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BAW: One man's dream

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Joffy Laine vs Bradley Blaze (New York Championship)

Dont want Joffy as champ.


Cheetah Boy vs Jayson Van Pelt



Josh Jones vs Hijo Del Aguila Americana

HDAA isnt beating Jones.


Nigel Svensson vs ???

??? FTW!!!


Ace Youngblood vs Delirium

Go Delirium!!


Cal Sanders vs Justin Sensitive

Sanders isnt that good lately.


El Mitico Jr vs Donte Dunn

As much as I want the belt on Dunn it is too soon for a change.


Bonus 1: Random Pick.........Air Attack Weasel.

Bonus 2: My guesses would be Dunn, Sanders, Ace, Cheetah or Svensson...I will go for Sanders.


Also I am going on holiday tomorrow, so if I dont get some picks in I am sorry, but if the hotel I am staying at still has free wifi I will try to keep up with predictions.

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BAW One Step Closer #38

Week 3 May 2013

The Ministry, Queens

Attendance: 743

Pre Show

Upon meeting our newest signing, I couldn’t help but notice what a nice guy he was. He could only help my already brilliant backstage atmosphere...


Main Show

In the dark: I have a tag team match in the dark to try and work the rust off of a couple of workers. Felix Harding and El Hijo Del Neutron went over new signing Jon Michael Sharp and the departing Joffy Laine in an average match.


Joffy Laine vs Bradley Blaze ©

New York Championship

I have Joffy Laine job again on his way out of the door. Joffy had an off night on his last night in the company, but still had the decency to put on a good match to start the show. Bradley looked like he was learning out there as he made the 6th defence of his New York Championship.


Winner: Bradley Blaze in 7:22

Cheetah Boy vs Jayson Van Pelt

A decent match between these two that I hoped would be better. I gave Jayson the win here to keep him strong and a possible title threat.


Winner: Jayson Van Pelt in 6:51

Sensitive Promo

Sensitive: “If El Mitico Jr thinks I’m just going to disappear after he picks up one lucky win, he can think again. I may not be the next man in line for a title shot, but I’m just going to beat everyone put in front of me so convincingly that BAW management will have no choice but to give me another chance at the belt. Mitico I warn you now, next time I won’t fail!”


Notes: Decent promo from Sensitive here, better than some of his recent efforts.

Josh Jones vs Hijo Del Aguila Americana

A quick squash match here which Josh Jones dominated. Hijo had an off night, which dragged this match down to only being decent. On the positive, it looked as if Hijo Del Aguila Americana was learning out there.


Winner: Josh Jones in 5:02

Nigel Svensson vs Matt Hockling

This match saw the debut of my newest signing Matt Hockling. He went over Nigel here in a good match. I have a couple of ideas of what I could do with Matt, with a few different directions I could go. Hopefully within a couple of weeks I’ll know which way I want to go.


Winner: Matt Hockling in 7:30

Ace Youngblood vs Delirium

Delirium was back on form in this match, putting on a really good match with Ace. Delirium picked up yet another win to continue his push, and looked like he was learning something while he did so.


Winner: Delirium in 6:31

The Demolishers Promo

After the match the Tag Champs make their way to the ring. Delirium bails, but as he heads towards the abck he passes the outcoming Max Mayhem and The Luna Twins. The two Face tag teams work together, and for a short time gain an advantage over the champs. However, The Demolishers are eventually able to overpower their opponents and leave all four men laying on their backs all over the ring.


Notes: Decent stuff as usual from my Tag Teams.

Cal Sanders vs Justin Sensitive

A great match between these two, as I had hoped it would be. The only problem this could cause is that it is in danger of outshining the Main Event. Cal Sanders debuted his new ‘Blue Collar’ gimmick, which went over great with the crowd. As an added bonus, Justin Sensitive looked like he was learning out there as he picked up the victory.


Winner: Justin Sensitive in 15:32

© El Mitico Jr vs Donte Dunn

BAW Championship

Another great match between these two, to give a great finish to the show. Harvey struggled once again to keep up with the action. This was quickly becoming a repetitive problem that we may have to look at quite quickly. In the match itself, El Mitico Jr picked up the win and made the 3rd defence of his title.


Winner: El Mitico Jr in 15:46


Match of the Night: Main Event

Trash of the Night: none!


Next Time: A great month for BAW! Can Danny build on this momentum?

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Mixed feelings in ‘Creative’ this month. We were putting on our best run of shows in the companies history! Unfortunately this has coincided with a massive downturn in interest in wrestling. Hopefully the industry would pick up again soon so that we could really reap the benefits of our good run of shows.


Another good month for us in the Regional Battle.



BAW Call To Arms C+/One Step Closer C





A really good month here. We were within touching distance of FREEDOM, and miles ahead of everybody else. We are so close now to taking our first ever win in this monthly contest...



BAW One Step Closer #38

Zergon 7/7

1234 7/7


This Year

1234 55/64

Zergon 48/58


Good month guys, with you both getting all 7 matches. Neither of you picked ‘Shocking’ Matt Hockling as my new signing, or that Joffy Laine was going the other way.



BAW Call To Arms #18

Nigel Svensson vs Bradley Blaze (New York Championship)

Cal Sanders vs Donte Dunn

Josh Jones vs Delirium

Amazing Fire Fly vs Matt Hockling

Cheetah Boy vs Justin Sensitive

El Mitico Jr vs Jayson Van Pelt (BAW Championship)

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-Nigel Svensson vs Bradley Blaze (New York Championship)

Blaze to win, Svensson could win, but must be low on momentum at the minute.

-Cal Sanders vs Donte Dunn

Go Dunn Go!!!!!!!!

-Josh Jones vs Delirium

Match of the night? Could go either way, going with a slight upset...Delirium.

-Amazing Fire Fly vs Matt Hockling

Don't know who Hockling is, so just picking who I know, AFF FTW.

-Cheetah Boy vs Justin Sensitive

Sensitive is going to win.

-El Mitico Jr vs Jayson Van Pelt (BAW Championship)

El Mitico to win, Jvp won't be champion yet.


Any chance someone can post a screen of Hockling? I am on holiday, and thus away from my computer.

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Nigel Svensson vs Bradley Blaze (New York Championship)

Blaze won the title from Svensson so I don´t see Svensson getting it back here


Cal Sanders vs Donte Dunn

I could see this going either way but I think that Dunn is little bit higher on ladders


Josh Jones vs Delirium

This is going to be a great match. Delirium continues his way to the top


Amazing Fire Fly vs Matt Hockling

Hockling did get a win over Svensson so I presume he might be able to get a win over Fire Fly as well


Cheetah Boy vs Justin Sensitive

Cheetah Boy is pretty much a jobber so Sensitive gets the win here


El Mitico Jr vs Jayson Van Pelt (BAW Championship)

Mitico stil retains though his run might be coming to an end soon

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BAW Call To Arms #18

Week 1 June 2013

The Ministry, Queens

Attendance: 1,000 (Sell Out!)

Pre Show

I enter the locker room to find Cheetah Boy entertaining the guys with even more road stories from his early career. Cheetah must have been around for longer than I thought, it had only been a couple of weeks since he was last telling stories from the road...


Main Show

In The Dark: Before the show, we have a 10 man ‘work the rust off’ battle royal With everyone who wasn’t on the card involved, it also gave a few of my less used guys a chance to pick up a paycheck. The match was... well I would normally say decent, but with our show quality on the rise I’ll call this my new description of average. I gave Ace Youngblood the win here to try and build some momentum for him.

Nigel Svensson vs Bradley Blaze ©

New York Championship

A good opening to the show from these two guys, as I have come to expect from my New York Championship matches. The match suffered slightly from a lack of Psychology, even at this length. Bradley Blaze picked up the win here to make the 8th defence of his New York Championship, putting him tied with Jayson Van Pelt as having the second longest ever New York Championship reign.


Winner: Bradley Blaze in 8:49

Cal Sanders vs Donte Dunn

A great match from these two, as I expected. Donte Dunn picked up the win here, and showed why he is considered as one of my Main Eventers. If he could just improve his Psychology, he would make a great BAW Champion.


Winner: Donte Dunn in 8:14

Demolishers Promo

The Aces of Mayhem and The Luna Twins are in the ring and look like they are about to start a tag team match, when The Demolishers hit the ring and destroy the two tag teams before the match can start. The Tag champs leave the ring with both teams laid out in the middle of the ring.


Notes: Decent stuff from my tag teams.

Josh Jones vs Delirium

Another great match here between these two young wrestlers. Delirium picked up a surprise win here against former BAW Champion Josh Jones after using a handful of tights for leverage. This should really help his current push.


Winner: Delirium in 7:33

Amazing Fire Fly vs Matt Hockling

I had hoped for slightly more from this match, which only ended up being decent, but at least it should hopefully cool the crowd a little heading into our Main Events. The match suffered from a lack of Psychology, which given the length of the match is a little worrying. I gave Matt Hockling the win here, as I continue to try and work out what I want to do with him.


Winner: Matt Hockling in 7:38

Justin Sensitive Promo

Sensitive: “Tonight I continue on my road to reclaiming the BAW title. If I keep winning matches, BAW management will have no choice but to give me my title shot and that can only result in a victory for myself. My opponent tonight is Cheetah Boy, a fine athlete and one of the top guys on the roster... a win over a man of his calibre will show BAW management that I am the best in the company, and the most deserving man of a title shot”


Notes: Good stuff from Justin here, who has been improving on the mic recently.

Cheetah Boy vs Justin Sensitive

Justin Sensitive backed up his words in this match by picking up a big win here in an awesome match. The great chemistry between these two really lifted this match, which was the best in BAW history. This win should help push Justin Sensitive towards another title shot in the near future.


Winner: Justin Sensitive in 15:37

© El Mitico Jr vs Jayson Van Pelt

BAW Championship

A really good match between these two, but it couldn’t live up to the standard set by the previous match. Harvey struggled again at the announce desk, which was something we really needed to look at. Maybe it was time to bring in an extra announcer? El Mitico Jr picked up the win here, to make the 4th defence of his title.


Winner: El Mitico Jr in 16:52


Match of the Night: Cheetah Boy vs Justin Sensitive

Trash of the Night: nothing!


Next Time: Not a great show this time, can Danny bounce back at One Step Closer?

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The month started with Hijo Del Aguila Americana leaving the company. I had high hopes for him at one point, but he never really went anywhere and recently I just haven’t had anything to do with him. Still, we wish him all the best in his future endeavours.


With Hijo gone, I needed to find a replacement. After a quick look around I saw an interesting option that may open up a few options for me down the line. He was also fairly cheap which was a bonus.


Prediction Results

BAW Call To Arms #18

Zergon 6/6

1234 5/6


This Year

1234 60/70

Zergon 54/64



BAW One Step Closer #39

After a slightly disappointing show at Call To Arms, I’ve decided to step things up a notch. At One Step Closer all three titles will be on the line, with Bradley Blaze putting his New York Championship on the line against former two-time champion Amazing Fire Fly. After 3 shows without a title defence, The Demolishers are holding a Tag Team Invitational. Three teams have answered the call, so One Step Closer will see the first ever four-way tag match in BAW. The BAW Championship will also be on the line as Delirium receives a title shot as a reward for his recent run of good matches.


Amazing Fire Fly vs Bradley Blaze (New York Championship)

Cheetah Boy vs Jayson Van Pelt

Josh Jones vs Donte Dunn

Tag Team Invitational: The Demolishers vs Aces Of Mayhem vs The Luna Twins vs ??? (BAW Tag Titles)

Nigel Svensson vs Justin Sensitive

El Mitico vs Delirium (BAW Championship)

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Amazing Fire Fly vs Bradley Blaze (New York Championship)

I want Svensson to keep that longest title run for himself so it´s time for a new champ:D


Cheetah Boy vs Jayson Van Pelt

Van Pelt is better


Josh Jones vs Donte Dunn

Jones has been on top Dunn has been close but haven´t been there yet


Tag Team Invitational: The Demolishers vs Aces Of Mayhem vs The Luna Twins vs ??? (BAW Tag Titles)

Tag division needs some new guys who can beat Demolishers


Nigel Svensson vs Justin Sensitive

Svensson haven´t been all that impressive


El Mitico vs Delirium (BAW Championship)

Delirium continues to win

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BAW One Step Closer #39

Week 3 June 2013

The Ministry, Queens

Attendance: 781

Pre Show

Before the show I met the newest addition to our roster. Regular Joe was a really nice guy, and will only add to the already brilliant backstage atmosphere.


Main Show

In the dark: We have a tag match in the dark between the thrown together teams of Cal Sanders & Jon Michael Sharp vs Felix Harding & El Hijo Del Neutron. The match itself turns out to be decent, and could probably have gone on the main show. Cal Sanders picked up the pinfall here as Sharp continues to work off his rust.

Amazing Fire Fly vs Bradley Blaze ©

New York Championship

A good start to the show from these two. In what might be considered a surprise, Amazing Fire Fly picked up the win here to become the first ever 3 time New York Champion. As an added bonus Bradley Blaze looked like he was learning out there.


Winner: Amazing Fire Fly in 9:18

Cheetah Boy vs Jayson Van Pelt

Another good match here, and another surprise victory with Cheetah Boy going over Jayson Van Pelt. Cheetah Boy has been jobbing out a lot lately, so I gave him the victory here to keep him happy.


Winner: Cheetah Boy in 7:38

Sensitive Promo

Sensitive: “Last week I was involved in one of the best matches in this companies history! In fact, not only was I involved in the match, I won the damn thing. I think it’s fair to say that last week I put on the most impressive performance in BAW history. So my question to all of you tonight is simple. After winning the best match ever in BAW, why have I not been rewarded with a title shot this week? I’ve been thinking about this ever since the card was announced, and I think I’ve worked it out! There is only one reasonable explanation, and that is that our great champion El Mitico Jr is scared to face Justin Sensitive.”


The crowd boos, and shows their disagreement with Sensitive’s statement.


Sensitive: “No, think about it. Any worthy champion would have seen my match last week, and they would ask for... scratch that, they would demand to face me this week. Unfortunately El Mitico Jr saw my match, and saw a man who could beat him anytime, anywhere. However, you can’t run forever champ. Sooner or later you’ll have to face me, and when that day comes your title reign will be over!”


Notes: Good stuff from Sensitive. Should help build some heat between him and Mitico.

Josh Jones vs Donte Dunn

A really good match between these two, as I would expect from two of my top guys. Donte Dunn picked up the win here, after a ref bump allowed him to use a weapon to gain the advantage.


Winner: Donte Dunn in 8:03

Tag Team Promo

Sara Silver makes her way to the ring, where The Demolishers are already stood looking menacing. She then announces to the crowd that The Demolishers have issued an open challenge to any tag team on the roster to come and challenge them in an elimination match for their titles. So she invites any interested teams to come down to the ring as that match would be next!


First out are The Luna Twins, who look excited to have a chance at the gold. They are quickly followed by the determined looking Aces Of Mayhem. Once all three teams are in the ring, they square up as if to start the match, but before the bell is rung a fourth team enters as surprise entrants to the match. Matt Hockling and the previously unseen Regular Joe are announced to the crowd as “The Young Americans”. The other teams look surprised to see The Young Americans, but the four teams are soon in the four corners of the ring ready to start the match...


Notes: Decent stuff as usual from my tag teams.

The Aces Of Mayhem vs The Luna Twins vs The Young Americans vs The Demolishers ©

BAW Tag Titles

An average match here which saw the debut of The Young Americans in BAW. The reason Regular Joe was brought to the company was to add another dimension to my Tag Division, which had been becoming a bit stale. The match had the added bonus of Max Mayhem and Luna Clara learning something, although Regular Joe’s rustiness dragged the match down a little.


The surprise addition of The Young Americans to this match seemed to catch the other teams off guard, and allowed Matt Hockling & Regular Joe to have some early offence and show the BAW crowd what they could do. However The Demolishers were able to use their power game to get back in the match. Unsurprisingly The Luna Twins were the first to go, however surprisingly it was The Demolishers who were the second team to go when Matt Hockling hit the Hock Shock on Bear Bekowski.


This left the Aces of Mayhem and The Young Americans, and meant that we were guaranteed to have new tag champs. In the end it was Matt Hockling & Regular Joe who managed to pick up the win on debut and win the BAW Tag Titles.


Winners: The Young Americans in 8:05

Nigel Svensson vs Justin Sensitive

A decent match from these two, on par with the opener. A lack of Psychology dragged this down a bit, as did Nigel Svensson looking less than motivated out there. Justin Sensitive picked up the win here to further his case for a Title opportunity.


Winner: Justin Sensitive in 16:28

© El Mitico Jr vs Delirium

BAW Championship

Delirium’s lack of Psychology hurt the match a little, but the two were talented enough to still put on the match the crowd enjoyed. With both the New York Championship and the Tag Titles getting new Champions earlier in the night, surely all 3 belts couldn’t change hands in a single show? After a very open match in which both men had good periods of offence, it was El Mitico Jr who was able to put Delirium away and retain his championship for a 5th time.


Winner: El Mitico Jr in 15:57


Match of the Night: Main Event

Trash of the Night: Tag Team match


Next Time: How will Mitico respond to being called out by Justin Sensitive?

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A bad month for us. Not only was the wrestling industry continuing to free fall to dire levels, we had come last in the monthly regional battle!






BAW Call To Arms C-/C


After coming 2nd all year, we had fallen to the bottom of the charts! We’d have to do something about that....


Prediction Results

BAW One Step Closer #39

Zergon 3/6

1234 2/6


This Year

1234 62/76

Zergon 57/70


Thanks for predicting once again. A difficult show to predict here, with a few surprise results.

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To start my month, I received a phone call from Mark to let me know that he was reinstating his Psychology goal. It had been lifted at my request for about 6 months, but Mark told me that he had decided that it was necessary to reinstate it after our poor performance in last month’s regional battle.


This new goal could cause me a few problems. One of our top guys, Delirium, didn’t meet Mark and Harvey’s minimum standard at the moment. Luckily he had 9 months left on his contract, so I had time to get him up to scratch. It did however also cause a problem for one of the Luna Twins. Luna Oscura wasn’t up to scratch, and had less than a month to run on his contract. If he didn’t learn over ne next two shows, both Luna Twins would be out of the door and I would be looking for a new tag team...



BAW Call To Arms #19

Amazing Fire Fly vs El Hijo Del Neutron (New York Championship)

Ace Youngblood vs Delirium

Cal Sanders vs Jayson Van Petl

Nigel Svensson vs Donte Dunn

Josh Jones vs Bradley Blaze

El Mitico Jr vs Justin Sensitive (BAW Championship)

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Amazing Fire Fly vs El Hijo Del Neutron (New York Championship)

Fire Fly isn´t losing his first title defense match


Ace Youngblood vs Delirium

I guess that lack of Spychology keeps Delirium away from the belt but he should still go over Ace


Cal Sanders vs Jayson Van Pelt

Could go either way but Van Palt have been done more so far


Nigel Svensson vs Donte Dunn

Dunn got victory over Jones so I believe he should go over Nigel then as well


Josh Jones vs Bradley Blaze

I think Jones is currently higher on the ladders though if you plan to push Blaze to main event scene then this match could go other way around.


El Mitico Jr vs Justin Sensitive (BAW Championship)

Could go either way so I make the safer pick and pick the champ here

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BAW Call To Arms #19

Week 1 July 2013

The Ministry, Queens

Attendance: 1,000 (Sell Out!)

Pre Show

I spent a long time planning out my card for this week, only to find out at the last minute that 3 of our workers would be unavailable for the show... including New York Champions Amazing Fire Fly and BAW Champions El Mitico Jr! I’m not happy that they still choose MHW over us, despite the pushes they receive at BAW. Still, I had to make some last minute changes and try to make the best of a bad situation. Hopefully this would go all right...


Main Show

In The Dark: We run a six man tag in the dark with The Luna Twins & Jon Michael Sharp facing The Demolishers & Felix Harding. Jon Michael Sharp continues to work off his rust as Giant Brody pins Luna Oscura.

Ace Youngblood vs Delirium

A good, entertaining match between these two to open the show. Both men looked like they were learning out there as Delirium picked up the win.


Winner: Delirium in 7:34

Cal Sanders vs Jayson Van Pelt

Another good match here, which saw the debut of Jayson Van Pelt’s new ‘Teen Idol’ gimmick. The gimmick was received pretty well by the crowd. Cal looked like he was learning out there as Van Pelt picked up the victory.


Winner: Jayson Van Pelt in 8:24

Sensitive Promo

Sensitive: “So BAW’s Champion just keep falling further and further down in my estimations. Last week he was scared to face me one on one, and now this week he doesn’t even show up.”


Crowd boos sensitive and begins a “Mitico” chant.


Sensitive: “Don’t waste your breath, he’s not here. Well Mitico you will have to face me next week, and I will take back MY BAW title... I can guarantee it."


Sensitive has a sinister smirk on his face as he makes his way to the back.


Notes: Not a great promo from Justin. The crowd just didn’t seem interested in the promo.

Nigel Svensson vs Donte Dunn

These two put on a good match, despite a lack of Psychology and Nigel having an off night. Donte Dunn picked up the win here to keep him looking strong.


Winner: Donte Dunn in 7:53

Max Mayhem vs Matt Hockling

The first of our thrown together matches here, and it turns out to be a decent enough match. I had Matt Hockling pick up the victory here to continue his teams momentum after winning the Tag Titles last week.


Winner: Matt Hockling in 8:11

Tag Team Promo

After the match The Demolishers made their way out to the ring to go after Matt Hockling, presumably as revenge for The Young Americans taking their titles away from them at Call To Arms. Hockling saw them coming, and quickly bailed and ran out through the crowd. This left Max Mayhem alone in the ring at the mercy of the two giants. Ace Youngblood came out to try and help his partner, but they were unable to withstand The Demolishers pure power and were quickly dealt with.


Notes: Decent stuff from the main guys in my Tag division.

Josh Jones vs Bradley Blaze

Wow, what a match! I certainly wasn’t expecting this match to be this good, and this provides a real reminder of just how good Josh Jones can be. I have no doubts that Josh Jones was the main reason for this being so good, but Bradley Blaze has certainly gone up in my estimations. I gave Josh Jones the win here to make him look strong again after a few losses in recent weeks.


Winner: Josh Jones in 15:48

Cheetah Boy vs Justin Sensitive

Justin was supposed to be challenging Mitico for the title in the Main Event this week, but Mitico being in Mexico means that will have to wait for next show. I put Cheetah Boy in this match due to his proven chemistry with Sensitive, and the fact he wasn’t being used already. Unfortunately this didn’t live up to expectations, barely scraping acceptable levels for a Main Event. This ruined what had been up to this point a good show.


Winner: Justin Sensitive in 16:14


Match of the Night: Josh Jones vs Bradley Blaze

Trash of the Night: Main Event disappointed


Next Time: With the champ back in action next week, can he hold of Justin Sensitive and retain his title?

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A couple of contract renewals this month for a couple of my Tag Team wrestlers. Both Mac Mayhem and Bear Bekowski extended their existing deals for another nine months. With this being The Luna Twins last show, I needed to sure up the division. After the next show I’ll be looking to bring in a new team.


After a poor showing last time out, I really needed to put on a great show this time around. This show will see the return of both my new York Champion and BAW Champion, and El Mitico Jr will finally have to face up to Justin Sensitive.


Prediction Results

BAW Call To Arms #19

Zergon 4/4

1234 3/4


This Year

1234 65/80

Zergon 61/74


A couple of matches having to be changed at the last minute, meant that there were only 4 matches to pick this month. Once again thanks for predicting :)



BAW One Step Closer #40

Amazing Fire Fly vs Felix Harding (New York Championship)

Cal Sanders vs Delirium

Cheetah Boy vs Donte Dunn

Nigel Svensson vs Bradley Blaze

Josh Jones vs Jayson Van Pelt

El Mitico Jr vs Justin Sensitive (BAW Championship)

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Amazing Fire Fly vs Felix Harding (New York Championship)

Fire Fly picks up second succesful defense here


Cal Sanders vs Delirium

With Delirium´s future in BAW still unclear I go with upset here and pick Sanders. I´m probably wrong, though.


Cheetah Boy vs Donte Dunn

Cheetah Boy isn´t going over Dunn


Nigel Svensson vs Bradley Blaze

Blaze picks up the win here since he have been on better form lately


Josh Jones vs Jayson Van Pelt

Jones showed in last show why he isn one of your top guys and thus he picks the win here


El Mitico Jr vs Justin Sensitive (BAW Championship)

I still go with Mitico

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BAW One Step Closer #40

Week 3 July 2013

The Ministry, Queens

Attendance: 817

Pre Show

We were back to a full complement of wrestlers this week, as our 3 MHW guys returned after missing the last show. Hopefully we would be able to put on an improved show now that all our guys were available, after a mediocre showing last time around.


Main Show

In the dark: The Demolishers squash The Luna Twins in the dark, making light work of the young twins in 5 minutes.

© Amazing Fire Fly vs Felix Harding

New York Championship

A lack of Psychology and Fire Fly having an off night dragged this match down a bit, but it still managed to end up being a decent start to the show. Fire Fly picked up the win here, and made the first defence of his third reign as New York Champion. As an added bonus, Felix Harding looked like he was learning out there.


Winner: Amazing Fire Fly in 7:38

Cal Sanders vs Delirium

These two follow up with a good match, despite a lack of Psychology. I gave Delirium the win here, as he has the better momentum of the two. I had hoped he would learn something from Cal, but it didn’t look like he picked anything up.


Winner: Delirium in 8:29

Mitico Promo

Mitico: “You may have heard what Justin Sensitive had to say about me at Call To Arms a fortnight ago. He accused me of being scared of him... scared of him? I’m the BAW Champion, I’m not scared of anyone! To prove that I’m not scared of anyone, tonight I’m calling out Justin Sensitive. So Justin if you want your title shot, tonight is your chance. Me and you Justin... one on one for the BAW Championship.”


Notes: Decent stuff from the champ.

Cheetah Boy vs Donte Dunn

A decent match from these two, but I had hoped this might be better. I gave Donte Dunn the win here to keep him looking strong.


Winner: Donte Dunn in 7:53

Nigel Svensson vs Bradley Blaze

Another match that suffered from a lack of Psychology, but it still managed to turn out to be decent. I gave Bradley Blaze the win, as he could probably user a boost after losing his New York Championship a couple of shows ago.


Winners: Bradley Blaze in 8:07

The Demolishers Promo

The Demolishers make their way down to the ring, and destroy Nigel Svensson and Bradley Blaze. They then stand over their fallen victims, sending a message to the Young Americans who took their titles a month ago.


Notes: Not a great promo from The Demolishers, who don’t look like quite as much of a threat without their titles.

Josh Jones vs Jayson Van Pelt

A really good match from these two, despite Jayson Van Pelt having an off night. This match provided further evidence of how well Josh Jones can carry people to a great match. After his performance last week, I gave Josh Jones the win here as a reward.


Winner: Josh Jones in 15:31

© El Mitico Jr vs Justin Sensitive

BAW Championship

A great match between these two to finish a much improved show, not even a lack of Psychology could drag it down below great levels. The match itself went back and forth for 16 minutes, with both men trading near falls. The changing point of the match was when Justin Sensitive pulled the ref in front of one of Mitico’s high risk moves, causing Mitico to take out both men. Mitico rolled Sensitive up for the cover, but quickly realised there was no ref to count it. Then, to the shock of the crowd, Tag Champs “The Young Americans” came out from the back and made a beeline to the ring. They quickly pulled El Mitico Jr off of Sensitive, and hit a number of double team moves. Sensitive slowly recovered before hitting the Grace Landing, and covering Mitico. Hockling quickly shook the referee and pointed at Sensitive covering Mitico. The crowd was incensed as Jonathan Taylor counts 1... 2... 3! Justin Sensitive picks up the win, and becomes the first ever 3 time BAW Champion!


Winner: Justin Sensitive in 15:41


Match of the Night: Main Event

Trash of the Night: The squash in the pre-show was horrid.


Next Time: How will Mitico react to being screwed out of his title? And why did The Young Americans interfere in the Title match?

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‘Creative’ was interesting this month. I spent the entire meeting trying to convince Harvey to talk Mark into dropping his new Psychology goal. Unfortunately Harvey agreed that the current roster had too many people who lacked decent Psychology. This caused me a real problem, as The Luna Twins contracts were up in a couple of days and Luna Oscura still wasn’t up to scratch. That meant that I needed to find a new tag team before the next show.


At least the local newspaper had better news for me...



BAW Call To Arms C-/C





We were back up to 2nd in the Regional battle, after our disastrous month last month. Hopefully we could build on this...


Prediction Results

BAW One Step Closer #40

1234 5/6

Zergon 4/6


This Year

1234 70/86

Zergon 65/80

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A busy couple of weeks between shows for me. I started by extending the deals of Josh Jones and Jayson Van Pelt. Josh Jones signed with us for another year, which is great news as he is probably our best guy in-ring. Jayson signed for another nine months, which should see him continue his push.


Next I had to release The Luna Twins. I called them to my office and explained that Mark and Harvey’s new hiring policy meant that I couldn’t keep Oscura, and Clara wasn’t much use to me on his own. In hindsight I could have worded it better, but they seemed to take it well enough. I hope they find new work quickly, as they are genuinely nice guys.


I had to find replacements to The Luna Twins quickly, as without them I had fallen below Harvey’s minimum roster size guideline. Luckily I had picked out a couple of options already, and quickly sent out some offers. A few days later I had signed my new Face Tag Team. They would need some dark matches before they were ready to debut, but I think that they’ll do a good job for us when they do.



BAW Call To Arms #20

This week will see Justin Sensitive making a statement about the events at the end of his title match at One Step Closer. He’ll also be in action against Josh Jones for the BAW title, as Bradley Blaze gets his rematch for the New York Championship. El Mitico Jr will also get the opportunity at some retribution, as he takes on “The Young Americans” Matt Hockling in this week’s Semi Main event.


Amazing Fire Fly vs Bradley Blaze (New York Championship)

Nigel Svensson vs Jayson Van Pelt

Cal Sanders vs Donte Dunn

Cheetah Boy vs Delirium

El Mitico Jr vs Matt Hockling

Josh Jones vs Justin Sensitive (BAW Championship)

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Amazing Fire Fly vs Bradley Blaze (New York Championship)

Blaze just lost the title to Fire Fly so he isn´t getting it back here


Nigel Svensson vs Jayson Van Pelt

Van Pelt have seen little stronger lately so I go with him here


Cal Sanders vs Donte Dunn

Dunn picks up another win here


Cheetah Boy vs Delirium

Cheetah Boy won´t win this one


El Mitico Jr vs Matt Hockling

Mitico wins here in order to set the re-match against Sensitive down the road


Josh Jones vs Justin Sensitive (BAW Championship)

First title defense so no change here

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BAW Call To Arms #20

Week 1 August 2013

The Ministry, Queens

Attendance: 1,000 (Sell Out!)

Pre Show

Despite the loss of The Luna Twins as positive influences backstage, our locker room environment remains at almost perfect levels. Hopefully we can translate that into a good show...


Main Show

In The Dark: We have our new tag team pick up a win over the thrown together team of Felix Harding & El Hijo Del Neutron. The match itself is poor, probably due to my new team being rusty. At least Neutron looked like he was learning out there.

Amazing Fire Fly vs Bradley Blaze

New York Championship

A good opening to the show proper from these two, despite Fire Fly having an off night. This match saw the debut of Amazing Fire Fly’s new ‘Blue Collar’ gimmick, which seemed to go over quite well with the crowd. Amazing Fire Fly picked up the win here, and made the 2nd successful defence of his title. As an added bonus, Bradley Blaze looked like he was learning something out there.


Winner: Amazing Fire Fly in 8:13

Nigel Svensson vs Jayson Van Pelt

A decent match from these two to continue the show, which could have been better if Jayson hadn’t had an off night. I gave Jayson Van Pelt the win here to continue his push, and looked like he was learning while he did so.


Winner: Jayson Van Pelt in 8:19

Sensitive Promo

Justin Sensitive makes his way to the ring flanked by “The Young Americans” Matt Hockling and Regular Joe. They receive some heat from the crowd after their actions last week. As they reach the ring, Justin Sensitive grabs a mic to address the crowd.

Sensitive: “Ladies and Gentlemen let me introduce you to the elite of BAW. First of all, we have the new BAW champion, yours truly Justin Sensitive. Then either side of me are the Tag Team Champions, “The Young Americans” Matt Hockling and Regular Joe. We are ‘The Elite’, and from this moment onwards we will run this company.”


The crowd boos and begin a “You Suck” chant.


Sensitive: “Just hear us out. Our aim for this company is to make it ‘Elite’... just like us. I mean let’s go back to a month ago. Let’s take a look at who this company had as champions. First of all, the Tag Titles were held by a couple of brutes with no hint of wrestling ability whatsoever. Having two brutes as champions just makes a promotion look bad. BAW needed tag champions who are technically sound, a team who knows a sleeper hold from a Full Nelson, a team who rely on their brains and god given talent to win matches.... BAW needed a team like “The Young Americans”.


Matt Hockling and Regular Joe hold their Tag Titles high and pose for the crowd, they receive a chorus of boos for their troubles.


Sensitive: “And then let’s look at the man who held the BAW Championship... El Mitico Jr. This is a man who ran away from a challenge... I had to wait for months until I finally got my chance. He even no showed at Call To Arms to try and get out of having to wrestle me. BAW needed a better champion than that. BAW needed a champion who would take on all comers, and who would beat all comers. BAW needed a champion like Justin Sensitive. And to prove that we really are ‘The Elite’ in BAW, we are going to send out a couple of challenges tonight. As a true champion I am challenging Josh Jones to a match in tonight’s Main Event... I’ll even put my title on the line. And Mitico, don’t think I’ve forgotten about you! Tonight my man Matt Hockling is challenging you to go one-on-one with one half of the Tag Team champs. So Mitico fancy it, or will you just run away again?”


Notes: Good opening promo from my new stable ‘The Elite. Regular Joe looked like he was learning just by being out there with Sensitive.

Cal Sanders vs Donte Dunn

A great match here, easily match of the night so far. I really need to come up with something for Cal to do, as his talent is going to waste a bit in his current roles as jobber. Donte Dunn picked up the win here to keep him looking strong.


Winner: Donte Dunn in 8:14

Cheetah Boy vs Delirium

Another great match here, matching the quality of the Sanders/Dunn match before it. This match also serves as a timely reminder of why it is so important to get Delirium’s Psychology up to scratch over the next 9 months. Delirium got the win here, to continue his momentum.


Winner: Delirium in 8:07

Mitico Promo

Mitico: “So Justin Sensitive thinks he’s a great champion? Well I’ve got news for you Justin, great champions don’t need outside help to win the belt. Speaking of outside interference... I’ve been wanting to get my hands on “The Young Americans” all week, and then Matt Hockling comes out and challenges me to a match tonight! Well Justin you can wait, because tonight I want to get some retribution for “The Young Americans” actions last week. So Matt Hockling, get out here and let’s do this right now!”


Notes: This segment wasn’t as well received as I had hoped it would be. It seemed to fall flat after the strong matches before it.

El Mitico Jr vs Matt Hockling

Wow! What a match, this was much, much better than I expected! These two managed to pull out the 3rd best match in BAW history! This makes me very excited about the potential of ‘The Elite’ going forward. In the match itself, El Mitico Jr was able to overcome attempted interference from Regular Joe to pick up the victory and gain a measure of revenge after Hockling and Joe cost him his title last week.


Winner: El Mitico Jr in 15:50

Josh Jones vs Justin Sensitive ©

BAW Championship

Another great match to finish a really good show. Despite Josh Jones having an off night, these two still managed to put on a new best match for BAW. I expected a good match from these two knowing the chemistry they have, and they didn’t disappoint. Justin Sensitive picked up the win to make the first defence of his BAW Title. After the match he was joined in the ring by “The Young Americans”, and ‘The Elite’ celebrated together in the ring, holding all of their titles high in the air.


Winner: Justin Sensitive in 15:55


Match of the Night: Main Event

Trash of the Night: Mitico Promo


Next Time: Will ‘The Elite’ be able to deliver on their promise on clearing up the promotion and making it ‘Elite’.

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