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LMLL: A man on a mission

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This is my first Diary and i hope likes you and pardon my english

is not my lenguage




My name is Penny (a wierd name indeed) and tonight i have my first Match:) without a mask as myself but it take some time to get to this point so i will tell you how the LMLL borns and how i put myself the mission to take this company to the top of the mountain.



1960 - 1970


This decade was one of the most famous in history of mexican Lucha Libre (wrestling) with the superstar called El Patron and a lot of others but with the bunch of wrestlers was one called El Supremo (my GrandFather) he was one of the first luchadores to do some flashy moves like dives out of the ring, he was becaming in one of the most popular luchadores in Mexico and OLLIE offer him a contract and he was on his trip to greatness until that bastard of El Patron use his political to win the mask of my Grandfather and in the process he do a stiffness chair shot to his Knee and tearing it in three parts and put an end to his career (the bastard).

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This is my first Diary and i hope likes you and pardon my english

is not my lenguage




My name is Penny (a wierd name indeed) and tonight i have my first Match:) without a mask as myself but it take some time to get to this point so i will tell you how the LMLL borns and how i put myself the mission to take this company to the top of the mountain.



1960 - 1970


This decade was one of the most famous in history of mexican Lucha Libre (wrestling) with the superstar called El Patron and a lot of others but with the bunch of wrestlers was one called El Supremo (my GrandFather) he was one of the first luchadores to do some flashy moves like dives out of the ring, he was becaming in one of the most popular luchadores in Mexico and OLLIE offer him a contract and he was on his trip to greatness until that bastard of El Patron use his political to win the mask of my Grandfather and in the process he do a stiffness chair shot to his Knee and tearing it in three parts and put an end to his career (the bastard).


1970 - 2010


After that night my grandfather leave OLLIE in anger and in the shadow of that bastard he moves to the north of the country and start working as a road agent and sometimes he was a booker (actually a very good one do to his no political way of booking) and he soon married to my grandmother and a year after he became in father of three sons my father and my two uncles

only my uncles fallow his path but they dont succed (actually they were good but they have less charisma than a tree) my father became a succesful business man thanks to a national supermarket chain and i born in 1991 a year after my father meet my mother at the age of 5 i took a decision i will no fallow his path as a suit man no i will take the path of my grandfather and will put the name of my family in the books of wretling history and i will destroy the legacy of El Patron.

So in 1996 i begin my training in the arts of lucha libre trained by my grandfather and my uncles i was planing to wait till a have 10 years but in 1995 El Patron grandson born and they were alredy talking of him taking the mask and the legacy (actually he never have a son only girls because of that never was a Patron Jr) so i put my trainig as priority and a make my debut as La pequeña Amenasa (i dont take the name of my grandfather because i was changing name after name and never took an oficial name because of that i really have cero popularity) at the age of 10 (yeah i spend 5 years training day and night and i was very good not excellent but good) so i spend 8 years as profesional and became very good i have all the tools to make an impact but were to put that skills to test



No i hate his comic style



No i hate his champion Champagne Lover and his american style of bussines




If i dont have anough resons they alredy ofered a contract to the Patron grandson when he became pro


I was desperate to be in a name company and begin my career and have enough popularity to one day take the mask of el Patron


so in the 31 of december of 2009 my father came to me and tell me son you have 20 days to asamble a good roster i alredy do the papers and you and your grandfather are gona take the LMLL the what i ask him are you stupid the LMLL a wrestling company i already assemble but i will not gona run it i only put the money you and your grand father are gona put everything else

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This is my first Diary and i hope likes you and pardon my english

is not my lenguage




My name is Penny (a wierd name indeed) and tonight i have my first Match:) without a mask as myself but it take some time to get to this point so i will tell you how the LMLL borns and how i put myself the mission to take this company to the top of the mountain.



1960 - 1970


This decade was one of the most famous in history of mexican Lucha Libre (wrestling) with the superstar called El Patron and a lot of others but with the bunch of wrestlers was one called El Supremo (my GrandFather) he was one of the first luchadores to do some flashy moves like dives out of the ring, he was becaming in one of the most popular luchadores in Mexico and OLLIE offer him a contract and he was on his trip to greatness until that bastard of El Patron use his political to win the mask of my Grandfather and in the process he do a stiffness chair shot to his Knee and tearing it in three parts and put an end to his career (the bastard).


1970 - 2010


After that night my grandfather leave OLLIE in anger and in the shadow of that bastard he moves to the north of the country and start working as a road agent and sometimes he was a booker (actually a very good one do to his no political way of booking) and he soon married to my grandmother and a year after he became in father of three sons my father and my two uncles

only my uncles fallow his path but they dont succed (actually they were good but they have less charisma than a tree) my father became a succesful business man thanks to a national supermarket chain and i born in 1991 a year after my father meet my mother at the age of 5 i took a decision i will no fallow his path as a suit man no i will take the path of my grandfather and will put the name of my family in the books of wretling history and i will destroy the legacy of El Patron.

So in 1996 i begin my training in the arts of lucha libre trained by my grandfather and my uncles i was planing to wait till a have 10 years but in 1995 El Patron grandson born and they were alredy talking of him taking the mask and the legacy (actually he never have a son only girls because of that never was a Patron Jr) so i put my trainig as priority and a make my debut as La pequeña Amenasa (i dont take the name of my grandfather because i was changing name after name and never took an oficial name because of that i really have cero popularity) at the age of 10 (yeah i spend 5 years training day and night and i was very good not excellent but good) so i spend 8 years as profesional and became very good i have all the tools to make an impact but were to put that skills to test



No i hate his comic style



No i hate his champion Champagne Lover and his american style of bussines




If i dont have anough resons they alredy ofered a contract to the Patron grandson when he became pro


I was desperate to be in a name company and begin my career and have enough popularity to one day take the mask of el Patron


so in the 31 of december of 2009 my father came to me and tell me son you have 20 days to asamble a good roster i alredy do the papers and you and your grandfather are gona take the LMLL the what i ask him are you stupid the LMLL a wrestling company i already assemble but i will not gona run it i only put the money you and your grand father are gona put everything else


Penny: with 500,000 in our hands we have everything.

I was looking to arm a good rooster but with almost al the good stars in OLLIE,SOTBPW,MPWF i have little options but i remember some wrestlers but then came my grandfather with his mask and tell me


Supremo:Son i present you a friend the Grand avatar he will be our booker he is not a talking man but he is good


Penny: I ask him then wath tha hell i gona do he says


Supremo: are you stupid you will be a part of the booking team you will hire and fire people but you will be or wrestler star well it will take you some time to make your popularity grow but will take care of that later, now continue to think in wish people you are gona hire but remember they should have


35+ Of charisma

35+ of athletic

and never be in jail i dont want criminals in this place


Penny: Ok

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Penny: with 500,000 in our hands we have everything.

I was looking to arm a good rooster but with almost al the good stars in OLLIE,SOTBPW,MPWF i have little options but i remember some wrestlers but then came my grandfather with his mask and tell me


Supremo:Son i present you a friend the Grand avatar he will be our booker he is not a talking man but he is good


Penny: I ask him then wath tha hell i gona do he says


Supremo: are you stupid you will be a part of the booking team you will hire and fire people but you will be or wrestler star well it will take you some time to make your popularity grow but will take care of that later, now continue to think in wish people you are gona hire but remember they should have


35+ Of charisma

35+ of athletic

and never be in jail i dont want criminals in this place


Penny: Ok


Here is our first card


Armada vs Penny

Sunburst vs El Ladron

El Jefe Militar vs Daredevil aereo

3 VS 3 lucha libre match

The Luna Twins and Surfeador californiano


La bestia purpura,La estrella and el pavo real


Put your opinion

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  • 3 weeks later...

Armada vs Penny

Sunburst vs El Ladron

El Jefe Militar vs Daredevil aereo

3 VS 3 lucha libre match

The Luna Twins and Surfeador californiano


La bestia purpura,La estrella and el pavo real


great work. hope you are enjoying the writing. hope you stick with us for a while. English not being your first language don't get two discouraged if it takes people a while to give you some feed back. :D

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Armada vs Penny

Sunburst vs El Ladron

El Jefe Militar vs Daredevil aereo

3 VS 3 lucha libre match

The Luna Twins and Surfeador californiano


La bestia purpura,La estrella and el pavo real


Been preparing a Lucha diary myself with your much hated OLLIE so interested to see where this goes.

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LMLL "Estrellas de la Lucha"


Benito Saenz: Welcome to the first event of LMLL from the LMLL Gym so lets get ready for the lucha


Ricardo Arias : yeahhh its time for somo action


Benito Saenz: thats what i say you dont need to repeat it


Ricardo : whatever




Penny: damm Armada is not ready we will have to put other match until he is ready


1# Match


Sunburst vs El Ladron

Benito: El Ladron defeted Sunburst after some dirty tricks

Ricardo: El Ladron cheating no way Really¡¡¡¡¡

Benito: oh STFU



Penny: MMMM he isnt ready for godsake he need to stop using that spanish armor...... nah it suits him well


2# Match

El Jefe Militar vs Dardevil Aereo


B: WOW El Jefe just destroyed that poor boy Aereo with a hell of Power Bomb


R: its not a surprise he is incredible powerful and Aereo well he isnt what you call a Big man and im not sure if he is a man


B: yeah he is a little guy we understand it


3# Match


Armada vs Penny


B: what a great displey of skills from Penny he even performed a great moonsault


R: yeah but he lose to Armada and thats the only thing that matters


B: Yup in the end he lose




3 VS 3 Lucha Libre


The Luna Twins & Surfeador Californiano



La Bestia Purpura & El Pavo Real & La Estrella


R: and that my friends is what happens when you try to defy la bestia you get a hell of a Kick to the Face


B: yeah and Surfeador learned the hard way


B: wow the Luna Twins are and awesome team


R: yeah but his cordination whas useless against the experience of El Pavo Real and The Awesomnessssss of La Estrella



Show Rating = E-

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LMLL "Estrellas de la Lucha"


Benito Saenz: Welcome to the first event of LMLL from the LMLL Gym so lets get ready for the lucha


Ricardo Arias : yeahhh its time for somo action


Benito Saenz: thats what i say you dont need to repeat it


Ricardo : whatever




Penny: damm Armada is not ready we will have to put other match until he is ready


1# Match


Sunburst vs El Ladron

Benito: El Ladron defeted Sunburst after some dirty tricks

Ricardo: El Ladron cheating no way Really¡¡¡¡¡

Benito: oh STFU



Penny: MMMM he isnt ready for godsake he need to stop using that spanish armor...... nah it suits him well


2# Match

El Jefe Militar vs Dardevil Aereo


B: WOW El Jefe just destroyed that poor boy Aereo with a hell of Power Bomb


R: its not a surprise he is incredible powerful and Aereo well he isnt what you call a Big man and im not sure if he is a man


B: yeah he is a little guy we understand it


3# Match


Armada vs Penny


B: what a great displey of skills from Penny he even performed a great moonsault


R: yeah but he lose to Armada and thats the only thing that matters


B: Yup in the end he lose




3 VS 3 Lucha Libre


The Luna Twins & Surfeador Californiano



La Bestia Purpura & El Pavo Real & La Estrella


R: and that my friends is what happens when you try to defy la bestia you get a hell of a Kick to the Face


B: yeah and Surfeador learned the hard way


B: wow the Luna Twins are and awesome team


R: yeah but his cordination whas useless against the experience of El Pavo Real and The Awesomnessssss of La Estrella



Show Rating = E-


Sorry for the late i have problems with may keyboard but now im back to see where do this Diary take us and for Next Week Show we have


Penny & Dardevil vs El Jefe Militar & Armada

Surfeador Californiano Vs El Ladron

Sunburst vs El pavo Real

The Luna Twins vs La Bestia Purpura & El Ladron

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Penny & Dardevil vs El Jefe Militar & Armada

Surfeador Californiano Vs El Ladron

Sunburst vs El pavo Real

The Luna Twins vs La Bestia Purpura & El Ladron


BTW no need to quote all the time just use the blue icon most to the bottom right.

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