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The Avatar, or Learning to be Zen in the Cornellverse

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The Avatar


Learning to be Zen in the Cornellverse







{Kate walks into the restaurant's patio dining area, business satchel in hand}

{The maître d’ is with her, talks softly and points out to her a table with a man seated at it alone}

{Kate approaches the table}


{Kate} "Mister Bendis?"


{Mr. Bendis, standing with a smile} "Yes, hello. You must be Kate. Mizz...?"


{Kate, delighted} "Yes sir! Mizz it is. But you can just call me Kate."


{Mr. Bendis, with a smile} "Ah. Very good. Kate it is."


{The two shake hands}


{Kate, looking around} "Well. This is a very nice place!"


{Mr. Bendis, looking around appreciatively} "Yes, very nice. I'm glad I was able to get reservations. Last minute thing, you understand."


{Kate, happy} "It's perfect! And right on the beach!"


{Mr. Bendis, smiling and then looking at his watch} "Precisely. Now, I hope you will forgive me for not making this a formal luncheon, but the only round trip tickets I could get have my return flight in a little over an hour. I could have arranged to be here later in the week, and as a result longer. Except that we have our event Saturday, and here it is Wednesday already."


{Kate} "Not a problem, sir. You must have an awful lot to prepare for. And... I hope my outfit's alright. Last minute for me too, interview at a formal restaurant and all. I'd thought to go with black slacks and vest, but with this white blouse I thought it'd make me look too much like one of the waitresses."


{Mr. Bendis chuckles} "Your outfit is fine. You look splendid, and the dark brown sets off your hair very nicely."


{The two of them sit, Mr. Bendis helping Kate with her chair}


{Kate, blushing} "Thank you, sir."


{Mr. Bendis, with a polite smile} "Not at all. Let it be said that chivalry is, in point of fact, not dead."


{Mr. Bendis} "Now, then. I understand from what Mr. Bumfhole intimated that you are recently from University."


{Kate, digging papers out of her satchel} "Yes sir! I've got my resume right here. The top there is my school transcripts."


{Mr. Bendis, taking the papers in their small, neat folder} "Ah. Perfect. I hope you don't mind if I take a moment?"


{Kate, brightly} "Of course not!"


{Mr. Bendis goes through the papers, reading and taking his time about it. He is quite thorough}


{Mr. Bendis, finally} "Well. It seems you have quite the gifted background. Just as Zimmy told me. Your university grades are quite good, and...


{Mr. Bendis, looking for something through the papers} "...you seem to have a background in quite a few different types of jobs as well, from what I can see here."


{Kate} "Thanks! And yeah, I've had a lot of different jobs. Not that I did bad at any of them! I just like different experiences, and I'm pretty flexible in learning just about anything. So when I needed a job, I could go right out and get one, and do it very well besides!"


{Mr. Bendis, smiling} "Well, that will serve you in good stead. And this will certainly be a different experience for you, to be sure."


{Kate} "Of course it will be! But never having had a serious position like this before doesn't mean I'm not up for it! I'm very ready for this!"


{Mr. Bendis, leafing through the papers} "Yes, I gather that. Your... here it is. Your professor wrote quite the letter of recommendation, and I rather feel that he didn't do that lightly."


{Kate} "No, sir! He's the kind of professor that looks at not only how you do in his class, but how you are as a person, and your other classes too! He was one of my favorite teachers, actually."


{Mr. Bendis, leafing through the papers again} "Indeed. Now, while it seems you are well schooled in the financial department, that isn't the only thing I'm looking for. Mr. Bumfhole informs me that you also like to write."


{Kate} "Oh! My letters to Mom. Yeah, I do. Oh, but not just letters! I took my English Lit. classes very seriously, and in fact I enjoy writing. My English Professors were pretty pleased with me..."


{Kate reaches over and points to a section of her grades, which Mr. Bendis looks over, nodding approvingly}


{Mr. Bendis} "Yes indeed. Quite good. Your creative writing skills certainly appear up to our standards, it would seem."


{Kate, looking surprised} "Um... I'm not sure I follow..."


{Mr. Bendis, with a smile} "Surely you can understand that presentation is everything."


{Kate} "Oh! Right! Yeah, I can write, sure! Not just dull, dry stuff here! I can put together some nice stuff. Had a lot of practice, putting together a LOT of dissertations for classes!"


{Mr. Bendis, smiling} "Capital. Well, to be sure, we require quite a broad range of skills in the position I desire you for. And I notice here that you are rather well rounded in the athletic department. You even wrestled, I see."


{Kate, brightly despite having started to ask something} "Yeah! Didn't win any trophies, but I finished third in regionals! I've always been very athletic. Gymnastics and swim class in grade school; working out, volleyball, and soccer in high school; wrestling and on the swim team in college. Camping too, when I could find the time! I even learned to surf while I'm here! I'm SO not just about sitting at a desk!"


{Mr. Bendis chuckles} "Well then, I'm sure you'll feel right at home. I demand a certain amount of fitness in my workers. You understand."


{Kate} "Of course! Good health is especially important!"


{Mr. Bendis} "Precisely so."


{Kate, shaking off sudden hesitation} "Sir, I hope you don't mind, but with time so short for you, I was hoping we could discuss... "financials"..."


{Mr. Bendis, smiling} "Ah. Yes, I see. Straight and to the point. I rather like that. Well, to start, you'll be dealing with only five figures I'm afraid."


{Kate starts to comment, looking unsure how to say something, but Mr. Bendis cuts her off} "I know, we're small. Practically a start-up size-wise despite being three years old. And with only twenty-six workers including myself..."


{Kate, almost shyly} "Twenty-six isn't that small..."


{Mr. Bendis} "... from our point of view, fifty thousand dollars is a rather large sum of money."


{Kate, stunned} "Fifty th... Sir, that's... actually quite..."


{Mr. Bendis} "Ah. So you understand, and think that a large sum as well."


{Kate} "Well, not... really... large..."


{Mr. Bendis, turning very serious} "I trust you can be looked to, to be responsible with such a sum?"


{Kate} "Oh, you got NO worries there, sir! I have no intention of betraying anyone's trust, and I'm SO not about wasting any amount of money! In fact, that's down right generous of you! But, I mean, me just starting out as one of your "bookers"..."


{Mr. Bendis, cutting Kate off} "Ah, I think we have some misapprehension here, Mizz Kate. I don't desire you for just one of my bookers. That will be your job to find them, should you feel you need any. Now, some may call me daft in looking to someone as inexperienced as yourself in all of this, but it's that fresh outlook that I feel we need. What I am looking to you for is to be no less than our Head Booker."


{Kate, with a sudden huge, surprised grin} "Your Head B-WHOA!"

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Welcome to "The Avatar", or the place where Kate comes to make the same mistake of place I did...







The Avatar


Learning to be Zen in the Cornellverse














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