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UFC: The Saga continues

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<p>First dynasty (and post here.) I like doing things like this for other games such as Chart Wars 3, and I liked adding a little more of a personal touch to the diaries that do. So hopefully I can do some new things that make reading this interesting and fun.</p><p> </p><p>

Hope you guys enjoy!</p>

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Dana White announces UFC 110, green lights new season of The Ultimate Fighter.


Today, Dana went public with the UFC 110 card...and folks, this is the fight we've been waiting for!


Thank you for attending this press conference. First off, I would like to announce that we will be having a new season of our hit show, the Ultimate Fighter, startin very soon. We have set on Light Heavyweights to be our focus this season.


On to UFC 110. The headline fight will be for the Middle weight title, Anderson Silva will square off against Vitor Belfort. Now that these guys are both healthy, the fans can finally get the fight that they've been waiting for, and we all have high expectations for this.


The co-main event will be Randy Couture vs Rich Franklin. In lightweight action, Mac Danzig and Duane Ludwig will throw down. Heavy-handed Jorge Rivera will face Mario Miranda in his UFC debut. And lastly, Jason High and Marcus Davis will meet up.


As for the new season of The Ultimate Fighter, we will update you very soon. Thank you.

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TUF: Episode 1


The camera fades in too see GSP sparring around on one of the heavybags. A few seconds later, Jon Fitch walks in. They exchange greetings, with a little bit of trash talk about who will win the show. Right as they talk about their re-match, Dana walks in with 16 fighters.


The fighters are more than happy to see who the coaches are. Dana runs down the rules about the picking situation. He proceeds to give them an open gym where the coaches can scout the talent.


The next day, the selections begin. Fitch chose to pick first, giving GSP the first fight.


* = Top picks

Team GSP:

Brian Olsen (9-1, Connecticut)*

Helio Dipp (6-3, Brazil)

Jason Riley (6-2, Ohio)

Jeremy Williams (5-0, Hawaii)

Mario Rinaldi (10-4, Florida)

Michael Patt (10-4, Ohio)

Daniel Puder (8-0, California)

Sean O'Connell (7-3, Utah)


Team Fitch:

Bobby Reham (7-1, Sweden)*

Hector Ramirez (8-3-1, California)

Jamal Patterson 5-2, New Jersey)

Jeramiah Billington (10-2, Missouri)

Lew Polley (10-3, Nevada)

Mark Burch (9-2, Indiana)

Orvil Palmer (4-0, Oklahoma)

Robert Berry (12-9, England)


We get back from commercial to see Team GSP training. After a montage, we see the same with Team Fitch. The fight announcement rolls around and GSP hops up:


"The first fight is obviously important. So representing the blue team will be...Helio Dipp. And for the red team...Lew Polley."


The two square off, then then shake hands and leave. Fitch seems to be very happy about this fight pairing.


After a tough day at the gym for both teams, we see Jeramiah Billington talking trash about Daniel Puder. "Wasn't he on some WWE show? TV whore. Reality show slut. All he wants is attention." Puder over hears him, and the two get into a verbal fight. Billington keeps saying how Puder is here for cameras just to re-start his "fake a** wrestling career." Puder has to be held back by fellow Team GSP members.


After a commercial, it's fight time.


They circle for a moment, then Dipp gets a clinch. His deadly Muay Thai gets displayed, and he drives some brutal knees to the ribs of Polley. Polley eventually catches a knee, driving Dipp into the mat. Dipp pancis quickly, and Lew tries to get the back. However, he shows a lack of heart, and Dipp gets back to his feet quickly.


Polley seems disheartened, and Dipp sees this. He lands some jabs, a flying knee, and as Polley back steps, Dipps fires a jab to the stomach. Polley doubles over, leading to a right head kick from Dipp. Lew Polley crashes to the mat, and the fight is over.


Winner: Helio Dipp via. KO in the 1st round.




Helio Dipp (GSP)




Lew Polley (Fitch)

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  • 2 weeks later...

TUF: Episode 2


We get a brief recap of last week, and Helio Dipp walks us through the KO victory. GSP is very pleased with the win, but the camera cuts back to the gym where we see Team GSP training very hard.


After a good session of ploymetrics, GSP rounds up his team:


"I want them to know we mean business. I don't want to get a few wins, and then trade off from there. I think we can win, and I think we can take every one of their fighters. All I gotta say is, [Michael] Patt, be ready to go."


Patt nods his head.


Boredom has set in for Team Fitch back at the house, as some of the members are slap boxing, where the others are just hanging out. After a brief conversation, Orvil Palmer and Lew Polley decide to have some fun. They set up buckets of water over the doors of all but one room of Team GSP. The only people not to have a bucket are Helio Dipp and Sean O'Connell.


Later in the episode, we see a dead tired Team GSP show up. The fighters walk up the stairs, with Team Fitch in pursuit, only to get a rude surprise. Splashing of water fills the house, and laughters from both sides occur. However, Michael Patt walks out of his room with a large gash over his left eye. The bucket hit him just right over the eye, causing a huge laceration with blood flowing.


Patt is rushed to the hospital. Upon his arrival, Patt sits down with Dana and GSP saying the Doctors told him to drop out. Despite Patt's plea, Dana says he can't go on with a cut like that. It's just impossible to fight without it opening up, and risking infection.




Cameras fade into the fight announcement. GSP is highly upset with Team Fitch, or at least a certain two. "We know who pulled the trick, and we know who knocked Patt out of this competition...Mario Rinaldi will be fighting Orvil Palmer.


GSP says in an interview that he knew it was a joke, but the bucket knocked one of his guys out of the race, and he wants Palmer to pay the price. He goes on to say that there's no way Palmer can take Jiu-Jitsu.


Fitch, in his interview, seems confident in Palmer. He praises his heart and ability to fight through fatigue. "The kid has heart."


The Fights begins:


Before the opening bell, GSP tells Mario to "make him tap...first round." The two circle, nothing too special. Palmer feels the obvious malice from GSP, causing him to take control before Rinaldi can react. Surprisingly, Palmer shoots for the takedown.


He gets guard, but can't do much. Despite being rather strong, Palmer can't fight past the great JJ of Rinaldi. The refs stands them up. Rinaldi fires off a couple jabs which send Orvil backwards. Suddenly, Mario trips Palmer and takes the back. GSP yells for Mario to end it, which he does, sinking in the rear-naked choke and getting the win.


Winner: Mario Rinaldi via. Submission




Mario Rinaldi (GSP)

Helio Dipp (GSP)




Lew Polley (Fitch)

Orvil Palmer (Fitch)

Michael Patt (GSP)[injury]


Before the teams can leave, Dana enters and says that Patt needs too be replaced, despite no one being eliminated from Team GSP. "It's the rules," Dana tells a displeased Fitch. So, GSP, here's your new team member...in walks Ralek Gracie of the infamous Gracie family. GSP and his team seems more than happy with this addition.


*Cameras fade out*

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Some UFC news:


Twitter updates:


Diego Sanchez: Training with the Natural for his big fight @ UFC 110!


Duane Ludwig: Ran in2 Danzigs trainer. asked if they wanted me to ko or sub mac :)


Demian Maia: Vitor or Anderson...who you guys got??


Junior Dos Santos: Back home in Brazil, just got my tix for the big fight!


Nate Diaz: Bout to hit the gym with my bro and Jake Shields.


Training Camp news:


-Diego Sanchez is currently working with Xtreme Couture.


-Jorge Gurgel is expected to be the main corner man for Rich Franklins battle with Randy Couture later this month.


-Kenny Florian is said to be one of the corner men for both Jorge Rivera and Marcus Davis at UFC 110.

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TUF: Episode 3


*Cameras fade into the teams still in the gym with Dana*


Dana: We have a surprise. As Jon and GSP can agree, if you want to be in the UFC, you have to be ready to fight at the drop of a dime. With that said we're going to have a fight...right now. GSP, you guys maintain control, pick the fighters.


GSP: Now?


Dana: Now.


GSP turns with a look of confusion, and with an unsure voice he looks at Ralek. "You ready?" Gracie nods. "Ralek vs Bobby Reham." This fight draws a lot of interest from those involved. Dana even looks shocked.


In the confessional Dana shares his thoughts. "To put the new guy in cold turkey against their top pick is fuc*in' nuts! I know he's a Gracie, but still...that's a tall task for Ralek."


After a montage, the surprise fight begins.


Fitch yells out "He's cold, he isn't ready!" too motivate Reham. It didn't work. Right off the bat Ralek shoots for the takedown, and right away passes for side control. Expecting Ralek to take mount, Reham preps for the transition. However, Ralek sees this and locks in the omoplata. Reham taps right away.


Winner via submission: Ralek Gracie



Ralek Gracie (GSP)

Helio Dipp (GSP)

Mario Rinaldi (GSP)




Bobby Reham (Fitch)

Orvil Palmer (Fitch)

Lew Polley (Fitch)

Michael Patt (GSP)[injury]


Fitch is furious at his team so far. "Bobby was our top pick...we need too step up now fellas. We NEED TOO STEP UP!"


After a montage, back at the house we see Puder and Ralek relaxing, then Billington steps into the room giving Puder a tough time. Puder brushes it off, then Billington says some more stuff. Puder looks at him and says, "I can't wait to see what your teeth look like in my fist." Billington feels challenged and the two get face-to-face, causing Ralek and a few others to seperate them. Billington yells, "See you in the cage big shot!" as he walks out.




At the 2nd fight announcement GSP calmly walks up and says, "Brian Olsen vs Jammal Patterson." Fitch kind of chuckles and flashes a smile towards Patterson and whispers, "They fuc*ed up that one."


Fitch says there is no way Patterson loses this fight, claiming he's the darkhorse to win the entire contest. "I just don't see Olsen getting the win."


We see a training montage, then it's fight time!


Both throw some fists that catch nothing but air, then Patterson shoots. Fitch is screaming for him to advance, "He can't hold you! You're too good...MOUNT!" Jamal takes his coaches words into account, and gets mount. The fists are delt with, however, he locks in an ugly armbar causing an instant tap out from Olsen.


Winner: Jamal Patterson via Submission




Gracie (GSP)

Dipp (GSP)

Rinaldi (GSP)

Patterson (Fitch)




Polley (Fitch)

Palmer (Fitch)

Reham (Fitch)

Olsen (GSP)

Patt (GSP)[injury]

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MMA Live on ESPN2


Jon Anik:Hello and welcome, to another installment of MMA Live on ESPN2. It's 1 AM out in the East, so thank you for staying up with us. As always with me is Kenny Florian, and a special guest of honor, BJ Penn. Guys, thanks for showing up.


Penn: It's a pleasure, Jon.


Anik: Let's get into it. We're just days away from UFC 110, the Silva-Belfort battle. The title is on the line, it's two fighters that we've been waiting for, two Brazilians...Kenny, what should we expect?


Florian:This is going to be a war. Anderson Silva obviously is not from this planet. The striking game is amazing, he's a showmen, this will be good.


Anik: BJ?


Penn: Of course Anderson is a hell of a fighter. But I think people are selling Vitor short on this. Belfort can bring it, if Anderson wants to exchange, Vitor will put him down.


Anik: We'll get the UFC 110 predictions later on in the show. Next we'll discuss is the fight that has the MMA world buzzing, and no folks, this is not the UFC. Alistar Overeem is putting his Strikeforce title on the line against Fedor...thoughts on this one?


Kenflo: Love it. Americans are a little late getting into MMA compared to our friends in places like Japan, Brazil, and other places worldwide. So we aren't too familiar with Fedor. His legend only grew when people heard of the mythical man and how Dana White tried getting him to fight Brock Lesnar. Now that this fight will be televised for the world to see, Fedor will finally be un-masked to those who don't know too much about him.


Penn: It's going to be a great fight, and a great card. I have some good friends over there at Strikeforce fighting, and I'm happy for them. The card should be a good one.


Anik: Stacked card indeed. Joining Overeem and Fedor on the card for interesting fights: Dan Henderson vs Robbie Lawler, Babalu vs King Mo and Bobby Lashley vs Brett Rogers. It'll be a great night for Strikeforce, that's for sure.


Alright, it's that time of the show to make our predictions for UFC 110 this Saturday! First off, Jason High debuts against Marcus Davis, guys, who ya got?


Kenflo: High is a mystery too me, not gonna lie. I know Marcus has some great hands, so if he can find the chin of High, than Marcus takes this via Knock Out.


Penn: I agree. High has potential, but they don't call him The Irish Hand Granade for a reason. Marcus Davis gets the victory.


Anik: Jorge Rivera vs Mario Miranda.


Kenflo: Miranda is a great Greco-Roman wrestler, and I think if he takes this to the ground, he'll get the win.


Penn: I disagree. Jorge has hammers in those gloves, and all it takes is one for him too send Miranda too the mat.


Anik: Mac Danzing vs Duane Ludwig.


Kenflo: Danzing.


Penn: I gotta go with Ludwig.


Anik: Randy Couture vs Rich Franklin.


Kenflo: Love ya, Rich...but Randy all the way.


Penn: Randy by TKO.


Anik: And the Main Event: Anderson Silva vs Vitor Belfort.


Kenflo: He's not human. He's an alien. He isn't real. He wasn't born, he was CRAFTED...Anderson Silva just can't be stopped. With all respect for Vitor, this is the best pound-for-pound fighter out there in the world. Anderson retains.


Penn: When I heard about this, something in my gut told me that Vitor will pull of the victory. I have a gut feeling he'll catch Anderson slipping, and BAM, down goes the champ. Belfort with the upset.


Anik: So there you have it folks! Another episode of MMA Live is in the books. I'd like to thank our guests Kenny Florian, as always, and our very special guest, The Prodigy himself, BJ Penn! Get ready folks, UFC 110 is just around the corner! Good night.

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TUF: Episode 4


Team Fitch is elated that Jamal Patterson broke the streak. Jon Fitch rallies the troops: "Ok guys...the ball is in our court. From here on out, it's all us. We won't lose this show!"


Dana shares his thoughts on Patterson, saying he looks like he can really fight.


Back at the house, it's the typical stuff. Cards, jokes, naps...the norm. However, both coaches from Team GSP and Team Fitch walk for a surprise cook out with the guys.


Everyone is out back having a good time when, as always, Billington and Puder start jawing at one another. It blows over for a few minutes until we see a beer bottle fly towards Puder, hitting him in the forearm. The camera caught Billington hurling the bottle at Puder. Almost suddenly a riot insues. GSP and his coaches hold back Puder, who is irate. Fitch is confused as to why Billington would do something like that.




Dana shows up right away. He sits the fighters down:


"You gotta be fuc*in' kiddin me. Really, guys? REALLY!?! This is a once in a life time chance and you start throwing fuc*in' bottles at people? That was a dumb-ass move. So, Jeramiah, you gotta go. We can't have that sh*t on this show."


Then Puder stands up: "Dana...keep him."




"I want to fight him in the cage. If Team Fitch is willing too announce the next fight as me against him, then I'm all for keeping him."


"Jon, are you willing to do this?" Fitch agrees, then Dana adds. "However...the loser can't stay. It's too risky, we can't have more sh*t happening like this again. So, Jeramiah Billington vs Daniel Puder...winner moves on, loser leaves the house. Good night, guys."


Right as Dana leaves, Billington starts jawing too Puder but Fitch and his coaches calm him down. Puder seems very content with the fight.




We see both teams training very hard, with a focus on Puder and Billington. After a prediction from both coaches and a few other fighters...it's time for the fight everyone has waited for.


The fight:


Herb asks for the fighters to meet in the center...Puder walks, but Billington stays in his corner until Herb forces him too the center. He runs down the rules, then says for them too touch gloves, "Fu*k that," Puder murmors. The two walk back into their corners...it's time.


Puder digs some leg kicks deep into Billington, then catches him with a hard jab. After the takedown from Puder, he passes into side control. Puder gets mount, postures up, and unloads on Billington. Blood is almost instant, and Herb jumps in.


Winner: Daniel Puder via. TKO


After the fight Puder gets hugs all around, and we see Billington getting treated. Before leaving for good, he gives an interview and Billington has a swollen left eye with a nasty looking cut over it.



Puder (GSP)

Gracie (GSP)

Dipp (GSP)

Rinaldi (GSP)

Patterson (Fitch)



Billington (Fitch)

Reham (Fitch)

Palmer (Fitch)

Polley (Fitch)

olsen (GSP)

Patt (GSP)[injury]

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UFC 110: Silva vs. Belfort


Jason High (9-2) vs. Marcus Davis (16-6)


-High showed talent in his UFC debut. He went the distance with the vet, and paced himself very well. Good striking, defense and ground game led him to the victory at UFC 110.


Winner: Jason High via. UD (5:00 rd. 3) *GREAT*


Jorge Rivera (17-7) vs. Mario Miranda (11-0)


-Miranda debuted as well, and was dominate from the opening bell. His ground skills over whelmed Rivera, leading too a TKO early on.


Winner: Mario Miranda via TKO (3:06 in rd. 1) *GREAT*


Mac Danzig (19-7-1) vs. Duane Ludwig (19-10)


-In a fight with a few bright spots, but a slew of bleh spots, Ludwig walked away with the victory in a decent fight.


Winner: Duane Ludwig via UD (5:00 in rd. 3) *DECENT*


Co-Main Event: Randy Couture vs. Rich Franklin


-We're used too seeing these guys are a much quicker pace, but this was slowed down a little bit. The vets had much respect for one another, but in the end BJ Penn called it on MMA Live...


Winner: Randy Couture via TKO (4:36 in rd. 3) *DECENT*


MAIN EVENT: Anderson Silva © vs. Vitor Belfort


-The legacy continues. The fight was painfully one-sided, as Belfort walked out with more than a bruised ego. Silva didn't need to show off in this one...he let the fist speak for themselves.


Winner: Anderson Silva via TKO (4:44 in rd. 1) *EXCELLENT*


Financial figures:


  • 2.7 million dollars was made at the gate
    An additional 3.5 million was made off of PPV revenue.

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Dana White announces UFC 111 in New Jersey


Thank you for showing up. Today is a special day, as we are announcing UFC 111 in New Jersey coming up in March. The prelims will be aired on Spike TV, then the rest of the card will be on Pay-per-view. The card is as followed:




Brendan Schaub vs. Jon Madsen


Amir Sadollah vs. Ryan Bader


Main Card:


Carlos Condit vs. Matthew Riddle


Alan Belcher vs. Ed Herman


Frank Mir vs. Antonio Nogueria *Winner gets title shot against Lesnar*


MAIN EVENT: Lightweight title fight


BJ Penn © vs. Frankie Edgar

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TUF: The Final Prelims


Everyone is in the gym as Dana walks in.


"This season has been full or surprises. I keep preaching how if you want to fight in the UFC, you need too be ready for anything. The coaches on this show are great, but when they know someone is preping for a fight, they focus on them. So...the next fight day we have, the final THREE prelims will be held. You guys have to learn to use minimal training advice, and understand it comes from within. Too be fair, both coaches will select a fight, with GSP picking first then the final two fighters will fight."


After a brief meeting, both coaches announce their fights.


GSP: The fight we chose to have will be Jason Riley versus Robert Berry.


Dana: Ok...Jon?


Fitch: We settled on Mark Burch and Jeremy Williams.


Dana: Alright. So that would leave Hector Rameriez and Sean O'Connell in the final prelim. Train hard fellas.


Dana goes on to say how the fights are going to be great, but he feels Team Fitch will take two of the final three fights.




Fight 1: Riley vs Berry


The two got very winded early on, causing a dull fight. Neither really listened too their corner that much, leading to some weak punches being thrown. Eventually Berry won via UD.


Winner: Robert Berry.


Fight 2: Burch vs. Williams


Despite giving up nearly 60 pounds too Burch, Williams had great condition too make it to the end. After an average fight, Williams walked away with the W.


Winner: Jeremy Williams.


Fight 3: Hector Rameriez vs. Sean O'Connell


This fight was sort of a let down overall. Not too much action, but it went the distance like the other two. Hector got the UD in the end.


Winner: Hector Ramirez




Dana: Alright, so the next round of fighters is set. We'll now have a random selection too determine the match-up for the next round.


*A hat is brought out with the eight names in it.*


After a dramatic drawing, the fights were determined:


1) Hector Ramirez (Fitch) vs Ralek Gracie (GSP)

2) Jeremy Williams (GSP) vs Helio Dipp (GSP)

3) Daniel Puder (GSP) vs Robert Berry (Fitch)

4) Jamal Patterson (Fitch) vs Mario Rinaldi (GSP)


Dana: The first two fights will be held on the next fight day...it's time to get serious, guys.

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TUF: The Prelims start


GSP seems content with the match-ups despite two of his guys fighting one another. "I knew it was going too happen just because of the numbers...so with them I'll just have to split my time between the two."


After a montage of training sessions from both Teams, we're back at the house. Orvil Palmer and Bobby Reham are talking about how "there's no way Jamal [Patterson] doesn't win this show." Both rave over his skill set, saying the show is his for the taking.


Puder and Gracie room together, and they break down the their upcoming fights, giving one-another advice about their opponenets. Puder looks at Gracie and says, "It's you and me! The finale right here...Gracie and Puder." Both seem too like the idea of that.




In the lockerroom both fighters are getting ready. Hector Ramirez says how him being the under dog, and coming off a fight with hardly any rest, is the under dog but likes that position.


Fight 1: Ralek Gracie vs Hector Ramirez


If you blinked, you missed it. Gracie went too work on Hector. Hector engaged first, but Ralek got it too the ground, mounted, then cranked the arm bar for the win.


Winner: Ralek Gracie.


GSP is very happy about the win for Ralek, but he now knows it's GSP Civil War with his own fighters.


We see both Dipp and Williams, in seperate sessions, getting equal attention from their coaches and teammates. Back at the house, the two surprisingly hang out the night before the fight.




Fight 2: Dipp vs. Williams


Helio Dipp was highly impressive in this fight. He handled Williams with ease, landing shot-after-shot. Once he applied the muay thai clinch, it was a wrap once he landed the knees.


Winner: Helio Dipp

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TUF: Semi-final bound


We recap last week with highlights of Dipp and Gracie winning. We then see the two embrace one another with a hug and a "good luck" exchange. Next we see Puder and Rinaldi training for their fights. GSP says that these two need to go all out, and he wants this to be the last Team practice, because he wants an all Blue team semi-finals.


Back at the house a lot of Team Fitch is down and out. They keep encouraging Patterson and Berry for their up-coming fights, saying they have to show pride for their team and themselves.


After a montage of training, it's time for the first fight.


Fight 1: Puder vs Berry


Berry, while physically intimidating, got abused in this one. Puder took it too the ground, and mounted Berry, and locked in an americana.


Winner: Puder.


Puder is all smiles, as he is embraced by Gracie and Dipp who will join him in the Semi's. GSP singles towards Rinaldi, "one more."




Fight 2: Rinaldi vs Patterson


Patterson took it too the ground in the first round, but Rinaldi kept him at bay from doing any damage. In the 2nd round, Rinaldi did a good job of controling the fight, but once he obtained guard, fatigue set in and Patterson applied the triangle choke for the win!


Winner: Jamal Patterson


Dana: The Final 4 are set. Ralek Gracie, Helio Dipp, Daniel Puder and Jamal Patterson. All four of you guys can fight...but just remember there can only be one. Thank you, gentlemen.


Before the episode ends, Dana shares his thoughts on the Semi-Final match-ups.


"I love it. Gracie vs Dipp is a clash of the styles. Dipp is from Brazil, he openly admits that he grew up on the Gracie way of fighting...and here he is fighting a Gracie. That is going to be phenominal. As for Puder and Patterson, oh man. Two tough sons of b*tches, strong minded, great ground skills...I can't wait. Honestly, I don't think there's a favorite, any four of these guys could end up on the UFC roster."

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TUF: The Semi's


We enter to the house, and see the four remaining fighters doing their own thing. Ralek is doing some yoga in the back yard, Dipp is in deep thought looking over the city, Puder is eating cereal and Patterson is stretching.


The other fighters are taking bets, and saying who will win. Team Fitch members campaign for Patterson, while Team GSP say any of their three will win the show.




We see Fitch sitting down with Patterson at the gym.


"This is all you, Jamal. You're representing Team Fitch right now, you're representing yourself, your family, and all of New Jersey. Just go out there and do your thing...it's all you baby!"


GSP is back at the house with his team, and would like to congratulate Dipp, Gracie and Puder on making it so far. He wishes them the best of luck, then leaves.


Puder and Gracie are sitting in their room talking about how they play too meet each other in the cage at the Finale in Vegas. "Puder verse Gracie...hell of a fight," Ralek says as he goes too sleep.


Fight 1: Gracie vs. Dipp


Dipp tried fending off Ralek at first, but it didn't work. Ralek got it too the ground, then proceeded too land some shots, prior too locking in an americana, landing him a spot in The Ultimate Finale!


Winner: Ralek Gracie




We cut back too see Puder and Patterson getting final prep talks. "Block everything out, and go too work," Fitch tells Patterson before the fight.


Fight 2: Puder vs. Patterson


Prior too the fight we see Dana White lean over too both coaches saying, "Fireworks." Summing up the general outlook on this up-coming fight.


The two feel each other out, then Puder shoots. After a brief struggle from half guard, Puder finds himself in mount, then applies the americana for the win. Similar too Gracie.


Winner: Daniel Puder.




We get back and see Dana in the cage with both coaches, and the two finalists.


"Alright, so it's set fellas. Ralek Gracie vs Daniel Puder at The Ultimate Finale in Las Vegas. The winner will get the six-digit contract, and a spot in the UFC. Both coaches, thank you both, and you're fight will take place a week after The Finale. Ralek, Daniel...best of luck guys."


The two embrace one another, then walk off. As the cameras fade out Dana shares his thoughts on the fight.


"Wow...this is tough. Both have really ran over everyone they've faced so far. I can't wait, I really can't pick a winner. We'll just have too tune in and watch."

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Ultimate Finale Card announced!



Main Event:


Josh Koshcheck vs. Dan Hardy *Winner gets GSP/Fitch*


Co-Main Event:


Ralek Gracie vs. Daniel Puder


Stefan Struve vs. Heath Herring


Renzo Gracie vs. John Howard


Aaron Riley vs. Andre Winner


Jeremiah Billington vs. Jamal Patterson

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UFC 111: Penn vs. Edgar


Spike TV prelims:


Brendan Schaub vs Jon Madsen


-The first two rounds were very technical and ground-based. However, in the third round Schuab avoid a crisp jab, and then proceeded to drop bombs on Madsen, forcing Mirgliata too end the fight.


Winner: Brendan Schaub via TKO (0:26 in rd. 3) *DECENT*


Amir Sadollah vs. Ryan Bader


-Bader looked in great shape for this fight, and it showed. He took right too the mat, got side control and applied an arm triangle.


Winner: Ryan Bader via submission (1:54 in rd. 1) *GREAT*




Carlos Condit vs. Matthew Riddle


-BJJ proved too be successful in this one, as Condit took it too the mat and walked away the victor after an americana.


Winner: Carlos Condit via submission (4:15 in rd. 1) *GOOD*


Alan Belcher vs. Ed Herman


-Herman must of watched the fight prior too him, as he strayed away from the striking and took it too the mat. He won via americana.


Winner: Ed Herman via submission (2:35 in rd. 2) *GREAT*


Frank Mir vs. Antonio Nogueira


-The trend of the night continues in this #1 contender fight. Big Nog took it too the mat...and, you guessed it, locked in the americana and get the victory.


Winner: Antonio Nogeuira (2:47 in rd. 2) *GREAT*


MAINT EVENT: Lightweight Title Fight


BJ Penn © vs. Frankie Edgar


-Frankie came out too a HUGE reaction, being the hometown boy. However, The Prodigy was just too much as he hit big-shot-after-big-shot from side control, and forced Herb Dean too step in.


Winner: BJ Penn via TKO (2:02 in rd. 1) *FANTASTIC*


Financial figures:


  • 2.9 million dollars was made at the gate off of ticket sales.

  • 3.7 million dollars was made in PPV revenue.

  • Show rating: Excellent

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Ultimate Finale



Jeremiah Billington vs. Jamal Patterson


-Billington got boo'd for his actions on TUF, and Patterson got some cheers. He had Jon Fitch in his corner for this, and it paid off. Patterson locked in an arm bar before the first round ended.


Winner: Jamal Patterson via. submission (4:55 in rd. 1) *GOOD*


Aaron Riley vs. Andre Winner


-A good back-and-forth battle that went the distance, and got the crowd involved. Both fighters received some good cheers. However, only one man could win, and that was Winner via UD.


Winner: Andre Winner via. UD (5:00 in rd. 3) *GOOD*


*There's a brief break with Joe Rogan talking with GSP & Fitch about the show, the main event, and their fight in a few weeks. Both take a few sly shots at one another, but nothing too serious.*


Renzo Gracie vs. John Howard


-This was a much slower pace as the first two. The two did a lot of circling until the 3rd round when Renzo took it too the mat, and from there, it was a wrap via guillotine.


Winner: Renzo Gracie via. submission (1:03 in rd. 3) *POOR*


Stefan Struve vs. Heath Herring


-This was a solid 1st round. However, in the 2nd round, Struve shocked everyone by getting the takedown, the mount, then an arm bar. Everyone was expecting a slug fest.


Winner: Stefan Struve via. submission (0:39 in rd. 2) *DECENT*


*We see Mike & Joe cage-side hyping up the TUF Finale: Ralek vs Puder. After a brief video of their roads to the finale, it's time for the big fight!*


Co-Main Event: TUF Finale

Ralek Gracie vs. Daniel Puder


-After an eventful 1st round (in which Puder basically made Ralek's takedown game irrelevant outside of a reverse) the crowd was going NUTS. The 2nd round saw ZERO ground game. The highlight was Ralek taking a brutal leg kick too the inside. Round 3 was basically the same, with Puder doing more damage than Ralek did. The bell sounds and the crowd in on their feet as both men embrace one-another.


It went too the judges, and the winner by UD, and the NEW Ultimate Fighter.....DANIEL PUDER!


Winner: Daniel Puder via UD (5:00 in rd. 3) *AVERAGE*



Josh Koshcheck vs. Dan Hardy


-With the crowd buzzing off the TUF finale, they expected a great Main Event. With GSP and Fitch cage-side, the fight began. After a brief stand up game, Koshcheck took it too the ground, wound up getting Hardy's back, and applied a rear-naked choke.


In his post fight interview, Koshcheck grabbed the mic and said:


"GSP...I'd love too fight you *crowd cheers* but your ass is washed up. Once Fitch knocks you out cold at UFC 112...I'm gonna choke out Fitch for that belt!" *slams mic and walks out of the cage too boos*


Koshcheck knows how too win over the fans...

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Jon Anik: MMA Insider Blog



What's goin' on MMA world? This is my new blog I've been given. Just some info on the UFC too keep you guys talking/thinking...whatever. Let's get started!


-There's some complaints about the Puder-Gracie outcome. Many felt that it shouldn't have been a UD for Puder. Hmmm, I hate when this stuff happens. I mean, this wasn't a pointless fight, it was a life defining moment. Both are awsome fighters with great upside, and plus, Ralek already inked a deal with the UFC. Just let it go.


-Machida vs. Couture for the LHW Title later this year? I don't know how this sits with some of the readers...but expect this too happen in the later summer/early fall. Yup.


-Penn wants to defend his title against Florian...UFC Officals want him too fight Gray Maynard...lets see where this one goes.


-Amir Sodallah moved up to LHW for his last fight against Ryan Bader and got destroyed. It's said he may try the Welterweight class in his next fight. Cutting that kind of weight can't be good for you.


-Koshcheck is Public Enemy #1 after his anti-GSP & Fitch comments at The Ultimate Finale. Whenever the winner meets up with Kosh, expect fireworks.

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UFC 112: GSP vs. Fitch card


Spike TV Prelims:


Alexander Gustafsson vs. James Te Huna


Jason Young vs. Dan Lauzon


Melvin Guillard vs. Ross Pearson *Prelim Main Event*




Chad Corvin vs. Todd Duffee


Aaron Simpson vs. Drew McFedries


Co-Main Event:

Quinton 'Rampage Jackson' vs. Thiago Silva


Main Event: Welterweight title fight

Georges St. Pierre © vs. Jon Fitch

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