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Have you played any of the EWR games? The learning curve will be easier if you have.


1. Begin by reading the help file packaged with the game. This is essential.


2. Go through as much of this thread as possible: http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=73018


3. If you are playing the Cornellverse, Identify a promotion (company) that you like, then read the relevant thread here. For example, if you decide to start out with the Supreme Wrestling Federation, read the 'SWF discussion thread' on this forum. This will give you some good tips to start.


4. As above, after you've identified the first promotion you want to run, go the TEW 2010 dynasties forum and read a couple of dynasties about the said promotion. This will give you many ideas on how to book.

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A few things I'll add:


1-For me starting with a skill based promotion like New York City Wrestling or Mid Atlantic Wrestling will be easier to book and will help your own skills as much as building up the popularity of your workers.


2-ASK QUESTIONS, there is a thread for small questions that doesn't need its own thread so you go there if you need help on a lot of diffrent things.


3-Start small, smaller promotions are easier to use, you wont need to worry about as many storylines, and smaller promotions don't need as big of rosters either.


I had one more but forgot it as I was typing.

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A few things I'll add:


1-For me starting with a skill based promotion like New York City Wrestling or Mid Atlantic Wrestling will be easier to book and will help your own skills as much as building up the popularity of your workers.


2-ASK QUESTIONS, there is a thread for small questions that doesn't need its own thread so you go there if you need help on a lot of diffrent things.


3-Start small, smaller promotions are easier to use, you wont need to worry about as many storylines, and smaller promotions don't need as big of rosters either.


I had one more but forgot it as I was typing.


However smaller promotions have less funds...sometimes will struggle getting a tv show and you cant run house shows to improve your finances as all your workers would be on a ppa contract.


my personal opinion would be to pick a performance based fed to start such as NOTBPW or a japanese one so you have no storylines an can get the hang of things while easing yourself in.

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Thanks for the comments thusfar! I'm going to go through the Help manual first and then tackle the other things that have been mentioned.


I may have done a demo before, but this was my first time to commit to purchasing it.


(I grew up on 80s wrestling, so it's exciting to be back in the mix so -to-speak.)

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I would advise you start with a larger promotion that allows you to lock down workers to written contracts so they cannot be stolen. IMO it's tough to start with a smaller promotion where your star workers are liable to being stolen at any time. Plus, no matter how well you do, your segment ratings will be limited with a smaller promotion, which can be discouraging for first time players.


Personally, I don't think there exists an easier promotion than the SWF - they have money, huge stars, top notch talent and everything basically set up. The booking style is very natural, as you are expected to book your shows around your top stars. The owner is a bit of a dick, but you can always switch off owner goals [see below]


You can set user preferences to ease your way into the game. I would recommend that in the beginning you switch off repetitive booking penalties (everything becomes much easier and you've to track a lot less) and penalties for small rosters (its kind of useless anyway). If you are starting as head booker (and not as owner) you can turn off owner goals too - this will give you a lot more freedom. Keep in mind that you can adjust these settings as the game goes on, so you can switch owner goals/repetitive booking penalties on once you've got the hang of the game, as they make the game more challenging and fun!

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