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Need Help for Mods

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First I wasn't sure where to put this topic so I decided to put this in the mods section. Anyway I am very bad with computers and well when I install mods I dont do the pictures and well I downloaded Remi's QOC mod but I would really like to know how to do the pictures because it makes the game get very boring for me. I always have the problem with where to put the picture file and how to unzip the folders.

Any help appreciated thank you.

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Okay. In your TEW2010 folder, there should be a folder called "Pictures." Inside this, there should be another folder named the same thing as your database.


You need to unzip into the "Workers" folder you'll see there, and then go into the database and change the picture folder (in-game).


From the front screen when you first start the game:


  1. First, make sure you've got Remi's mod selected.
    • Click the 4th button from the right at the top, labelled "Database Options."
    • If it says, at the very top, that you're currently using Remi's data, then you're done, hit exit and go on to #2.
    • If not, click on whatever you named his database, and press select. Hit exit.

[*]Find the button at the top which sends you to the Editor. It'll be the 5th from the right.

[*]Click on "Edit Database."

[*]Click on "Database Info."

[*]There will be 4 thin boxes at the top. From top to bottom, labelled "Database Title," "Version," "Author," and finally "Picture Folder." You want the last one.

[*]Click the arrow next to the "Picture Folder" box, which will bring up a drop-down menu. Now select the Picture folder that you pasted your images into, earlier.

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