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Show #26 – ACPW On Thin Ice – Wednesday Week 3 February 2012


Attendance: 300 – sell out!


The time comes. Negotiations with Davis Wayne Newton. We’re currently paying him $1000 a show, he’s happy with what’s going on and all that junk. He’s our franchise guy, our main player. We open up with a lowball, just to let him know we’re not going to be pushed around here - $900 a show. He accepts. What? He accepts a pay cut, despite being far more awesome than he was last time we negotiated. Davis Wayne Newton is awesome. We are, however, going to flick the switch on a change for him. From now on, say hello to Ace Newton. It just works better for the smarmy heel we want him to be.


We move to On Thin Ice, and apparently we’ve sold a tonne of tickets? This should be a sell out! We’ve got an interesting set of matches tonight, with a main event featuring Jared Johnson in what could be his last appearance for us. He’s just been approached by CGC and we’ll do all we can to keep him, but they may snaffle him.


Just a short event this time, going for quality in the matches rather than quantity. And with an opener like we put on, the fans just won’t care. Kevin Glenn took it to Luke Dagger – there has been quite a void between these guys in the past with regards to quality. This was a fantastic match, and new face Glenn grabbed a hugely valuable win. (63 / C) Interestingly, this opening match goes in at #5 in our all time matches list. Brilliant.


Our second match was a little bit of a disappointment – Ace Newton and Nelson Callum were best friends but Nelson Callum’s recent switch to being a good guy has caused them to face off. There was a distinct lack of chemistry – they are too good friends in real life to put on a realistic match here, I think. Newton picks up the win and teaches Callum some brawling skills as well. (48 / D+)


The main event was decent enough. These men will all be in action at Overdose and this should have added a bit more heat to proceedings. Jared Johnson, distinctly uncomfortable working with someone due to his new loner gimmick, teamed up with Mimic Copiste; and they took on the team of El Diablo and Van Pelt. Diablo needed to win big before Overdose, and win big he did. Johnson and Mimic got turned inside out by him, and Diablo snatched a very convenient win. (57 / C-).


Final: 56 / C-

End of month review for February 2012:


I’m confused. CGC approached Jared, but nothing ever happened. We re-signed him for a bit more money, but I’ve heard nothing else from them. I didn’t know this could happen. Made a fairly big profit last month, but that’ll be cancelled out as we typically overspend on talent at Overdose. Let’s hope it’s a good one.

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Aaand we very rarely do predictions here, but as Overdose is our Wrestlemania, here's the card. All matches will be ladder matches.


The Nest of Vipers © (Mimic Copiste and Luke Dagger) vs. The New Breed (Kevin Glenn and Nelson Callum) – ACPW Tag Team Title match.


Kirk Drury vs. Reggie Bishop - #1 contender for ACPW Junior Heavyweight title match.


Jared Johnson © vs. Jayson Van Pelt – ACPW Junior Heavyweight title match.


Ace Newton © vs. El Diablo – ACPW Heavyweight title match.


If you want to predict, go nuts!

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The Nest of Vipers © (Mimic Copiste and Luke Dagger) vs. The New Breed (Kevin Glenn and Nelson Callum) – ACPW Tag Team Title match.


Kirk Drury vs. Reggie Bishop - #1 contender for ACPW Junior Heavyweight title match.


Jared Johnson © vs. Jayson Van Pelt – ACPW Junior Heavyweight title match.


Ace Newton © vs. El Diablo – ACPW Heavyweight title match.

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The Nest of Vipers © (Mimic Copiste and Luke Dagger) vs. The New Breed (Kevin Glenn and Nelson Callum) – ACPW Tag Team Title match.

- Because I don't see the point in immediately taking the titles off the Vipers.


Kirk Drury vs. Reggie Bishop - #1 contender for ACPW Junior Heavyweight title match.

- Because with the new face/heel divide he makes a more natural challenger.


Jared Johnson © vs. Jayson Van Pelt – ACPW Junior Heavyweight title match.

- Since I don't see Dubba J losing his title to Van Pelt.


Ace Newton © vs. El Diablo – ACPW Heavyweight title match.

- Then I got lazy so went with a left-sided sweep. And because you don't know how to write for El Diablo AND you like DWN AND you renamed him Ace.

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Show #26 – ACPW Xtreme Overdose III – Wednesday Week 3 March 2012


Attendance: 722!


We’re on the build up to what we hope will be the best event ever. We’ve not really prepared as much as I’d like for it – there’s not really much building towards it. We’ve hired a lad called Roger Monteiro. He’s an exciting American cruiserweight and we’ll push him as a face. I really like his look, so I hope he can back it up in the ring. We also manage to agree terms with El Diablo, so that he’ll be with us for another nine months. I’ve got a few plans for him – basically playing off the idea that he’s the rebel fans want to get behind – he won’t change his name despite ACPW wanting him to! Or something like that. It needs work.


Ticket demand was phenomenal. We even hired a 1,000 seater stadium, moving from Concordia Hall for the first time since January 2010. We’re expecting about 600, and we can’t miss out on that revenue.


Our opening match was excellent – a tag team title ladder match between The Nest of Vipers and The New Breed. Glenn and Callum have been pretty great recently and this influenced the booking of this match. A wonderful slow build to a dramatic finish as Copiste was slammed from the top of the ladder by Nelson Callum, allowing Glenn to get the titles and win them the belts. We have new champions! (59 / C-)


The next match wasn’t publicised, and for good reason. Roger Monteiro faced off against Dermott Ayres and just squeaked a debut win – but the match was terrible. (34 / E+).


Our third match was just as poor, but served well to let us test out a possible combination for the future. Kirk Drury beat Reggie Bishop pretty handily, and became the #1 contender for Jared Johnson’s Junior Heavyweight championship. (31 / E+).


Speaking of the devil, it was Jared’s turn to fight as he took on Jayson Van Pelt with a ladder to defend his title. This was a great match, despite the crowd being very bored with Van Pelt’s character. Need to change him up a little. Johnson looked excellent throughout, but Van Pelt was a constant threat. I think these two need to get tangled together more often. Jared Johnson just manages to defend his title after some dodgy tactics with the ladder and Van Pelt’s groin. (55 / C-).


Massive, massive hopes for our main event. Diablo facing off against Ace Newton. Newton has made it clear on his twitter that he doesn’t like Diablo not following the wishes of ACPW management, and that’s added a little bit more to this championship bout.








I mean, seriously. This was simply the best match we’ve ever seen in ACPW, and I remember now why we put so much on these two. I think they’re just destined to nag at each other and keep on causing conflict. The fans loved it, the people watching on the internet will love it, and Daedalus will love it. Ace Newton takes the win and taunts Diablo thoroughly, but after what we’ve just witnessed no-one really cares. (70 / C+).


Final: 64 / C – yes folks, that’s right – this is our best event in our history.


End of month report for March 2012:


Well, we’re all on a high after that main event and the general success of Overdose III. It really couldn’t have gone much better than that. We branch out a little; looking at CGC and some other promotions. We have a working agreement with CGC that we’ve had for ages, but we’ve never used it. We agree a trade between Ace Newton and Ozzie Golden. Ozzie would be a perfect ACPW fit, so maybe he’ll join us one day. Three appearances as a face will let us check him out – he’s actually only on a PPA. Let’s see if he impresses. We make a decent profit of $8,000, no doubt influenced by those wonderful ticket sales – and we’re edging, edging, edging towards regional. It’s going to be tight – either June or July.

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Beeker, I can appreciate what you mean about not taking the titles off the Vipers immediately; but I need Mimic and Luke in the main event, not trolling about in a tag feud. Putting it on them was a temporary measure. I'm just waiting for a move to using angles before Diablo gets his moment in the sun :)


thanks for your predictions, guys!

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Show #27 – ACPW Retaliation – Wednesday Week 3 April 2012


Attendance: 300 - Sell out!


21CW just went bust. Wow. The biggest British promotion just bit the dust. It’s a valuable eye opener for the rest of us. Don’t hit TV too early. Remember that, boss man.


We start off the month bringing in Josh Jones for a bit of a scout, and he blows us away at a training session. He is one of the most talented workers we’ve ever seen. Trouble is, he’s as boring and bland a person you can get. There’s always a drawback. Sod it, we want him. We re-sign Kevin Glenn. Who the hell wouldn’t?


Back to good old Concordia Hall. It was nice having more room to work in last time, but a sell out always looks impressive on paper. We open with our new tag champions The New Breed defeating The Inner City Express – who were our first tag team champs back in 2010. (49 / D+). Our second match allowed Josh Jones a bit of a run out – it was a short match, but looked very positive. He took on, and lost to, Jared Johnson – but I was pleased with how it went. (51 / D+).


Our penultimate was designed to let the crowd relax a little as we’d hoped our first two were as good as they were, and Jayson Van Pelt got a nice victory against newcomer Roger Montiero. Not a stellar match, but a good beer break. (35 / E+).


The main event featured our two best and brightest – Ace Newton and El Diablo. But we also threw Ozzie Golden into it who joined us on loan from CGC. I was really impressed with the young man, and the match was pretty good as a result. Not as good as Ace and Diablo’s showcase last month, but a very pleasing main event. Newton takes the win – surprise surprise. (62 / C).


Final: 60 / C - wow!


End of month report for April 2012:

Well, for some reason, Ace Newton has left CGC. He was with them on a PPA or something. I don’t remember every seeing him join them, but he wrestled three matches and was 1-2. How confusing. He’s now just with us and NYCW, who we’ve shared him with for a while. I guess I should pay more attention to these things.

A modest profit this month, and another rise in popularity. This is great.

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Show #28 – ACPW Raw Power – Wednesday Week 3 May 2012


Attendance: 300 – sell out!


We make a move to bring back Dermott Ayres for another nine months. He hasn’t blown up like I thought he would, but he’s useful and worth having. We make a move to bring in a new tag team as our tag division is very heel biased. We successfully bring in K-Squared and rebrand him as Kenny Murray, but his ex-partner Trent Shaffer wants too much. Looking around the roster, putting him with Ozzie Golden could really work, and therefore Team NRG is born and will debut at Raw Power. Golden will only be with us up til Blood Feud, but if we put these guys in matches up til then we can tell if the pair will work or not, then work out if we want Golden to stick around.

CGC just lost Adrian Garcia, their premier announcer, to RIPW. Jamie Atherton and Mario Da Silva just got called up to the main SWF roster, so I mean that’s pretty great for them. Good luck folks!


On with the show, at Concordia Hall as usual. Mimic Copiste turns up with plenty of free booze for everyone, so that lifts the mood nicely. We gave Roger Monteiro a quick win in a dark match, although why is it called a dark match when we’re not on TV? How odd.


Tag team action opened up Raw Power, with the aforementioned new pairing of Team NRG took on The Nest of Vipers. This was a really solid opener which we were very pleased with, and gave Luke Dagger a much needed victory to build up some momentum. (45 / D). Luke really does need a change to his character though. Our second match was dire, and I think it’s the final nail in Kirk Drury’s coffin. I’ve had just about enough of him, and this was just not what I’d expected from him. Reggie Bishop put him to sleep after 7 minutes of dire action. (26 / E).


Praying for something better in the next match, Jared Johnson stared down Nelson Callum. This match was superb and the locker room was thrilled with the show going on. It was a close run thing, but Jared just managed to lock Callum into the Carolina Crossface and force a submission. Very, very impressive. (56 / C-).


The main event was a bit of a mash up – Kevin Glenn and El Diablo teaming up to take on Ace Newton and Dermott Ayres. These guys have all been floating around each other for a while, or will be shortly, so this was a good way to intermesh some ideas. The match was incredible. Massive back and forth action, culminating in Ace Newton getting angry with Ayres hogging the ring time, and wandering off to jaw with the crowd. This let Glenn and El Diablo team up on Dermott, and Diablo scored a hugely valuable win. One of Ace’s first losses in the ACPW. (66 / C+)


Final rating: 58 / C-


End of month report for May 2012:


Well, it took 48 hours after that show for it all to go through – but we’ve cut Kirk Drury loose. He was useless and I’m glad he’s gone. Made about $3k that time, the worker bill was up due to having a main event tag team match, but that’s all good. Could Blood Feud put us over into regional size? I don’t think so – but I think we’ll be celebrating once Live Wire III is done in August.

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Oh you are ****ing joking me. Looks like game may have corrupted itself and every person who doesn't work for me has had their bio replaced by Mito Miwa. What the hell :(


edit: I'm going to have to start over, but will copy my exact movements from this diary so hopefully we end up at ROUGHLY the same point. Then I'll continue the diary right here.

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Ok, after several hours of frantic booking, I appear to be caught up. There are numerous differences especially with chemistry. Vibert isn't dead any more either. I've been VERY strict - booking exactly as this diary says I did.


Only major difference is that Ozzie Golden was released by CGC and we picked him up in that week on a 9 month contract.


Interesting how so many of my events came out with exactly the same grades.


Back in business.

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Show #29 – ACPW Blood Feud – Wednesday Week 3 June 2012


Attendance: 300 – sell out!


The month begins with a flurry of contract signings as we ensure that our main eventers remain with us for the foreseeable future. Blood Feud should be a rather more relaxed show, but we’re hoping for a good one too. We’re hoping Live Wire in August will take us to new heights.


The show opens with El Diablo defeating Josh Jones (48 / D+). A good opener which should give Josh a little boost. Our second match was a ladder match in which Jared Johnson took on Kevin Glenn for Johnson’s Junior Heavyweight championship. This was a superb match and they looked fantastic out there. Glenn came up just short this time, but these two are a perfect match in ability and popularity. (60 / C)


Our penultimate match was designed to calm the crowd a little before the main event. Unfortunately, it completely sucked. Kenny Murray defeated Jay Becker in a terrible match. (27 / E).


So, with the crowd completely cooled now, we go to our triple threat main event. We like Dermott Ayres and want him to have a bit more credibility, so we’ve put him in a three way with Jayson Van Pelt and Ace Newton. Ace picked up the win, but hopefully it taught the others a thing or two. (59 / C-)


Final result: 52 / D+

End of month report for June 2012:

A decent showing at Blood Feud, could have been much worse. We bring back Dermott Ayres again. People may sit up and take notice of him if we keep involving him.

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Show #30 – ACPW Pure Fury – Friday Week 3 July 2012


Attendance: 300 – sell out.

Quebec, wrestling, you know the drill. Building up to Live Wire III next month, and hoping that we’ll increase in the eyes of the wrestling community. Let’s hope it’s a good one.


We start off on a flier. We’ll see The New Breed defend their tag titles in a three way tag match at Live Wire, and they took on the Nest of Vipers here. The Vipers will be one of their challengers, and have been a bit of a thorn in their side so far. This was a great opener and with a little more time could have been even more special. Shockingly, Luke Dagger picked up a flash pinfall on the very popular Kevin Glenn, stealing a bit of momentum which could set them up well for next month. (53 / D+). The third team in the contest next month will be Team NRG – and one half of the team, Kenny Murray, soundly beat Jay Becker in a pretty poor match. (28 / E).


We had slightly higher hopes for the next match – a triple threat match for Jared Johnson’s ACPW Junior Heavyweight title. Jared managed four defences of the title so far and looked good – but he didn’t count on Jayson Van Pelt bringing his a-game. To the shock of everyone in the crowd, Van Pelt ascended the ladder after 18 minutes and came back down a champion. (45 / D). Jared and Jayson will meet face to face in the main event of Live Wire, challenging Ace Newton for his title. Can Jayson hold both straps at once?

Our main event tonight was a bit of a gimme, with Ace Newton pitted against Reggie Bishop. Really quite disappointing, the fans just weren’t into it and Ace couldn’t drag much out of Reggie. (41 / D-) A sour note to end on, and a pretty bad show all round.


Final rating: 42 / D


End of month report for July 2012:

Well, that was a little disappointing. We re-sign Topher Smith, but I’m not really sure why. Oh well.




Show #31 – ACPW Live Wire III – Wednesday Week 3 August 2012


Attendance: 300 – sell out!


Despite expecting a large crowd, we stick with Concordia Hall for a bit longer. We’re hoping this show will push us over the edge though..

We start off with a really dire match but it serves its purpose – and that is to give Spite Inc. a clear win. The Inner City Express looked terrible. (27 / E). It was quickly followed up by something much better – El Diablo narrowly defeating Josh Jones in a very open match. They went at it for about 14 minutes before Diablo sealed it with a Diablo Driver II (41 / D-).


Our next match was a little disappointing, but was designed as a toilet break for people before our two big matches. Roger Monteiro dominated Tempest Appleby, and they looked superb together. Maybe we could use this chemistry in future. (23 / E-).


After a disappointment last week, The New Breed were desperate to defend their titles against The Nest of Vipers and upstart Team NRG. We held a three way ladder match to decide who should hold the belt – and The New Breed came through. Kevin Glenn snatched the belt after an absolutely fantastic bout. (58 / C-). Expect more from these teams.

Our main event was a bit of an anomaly. Jayson Van Pelt and Jared Johnson fought last month, and had a pretty good match. Van Pelt snatched that one. Now they had to put aside their differences to stand a chance at capturing Ace’s belt. They managed to ignore each other for about.. fourty five seconds. Then they determinedly took each other apart. This match was fantastic with Newton truly running the show and ensuring the other two did their part. Ace retained his belt, defence number three of this reign, but what a match. (68 / C+).


Final rating: 62 / C


End of month report for August 2012:


We did it! Regional size! Oh my oh my oh my. That was our best event ever, too. Fantastic stuff. God bless the ACPW. We celebrate by re-signing Tony Marsh. But now that we’re this size, Daedalus wants us to go for TV. We’re fighting him, me and the booking team, but I wonder for how long. TV at this size would be suicide.

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Show #32 – ACPW Hellbound – Wednesday Week 3 September 2012


Attendance: 300 - sell out!


We start the month with a re-signing of Nelson Callum. He’s pretty great and a real asset to the company, so why the hell not? Dae has said it’s okay to try and work an angle a show into the running, but only if the guy doing it is worth something. Sensible, I guess.

Just as we’re about to go curtain up, Reggie Bishop kicks off a fight with our fricking referee. I give him a stern warning about it. I think he realises he’s not invincible now, we’ll see. I pulled him off the planned card as punishment too.


So, one match down, but it could be a decent show still. Our opening match is a tag team title match between The New Breed and The Nest of Vipers. I love what these teams are doing during this little feud, and they’re just working so well. This match was awesome, with Glenn pinning Copiste for the win after a chaotic twenty minutes. (56 / C-). Mimic’s a little boring now though.


We tested Ace out there with the mic, but the crowd hated it... something in the advertisement went wrong. Great. (30 / E-)


Continuing a little storyline that’s come out nowhere, we had Jared Johnson face down Jayson Van Pelt. With Van Pelt recently taking Jared’s title, there was bad blood here, and the match was excellent as a result. Van Pelt snatched a narrow win just as Jared was getting going. (54 / C-)


Our main event was another tag team match. Ace Newton and Dermott Ayres squared up against El Diablo and Kenny Murray. This was pretty great and it let us continue building Spite Inc. vs. Team NRG. Good stuff all round and a pleasing show. (57 / C-).


Final: 52 / D+ - Popularity increase.


End of month review for September 2012:

We’ve made a rather exciting signing – Acid II. But now we’ve just got to decide what the hell to do with him. He’s raw, but he’s Acid’s protégé. And Acid is exactly the type of wrestler this promotion is built for. If we can’t make this guy, we’re awful.

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Show #33 – ACPW Full Burn – Wednesday Week 3 October 2012


Attendance: 300 – sell out!


We have a badass card ready – on paper, anyhow. Who knows whether it will live up to expectations; if there’s one thing I’ve found out about these guys it’s not to take anything for granted.


Our opening match featured Josh Jones defeating Reggie Bishop and debutant Acid II in a triple threat match. Acid appears unwilling to change his name to fit our naming rule, so we could use that as we go along I think. This was a decent opener from some talented workers. (40 / D-)


Our next bout showed Nelson Callum defending his Canadian Regional title in a ladder match against Dermott Ayres. This title has fallen a little by the wayside recently as Callum has become waged in a tag team war, so maybe it’s time for a change. Not tonight, though. Nelson picks up the win. (48 / D+)

The next match had the potential to be a classic especially with the way these guys have fought all year. Mimic Copiste and Kevin Glenn stared each other down in singles competition. A great match – and Glenn picked up a valuable win which put Mimic firmly in his place. (64 / C).


The main event looked to be one of our strongest matches ever. A tag team match – Ace Newton and Jared Johnson going against El Diablo and Jayson Van Pelt. I mean, this are our best guys, and this should be incredible right? It was superb. Massive back and forth action, with Van Pelt getting a shock pin on Jared. Awesome momentum for Van Pelt heading into Total War – and not so much for Newton.. (65 / C)


Final: 63 / C


End of month report for October 2012:


Another great month capped off by the best event in our history. That’s pretty great considering Full Burn is a bit of a low importance show – and I am a little concerned that we may have peaked before Total War.


--- Total War predictions now open! ---


The Total War card will see our now traditional battle royales, and the card looks like this. Three massive matches, plus probably another one thrown together on the night to give the lower carders some action.


5 man battle royale for the ACPW Canadian Regional Title

Nelson Callum © vs. Ozzie Golden vs. Reggie Bishop vs. Josh Jones vs. Acid II - Five up and comers vying for attention will try to destroy each other to get their hands on the gold. Nelson Callum has made one defence of it so far - is his title reign going to end as quickly as his tag partner's did?


Ladder match for the ACPW Junior Heavyweight title

Jayson Van Pelt © vs. Jared Johnson - A feud that has become rather more heated than many would have predicted. Van Pelt nabbed the title off Johnson but has yet to defend it. Will it be none and done for him?


6 man battle royale for the ACPW Heavyweight title

Ace Newton © vs. El Diablo vs. Mimic Copiste vs. Luke Dagger vs. Kevin Glenn vs. Dermott Ayres - All of these men have been floating around the scene, and it's arguably the biggest match in Ayres and Glenn's career. Throw in the nasty relationship between Newton and Diablo, and the obvious heat between Glenn and The Nest of Vipers, and you have the potential for fireworks. Newton has been a very solid champion - but has been let down by partners recently. Can he come out of this still with the gold?



Predictions very much welcomed!

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5 man battle royale for the ACPW Canadian Regional Title

Nelson Callum © vs. Ozzie Golden vs. Reggie Bishop vs. Josh Jones vs. Acid II

- Bishop gets tossed early, as further punishment. I'm going to go with Golden as Callum is in the tag ranks and Acid is too new. Jones and Bishop both lost to Acid on his debut so... yah... Golden is golden on this night.

Ladder match for the ACPW Junior Heavyweight title

Jayson Van Pelt © vs. Jared Johnson

- Van Pelt retains. Johnson might be ready to move up to bigger things, but more importantly none-and-done would hurt Van Pelt's credibility.


6 man battle royale for the ACPW Heavyweight title

Ace Newton © vs. El Diablo vs. Mimic Copiste vs. Luke Dagger vs. Kevin Glenn vs. Dermott Ayres

- This really depends on if Ace is staying on the East Coast or not. I don't think you'll take the strap off him until you need to. If I was going to guess, I'd want it to be Mimic or Diablo, just so some original ACPW guy dethroned Ace. But... I think you'll keep the title on Ace as long as possible. Not that he really needs it anymore.

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5 man battle royale for the ACPW Canadian Regional Title

Nelson Callum © vs. Ozzie Golden vs. Reggie Bishop vs. Josh Jones vs. Acid II

- Bishop gets tossed early, as further punishment. I'm going to go with Golden as Callum is in the tag ranks and Acid is too new. Jones and Bishop both lost to Acid on his debut so... yah... Golden is golden on this night.


Thanks Beeker! Just pointing out that Jones won the triple threat between Bishop, him and Acid, not Acid as you claimed.

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Thanks Beeker! Just pointing out that Jones won the triple threat between Bishop, him and Acid, not Acid as you claimed.


Oops. Oh well. As if reading previous results would ever happen to improve my entertainingly woeful predicterizing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Turns out I've been writing these up then forgetting to put them online. Sorry!


Show #34 – ACPW Total War – Wednesday Week 3 November 2012


Attendance : 896.


Well, we’ve got Kevin Glenn for another nine months. He only wants a very minor pay increase, so will work for us for about $600 a show. That’s such a bargain really!


This should be a big show. We’re expecting over nine hundred people, so we move from Concordia Hall to the Rouyn-Noranda Gardens. We’ve been here before and it adds more to the show, so it’s worth the extra cost.

We added another match to the start of our event – Kenny Murray quickly defeating Roger Monteiro. We want to build both of these guys so a bit of exposure will help. If they continue to suck like this then I wouldn’t hold your breath though. (31 / E+).


Time for our first title match. Nelson Callum fought well during this battle royale, eliminating Reggie Bishop and Ozzie Golden whilst Josh Jones dispatched Acid II. As they went toe to toe, you could tell Nelson wasn’t completely focused on the match and this allowed Jones to hurl him from the ring. Josh Jones is your new ACPW Canadian Regional champion! (40 / D-).

Not the best rating there, but Jared Johnson is a ratings machine and he didn’t let us down in the next match. He and Jayson Van Pelt continue to impress, putting on real clinic. Pleasingly, Van Pelt looks to be a capable champion and managed to keep hold of his title here after rescuing his belt from the top of the ladder. A great match. (59 / C-)


It’s main event time, and a six man battle royale featuring some of our greatest names. Some questioned why we put Jared and Jayson on before this rather than including them, but their story is more compelling when not tied up in this – or so I feel anyway. It was another excellent match, with Dagger and Mimic ganging up on Ayres and Glenn, eliminating them pretty quickly. Their tag team alliance broke down pretty quickly, and they found themselves eliminated by the wily Ace Newton. Newton and Diablo went toe to toe for six more minutes before Diablo gassed and Newton managed to defend his title for the fourth time. A very, very good match. (59 / C-)


Final rating: 52 / D+ - thanks to an advance booking error. D’oh.


End of month report for November 2012:


Nothing else to report – a decent month.

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Show #35 – ACPW Holiday Havoc – Wednesday Week 3 December 2012


Attendance: 300 - sell out!


Acid II has just signed to go off on a tour with WLW. I’m not sure what this means for his availability exactly, but good luck to him over there I guess. We re-sign Malik Cash and more importantly bring Jared Johnson back on board.


Back to Concordia Hall. It appears Acid II will be working Saturday and Sunday in Japan, so this works out well for us. Some more title matches tonight, letting both Jayson and Josh Jones show they’re worthy of being champ.


We open with Jayson Van Pelt defending his title against Mimic Copiste. A really good match, but Mimic never looked like he was going to win this. A solid defence from Jayson, winning in about thirteen minutes. (48 / D+)


We had a four way match up next with Luke Dagger, Kevin Glenn and Ozzie Golden scrapping for Josh Jones’ title. Arguably most of these guys are too big for this title, but it gives Jones a chance to shine. And shine he does in a superb match. Jones makes defence number one of his title in a great match. (54 / C-)


Our third match was a little more disappointing. Jared Johnson took on Nelson Callum but the match was just lacking something. A bit of a shame, but it was hardly a disaster. Johnson slaps on the Carolina Crossface after thirteen minutes for the win. (50 / D+)


The main event was a bit up in the air – we like Acid II and we wanted to give him a bit of exposure. He took on ACPW Heavyweight champion Ace Newton and they actually looked fairly even for a few minutes. However, the experience of Ace kicked in and Newton hit a Fisherman’s Suplex for the pin after twelve minutes. A great match for Acid II. (54 / C-).


Final: 53 / D+


End of month report for December 2012:

Well, it’s been quite a month. We’ve re-signed Ozzie Golden, Kenny Murray and Josh Jones to further contracts so hopefully they won’t get stolen away yet.


Then to top it all off, an award comes through. We are the most improved promotion of the year! Awesome!

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Then to top it all off, an award comes through. We are the most improved promotion of the year! Awesome!


Considering what you've done and where you've taken ACPW, I'd say this is a well deserved award. You drew nearly 900 fans to one show, that's HUGE.

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Thanks, Beeker! This is my most successful game I've ever played with TEW, so I'm pretty thrilled. Thanks for loyally reading along too :)



ACPW Alumni:


Of all those that have left us over the years, only two are in gainful employment. Due to having to restart the game, their careers have gone a little differently.


Jamie Atherton:


Atherton has been working solely for CGC since mid-2010, and has amassed 44 wins, 5 draws and 58 losses in his time there.


Mario Da Silva:


Mario headed off a little later than Jamie, but also went to work with CGC. He's got a record of 45 wins, 2 draws and 53 losses - despite being less skilled than Atherton.


Neither man has held any title other than that they held in ACPW.


ACPW Rankings:


As of January 2013, here are the current power rankings in the ACPW. They will be updated again at the end of each April, August and December.

<table class="MsoNormalTable" style="width: 318pt; margin-left: 4.7pt; border-collapse: collapse;" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="424"><tbody><tr style="height: 15pt;"><td style="width: 88pt; border: 1pt solid windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="117">Ace Newton<o></o>

</td> <td style="width: 48pt; border-width: 1pt 1pt 1pt medium; border-style: solid solid solid none; border-color: windowtext windowtext windowtext -moz-use-text-color; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="64">


</td> <td style="width: 182pt; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="243"> ACPW Heavyweight Champion<o></o>

</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;"> <td style="width: 88pt; border-width: medium 1pt 1pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: -moz-use-text-color windowtext windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="117"> El Diablo<o></o>

</td> <td style="width: 48pt; border-width: medium 1pt 1pt medium; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: -moz-use-text-color windowtext windowtext -moz-use-text-color; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="64">


</td> <td style="width: 182pt; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="243"></td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;"> <td style="width: 88pt; border-width: medium 1pt 1pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: -moz-use-text-color windowtext windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="117"> Jayson Van Pelt<o></o>

</td> <td style="width: 48pt; border-width: medium 1pt 1pt medium; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: -moz-use-text-color windowtext windowtext -moz-use-text-color; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="64">


</td> <td style="width: 182pt; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="243"> ACPW Junior Heavyweight Champion<o></o>

</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;"> <td style="width: 88pt; border-width: medium 1pt 1pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: -moz-use-text-color windowtext windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="117"> Jared Johnson<o></o>

</td> <td style="width: 48pt; border-width: medium 1pt 1pt medium; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: -moz-use-text-color windowtext windowtext -moz-use-text-color; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="64">


</td> <td style="width: 182pt; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="243"></td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;"> <td style="width: 88pt; border-width: medium 1pt 1pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: -moz-use-text-color windowtext windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="117"> Mimic Copiste<o></o>

</td> <td style="width: 48pt; border-width: medium 1pt 1pt medium; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: -moz-use-text-color windowtext windowtext -moz-use-text-color; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="64">


</td> <td style="width: 182pt; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="243"></td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;"> <td style="width: 88pt; border-width: medium 1pt 1pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: -moz-use-text-color windowtext windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="117"> Kevin Glenn<o></o>

</td> <td style="width: 48pt; border-width: medium 1pt 1pt medium; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: -moz-use-text-color windowtext windowtext -moz-use-text-color; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="64">


</td> <td style="width: 182pt; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="243"> ACPW Tag Team Champion<o></o>

</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;"> <td style="width: 88pt; border-width: medium 1pt 1pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: -moz-use-text-color windowtext windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="117"> Nelson Callum<o></o>

</td> <td style="width: 48pt; border-width: medium 1pt 1pt medium; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: -moz-use-text-color windowtext windowtext -moz-use-text-color; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="64">


</td> <td style="width: 182pt; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="243"> ACPW Tag Team Champion<o></o>

</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;"> <td style="width: 88pt; border-width: medium 1pt 1pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: -moz-use-text-color windowtext windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="117"> Josh Jones<o></o>

</td> <td style="width: 48pt; border-width: medium 1pt 1pt medium; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: -moz-use-text-color windowtext windowtext -moz-use-text-color; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="64">


</td> <td style="width: 182pt; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="243"> ACPW Canadian Regional Champion<o></o>

</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;"> <td style="width: 88pt; border-width: medium 1pt 1pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: -moz-use-text-color windowtext windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="117"> Luke Dagger<o></o>

</td> <td style="width: 48pt; border-width: medium 1pt 1pt medium; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: -moz-use-text-color windowtext windowtext -moz-use-text-color; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="64">


</td> <td style="width: 182pt; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="243"></td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;"> <td style="width: 88pt; border-width: medium 1pt 1pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: -moz-use-text-color windowtext windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="117"> Kenny Murray<o></o>

</td> <td style="width: 48pt; border-width: medium 1pt 1pt medium; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: -moz-use-text-color windowtext windowtext -moz-use-text-color; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="64">


</td> <td style="width: 182pt; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="243"></td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;"> <td style="width: 88pt; border-width: medium 1pt 1pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: -moz-use-text-color windowtext windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="117"> Dermott Ayres<o></o>

</td> <td style="width: 48pt; border-width: medium 1pt 1pt medium; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: -moz-use-text-color windowtext windowtext -moz-use-text-color; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="64">


</td> <td style="width: 182pt; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="243"></td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;"> <td style="width: 88pt; border-width: medium 1pt 1pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: -moz-use-text-color windowtext windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="117"> Acid II<o></o>

</td> <td style="width: 48pt; border-width: medium 1pt 1pt medium; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: -moz-use-text-color windowtext windowtext -moz-use-text-color; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="64">


</td> <td style="width: 182pt; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="243"></td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;"> <td style="width: 88pt; border-width: medium 1pt 1pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: -moz-use-text-color windowtext windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="117"> Jay Becker<o></o>

</td> <td style="width: 48pt; border-width: medium 1pt 1pt medium; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: -moz-use-text-color windowtext windowtext -moz-use-text-color; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="64">


</td> <td style="width: 182pt; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="243"></td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;"> <td style="width: 88pt; border-width: medium 1pt 1pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: -moz-use-text-color windowtext windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="117"> Reggie Bishop<o></o>

</td> <td style="width: 48pt; border-width: medium 1pt 1pt medium; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: -moz-use-text-color windowtext windowtext -moz-use-text-color; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="64">


</td> <td style="width: 182pt; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="243"></td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;"> <td style="width: 88pt; border-width: medium 1pt 1pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: -moz-use-text-color windowtext windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="117"> Malik Cash<o></o>

</td> <td style="width: 48pt; border-width: medium 1pt 1pt medium; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: -moz-use-text-color windowtext windowtext -moz-use-text-color; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="64">


</td> <td style="width: 182pt; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="243"></td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;"> <td style="width: 88pt; border-width: medium 1pt 1pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: -moz-use-text-color windowtext windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="117"> Roger Monteiro<o></o>

</td> <td style="width: 48pt; border-width: medium 1pt 1pt medium; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: -moz-use-text-color windowtext windowtext -moz-use-text-color; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="64">


</td> <td style="width: 182pt; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="243"></td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;"> <td style="width: 88pt; border-width: medium 1pt 1pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: -moz-use-text-color windowtext windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="117"> Ozzie Golden<o></o>

</td> <td style="width: 48pt; border-width: medium 1pt 1pt medium; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: -moz-use-text-color windowtext windowtext -moz-use-text-color; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="64">


</td> <td style="width: 182pt; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="243"></td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;"> <td style="width: 88pt; border-width: medium 1pt 1pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: -moz-use-text-color windowtext windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="117"> Tempest Appleby<o></o>

</td> <td style="width: 48pt; border-width: medium 1pt 1pt medium; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: -moz-use-text-color windowtext windowtext -moz-use-text-color; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="64">


</td> <td style="width: 182pt; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="243"></td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;"> <td style="width: 88pt; border-width: medium 1pt 1pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: -moz-use-text-color windowtext windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="117"> Topher Smith<o></o>

</td> <td style="width: 48pt; border-width: medium 1pt 1pt medium; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: -moz-use-text-color windowtext windowtext -moz-use-text-color; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="64">


</td> <td style="width: 182pt; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="243"></td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;"> <td style="width: 88pt; border-width: medium 1pt 1pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: -moz-use-text-color windowtext windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="117"> Ricochet Ramone<o></o> </td> <td style="width: 48pt; border-width: medium 1pt 1pt medium; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: -moz-use-text-color windowtext windowtext -moz-use-text-color; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="64">


</td> <td style="width: 182pt; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="243"></td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;"> <td style="width: 88pt; border-width: medium 1pt 1pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: -moz-use-text-color windowtext windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="117"> Taylor Kidd<o></o>

</td> <td style="width: 48pt; border-width: medium 1pt 1pt medium; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: -moz-use-text-color windowtext windowtext -moz-use-text-color; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="64">


</td> <td style="width: 182pt; padding: 0cm 5.4pt; height: 15pt;" nowrap="nowrap" valign="bottom" width="243"></td> </tr> </tbody></table>


Interesting disposition of the titles there. It may be time for another shake up, so let's see what happens.


ACPW Popularity at the end of 2013:


33 / E+ in Quebec. 0 everywhere else. A potential for trouble?

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