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Can a tester please give me rundown on how the multiplayer league will run?

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I am hoping to play in a multiplayer league (not big just a couple buddies in one conference). What will be the process of this? can we get a run through or run down? Will users connect to the game online to a players computer. Or do you they just create export files. I understand gameplans get sent to the commish, but what about every other week, how does that information get updated? Matt
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As cody said, we are not testing multiplayer yet so we can't tell you, Arlie has been fixing bugs reported in the demo and adding some requested features that we need to test now, but mutiplayer has not been added yet. Hopefully soon we will be able to give you more info.
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It will run very similiar to how Total Pro Football worked. Each week you will email your commish a file with your decisions. Commish imports all the teams files and runs the week. New league file will be posted on the site and rinse and repeat throughout the season. That is a very general description but I think you will get the point.
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