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BAW: One man's dream

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Amazing Fire Fly vs Delirium (New York Championship)

Masked Patriot vs Jayson Van Pelt

Cal Sanders vs El Hijo Del Neutron

Rock City Stars vs The Young Americans (BAW Tag Titles)

Josh Jones vs Bradley Blaze

El Mitico Jr vs Justin Sensitive (BAW Championship)


Agree with Zergon on the picks and reasons, but taking a punt on Blaze as I would feel bad completely copying him with the competition so close.

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BAW Call To Arms #23

Week 1 November 2010

The Ministry, Queens

Attendance: 1,000 (Sell Out!)



I arrived this week to find the guys halfway through a round robin tournament on the Xbox that Amazing Fire Fly had bought with him this week. I stayed to watch Fire Fly himself win the tournament, although everyone involved seemed to enjoy themselves. After Fire Fly had won, Giant Brody pulled a different game from his bag and proceeded to beat everyone who challenged him. With the locker room relaxed, hopefully we could put on a good show.


Main Show

© Amazing Fire Fly vs Delirium

New York Championship

A good start to the show here from these two guys. Delirium is still struggling to improve his Psychology, so Fire Fly picks up a big win here to make the 6th defence of his New York Championship.


Winner: Amazing Fire Fly in 7:35

Masked Patriot vs Jayson Van Pelt

A squash here to follow our opening match, and a good one at that. A really good match, which will hopefully help to elevate Masked Patriot up the card. He showed real potential in this match, I just have to get the crowd to believe him being credible before I begin Patriot’s push.


Winner: Jayson Van Pelt in 6:27

‘The Elite’/Dunn Promo

‘The Elite’ make their way to the ring holding their titles high in the air, to a chorus of boos from the sell out crowd. A microphone is handed to Justin Sensitive as he reaches the ring.


Sensitive: “Last week right here in The Ministry, you fans were treated to one of the greatest performances in the history of professional wrestling by yours truly Justin Sensitive. Once again I showed why I am the best champion in BAW history, and why I am truly ‘Elite’...”


Sensitive then pauses as he notices Donte Dunn appear from the back with a mic in his hand.


Dunn: “Sensitive, you continue to claim to be the best in BAW... yet you continue to refuse to face me. I say that if you want to be considered ‘Elite’, you have to beat me first!”

Sensitive: “ Donte, the only reason I won’t give you a title shot is that you quite honestly don’t deserve one... and until I decide that you do, you won’t be getting your shot at my BAW Championship.”


Dunn: “And what gives you the right to make that judgement? What makes you think you have that power?”


Sensitive: “Because Donte, unlike you, I have the full booking of the powers that be here in BAW. The owner knows that I am the best thing that’s ever happened to this promotion, and as such has agreed to assist me in any way he can.”


Harvey Manners then rises from the Announce desk and joins Justin Sensitive in the ring.


Dunn: “This is between myself and Justin, so please just stay out of it Harvey.”


Sensitive: “You want to watch your mouth Donte, and show Harvey some respect. This man is the owner of BAW, and the reason that you will never receive a title shot...”


Harvey whispers something in Justin Sensitive’s ear, and Justin smiles and passes Harvey the mic.


Manners: “It’s true Donte, I am the owner of BAW! And Justin has made me see that as owner, I shouldn’t have to be stuck behind that announce table every week. With that in mind, I’m changing my job description. No longer will I be an announcer... from now on I will be the authority figure of this company. I am the owner of this company, and from this day forward I will be treated as such...”


Notes: An okay promo from ‘The Elite’, Regular Joe continues to improve.

Cal Sanders vs El Hijo Del Neutron

Another good squash match here. Neutron continues his role as premier jobber of BAW, which he appears to be a role he excels in. A rare win for Cal here, which will hopefully boost his momentum back up.


Winner: Cal Sanders in 4:45

Nigel Svensson vs Cheetah Boy vs Felix Harding

A filler match here to make up the time which we lost by having two squahes on the show. It was a poor match in which Nigel Svensson picked up a rare win.


Winner: Nigel Svensson in 5:20

The Rock City Stars vs The Young Americans ©

BAW Tag Titles

After winning a triple threat tag match to become number one contenders last week, The Rock City Stars receive their title shot tonight. The Young Americans were out to prove they really were ‘Elite’. These two put on a decent match, with both teams getting some good periods of offence. In the end however it was The Young Americans who had just enough to retain their titles, when Matt Hockling hit the Hock Shock to get the 3 count.


Winner: The Young Americans in 8:01

Mitico Promo

Mitico: “Tonight I have received a shot at the BAW Championship... but even with this great opportunity, I can’t help but feel the deck is going to be stacked against me somehow. With Justin Sensitive and Harvey Manners working together, how can it not be? So Justin I have just one thing to say to you. If you honestly believe you are a great Champion, that you are ‘Elite’... then you will face me one-on-one in a fair fight. No help from The Young Americans, no help from Harvey... just you and me, man on man to find out who truly is the best in BAW.”


Notes: A great promo from Mitico. Provided hype for tonights main event with Justin Sensitive, while also building on the earlier promo of the night.

Josh Jones vs Bradley Blaze

A great match from these two, with Josh Jones carrying the momentum from his top performance in alst weeks Main Event. Although Blaze was able to make this match competitive and got in some decent spells of offence, ultimately he just didn’t have enough to defeat Josh Jones.


Winner: Josh Jones in 16:05

El Mitico Jr vs Justin Sensitive

BAW Championship

A great Main Event here, with El Mitico Jr giving everything he had to try and retain the BAW Championship. The match was very open, with both men getting long periods of offence and momentum switching back of forth regularly. Interference late on from The Young Americans allowed Justin Sensitive to gain the advantage and hit the Grace Landing for the 3 count. Justin Sensitive made the 7th defence of his title, and proved once again that he is ‘Elite’.


Winner: Justin Sensitive in 16:27


Match of the Night: Main Event

Trash of the Night: Nigel Svensson vs Cheetah Boy vs Felix Harding


Next Time: How will Mitico react to The Young Americans interference? Will anyone be able to overcome The ‘Elite’ now that Harvey has revealed his support of the group?

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A quiet couple of weeks between shows for us, with the only action being the extension of Felix Harding’s contract. While Felix was really nothing more than a jobber... we were short of Heels, so needed to keep him on board.



BAW One Step Closer #44

Amazing Fire Fly vs El Hijo Del Neutron (New York Championship)

Cal Sanders vs Matt Hockling (Struggle For Supremacy qualifier)

Donte Dunn vs Felix Harding

Nigel Svensson vs Jayson Van Pelt (Struggle For Supremacy qualifier)

Josh Jones vs Delirium (Struggle For Supremacy qualifier)

El Mitico Jr vs Bradley Blaze (Struggle For Supremacy qualifier)


Prediction Results

BAW Call To Arms #23

Zergon 6/6

1234 5/6


This Year

1234 106/127

Zergon 105/122


Things are getting really close, with just one point separating you guys with just three shows left in the year!

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Amazing Fire Fly vs El Hijo Del Neutron (New York Championship)

fire Fly won´t lose for a jobber


Cal Sanders vs Matt Hockling (Struggle For Supremacy qualifier)

Hockling is more important now thanks to being one half of tag champs and part of the Elite


Donte Dunn vs Felix Harding

Dunn continues to work his way to a title shot


Nigel Svensson vs Jayson Van Pelt (Struggle For Supremacy qualifier)

As much as I would like to pick Svensson he haven´t done anything to earn a win here


Josh Jones vs Delirium (Struggle For Supremacy qualifier)

Delirium is still question mark so he loses until he either gets his spychology to required level or until he leaves


El Mitico Jr vs Bradley Blaze (Struggle For Supremacy qualifier)

With the ending on last month´s main event Mitico seems like another guy who is destinated to have a date with Sensitive and his title belt.


Hmm seems like I made exactly same picks as 1234 but what can I say? I just don´t see any of the matches going other way so guess I stay point behind for now:p.

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Sorry this is so late in going up. I've been really ill for the past few days. I still don't feel 100%, so if I've made any mistakes or something doesn't make sense just let me know and I'll correct it. :)


BAW One Step Closer #44

Week 3 November 2013

The Ministry, Queens

Attendance: 1,000 (Sell Out!)

Pre Show

A couple of new friendships were struck up tonight. First we had Matt Hockling and Nigel Svensson striking up a relationship due to a shared love of motorcycles. Then we also had our two newest signings striking up a friendship, this time due to a shared love of modern musicals.


Main Show

Amazing Fire Fly vs El Hijo Del Neutron

New York Championship

Wow, what a match! This was a fantastic match, up there with the best ever in BAW history... and it involved El Hijo Del Neutron! Amazing Fire Fly picked up the victory here, and made the 7th defence of his New York Championship. As an added bonus, Fire Fly looked like he was learning out there.


Winner: Amazing Fire Fly in 7:53

Cal Sanders vs Matt Hockling

Struggle For Supremacy Qualifier

A decent match to continue the show from these two. Matt Hockling was able to pick up the win here, after Regular Joe became involved in the match and provided the distraction.


Winner: Matt Hockling in 8:25

'The Elite’ Promo

‘The Elite’ (Justin Sensitive, Matt Hockling & Regular Joe) make their way to the ring to a chorus of boos from the crowd.


Sensitive: “Now that was a dominating performanceby Matt Hockling, a true example of just why we are ‘The Elite’... but I’m not out here just to prove to all of you once again that we are the best in BAW, well not entirely. You see Harvey and I have been in discussions about plans for our end of year show next month. As most of you are aware, BAW traditionally rounds out the year with a number one contender deciding ‘Struggle For Supremacy’ match. Now Harvey and I decided that we would run qualification matches for that match tonight... and you just witnessed the first of them. So congratulations Matt, you just qualified for the Struggle For Supremacy match!”


The crowd boos, as Matt Hockling shakes Harvey’s hand in thanks.


Sensitive: “Every other match on the card tonight will also be a qualification match for the Struggle For Supremacy match! Every match that is except for one... Donte Dunn, your match tonight will NOT be a qualification match. You see Donte, I hold all the cards! It’s about time you realised that...”


Notes: Good stuff from the Elite, Regular Joe continues to improve his performance skills.

Nigel Svensson vs Jayson Van Pelt

Struggle For Supremacy Qualifier

A decent match between these two to continue the show. Jayson Van Pelt picked up the win here to qualify for the Struggle For Supremacy match at the end of year show. Jayson also looked like he was learning out there.


Winners: Jayson Van Pelt in 7:51


Donte Dunn vs Felix Harding

A poor squash match here. Donte Dunn dominated from start to finish as he took out his frustrations on Felix Harding.


Winner: Donte Dunn in 5:43

Dunn/Manners Promo

Donte Dunn stays in the ring after his match, and grabs a microphone.


Dunn: “Harvey Manners and Justin Sensitive... get out here right now!”


Justin and Harvey make their way out to the ring, with Justin grabbing a mic on his way out.


Dunn: “So you think that by avoiding facing me you make yourself ‘Elite’? Don’t make me laugh, it makes you look pathetic!”


Sensitive: “You think I’m pathetic? You see this belt around my waist? I am a three time BAW Champion! How many time have you held the title Donte?”


Dunn: “If you’re so superior to me, you wouldn’t be scared to face me Justin... and we both know that’s the only reason you’re stopping me from entering Struggle For Supremacy! You know that if I were to enter that match I would not only win it, but I would then go on and take your title!”


Harvey and Justin have a whispered conversation. After their talk, Justin smirks before handing the mic to Harvey.


Manners: “So Donte let me get this straight... you think that you are the best in BAW, not Justin? That you would win any qualification match we gave you, and then would win Struggle For Supremacy?”


Dunn: “I don’t think I’m the best in BAW Harvey... I know I am.”


Manners: “Okay then Donte I’ll make you a deal. Next show I’ll give you a chance to qualify for Struggle For Supremacy... but in a match of Justin Sensitive’s choice!”


Dunn: “I take it I don’t have much choice?”


Justin and Harvey just laugh, as Justin takes the mic back from Harvey.

Sensitive: “See you next show Donte...”


With that Justin dropped the mic, and made his way to the back with Harvey in tow.


Notes: Good stuff from these guys. Continues the storyline heading into the next show.

El Mitico Jr vs Bradley Blaze

Struggle For Supremacy Qualifier

Wow, what a match! This was possibly the best match we have ever put on in BAW, right up there with the Josh Jones vs Justin Sensitive match from a few shows back... so why is it only our Semi-Main event? El Mitico Jr picked up the win here, and moves on to the main event at our end of year show.


Winner: El Mitico Jr in in 16:27

Josh Jones vs Delirium

Struggle For Supremacy Qualifier

Another fantastic match to finish the show! Jones and Delirium managed to match the Mitico/Blaze match for quality, and rounded off what must have been our best ever show on a real high! Josh Jones picked up the win here, and becomes the 4th man to qualify for Struggle For Supremacy.


Winner: Josh Jones in 16:30


Match of the Night: Josh Jones vs Delirium

Trash of the Night: Donte Dunn vs Felix Harding


Next Time: What match will Justin set up for Donte, and can Donte overcome the odds and qualify for Struggle For Supremacy?#

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Our continued run of good shows meant that ‘Creative’ was positive once again this month. A profit of over $45K for November didn’t hurt either.



BAW Call To Arms C/One Step Closer C+





FREEDOM put on another B-??? How am I meant to compete with that? They’ve really upped their game recently, and we needed to do the same if we wanted to keep up!


Prediction Results

BAW One Step Closer #44

Zergon 6/6

1234 6/6


This Year

1234 112/133

Zergon 111/128


With just 2 shows left in the year, only 1 point separates the two of you! It literally couldn’t be closer!

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A quiet couple of weeks between shows, which gave me time to have a long think about my card. I decided to once again leave Justin Sensitive to only promo work, and use the show to build towards the Struggle For Supremacy match at our end of year show...



BAW Call To Arms #24

Call To Arms sees Donte Dunn get his chance to qualify for Struggle For Supremacy... unfortunately it will be Justin Sensitive who picks the type of match Donte has to win in order to get there. Can Donte overcome the odds and qualify for the end of year Main Event?


The show will also see the four men who have already qualified for Struggle For Supremacy squaring off. Which men can build momentum heading into the number one contenders match?


Amazing Fire Fly vs Delirium (New York Championship)

Donte Dunn’s qualification match (Just pick whether he wins or loses here)

Ace Youngblood vs Bradley Blaze

Rockin’ Ryan Turner vs El Hijo Del Neutron

El Mitico Jr vs Jayson Van Pelt

Josh Jones vs Matt Hockling

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Amazing Fire Fly vs Delirium (New York Championship)

If Delirium had secured the skills needed I would back him, but with his future unceratin I have to pick Firefly.


Donte Dunn’s qualification match (Just pick whether he wins or loses here)

He has to win, and since Hockling has a match, and the fact you said Sensitive was being restricted to promo work this show, im predicting Regular Joe to step up here and get his *** kicked.


Ace Youngblood vs Bradley Blaze

Kill the jobber!!!


Rockin’ Ryan Turner vs El Hijo Del Neutron

EHDN has been impressive recently, might as well throw him the win.


El Mitico Jr vs Jayson Van Pelt

Mitico is a franchise player, and as much as I like JVP, Mitico has to win.


Josh Jones vs Matt Hockling

Not even interference can help Hockling here.

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Amazing Fire Fly vs Delirium (New York Championship)

If there wouldn´t be that psychology problem Delirium would likely win this one but since there is I don´t see why he should get the title here

Donte Dunn’s qualification match (Just pick whether he wins or loses here)

It´s likely handicap match or something similar but still Dunn is going to get a title shot and that likely means that he will win this one


Ace Youngblood vs Bradley Blaze

Ace is a tag guy so he won´t win this one


Rockin’ Ryan Turner vs El Hijo Del Neutron

Is Neutron getting a win here? maybe I really don´t know but since he had a good performance in last show I assume that he actually has a shot to win this one


El Mitico Jr vs Jayson Van Pelt

Van Pelt has been good but Mitico has been even better

Josh Jones vs Matt Hockling

Hockiling is good but he´s a hencman so he can take the loss here

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BAW Call To Arms #24

Week 1 December 2010

The Ministry, Queens

Attendance: 1,000 (Sell Out!)



I arrived to the show this week to find Giant Brody pulling out some spot on impersonations of some of the rest of the roster. It was all in good fun, and seemed to loosen everyone up heading into the show.


Main Show

© Amazing Fire Fly vs Delirium

New York Championship

As usual we kick off with a New York Championship match, and this is a great match to start things off. With Delirium still not hitting the required Psychology levels, I have Amazing Fire Fly pick up the win here. Fire Fly made the 8th successful defence of his title.


Winner: Amazing Fire Fly in 8:30

‘The Elite’/Dunn Promo

‘The Elite’ (Justin Sensitive, Harvey Manners, Matt Hockling & Regular Joe) make their way to the ring to a chorus of boos from the crowd. This time however they are joined by a new face.


Sensitive: “Last week ‘The Elite’ once again showed our genius, when Harvey decided to let yours truly, Justin Sensitive, pick the type of qualification match Donte Dunn would have to get through tonight to get to ‘Struggle To Supremacy’. Now I put a lot of thought into what type of match I would put you in Donte. Should I put you in a Handicap match... nah, too obvious. Maybe you should have to face the best in BAW Justin Sensitive... you don’t deserve to be in the same ring as me! No, tonight I’m really going to stack the odds against you. Tonight you will be involved in a ten man battle royal! You have a one in ten chance of qualifying for ‘Struggle For Supremacy’ Donte... and just to make it more interesting there is going to be not one, but two members of ‘The Elite’ in the match to make sure you don’t defy the odds. That’s right not only will Regular Joe be involved in the match, but the newest member of ‘The Elite’, who Harvey allowed me to bring in to help stop you tonight, will also be involved. Let me introduce everyone to Austin Smooth! Donte Dunn tonight is going to be your worst nightmare!”


Notes: Not a bad promo from ‘The Elite’, but not quite as good as some of their recent stuff. Regular Joe continues to improve on his performance skills.

10 Man Battle Royal (Donte Dunn vs Austin Smooth vs Regular Joe vs Stan ‘The Man’ Manna vs Masked Patriot vs Nigel Svensson vs Cal Sanders vs Giant Brody vs Cheetah Boy vs Felix Harding)

The match begins with Regular Joe and Austin Smooth focusing on Donte Dunn. They beat Donte for a few minutes, and Smooth looks like eliminating Dunn, before Svensson grabs him from behind and locks in a submission hold. Smooth is forced to tap, leaving Regular Joe on his own to face Donte Dunn. With the numbers game evened up, Dunn begins to fight back. After a number of eliminations, the last 3 men remaining are Cal Sanders, Donte Dunn and Regular Joe. Dunn begins attacking Regular Joe, and manages to pick up the elimination. Sanders takes his opportunity and rolls Donte up from behind. The Ref begins the count, but Dunn is able to kick out at 2 and a half. After that near fall, Donte is able to re-establish himself in the match, and pin Sanders... meaning that he has successfully qualified for the ‘Struggle For Supremacy’ match at One Step Closer.


Winner: Donte Dunn in 11:01

Ace Youngblood vs Bradley Blaze

A good match from these two. After losing his qualification match last week, I gave Bradley Blaze the win here to rebuild his momentum. As an added bonus, Ace Youngblood looked like he was learning out there.


Winner: Bradley Blaze in 7:59

Mitico Promo

Mitico: “With all the focus around Donte Dunn qualifying for ‘Struggle For Supremacy’ next month, I thought I’d better come out and remind you all that there are 4 other guys involved. You’ll be able to see all 4 of us in tonight’s Main Event’s! First I will be taking on Jayson Van Pelt, followed by Josh Jones facing ‘Elite’ member Matt Hockling. ‘Struggle For Supremacy’ will involve 5 of the top talents in BAW, and is sure to be a match to remember... all I’m going to say is make sure you are all there to see it!”


Notes: Great stuff from Mitico hyping ‘Struggle For Supremacy’ next month.


Rockin’ Ryan Turner vs El Hijo Del Neutron

Basically a filler match here to use up the remaining minutes in the show. The match itself ended up being a poor match, in which I gave El Hijo Del Neutron the win as a reward for his recent good form.


Winner: El Hijo Del Neutron in 7:50

El Mitico Jr vs Jayson Van Pelt

What a match! This will easily slot into the top 10 BAW matches of all time. The match itself was open, with both men picking up a number of near falls. In the end however it was El Mitico Jr who was able to pick up the win, and build momentum heading into ‘Struggle For Supremacy’ at One Step Closer.


Winner: El Mitico Jr in 16:07

Josh Jones vs Matt Hockling

Another great match from these two, which will slot into the top 10 matches in the company’s history. Despite attempted interference from Regular Joe, it was Josh Jones who walked away from this one with the win. How would ‘The Elite’ react to a night which went very much not to plan?


Winner: Josh Jones in 16:27


Match of the Night: Main Event

Trash of the Night: Rockin’ Ryan Turner vs El Hijo Del Neutron


Next Time: With Donte Dunn qualifying for ‘Struggle To Supremacy’, and Matt Hockling getting beaten in the Main Event this was a poor night for ‘The Elite’. How will Justin Sensitive and his group react?

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A quiet couple of weeks between the shows meant I had time to focus on my card. I toyed with Sensitive defending his title in our end of year show, but all of his main contenders were involved in the ‘Struggle For Supremacy’ match. So once again the champ would be limited to mic work tonight....


Prediction Results

BAW Call To Arms #24

1234 6/6

Zergon 6/6


This Year

1234 118/139

Zergon 117/134



BAW One Step Closer #45

The main attraction for tonight’s show is without a doubt the ‘Struggle For Supremacy’ match. Five of the top talents in BAW will face off in this unique match. The show will also see ‘The Elite’ renew their quest to add the New York Championship to their title collection, with Regular Joe challenging Amazing Fire Fly for the belt.


Amazing Fire Fly vs Regular Joe (New York Championship)

Nigel Svensson vs El Hijo Del Neutron

Ace Youngblood vs Delirium

Cheetah Boy vs Felix Harding

Cal Sanders vs Bradley Blaze

Struggle For Supremacy match (El Mitico Jr vs Josh Jones vs Donte Dunn vs Jayson Van Pelt vs Matt Hockling)


Bonus: Who will be the final elimination in the Struggle For Supremacy match?

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Amazing Fire Fly vs Regular Joe (New York Championship)

Joe is already the tag champ, he doesnt need another belt.


Nigel Svensson vs El Hijo Del Neutron

Could go either way, hoping Svensson can beat the amazing jobber.


Ace Youngblood vs Delirium

Another hard pick, hoping im not wrong.


Cheetah Boy vs Felix Harding

Neither have been used much recently, Cheetah atleast has chemistry with Sensitive.


Cal Sanders vs Bradley Blaze

Blaze is a better performer, hoping Sanders doesnt steal a win.


Struggle For Supremacy match (El Mitico Jr vs Josh Jones vs Donte Dunn vs Jayson Van Pelt vs Matt Hockling)

Seems an obvious winner, but you could pull a swerve.


Bonus: Who will be the final elimination in the Struggle For Supremacy match? El Mitico Jr

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Amazing Fire Fly vs Regular Joe (New York Championship)

If elite is going to get this belt it´s going to be Hockling who bring it in not joe


Nigel Svensson vs El Hijo Del Neutron

Well i need to take a risk somewhere if I want to win predictions and here it is, Svensson is slight favorite IMO but he haven´t won all that much so maybe Neutron gets another win thanks to his good performance two shows ago


Ace Youngblood vs Delirium

Ace isn´t winning all that much and definitely not many single matches so Delirium is a safe pick here


Cheetah Boy vs Felix Harding

random pick, well that and the fact that I need to make differend picks than 1234:p. I have no idea here, really


Cal Sanders vs Bradley Blaze

Blaze is higher on ladders


Struggle For Supremacy match (El Mitico Jr vs Josh Jones vs Donte Dunn vs Jayson Van Pelt vs Matt Hockling)

kind of obvious pick considering current storylines


Bonus: Who will be the final elimination in the Struggle For Supremacy match? Matt Hockling

Hockling is the only Elite member in this match and it would make a nice story if he´s the last guy eliminated

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BAW One Step Closer #45

Week 3 December 2013

The Ministry, Queens

Attendance: 1,000 (Sell Out!)

Pre Show

I walked into the locker room this week to find Justin Sensitive entertaining the guys with some road stories from some of his previous promotions. These, along with a festive spirit with Christmas coming up, meant that the locker room was a happy place to be.


Main Show

'The Elite’ Promo

‘The Elite’ (Justin Sensitive, Matt Hockling, Regular Joe & Austin Smooth) make their way to the ring to a chorus of boos from the crowd.


Sensitive: “With Donte Dunn qualifying for ‘Struggle For Supremacy’ last week and Matt Hockling coming up short in the Main Event, some people in the back have started saying that ‘The Elite’ are beginning to lose their touch. Well we can’t allow that to continue, so tonight ‘The Elite’ is making a statement. First Regular Joe will take Amazing Fire Fly’s New Well we can’t allow that to continue, so tonight ‘The Elite’ is making a statement. First Regular Joe will take Amazing Fire Fly’s New York Championship and finally bring every belt in BAW into ‘The Elite’. Then in tonight’s Main Event, Matt Hockling will reign supreme and become number one contender for the BAW Championship. By the end of the night this group will be in possession of all the titles, and will be for a long time to come!”


Notes: Good stuff from ‘The Elite’. New man Austin Smooth improved his acting skills.

Amazing Fire Fly vs Regular Joe

New York Championship

A great opening match to the show, despite a lack of Psychology being on display. This has been a great title run from Fire Fly, and his ability to put on great matches with the likes of Regular Joe plays no small part in that. Despite attempted interference from both Matt Hockling and Austin Smooth, Fire Fly was able to hit the Sky High Fire Fly and get the pin. This was his 9th defence of this New York Championship reign.


Winner: Amazing Fire Fly in 7:42

Nigel Svensson vs El Hijo Del Neutron

A slight cool down, as these two put on a decent match. This was a close call, but after his recent good form I decided to give El Hijo Del Neutron the win here.


Winner: El Hijo Del Neutron in 8:14

Ace Youngblood vs Delirium

An improvement here, as Delirium is victorious in a good match. While he is still struggling to improve his Psychology, Delirium is still a talented wrestler and as such should still pick up the odd win. While he didn’t improve his Psychology, Delirium did look like his Rumble skills were sharpening up out there.


Winners: Delirium in 8:19

Mitico Promo

Mitico: “Five men go into the ‘Struggle For Supremacy’ match, but by the end of the night only one man will rule supreme and become number one contender. I’ve held the BAW Championship in the past, and it is my goal to hold it once again. ‘Struggle For Supremacy’ represents my best opportunity to do so, so Justin Sensitive... consider yourself on notice!”


Notes: Not too bad from Mitico, but not up to the standards of some of his recent work.

Cheetah Boy vs Felix Harding

A filler match here, to make up the remaining time on the show. With so many top stars in the Main Event it was left to some lower card guys to step up. Unfortunately this was a poor match, which was won by Cheetah Boy. On the plus side, Cheetah Boy looked like he was learning out there.


Winner: Cheetah Boy in 4:59

Cal Sanders vs Bradley Blaze

A good match here. Bradley Blaze’s recent rise up the card meant that he was the one who picked up the win here.


Winner: Bradley Blaze in 16:01

El Mitico Jr vs Josh Jones vs Donte Dunn vs Jayson Van Pelt vs Matt Hockling

Struggle For Supremacy Match

The match started with Matt Hockling going right after Donte Dunn in an attempt to get him out of the match early. He was ultimately unsuccessful, and it took nearly 10 minutes for the first elimination to occur. It was Josh Jones who was first to go, after being caught with a Hock Shock from Matt Hockling after a rake to the eyes. Next to go was Jayson Van Pelt who got caught from behind by a big German Suplex by El Mitico Jr, which proved enough to get the 3 count. This left Matt Hockling, Donte Dunn and El Mitico Jr in the match. For the next 5 minutes the three traded big moves and near falls, before Donte Dunn was able to hit the Sunny Daze and eliminate Matt Hockling from the match. Donte took a moment to celebrate this, and was almost rolled up by Mitico but was able to kick out on two and a half. Mitico and Dunn went back and forth for another 5 minutes trading near falls, but in the end it was Donte Dunn who once again hit the Sunny Daze and picked up the pin and the victory in the Struggle For Supremacy.


This was a great match to finish the year on, with these 5 guys putting on a really entertaining show. El Mitico Jr wasn’t happy at having to lose to Donte Dunn, so I decided to have him the last man eliminated to try and minimise his displeasure. I’m sure he did this last year as well... I’d need to keep that in mind in the future. Matt Hockling, who was originally meant to be eliminated last, looked like he was learning out there.


Winner: Donte Dunn in 20:25


Match of the Night: Struggle For Supremacy match

Trash of the Night: Cheetah Boy vs Felix Harding


Next Time: With Donte Dunn winning a guaranteed Title shot, how would ‘The Elite’ react?

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A really happy ‘Creative’ to round the year off. It had been a good year for BAW, particularly for the companies bank account. We had managed to make just under $500K this year, while continuing to increase our popularity. If we could achieve the same next year I would be a happy man.



BAW Call To Arms C/One Step Closer C





Another great show from FCW, who seem to be in the middle of a great run at the moment. We end the year where we started it, at #2. At least we had won a couple of months this year, something we had never managed before.


Prediction Results

BAW One Step Closer #45

1234 6/7

Zergon 5/7


This Year

1234 124/146

Zergon 122/141


A really close competition year, but in the end it was 1234 who just edged it. As usual you can either choose a new man for me to bring in (if reasonable, i.e $800 or less PPA), or your choice of someone to get a run at a title belt. :)

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Year in review 2013


The yearly awards were handed out, and these were the results

Promotion of the Year: NOTBPW

Most Improved Promotion: SOTBPW


Promotional Growth: HIW to Small, MHW, SAISHO, BSC, DIW to Regional, SOTBPW to National

Promotional Shrinking: WLW, SWF, BHOTWG to Cult

Out of Business: none!

New Promotions:HIW


Wrestler of the Year: Sean McFly (4th Win)

Young Wrestler of the Year: Nichiren Amagawa (2nd Win)

Veteran Wrestler of the Year: Jeremy Stone (4th Win)

Female Wrestler of the Year: Fuyuko Higa (4th Win)


Match of the Year: Haruki Kudo bt Hiroyasu Gakusha (GCG Blue Emerald Battle)

Show of the Year: TCW Saturday Night Showcase (W1 Dec, A*)


Ex BAW wrestlers in Power 100: Extraordinario Jr #32, KC Glenn #87 Greg Guage #99



One of the fans was kind enough to put a yearly review of the company online, and these were the results

New entries to Top 10 Shows:

1. BAW One Step Closer #44 (November 2013) C+

2. BAW Call To Arms #17 (May 2013) C+

3. BAW One Step Closer #43 (October 2013) C+

4. BAW Call To Arms #23 (November 2013) C

5. BAW Call To Arms #24 (December 2013) C

6. BAW Call To Arms #20 (August 2013) C

7. BAW Call To Arms #16 (April 2013) C

9. BAW One Step Closer #42 (September 2013) C

10. BAW One Step Closer #45 (December 2013) C


New entries to Top 10 Matches:

1. Josh Jones bt Delirium (BAW One Step Closer #44) B-

2. Justin Sensitive bt Josh Jones (BAW One Step Closer #43) B-

3. El Mitico Jr bt Bradley Blaze (BAW One Step Closer #44) B-

4. Struggle For Supremacy match (BAW One Step Closer #45) B-

5. Justin Sensitive bt Josh Jones (BAW Call To Arms #20) C+

6. Josh Jones bt Justin Sensitive (BAW Call To Arms #13) C+

7. Josh Jones bt Matt Hockling (BAW Call To Arms #24) C+

8. Josh Jones by Bradley Blaze (BAW Call To Arms #22) C+

9. El Mitico Jr bt Donte Dunn (BAW One Step Closer #41) C+

10. Josh Jones bt Bradley Blaze (BAW Call To Arms #23) C+


This shows how good a year we’ve had. Nine new entries to the top ten shows, and ten new entries to our top ten matches show this was really a year of improvement. Hopefully we will continue next year.

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A really close competition year, but in the end it was 1234 who just edged it. As usual you can either choose a new man for me to bring in (if reasonable, i.e $800 or less PPA), or your choice of someone to get a run at a title belt. :)


I would be quite interested in suggesting a new man to bring in, but without knowing how the game world was shaping up and who was signed where it would take me a long time to guess someone that would be available. (Partly because of how the world has changed and partly me not knowing much about the 2010 Cverse). So would it be possible for me to get the save game so I can look how is feasable to sign?


If not I will be happy giving someone a title shot.

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I would be quite interested in suggesting a new man to bring in, but without knowing how the game world was shaping up and who was signed where it would take me a long time to guess someone that would be available. (Partly because of how the world has changed and partly me not knowing much about the 2010 Cverse). So would it be possible for me to get the save game so I can look how is feasable to sign?


If not I will be happy giving someone a title shot.


Yeah I'm happy to send you the game file... I'm just not entirely sure on how to do it :p Do you need to do anything to it, or can I just copy it straight from the 'SaveGames' file into an email?

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Yeah I'm happy to send you the game file... I'm just not entirely sure on how to do it :p Do you need to do anything to it, or can I just copy it straight from the 'SaveGames' file into an email?


You would need to copy the save from the "Save Games" folder into your documents or any where else that you would want to put it. (doesnt matter too much, just make sure to copy it so you dont mess up the "real" version of the save). Then right click on the folder (which will of course be named whatever you named the save) and select "send to" > "Compressed (Zipped) Folder", and then you can attach that file to an email. :)


If you dont feel entirely sure on what you are doing it is probably safest not to do it, or just make a copy from the load the game section to make sure you have a backup if something goes wrong.


Ohh and of course make sure you are not any shows ahead of what you have posted on here otherwise I could cheat (I wouldnt but just out of fairness to other predictors).


Edit-I havent found a way to attach files on PM's on this board, I dont know if I just cant see it or if there really isnt a way, so if you need my proper email to send the game just let me know and I will PM it to you.

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You would need to copy the save from the "Save Games" folder into your documents or any where else that you would want to put it. (doesnt matter too much, just make sure to copy it so you dont mess up the "real" version of the save). Then right click on the folder (which will of course be named whatever you named the save) and select "send to" > "Compressed (Zipped) Folder", and then you can attach that file to an email. :)


If you dont feel entirely sure on what you are doing it is probably safest not to do it, or just make a copy from the load the game section to make sure you have a backup if something goes wrong.


Ohh and of course make sure you are not any shows ahead of what you have posted on here otherwise I could cheat (I wouldnt but just out of fairness to other predictors).


Edit-I havent found a way to attach files on PM's on this board, I dont know if I just cant see it or if there really isnt a way, so if you need my proper email to send the game just let me know and I will PM it to you.


Where should the file be (under what drive etc.). Maybe I'm just being a bit slow, but I can't find it...

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Where should the file be (under what drive etc.). Maybe I'm just being a bit slow, but I can't find it...


C:\Program Files (x86)\GDS\TEW2010\Databases\Default\SaveGames


Thats where it would be for me, im guessing yours will be similar but wont have the (x86) in it. E.g C:\Program Files\GDS\TEW2010\Databases\Default\SaveGames


If you cant find it or are having trouble just let me know and I can either assist or just pick a championship challenger.

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C:\Program Files (x86)\GDS\TEW2010\Databases\Default\SaveGames


Thats where it would be for me, im guessing yours will be similar but wont have the (x86) in it. E.g C:\Program Files\GDS\TEW2010\Databases\Default\SaveGames


If you cant find it or are having trouble just let me know and I can either assist or just pick a championship challenger.


I followed that file path, but the folder seems to be empty. I reloaded the game to check I hadn't deleted anything, but the game is still working in there. So I'm not sure why, but it appears to be in a different place to yours? I did a search in 'My Computer' which didn't find the files either, so I'm not sure what has happened there...


I don't know, maybe you could just throw a few names at me and I'll see if they are possible?

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I followed that file path, but the folder seems to be empty. I reloaded the game to check I hadn't deleted anything, but the game is still working in there. So I'm not sure why, but it appears to be in a different place to yours? I did a search in 'My Computer' which didn't find the files either, so I'm not sure what has happened there...


I don't know, maybe you could just throw a few names at me and I'll see if they are possible?


Sorry I dont know where it could be then, either its saved in a different place for some unknown reason, or it could be a problem relating to running the game in admin mode.


Either way it doesent really matter as the game obviously still works which is the most important thing.


Will whip up a quick list of potential candidates and will pm you later. Thanks for trying anyway :)

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