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Booking a 1989 WWF

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<p>Hey guys, I was pretty young back in 1989 and don't really remember the style of booking. I've seen all the Mania's and SummerSlams and most my wrestling knowledge comes from 1997 and current.</p><p> </p><p>

I wanna do a long term mod from 1989 and was wondering what is a good way to book the WWF. More from the standpoint of television shows. Like how did the WWF did it, or how do you guys do it</p>

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I'm sorta in the same boat. Just downloaded the NHB Mod, went to start as WWF and realised I've got 3 TV shows (two of them A shows) and only 2 enhancement guys on the roster.


Real-life WWF in 89, you'd be lucky to have gotten 3 non squash matches across all 3 TV shows.


So, something's got to give here, one way or another.

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I'm sorta in the same boat. Just downloaded the NHB Mod, went to start as WWF and realised I've got 3 TV shows (two of them A shows) and only 2 enhancement guys on the roster.


Real-life WWF in 89, you'd be lucky to have gotten 3 non squash matches across all 3 TV shows.


So, something's got to give here, one way or another.


What would happen if you switched those 'A' shows to 'B' shows, I wonder? By today's standards, I think most wrestling shows of that era, other than Saturday Night's Main Event, would be 'B' shows.


WWF would definitely need more ETs, that's for sure.

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Alright that is what I thought, I can run almost any promotion from 97 to current, but anything before that, I run it way different the history was, and I'm not trying to be historical accurate, just trying to beat around the bush with it
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TEW is designed so that you pretty much have to book your A-shows in the post-Bischoff sense. So 1989 WWF on your game would need to look a lot different than WWF tv shows really did in 1989, in order to survive and be successful.


I think you can succeed in TEW with an approach between the two. In a popularity-based promotion, a over main event star in a match against a decently talented midcard or lower midcard guy can grade quite well.

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I keep switching between the different databases I use. One of them is the 1989 mod and I'm hoping to book Hogan vs Warrior for Wrestlemania 6. Would it work on TEW as face vs face or would it be best to turn one of them before their feud starts?
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