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BAW: One man's dream

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I REALLY need to start double checking my matches against the previous show...


Haha, I turned off the 3 match rule in my game because I always inadvertently book the same matches. I don't know how many times I have made my crowd watch Wiley Coyote vs The McWade brothers :p

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Not sure how I managed to miss last show but here I am again:o


Nigel Svensson vs Giant Brody (New York Championship)

Svensson retains

Amazing Fire Fly vs Hijo Del Aguila Americana

Not much question here

Cheetah Boy vs Bradley Blaze

Cheetah won last time so i guess he wins again


Ace Youngblood vs Jayson Van Pelt

Ace have been pretty quiet so far

El Mitico vs Delirium

Mitico is one of your top guys, Delirium, not so much


Cal Sanders vs Justin Sensitive

Sensetive needs to get his re-match


Josh Jones vs Donte Dunn (BAW Championship)

Surprising to see Jones getting the belt but there will be no change hare

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BAW Call To Arms #12

Week 1 December 2012

The Ministry, Queens

Attendance: 1,000 (Sell Out!)

Pre Show

Ace Youngblood bought in his Xbox 360 and a copy of Tekken to play on. After a roster wide knockout tournament, Ace himself came out the winner... funny how that works. Still it really helped some of the guys loosen up before the show, which can only be a good thing. Tonights show should be good: Two title defences, A new division is introduced and a string of Struggle For Survival Qualifiers.


Main Show

© Nigel Svensson vs Giant Brody

New York Championship

These two didn’t seem to click at all, but the crowd still seemed to enjoy the match. On top of that, both men looked like they were learning out there. Nigel picked up the win here, making the 6th defence of his title.


Winner: Nigel Svensson in 7:15

Amazing Fire Fly vs Hijo Del Aguila Americana

Struggle For Survival Qualifier

This was remarkably similar to last weeks match... it was decent, Fire Fly won and Fire Fly looked like he was learning out there. Now I just need to remember not to book this match again next week.


Winner: Amazing Fire Fly in 7:46

Tag Team Promo

Sarah Silver comes down to the ring and joins The Aces of Mayhem (Ace Youngblood & Max Mayhem) and The Luna Twins (Luna Clara & Luna Oscura). She announces both teams to the crowd, but before she can continue she is interrupted by The Demolishers (Giant Brody & Bear Bekowski). The Demolishers proceed to destroy the two teams in the ring, and stand victoriously over their competitors in the tag team division.


Notes: Decent stuff from the 7 involved in this, about what I was hoping for.

Cheetah Boy vs Bradley Blaze

Another rerun from last show (whoops), but this one was better than last time out. This time it was Bradley Blaze who picked up the win in a decent match.


Winner: Bradley Blaze in 6:21

Ace Youngblood vs Jayson Van Pelt

A good match from these two. Ace looked like he was carrying an injury after the earlier attack by Bear and Brody. JVP was able to take advantage of this to pick up the victory.


Winner: Jayson Van Pelt in 6:29

Dunn Promo

Dunn: “After months and months of victories, tonight I finally get the title shot I deserve. The time of BAW holding me back is over, now the reign of Donte Dunn will begin!”


Notes: Not bad from Dunn, but not great.

El Mitico vs Delirium

Struggle For Survival Qualifier

A decent squash as usual from Mitico. I really hoped Delirium would learn from Mitico here, but unfortunately he didn’t look like he had.


Winner: El Mitico in 5:15

Cal Sanders vs Justin Sensitive

Struggle For Survival Qualifier

Wow, this was a great match... I’m afraid it might be a little too good. These are two of my top stars, and really showed why in this match. I gave Justin the win here, to give him some momentum heading in to his rematch with Josh Jones.


Winner: Justin Sensitive in 15:50

© Josh Jones vs Donte Dunn

BAW Championship

Another great match here, matching the standards set by Sanders and Sensitive in the last match. This makes me feel really good about putting the title on Jones last week. It was a risk, but if he keeps putting on matches like this, it looks like the gamble could pay off.


Winner: Josh Jones in 16:09


Match of the Night: Main Event

Trash of the Night: Nothing


Next Time: Another good show, hopefully our last show of the year will be a blow out! Oh... and first ever sell out at The Ministry!!! :D

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After the show, I quickly got onto finding a new Road Agent. Not a lot was available, but I did eventually manage to bring someone in. She wasn’t perfect, but she’d have to do. I was really excited about our next show. It would round out our most successful year as a company, and promised the biggest Struggle For Survival Match in our history!



BAW One Step Closer #33

Cal Sanders vs Hijo Del Aguila Americana vs Donte Dunn

A Triple threat ‘Struggle For Survival’ Qualifier. The loser will be eliminated, and the other two will advance to the Main Event. (Predict winner and loser)

Nigel Svensson vs DeCipher (New York Championship)

Cheetah Boy vs Delirium

Ace Youngblood w/ Max Mayhem vs Luna Clara w/ Luna Oscura vs Giant Brody w/ Bear Bekowski

The leaders of the three teams square off after last weeks incident.

Joffy Laine vs Bradley Blaze

Josh Jones vs Jayson Van Pelt (BAW Championship)

Struggle For Survival Match (El Mitico vs Justin Sensitive vs Amazing Fire Fly vs ??? vs ???)

(If you wish to choose someone from the first match of the night, please state who :p)


Prediction Results

BAW Call To Arms #12

1234 6/7

Zergon 6/7


This Year

1234 115/127

Zergon 102/122

borman 48 87/97

funkyzafara 76/88

Michigan Hero 8/12

Raijin Samurai 5/6

BHK1978 4/6


Going into the final show of the year, 1234 has built an insurmountable lead. Hopefully that won’t deter others from predicting xD


1234: As your prize you can choose someone to receive a title shot in the next year, and if you want you can name the new tag belts as well xD

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I was going to pick Donte Dunn for the championship shot, but he is bound to get one anyway...so my pick is JVP.


Cal Sanders vs Hijo Del Aguila Americana vs Donte Dunn

That means Sanders for the win, HDAA for the loss.


Nigel Svensson vs DeCipher (New York Championship)

DeCipher wont be champion.


Cheetah Boy vs Delirium

Go Cheetah Go!!!


Ace Youngblood w/ Max Mayhem vs Luna Clara w/ Luna Oscura vs Giant Brody w/ Bear Bekowski

Brody > Ace > Guy I Dont Know


Joffy Laine vs Bradley Blaze

Blaze is better than Joffy.


Josh Jones vs Jayson Van Pelt (BAW Championship)

Unfortunately JVP wont get the belt here, but atleast he gets a title shot next year.


Struggle For Survival Match (El Mitico vs Justin Sensitive vs Amazing Fire Fly vs Cal Sanders vs Donte Dunn)

Well it must be a heel, so that leaves me with Sensitive or Dunn. Since Dunn got a shot last show i am going with the former champ.

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Cal Sanders vs Hijo Del Aguila Americana vs Donte Dunn

A Triple threat ‘Struggle For Survival’ Qualifier. The loser will be eliminated, and the other two will advance to the Main Event. (Predict winner and loser)

Dunn win and Hijo loses


Nigel Svensson vs DeCipher (New York Championship)

DeCipher isn´t going to be a champ anytime soon


Cheetah Boy vs Delirium

No idea really just a guess


Ace Youngblood w/ Max Mayhem vs Luna Clara w/ Luna Oscura vs Giant Brody w/ Bear Bekowski

Bigger is better


Joffy Laine vs Bradley Blaze

No idea number 2


Josh Jones vs Jayson Van Pelt (BAW Championship)

Jayson´s time isn´t yet


Struggle For Survival Match (El Mitico vs Justin Sensitive vs Amazing Fire Fly vs Cal Sanders vs Donte Dunn)

I would normally go with Dunn but since he already had a match I´m going with Sensetive mainly because he is the only heel (other than Dunn)

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BAW One Step Closer #33

Week 3 December 2012

The Ministry, Queens

Attendance: 686

Pre Show

As I enter the locker room, I find Giant Brody and Tandy Maxx (Max Mayhem) deep in conversation about Swedish cinema. They seem to have really bonded, hopefully this will mean they’ll work well together. That would help, as these two will probably be seeing a lot of each other in the ring over the next few months.


Main Show

Cal Sanders vs Hijo Del Aguila Americana vs Donte Dunn

What an opener from these guys, this could really Main Event one of our shows. Hopefully this is an indicator of the quality of our show. Donte Dunn picked up the win over Hijo here, and Cal Sanders and Donte Dunn move on to the Main Event.


Winner: Donte Dunn in 7:32

© Nigel Svensson vs DeCipher

New York Championship

A good match from these two to continue the show. This was a pretty standard Title defence for Nigel, the 7th of his reign. That takes him to the equal longest reign in the Championships history.


Winner: Nigel Svensson in 6:46

Justin Sensitive Promo

Sensitive: “It’s been a month since I lost my BAW title to that kid Josh Jones. Tonight however, I can take my first step to correcting this great travesty of justice. By winning the ‘Struggle For Survival’ match tonight, I earn a guaranteed title match at the start of next year. As the only man in the field to have won a ‘Struggle For Survival’ match before, I am at a great advantage. I will use my experience from last year to win again this year, and I will begin next year as I started this... by winning the BAW Championship!”


Notes: Good stuff from Justin, who has become my best guy on the mic.

Cheetah Boy vs Delirium

A dip in quality here, as Cheetah Boy has an off night. This match barely passes as average. Still at least Cheetah Boy looked like he was learning something while he picked up the win.


Winner: Cheetah Boy in 6:49

Ace Youngblood vs Luna Clara vs Giant Brody

A poor match from these three, as they continue the feud towards the tag team title. Ace Youngblood picked up the win after pinning Luna Clara. Unfortunately Luna Clara is rusty, and presumably that means his brother will be as well. I’ll need to work that off before I release them on the tag team division...


Winner: Ace Youngblood in 5:43

Post Match Beatdown

After the match, Max Mayhem slides into the ring to raise his partners arm in celebration. Luna Oscura also gets into the ring to check on the condition of his brother. Bear Bekowski and Giant Brody stand in opposite corners of the ring, and after a brief pause attack the other four competitors. They beat down all four of their opponents in the tag division, and then stand tall over their fallen bodies.


Notes: Decent stuff from these guys, which will hopefully continue into the Tag Team division next year.

Joffy Laine vs Bradley Blaze

An average match from these two, as Joffy Laine Has an off night. I gave Bradley Blaze the win here, as he probably offers more possibilities than Joffy does in the near future.


Winner: Bradley Blaze in 6:59

Josh Jones vs Jayson Van Pelt

BAW Championship

I’m glad I made this the Semi-Main event rather than the Main Event, as this wasn’t great from these two. Not horrible, but not really worthy of Semi-Main event status. This was probably due to Josh Jones having an off night. The first bad match he’s had since I put the belt on him, hopefully not an indicator of things to come.


Winner: Josh Jones in 11:31

El Mitico vs Donte Dunn vs Amazing Fire Fly vs Justin Sensitive vs Cal Sanders

Struggle For Survival Match

Not a bad match from these guys, but not quite up to the standards of our recent Main Events, but not bad. Donte Dunn had an off night, but he went early, so hopefully didn’t drag the match down too much. Amazing Fire Fly and Cal Sanders looked like they were learning out there as well. I gave Justin Sensitive the win to set up a title match with Josh Jones early next year.


Winner: Justin Sensitive in 17:26


Match of the Night: Struggle For Survival match

Trash of the Night: Ace Youngblood vs Luna Clara vs Giant Brody


Next Time: A good finish to a good year for BAW. Can they continue to push on next year?

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‘Creative’ was conducted in a celebratory mood... well, Harvey and I were in a celebratory mood. Nene, our new Road Agent, was very quiet. I soon found out why... she didn’t speak any English! Why hadn’t I been told this before I signed her? This was a real problem. Luckily I had only signed her to a short term contract, but I’d still need to find someone new... and fast.


Still that didn’t dampen our mood too much. 2012 had been a great year for BAW, the company had risen to Regional size and had made over $200,000. Not bad, if I may say so myself.


The local news paper didn’t have such good news however.





BAW Call To Arms C/One Step Closer C-



Despite putting on a good show (for us), we had only come in fourth this month. I guess you just have to say well done to the other promotions, they put on good shows. Still it was a little disheartening to finish such a successful year so low on the list...


In other news NYCW had replaced their booker, with Fumihiro Ota taking the reins. I hadn’t even been asked... not that I would have said yes. BAW had sort of become my promotion now, and I wasn’t going anywhere!


Prediction Results

BAW One Step Closer #33

Zergon 7/8

1234 6/8


This Year

1234 121/135

Zergon 109/130

borman 48 87/97

funkyzafara 76/88

Michigan Hero 8/12

Raijin Samurai 5/6

BHK1978 4/6


And so we end the year with 1234 winning the predictions once again. So as promised, JVP will be receiving a title shot in the near future :) The next show is the start of a new year, and the start of a new competition, so best of luck to all involved xD

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Year in review 2012


The yearly awards were handed out, and these were the results

Promotion of the Year: TCW

Most Improved Promotion: BAW (!!!) :D :D :D


Promotional Growth: ZEN, CWWF, BAW to Regional; SOTBPW to National

Promotional Shrinking: WLW, BHOTWG to Cult

Out of Business: 21CW in March


Wrestler of the Year: Sean McFly (3rd win)

Young Wrestler of the Year: Extraordinario Jr (!!!) :D

Veteran Wrestler of the Year: Jeremy Stone (3rd win)

Female Wrestler of the Year: Fuyuko Higa (3rd win)


Match of the Year: Troy Tornado bt Bryan Vessey (TCW Presents Total Wrestling)

Show of the Year: NOTBPW September Scramble


Ex BAW wrestlers in Power 100: Extraordinario Jr #22, Greg Gauge #81, KC Glenn #85


Well a few talking points this year! We had won our first ever award, with BAW taking the most improved promotion award. I was really surprised to win this, our rise to Regional obviously helped us take this award. On top of that, ex BAW wrestler Extraordinario Jr took the Young Wrestler Of The Year Award. He will probably always be the best wrestler to wrestle for us without winning the title, as he left about a month before I was going to put the belt on him. Still, he seems to have flourished at WLW, so well done to him.



One of the fans was kind enough to put a yearly review of the company online, and these were the results

New entries to Top 10 Shows:

1. BAW Call To Arms #10 (October 2012) C

2. BAW One Step Closer #30 (September 2012) C

3. BAW One Step Closer #31 (October 2012) C

4. BAW One Step Closer #32 (November 2012) C

5. BAW Call To Arms #9 (September 2012) C

6. BAW Call To Arms #12 (December 2012) C

8. BAW Call To Arms #11 (November 2012) C-

9. BAW One Step Closer #33 (December 2012) C-

10. BAW Call To Arms #6 (June 2012) C-


New entries to Top 10 Matches:

2. Justin Sensitive bt Cheetah Boy (BAW Call To Arms #10) C+

3. Josh Jones bt Justin Sensitive (BAW One Step Closer #32) C+

4. Justin Sensitive bt El Mitico Jr (BAW One Step Closer #30) C

5. Donte Dunn bt Amazing Fire Fly (BAW Call To Arms #11) C

6. Josh Jones bt Donte Dunn (BAW Call To Arms #12) C

7. Justin Sensitive bt Ace Youngblood (BAW One Step Closer #31) C

8. Justin Sensitive bt El Mitico Jr (BAW Call To Arms #8) C

10. Justin Sensitive bt Panda Mask II (BAW Call To Arms #9) C

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I started the new year by terminating the deal of Nene Ebina. Her lack of ability to speak English meant that she couldn’t really continue hear. Luckily I was able to find a replacement in time for the next show, bringing in Reece Paige as my new Road Agent.


With that sorted, I decided to go all out with my card. I really wanted to start 2013 with a bang!



BAW Call To Arms #13

Nigel Svensson vs Bradley Blaze (New York Championship)

Cal Sanders vs Jayson Van Pelt

The Aces of Mayhem vs The Luna Twins vs The Demolishers (BAW Tag Titles)

El Mitico vs Hijo Del Aguila Americana

Amazing Fire Fly vs Donte Dunn

Josh Jones vs Justin Sensitive (BAW Championship)

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Nigel Svensson vs Bradley Blaze (New York Championship)

I keep going with Svensson


Cal Sanders vs Jayson Van Pelt

Jayson likely win this one because there is face champ


The Aces of Mayhem vs The Luna Twins vs The Demolishers (BAW Tag Titles)

With Twins rusty and Demolishers just plain horrible in ring Aces of mayhem looks like the best cantitates to win this one


El Mitico vs Hijo Del Aguila Americana

Pretty much a no-brainer


Amazing Fire Fly vs Donte Dunn

Could go either way and with no other way to decide I´m going with the usual heel wins because champ is face argument


Josh Jones vs Justin Sensitive (BAW Championship)

Sensitive isn´t getting the belt back

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Nigel Svensson vs Bradley Blaze (New York Championship)

Champion stays strong.


Cal Sanders vs Jayson Van Pelt

Be nice to Cal.

The Aces of Mayhem vs The Luna Twins vs The Demolishers (BAW Tag Titles)

Random pick


El Mitico vs Hijo Del Aguila Americana



Amazing Fire Fly vs Donte Dunn

Go Dunn!!!


Josh Jones vs Justin Sensitive (BAW Championship)


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BAW Call To Arms #13

Week 1 January 2013

The Ministry, Queens

Attendance: 1,000 (Sell Out!)

Pre Show

On arriving at the show, I found DeCipher and Randy Maxx (Max Mayhem) deep in conversation about modern musicals. While that’s not really my thing, the two seemed to be really bonding over it. On the other side of the locker room, Delirium was entertaining the rest of the guys with some road stories from MHW. All three titles are on the line tonight, should be good...


Main Show

© Nigel Svensson vs Bradley Blaze

New York Championship

A great start to the show from these two, not too long ago this could easily have Main Evented one of our shows. Nigel picked up the victory, making the 8th defence of his title and by has now made the most defences of any New York Champion in the company’s history.


Winner: Nigel Svensson in 8:25

Cal Sanders vs Jayson Van Pelt

The matches just keep getting better! This is one of the best matches in the company’s history... so what is it doing in the undercard??? I give JVP the win here to keep him strong.


Winner: Jayson Van Pelt in 7:55

Tag Team Introduction

Sara Silver introduces each of the three teams that will compete in BAW’s first ever Tag Team match. She also announces that the match is for the brand new BAW Tag Titles, which are placed on the Announce Desk in plain view of the crowd.


Notes: A decent promo from these guys, and hopefully it will be a nice introduction to tag team wrestling in our promotion.

The Aces Of Mayhem vs The Luna Twins vs The Demolishers

BAW Tag Titles

We put our new Tag Titles on the line in this match. It wasn’t quite up to the standards of our earlier matches, only being average by our standards. The Luna Twins rustiness probably dragged this down, as well as Ace Youngblood having an off night. In what some may consider a surprise, The Demolishers picked up the win here, with Giant Brody pinning Luna Oscura.


Winner: The Demolishers in 7:44

El Mitico Jr vs Hijo Del Aguila Americana

Another great match here, again up there with the best matches in the company’s history... and it involved Hijo! If our Main Events bomb tonight, then I have really screwed up on this card. El Mitico picked up the win.


Winner: El Mitico Jr in 7:33

Sensitive Promo

Sensitive: “So after my dominating performance in Struggle For Survival last month, in which I became the first man to win that match twice, I will once again have the opportunity to reclaim my BAW title. It’s been away from me long enough, and everyday it is on the shoulders of that kid Josh Jones the title which I made so prestigious loses some of its shine. I need to take my title back tonight, to save it from falling into mediocrity. The kind of mediocrity that every other loser on this companies roster is destined to spend the rest of their careers stewing in.”


Notes: Not great from Justin, I was expecting more if I’m honest.

Amazing Fire Fly vs Donte Dunn

A good match from these two, but annoyingly not as good as some of our earlier matches. At least Donte Dunn looked like he was learning out there as he picked up the victory.


Winner: Donte Dunn in 16:24

© Josh Jones vs Justin Sensitive

BAW Championship

A great match from these two, our new best match ever... and that was with Justin having an off night! Josh Jones was back on form here after a disappointing match last show. Still, a good way to finish the show, with Josh Jones making the 3rd defence of his title.


Winner: Josh Jones in 16:47


Match of the Night: Main Event

Trash of the Night: Tag Team match


Next Time: Right, time for a shake up I think.

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A quiet couple of weeks between shows. It gave me time to sort out a gimmick change for DeCipher, and come up with some plans for the next couple of shows... the first of which start this week.



BAW One Step Closer #34

Nigel Svensson vs Hijo Del Aguila Americana (New York Championship)

Ace Youngblood (w, Max Mayhem) vs Bradley Blaze

Amazing Fire Fly vs Jayson Van Pelt

El Mitico vs Delirium

Cheetah Boy vs Donte Dunn

Cal Sanders vs Justin Sensitive

(The semi-main and main events are qualifier matches for next weeks Main Event title match)


Prediction Results

BAW Call To Arms #13

Zergon 5/6

1234 4/6


This Year

Zergon 5/6

1234 4/6

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Nigel Svensson vs Hijo Del Aguila Americana (New York Championship)

Ace Youngblood (w, Max Mayhem) vs Bradley Blaze

Amazing Fire Fly vs Jayson Van Pelt

El Mitico vs Delirium

Cheetah Boy vs Donte Dunn

Cal Sanders vs Justin Sensitive

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BAW One Step Closer #34

Week 3 January 2013

The Ministry, Queens

Attendance: 1,000 (Sell Out!)

Pre Show

This roster really seem to love Swedish cinema... this week it’s Jayson Van Pelt and Delirium who are bonding over Swedish culture. Maybe I should check out some Swedish films? I seem to be missing out...


Main Show

In The Dark: We have a work the rust off battle royal. It’s a poor match, as expected, with Giant Brody picking up a win.


Nigel Svensson vs Hijo Del Aguila Americana

A good start to the show from these two. Nigel picked up the win to make another defence of his title, the 9th of his reign.


Winner: Nigel Svensson in 8:27

Ace Youngblood (w, Max Mayhem) vs Bradley Blaze

A decent match from these two to continue the show. I gave Bradley Blaze the win here in an attempt to build some momentum for him.


Winner: Bradley Blaze in 8:08

Post Match Beat Down

After the match, Max Mayhem enters the ring to help his beaten partner back to his feet. Bradley Blaze begins to make his way to the back, and passes the oncoming Tag Team Champions, The Demolishers. Giant Brody and Bear Bekowski strode purposefully into the ring. The Aces of Mayhem were powerless to resist the fresher Tag Team Champions and took a real beating at the hands of Brody and Bekowski, maybe a marker of their reign...


Notes: Decent stuff from these two Tag Teams

Amazing Fire Fly vs Jayson Van Pelt

A really good match from these two, which this time last year could easily have Main Evented one of our shows. Amazing Fire Fly continues to learn out there, as I give Jayson the win.


Winner: Jayson Van Pelt in 8:30

El Mitico Jr vs Delirium

Okay wow... just wow! This was a great match... and it involved Delirium!?!? This is in real danger of stealing the show, but it does mean that I need to start using Delirium better. El Mitico Jr picks up the win here, and it should do his momentum a lot of good.


Winner: El Mitico Jr in 7:57

Justin Sensitive Promo

Sensitive: “Tonight we have two qualifying matches for the BAW Title match at next month’s show. The first of these matches is up next, I forget who’s involved... but it doesn’t really matter. The only this that you people need to know is that I, Justin Sensitive, am involved in the second of those matches. When I win that match, I will move to next month’s Main Event, and when I win that match... I will once again be BAW Champion!”


Notes: Solid stuff from Sensitive, not great... but solid.

Cheetah Boy vs Donte Dunn

A good match from these two, but not as good as the match that preceded it. In what most would consider a surprise; I gave Cheetah Boy the win here, which means that he qualifies for next shows title match. The reason for me doing so will hopefully become clear after next shows Main Event.


Winner: Cheetah Boy in 16:06

Cal Sanders vs Justin Sensitive

Ouch... this wasn’t great. I had faith that they could improve on their recent meetings... but they just couldn’t manage it, and that really hurt how the match was received. I gave Justin Sensitive the win, to move him into next shows Title match.


Winner: Justin Sensitive in 16:45


Match of the Night: El Mitico Jr vs Delirium

Trash of the Night: Main Event was disappointing

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A positive ‘Creative’ this month. We had made a record amount of money last month, nearly $50K, which was probably a good thing as February could prove to be an expensive month for us. This was also Reese Paige’s first Creative. She seemed nice enough, and made some good points. Hopefully with her on board we could move forward and build in the next 12 months.


The local paper had good news for us this month.



BAW Call To Arms C/One Step Closer D+





We had managed 2nd place, which was a move forward from last month. Hopefully we could take the top spot at least once this year...



BAW One Step Closer #34

1234 4/6


This Year

1234 8/12

Zergon 5/6

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A couple of changes this month. To start with, I released Mustang Blanco Jr from his contract. He hadn’t quite put on the quality of match I had hoped he would in his time here. He asked for a raise, which I couldn’t justify so he had to go. I wish him all the best in Mexico.


As his replacement I bought in a young guy called El Hijo Del Neutron. He looks a solid enough talent, although he will probably never set the promotion alight.


This weeks show will be a ‘Triple Threat’ show. Every match on the card will be a triple threat, with both the New York Championship and the BAW Championship on the line. Should be a lot of fun...



BAW Call To Arms #14

Nigel Svensson vs Bradley Blaze vs Hijo Del Aguila Americana (New York Championship)

Max Mayhem vs El Hijo Del Neutron vs Jayson Van Pelt

Joffy Laine vs Giant Brody vs DeCipher

Cal Sanders vs Ace Youngblood vs Delirium

El Mitico vs Amazzing Fire Fly vs Donte Dunn

Josh Jones vs Cheetah Boy vs Justin Sensitive (BAW Championship)

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Nigel Svensson vs Bradley Blaze vs Hijo Del Aguila Americana (New York Championship)

Max Mayhem vs El Hijo Del Neutron vs Jayson Van Pelt

Joffy Laine vs Giant Brody vs DeCipher

Cal Sanders vs Ace Youngblood vs Delirium

El Mitico vs Amazzing Fire Fly vs Donte Dunn

Josh Jones vs Cheetah Boy vs Justin Sensitive (BAW Championship)


A triple threat show, just a cheap knock-off of Fatal Four Way :p

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<p><strong>Nigel Svensson</strong> vs Bradley Blaze vs Hijo Del Aguila Americana (New York Championship)</p><p>

<em>Svensson retains here though I wonder if it´s time for a change soon?</em></p><p> </p><p>

Max Mayhem vs El Hijo Del Neutron vs <strong>Jayson Van Pelt</strong></p><p>

<em>Jayson has been really impressive lately so he should win this one</em></p><p> </p><p>

Joffy Laine vs <strong>Giant Brody</strong> vs DeCipher</p><p>

<em>Brody isn´t great but he isn´t jobber either like the other two</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Cal Sanders</strong> vs Ace Youngblood vs Delirium</p><p>

<em>Delirium could take this one after good match in last show but I go with Sanders who seems like the safest choice here</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>El Mitico </strong>vs Amazzing Fire Fly vs Donte Dunn</p><p>

<em>Complete guess here anyone could win this match and I would expect this to be better than the main event</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Josh Jones</strong> vs Cheetah Boy vs Justin Sensitive (BAW Championship)</p><p>

<em>No title change here</em></p>

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BAW Call To Arms #14

Week 1 February 2013

The Ministry, Queens

Attendance: 1,000 (Sell Out!)

Pre Show

This week Harvey turned up with an Xbox and proceeded to defeat everyone in the locker room at Madden. This seemed to relax everybody heading into the show. Hopefully tonight’s Triple Threat bonanza will be a hit...


Main Show

© Nigel Svensson vs Bradley Blaze vs Hijo Del Aguila Americana

New York Championship

A great opening to our Triple Threat bonanza from these guys, which saw the end of Nigel Svensson’s New York Championship reign. Svensson had run through just about everyone our roster had to offer, so we really needed a change. I decided a couple of months back that one of the two involved in this match would be our next New York Champ, and Bradley Blaze’s superior momentum meant that he picked up the win here to pick up his first title.


Winner: Bradley Blaze in 7:55

Max Mayhem vs El Hijo Del Neutron vs Jayson Van Pelt

A decent match from these two, which would probably have been better if Neutron hadn’t been rusty. Still my new Heel showed enough in this match to convince me he has a future at this company. Jayson Van Pelt picked up the victory here, in an attempt to give him some momentum for a Title challenge in the next few months.


Winner: Jayson Van Pelt in 8:18

Tag Team Promo

After the match, the Tag champs once again head to the ring to attack Max Mayhem. Despite his partner Ace Youngblood coming down to help, The Destroyers well... destroyed The Aces Of Mayhem.


Notes: Good stuff from these two Tag teams.

Joffy Laine vs Giant Brody vs DeCipher

Another decent match here. I gave Giant Brody the win here, as he is the man of the three involved here that will be used the most in the coming months.


Winner: Giant Brody in 7:41

Cal Sanders vs Ace Youngblood vs Delirium

A great match from these guys, a second in a row from Delirium. I think he ‘s ready for a proper push from here onwards. Cal picked up the win here in an attempt to rebuild some of his lost momentum.


Winner: Cal Sanders in 8:59

Sensitive Promo

Sensitive: “I’ve told you time and time again that I would reclaim my title, and tonight I will make good on that promise. Josh Jones, you’re time in the sun is over. It’s time for a new Champion, a better Champion... me.”


Notes: Poor from Sensitive, he’s been inconsistent over the past few months on the mic. I might need to find a new guy to take over as chief mic guy on the roster.

El Mitico Jr vs Amazing Fire Fly vs Donte Dunn

A really good match from these three, as to be expected in a match involving three of my top guys. I wanted to give Donte Dunn the win here, but El Mitico wasn’t having it. So Mitico picked up the win here to continue his winning streak. Amazing Fire Fly also looked like he was learning out there.


Winner: El Mitico Jr in 16:03

© Josh Jones vs Cheetah Boy vs Justin Sensitive

BAW Championship

Another really good match here to finish a successful show. Unfortunately these guys chemistry in singles matches didn’t seem to transfer into this Triple Threat match. Josh Jones picked up the win here to make the 4th defence of his title.


Winner: Josh Jones in 16:55


Match of the Night: Main Event

Trash of the Night: nothing!


Next Time: With a new New York Champion, it should open up a whole new set of contenders.

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BAW One Step Closer #35

Ace Youngblood vs Bradley Blaze (New York Championship)

Amazing Fire Fly vs Hijo Del Aguila Americana

The Aces Of Mayhem vs The Demolishers (BAW Tag Titles)

Joffy Laine vs Donte Dunn

El Mitico vs El Hijo Del Neutron

Nigel Svensson vs Justin Sensitive

Josh Jones vs Jayson Van Pelt (BAW Championship)


Prediction Results

BAW Call To Arms #14

Zergon 5/6

1234 4/6


This Year

1234 12/18

Zergon 10/12

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Ace Youngblood vs Bradley Blaze (New York Championship)

Fisrt title defense is usually an auto win and so it´s here too


Amazing Fire Fly vs Hijo Del Aguila Americana

Hijo is a jobber while Fire Fly is one of your top guys


The Aces Of Mayhem vs The Demolishers (BAW Tag Titles)

Aces of mayhem could use the win here after being atttacked so often but I doubt we see a title change here


Joffy Laine vs Donte Dunn

jobber vs. star so no contest here


El Mitico vs El Hijo Del Neutron

If Mitico wasn´t willing to lose to Dunn or Firefly he sure isn´t willing to lose to Neuron either


Nigel Svensson vs Justin Sensitive

I think that Sensitive is higher on the ladders and thus is more likely to win this one

Josh Jones vs Jayson Van Pelt (BAW Championship)

Would be interesting to see how Jayson would do as a champ but I doubt he wins this one

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Ace Youngblood vs Bradley Blaze (New York Championship)

Amazing Fire Fly vs Hijo Del Aguila Americana

The Aces Of Mayhem vs The Demolishers (BAW Tag Titles)

Joffy Laine vs Donte Dunn

El Mitico vs El Hijo Del Neutron

Nigel Svensson vs Justin Sensitive

Josh Jones vs Jayson Van Pelt (BAW Championship)

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>BAW One Step Closer #35</strong></p><p>

Week 3 February 2013</p><p>

The Ministry, Queens</p><p>

Attendance: 645</p></div><p></p><p></p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Pre Show</span></strong></p><p>

Our backstage atmosphere remains perfect. Hopefully we can translate that into a great show.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Main Show</span></strong></p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Ace Youngblood vs Bradley Blaze ©</strong></p><p><strong>

New York Championship</strong></p></div><p></p><p>

A great opener to the show from these two, not too long ago this could have been a Main Event! A good start to Bradley Blaze’s New York Title reign as he picks up the win. As an added bonus, Ace looks like he is learning out there.</p><p> </p><p>

Winner: Bradley Blaze in 8:21</p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Amazing Fire Fly vs Hijo Del Aguila Americana</strong></p></div><p></p><p>

A decent match from these two, in which Amazing Fire Fly picked up the victory. The match suffered from a lack of Psychology, but at least Fire Fly looked like he was learning out there.</p><p> </p><p>

Winner: Amazing Fire Fly in 7:11</p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>The Demolishers Promo</strong></p></div><p></p><p>

<em>The Demolishers make their way to the ring for their match, before posing for the crowd in an attempt to show off their Menace.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Notes: Decent stuff from the Tag champs.</p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>The Aces Of Mayhem vs The Demolishers ©</strong></p><p><strong>

BAW Tag Titles</strong></p></div><p></p><p>

I’ll be honest, when I booked this I had forgotten that Ace Youngblood had a New York Championship shot earlier in the show. Still, these two tag teams managed to put on a decent match. The Demolishers picked up the win, to make the first defence of their tag titles.</p><p> </p><p>

Winner: The Demolishers in 6:48</p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Joffy Laine vs Donte Dunn</strong></p></div><p></p><p>

A good match from these two. Donte Dunn picked up the win in an attempt to build him some momentum to push him back into the title picture.</p><p> </p><p>

Winner: Donte Dunn in 5:36</p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>El Mitico Jr Promo</strong></p></div><p></p><p>

<strong>Mitico:</strong> “Over the last few months I’ve picked up win after win, and yet I am always overlooked for Championship opportunities. However, luckily I’ve come up with a way to change this. I’ve always said that if you want to get noticed, you go after the biggest guy in the company. As the only two time BAW Champion in the company’s history, Justin Sensitive you’re that guy. So at Call To Arms next month, I am challenging Justin Sensitive to a match... with the winner becoming Number One contender to the BAW Title!”</p><p> </p><p>

Notes: Thought I’d give Mitico a go on the mic, and he does a decent job here. Set up next months Main/Semi-Main Event.</p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>El Mitico Jr vs El Hijo Del Neutron</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p>

Following his promo, El Mitico Jr dominated this match and picked up the win. Neutron is still looking rusty out there, and that dragged this match down into our average range.</p><p> </p><p>

Winner: El Mitico Jr in 4:50</p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Nigel Svensson vs Justin Sensitive</strong></p></div><p></p><p>

A great match from these two, despite Sensitive having an off night. Justin Sensitive picks up the win here, to build momentum going into his match with El Mitico Jr next month... and this match is in real danger of over shadowing the Main Event.</p><p> </p><p>

Winner: Justin Sensitive in 16:18</p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Josh Jones vs Jayson Van Pelt</strong></p><p><strong>

BAW Championship</strong></p></div><p></p><p>

Another great match here, as this match lives up to the standards set by the Svensson/Sensitive match that preceded it. Josh Jones picked up the win here to make the 5th defence of his title. Once again Harvey seemed out of his depth at the announce table.</p><p> </p><p>

Winner: Josh Jones in 16:27</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Match of the Night: Main Event</p><p>

Trash of the Night: nothing!</p><p> </p><p>

Next Time: Another good month here, hopefully we can build on this and push on...</p>

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