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I did a quick search on this and couldn't find it, though I'm certain it was answered before. I simply cannot remember.


What is the penalty for having too small of a roster? I recently cut my roster down because a lot of people weren't being used and it was costing me money and making them unhappy. Now I have no trouble getting everyone airtime but my roster is much smaller than the Ideal Roster says. Is it a big enough penalty to worry about?

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What I wanna know, on a somewhat related note, is why the game expects me to have sixteen more people just because I add a MINOR brand? After all, the help file says that minor brands are intended for midcarders and below, so why do I need a whopping three more main eventers? I'm already having a hard enough time using the eight I have every single freaking show! Now I'll have to put less popular people in main event spots and hope my B show for the minor brand keeps them happy. If it doesn't, I have no idea what to do about it. All I know is I don't have room to use eleven main eventers.
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What I wanna know, on a somewhat related note, is why the game expects me to have sixteen more people just because I add a MINOR brand? After all, the help file says that minor brands are intended for midcarders and below, so why do I need a whopping three more main eventers? I'm already having a hard enough time using the eight I have every single freaking show! Now I'll have to put less popular people in main event spots and hope my B show for the minor brand keeps them happy. If it doesn't, I have no idea what to do about it. All I know is I don't have room to use eleven main eventers.


You need more wrestlers because you've got a second brand - that's obvious. It thinks 16 is enough for the new brand.


The fact that the ideal roster screen suggests three of them are Main Eventers in irrelevant - that makes no difference, even if all penalties are left on.

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