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SWF '97: Destroying the Runt

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Nah, trust me: In 1997 Force has the popularity to make to <em>anything </em>work to some degree. It's not all that hard for him to pull a B for the SWF at this time. I think if you look back on his matches so far in this diary it's sort of proven he can hang with the ME due to that Popularity, which he can retain due to his awesome charisma.
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="The Celt" data-cite="The Celt" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="27352" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Nah, trust me: In 1997 Force has the popularity to make to <em>anything </em>work to some degree. It's not all that hard for him to pull a B for the SWF at this time. I think if you look back on his matches so far in this diary it's sort of proven he can hang with the ME due to that Popularity, which he can retain due to his awesome charisma.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Maybe. But looking at the recent ratings, It makes more since for him to be semi-main as opposed to the main event.</p><p> </p><p> - Sonfaro</p>
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Maybe. But looking at the recent ratings, It makes more since for him to be semi-main as opposed to the main event.


- Sonfaro


You might be right. I'm certainly not a huge fan of his wrestling abilities, but my hope is to be writing this diary for quite a while, and with four TV shows and one PPV a month, I need to find main events for all of them without giving away the truly big time matches right away (and certainly not on free TV), since I definitely want to build to those. That's my thinking, anyway. I really appreciate you (and The Celt) reading. :)

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Last week, Richard Eisen announced that Tommy Cornell would have to live through hell next week on Supreme. Well, next week is here, and that means that Tommy Cornell must be apprehensive about what's in store for him as the superstars of the SWF come to you live from the Theatre of Dreams tonight.


In addition to Cornell "going through hell," Nemesis and Sam Keith will tag up against the Outbackers, No Way Jose will take on Bubbles the Clown, and Flare will go head to head against Cheatin' Mike Barstow. All that and more, tonight on Supreme!



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Fireworks explode and we pan around a sold out Theatre of Dreams.


MICHAELS: Hello fans and WELCOME to the Theatre of Dreams, where tonight Tommy Cornell will have to live through hell. We're live from the Theatre of Dreams, but tonight Cornell might face a living nightmare.


JILLEFSKI: That’s right, Michaels. Last week on this very program, Mr. Eisen told Tommy Cornell that he could either join him or stay aligned with Christian Faith. This week, he’s giving him a preview of what’s in store for him if he decides to stay with Faith, and next week he’ll get a preview of what will happen if he decides to go along with Mr. Eisen. I know which one I’d choose!


MICHAELS: I think we all know which one you’d choose, Danny.


JILLEFSKI: Am I that predictable?


Richard Eisen’s music hits and he struts out to the ring, pointing and smiling at a fan with an, “I’m With Mr. Eisen!” sign. He reaches the ring and grabs a microphone.



EISEN: What is hell? It can come in many forms. A piledriver onto a steel chair. A powerbomb through a table. Living in this city (the crowd is more than happy to provide the cheap boos). But we’re talking about a special kind of hell tonight. The kind of hell that a SWF superstar experiences when they cross Richard Eisen.


You see, I have the power to make the life of anyone who works for me a living hell, so most of the superstars on the roster are smart enough to stay on my good side. Some, however, are not. One example is Christian Faith. Another example, at least right now, is Tommy Cornell. But I’m a giving man. I’m going to give him a chance to change his ways by showing him exactly what the consequences of his actions are. So Tommy, why don’t you come out here and I’ll show you exactly what hell is?


Cornell’s music hits and he walks confidently out to the ring,


EISEN: Ah, Tommy, there you are. I’m sure you’re looking forward to next week when you get to experience a little slice of heaven, but that’s not why we’re here tonight. We’re here tonight to experience…hell.


CORNELL: So what do you have planned for me?


EISEN: I was just getting to that. Tonight, in this very ring, you will face…Rory McCallum.


CORNELL: I’ve asked to face the best competitors this company has to offer, so I’m game for that.


EISEN: Well, if you’re interested in facing the best competitors this company has to offer, you’ll love this. Because tonight, in this very ring, you’ll face…BRUCE THE GIANT!


MICHAELS: Wait, what? He just said he’d face Rory McCallum.


EISEN: I’m going to be generous, though. You won’t have to face them at the same time. You’ll face Bruce in our main event and you’ll face Rory…right now.


From behind Cornell, McCallum slides into the ring, hitting Cornell with a double axe handle to the back, dropping him to his knees. A referee runs up the ramp and rings the bell, signaling the match to start.


MICHAELS: Well, this must be McCallum’s secret secret secret, Danny.


JILLEFSKI: Isn’t that Mr. Eisen a genius?


Tommy Cornell vs. Rory McCallum


Cornell starts at a disadvantage since he was sneak attacked, and McCallum takes advantage of this fact by stomping Cornell while he’s on the ground. He picks Cornell up and hits a snap suplex on him,keeping him on the mat, followed by a headlock. Cornell eventually powers out of the headlock, getting to his feet and hitting McCallum with elbows to the chest, but McCallum rakes Cornell’s eyes and hits another snap suplex, following it with yet another headlock that he quickly turns into a choke hold, even though the referee can’t see it…


…McCallum hits a back drop suplex on Cornell for another two count. He’s obviously getting frustrated at not being able to put Cornell away. He goes to hit the referee, but the referee ducks out of the way and warns him. From behind, Cornell gives McCallum a low blow, sending him tumbling to the mat. He locks on a Guilt Trip and after nearly thirty seconds, McCallum taps. Cornell collapses to the mat in exhaustion and McCallum gets to his feet, still relatively fresh despite the loss due to the fact that he controlled almost the entire match after jumping Cornell early. He stomps on Cornell’s head, picks him up, and hits a piledriver on him, leaving him laying on the mat unconscious.


MICHAELS: Cornell might have won the match, but what a pounding he took.


JILLEFSKI: And he still has to face Bruce the Giant later tonight!


Winner, at 15:04 via submission, Tommy Cornell!




Backstage, Jerry Eisen stands with Sam Keith and Nemesis



EISEN: Gentlemen, tonight you team up to face The Outbackers in tag team action. What are your thoughts going into the match.


KEITH: All I can think of is how easy it’s gonna be, to be honest. You have the World Champ, me. The monster Nemesis. SWF Title reigns between us: number. Title reigns for The Outbackers: none.


NEMESIS: I’m more worried about not killing them than I am about winning the damn match. Good as that might feel, I don’t want a murder charge on my record.


EISEN: Speaking of serious injury, two weeks ago you attacked Jim Force for no apparent reason. Force has requested a match with you at Nothing to Lose. What do you have to say for yourself?


NEMESIS: I don’t have to justify myself to you or anybody else, Eisen. Jim Force got in my way, and when people get in my way, that go down. It’s that simple. If Jim Force wants a match, he’s got a goddamn match.


MICHAELS: Well there you have it, folks. Nemesis and Jim Force will go one on one at Nothing to Lose after the vicious attack of Force at the hands of Nemesis two short weeks ago.


JILLEFSKI: Force hit him!


MICHAELS: He did no such thing. He bumped into him in the hallway.


JILLEFSKI: I don’t know what show you were watching, Michaels.



Adonis vs. Rick Horn


Adonis more or less dominated this match, using an impressive array of power moves to keep Rick Horn hurting. The end came with a pin by Adonis after a Running Powerslam.

Winner, by pinfall at 6:44, Adonis!


Backstage, Jerry Eisen stands with Jim Force.


EISEN: Jim Force, earlier tonight Nemesis accepted your challenge for a match at Nothing to Lose. Do you have any comments about that?


FORCE: Comments, Jerry Eisen? Yes, I have comments. Two weeks ago Nemesis made a very big mistake. I accidentally bumped into him in the hallway and he chose to attack me all because he was upset about losing his little gold belt. Well, I lost a chance at a championship, too, and you didn’t see me running around attacking people because of it.


Something tells me that Nemesis valued that little gold belt a bit too much. Perhaps it compensated for something else. I don’t mean to judge, Jerry Eisen, but when the end result is me getting sneak attacked, what else can I do? Come Nothing to Lose, Nemesis will indeed have something to lose, because he will FEEL THE FORCE! AOWWWWW!


In a solid match with a below average crowd, Flare beat Cheatin’ Mike Barstow at 7:32 with a Solar Flare. Near the end of the match Barstow went for a low blow, but Flare leapfrogged over him, rolling him into a pinning combination for two. He followed that with the Solar Flare that gave him the win.


Winner, by pinfall in 7:32, Flare!




Backstage, Jerry Eisen stands with No Way Jose


EISEN: No Way Jose, last week Sid Streets challenged you to an escape cage match at Nothing to Lose after you blatantly grabbed his tights at When Hell Freezes Over. Will you accept his challenge?


JOSE: Blatantly? What’s blatant, mang? I didn’t do nothin’. I didn’t grab no tights, mang.


EISEN: Sir, the video tapes clearly show that you had a handful…


JOSE: But the referee didn’t call it, mang, so it didn’t happen. Even if it did, he had it coming to him after he ROBBED me of the North American Title.


EISEN: …which you stole from Nemesis’s dressing room…


JOSE: You know what? I don’t like your tone, holmes. I’m going to accept the match request of “Sid the Kid,” but not because he asked for it. I’m accepting it because I want to show ‘im that I can beat ‘im regardless of the circumstances, holmes. I’ve beat ‘im once, and I’ll beat ‘im again, and then I’ll go on and get another belt.


EISEN: Don’t you mean win another belt?

Jose shrugs, then walks away.


MICHAELS: Yet another match confirmed for Nothing to Lose, Danny.


JILLEFSKI: And that one should be interesting, in the confines of a steel cage.


MICHAELS: And lucky us, we get to see No Way Jose in action here tonight in just a moment.


JILLEFSKI: We are lucky, Michaels. Jose’s a great competitor. Have you ever beaten Sid Streets?


MICHAELS: I can’t say that I have, Danny.


Jose more or less dominates this match, beating Bubbles all over the ring. He finishes it at 7:16 with a Stand and Deliver.


Winner, by pinfall at 7:16, No Way Jose!


Backstage, Tommy Cornell is obviously still recovering from the injuries sustained in the match against Rory McCallum. He still is in obvious pain as Christian Faith looks on.


<a href="

http://s1005.photobucket.com/albums/af175/Ruthian23/?action=view&current=SamKeith.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1005.photobucket.com/albums/af175/Ruthian23/SamKeith.jpg" border="0" alt="Sam Keith"></a> <a href="http://s1005.photobucket.com/albums/af175/Ruthian23/?action=view&current=Nemisis.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1005.photobucket.com/albums/af175/Ruthian23/Nemisis.jpg" border="0" alt="Nemesis"></a> <a href="http://s1005.photobucket.com/albums/af175/Ruthian23/?action=view&current=OutbackerHarris.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1005.photobucket.com/albums/af175/Ruthian23/OutbackerHarris.jpg" border="0" alt="Outbacker Harris"></a> <a href="http://s1005.photobucket.com/albums/af175/Ruthian23/?action=view&current=OutbackerRolf.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1005.photobucket.com/albums/af175/Ruthian23/OutbackerRolf.jpg" border="0" alt="Outbacker Rolf"></a>


Nemesis and Sam Keith vs. The Outbackers


What do you think happened here?


Winners, by pinfall at 9:52, Nemesis and Sam Keith!


Backstage, Christian Faith approaches Richard Eisen.


FAITH: You have to call off the main event. That kid is in no condition to compete.


EISEN: I don’t care if he has a broken leg. He will compete out there tonight. He needs to see what exactly it is that you experience on a weekly basis.


FAITH: Why can’t you just leave it between me and you, Eisen?


EISEN: Because it’s NOT between me and you. It’s between me and the whole company. You are a direct threat to my authority, Faith, and that makes you my enemy. It also makes anyone who is your FRIEND my enemy. The more friends you have, the more powerful you become, and I just won’t let you get too powerful. I’ve worked too damn hard to get to where I am today. So he’ll fight Bruce the Giant tonight, and the more pain he sustains the better, because if he sticks with you, the pain will definitely be far worse.


Faith grits his teeth, balling his fist


EISEN: And don’t you get any ideas. You lay one finger on me, and I mean one finger, and you are GONE. FINISHED. The only reason I don’t fire you is because I’d owe you a great deal of money, but if you hit me I can terminate you for cause and owe you nothing. So actually, go right ahead and hit me. HIT ME, DAMMIT!


Faith appears tempted, but he eventually walks away.


EISEN: That’s right. Walk away. Get out of my sight.



Bruce the Giant vs. Tommy Cornell


Cornell is obviously still hurting as he walks down to the ring. Bruce looks fresh and ready to go. The two men lock up and Bruce throws Cornell to the ground with ease, then saunters toward him as he gets back to his feet. Cornell hits Bruce with punches but they seem to have no impact. It’s obvious that Cornell is already exhausted and the match isn’t even a minute old.


Bruce grabs Cornell by the hair and throws him down to the mat again, walking across his body, putting his full weight on the sternum of Cornell…

Bruce the Giant hits a clothesline, knocking Cornell down yet again. He helps him up and whips him into the ropes, but Cornell ducks another clothesline and goes flying into the big man, making him wobble on his feet. He runs into another rope and does the same thing, causing him to wobble further. He tries it a third time, this time knocking the big man down and locks on a Guilt Trip.


The Giant doesn’t give up, though, as he inches toward the ropes. Cornell holds on, really wrenching the move in, but the Giant reaches the ropes seconds before he would have been forced to give up due to the pain.


Cornell doesn’t break the hold until the count of three.


Cornell heads for the top rope, going for a high impact maneuver. He flies off the top rope, but the Giant sits up as he comes down and catches his throat in his hand. He stands up, delivers a Giant Choke Slam, and covers. 1…2...3!


Winner, by pinfall at 11:07, Bruce the Giant!


MICHAELS: Well, Cornell definitely had the deck stacked against him there.


JILLEFSKI: Well, he was supposed to experience hell here tonight, Michaels, and in my humble opinion he most certainly did.


MICHAELS: But what will next week bring? He’s supposed to experience heaven next week, or at least what Mr. Eisen says it’ll be like if Cornell stops associating with Christian Faith and joins him.


JILLEFSKI: I hope for Cornell’s sake that he makes the right choice.


MICHAELS: Well, that’s all we have for you tonight, folks. We’ll see you next week for the last Supreme TV before Nothing to Lose!


(The final shot is of Cornell laid out on the mat, unconscious, as we fade to black.)


Quick Results


Richard Eisen explains Hell Night to Tommy Cornell (80)


Tommy Cornell d. Rory McCallum (82)


Sam Keith and Nemesis Promo (82)


Adonis d. Rick Horn (53)


Jim Force Promo (81)


Flare d. Cheatin’ Mike Barstow (62)


No Way Jose Promo (75)


No Way Jose d. Bubbles the Clown (63)


Nemesis and Sam Keith d. The Outbackers (76)


Christian Faith appeals to Eisen, but his appeal falls on deaf ears (92)


Bruce the Giant d. Tommy Cornell (61)


Overall Show: 68 Rating: 3.02


(Ouch. Unfortunately Bruce and Tommy had no chemistry whatsoever. I'll have to keep that in mind for the future. ;))

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Got caught up with this today. You're off to a very good start. I've never gotten into the '97 mod, so there is a lot that's new to me. I really like your mix of comedy segments and serious stuff. It comes across quite well, and is one of the best representations of Sports Entertainment I've seen in a while.



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