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W.A.R. It begins...

W.A.R. It begins...  

32 members have voted

  1. 1. W.A.R. It begins...

    • Runaway Train SWF World Champion
    • Nemesis TCW/DAVE Unified Champion
    • Dan Stone Jr. NOTBPW World Champion
    • Duane Stone
    • Sean McFly
    • Brian Vessey
    • Raul Hughes
    • Tommy Cornell
    • Mike Watson
    • Bryan Holmes

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[I]Disclaimer: The The following is a work of fiction using characters from Adam Rylands Cornellverse[/I] [B][url]www.WARTV.com[/url][/B] Warrior: Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the grand opening of the WARTV website. I am the W.A.R. insider known simply as the Warrior, and from now until the WAR is over, I will be your host at this, our veritable leap into the world of professional wrestling! We are indeed on the verge of something exciting. It is a new day it would seem, and the wrestling world itself is about to be turned on it’s ear. Coinciding with the launching of this site, is a declaration of W.A.R. Wrestling Athletic Revolution is here! Who exactly is declaring this war?… Well the Warrior has it on good authority that five people are responsible for the emergence of this new cutting edge wrestling federation. Problem is, I’ve been given the gag order as far as the details go, as the boss intends to reveal all Saturday night on the companies inaugural show, W.A.R. TV. What I can say is that one of the five, Gil Thomas, is the owner, and financial backer of the whole shebang. He’s already been flexing his muscle and throwing his money around and many of the North American workers overseas, have already signed to written deals stateside with W.A.R. Apparently, all of this is at the advice of his head booker and President of the company. A worker whose services he acquired in Canada. It appears, the President of the company (who chooses to remain anonymous until Saturday) has been given the task of being the creative force behind the company, and is not afraid to use Mr. Thomas’ money to make certain necessary decisions. Decisions which include bringing the likes of Larry and Brian Vessey, Raul Hughes, Pistol Pete Hall, and Mike Watson back to America. Furthermore, it is believed that some sort of written guarantee from the President is what brought Tommy Cornell back into professional wrestling. The world hasn’t heard a word from Cornell since J.K. Stallings jr and Phil Vibert muscled him out of TCW in July of 2005. I can confirm that he is not only an active member of the roster, but will be the major selling point for the launch of the show. It is clear that whatever was agreed to in his guarantee, had to be more than just a title shot, as he is becoming a major marketing wagon for the show. His return alone was enough to spark minor interest in a T.V. deal. Cornell was actually by our offices earlier today, so this info is from the horses mouth. He declined to sit for an interview, but said that he would be back in on Wednesday to record a webcast. His main reason for showing up today was to promote the launching of the site and to chat with some of his fans. He also hyped up the fact that he is the best wrestler in North America and that he wanted the fans to remember that. He said that with some of the names getting over in his absence, it is important to remind people who the man is. It’s Tommy Cornell, and he’s back! Cornell then left us with a poll for the fans to participate in. He said it directly affects our first ever Pay-per-view, COLD W.A.R. It’s a fan’s choice match. The results of the poll will determine who participates in the main event. The Warrior is perplexed by this as many of the names included in the poll aren’t on the W.A.R. payroll. Nevertheless, the poll is at the top of the page, and I encourage all to participate. The ride is going to be fast and fun folks, and we want everyone to be apart of it from the start! Stay tuned in the days to come as I will be posting more info on the ins and outs of our new federation. Also, be sure to check back on Wednesday, when we’ll be sitting with Tommy Cornell for an inside look at Wrestling Athletic Revolution.
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[B]M.O.M.[/B] [B]-[/B] In less than 24 hours my hopes of launching W.A.R. successfully have been seriously diminished by not one but two possibly fateful events. Waking up this morning and finding out that [B]Richard Eisen [/B] had gone and Purchased the contract of one [B]Bruce the Giant [/B] was more than just a little rain on my parade. It was a storm! Bruce is pretty much the face of wrestling world wide, and loved by many… My family however, hate him! They hate him passionately. I’ve never had an opinion of the guy other than not being a fan due to my Fathers overall disdain for him. But now, Eisen may have gone and given me a reason to genuinely dislike the guy. Especially if he intends to use him against me and mine in a ratings war. Clearly he does, as this development directly coincides with the announcement of the “Revolution“, and the launching of the website…. Pissed is saying the least. The very least! [B]-[/B] Furthermore, when browsing through my own website, I must say I was appalled at the apparent actions of [B]Mr. Cornell[/B]. What I read served to further dampen my hopes at things getting off the ground without a hitch. It appears that Cornell, my top promotions agent, has gone and promoted himself right into the mix of a main event at my first Pay-per-view. [B]The top wrestler in North America[/B] angle was supposed to be played out with North American superstars, yet we were treated to Tommy, blathering on about how he is the best wrestler in the country!? The schemer is currently leading the polls and he’s not even a national. Everyone knows the man’s a Briton. If I weren’t so frustrated right now, I’d genuinely be tickled at the whole affair. It’s no matter though, as this is definitely going to play out as necessary hype, so I’ll take it in stride. Cornell can give his interview. It should be interesting to see where this goes. I will deal with him personally come W.A.R. TV. [B]-[/B] This brings me to my next point, as [B]The Vessey brothers [/B] approached me today. [B]Bryan[/B], and [B]Larry[/B] barged into my office clearly upset. Larry stood by while Bryan approached my desk spewing a bunch of expletives, most of which I ignored. The gist of it was that Bryan was on edge because of the launching of the website. He’d come to the conclusion that the booking was biased and that he wanted Cornell removed from the polls and from promotions altogether. He’d been in japan too long he said, and that there was no way he’ was going to let some young punk and his fan base screw him out of what is legitimately his to compete for. I agreed as Cornell did have many fans and they were pushing him ahead in a poll he didn’t deserve to be in. What I did not agree with were Vessey’s demands, nor was I happy with his lack of professionalism. [B]Pistol Pete [/B] wasn’t either, as he placed his ten gallon hat on my desk and cracked his knuckles. This was enough to let Vessey know he should compose himself. Larry Vessey, my head Road Agent, stepped in and asked Bryan to wait outside. Larry then explained that he had a lot invested in this venture, and that if [B]Gil Thomas [/B] himself had faith in me, then he would as well. I told him that he was here because of me and that if he failed at anything, or doubted me for a second, then I would fail. He got the point. He knew that if I flopped, we all flopped. [B]-[/B] So after dealing with the Vessey’s, I had time to stop and mull over the events of the past twelve to fifteen hours. I tell you I’m so agitated right now I could fight! Thank god for [B]Pistol Pete[/B]! The man is a saint, a protector and mentor all rolled into one. He has such a calming voice, and a commanding presence. Keeping this man close to me is fast becoming a wise decision. He’s already proving to be a voice of reason in the midst of dismay. Not mention an adequate source of muscle. [B]-[/B] Speaking of Muscle… [B]Mo Muscle [/B] ([B]Remo[/B] and [B]Mick Muscles[/B]) came into my office soon after the Vessey’s. Truth to tell, had they not come with their Executive consultant, [B]Emma Chase[/B], they wouldn’t have gotten past the elevators. I was happy to see Emma, as I intend to use her in a similar capacity as her tag team does. I feel that she may help me improve my own microphone and acting skills as I may intend to pursue an onscreen roll down the line. Mick Muscles appears to be quite a gentleman, as he opened the door for and even seated Emma. He’s very cordial. Very quiet. Remo on the other hand is a handful. He’s even more belligerent than Bryan Vessey! From the moment Emma was seated, Remo was mouthing off. When he approached my desk, I actually thought I would be assaulted. This guy is all rage and testosterone. He rambled on about not being included in the poll on the website. He made it clear that he had not jumped ship for nothing and that come W.A.R. TV, he wanted a shot at gold! Enter my wise decision. Pistol Pete moved around my desk and placed his boot right on top of it and in front of Remo. He then preceded to ask Remo the next place he thought this boot was going to go! Remo didn’t back down. At least not right away. A cold stare from the big cowboy with those, I mean business eyes of his did the job, and Remo backed off. For Emma’s sake, I acquiesced and granted Mo Muscle a shot at the Combined titles on W.A.R. TV. They would be facing the team the [B]Jungle Kings[/B] which consisted of [B]The Big cat[/B] and [B]Jungle Jack[/B]. This because I wanted to see a fight, and I was hoping Remo gets his tail whooped! Nevertheless, the title match up is set, and all involved seem happy. [B]-[/B] I’m not happy yet. In twenty four hours I have managed to find myself disrespected by three members of my roster. Cornell, Brian Vessey, and Remo have all managed to rub me the wrong way in a very short time. Cornell and Vessey have a measure of leeway as contractual obligations allow for such circumstances, but Remo… ... ... I told Pistol Pete to get [B]Doom[/B] and [B]The SQUAD[/B] in my office. Come W.A.R.TV they will be putting in work! [B]-[/B] So then, On my first televised show, I’m going to have a Combined title match, and I’m going to deal with Cornell, and Remo… I must say, In spite of all of this hullaballoo, I’m happy now…
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[B][url]www.WARTV.com[/url][/B] [I]“In February of 2005, Phil Vibert with secret backing from that weasel, J.K. Stallings jr. brought Eisaku kunomasu back to D.A.V.E. The nation was shocked! In June of 2005, Tommy Cornell won the TCW world championship again, and then immediately announced that he would be re-aligning with Stallings. This time under the premise that he and the Nemesis would have a rematch of their infamous encounter some years ago in my own federation. Again the nation was shocked. In November, My own son Jerry Eisen Stabbed me in the back and walked out of the door with three of my federations up and coming superstars as well as a manager. I was shocked. Shocked by a year spent watching my enemies get over by slapping me in my face!… Well you know something? The joke is on them! I’m the one who is laughing now, and I’m doing it in front of the eyes of the world!… That’s right, I said it! With the strength of Bruce the Giant, SWF is going to go global! The time for shock is over. Bruce the Giant is my AWE! Make sure you put that on your little website!”[/I] [B]- Richard Eisen[/B] [B]- Warrior[/B] here and folks, I got to tell you, the past twenty four hours have been far from uneventful. War is indeed being waged, and it appears that the “Revolution” is quickly becoming acquainted with the nature of precision attacks. I’ve personally recorded the words of [B]Richard Eisen [/B] and his intent for [B]Bruce the Giant[/B], and I’m not sure that WA.R. is going to be able to recover from the blow. Rumour has it that Richard Eisen is greatly dismayed by the possibility of a “Best Wrestler in North America” match being a success. This because one of the most successful matches of the year came when [B]Tommy Cornell [/B] dropped the TCW title to [B]Nemesis[/B] in a controversial title unification match. A match that gained it’s attention and hype based off of a previous match carried out some years ago in the SWF. Word going around is that Mr. Eisen has plans to acquire the contract of [B]Dan Stone jr[/B]. as a way to set up a revenge match against [B]Bruce the Giant[/B]. Many in the industry feel that if hyped correctly, The possibility of Dan jr. avenging his fathers squash loss to Bruce in the early eighties could be the biggest draw in a long while. None of this has been confirmed, but again the possibility certainly has the head honchos of W.A.R. on edge! [B]- The Warrior[/B] has been given the go ahead to drop another name concerning the big five as what has taken place earlier today with The SWF signing, and the new info I’ve got concerning W.A.R.’s Combined titles opens the door. [B]Jerry Eisen[/B] who walked away from SWF in November of 2005 has been confirmed as the Vice President and Director of Talent Relations for Wrestling Athletic Revolution. It appears that his contract along with [B]Remo Richardson’s[/B], [B]Angry[/B] and [B]Jessie Gilmore’s[/B], and [B]Joe Sexy’s [/B] were bought out by [B]Gil Thomas[/B] in a twelve hour closed door session that saw Richard Eisen slapping his eldest son to the ground. All of this has been kept under wraps as a clause was set to Give SWF enough time to recover from the losses. It appears Bruce the Giant is their recovery. [B]-[/B] In further [B]Remo Richardson[/B] news, it seems that he is tagging with [B]Mick Muscles[/B] under the guidance of Emma Chase and is going to be receiving a shot at the Combined titles on W.A.R. TV. His Team of [B]Mo Muscle[/B] will be facing the [B]Jungle Kings[/B]. Remo is one of the wrestlers who left SWF with Jerry Eisen and has been under the radar until now. Apparently he’s demanding title shots out of the gate and from what it would seem, our mysterious President is conceding…. Very interesting to say the least! [B]- [/B] In other news, it appears that [B]Tommy Cornell[/B] is currently leading in the polls for best North American worker. His fan base is clearly allowing him to work his ruse and the joke seems to be on the company. The thing is, the Warrior can’t help but feel that with Cornell involved, everybody wins! Every body that is except for [B]Brian vessey[/B]. Bryan Vesey has publicly stated that he is not to be taken lightly. Polls don’t mean anything according to him. He’s gone on record in stating that Tommy Cornell has no place in this poll. He’s said that if Tommy wants to campaign for something that he himself has spent his whole life achieving, then so be it! He’s going to make it a point to prove to Tommy that using his fans to elevate him to something he is not, is going to be his undoing. Vessey wants it known that he and Cornell can’t breathe the same air… Ever! He went on to say that North American wrestling will go on with out Cornell, and he would show the world exactly how. I for one can’t wait to see how this plays out as Vessey was in our offices screaming about the whole ordeal. I’d forgotten how mean Vessey could be. Believe me, The Warrior won’t soon be forgetting that again. I’ve also got a feeling that Tommy Cornell is going to be finding this out real soon. [B]-[/B] Finally, to wrap things up for now, we will be featuring a spotlight on [B]Tommy Cornell [/B] in the days to come. Probably sooner than later as his much hyped webcast is coming up on Wednesday, and he’s given us the go ahead to publish some of the much asked about info on his six month sabbatical from the wrestling world. So to keep abreast of the goings on in the W.A.R. federation, as well as watch an insightful interview with Tommy Cornell, I encourage everyone to check back very soon! I’m outta here folks, and remember… [B]THE W.A.R. HAS STARTED[/B]…
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[B]M.O.M.[/B] - [B]Doom[/B] was in my office promptly at 4:00 pm. The man has the punctuality of a Marine Corps Drill Instructor. This is a good thing. What’s more is he is all business, and that is even better! To say he was anxious at being given a task so soon into the [B]W.A.R.[/B] endeavor would be an understatement. The man was elated. He showed up without the [B]SQUAD[/B], but expressed that they would be on hand Saturday night and that all would be taking care of. I told him to make sure that the SQUAD knew that they were being given full carte blanche to handle the situation as they saw fit. I’d already made the necessary wire transfers, as Doom was always worth his money. Couldn’t help but smile as Doom left. The thought of showing my roster exactly what disrespect would merit can do that I guess. - That taken care of, I now needed to investigate the possibility of [B]Richard Eisen [/B] actually getting a hold of [B]Dan’s[/B] contract. I’ve contemplated phoning the [B]Stones[/B], but talking them so soon would only serve to illustrate defeat. No… I’ll put the idea out of my head and hope that his father has too much pride in that stubborn head of his to sell out. I however, am still a bit worried at the notion, and I can’t help wondering if indeed there is merit to the rumors. - I’ve decided to go ahead and release documentation on a working roster as well as current staff. After checking the website, I see that the [B]Warrior[/B] has gone and let one of the cats out of the bag anyway. The world finding out that [B]Jerry Eisen[/B] is a partner in this venture should play right into re-establishing some of the shine we’ve lost from the senior Eisen’s earlier announcements. I’m almost positive that Richard Eisen as well as the wrestling community as a whole expected Jerry and his bunch to pop up in [B]TCW/D.A.V.E[/B]... What I wouldn‘t pay to see the look on Eisens face when he saw my website assuming he‘d read only a report on his newest acquisition. Curious to know what he thinks of ours!? … Who is laughing now Mr. Eisen? - [B]Cornell[/B] and [B]Brian Vessey [/B] have given me more grief than a little bit. Vessey has a legitimate gripe, and Cornell doesn’t seem to care either way. I’d overlook it if I wasn’t sure that Cornell was up to something much bigger. So now the Warrior is going to spotlight Cornell online and actually give some info on Cornell’s whereabouts during his so-called retirement. I am irked by this as I don’t even know this information, and the fact that I don’t want the basis of my federation to revolve around Cornell’s war with [B]Stallings,[/B] [B]Vibert[/B], and [B]Nemesis[/B] rings to the fore. This is about MY war… Mine! I’ve a mind to pull the plug on this little spotlight and on the Cornell interview altogether, but if I’m being honest, curiosity is killing the cat. - Getting back to my decision about the roster, I’m going to be releasing it on the website sometime before the first episode of [B]W.A.R. TV[/B]. The staff will probably be revealed on the show. Since [B]Jerry Eisen's [/B] name has been released, as well has the four he got to jump ship with him, I feel I can go ahead with assigning them positions. The SWF clause has run it’s course, and I have no reservations about my intentions for them. - [B]Remo[/B] is already involved in a title situation, and after Saturday, he will be knee deep in manure whether he wants to be or not. Those who make demands of me will certainly get much more than they are asking for! - [B]Jerry Eisen[/B] has been with the fed from the start and as stated online, he is the [B]Vice President [/B] of the fed, and the [B]Director of talent relations[/B]. Though not the brainiest person around, he is proving to be a valuable asset what with his knowledge of the inner workings of the business. The politics I mean. He was actually the only person to be hired prior to myself. He has proven his worth by bringing in superstars from SWF. His first order of business was to take on [B]Joe Sexy[/B] as his protégé, and assign him as lead announcer of the television show. Did I say that Jerry Eisen wasn’t a brain? Hate to put my foot in my mouth, but the idea is genius. Absolutely genius! The thought of Sexy demanding on air time stinking up my ring is frightening. Seeing him retire although saddening, opened the door for him to achieve a greater purpose. I see his name becoming synonymous with [B]Wrestling Athletic Revolution[/B]! He will become our voice! - As for his former tag team partner, [B]Angry Gilmore[/B]… Well Angry is angry! He’s going to find a niche somewhere in the fed, and probably at someone else’s expense. What worries me more is the current situation with his wife [B]Jessie[/B]. The two are currently on the rocks as he doesn’t feel he needs her as a valet, and she wants to be out from under his shadow. Can’t say I don’t feel her plight, but Angry is a hothead, and her recent actions are only going to serve to rile him up. I’ve received locker room reports confirming that Jessie is looking for a big name to manage all the way to my companies [B]Warfare championship[/B]. A big “FACE” name!… I can see the Gilmore pot boiling over now. - Stewing over the possibilities within my company is becoming something of an excitement. A release. So much so that I think I will flex some of my executive and creative muscles and book another match for the show. Something main event quality. Something like… [B]Bryan Vessey [/B] versus [B]Tommy Cornell[/B]… Last man standing! I’ll type up the contract and run the concept by Stuart Ferdinand in the booking department. I’ll send the match idea to the Warrior and have him publish it on the website. Of course… He’ll need to know that this is subject to change. There is a war going and on right now, and I am in the mix of it. I must handle myself accordingly. There will be change in the days to come. All is subject to change!
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Just a few notes for those who are actually following this thing. 1. I want to thank everyone who participated in the poll. You guys are making it a blast to write out my first PPV storyline. Very interesting voting going on. The poll will be considered for the next two weeks in which case, I am going to end the voting. Also, I cast a vote as well. I did it as the president of W.A.R. because it directly ties into my storyline. It will not affect the out come of the polls or who gets picked for the PPV match, as it is the fans choice. I am not going to include my vote for those reasons. I just added it because it does indeed tie into my story. 2. As for the stupid four star thing you’ll find in the header to this thread, Ignore that! I was viewing this thread last night, and I rated it as good. I didn’t know that those stars would show up. I apologize for that and for misleading anyone if that is the case. 3. This is my first diary so please bare with me as I am learning. As you can see, the format is gradually beginning to change as I go along. 4. You’ll notice that I give away meaty portions of the storyline in many of the write ups. I do this because as a writer, I don’t believe in misusing any words. Everything has a connotation. Also, The major storyline elements, and big surprises will always come on the show. 5. This diary will include the pics of the characters involved starting with the first show. 6. The back story is becoming a gradual process, but I’m getting there. Expect a full explanation directly following the first show. 7. Lastly, any suggestions on storyline or improvemnet would be much appreciated. Guess that’s it! Thanks again to those who may be trying to follow this thing, and to those who’ve voted, or will vote. Thanks!
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[B][U][url]www.WARTV.com[/url][/U][/B] [B]Spotlight on Tommy Cornell[/B]: Part 1. -story by [B]The Warrior[/B] [B][SIZE=4]Tommy Cornell sells out![/SIZE][/B] Those were the headlines in all of the periodicals and on all the wrestling related websites just six months ago. Six months since [B]Tommy Cornell [/B] walked away from the sport of wrestling altogether. Tommy Cornell had successfully won the [B]TCW[/B] world title on two occasions, and seemed destined to carry it, and his company into the future. TCW was gaining momentum on [B]SWF[/B] in a big way, and if they kept on at the rate they were going, they would have overtaken their arch enemies. After winning the TCW title for the second time in June, Cornell shocked us all when he came out publicly and stated that he had sold the company back to [B]J.K. Stallings Jr[/B]. What was to follow over the course of the next month would turn out to be one of the most dynamic chapters in wrestling history. Slowly but surely, members of the hardcore federation, [B]D.A.V.E., [/B] began to invade TCW. It seemed as if they were launching an all out assault on the federations superstars as key members of the TCW roster found themselves attacked during or after every TCW event. By the third week, [B]Nemesis[/B] Was showing up in TCW venues claiming that he intended to remove the title from off of the waist of Cornell, himself! A classic moment from the year is when in a shoot, Nemesis destroyed J.K. Stallings in front of stunned fans while screaming: “GIVE ME CORNELL!”. Cornell didn’t show. We wouldn’t see or hear from him until another week (obviously due to storyline). The segment itself turned out to be a ruse to draw Cornell out while other members from the D.A.V.E. roster secretly abducted a TCW superstar. Over the course of the next week, D.A.V.E. published internet reports stating that they had one of TCW’s stars captive, while TCW followed suit with similar reports about an unknown missing superstar. At the next D.A.V.E. event, they released a hype video advertising Nemesis versus Tommy Cornell. The ratings from the moment they released the video began to soar. I’m willing to bet that Richard Eisen himself tuned in too see how this would turn out. By the time the main event came the fans were on edge. Nemesis came down to the ring with his World title and demanded that Cornell come down to the ring. After several moments, D.A.V.E.’s security team brought in a masked wrestler. They dragged him down to the ring and removed his mask. The fans became uproarious as the black locks of the man they knew to be Tommy Cornell came into view…. … But it wasn’t Cornell. It was [B]Wolf Stevens[/B]. Stevens was the one who had been abducted, and now he was going to be systematically destroyed by Nemesis. Talk about bloodletting?.. This was one of the most brutal displays of hardcore, in D.A.V.E.’s history. Nemesis literally dragged Stevens in front of every camera and made sure the world could see the battery. Occasionally he’d scream for Cornell, as fans themselves longed for the hero to show as well. They were actually becoming sickened by the display. They would soon have their wish, as Tommy Cornell made his way through the crowd and launched a vicious assault on Nemesis. Grabbing a hold of a chair, he began to beat on Nemesis until blood ran, and even then, he wouldn’t relent. Cornell continued to pound Nemesis with the chair until security showed up and separated the two men. At the time, the rumor was that D.A.V.E. and TCW had some sort of working agreement. Little did we or Tommy Cornell, for that matter, know that this would be much more than the case. Meanwhile, ratings for both D.A.V.E. and TCW skyrocketed, and the SWF was feeling the effects as more fans tuned into D.A.V.E than ever. Cornell it appeared was eating this up and like the hype wagon that he is, promoted the whole issue to high heaven. He appeared on mainstream talk shows and radio stations as the world was anxious to know if there would be a Cornell/Nemesis 2…. And there would be… Part 2. Coming soon
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[B][U][url]www.WARTV.com[/url][/U][/B] [B]Spotlight on Tommy Cornell[/B]: Part 2. - Story by [B]The Warrior[/B] Indeed there would be a rematch of the [B]Cornell/Nemesis [/B] classic encounter. The proportions of which would be epic. The results of the event would see the merging of two of the nations big three, and the brief return to action of wrestling’s greatest and most recognizable name. It would be a mark never to be forgotten by all in attendance, and would go down as the worlds greatest screw job! All the hype between the two feds it turns out, was leading up to a combined Pay-per-view. In the days leading up to the event, [B]Phil Vibert[/B] began to campaign against TCW stating that this wasn’t just a rivalry between Nemesis and Cornell, but a battle for hardcore survival in world of sports entertainment. Vibert hyped up the fact that the companies had two different styles, and that more should be at stake than just a combined PPV. Vibert suggested that at the show, it should be Champion versus Champion in a unification match that would see the ending of one of the two federations. If Tommy Cornell won, he would turn over ownership of D.A.V.E. to J.K. Stallings jr., and Nemesis would leave wrestling all together. If Nemesis won the match, Cornell would be forced to leave wrestling, and Stallings would forfeit his ownership of TCW. It wasn’t long before all parties were in agreement and the nation was on the verge witnessing one of the most celebrated matches of the year. The Pay-per-view was titled “[B]End of Days[/B]”, and it was an immediate sellout! The main event culminated with Tommy Cornell Versus Nemesis in a last man standing match for not only the titles, but the career of the losing combatant. History was being made as one way or another, D.A.V.E. or TCW would soon cease to exist. The match itself left much to be desired. Nemesis was all brawl and little to no sell, which quickly became apparent. Clearly Nemesis was not trying to make Tommy look like much of a threat. He worked stiff and brutalized an unsuspecting Tommy. The match looked as if it was falling apart as Nemesis was blatantly ignoring the script and taking it to Tommy under the guise of wrestling. Finally, Tommy, throwing all caution to the wind issued forth with a devastating chop that echoed throughout the arena. He followed up with a closed fisted blow that sent Nemesis’s tooth flying out of his mouth. Nemesis responded in kind, and the wrestling stopped… The fight had now begun. The two men preceded to have a televised fist fight that would prove to be as bloody as their first encounter. Nemesis battered a smaller Cornell, who refused to give in. He just kept coming and coming. For every haymaker Nemesis threw, Cornell threw three punches of his own. When they grew too tired to hit each other, they scratched. When they couldn’t scratch, they spit! At about the forty minute mark is when it happened. Nemesis, clearly fatigued, summoned the last ounces of his strength and began to unload on Cornell with a series of rights and lefts. This being a be all and end all effort to take Cornell out. Cornell, unable to withstand the assault began to move backwards with the force of the blows until his body was stopped by the ring post. There he remained. Leaning up against the ring post and… Out! Tommy Cornell was out on his feet, and Nemesis it appeared was the winner of the match. The arena came to an unnatural silence as the fans looked on disbelief. Nemesis, too fatigued to raise his hand in victory just stood on in front of Tommy as blood trickled from his brow. [B]Phil Vibert[/B] came out onto the stage holding the D.A.V.E. world title. He was accompanied by [B]J.K. Stallings Jr[/B]. who was holding his own federations title. As the two men made there way down the aisle towards the ring, a weary Nemesis turned to greet them, and collect his titles. Taking one step towards them, he collapsed in a heap on the ground a few feet in front of Tommy Cornell. The crowd literally went bananas! The whole place went haywire. Tommy was out, but Nemesis was down. Cornell was the last man standing! Stallings had a broad smile on his face as he snatched the D.A.V.E. title from a shocked Vibert and headed towards Cornell. What was to happen next is generally regarded as the biggest shaft in the history of wrestling, and the joke was not only on Cornell, but… The world! Part 3. Soon to follow!
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[B][U][url]www.WARTV.com[/url][/U][/B] [B]Spotlight on Tommy Cornell[/B]: Part 3. - Story by [B]The Warrior[/B] The world was about to find out that [B]Phil Vibert [/B] was a rat! The worst type of rat. The kind that makes rats out of those who associate with him. He’s a den of rodents and weasels all rolled into one and we saw him show his stripes at "[B]End of Days[/B]." We also saw the birth of heroes… The loss of Champions. We saw [B]J.K. Stallings Jr.[/B] enter the ring and step over [B]Nemesis[/B] carrying the two World titles. We got quiet when we heard him call out: [B]“Tommy! You awake buddy?”[/B] We called out Tommy’s name as well because we wanted him to win. We were actually rooting for [B]Tommy Cornell[/B]! And then it happened… Gripping a title in each hand, Stallings Jr. slammed both of the belts up against the sides of Cornell’s head just as he was coming to. Phil Vibert had seated himself along side the announcers and was clearly enjoying the show. Tommy Cornell and Nemesis both lay prone in the ring as Stallings Jr. stood in-between the two. Suddenly, [B]BZL Bubb[/B], who had remained relatively silent throughout the majority of the so-called [B]TCW/D.A.V.E.[/B] war, appeared from out of the back. Until now, his only notable action during the whole ordeal, was his tag win with his partner [B]Morpheus[/B] over [B]Guide[/B] and [B]Scout[/B] earlier in the night. A win which actually angered Phil Vibert enough to Fire [B]The New Wave[/B] on the spot. Now BZL Bubb was back out and he was entering the ring. He stood over a fallen Nemesis as Stallings barked at him to get Nemesis off of the mat. BZL Bubb moved towards Stallings and pushed him out of the way. We cheered as he made his way to Tommy. We were hoping to finally get something bright out of all of this darkness. But BZL Bubb dropped the ball. He could have shined, but instead, he lowered the boom. He kicked Tommy in the head. Then he walked over to Nemesis and raised him up off the mat. Ding! Ding! Ding!... Phil Vibert is a rat! The rat rang the bell as Stallings walked over and happily placed the belts over Nemesis’s shoulders. Vibert took a mic and rushed into the ring. He screamed at a prone Tommy, telling him that he’s done in this company. That he was gone! He told Tommy that this was all apart of the grand design coordinated by him when Stallings Jr. secretly bought D.A.V.E. in February of 2005. He said that while Stallings negotiated with Cornell for the rights to TCW, he was purposefully kept in the dark about his affiliation with D.A.V.E. It was now becoming clear that the whole time Vibert, through Stallings Jr; was running both of the federations. Vibert was getting into Stallings head about future plans for TCW. Plans that couldn’t include, Tommy Cornell. So they played him. Nemesis and BZL Bubb held Tommy off the ground while Vibert continued his rant. He told Cornell that he was nothing more than trash and he would be treated as such. He would be thrown out as would the rest of the trash in the company.. He then ordered BZL Bubb and Nemesis, to throw Tommy out onto the street. Now as I stated earlier, [B]End of Days[/B] was a night were heroes were born. Well some heroes, they they’ve always been around. They're the type that always remain. The legends! TCW has a Legend among them. Just one! A hero! A would be savior, that no one would have expected to appear on behalf of Cornell. This hero however, wanted it to be known, and in no uncertain terms that he wasn't going to ever accept being another mans trash! Final part coming soon.
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[B][U][url]www.WARTV.com[/url][/U][/B] [B]Spotlight on Tommy Cornell[/B]: Part 4. - Story by [B]The Warrior[/B]. In every generation, there had always been some sort of hero. [B]Micky Starr[/B]! [B]Dan Stone[/B]! [B]Rip Chord[/B]! People who’ve not only carved out their place in history, but are living definitions of the word… Hero! The man who stepped out onto the stage that night during [B]End of Days[/B], more than fit the bill! Kayfabe aside, we were truly in awe! This was no longer about wrestling. It had spilled over into the realms of reality and we were bearing witness. Wrestlings truest legend had come to save the day. Someone who had always been heroic. Someone who was … [B]Strong[/B]! Now the past century has given us several great moments in sports history. Many award winning photos. Muhammed Ali standing over a fallen foe… Michael “AIR” Jordan and the Supeman dunk… [B]Sam Strong[/B] standing on the stage mean mugging [B]Vibert[/B], [B]Stallings Jr.[/B] and the rest of their faction at [B]End of Days[/B]. What a flash photography moment! An eye of the tiger story if any I’ve ever heard. The “Good Guy” coming from behind one more time! “[B]The Stragavelli Speech[/B]!” Who could forget it? It was short. Very brief, but the point of it would resound throughout the arena. [I]“ Ya know?... In my career… … I gotta tell ya… Time was when I would have had a lot to say about CRAP like this! But this, what I’m seeing here!? Never in all my years!... Vibert!... Stallings! Who the HELL do you think you are next to me RIGHT NOW ! Sam Strong!... Talk about sports entertainment!? This is NOT sports entertainment! I’m the face of Sports entertainment! The FACE you’re spitting in! NINE TIME WORLD CHAMPION!!! Tonight… Since you slimey little bastards sold out the house… The house that STRONG BUILT! Since you packed in all of these fans and sold each and everyone of us out in MY house… in MY face!… In MY NAME!… Tonight it all stops, cuz I’m NOT entertained! Sam Stragavelli will NEVER sit by and see his name put on something that stinks as bad as you two pieces of ####!... NEVER! END OF DAYS huh?! Well if this is how it’s to be, what I’m gonna do, is come down there and I’m gonna entertain you all one more time! I’m gonna come an show you how it’s done! No more talk, and no more SPORT!”... [/I] Sam finished those memorable words and charged down the aisle like a madman. [B]BZL Bubb[/B], ushered by Vibert, exited the ring and moved to meet Strong. Strong met BZL Bubb first! [B]The Strong Arm Tactic [/B] connected full on with the top of BZL’s forehead. BZL Bubb didn’t sell the move. He didn’t have too. His body made the decision for him. Strong’s elbow busted BZL Bubb wide open immediately, and the force of the impact brought BZL crashing to the mat. There he remained… Motionless. [B]Nemesis[/B] struggled to get at Strong as he rolled into the ring, but it was all for naught. Strong was too strong tonight! Sam’s intensity was reminiscent of his youth as he took it to Nemesis with a fury. Granted, Nemesis had already been in the fight of his life with Cornell, but this… Strong was literally beating him up! [B]Vibert[/B] and [B]Stallings Jr[/B]. had high tailed it up the aisle and were making their escapes when there momentum was halted by a double clothesline that nearly beheaded them. Could the night have gotten any better? [B]Wolf Stevens [/B] had come for a little revenge of his own! Stevens left out enjoying the fans approval as Sam finished up with Nemesis, to and astounding ovation from the fans. When he assisted [B]Cornell[/B] to his feet, and placed both of the World titles over his shoulder, they became even more frenzied. To this day neither Sam, nor Tommy Cornell, have ever said a word concerning what was said between them in that ring. We saw an exchange. We saw them hug. Then we saw Sam Strong walk out of that ring to cheers from the World itself, and we watched him walk out of the door! Remaining in the ring was a Unified Champion! Tommy Cornell. Tommy placed that [B]D.A.V.E.[/B] title around his waist, and raised his [B]TCW[/B] title up for his fans to see. Then, looking around at the strewn about bodies of his four enemies, Tommy did something unexpected! Here is where heroes are born. Tommy, gripping the TCW title, walked over to the ring ropes and hurled it off into the crowd. They went beserk! It was an unbelievable sight. Tommy walking down the aisle allowing the people to touch him as he passed. He never said a word, but we knew he was gone. He couldn’t stay. We wanted him too, but he couldn’t. [B]Tommy Cornell, The Unified Champion [/B] was leaving TCW. The icing on the cake… The thing that tops the story off… That gives sweetness to the victory in spite of the fact that Vibert and Stallings cashed in on a great event, is what the fans gave back… Tommy, still wearing the D.A.V.E. title was on his way out of the arena when a gold metallic plate landed in his path from out of the crowd. The TCW title that Tommy had given to the fans, had been shredded to pieces by the crowd, and the face plate, the part with his name on it was thrown… Given back to Tommy. It was clear, in spite of all, the people had chosen their champion! Story re-presented by [B]The Warrior[/B].
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[url]www.WARTV.com[/url] There you have it folks. Not much of a spotlight as I’ve been given another Gag order about what I can and cannot say about [B]Tommy Cornell[/B]. The head Honcho is only going to allow me to re-present a story that everyone already knows. Got to love censorship… Or not! If you ask me, and you should be… It’s only obvious that Cornell’s most recent history is intrinsically linked with the birth of W.A.R. Putting aside what I can’t talk about, let’s focus on what is known. We know that after [B]End Of Days[/B], [B]Wolf Stevens[/B], [B]Sam Strong[/B], and [B]Tommy Cornell [/B] walked out of [B]TCW[/B]. We know that Sam Strong found immediate employment up in Canada. Can’t say any more about that as the gag comes into effect here as well. Wolf Stevens has been tearing it up down in [B]M.A.W.[/B] Word has it that he’s already turned down contracts from both [B]N.O.T.P.W.[/B] and [B]SWF [/B] citing prior obligations. Hmmmm? What obligations the [B]Warrior [/B] wonders, could have kept Stevens out of the biggest promotion in the country and down in M.A.W.? Everything points to Cornell! But know one knows where the guys been throughout the course of the last six months, and now he’s popping up on as big a tidal wave as the one he rode out on. Warriors got a hunch that our resident “[B]People’s Champion[/B]” is more than just a name on the [B]W.A.R.[/B] roster. I strictly remember a report I scribbled myself, concerning a written guarantee given Mr. Cornell by our mysterious [B]President[/B]. What kind of Guarantee is what the Warrior wants to know? Regrettably, I can’t ask those kinds of questions. I can’t ask about Cornell’s whereabouts, and I can’t under any circumstances ask about the [B]D.A.V.E.[/B] World title. I’ve been gagged folks! Let’s hope Tommy is willing to offer some insight into these things in his upcoming interview. An interview which the Warrior has to admit is being posted late! Red tape is killing me here peeps and the boss wants everything cleared in advance. I’ve reported that [B]Phil Vibert [/B] is a rat. I can honestly say that our boss is far worse than that. Nevertheless, Tommy says that No one will ever hold sway over his decision making, again, and that he is definitely going to be on hand for this interview. We all know that Tommy loves to talk, and hopefully he will drop some jewels on us during the sit down . I know for a fact that Cornell has more than a few things to say about his upcoming LMS match against [B]Bryan Vessey[/B] Saturday Night. - Speaking of [B]Bryan Vessey[/B]… [I]“[B]Nemesis[/B]!… In a wrestling match straight across the board, the guy’s pretty tough! I mean, he’s over there in [B]TCD.A.V.E.[/B] holding down the strap. But last man standing?… No way he knocks [B]The Vessey [/B] out! I get down with workers in Japan that’ll fold him right up! You can’t compare me to Nemesis in that event. I’d beat his big @$$! End of Story! That’s the difference between [B]The Vessey [/B] and [B]Tommy Cornell[/B], but you know… The worlds going to see that come this weekend!”[/I] -[B]Bryan Vessey [/B] as reported by [B]Roger the Dodger[/B] So Vessey appears to be fired up about his match with Cornell on [B]W.A.R. TV[/B]. This is heating up very fast, and the Warrior wants to be on hand when it explodes. - In poll news, Tommy Cornell is proving hands down that he is the peoples chosen champion, as he is currently leading the polls by an astounding margin. No one seems to care that the man is British! Bryan Vessey is thousands of votes behind Cornell, and feels that the voting is clearly biased. Vessey stands by the allegations that if Cornell had not illegally entered this poll, then he himself would have surely got the majority of Cornell’s votes. Bryan continues to state that after W.A.R. TV the point will become moot as Tommy Cornell will cease to be around… Period! We shall see. - It seems that the [B]"Nice Guy” Sean McFly [/B] is also beginning to distance himself from the pack, and quietly establishing himself as the best worker truly from North America. Other honorable mentions include [B]Nemesis[/B] and[B] Runaway Train [/B] who currently find themselves ahead of big names such as [B]Dan[/B] and [B]Duane Stone[/B]. - In a recent development, the rumor mill is buzzing about two highly secretive meetings involving [B]Gil Thomas[/B], our [B]President[/B], and one [B]Rip Chord[/B]. The validity of the Rumor remains in question, but word has it that Rip Chord was the recipient of a rather large sum of money… Could this have anything to do with Wolf Stevens? The Warrior wonders alright! - In W.A.R. TV news, the boss or [B]The M.O.M.[/B] has so far refused to advance book the[B] Vessey/Cornell Last Man Standing match [/B] citing that it is subject to change. Word did come down that there will be a [B]W.A.R. TV title [/B] match to open the show. Apparently the bigwigs have decided that our programming will be a demonstration of the excellence of [B]Cutting Edge Entertainment[/B]. As such, there are plans to open every show with what the boss is hoping will be a great match. Apparently opening the show with a TV title match is a step in that direction. In the first match on Saturday were going to see [B]Joey Minnesota [/B] versus???… Well he’ll definitely be facing somebody! The question is… Who? And just how does this guy find himself in a title match on day one? Again, were going to have to wait and see! Also, [B]MO Muscle [/B] is set to take on [B]The Jungle Kings [/B] in a [B]Combined title [/B] match. [B]Bryan Holmes [/B] was apparently in talks with the boss, and it appears that he will also be given the match of his choice on W.A.R. TV as well. Warriors got to tell you folks, there’s definitely too much politicking around here. Dirty war is what I call this. At any rate, Bryan Holmes is a staff member in W.A.R. and is clearly a subject of some sort of favoritism! Getting matches of his choice, and against opponents of his choice? What part of the game is this? I’ve a feeling there’s a lot more to this. We’ll know for sure if Bryan is actually allowed to book the match. The Warriors always an optimist, but I can’t help feeling a bad omen about this one. So then, the card as of now is as follows: 1. [B]Joey Minnesota [/B] vs. ??? for the [B]W.A.R. TV title[/B] 2. [B]Mo Muscle [/B] ([B]Remo[/B] and [B]Mick Muscles [/B] w/[B]Emma Chase[/B]) vs. [B]The Jungle Kings [/B] ( [B]Big Cat Brandon [/B] and [B]Jungle Jack Marlowe[/B] w/[B]Wanda Fish[/B]) for the [B]Combined titles[/B] 3. [B] Bryan Holmes [/B] vs. ??? And for what reason is beyond the Warrior! 4. [B]The Vessey [/B] vs. [B]Tommy Cornell [/B] Last Man Standing. (This match is subject to change.) - Looks like W.A.R. TV is shaping up to be a big event. Let’s hope it goes off with a bang. Be sure and check back real soon as I will be sitting down with “[B]The Peoples Champion”, Tommy Cornell![/B] Warrior out!
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  • 1 year later...
My very first diary ever. I still play this game which is why I searched for it and bumped it:D Haven't read this thing in like a year. I changed some C-verse continuity drasticallly, but it's still a fun game. figured it'd might get a chuckle out of some of the C-verse loyalist. Edit: Oh yeah, this is where the M.O.M. segment in my D.O.T.T. diary got it's origin. The meanings are different tho. M.O.M. meant "Mind Of McFly" in this diary as Victoria Stone-McFly is the as yet unnamed boss.
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