Excessive Force?” With that the two proceeded to lift me up and body slam me on the couch.


“Guys, I don’t make enough to have good fur..uhhhhh.” The couch was not made for falling. They were right though…I wanted to watch some TCW tonight, and it’s always a lot more fun with a crowd, but I wanted to scout some too. If I could see the layout now that they had moved up, then I could prepare somewhat for the domino effect of talent grabbing.


We got the chips and drinks and settled down to see the opening match, The Nation of Filth d. Harry Allen and Ice Man in a quick ok match.

Honest Frank gave some commentary on the next match, an International title match. “Demon Anger seems lost without his partner. He goes out the only way he knows, full steam ahead, brute his way. No style, no finesse. Lucky for him Gumble is down in the eyes of Cornell. “ Needless to say Anger retains.


There was a building match that showed Troy Tornado d. Ronnie V. Pain before a great match of the night in our opinion. 3 on 3 Henry Lee, Cliff Wilson, and Chris Caulfield took on Nemesis, Demon Spite, and Charlie Thatcher. Nemesis really took this match to new heights. He has seemed to be buried some this month for not signing a written deal, but he showed why he is high on the list of workers today. Lee, Wilson, and Caulfield took the win though.


Mean Jean called the next match for the All Action title. “Fortune is really the better man. He not only moves with grace, he has precision with his moves. Huggins is not slouch, but I really like this Chance kid.” Huggins retains.


Sheik Mustafa comes into TCW and fills a role in the ring. The Sheik can still go, but he falls to Vin Tanner next.


Corp. Doom was in the ring next giving the 3 on 3 a stiff run for match of the night. He defeated Sammy Bach in a match that saw Sammy really carry Doom and showcase why he is a great worker today.


Two tag matches started the home stretch for the show. Newly signed T-Rex teamed with Wolf Hawkins to defeat the Darkness Warriors. While Hardcore Uproar retained their tag titles by dispatching The Hit Men.


Giant Tana continued his stay near the top of the card by defeating Big Cat Brandon in a crowd pleaser.


Tommy Cornell continued his reign and dominance over BJ Shearer in the World Heavyweight title match, but tonight it was a three way that included the new, Shawn Gonzalez. Shawn put up a good match, but Tommy played the two against each other to pick up the win.


The main event showcased another tag match…seemed to be the going thing for TCW lately:

Ricky Dale Johnson, who holds a draw with the current WH champ, and Liberty had an outstanding match taking out Randell Hopkirk and BLBulb. The fans were hot for this one as the faces really took some punishment only to pull out the big win.


All in all it was a good show, but the New PPV company for TCW needs some work.

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MAW Summer Heatwave 07 preview


Rip Chord presents: MAW Summer Heatwave 07


We are moving in on our 20th show. Lots of excitement comes our way as things heat up in the Summer Heatwave.


MAW Championship

Mainstream Hernendez © vs. Remmy Skye

Remmy Skye will cash in his rematch clause and try to regain his title from Mainstream Hernendez.


Mean Machine w/Karen Killer vs. Antonio

Hurricanes (Jack Giedrocy and Erik Strong) vs. Frankie Perez and Insane Machine

Harvey Haynes vs. Mikey James

Puerto Rican Power w/Jennifer Heat vs. Larry Wood

Masked Cougar vs. Steven Parker


Be there as the MAW heats up in a Summer Heatwave at the Stanley Hall July 20. 8:00 pm

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CZCW July Wk 1....a trip out west


Well another Sunday and Remmy Skye comes by, “Want to go out west and see a real show?”



“You see Frankie, IM, and I are flying out later today for CZCW’s Battle on the Beach, you want to come?”


“Yall paying?”


“Not us, but Cliff will.”


“I’m game.”


Off we flew. Interesting flight, on American Airlines no less.


Monday night came and I spoke to the guys backstage. This was really a loose bunch. Even Cliff wasn’t so uptight. “How’s ol Rip? Tell him I said howdy”Ota just shook hands, not much in words. I tried to get Ota to come our way, but he wanted a lot more money than we could afford. I guess he thought I was beneath him now.


The show was pretty good. I admit it is better in person, than on DVD.


Valiant opened the show pinning Primal Rage.


Flying Jimmie Fox took out Jesse Gilbert.


Frankie looked real good as did E.M.M. Moe as Frankie took him out in the third match.


Snap Dragon is a real winner. Seeing him in person really whet my whistle for seeing him in MAW. Snap had an excellent match with Plauge that had the house on fire.


Remmy defended his Extreme title next turning away Jeremiah Moose again. Remmy seemed a little off tonight. Maybe he is working too hard. I’m going to have to check on that, but he brushed me off when I asked.


Fox Mask is another that really impresses. He took out the Insane Machine in another roof raising match. I tell you there is a lot more high flying action here, but these fans really eat it up.


Ota showed why he is still a big draw in taking down Jimmie P in the match of the night to set the table for the main event.


Donnie J has had his hands full defending his CZ title against the wildly popular Cpt. USA. The Cpt came with his A game taking J to the limit. Donnie had to take it to the outside. Cpt didn’t let up, but unfortunately the ref didn’t and counting them both out. This war is far from settled.


Cliff came up to me afterward, “Well son, what did you think? Now don’t go getting to many ideas from here. “

“Hey Mr. Anderson, you can only help me. And thanks again for the trip out. You do put on a great show.” And we continued on to take the plane back to Atlanta.

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DAVE Extreme Double Header June/July


Well the end of the month has rolled around, and it was time to check up on DAVE….They had their annual double Header PPV, The Extreme Double Header the end of June, first of July.


The June part of the show was ok…


The New Wave opened the show with a victory over our own Sgt. West and Hell Monkey.


Acid then had a good match with Matt Sparrow to pick up a good win and get the crowd going.


The tag titles were on the line next as Bryan Holmes and Art Reed put on a great show taking the titles form the New Jersey Devils.


Teddy Powell took out Whistler and American Buffalo took out Doug Peak to set the mid card.


Jungle Jack retained his Brass Knuckles title over Hell’s Bouncer. Bouncer really has improved a lot in his time at DAVE.


Kurt Laramee defeated Travis Century in a good match, but the Main Event stole the show.

Pistol Pete and JD Morgan put on a clinic taking out Danny B. Bling and the Wolverine.


The July part of the show the next night was awesome.


Doug Peak and Hell Monkey joined with Joey Minnesota to gain a measure of revenge beating Whistler, Sgt. West, and Matt Sparrow to open the show.


Teddy Power rubbed off on Hell’s Bouncer as the pair teamed up to beat the New Wave in the second match.


Pistol Pete Hall and Acid tore down the house in the third match. Acid and Pete gave a good clinic for young managers. I might have to check one of them out on down the road. They would fit the plans for the main event scene.


JD Morgan made his appearance tonight taking down the American Buffalo a notch.


The Human Chess Team didn’t get a chance to rest on their laurels, just winning the titles the night before and then defending them again against the New Jersey Devils. Two nights in a row, and two great matches.


The Unified Title was up for grabs next as Nemesis defeated the Wolverine to retain. This was a great match that had the crowd really roaring.


The Main Event saw Kurt Laramee and Travis Century team up to fight Danny B. Bling and Jungle Jack. The match was great with all four men getting in the ring and dishing punishment outside the ring too. The ending of no contest really left a cliffhanger for next month.


All in all both shows were good.

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NYCW Gang Wars July


Mean Jean and Frank were back again, I knew what time it was. “Come on guys, I know what’s on your mind.”

“What you mean? You think I would lie to you?”

“No you wouldn’t.”

“Now we just say where you went off to the Snake Pit. Now its time for you to come on up to the Ministry. Right?”

“Well Ok.” Knowing I had other plans for the week.


We drove, I knew Stomper was tight, but this was ridiculous. But Frank and Jean are good company. And we made it pretty quick.


Backstage it was nice to meet some of NY’s stars. Buffalo is really a big man and his partner Hell Monkey is definitely a sharp contrast for him. Stomper was Stomper. He was nice in his own way, “What the hell you standing back here for boy? You want a paycheck , too? Just kidin’ glad to see you. Watch, but don’t be getting any ideas of taking my talent all away.”Ota didn’t have anything to say to me again, but Whistler and Flash were both great.


It was actually a hot night for NY. And a warm night in the building for NYCW Gang Wars.


Sammy the Shark started things for us taking down the New York Doll. It was a pretty good match.


Mean Jean was up next. He and Steve Flash showed why they are too of the biggest names in the small companies. Flash and Jean fought tooth and nail till Jean pulled out a pinfall with the mood swing.


Hell Monkey and American Buffalo were up next to defend their tag titles against Massive Problem. A good match, but not up to Flash and Jean’s. Kind of short, but with three big boys like that, you can’t go too long. Team Dynasty retains.


Ota pinned Coyote Dynamite to give the midway point of the show. Followed up by American Machine defeating Masked Mauler.


Frank came out and gave a great promo before falling to Grandmaster Phunk. Phunk really looks good out there.


The main event had a lot of brawling, but a good bit of drama. Travis Century is a very underrated wrestler. He and Whistler told a great story in the ring that ended with Century winning the NYCW Empire Title.


I enjoyed the show and told the guys backstage how good it was, but I definitely liked the return from CZ better than from New York. I had to drive.

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USPW Made in America


Well Rip came to pick me early and off we went to Arkansas. Another night of Sam Strong and USPW.


Tonight Rip and I had the opportunity to go back stage this night. Sam was one nice guy.

"Rip, good to see ya. And this is your good young booker, hey Leroy, I've see some good things going on that way."

The Samoans, Savage Fury, were very talkative. (Even when you know the business, sometimes there are still shocks.) Pistol Pete Hall was also a great guy to talk to.


Eric the Bull opened the show with a victory over Patric Cool. Not a great match for either.


The tag champs were up next as Savage Fury took out a makeshift team of Al the Hillbilly and Cpt. USA to retain their titles. It was a pretty good match, well a great match by our standards.


The USPW National champion, Darryl Devine was next to grace the ring. He and Danny Rushmore seem to have developed a good chemistry as Darryl retained in a great match.


The match of the night came next as USPW stalwart Mic Muscles took on the talented Pistol Pete Hill. Pistol Pete really worked the crowd and the ring well to overcome the strong youngster.


The main event was a repeat as Giant Redwood retained against Jim Force.


A very good show that sold out. Sam thanked us again for coming. Rip told me to be wary.


Well now time to get back to our show for next week.

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MAW Summer Heatwave 07 results


Rip Chord presents

MAW Summer Heatwave

July 20, 2007

Stanley Hall

Attendence: 209


An excellent evening of MAW action tonight.


Jorge Washington d. Clyde Wilson and Tim Westybrook E

Fan Interaction C-

Mainstream Hernendez, Remmy Skye, Mean Machine, PRP, Jack Giedrocy, Steven Parker, Erik Strong, and Insane Machine come out and meet and greet with the crowd.


Main Show:


Welcome to another exciting night of MAW action. July brings the heat…MAW brings the Summer Heatwave.

New Champion C-

Attack/Rescue D

New MAW champion Mainstream Hernendez comes, “Thanks to you wonderful fans of MAW, I have achieved a major dream. I have aquired the MAW championship. This title is one of the most coveted in the entire world of wrestling. It’s been a long hard road, but one you’ve been with me every step of the way..” Wham!! The West Coast Mafia comes out and attacks the champ. Still spoiling from losing the title at MAW Super Showdown. The three men were too much for the loveable underdog to stand up to, but before it was too bad Eric Strong and Jack Giedrocy come from the back to even up the odds.


Masked Cougar vs. Steven Parker C-

The Masked one and Parker have been on a roll as of late. Cougar seemed to have Parker off balance with his arerial attack, but Parker was finally able to ground the Cougar with a missle dropkick while Cougar was coming off the ropes. Paker then methodically wore down the Cougar to pick up the W with a pin with the Future Shock at the 11 minute mark.


The Muscle man and the beauty B+

We see another video of Puerto Rican Power and his valet, Jennifer Heat.


Puerto Rican Power vs. Larry Wood C-

Nice matchup of big men that carried a lot of fan reaction. Must be Power’s doing. Wood played the wild mountain man to a tee and Power layed the muscle power to the big man. Power picked up the pin at the 8 minute mark in another great match for us.


Beautiful Celebration B+

Jennifer Heat climbs in the ring to celebrate with her man, Puerto Rican Power.


Harvey Hayes vs. Mikey James D

A real let down after the first two matches. Hayes came out and really took it to James. James was really off his game tonight as Hayes wins with a submission at the 9 minute mark.


We are the greatest tag champions C-

The new MAW tag team champions Olympic Powers come out to pose for the crowd. Nevada grabs the mic, “Listen, we know you all are in awe of the greatness that is Nuclear and Zeus. We know you want to be us, but face it; how can you? We are the power of the atom, we are the power of Olympus, we ar the Olympic powers, the greatest tag team ever. We…”


Now hold on a minute C

“Hold on their a minute partner,” rings out over the PA and out come Natural Storm. DC Rayne has a mic. “you might be a little big from your britches there. My partner and I have held those titles before. We’ve beaten some of the best to come through this area. Why don’t you take us on?”


You are a couple of has beens C

As Nevada and Zeus listen they begin to flex up, Nevada responds, “What take on a couple of has beens like you? We want a real challenge. You couldn’t beat A* Alliance or gods of Thunder. What makes you think you can beat us? No way.”


Erik Strong and Jack Giedroyc (the Hurricanes) vs. West Coast Mafia (Frank Perez/Insane Machine) C-

A great tag match that showcased the talent of all four men. Giedroyc and Strong showed some good chemistry, but Perez and Machine were a little more together as they picked up the win via the Drive By Boarding at the 14 minute mark.

I still have a goal here C

Mean Machine, Ricky Douglas, and Karen Killer come out to adress the crowd. Mean Machine grabs the mic, “I’ve been distracted lately, but I am still the well oiled machine you all know. I will keep going and going grinding all down till I regain my title. Tonight I will grind up your favorite whipping boy, Losio”


A new Firm tag team C

“To reach that goal, we will bring in a new member to replace the reject, Al Coleman. I present Murderous Mikey.” Out comes a huge brute in a suit. Together with Ricky here they will be known as The Firm.”


Mean Machine vs. Antonio D

Not much of a match as Antonio was ground up by a refocused Machine. Machine hits a Mood Swing at the 6 minute mark.


Mainstream hypes rematch C-

Mainstream comes out flanked by his new allies and looking pretty bad off. “Tonight Skye, you and your flunkies tried to take me out. I’m here and with the fans and my friends to watch my back, I’m not fixin to lose my title. Nobody gave me a chance against you, but tonight I will overcome again.”


MAW Championship match C

Mainstream Herndez was really not in the best of shape selling the attack from ealier in the show. Skye tried to take advantage of it, keeping the underdog surfer down. Skye forgot about winning right away. Skye wanted to punish the upstart for taking his title. Skye hit a Skye diver then went back up for another. On the way up he took to long and Mainstream rolled out of the way. Mainstream took his last energy to lay an arm over the hurt Skye to gain the pinfall at the 21 minute mark. Mainstream retains his title.

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MAW The Battle of the Mid-Atlantic 07


Rip Chord presents

MAW The Battle of the Mid-Atlantic 07

7:30 pm August 17, 2007

Stanley Hall


Mainstream Hernandez has been under siege as champion by the West Coast Mafia. Last month he turned back the rematch of former champion Remmy Skye and gained new allies in the Hurricanes (Eric Strong and Jack Giedrocy). This month he faces another West Coast Mafia member, Insane Machine. His two new allies will battle in singles matches against the other West Coast Mafia members. Also Rip Cord has ordered the MAW tag champs, Olympic Power to defend against Natural Storm.


The Card:

MAW championship:

Mainstream Hernandez © vs. Insane Machine


MAW tag team championship

Olympic Power © vs. Natural Storm


Frankie Perez vs. Jack Giedrocy

Eric Strong vs. Remmy Skye

Puerto Rican Power w/Jennifer Heat vs. Rocking Ryan

The Firm w/Karen Killer vs. ???


Be there as the Mid Atlantic becomes a battlefield.

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since I have no clue where everyone is popularity wise this deep into your game, I will just put out my random guesses. ;)


MAW championship:

Mainstream Hernandez © vs. Insane Machine


MAW tag team championship

Olympic Power © vs. Natural Storm


Frankie Perez vs. Jack Giedrocy

Eric Strong vs. Remmy Skye

Puerto Rican Power w/Jennifer Heat vs. Rocking Ryan

The Firm w/Karen Killer vs. ???

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since I have no clue where everyone is popularity wise this deep into your game, I will just put out my random guesses.


Thanks for the picks Dragon....I guess I need to give a breakdown of the roster. Unfortunately I am in February 08 of the game and as you can see August 07 of the Diary. When I will write down were everyone is right now and update it for you, but a brief rundown:


Main Event:

Mainstream Hernandez

Frankie Perez

Remmy Skye

The Mean Machine

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MAW The Battle of the Mid-Atlantic 07 part 1


Rip Chord presents

MAW The Battle of the Mid-Atlantic 07

Stanley Hall

August 17, 2007

Att: 217


We open with a fan interaction period for the early comers. Mainstream, Zeus, Nevada Nuclear, Frankie Perez, Atlas, Flash Savage, DC Rayne, and Eddie Howard interacted in character. C-


Oscar Golden d. Larry Wood D


Main show:

West Coast Mafia 3 for 3 C

Remmy Skye, Frankie Perez, and Insane Machine come out to address the crowd. “So the paper champ and his chumps think they are in the same league with us? We are the West Coast. It is only a matter of time before we regain what is ours. I will get my title back and we will dispose of the trash.” Skye then gets into the ring to wait for his opponent.


Eric Strong vs. Remmy Skye C-

Strong came out on fire giving Skye a good battle. Strong was another betrayed by Skye’s turning. Strong hit Skye with rights and lefts before slinging Remmy into the corner. Skye quickly bailed out to the floor to regroup. Insane Machine tried to come back to ringside but he was met by Mainstream. Skye got back in and Strong went back to work, till an eye gauge slowed Strong down. Skye then went to work methodically taking Strong down and winning with a Skye diver at the 9 minute mark.


Puerto Rican Heat B+

We see Puerto Rican Power and Jennifer Heat coming to the ring.


Puerto Rican Power w/Jennifer Heat vs. Rocking Ryan C-

A big squash match as Power destroyed the musician at the 4 minute mark.


You will fight tonight. C

Owner Rip Chord comes out next. “Olympic Power, you say you’re the greatest. Well tonight you can prove it. It will defend the titles against Natural Storm.”


Jack Giedrocy vs. Frankie Perez C-

The second match of the three match series was a good one. Perez didn’t seem to underestimate Giedroyc. Giedroyc gave as good as he got though. Lots of punches and forearms were thrown. Perez was the more experienced man tonight though gaining the pinfall at the 12 minute mark. West Coast Mafia goes up 2-0.

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MAW Battle of the Mid-Atlantic 07 conclusion


Parker taunts D

Steven Parker comes out next, “So Cougar, you come out in your mask and think your something. I call you a coward. Scared to show your face after I destroy you, scared to show your marred face to these pigs.”


The Firm w/Karen Killer vs. Tim Westbrook and Rocking Ryan E

Though Tim and Ryan came out ready to fight, Ricky Douglas and partner Mikey were too much for them. Douglas took out Ryan with the Razor’s Edge at the 6 minute mark.


Blonde Ambush C-

As the Firm tag team was celebrating out of the back came Oscar Golden and Flash Savage. The Blondes weren’t there for a social call, the element of surprise was enough for them to take down Murderous and Ricky with a brutal beatdown. The fans enjoyed seeing the haughty team get a comeuppance.


Harvey Hayes vs. Paul Allen E

Paul Allen comes out trying to prove himself against the middleweight. Hayes comes out trying to improve himself in the Mid Atlantic area pecking order. Hayes hits quick moves and a solid ground game to really control the match and pick up the pin at the 7 minute mark.


MAW tag team championship

Olympic Powers © vs. Natural Storm D

Due to the ruling of Rip the following match took place. Zeus and Nevada definitely didn’t like it though. Lots of stalling on their part to get in the ring, while DC and Eddie played up the faces ready to get it on. When Zeus finally got in the ring it was on. Zeus and DC have showed some natural chemistry tonight. DC and Eddie really had control cutting Zeus off from his corner and then laying waste to Nevada when he tagged in. Unfortunately the champs took the low road and took a count out to preserve their titles.

Winners Natural Storm, but Olympic Power retains their titles.


Insane-Mainstream C-

Merv puts over that the West Coast Mafia has won 2 of their matches tonight, will Insane make it three for three and capture the MAW belt against Mainstream next?


MAW championship

Mainstream Hernendez © vs. Insane Machine C

Lots of great back and forth action in this match. Insane didn’t disappoint the fans in his intensity and Mainstream played his underdog roll great. Insane had some many opportunities to gain the pin only for Hernandez to somehow pull out. The finish came when Perez and Skye came from the back only to be met by Giedroyc and Strong, Mainstream then hit the Come from Behind to gain the pin on Insane at the 21 minute mark.


The main event definitely saved the show from some lackluster matches in the middle.


Overall show C-

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