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The Rise of ZJW

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((OOC: This is being done in C-Verse, on TEW 05, but noone reads 05 diaries so im posting here. This is a 0-pop sports entertainment company))

My name is Jack Summers. All my life ive been obsessed with two things. Anime and Wrestling. Ive been saving money up since I was 16. Now im 34 and I have save $350,000. I recently moved to Japan because I wanted to start my own company. I have trademarked the name Zodiac Japan Wrestling. Today I will send e-mails to the workers out here and let them know im hiring. This company features a more zany side of wrestling, where all the characters have some sort of anime/video game style to them.

This is the beggening of The ZJW Era.



Day 1:

I sent business meeting requests to about 13-15 wrestlers, 1 road agent, 1 ref, and 1 announcer

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Tuesday, Week 3, December of 2005:

Getting the promotion set up has proven to be a pain in the... well you know.

Every time I tried to sign a road agent another company beat me to them. Five times in a row. Finally, I signed Fumihiko Uno.


The Roster is full of talent and charisma. Not many have both


The Roster looks like this:

Beetle Kimura

Tomoko Nagatsuka

The Insane Heat

Magnum Kobe

The Tic

Kinji Akamatsu

Tom Angelus

Munemitsu Senmatsu

Fox Mask

Shooter Sean Deeley


Ive decided to book the first show for next Thursday

It will be called Edge Of The Sword. The Main Event will feature a triple threat match for the newly created ZJW Heavyweight Championship. Beetle Kimura vs Magnum Kobe vs The Insane Heat

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Edge Of The Sword

Place: Muroran



Match 1:

Shooter Sean Deeley def Fox Mask in 8:27 following an EXPLODERPLEX



Kobe and Heat attack Kimura backstage



Tomoko Nagatsuka def Kinji Akamatsu via KO @ 9:11



Tomoko gets on the microphone and claims to be the most dominant force in ZJW.



A short video plays involving Kobe, Kimura and Heat



Magnum Kobe got the pin on Kimura @ 11:38 after double ddting both opponents.



A man in a monkey mask runs out and attacks Kobe putting him in an Arm Bar at the end



Overall: E

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After being told my promotion looks amateurish for only having ten wrestlers, I contacted several wrestlers in the area regarding employment.


I am pleased to announce Fury Unleashed, the third thursday of January.

It will feature:

A rematch between Nagatsuka and Kinji Akamatsu

and Magnum Kobe vs The Insane Heat

Beetle Kimura vs Sean Deeley


(First to guess all 3 winners, if anyone guesses, gets to pick the challenger for the title at the next event)

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Tuesday, Week 1, January 2006


Over the last few days we have made 4 signings. It would have been five but I did not think it wise to pay Hisato what he wanted. No matter how much I wanted to.


The new members?

Angel Takudome

Black Eagle

Snap Dragon

American Elemental


The roster is really starting to shape up nice.


oh and id like to announce the Black Eagle will take on The Tic at the next show.


Quick Picks:

Black Eagle vs The Tic

Tomoko Nagatsuka and Kinji Akamatsu

Magnum Kobe vs The Insane Heat

Beetle Kimura vs Sean Deeley

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Zodiac Japan Wrestling

Fury Unleashed

Location:Muroran Hall

Attendance: 17


Dark Match:

Snap Dragon def. Fox Mask via Dragon Sleeper @ 4:19 (E)


Segment 1

Tomoko Nagatsuka def Kinji Akamatsu by knockout @ 11:58, following a vicious lariat. (E)


Segment 2:

Seiho Kuroda hypes the main event (E)


Segment 3:

Shooter Sean Deeley def Beetle Kimura @ 11:37 following an exploder. (F)


Segment 4:

Black Eagle is seen backstage, talking to himself as though he were hearing voices. (F)


Segment 5:

Angel Takudome def Munemitsu Senmatsu @ 9:49 following The Halo (Tornado DDT) (E)


Segment 6:

The man in the monkey mask is show sitting in the crowd. (F)


Segment 7:

Black Eagle Def. The Tic following a tombstone piledriver @ 9:32 (D)


Segment 8:

After the match is over Black Eagle proceeds to stomp The Tic down hard. After doing so he grabs a microphone

Black Eagle: You gave US one pathetic opponent to share? That is not why we are here. We are here to unless carnage on many. We are legion for we are many.

The fans had no idea what Black Eagle was saying (E)


Segment 9:

Magnum Kobe def The Insane Heat, despite interference from the man in the monkey mask. 14:01, following the Magnum Driver. (Reverse Double-Underhook DDT) Magnum Kobe makes defence #1 of the ZJW Heavyweight Title. (D)


Segment 10:




Segment 11:

The man in the monkey mask runs down the ramp and planchas into the ring, crashing into Kobe, applying an armbar just like at Edge of the Sword. (F)


Final Rating: E

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good to have you though, understand what you mean about no one in the 05 forum. :p


good first show. just a little comment or two. take as you will.


I found it really hard to read with your Segment numbers centered, but your segments left justified.


maybe just:


Segment1: Tomoko Nagatsuka def Kinji Akamatsu by knockout @ 11:58, following a vicious lariat. (E)

Segment2: Seiho Kuroda hypes the main event (E)





Tomoko Nagatsuka def Kinji Akamatsu by knockout @ 11:58, following a vicious lariat. (E)


Seiho Kuroda hypes the main event (E)


everything centered

either way makes it easer to read, well atleast to me.


Keep it up!

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The following message is from the ZJW Official Website

We here at ZJW have expanded our roster, in hopes to attract more fans.


They are:

Yuki Horigoshi

Champagne Lover

Raku Makuda

Insane Machine

and... The Great Hisato


Expect to see Champagne Lover, Hisato and Yuki Horigoshi at the next show,Against The World .

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Zodiac Japan Wrestling


Against The World


Segment 1: Angel Takudome vs Munemitsu Senmatsu

4:23 with a halo, Angel Takudome dominated the match. (F)


Segment 2:

A video plays of Tom Angelus and Champagne Lover

Two Warriors

One from the heavens, one gifted from Satan himself.

Neither can thrive if the other survives.

Destined for war with eachother

The struggle between heaven and hell ensues... NEXT



Segment 3:Tom Angelus vs Champagne Lover

Champagne Lover won @ 9:44 with the Champagne Breakfast



Segment 4

Champagne Lover continues beating down Tom Angelus, after letting go of the champagne breakfast, he wrapped a chair on toms neck and did a diving press onto it, then locked the Champagne Breakfast back on.



Segment 5

Snap Dragon def Beetle Kimura @ 11:52 with a dragon driver (Impaler DDT)



Segment 6

After the match Kimura tries to shake Snap Dragon's hand but is met with a clothesline followed up by a dragon sleeper.



Segment 7

Legion vs Fox Mask & American Elemental

Legion defeated Fox Mask @ 11:50 with a Legion Bomb (Triple Powerbomb)



Segment 8

A video is shown of legion speaking, being translated by Seido Kuroda

We are legion. We are many. Simply throwing a couple of goons at us wont stop us from winning. We demand competition.



Segment 9

Seiho Kuroda: Next up is a number one contender match between the biggest signing in ZJW and the man backstage's personal signing and pick to become a world champion one day.



Segment 10Yuki Horigoshi vs The Great Hisato

The Great Hisato wins @ 14:37 via Mystic Dragon Wave



Segment 11




Segment 12

Magnum Kobe def Monkey Man @ 17:42 following a Magnum Clutch (Crippler Crossface)



Segment 13:

Magnum Kobe is about to unmask the Monkey Man, but the Monkey Man hits him with an exploder just as Magnum starts to move the mask. He puts Kobe in the dreaded armbar again as Kobe laughing and screaming in pain yells




Segment 14:

Seiho: Ladies and Gentlemen I have just been informed that at the next event, The Great Hisato will not be the only number one contender. There will be a 5 man gauntlet for the title. Hisato. Kobe. MonkeyMan. Insane Heat and Yuki Horigoshi.



Overall: D

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(OOC: This is gonna hurt. I set it to a 2 hr show because of the gauntlet for the title and then a bunch of my major players no showed to work elsewhere. Grrr.)


ZJW Presents:


LIVE 2 Hour Special



Dark: Fox Mask def Kinji at 4:37 with a fox hunter


Segment 1:

Seiho Kuroda is in the ring.

Seiho: Due to no-showing tonights event, Magnum Kobe has been STRIPPED OF HIS TITLE, and tonights scheduled gauntlet match will now be a tournament for the title ©


Segment 2: Champagne Lover vs Tom Angelus

Champagne Lover won at 5:43 after a shot with brass knuckles



Segment 3: Angel Takudome fires t-shirts to the 9 people in attendance as an apology for the no-shows



Segment 4: Legion defeated Insane Heat following a roll up when Legion ducked a clothesline @ 5:45



Segment 5:

Seiho: I have just been informed that at Guts & Glory Tom Angelus and Insane Heat will compete in a loser is fired match, to cut down on costs around here



Segment 6:

Raku Makuda def Angel Takudome @ 9:51 after Assassinating (Scorpion Death Drop) Angel Takudome in an extremely competitive match.



Segment 7:

Tomoko Nagatsuka runs down to the ring and beats the hell out of Raku Makuda, and drags her into the back.



Segment 8:

Monkey Man def Yuki Horigoshi, @ 13:58following the dreaded monkeybar (wrenching armbar)



Segment 9:

Tomoko Nagatsuka is found knocked out, covered in blood backstage



Segment 10

Legion vs Champagne Lover

Legion won at 6:52 following a tombstone.



Segment 11

Legion starts laughing after he wins, and then he proceeds to deliver another tombstone piledriver to Champagne Lover and then throwing him out of the ring, before heading to the back.



Segment 12 Monkey Man def Raku Makuda @ 10:15 after he countered the assassination into the Monkey Bar (D)


Segment 13 Legion runs down to the ring and smashes a chair into the back of Monkey Man's head.



Segment 14: Legion defeated Monkey Man @ 11:49 with a tombstone piledriver.

Legion is now the ZJW Champion, and is undefeated. Can anyone stop this dominant force?



Total: E

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ZJW Guts & Glory

Segment 1: The Insane Heat def Tom Angelus following a Burning Cutter (top rope cutter) @ 9:38 (E)

Segment 2: An uown man jumps over the guard rail and starts beating the hell out of Heat and Angelus, ending after he hits them both with a piledriver, and then he runs backstage (E)

Segment 3: Magnum Kobe def. The Tic in 7:36 following a magnum driver. (D)

Segment 4: Seiho Kuroda: Ladies and Gentlemen, the next match will feature the debut of... TERMINATOR! (C-)

Segment 5: Terminator def. American Elemental following Termination Boot @ 2:31. He dominated the match (E)

Segment 6: Seiho Kuroda: I have just been informed that the man who attacked Insane Heat and Tom Angelus is our new signing MASAMICHI HINO. And as punishment for his actions, he will face KINJI AKAMATSU RIGHT NOW! (D)

Segment 7: Masamichi Hino had alot of trouble dealing with Akamatsu, but in the end he won it with an OBLITERATION (Top Rope Spike Piledriver) @ 6:41 (E)

Segment 8: Hino stomps the hell out of Akamatsu (F)

Segment 9: Great Hisato and Beetle Kimura TEAR THE HOUSE DOWN. Hisato wins @ 14:31 following the mystic dragon wave to become the number 1 contender. ©

Segment 10: Hisato offers Kimura a handshake and Kimura accepts, then raises Hisato's arm. (D)

Segment 11: Legion and Raku Makuda had a very good match. It was back and forth the entire time. Legion hit the tombstone, but Raku kicked out. Raku hit the Assassination, but legion kicked out. In the end, Legion had to resort to his Legion Bombs to win the match. @ 13:49 (C-)


Overall: C-

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Segment: 1 Magnum Kobe def Munemitsu Senmatsu @ 5:37 with a magnum driver, in a fairly open match. E


Segment: 2

Hisato: Tonight I face a 1-man Legion. Am I afraid? No. Am I concerned about entering the ring with that mental monster? Yes. Any time a psychopatch like that gains confidence, such as confidence from being undefeated, that man is dangerous, to his opponent and to himself. Tonight, its not me who will be defeated. Tonight I end Legions title reign... or I break my body in half trying. C+


Segment: 3 Insane Heat def Masamichi Hino in 5:48 with a burning cutter E


Segment: 4

Seiho Kuroda: Next up we have a match between Champagne Lover and American Elemental for the newly created ZJW Full Throttle title. F


Segment: 5Champagne Lover def American Elemental @ 7:31 with a Champagne Brunch(Lungblower) @ 7:31 E


Segment: 6

Raku Makuda: I want that coward NAGATSUKA in the ring NOW! You tried to attack me a couple shows ago, and although I bloodied you to the point you would have died if I hadnt called an ambulance, my revenge will be complete tonight in the ring.

Tomoko jumps from behind the barricade and clotheslines Raku. The ref calls for the match to start. D


Segment: 7 Raku gets the win, in a particularly brutal match, @ 9:31, following an assassination D


Segment: 8 The Tic def The Terminator in a controversal fashion. He got his feet on the ropes, while doing a roll up pin. The ref didnt notice, Tick wins, after getting his *** kicked the whole match @ 5:32 E


Segment: 9 The Terminator gets frustrated and lays 5 Termination Boots into Tic, leaving him a blooding mess in the center of the ring. F


Segment: 10

Legion def Great Hisato @ 19:55 with a Legionbomb, the third one slamming Hisato in the turnbuckle. C+


Segment: 11

Legion continues to assault Hisato, he tombstones him off the top rope, just as hes about to continue KIMURA comes running out with a 2x4 and smashes it into Legion. Kimura then climbs the top rope and hits the Kimura Krusher on Legion (450 Splash) D




Overall: C-


Next Show: Triple Threat. All matches are triple threat matches.


Quick Picks:

Angel Takudome vs Tomoko Nagasuka vs Raku Makuda

Terminator vs The Tic vs The Insane Heat

ZJW Full Throttle Match: Magnum Kobe vs Champagne Lover vs Fox Mask

ZJW Heavyweight Title: Legion vs Kimura vs Hisato

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Dark Match:

Morimasa Kato def Munemitsu Senmatsu & Snap Dragon @ 8:35 when he locked in the triangle choke on Snap Dragon and submitted him E


Segment: 1 A video is shown of ZJW newest signing Morimasa Kato, and hypes he will be in action at the next show (on the main card) F


Segment: 2 Fox Mask def Magnum Kobe & Champagne Lover @ 6:12 when he hit the Fox Flip Off DDT on Magnum Kobe. Fox Mask is the new ZJW Full Throttle Chamion D


Segment: 3 After the match, the monkey man comes running out of nowhere and attacks Fox Mask. After sufficently stomping the hell out of Fox Mask he does the "I want your belt" sign F


Segment: 4 Raku Makuda def Tomoko Nagasuka & Angel Takudome @8:41 when Raku hit the Assassination on Nagasuka. D


Segment: 5 Raku Makuda is about to destroy Nagasuka even more, but Angel Takudome stops her with a dropkick into the ropes followed by a halo. (E)


Segment: 6 The Insane Heat def The Tic & Terminator @ 7:54 when Terminator leveled Tic with a massive termination boot to counter a diving crossbody. Terminator walked away. Insane Heat gets the pin. D


Segment: 7 A highlight reel of Legion, Kimura and Hisato plays D

Segment: 8 Legion def Kimura & Hisato @ 14:11 when Hisato hits the mystic dragon wave, Kimura top rope leg drops the wave, Hisato clothelines Kimura and then gets rolled up by Legion C



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Dark Match:

Morimasa Kato defeated Munemitsu Senmatsu in 7:55 by submission with a Triangle Choke. E


Segment 1: Tiger(Big Cat Brandon alt) defeated Magnum Kobe in 13:39 by pinfall with a TigerDriver. C-


Segment 2: The Chaos Demons run in and beat Tiger down to the mat. Then they hit him with Absolute Chaos (Top Rope Wheelbarrow Slam/X-Factor Combo) (D)


Segment 3: The Chaos Demons defeated American Elemental and Fox Mask in 7:44 when Chaos Demon #1 defeated American Elemental by with a Chokeslam. During the match Shooter Sean Deeley ran in and hit Fox Mask with an exploder off the apron before retreating while doing the title sign.



Segment 4:



Segment 5: Champagne Lover defeated Kinji Akamatsu in 5:31 by submission after hitting a low blow then locking in the Champagne Breakfast E


Segment 6: After the bell Champagne Lover doesnt let go of the hold. A few minutes later, he leaves the ring, with Kinji Akamatsu, seemingly broken in half. F


Segment 7:

The Great Hisato defeated Terminator and Raku Makuda in 9:58 when The Great Hisato defeated Raku Makuda by pinfall with a Mystic Dragon Wave. Terminator hit the Termination Boot, knocking Makuda into Hisato, who capitalized. By the time Terminator processed what was happening it was to late. C


Segment 8: Raku Makuda nods at Terminator, as suddenly they both start beeting the hell out of Hisato. Kimura runs in with... A F'N SWORD! He swings it at them like a maniac, as they roll out the ring and run backstage. Kimura then helps Hisato into the back. E


Segment 9: Legion defeated The Insane Heat in 16:15 by pinfall with a Tombstone Piledriver. Insane Heat was tired halfway through the match but still managed to work his way through it.



Segment 10 Insane Heat and Legion start exchanging punches in the middle of the ring. Suddenly the chaos demons run out and 3-1 attack Heat. TIGER AND KIMURA(without the sword) RUN DOWN TO THE RING AND AN ALL OUT BRAWL ENSUES! In the end, its Legion and his followers who end up on top. D


Show: C-





Next Show: Burning Spirits Tour (4 shows in august)


Quick Picks for Burning Spirit Tour 1/4

Tiger/Kimura/Heat vs Legion of Chaos

Hisato vs Raku Makuda & Terminator

Kinji Akamatsu vs Champagne Lover

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((Champagne Lover is working elsewhere tonight and will not be competing.))


ZJW Burning Spirits Tour 1/4


Segment 1:

Monkey Man def. Fox Mask for the Full Throttle Title. He won @ 10:43, following an exploder. (D)


Segment 2:

As Monkey Man lifts his title into the air, he is suddenly double teamed by Legion's goons. (D)


Segment 3:

The Great Hisato def Terminator & Raku Makuda, when Angel Takudome ran to the ring and pushed Raku Makuda into Terminator, distracting him long enough for Hisato to get the roll up @ 11:48 ©


Segment 4: Angel Takudome raises Hisato's arm in victory, then kicks him in the gut, hitting him with a ddt. Then her and Makuda pick him up to be Terminated by the Termination Boot. (D), Angels Turn was a complete success


Segment 5:

Beetle Kimura, Tiger and The Insane Heat defeated Legion and The Legion of Legion in 15:04 when Tiger defeated Chaos Demon #1 by pinfall with an Eye Of The Tiger(Killswitch). (C-)


Segment 6:

After the bell rings the 6 men in the ring continue to kick the living **** out of eachother. (E)



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<p>Official Comment from ZJW Official Website</p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="27122" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>We are very very proued to announce the newest member of the ZJW roster... the legendary Saionji Omura he will be appearing in all 3 of the remaining Burning Soul tour shows. Can even a legend defeat Legion?</div></blockquote>
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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="font-size:18px;">ZJW PRESENTS</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:18px;">

BURNING SPIRIT TOUR 2/4</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Dark Segments</strong></p><p>

Morimasa Kato defeated Champagne Lover in 10:17 by submission with an Arm-Trap Crossface. <strong>E</strong></p><p>

Magnum Kobe defeated Fox Mask in 5:36 by pinfall with a Magnum Driver. <strong>D</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Segment 1:</strong></p><p>

Tiger defeated Monkey in 9:48 by pinfall with an Eye Of The Tiger. very open match. New #1 contender, TIGER! <strong>C-</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Segment 2: </strong></p><p>

Tiger & Monkey are attacked by the Chaos Demons. It seems Tiger and Monkey are working together, the end up brawling all the way to the back. <strong>D</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Segment 3: </strong></p><p>

Kimura/Hisato/Tic lost an elimination tornado tag team match to Terminator, Angel Takudome, and Raku Makuda</p><p>

First Elimination was Tic via Knockout by Termination Boot</p><p>

Second Elimination was Terminator via roll up by Hisato</p><p>

Third was Angel Takudome via DQ for chair shotting both Kimura and Hisato</p><p>

Fourth was Kimura following an Assassination by Raku Makuda</p><p>

Fifth @ 14:18 was Hisato, following an Assassination.</p><p>

<strong>C-</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Segment 4</strong></p><p>

Hisato & Kimura are mercilessly destroyed by their 3 opponents <strong>D</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Segment 5</strong></p><p>

Legion def Saionji Omura by pinfall @ 11:44 after legion distracted the referee long enough for the Chaos Demons to double chokeslam Omura through a table. Omura and Legion have pretty good chemistry <strong>B-</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Segment 6</strong></p><p>

Legion and the Chaos Demons try to make an example out of Omura, triple-teaming him, Tiger runs out with a pair of brass knuckles on each hand. He knocks out both the Chaos Demons, and Legion retreats into the back.</p><p>

<strong>C-</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Total: <strong>C-</strong></p>

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