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Monday, Week 3, December 2009


My name is Charles Glover. But peoples know me better with my wrestling name as "The Natural" Charles Avatar. I am only 21 years old. I am a lightweight wrestler. My family and my friends already know than my biggest dream is to own my wrestling federation. I want to have it... and I will have it... one day. Not today, not tomorrow... I want to prove myself in the booking work before. I don't want to burn step to the top before try to go there.


I start to have a good popularity in USA, Canada and they start talk about me in Mexico. But I have not stable work since few months due to some mistakes I made at the start of my career (arrives late at a show, being bold and being egotistical). This decrease my reputation in the wrestling business. But I work hard to improve myself... and since nobody is perfect, I hope than I will have some chance later in my career to prove what I can do. Since a few months, I work one or two days per month in independent shows. This will not help for the future of my career, but at least, working with some veteran wrestlers can help me to improve my ring's work.


December... Christmas is in the next corner. I have start preparations for this day when I received an unexpected call...


Charles : "Hello! Charles speaking.


??? : Hi Charles. I'm happy to be able to speak with you before Christmas. This is Daedalus Buchinsky.


The owner of the All Canada Pro Wrestling?


That's right! I would like to hire you with the ACPW.


Ah... I am very interesting to be a wrestler with the ACPW.


Well... I would like to hire you... but not as a wrestler first.


What do you mean?


I have heard than you dream about owning your wrestling federation. And some peoples tell me than you have a fine for the business...


I am not sure to fallow you.


I want to hire you as my Head Booker.


Are you serious?


Yes I am.


Well... this is interesting... but which control I will have?


Many. If you want to wrestle, you can do. I will give you some goals along the time. And as long you succeed most of them, you will keep the job. I know than this will help you with your dreams and I have some dreams in common with you. So, are you interested?


This is a surprise offer you gave me. I have not expect this kind of offer so fast. Can you give me a day to think about it?


I give you two.


OK. I call you when I made my decision.


Later that night, I have talk with my girlfriend about it. Since we stay in the USA, this will be difficult for us to keep a good relationship. But she's say than to take this chance. Because if I refuse, this can take some years before have another offer like this one. So, the next day, I call back Buchinsky and I tell him than I accept his offer. He told me than for the beginning of my work, I can stay at my home and he will sent me all I need to know about the ACPW. He ask me to keep the secret of my hiring until Monday, Week 1, January 2010.



Sometimes, I will add personal comments at the end of my post (just like this) to give personal comments of what happening, answering questions than people ask me or anything than can be useful to say.


For this first comment, I will say why I chose Charles Avatar as my character. I chose him because I have decided before that than I will start my story within the ACPW. Since Charles is a lightweight, I can put him in the roster and he can be a Main Event already. He have interesting skills for his age (maybe his B+ reputation can give him some problem). And he have a good psychology (C-) than can be helping with the ACPW (only Sky King are in C or better). So, for someone who want to start play with ACPW Charles Avatar is the best choice he can make (in my opinion).


Now, I would like to say something. I don't know if this have been made before (sorry, I have not read all dynasties) but I would like to get readers acting a little in my dynasty. So, during the time, I will put the upcoming event. I will write all booking matches. And I would like to let you readers decide who won and who lose matches. I will keep some veto rights of what can be happening (eg : Tommy Cornell vs Stretch The Chicken Boy. People decide to let Stretch win the match... I will use my veto and let Tommy win). I will take all others decisions. But I give you the first option for winners of all matches.


I you have any comments and/or suggestions, don't hesitate to tell me.

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The start of my new job


Monday, Week 1, January 2010


A new year start and it's the real beginning of my new work with ACPW. Since the last few days, I am just looking about the roster and all others information than Buchinsky send me. First, lets look about the product appeal definition.






Lucha Libre









I take a long hard look about production department. I am not sure if putting our shows in DVD is a good thing to do right now. Maybe putting it in internet will be must useful for us. I will think about that. Maybe my assistants will give me some suggestions. I will keep all others department like they are right now.


I will now look about roster. Including myself, it have 23 workers. Here is the list of who is with us and witch place he/she has. Since we don't use Heel/Babyface alignment in ACPW, I will not says which side everyone are.



Charles Avatar (21 years old)

Myself. I hope to be able to bring some good matches in the next few months.


El Diablo (21 years old)

P.P.A. $500 (24 months, 3 weeks)

He's the ACPW Junior Heavyweight champion


Jamie Atherton (21 years old)

P.P.A. $350 (19 months, 3 weeks)


Jayson Van Pelt (21 years old)

P.P.A. $350 (14 months, 2 weeks)


Mario da Silva (22 years old)

P.P.A. $350 (20 months)

He's the ACPW Canadian Regional champion


Mimic (22 years old)

P.P.A. $400 (19 months, 1 weeks)

Member of "The Nest Of Vipers" team (with Dagger)



Alistair Shufflebottom (18 years old)

P.P.A. $100 (8 months, 2 weeks)


Dagger (23 years old)

P.P.A. $350 (10 months, 3 weeks)

Member of "The Nest Of Vipers" team (with Mimic)


Jay Becker (20 years old)

P.P.A. $350 (22 months, 1 weeks)

He's one half of ACPW Tag Team champion (with Malik Cash)

Member of "The Inner City Express" team (with Malik Cash)


Kirk Drury (20 years old)

P.P.A. $350 (22 months, 1 weeks)


Malik Cash (19 years old)

P.P.A. $350 (9 months)

He's one half of ACPW Tag Team champion (with Jay Becker)

Member of "The Inner City Express" team (with Jay Becker)


Sky King (30 years old)

P.P.A. $800 (22 months, 3 weeks)



Dermott Ayres (22 years old)

P.P.A. $100 (8 months, 1 weeks)

Member of "The Montreal Mafia" team (with Marc Raisin)


Marc Raisin (20 years old)

P.P.A. $100 (20 months, 1 weeks)

Member of "The Montreal Mafia" team (with Dermott Ayres)


Topher Smith (19 years old)

P.P.A. $100 (17 months)



Ricochet Ramone (22 years old)

P.P.A. $100 (21 months, 3 weeks)


Taylor Kidd (18 years old)

P.P.A. $100 (2 months, 3 weeks)



Daedalus Buchinsky (34 years old)

He's the owner of the ACPW



Heather B (19 years old)

P.P.A. $100 (8 months, 3 weeks)

Does we really need Manager?



Art Lawson (49 years old)

P.P.A. $800 (11 months, 3 weeks)



Royce Greig (21 years old)

P.P.A. $400 (22 months, 3 weeks)



Tony Marsh (33 years old)

P.P.A. $400 (9 months, 1 weeks)



Face Nelson (29 years old)

P.P.A. $400 (14 months, 1 weeks)


I think the first move I will take is to terminate contract with Heather B. After that, I will look to sign another wrestler. I am interesting to sign Ant-Man. I am sure he can bring some good work with us. I will try to see if I can have a PPV agreement. I am not sure to be able to have one... but I take a chance.


I have talk with Buchinsky today. I said than this month, we will have 2 shows. The first one will be Friday Week 2 : ACPW New Beginning (a special show who will bring my vision of the upcoming shows). The next one will be a monthly show : ACPW Showtime.


In this first day, I have made just one thing about the upcoming event. I announce than I will wrestle against an opponent to be determined. I have already some names in head... but I will think about it for a week.




If you have any comments or suggestions don't hesitate to tell me.

This one is a short one. Sometimes, it will be longer, sometimes shorter. It's depend of my inspiration of the moment.


Just like I said earlier I am not sure to stay with DVD/Home video or internet for my shows. I have not really try it before. So if you have some suggestions (because your are my assistants), just tell me please.

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Mr. Avatar:


I suggest the Internet option, as it is the best way for a company of our size to get the ACPW name out and gain popularity.


I also am thinking...cut Sky King. Too much money for a upper midcarder, and we're gonna need any money we can save.



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For the better or worst of wrestling


I always hated meeting with my lawyer. But today was the worst.


“27 new child support lawsuits What were thinking?”


I shrugged “I was having fun.”


“Fun? Well that’s over now. What do you plan to do?”


“Simple. I’m skipping to Canada. They won’t extra-extra- Help me out here.”




“That’s it. They won’t extradike over child support.”


“Ok, but how the Hell are you going to make a living? The boxing world won’t touch you after this.”


“Forget boxing.”


“Then what?”


“Professional Wrestling.”


“You’re going to wrestle?”


“Sometimes. But I’m going to run the show.”


“Mike, that’s crazy.”


“Nobody calls Mike Tyson crazy.”


I didn’t hit him that hard. I needed a new lawyer anyway… a Canadian lawyer.



My first diary. Be gentle.

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Boss' goals


Wednesday, Week 1, January 2010


Today, I have put an end of contracts of Heather B and Sky King. The first, I see nothing what I can do with her. For Sky, it's a money choice. I can find a better wrestler for half or ¾ of his salary. I was waiting a decision about two wrestler I ask for negotiations : Ant-Man and Cal Sanders. With them, my roster will be complete for the moment.


I have now my goals for the upcoming months. Here they are :


  • The financial balance of ACPW must not have fallen below $20,000 when the time expires.
    27 months, 3 weeks (critical)
  • When the time expires, ACPW must have at least as much popularity in Canada as it did when the goal was set.
    23 months, 3 weeks (critical)
  • You cannot hire or extend the contract of any wrestler who has less than D- in Psychology.
    21 months, 3 weeks (average)
  • You cannot hire or extend the contract of any wrestler who has less than D- in Safety.
    13 months, 3 weeks (average)
  • You cannot hire any wrestler who is classed as a Psychopath.
    21 months, 3 weeks (average)


Most of them are very easy to made. The one who will be the hardest is not have fallen below $20,000. We only start with $50,000 so, the money will drop fast. But I have more than two years before the end of this goal. Se we will be able to find a solution before the end.


I have start to made some matches for the two upcoming show. Since it's not complete, I will not divulge any matches. The only thing I will say : is than the three titles will be on the line in the both shows.


I have meet the creative team. I ask them to made some TOP5 for different aspect. Here the results :



#1 : Jamie Atheton

#2 : El Diablo

#3 : Mimic

#4 : Mario da Silva

#5 : Jayson Van Pelt



#1 : Taylor Kidd



#1 : Mimic



#1 : El Diablo

#2 : Mario da Silva

#3 : Alistair Shufflebottom

#4 : Kirk Drury

#5 : Jay Becker



#1 : Taylor Kidd

#2 : Ricochet Ramone

#3 : Dermott Ayres

#4 : Dagger


With the creative team work, I will be able to complete my two first shows in the next days. I will probably not announce all of them to our fans... and I will tell to my assistants some days before events.


Only nine days remaining before my first ever booking show. I am starting to feel strange... I must be nervous.




I will put shows when I will be able to complete it. I tell again, I want to made this dynasty one than you will decide who deserve to win. I can decide to made the opposite if I think than doing that way will made problems. More information about the procedures coming soon.

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I always hated meeting with my lawyer. But today was the worst.


“27 new child support lawsuits What were thinking?”


I shrugged “I was having fun.”


“Fun? Well that’s over now. What do you plan to do?”


“Simple. I’m skipping to Canada. They won’t extra-extra- Help me out here.”




“That’s it. They won’t extradike over child support.”


“Ok, but how the Hell are you going to make a living? The boxing world won’t touch you after this.”


“Forget boxing.”


“Then what?”


“Professional Wrestling.”


“You’re going to wrestle?”


“Sometimes. But I’m going to run the show.”


“Mike, that’s crazy.”


“Nobody calls Mike Tyson crazy.”


I didn’t hit him that hard. I needed a new lawyer anyway… a Canadian lawyer.



My first diary. Be gentle.


Why did you repost the first entry of my diary in someone else's?

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First show announce in a meeting


Tuesday, Week 2, January 2010


Three days remaining before my first event as Head Booker of ACPW. I have sign contract with 2 guys. Cal Sanders (29 years old) P.P.A. $600 15 months, 3 weeks. I put him in Main Eventer. The other guy is Ant-Man (20 years old) P.P.A. $150 17 months, 3 weeks. I put him in Lower Carder. Today, I have speak with all the roster on internet. I have made this to say my vision of the future of the league. And to announce to them the show's card. Here is a small resume of this meeting.


Charles : Hi everybody. I hate losing time, so I will made this quick. I want to bring ACPW to a regional status in less than three years. I know this will be hard to made. But I believe than with the help of you, I will be able to accomplish this. I will use all of you in each shows than ACPW will made.


Mimic : What do you have in mind for the tag team division?


Charles : It will have one and sometimes two tag team matches in each show. The roster is too small to bring more tag team in the ACPW. But if all change, it's sure than I will increase it.


Ricochet : This month, we doing 2 shows in 2 weeks. It will be the same each month?


Charles : No. We will only doing one show per month. It will be the Friday of the third week of each month. The one we will do in three days is a special one. Other questions?




Charles : OK. So, I will conclude this meeting with the card of the show. The show will start with the last one and we go up.


ACPW Junior Heavyweight Championship

El Diablo © (A*) (0-0-0) vs Jamie Atherthon (C+) (0-0-0)


Mimic (B) (0-0-0) vs Charles Avatar (-) (0-0-0)


ACPW Canadian Regional Championship

Mario da Silva © (A*) (0-0-0) vs Jayson Van Pelt © (0-0-0)


Dagger (D+) (0-0-0) vs Cal Sanders (-) (0-0-0)


Alistair Shufflebottom (A) (0-0-0) vs Kirk Drury (B+) (0-0-0)


ACPW Tag Team Championship

The Inner City Express © (Becker = B, Cash = C) vs The Montreal Mafia (Ayres = E+, Raisin C+)


Topher Smith (B-) (0-0-0) vs Taylor Kidd (E-) (0-0-0)


Ant-Man (-) (0-0-0) vs Ricochet Ramone (E+) (0-0-0)




Ok... Your fun may start. I just remember to all of you than I would like to let you decide who must won the matches. I give you their momentum and their victories/lose/draw stats (except for tag team matches). The © means it's the current champion(s). You must tell me for each matches who deserve the victory and why. I will let one day or two (depends of how many peoples put their reasons) And I will put result of matches after that.


If you have any comments/suggestions don't hesitate to tell me.

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ACPW Junior Heavyweight Championship

El Diablo © (A*) (0-0-0) vs Jamie Atherthon (C+) (0-0-0)


If Diablo is the champion and has A* momentum there is no reason to spoil that in the first show.


Mimic (B) (0-0-0) vs Charles Avatar (-) (0-0-0)


Be greedy, take a win in the first show


ACPW Canadian Regional Championship

Mario da Silva © (A*) (0-0-0) vs Jayson Van Pelt © (0-0-0)


Same reason as Diablo


Dagger (D+) (0-0-0) vs Cal Sanders (-) (0-0-0)


Give the new guy a win to keep him happy.


Alistair Shufflebottom (A) (0-0-0) vs Kirk Drury (B+) (0-0-0)


Draw of some kind. Both have strong momentum so why hurt either?


ACPW Tag Team Championship

The Inner City Express © (Becker = B, Cash = C) vs The Montreal Mafia (Ayres = E+, Raisin C+)


Again, keep the titles where they are for now, especially with Ayres' low momentum.


Topher Smith (B-) (0-0-0) vs Taylor Kidd (E-) (0-0-0)


Need at least one upset on the card.


Ant-Man (-) (0-0-0) vs Ricochet Ramone (E+) (0-0-0)


Ant-Man rocks. He's the only guy on your roster who I use in my Hollywood The Game show TCW NXT.


I like how you include records.

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ACPW Junior Heavyweight Championship

El Diablo © (A*) (0-0-0) vs Jamie Atherthon (C+) (0-0-0)

Although Jamie Atherton is the future of the company, it's not time for him to dethrone Diablo yet. Come from behind win for our resident Luchador.


Mimic (B) (0-0-0) vs Charles Avatar (-) (0-0-0)

If you're gonna be a big-time contender here in ACPW, you need to win. No question.


ACPW Canadian Regional Championship

Mario da Silva © (A*) (0-0-0) vs Jayson Van Pelt © (0-0-0)

Too much momentum, da Silva needs to be pushed through the roof.


Dagger (D+) (0-0-0) vs Cal Sanders (-) (0-0-0)

New guy needs the win over the laughable kid.


Alistair Shufflebottom (A) (0-0-0) vs Kirk Drury (B+) (0-0-0)

Momentum gives him the advantage. The fans like the underdog.


ACPW Tag Team Championship

The Inner City Express © (Becker = B, Cash = C) vs The Montreal Mafia (Ayres = E+, Raisin C+)

Don't need all of the titles to be retained. Shake things up a bit with the Mafia!


Topher Smith (B-) (0-0-0) vs Taylor Kidd (E-) (0-0-0)



Ant-Man (-) (0-0-0) vs Ricochet Ramone (E+) (0-0-0)

As a huge Ant-Man fan, you need to give him a first W.

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ACPW Junior Heavyweight Championship

El Diablo © (A*) (0-0-0) vs Jamie Atherthon (C+) (0-0-0)


I see know need for El Diablo to lose this match.


Mimic (B) (0-0-0) vs Charles Avatar (-) (0-0-0)


Your Avatar should never win a match.


ACPW Canadian Regional Championship

Mario da Silva © (A*) (0-0-0) vs Jayson Van Pelt © (0-0-0)


As much as I like Van Pelt, there is no reason to have him pick up the W here.


Dagger (D+) (0-0-0) vs Cal Sanders (-) (0-0-0)


Carl is a pretty big name for your promotion so I would give him the win.


Alistair Shufflebottom (A) (0-0-0) vs Kirk Drury (B+) (0-0-0)


No real reason I just want to keep your options open as one guy picked a draw and the other picked Shufflebottom.


ACPW Tag Team Championship

The Inner City Express © (Becker = B, Cash = C) vs The Montreal Mafia (Ayres = E+, Raisin C+)


I have a weird dislike for the Montreal Mafia.


Topher Smith (B-) (0-0-0) vs Taylor Kidd (E-) (0-0-0)


Should be a squash match.


Ant-Man (-) (0-0-0) vs Ricochet Ramone (E+) (0-0-0)


Ant-Man is awsome but I also like Ramone. However, this is Ant's first match so lets give him the victory.

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ACPW New Begining (January 2010)


Friday, Week 2, January 2010


Tonight, it's finally the begin of my work. Yesterday, in news on totalextremewrestling.com news, Jayson Van Pelt was singled out by some industry insiders as 'the one to watch'. This will boost his reputation.


An incident happen just before the show involving Jay Becker. He turned up very late. Since it's his first incident under my work, I take a fatherly approach. He says than he will try to be more punctual.


Before the show, I talk with Mimic for our match and he suggest than I won the match since I have some good popularity in Canada. After a reflexion, I accept this proposition.


ACPW New Beginning



Backstage Rating : 59,2%


No absent workers


(-) Jay Becker is a negative influence.

(+) Royce Greig is a positive influence.


No notable relationship


no notable other factors.


Attendance : 13


Ant-Man vs Ricochet Ramone

Ant-Man defeated Ramone in 5:11 by two straight falls, with the final happening by pinfall with an antidote.

Rating : E-


Topher Smith vs Taylor Kidd

Topher Smith defeated Taylor Kidd in 4:46 by tow straight falls, with the final happening by pinfall with a Gopher Suicide Dive.

Taylor Kidd is improving in Performance Skills.

Rating : F+


ACPW Tag Team Championship

The Inner City Express © vs The Montreal Mafia

In an awful match that was completely devoid of heat, The Inner City Express defeated The Montreal Mafia in 7:29 by two straight falls, with the final happening when Malik Cash defeated Marc Raisin by pinfall with a Rocket Launcher. It's the first defence of The Inner City Express of their ACPW Tag Team Championship

Jay Becker is improving in Performance skills.

Marc Raisin is improving in Performance skills.

Dermott Ayres is improving in Performance skills.

Segment rating was penalized for Jay Becker and Malik Cash tag chemistry.

Rating : E-


Alistair Shufflebottom vs Kirk Drury

In an awful match that was completely devoid of heat, Alistair Shufflebottom drew with Kirk Drury in 6:45 at two falls each, with the final fall being a double count out.

The finish to the match didn't go well at all, the fans hated it.

Rating : F


Dagger vs Cal Sanders

In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Cal Sanders defeated Dagger in 7:46 by two straight falls, with the final happening by pinfall.

Rating : D-


ACPW Canadian Regional Championship

Mario da Silva © vs Jayson Van Pelt

In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Mario da Silva defeated Jayson Van Peltin 8:32 by two straight falls, with the final fall happening by submission with a Kimura. Mario da Silva makes defence number 1 of his ACPW Canadian Regional title.

Rating : D-


Mimic vs Charles Avatar

In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Charles Avatar defeated Mimic in 11:30 by two straight falls, with the final fall happening by pinfall.

Charles Avatar and Mimic have pretty good chemistry.

Mimic is improving in Technical skills.

Rating : D+


ACPW Junior Heavyweight Championshi

El Diablo © vs Jamie Atherthon

In a bout that had a good crowd but featured terrible wrestling, El Diablo defeated Jamie Atherthon in 13:36 by two straight falls, with the final fall happening by pinfall with a Diablo Driver II. El Diablo makes defence number 1 of his ACPW Junior Heavyweight title.

Rating : E+


Rating Show : E+

This show will improving our popularity.


After the show, I congratulate everyone for their work. I told them they will receive the next show's matches by internet Sunday.


After the show, we heard the tragic news : Vladimir Smertin (31 years old) was killed after falling into a vat of liquid nitrogen and consequently shattering into tiny frozen pieces.

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Upcoming show


Monday, Week 3, January 2010


To : Cal Sanders, El Diablo, Jamie Atherthon, Jayson Van Pelt, Mario da Silva, Mimic, Alistair Shufflebottom, Dagger, Jay Becker, Kirk Drury, Malik Cash, Dermott Ayres, Marc Raisin, Topher Smith, Ant-Man, Ricochet Ramone, Taylor Kidd, Daedalus Buchinsky, Art Lawson, Royce Greig, Tony Marsh, Face Nelson, ASSISTANTS


From : Charles Avatar


Subject : Upcoming show


Hi everyone. I wrote you this email to inform you about the upcoming show. With our last show, we have increase our world reputation. Thanks to internet for this. We are now ranked #34 in Promotion Wars (in importance). So, I would like than our next show will be better than the last one. The next show will be this Friday and will be held at the same place than the last one. I would like than you talk with your next opponent and talk about what you can do to give a great show to our fans. So here is the schedule (the last match will be the first in the show).


ACPW Showtime January 2010


Charles Avatar (C-) (1-0-0) vs Jamie Atherthon (C+) (0-0-1)


ACPW Junior Heavyweight Championship

El Diablo © (A*) (1-0-0) vs Jayson Van Pelt © (0-0-1)


ACPW Canadian Regional Championship

Mario da Silva © (A*) (1-0-0) vs Cal Sanders © (1-0-0)


ACPW Tag Team Championship

The Inner City Express (Becker = B, Cash = C-) © vs The Nest Of Vipers (Mimic = C+, Dagger = D+)


Alistair Shufflebottom (A) (0-1-0) vs Marc Raisin (C+) (0-0-1)


Kirk Drury (B+) (0-1-0) vs Dermott Ayres (E+) (0-0-1)


Ant-Man (E+) (1-0-0) vs Topher Smith (B-) (1-0-0)


Ricochet Ramone (E+) (0-0-1) vs Taylor Kidd (E-) (0-0-1)




I have put Charles Avatar vs Jamie Atherthon in Main Event, because I have put this match and El Diablo vs Jayson Van Pelt one in the advance booking. And the Charles vs Jamie was the one with the most higher heat (E+ for Charles/Jamie match against E- for Diablo/Van Pelt's one). So, I think this will be more useful to put that match as main event.

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<p>Charles Avatar (C-) (1-0-0) vs<strong> Jamie Atherthon </strong>(C+) (0-0-1)</p><p> </p><p>

Despite the fact that he has one lose Jamie should win this one.</p><p> </p><p>

ACPW Junior Heavyweight Championship</p><p>

<strong>El Diablo ©</strong> (A*) (1-0-0) vs Jayson Van Pelt © (0-0-1)</p><p> </p><p>

El Diablo has the better record and the mo on his side.</p><p> </p><p>

ACPW Canadian Regional Championship</p><p>

<strong>Mario da Silva</strong> © (A*) (1-0-0) vs Cal Sanders © (1-0-0)</p><p> </p><p>

I see no need for Mario to lose in this one.</p><p> </p><p>

ACPW Tag Team Championship</p><p>

<strong>The Inner City Express (Becker = B, Cash = C-)</strong> © vs The Nest Of Vipers (Mimic = C+, Dagger = D+)</p><p> </p><p>

They are the champs. and they have the better momentum so that is the reason for this pick.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Alistair Shufflebottom</strong> (A) (0-1-0) vs Marc Raisin (C+) (0-0-1)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Kirk Drury </strong>(B+) (0-1-0) vs Dermott Ayres (E+) (0-0-1)</p><p> </p><p>

Ant-Man (E+) (1-0-0) vs <strong>Topher Smith </strong>(B-) (1-0-0)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Ricochet Ramone </strong>(E+) (0-0-1) vs Taylor Kidd (E-) (0-0-1)</p><p> </p><p>

This could go either way but I like Ricochet and am not a fan of Taylor.</p>

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Charles Avatar (C-) (1-0-0) vs Jamie Atherthon (C+) (0-0-1)

I like your in-ring work, boss...but a win for Atherton would cause more heat and extend the feud.


ACPW Junior Heavyweight Championship

El Diablo © (A*) (1-0-0) vs Jayson Van Pelt © (0-0-1)

Don't cut him down this early, partner.


ACPW Canadian Regional Championship

Mario da Silva © (A*) (1-0-0) vs Cal Sanders © (1-0-0)

Cal just wouldn't be a good champion right now. Defense! Defense!


ACPW Tag Team Championship

The Inner City Express (Becker = B, Cash = C-) © vs The Nest Of Vipers (Mimic = C+, Dagger = D+)

Let's change up the picture...now!


Alistair Shufflebottom (A) (0-1-0) vs Marc Raisin (C+) (0-0-1)

A loss and still "A" momentum? Shufflebottom wins.


Kirk Drury (B+) (0-1-0) vs Dermott Ayres (E+) (0-0-1)

I'm a big Drury fan, and he's looking good right now.


Ant-Man (E+) (1-0-0) vs Topher Smith (B-) (1-0-0)

I'm telling ya, Ant-Man could go far here.


Ricochet Ramone (E+) (0-0-1) vs Taylor Kidd (E-) (0-0-1)

The kids these days call this a toss-up.

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Acpw Showtime January 2010


Friday, Week 3, January 2010






Backstage Rating : 59,7%


No absence worker


(-) Jay Becker is a negative influence.

(+) Ant-Man is a positive influence.

(+) Royce Greig is a positive influence.


No notable relationship


(+) The success of ACPW New Beginning.


Attendance : 9


Ricochet Ramone vs Taylor Kidd

In an absolutely wretched bout that was devoid of action or heat, Ricochet Ramone defeated Taylor Kidd in 7:03 by two straight falls, with the final fall happening by pinfall with a Ricochet Senton.

Rating : F


Ant-Man vs Topher Smith

Ant-Man defeated Topher Smith in 5:06 by two straight falls, with the final fall happening by pinfall with an Antidote.

Rating : E-


Kirk Drury vs Dermott Ayres

Kirk Drury defeated Dermott Ayres in 5:08 by two straight falls, with the final fall happening by pinfall.

Rating : E-


Alistair Shufflebottom vs Marc Raisin

Alistair Shufflebottom defeated Marc Raisin in 5:01 by two straight falls, with the final fall happening by pinfall with a Shuffle The Deck.

Rating : E-


ACPW Tag Team Championship

The Inner City Express vs The Nest of Vipers

In an extremely poor match, The Nest of Vipers defeated The Inner City Express in 9:35 by two straight falls, with the final fall happening when Dagger defeated Malik Cash by pinfall with a Viper Venom. The Nest of Vipers win the ACPW Tag Team titles.

Rating : E+


ACPW Canadian Regional Championship

Mario da Silva vs Cal Sanders

In a bout that had a good and some decent in-ring action, Mario da Silva defeated Cal Sanders in 8:51 at two falls to one after winning the first, with the final fall happening by submission with a Kimura. Mario da Silva makes defence number 2 of his ACPW Canadian Regional title.

Rating : D-


ACPW Junior Heavyweight Championship

El Diablo vs Jayson Van Pelt

In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, El Diablo defeated Jayson Van Pelt in 10:14 by two straight falls, with the final fall happening by pinfall with a Diablo Driver. El Diablo makes defence number 2 of his ACPW Junior Heavyweight title.

El Diablo is improving his Technical skills.

Rating : E+


Charles Avatar vs Jamie Atherton

In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Jamie Atherton defeated Charles Avatar in 15:16 by two straight falls, with the final fall happening by pinfall with a Lightning Bolt.

Rating : D


Rating Show : D-

This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.


After the show, I talk to everybody :


Charles : Great work everybody! This show was better than the one of last week. Our popularity was increase all around the world again. And now, we are surely increase in importance in the promotion wars. Our next show will be Friday, Week 3 of February. I will try to find some new matches for this show. And if you have any suggestions about who you would like to wrestle, let me tell. I will contact everyone during the first week of February. Now... I have just two words to say... LET'S PARTY!!!




For my next post, I will try to put something to explain one thing. Don't miss it.


Don't forgot than if you have suggestions or comments about this dynasty, just let me know.

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That is really tough, I wonder why it is so low?


When I start a game with ACPW, they always start with 59.2% in backstage.


They open in August 2009... no many wrestlers, 1 guy with bad influence, 1 guy with good influence... no regular shows... all this didn't help to have a great chemistry.

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When I start a game with ACPW, they always start with 59.2% in backstage.


They open in August 2009... no many wrestlers, 1 guy with bad influence, 1 guy with good influence... no regular shows... all this didn't help to have a great chemistry.


I never really noticed that, it has been a while since I have played as ACPW. I am going to have to try again and see if I can improve their backstage area.

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A new tag team?


Tuesday, Week 4, January 2010


The end of the month is coming soon. And the new month will bring me some more work to do. I have a good idea of how the next show will be made. I was looking some wrestling news on the web when Jayson Van Pelt contact me by Free Speaking Messenger.


Jayson : Hi Chris. How are you?


Chris : Hey Jayson! I'm fine and you?


Jayson : I'm fine too. Can I talk to you about ACPW?


Chris : Sure, I'm listening.


Jayson : I think than we need one more tag team. With four teams, the ACPW Tag Team Championship will be more interested.


Chris : Sure, it will be more interesting... but we don't have enough money to hire two more wrestlers.


Jayson : I was thinking of forming a new tag team with wrestlers who are already with us.

Chris : Ok do you have someone in mind?


Jayson : You and me...


Chris : I am not sure... I don't want to harm your career. Because, if we form a team, it will be difficult for me and my team decide to give us the titles... because people might say it's favouritism. How about you and Cal?


Jayson : It's sure this can be a good option, but I'd rather be with someone who is more my age.


Chris : I understand your point of view. I will discuss with my team and I'll talk to you about that.


Jayson : Thanks. I think it's worth a try. At worst, the battle will be worse than expected. Otherwise, it could still take more people. As they say, is for the best or the worst of wrestling. See ya.


Chris : See ya.


At that time, an inspiration cross my mind. My close friends knew that I wanted to start my own Wrestling Federation, but I had not yet found a name. But with the last words of Jayson, I think I found the name I wanted.

For Better or Worse of Wrestling...




My slogan could be : For the Best or Worst of Wrestling, anything can happen.


I don't know if I will take this name. I will think more about this... since I have many years before my dream come true.

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February 2010 Report


Monday, Week 1, February 2010


It's a new month, I will made an update of what is going in the ACPW.

First, let's see our roster.



Charles Avatar (21 years old)



Cal Sanders (29 years old)

P.P.A. $600 (15 months)


El Diablo (21 years old)

P.P.A. $500 (23 months, 3 weeks)

He's the ACPW Junior Heavyweight champion.


Jamie Atherton (21 years old)

P.P.A. $350 (18 months, 3 weeks)


Jayson Van Pelt (21 years old)

P.P.A. $350 (13 months, 2 weeks)


Mario da Silva (22 years old)

P.P.A. $350 (19 months)

He's the ACPW Canadian Regional champion


Mimic (22 years old)

P.P.A. $400 (18 months, 1 weeks)

He's one half of ACPW Tag Team champion (with Dagger)

Member of "The Nest Of Vipers" team (with Dagger)



Alistair Shufflebottom (18 years old)

P.P.A. $100 (7 months, 2 weeks)


Dagger (23 years old)

P.P.A. $350 (9 months, 3 weeks)

He's one half of ACPW Tag Team champion (with Mimic)

Member of "The Nest Of Vipers" team (with Mimic)


Jay Becker (20 years old)

P.P.A. $350 (21 months, 1 weeks)

Member of "The Inner City Express" team (with Malik Cash)


Kirk Drury (20 years old)

P.P.A. $350 (18 months, 1 weeks)


Malik Cash (19 years old)

P.P.A. $350 (8 months)

Member of "The Inner City Express" team (with Jay Becker)



Dermott Ayres (22 years old)

P.P.A. $100 (7 months, 1 weeks)

Member of "The Montreal Mafia" team (with Marc Raisin)


Marc Raisin (20 years old)

P.P.A. $100 (19 months, 1 weeks)

Member of "The Montreal Mafia" team (with Dermott Ayres)


Topher Smith (19 years old)

P.P.A. $100 (16 months)



Ant-Man (20 years old)

P.P.A. $150 (17 months)


Ricochet Ramone (23 years old)

P.P.A. $100 (20 months, 3 weeks)


Taylor Kidd (18 years old)

P.P.A. $100 (51 days)



Daedalus Buchinsky (34 years old)

He's the owner of the ACPW



Art Lawson (49 years old)

P.P.A. $800 (10 months, 3 weeks)



Royce Greig (21 years old)

P.P.A. $400 (21 months, 3 weeks)



Tony Marsh (33 years old)

P.P.A. $400 (8 months, 1 weeks)



Face Nelson (29 years old)

P.P.A. $400 (13 months, 1 weeks)


The first thing I see, it's Taylor Kidd's contract expire shortly. I must ask my assistants what we will do with him (sign him again, release it right now or wait the end of contract and let it go).


Let's see now if something change with the creative meeting. The number between brackets is the rank of the wrestler last month.



#1 : Jamie Atheton (1)

#2 : El Diablo (2)

#3 : Mimic (3)

#4 : Mario da Silva (4)

#5 : Jayson Van Pelt (5)



#1 : Taylor Kidd (1)



#1 : Mimic (1)



#1 : Mario da Silva (2)

#2 : El Diablo (1)

#3 : Alistair Shufflebottom (3)

#4 : Kirk Drury (4)

#5 : Mimic(-)



#1 : Taylor Kidd (1)

#2 : Ricochet Ramone (2)

#3 : Dermott Ayres (3)

#4 : Ant-Man (-)

#5 : Dagger (4)


Not many changes since last month. Maybe we must help those who are not hot.


I have speak with every worker. Let's look what they have to say.


Alistair Shufflebottom

Morale : I have no complaints to make.

Current push : I'm happy with my current role as Upper Midcarder.

Current priority : I only work for ACPW, so you are my priority.

On titles : I don't hold any titles in ACPW at the moment. I think the ACPW Junior Heavyweight title race would be the best one for me to become involve with.



Morale : I'm happy with the way things are going.

Current push : I'm happy with my current role as Lower Midcarder.

Current priority : I only work for ACPW, so you are my priority.

On titles : I don't hold any titles in ACPW at the moment. Honestly, I think we need to book me to get some momentum going before I get involve in a title picture, otherwise the fans will not accept it.


Art Lawson

Morale : I have no complaints to make.

Current push : I'm happy with my current role as Road Agent.

Current priority : I only work for ACPW, so you are my priority.

On titles : I don't hold any titles in ACPW at the moment.


Cal Sanders

Morale : I am pleased with the way things are going.

Current push : I'm happy with my current role as Main Eventer.

Current priority : I only work for ACPW, so you are my priority.

On titles : I don't hold any titles in ACPW at the moment. Honestly, I think we need to book me to get some momentum going before I get involve in a title picture, otherwise the fans will not accept it.


Daedalus Buchinsky

Morale : I am annoyed with the way things are going (poor new gimmick)

Current push : I'm happy with my current role as Personality.

Current priority : I only work for ACPW, so you are my priority. (surprising!!!)

On titles : I don't hold any titles in ACPW at the moment.



Morale : I have no complaints to make.

Current push : I'm happy with my current role as Upper Midcarder.

Current priority : I only work for ACPW, so you are my priority.

On titles : I currently co-hold the ACPW Tag Team titles. I've yet to defend it.


Dermott Ayres

Morale : I have no complaints to make.

Current push : I'm happy with my current role as Midcarder.

Current priority : I only work for ACPW, so you are my priority.

On titles : I don't hold any titles in ACPW at the moment. I think the ACPW Tag Team title race would be the best one for me to become involve with.


El Diablo

Morale : I have no complaints to make.

Current push : I'm happy with my current role as Main Eventer.

Current priority : I only work for ACPW, so you are my priority.

On titles : I'm the current holder of the ACPW Junior Heavyweight title. I've made 2 defences so far.


Face Nelson

Morale : I have no complaints to make.

Current push : I'm happy with my current role as Colour Commentator.

Current priority : I only work for ACPW, so you are my priority.

On titles : I don't hold any titles in ACPW at the moment.


Jamie Atherton

Morale : I am pleased with the way things are going.

Current push : I'm very happy with my current role as Main Eventer.

Current priority : I only work for ACPW, so you are my priority.

On titles : I don't hold any titles in ACPW at the moment. Honestly, I think we need to book me to get some momentum going before I get involve in a title picture, otherwise the fans will not accept it.


Jay Becker

Morale : I have no complaints to make.

Current push : I'm happy with my current role as Upper Midcarder.

Current priority : I only work for ACPW, so you are my priority.

On titles : I don't hold any titles in ACPW at the moment. I think the ACPW Tag Team title race would be the best one for me to become involve with.


Jayson Van Pelt

Morale : I have no complaints to make.

Current push : I'm happy with my current role as Main Eventer.

Current priority : I only work for ACPW, so you are my priority.

On titles : I don't hold any titles in ACPW at the moment. Honestly, I think we need to book me to get some momentum going before I get involve in a title picture, otherwise the fans will not accept it.


Kirk Drury

Morale : I have no complaints to make.

Current push : I'm happy with my current role as Upper Midcarder.

Current priority : I only work for ACPW, so you are my priority.

On titles : I don't hold any titles in ACPW at the moment. I think the ACPW Junior Heavyweight title race would be the best one for me to get involve with.


Malik Cash

Morale : I have no complaints to make.

Current push : I'm happy with my current role as Upper Midcarder.

Current priority : I only work for ACPW, so you are my priority.

On titles : I don't hold any titles in ACPW at the moment. I think the ACPW Tag Team title race would be the best one for me to get involve with.


Marc Raisin

Morale : I have no complaints to make.

Current push : I'm happy with my current role as Midcarder.

Current priority : I only work for ACPW, so you are my priority.

On titles : I don't hold any titles in ACPW at the moment. I think the ACPW Tag Team title race would be the best one for me to get involve with.


Mario da Silva

Morale : I am pleased with the way things are going.

Current push : I'm very happy with my current role as Main Eventer.

Current priority : I only work for ACPW, so you are my priority.

On titles : I'm the current holder of the ACPW Canadian Regional title. It is meant for midcarder level workers and so I'm not really sure why you have me holding it. I've made 2 defences so far.



Morale : I have no complaints to make.

Current push : I'm happy with my current role as Main Eventer.

Current priority : I only work for ACPW, so you are my priority.

On titles : I currently co-hold the ACPW Tag Team titles. It is meant for midcard level workers and so I'm not really sure why you have me holding it. I've yet to defend it.


Ricochet Ramone

Morale : I am pleased with the way things are going..

Current push : I'm happy with my current role as Lower Midcarder.

Current priority : I only work for ACPW, so you are my priority.

On titles : I don't hold any titles in ACPW at the moment. Honestly, I think we need to book me to get some momentum going before I get involve in a title picture, otherwise the fans will not accept it.


Royce Greig

Morale : I have no complaints to make.

Current push : I'm happy with my current role as Referee.

Current priority : I only work for ACPW, so you are my priority.

On titles : I don't hold any titles in ACPW at the moment.


Taylor Kidd

Morale : I have no complaints to make.

Current push : I think I deserve a better push, I would prefer to be a Midcarder.

Current priority : I only work for ACPW, so you are my priority.

On titles : I don't hold any titles in ACPW at the moment. Honestly, I think we need to book me to get some momentum going before I get involve in a title picture, otherwise the fans will not accept it.


Tony Marsh

Morale : I have no complaints to make.

Current push : I'm happy with my current role as Announcer.

Current priority : I only work for ACPW, so you are my priority.

On titles : I don't hold any titles in ACPW at the moment.


Topher Smith

Morale : I have no complaints to make.

Current push : I'm happy with my current role as Midcarder.

Current priority : I only work for ACPW, so you are my priority.

On titles : I don't hold any titles in ACPW at the moment. I think the ACPW Canadian Regional title race would be the best one for me to become involve with.


With what I see, some are unhappy or very happy with their push. I will made the next show before changing something with that. The tag team championship and the Canadian Regional championship have some problems with their holders. For the Tag Team title, I will keep it that way. For the Canadian Regional, it will be hard to give it to another person... maybe I have an idea.


For the next show, El Diablo vs Mario da Silva. The looser will lose his title and the title will became vacant. With that, I can make a match with two, three or four wrestler with the belt on the line. I will talk about that with my Assistants.


Now, here is the list of those who have progress in their skills (before → after)


Alistair Shufflebottom

Thoughness (F → F+)



Charisma (B- → B)

Respect (F → F-)


Cal Sanders

Brawling (F+ → E-)

Hardcore (F+ → E-)


Charles Avatar

Toughness (B+ → A)


Dermott Ayres

Chain (D- → D)


Jamie Atherton

Basics (C- → C)


Kirk Drury

Hardcore (F- → F)


Mario da Silva

Chain (C- → C)



Puroresu (F- → F)


Royce Greig

Refereeing (D+ → C-)


Taylor Kidd

Chain (F+ → E-)

Respect (F- → F)


Good progress at this moment.


So, this is the end of this report. I will now talk with my Assistants.




Don't forget... you are my assistants. So, I would like to have your opinion about theses three points :


1- Do you think than the ACPW need a one more tag Team?

2- What do you think about the match El Diablo vs Mario da Silva with the looser lose his title?

3- What we do with Taylor Kidd's contract?


I like to made this kind of report. That way, peoples know better what happen in my story. And since you can involve within (by choosing winners and other things) this will help you to get a better idea of how the things are going.

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1- Do you think than the ACPW need a one more tag Team?


Why not, it often gives people who are not doing anything else a chance to shine.


2- What do you think about the match El Diablo vs Mario da Silva with the looser lose his title?


I think you should do a three way dance match.


3- What we do with Taylor Kidd's contract?


I would say keep him, his contract will be cheap and he is young. Which are two upsides for you right now as you need as many cheap talents as you can get.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Upcoming show


Monday, Week 2, February 2010


To : Cal Sanders, El Diablo, Jamie Atherthon, Jayson Van Pelt, Mario da Silva, Mimic, Alistair Shufflebottom, Dagger, Jay Becker, Kirk Drury, Malik Cash, Dermott Ayres, Marc Raisin, Topher Smith, Ant-Man, Ricochet Ramone, Taylor Kidd, Daedalus Buchinsky, Art Lawson, Royce Greig, Tony Marsh, Face Nelson, ASSISTANTS


From : Charles Avatar


Subject : Upcoming show


Hi everyone. I wrote you this email to inform you about the upcoming show. With our last show, we have increase our world reputation. We are now ranked #30 in Promotion Wars (in importance). With as how the things are going, we only need to look forward to give our fans a great show. The next show will be Friday of the third week of February and will be held at the same place than the last one. I would like than you talk with your next opponent and talk about what you can do to give a great show. So here is the schedule (the last match will be the first in the show).


ACPW Showtime February 2010


Charles Avatar (C-) (1-0-1) vs Jayson Van Pelt © (0-0-2)


Looser lose his title

El Diablo (© Junior Heavyweight) (A) (2-0-0) vs Mario da Sylva (© Canadian Regional) (A) (2-0-0)


Jamie Atherton (C+) (1-0-1) vs Cal Sanders © (1-0-1)


ACPW Tag Team Championship

The Nest of Vipers (Mimic = C+, Dagger = D+) © vs The Montreal Mafia (Raisin = C+, Ayres = E+)


The Inner City Express (Becker = C+, Cash = C-) vs A. Shufflebottom (B+) and K. Drury (B+)


Topher Smith (C+) (1-0-1) vs Ricochet Ramone (E) (1-0-1)


Ant-Man (E+) (2-0-0) vs Taylor Kidd (B-) (0-0-2)




I put Sufflebottom and Drury in tag team and not Van Pelt, because I need most of my main eventer to give more better matches. If the team Shufflebottom/Drury is interesting, they will become a regular team with a name.


Don't forget to decide who deserve a win. And for the Diablo/Mario match, it's to give a reason of why Mario loose his title to bring it for more lower push wrestlers.

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