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When is Supreme Not Enough?

by Mark Callaway


The Supreme Wrestling Federation has made a habit out of surprising its fans and watchers, and today was another example of how the biggest company in the business can still pull off a shock.


In an otherwise routine press release issued by the New England behemoth, it was announced that the SWF would be financing the launch of five small companies, including the apparent return of long-time fan favourites SCCW and PPPW.


Initial details were scarce, but when this reporter placed a call to the SWF press office my questions were met quickly and with informative answers. Hardly the first time that the SWF have played games with the wrestling press, of course.


The SWF so far have remained candid on a few details of these companies – head bookers, for one thing, and expected rosters for another. More details are expected in the coming weeks ahead of the first shows in early November. In the meantime, initial details are as follows:



Key – Traditional

Heavy – None

Medium – Mainstream, Realism

Relaunching Shane Sneer’s old company in Florida, the SWF is clearly aiming to attract some of the old-school fans who helped the company thrive for several years in its first incarnation. Expected to focus on brawlers and technicians, the return of SCCW will undoubtedly attract a lot of interest among knowledgeable wrestling fans...



Key – Traditional

Heavy – Manstream

...as will the relaunch of PPPW. Famed for being the proving ground of a slew of today’s stars – among them Troy Tornado, Angry Gilmore and of course Tommy Cornell – PPPW’s failure was the shock of the East Coast Wars. However, as popular as the company was, it was also one of the least sensibly run, financially. With the money of the SWF behind it, and Richard Eisen’s legendarily death-grip on the purse strings, that’s unlikely to be a problem this time around.

Anyone know where Horatio Dangerous is, by the way? The guy might actually be in line for a title shot again, given how nostalgia’s back in fashion again.



Key – Traditional

Heavy – Realism

At first it seemed like we had a third re-launch on our hands, but no. CPW is a federation with a long history, if you try and count each CPW as part of a continuous whole. By any count there have been at least five companies using that name since the 1950s alone, and while the company headed up by Crippler Ray Kingman and Whipper Spencer Marks is the most famous, it has no more claim to the name than any other version. We’re told that this company is going to be the most heavily focused of the five on in-ring performance, emphasising absolute ability above all else.


It’s too easy to say anything about that. Let’s move on.



Key – Traditional, Modern

Heavy – Mainstream, Realism


Hailing from my stomping grounds in Texas, TRW seems like it’s trying to cater to everyone. SWF say this will be where the best of the young guys come to get the final polish put to them. Given that the company seems geared to what Texans like – big hits, blood, trash talk – in a wrestling company, it should do well. I’ll be interested to see how the supposed ‘modern’ side comes out. Athleticism, fine. Cruiserweights flipping and flopping all over the place? They like things big in Texas...




Key – Traditional, Modern

Heavy – None

Medium – Realism, Lucha


Blood, athleticism, hints of lucha libre... It seems like the SWF have been taking notes from Phil Vibert’s book. IW is the smallest of the feds, but that doesn’t mean it can’t deliver, and with a few seasoned performers on its books, we could be looking at the first company since the days of DaVE to actually try and offer its fans a little of everything, often all in the same match. If it can work, as it so often did in Philadelphia, this writer will be watching.


Of course, the first show could just be a stinker of a rip-off, all designed to give Richard Eisen something to laugh about as he ducks into a lower tax bracket...


We’ll have to wait and see. If nothing else, five new companies will mean more wrestlers getting more matches, and it means more choice for the fans as well. There isn’t now a region in the States without a professional company active somewhere in it. Hopefully these new feds will stick around, instead of following their predecessors – in name or spirit - to the grave.


Until next time,





SWF Supreme TV

Rich Money vs. Brett Biggz

Christian Faith © vs. Bart Biggz – SWF World title

Jack Bruce and Robbie Retro vs. Troy Tornado and Spencer Spade

The Amazing Bumfholes © vs. The Colony – SWF World Tag Team titles

Grace Harper vs. Joanne Rodriguez vs. Suzanne Brazzle

Aaron Andrews and Valiant vs. Vengeance’ Acolytes

Chris Morrisette vs. Remo

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Rich Money vs. Brett Biggz

Christian Faith © vs. Bart Biggz – SWF World title

Jack Bruce and Robbie Retro vs. Troy Tornado and Spencer Spade

The Amazing Bumfholes © vs. The Colony – SWF World Tag Team titles

Grace Harper vs. Joanne Rodriguez vs. Suzanne Brazzle

Aaron Andrews and Valiant vs. Vengeance’ Acolytes

Chris Morrisette vs. Remo

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Rich Money vs. Brett Biggz

Christian Faith © vs. Bart Biggz – SWF World title

Jack Bruce and Robbie Retro vs. Troy Tornado and Spencer Spade

The Amazing Bumfholes © vs. The Colony – SWF World Tag Team titles

Grace Harper vs. Joanne Rodriguez vs. Suzanne Brazzle

Aaron Andrews and Valiant vs. Vengeance’ Acolytes

Chris Morrisette vs. Remo

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SWF Supreme TV

Rich Money vs. Brett Biggz

Christian Faith © vs. Bart Biggz – SWF World title

Jack Bruce and Robbie Retro vs. Troy Tornado and Spencer Spade

The Amazing Bumfholes © vs. The Colony – SWF World Tag Team titles

Grace Harper vs. Joanne Rodriguez vs. Suzanne Brazzle

Aaron Andrews and Valiant vs. Vengeance’ Acolytes

Chris Morrisette vs. Remo

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Supreme Wrestling Federation presents: Supreme TV

Tuesday, 2nd October 2010

“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to Supreme TV. Mr Tyler doesn’t want any time wasted tonight, so let’s get down to the ring for our opening match!”




Aaron Andrews and Valiant vs. Vengeance’ Acolytes


The fans wanted to see the Acolytes taking a beating in this match, after their ambush of their opponents last week. Andrews and Valiant were eager to oblige, dishing out a beating in the early going until the underhanded tactics of Greed and DuBois gave them the edge – temporarily. When DuBois was caught going for his lighter, though, the referee disqualified him immediately. DuBois looked like he was about to argue, but instead launched his fireball anyway, trying to catch Valiant unawares. Fortunately for the popular Canadian, he was able to avoid the attack and DuBois and Greed quickly left the ring rather than risk his and Andrews’ outrage.


“DuBois and Greed just don’t care about the right way of doing things...”


Winners: Andrews and Valiant (B)




Backstage, and Sara Silver ran up to Spencer Spade,


“Excuse me, Spencer, all day people have been asking about your match tonight. Are you joining Succession?”


Spade looked at her in surprise.


“Am I joining Succession? Am I joining one of the most dominant groups that this company has ever seen? Am I aligning myself with some of the baddest, most talented wrestlers ever to set foot in the SWF?”


He smirked.


“Not tonight. No, Mr Tyler made tonight’s match. If the Succession want to see it as an audition, well, I’m open to any offer that could help me towards my inevitable domination of this company.


“But somehow I think that the Succession want that for themselves. One day, that might cause problems. In the meantime, though, teaming with Troy Tornado just makes the Supreme Star shine that little bit brighter.”




Jack Bruce was backstage, strumming idly on an acoustic guitar.


“When I find myself in times of trouble-“


Before he could go any further, Rocky Golden, Jay Chord and Darryl Devine swarmed the scene, sending Bruce crashing to the ground before putting the boots to him in swift and devastating fashion, before pitching him hard into a row of lockers that buckled under the impact. Golden picked up the fallen guitar, scraping his hair back from his eyes as Chord and Devine grabbed Bruce’s arms and hauled him upright. The Long Island Angel struggled weakly as Chord and Devine held him in place, Golden measuring him for size as he toted the guitar.


“Nothing personal, Jack...”


He swung, the guitar arcing through the air before shattering on Bruce’s skull, knocking him senseless as shards of guitar pinwheeled out of shot.


“...but we just don’t like you.”


Chord and Devine let Bruce drop to the ground. Devine looked down at their victim.


“Actually, that did seem kind of personal.”


Golden shrugged.


“Who cares? We’re making this place better.”




Grace Harper vs. Joanne Rodriguez vs. Suzanne Brazzle
to determine the number one contender to the
SWF Vixxens title


“We can expect some thrilling and innovative moves here.”


The three women showed no fondness for one another, despite their common rival. Rodriguez bore the brunt of the initial offence as she found herself unable to keep up with her more experienced rivals. The fans even booed a little as the likable younger woman found her rallies cut short by one or other of her foes. However, as Harper and Brazzle focused more on one another, the Under Control vote winner was able to get her licks in as well, hitting and fading as her greater speed allowed her to stay out of reach of her technically superior opponents.


“And this could very well come down to solely who wants it more.”


The three women made for an even trio, but it was the guileful Harper who opened up a lead, surprising Brazzle with a tiger feint kick that left the veteran down, before snaring J-Ro in a Fisherman’s Suplex to take the win.


“And Grace Harper earns the sh- Oh!”


Winner: Grace Harper (C-)




Barely had Harper’s arm been raised in victory than Lauren Easter was in the ring. She planted her elbow in the back of Harper’s head, sending her challenger sprawling to the mat. As Harper reeled, Easter landed a baseball slide that sent her sliding out of the ring to a hard, face-first landing on the ringside floor.


Easter would have pursued the matter, but Rodriguez and Brazzle made a grab for the Vixxens champion. Easter was able to shrug them off, making her escape from the ring after grabbing the Vixxens title en route, holding the title belt aloft as she disappeared back into the crowd while Brazzle and Rodriguez checked on Harper.


“Lauren Easter just seems to be one step ahead of her challengers so far.”


have Eric Eisen advising her – not to mention her own talents, which are damned impressive in their own right.”




The Amazing Bumfholes © vs. The Colony
for the
SWF World Tag Team titles


“This is the Bumfholes’ third defence in as many weeks. They’re serious about making themselves respected champions.”


“Big Time would have done the same – they never had the chance!”


As with the previous weeks’ matches, this was a clean and thrilling affair. The masked challengers showed smooth tag moves that even surpassed the experienced brother duo, and at one point Randy was in serious trouble. Trapped in the Colony corner, he was being dominated by the challengers’ quick tags. Drawing on his greater experience, though, he was able to take advantage of an error in positioning on Green’s part and a last, desperate lunge for the tag allowed Zimmy to clean house. With the sides evened somewhat by Zimmy’s freshness, the match became more back and forth, and the crowd cheered both sides almost indiscriminately – although the good-looking champions definitely had the edge. Their supporters would shortly come to roar their approval, with Randy tagging back in to catch Red with the Bumfhole Buster for the win.


“The Bumfholes retain – and show their respect for their opponents with a handshake too. The Bumfholes are class acts.”


Winners: The Amazing Bumfholes (B)




As the Colony left, the Bumfholes stayed in the ring to celebrate their win by playing to the crowd, who lapped up the duo’s antics.


“I’ve always said that the Bumfholes have a special connection to our fans. It’s not so very long ago that they were right there among them.”


“Touching, very touching.”


“Oh, great.”


Big Time had appeared at the top of the ramp. Their trademarked look had undergone something of a change. The multi-coloured hair remained, but the jeans and sweaters were gone, replaced with charcoal suits.


“Oh yes, our clothing reflects our greatness.”


In the ring, Randy looked amused. Zimmy was still waving to the fans.


Big Time marched down the ramp and climbed into the ring.


“You’ve done screwing around. Mr Tyler’s signed the contract. Next week, on pay-per-view, we take our titles back.”


The Biggz brothers turned to leave, and then as one turned back.


“One other thing about the suits... Great storage.”


Bart reached into his jacket and drew out a short length of metal pipe. Brett pulled back one cuff to reveal a short crowbar up his sleeve.


“Oh no!”


“Just to make sure you’re in losing shape next week...”


They advanced slowly on Randy and the still-oblivious Zimmy, clear delight on their faces as they anticipated taking out their rivals. Randy backed away, looking from one to the other as he reached behind him to try and find his brother, who wasn’t responding to the shrill urgency of the crowd’s reaction.


“Look, up on the stage! Thank God!”


Harry Allen and Ford Gumble had appeared at the top of the ramp, and wasted no time in hurrying as best they could towards the ring. However, it was apparent that they were still suffering the effects of the beatdown they had suffered at Big Time’s hands a couple of weeks back. Before they could reach the ring, Brett had lunged at Randy, only for Zimmy to step casually around his brother and catch the crowbar, yanking it smoothly out of Brett’s hands and tossing it out of the ring. Without even the slightest suggestion that he realised the danger he was in, Zimmy turned and resumed playing to his fans as Randy dodged a blow from Bart.


The delay was enough, however, to allow CCX to hit the ring, and if Gumble and Allen were slow, they were armed for bear as Allen toted a baseball bat and Gumble was carrying a kendo stick with him.


“It’s three on two against Big Time – four if you can count the unpredictable Zimmy.”


Brett sized up the odds arrayed against him and his brother, before backing away, hands spread before him in a show of submission. However Bart showed no compunction in reaching over his brother’s shoulder and pitching his length of lead pipe at Randy, catching him a glancing blow on the side of the head and knocking him to the mat.


“Damn it!”


“Hey, it was a good shot. Randy could’ve ducked – his head might have damaged Bart’s lead pipe!”


Big Time beat a hasty retreat as CCX lunged at them, Brett narrowly avoiding a kendo strike from Gumble as he scrambled through the ropes. The brothers backed up the ramp, eyes alight with glee as a groggy Randy was tended to by his brother and their friends.


“And what sort of shape is Randy Bumfhole going to be in come the title match next Thursday night?”




Christian Faith was roaming the backstage area, stopping people and asking if they’d seen Jack Giedroyc. At last, one spooked-looking staffer pointed Faith in the direction of the boiler room.


“The boiler room? Jack, what are you doing down there...?”


The camera followed Faith down a set of rickety steps, stopping behind him as he paused to take in the sight of a flaming torch set in a bracket in the wall.




With a sigh, he unhooked the torch from the bracket and headed deeper into the boiler room, the only illumination coming from the guttering flame.


At last, he stopped once again. The camera peered over his shoulder, revealing Giedroyc knelt in the centre of the bare floor. The Englishman’s hands were clasped before him, his eyes closed, his mouth moving in silence.




Giedroyc looked up, his eyes taking a moment to focus in the torchlight.


“You know, all this isn’t necessary.”


“I know. But I wanted to experience


“This isn’t what Vengeance is talking about.”


“I know that, as well. I won’t give in to him, Christian. The temptation is there, for if I give in and strike him down...”


Giedroyc shook his head.


“But that way lies madness, and though I believe I am here to do His work, it is
work and not my own. Vengeance is here, he is a problem that must be solved, not an animal to be slaughtered. I have been working hard, my friend. I spent the weekend grappling with crosswords and sudokus to try and hone my mind. I want to understand how I am to overcome him. I have studied the proofs of Fermat’s last theorem, and I am sure that Greed squared plus DuBois squared
equal Vengeance squared...”


He stopped, and pinched his nose.


“Sorry, where was I?”


“Are you okay?”


“Yes, I... I haven’t done that in a while. Not since, well, not since Philly.”




“Yes. I understand what I have to do. I know what He wants. Christian, all this time-“


He jumped to his feet, and grabbed the Supreme legend by the arms, his voice cracking with excitement.


“-all this time I’ve been trying to do things the way they’re done here in the SWF. I’ve beaten Vengeance bloody before now, but I stopped because I’d
won the match
. Christian, the match is not the fight, my friend. The fight never ends, so I must be ever vigilant, ever ready to bring His wrath down upon the heads of the miscreants who continue to attack our friends, leave hotel bills unpaid and always, always, always neglect to flush!”


Giedroyc was shaking now, lost in the fervour of the moment.


“I will take this.”


He took the flaming torch from Faith’s hand.


“I have some darkness to light.”


He strode off, leaving Faith looking after him in bewilderment.


“That... didn’t sound good...”




Chris Morrisette vs. Remo


In a bout that featured great action and a roaring crowd, Remo was throwing hard punches and brutal clotheslines from the bell. Chris Morrisette countered with some jarring elbow smashes, trying to wear the Alpha Male down so he could take the battle to the mat. He had some success, and showed no intimidation in spite of Remo’s incredible strength. Furthermore, where Remo’s speed has surprised many opponents, Morrisette displayed his savvy in using it against the bigger man – turning his own momentum against him on several occasions, including sending him into the turnbuckles twice.


Remo was clearly hurting, and it seemed that Morrisette might be on the verge of handing him a rare defeat, but almost from nowhere Remo snatched him up in the Destroyer, and that was enough to take home the win.


“Just like that, the match is over – but Remo knows he was in a fight.”


“Morrisette wants to face the best. Well, tonight he did just that, and damn near scored a huge upset.”


“You won’t get action like that from the old folks’ home down south.”


Winner: Remo (B)




Eric Eisen was walking backstage when his phone blared out the opening bars of his entrance music.




He frowned.


“Who is this? Giedroyc, if that’s-“


He stopped short, his face flushed red.


“Listen, Limey-“


He scowled.


“Do you have
idea who you’re-


He pulled the phone away from his ear, looking at it in disbelief, before listening again.


“What the hell do you mean, rough justice? I-“


This time he yanked the phone away from his ear. Holding it in front of him, he pointed a threatening finger at it.


“Yeah? Well, the same to you and your mom! If I get my hands on you, punk, I’ll pull your lungs out through your ears!”


He snapped his phone shut, before storming off.


“Jerry, did I just see you playing with your phone?”


“Not me... Well, I was checking my Twitter feed.”


“During the show?”


“I lose interest when Eric’s on-screen. I see enough of him off-screen.”


“Well, if not Jerry, who


“’Rough justice’... Hmm...”




Jack Bruce and Robbie Retro vs.
Tornado and Spencer Spade


With Bruce wounded, Tornado and Spade did everything they could to keep him in the ring. The rocker and the rookie didn’t need to have any great experience to keep Bruce in their corner – he was just too badly hurt even as the match began to put up enough resistance to their tactics. Retro did his best, but his own lack of experience in tag matches saw the referee constantly having to turn his attention to the disco king – which gave Tornado and Spade ample opportunity to double-team Bruce.


It was clear that Tornado was taking special delight in working over his arch-rival, stamping on Bruce’s head and face repeatedly as Bruce became less and less able to defend himself. The camera mics picked up Tornado’s taunts as he apparently tried to disfigure Bruce: “You think the girls will want you now, Jack, huh?”


At last, Retro had had enough. Exploding into the ring, he sent the referee flying as he came to the aid of his barely conscious partner. With fists flying, he sent Spade into temporary retreat and dragged an oblivious Tornado away from Bruce. Seeing Bruce down and out, Retro abandoned pursuit of their opponents to tend to his partner, and Tornado and Spade seemed happy enough to leave, the damage done.


“Bruce looks out of it. We need a medic out here, and fast.”


Winners: No-one (B+)




Mr Tyler was pacing in his office backstage when Angry Gilmore walked in.


“You wanted to see me, sir?”


Tyler continued pacing, waving his hand at a clipboard on the desk.


“There. Your match contract for the North American title rematch against Greg Black. Sign it – if you think it’s the right thing to do.”


Gilmore looked at him blankly.


“Why wouldn’t I?”


Tyler stopped, turned, and strode over to Gilmore, stopping with just enough room to stick a finger in his face.


“You tell me, Gilmore. You’re the one who’s all about competition and proving yourself.”


“Greg beat me, fair and square. Now I want to show I can do the same to him.”


“And what if you can’t? What if you don’t beat him – is that it? You spend the rest of your life chasing the North American title? You’ve a three-time champion, Tom. Isn’t it time to move on?”


“To what?”




Tyler looked as though he was on the verge of lashing out at Gilmore, who looked genuinely bewildered.


“To the World title!”


Gilmore looked momentarily surprised, then shook his head.


“Mr Tyler... I’m not ready. I mean, yeah, I’d love to be World champion, of course I would... but it takes years-“


Tyler held up a finger again.


“When I came here, Gilmore, I told people to come to me and make things happen. Greg Black made it happen – he wanted the match against you, and it worked out for him. Big Time are making things happen. The Succession are making things happen. Spencer Spade is making things happen. You aren’t! People stop me in the street and ask me who I think is the greatest, Money or Faith, and I have to stop myself from breaking their nose for missing what’s right under it – you! But why should they, when you don’t!


“Gilmore, I slaved for twenty years, bleeding and cursing every step of the way to be the best I could, and I was good, but I couldn’t get to the very top. I got a long way on a little talent and a God-damned cussed refusal to quit. When someone beat me over hthe head with a chair, I spat in their face and told ‘em to try harder. When someone kicked me in the balls I laughed, and told ‘em to come back when they meant it. When someone wrapped me in barbed wire and set me on fire...


“Well, that ---- hurt, but it
didn’t stop me
! Now you listen to me, Gilmore, because I ain’t the kind of guy who plays favourites, but it pisses me off to see someone with talent like you have just sit back and let everyone else have a go first. You want the World title? Make it happen, because it’s sure as hell not going to just get handed to you.”




Gilmore looked too stunned to say anything. Tyler stepped back from him, and picked up the clipboard.


“Here. The match is booked and advertised. You need to take part in it, or Mr Eisen will come down hard on me, and whatever lands on me, I’ll make sure lands doubly hard on you. But win or lose, think about what I’ve said. You handed Brandon Smith his ass at Supreme Challenge, and that warmed by black and twisted soul, at least a little bit. That’s why I’m saying this. I won’t say it again, but it’s true. You’re good enough to do it. Just get your fri---ng head in gear.”




Rich Money vs. Brett Biggz


Biggz seemed torn between making the most of his big chance to take down Rich Money, and keeping a way eye out for a vengeful ambush on the part of CCX – or any of Big Time’s other recent victims. That cost him hard, as Money took control from the bell. Free of distractions, the former World champion exhibited absolute focus as he controlled almost the whole of the match. Biggz almost seemed lost, and at one point automatically looked to the corner of the ring for help from his brother – but Bart wasn’t there. That last moment of distraction was enough to let Money land Dollars from Heaven to take the win, and keep the heat on Christian Faith.


“Brett Biggz is by no means a bad wrestler, and in a tag match with his brother I’d back him to give Money a much tougher match... But Money is in his element right now. Can
keep up? For my money, Rich Money is the greatest wrestler alive!”


Winner: Rich Money (B)




After the bell, Money picked up a mic.


“Money. It’s in my name, it’s a promise, a warning, it’s what I am.


“Forget the expensive suits. Forget the fast cars. Forget the seasonal residences. They’re irrelevant – leave that to Eric Eisen, who thinks that being born into money makes you money automatically.


“I’m money because I don’t settle for second best. I don’t have any compunction about doing what’s necessary. I
take back my title from Christian Faith, no matter what it takes. If I have to retire Faith, I will. If I have to break his arm, I will. If I have to throw him off the top of the Supremescreen, I will.”


As the crowd jeered and booed, Money turned to look at the Supremescreen, towering over the top of the entrance ramp.


“Twice, if I have to.


do it, without a second’s thought, without a moment of regret. It’s what makes me, alone among everyone in this company, Money.


“No limits, no mercy, no remorse.






Christian Faith © vs. Bart Biggz
for the
SWF World title


“And we have a rare treat here, Rich Money is joining us on commentary. It’s a pleasure, Rich.”


“I’m sure it would be. Give me your headset, Jerry.”


Money evicted Jerry from the announcers’ booth and took his seat, watching intently as Faith and Biggz made their entrance. He eyeballed the World champion without saying anything, not allowing Ana to draw him out on any plans he might have for the rematch with Faith.


When the match began, Bart showed himself to be the more ruthless member of Big Time, at least for tonight. He didn’t wait for the bell to begin this match, ambushing Faith as he rose from his traditional prayer in the corner. The fans could scarcely have made their disgust any more clear, nor could Bart have shown any clearer that he didn’t care for their opinion as he continued to hammer on the World champion. With the biggest title in the world on the line, Bart showed no remorse in continuing his assault on the champion, and his great speed advantage was put to use as he focused on Faith’s legs, striking fast with chopblocks, hard kicks to the knees, and even low dropkicks.


“Biggz is doing well. I might use the same strategy, if I was his size.”


But although the strategy was proving effective in reducing Faith’s mobility and taking away his ability to strike at range, Faith is nothing if not enduring. Taking the worst that Biggz had to offer, Faith grit his teeth and began to fight back, capitalising on Biggz’ growing alarm as Faith kept kicking out of pin attempts. Had Biggz held his nerve, he might still have come out on top but his growing panic meant that he all but ran himself into a series of clotheslines, and while the Leap of Faith that followed was more of a Lunge, Faith still crushed Biggz against the turnbuckles, making enough of an impact to put the younger man down for the win.


“I was quicker, better, and fresh enough to call this match. Ask Faith how he’s feeling right now.”


In the ring, Faith had sunk to one knee, the World title clutched to his chest as he stared at Money.


“He’s great, maybe the best of all time... But now I’m better.”


Winner: Christian Faith (A)


Overall: B+


Next: State of the diary update...

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So, diary update time.


I started this diary last WrestleMania weekend, and here we are 52 (well, 53 I guess) weeks later. As I type this, America the Beautiful is about to get sung and I'm happy that the show is recording for me to watch tomorrow.




This diary is going to end after the next PPV.


The story, however, will continue.


Simply put, we're 10.5 game months into the diary, and in a lot of ways I feel I'm only just getting started. To get caught up, though, you've got to get through some 38 pages to this point. I'm also not entirely happy with the way the diary has panned out, so I'm looking at ways of making it more readable, more accessible and so on. Suggestions on this topic would be welcome.


Now, as some of you know my family and I are in the process of moving home. I figure in a month or so we should be settled in, 'net access sorted and so on. At that point I'll start a new topic and do a catch-up post (or series of posts, including a roster review as I know they always go down well...).


Before this part of the diary comes to an end, though, I want to head on through to Let The Games Begin. I hope to have that simmed out by tomorrow (although obviously I have to watch 'Mania first). There's a pretty big debut taking place on the show, and in general I think it's a good place to put a section break.


So, to recap, there'll be a few more shows, we're going to take a short hiatus while I gather my wits and try and figure out a way of moving my CD collection without them getting out of order, and then we'll be back.


Now go read the show ^^^

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Guest codey

I can handle a month or two off. And I gotta say, I'm pretty glad you're bringing in Eddie Cornell(I hope, that is...Even if he's just gonna be a jobber...). Also, the incoming of The Wrath of God is eagerly anticipated.


As far as more accessible, maybe add some graphics here and there. Not too much. Maybe just use them for PPV matches. It would certainly give them a bigger feel, I think. God only knows how much of a pain it is to format every single show with them...

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As far as more accessible, maybe add some graphics here and there. Not too much. Maybe just use them for PPV matches. It would certainly give them a bigger feel, I think. God only knows how much of a pain it is to format every single show with them...


The formatting largely seems to take care of itself. I'll experiment with it for the next couple of shows and see how we do, and if it takes then I'll probably keep using it for the new diary. Thanks!






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Supreme Wrestling Federation presents: Uprising

Wednesday, 3rd October 2010


  • In mixed trios action, Northern Exposure and Suzanne Brazzle overcame the Samoan Swat Machines and Joanne Rodriguez when Bali tapped to Maverick’s Deadly Silence (C-)

  • In a thrilling triangle tag match, Wall of Muscle took down the California Fly Boys and the Huntingdon Estate to score the third point they needed for a tag title shot in the future (B-, 3pts)

  • In a match that could be a future pay-per-view main event, young stars Adam Matravers and Spencer Spade clashed with Spade scoring the win with a Supreme Stunner (D+)

  • The Amazing Bumfholes, CCX, the Fly Boys and the Colony all took turns informing the crowd of the justice that Big Time had coming for them – well, Green and Red just nodded their agreement, but they did so emphatically.

  • The Colony then took on Darryl Devine and Jay Chord, with Devine cheating to take Red down for the win (B-, 1pt)

  • Gregory Black and Aaron Andrews then joined forces to take down Steven Parker and William Hayes, Black pinning Hayes after landing a Fade to Black (C+)

  • Mr Tyler then ordered Kurt Laramee to take on Brett Biggz, saying he wanted to know just what Big Time were capable of.

  • Laramee would test Brett to the limit in a wild brawl. Brett wasn’t willing to see it through, though, taking the DQ loss and walking away ©

  • Freddie Garcia was also in a cheating mood, retaining his Shooting Star title by holding Cyclonus down with the ropes for the pin (B-)

  • Robbie Retro and Grace Harper enjoyed their match at the expense of Eric Eisen and Lauren Easter as they picked up the win, albeit only when Easter waffled Harper with the Vixxens title belt for the disqualification (B-)

  • The Samoan Wildboyz then overcame the challenge of Valiant and James Hernandez, Toma pinning the rookie with an Into the Wild (C+)

  • Big Time warned the Bumfholes, and everyone else, that they were just too good a team to be worried about whatever threats they might make. The brothers had a good laugh about injuring Randy Bumfhole the night before.

  • In the night’s main event, the athletic Jake Marlowe took down Enforcer Roberts and Bart Biggz in triangle action, dropping Biggz with the Jungle Jack-Jammer for the impressive win (B-)

Overall: B-




SWF Supreme TV

Rich Money vs. Brandon James

Christian Faith © vs. Eric Eisen – SWF World title

Zimmy Bumfhole vs. Bart Biggz

Bali vs. Spencer Spade

Gregory Black vs. Marc DuBois – non-title

Jack Bruce vs. Darryl Devine

Angry Gilmore vs. Rocky Golden

Aaron Andrews vs. Remo

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I, for one, am definitely looking forward to the next stage of this. I'm sure I'm not alone with that.


Rich Money vs. Brandon James

Christian Faith © vs. Eric Eisen – SWF World title

Zimmy Bumfhole vs. Bart Biggz

Bali vs. Spencer Spade

Gregory Black vs. Marc DuBois – non-title

Jack Bruce vs. Darryl Devine

Angry Gilmore vs. Rocky Golden

Aaron Andrews vs. Remo

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I can't wait to see what is going to happen in the next stage.


Rich Money vs. Brandon James

Christian Faith © vs. Eric Eisen – SWF World title

Zimmy Bumfhole vs. Bart Biggz

Bali vs. Spencer Spade

Gregory Black vs. Marc DuBois – non-title

Jack Bruce vs. Darryl Devine

Angry Gilmore vs. Rocky Golden

Aaron Andrews vs. Remo

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Been a solid reader of this amazing dynasty for a while now...and now that a new chapter is about to begin, I guess I'll ask the question that's been on my mind for a while:


How do you get your shows to have that formatting? I mean, everything tighter and in the center like that? E-V does it too...what's the code for it?

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Been a solid reader of this amazing dynasty for a while now...and now that a new chapter is about to begin, I guess I'll ask the question that's been on my mind for a while:


How do you get your shows to have that formatting? I mean, everything tighter and in the center like that? E-V does it too...what's the code for it?


It's indent. Looks like this in the post reply toolbar



The more you do it the bigger the indent

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Yeah, four indents on the main text. It keeps the lines relatively short, so you can still remember the start when you get to the end.


I'm not actually certain I need all four indents, but it looks right on my screen. Anyone having problems viewing it?

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Simply put, we're 10.5 game months into the diary, and in a lot of ways I feel I'm only just getting started. To get caught up, though, you've got to get through some 38 pages to this point. I'm also not entirely happy with the way the diary has panned out, so I'm looking at ways of making it more readable, more accessible and so on. Suggestions on this topic would be welcome.


Now, as some of you know my family and I are in the process of moving home. I figure in a month or so we should be settled in, 'net access sorted and so on. At that point I'll start a new topic and do a catch-up post (or series of posts, including a roster review as I know they always go down well...).


Before this part of the diary comes to an end, though, I want to head on through to Let The Games Begin. I hope to have that simmed out by tomorrow (although obviously I have to watch 'Mania first). There's a pretty big debut taking place on the show, and in general I think it's a good place to put a section break.


That's a hell of a run. I for one will be glad when you return with a new topic as this is one of those diaries that I've been keen to follow, but so much has already transpired, I've found it difficult to jump in and follow - pretty much the same problem I have with a lot of diaries with a couple of months worth of shows under their belt.


So yeah, looking forward to that and good luck with the house move.

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Yeah, four indents on the main text. It keeps the lines relatively short, so you can still remember the start when you get to the end.


I'm not actually certain I need all four indents, but it looks right on my screen. Anyone having problems viewing it?

So, if I indent that much in Word, it will copy over on this with that much indent? I mean, after you copy/paste it in the Small Questions thread, because the dynasty forum doesn't take the paragraph tags well, turning line change to these: :p :p :p

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I don't do the indenting in Word, just the forum.


In my experience, using Firefox tends to prevent formatting issues - but it could just be my home computer vs. my work one. It's still a bit of a mystery to me...

Ah. That makes sense. I use Firefox too...so whenever I get back to dynasty writing, I'll try this out. Thanks again.

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OOC: Let's see how this looks...




Supreme Wrestling Federation presents: Supreme TV

Tuesday, 9th October 2010


Your announcers:

Duane Fry – Ana Garcia – Jerry Eisen


“Welcome to Supreme TV. On a night where Rich Money faces off against Brandon James, and on which Eric Eisen will challenge for the SWF World title, we’re kicking things off with the Supreme Legend himself, the World champion, Christian Faith.”


Faith stood in the middle of the ring, World title belt around his waist. The crowd fell quiet as he raised a microphone to his lips.


“I’m not Rich Money. I’m not some thirty year old kid with a whole lot more of my career ahead of me than behind me. I’m not a cardiovascular miracle, able to go as fast in the thirtieth minute as the first. When I’m in a match, if I take a beating, I feel it.


“Rich Money seems to feel that these things are going to be what takes this title from me, but Rich, I’ve been doing this a long time. When I started, I wasn’t a peak physical specimen. I’ve always had to fight for my wins – I’ve never been ‘money’ enough just to assume I was going to win.


“But then, all that means is I’ve earned every single one of my five World titles. I haven’t been given anything, I’ve fought for everything, every step of the way. I’ve always believed I
win, and I believe I
beat you on Thursday night, because I’ve done it before, and because...”


The crowd knew what was coming, and roared along, almost drowning out Faith’s amplified whisper.


“...I have Faith.”





vs. Spencer Spade


Although Bali is much more experienced than his opponent, Spade seemed strangely confident ahead of this match. He allowed his opponent to control the flow of the contest, getting in enough shots to keep himself in the fight, before abruptly rolling Bali up and grabbing the ropes for leverage to hold him down for the pin, which the referee counted in spite of Umaga on the outside trying to call his attention to Spade’s cheating.


“A win from nowhere – and Spade lured Bali in! That’s veteran ring smarts from the rookie.”


Winner: Spencer Spade (C+)




Before Spade had even left the ring, Akima Brave and Kid Toma slid into the ring, blowing past Spade as he left. Brave and Toma dived at Bali, only to pull up short as Umaga slid into the ring, chair in hand.


The two sets of brothers faced off across the ring, waiting for someone to blink, until BJ O’Neill climbed through the ropes and stood in between the two groups.


“Save it for Thursday. You know how Mr Tyler feels about giving away matches for free – we don’t want him making it a barbed wire match or something.”


The two teams glared at one another, before the Wildboyz backed slowly away.


“Probably wise. Mr Tyler will take any chance to bring back his glory days.”




Sara Silver chased through the backstage area, testing the limits of her catsuit as she chased after Spencer Spade.


“Spencer! Spencer! That was a big win tonight, are you feeling more confident now, after some recent bad results?”


Spade stopped short, looking Sara up and down.


“I want you to understand something, Sara. You never, ever have anything to fear from me, okay?”


“Uh, okay.”


“You’re a beautiful woman, and I’m a gentleman, so you can ask me anything you like and I won’t get angry, I won’t yell at you, I won’t threaten you, I won’t hit you...”


He smiled. Silver looked a little uncertain.


“Uh, okay.”


“Because if you ask someone like Vengeance or Brandon James a question like that, what do you think’s going to happen?”




“But it’s okay, because I know you’re just doing your job, and you
a beautiful woman...”


He smiled again. Sara still looked uncertain, and not a little uncomfortable. Before she could say anything, Robbie Retro walked on-screen.


“This cat thinks the lady’d like an answer, Spade. She wants to know how you’re feeling after losing to me... and Angry Gilmore... and Greg Black... and Aaron Andrews... and pretty much everyone you’ve fought.”


Spade shook his head.


“Losses are only failures if you don’t learn from them, Retro.


“You must be a slow learner.”


“Only a couple of weeks ago I took Rich Money to the limit in a match of the year contender. Have you ever managed that? Have you ever seen a twenty year old as advanced as me? I’m the future of this company, Retro, and you – obviously – are the past. I admit that I don’t have all the answers, but when I’ve been here as long as you have, Retro, I’ll be embarrassed if I’ve got no titles to show for it.”


“Maybe you’re right, jack. Maybe I haven’t done all I can, but I can take you to school once more. I’ve heard you backstage, talking about how last month was a fluke. You’re not fooling anyone – maybe a stretcher match was beyond you, but do you really think you can roll in a normal match with the Master of the Blast from the Past? Get real!”


“Sure, let’s go again. I told you before, and I’ll tell you again: All you are to me is experience, Retro. Win or lose, if we fight on Thursday night then it’s more big match experience for me, another chance to get my face out there. Let’s do it!”


“Wow, I just wanted an interview... That’s quite an exclusive, thanks guys! Hey, there’s Zimmy Bumfhole! Zimmy!”


Sara chased off again, leaving Retro and Spade glaring at one another. Zimmy was walking towards the ring, head up, oblivious as Sara tried to find out about his brother’s condition. Eventually, she gave up and watched him walk away.


“Well, I got more than I thought out of Spencer Spade, but Zimmy’s not talking – not to me, anyway. For all I know he’s in negotiations with the king of the potato people about grain exports, but who would know? Back to you, guys.”





Zimmy Bumfhole vs. Bart Biggz


“I’d say that Zimmy was out for revenge, or justice, or whatever... But he’s such a space cadet, who can say?”


“Zimmy looks outnumbered, with Brett on the outside.”


The action was fast and furious, with Zimmy showing once again that the Bumfholes have rather supplanted the members of Big Time as the premier tag team aerialists in the SWF. Bart was struggling to keep up, and in the end Brett took matters into his own hands, tripping Zimmy as he ran the ropes in full view of the refere. Zimmy fell into a Biggz Up as the referee called for the bell, but by then Brett was already in the ring, joining his brother in dropping Zimmy with a double powerbomb.


“Both Bumfholes down and out – and just forty-eight hours until Big Time get their rematch!”


“Until Big Time regain their titles...”


Winner: Zimmy Bumfhole (B-)




Kurt Laramee walked out of his locker room and paused, looking around him curiously. He peered into a patch of shadow, stepping forward only to pull up short as a flame ignited within it, illuminating John Greed and Marc DuBois.


“Hello, Kurt Laramee. I’m watching you.”


Laramee scowled.


“What. The. Hell? You’re just waiting outside my locker room?”


“Oh yes. I’m intrigued to see what you do with your spare time. And I must say, I’m disappointed. We’ve heard a lot of grunting and groaning, and nothing else. Either you’ve been working out, or you’ve been watching your old DaVE tapes for the pleasure it brings you... on your own... Whichever one it was, Kurt Laramee, you are neither as fearsome nor as intimidating as you appear to believe. Thursday will be a diversion. A pity – I had hoped for more.”


“A diversion? You’re talking to the King of the Streets, Greed. Thursday night, you’re gonna suffer, and I’m gonna show why I’m even
fearsome than I look.”


He made a grab for Greed, but DuBois thrust high lighter in between the two, triggering a burst of flame that made Laramee pull up short.


“I do not scuffle in corridors. Well, not unless I choose to do so. Until Thursday...”


He turned and walked away, DuBois lingering to trigger another burst of flame before following his tag partner down the corridor. The camera followed them as they stopped short, coming face to face with Jack Giedroyc. Giedroyc looked them up and down.


“I might hope that the final destruction of Vengeance would be sufficient to see you dispatched. However, I suspect that you will linger, and I will be forced to deal with you in time. Should you continue to harass my friends, however, remember that He does not take kindly to your attempts to drown me...”


He raised his cattle prod into view, the end sparking. As one, DuBois and Greed took a step back out of range.


“... and nor will He look favourably on your continued association with Vengeance as I pursue my goal.”


Giedroyc turned and walked away, confident enough to leave his back exposed. DuBois looked as though he was about to make Giedroyc pay for that assumption, but Greed held up a hand to stop him.


“No. Giedroyc’s time will come. Vengeance will not be pleased if he is denied his chance...”





Gregory Black vs. Marc DuBois


“You can expect to see some innovative offence here, no question – Black makes up moves on the fly, while DuBois was known as a walking encyclopaedia of wrestling before he aligned with Vengeance.”


The action was fast and furious, packed with near-falls as the two youngsters did indeed unleash a range of awe-inspiring offence, each move drawing ever-louder reactions from the crowd. The dastardly DuBois used every trick up his sleeves to try and keep the North American champion down, but Black was more than up to the challenge, and picked up a big win by catching DuBois with a Fade to Black for the pin.


“Two days until he faces Angry Gilmore, and Black pins another great all-round talent in the middle of the ring. That has to feel good for Black.”


Winner: Gregory Black (B)




Eric Eisen was backstage, preparing to receive a massage as he gazed lovingly at his Billion Dollar Belt, when his reverie was interrupted by the ringing of his phone. He flipped it open, a look of supreme annoyance on his face.




He listened intently for several seconds.


“You again! Do you have any idea-“


He scowled.


“Come and say that to my face, tough guy. We’ll
who’s heading for a rough ride. Stay on your side of the Atlantic, pal, or find out what happens when the Supremacist is angry with you.”


He slapped the phone shut, muttering to himself as he sat upright, stalking away from the massage table before the masseuse could even begin work.




“Given that I don’t care who’s hassling my brother, so long as they keep it up, I thought I’d give you an update on my investigations into what Remo’s up to.”


“Is there another video?”


“No. We tried going back to Remo’s bar, but the bouncer ate the camera.”


“Ate it.”


“I think so. I didn’t hang around to find out, okay?”


“So, what do you actually have to tell us, Jerry?”


“Well, Remo’s up to
, I know it!”


“That’s... astonishing. Really. Let’s go to the ring.”





Aaron Andrews vs. Remo


Andrews opened this match cagily, anxious not to allow Remo to employ his full and incredible power. The up-and-coming Andrews focused repeated hard shots on Remo’s neck and shoulders, trying to take away Remo’s ability to overpower him. Remo, however, has long experience of such tactics. Contriving to always keep Andrews on his left side, Remo was able to shrug off the assault and land a series of heavy blows with his right arm before landing the Destroyer for the win.


“Remo showing great savvy there.”


“Andrews was spirited, but Remo is just a monster. To think that someone like him isn’t even in contention for the World title right now – the SWF is the most competitive wrestling federation in the world!”


Winner: Remo (B)




“Big Money” Brandon James and his assistant Emma Chase were backstage, huddled over a computer. James looked up at the camera.


“I am the quintessential modern wrestler. Fast, strong, brutal and intelligent. I am strong enough to take whatever I want, and fast enough to hold onto it. I inspire fear in the hearts of anyone intelligent enough to appreciate what stands across the ring from them. For those foolish enough – or arrogant enough – not to understand, I am brutal enough that they will not make the same mistake twice.


“And yet Rich Money is making a mistake. He continues to look past me, and in our match tonight he will learn the error of his ways.”


He leaned over the screen again, and Emma Chase spoke in his stead.


“My employer will break Rich Money. In defeat two months ago, he learned a great deal about the limits of the former World champion. In the last two months my employer has honed and focused his training to the point where it is unfathomable to think that Mr James will
emerge triumphant in the upcoming match.”


She focused on the screen again as James looked up.


“Faith, spend your next two days praying for mercy and polishing that World title belt. Once I tear Money apart, I’m going to come for you and the belt. And your only hope is praying that I’m distracted enough by becoming World champion to let you off lightly.


“I hope for your sake that I am...”





Angry Gilmore vs. Rocky Golden


“With his title rematch coming up, and Mr Tyler’s words still ringing in his ears, you might wonder how focused Angry Gilmore is right now – but look at him! He looks like Golden is the only thing he has to worry about.”


“He’d better worry about him. Golden could tear him apart, he makes Gilmore look tiny!”


Over the course of the match, Gilmore proved conclusively that size isn’t everything, not even in the SWF. Although Golden’s considerable strength gave him an obvious advantage, the all-round ability of Gilmore at least evened the scales, if not tipping them in his balance. The outcome of the match was never clear – until Jack Bruce charged the ring, diving into the fray and getting in Golden’s face before the referee tackled the Long Island Angel and pushed him out of the ring, helped considerably by an open-handed slap from Golden that knocked Bruce off balance for a second.


With the referee distracted, Golden caught Gilmore clean in the crotch with a hard kick, drawing a cry of protest from Jessie as her husband crumpled into a heap. The Rocky Road that followed merely added a polish to the result as the referee turned from Bruce to count the pin.


“Bah, I’m sure Bruce didn’t mean to cost Gilmore that match, but it’s exactly what happened.”


a match, though! More, please!”


Winner: Rocky Golden (A)




Bruce dived into the ring and grabbed Golden, dragging him off the prone Gilmore.


“You can’t stop Showtime!”


Before Golden had the chance to react, Bruce booted him in the stomach and dropped him with the New York Minute. Rolling onto all fours, he knelt over Golden, staring into his unfocused eyes.


“You want to make this place better, Rocky? Let’s-“


Before Bruce could say anymore, it was his turn to be dragged upright and spun around. He found himself face to face with a raging Gilmore.


“Don’t make him angry!”


Before Bruce had a chance to react Gilmore snapped his mouth shut with a hard forearm blow before spinning in place and planting his elbow into the side of Bruce’s jaw. Bruce staggered backwards and Gilmore sent him to the ropes with a snap dropkick. A Bruce rebounded, Gilmore caught him with a hiptoss. Bruce hit the mat hard and stumbled upright, too stunned to react as Gilmore closed in fast.


“Anger Management!”


Gilmore stood over Bruce and Golden, anger flashing in his eyes as Jessie slid into the ring, laying a hand on Gilmore’s arm.


“That’s something we haven’t seen very often.”


Gilmore calmed down slightly, although he was clearly still fuming over his loss.


“Part of what makes Jessie such an effective manager for Gilmore is just that – she can keep him calm when he’s on the verge of losing it. Gilmore on the boil is one of the most dangerous opponents you could face, but without Jessie he lost his focus. Now it seems he might be on his way back.”


“He might be back already – he just dismantled Jack Bruce.”


As Gilmore and Jessie left the ring they were passed by Darryl Devine, sprinting down the ramp and sliding into the ring. He grabbed the referee and tried to get him to ring the bell.


“Do as he says.”


Mr Tyler appeared at the top of the ramp, nodding to the Gilmores as they passed.


“Referee, you go ahead and start the match. Bruce knows there are punishment for interfering in an SWF match, and Devine was sharp enough to see this as a chance to make a name for himself. Sounds like a win-win situation for me, so ring the bell!”





Jack Bruce vs. Darryl Devine


“Well, Mr Tyler can never be accused of playing favourites – but he does make great matches!”


With Bruce recovering from the Anger Management, and still clearly annoyed at having cost Gilmore his match, Devine was able to take control of the early going. The Succession man taunted Bruce liberally, even playing air guitar after dropping him with a clothesline. Bruce, however, used the time to gather his wits and, as Devine began to tire and leave gaps for Bruce to exploit, Bruce did just that. The former World champion pasted Devine across the mat with a New York Minute for the win, but didn’t celebrate as enthusiastically as usual, showing that he was troubled by the preceding events.


“Bruce comes out on top, but he should hope Gilmore considers the matter closed between them.”


“Gilmore has plenty on his plate right now, but so does Bruce. Neither man needs another distraction... but this could be something that simmers beneath the surface. One to watch!”


Winner: Jack Bruce (B)




The camera cut backstage, where Sara was standing by.


“Hi guys, I’m afraid that I don’t have much... Wait, is that...?”


Sara jogged past the camera once more, with the cameraman panning around to follow her as she made her way along the corridor.


“Excuse me, it’s Hannah, isn’t it?”




The woman Sara had approached turned around, revealing herself to indeed be Hannah, long-missing from Supreme TV.


She looked Sara up and down.


“And just
are you supposed to be?”


“Sara Silver, backstage reporter for Supreme TV. Hannah, it’s been months since we’ve seen you on TV. What brings you back now?”


Hannah sighed.


“I have a new client, and he’s signed to debut at the pay-per-view on Thursday night. I was
to get a little research done here, but as I apparently can’t just walk around backstage without camera homing in on me... Allow me to take this opportunity to publicly issue the open challenge on behalf of my client.”


“Who is your client?”


“None of your business. He wants to make an impression on his debut, and that doesn’t include giving anything away on free TV. I’m sure someone’s desperate enough to take him up on the offer.”


The door to a nearby locker room opened, and Chris Morrisette stepped out.


“Desperate, no, but another newcomer trying to muscle their way in? I’ll take that challenge, Hannah. I want to see what your new client can do.”


“Good. Actually, Chris, I think you’d have been one of the first names on my client’s wishlist, so that’s good. We’ll see you on Thursday.”


Hannah turned and walked off, leaving Morrisette and Sara watching after her.


“Chris, do you have any idea who this newcomer is?”


“Not even one. It doesn’t matter. I’ll put him away, and I’ll make it... snappy...”


He clicked his fingers together twice before disappearing back into his locker room.


“Well guys, that was a lot more eventful then I’d expected. Back to you!”


“More newcomers to the SWF – Mr Tyler must have got Dad to open up his chequebook!”





Rich Money vs. Brandon James


“We all heard what Brandon James had to say about this match. How will Money cope with the feral Brandon James in the ring.”


Money was wary of the snarling James in the early going, avoiding his charges like a matador in a bullfight. He tagged Big Money a few times with punches, but James shrugged them off without being fazed, and shoved Money so hard in return that the number one contender crashed through the ropes to the arena floor.


“Not in Money’s game plan, I think.”


Money knelt on the arena floor, hands on his knees as he looked around him, his expression stony as James stalked back and forth in the ring. Shaking his head, Money walked over to the timekeeper’s table and grabbed a chair. As he walked back to the ring, James shoved the referee aside and, as Emma yelled at him to stop, reached through the ropes-


“Not smart!”


-allowing Money to blast him straight in the face with the chair. James crashed backwards to the mat, out cold as the referee called for the bell. Unconcerned, Money tossed the buckled chair aside and re-entered the ring.


Winner: Brandon James (A)




Emma Chase clambered into the ring to check on her employer, but she pulled up short as Money locked eyes with her. Backing away slowly, she climbed back through the ropes and dropped to the floor.


“Brandon James is one of a kind. It took me weeks to fully recover from my last match with him. Going all-out against him, two days before my rematch? That wouldn’t be the smart thing to do.”


The fans weren’t happy with Money’s actions, and let him know it. He waved away the boos.


“Please, you know that Christian Faith will be out here in a minute, and he’ll be taking his usual balls to the wall approach. You can go home happy with that – as I’m not the champion any more, I don’t have any obligation to give my best every night, not when it doesn’t benefit me.”


The number one contender looked around at the announcers’ table.


“But for the benefit of those of you recording this, or those of you watching at home, I’ll give you the added bonus of my insightful commentary on our main event.”


Dropping down to ringside, Money evicted Jerry Eisen from his seat once more, taking his headset and settling into position beside Ana and Duane.


“Mr Money, a pleasure as always.”


“I have the best seat in the house. That’s money.”






Christian Faith © vs. Eric Eisen
for the
SWF World title


“Eric Eisen no doubt sees this as a prime chance to regain his World title. Faith isn’t even looking at his opponent now – all his focus is on Rich Money.”


“So it should be – but not with the title on the line, not even against Eric.”


Eisen jumped Faith as the Supreme Legend looked at Money, and the Supremacist established control of the match. Eric is a lot slower now than he used to be, but for once he was the faster man in the match, striking hard and fast against the Iron Man. Unlike Bart Biggz last week, he didn’t allow himself to be fazed as Faith kicked out of repeated pin attempts. Instead, he rattled Faith’s skull with a series of hard kicks as Faith tried to get to his feet, eventually putting Faith down and out on his back. Eisen sneered at Faith, before looking up at the top turnbuckle. He climbed up to the top and flipped the crowd off with the double-thumb salute he had once used to signal the Silver Spoon Shock before leaping out into mid-air.


Faith, however, had rolled out of harm’s way. Eisen crashed down hard, and Faith was right on point to rock him with a barrage of hard shots to the chest. His own chest heaving, Faith sent Eisen flying across the ring with an Irish whip. The challenger hit the turnbuckles hard, and the crowd roared in anticipation of the oncoming Leap of Faith, but Faith instead was propped up in the opposite corner, nursing his aching body.


“Experience and savvy are great, but even the Iron Man is subject to the ravages of Father Time.”


The match degenerated into a slugfest, the two fighters unable to muster the strength to land the decisive blow until Faith once more sent Eisen into the turnbuckles. This time, Faith managed a two step runup before landing the Leap of Faith, and this time it was enough to put Eric down for the three, with neither man moving for several long moments after the bell was run.


“Time to earn a few more buys for Thursday night...”


Winner: Christian Faith (A)




Money slid into the ring, getting right in Faith’s face as the Supreme Legend rose wearily to his feet. The two men stared one another down, the worn-out Faith towering over the fresh Money.


“Two more nights to wait for one of the biggest matches we’ve ever seen!”


Money smirked, getting as close to Faith as he could without actually stepping on his toes. Faith stared back stoically, not backing down, but not responding to Money’s aggressive stance with aggression of his own.


“Faith knows how good Money is, Money knows how good Faith is. We’ve seen them both go four and oh in the last month, and there’s been nothing to choose between them. Money hasn’t said it, but he had to prepare for three opponents last month. This month, it’s been all about Faith.”


“But Faith is the Supreme Legend, and he’s fought everyone and done everything. There’s nothing to choose between them!”


“And that should mean that this Thursday night, Let The Games Begin, we’ll have one of the all-time classic matches! Don’t miss it!”



Overall: B+ (6.95 on CBA)

Next: Uprising...

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Supreme Wrestling Federation presents: Uprising

Wednesday, 10th October 2010

  • In a short opening match, Big Time cheated their way to disqualification against Northern Exposure, clearly preferring to focus on their tag title match tomorrow night (D+, 1pt)

  • Randy and Zimmy Bumfhole appeared on the Supremescreen after the match. They warned Big Time that there was a fight waiting for them tomorrow night, even if the Biggz brothers had been trying to injure them lately.

  • Wall of Muscle may have a guaranteed title shot waiting for them, but they showed no signs of taking their collective foot off the gas in the next match, beating the Samoan Swat Machines when Runaway Train pinned Bali after an Epic Fail (B-)

  • After the match, the Samoan Wildboyz arrived to taunt the Machine, only for the Machine to say they were new in the SWF, and still finding the lie of the land. When did the Wildboyz last pick up a win?

  • CCX have had Big Time trouble lately, and still seemed to be nursing their wounds. But the Wildboyz have been on something of a losing streak, and here weren’t able to capitalise on their opponents’ condition, Akima Brave falling to the Clash (B-, 2pts)

  • Gregory Black cut a short interview, warning Angry Gilmore to keep his mind focused ahead of their match tomorrow night

  • In a four corners match, Robbie Retro defeated Kurt Laramee, Gino Montero and William Hayes after pinning Montero (C+)

  • Eric Eisen received another crank phonecall. He demanded that the caller meet him face to face, and that meeting seems set for tomorrow night at Let The Games Begin!

  • In mixed trios action, Squeeky McClean, Lauren Easter and Spencer Spade overcame Adam Matravers, Jake Marlowe and Grace Harper when Squeeky caught Matravers with a Stain Removal ©

  • The Colony then picked up a huge win over Enforcer & Sundance when Green made Sundance tap out (B-)

  • The team of Darryl Devine and Jay Chord then staked a claim to a future tag title shot by cheating to beat the California Fly Boys (B-, 2pts)

  • In the night’s main event, Aaron Andrews and Angry Gilmore beat a distracted Eric Eisen and Frederique Garcia when Gilmore caught Garcia with an Anger Management (B)

Overall: B-

Next: Let The Games Begin preview...

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SWF.com Preview

Let The Games Begin

“Welcome everyone to the pre-show for this month’s SWF pay-per-view, Let The Games Begin! If you haven’t ordered the show yet, you have around thirty minutes to do so – and believe me, you want to!”

“Tonight we’re set to see a rematch for one of the all-time classic SWF World title matches as Rich Money cashes in his rematch against the new champion, Christian Faith!”


“The fans picked Faith to challenge for the gold last month, and he didn’t let them down, coming away with the gold. Both men have had four hard-fought victories since that night, but it’s seemed like Faith has had it tougher.”


“But that might not be a disadvantage. Faith knows he can defend that title against all comers, and the legendary Iron Man has shown his stamina and resilience. He must also have the advantage, psychologically, having beaten Money just four weeks ago.”


“Whoever wins, we’re practically guaranteed a classic main event tonight, but if that’s not enough we have a lot more on the card tonight, not least of which is the huge first meeting between Jack Bruce and Tory Tornado.”


“That’s right. A match almost two decades in the making, and we have it here. Two of the greatest entertainers in rock history will square off. But this isn’t a battle of the bands, this is one on one in an SWF ring.”


“And a grudge match that’s either brand new, or years old, depending on how you read it as Big Time and the Amazing Bumfholes clash with the SWF Tag Team titles at stake.”


“The Bumfholes and Big Time were friendly rivals for five years, but in those five years the Bumfholes clearly surpassed Bart and Brett Biggz. Now... Who knows? Big Time like to put people in the hospital, and who can say the Bumfholes won’t be next?”


“There’s more tag action in the offing as the Samoan Wildboyz and Samoan Swat Machines clash in a family feud. We’ll see which of the duos is superior tonight, the older brothers, or the younger ones.”


“And speaking of younger, the teenage Supreme Star, Spencer Spade, is set to clash once more with Robbie Retro – and this time there’s no gimmicks to distract from the action. Spade says he’ll win in a normal singles match: We’ll find out tonight!”


“We’ll also find out if Angry Gilmore can regain the North American title – or does he have bigger things on his mind? Mr Tyler says he should take a run at the World title, but Gilmore doesn’t like to leave things unfinished, and he’ll want to know if he can overcome the North American champion.”


“Grace Harper, meanwhile, earned the right to take on Vixxens champion Lauren Easter by defeating Joanne Rodriguez and Suzanne Brazzle on Supreme TV. Harper is a savvy veteran and a great athlete, while Easter has now held the Vixxens title for a year – if not all officially under the SWF banner.”


“And we have three matches left as ‘King of Street’ Kurt Laramee takes on ‘Eight Deadly Sin’ John Greed. Greed thinks that Laramee isn’t as bad as he makes out – I don’t know what show he’s been watching!”


“And we have two mystery opponents as the returning Hannah’s new client – whoever he is – square off with Chris Morrisette. Meanwhile, Eric Eisen has been suffering with crank calls lately and has called out his tormentor. Jerry, any thoughts?”


“I hope it’s Vengeance.”

“Jerry! Anyway, fans, call your cable operator. In twenty minutes... Let The Games Begin!”
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SWF Let The Games Begin

Rich Money vs. Christian Faith © – SWF World title

Jack Bruce vs. Troy Tornado

Kurt Laramee vs. John Greed

Gregory Black © vs. Angry Gilmore – SWF North American title

The Amazing Bumfholes © vs. Big Time – SWF World Tag Team titles

Samoan Swat Machines vs. The Samoan Wildboyz

Grace Harper vs. Lauren Easter © – SWF Vixxens title

Robbie Retro vs. Spencer Spade

??? vs. Eric Eisen

Chris Morrisette vs. ???

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Guest codey

Rich Money vs. Christian Faith © – SWF World title

And now we pull the trigger on Money's heel turn


Jack Bruce vs. Troy Tornado

I like both, but Troy winning here is better story telling, I think. Or something.


Kurt Laramee vs. John Greed

To pull the trigger on Greed's push


Gregory Black © vs. Angry Gilmore – SWF North American title

To pull the trigger on Gilmore's push. Somehow.


The Amazing Bumfholes © vs. Big Time – SWF World Tag Team titles

Big Time already had their time.


Samoan Swat Machines vs. The Samoan Wildboyz

This is a total toss up


Grace Harper vs. Lauren Easter © – SWF Vixxens title

Easter continues her stranglehold of the women's division while you push her as the face of women's wrestling.


Robbie Retro vs. Spencer Spade

Retro's going to be a stepping stone here as Spade takes his first big win on his road to stardom.

??? vs. Eric Eisen

??? always wins at PPVs!


Chris Morrisette vs. ???

??? always wins at PPVs!

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Rich Money vs. Christian Faith © – SWF World title

Jack Bruce vs. Troy Tornado

Kurt Laramee vs. John Greed

Gregory Black © vs. Angry Gilmore – SWF North American title

The Amazing Bumfholes © vs. Big Time – SWF World Tag Team titles

Samoan Swat Machines vs. The Samoan Wildboyz

Grace Harper vs. Lauren Easter © – SWF Vixxens title

Robbie Retro vs. Spencer Spade

??? vs. Eric Eisen

Chris Morrisette vs. ???

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Rich Money vs. Christian Faith © – SWF World title


Jack Bruce vs. Troy Tornado


Kurt Laramee vs. John Greed

Gregory Black © vs. Angry Gilmore – SWF North American title


The Amazing Bumfholes © vs. Big Time – SWF World Tag Team titles


Samoan Swat Machines vs. The Samoan Wildboyz


Grace Harper vs. Lauren Easter © – SWF Vixxens title


Robbie Retro vs. Spencer Spade


??? vs. Eric Eisen


Chris Morrisette vs. ???

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