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USPW: A Joker At Work

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Announced for USPW Red, White and Blue:

Marc Speed vs Jumbo Jackson

Art & Daniel Reed vs Jack Griffith and ???

Mick Muscles © vs Steven Parker for the USPW Unified Belt

Belle Bryden © vs Alicia Strong for the USPW Women’s Title

Savage Fury © vs Samoan Destruction Inc for the USPW Tag Team Titles

Bruce the Giant vs Enygma - DDQ/DCO

Nicky Champion © vs T-Rex for the USPW World Championship

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USPW Red, White and Blue!

Live from the South East on PPV



Pre-Show: Andre Jones defeated Findlay (C-), John Pathlow defeated Darryl Devine ©



Match #1: Savage Fury © vs Samoan Destruction Inc for the USPW Tag Team Titles



http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/TribalWarrior.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/Java.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/SamoanMachine.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/RhinoUmaga.jpg


The talented and unknown challengers. Two known champions, with not quite the matching talent. All hailing from Samoa… if the crowd believe what we feed them. Throw them together and what have you got? A half decent match the crowd aren’t sure if they care about, leading to a lacklustre atmosphere. Ekuma was ringside with Samoan Destruction Inc, but the canny champions used him as a distraction to double team the challengers. Samoan Machine was disgusted that the ref missed his tag in, leaving Java the opportunity to roll Rhino Umaga up to retain the title.


Savage Fury © defeated Samoan Destruction Inc in 10.58 to retain the USPW Tag Team Titles (D+)



After the match Samoan Machine charged straight into the ring and started clearing house, and it took Ekuma to calm him down as the champions fled (C+)


Sam Strong was shown backstage with The Force, with Sam musing that tonight could be a big night with his authority being challenged. The Force told him not to worry – and he’s make sure that anything Parker and Enygma did was fair and square (B-)


Shane Sneer and Jack Griffith came down to the ring to introduce Griffith’s mystery partner as the Giant of London – the man who caused Daniel Reed to flee his home country – Mr Patterson ©



Match #2: Art & Daniel Reed vs Jack Griffith and Mr Patterson


http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/ArtReed.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/DanielFrancis.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/JackGriffith.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/DannyPatterson-1.jpg


I had a couple of options for Griffith’s partner, but in the end of the day Shane Sneer likes his hoss’s for his Corporation, and Mr Patterson certainly fits the bill. Daniel Reed tried out his shocked face as the commentary team wondered about the history between the two, but didn’t back off from facing the giant, even though he seemed to have his number. Fortunately for Daniel while he was brawling outside the ring with Patterson Art did the business in the ring, making Griffith tap to the Dread Lock.


Art & Daniel Reed defeated Jack Griffith and Mr Patterson in 8.47 (C+)



We cut backstage to T-Rex who was with Meoldy, who informed the world that Nicky Champion’s career would be ended tonight, as her client would do anything to take his title back (B)


Alicia Strong hyped up her match with Belle Bryden, when the champion came over and just stood in her face staring at her. Sam Strong came over to split tings up, telling them that they were to sort it out in the ring. Bryden blew a kiss at Strong, telling him she would sort out his daughter wherever (C+)



Match #3: Belle Bryden © vs Alicia Strong for the USPW Women’s Title





The day has finally come – it’s taken almost 14 months of booking the women’s division, with matches ranging from “average” to “poor”, with only the occasional “good” match. Here it all changed, with a match that we could have got away with headlining a TV show. In fact, it might rank better than tonight’s Main Event. A superb back and forward match took an odd turn when Travis Century was back out to watch the match. He didn’t say anything, but clearly distracted Alicia Strong, who ended up falling to a Dish of the Day.


Belle Bryden © defeated Alicia Strong in 11.05 to retain the USPW’s Women Title (B-)



Travis Century took a mic after the match and said that the sins that he were seeing were truly saddening, which brought Raven Robinson out to demand to know what Century was on about. Was he really that sexist that he could not tolerate to see women wrestling in the ring. Century beckoned and Dark Disciple and Pain came out to surround Robinson, when The People’s Team came out to even the numbers. Freddie Datsun told Century that he should back off, but the former DaVE man said that he was going nowhere. Des Davids chipped in that if that’s the case perhaps they could sort their differences in the ring, and we’ve got an impromptu match (C-)



Match #4: The People’s Team vs Dark Truth


http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/FreddieDatsun.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/DesDavids.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/TravisCentury.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/SayedAli_eay.jpg


Another poor tag match that never took the crowd’s interest, even when Dark Disciple crunched Freddie Datsun with a chair to finish the match in DQ.


The People’s Team defeated Dark Truth in 10.33 by DQ (D+)



Backstage and Amber Allen was shown approaching Cherry Bomb and Joanne Rodriguez, asking them if they’d make a unified stand against whatever Travis Century was doing. J-Ro rolled her eyes and told Allen she would be doing it on her own and walked away, but Cherry Bomb said that she was interested (D)


Trying to get the crowd to care again we cut to Enygma and Steven Parker, with Parker demanding to know why The Force was keeping an eye on things. Enygma tried to clam the youngster down, telling him that they had both proved the previous night that they were better than their opponents, and The Force could do nothing to stop their domination (B-)



Match #5: Mick Muscles © vs Steven Parker for the USPW Unified Belt





And we have another match that might outdo the Main Event – the first meeting between these two revealing good chemistry, and the two proceeded to have a great match. The Force took up a chair to keep an eye on things, and when Parker began to struggle he started to focus on The Force instead of Mick Muscles. Eventually he left the ring to demand that The Force left, but he casually remained in place pointing at the ref, who was getting close to a ten count. Parker slid back in but Muscles was instantly upon him, delivering the Bulldozer powerbomb for the victory.


Mick Muscles © defeated Steven Parker in 13.59 to retain the USPW Unified Belt (B-)



Nicky Champion hyped up the Main Event telling T-Rex that he could do what he wanted tonight, but Champion was going to prove that he was worthy of the belt, worthy of being respected by all of USPW’s fans (B+)



Match #6: Marc Speed vs Jumbo Jackson




I had concerns in this match about the lack of psychology on show… and the fears were justified. At times the match meandered, until Jumbo Jackson delivered a Jumbo Avalanche for the victory.


Jumbo Jackson defeated Marc Speed in 11.16 ©



Bruce the Giant stopped in on the way into the ring to tell Sam Strong that he would end Enygma’s resistance tonight, and Sam thanked him for that (B)



Match #7: Bruce the Giant vs Enygma




A great match that had everything… but the crowd found a little slow a relation to a couple of earlier matches. The two fought all over and around the ring, Engyma “accidentally” taking out the watching The Force part way through the match, but there was no more help coming. However, the masked man proved that he didn’t need any help, managing to apply the Enygma Variation and forcing Bruce to tap.


Enygma defeated Bruce the Giant in 14.07 (C+)



Enygma took a mic after the match and addressed Sam Strong, telling him that the barriers were falling down. Every man who steps against him falls – and soon he’ll make Sam realise he has nothing left (A)


The contenders came out for the Main Event, taking such a long time I had to make an angle of it (B+)



Match #8: Nicky Champion © vs T-Rex for the USPW World Championship





I’m impressed – Nicky Champion finally managed to drag T-Rex into “B-“ territory. Perhaps it was because we allowed a ref bump that resulted in this match becoming weapon based, or perhaps it’s a measure of just how far Nicky Champion has come. T-Rex tried to powerbomb Champion onto a chair but it was reversed – Champion driving Rex headfirst into the chair. The World Champion revived the ref before hitting the Hawkeye Hammer to succeed in his first title defence.


Nicky Champion © defeated T-Rex in 10.49 to retain the USPW World Championship (B-)



Overall Rating B-

Buy rate: 0.77



20LEgend debuts with an impressive 6/7, just a more well known mystery partner for Jack Griffith away from a clean sweep.



At one stage I was concerned that the PPV was going to drag, but a couple of decent midcard title matches and a better than expected Main Event saved the show.


Danny Patterson lasted one whole televised under his full name before being repackaged as Mr Patterson to partner Jack Griffith. We floated the idea that Mr Patterson and Daniel Reed have had previous issues in the UK – in reality they had never met in MOSC as Daniel had only just joined when they were bought out. There was another option of a genuine new signing who inked his contract on the day of the PPV – Sean Deeley (whose written CGC contract has just been renewed on PPA terms). However, realistically I expect Deeley to be with TCW or NOTBPW within a month or so, meaning he could be limited to some dark training.


Gorgon expands her horizons, becoming one of CWWF’s first flock of wrestlers.


Announced for USPW American Wrestling:

Art Reed vs Andre Jones

Darryl Devine and Nightfox vs Jack Griffith and Mr Patterson

Rhino Umaga vs Jumbo Jackson

The Force vs Steven Parker

Samoan Machine vs Enygma

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Art Reed vs Andre Jones


Darryl Devine and Nightfox vs Jack Griffith and Mr Patterson


Rhino Umaga vs Jumbo Jackson


The Force vs Steven Parker


I am not sure if Steve's popularity is higher than the Force at this point but I have a feeling he is going to pull the win right here.


Samoan Machine vs Enygma

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USPW American Wrestling:

Live from New England




T-Rex, Pain and Dark Disciple defeated Sean Deeley, Johnny Stones and Findlay (C-)

Bruce the Giant, Nicky Champion and Mick Muscles defeated Danny Rushmore and Kicks From Hell ©



The show opened with Enygma demanding a World Title shot at Liberty and Justice after taking down Bruce the Giant… which brought out Jumbo Jackson and Shane Sneer to claim the same thing. Nicky Champion said that he would accept whatever was coming, so it was left to Sam Strong to come out and make the decision. He said that at Rd, White and Blue Samoan Destruction Inc looked impressive but were cheated out of their Tag Title challenge – but he liked the enthusiasm of both men. Sam said that the two asked for more challenges, and here he would give them a challenge. He said that tonight Rhino Umaga would take on Jumbo Jackson, while Samoan Machine would challenge Enygma, and whoever won their match in the fastest time would take on Nicky Champion at Liberty and Justice (B-)



Match #1: Art Reed vs Andre Jones




Not any story to this match, except Daniel Reed ringside allowed the commentary team to mention Mr Patterson’s debut last week, and how he seemed to be a past problem for Reed. Art won with a Dread Lock.


Art Reed defeated Andre Jones in 7.40 ©



Jack Griffith was soon out with Mr Patterson, showcasing The Tower of London to the fans in the arena. Griffith said that Patterson was the dominant force in English wrestling, and was the reason why Daniel Reed ran to the United States. Griffith told everyone that Patterson had run out of challenges in England, so had also come over to the US, and was surprised to see the weakling Daniel Reed trying to make it. Griffith laughed, and said that Patterson would run Reed out of this country – and every country that he ran to until he realising there was no place for him in this sport (D+)



Match #2: Darryl Devine and Nightfox vs Jack Griffith and Mr Patterson


http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/DarrylDevine-1.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/FoxMask_black.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/JackGriffith.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/DannyPatterson-1.jpg


Or the Mr Patterson showcase match. Which Darryl Devine didn’t like… and the crowd didn’t really care too much for either. Devine fell to a Choke Slam.


Jack Griffith and Mr Patterson defeated Darryl Devine and Nightfox in 5.48 (D-)



Travis Centruy was shown backstage where he was confronted by Raven Robinson, Alicia Strong and Cherry Bomb, who demanded to know what he had against them – was he just an old, sexist man, who did he have some other reason? Century told them it was an indictment of the world today where women can sell themselves based on their looks and then be oblivious when anyone suggests there is something wrong. Cherry Bomb told Century that she earned the right to be in the ring through her skills, which led Century to tell her to prove it next week – team up with her two colleagues and show that their position is earned through skill (C-)



Match #3: Rhino Umaga vs Jumbo Jackson




This show’s going to need a stunning Main Event. Although to be honest I’m quite pleased with this match – decent action and the crowd just about got into it. Jumbo Jackson went for the early win but was surprised by the Umaga’s intensity that had Jackson rocking. He even had a spell on the defensive where it looked as if he could get pinned, but a well timed trip from Shane Sneer shifted the match in his favour. However, still he struggled to put Umaga away and he couldn't believe it when Umaga kicked out from a Jumbo Avalanche. The second was enough, but the time was less than impressive.


Jumbo Jackson defeated Rhino Umaga in 11.25 ©



Steven Parker came down to the ring with Belle Bryden on his arm and called out The Force. When he came out Steven Parker proceeded to blame him for his failure to capture the Unified Belt last week, which The Force just snorted at. Parker went on to say that The Force had no place in USPW when the new breed were taking over, which caused The Force to snatch the microphone away from Parker. The Force reminded Parker that he hadn’t been with the company for a year, but The Force had been part of everything the company has ever done. He said he was here when there was no TV deal – no Sam Strong. And during this time he earned the respect of those around him, being the first man to win all of USPW’s singles title. The Force told Parker it would take years for him to get anywhere near his level – a fact he would prove in the next match. Which is the semi Main Event. Which may suck. The Force didn’t say that last bit (C+)



Match #4: The Force vs Steven Parker




Resultamungo – Steven Parker pulls a better match out of The Force than Enygma managed a couple of weeks ago. I’m still going to have to put that match down to a blip, but I think it confirmed that The Force’s chance of a true Main Event run are probably over. A decent match which was longer than The Force normally managed, and in which he gave as good as he got. He also backed off when Parker clutched his ankle in pain, distracting the ref enough to allow Savage Fury to double team The Force. A miraculous recovery from Parker followed, and a Future Shock saw the youngster pick up the victory.


Steven Parker defeated The Force in 11.07 (C+)



As Parker celebrated Sam Strong brought out Ekuma as a ringside enforcer for the Main Event – saying that the last match had proved they were necessary. He then joined the commentary team along with World Champion Nicky Champion (B-)



Match #5: Samoan Machine vs Enygma




It’s always good to get a “B” rated match out of a wrestler that no-one really knows. It was no real surprise that these two could put on a great match, but it was a surprise that the crowd cared. Part of that was due to the fact that the match was booked extremely open, with Enygma even more shocked than Jackson about the skills of his opponent. He had to fight for his life to avoid the Sleeper, and eventually Savage Fury did make an appearance. Ekuma held them back and eventually Nicky Champion joined in as the clock counted down to under a minute left. In the ring both men started giving it everything, with the commentary team reminding the viewers that it could still be Samoan Machine getting the title shot if he actually defeated Enymga quicker than Jackson managed earlier. Eventually Enygma hit an Enygma Cutter, and covered Samoan Machine, but the ref lost a second as he was distracted by the fight at ringside. When he did turn around he made the count, finishing just as the buzzer sounded.


Enygma defeated Samoan Machine in 11.25 (B)



Enygma ran straight to Sam Strong and remonstrated about the slow count, and Sam demanded that the two match endings were shown on screen simultaneously. Enygma pointed at him making the pin before Jackson, but due to the distraction Jackson got the three count first. Therefore, Sam Strong made Jumbo Jackson Number One Contender, much to Enygma’s fury (A)



Overall Rating B-



BHK rises to the top with 4/5, just missing out on the drunk getting a victory




Look, I tried to avoid bringing in Samoan Machine. I waited almost a year. But in the end I just had to. And when he can do that… which is just as well after Mr Patterson’s match. Bob Casey cheered everyone up with an impersonation with Mr Patterson that he may regret if I ever put them in a match together…


And the Main Event? Second best match ever (behind Enygma vs Nicky Champion). Now people know who Samoan Machine is.


Announced for USPW American Wrestling:

Samoan Destruction Inc and Ekuma vs Danny Rushmore and Kicks From Hell

Mick Muscles and The Force vs Steven Parker and Andre Jones

Alicia Strong, Raven Robinson and Cherry Bomb vs ???

Des Davids vs Travis Century

Al Coleman vs Enygma

Nicky Champion and Bruce the Giant vs Jumbo Jackson and Jack Griffith

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Damn drunk...


Samoan Destruction Inc and Ekuma vs Danny Rushmore and Kicks From Hell

I am really not sure here, I am trying to think who is the more popular.


Mick Muscles and The Force vs Steven Parker and Andre Jones


Steve is on a roll.


Alicia Strong, Raven Robinson and Cherry Bomb vs ???


??? seems to pop up in every diary and has a very good Win/Loss Record but ??? will not win tonight.


Des Davids vs Travis Century


Al Coleman vs Enygma


Nicky Champion and Bruce the Giant vs Jumbo Jackson and Jack Griffith

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USPW American Wrestling:

Live from the South East



Pre-Show: Belle Bryden © defeated Kathy Neptune in a non-title match (D+), Freddie Datsun defeated Darryl Devine, Nightfox and Giant Redwood (D+)



The show opened with Enygma calling out Sam Strong and demanding that he changed the decision that he made last week – he claimed the fact he didn’t win was purely down to poor officiating, and he should be named the Number One Contender. Jumbo Jackson came out to claim that the match isn’t over until the three count – and he got his three count, end of. Nicky Champion came out and spoke to Sam Strong, who just shook his head. The boss announced that the decision he made was the correct decision, and Nicky Champion would take on Jumbo Jackson for the USPW World Title at USPW Liberty and Justice (B+)



Match #1: Samoan Destruction Inc and Ekuma vs Danny Rushmore and Kicks From Hell


http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/SamoanMachine.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/RhinoUmaga.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/Ekuma.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/DannyRushmore.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/HellMonkey_alt2-1.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/JaredJohnson.jpg


This one… was never going be that impressive, however Samoan Machine managed to follow his impressive defeat of the previous week with a win, which was way down on quality. The faces were firmly on top, and Samoan Machine showed off his Unbreakable Sleeper on Danny Rushmore.


Samoan Destruction Inc and Ekuma defeated Danny Rushmore and Kicks From Hell in 7.32 (D+)



As Samoan Destruction Inc celebrated in the ring Ekuma left, and walked straight into a T-Rex clothesline. He quickly left, getting into a car while screaming that he’s not done yet (C+)


Steven Parker was shown with Belle Bryden and Savage Fury, looking scornfully at Andre Jones. Parker told Jones that he didn’t know why he had been asked to team up with Jones when there were so many better alternatives, but he had to live with it. Andre Jones told Parker not to be so up himself – after all, Jones was a multiple title holder in USPW (B-)



Match #2: Mick Muscles and The Force vs Steven Parker and Andre Jones


http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/MickMuscles.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/JimForce.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/StevenParker.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/AndreJones.jpg


Not the most exciting of matches, and perhaps a bit of a momentum killer for Steven Parker. A decent match ended after Steven Parker sent Savage Fury to attack The Force. Which is not allowed.


Mick Muscles and The Force defeated Steven Parker and Andre Jones in 8.41 by DQ (C-)



Out to make the save… Marc Speed? Okay then. Save he did ©


Alicia Strong, Raven Robinson and Cherry Bomb came out for their match against mystery opponents, and were stunned when Travis Century, Pain and Dark Disciple were announced as their opponents. The ladies refused the match, which had Century asking if they deserved their place in USPW what would they turn down a simple match? Des Davids came out to declare Century as crazy, and if he wanted a match so much he would face him in the ring ©



Match #3: Des Davids vs Travis Century




Letting down this match was actually Century, which was a little bit of a disappointment – he’s meant to be looking after a few of my youngsters. A Pain distraction led to a Dark Disciple interference, allowing Century to hit a Sinner’s Salvation to pick up the victory.


Travis Century defeated Des Davids in 7.56 (C-)



Bruce the Giant and Nicky Champion hyped the Main Event – they were in a fun and jovial mood and made the crowd chuckle along with them (B+)



Match #4: Al Coleman vs Enygma




Marc Speed was nowhere in sight, and I think this show marked the moment where Shoot Club were firmly separated. Enygma played with Coleman, before applying the Enygma Variation to make the youngster tap.


Enygma defeated Al Coleman in 6.47 (C+)



Enygma said that he had made a big decision. One thing he thought about was quitting – but he wasn’t going to let Sam Strong beat him. In fact, he said he would never let Sam Strong beat him. Enygma said that he had torn down every obstacle that Sam Strong had put in front of, and he thought there was just one more to come – Nicky Champion. Enygma declared that as that opponent had been denied, he looked up and down the roster and could see only one suitable opponent for a PPV audience – Sam Strong! That brought the boss out to remind Enygma that he was retired – didn’t Enygma remember attacking him on his retirement celebration? Enygma said that he did, but here was Sam Strong – still trying to ruin his career. Sam just shook his head, and said that he made a promise to his family, and would not be wrestling again (A)



Match #6: Nicky Champion and Bruce the Giant vs Jumbo Jackson and Jack Griffith


http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/NickyChampion_alt.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/BrucetheGiant.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/JumboJackson.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/JackGriffith.jpg


Ah. Not a good Main Event – not helped by the fact it petered out to a draw as Mr Patterson attacked, bringing the Reed cousins out. There really should have been a DQ in there, but the ref just let the match meander off to an unsatisfactorily finish.


Nicky Champion and Bruce the Giant drew with Jumbo Jackson and Jack Griffith in 10.32 ©



And the brawl continued… until it was left with Champion versus Jackson, slugging away at one another with neither of them giving an inch. In the end the backstage staff got in between them as the show ended (B-)



Overall Rating C+



Phew. Only one match hit C+, but the angles kept the crowd interested – I guess the thought of one more Sam Strong match keeps them going, even if it doesn’t look like it will happen. I’m going to guess it was still a low C+.


Kathy Neptune got a debut in a dark match against Belle Bryden. After BSC cut her I picked her up with the idea of her managing someone. I haven’t found her client yet, so gave her a match to keep her occupied.


Merle O’Curle finishes a tour with GCG, known as the most likely place to get injured, fully intact. He then wrestles Walter Morgan at ROF and after a botched spot gets a major concussion that could prematurely end a very promising career.


Announced for USPW American Wrestling:

Ekuma vs T-Rex

Marc Speed and The Force vs Steven Parker and Andre Jones

Alicia Strong, Raven Robinson and Cherry Bomb vs Joanne Rodriguez, Gorgon and Mary Beth Chase

Daniel Reed vs Jumbo Jackson

Sean Deeley vs Enygma

Nicky Champion © vs Tribal Warrior in a non-title match

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Not sure why the women would not want to take on Travis.:D


Ekuma vs T-Rex


After the results I have had with Ekuma in my personal games, I am not sure if that dude should ever get a win in any diary.


Marc Speed and The Force vs Steven Parker and Andre Jones


Alicia Strong, Raven Robinson and Cherry Bomb vs Joanne Rodriguez, Gorgon and Mary Beth Chase


Daniel Reed vs Jumbo Jackson


Sean Deeley vs Enygma


I really like SSD, in fact he is one of my favorite in the game. However, I think Enygma has this.


Nicky Champion © vs Tribal Warrior in a non-title match


Do I need to put a reason why?:D

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Announced for USPW American Wrestling:

Ekuma vs T-Rex

Marc Speed and The Force vs Steven Parker and Andre Jones

Alicia Strong, Raven Robinson and Cherry Bomb vs Joanne Rodriguez, Gorgon and Mary Beth Chase

Daniel Reed vs Jumbo Jackson

Sean Deeley vs Enygma

Nicky Champion © vs Tribal Warrior in a non-title match

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USPW American Wrestling:

Live from the Tri State



Pre-Show: Dark Truth defeated Al Coleman and Nightfox (D+), Mick Muscles © defeated Al Coleman to retain the USPW Unified Title (D+)



The show opened with Enygma calling out Sam Strong to demand that he accepted their match, to which the boss came out once more to refuse – he had promised his family that his days in the ring were over. That brought Alicia Strong out to hold her father’s hand, and tell him that he shouldn’t let his family hold him back. They wouldn’t like to stop him standing up to the man that Enygma has come, to put him in his place. Sam shook his head, and told his daughter that he couldn’t do it (B+)




Match #1: Ekuma vs T-Rex




Under five minutes… and still lacked flow. Thud, whack, crunch, Jurassic Crush.


T-Rex defeated Ekuma in 4.43 (D+)



The Jurassic Crush was not released which brought out Samoan Destruction Inc, and T-Rex at last showed some brains by realising that the odds weren’t with him (B-)



Match #2: Marc Speed and The Force vs Steven Parker and Andre Jones


http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/MarcSpeed.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/JimForce.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/StevenParker.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/AndreJones.jpg


For the second week running Steven Parker faced the force in a tag match with Andre Jones, and for the second time he lost. Despite last weeks lost he spent a large portion of the match showboating, almost costing his team the match, but in the end it was Jones who took the pin from The Force after Parker missed a tag while arguing with the crowd.


Marc Speed and The Force defeated Steven Parker and Andre Jones in 9.51 ©



Steven Parker yelled furiously at Jones after the match, despite being the man largely at fault for the defeat, and hit a Future Shock on his partner for good measure ©


Nicky Champion hyped the Main Event, which would be a bullrope match against Tribal Warrior, with the first man to touch all four corners to be named the victor. He said that this was the perfect match to practice against someone with the size and strength of Jackson, and told his World Title challenger to watch him carefully (B+)



Match #3: Alicia Strong, Raven Robinson and Cherry Bomb vs Joanne Rodriguez, Gorgon and Mary Beth Chase


http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/AliciaStrong.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/RavenNightfall_alt2.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/CherryBomb_alt2.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/JoanneRodriguez_alt1.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/Gorgon.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/MaryBethChase.jpg


Yucky doddle do. Strong off her game. Gorgon off her game. The crowd not getting why a heel Cherry Bomb was teaming with Strong and Robinson. Thankfully it was over when Strong hit an Angel Driver on the debuting Mary Beth Chase.


Alicia Strong, Raven Robinson and Cherry Bomb defeated Joanne Rodriguez, Gorgon and Mary Beth Chase in 8.12 (D)



The music of Travis Century hit so Alicia Strong grabbed mic, and asked Century whether he was impressed with what he saw. Century shook his head and said that she had proven nothing – they had cavorted around the ring showing their bodies off in the pretence of wrestling. Century said that the true action was beyond her – but he could bring it too her. He challenged her to find a tag team to partner her against Dark Truth at Liberty and Justice, and he would find a worthy woman to join his team. Not one to back down from a challenge, Strong accepted ©



Match #4: Daniel Reed vs Jumbo Jackson




And they don’t click. And I’m not really doing a very good job of building of Jumbo Jackson as a decent challenger for the World Title, especially considering this match was full of interference from his Sneer Corporation member partners, and despite Art Reed trying to help his cousin a Patterson clothesline went into Jumbo Avalanche and that was it.


Jumbo Jackson defeated Daniel Reed in 7.09 (D+)



The 3 vs 2 became a 3 vs 3 as Bruce the Giant came out to assist the Reed’s – although Patterson showed no fear and went toe to toe with the Giant before they were split up (B-)


Enygma came out and ripped into Sam Strong, telling him that if he was unwilling to step into the ring he was unworthy of playing any part in USPW. However, meanwhile he was still going to fight week in, week out. He had heard of an impressive Canadian wrestler who was apparently the most technically gifted athlete in the world, and said that he would face this man tonight. And he would defeat this man, as he has done with each and every person who has been put before him previously (B+)


Deeley’s good but unknown – but I really need a performance here. Crosses fingers…



Match #5: Sean Deeley vs Enygma




Not quite as special as the Samoan Machine / Enygma match of two weeks ago, but it was still a decent contest with the crowd getting off their seat at the impressive debutant. He showed good courage and would not allow the Enygma Variation to be locked in, but after a heavy knock fell into an Enygma Cutter.


Enygma defeated Sean Deeley in 7.52 (C+)



Enygma strutted in the ring when Sam Strong’s music hit, and he said that he had a message for USPW. He had come to a decision, a decision he was making for himself, his family, and USPW fans everywhere. He was stepping to the plate and meeting Enygma to put a stop to this madness – and he accepted his challenge for Liberty and Justice. Which Enygma was very happy to hear (B+)



Match #6: Nicky Champion © vs Tribal Warrior in a non-title bullrope match




And… it kinda sucked. Tribal Warrior sneaked the first corner before Champion went on a roll with three corners in a row. That’s when Java interfered (this being no DQ) allowing Warrior to even the score (yes, touches don’t run out in my version of this match), leaving Champion struggling. Until he decided to use speed to his advantage, leaving the ring and spinning around Java, literally tying him up in the rope. Savage Fury had to spend some time untangling themselves, and the moment they did Champion had the slack to reach the fourth corner… in a massive anti-climax.


Nicky Champion defeated Tribal Warrior in 10.36 ©



After the match Savage Fury realised that they could use Nicky Champion’s trick and swing the rope around him, until Marc Speed and The Force were out to assist. Not that I’m setting up the two of them for a Tag Title challenge. Oh no (B-)



Overall Rating C+



A good week for predictions with jesseewiak getting 5/6 but BHK1978 going that one better and getting the clean sweep - his first in the last fourteen predictions, so well done! See what happens when I don't let the drunk wrestle?



Phew again – that’s two shows which have only just reached the lowest expectations (always a danger to book while tired). It made some strides to setting up the upcoming PPV – unbelievably I’ve only got one more show to finish that build up. And then I threw two debutants into the show – Mary Beth Chase was an anonymous one, but Deeley was hyped up, even though I’m sure he will leave soon.


Especially considering Dan Stone Jr just broke his ankle.


Robbie Sanchez and Tribal Warrior bond. How nice.


Announced for USPW American Wrestling:

Mick Muscles and Andre Jones vs Danny Rushmore and Jared Johnson

Nightfox vs Mr Patterson

The People’s Team and Cherry Bomb vs Pain, Dark Disciple and Gorgon

Art Reed vs Jumbo Jackson

Nicky Champion, Bruce the Giant and Sam Strong vs Enygma and Savage Fury

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Mick Muscles and Andre Jones vs Danny Rushmore and Jared Johnson


Nightfox vs Mr Patterson


The People’s Team and Cherry Bomb vs Pain, Dark Disciple and Gorgon


Art Reed vs Jumbo Jackson


Nicky Champion, Bruce the Giant and Sam Strong vs Enygma and Savage Fury


This Enygma team sucks, any time the Savage Jobbers make up 66% of your team you know you are in for a bad match.:D

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Mick Muscles and Andre Jones vs Danny Rushmore and Jared Johnson

Nightfox vs Mr Patterson

The People’s Team and Cherry Bomb vs Pain, Dark Disciple and Gorgon

Art Reed vs Jumbo Jackson

Nicky Champion, Bruce the Giant and Sam Strong vs Enygma and Savage Fury

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USPW American Wrestling:

Live from the Mid Atlantic



Pre-Show: Ekuma, Darryl Devine and Daniel Reed defeated Bruiser, Harley Neill and Giant Redwood (D), Steven Parker defeated Al Coleman ©



Sam Strong opened the show, and was heartened by the support that the fans gave him. He told everyone that he thought that he was doing the right thing by not getting back into the ring – but had been proven by his family and fans that they all wanted one more fight – and one more fight is what they’d get! Out came Enygma, who showed his attack from the previous year that hospitalised Sam Strong, and he reminded every that he hasn’t fought since. He said that he didn’t doubt that Strong was fit – but he wouldn’t be after he finished with him – and wasn’t even sure he’d make it through the Main Event tonight. Sam just smiled, and told him he was ready (A)



Match #1: Mick Muscles and Andre Jones vs Danny Rushmore and Jared Johnson


http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/MickMuscles.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/AndreJones.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/DannyRushmore.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/JaredJohnson.jpg


Yuck. Steven Parker joined commentary, if only as a tool to tell everyone that Mick Muscles would be defending the Unified Title against himself and Andre Jones at Liberty and Justice. He also stormed off after his two opponents dismantled the challenge put against them, Jones pinning Johnson.


Mick Muscles and Andre Jones defeated Danny Rushmore and Jared Johnson in 6.07 (D+)



Backstage Marc Speed and The Force cut a promo against Savage Fury for the Tag Team Titles at Liberty and Justice… that’s another match booked. Generally an intense promo, broken up by some Force wisecracks ©



Match #2: Nightfox vs Mr Patterson




3 minute squash, by a virtual unknown against a worker of a complete different style who he doesn’t click with. Painful.


Mr Patterson defeated Nightfox in 3.20 (E)



Shane Sneer challenged Bruce the Giant to a match at Liberty and Justice (queue excitement) on behalf of Patterson, before Jack Griffith took the mic off him and said that this Sean Deeley bloke who debuted last week was overhyped, and needed to he brought down to the ground. That’s another match booked (C-)


We cut over for our regular T-Rex brawls with Samoan Destruction Inc feature, which was destroying the backstage area, and took half the locker-room to break up ©


Alicia Strong came out to announce that she would team with The People’s Team against Cenutry’s group at Liberty and Justice, and was out scouting. She was joined by Travis Century who insisted on doing the same, and the two sat next to one another uncomfortably on commentary for the next match ©



Match #3: The People’s Team and Cherry Bomb vs Pain, Dark Disciple and Gorgon


http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/FreddieDatsun.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/DesDavids.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/CherryBomb_alt2.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/Pain_eay.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/SayedAli_eay.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/Gorgon.jpg


The good about this match with the commentary, with Steve Smith meshing well with Alicia Strong and superbly with Travis Century. Hmmm, Century as a long term heel colour announcer? Possible. The not quite so good was the match, which ended when Des Davids pinned Pain, which led to Gorgon walking off on her own.


The People’s Team and Cherry Bomb defeated Pain, Dark Disciple and Gorgon in 8.04 (D+)



Sam Strong was shown with Samoan Destruction Inc, telling them that he knew they were fine fighters but it needed to be done in the ring. He asked them to decide which one of them would face T-Rex at Liberty and Justice, and they eventually settled on Rhino Umaga. Strong turned to Samoan Machine, and said in fairness he would be banned from ringside for the match (B-)


Steven Parker and Belle Bryden were shown backstage, plotting over the Unified Title match. Belle Bryden told Parker that she would be fully in his corner – after all, she’s not defending her Women’s Title as the rest of the women seem to have forgotten about her and are obsessing over Travis Century (C+)



Match #5: Art Reed vs Jumbo Jackson




After Jackson defeated Daniel Reed last week he repeated that feat with Art Reed – although this match did prove more challenging. Didn’t stop him winning it with a Jumbo Avalanche.


Jumbo Jackson defeated Art Reed in 9.43 (C+)



Jumbo Jackson took a mic and said that it was his destiny to take out Nicky Champion, which brought the youngster out to say that he was open to any challenge, but would not be relinquishing his title anytime soon. He was then joined by Sam Strong and Bruce the Giant, the latter quickly taking the mic to say that he was accepting Mr Patterson’s challenge (B+)



Match #6: Nicky Champion, Bruce the Giant and Sam Strong vs Enygma and Savage Fury


http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/NickyChampion_alt.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/BrucetheGiant.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/SamStrong_alt-1.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/Enygma.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/TribalWarrior.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/Java.jpg


And it’s… another poor Main Event. In fact this is probably the worse match that a few of these have been involved in in a while. Long, protracted… not bad, just not Main Event, hyping up PPV material. Anyway, lots of fighting, Enygma looking dangerous, but Sam Strong pinning Tribal Warrior after a Strong Arm Tactic.


Nicky Champion, Bruce the Giant and Sam Strong defeated Enygma and Savage Fury in 16.38 ©



To try and get a bit more hype in we ended with a brawl, with Jumbo Jackson and Mr Patterson attacking the faces, The Force and Marc Speed out to help out, and Mayhem. TM (B+)



Overall Rating C+



Phew – got away with one there. For the third week running. I’d like to apologise right now to any Fox Mask fans. A hastily finished PPV card, with a couple of TV matches definitely on it.


CWWF run their debut show, with Gorgon picking up the All Canada title after defeating Kate Lilly.

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Announced for USPW Liberty and Justice:






http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/FreddieDatsun.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/DesDavids.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/AliciaStrong.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/TravisCentury.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/SayedAli_eay.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW-1-1.jpg


The People’s Team and Alicia Strong vs Dark Truth and ???


Travis Century has been leading a crusade against the women of USPW, and Alicia Strong has stepped to the plate to defend their honour. Here she will team with The People’s Team, while Dark Truth will have to find a female partner that doesn’t hate them to join them.






Bruce the Giant vs Mr Patterson


Mr Patterson has been out to wreck Daniel Reed’s USPW career, but help had come in the unlikely shape of Bruce the Giant. Wanting to prove himself in USPW Mr Patterson has challenged the biggest athlete in the world to a match – but is this one match too far for the newest member of the Sneer Corporation?






Sean Deeley vs Jack Griffith


Sean Deeley debuted in USPW as a much hyped prospect, a prospect that Jack Griffith wants to put down. Without a match Griffith challenged the Canadian techinician, who was only to eager to accept.






Rhino Umaga vs T-Rex


Samoan Destruction Inc and T-Rex have battered against one another for the past two weeks, and now we get a chance for the action to take place in a controlled way in the ring. Samoan Machine will be banned from ringside, and it will be up to Rhino Umaga to prove himself against the former World Champion T-Rex.







Mick Muscles © vs Andre Jones vs Steven Parker for the USPW Unified Title


Mick Muscles defends his title against two men wh have refused to get on with one another in the last couple of weeks – Andre Jones and Steven Parker. Both men will want to get one over on one another, but both will have to remember the dangerous champion in the ring.





http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/FreddieDatsun.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/DesDavids.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/JimForce.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/MarcSpeed.jpg


Savage Fury © vs The Force and Marc Speed for the USPW Tag Team Titles


In recent weeks The Force and Marc Speed have teamed up, and now face their biggest challenge as a team in the shape off the Tag Team Champions Savage Fury. Nothing has been able to stop the champions, but the mixture of Speed’s technical skills and the Force’s power… and influence will be something they have not come across much.






Sam Strong vs Enygma


Last month Enygma lost out on a World Title shot by a split second and a controversial referee’s call, and when Sam Strong refused to reverse the decision Enygma demanded revenge in the ring. At first Sam refused, but was eventually convinced to step in the ring with the man who attacked him several months ago, hospitalising him for three weeks. Winning this match means everything to both man – but who will com eout on top?







Nicky Champion © vs Jumbo Jackson for the USPW World Championship


Jumbo Jackson has looked strong in the last few weeks, taking down every object in his path and earning a World Title shot, albeit in controversial circumstances. Meanwhile, Nicky Champion has been involved in several hard battles, and the challenger may be the fresher of the two men. But will it be enough to see a new champion crowned?



Quick Picks:

The People’s Team and Alicia Strong vs Dark Truth and ???

Bruce the Giant vs Mr Patterson

Sean Deeley vs Jack Griffith

Rhino Umaga vs T-Rex

Mick Muscles © vs Andre Jones vs Steven Parker for the USPW Unified Title

Savage Fury © vs The Force and Marc Speed for the USPW Tag Team Titles

Sam Strong vs Enygma

Nicky Champion © vs Jumbo Jackson for the USPW World Championship

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The only thing that matters is that the Savage Jobbers lost.:D


The People’s Team and Alicia Strong vs Dark Truth and ???


Bruce the Giant vs Mr Patterson


Sean Deeley vs Jack Griffith


SSD has to win here.


Rhino Umaga vs T-Rex


Mick Muscles © vs Andre Jones vs Steven Parker for the USPW Unified Title


Savage Fury © vs The Force and Marc Speed for the USPW Tag Team Titles


The Force & Marc Speed=The Ultimate C-Verse team.


Sam Strong vs Enygma


The tough old bastard should be able to pick up the win.


Nicky Champion © vs Jumbo Jackson for the USPW World Championship

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Quick Picks:

The People’s Team and Alicia Strong vs Dark Truth and ???

Bruce the Giant vs Mr Patterson

Sean Deeley vs Jack Griffith

Rhino Umaga vs T-Rex

Mick Muscles © vs Andre Jones vs Steven Parker for the USPW Unified Title

Savage Fury © vs The Force and Marc Speed for the USPW Tag Team Titles

Sam Strong vs Enygma - CO

Nicky Champion © vs Jumbo Jackson for the USPW World Championship

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USPW Liberty and Justice!

Live from the South East on PPV



Pre-Show: Darryl Devine defeated Pain (D+), John Pathlow defeated Al Coleman ©



Match #1: Bruce the Giant vs Mr Patterson





We didn’t start the PPV with a hype video… which was a bit of an oversight, but hey. Instead we had these two giants slug it out, but it was far too early for Mr Patterson to be given the victory here. However, whether this defeat halts any momentum he’s built up is something that will have to be seen.


Bruce the Giant defeated Mr Patterson in 5.33 (C+)



We had a father and daughter moment, with Alicia telling her father that everyone was behind him tonight. Strong laughed and said not everyone – along with Enygma there are always those out there who will be against him. Alicia kissed him and told him not in USPW – not where he was worshipped as a legend (B+)


Cut to – T-Rex attacking Samoan Machine! There’s been a running theme the last couple of weeks. Here it seems Rex managed to find the Samoan alone, and was ramming his shoulder into anything he could see. When Rhino Umaga rushed out, Rex was quick to exit ©



Match #2: Art & Daniel Reed vs Danny Rushmore and Jared Johnson


http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/ArtReed.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/DanielFrancis.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/DannyRushmore.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/JaredJohnson.jpg


We’re only on match two and already we’ve got an unannounced match. Nice. Purely to give the Reed’s a much needed victory, which came when Daniel made Rushmore tap to the Rasta Lock.


Art & Daniel Reed defeated Danny Ruhsmore and Jared Johnson in 9.02 (C+)



We went backstage to the Sneer Corporation’s locker-room, taking stock after Mr Patterson’s defeat. He was angry after losing but Shane Sneer said it did not matter – there was loses for everyone, but it was the big ones that mattered. Jumbo Jackson agreed, and said that tonight had been his main focus for weeks – and he was not about to mess up his opportunity (C+)


Alicia Strong and The People’s Team came out for there match, closely followed by Dark Truth, with Pain at there side. As everyone waited for their partner to come out Alicia Strong confidently mouthed that it would be Gorgon, and was speechless when Raven Robinson came out – new hair cut and all (C-)!



Match #3: The People’s Team and Alicia Strong vs Dark Truth and Raven Robinson


http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/FreddieDatsun.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/DesDavids.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/AliciaStrong.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/TravisCentury.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/SayedAli_eay.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/RavenNightfall_alt1.jpg


After the disappointment of the warm up match I wasn’t expecting too much here – but we actually got a really good match up. Alicia was stunned at Raven’s appearance on the opposing team, and when they finally met in the ring Robinson dominated a confused Strong. Later, when Pain interfered, forcing Davids to once more tag in Alicia Raven was once more on top, and pulled out the victory with a Night Faller.


Dark Truth and Raven Robinson defeated The People’s Team and Alicia Strong in 12.13 (C+)



Nicky Champion hyped up his title defence – telling Jackson that he was always prepared – always wary about the unauthorised assistance that was bound to come, and always with a plan to combat it (B)



Match #4: Sean Deeley vs Jack Griffith




Certainly a TV match, but with a burgeoning roster I wasn’t quite sure where I was going to get Deeley in – especially as NOTBPW have just signed Ryan Powell making me think that I might have him for a little longer. Deeley once again proved a strong opponent, but a rake in the eye and a low blow finally allowed Griffith to deliver a Jack in the Box.


Jack Griffith defeated Sean Deeley in 8.02 ©



Steven Parker, with Belle Bryden at his side, hyped up his title challenge – telling Muscles that he could defeat him any day and Andre Jones had proved just to be a burden whenever they were previously teamed together ©



Match #5: Rhino Umaga vs T-Rex




Not just a slugfest, with Umaga bringing with him a Japanese style game that T-Rex had a hard time dealing with. However, size and power soon got the former champion on top, when all of a sudden Samoan Machine rushed out from the back, still clutching his shoulder. Rex met him and the two started hammering away at one another, leaving the ref no choice but to DQ Umaga under the terms of the match.


T-Rex defeated Rhino Umaga in 9.47 by DQ (C+)



Umaga actually tried to split the two up, but was shoved away by his partner, leaving Rex and the Machine to brawl up the ramp until Ekuma led a small army of staff out to split them up (C+)


We got a hype video for the Unified Title match… as I don’t quite trust Mick Muscles on the mic ©



Match #6: Mick Muscles © vs Andre Jones vs Steven Parker for the USPW Unified Title





This was… the worst match of the night so far? Oh. Considering how much I’ve tried to get behind Muscles, and how awesome Steven Parker is (even though he’s done a lot of jobbing recently) this was a disappointment. Maybe it was how the victory occurred – Jones breaking up a Parker pin to deliver a Blast From the Past and then shouting in his downed face for several seconds, allowing Mick Muscles to throw Jones from the ring. Muscles then delivered a Bulldozer Powerbomb to Parker and made the pin, and still Jones was mocking Parker.


Mick Muscles © defeated Andre Jones and Steven Parker in 13.44 to retain the USPW Unified Title (C-)



Marc Speed and The Force hyped up their match with Savage Fury, saying that they had the skills and the savvy to knock the Islanders off their perch (B-)



Match #7: Savage Fury © vs The Force and Marc Speed for the USPW Tag Team Titles



http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/FreddieDatsun.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/DesDavids.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/JimForce.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/MarcSpeed.jpg


And… another not particularly good match. This is starting to look like USPW is in a position it really doesn’t want to be in. The challengers were on fire in this match with quick tags and excellent work, that really made it look as if we would have new champions. It was not to be as the ref missed Java crushing Marc Speed with one of the title belts, and as The Force exploded at the injustice Java was able to make the pin.


Savage Fury © defeated The Force and Marc Speed in 10.35 to retain the USPW Tag Team Titles (C-)



Enygma hyped up the Main Event, telling Sam Strong that he was correct – he had plenty of enemies. But none were as dangerous as him – none him been made a fool out of as him, and none wanted as revenge as much as him. Enygma thanked the fans and Alicia Strong for convincing Sam to step foot back in the ring, and said he would enjoy every moment of the match (A)


World Championship Hype Video… yes, it’s not the Main Event. Which is weak (B+)



Match #8: Nicky Champion © vs Jumbo Jackson for the USPW World Championship





It turns out that this one probably could have happily been the Main Event, as the two put on a decent match against one another. When The Corporation came out Champion was quick to head them off, taking out Griffith while the ref threw out Patterson. It gave Jackson the momentum and he went for a Jumbo Avalanche, but Champion fought his way out. From then onwards it was a roll to the Hawk Eye Hammer, and title retention.


Nicky Champion © defeated Jumbo Jackson in 12.37 to retain the USPW World Championship (B-)



Hype video for the Main Event – with plenty of history over the last six months since Enygma turned on Sam Strong (A*)



Match #9: Sam Strong vs Enygma




And… oh my goodness it worked! A 64 year old Sam Strong has Main Evented a PPV and pulled out a superb match! The wrestling was great but quite frankly it was the crowd who made this match, who had absolutely bought into the storyline, and were itching for Sam Strong to get revenge. He did hit a Strong Arm Tactic, but was in disbelief as Enygma kicked out. He went for a second SAT but Enyma pushed him away and delivered an Enygma Cutter as Sam rebounded from the ropes. He followed it up with the Enygma Variation, and a close up showed a tear roll from Strong’s eye as he steadfastly refused to tap… before giving up and tapping to the shock of the crowd.


Enygma defeated Sam Strong in 12.29 (B)



Several members of the USPW roster, including Alicia Strong, were out to make sure there was no further attack, but Engyma didn’t seem interested, celebrating and laughing at USPW’s owner. Enygma took a microphone and told Sam that he was finally over – he had no place in the ring or at USPW whatsoever. Enygma said that the torch had been passed, and he was the undisputed future of the wrestling industry (A)



Overall Rating B-

Buy rate 0.76



The PPV proved to be an unpredictable one, with both BHK1978 and jessieewiak thinking that Sam Strong and Sean Deeley would win, with the Tag and Unified Titles changing hands. None of the above happened, but jesseewiak pulled out the victory by predicting victory for Travis Century's team.



Top rated PPV ever, second best match ever, just behind Nicky Champion vs Enygma from last year. Which I think we can better. And a really emotive end to the show that the crowd ate up. Which was just as well, as apart from Raven Robinson’s shock turn to join Travis Century there wasn’t too much excitement outside the Main Events. Although Mr Patterson held up his end of the opener.


Bob Casey may not be wrestling, but he’s keeping himself involved. By bring in booze. Nice one. And The Big Problem joins MAW. Honest.


Announced for USPW American Wrestling:

Al Coleman, Sean Deeley, Nightfox and Amber Allen vs Travis Century, Dark Disciple, Pain and Raven Robinson

Findlay vs Mr Patterson

Cherry Bomb vs Joanne Rodriguez

Andre Jones vs Steven Parker

Nicky Champion, Bruce the Giant, Marc Speed and The Force vs Savage Fury, Jumbo Jackson and Jack Griffith

Darryl Devine vs Enygma

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Sam Strong losing was the correct outcome of that match. A guy who has been retired for years has no business in beating an active main eventer. For some odd reason though I thought you might give Sam the victory.


Al Coleman, Sean Deeley, Nightfox and Amber Allen vs Travis Century, Dark Disciple, Pain and Raven Robinson


Tough call, I think Travis' team has more talent so I shall go with them.


Findlay vs Mr Patterson


Honestly I could see this going either way just because I am not sure of the popularity level in America that Mr. Patterson has.


Cherry Bomb vs Joanne Rodriguez


I just like J-Ro better.


Andre Jones vs Steven Parker


Nicky Champion, Bruce the Giant, Marc Speed and The Force vs Savage Fury, Jumbo Jackson and Jack Griffith


I know you are probably going to have the Savage Jobbers and the Drunk win, but any team with Bruce, Nicky, Marc, and Jim Force on it deserves the w in my opinion.


Darryl Devine vs Enygma

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USPW American Wrestling:

Live from the South East



Pre-Show: Belle Bryden © defeated Gorgon and Geena ©, The People’s Team defeated Danny Rushmore and Jared Johnson (D)



The show opened with Enygma, who asked for the moment of Sam Strong tapping out to him to be played again… and again… and again on the big screen. Enygma declared that he had proved everything he needed to in USPW – he was the best now – the best that there ever was. There only remained one thing to do – and that was to take the World Title off Nicky Champion. He demanded that Sam Strong came out to declare him the Number One Contender, but it was the Champion who responded. He told Enygma that he was undoubtedly the next in line for a World Title shot, and he would gladly defend his title against him at Freedom Fight. However, he told Enygma that he should not disrespect youth – as you never know what they can do. Enygma shook his head, and said that he knew what youth could do – and would prove that youth was no object by dismantling youngster Darryl Devine in the Main Event (B+)



Match #1: Al Coleman, Sean Deeley, Nightfox and Amber Allen vs Travis Century, Dark Disciple, Pain and Raven Robinson


http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/AlColeman.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/ShooterSeanDeeley.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/FoxMask_black.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/AmberAllen-1.jpg


http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/TravisCentury.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/SayedAli_eay.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/Pain_eay.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/RavenNightfall_alt1.jpg


Travis Century’s alliance easily put away the motley crew of faces that were put against them – Dark Disciple getting the pin after delivering a Dark Driver to Nightfox.


Travis Century, Dark Disciple, Pain and Raven Robinson defeated Al Coleman, Sean Deeley, Nightfox and Amber Allen in 6.47 (D+)



After the match Raven Robinson took a mic and asked the audience if they liked her new style… she was twirling her short locks as she spoke but her leather boots probably were what some thought she was talking about. Raven said that she had been ignored by Alicia Strong in her argument with Travis Century – an argument that Alicia had to take over because it was all about her. Raven said over the last couple of week’s one thing became clear – and that was Century was right, most of the women in USPW bring shame to themselves, and she would not be part of that. That brought Alicia out to declare that if shame was assisting a fellow woman who was being bullied, yes, she was guilty of that. She added that Raven was not exactly guilt free – she was guilty of betraying her friends and colleagues. That brought a shriek of laughter from Robinson who told Strong she was never a friend, and now she has a new family – the Dark Family (C+)


Sam Strong was shown backstage in his office with Danny Jillefski, pondering the future. Jillefski told him that only he should choose when he leaves the industry – he’s earned that much. At that point a noise started up outside and Sam left his office, with people trying to keep T-Rex apart from Samoan Destruction Inc. Sam said that he had enough of this – next week T-Rex would take on Samoan Machine, and if any of them lay a finger on the other before then they would be fired (B)



Match #2: Cherry Bomb vs Joanne Rodriguez




A solid match with very little heat behind it saw Cherry Bomb pick up a victory with a Cherry Popper.


Cherry Bomb defeated Joanne Rodriguez in 8.25 (C-)



Backstage Shane Sneer had brought Jumbo Jackson and Jack Griffith into Enygma’s locker-room, telling the masked man that they needed to work together tonight. Enygma told Sneer that he could sort it out with Savage Fury – he had far bigger things on his mind, and left the room. There was a tense stand-off between the Tag Champions and Sneer’s men, before Sneer told them to grow up get to know one another – he had to head ringside to be with Mr Patterson (B)



Match #3: Findlay vs Mr Patterson




Another squash for Patterson (who is sitting at D- popularity in teh US currently), Choke Slamming his opponent for the victory.


Mr Patterson defeated Findlay in 2.59 (D-)



Patterson took a mic after the match and called out Daniel Reed, before Sneer snatched the mic off him. The Reed cousins came out and Sneer told them that Mr Patterson was insulted by Daniel Reed’s presence in USPW, and suggested that he should run off somewhere else. The Reed’s disagreed with this, and in the end agreed to a match next week with a partner of Patterson’s choosing (C-)


Steven Parker came down to the ring and grabbed a mic to blame Andre Jones for his failure to win the USPW Unified Title, and Jones to willing to respond in the ring (C+)



Match #4: Andre Jones vs Steven Parker




Mick Muscles joined the commentary team for this one, and I’ll have to admit Andre Jones’ singles run really hasn’t impressed me. He wasn’t getting the victory over Parker here, who picked up the victory with a Future Shock.


Steven Parker defeated Andre Jones in 8.31 (C-)



Nicky, Bruce Marc and Jim had a little mic time… we’ll see if we can teach Speed how to talk yet (B)



Match #5: Nicky Champion, Bruce the Giant, Marc Speed and The Force vs Savage Fury, Jumbo Jackson and Jack Griffith


http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/NickyChampion_alt.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/BrucetheGiant.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/MarcSpeed.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/JimForce.jpg


http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/TribalWarrior.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/Java.jpg &http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/JumboJackson.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/JackGriffith.jpg


Always a good opportunity to give the Tag Team Champions a loss, a multi-man match like this… so lose they did, via a Giant Choke Slam to Griffith.


Nicky Champion, Bruce the Giant, Marc Speed and The Force defeated Savage Fury, Jumbo Jackson and Jack Griffith in 10.17 ©



Enygma came out for the Main Event, quickly taking a mic to say that this is what he did to youth (B)



Match #6: Darryl Devine vs Enygma




Enygma picked apart Devine, who tried to escape technically (and failed) and then went high flying (hitting one move that only served to focus Enygma even more). The Enygma Variation was applied and Devine tapped… no tears though here.


Enygma defeated Darryl Devine in 6.45 (B-)



Enygma took a mic again and said that any youngster was willing to take him on – but they would all end up tapping up him… including Nicky Champion. That brought Sam Strong out to firstly congratulate Enygma on his last two victories, but then to pass on some news. Sam said that he still didn’t trust Enygma to challenge for the title fairly – he expected him to try and get all the illegal help he could. As such, he would be implementing a very special guest referee for the match at Freedom Fight, and when Enygma asked who that would be Strong smiled, and said that he’d have to wait and see… (B+)



Overall Rating C+



Alomst the sweep for BHK1978, with just J-Ro letting him down. J-Ro certainly hasn't lived up to the hype she brought with her, although that's no reflection of her skill - that's purely down to how she's been booked. Poorly.



Well, that could back me into a corner. I’m making an attempted signing, and if it comes off he will be special guest referee. And if not… someone else will be.


Madman Boone is back, and goes on a tour with GCG. Meanwhile at TCW Kill Switch’s (Frankie Perez) All Action Title reign is ended after a major concussion suffered in a match with Charlie Thatcher. Perez is expected to be about for approximately a year.


Announced for USPW American Wrestling:

Marc Speed and The Force vs The People’s Team vs Dark Truth vs Danny Rushmore and Jared Johnson

Rhino Umaga vs John Pathlow

Amber Allen and Geena vs Belle Bryden and Raven Robinson

Art & Daniel Reed vs Mr Patterson and Jumbo Jackson

Samoan Machine vs T-Rex

Nicky Champion and Mick Muscles vs Enygma and Steven Parker

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Announced for USPW American Wrestling:

Marc Speed and The Force vs The People’s Team vs Dark Truth vs Danny Rushmore and Jared Johnson

Rhino Umaga vs John Pathlow

Amber Allen and Geena vs Belle Bryden and Raven Robinson

Art & Daniel Reed vs Mr Patterson and Jumbo Jackson

Samoan Machine vs T-Rex - DDQ

Nicky Champion and Mick Muscles vs Enygma and Steven Parker

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Marc Speed and The Force vs The People’s Team vs Dark Truth vs Danny Rushmore and Jared Johnson


Rhino Umaga vs John Pathlow


Amber Allen and Geena vs Belle Bryden and Raven Robinson


Too much star power on the Raven/Belle team.


Art & Daniel Reed vs Mr Patterson and Jumbo Jackson


Samoan Machine vs T-Rex


Nicky Champion and Mick Muscles vs Enygma and Steven Parker


I just like the Parker/Enygma combo better.

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USPW American Wrestling:

Live from the Mid South


Pre-Show: Savage Fury © defeated Ekuma and Al Coleman ©, Jack Griffith defeated Sean Deeley and Nightfox ©



Enygma started the show calling out Sam Strong, demanding to know who the special guest referee was for his title shot. Sam refused to confirm, and when Enygma said it was unfair Nicky Champion knowing, Sam said that actually the champion didn’t now himself. That led to Enygma guessing that Sam Strong would himself be the ref, and Sam just chuckled to himself, saying Enygma would find out in good time (B+)



Match #1: Marc Speed and The Force vs The People’s Team vs Dark Truth vs Danny Rushmore and Jared Johnson


http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/MarcSpeed.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/JimForce.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/FreddieDatsun.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/DesDavids.jpg


http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/TravisCentury.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/SayedAli_eay.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/DannyRushmore.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/JaredJohnson.jpg


Multi-man Tag Team Mayhem! It’s been a while since I have run a match like this, and there was plenty of action all over the place. The People’s Team and Dark Truth continued their mini-feud, egged on by Raven Robinson ringside, allowing The Force to get the pin on Danny Rushmore after a Full Force.


Marc Speed and The Force defeated The People’s Team, Dark Truth and Danny Rushmore and Jared Johnson in 10.22 ©



After the match Alicia Strong was out for a full blown argument with Raven Robinson, with Alicia having to be physically restrained by The Force (C+)


Enygma was shown talking to Steven Parker, furious that Sam Strong was going to take any opportunity to screw out of out of his title shot. For once it was Parker who was doing the calming down, telling Enygma to focus on the task at hand – and that was defeating Nicky Champion and Mick Muscles in the Main Event (B+)



Match #2: Rhino Umaga vs John Pathlow




The two men tried to give us an all out Japanese style match up and showed great chemistry in the process. Of course, the crowd don’t care about high intensity Japanese Style matches, so whereas some people would have been salivating over this one, here we just had mediocre interest. And a Rhino Charge on Pathlow.


Rhino Umaga defeated John Pathlow in 4.12 (D+)



Raven Robinson came up to Belle Bryden before their tag match, and asked if she was going to do what she was told. Bryden scoffed, reminding Robinson that she was the Woman’s Champion – however, if she was being told to win she would do exactly that ©



Match #3: Amber Allen and Geena vs Belle Bryden and Raven Robinson


http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/AmberAllen-1.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/GeenaPrincess_alt.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/BelleBryden.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/RavenNightfall_alt1.jpg


Amber Allen and Geena make a great tag team. Good for them. They lost – Robinson pinning Geena after a Night Faller.


Belle Bryden and Raven Robinson defeated Amber Allen and Geena in 5.58 (D+)



Backstage and it’s… a Darryl Devine segment? Was his appearance against Enygma last week an indication that he might actually start appearing regularly again? He welcomed Seduction back, who had been out of action since “breaking” her shoulder following an altercation with Andre Jones… who just so happened to turn the corner and come across them. There was an embarrassing silence before Seduction opened her mouth, but only saw Jones scurry away (D)



Match #4: Art & Daniel Reed vs Mr Patterson and Jumbo Jackson


http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/ArtReed.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/DanielFrancis.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/DannyPatterson-1.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/JumboJackson.jpg


The commentary team reminded everyone of Mr Patterson’s and Daniel Reed’s apparent history in the UK, which had spilled over to USPW. It also became a 2 vs 1 after Jack Griffith slammed Art Reed off the ring apron, eliminating him from the match, and despite a valiant effort Daniel fell to a Patterson Choke Slam.


Mr Patterson and Jumbo Jackson defeated Art & Daniel Reed in 7.58 (C-)



A 3 vs 1 beatdown ensued before the music of Bruce the Giant hit, and he was out to make the save, forcing away the Sneer Corporation ©



Match #5: Samoan Machine vs T-Rex




What’s this? A second set of great chemistry discovered tonight? I’ll take that. As such it wasn’t Samoan Machine who had to make all the work, and we actually had quite a good match. If short, as after a ref bump T-Rex went to get a chair and the ref recovered to see Samoan Machine kicking said chair into Rex’s head, leading to him DQ’ing the Samoan.


T-Rex defeated Samoan Machine in 6.26 by DQ (C+)



T-Rex was staggered back but was not grounded, and smacked Samoan Machine back with the chair… a shot which also did not fell the Samoan. A second shot staggered him back but the third was avoided, with Samoan Machine ripping the chair from T-Rex’s hands. Three strikes from the chair and finally Rex was downed, and Samoan Machine only stopped when Melody interjected herself (B)


Nicky Champion and Mick Muscles cut a quick pre-Main Event promo, both champions promising to chow why they held their titles (B)



Match #6: Nicky Champion and Mick Muscles vs Enygma and Steven Parker


http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/NickyChampion_alt.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/MickMuscles.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/Enygma.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/StevenParker.jpg


A decent match that saw the appearance of Savage Fury for the first time tonight… which was never going to be good news for the face team. The ref tried to keep an eye on them but it only allowed Parker and Enygma the opportunity to cheat, Enygma raking Champion in the eyes as Parker delivered a low blow to Muscles. Enygma then applied the Enygma Variation to Muscles, who was forced to tap.


Enygma and Steven Parker defeated Nicky Champion and Mick Muscles in 13.04 (B-)



Enygma took a mic and said that he hoped that Sam Strong’s mystery ref could keep on top of things – this was proving too easy for him (B+)



Overall Rating B-



Chalk up another clean sweep for BHK, although this time there was no competition in sight.



Apparently that was my 7th best show ever. That’s what happens when you discover two sets of great singles chemistry (and one tag team chemistry) when you’re worried about matches.


Darryl Devine’s loan at MAW which brought Jay Chord in (ages ago) comes to an end… in a damned consistent show (American Elemental over Findlay ©, Jay Chord over American Patriot ©, Cattley over Devine to retain the MAW Championship ©).


Nightfox (Fox Mask) leaves USPW, having only won 6 out of his 22 matches… although he did defeat Steven Parker in that time. Actually, that was his only non-dark victory. To say that he hasn’t been properly used would be accurate. He moves onto ACPW.


Shane Sneer signs a new deal, and he’ll be taking home a lot of the revenue raised from the “Sneer Corporation” merchandise from now on.


And – God damned it – I’ve lost who? To WHO!?! Really?


Announced for USPW American Wrestling:

Nicky Champion © vs Danny Rushmore in a non-title match

Alicia Strong and Cherry Bomb vs Gorgon and Joanne Rodriguez

Marc Speed vs Tribal Warrior

The Force vs T-Rex

KC Glenn vs Enygma


And another match. Which I shall not be announcing.

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Nicky Champion © vs Danny Rushmore in a non-title match


I know the rule of thumb is Danny should win this matc. However, Nicky has actual you know talent while Danny is lacking it.


Alicia Strong and Cherry Bomb vs Gorgon and Joanne Rodriguez


I really like Gorgon, but J-Ro has not been doing well here in USPW.


Marc Speed vs Tribal Warrior


Lets see here one of my personal favorites in the C-Verse is taking on one-half of the Savage Jobbers...I think I will go with Marc.


The Force vs T-Rex


KC Glenn vs Enygma


I know KC is very talented but I still think Enygma has this match in the bag.

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USPW American Wrestling:

Live from the Tri-State



Pre-Show: Mick Muscles © defeated Harley Neill in a great chemistry non-title match ©, Dark Truth defeated Sean Deeley and Al Coleman (D+)



Match #1: Nicky Champion © vs Danny Rushmore in a non-title match




Did you know that this is our last show before the PPV? I really need to book some more matches. At least the World Champion has his match booked, and won the warm-up with ease.


Nicky Champion defeated Danny Rushmore in 5.07 ©



Enygma came out to demand to know who the mystery referee for their match was, but Champion insisted that he did not know. That brought Sam Strong out to say that in fairness he would let the competitors know who would be refereeing their match and introduced…







Match #2: Alicia Strong and Cherry Bomb vs Gorgon and Joanne Rodriguez


http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/AliciaStrong.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/CherryBomb_alt2.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/Gorgon.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/JoanneRodriguez_alt1.jpg


During this match we learned that Cherry Bomb had been named the Number One Contender to Belle Bryden’s Woman’s Title, and Alicia Strong had challenged Raven Robinson to a match at Freedom Fight. No big surprise then that the faces won here, with Bomb pinning J-Ro.


Alicia Strong and Cherry Bomb defeated Gorgon and Joanne Rodriguez in 7.16 (C-)



Raven Robinson came out to declare that she had heard that Alicia Strong had challenged her to a match at Freedom Fight and accepted, saying that she would show that she was the dominant female force in USPW… which brought out the Women’s Champion to refute the fact and declare that after she defeated Cherry Bomb she would be in that position (C+)


Backstage Enygma was furious that Sam Strong had brought Tom Gilmore to USPW, but Steven Parker stepped up to the plate. He told Enygma to concentrate on his build up to the World Title match – he would face Gilmore in the ring and show him that in USPW he was a nobody (B-)



Match #3: Marc Speed vs Tribal Warrior




In a match that indicated that we might actually find something out about what’s happening with the Tag Titles at Freedom Fight Tribal Warrior battered Marc Speed, Speed tied up the Samoan, Java attacked ending the match in DQ.


Marc Speed defeated Tribal Warrior in 4.48 by DQ (C-)



After the match we had a Savage Fury beatdown, save from The People’s Team and an attacking assist from Dark Truth. It seems that there may be a multi-man Tag Title match at Freedom Fight (C-)


The Force was shown backstage trying to be interviewed, but he said he had to see how Speed was before his match. He ran around the corner into Andre Jones and Darryl Devine who were staring at one another uncomfortably, and he told them to sort it out before heading off. Devine told Jones Seduction would never forgive him, and Jones just mumbled that he was sorry before turning away (C-)



Match #4: The Force vs T-Rex




The commentary team said that during the ad break The Force checked on Marc Speed, and he was fine. Here we got our usual five minutes of drift as these two men tried to combine their poor psychology and good chemistry into a good match. It sort of worked, Rex hitting an Extinction on The Force for the victory.


T-Rex defeated The Force in 4.49 ©



After the match Melody took a mic and told Samoan Destruction Inc to watch what Rex could do – and the monster preceded to drag The Force out of the ring and hit another Extinction, this time to the cold, hard floor. He then made an exit as the Samoan’s appeared (C+)


The Sneer Corporation cut an interview hyping their match with Art & Daniel Reed and Bruce the Giant for Freedom Fight… as this was the only way we could mention it tonight ©


Enygma came out and said that he didn’t have to worry about Tom Gilmore – Steven Parker would do that for him tonight. Instead he would do what Nicky Champion told him to do – and that was to concentrate on youth. He said that it was cruel to put youth up against him, destroying their hopes so early, but had found a volunteer (B+)



Match #5: KC Glenn vs Enygma




In what seems to have become the standard debut for talented unknown faces they were pitted against Enygma, and a decent match ensued. KC Glenn was given moments, but not as much as Samoan Machine had, and he eventually fell to an Enygma Cutter.


Enygma defeated KC Glenn in 7.51 (C+)



Enygma then declared that Tom Gilmore would now be put in his place by Steven Parker, which brought out the Unified Title holder Mick Muscles. Muscles declared that Steven Parker was dealing with a Canadian legend, something neither he nor Parker could claim to be yet, and that Parker should not take Tom Gilmore lightly. He added that as Parker had challenged him for the Unified Title at Freedom Fight he would be keeping watch from ringside, and would make sure things were fair (B+)



Match #6: Tom Gilmore vs Steven Parker




Two great Canadian talents in the ring, and we were looking for a good match. Which we got. Eventually we had a ref bump that allowed Steven Parker to hit a low blow, before rolling out of the ring a grab in chair. As he entered the ring to line Gilmore up for a shot Mick Muscles ripped the chair out of is hands, and got into a full blown argument with Parker. Parker struck Muscles in the face but turned around into an Anger Management, and Mick Muscles made the count!


Tom Gilmore defeated Steven Parker in 11.12 (B-)



As Parker looked shocked Enygma came out and demanded that the result was overturned, as Muscles wasn’t the ref. A recovering ref refused to do that, so instead Enygma summoned Savage Fury out and charged the ring, overwhelming Gilmore and Muscles. Then Nicky Champion was out to clear house, and we had a stare off between champion and challenger to end the show (B)



Overall Rating B-



A 5/5 for jesseewiak, with the pre-PPV show proving as predictable as usual. But will the PPV follow suit?



Got him. First big signing for USPW and Tom Gilmore joins USPW to headline my highest rated show ever. He left SWF having only ever wrestled on PPV’s, and eventually became disillusioned. A massive talent, he could be a bigger signing than either Bruce the Giant or Enygma were in their days (maybe).


Bad week for Findlay, whose USPW and MAW contracts both expired within days of one another, and neither were renewed. But the big departee is The Force, who surprisingly gets a TCW contract. I probably should have fed him to the Dark Disciple or Mr Patterson, but he’s a USPW legend and I just couldn’t do it to him. At least I don’t have to consider fulfilling the Main Event title run that was in his contract now.


Sorry, no full preview this month:


Announced for USPW Freedom Fight:

Bruce the Giant and Art & Daniel Reed vs Jumbo Jackson, Mr Patterson and Jack Griffith

Samoan Machine vs T-Rex

Alicia Strong vs Raven Robinson

Belle Bryden © vs Cherry Bomb for the USPW Women’s Title

Mick Muscles © vs Steven Parker for the USPW Unified Title

Nicky Champion © vs Enygma for the USPW World Championship with Tom Gilmore as Special Referee


And the Tag Team Titles will be defended! But not against Marc Speed and The Force like originally planned!

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