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Bowl Bound 2011? Or Update?

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I will go on record as saying that Bowl Bound College Football might be the greatest sports text sim ive ever played. I really want to emphasize that if it wasn't for the program crashing, i would be losing alot of my life to this game. It is 2010 and i got to the party late, 6 years too late.


I was wondering if anyone from Grey Dog can tell me if there are plans to release a more stable, updated game such as Bowl Bound 2011 or something to that degree. I have a couple friends who had a hard time getting it to run on windows 7. I have been playing Fast Break CB 2010 and have had no crash issues. I can only imagine what Bowl Bound 2011 running on a more stable platform would bring.


I had also read there was a possible Pro Football version being developed. Which would be like "Christmas Comes Early".


So please if anyone from Grey Dog or someone with knowledge could tell me, is there a future release in the works? I think 6 years later, this game is still a monster, and i can only imagine what a newer iteration would be like.

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It's been a while since the release. Check to ensure you have all the patches which should be available at the download center. Been playing for years with few crashes. Get in an online league too, some good ones out there.


Have you really? I've had this game since it was released and played it on multiple different machines. It ALWAYS ends up crashing and corrupting the save file. I feel like I've tried everything (run as admin, etc).


What is your secret?!?

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Not saying it's NEVER crashed. Just not enough to freak me out.


I do save several times per season in solo play. Typically midway through the season, after the regular season and then after the bowl game and a final save after the final week before I flip the season. I keep four separate saves that I rotate through. So with a corruption or crash I lose maybe four games at the most. I also save after any milestone event, big upset, clinching conference, stuff like that.

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Not saying it's NEVER crashed. Just not enough to freak me out.


I do save several times per season in solo play. Typically midway through the season, after the regular season and then after the bowl game and a final save after the final week before I flip the season. I keep four separate saves that I rotate through. So with a corruption or crash I lose maybe four games at the most. I also save after any milestone event, big upset, clinching conference, stuff like that.


How do you keep four separate saves? That is what I do for other text sims, but I haven't seen how to save under a different save name with BBCF? It looks to me like OOTP where it just saves right on top of your old save.


My trouble comes when the game locks up in the middle of a save. If you exit the game and try to load, the save game file won't be there.


If you could tell me how to keep separate saves, that would be awesome.

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Actually, go into options and you can change the savename. You could also make a temp folder and copy your save into it say on your desktop and rename it there and bring it back into your save folder.


Nice...this conversation single handedly got me excited about the game again. I had stopped playing it b/c the save games would end up getting corrupted, but this way there will be a back up.


Do you have success playing out your games and actually having a successful running attack? I remember there was a big debate about that a year or two (or three?) ago about the running game engine possibly being broken if you played at your game. If you simmed it, the stats were fine.

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Nice...this conversation single handedly got me excited about the game again. I had stopped playing it b/c the save games would end up getting corrupted, but this way there will be a back up.


Do you have success playing out your games and actually having a successful running attack? I remember there was a big debate about that a year or two (or three?) ago about the running game engine possibly being broken if you played at your game. If you simmed it, the stats were fine.


I remember that debate and honestly I can't comment on it because I'm a simmer and have never played a game out manually.

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I remember that debate and honestly I can't comment on it because I'm a simmer and have never played a game out manually.


Do you take the time to tailor your game plans or do you rely on Asst coaches? Do you find that if you take the time to tailor your game plans that it works and it fun seeing the results? How long does it usually take you?

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I play in four online leagues with five teams.


I don't do much in the way of gameplanning. I set my depth charts and pay more attention to that. I do pick my offensive and defensive formations in the offseason though to cater to my players. For the gameplanning I usually auto suggest that the first four or five games until I find one that really works. Once that's dialed in I ride that the rest of the season and then focus on the playing percentages. I usually let the AI do that too, except for QB. And maybe RB if I have a duo I want to split out.

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