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BAW: One man's dream

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A busy couple of weeks between shows for me, in which I extended 3 contracts. First up was Cheetah Boy, I was worried he might ask for a raise, but he signed for another year on his current terms. Another who signed was Amazing Fire Fly. He’s been a great servant for the company, and he signed for another 18 months. I gave him a slight raise, but he is still just under the going rate for my midcard. The final renewal was for my Road Agent Reese Paige, she signed for another 9 months on her current terms.


We put on a good show last time out, but were slightly let down by our angles. This has been a theme for some time now, and they are dragging our show quality down. I have high hopes for ‘The Elite’ and their promo potential, but I still need to find a second promo option. My search to fill that gap will be ongoing over the next few months.


Prediction Results

BAW Call To Arms #20

Zergon 6/6

1234 6/6


This Year

1234 76/92

Zergon 71/86



BAW One Step Closer #41

Cal Sanders vs Delirium

Cheetah Boy vs Jayson Van Pelt

Josh Jones vs El Hijo Del Neutron

Aces Of Mayhem vs The Young Americans (BAW Tag Titles)

El Mitico Jr vs Donte Dunn

Amazing Fire Fly vs Justin Sensitive (BAW Championship)

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Cal Sanders vs Delirium

Delirium keeps his momentum going


Cheetah Boy vs Jayson Van Pelt

Cheetah is still a jobber


Josh Jones vs El Hijo Del Neutron

Only one of these guys have been seen regularly


Aces Of Mayhem vs The Young Americans (BAW Tag Titles)

Not a time for a change yet


El Mitico Jr vs Donte Dunn

Mitico stays strong


Amazing Fire Fly vs Justin Sensitive (BAW Championship)

Fire Fly isn´t getting this belt here

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BAW One Step Closer #41

Week 3 August 2013

The Ministry, Queens

Attendance: 711

Pre Show

Our strong backstage environment continues. Hopefully we can use the positive energy to put on a great show...


Main Show

In the dark: We continue to work the rust off our Tag Team. Hopefully they will be ready to debut soon, as they job to Bradley Blaze & Felix Harding in an average match here.

Cal Sanders vs Delirium

A rarity here, as the show isn’t opened with a New York Title defence. Amazing Fire Fly receiving a title shot meant that these two were given the opportunity to raise the curtain, and they did a great job and put on a really good match. Delirium picked up the win, but is still refusing to learn anything in these matches.


Winner: Delirium in 7:52

Cheetah Boy vs Jayson Van Pelt

These two managed to follow the previous match, putting on another really good match. In what many would consider a surprise, I had Cheetah Boy pick up the win here. With Sensitive holding the title, Cheetah could be in line for a title shot sooner or later... so I need to keep him looking strong.


Winner: Cheetah Boy in 8:01

‘The Elite’ Promo

‘The Elite’ (Justin Sensitive, Matt Hockling & Regular Joe) make their way to the ring to a chorus of boos from the crowd.

Sensitive: “Last week saw the beginning of what will be the greatest Title reign in this company’s history. I overcame Josh Jones and once again proved that I am the best wrestler on this roster.”


The crowd boo and start a “You Suck” chant.


Sensitive: “Tonight that reign will continue, and we will show you just why we are ‘The Elite’. The Young Americans here will be putting their Tag Titles on the line against The Aces Of Mayhem. Tonight will see their first defence of the belts, and the first step to bringing some kind of respect to the Tag Team division of this company.”


The Young Americans nod in agreement, and hold their Tag Titles high.

Sensitive: “And after Matt & Joe have retained their titles, focus will shift to yours truly Justin Sensitive. Tonight I will be putting my BAW Title on the line in a Champion vs Champion match with Amazing Fire Fly. When I put Fire Fly away, you will all have been enlightened. ‘The Elite’ are here to stay, and ‘The Elite’ will run this company!”


Notes: Decent stuff from The Elite. Regular Joe once again looked like he was learning out there.

Josh Jones vs El Hijo Del Neutron

Just before the show I noticed that Neutron had dropped to being pushed as an Opener. Having him as an opener opened up a good option for an effective squash, and these two managed to put on a good match despite Jones dominating.


Winner: Josh Jones in 5:45

Aces Of Mayhem vs The Young Americans ©

BAW Tag Titles

The Young Americans managed to take the first step towards backing up their claims of being the best tag team in BAW by picking up the win here, and making the 1st defence of their BAW Tag Titles. Regular Joe is still rusty, which dragged the match down a little and meant it only managed to be average.


Winners: The Young Americans in 7:40

The Demolishers Promo

As The Young Americans are celebrating in the ring, The Demolishers make their way out from the back. The Young Americans don’t see The Demolishers until it is too late, and the two Giants give the Tag Champs a real beating. The Demolishers leave the ring, with the tag champs left lying flat on their backs.


Notes: Decent stuff from my Tag guys.

El Mitico Jr vs Donte Dunn

A great match from these two, as I would expect from two of my top guys. With Mitico still among the top contenders for the BAW Championship, I had him go over Donte here.


Winner: El Mitico Jr in 16:56

Amazing Fire Fly vs Justin Sensitive ©

BAW Championship

Not a great Main Event here, as it suffered from a lack of Psychology and failed to match the Mitico/Dunn match. Justin Sensitive picked up the win here, and made the 2nd defence of his title. Fire Fly looked like he was learning out there.


Winner: Justin Sensitive in 16:06


Match of the Night: El Mitico Jr vs Donte Dunn

Trash of the Night: Aces Of Mayhem vs The Young Americans


Next Time: A perfect night for ‘The Elite’... until The Demolishers had their way with The Young Americans that is. How will Justin Sensitive react to this?

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An interesting ‘Creative’ this month, if only because of an interesting rewording of one of the owner goals by Mark and Harvey. Harvey explained that the rule was being relaxed a little. There was no longer a blanket ban on guys with a bad reputation in the business, now the distinction was the guy could not be classed as a ‘Psychopath’. Why I would want to hire a Psychopath is beyond me, but whatever...


As usual I picked up the local paper on my walk home. This month however, something was a little different...


BAW Call To Arms C/One Step Closer C-






We had done it! We had won the regional battle for this month! I know it had more to do with FREEDOM putting on a weaker show than normal this month, but we’d take it. Now we just had to make sure we built on this...


Prediction Results

BAW One Step Closer #41

1234 5/6

Zergon 5/6


This Year

1234 81/98

Zergon 76/92

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The time between shows was dominated by BAW winning the monthly regional battle for the first time, and the celebrations that went with it. After I had recovered from that, I also managed to sign Donte Dunn to another 12 months with the company.


After having problems in the past, I remembered to check the schedules this time around. Annoyingly, MHW were running another event that clashed with ours. I really had to look into changing the date of Call To Arms in the future, as losing Mitico, Neutron & Fire Fly causes real problems for me. Especially this week, when it meant I had to change both of my planned title matches.



BAW Call To Arms #21

Cal Sanders vs Bradley Blaze

Max Mayhem vs Delirium

Ace Youngblood vs Donte Dunn

Nigel Svensson vs Matt Hockling

Josh Jones vs Jayson Van Pelt

Cheetah Boy vs Justin Sensitive (BAW Championship)

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Cal Sanders vs Bradley Blaze

I could see this one going either way


Max Mayhem vs Delirium

Delirium continues he´s winning ways here since Max is just avarage tag team guy


Ace Youngblood vs Donte Dunn

Same for this than the last match, Ace is just avarage tag guy so he loses


Nigel Svensson vs Matt Hockling

I could see this one going either way but Hockling seems to be doing more right now


Josh Jones vs Jayson Van Pelt

Jones stays strong


Cheetah Boy vs Justin Sensitive (BAW Championship)

Cheetah Boy might have picked up a win against Van Pelt but he isn´t going to make surprise here

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BAW Call To Arms #21

Week 1 September 2013

The Ministry, Queens

Attendance: 1,000 (Sell Out!)

Pre Show

Losing El Mitico Jr, Amazing Fire Fly and El Hijo Del Neutron again was dragging down our backstage atmosphere. For the first time in a long time, we didn’t have perfect backstage levels. It was still positive, but not perfect.


Main Show

In The Dark: I continue to try and work the rust off my new Tag Team. While one has successfully worked the rust off, his partner remains rusty. Surely it can’t be too long until they are ready to debut? They go over Bear Bekowski & Felix Harding in a poor match.

Cal Sanders vs Bradley Blaze

Once again with Fire Fly away, the show is opened by a match that isn’t for the New York Championship. These two got the show off to a good start, with Cal Sanders going over the former New York Champion Bradley Blaze.


Winner: Cal Sanders in 7:41

Max Mayhem vs Delirium

This was a poor match. After Delirium’s recent string of good matches, I place the blame squarely on Max Mayhem’s shoulders. Max had an off night, and a lack of Psychology also dragged the match down. I wouldn’t have used Mayhem if Mitico, Fire Fly and Neutron had been available, so Delirium picks up the win.


Winner: Delirium in 7:36

‘The Elite’ Promo

Sensitive: “Last week, ‘The Elite’ showed just why we are the best wrestlers in BAW. Both my BAW Championship and “The Young Americans” Tag Titles were on the line, and both titles stayed where they belong... around the waists of members of ‘The Elite’. However, an otherwise perfect night was ruined by a couple of no-talent thugs. Now Giant Brody & Bear Bekowski, you freaks may think you were real clever last week. Jumping superior wrestlers to yourselves while they are unaware is not clever, it’s cowardly... and BAW is no place for cowards. I went to BAW management after the show last week, and they agreed that if anyone attacks any member of “The Elite” tonight... that person will be fired on the spot. We run this show, and the influence of “The Elite” knows no bounds. “The Elite” will not be dragged down by the deadweight of the BAW roster.”


Notes: Good stuff from “The Elite”. Once again, Regular Joe looked like he was learning just by being out there.

Ace Youngblood vs Donte Dunn

A decent match between these two, which was hurt by a lack of Psychology being on display. Donte Dunn picked up the win to keep him strong.


Winner: Donte Dunn in 7:32

Nigel Svensson vs Matt Hockling

A surprisingly good match here, which hopefully bodes well for Matt Hockling’s run with ‘The Elite’. With Matt Hockling being pushed and Nigel not being pushed, there was only one winner here.


Winner: Matt Hockling in 7:51

Bear Bekowski Attack

After the match, Bear Bekowski appeared alone and made a beeline for the ring. Matt Hockling didn’t even try to escape and just stood his ground. Bekowski floored Hockling with a huge right hand, and after a few more shots left Hockling on his back in the middle of the ring. When Hockling recovered he sat up with a big smirk on his face...


Notes: Not a great promo here from Bekowski. The crowd didn’t seem too interested.`

Josh Jones vs Jayson Van Pelt

A really good match from these two, as I would expect from two of my top guys. Josh Jones is one fo the biggest threats to Justin Sensitive’s title, so I gave him the win here to keep him looking strong.


Winner: Josh Jones in 16:07

Cheetah Boy vs Justin Sensitive ©

BAW Championship

El Mitico Jr working elsewhere tonight left me with a real problem for the Main Event. With Josh Jones only having his Title Shot last month, I didn’t have anyone else ready to challenge for the top belt. I took a risk on these two’s chemistry, but having run the match quite often it couldn’t quite live up to their previous bouts. This meant the crowd wasn’t into it, and it was a disappointing finish to the show. There was only ever going to be one winner here, with Justin Sensitive making the 3rd defence of his title.


Winner: Justin Sensitive in 16:17


Match of the Night: Josh Jones vs Jayson Van Pelt

Trash of the Night: Max Mayhem vs Delirium & The Main Event were poor.


Next Time: A poor show. With his luchadores back next show, can Danny bounce back?

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Bear Bekowski’s contract expired the day after the show, which was the main reason I ran the attack angle with “The Elite”. He had asked for a raise, and since losing the Tag Titles to “The Young Americans” I hadn’t had any ideas of what to do with him. The idea was that having Bekowski “fired” would make the group look like they had real sway with BAW “management”. Having a high powered Heel stable could make for some fun booking.


With Bear gone, I needed to sign a replacement for him. After looking at a number of alternatives I found a guy I really liked. I would have to wait for 2 weeks for his written deal to expire, but when he gets here I think this masked wrestler could make an impact...


Prediction Results

BAW Call To Arms #21

Zergon 5/6

1234 5/6


This Year

1234 86/103

Zergon 81/98



BAW One Step Closer #42

Amazing Fire Fly vs Jayson Van Pelt (New York Championship)

Nigel Svensson vs Donte Dunn

Cal Sanders vs El Hijo Del Neutron

Cheetah Boy vs Bradley Blaze

Josh Jones vs Delirium

El Mitico vs Justin Sensitive (BAW Championship)


bonus: Guess my new signing

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Amazing Fire Fly vs Jayson Van Pelt (New York Championship)

AFF has been missing a lot recently so this could go JVP's way, but i hate short title reigns.


Nigel Svensson vs Donte Dunn

Nigel seems to have nothing atm.


Cal Sanders vs El Hijo Del Neutron

Well EHDN isnt winning.


Cheetah Boy vs Bradley Blaze

Cheetah isnt good enough to beat Blaze.


Josh Jones vs Delirium

Cant see delirium being pushed into a title shot before improving his psycology.


El Mitico vs Justin Sensitive (BAW Championship)

Too soon for a change.


Random guess at new worker....Hell Monkey.

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Amazing Fire Fly vs Jayson Van Pelt (New York Championship)

VAn Pelt could use the title run but I don´t think it´s time for a change yet so maybe next time.


Nigel Svensson vs Donte Dunn

Svensson doesn´t win all that much while Dunn doesn´t lose all that ofter so...yeah, I go with Dunn here


Cal Sanders vs El Hijo Del Neutron

Sanders have been doing better from these two


Cheetah Boy vs Bradley Blaze

I´d normally go with Blaze but Cheetah´s surprise win is over Van Pelt is still on my mind so I go with Cheetah this time

Josh Jones vs Delirium

Delirium might still be leaving and Jones is likely popular enough to go over him.


El Mitico vs Justin Sensitive (BAW Championship)

I´m going with Justin this time though it´s fairly close call on my opinion



I just skip that bonus question since I really don´t know all that much about U.S.A wrestling scene on the first place.

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BAW One Step Closer #41

Week 3 September 2013

The Ministry, Queens

Attendance: 742

Pre Show

We had our full roster available this week, which would hopefully mean we could improve on last week’s disappointing show. The backstage atmosphere was back to perfect levels, as Justin Sensitive amused the guys with some amusing road stories from his travels.


Main Show

In the dark: Another tag match, as my new team continue to work of the rust leading up to their debut. This time they went over the thrown together team of Felix Harding & Giant Brody in a poor match.

Amazing Fire Fly vs Jayson Van Pelt

New York Championship

After missing the last show I expected big things from Fire Fly this week, and he delivered. This was a great opener to the show from two long serving BAW wrestlers. Fire Fly retained, making the 3rd defence of his New York Championship. As an added bonus, Fire Fly looked like he was learning out there.


Winner: Amazing Fire Fly in 9:16

Nigel Svensson vs Donte Dunn

A decent match from these two, which was dragged down by a lack of Psychology. I gave Donte Dunn the win here, as I have plans for him...


Winner: Donte Dunn in 7:53

‘The Elite’ Promo

‘The Elite’ (Justin Sensitive, Matt Hockling & Regular Joe) make their way to the ring to a chorus of boos from the crowd.


Sensitive: “Tonight I face El Mitico Jr for the BAW Championship. Some people may have shied away from this match, but not Justin Sensitive. Being the great Champion I am, I see this as an opportunity. An opportunity to add another win to my already impressive resume. By beating El Mitico Jr tonight, I will prove once and for all that I am the greatest champion in BAW history.”


Notes: Decent, stuff from the Elite, Regular Joe continues to learn just by being out there with Sensitive and Hockling.

Cal Sanders vs El Hijo Del Neutron

What a great match, on par with our opener. This was a bit of a throwaway match to give Cal a rare win over an opener, so to get such a good grade was a bonus.


Winner: Cal Sanders in 6:17

Cheetah Boy vs Bradley Blaze

A decent match from these two. I gave Bradley Blaze the win, after Cheetah bombed in last weeks Main Event. He will have to work hard to get back into my good books.


Winners: Bradley Blaze in 7:43

El Mitico Jr Promo

Mitico: “Tonight sees me get my chance to reclaim the BAW Championship, a title I never should have lost. Sensitive talks about himself as “the greatest champion in BAW history”, but the guy has never beaten me without the help of his little buddies in “The Elite”. Last time I was caught unaware, but this time I’m prepared... and this time I will win.”


Notes: Good stuff from Mitico.

Josh Jones vs Delirium

A reallty great match from these two, up with the best in the company’s history. Hopefully this will warm the crowd up nicely for our Main Event. I gave Josh Jones the win here, and Delirium looked like he was learning from Jones. Hopefully it was Psychology that was improving...


Winner: Josh Jones in 15:35

El Mitico Jr vs Justin Sensitive ©

BAW Championship

Another really great match to finish the show. Not even Justin having an off night could stop the crowd enjoying this one. Justin Sensitive lived up to his name of being ‘Elite’, hitting the Grace Landing and picking up a clean win over Mitico here.


Winner: Justin Sensitive in 16:18


Match of the Night: Main Event

Trash of the Night: Pre-Show Tag.


Next Time: A much better show this time around, can Danny keep it going?

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A different ‘Creative’ this month. We spent the meeting talking about Some plans for the current storyline we were running with ‘The Elite’. After some discussion we reached an agreement on what we wanted to do. Hopefully I was making the right decision...


The monthly paper had some good news, which came as a surprise as I didn’t think we’d had a great month.

BAW Call To Arms D+/One Step Closer C






The success of One Step Closer meant that we had won the Regional Battle for the second time! Now just to build on this momentum....


Prediction Results

BAW One Step Closer #41

1234 6/6

Zergon 5/6


This Year

1234 92/109

Zergon 87/104

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Call To Arms will see the debut of our new signing. After waiting 2 weeks for his written deal to expire he would finally make his BAW debut. He would need to be built up a little, but I had high hopes for our new signing.


I also extended the deal of El Hijo Del Neutron. He had slipped down the card a little recently, but he had still been putting on solid matches... and if nothing else, he would be a solid jobber.



BAW Call To Arms #22

Call To Arms sees Cal Sanders get a shot at the BAW title after his recent rise up the card. ‘The Elite’ also get the chance to add the New York Championship to their ranks, as Justin Sensitive has got Matt Hockling a shot at Amazing Fire Fly’s belt. Will ‘The Elite’ hold all the gold by the end of the night.


Amazing Fire Fly vs Matt Hockling (New York Championship)

Cheetah Boy vs Delirium

El Mitico Jr vs El Hijo Del Neutron

Nigel Svensson vs Jayson Van Pelt

Josh Jones vs Bradley Blaze

Cal Sanders vs Justin Sensitive (BAW Championship)

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Amazing Fire Fly vs Matt Hockling (New York Championship)

I think this is the 'Hopefully I was making the right decision'.


Cheetah Boy vs Delirium



El Mitico Jr vs El Hijo Del Neutron

Mitico wont lose to a jobber.


Nigel Svensson vs Jayson Van Pelt

JVP has more momentum.


Josh Jones vs Bradley Blaze

Your new signing is debuting this show, and I cant see what he will do other than interfere with this match.


Cal Sanders vs Justin Sensitive (BAW Championship)

I dont want Sanders as the champ.

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Amazing Fire Fly vs Matt Hockling (New York Championship)

It´s little early for a title change and I think that Matt (and Joe) are more likely to get the tag belts than midcard singles title


Cheetah Boy vs Delirium

Cheetah isn´t getting the win over Delirium

El Mitico Jr vs El Hijo Del Neutron



Nigel Svensson vs Jayson Van Pelt

Svensson doesn´t win all that much and I don´t see him going over Van Pelt either

Josh Jones vs Bradley Blaze

Random pick really, this could go wither way


Cal Sanders vs Justin Sensitive (BAW Championship)

Sanders might be contender to New Your title but not the main one so Sensetive retains

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BAW Call To Arms #21

Week 1 October 2010

The Ministry, Queens

Attendance: 1,000 (Sell Out!)



Our backstage atmosphere continues to be brilliant, with spirits high after our recent string of good shows. Long may it continue...


Main Show

In The Dark: We had a fatal four way in the dark which served two purposes. It worked the last of the rust off of our new tag team, which meant they were finally ready to debut next week. It also served as an opportunity for me to look at my new signing before he debuts next show.

‘The Elite’ Promo

‘The Elite’ make their way to the ring holding their titles high in the air, to a chorus of boos from the sell out crowd. A microphone is handed to Justin Sensitive as he reaches the ring.


Sensitive: “As unworthy as you people are, tonight you will be lucky enough to witness one of the most historic events in this company’s history. Never before has BAW seen a group as dominant as ‘The Elite’, and tonight will see us become the first ever stable to hold every title in the promotion! For you see I have secured my good friend Matt Hockling here a shot at the New York Championship tonight... and with Matt being the Elite athlete that he is, there is no question that he will be successful in his challenge. Then, with ‘The Elite’ holding every belt in the company, we will prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that we are the best in the business. Now, Amazing Fire Fly get out here so that we can take that belt of yours!”


Notes: Good stuff from 'The Elite'. Regular Joe continues improving his performance skills.

© Amazing Fire Fly vs Matt Hockling

New York Championship

Regular Joe remains at ringside for this match, as ‘The Elite’ try to take control of all of the belts in BAW. The match is a great opening to the show, despite Fire Fly having an off night. The match itself is very open, with Regular Joe getting involved whenever Fire Fly looks like he is building momentum. After about 7 minutes of the match Fire Fly took control, hitting a number of high impact moves. He then hit the Sky High Fly and covered Hockling. Regular Joe jumped into the ring to break the pinfall, but before he can get there he is stopped in his tracks by Donte Dunn who has appeared from the crowd. With Joe unable to break up the pinfall, Amazing Fire Fly picked up the win and made the 4th defence of his title. After the match Donte Dunn retreated back through the crowd, leaving a seething Matt Hockling and Regular Joe in the ring.


Winner: Amazing Fire Fly in 7:33

Cheetah Boy vs Delirium

A decent match from these two to continue the show. It could have been better, but Delirium looked like he was having an off night. I gave Delirium the win, as I still think he has time to improve his Psychology and I need to keep him strong.


Winner: Delirium in 8:28

El Mitico Jr vs El Hijo Del Neutron

A good squash here, and once again proving how useful El Hijo Del Neutron can be in his current jobber role. As an added bonus it looked like Neutron learned something out there.


Winner: El Mitico Jr in 5:33

Nigel Svensson vs Jayson Van Pelt

Another good match here, despite a lack of Psychology being on display. I gave Jayson the win here, as he offers more to me at the moment.


Winner: Jayson Van Pelt in 9:59

‘The Elite’/Dunn Promo

‘The Elite’ once again make their way to the ring, but with much more purpose than they had at the start of the show. Sensitive in particular looked incensed.


Sensitive: “Earlier tonight saw the biggest travesty in the history of professional wrestling. Matt Hockling was prevented from winning the New York Championship, and bringing every championship in BAW into ‘The Elite’. Now...”


Donte Dunn appears from the back with a mic in hand. He stops short of the ring, but catches the attention of Justin Sensitive and Matt Hockling, who begins shouting at Dunn.


Sensitive: “And here’s the man himself... so good of you to join us. Now Donte I have some questions for you, if you would be so kind as to provide some answers. First of all, what makes you think you have the right to get involved in ‘The Elite’s’ business? How dare you prevent Matt Hockling from bringing the final piece of gold in BAW into our group? What’s your angle? Are you jealous Donte, is that it? Jealous about how much talented we are than you...”


Dunn: “Justin just shut up a minute and I’ll tell you why I got involved in Hockling’s match earlier tonight. You and your little sidekicks seem to think that BAW revolves around your little group...”


Sensitive: “This company does revolve around ‘The Elite’. I am the greatest BAW Champion of all time, the only man to have held this belt on 3 separate occasions. The two men beside me are the current BAW Tag Champions, the best tag team in the company, unbeaten in BAW. We are the biggest draws BAW has, do you really think that this promotion would be selling out this place every month if ‘The Elite’ wasn’t here?”


Dunn: “Look Justin, I’ve been at BAW for over 3 years now, and I’ve seen lots of guys come and go. Guys like Greg Guage, Davis Wayne Newton and KC Glenn. All of these guys thought they were BAW. They thought they were the be all and end all of this promotion, just like you think your little group is now. But Justin, all of those guys have moved on... and BAW is still going, better than ever.”


Sensitive: “But Donte, I’m not Greg Guage or Davis Wayne Newton... I’m Justin Sensitive. I am the biggest name this company has ever had, and the most talented wrestler this company has ever had....”

Dunn: “You think you’re the most talented wrestler this company’s ever had? Why don’t you prove it and wrestle me for your BAW Championship tonight?”


Sensitive all of a sudden begins to laugh.


Sensitive: “That’s it isn’t it? That’s your angle! You went to all of this trouble just to get a shot at my title. Well Donte your little plan has backfired. You stopped ‘The Elite’ from winning the New York Championship tonight... so for as long as I am Champion, you will never get a shot at the BAW Championship! How do you like that?”


Dunn: “You really think you have the power to stop me from getting a title shot?”

Sensitive: “I know I have that much power Donte, just you watch...”


Donte Dunn shakes his head before making his way to the back, leaving ‘The Elite’ standing in the ring. Justin Sensitive has a sinister smile on his face.


Notes: Good stuff from Dunn and Sensitive. Regular Joe continues to improve his Performance skills just by being in ‘The Elite’. This segment also completed Donte Dunn’s Face turn, which was a success.

Josh Jones vs Bradley Blaze

A great match from these two. Josh Jones once again showed why I rate him as my best in ring guy, with a victory and a great performance here.


Winner: Josh Jones in 15:42

Cal Sanders vs Justin Sensitive

BAW Championship

A slightly disappointing match here, which suffered from a lack of Psychology. Justin Sensitive picked up the win here, and made the 5th defence of his title reign.


Winner: Justin Sensitive in 16:06


Match of the Night: Josh Jones vs Bradley Blaze

Trash of the Night: Cheetah Boy vs Delirium


Next Time: Will Donte Dunn be granted his title shot, or will Justin Sensitive once again show his influence over ‘BAW management’?

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I started the month by bringing in Steve Smith as a new announcer. With Harvey struggling on some of my Main Events, I decided that bringing in a new announcer for my bigger matches would be worthwhile.


After Donte Dunn’s Face turn last month, it has left the promotion slightly short of Heel’s. With one or two contracts up in the next few months, I would probably look to even the roster out by releasing some lower card Faces and bringing in some new Heel’s. Alternatively I could look into the possibility of turning some of the existing roster.


Prediction Results

BAW Call To Arms #21

Zergon 6/6

1234 4/6


This Year

1234 96/115

Zergon 93/110



BAW One Step Closer #43

True to Justin Sensitive’s word, One Step Closer does not see Donte Dunn in the title match. Instead it will be Josh Jones who tries to take Sensitive’s title, while Donte has to make do with a lower card match against El Hijo Del neutron. Sensitive has also managed to get another member of ‘The Elite’ a shot at the New York Championship, this time it is Regular Joe who will be trying to take the gold from Amazing Fire Fly. There will also be two debuts this show. After only getting a dark match last show, our new signing will be making his proper BAW debut in a match against a man on good form Bradley Blaze. Our Face Tag Team who has been wrestling dark matches for the last month to work off the ring rust will also be debuting on the main show, in a number one contenders match for the BAW Tag Titles. The Aces of Mayhem and the team of former Tag champ Giant Brody and his new partner Felix Harding will be their opponents.

Amazing Fire Fly vs Regular Joe (New York Championship)

Donte Dunn vs El Hijo Del Neutron

??? vs Bradley Blaze

??? & ??? vs Aces Of Mayhem vs Giant Brody/Felix Harding

El Mitico Jr vs Jayson Van Pelt

Josh Jones vs Justin Sensitive (BAW Championship)

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Amazing Fire Fly vs Regular Joe (New York Championship)

Since Hockling didn´t maange to take the belt away from Fire Fly I don´t see Joe taking it either.


Donte Dunn vs El Hijo Del Neutron



??? vs Bradley Blaze

This one is though since Blaze has been quite good but I still go with mystery man.


??? & ??? vs Aces Of Mayhem vs Giant Brody/Felix Harding

New guys take the debut win here since nither of the other teams don´t have much going on right now.


El Mitico Jr vs Jayson Van Pelt

Mitico is kept strong here since Van Pelt isn´t likely to do much as long as Sensitive and his heel table runs things in BAW.


Josh Jones vs Justin Sensitive (BAW Championship)

with that Dunn/Sensitive promo on last month it´s pewtty easy to guess that they will clash for the title and in order to that to happen Justin has to win here

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Amazing Fire Fly vs Regular Joe (New York Championship)

If Hockling didnt get the job done...


Donte Dunn vs El Hijo Del Neutron

Next World Champ?


??? vs Bradley Blaze

I think ??? could be a big deal.


??? & ??? vs Aces Of Mayhem vs Giant Brody/Felix Harding

While The ???'s havnt been doing too well in pre show matches, they are the only ones to get a mention recently (On that note we need more Brody).


El Mitico Jr vs Jayson Van Pelt

Could go either way, since you need more heels. Just a guess, based on Mitico probably objecting to a loss.


Josh Jones vs Justin Sensitive (BAW Championship)

As Zergon stated, Dunn is getting a shot against Sensitive.

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BAW One Step Closer #43

Week 3 October 2013

The Ministry, Queens

Attendance: 1,000 (Sell Out!)

Pre Show

We received a boost pre-show, as Jayson Van Pelt turned up to the show with more alcohol than I had ever seen. The after show party was going to be brilliant, we just had to focus on putting on a show worth celebrating...


Main Show

The Elite’ Promo

‘The Elite’ (Justin Sensitive, Matt Hockling & Regular Joe) make their way to the ring to a chorus of boos from the crowd.


Sensitive: “Last week the actions of Donte Dunn stood in the way of ‘The Elite’ claiming the New York Championship. However, this week I have secured our group another chance to win the final title in BAW that eludes us. This week however it will not be Matt Hockling challenging for the belt, it will be Regular Joe. Amazing Fire Fly, it is time for you to learn why we are ‘The Elite’. Get out here now and prepare to lose that belt of yours!”


Notes: Good stuff from ‘The Elite’. Regular Joe continues to improve his performance skills, being a member of ‘The Elite’ is really benefitting Joe as he improves each week.

Amazing Fire Fly vs Regular Joe

New York Championship

Wow, what a match! A great opening to the show... and it involved a rusty Regular Joe! Amazing Fire Fly put in one hell of a performance to carry this match. Despite Matt Hockling trying to get involved whenever possible, Amazing Fire Fly was able to hit the Sky High Fire Fly and pick up the win. This was Fire Fly’s 5th successful defence of the New York Championship. How would ‘The Elite’ react to once again failing to pick up the New York Championship?


Winner: Amazing Fire Fly in 8:07

Donte Dunn vs El Hijo Del Neutron

Donte Dunn took his frustration at not getting a title shot on a helpless El Hijo Del Neutron in a short match which Donte dominated. The match itself was poor, and saw the debut of Donte’s new ‘Blue Collar’ gimmick which went over fairly well with the fans.


Winner: Donte Dunn in 6:24

Donte Dunn Promo

Dunn: “Justin, I’ve got to hand it to you. I didn’t think you would be able to prevent me from getting a title shot this week, but somehow you’ve managed it. However, as I just showed I am one of the top talents on this roster and you won’t be able to avoid me forever. I’ll just have to bide my time, and prove to “BAW management” that I am the best guy here. Then they will have to give me the title shot I deserve.”


Notes: Good stuff from Donte, should continue his feud with Justin nicely.

Masked Patriot vs Bradley Blaze

This match finally saw the debut of the Masked Patriot, who we picked up when his SWF contract ran out. He is starting quite a way down the card, so did the job here to Bradley Blaze in an open match. I probably ran this match too long, as Bradley Blaze won an average match.


Winner: Bradley Blaze in 8:24

The Rock City Stars vs The Aces Of Mayhem vs Giant Brody/Felix Harding

Number One Contendership for BAW Tag Titles

Another debut here, this time The Rock City Stars! Our new Face tag team bought a bit of Rock ’n’ Roll to The Ministry. Unfortunately they seemed to get a negative reaction from our crowd, and I’m not entirely sure why. Stan ‘The Man’ Manna had an off night, which may have contributed to this being a poor match. At least Ryan ‘Rocking’ Turner looked like he was learning out there, as The Rock City Stars picked up the win here and became number one contenders for ‘The Young Americans’ titles.


Winners: The Rock City Stars in 8:50

El Mitico Jr vs Jayson Van Pelt

A good match from these two to pick the night back up, despite JVP having an off night. As an added bonus, Sara Silver seems to work well with our new Announcer Steve Smith. Hopefully this would help in our bigger matches. El Mitico Jr picked up the win here to keep him looking strong.


Winner: El Mitico Jr in 16:02

Josh Jones vs Justin Sensitive ©

BAW Championship

Wow! Wow! Wow! This was an amazing match, the best we’ve ever seen in BAW! These two guys have put on some good matches in the past, but tonight they managed to raise it to a new level. They still struggled with Psychology a little, but when the action is this good who cares? The match itself was really open, with both men getting a ton of offence. Josh Jones looked like he was going to become champ, but some quick thinking from Justin Sensitive saw him get a low blow in after Matt Hockling had distracted the referee at ringside. The momentum shifted from that moment, and Sensitive was able to hit the Grace Landing and make the 6th, and most impressive, defence of his BAW Championship.


Winner: Justin Sensitive in 15:54


Match of the Night: Main Event (best match in companies history)

Trash of the Night: Tag Match


Next Time: What a Main Event! And the best show in BAW history! I think it’s fair to say that that show was a success! Can Danny build on this momentum?

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A positive ‘Creative’ this month, as we made a bumper profit of just over $46,000 for the month. This was in no small part due to both shows selling out for the first time since January. Our recent run of good shows had offset the poor economy and industry. While the economy was still in the tank, the industry was beginning to show signs that it may be beginning to recover. Maybe next year could see a big move forward for BAW?


After winning last month and then putting on our best ever show at One Step Closer, I was fairly confident of taking the Regional battle this month....



BAW Call To Arms C-/One Step Closer C+





A B-??? FCW put on a B freaking minus? That’s just wrong... wow. I guess they just raised the stakes... now how could I catch up?


Prediction Results

BAW One Step Closer #43

Zergon 5/6

1234 5/6


This Year

1234 101/121

Zergon 99/116


Thanks for predicting once again :) You both continue to score well, with you both expecting Patriot to win on debut. Unfortunately he debuted as an Opener, which meant I couldn’t really put him over an Upper Midcarder like Blaze.

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I had a busy couple of weeks for me heading into November. I started by extending El Mitico Jr’s deal by a further year. He asked for a bit of a raise, but he had put on some good matches and held the title in the last year... so that was fair enough. Keeping hold of Mitico was important for the continued development of BAW, so this was a good deal.


Next I realised that Jon Michael Sharp’s contract was up for renewal. Jon hadn’t achieved anything of note since signing with us, so I decided it was probably best for all involved if we let him go. This opened up a spot on my roster, and with my roster so imbalanced I decided to go and sign a new Heel to even it out.


While looking for a new Heel to add to my roster, I stumbled across an interesting opportunity. I saw potential in a guy to be a really useful player in BAW. He wanted more money than he was probably worth, and he wanted travel expenses to be paid... but something about him made me want to sign him, so I paid the extra money. Hopefully he would prove worth it...


To finish the month I extended Cal Sanders deal for a further 9 months. I then settled down to book what promised to be an eventful show...



BAW Call To Arms #23

Amazing Fire Fly vs Delirium (New York Championship)

Masked Patriot vs Jayson Van Pelt

Cal Sanders vs El Hijo Del Neutron

Rock City Stars vs The Young Americans (BAW Tag Titles)

Josh Jones vs Bradley Blaze

El Mitico Jr vs Justin Sensitive (BAW Championship)

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Amazing Fire Fly vs Delirium (New York Championship)

Normally I would go with Delirium but since it´s still unclear if he will stay or not I just don´t see him taking the title here


Masked Patriot vs Jayson Van Pelt

Patriot still jobs here because of his low status


Cal Sanders vs El Hijo Del Neutron

Neutron haven´t have a win in main show for...well never? Anyhow he won´t win here either


Rock City Stars vs The Young Americans (BAW Tag Titles)

Doh, I kind of forgot Young Americans already where a tag champs:o. Anyway with less than impressive debut I doubt Rock City Stars chances here


Josh Jones vs Bradley Blaze

I´m not actually sure which one of these two are higher on the ladder but I think it´s Jones and thus he takes the win here


El Mitico Jr vs Justin Sensitive (BAW Championship)

Dunn needs the title shot before the change can happen

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