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Hollyweird Grappling Company: It's awhole new game.

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Week 2 January 1997

Huntsville Fairgrounds 5,000 (Sold Out)





We open with video from last week. In it it feature J.K. Stallings announcement of HGC's first ever PPV. And where he announces Sam Strong Vs Rip Chord for the HGC World Title. It shows The Blazn' Flames being pummeled by The Demons of Rage. The beat down of Liberty from BLZ Bubb. And it also shows footage of past battles of Rip Chord and Sam Strong.



Jason Azaria: Welcome to The Huntsville Fairgrounds and to another great night of HGC action. Good Evening ladies and Gentlemen I'm Jason Azaria.



Kyle Rhodes: And I'm Kyle Rhodes, and we continue our march to Malice in Wonderland tonight. As we have another battle royal qualifying match tonight. Liberty will be facing Romeo Heartthrob.



Jason Azaria: Plus we have the man who jumped Liberty last week. And he will be competing in our first match tonight.






Jason Azaria: This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 255 pounds, from Dallas, Texas , Cowboy Ricky Dale!!!



Country Boys can survive is played as Ricky Dale makes his way down to ringside. The fans cheer him on.



Jason Azaria: And his opponent, weighing in at 330 pounds, from The Depths of Hell accompanied by Karen Killer, BLZ Bubb!!!



BLZ Bubb walks to the ring as the crowd boos.



The two tie up and BLZ Bubb shoves Cowboy into the corner. Cowboy Ricky Dale is shocked at the sheer power from Bubb. Again they lock up and once again Bubb shoves Ricky into the corner. Bubb rolls his eyes at Cowboy Ricky Dale. Once again they tie up and once again he shoves Ricky into the corner. This fires up Cowboy Ricky Dale who comes back with a slap. BLZ Bubb punches Cowboy Ricky Dale in the head. BLZ Bubb kicks Cowboy Ricky Dale in the stomach. BLZ Bubb covers Cowboy Ricky Dale. Referee Eugene Williams makes the count. ...1 ...2 Cowboy Ricky Dale kicks out.



Kyle Rhodes: You just can't win this early in a match. Especially with an opponent like Cowboy Ricky Dale.



Cowboy Ricky Dale is back on his feet. BLZ Bubb bounces Cowboy Ricky Dale off the ropes and clotheslines him. They lockup. BLZ Bubb sends Cowboy Ricky Dale to the corner of the ring. BLZ Bubb kicks Cowboy Ricky Dale in the head. Cowboy Ricky Dale moves back to his feet. Cowboy Ricky Dale goes for a running clothesline but BLZ Bubb dodges the attack. BLZ Bubb with a powerful Hades Bomb. BLZ Bubb covers Cowboy Ricky Dale hooking the leg. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 ...3!



Jason Azaria: The winner of this match, at 6:02, BLZ Bubb!!!



Kyle Rhodes: I think BLZ Bubb wants a word.



BLZ Bubb motions to be given a microphone.



BLZ Bubb: The last week all I heard is why did you dismantle Liberty? What has he ever done to you? It doesn't matter what he did. I decided on my on accord to do what I do best. And thats hurt someone. Liberty is just another step I must climb to get to a world title. Plain and simple. You don't ask why a scorpion stings its prey, and you don't ask why I beat people up.




*** Commercial ***



We come back from commercial to find The Blazn' Flames in the ring.



Joey Flame: Whats up Huntsville? (crowd pops)



Teddy Flame: Oh you didn't hear, My brother asked WHATS UP HUNTSVILLE! (crowd pops louder.)



Joey Flame: Thats better. You know we have to tip our hats to those demons last week.



Teddy Flame: Yeah, we have won against many top notch teams in our storied careers.



Joey Flame: And we have lost against many of those team as well. But I don't think I can remember a time where our game plan was just decimated like the way those boys did to us last week.



Teddy Flame: So what my brother is beating around the bush in saying is this. We want those demons again. We want a rematch.



Joey Flame: Yeah unless you boys think it was a fluke.



The Demons of Rage music hits and they walk our from behind the curtain.



Demon Spite: What makes you think you two are even worthy of a rematch? We have done collected your souls after we buried your carcasses.



Joey Flame: Well....



Demon Spite: Oh shut up. We will do it. We enjoyed beating you up so much we want seconds. But we do it on our terms. Not this week. But we will get back with you boys later.



Kyle Rhodes: I don't get it. Did they accept the rematch or not?



Jason Azaria: I guess we will have to find out later that answer. One thing is for sure I think the Demons of Rage have something up their sleeves.



Kyle Rhodes: And now its time for our next match.






Jason Azaria: The winner of this match is guaranteed a spot on Malice in Wonderlands battle royal. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 240 pounds, from New York City, NY, Peter Valentine!!!



Peter Valentine comes to the ring crowd boos him as he makes his way down. Several signs are shown Peter Valentine stinks, Valentine cant wrestle. He pulls one of those signs down and rips it to shreds.



Jason Azaria: And his opponent, weighing in at 201 pounds, from Mexico City, Mexico, Mr Lucha!!! (crowd cheers )



Mr Lucha runs to the ring.



The opening has Mr. Lucha using his speed to keep his distance from Peter Valentine. He kicks Peter several times in the leg. Mr Lucha delivers a drop kick on Peter which stagger him. Mr Lucha then runs up the turnbuckle for a cross body block but Peter Valentine catches him. Peter Valentine delivers a back breaker to Mr Lucha. Peter Valentine knees Mr Lucha's gut and rolls back to his feet. Peter Valentine applies an arm wrench to Mr Lucha. Mr Lucha stands up. While Peter Valentine still has the arm wrench on Mr Lucha runs up the turnbuckle and leaps off, driving Peter Valentine's head into the mat. Mr Lucha stands up. Peter Valentine gets up. Mr Lucha applies an elbow submission hold onto Peter Valentine. Eugene Williams asks Peter Valentine if he quits. ... ... Peter Valentine is fighting the hold. ... Peter Valentine is fighting the hold. Mr Lucha breaks the hold. Peter Valentine picks Mr Lucha up and side slams him to the mat. Peter Valentine sucks chants start in the crowd.



Kyle Rhodes: Nice side slam by Peter Valentine.



Peter Valentine suplexes Mr Lucha. Peter Valentine sets Mr Lucha up DDTs him into the mat. Peter Valentine delivers the Heart Breaker. Peter Valentine goes for a pin. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 ...3 !



Jason Azaria: The winner of this match, and is in the battle royal at Malice in Wonderland. Peter Valentine!!!



Kyle Rhodes: So we have two spots locked up. We have Dusty Streets and now Peter Valentine in the battle royal to determine a number one contender. Don't forget folks the winner of that battle royal goes on challenge for the worlds title in March.



Jason Azaria: Why March some may ask? Because JK Stallings has promised us that he has other plans and would announce them later.



*** Commercial ***




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The Nation Of Filth vs. The Vessey Brothers



Jason Azaria: This match is a Standard Match tag match. On there way to the ring at this time, The Nation Of Filth!!!



The Nation Of Filth come to the ring.



Jason Azaria: And their opponents, the team of Larry Vessey and Bryan Vessey, The Vessey Brothers.



The Vessey Brothers walk to the ring being led out by Coach Dick Pangrazzio.



Larry Vessey and Stink start out. They tie up and Larry Vessey puts Stink into a headlock, which he then converts into a hip toss take down. Larry Vessey locks a ankle lock on Stink but not before he tags in Bryan Vessey. Bryan drops an elbow on Stink. Both men are up and they tie up. Stink sends Bryan Vessey to the corner of the ring. But Bryan Vessey uses the momentum to run up the second turnbuckle and dives off for a leaping clothesline. Bryan Vessey is back on his feet. Stink is up. Stink grabs Bryan Vessey's head and arm and delivers a head and arm suplex. Stink sucks chants start in the crowd. Stink gets back to his feet. Bryan Vessey gets hit with the shooting star press from Stink. Referee Eugene Williams makes the count. ...1 ...2 Bryan Vessey escapes.



Kyle Rhodes: Stink was so close!!



Bryan Vessey gets back to his feet. Stink puts a knee to Bryan Vessey's back and pulls hims arms back. The referee is checking the situation. ... ... ... ... Bryan Vessey is fighting the hold. Stink breaks the hold. Bryan Vessey chants start. Bryan Vessey kicks Stink in the back of the leg. Bryan Vessey takes Stink down with an Arabian Face buster. Bryan Vessey chants start. Bryan Vessey gets up. Bryan Vessey with the Flying Elbowdrop on Stink! Bryan Vessey sets up Stink for the Vessey Driver. Referee Eugene Williams makes the count. ...1 ...2 ...3!



Jason Azaria: The winners of this match, The Vessey Brothers!!!



Kyle Rhodes: The Vesseys have been on a roll as of late. I wonder if we will have tag champions anytime soon?



Jason Azaria: I have it on good authority that will be resolved soon Kyle.



Kyle Rhodes: Who do you know that I don't?



Jason Azaria: Well heres a fun fact for you. I eaves drop on the meeting.



The two share a small chuckle.






Jason Azaria: On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 205 pounds, from Buffalo NY, Monty Walker!!!



Monty Walker comes to the ring.



Jason Azaria: And his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds, from Baltimore, Maryland , Rip Chord!!!



Rip Chord walks to the ring doing a some impersonations of Sam Strong. The crowd boos him.



Rip Chord and Monty tie up. Rip pushes his man into the corner. Rip Chord then slaps Monty Walker. Monty Walker takes offense to this and waits for Rip to turn around. Monty Walker takes Rip Chord down with a knee to the gut. Monty Walker puts Rip Chord in an arm grapevine submission. Monty Walker executes a corkscrew legdrop on Rip Chord. Monty Walker gets back to his feet. Monty Walker stomps Rip Chord's head.



Kyle Rhodes: Rip fired up the youngster here tonight.



Rip Chord executes well placed low blow out of the referees eyes and locks on a neck scissors on Monty Walker.



Jason Azaria: Come on ref, that was a low blow.



Rip Chord covers Monty Walker hooking the leg. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 Monty Walker kicks out.



Kyle Rhodes: Monty Walker still has way to much fight in him to end this match so soon!



Rip Chord holds Monty Walker in the corner, choking him with his forearm.



Kyle Rhodes: Rip Chord with a forearm choke.



Monty Walker gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Rip Chord. Monty Walker tries to make a come back and starts to exchange blows with Rip Chord. Monty Walker tries for a back suplex but is not strong enough to lift Rip Chord. Monty Walker drags Rip Chord to the floor. Eugene Williams starts the count (.1) (..2) Monty Walker shoulder tackles Rip Chord. Monty Walker is up again. (...3) Monty Walker grabs Rip Chord throws him back first into the steel steps.



Jason Azaria: Monty Walker is looking to score an upset here.



Both men roll back into the ring. Monty Walker throws Rip Chord off the ropes and goes for a drop kick but misses when Rip holds on to the ropes. Rip Chord hits a brain buster on Monty Walker.



Kyle Rhodes: Devastating brain buster by Rip.



Rip Chord yells out, “ That's it. Now its time to go to school! Pay attention Sam!”



Rip Chord slaps Monty Walker a few times before picking him up. Rip Chord sets up for the Rip Chord DDT. He nails it to perfection. Rip Chord covers Monty Walker hooking the leg. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 ...3!



Kyle Rhodes: Rip Chord has won the match!



Jason Azaria: Devastating move that DDT is Kyle.



Kyle Rhodes: That it is. No offense to Monty Walker, he is no Sam Strong however.



*** Commercial ***




Sam Strong: So Rip you want to try and send messages do ya brother. Well in case you didn't see it last week I beat that monster of a man Dread last week brutha. The past is just that Rip, the past. Me and my Strongamaniacs are moving into the future. And you know what the future is brutha? It's me being the HGC world champion. Get used to it chump. Because there isn't anything you can do to stop me or my Strongamaniacs.



Jason Azaria: The war continues with Sam Strong and Rip Chord.



Kyle Rhodes: Will it ever be over for those two? But I do admit I am glad those two are still active because they always put on a great match every time they get together.



Jason Azaria: Folks as we are just weeks away from Malice in Wonderland, our first PPV don't forget to call USA Free Choice to order your package today. It's shaping up to be an epic event.



Kyle Rhodes: I am told the next match up is for a qualifying spot at Malice's battle royal.



Jason Azaria: You are correct Kyle, Romeo Heartthrob was told who he was facing and this is what he had to say.



The scene shifts to the backstage where Romeo Heartthrob is at.



Romeo Heartthrob: How many times do I have to be screwed over by management? I should just be given the spot just because I am just that much better looking than everybody else. No, wait, I should just be given the championship. Now I got to wrestle that fat slob Liberty to quote, qualify for the battle royal. Look at these pecs, look at these abdominals. Do you think Liberty has a chance with somebody as good looking as me? Oh and just to let you men know, when I come out, you might want to send your women to the other room. So you can hear me beat the snot out of Liberty and not your women oohing and awing over the greatest physical specimen that ever lived.



Kyle Rhodes: That guy just makes me sick.



Jason Azaria: Come on Kyle. We got keep it impartial here.



Kyle Rhodes: Wheres my barf bag at?






Jason Azaria: This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 212 pounds, from From the USA, Liberty!!!



Liberty comes to the ring. And the fans cheer him on. He flashes the peace sign to a few of the kids. He takes off one of his peace symbol necklaces and puts it on one lucky kids neck. He climbs into the ring and asks for a microphone.



Liberty: Dudes, Finally Liberty has come back to Huntsville! (Cheap Pop) BLZ Bubb, this match is for you dude.



Jason Azaria: And his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds, from Memphis, TN, Romeo Heartthrob!!!



Romeo Heartthrob struts to the ring area. He demands that the ref hold open the ring ropes so that he may enter which the ref complies reluctantly. Romeo Heartthrob removes his robe almost as doing a strip tease in a sense.



Romeo Heartthrob and Liberty start circling one another as the bell rings. They are about to tie up when Romeo puts on the brakes, backs off, and wipes the sweat off of his brow, then flicks it at Liberty. Liberty just stands there, then gives Romeo a peace sign. Romeo is furious and charges when Liberty kicks Romeo in the midsection. Liberty delivers a spinning backbreaker to Romeo Heartthrob. Romeo Heartthrob gets up and thumbs Liberty in the eye. Romeo Heartthrob throws Liberty out of the ring through the second rope. Eugene Williams starts the count as Romeo Heartthrob rolls out of the ring. (.1) Romeo Heartthrob whips Liberty into the steel barricade head first. Liberty is bleeding as a result. Romeo Heartthrob positions Liberty for a DDT, but Liberty punches back and turns it into a suplex. (..2) Both men are still on the ground trying to clear their heads(...3) (....4) Romeo Heartthrob gets up just a shade quicker than Liberty and executes a jaw breaker on Liberty. Romeo Heartthrob is back on his feet. (.....5) Romeo Heartthrob throws Liberty into the ring. Romeo Heartthrob grabs Liberty's head and punched him in the face several times.



Kyle Rhodes: Oh man is this a fight or what?



Liberty starts to fight back and hits Romeo Heartthrob with a chop.



Jason Azaria: Romeo Heartthrob takes a chop.



Liberty hits a spinning leg lariat on Romeo Heartthrob sending him to the mat. Liberty punches Romeo Heartthrob in the gut.



Kyle Rhodes: Romeo Heartthrob takes a fist to midsection.



Liberty executes a swinging neckbreaker on Romeo Heartthrob. Romeo Heartthrob gets back to his feet. Romeo Heartthrob bounces Liberty off the ropes and face slams him onto the mat. Romeo Heartthrob puts Liberty in an arm grapevine submission. Romeo Heartthrob hits Liberty with an elbow drop from the second turnbuckle. Romeo Heartthrob goes for a pin. Referee Sam Sparrow makes the count. ...1 Liberty kicks out.



Kyle Rhodes: Not even close!



Liberty is speared by Romeo Heartthrob. Romeo Heartthrob grabs Liberty by the arm and breaks it over his shoulder. Liberty knife hand chops Romeo Heartthrob.



Jason Azaria: Up until that point Liberty was getting man handled there.



Kyle Rhodes: One has to wonder how much damage he took from last week at the hands of BLZ Bubb.



Romeo Heartthrob kicks Liberty in the gut. Liberty fires back with a short lariat on Romeo Heartthrob. Liberty tries to clean out the blood that is getting in his eyes when Romeo Heartthrob grabs Liberty from behind and helps him out by running his head along the top rope.



Jason Azaria: Thats got to hurt.



Romeo Heartthrob superkicks Liberty. Romeo Heartthrob double under hook face slams Liberty hard to the mat. Romeo Heartthrob covers Liberty and the ref count 1,,,,,2,,,,,3, No wait Liberty kicks out just in the nick of time.



Kyle Rhodes: I thought Romeo had it right there.



Jason Azaria: Another split second and he would have.



Romeo Heartthrob locks Liberty in the grapevine submission. The referee is checking the situation. ... ... Romeo Heartthrob breaks the hold. Romeo Heartthrob sends Liberty to ringside.



Jason Azaria: Romeo Heartthrob can't get a pin at ringside.



Sam Sparrow starts the count (.1) Liberty reaches out to the fans and gets a soft drink which he throws it on Romeo Heartthrob.



Jason Azaria: The HGC is the only place for entertainment like this!



Liberty throws Romeo into the ring and follows him in. Liberty leg drops Romeo Heartthrob. Liberty hits Romeo Heartthrob with an elbow drop. Liberty knee drops Romeo Heartthrob. Liberty picks up Romeo and flashes a peace sign, he whips Romeo into the ropes and lands a crushing Liberation Slam. Liberty goes for a pin and hooks his leg. Referee Sam Sparrow makes the count. ...1 ...2 ...3!



Kyle Rhodes: We've got ourselves a winner! Liberty has secured a spot at Malice in Wonderlands battle royal.



Jason Azaria: The winner of this match, at 15:23, Liberty!!!




Liberty is celebrating a big win. The crowd is going nuts but it is soon apparent for the wrong reason. BLZ Bubb comes into the ring with a steel chair and drops Liberty to the mat with a well placed shot to the back.



Jason Azaria: Oh my god did you hear the sicking thud?



Kyle Rhodes: We are going to need help down here now.



Bubb uses the chair a few more times crashing it down on the skull of Liberty. Opening up an already bad wound. He stands above the quivering body of Liberty with a menacing look as HGC ring officials come pouring in the ring. BLZ Bubb drops the chair and leaves the ring slowly.



Jason Azaria: Folks were gonna cut to a commercial break so we can get some help for Liberty here.



Kyle Rhodes: My gosh what hit Liberty took.



*** Commercial ***




We come out of the commercial break and we are backstage with Coach Dick Pangrazzio, and both Vessey brothers.



Coach: Listen up you two numb skulls. I've been training you two for some time now. And I ain't getting any younger. I'm gonna see what I can do to get you two in the battle royal.



Bryan Vessey: Cool coach but how is Larry gonna handle calling me champ?



Larry Vessey: Who said you were going to win anyway?



Bryan Vessey: Well since you contributed oh so much during our last match...



With that being said they start to push one another around. Coach has had enough and blows his whistle.



Coach: Enough! You two still got that much energy you can train some more. Lets get to the parking lot. Calisthenics, oh boy this is gonna be fun for me. HAHAHA!



The two brothers look at one another as coach disappears from the scene. They are about to walk away when Larry swipes his brother in the back of his head. The two take a few steps when Bryan returns the favor. Both of them could be heard talking as they walk down the hallway and can be seen swatting each other in the back of their heads. For a brief second it looks like Rip Chord comes walking through the scene muttering something.






Jason Azaria: This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 310 pounds,, Dread!!!



Dread comes from behind the curtain and is met by the chorus of boos. He pays no attention to them and just walks down the ramp way with an intense look on his face.



Jason Azaria: And his opponent, weighing in at 242 pounds, from Atlanta, Ga, Dusty Streets!!! (crowd cheers *******)



Dusty Streets walks to the ring slapping hands with his fans as he makes his way down to ringside.



Eugene Williams is the referee for this contest. Dread tests out the ropes. Eugene Williams checks Dusty Streets's boots and knee pads. (the bell rings) The two tie up and Dread connects with a knee to Dusty's midsection. Dusty Streets goes down. Dread throws Dusty Streets off the ropes and hits him with a diving shoulder block. Dread kicks Dusty Streets in the face. Dusty Streets is up again. Dread superkicks Dusty Streets. Dusty Streets gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Dread.



Kyle Rhodes: Dread is looking very good tonight as its been all him so far in this match up.



Dread stands up. Dread rolls onto Dusty Streets connecting with a knee. Dusty Streets climbs to his feet. Dread with a head scissors takeover on Dusty Streets. Dread is up again. Dread puts Dusty Streets in an arm grapevine submission. Dread executes a corkscrew leg drop on Dusty Streets. Dread moves back to his feet. Dread fist drops Dusty Streets on the mat. Dread is up again. Dusty Streets is back on his feet. Dread kicks Dusty Streets in the gut, takes a few steps back, and scissor kicks him to the mat. Dread and Dusty Streets go to the floor Eugene Williams starts the count (.1)



Kyle Rhodes: I think we forget how athletic Dread is. For a man of his size he moves very well.



Dusty Streets moves back to his feet. (..2) The two begin to trade punches and out of no where Dusty Streets executes a swinging bulldog on Dread driving Dread's face into the floor. Dusty Streets climbs to his feet. Dread is up again. (...3) Dusty Streets tries for a gut buster but is unable to lift Dread. Dread kicks Dusty Streets to the face. Dread gets back to his feet. Dusty Streets gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Dread. Dread sucks chants start in the crowd. Dread takes Dusty Streets into the ring. Dread grabs Dusty Streets by the arm and breaks it over his shoulder. Dread executes a neck scissors on Dusty Streets. Dread sucks chants start in the crowd. Now Dread standing. Dread thrust kicks Dusty Streets in the head. Dread then positions Dusty Streets for a Dread Bomb. He pauses to tease the fans before executing the move. Dread covers Dusty Streets. Eugene Williams counts. ...1 ...2 ...3!



Kyle Rhodes: Dread has won the match in 15:22!



As we are about to end the show, Rip Chord comes out and is standing at the top of the ramp way. He gives a sarcastic round of applause to Dread as the two look at one another.



Jason Azaria: And thats all the time we have tonight folks. Goodnight everybody.

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Guest cmdrsam
Like what I see Commander! Love me some Hollyweird. Any way, maybe a grade recap? Even if it is just in a little box at the bottom. I just get grade curious. :p KUTGW.


Hey thanx masked. Might include those perhaps on the next show.

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BLZ Bubb VS Cowboy Ricky Dale

Mr. Lucha VS Peter Valentine

The Nation of Filth VS The Vessey Brothers

Monty Walker VS Rip Chord

Liberty VS Romeo Heartthrob

Dread VS Dusty Streets.


BLZ Bubb VS Cowboy Ricky Dale


Mr. Lucha VS Peter Valentine


The Nation of Filth VS The Vessey Brothers


Monty Walker VS Rip Chord


Liberty VS Romeo Heartthrob


Dread VS Dusty Streets.


only one that doesnt look like a squash or clear winner is the Lucha Valentine match, and thats only because I don't know anything about Mr Lucha.


BLZ Bubb VS Cowboy Ricky Dale

Mr. Lucha VS Peter Valentine


The Nation of Filth VS The Vessey Brothers

I am a big fan of the Nation of Filth but I have to go with the Vesseys on this one


Monty Walker VS Rip Chord

Liberty VS Romeo Heartthrob

Dread VS Dusty Streets.


BLZ Bubb VS Cowboy Ricky Dale


Mr. Lucha VS Peter Valentine


The Nation of Filth VS The Vessey Brothers


I love the NOF but there is no way they are going to win this match. And I did not mean to mimic TakerNGN but I just did...


Monty Walker VS Rip Chord


Liberty VS Romeo Heartthrob


Dread VS Dusty Streets.


BLZ Bubb VS Cowboy Ricky Dale

Mr. Lucha VS Peter Valentine

The Nation of Filth VS The Vessey Brothers

Monty Walker VS Rip Chord

Liberty VS Romeo Heartthrob

Dread VS Dusty Streets.


BLZ Bubb VS Cowboy Ricky Dale

Mr. Lucha VS Peter Valentine

The Nation of Filth VS The Vessey Brothers

Monty Walker VS Rip Chord

Liberty VS Romeo Heartthrob

Dread VS Dusty Streets.





Wow no fooling you guys on this one. Everybody did real well. Yes it was pretty much a given. And to be fair to Dragonmack I almost did have Mr Lucha go over on Valentine. But I got to thinking on the subject with Sam Strong "Technically" the head booker, I don't think he would job out his buddy like that. Would Mr Valentine lose? Yeah to a more established star. But not to Mr Lucha. Now dont worry. I like Mr Lucha, and if I can resign him I think I have an idea for him but its not a quick thing here. Sorry for the long delay all. I had to take alittle longer on this one to celebrate a 5 yr anniversary. But have no fear boys and girls. I have all of this month's shows wrote and I am well into Febuary. So stay tuned to this channel for more Hollyweird. Remember keep your shoulders off the mat.

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As Hollyweird Grappling Company prepares for its very first Pay Per View, tensions are running high.



Larry Vessey will take on a rising Peter Valentine.



The young and entertaining Blue Sky will take on the Demonic BLZ Bubb.



With championship gold on their minds can The Demons of Rage prevail over the high flying Mucha Lucha.



Bryan Vessey will be in singles competition as he faces the hungry and dangerous Romeo Heartthrob.



Dread and Rip Chord will battle the team of Liberty and Dusty Street. Can Dread and Rip work together? Or will Liberty and Dusty Streets prevail?




All of this and more. Only on NCTV this Tuesday.




Quick Picks


Larry Vessey VS Peter Valentine

Blue Sky VS BLZ Bubb

Mucha Lucha VS The Demons of Rage

Bryan Vessey VS Romeo Heartthrob

Dread and Rip Chord VS Liberty and Dusty Streets

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The SWF held their PPV When Hell Freezes over last Sunday at the Maryland Woods Arena. And it was a sell out crowd. For those who missed the show, the SWF are offering replays all week. Overall I felt the show was a strong one.



The fight between Christian Faith and Bruce the Giant backstage further fueled the speculation that SWF may be indeed setting up for a Nemesis VS Sam Kieth program. As Nemesis defended the North American Title against Alex Pierce. And coming off of the Capitan USA and The Masked Patriots program with Sam Kieth and Rory McCallum. SWF needs to put Keith into a better program to warrant him carrying the World Title.



In other news regarding Sam Kieth I did a random search through various wrestling sites and it is widely believed that Sam Kieth is the best brawler out there today.



It could be the beginning of the end for AMW Awesome to the Max on CANN. Due to the severally low rating it has been achieving, CANN officials have been quite open to canceling the show. This would be a devastating blow to AMW if they were to lose that TV slot. But CANN is known to be a very highly patient network. We will have to see if this is rumor or factual.




Been alittle busy here over the last few days sorry for the inactivity. But we aint dead. Show will be up later tonight.
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Guest cmdrsam





The Blazn' Flames are walking in the parking lot. They are discussing how they are going to get The Demons of Rage into a rematch. They enter the arena door and are jumped by The Demons of Rage. Demon Anger and Spite drill The Flames with some stiff punches. Both of the Demons send the Flame brothers through a table.



Demon Spite: There you go boys. There is your rematch. Same result as the last time we met.



The Demons high five one another and laugh as they leave the scene. The camera zooms to the crumpled bodies of The Flames as HGC staff arrive.



An opening video is played featuring some of the footage from last week. BLZ Bubb's attack on Liberty, Rip Chord's win, some snip-its from both Chord and Sam Strong promo, and Dread's win and stare down at the end of the match between Rip Chord and Dread.



Jason Azaria: Hello everybody and with 2 week remaining before Malice in Wonderland as you can tell tensions are running high. I'm Jason Azaria and with me as always is my broadcast partner Kyle Rhodes.



Kyle Rhodes: Jason , we have a great night of action planned as we are going to have two more automatic berths into the Malice of Wonderland's battle royal. Both of the Vessey brothers will be in singles completion tonight. But thats not all. Are main event has been hand picked by JK Stallings himself. We will see Liberty and Dusty Streets take on the team of Dread and Rip Chord.



Jason Azaria: Wow, that should be a great match. But lets not waste anytime. As we have our first qualifying match up next.






Jason Azaria: This match is for an automatic berth into Malice in Wonderland's battle royal. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 212 pounds, from Canton, Ohio accompanied by Coach Dick Pangrazzio, Larry Vessey!!!



Larry Vessey comes to the ring with Coach barking some orders to Larry Vessey. Larry is shaking his head in agreement.



Jason Azaria: And his opponent, weighing in at 240 pounds, from New York City, NY, Peter Valentine!!! (crowd boos ***)



Peter Valentine walks to the ring he notices a small child from behind the barricade. He stops and offers a hand to the kid. The kid goes to shake it but Peter Valentine rears back and acts like he is going to puch the kid. The kid jumps out of his shoes as the crowd boos more.



(ring, ring, ring) Peter Valentine is still jawing with the fans as the bell rings. Larry Vessey shoots out and uses a lariat on Peter Valentine. That moves just floors the big man and Larry Vessey senses it. He climbs up the turnbuckle. Peter Valentine gets hit with the shooting star press from Larry Vessey. Eugene Williams counts. ...1 ...2 Peter Valentine escapes.



Kyle Rhodes: Larry Vessey with trying to put this to rest early!



Jason Azaria: Heres a fun fact for you. Larry Vessey learned that move on his last Japanese tour.



Peter Valentine gets up. Peter Valentine pokes Larry Vessey in the eye with his thumb. Peter Valentine tackles Larry Vessey to the mat. Peter Valentine puts Larry Vessey on the top rope and executes a superplex. Peter Valentine gets back to his feet. Peter Valentine with a gut-wrench suplex on Larry Vessey. Now Peter Valentine standing. Peter Valentine drags Larry Vessey to the floor.



Jason Azaria: Peter Valentine can't get a pin at ringside.



Sam Sparrow starts the count (.1) (..2) Peter Valentine comes from behind and bulldogs Larry Vessey. Peter Valentine stands up. (...3) Peter Valentine executes a corkscrew legdrop on Larry Vessey. Peter Valentine gets up. Larry Vessey stands up. Larry Vessey gets hit with a running powerslam by Peter Valentine Peter Valentine gets up. They head back into the ring. Peter Valentine grabs Larry Vessey and applies an arm wrench. Peter Valentine suplexes Larry Vessey. Peter Valentine sucks chants start in the crowd. Larry Vessey climbs to his feet. Larry Vessey leg sweeps Peter Valentine. Peter Valentine climbs to his feet. Larry Vessey with a Sick Cycle on Peter Valentine. Larry Vessey covers Peter Valentine hooking the leg. Eugene Williams counts the pin. ...1 ...2 ...3!



Jason Azaria:Larry Vessey has won the match and is in the battle royal!



The scene shifts to backstage as we see Dread in the dressing room just starting his prematch preparations. Rip Chord comes in and Dread starts to make a move.



Rip Chord: Hold on there big fella. I'm not here to start anything. If I was you would have been in the floor already.



Dread: You wish old man. Why are you interested in my match's?



Rip Chord: I'm seeing a future world champion in the waiting. You have all of the tools except one, you have a tendency to fly off the handle and go berserk at the wrong time.



Dread: I'll show you berserk, I'LL SNAP YOUR FRIGGEN NECK!



Rip Chord: Calm down the Godzilla. Look you and me have got a tag match later. I just got to know who can I trust?



Dread: I've got one eye on you Chord, but yeah I know we got a match together. And if your asking me am I playing to win. Do I ever play not to win?



Rip Chord: Good, partner.



With that he offers a hand to Dread. Dread looks at it sneers at it.



Dread: Leave now or I will break you in half.



Rip Chord backs up and shakes his head.






Jason Azaria: On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 178 pounds,, Blue Sky!!!



Blue Sky comes running down to the ring.



Jason Azaria: And his opponent, weighing in at 330 pounds, from The Depths of Hell accompanied by Karen Killer, BLZ Bubb!!!



BLZ Bubb walks very slowly to the ring to the ring.



Jason Azaria: Blue Sky is new to me do you know anything about him Kyle?



Kyle Rhodes: Well Jason he is fairly new, spent some time down in Mexico learning the Lucha trade. And he has spent some time on the East Coast in the independents. And very quick.



(ding, ding, ding) The two circle one another and start to tie up but BLZ Bubb gets caught with an elbow smash to the face. BLZ Bubb kicks Blue Sky in the stomach. BLZ Bubb bounces Blue Sky off the ropes and clotheslines him. BLZ Bubb goes for a pin. The ref starts the count. ...1 Blue Sky escapes.



Kyle Rhodes: Not wise to draw the ire of BLZ Bubb!



Blue Sky gets up. BLZ Bubb punches Blue Sky in the head. BLZ Bubb delivers a kick to the head of Blue Sky. Now Blue Sky standing. Blue Sky with a jumping DDT on BLZ Bubb. Blue Sky chants start. Blue Sky jumps and delivers a drop kick on BLZ Bubb. Blue Sky hits BLZ Bubb with an elbow drop. Blue Sky trys for a flying axehandle but BLZ Bubb catches Blue Sky and slams him into the corner.



Jason Azaria: What power BLZ Bubb has.



BLZ Bubb with a powerful choke lift on Blue Sky. BLZ Bubb punches Blue Sky repeatedly. BLZ Bubb sets up Blue Sky for the Hades Bomb. Before he delivers the move BLZ Bubb runs his thumb across his throat acting like he is slitting it. CRASH, Hades Bomb! Blue Sky looks to be out cold! BLZ Bubb covers Blue Sky. Referee Eugene Williams makes the count. ...1 ...2 ...3.



Kyle Rhodes: Blue Sky had some impressive spots but BLZ Bubb with a big win tonight.



Jason Azaria: Folks we need to take a look at some of BLZ Bubb's recent course of destruction.



A video is shown featuring BLZ Bubb. It shows him delivering various Hades Bombs to several different opponent. It shows the attacks on Liberty as well. The end shows BLZ Bubb's face in dark room, and he whispers, “You can't stop me.”



Kyle Rhodes: Man he has been on a rampage as of late.



Jason Azaria: Indeed he has Kyle. And now its time for our next match.




<a href="

http://s578.photobucket.com/albums/ss229/cmdrsam_2009/?action=view&current=Electo.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i578.photobucket.com/albums/ss229/cmdrsam_2009/Electo.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s578.photobucket.com/albums/ss229/cmdrsam_2009/?action=view&current=MrLuchaIII.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i578.photobucket.com/albums/ss229/cmdrsam_2009/MrLuchaIII.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s578.photobucket.com/albums/ss229/cmdrsam_2009/?action=view&current=Vs.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i578.photobucket.com/albums/ss229/cmdrsam_2009/Vs.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s578.photobucket.com/albums/ss229/cmdrsam_2009/?action=view&current=DemonSpite.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i578.photobucket.com/albums/ss229/cmdrsam_2009/DemonSpite.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s578.photobucket.com/albums/ss229/cmdrsam_2009/?action=view&current=DemonAnger.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i578.photobucket.com/albums/ss229/cmdrsam_2009/DemonAnger.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Mucha Lucha vs. The Demons Of Rage



Jason Azaria: This match is a tag match. On their way to the ring at this time, Mr Lucha and Eléctrico, the team known as Mucha Lucha!!!



Mucha Lucha come to the ring.



Jason Azaria: And their opponents, the team of The Demons Of Rage.



The Demons Of Rage walk to the ring.



Demon Anger and Eléctrico start for their prospective teams. They lockup and Demon Anger pushes Eléctrico into the corner of the ring. Demon Anger slaps Eléctrico. Eléctrico responds with a slap of his own. This infuriates Demon Anger who charges at Eléctrico. But he moves out of the way to avoid the behemoth of a man. Eléctrico tags in Mr Lucha. Mr Lucha tries for a drop kick but gets swatted out of the air like a bug by Demon Anger. Demon Anger fist drops Mr Lucha on the mat.



Kyle Rhodes: Mean fist drop there!



Demon Anger puts Mr Lucha in an arm grapevine submission. Demon Anger drags Mr Lucha to his corner and tags in Demon Spite. Demon Spite spine buster bombs Mr Lucha onto the mat. Demon Spite stomps Mr Lucha's head.



Jason Azaria: What size are his feet Kyle?



Kyle Rhodes: I don't know but I think I could fit both of my feet in one of his boots.



Demon Spite puts Mr Lucha in the double under hook position and gives him a double under hook back breaker. Demon Spite drags Mr Lucha to his corner and tags in Demon Anger. Demon Anger stomps Mr Lucha's head. Demon Anger tags in Demon Spite and sets up for a Double Demon Down. Demon Spite goes for a pin. Eugene Williams counts. ...1 ...2 ...3.



Jason Azaria: The winners of this match, The Demons Of Rage!!!



The Blazn' Flames come out.



Joey Flame: Hey fat boys. I said hey fat boys! You forget us?



Teddy Flame: Well we ain't forgotten you. You see we have been backstage talking to our old friend Sam Strong.



Joey Flame: And he has been talking to JK Stallings.



Teddy Flame: And he says you and us get together at (Joey says it at the same time.) Malice in Wonderland!



Joey Flame: Oh and to make it even better. Its to be crowned the first ever HGC world tag team titles!



Jason Azaria: Wow, didn't see that coming.



The Flames go backstage as the Demons are still in the ring upset about this latest development.




*** Commercial ***




Romeo Hearrthrob: You see last week was a minor setback in my master plan. Bryan Vessey, I hope you are in shape tonight. For you see I don't want to finish you off quick Vessey. I want to play for awhile. Its like catching a fly. You don't kill it right a way. You pull its legs off and watch it fly around till it cant fly anymore. You pull a wing off and watch it flop around just for your amusement. Then you pull its other wing off and you watch it shake. Then you squash it. Vessey, your a fly in my eyes. Tonight I squash you.






Jason Azaria: This match is for a guaranteed spot at Malice in Wonderlands battle royal. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 190 pounds, from Canton, Ohio accompanied by Coach Dick Pangrazzio, Bryan Vessey!!!



Bryan Vessey comes to the ring.



Jason Azaria: And his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds, from Memphis, TN, Romeo Heartthrob!!!



Romeo Heartthrob struts to the ring area. He demands that the ref hold open the ring ropes so that he may enter which the ref complies reluctantly. Romeo Heartthrob removes his robe almost as doing a strip tease.



(the bell rings) The two tie up and its Bryan Vessey with a arm drag take down on Romeo Heartthrob. Romeo Heartthrob smacks the mat. He gets back to his feet and ties up with Bryan Vessey again. Another arm drag take down by Bryan. Romeo Heartthrob is in a kneeling position and shakes his head. Romeo even gives Bryan a sarcastic round of applause. The two tie up and Romeo rakes Bryan's eyes. Romeo Heartthrob grabs Bryan Vessey by the arm and breaks it over his shoulder. Bryan Vessey is shaking off the damage. Romeo climbs to the second turn buckle and nails Bryan Vessey with a ax handle smash.



Kyle Rhodes: Ouch thats gotta hurt.



Bryan Vessey with a enzuigiri to Romeo Heartthrob's head. Not able to capitalize on the move, Romeo Heartthrob seizes the chance and lands a short arm clothesline. Romeo Heartthrob wraps his legs around Bryan Vessey's neck and puts him in the figure-four sleeper. Sam Sparrow asks Bryan Vessey if he quits. ... Bryan Vessey is fighting the hold. ... Romeo Heartthrob breaks the hold. Romeo Heartthrob knife hand chops Bryan Vessey. Romeo Heartthrob executes a jaw breaker on Bryan Vessey. Romeo Heartthrob stands up. Bryan Vessey is back on his feet. Romeo Heartthrob spins around Bryan Vessey's back and DDT's him into the mat.



Jason Azaria: Nice DDT by Romeo Heartthrob.



Kyle Rhodes: Moves like that just has to take all the air out of Bryan Vessey's sails.



Romeo Heartthrob stands up. Romeo Heartthrob covers Bryan Vessey. Sam Sparrow counts. ...1 ...2 Bryan Vessey kicks out.



Kyle Rhodes: OHHHHHHH So close!!!



Romeo Heartthrob goes for a gut wrench suplex but Bryan Vessey blocks it. Bryan Vessey with a gut wrench suplex on Romeo Heartthrob instead. Bryan Vessey takes down his shoulder straps and moves back to his feet.



Jason Azaria: I wish every match could be like this!



Bryan Vessey climbs to the top of the turnbuckle and executes the diving head butt on Romeo Heartthrob. Bryan Vessey moves back to his feet. Romeo Heartthrob climbs to his feet. Romeo Heartthrob gets caught with an elbow smash to the face. Bryan Vessey chants start. Bryan Vessey hits a running forearm smash on Romeo Heartthrob's face. Romeo Heartthrob is up again. Romeo Heartthrob gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Bryan Vessey. Bryan Vessey puts Romeo Heartthrob on the top rope and executes a superplex. Bryan Vessey chants start. Bryan Vessey is back on his feet. Bryan Vessey sets up Romeo Heartthrob for the Vessey Driver. He nails it and goes for the cover. Referee Sam Sparrow makes the count. ...1 ...2 ...3!



Kyle Rhodes: We've got ourselves a winner!



Jason Azaria: The winner of this match, and is in the battle royal at Malice in Wonderland, Bryan Vessey!!!



We cut back to the backstage area where we see Liberty and Dusty Streets are walking in the hallway talking strategy for their up coming battle with Dread and Rip Chord.



Jason Azaria: This next match promises to be a great one.



Kyle Rhodes: And its up next after this commercial break.



*** Commercial ***




<a href="http://s578.photobucket.com/albums/ss229/cmdrsam_2009/?action=view&current=Dread_alt1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i578.photobucket.com/albums/ss229/cmdrsam_2009/Dread_alt1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s578.photobucket.com/albums/ss229/cmdrsam_2009/?action=view&current=RipChord.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i578.photobucket.com/albums/ss229/cmdrsam_2009/RipChord.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s578.photobucket.com/albums/ss229/cmdrsam_2009/?action=view&current=Vs.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i578.photobucket.com/albums/ss229/cmdrsam_2009/Vs.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s578.photobucket.com/albums/ss229/cmdrsam_2009/?action=view&current=DustyStreets.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i578.photobucket.com/albums/ss229/cmdrsam_2009/DustyStreets.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s578.photobucket.com/albums/ss229/cmdrsam_2009/?action=view&current=Liberty.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i578.photobucket.com/albums/ss229/cmdrsam_2009/Liberty.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Dread and Rip Chord vs. Dusty Streets and Liberty



Jason Azaria: This is our main event. On his way to the ring at this time, He stands 6 ft 4 inches, weighing in at 310 pounds, DREAD!



Dread walks from behind the curtain and is met by rounding set of boos. He ignores them and walks right to the ring.



Jason Azaria: And his tag team partner, a former multi time world champion, standing 6 feet 1 inch, weighing in at 225 pounds, the legendary Rip Chord!



Rip Chord comes out is is met by a more hostile crowd. Small chants of wino break out.



Jason Azaria: And their opponents, the team of Dusty Streets and Liberty.



Dusty Streets and Liberty walk to the ring together. They have a look of determination on their faces but still manage to slap hands with a few fans as they walk to ringside.



The two teams posture for position but Sam Sparrow is able to keep control and gets the two teams to pick their starters. Rip Chord and Liberty start out. The two tie up and Rip Chord locks a headlock onto Liberty. Rip Chord takes down Liberty with the headlock and switches to a guillotine choke hold by Rip Chord. Rip Chord is back on his feet. Liberty bites Rip Chord's arm out of desperation. Liberty tags Dusty Streets. Dusty Streets's arm is just being TWISTED by an arm grapevine by Rip Chord.



Kyle Rhodes: Rip Chord executes a arm grapevine sound technical wrestling here so far.



Dread tagged in by Rip Chord. Rip Chord puts Dusty Streets in an arm grapevine submission. Dread suplexes Dusty Streets.



Jason Azaria: Come on ref Dusty Streets is being double teamed!



Dusty Streets trys for a power move but is not strong enough to lift Dread. Dusty Streets gets up. Dusty Streets and Dread go to the floor.



Kyle Rhodes: Dusty Street will have to watch out. Dread is very dangerous outside the ring here.



Sam Sparrow starts the count (.1) Dusty Streets and Dread start to trade punches(..2). (...3) Dread with a stiff straight right to Dusty Streets in the head. (....4) Dusty Streets runs at Dread who catches him and delivers a bone shattering belly to belly suplex on the floor. (.....5)



Kyle Rhodes: My God he may have just shattered Dusty's spine there!



Dread picks up Dusty Streets and rolls him in the ring. Dread gets into the ring and Rip Chord tagged in by Dread. A forearm choke by Rip Chord nearly gets him disqualified. As Rip Chord is arguing with Sam Sparrow, Dusty Streets tags in Liberty. Liberty sneaks up on Rip who is still arguing with the ref and rolls up Rip Chord. The ref starts the count. ...1 Rip Chord kicks out.



Kyle Rhodes: Rip chord better get his head in the match.



Jason Azaria: Good thinking by Liberty there.



Rip Chord gets up. Liberty tags Dusty Streets. Dusty Streets tackles Rip Chord. Dusty Streets gets back to his feet. Dread tagged in by Rip Chord. Dusty Streets applies an arm wrench to Dread. Liberty tagged in by Dusty Streets. Liberty hits Dread with a head butt to the mid-section. Dread gets taken down with a arm drag. Liberty with a tag to Dusty Streets. Dusty Streets kicks Dread in the stomach and executes the sit down face slam.



Kyle Rhodes: Good tag team execution here by Liberty and Dusty!



Jason Azaria: Yes it is, This is the first time both have been partners I think and they act like they have been doing it for years.



Dread hits a koppo kick on Dusty Streets. Dread grabs Dusty Streets's arm, drops down, and has him in an arm grapevine. Dread executes a corkscrew leg drop on Dusty Streets.



Jason Azaria: A corkscrew leg drop, that is just wrong for a man of his size to do that!



Kyle Rhodes: That just a sign of the great athletes we have here in HGC.



Dread moves back to his feet. Dusty Streets moves back to his feet. Dusty Streets trys for a German suplex but is not strong enough to lift Dread. Dread kicks Dusty Streets in the gut, takes a few steps back, and scissor kicks him to the mat. Dread sucks chants start in the crowd.



Jason Azaria: Nice scissor kick by Dread.



Kneelock submission applied by Dread. Referee Sam Sparrow is checking for a tap out. ... ... Dusty Streets escapes. Dread knee drops Dusty Streets. Now Dusty Streets standing. Dusty Streets is on the wrong end of an abdominal stretch. Sam Sparrow asks Dusty Streets if he quits. ... Dusty Streets trys to escape. ... ... (AHHHH!) Dread breaks the hold. Dusty Streets trys for a cobra clutch suplex but is not strong enough to lift Dread. Rip Chord tagged in by Dread. Dusty Streets gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Dread. Rip Chord executes the brain buster on Dusty Streets. Dusty Streets gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Rip Chord.



Kyle Rhodes: Come on ref! Do something!! Dusty Streets is being double teamed!



Dusty Streets executes a huge gut buster on Rip Chord. Rip Chord moves back to his feet. Rip Chord holds Dusty Streets in the corner, choking him with his forearm. Rip Chord tags in Dread. Dread with a head scissors takeover on Dusty Streets.



Kyle Rhodes: Now its Dread and Rip Chord with some good tag team execution here.



Dusty Streets hits Dread with a single arm DDT. Dusty Streets stands up. Liberty tagged in by Dusty Streets. Dusty Streets applies an arm wrench to Dread. Liberty climbs up the turnbuckle and lands a flying ax handle to the neck of Dread. Liberty and Dread lockup. Dread with a quick rake of the eyes and whips Liberty to the corner. Dread with a spinning mule kick Liberty. Dusty Streets runs in but Rip Chord meets him and takes Dusty Streets with a clothesline that sends both out of the ring.



Jason Azaria: Ill advised move by Dusty there.



Dread grabs Liberty and setups for a Dread Bomb. He stalls for a second before finishing the move. Dread covers Liberty and hooks the leg. Referee Sam Sparrow makes the count. ...1 ...2 ...3.



Jason Azaria: The winners of this match, Dread and Rip Chord!!!



The lights begin to flicker of and on and the crowd begins to come back to life.



Jason Azaria: Oh Oh, this is not going to be good.



The lights go off all the way for a few seconds. The come back on and BLZ Bubb is in the ring. He picks up Liberty and delivers a Hades Bomb to Liberty. Dread leaves the ring and smiles admiring the carnage Bubb has done. Dusty Streets tries to fight off Rip Chord but is not having any luck. BLZ Bubb picks up Liberty and leans him on the turnbuckle ropes. He begins to pummel Liberty with rights and lefts to Liberty's ribs.



Kyle Rhodes: This has got to stop. Is there nobody backstage who can help here?



With that being said I am a Real American is played to an enormous pop. Out comes Sam Strong wielding a chair. He runs right past Dread and into the ring. CRASH! He nails BLZ Bubb with the chair. It staggers the big man but he does not fall. CRASH! This time the blow sends Bubb out of the ring but he remains on his feet. Rip Chord sneaks up on Sam Strong, CRASH! Down goes Rip. Dread begins to go back to the ring but bails out before anything could be done. Rip staggers to his feet and Sam throws him out of the ring. We come to a close as Sam Strong is attending to Liberty while still giving looks to BLZ Bubb and Rip Chord.



Jason Azaria: Thank you Sam.



Kyle Rhodes: I think things just got a lot more complicated

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Guest cmdrsam
Larry Vessey VS Peter Valentine

Blue Sky VS BLZ Bubb

Mucha Lucha VS The Demons of Rage

Bryan Vessey VS Romeo Heartthrob

Dread and Rip Chord VS Liberty and Dusty Streets



You snuck in on me didn't you bad boy. Missed one. Not to shabby.

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Guest cmdrsam
This is not dead. I have to take an extended leave for awhile. I still have shows wrote all the way till end of Feb. So I would hate for them to go to waste. So I hope to see you all when I get back on these boards.
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