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Enter the SHIMMER

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November 27th, 2010


Continuation from

Gambling with the Babes




Honey, I caught you red handed. Don't play stupid WITH ME!


Dennis slammed the bank statement on the desk in front of her. The room was silent and hot with neither of them uttering a word. As Honey looked down at her hands trying to hold the tears back, Dennis walked towards the window and looked out.


I just can't believe you'd do this to me, TO US! I told you what I wanted out of this company, I told you what I wanted out of life, and this is how you repay me!?

He quickly turned around and punted the waste bin across the room, littering the floor with used paper.

I buy this ****ing company to help turn it around, and I even sell half of it back to you!


Dennis was becoming extremely angry, to the point where words just won't come out. His face slowly began to turn red as he turned away again. He took a few deep breaths to calm himself, but it wasn't working. His muscles remained tense, almost to the point of shaking.

Honey, get the **** out of my office. I don't want to see you right now.

He said in a somewhat calm and collective voice, still not looking in her direction. She was slow to get up as she pushed herself out of the chair, keeping her hair over her face. Before she turned and walked out the door, she felt she needed to say something.






Honey quickly left the office, letting the door slam behind her. As it became quiet again, Dennis quickly stomped to his desk and flipped it over, his papers, files, and laptop flying in all directions.



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November 30th, 2010




With a show creeping up in just a couple of weeks, Dennis had to make a decision, a decision that he had been tossing back and forth within his mind for the past few days. After all they've been through in such a short amount of time, he still couldn't believe what had happened. Red handed, he caught her stealing money from the company's bank account. After hours of going through the statements in a private room with the bank manager, it didn't take him long to figure out that Honey was the one doing it.


On top of that nonsense, she also had another lover on the side, someone she'd go to for a quick fix. This dilemma really boggled Dennis' mind. He had always been there for her, no matter what time of day or night, always took her out, and almost spent ALL of his free time with her. But yet, it seemed like it was STILL not enough. At this point though, it didn't matter.


Finally, after hours of sitting on the couch watching TV, he decided that it was now or never. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. After a few seconds of scanning his address book, he finally stopped on Honey.


Honey? It's Dennis. Listen, I've been thinking since we had our meeting. I don't think Las Vegas is my place anymore and I don't think our business relationship is going anywhere. I'm gonna go get some papers drawn up and sell the rest of BSC back to you. As much fun as I had, it's not my place to run this promotion. I'll have the papers mailed to you once they are signed and notarized, ok? Have a good day.


As he hung up the phone, he realized he didn't let her get one word in other then 'hello.'


Who gives a ****.

He said to himself as he tossed his phone off to the side.

It doesn't matter. I need to get out of this place and head back to Red Bluff.




Source: TEW.com


December 2nd, 2010


BSC Owner Dennis Emigh resigns!


Earlier today, we have gotten word from a reliable source that BSC Owner Dennis Emigh has resigned and sold the rest of the company back to Honey Golightly. Upon learning this, we got in contact with Honey.


"It's an unfortunate turn of events for the Babes of Sin City. But, as they say, the show much go on." Honey also added a quick few words on the future of BSC.


"With everything so skewed at the moment, The Babes will be returning to their original roots to start over again. Think of it as a reboot to the company, but still feature wrestling."


There has been no word on the whereabouts of Dennis Emigh. People close to this situation have speculated that the moment he sold the company, he packed up and left town. Nobody knows for sure if he has left the wrestling world or not. Only time will tell.

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December 10th, 2010

Red Bluff, CA





After nearly a year, the four friends were back together, BBQ'ing at Dennis' first house, which was supposed to be a rental. The smell of hamburgers and steak, real men's food, filled the air as Dennis flipped everything over. Dylan, Ruben, and Nick all sat and watched Dennis do all the work. Finally, as everything finished cooking, they all grabbed a plate and sat down to catch up.


How was living in Vegas?


Fun, but boring for me.


At least you got to work with Honey, huh?

Nick nudges Ruben to change the subject. Dennis picks up on this and shakes his head.


No, don't worry about it, it's alright.


Dennis takes a bite of his burger.


I'm done with her. That part of my life is over. I'm pretty sure I'm done with wrestling. Too much bull**** to put up with.


All three look at Dennis, somewhat stunned.





It was just too much stress. I don't see how Cornell or Eisen can put up with it. I ran two shows a month and always felt the pressure.


Yea but....you hit a bump in the road, big deal! When I talked to you over the phone it always sounded like you were having the time of your life. How can you just give up and walk away from it all?


Dennis sets his hamburger down and leans back in his chair.

You know there are some people in this world who aspire to be their own boss and run their own business? Well, some business you still have to put up with someone higher up then you, such as soda companies, people who grow food, salesmen. Well, running BSC was just like that. Even though I owned the entire thing, I still answered to some people within the organizational. Why? Because I wanted to stay true to my word and make sure they all had their say. After all, I was just an outsider buying THEIR child, you know?


Dylan then sits up in his chair, resting his elbows on the table.


Let me ask you this: What would it take for you to get back in the game? Let's say a dying company comes to you and asks you to book their shows, all on your own? Not even the owner would give you their input.


Dennis shakes his head.

Again, I'm dealing with the whole "just an outsider" mentality. No matter how much I'd block it out of my mind, eventually I'd start viewing myself from the wrestlers perspective, coming to the conclusion that "How can this ******* job me to this guy when he's just a nobody?" To me, I can feel his pain. I wouldn't want some random guy coming in to tell me how to do MY job. I realize that the wrestling business is a cut throat business but I just can't push myself to be more ruthless.


So then what's stopping you from starting one yourself?


Money. After learning the books of a small wrestling promotion, you need money and advertising revenue to stay afloat. I got a good chunk of change after leaving BSC, but nothing to start a company and stay open while we try and make money.


Well, what if we pool our money together?


Suddenly, all the attention shifts towards Ruben.


What are you getting at?


Well, Dylan, you know some locals who'd love to advertise, right?




And Nick, can't you get a good deal on that condemed community center on South Main st?


Ruben, spill it.


I think if we use our resources wisely, we could make this work.


All four sat in silence for a moment, letting Ruben's words sink in.


You know, you got a point. They are trying to get rid of that building so I'm sure if I put a low offer in we could land it within a few weeks.


And the funny thing is is I think I could build a quick roster of established women and make this promotion rival both AAA and BSC. Even though I owned BSC for a short while, I did manage to make some contacts within the industry.


Ok, then tomorrow, Dennis, you start contacting some workers and see what we can get started. Nick, go place a low bid on that building and see if we can land it for next to nothing. Ruben, you and I are putting on our best suits and driving up and down the interstate, looking for sponsors.


Then tonight, you guys are clearing your plans. We need to map this stuff out...

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Source: TEW.com


December 29th, 2010

Former BSC Owner Dennis Emigh and company Take Giants Steps!

SHIMMER lands TV deal


Minutes ago, TEW.com just learned that Mr. Emigh's new upstart company has, in fact, landed a TV deal with National Pride TV. The exact time slot of the show is uncertain at this moment, but details are still coming in.


"We are excited to announce that our new wrestling company, SHIMMER, has landed a TV deal. We feel that in order to achieve success within the wrestling industry is to put on a good show for all the nation to see." Said Dennis Emigh as the news broke on the SHIMMER website. "SHIMMER Unleashed will begin taping on the first Friday of February. Until then, we will continue to make preparations and possibly hold a live event to crown our new champions."

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A Little Introduction to SHIMMER




As I settle into my office in SHIMMER's newly acquired building, I can't help but feel like this has all been done before, like a little bit of Deja Vu. Well, I can tell you all who have read my columns before for BSC that I am now a part of SHIMMER. In fact, I'm the first talent they hired. What a treat! I cannot tell you the exact reasons for signing with SHIMMER, but I do want to go on record by saying it was a pleasure working under Mr. Emigh and Honey in BSC. I will not throw anyone under a bus as long as I'm in the wrestling business.


Anyways, we need to get down to business. We got a few things to discuss. Thankfully for the good of my fingers, I won't be doing it all in one post, rather a series before our first TV taping in just a month! As for my first post, I will be talking about the four owners of SHIMMER, the Fantastic Four of wrestling as I like to call them. Yes, I just made that up and I'm damn proud of it.




Before he entered the wrestling business via BSC, he was nothing more then a middle class working man. I'm sure he considers himself still to be one, but seeing what he can do when in power, Dennis will surprise you. During his stint in BSC, Mr. Emigh managed to put the company in the black (profit), put on bigger shows, and even successfully introduce more wrestling into the shows, making it more then a bunch of strippers and dancers entering the ring just to show off their skin.


This time around, things are different. Will owning his OWN company (rather then somebody elses) change his style of booking? Or will he continue down the same path he did in BSC?




Long time friend Dylan Peters was just as much into wrestling as Dennis was back in the grade school days. They'd always watch PPV's, never miss live shows in the area, and even had mock matches in their backyards.


After High School, he quickly joined the army to get out of Red Bluff. After he served his time. Dylan returned and started dabbing in sales and marketing. With his sly talk and his ability to think quickly on his feet, it was easy to make a living by just going door to door selling even the most stupidest things.


When he talks about something, he knows what he's talking about.




Ruben Vargas took a different route after high school. Like Dylan, he quickly left Red Bluff to become a chef. He attended a cooking school in San Francisco where he caught on very fast that not all food can just be thrown on a BBQ and called 'done.' He learned many different ways to prepare food and passed every class he took with flying colors. During his off hours, he would experiment with foods, using cooking techniques he learned that day (or others) and also used techniques he learned from his mother (who is from Mexico).


Eventually, like Dylan and Dennis, Ruben returned from SF and opened up his own restaurant. Needless to say, it was a complete success! Every night the restaurant is packed.


"Eventually, I'd like to start opening up a chain of these fine restaurants. Even though I make good money every night, I'm still a ways off before achieving that dream."




Last but certainly not least, we have Nick Zepponi. Unlike the others, Nick never left Red Bluff after High School. He was lucky enough to land, at first, a part time job as a residential care taker. Even though the hours were lousy, the pay was good. Sometimes he would stay through the night, other times he would only stay for two hours. After a couple years of pushing through the crap, his opportunity arrived.


At the time when his boss was thinking about selling the company, Nick was at the top of the food chain. He was manager of two houses and could write his own schedule if he wanted to. After a quick meeting, Nick walked out the new owner of the Residential Caretaker Company he had worked for all that time.


"I tell ya, it was a breath of fresh air after that meeting. No more would I have to put up with clients (on a regular basis). I was the one in charge and it felt damn good. It still feels good to this day!"


Stay tuned for more profiles coming later today!

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The Roster

The Main Event Scene



Joanne "J-Ro" Rodriguez is a versatile young worker who is one of the fastest rising stars in women's wrestling for many years. After making a name for herself in CZCW, it was her move to AAA in 2004 that really kick-started her career, and by 2006 she had captured the prestigious Femme Fatale title and begun a long-running feud with her nemesis, Wanda Fish. On top of that, she has also spent many years doing tours of Japan with 5SSW, becoming a highly respected member of their roster over time. Since 2009 she has been concentrating enirely on her American commitments, as well as dealing with recurring speculation that USPW were interested in making her a big money offer to join their women's division. During 2010, she made a shocking appearance in Babes of Sin City only to win their top title.



Ohio-born Katherine Goodlooks, whose real name is Michelle Cox, is a young worker who has found some fame with the Angel Athletic Association. Debuting in 2004, she was hooked up with former tag team champion Serena Star, who changed her name to Jessica Bunny so that they could become the popular babyface tag team known as Good Lookin' Bunny. They have since gone on to become two-time tag team champions, and one of the promotions most popular acts.



Nadia Snow is a youngster from Michigan. The former cheerleader and gymnast is a big wrestling fan, and so undertook basic training upon leaving school. While she is far from the finished article, she does have some decent skills. Her looks are what could make or break her career - naturally very pretty and petite, she is one of the least menacing wrestlers you will ever see. Whether that gives her a unique "X factor" or prevents her from ever being taken seriously remains to be seen. Her career started in earnest in 2007 when she was signed to be part of the new USPW womens division, but she was released in early 2009 after becoming surplus to requirements. She quickly showed up in AAA, running a "big league star" gimmick alongside fellow ex-USPW worker Stephanie Wade.



Sara Marie York is a young worker best known for being a major part of the AAA promotion and one of that company's home-grown success stories. She made her pro debut for them in 2003, having been trained in the AAA dojo for the prior year, and every year since - through sheer hard work - she has noticeably improved as a worker and has managed to move up the card. Her girl-next-door good looks and boundless energy make her a natural babyface, and in recent years she has established herself as one of the promotion's premier good guys (or gals). Eventually, Dennis Emigh contacted Sara about joining up with the newly founded SHIMMER, a second place where a good all around worker such as herself can have another place to work and more opportunity to shine.



"Miracle Blonde" Suzanne Brazzle made her pro debut in 2000, and spent the next five and a half years building a good reputation for herself as one of the top independent female competitors around, thanks to her crisp technical style and great work ethic. She was signed by the Angel Athletic Association in 2006, finally giving her a much-deserved first taste of fame, and has quickly established herself as one of the company's most consistent workers. Even though she didn't fit into the formula in BSC while Mr. Emigh was running it, she was one of the first workers he contacted about signing on with SHIMMER.

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The Roster

Continued (Alphabetical Order)




Amber Allen is a young female talent, who is the protege of the much-travelled Steph "Principessa" Chee (who is also known as Stephanie Hazel in NOTBPW). Unlike a lot of modern womens wrestlers, who have a tendency to work towards being solid all-rounders, Amber has been trained with one particular area - technique - in mind. The result is that she is an excellent technical wrestler, particularly on the mat, but lacks the flashy aerial attacks of some of her peers.




Corrine White is a veteran women's wrestler, who has spent most of her career drifting around the Canadian independent circuit with her regular partner Viv Jacobs as The L. W. A. (Lesbians With Attitude). They've had very little success together, which may be down to people's prejudices or simply down to the fact that neither is a very good or entertaining wrestler. There has been talk recently that she may be ready to quit the business, tired of travelling and poor pay-offs.




Dharma Gregg is a former stripper from New York, who first appeared in the wrestling industry as one of the Babes Of Sin City. She plays the bubbly "Girl Next Door" and is one of the most popular girls on the roster, a fact backed up by the fact that she is a former two-time BSC Queen Of The Ring.




"Payback" Emma Bitch is a young brawler from Toronto, who looks to have a bright future in women's wrestling due to the fact that she already cuts great promos at a young age. Her in-ring skills, which are already pretty impressive, should improve as she matures too. She was originally trained in the NOTBPW youth system, particularly by Victoria Stone, and she made the transition to the main roster in 2006 at the age of 20. By 2008 she was women's champion of the promotion, but a failed drug test saw her bounced from NOTBPW in January 2009. She has yet to resurface since her disgrace.




Eve Grunge is a good young technical worker, who is starting to build up a following in her home country of Canada. She is also a talented singer \ songwriter, and has two self-published albums to her name.




Jaime Quine is the step-sister of popular women's wrestler Catherine Quine. Trained by her relative throughout 2006 in the Angel Athletic Association training facilities, while also working behind the scenes of the promotion in order to gain a better understanding of the way the business works, she has become a decent worker in her own right, although she still has room for improvement. A keen kick boxer, one of the features of her work is her sharp, accurate kicks. Unsurprisingly she debuted for AAA once her training was complete, making her debut in March 2007.




Jen Neptune is a model, originally from Alabama, who was one of the original Babes Of Sin City. She originally teamed with her twin sister Kathy as The Neptune Twins, and were the promotion's top babyface tag team attraction, but in recent years has been working solo as a main event heel. She has won the BSC Queen Of The Ring title twice as of 2010.




Kathy Neptune is a former model, and the twin sister of Jen Neptune. The twins first came to people's attention as founding members of the BSC roster, where they were the premier babyface tag team attraction. In recent years they have both turned heel and begun to work solo more often, with Kathy - so far - being in her sister's shadow somewhat.




"Baby Blue" Kinuye Mushashibo is a young female competitor who was born in Osaka (although her mother is American), whose nickname derives from her extremely youthful appearance combined with her blue ring singlet. A decent but unspectacular worker, she has spent the majority of her career on the Japanese independent scene, but has made occasional appearances for 5SSW and done a few short tours of North America too.




Melody (who used to use her surname Cuthill too) is a young worker who has great potential. A natural athlete, with a keen mind for the business, some have already marked her for stardom. The powers that be in NOTBPW certainly think that she has what it takes, as they brought her into the promotion in 2006, as part of the revamped Women's division. By the end of the year, she was holding the title, and looked set for a strong run on top.




Nina The Psycho Ballerina is a good brawler, who has an excellent gimmick (a bitter failed ballerina) that she plays very well. She has a natural charisma about her that is hard to ignore, and that makes her an excellent prospect.




Steph "Principessa" Chee is a good all-rounder, who is one of the most widely travelled female wrestlers around, regularly competing in North America, Mexico, Japan and Europe. She usually competes under the name Principessa, except in North Of The Border Pro Wrestling where she goes by the name of Stephanie Hazel. It is there that she has had her most success over the years, particularly with her long-standing rivarly with Victoria Stone which lasted for years, right up to Stone's retirement.




Tamara McFly is the younger sister of the legendary Sean McFly, and a good solid worker in her own right. She has been primarily associated with North Of The Border Pro Wrestling in the past, a contract she originally got via her brother's influence, where she is a former Women's champion. She left the promotion in 2007 when her contract wasn't renewed, a result of the women's division being scaled down. Tamara has also engaged in some tours of Japan, and considers a 30 minute match she had with Sensational Ogiwara for 5SSW in 2005 to be her finest performance, even in defeat. Shockingly, she agreed to work for BSC in 2009, apparently truly believing that they wanted to genuinely introduce proper wrestling onto their shows.




Tsuki Kawamata is a fairly bland wrestler, who is best known for her work with the Angel Athletic Association in America and 5 Star Supreme Wrestling in Japan; her father is Japanese but her mother is American, and so she has no problem jumping from one culture to the other. She is a dependable worker who is well-liked by her colleagues, but has generally spent most of her career in low-level roles being used to put other, more talented, workers over. In 2007 she was released by the AAA having grown stale in her role, and a year later she was also deemed surplus to requirements in 5SSW.




Viv "The Violence" Jacobs is a Texan wrestler who has since moved to Canada. If she has any fame, it's probably as one half of The L. W. A. (Lesbians With Attitude) alongside Corrine White, a team that has been together working the independent scene for many years without really breaking through anywhere. She created a very brief moment of controversy in 2003, when she publically said that the AAA promotion were black-balling them because they were lesbians, which was strongly denied by AAA.

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Source: TEW.com


The FOUR open House of SHIMMER

Venue will host all TV tapings


Earlier this week, The FOUR bought out a run down convention center in downtown Red Bluff to use as their base of operations.


"Here we can set up the building just right for our TV tapings. We can leave up the ring, set, chair placement, and even hold wrestling classes here in the future. For now though, as we prepare for our first SHIMMER show, we use it for the offices." Dennis said in a phone interview today. "And no, the building doesn't really shimmer in the light."


Hey Dennis! Come here!


Yelled Dylan from his office.




I was able to get a hold of a belt. It should be here tomorrow. I paid extra for the overnight shipping.


Dennis leans over and looks at the screen.


Dylan, it's coming from Canada. Why is it coming from Canada?

Well, You told me to find a belt for our champion, and I did. I've been reading up on it and from what I can gather, it's pretty prestigious.

That's fine and all but it was a championship held by men. If you haven't remembered...

And you know what kind of press and attention it will bring SHIMMER the moment we crown a new champion? LOTS! Good or bad, any press is good press for us. Plus, look at it's past champions from the 80's. Tell me that's not awesome!

Well, you make a lot of sense. I guess that's why I like you as my business partner.


Dennis pats Dylan on the back.

Alright, I've been thinking. We need to broadcast this first show on the internet, at least this one show. I want this belt to be seen. I want people to freak out, thinking we are destroying the titles rep. If we're not on the front page of TEW.com after this show, I'll return the title and order a brand new SHIMMER belt, ok?


Alright, deal.


Just remember, when you open the show, I want you to show the title off, make everyone see it, make everyone love it, make all the haters hate you for doing that. Push the fact that legends such at these held this title in their very hands. we need to make the statement that SHIMMER is the next big thing in wrestling.


I think I know who my new writer is.


No my good sir, this isn't writing, this is marketing! I'm good at that...

What do you think writing for a wrestling show is, you dolt! When you tell the workers what to say and do, you're showing them how to sell themselves to the crowd. You're going to be writing the show with me.


Dylan turns back to his laptop.


Fine, but we get Pizza Hut to do the catering.

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Preview for Tonight's Card

4 Way Ladder Match

SHIMMER National Championship






3 Way Ladder Match

SHIMMER TV Championship






Tag Team Action




Quick Picks

J-Ro vs. Suzanne vs. Sara vs. Nadia

Jaime vs. Melody vs. Nina

Team Blue vs. TAM-BER

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Davis: Welcome everyone to a historical night! We are coming to you live from Red Bluff, CA and we are in the newly renovated House of SHIMMER. I am Davis Ditterich and I am joined by the lovely Queen Emily!


Queen: Normally I'm in a bitchy mood for being introduced second but I can't help but be excited!


Davis: Why is that?


Queen: Because I finally have a job once again!


Davis: Well, you certainly see the glass half full.


Queen: No Davis, I tend to look at the glass for a moment then throw it against the wall. I drink straight out of the bottle.

Davis: Makes sense.


Queen: What?


Davis: Why you smell like Robert Downy Jr.


Queen: You son of...


Davis: Now let's take it to the ring where we have Mr. Emigh standing by.




The lights dim and a white spotlight shines on Mr. Emigh as the crowd calms down.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I want to introduce you to our first night as a company. Tonight, we are here to make a statement in the world of pro wrestling. Women in wrestling are not just about looking good and taking their clothes off, they are just as talented as the men, if not better then some out there. Would you like to know why some companies, such as NOTBPW and USPW, only have woman divisions and not fully integrated? Because they are scared that the women will beat them up! In fact, I think this will be a great way to kick things off...


Mr. Emigh reaches into his black bag he brought with him to the ring and pulls out two championships.




Davis: Is that...!?

For those of you who aren't sure what I'm holding, I am holding a piece of history!


Dennis sets the SHIMMER TV title down and holds up the CWF Championship.

Tonight and for the lifespan of this company, I will prove that these girls deserve to run with the big dogs. Many great champions, IMMORTALS, have worn this belt. Wrestlers such as Dan Stone, Gerorge DeColt, even Rip Chord!


Dennis circles the ring holding the title up for everyone to see.


So tonight, in the main event, we will be having a 4 way ladder match with Suzanne Brazzle, Sara Marie York, Nadia Snow, and J-Ro. They will be competing with each other to become the first CWF National Champion.


Dennis picks up the SHIMMER title.


As for this beautiful piece of art, this will also be up for grabs in a ladder match featuring Jaime Quine, Melody, and Nina Bella. That match, is right now!

As the girls make their way out, a hook lowers and Mr. Emigh drapes the title over it.







Jaime Quine defeats Melody and Nina Bella to win the SHIMMER Television Champion.


Davis: What a great way to kick off the show!


Queen: Oh yes, very excited. Everyone loves to see people crawl up ladders to fetch an inanimate object.


Davis: By the way the fans are cheering, I'm going to go out on a limb...

Queen: Let me guess. Sit on the edge and such the branch, right?


The camera cuts backstage to J-Ro.




Tonight, I have the chance to win the biggest title of my entire career. I am a 2-Time AAA Femme Fetale Champion, AAA Top Contender, 5-Star All-Asian Champion, and Sin City Champion, but NONE of those titles compare to what I am going for tonight. Up until this point, everything before was just practice. After the ladder match at the end of the night, I will begin my steps towards the first ever woman in the Hall of Immortals.

The camera cuts back to the ring where The Neptune Twins and Metal 'n Grunge enter the ring.


Davis: This next match should be good. SHIMMER is not all about the work, it's also about the looks.


Queen: Well I gotta hand it to the Neptune Twins. I didn't think they'd ever get out of BSC, but I guess I was wrong.



The Neptune Twins defeated Metal 'n Grunge with a school boy roll up by Jen Neptune.


Jen and Kathy push Eve and Emma out of the ring and take a mic from ringside.


Well, as you can all see, Kathy and I are on the same page again. But then again, you wouldn't know that unless you watched BSC. Anyways, we have something to say. At first, we thought it was going to be hard to come out with it, but seeing all of you SLOBS out there drinking your beer and eating all that fatty food, I guess it will come a little easier.


Kathy takes the mic from Jen.

After Mr. Emigh left BSC and we had our little down time, my sis and I took a long drive to work out our problems, which turned out to be quite an easy task. During that time though, we started reflecting on everything. We both noticed that we were getting pudge on our stomach's, we were both constantly hung over from partying almost every night, and we just hated where we were going. So what we decided to do was quit everything, cold turkey. Done. Over! We now live our lives drug, alcohol, and fatty food free! I guess you could call it straight edge...


Jen takes the mic back.

And looking around this building, we can see that we have a lot of work to do. We want to help you all quit everything that is bad for you! We are here to save all of you from dying early! Join us in our Straight Edge revolution, and you too will see the light.


The crowd boos as Jen hands the mic back to Kathy.

Listen to yourselves! We're here to help you and you treat us like this!? Over the past few months we've learned SO MUCH about being Straight Edge.


The crowd continues to boo as the Neptune's look at each other.


Fine. You'll all come around...sooner or later...


Kathy drops the mic as they both exit the ring.


Queen: Straight Edge? What the **** are they talking about?

Davis: I don't think you'd know, nor even be able to handle that life style.


Queen: You're a smart ass. Why do you think that?


Davis: I've heard stories. You could drink Rip Chord himself under the table, so don't play dumb with me.


Queen: Ha! He has nothing on me!


Just then, the next two teams make their way down to the ring.




TAM-BER defeats Team Blue. Amber Allen power bomb's Golden in front of their corner, tagging in Tamera where she performs a leg drop off the top rope while Amber pushed Kinuye off the apron.


TAM-BER celebrates in the ring as Davis enters the ring.


Davis: How does it feel to win your first night back together as a team?

Tamera: It feels great. We've been a part for so long that I was almost worried that we couldn't perform at our best.


Amber: I consider this match just a mere warm up match. Tonight was just a preview.


Davis: A preview of what?


Tamera: You'll just have to wait and see, now won't you?


TAM-BER exits the ring, as does Davis.

Queen: Oooooh, good interview there Casa SUPER Nova. You really tore it up out there.


Davis: Hey, I was just doing my job? What were you doing? Oh ya, sippin' a pint.


Mr. Emigh enters the ring with a mic in hand.


Ladies and Gentlemen, this is our main event of the evening and it is a 4-Way ladder match for the SHIMMER/CWF National Championship!



Entering First...




Now introducing...



Our next entrant, she is one half of the AAA Tag Team Champions with partner Steph Wade...



Finally, introducing former Sin City and Femme Fetale Champion...



There are two ladders set up outside of the ring as the four women stare each other down. The ref calls for the bell and Nadia and Sara square off while Suzanne and J-Ro trade blows until they spill out of the ring.


Nadia whips Sara off the ropes and hits a back drop. She hits the ropes herself and lands an elbow drop, going for the cover. The ref waves it off causing Nadia to jump to her feet and make her way towards a ladder.


J-Ro whips Suzanne into a ladder, causing it to crash down and almost hit Nadia. Seeing this, Nadia heads towards the ladder on the other side of the ring. With Suzanne down, J-Ro comes around the other way, drop kicking the ladder into Nadia's face. As J-Ro slides the ladder into the ring, Sara hits the ropes and performs a perfect baseball slide into the ladder, sending J-Ro back into the guard rail.


Suzanne slides the other ladder into the ring as Sara looks at both J-Ro and Nadia who are down on the floor. Taking advantage, she grabs Sara's hair and pulls her back. She turns her around and hits a snap suplex onto the folded ladder.


As Suzanne begins to set up the ladder, Nadia slides the other ladder in which begins to distract Suzanne from climbing. She picks up the other ladder and slams it onto the back of Nadia as she begins to slide into the ring. With the other girls down, Suzanne finally begins to climb the first ladder.


J-Ro flies off the top rope and meets Suzanne at the top of the ladder. They begin to trade blows as Sara sets up the second ladder next to them. Sara reaches for the title only to have Suzanne punch her in the gut. J-Ro does the same to Suzanne, causing her to double over as well.


Suddenly, Nadia spring boards off the ropes and meets the other three on the top of the ladders. Nadia pushes J-Ro off, but not noticing that she landed on her feet. With both Suzanne and Sara still doubled over, Nadia stands on the top step of the ladders and grab both of their heads in a DDT position. She lets out a loud scream, does a flip over both girls, and hits a DEVASTATING double neck breaker!



Noticing the other three girls down but yet out of breath, J-Ro begins to climb slowly. Holding her back, Nadia reaches out to the ladder but cannot climb. J-Ro reaches up and grabs the title for the win!




As J-Ro celebrates, a blond figure comes out of the crowd and pushes the ladder over, causing J-Ro to take a nasty bump on the floor. The figure helps Nadia up. They hug and reveal that it is none other then 4C's Katie Cameron!


Overall Rating: 50


2011 Copyright SHIMMER

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(TV Taping)



#1 Contender Mini Tournament, TV Title

1st Round



#1 Contender Mini Tournament, TV Title

1st Round



Special Champion vs. Champion Exhibition, Non-Title

National vs. TV


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Source: TEW.com


Higa/SHIMMER Talks fall through


Reports came in today that SHIMMER and Fuyuko Higa talks have fallen through and a contract agreement could not be reached at this time. Sources indicate that Fuyuko was not happy with the offer she was presented and had very little patience as the talks wore on.


"We tried, we failed. Hopefully Yuu [Onuki] over at 5SSW has better use for her then we had planned."

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Davis: Hello everyone and welcome to SHIMMER's first televised event, Unleashed!

Dylan: It's going to be a ground breaking night for us. Given, we've only had one show but being on TV while wrestling is the best thing you can do for your career.


Queen: Tonight we will be kicking off a mini tournament to become the new #1 Contender for the Television Championship.


Dylan: Speaking of the TV Champion, tonight we also have a special treat for our first broadcast here on the National Pride Network.


Davis: For our main event, we will be holding a special Champion vs. Champion exhibition match to showcase our two champions.


Queen: And with that, let's take it down to the ring for our...


Suddenly, J-Ro's music hits, making the crowd jump to their feet.



She stands in the ring, soaking up the cheers of the fans.

Last month during our first show, I stated that I would be walking out of 'Enter' the new SHIMMER National Champion, thus beginning my journey to become the world's first Woman Immortal. Well...


She holds up the championship.


I did just that, beating 3 other girls in a hellacious ladder match to claim this fine piece of gold. I want to promise you all that I WILL be a fighting champion and that's why tonight, for the special exhibition match against Jaime Quine, I will put this championship on the line against her!


Just then, Nadia and Katie C. interrupt.



Woah there J-Ro, did I hear that correctly? You're putting that title on the line tonight against someone who isn't even on the same level as you? That's just plain stupid! You need to be putting the title up against a worthy opponent, such as myself!


Katie takes the mic.


You know Joanne, she's right. In fact, I have a little contract here back when you and Nadia wrestled in BSC and it states...


She holds the paper up in front of her face.

That you promised Nadia a title shot for watching her back. Any time, any place. Well, regardless of what company you're in, you're champion and Nadia is the challenger.


J-Ro looks around before speaking.

Nadia, what's wrong with you? Before you would have come up to me, face to face, in a parking lot and demand a title shot if you wanted one that bad. But you're gonna hide behind what? A lawyer?


If it gets me a title shot, then yes, I will!


Well, as much as it hurts me to hear you say that, you got your shot. As long as I can get through Jaime Quine tonight, you'll get your shot in two weeks. Is that fair for you and your "attorney"?


Nadia gives a smirk and both her and Katie head towards the back.


Dylan: What a way to kick off tonight's Unleashed!


Davis: First we learn that tonight will be a title match, but now we also know that there will be ANOTHER title match in just two weeks!


Queen: Keep it in your pants, boys. You'll be seeing a lot of title matches here in SHIMMER.


For the first match of the night, Dharma makes her way down to the ring first, followed by Jen Neptune.




Davis: This is our first match for our mini #1 Contender tournament for the Television Title.


Queen: These two have a lot of history dating back to their early days in BSC. This should be a good match.


Jen Neptune defeats Dharma with the Alabama Slam.


As Dharma leaves the ring, Kathy enters with a mic.


This is great, Jen. We are NOW on National TV! You know what that means, right? We can finally spread the word of Straight Edge to people at home as well.

The crowd begins to boo.


People, we are TRYING TO HELP YOU ALL! You want to live a better, healthier life? Stop drinking! Cut out the fatty foods! Learn to have fun without partying! It's such a simple concept and I have no idea why you are all being so F*CKING stubborn about it!


Jen takes the mic.


Look, we are living and breathing proof that living the Straight Edge lifestyle really does change your life for the better. Let us SAVE YOU!


The crowd boos them out of the ring.


Dylan: What's wrong with eating fatty foods?


Queen: What's wrong with drinking?

Davis: Ah, there's nothing wrong with spreading the word of a lifestyle but I got a feeling that the Neptune's may take it too far.


Queen: Of course they will! They come from BSC and used to be strippers. I'm surprised that they didn't give up on it within the first week.


Suzanne Brazzle begins to make her way down to the ring, followed by Kathrine Goodlooks.




Dylan: These two know each other quite well. They are both main eventing AAA and even in the hunt for their Femme Fetale title.


Suzanne Brazzle defeats Kathrine Goodlooks with a quick roll up.


Davis: What a great match!


Queen: Eh, it was ok. I can see why they aren't the National Champion.


Melody's music hits as she makes her way to the ring, followed by Nina Bella.




Dylan: Now it's our second match for our mini #1 Contender tournament for the TV title.


Queen: Ah, good. We have a psycho and a Canadian! Tell me, how many psycho Canadians does it take to screw in a light bulb?


Dylan: How many?


Queen: I don't know, I was asking you.


Melody defeats Nina Bella after landing a super-plex off the top rope.


Davis: Well it looks like that Melody will be meeting Jen Neptune next week to determine our new #1 Contender.


Dylan: Should be an exciting match. Two completely different styles going head to head to try and get a leg up in this company.


Mr. Emigh enters the ring.


Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to our main event of the night. Tonight's match is set for one fall and is for the SHIMMER National Championship!



Entering first, she is the SHIMMER Television Champion, Jaime Quine!




Now making her way towards the ring, she is the FIRST FEMALE CWF National Champion, J-Ro!

As the bell rings the two girls lock up. Right away J-Ro overpowers Jaime Quine and pushes her into the corner where the ref breaks it up. Again they lock up and the National Champion gets Jaime in a side head lock. Jaime pushes J-Ro into the ropes, breaking the hold. As J-Ro hits the ropes and runs back towards Jaime, she drop kicks the champion, knocking her down and going for the cover.








Jaime locks in an arm bar. J-Ro lets out a scream in pain and tries to break the hold by hitting Jaime with her free hand. Eventually, Jaime breaks it and begins to put the boots to her.


Davis: Look at that, Jaime is looking good against the champion out there!


Queen: If she can keep this intensity up against J-Ro, she might have a chance in pulling an upset her tonight.


Jaime picks J-Ro up by the hair and whips her into the corner. She stands on the middle rope and starts counting punches.














J-Ro grabs Jaime by the waist and power bombs her in the center of the ring. As Jaime lands, J-Ro falls over trying to recover from the punches. When she gets to her feet, she stumbles over to Jaime. Just as she goes to grab her, Jaime gets a surprise roll up on J-Ro.








Again, J-Ro powers out of the roll up, saving her title. The two girls get up and begin trading punches with each other. Finally, J-Ro gets the better of Jaime, slowly punching her into the ropes. When she starts leaning on them, J-Ro grabs her arm and whips her towards the other side of the ring. As Jaime rebounds and runs towards J-Ro, she performs a drop toe hold and quickly chains it into an ankle lock.


Davis: Here we go! This could be it!


Jaime screams in pain as the ref checks her. Just as she's about to tap...




Nadia and Katie hit the ring and begin attacking Jaime, thus stopping the match due to interference. While Jaime holds her ankle in pain, Nadia begins to put the boots to J-Ro. Katie leaves the ring to grab a bucket of water.

Queen: I guess once you've wrestled in BSC, you're going to be stuck to getting drenched like this.


Katie pours the water all over J-Ro, then begin to put the boots to her along with Nadia. Suddenly, both stop and Nadia applies her own ankle lock to J-Ro.


Dylan: My god, someone stop this!



Just then, Team Blue hits the ring and chases Nadia and Katie off as the show goes off the air...


2011 Copyright SHIMMER

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Card Preview



#1 Contender Tournament Finals

Special Guest Referee TV Champion Jaime Quine




3-Way Dance





Main Event 6-Woman Tag Match



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TV Taping from Red Bluff, CA

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Davis: Welcome everyone to Friday Night Unleashed! I am Davis Ditterich and joining me as always is the Queen herself, Queen Emily.

Queen: Hey, look at that. You're starting to catch on. You might be worth keeping around for a while.


Davis: Hey, you might smell like a drunk but I still enjoy calling matches with you.

Queen: Like you'd know what they smell like. Oh but then again, you're mom may smell like that every night.


Mr. Emigh makes his way to the ring followed by Dharma and Kathy Neptune.




I think tonight, we're gonna do something different. Now, even though SHIMMER is all about the action and kickin' some ass, we're also red-blooded Americans and we like to see our women! With me tonight is Dharma and Kathy Neptune. We are going to be holding our first SHIMMER Bikini contest. Here's how this is gonna work; Once I say go, we hit the music and let these two do ANYTHING they want. After about 30 seconds, we'll stop the music and see who you all pick.


Mr. Emigh takes a step back.

Ready girls? Go for it!


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The music hits and both girls start dancing. They both strip off their robes, revealing their tiny bikini's while continuing to dance. Finally, 30 seconds is up. As the music dies off, half of the crowd is chanting 'Dharma! Dharma!' while the other half is chanting 'Kathy! Kathy!'.


You know what the best part about being the boss is, ladies? That I can do anything I want. Both of you win!

Some of the crowd cheers while the rest boo as they make their way out of the ring.


Queen: Both girls looked great out there! No wonder the boss declared them both the winner.

Davis: I think he could have found a way to declare a true winner rather then saying 'F*ck it.'


Queen: Don't question him, Davis. Remember, he can fire your ass.


Suzanne Brazzle makes her way down to the ring, followed by Sara Marie York, then finally Katherine Goodlooks.

http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c310/s5demigh/SHIMMER/Suzanne.jpg VS http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c310/s5demigh/SHIMMER/Sara.jpg



Suzanne defeats Sara Marie York and Katherine Goodlooks after throwing Katherine over the top and connecting with a super kick on Sara.


After the match, Suzanne demands a mic.


Hey Nadia! Don't think you can just leap frog over the rest of us! There were FOUR of us in that ladder match, not just you. If anybody deserves a title shot against J-Ro, it's me! Not you!


She slams the mic down as she walks out of the ring. We cut to the back and see J-Ro and Nadia fighting backstage. Before it got out of hand, the four owners and a couple of backstage workers break up the fight.

Queen: Looks like Nadia doesn't want to wait until next week.


Davis: You got that right. It looked like she was out for blood.


Queen: Yea...but it looked as if J-Ro held her own. So who knows if we're still having a main event tonight.


Davis: Next up is the finals to determine a #1 Contender for Jaime Quine's TV Title.

Queen: And wouldn't you know it Davis, Jaime herself will be calling this match down the middle!


As Jaime stands in the ring wearing a referee shirt, Jen Neptune and Melody make their way to the ring.



Melody defeats Jen Neptune with the Melody Maker.

After the match, Jaime Quine walks towards Melody to offer her a hand shake. Instead, Melody attacks Jaime and begins pummeling her until officials from the back can break it up. As she leaves the ring, she grabs a mic.


Next week, Jaime, that belt is coming back to Canada with me!

Jaime pulls herself up, staring a hole through Melody.


What? You think you're a tough girl? You're still very, VERY green in my opinion. Get ready for the hurt.


Davis: If she wanted to make a statement tonight, by god she made one.


Queen: Not only that Davis, but she softened Jaime up for next week. That should be an interesting match!

Just as everybody clears out of the ring. Nadia and Metal 'N Grunge make their way out. Before J-Ro and her team can enter, Katie C hands Nadia the mic.


Suzanne Suzanne Suzanne...where did this chip on your shoulder come from? Since WHEN do you deserve any sort of title shot? Right now, you are NOTHING when it comes to the National Title. You were horrible in that ladder match! I kicked so much ass in that match that I had to buy special polish for my boots to get the smell off! In fact, if I remember correctly, J-Ro wouldn't have won the match if I hadn't knocked both you and Sara out.

Just then, J-Ro and Team Blue make their way out of the ring, stopping Nadia from ranting anymore.






The match gets underway with Eve and Golden starting the match off. Right away they crash into each other, trading blows back and forth before Eve pushes Golden away. They lockup and start pushing, trying to gain the upper hand. Finally Golden applies a head lock on Eve and begins wrenching it in. Before it gets any tighter, Eve is able to hit a back suplex on her, breaking the hold. Since they landed in Nadia's corner, Eve tags in Emma, who gets into the ring and begins to stomp Golden.


Just then, Kinuye gets into the ring and pushes Emma back into the corner, stopping the attack. As the ref has his back turned, Eve gets in the ring again and joins Emma in stomping Golden. Finally, Eve leaves and Emma grabs Golden by her hair, pushing her into the corner. Emma distracts the ref by turning him around, giving Nadia and Eve the chance to start choking Golden. Finally, they let up and the ref turns back around.


J-Ro and Kinuye cheer on Golden by stomping, clapping, and hitting the ropes. Emma gets on the middle rope and drops a small elbow on Golden, then going for the pin.






Save! Kinuye sprints across the ring and stomps Emma before being pushed back by the ref. Finally, she tags in Nadia, who takes her sweet time getting in the ring. She grabs Golden by the hair and picks her up. She gets her in a power bomb position. Just before she exicutes, she looks over at J-Ro and yells...




Nadia picks her up and holds her on her shoulders. Just then, Eve tags Nadia from behind and gets up on the top rope. Eve hits a flying clothes line as Nadia bombs Golden. Just as Eve lands, she quickly gets up and tags Emma in, who gets on the top rope and hits a flying leg drop, then going for the cover.






Save! Both J-Ro and Kinyue hit the ring and begin brawling with Nadia and Eve. The fighting spills out of the ring while Emma turns her attention back to Golden. She picks Golden up and faces her. Just as she goes to grab her, Golden hits a weak super kick which only stuns Emma. Golden hits the ropes and connects with a devestating spear, going for the cover.








Team Blue and J-Ro pick up the victory, but the fighting isn't over yet. As Emma and Golden recover in the ring, J-Ro and Nadia are fighting up the aisle way while Kinuye and Eve stay ring side, trading blows back and forth.


As Nadia and J-Ro get up to the entrance, they begin to trade blows before Nadia grabs J-Ro by the head. She walks over to one of the big screens and throws the champion right through it!


Davis: OH MY GOD!


Queen: We may have just seen the shortest reign of a champion ever!


Sparks begin to shoot out where all of the electrical equipment lay on the Champion. As Nadia poses towards the crowd, there is a large spark that shoots up and shorts everything out in that area. As backstage officials rush out to check on her, Nadia grabs a mic. She stands on the edge of the wreckage while the officials do their job.


You're not so tough now, are ya! Even a great champion such as yourself can be taken out pretty easy!


Just then, Suzanne runs at Nadia full speed, knocking her over as they collide. They begin to roll around on the ground, trading blows. As they both get to their feet, Suzanne gains the upper hand by continuing to throwing punches. She then grabs Nadia by her hair and leads her over to where J-Ro lays.


Davis: Oh no, what is she gonna do!?


They stand on top of a massive speaker as Suzanne hits a suplex on Nadia, sending her into the wreckage with J-Ro, causing more sparks to shoot out. As Unleashed goes off the air, we see Suzanne standing triumphantly over the champion and challenger.


2011 Copyright SHIMMER

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Source: TEW.com



Honey looking to ruin SHIMMER

"I don't regret one bit of it"


On their website today (BSCaction.com), Honey issued a statement to her fans and to her wrestlers about SHIMMER.


"SHIMMER is nothing more then an over-priced heap of trash trying to make a name for itself by copying both AAA and BSC. Later today, I will be holding a meeting with the roster regarding this new company because Dennis Emigh has no idea what he is doing. I don't want my workers to be signed with him only to be buried night after night, letting him single handily ruining their careers. I know the Neptune's and Dharma have a bright career ahead of them, all they need is time! Krissy Angelle is a prime example of this."


Later Honey also added in the follow statement:


"...and regardless of what any wrestling news site states, we were almost driven into bankruptcy under his command. I advice Mr. Emigh's three business partners to get out while they still have their money. Personally I am glad that he's gone because now I can restore the Babes of Sin City to what they used to be and what made them great and entertaining. I don't regret one bit about what happened between Dennis and I. In fact, I'm glad it happened."


TEW.com tried to get a hold of Honey and Anne Stardust but were unsuccessful. We will keep you updated on this situation as information becomes available.

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Card Preview

SHIMMER Television Title Match



3-Way Tag Team Match

http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c310/s5demigh/SHIMMER/EveEmma.jpg VS http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c310/s5demigh/SHIMMER/NeptuneTwins.jpg


Tag Team Match




No DQ Main Event


Dark Match:

TAM-BER vs. The Bulls

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Before the opening video starts for SHIMMER Unleashed, the camera fade into a centered Mr. Emigh, and standing behind him are the other three owners, Mr. Peters, Mr. Varags, and Mr. Zepponi.





I would like to personally welcome everyone to tonight's SHIMMER Unleashed. Before we kick things off on this exciting night tonight, I feel compelled to reply to a statement made earlier this week by BSC's Owner, Honey Golightly. Rest assured to our SHIMMER fans, these statements made by Ms. Golightly are nothing short of false and are a blatant attack on this company as a whole. While it saddens me that the BSC has to stoop this low to try and bring this brand new company down, I am not willing to back down just yet. Honey, if you want to play that game, well, we can certainly play the game damn well.


As of tonight, I am putting Tamera McFly, Dharma Gregg, and the Neptune Twins on notice. While you four are extremely talented, I will not have my employees work for someone such as Honey. There is no pressure from us, so you will make this choice on your own.


I hope the BSC is ready for this war. We'll see you on the battlefield...


Coming from the House of SHIMMER, Red Bluff, CA

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Davis: Wow, that a way to start off the night!


Queen: Well that's not the only thing happening tonight.


Davis: What do you mean?


Queen: This drunken queen just accepted an offer from TCW to do REAL work, rather then sit here and call stupid matches.


Davis: You mean, you're leaving?


Queen: Hell yes. Bigger paycheck, better job, higher profile matches...


Davis: And all the booze you can drink. Yea, we get it.


Queen: Oh don't be so bitter, Davis. You'll make it there someday.


Just then, Suzanne Brazzle makes her way out with a mic in hand.



Now, if you were watching last week, you saw that I came out here and took care of business. After Nadia destroyed our fluke champion J-Ro, I took care of her in the same fashion, leaving me standing at the end of the night. Those actions alone say that I should be the SHIMMER National Champion. Instead, I get to take on Nadia in a street fight while J-Ro gets the night off. Does anyone besides me see what's wrong with this picture? It's not right! They should get J-Ro off her lazy ass and get her in the ring and give me a title shot.


Just then, Nadia makes her way to the ring, followed by Katie C.




Took me out!? How can you say then when I'm standing right here? You need to stop being so jealous of what I've accomplished! I took out the champion, so you decide to blindside me! You're lucky I don't press charges for such an attack. At the very least you could have faced me like a real warrior.


Warrior? What are we in, the f*cking middle ages? Just like you, I did EXACTLY what I had to do and take out my competition. Now, as I'm sure you could tell yourself, I didn't do a very good job and should have done a better job. That's fine though because after tonight, Mr. Emigh is going to have to let you go after I end your career.


I highly, HIGHLY doubt you'll end my career. You know, I will give you one thing, you know how to attack from behind. You seem extremely experienced at it but...I guess whatever works for you.


Yes, I am pretty damn good at it, and I don't care. I am in this business to win and make money, and you can't make money unless you do what you need to do. I did just that, and therefore I should have the shot at the title instead of you.

Is that so? Well then maybe we should make tonight's match for a shot at the title. How does that sound, Suzanne?


That sounds great!


Well too bad! I am owed a favor back from the days of BSC and I intend on taking my shot.


Just then, Mr. Emigh makes his way out, mic in hand. As he begins to speak, it surprises Nadia.



So, you both think you deserve a title shot? Well, why don't I just make another mini tournament to decide that?


No! I have documentation right here! Katie, show him!


She fumbles for the paper but Mr. Emigh knocks the bag out of her hands.


I don't care about that sh*t. Nadia, you had a great idea and I think I'll add to it. Tonight in the main event, it will be Suzanne Brazzle vs. Nadia Snow to become the new #1 Contender for the National Title. See? It's as simple as that, Nadia. I am owner and what I say, goes!


Mr. Emigh leaves as Nadia and Suzanne begin to yell at each other. Just as they finally leave the arena, Melody makes her way out, followed by the TV Champ, Jaime Quine.





Jaime Quine defeated Melody with a K.O. kick to retain her Television Championship.


After the match, Jaime goes to shake Melody's hand again, only to be attacked once more.


Queen: When is that girl gonna learn that you can't trust anybody in this business?

Davis: I think it's sickening how Melody takes advantage of Jaime's respect towards her opponent.

We cut to the back and see both of the Neptune's getting ready. They give a high five to one another and make their way towards the ring. Before the other two teams can enter, they grab a mic. They stand there for a moment and wait for the crowd to die down.

Well, we WERE going to preach the good word of Straight Edge onto the crowd, and eventually the US as a whole, but due to recent actions by SHIMMER and BSC, we feel that we need to clear the air, right now.


Kathy takes the mic


Honey, we are sorry but we can't work for BSC anymore. If you both are going to make us choose, then we are sticking with SHIMMER. It's the best for both of our careers.

The crowd applauds as Jen takes the mic back.

So what that means is that we can continue to try and save you all! Straight Edge will save your life, I promise!


Jen hopes out of the ring and walks up to a fan who looked to be about 40-something years old, wearing denum pants and a cowboy hat.


Hi, what's your name?




Hi Bob, I'm Jen. Do you want to be saved tonight? All you have to do is follow three simple rules!




The crowd cheers as Bob puts a big hunk of chew in his mouth.

I like the way I am.


Jen makes a disgusted looking face and walks over to a female fan, who is roughly in her mid 20's.

And you are?




Hi Kristy, I'm Jen. Do you want to live the clean lifestyle of straight edge?


She nods her head, causing some of the crowd to boo

Look Kathy, someone who is smarter then the rest of this crowd!


The crowd boos as Kathy and Jen help Kristy over the guard rail and into the ring.

Ok Kristy, all you have to do is follow three simple rules. No alcohol, no drugs, no sex. In order to make sure that you are fully commited to this lifestyle, we are willing to shave your head.


Without hesitation, Kristy gets down on her knees as Kathy pulls clippers out of her back pocket. Just as she goes to cut the hair, Team Blue makes their way out and clears the ring.


We're here to wrestle, not to f*ck around. Get in the ring!


Golden yells, as Metal 'N Grunge slowly make their way out to the ring.

http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c310/s5demigh/SHIMMER/NeptuneTwins.jpg VS http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c310/s5demigh/SHIMMER/EveEmma.jpg



Team Blue defeats The Neptune Twins and Metal 'N Grunge by pinfall.

Davis: With the tag team division slowly growing here in SHIMMER, one has to wonder if The Four have any plans for them in the future.


Queen: I'm sure they have. Duh. Do you really think they're that stupid?


Davis: Maybe it's a good thing you're leaving for TCW...


Sara Marie York and Dharma make their way to the ring, followed by Katherine Goodlooks and Steph Hazel.







Sara Marie York and Dharma Defeat Katherine Goodlooks and Steph Hazel by pinfall.

Davis: It looks like Dharma is slowly coming into her own. She was able to hold herself against the likes of Steph and Katherine.


Queen: A little work and practice can go a long way for a worker like that. Eventually she'll be making a run at the National Title.


Davis: I'm sure that's the last thing on her mind right now.


Queen: And why is that? You are competing to be the top wrestler in any company, right? So why wouldn't you be thinking about it?


Davis: Anyways, next up is our main event. A street fight to become the #1 Contender for the SHIMMER National Title.


Both Nadia and Katie C make their way to the ring, followed by Suzanne Brazzle.




Davis: Remember, this match is to become the #1 Contender for the National Title.

Queen: And if I heard right over the headset, the title match would take place next week, right here on Unleashed!


Davis: And there's the opening bell. Both women are staring each other down with such intensity that I'm pretty surprised that they're not rolling all over the place.


Queen: Both of these women know that when it comes to wrestling, playing mind games is half of the battle 90% of the time.


Davis: Both Nadia and Suzanne lock up, trying to gain the upper hand on each other. Nadia goes for a headlock but Suzanne ducks out of it, spins around, and THERE'S a clothesline!


Queen: Oh come on! Where's the punches!? This is supposed to be a street fight!


Davis: Ask and you shall receive as Suzanne mounts Nadia and begins to lay in the punches.

Suzanne gets off and looks at the crowd before turning her attention back to Nadia.


Davis: Oh, look at this! Small package by Nadia 1, 2, KICKOUT!


Queen: She was a split second away from ending this match early!


Davis: Again, they circle each other, looking for an opening. Nadia shoots on her legs with a take down and is able to get in an arm bar.


Queen: I'm not sure if applying holds this early on in the match is such a good idea.

Davis: Suzanne fights back with her free arm, finally breaking the hold. It may have done some damage on her as she is slow to get up, but still holding that left arm.


Queen: She might have pulled it out of the socket. I guess we'll find...


Davis: Look at that! German suplex on Suzanne into a pin 1, 2, KICKOUT! Again, a split second away from winning this match. Nadia picks Suzanne up and shoves her into the corner.


Queen: This is not a good position for Suzanne to be in if she wants to win that title shot.

Davis: The ref counts for Nadia to break the choke hold, and she does. LOOK AT THIS! Suzanne, out of no where, gets a burst of energy and tackles Nadia and begins pounding away at her face!


Nadia pushes her off and rolls outside of the ring.




Queen: That's the kind of determination you need to show if you want to get a shot at that National Title, Davis.

Davis: Right you are. Suzanne is really putting the boots to her, not letting either of them get up. Oh...oh no, what's she doing?


Queen: She's going for a table, Davis. Can't you see?


Davis: Suzanne throws the table into the ring. Nadia better be careful or this could be the end of the match for her.


Suzanne picks Nadia up and throws her back into the ring.

Davis: Back into the corner now as Suzanne begins her assault once more on Nadia, trying to tire her down enough to finally finish her off.


Queen: She's got the right idea Davis, but can she execute?


Davis: Look at this! Suzanne lifts Nadia up onto the top turn buckle. She better stop looking at the crowd and get the job done before...


Queen: Before they start fighting! Nadia still has a lot of fight left in her.


Davis: Right, left, right, left, both girls are trading blows back and forth. Wait, look! A head butt from Nadia and SHE SENDS SUZANNE CRASHING THROUGH THE TABLE!


Queen: This could be it right here!


Davis: MY GOD! A HUGE elbow drop off the top rope, right onto Suzanne! 1, 2, and 3! Stick a fork in it, it's over!



Nadia celebrates in the ring with Katie. Just then, J-Ro comes running through the crowd and hits a clothesline from behind. She begins stomping Nadia before sliding out of the ring to grab a huge bucket of water out from under the ring.


Davis: This looks like payback!


She drenches Nadia with the water as she screams and tries to get out of the ring. As the cameras fade, J-Ro stands in the center of the ring, looking around...


2011 Copyright SHIMMER

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Source: TEW.com


Out with the Queen, In with the Silver

Color Commentator Swap


As it was revealed on SHIMMER Unleashed, Queen Emily had announced that she had signed with TCW and would be leaving at the end of the month. Mr. Emigh had already heard of this before Emily had given him notice, allowing him to get a head start on hiring a new personality.


"I had a feeling that eventually someone would pick up on her after seeing what she could do." Said Mr. Emigh after the show last Sunday. "So instead of making it a big deal, I just thought as she leaves, we could pick up another piece of talent and keep things moving."


SHIMMER wasted little time and hired BSC and new NYCW color Sara Silver, who Davis has worked with in the past.


"We always had a great time calling matches. I can't wait to work with her again." Davis Ditterich said during a phone interview.

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