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BAW: One man's dream

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<p>February was another good month for us financially. Since our jump to Regional, we had made over 40K in both January and February. We spent ‘Creative’ this month discussing our options of where to go from here. I wanted to expand the company into a new area, but Harvey quickly cooled my jets on that idea. As he pointed out it was expensive to run shows in a region you were unknown in, and we weren’t even the biggest promotion in the area we were in yet. For now, we just needed to keep what we were doing. Putting on good shows in the Tri-State and building our popularity here, while continuing to make money.</p><p> </p><p>

On my way back from the meeting, I picked up the local paper to see what they made of our last show.</p><p> </p><p>

FREEDOM C</p><p>

<strong>BAW Call To Arms C/One Step Closer C</strong></p><p>

PSW C-</p><p>

RIPW C-</p><p>

NYCW C-</p><p> </p><p>

Another 2nd place this month. We just needed to find that little something special to topple FREEDOM from their top spot...</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Predictions</span></strong></p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">BAW One Step Closer #35</span></p><p>

Zergon 7/7</p><p>

1234 7/7</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">This Year</span></p><p>

1234 19/25</p><p>

Zergon 17/19</p>

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<p>A quiet few weeks between shows here, with the only activity being the extension of Giant Brody’s contract for a further 12 months. Surprisingly he is still willing to work for next to nothing, despite being in my Upper Midcard and one half of my tag team champions.</p><p> </p><p>

After a lot of thought, I decided to do something almost unprecedented... the Title defence was not going to Main Event the show this month. With El Mitico Jr vs Justin Sensitive being confirmed at last months show, I think that two of my top guys could really steal the show this time around. Hopefully this gamble will pay off...</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Predictions</span></strong></p><p>

<strong>BAW Call To Arms #15</strong></p><p>

Amazing Fire Fly vs Bradley Blaze (New York Championship)</p><p>

Cal Sanders vs Jayson Van Pelt</p><p>

Nigel Svensson vs DeCipher</p><p>

Cheetah Boy vs Delirium</p><p>

Josh Jones vs Donte Dunn (BAW Championship)</p><p>

El Mitico Jr vs Justin Sensitive</p>

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Amazing Fire Fly vs Bradley Blaze (New York Championship)

Wouldnt suprise me to see Firefly pick up a win, but I hate short title reigns.


Cal Sanders vs Jayson Van Pelt

Could go either way. Im basing this pick on Jones retaining.


Nigel Svensson vs DeCipher

Decipher win? No chance :p


Cheetah Boy vs Delirium

Another open match, just a guess here, Delirium gets an upset win.


Josh Jones vs Donte Dunn (BAW Championship)

I dont want to see the title change in a non-main event match, so even though I want Donte to win, I cant back it to happen.


El Mitico Jr vs Justin Sensitive

I cant see Mitico being impressed if you asked him to lose to Sensitive.

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<p>Amazing Fire Fly vs <strong>Bradley Blaze</strong> (New York Championship)</p><p>

<em>Fire Fly would be good champ but I doubt he is getting the title here</em></p><p> </p><p>

Cal Sanders vs <strong>Jayson Van Pelt</strong></p><p>

<em>Two guys who have been doing better lately but I think that Van Pelt is a step ahead</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Nigel Svensson </strong>vs DeCipher</p><p>

<em>DeCipher doesn´t win all that much and i don´t see why it would change here</em></p><p>


Cheetah Boy</strong> vs Delirium</p><p>

<em>No idea here, really</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Josh Jones</strong> vs Donte Dunn (BAW Championship)</p><p>

<em>Dunn could be the next champ but it´s little unlikely to happen here since they aren´t main eventing the show</em></p><p>


El Mitico Jr</strong> vs Justin Sensitive</p><p>

<em>Mitico seems likely cantite as next champ so i go with him over Sensitive who already had his turn on spotlight</em></p>

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BAW Call To Arms #14

Week 1 March 2013

The Ministry, Queens

Attendance: 1,000 (Sell Out!)

Pre Show

I arrived this week to find the locker room all intently listening to our Road Agent Reece Paige, whose road stories were keeping the entire locker room entertained.


Main Show

In The Dark: Had a 10 man ‘work the rust off’ battle royal. With four of the guys in this match rusty, hopefully this will be useful for us further down the line. The match itself wasn’t actually too bad, reaching average levels for us. I gave Joffy Laine a rare win here in what could be viewed as a surprise, with Giant Brody, Bear Bekowski Ace Youngblood and Max Mayhem all being involved in the match.

Amazing Fire Fly vs Bradley Blaze ©

New York Championship

We open the actual show with Bradley Blaze defending his New York Championship against two time former Champion Amazing Fire Fly. It proved to be a great match, which would be worthy of Main Eventing any of our shows. Bradley Blaze picked up a big win here, making the second defence of his title.


Winner: Bradley Blaze in 7:44

Cal Sanders vs Jayson Van Pelt

A decent match from these two, it would have been better but we have run this one a lot recently. I gave Jayson Van Pelt the win here in an attempt to continue his push.


Winner: Jayson Van Pelt in 8:25

Mitico/Sensitive Promo

Mitico: “Tonight I have been granted the match I requested last week against Justin Sensitive for the number one contendership for the BAW Championship. The two top talents in BAW will go one on one in the ring to prove who really is the best in the company.”


Mitico pauses as he see’s Sensitive coming to the ring with the mic.


Sensitive: “I want you to know that the only reason I accepted this match with you tonight, is that BAW management told me that if I didn’t I wouldn’t get another shot at the BAW championship in the foreseeable future. Can you believe that? I wouldn’t have been allowed to retain my title! It doesn’t matter anyway. Tonight I will beat you, and then next week I will beat Josh Jones and take back the title that is rightfully mine.”

Mitico: “I wouldn’t get too far ahead of yourself Justin. You have to get through me first, before you can even think about a title match with Jones.”


Sensitive looks Mitico up and down with an evil grin on his face.

Sensitive: “Don’t you worry Mitico, I will beat you tonight. I can promise you that.”


With that, Sensitive drops his mic and makes his way to the back. El Mitico Jr is left in the ring looking very confused.

Notes: Good stuff from these two guys, hopefully they can put on a great Main Event.

Nigel Svensson vs DeCipher

An average match between these two, but nothing better than that. Nigel Svensson’s gimmick seems to be becoming stale, so I would need to come up with something new for him. Nigel picked up the win here in an attempt to rebuild some of his lost momentum.


Winner: Nigel Svensson in 7:43

Cheetah Boy vs Delirium

A decent match between these two, despite Cheetah Boy having an off night. I gave Delirium the win here to begin the push I have planned for him.


Winner: Delirium in 8:02

Demolishers Promo

After the match, the Tag Team Champs hit the ring and destroy Cheetah Boy and Delirium. They then stand triumphantly over their fallen victims, holding their Tag Titles high in the air.


Notes: Decent stuff from the Tag Champs here. A bit of a throw away promo, but should hopefully keep their momentum strong after the loss in the pre-show battle royal.

© Josh Jones vs Donte Dunn

BAW Championship

I reluctantly made the title match the Semi-Main event tonight, as I had worries over Donte’s psychology and that this could be overshadowed by the Mitico/Sensitive match. I needn’t have, this was a great match in its own right. I decided to ‘overbook’ the match, which helped to hide Donte Dunn’s poor Psychology and helped to get the crowd involved. Josh Jones picked up the win here, and made his 6th defence of the belt.


Winner: Josh Jones in 15:51

El Mitico Jr vs Justin Sensitive

I made the right choice putting this as the Main Event. This was a great match, the best in BAW history! The only negative of the entire match was the announce job done by Harvey. In the match itself, Justin Sensitive picked up a controversial win, after a ref bump allowed him to nail Mitico with a chair to pick up the pinfall. How will Mitico react to this next show?


Winner: Justin Sensitive in 18:23


Match of the Night: Main Event

Trash of the Night: nothing!


Next Time: How will El Mitico Jr react to being screwed out of the number one contendership by Justin Sensitive?

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A busy couple of weeks, with a contract extension, a release and a new signing. Firstly, I renewed my Referee’s contract, with Jonathan Taylor signing with us for another year. He was a solid Ref and was well liked by the guys back stage, so I was happy to keep him around.


Next I had to let DeCipher go. He had been with us for a while, but had never really proved anything to me. He increased him contract demands by $200 an appearance, which I wasn’t willing to match. Still, we wish him all the best in the future, and he leaves on good terms.


With DeCipher gone, I needed to find a replacement for him. After sending a few offers out, I settled on signing a young lad called Felix Harding. This New Zealander has been out of work for a while so will probably be rusty, and is still a little green, but he looks like he has talent. Hopefully he’ll develop into a useful midcard performer for us.



BAW One Step Closer #36

Joffy Laine vs Bradley Blaze (New York Championship)

Nigel Svensson vs Delirium

Aces Of Mayhem vs Luna Twins vs The Demolishers (BAW Tag Titles)

Cheetah Boy vs Jayson Van Pelt

Cal Sanders vs El Hijo Del Neutron

Amazing Fire Fly vs Donte Dunn

Josh Jones vs Justin Sensitive vs El Mitico Jr (BAW Championship)


Prediction Results

BAW Call To Arms #14

1234 5/6

Zergon 4/6


This Year

1234 24/31

Zergon 21/25

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Joffy Laine vs Bradley Blaze (New York Championship)

Joffy is a jobber.


Nigel Svensson vs Delirium

Push a-go-go?


Aces Of Mayhem vs Luna Twins vs The Demolishers (BAW Tag Titles)

Could see the Aces taking this one, but I want to back the champs.


Cheetah Boy vs Jayson Van Pelt

JVP is better.


Cal Sanders vs El Hijo Del Neutron

Cal MUST be higher on the card.


Amazing Fire Fly vs Donte Dunn

Next Champ?


Josh Jones vs Justin Sensitive vs El Mitico Jr (BAW Championship)

A match that could go any way, but I dont want Sensitive as Champ, Mitico didnt really earn his shot, so champion retains.

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Joffy Laine vs Bradley Blaze (New York Championship)

Too early for title change and Joffy would need some built up before he would be ready anyway


Nigel Svensson vs Delirium

I think it´s quite clear by now that I like Svensson:p


Aces Of Mayhem vs Luna Twins vs The Demolishers (BAW Tag Titles)

It´s not a time for title change yet


Cheetah Boy vs Jayson Van Pelt

I could see this going either way but Van Pelt feels like safer pick


Cal Sanders vs El Hijo Del Neutron

Not sure about this one


Amazing Fire Fly vs Donte Dunn

Another I´m not sure match-up. I go with Dunn though it seems that the poor psychology have killed his push a little bit


Josh Jones vs Justin Sensitive vs El Mitico Jr (BAW Championship)

Mitico still seems likely choice as next champion but if his ego have started to grow then it might be better to so him whose boss around here and make him take a loss here

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BAW One Step Closer #36

Week 3 March 2013

The Ministry, Queens

Attendance: 683

Pre Show

Our positive backstage atmosphere continues, which will hopefully translate into a good show tonight.


Main Show

In the dark: I had Cheetah Boy and Felix Harding go one-on-one in the dark to begin to work off Felix’s rust. It managed to be average as Cheetah Boy picked up the win.

Joffy Laine vs Bradley Blaze ©

New York Championship

A good start to the show from these two, despite Joffy Laine having an off night. Bradley Blaze made the 3rd successful defence of his title.


Winner: Bradley Blaze in 7:18

Nigel Svensson vs Delirium

A really good match from these two, it could have Main Evented one of our shows last year. Nigel debuted his new Happy Go Lucky gimmick, which seemed to go over well with the crowd. I gave Delirium the win here to continue his push.


Winner: Delirium in 6:47

The Demolishers Promo

The Tag Champs make their way to the ring looking intimidating, and holding their Title belts high in the air. Once in the ring they get in the face of their opponents, trying to get in their minds before the match begins.


Notes: Good stuff from the champs.

The Aces Of Mayhem vs The Luna Twins vs The Demolishers ©

BAW Tag Titles

An average match from our tag teams here. The Demolishers made the second defence of their titles, and Luna Oscura looked like he was learning out there.


Winner: The Demolishers in 7:30

Cheetah Boy vs Jayson Van Pelt

A good match from these two. With Cheetah Boy winning in the pre-show, I gave the win to Jayson here. Hopefully this could push him back into Title contention.


Winner: Jayson Van Pelt in 6:46

Justin Sensitive/ El Mitico Jr Promo

Mitico: “At Call To Arms, Justin Sensitive and I faced off in a Number One contenders match. The match was meant to prove once and for all who really was the best in BAW. Unfortunately the match ended in less than ideal circumstances, with Justin bending the rules to defeat me. Now Justin you may think this is over, but I have news for you. BAW management saw the ending to our match at Call To Arms as ‘unsatisfactory’. For that reason they have made tonight’s title match a Triple Threat match, with the third competitor in the match being... El Mitico Jr!”


The crowd cheer at El Mitico Jr’s announcement. Justin Sensitive then appears with a microphone, looking less than happy at Mitico’s news.

Sensitive: “Why has a loser like you been added to MY match tonight? You say the result at Call To Arms was ‘unsatisfactory’? Well I have to disagree. I found the result to be most satisfactory. The better man won, and tonight the best man in the promotion will become BAW champion for a third time. Whether you’re involved in the Main Event or not...”


Notes: Decent promo from these two.

Cal Sanders vs El Hijo Del Neutron

This manager to be a good match, but I’m not quite sure how. Neutron was not only rusty, but also had an off night. I guess this just shows how well Cal can carry matches.


Winner: Cal Sanders in 7:19

Amazing Fire Fly vs Donte Dunn

A good Semi-Main from these two, despite it being slightly too short. The two workers good chemistry helped overcome the match length and entertain the crowd. I gave Donte Dunn the win here, to build his momentum back up.


Winner: Donte Dunn in 14:55

Josh Jones vs Justin Sensitive vs El Mitico Jr

BAW Championship

A good match here, which ended in something of a surprise. After only being added to the match at the last minute, El Mitico Jr overcame the odds to win his first BAW Championship. In the match, Josh Jones was the first man eliminated, meaning that a new Champion would be crowned. With their recent troubles, Mitico and Sensitive went right at it. Justin looked like he had the advantage, but Mitico was able to turn the tables and pick up the win.


Winner: El Mitico Jr in 16:30


Match of the Night: Main Event

Trash of the Night: nothing!


Next Time: So after more than 3 years we’ve finally decided to run our first official storyline! Let’s see how this goes...

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‘Creative’ seemed a bit like a crisis meeting this month. We were putting out great shows, but were still losing some of our fanbase. The wrestling industry in the USA had been falling for a few years now, and was now in the toilet. Every promotion was suffering, and we just had to try and survive until the industry turned itself around. Hopefully this would happen sooner rather than later.


At least the local paper had better news for us....



BAW Call To Arms C/ One Step Closer C





Second once again this month. We are consistently putting on good shows, but we can’t quite find enough quality to knock FREEDOM from the top spot...


Prediction Results

BAW One Step Closer #36

1234 6/7

Zergon 4/7


This Year

1234 30/38

Zergon 25/32

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A quiet month this time around, so I decided to look over my roster after a few recent changes.


Main Event: El Mitico (BAW Champion), Josh Jones, Justin Sensitive, Donte Dunn

Upper Midcard: Cal Sanders, Amazing Fire Fly, Jayson Van Pelt, Bradley Blaze (New York Champion)

Midcard: Ace Youngblood, Cheetah Boy, Nigel Svensson, Joffy Laine, Giant Brody (Tag Champ), Delirium, Hijo Del Aguila Americana

Lower Midcard: Max Mayhem, Bear Bekowski (Tag Champ), El Hijo Del Neutron

Opener: Luna Oscura, Luna Clara

Enhancement: Felix Harding, Simon Ice



BAW Call To Arms #16

Cheetah Boy vs Bradley Blaze (New York Championship)

Ace Youngblood vs Hijo Del Aguila Americana

Amazing Fire Fly vs Delirium

Max Mayhem vs Jayson Van Pelt

Cal Sanders vs Donte Dunn

Justin Sensitive vs Josh Jones (Number One Contenders Match)

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El Mitico Jnr!!! When will it be Donte's turn :rolleyes:


Cheetah Boy vs Bradley Blaze (New York Championship)


Ace Youngblood vs Hijo Del Aguila Americana

Needs it more for the tag team Division.


Amazing Fire Fly vs Delirium

Backing the push, even if it is a suprise win.


Max Mayhem vs Jayson Van Pelt

I like JVP.


Cal Sanders vs Donte Dunn

Next World Champ?


Justin Sensitive vs Josh Jones (Number One Contenders Match)

Random pick.

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Cheetah Boy vs Bradley Blaze (New York Championship)

It´s not time for a title change yet


Ace Youngblood vs Hijo Del Aguila Americana

Hijo is jobber


Amazing Fire Fly vs Delirium

Delirium over Svensson surprised me last month so now I hope that he will surprise me second time and go over Fire Fly


Max Mayhem vs Jayson Van Pelt

Van Pelt is getting pushed, Mayhem isn´t


Cal Sanders vs Donte Dunn

I go with Dunn here though I could see Sanders making an upset here after good performance in last show


Justin Sensitive vs Josh Jones (Number One Contenders Match)

Jones need his re-match

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BAW Call To Arms #16

Week 1 April 2013

The Ministry, Queens

Attendance: 1,000 (Sell Out!)

Pre Show

The positive attitude continues backstage, now we just need to work out how to transfer all of that positive energy into a blow away show.


Main Show

In The Dark: I have Amazing Fire Fly go over Felix Harding in the dark, as I continue to try and work his rust off. The match itself is decent, which hopefully bodes well for Felix’s future.


Cheetah Boy vs Bradley Blaze ©

New York Championship

A really good opener to the show proper from these two. Bradley Blaze picked up the win here to make the 4th successful defence of his New York Championship.


Winner: Bradley Blaze in 7:58

Ace Youngblood vs Hijo Del Aguila Americana

A slightly disappointing match from these two, as it barely manages to scrape average. I gave Ace the win here to make him look strong for the upcoming Tag Team programme he will be involved in.


Winner: Ace Youngblood in 7:43

Mitico/Sensitive Promo

Mitico: “At One Step Closer justice was finally served. After being screwed out of a match by Justin Sensitive one month ago at Call To Arms, BAW management added me into last shows title match. I made full use of my opportunity and tonight I stand before you all as BAW Champion.”


Justin Sensitive comes out from the back with a mic in hand, looking less than happy.


Sensitive: “Justice was served? JUSTICE WAS SERVED? Where’s the justice in a man who didn’t even earn a title shot stealing MY title from right under my nose? Tell me, where is the justice in that?”


Mitico: “Look Justin...”


Sensitive: “No you look. I have a number one contenders match against Josh Jones in tonights Main Event. After I win that match, and I will win that match, next week I will have a Title opportunity against you. This time it will be me who walks away the winner, and I will restore honour to MY Title!”


Notes: Decent stuff from these guys.

Amazing Fire Fly vs Delirium

Wow! What a match! This is right up there with the best matches in the company’s history... and it’s on the undercard! This is in real danger of overshadowing our Main Event tonight. I gave Delirium the win here to continue his push, and performances like this should really speed things up.


Winner: Delirium in 8:30

Max Mayhem vs Jayson Van Pelt

A good match from these two, but nowhere near the quality of the match that preceded it. Jayson Van Pelt picked up the win here to continue his push towards the Main Event.


Winner: Jayson Van Pelt in 7:32

Demolishers Promo

After the match, Max Mayhem is jumped by the Tag Team champs. Ace Youngblood comes down to help his Tag partner, but once again it is The Demolishers who overpower the Aces Of Mayhem and end up standing tall.


Notes: Good stuff from these guys.

Cal Sanders vs Donte Dunn

A really good match from these two, which met the high standards set by Fire Fly and Delirium earlier in the night, and that was despite Donte Dunn having an off night. I gave Donte the win here, as he is most likely going to come into the Title picture over the coming months.


Winner: Donte Dunn in 16:19

Josh Jones vs Justin Sensitive

A blow away Main Event from these guys, despite Justin Sensitive having an off night. The chemistry these guys have really helped to lift the quality of this match, which was up there with the best in BAW history. As usual with our blow out matches, Harvey struggled to keep up with the action in the ring. Justin picked up the win here to set up a Title match next show with El Mitico Jr.


Winner: Justin Sensitive in 16:58


Match of the Night: Main Event

Trash of the Night: Youngblood vs Hijo


Next Time: Justin Sensitive gets his shot at El Mitico Jr. Will Justin be able to win his 3rd BAW Title, or will the champ be too strong?

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A couple of contracts were renewed between shows, and they were big ones. Firstly, I extended Jayson Van Pelt’s deal another 9 months, with a raise of $100 an appearance. He’d done ok recently so I agreed and he’ll be staying here for a while. Next up I extended the deal of Justin Sensitive for another year on the same terms, he was one of my top guys so this was a no brainer.



BAW One Step Closer #37

Cal Sanders vs Bradley Blaze (New York Championship)

Nigel Svensson vs Donte Dunn

Amazing Fire Fly vs El Hijo Del Neutron

Joffy Laine vs Delirium

Josh Jones vs Jayson Van Pelt

El Mitico Jr vs Justin Sensitive (BAW Championship)


Prediction Results

BAW Call To Arms #16

1234 6/6

Zergon 5/6


This Year

1234 36/44

Zergon 30/38

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Cal Sanders vs Bradley Blaze (New York Championship)

I go with slight upset here and predict that Cal will get the title


Nigel Svensson vs Donte Dunn

Dunn have won more lately and is more likely to get a title shot


Amazing Fire Fly vs El Hijo Del Neutron

Fire Fly picks up a somewhat easy win here


Joffy Laine vs Delirium

Delirium has beaten both Fire Fly and Svensson lately so there is no way he loses to Joffy


Josh Jones vs Jayson Van Pelt

Not sure about this one but I go with Jones regaining some lost momentum since Van Pelt can probably affort a loss here


El Mitico Jr vs Justin Sensitive (BAW Championship)

Too early for a title change

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Cal Sanders vs Bradley Blaze (New York Championship)

I dont want a title change.


Nigel Svensson vs Donte Dunn

Go Dunn Go.


Amazing Fire Fly vs El Hijo Del Neutron

He is Amazing!!!


Joffy Laine vs Delirium

Go Delirious...I mean Delirium Go.


Josh Jones vs Jayson Van Pelt

The champ is a face, so I back the heel.


El Mitico Jr vs Justin Sensitive (BAW Championship)

Too soon for a change.

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BAW One Step Closer #37

Week 3 April 2013

The Ministry, Queens

Attendance: 834

Pre Show

We really are lucky to have such a contended dressing room. It makes my job that little bit easier...


Main Show

In the dark: We have a 10 man ‘work the rust off’ battle royal. This match involved everyone who wasn’t on the main card. I gave Cheetah Boy a rare win here in a decent match, while Hijo Del Aguila Americana looked like he was learning out there.

Cal Sanders vs Bradley Blaze ©

New York Championship

When I booked this, I thought it may steal the show... and my fears were well founded. This was a great match, and that was with Bradley Blaze having an off night AND Cal needing a gimmick change. I considered putting the title on Cal, but I think that would push him up to the Main Event and I didn’t want that. Bradley Blaze made the 5th defence of his belt, and looked like he was learning something while doing so.


Winner: Bradley Blaze in 8:11

Nigel Svensson vs Donte Dunn

A decent match from these two. It should have been better, but both men looked like they were having an off night. I think that’s the first time I’ve ever seen that happen! I gave Donte the win to keep him strong for a Title challenge in the near future.


Winner: Donte Dunn in 7:53

Sensitive Promo

Sensitive: “At Call To Arms I promised to take back MY title, and tonight I will make good on that promise. El Mitico Jr holding the BAW Title makes this promotion look bad, and the only man who can bring any honour back to BAW is Justin Sensitive... and the only way that I can achieve that is by defeating El Mitico Jr tonight and once again give this company a champion that it can be proud of.”


Notes: Decent stuff from Justin.

Amazing Fire Fly vs El Hijo Del Neutron

A decent match here, which suffered from a lack of Psychology. Amazing Fire Fly picked up the win here, and looked like he was learning something while doing so.


Winner: Amazing Fire Fly in 7:45

Joffy Laine vs Deliium

This was a test for Delirium, he had put on great matches with some of my better wrestlers in recent weeks. How would he do against Joffy Laine though? The answer is... brilliantly. This was on par with the opener... and it involved Joffy Laine! Delirium’s push may have just been accelerated a couple of notches!


Winner: Delirium in 8:24

The Demolishers Promo

The Luna Twins are joking around backstage, when Bear Bekowski and Giant Brody come from nowhere and strike the twins from behind. They then proceed on a vicious beatdown, before leaving their victims motionless on the floor.


Notes: Decent stuff from the champs.

Josh Jones vs Jayson Van Pelt

Another really good match here, if the Main Event lives up to expectations this could be a great show! Josh Jones had an off night (a lot of people seem to tonight...) as Jayson Van Pelt picked up what many would consider a surprise win. This will set up a Title match for JVP against whoever is victorious in tonights Main Event.


Winner: Jayson Van Pelt in 16:04

© El Mitico Jr vs Justin Sensitive

BAW Championship

Another really good match to finish a good show. It could have been better, but a lack of Psychology dragged it down a little. The match started with both men putting on a great wrestling match, trading holds and near falls. After a while however, Sensitive began to get frustrated that he couldn’t put Mitico away. Justin then began bending a few rules and took the advantage. He gained a few near falls, and looked like he was just moments away from taking back the Championship. However El Mitico Jr was able to come back and hit a Northern Lights Suplex to pick up the win and make the first defence of his BAW Championship.


Winner: El Mitico Jr in 16:35


Match of the Night: Main Event

Trash of the Night: nothing!


Next Time: How will Sensitive react to not being able to put Mitico away?

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We spent this month’s ‘Creative’ going over the company books. With the industry in the toilet, Harvey wanted to check we were running an efficient ship. In all honesty, things were looking good. We had made over $40K in every month this year, and our bank balance had just passed $1 million. We all agreed that if the industry turned around, we would be ideally placed to take advantage of it.


With Harvey satisfied that the books were in order, I decided to ask him something I had been thinking about ever since we hit Regional. I wanted a TV deal. Harvey said I could look into it, but would only be allowed to take a deal if it he agreed to it. That was the best i could have hoped for, so I went away happy.


As usual I picked up a local paper on my walk home.



BAW Call To Arms C/One Step Closer C





Every month this year we have come 2nd to FREEDOM. We just needed to come up with that little bit extra to topple them from the top...


Prediction Results

BAW One Step Closer #36

1234 6/6

Zergon 4/6


This Year

1234 42/50

Zergon 34/44

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I started a busy few weeks by extending the deal of one of our rising stars Delirium as a reward for his recent performances. I see big things in his future, particularly if he can build on his current poor Psychology levels. Still signing him up for another year was good news for BAW.


Next I began looking at possible TV deals for BAW. After looking at a few options I decided to contact National Pride TV about a possible deal. While it would be difficult to convince Harvey, especially with the current industry, I really feel it would help push the company to the next level. I hadn’t heard back from National Pride yet, but hopefully they’d get back to us soon.



BAW Call To Arms #17

Amazing Fire Fly vs Bradley Blaze (New York Championship)

The Luna Twins vs The Demolishers (BAW Tag Titles)

Cal Sanders vs Delirium

Ace Youngblood vs Donte Dunn

Nigel Svensson vs El Hijo Del Neutron

Cheetah Boy vs Justin Sensitive

El Mitico vs Josh Jones vs Jayson Van Pelt (BAW Championship)

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Amazing Fire Fly vs Bradley Blaze (New York Championship)

Though choice here but I go with champ retaining


The Luna Twins vs The Demolishers (BAW Tag Titles)

Demolishers have been quite dominant and Twins haven´t been built up enough to take the titles here


Cal Sanders vs Delirium

Delirium starts to seem more and more like the next BAW champion and I doubt he loses here. Should be a good match though


Ace Youngblood vs Donte Dunn

Dunn is one of your main guys while Ace is midcard tag team guy


Nigel Svensson vs El Hijo Del Neutron

I go with the guy I like more


Cheetah Boy vs Justin Sensitive

Sensitive is more important


El Mitico vs Josh Jones vs Jayson Van Pelt (BAW Championship)

Mitico retains here

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Amazing Fire Fly vs Bradley Blaze(New York Championship)

Could go either way, just going to be different to Zergon.


The Luna Twins vs The Demolishers (BAW Tag Titles)



Cal Sanders vs Delirium

Can we re-name him Delirious to go with his push?


Ace Youngblood vs Donte Dunn

Go Push Go!!


Nigel Svensson vs El Hijo Del Neutron

Nigel is better.


Cheetah Boy vs Justin Sensitive

Working towards another match with Mitico.


El Mitico vs Josh Jones vs Jayson Van Pelt (BAW Championship)

Too soon for a change.

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BAW Call To Arms #17

Week 1 May 2013

The Ministry, Queens

Attendance: 1,000 (Sell Out!)

Pre Show

I walk in to the dressing room to find Cheetah Boy entertaining the entire locker room with some hilarious road stories from his time at SWF. This seems to pick everyone’s spirits up heading into the show...


Main Show

In The Dark: I have a tag team match in the dark this week, with The Aces of Mayhem going over Felix Harding and Hijo Del Aguila Americana. The match itself is average, as Felix continues to work off his rust.

Amazing Fire Fly vs Bradley Blaze ©

New York Championship

This match get’s the show off to a really good, despite there being a lack of Psychology on display. I considered putting the New York Championship back on Fire Fly here for a third reign, but in the end I decided to keep the title on Bradley Blaze.


Winner: Bradley Blaze in 8:04

The Luna Twins vs The Demolishers ©

BAW Tag Titles

A standard Title defence for The Demolishers here against my opening level tag team in what managed to be an average match. The Demolishers have now made 3 defences of their BAW Tag Titles.


Winner: The Demolishers in 6:06

Demolishers Promo

Not content with just winning the match, The Demolishers continue the beat down for a few minutes more after the bell has rung. They eventually leave the ring with both of The Luna Twins laid out flat on their backs.


Notes: Good stuff from the Tag Team Champs.

Cal Sanders vs Delirium

A decent match from these two, but I had been hoping for more. A lack of Psychology dragged the match down a little, as I gave Delirium the win to continue his push.


Winner: Delirium in 7:43

Ace Youngblood vs Donte Dunn

Ace works double duty tonight having been involved in the pre-show tag team bout. Luckily this doesn’t seem to affect him as these two put on a really good match. Donte Dunn picked up the win here to keep him looking strong.


Winner: Donte Dunn in 7:55

El Mitico Jr Promo

Mitico: “After my victory at One Step Closer, nobody can call me a makeshift champion... even you Justin Sensitive. We went toe to toe and I came out victorious and proved once and for all that I am the real deal. However, I can’t let up because the challenges continue to come. Tonight I was meant to be going one on one with Jayson Van Pelt, but that match is now a Triple Threat as Josh Jones is cashing in his rematch clause. Tonight I’m facing two great competitors, but when I took this Title I knew I would be facing the best wrestlers in the company each and every week, and I can’t wait.”


Notes: Good stuff from the Champ.

Nigel Svensson vs El Hijo Del Neutron

A decent match from these two, as I give Nigel what has become a rare win to try and make him look like somewhat of a threat again.


Winner: Nigel Svensson in 7:14

Cheetah Boy vs Justin Sensitive

Wow! I knew these guys had great chemistry, but this was awesome! They managed to put on the 4th best macth in BAW history, and that was with Justin having an off night! I gave Justin the win here to keep him looking like the primary threat to Mitico’s belt, but this match is in real danger of overshadowing the Main Event...


Winner: Justin Sensitive in 10:37

© El Mitico Jr vs Josh Jones vs Jayson Van Pelt

BAW Championship

Wow! I was worried after our Semi-Main event went so well, but these guys really stepped up and evem managed to outshine Sensitive and Cheetah Boy. This was the 2nd best match in the company’s history! The crowd were still hot from the Sensitive/Cheetah Boy which helped, and they were great throughout this match. El Mitico Jr was able to pick up the win here, and make the 2nd defence of his BAW Championship.


Winner: El Mitico Jr in 15:32


Match of the Night: Main Event

Trash of the Night: Nothing really, Tag match was the weakest.


Next Time: How will BAW follow up their best ever show? Will they be able to capatalise on the momentum, or will it prove to be too big a standard to follow?

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National Pride TV rejected our negotiations, as they didn’t feel we were popular enough in some of the locations they serve. I guess being popular in our home region isn’t good enough to get on TV. This meant that a TV deal was off the table until we had made some headway outside of the Tri State.


With the TV deal out the window, I moved on to some contracts I had to deal with. Three contracts were up for renewal this month, so I called all three to my office. I was able to sign Nigel Svensson to a year extension very quickly on the same terms he was on before. Next I told Simon Ice we were going to be letting him go, and wished him the best in his future endeavours. The final deal however didn’t happen. I wanted to keep the guy, but couldn’t justify paying him the amount I wanted. While Simon Ice would be gone next show, this guy still had one more show in him. At least I’d be able to job him out of the door.


With this in mind I set out on a search for two new additions to the roster. I quickly found a young British kid I liked called Jon Michael Sharp. He hadn’t worked for a few years so he’d be rusty, but he was cheap so I decided to take the risk.


While Sharp was one for the future, I needed a guy to slot right into my Midcard. Luckily I was able to find a guy I really like quite quickly. I was paying him a little more than I’d like, but hopefully he would justify that with some good performances. It wouldn’t shock me if he found himself up the card in a few months.



BAW One Step Closer #38

Joffy Laine vs Bradley Blaze (New York Championship)

Cheetah Boy vs Jayson Van Pelt

Josh Jones vs Hijo Del Aguila Americana

Nigel Svensson vs ???

Ace Youngblood vs Delirium

Cal Sanders vs Justin Sensitive

El Mitico Jr vs Donte Dunn


Bonus 1: Guess my new signing

Bonus 2: Guess who’s on their way out


Prediction Results

BAW Call To Arms #17

Zergon 7/7

1234 6/7


This Year

1234 48/57

Zergon 41/51

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Joffy Laine vs Bradley Blaze (New York Championship)

Laine isn´t winning any belts anytime soon


Cheetah Boy vs Jayson Van Pelt

Van Pelt just was in good main event so he should win this one


Josh Jones vs Hijo Del Aguila Americana

Hijo is jobber so I guess Jones isn´t the leaving guy then


Nigel Svensson vs ???

Mystery man takse the win here


Ace Youngblood vs Delirium

Push continues


Cal Sanders vs Justin Sensitive

Sanders is good but Sensitive is your former champ and still one of your better guys


El Mitico Jr vs Donte Dunn

Dunn might be the next champion but I´m still going to go with Mitico here since if I had understanted right you are little conserned on Dunn´s spychology.


Bonus 1: Guess my new signing i go with Coyote Dynamite just for laugh. Yeah I don´t really have any idea


Bonus 2: Guess who’s on their way out Hard one. I didn´t see any match-up that screams like jobbing match, but looking on those pairing and with the fact that it´s likely midcard/uppermidcard guy I think it´s either Sanders or Ace...I go with Ace Youngblood though I´m probably wrong.

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