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RIPW: The Ballad of Henry Lee

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Morgan Malone


[We see Henry Lee sitting in a kitchen of what one would have to believe is his house, reading a newspaper. The kitchen is rather dreary; Henry’s table is an old wooden table, which tilts to the left a bit because one of the legs of the table has worn out. Henry’s telephone rings and he walks over and answers it.]


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Henry Lee: Hello, Hank speaking.


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Troy Winner: Hello…hello Henry. This is Troy Winner; yes, very much it is nice to hear your voice.


[Henry rolls his eyes, as this is the dreaded monthly phone call from 4C owner Troy Winner. You see Troy tends to ramble on and on about basically nothing each month and Henry would much rather read about how his beloved Red Sox are doing, than listening to the inane ramblings of a man who may or may not be sane.]


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Henry Lee: Ah, Troy we are going to have to keep this short this month. I have to hop in the shower in a few minutes and then after that I will be in meetings all day.


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Troy Winner: Showers, yes…yes…hot showers, cold showers. I like cold but most like hot. I also love the hot cold song by Katy Perry. What a very pretty young lady, I wonder if she would dig dwarfs. Just because I am small in stature, does not mean I am small everywhere. Maybe I should look up Katy Perry and see if she has a dwarf fetish. The things that I could do with her, I would…


[Henry looks visibly upset at having to have this conversation. He tries to mask just how angry he is when he interrupts Troy talk about Katy Perry.]


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Henry Lee: I do not want to be rude Troy but I really have to make this call short. Therefore, if you could tell me what you want, you and I can make this conversation quick.


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Troy Winner: Yes…yes I see that you are a busy man Henry. Okay I have been many places recently went on a fine trip to Vancouver with my sister. Very nice place rained a lot but it was to be expected. Anyway, the trip gave me time to reflect. Reflection is very fun to do, but that is neither hear nor there.


No my reflection led me to a revelation. Not a spiritual revelation, I mean I might be bonkers but I am not that bonkers. At least I don’t think I am that bonkers yet. Perhaps I am, perhaps I am not. I do not really know. Can someone know if they are bonkers or not? Is that at all possible.


[Henry looks like he is ready to channel his Icon of Insanity persona while talking on the phone with Troy. Finally, Henry lets out a very deep sigh and says:]


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Henry Lee: Look, not to be rude but I really must ask you to get to the point. Please tell me exactly what your revelation was…


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Troy Winner: Oh, um…yes the revelation. Good…good…we just had a young man graduate from our wrestling school by the name of Morgan Malone. Fine upstanding young man he is. Well I want him to come and work for you in the States. I see him as a future star up here, but in order for him to truly get over; he needs to wrestle in America. What do you think?


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Henry Lee: Well I have to be honest with you Troy. I have a pretty full roster at the moment; in fact, I just fired Brimstone recently. Therefore, if anything I would like to shed some talent not bring new talent in.


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Troy Winner: Oh I see, well if you are looking to shed talent, and are not willing to have Morgan come and work for you…I could easily take back Kintaro, The Wilkes Brothers, and Too Hot. I mean they do seem to be over worked as it is. Maybe they should just work for 4C…


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Henry Lee: Ah…no do not do that. I am sure I can work something out with Morgan. Have him call me tomorrow and I will talk to him about working down here. Now Troy if you would excuse me I really need to take that shower.


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Troy Winner: Very good, yes…yes, very good indeed. I am glad you are seeing things my way. Okay you have a good day take care…


[Henry hangs up the phone and walks back over to the kitchen table. He mutters to himself:]


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Henry Lee: Man do I hate that midget!

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By reading your dynasty I have come to the conclusion that if Troy Winner was a real person and I knew him that he would be one of those people who annoyed the hell out of me. It seems like that is what you were going for so good job on that. Keep up the great work!


Thank you!


Also, that is true, I think he would annoy a lot of people if he was real. I wish I could feature him more often. Maybe we shall be made privy to his monthly conversations with Henry.

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BHk, I just wanted to take the time to write you. I appreciate your posts on mine. This promotion never really caught my eye, I'll be honest. But your skills as a writer and story teller have made this enjoyable. I will try and get caught up with it sir.
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BHk, I just wanted to take the time to write you. I appreciate your posts on mine. This promotion never really caught my eye, I'll be honest. But your skills as a writer and story teller have made this enjoyable. I will try and get caught up with it sir.


Thank you very much! I am not sure if I do have any skills as a writer or a story teller but I am glad you think I do.:D Seriously though, thank you for reading and commenting.

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Sue’s Superstar of the Month!





Sue Danes: Wud up RIPW fans! It’s your girl Sue Danes here and it is that time of the month again, you know when I interview an RIPW superstar! My guest this month is Brain Cash-Man.


[brian walks on screen dressed exactly like he was during The Making of Legends, therefore one can assume that this interview is being conducted directly after the event.]


Sue Danes: First off Brian I would totally like to…


[brian puts his had up, with the intent of stopping Sue from saying anything else.]



Brian Cash-Man: Can it valley girl! Before you utter another word out of your month, I demand you call me mister Cash-Man. After all, you do not know me well enough to speak to me on a first name basis. Is that absolutely clear!


[sue looks upset at what Brian has just said to her, and she rolls her eyes before continuing to speak.]


Sue Danes: Yeah totally dude, whatever…


Brian Cash-Man: Also, if you are going to interview me, I would suggest you learn to speak proper English. Whatever dude is totally dismissive and I would appreciate you remove those words from your lexicon while you speak to me.


[sue rolls her eyes again and then lets out a deep sigh before speaking again.]


Sue Danes: Okay, dude…I mean mister Cash-Man, you have recently been looking to add members to your team. Do you like care to tell us if you have gotten lucky in that.


[brian looks at Sue for a moment and shakes his head in disgust. He then grabs the microphone from Sue‘s hand and looks at her again.]


Brian Cash-Man: Look, clearly you should not be allowed anywhere near a microphone. Therefore, I want you to just stand there, do what you do best, and look pretty. Let me the professional do my job and you do yours eye candy.


[sue is clearly upset at what Brian is saying to her. She just stands next to him with her arms folded, and a scowl on her face.]


Brian Cash-Man: Now to answer your inane question…yes I am looking to add players to our team. My boss has told me that I can go out and sign whomever I decide will make our team better. Right now, I have my franchise player my Alex Rodriguez if you will, in the RIPW champion Hollywood Hank.


However, one man does not make a team. Therefore, I went out and signed up the best tag team here in RIPW, The Canadian Hit Squad. These two men are vicious psychopaths who will stop at nothing to destroy their opponents. Neither man speaks very much, but neither man needs to speak very much. Why you may ask, it is because they do all of their damage in the ring. Moreover, when you put each and every one of your opponents on a stretcher after every match, what really needs to be said?


Now the only thing left for me is to find a young wrestler who is a great prospect. The Robinson Cano of this team. I do think that the prospect that best fits the bill at this time is Donte Dunn. However, it is up to him if he wants to join us. I will say this; he would be a fool not to. Who would not want to join the greatest team in the history of this industry?


Well that is really all that I have to say right now. Here is your microphone back blondie, and remember the next time you talk to me, try and speak like an educated person. I know you are clearly not, but at least make an attempt to sound like one the next time you speak to me.


[brian hands Sue the microphone and walks off screen. Sue watches him as he walks off screen and she looks extremely pissed off at him. She then turns her gaze back to the camera and says:]


Sue Danes: Man that guy is totally an arrogant prick! Whatever, I am sooo over it…I am totally not going to thank my jerk guest this month. But I would like to say that I hope you all tune in next month when I interview my next superstar of the month, hopefully he will be someone nice... Until then, this is Sue Danes wishing that each and every one of you have a kick ass month! See you all laters!


[sue blows a kiss at the camera and then the clip fades to black.]


occ: I was just looking at the view count of my NYCW diary which is in the 2008 thread. And at this point in the diary I ended it with 12 shows (whereas this is only seven shows in) and I had 7000+ views. While this diary is at the 4000+ mark, so it got me thinking, is the NYCW diary that much better than this one. Just found it interesting.

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I think NYCW as a promotion is just a very popular one. That and MAW are probably the ones that people, especially newer ones, play the most as they follow traditional wrestling styles, are relatively forgiving to book, and are small enough not to get overwhelmed.


It's probably no coincidence that my most popular diaries by far , in terms of view count, have both been NYCW ones.

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The following video is on RIPW.com


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[The video begins in what appears to be a gym. We see a man standing in front of a full-length mirror he is lifting weights. He has on fifty-pound dumbbell in his left arm as he gazes at the mirror lovingly. He puts the dumbbell down on the ground and turns around to face the camera.]



Jared Johnson: I can look at myself in the mirror for days. I am truly half man, half-amazing. I am the man that all of the other men want to be, and all of the women want to be with. I am a human masterpiece. I am the man that every man should attain to be, but no man will ever come close to being.


When I walk down the street women faint and men cower at my mere presence. I am a god who has fallen to earth; I am Simply Amazing Jared Johnson…


[Jared Johnson picks up the dumbbell with his right hand and starts to lift it with that arm, as the video comes to an end.]

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i wasn't here for the NYCW diary, but this one kicks ass :p


although, brian cash-man ISN'T a superstar :mad:


What do you mean Brian Cash-Man is not a superstar? After all he did guide Hollywood Hank to the RIPW Championship.


I think NYCW as a promotion is just a very popular one. That and MAW are probably the ones that people, especially newer ones, play the most as they follow traditional wrestling styles, are relatively forgiving to book, and are small enough not to get overwhelmed.


It's probably no coincidence that my most popular diaries by far , in terms of view count, have both been NYCW ones.


Yeah I agree with that, I still love NYCW and have gotten back into MAW (My favorite promotion from TEW07, although I was not a fan of it in TEW08.). I think more people will be drawn to the more popular promotions, also it helps when you are a good writer, which I am not.

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Hey ya wrestling fans its RIPW’s number one fan Rowdy Roger! Okay dis is dis month’s review of da last RIPW show which waz called Da Making of Legends part one. Dat name reminds me of a horror movie.


Before I talk about da show, I gotta tell ya why I did not write last month. Old Roger had a stomache virus, and I waz crapping my brains out. I gotta say, I aint never gonna eat tacos from da Taco Bell again.


Now onto da first match of da night which waz between Stuart Ferdinand and Too Hot. Dis match waz okay, before da match started Stuart said if we in da crowd didn’t treat him with respect he waz gonna go back to wrestling in Japan. I really wish he would, but he probably won’t.


I’ve seen better matches, and I’ve seen worse. But I gotta be honest I waz not paying dat much attention to da match cuz my ear was itchy and I had to pick da ear wax outta it. Da woman next to me looked disgusted when I flicked da context of what waz in my ear onto da floor. Anyway Too Hot won.


Dis match got a three teef rating.



Da next match waz between Jerry Matin’s team who suck and da Wilkes Brothers. Gotta give thumbs up to Heather B. for wearing dat Steve Grogan jersey. I waz at da Super Bowl were dey lost to da Bears and I cried all da way back to Rhode Island after dat loss.


Dis match was decent, only cuz da Wilkes Brothers made it dat way. Dat little punk Jerry Martin attacked Dutch Wilkes witch meant da Wilkes Brothers won by D.Q.


Dis match got a two and a half teef rating. It would’ve got lower but da Wilkes Brothers looked good out there.



Up next waz da Kings of Federal Hill and da Young Braves. Because da Kings jumped da Braves earlier dis match waz one sided. Man do I hate dhoes Guidos. Day make me sick!


Dis match got a one and a half teef rating cuz da Kings had to cheat to win.



Den we had da match between Jerry Martin and Kentucky Bill. When Jerry Martin came down to da ring he smiled weirdly at me. Now I aint said nothing to him and I aint fraid of him edther. But I just looked da other way, I aint need no troubles.


Any way da match waz good dey beat each other up something fierce. Donte Dunn came down to da ring and scared Jerry, which led to Jerry getting pinned and losing. Which waz grate!


I give dat match a four and a half teef rating.


<a href="

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Den we gots da Main Event. I got into it a bit with Hollyweird Hank, I told him he waz gonna lose and he called me a fat slob. Dat made me pissed I aint gonna lie and at dat point in da night old Roger had, had a couple of beers in em. I would jumped the rail but I didn’t want to get banned from watching RIPW shows.


Any ways Hollyweird took on Brendan Idol, who had come back to RIPW on dis night. Well things did not go well for Brendan as Hollyweird beat him up all night long. I mean Brendan gots some offense in dere for awhile but it wasn’t enough. Hollyweird had to cheat to win as he clocked Brendan with brass knuckles.


Dis match pissed me off, cuz Hollyweird had to cheat to win I give dis match a two and a half teef rating.



Well that be all from me, I hope to see you all at da next RIPW show! And remember if you’re gonna eat Taco Bell you might end up running to da toilet more dan you run to da border.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Just wanted to say this is not dead for the five people that actually read this.:D I am writing the next card as we speak but I am probably not going to do a pick contest with this next card because of, well you will see when I post the next show. The next show should be up in the next couple of days and I thank everyone who reads this and takes the time to pick in it.
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Just wanted to say this is not dead for the five people that actually read this.:D I am writing the next card as we speak but I am probably not going to do a pick contest with this next card because of, well you will see when I post the next show. The next show should be up in the next couple of days and I thank everyone who reads this and takes the time to pick in it.


Glad to see that this is not dead as I really enjoy reading this.

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Just wanted to say this is not dead for the five people that actually read this.:D I am writing the next card as we speak but I am probably not going to do a pick contest with this next card because of, well you will see when I post the next show. The next show should be up in the next couple of days and I thank everyone who reads this and takes the time to pick in it.


Glad to see that this is not dead as I really enjoy reading this.


ditto :D

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Glad to see that this is not dead as I really enjoy reading this.


ditto :D


I thank you both very much. I was not going to do a picks thing this time around but this is taking me longer to write than I expected so I figured why not do one. There will be no fancy article written for this one so here goes:


(Faces on the left, heels on the right)


The Wilkes Brothers vs. Jerry Kind's


Donte Dunn vs. Jerry Martin


For the RIPW Championship:


Raphael vs. Hollywood Hank ©


And that is it for this month, hardly worthy of a picks game but there are two more matches on the actual show.

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RIPW presents: Summer Spectacular 2010


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Saturday, August 28, 2010

Twin River Event Center, Lincoln, Rhode Island

Attendance: 70

Show Rating: E



[The show starts off with RIPW‘s owner Professor Nero standing in the center of the ring. He is wearing a tattered red sweater and gray sweatpants hardly what you would think would be the attire of someone who owns RIPW. He chews a piece of gum in his mouth as he waits for his cue to speak. Finally, he must have gotten the go ahead because he begins to speak.]


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Professor Nero: Good evening fans!


[The crowd lets the owner of RIPW know exactly how they feel about him when they unleash a chorus of boos directed at him.]


Professor Nero: Boo me all you want, after all you are the fools that just spent your hard-earned money to come here to hear me speak. Now if you will please quiet down I would like to speak because I have some business to address before this show can begin.


[The crowd starts to boo him louder and Nero just smiles and shakes his head.]


Professor Nero: I suppose that I will have to talk over you then. Anyway, my first measure of business is to have the RIPW commissioner Henry Lee come and join me in the ring, and Henry if you would be so kind as to bring the RIPW Tag Team Championship belts with you. Well that would be just great…


[A few moments later, Henry comes down to the ring, carrying the RIPW Tag Team Championships. He enters the ring and stands next to Professor Nero.]


Professor Nero: Thank you very much mister Lee. Now some of you fans might be wondering why I have asked Commissioner Lee to come out here with the RIPW Tag Team Championship belts. Well the answer is quite simple. You see I am very fond of tag team wrestling, throughout my illustrious career I have either been a part of or managed some of the greatest tag teams in the history of professional wrestling.


Therefore, it saddens me greatly that my very own company does not have a team wearing our tag team gold. I plan to rectify that right now. You see I have thought about it and I have decided to award the RIPW Tag Team Champions to the best tag team in RIPW…The Canadian Hit Squad! Therefore, gentlemen if you would be so kind as to join me and Mr. Lee in the ring it would be greatly appreciated.


[Henry Lee looks shocked at this turn of events as he realizes that Brian Cash-Man must have paid Nero money so that Nero would award the tag team championships to The Canadian Hit Squad. Henry walks over to one of the corners of the ring and shakes his head in disgust as the music from the movie Halloween begins to play.


A few seconds later The Canadian Hit Squad and Brian Cash-Man make their way down to the ring. The crowd starts to boo and throw various pieces of garbage at the three men. Finally, Brian and TCHS enter the ring and walk over to Professor Nero. Nero has a huge smile on his face as he shakes the hands of Brian, Sky King and Kintaro.]


Professor Nero: Gentlemen welcome! As you have just heard me say, after thinking over what team would best represent RIPW, what team embodies the greatness that I expect from the champions in my company, I chose you The Canadian Hit Squad.


I did so because I feel you represent the best that RIPW has to offer. And I know that you will wear the RIPW tag team championships with pride and honor. It also did not hurt that your manager mister Cash-Man gave a healthy donation to the RIPW fund.


[Nero, Cash-Man, and TCHS all laugh at this while Henry Lee stands behind them with a look of absolute disdain on his face. Nero turns around, looks at Lee, and says:]


Professor Nero: Now Henry, if you would be so kind as to put the tag team titles around the waists of mister Sky King and mister Kintaro, that would be greatly appreciated.


[Henry Lee mutters something to himself, then walks up behind Sky King, and puts one of the tag team championship belts around the waist of Sky King. After he finishes doing that, he walks up behind Kintaro and puts the other tag team championship belt around the waist of Kintaro.


Professor Nero starts to applaud and then says:]


Professor Nero: Ladies and gentlemen, I give you your RIPW Tag Team Champions!


[The crowd boos very loudly, the odd plastic cup finds its way into the ring as Nero, and Cash-Man applaud the new champions. It is at this point that Henry Lee goes to leave the ring wanting nothing to do with this farce.


However before he can exit the ring Professor Nero says:]


Professor Nero: Ah Henry…exactly where do you think you are going? I did not tell you that you could leave the ring yet. I still have business that needs to be addressed and the next part has something to do with a decision that you made. Therefore, I would ask you to join us because the next bit of business affects all of you in the ring at this moment.


[Henry lets out a deep sigh and shakes his head and he walks over to where Nero, Cash-Man and TCHS are standing in the center of the ring.]


Professor Nero: Now Henry, earlier this month you granted Kentucky Bill his rematch, which is scheduled to happen later on tonight. Well Mr. Cash-Man has brought it to my attention that our RIPW Champion Hollywood Hank has not had enough time to train for a match against Bill.


Therefore, as owner of this company I have decided to override your decision and not allow Kentucky Bill a chance at his rematch. If the champion is not ready, I am obligated to cancel the match because as owner of this promotion I want to put on the best matches possible…


[The crowd start chanting, “This is bullcrap! “, at the owner of RIPW. He just gleefully smiles at the crowd, enjoying the fact that he is pissing them off. Henry Lee asks for a microphone from a ringside attendant and is about to speak when all of a sudden American Badass by Kid Rock starts to play over the arena’s sound system and the crowd goes wild, knowing full well who is about to come out from the back.


A few seconds later, an angry looking Kentucky Bill comes out from behind the backstage curtain, with a microphone in his left hand. When he gets about half way to ringside, Professor Nero puts up his right hand as a signal for Bill to halt.]


Professor Nero: Stop right there William, I do not want you to come any closer to me at this minute.


[bill throws his hands up in the air and says whatever and stands in the aisle way.]


Professor Nero: I am glad to see that you are a reasonable man William. Now I know you are out here and you are going to complain about how I have just nixed your RIPW title shot…


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=KentuckyBill.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/KentuckyBill.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Kentucky Bill: You damn right I am…


Professor Nero: Now, now, William I was not finished speaking. I am sure you know that you should never interrupt your boss when he is talking to you. Now where was I…ah yes I have scheduled you to take part in a replacement match tonight. In just a few short minutes, you and your tag team partner of the night will take on the newly crowned RIPW Tag Team Champions the Canadian Hit Squad…


[sky King and Kintaro both stand behind Professor Nero with huge smiles on their faces. While Kentucky Bill nods his head, making it quite obvious that he is still stewing over the fact that his shot at the RIPW Championship was canceled.]


Professor Nero: And William, just to show you that I am not an unreasonable man, if you and your tag team partner win tonight, you shall earn your rematch against the RIPW Champion Hollywood Hank next month…


[The grin on Brian Cash-Man‘s face quickly disappears upon hearing this news. He whispers something into Nero’s ear and Nero nods his head and tells Brian not to worry about anything.]


Professor Nero: Okay now let us get onto the business of your tag team partner for this evening. Come on out mystery partner…


[Lady Gaga‘s Poker Face begins to play as none other than RIPW‘s head referee David Poker comes out from behind the backstage curtain. He is wearing his referee shirt and black jogging pants. He looks very scared; Bill takes one look at him and is furious that Professor Nero has decided to do this to him.


Meanwhile in the ring Brian Cash-Man, Professor Nero, and The Canadian Hit Squad all seem very pleased at Nero‘s choice for Kentucky Bill‘s tag team partner. Henry Lee just stands in the ring with no expression on his face what so ever.]


Professor Nero: Oh and tonight for this match only you are going to have a special guest referee…


[Nero takes off his ratty old red sweater to reveal that he is wearing a referee‘s shirt underneath.]


Professor Nero: Me! So William do you have any questions, comments, or concerns?


[bill gives Nero the death stare before he says anything.]


Kentucky Bill: Yeah I got just one question for ya. How much did Brian Cash-Man’s boss pay you?


[This question does not please Nero in the least bit as he stands in the center of the ring shocked at the audacity of Bill.]


Professor Nero: I am not even going to dignify that question with an answer! You are lucky that I do not fire you for such insubordination!


[Nero turns and looks at the timekeeper.]


Professor Nero: Ring the damn bell Tony!


[Tony does so and our first match of the evening is about to get underway.]


Segment Rating: E-



<a href="

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The Canadian Hit Squad with Brian Cash-Man vs. Kentucky Bill and David Poker


Special Guest Referee: Professor Nero


Match: The match starts out with Kentucky Bill and Sky King being the first wrestlers in the ring for their respective teams. David Poker looks like he is about to crap his pants because he is so afraid to be in this match. For the first half of the match Kentucky Bill is firmly in control. Bill covers Sky King for the pin on numerous occasions, but Professor Nero is always out of place and does a super slow count.


Kintaro having enough of seeing his partner getting beat down, enters the ring and he and Sky King start to brutally beat down Kentucky Bill. While this is going on Professor Nero turns his back to the action and starts to clean his glasses with his shirt. After he is done doing that he examines his watch, which seems to have magically stopped working over the course of the match.


Because of Nero’s inaction as the referee, The Canadian Hit Squad beat the ever living crap out of Bill for a good five minutes. Finally, David Poker musters up enough courage to enter the ring and try to help out his tag team partner. Well he is met with a swift Shinanju Kick delivered to him by Kintaro. This kick knocks Poker out cold.


Feeling that they have done enough damage to Kentucky Bill, Sky King tosses Bill onto the ringside floor wear Brian Cash-Man gives him some swift kicks to the ribs. While that is going on Sky King taps Professor Nero on the shoulder and Nero turns around to see Kintaro pinning David Poker. Professor Nero gets down and makes the 1, 2, 3 count.


The fans are absolutely livid over this farce of a match and loud boos are heard throughout the arena. Plenty of fans start throwing garbage into the ring, as Nero and The Canadian Hit Squad celebrate the victory.


Winners: Canadian Hit Squad

Time: 10:08

Match Rating: E-



[While the ring crew clean up the debris that thrown at the ring during the ending of the last match, we head over to the announcer‘s table where Rob and Mayhem are sitting.]


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=RobLMiskovsky_alt2.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/RobLMiskovsky_alt2.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Rob L. Miskovsky: Hello and welcome wrestling fans to Summer Spectacular 2010! We just had our first match of the night and I will get to that in a moment. However, before I do I would like to introduce myself, I’m Rob L. Miskovsky and I am standing along side my broadcasting partner Mayhem Midden.


Now Mayhem before I talk about the card tonight, I would like to talk about that highway robbery of a match we just witnessed. As you all know, Kentucky Bill has been forced to earn a rematch against RIPW Champion Hollywood Hank. For the last couple of months Bill has clawed his way to the top and because of that true grit that he has shown of the last couple of months Commissioner Henry Lee finally granted Bill his rematch.


However, I you saw earlier, Brian Cash-Man allegedly paid off RIPW owner Professor Nero. This pay off not only bought The Canadian Hit Squad that RIPW Tag Team Championships. It also bought Hollywood Hank the chance to duck Kentucky Bill for yet another month!


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=MayhemMidden.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/MayhemMidden.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Mayhem Midden: Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold up there Rob! Hollywood Hank aint ducking no one…dig it! He just did not have time to train for his match with Kentucky Bill.


Rob L. Miskovsky: You and I both no that is not true. And I really hope Professor Nero is happy because he not only screwed Kentucky Bill but he screwed the fans as well. You know the people that pay to see the advertised matches…


Mayhem Midden: Who are we to question the genius that is Professor Nero? After all he is a Professor so he is operating on a level that you and I don’t comprehend…oh yeah….dig it!


Rob L. Miskovsky: I…I…don’t have any idea on what to say to that…um…let us go to the back where our backstage correspondent the lovely Sue Danes is standing by with Too Hot…or Jason Evans…or whatever he is calling himself this month…


[We are taken to the backstage area where Sue Danes, who has on a blue blouse and long black knee length skirt (What the hell Sue show some leg!) is standing next to Too Hot.]



Sue Danes: Thanks Rob! Wud up RIPW fans! It’s your girl Sue Danes and I am standing next to one of the most talked about superstars in RIPW today Too Hot! Too Hot tonight Henry Lee has granted you a match against the man that tried to end your career a couple of months ago Blackjack Robbins. How does it feel to finally be able to get a match against him?



Too Hot: You know Sue, Jason Evans aint gonna lie to you baby girl, it feels great to finally get this match. Jason Evans does not enjoy having to wait for anything but the waiting game is something that I have had to take part in over the past couple of months.


But as Phil Collins once said, Tonight, Tonight, Tonight, Jason Evans is gonna make it right!


[sue shakes her head and snickers at the fact that Too Hot has just brought up Phil Collins in an interview.]


Sue Danes: Um like, you totally just referenced Phil Collins don’t you know that he is kinda sort of lame?


Too Hot: Aint nothing lame about Phil Collins baby girl that dude can rock out! Anyways back to the matter at hand, Blackjack Robbins you and Jason Evans have had a bit of a bloody war. You put Jason Evans out for a month and Jason Evans put you out for a month. It has been a tit for tat battle so far, but tonight Jason Evans is gonna end this war once and for all. And Sue, if ya don’t know now ya know!


[Too Hot walks off camera and Sue smiles and says:]


Sue Danes: Well there you have it guys, it looks like Too Hot is totally a man on a mission. Back to you Rob.


Segment Rating: E+


Rob L. Miskovsky: Thank you Sue, now our next match is very much a grudge match it is a match between Jerry Martin and Donte Dunn. Now these two men have been battling it out over the past couple of months. However, Donte has yet to beat Jerry. So Mayhem do you believe that Donte has a chance at a victory tonight?


Mayhem Midden: If he hasn’t beaten him yet, I don’t think that it is gonna change now. Oh yeah…dig it!


Rob L. Miskovsky: Well we shall see as it looks like the match is about to start. Let us go down to the ring for Martin versus Dunn…



[Psycho Killer by The Talking Heads starts to play on the arena‘s sound system, and a few seconds later Jerry Martin steps out from behind the backstage curtain. Jerry is carrying his kendo stick, which he named Deanna, with him in his left hand and he has his typical maniacal smile on his face as he walks down to the ring.


There is a portion of the crowd that actually cheers for Jerry as he walks down to the ring. One person who is not cheering for Jerry is Rowdy Roger, who does not even interact with Jerry when Jerry walks past him to enter the ring.]


[Run This Town by Jay Z featuring Rihanna and Kanye West begins to play over the arena’s sound system and a few seconds later Donte Dunn steps out from behind the backstage curtain smiling. As he makes his way down to the ring, he slaps the fans hands. When he gets to ringside, he looks at Rowdy Roger and smiles and shakes Roger‘s hand. He stares at Jerry waiting for the bell to ring.]


Match: First and foremost, due to David Poker having to wrestle in the first match of the evening, NYCW loaned RIPW Michael Bull for the evening. This match was pretty bad and the fans were somewhat into it. The match was all over the place and there was no noticeable flow to it. It was basically just two dudes beating the crap out of each other. The match came to an end after Jerry Martin nailed Donte with the Discus Punch and then pinned him for the victory.


Winner: Jerry Martin

Time: 10:23

Match Rating: E-


Post-match Jerry oddly leaves Donte alone; he does not even attempt his usual post-match beat down. A dazed Donte stands up and looks at Michael Bull as if to question if he lost or not. And when he realizes that he did lose he shakes his head in disgust and walks to the back, visions of being the next Brendan Idol dancing in his head.]


[instead of going back to the announcer‘s table we are shown a video. The video begin with Simply Amazing Jared Johnson, his back to the camera, staring lovingly at himself in a full-length mirror. He slowly turns to face the camera and begins to talk.]



Jared Johnson: It takes all my might to turn around and talk to you. You see when you look as good as I do; you cannot help but gaze at yourself.


As much as I loath to do this, I am going to take a brief moment to talk about someone that is not me. You see next month I am going to have my first match in RIPW. And there is a person that I would love to get my hands on. I am talking about Raphael.


I have heard that you are the resident heartthrob of RIPW. The women scream your name when you walk to the ring. Well, now that I have arrived that is all going to change, you see next month I am going to have a match with you and I am going to leave your face a bloody mangled mess. When I am through with you, no respectable woman would even give you the time of day.


Sure, you might get one of those disgusting creatures from South Providence or Central Falls to swoon over you but after I am done with you, your days as the heartthrob of RIPW are over.


[Jared reaches off camera for something, in his hand is now an 8x10 Polaroid of Raphael. He holds the Polaroid of Raphael up so everyone can see it.]


Jared Johnson: You see Raphael, you might be named after an angel, but I am a god. And because I am a god, I am going to cast you out of the heaven next month.


[Jared Johnson tears the Polaroid of Raphael in half and tosses both halves onto the ground. And then grinds his right foot onto one of the halves. He then smiles at the camera and says:]


Jared Johnson: Now if you all will forgive me, I have spent way too much time away from looking at myself and that is a cardinal sin. Because I am Jared Johnson and I am Simply Amazing...


[Jared turns his back to the camera again and begins to admire himself. The camera soon fades to black.]


Segment Rating: F


[We now transition over to Professor Nero‘s office where Nero is sitting at his desk. His feet are propped up on the desk and he is reading the Providence Journal for some odd reason (I mean one would think he would be paying attention to what is going on in and out of the ring. Apparently, Nero just does not care.).


A moment later, Kentucky Bill, who is wearing his street clothes, enters Nero‘s office and he looks very angry. Nero peers over his glasses at Kentucky Bill and smiles.]



Professor Nero: William, how can I help you?



Kentucky Bill: What was that tonight mister Nero? Why did you sabotage my chance at getting the rematch against Hollywood Hank?


Professor Nero: William, I did not sabotage your chance at anything. You were afforded every opportunity to earn your chance to fight for the RIPW Championship. You just failed to do so, and you failed miserably I might add.


Kentucky Bill: Look I aint making no excuses, but the deck was stacked against me. And you and I both know why that is the case.


[Nero lowers his feet off his desk and looks at Bill for a moment before saying anything. It is clear as day that Nero is growing tired of this conversation and he wants to be over with.]


Professor Nero: What are you implying William? And before you answer me, I beg you to think about what you are going to say. After all, I am your employer and you are my employee, and if you are going to make baseless accusations against me…well let me just say that money will be coming out of your pocket.


[Kentucky Bill does heed Nero‘s advice for a moment, as he stands and think about what he is going to say next. A smile slowly creeps across his face and he begins to speak again.]


Kentucky Bill: You know what…I can afford to lose a little change from my pocket…therefore, I’m gonna come right out an say it. You took a bribe tonight from Brian Cash-Man, a because of that you ensured that I would not get my rematch against Hollywood Hank. Oh, my gravy you are on the take!


[Professor Nero looks absolutely shocked at this accusation levied against him.]


Professor Nero: William, I told you not to make baseless accusations against me. Now I am going to have to react to such accusations. Hmm…I think that levying a fine against you would not be an apt solution. Because you made such a slanderous and baseless accusation against me, I am going to suspend you for one month…and you shall not get a shot at the RIPW title for one year. I think that both are suitable penalties to…


[before Nero can finish what he is saying, Kentucky Bill jumps across the desk and lunges at Nero. He knocks Nero to the ground and he takes Nero‘s glasses off of him and tosses them aside. Bill then proceeds to pummel his boss with fists of fury.


This continues for about a half a minute, until Henry Lee enters the office and forcibly pulls Bill off of Nero. Henry grabs the enraged Bill by his shoulders, looks him in the eye, and says:]


Henry Lee: What the hell are you thinking? Why did you do such a stupid thing? Get out! Go home for the evening.


[bill does not say a word, instead he just nods his head and leaves. Henry goes over to check on Nero who has a puffy upper lip, a nasty red shiner around his left eye, and a bloody nose. Henry shakes his head and calls out for the EMT‘s to come in and look at Nero.]


Segment Rating: D-


[We go back to the announcer‘s desk where both Rob and Mayhem seemed to be shocked at what has just happened.]


Rob L. Miskovsky: I’m not exactly sure what to say about what just happened. Never in a million years did I ever think that Kentucky Bill would beat-up RIPW owner Professor Nero…and yet it just happened…


Mayhem Midden: There goes your hero RIPW fans. A man who has to beat up a poor defenseless old man, just because he did not get his way. There is a special place in hell for you brother…oh yeah…dig it!


Rob L. Miskovsky: Let us just go down to ringside for our next match…



<a href="

http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=ZacharyInc.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/ZacharyInc.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=SuperSonic_alt2.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/SuperSonic_alt2.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=vs.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/vs.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=DuberryExcess.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/DuberryExcess.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=LeftieWilkes.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/LeftieWilkes.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a> with <a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=HeatherB.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/HeatherB.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Jerry’s Kids vs. The Wilkes Brothers with Heather B.


[For Your Love by the Yardbirds starts to play over the arena’s sound system and there is a collective what the hell is up with this song vibe, permeating through the crowd. A few moments later Sonic S. Thompson and Zachary Inc step out from behind the backstage curtain. For some reason Jerry Martin is not accompanying them to ringside this evening.


Every couple of inches that Zachary walks he has to stop and take a breath and wipe the sweat from his brow. When they get near Rowdy Roger he yells at them, “You guys suck!” Zachary makes it look like he is going to punch Roger but he stops from doing so.]


[Dirty Water by The Standells begins to play on the arena‘s sound system and the crowd goes nuts. The crowd begins to sing along with the song as Heather B. steps out from behind the backstage curtain. Tonight the lovely Ms. B. is wearing a tight pair of blue jeans and a Phil Esposito, Boston Bruins jersey. Heather is followed shortly thereafter by her boyfriend Leftie and his older brother Dutch. As they make their way down to the ring, they slap the fans hands.]


Match: This match was almost a carbon copy of the match that these two teams had the previous month. The only real difference was that this match went a minute longer and for some odd reason this month’s match had slightly better in-ring action.


This was your typical tag team match, with the bad guys isolating Leftie (who really seemed off of his game tonight) and keeping him on their side of the ring while they beat the tar out of him. Meanwhile the fans so desperately wanted Dutch to come into the ring. The fans wish was granted as Leftie was able to tag Dutch in, and Dutch proceeded to beat some major league ass!


Well this ass beating was helped by the fact that Zachary Inc was exhausted and could hardly move. Anyway, this match came mercifully to an end when Dutch pinned Sonic for the victory.

Winners: The Wilkes Brothers

Time: 7:55

Match Rating: E-


[Post-match, Zachary and Sonic leave the ringside area as The Wilkes Brothers and Heather B. are celebrating their victory in the ring their backs turned away from the backstage entranceway. This is a very big mistake as the newly crowned RIPW Tag Team Champions, The Canadian Hit Squad, run in and attack the Wilkes Brothers. Kintaro nails Dutch with a Shinanju Kick while Sky King ground and pounds Leftie. Finally, this beat down come to an end when various backstage RIPW officials come to the aid of the Wilkes Brothers.]


Segment Rating: F


[We now go to a room and we have a tight shot of a monitor, which is showing the aftermath of what has just happened to the Wilkes Brothers. The camera slowly zooms out to reveal that Brian Cash-Man and Donte Dunn have been watching the attack. Brian looks gleefully at Donte and says:]



Brian Cash-Man: You see kid just like every other Boston based sports team the Wilkes Brothers are losers in every sense of the word. Now Donte after watching that, do you really think a young future superstar such as yourself should be involved with such low class losers. As the old saying goes you are judged by the company you keep, and Donte I have to tell you like it is. The company that you keep reflects poorly on who you are as a competitor. I mean look at how easily my team the Canadian Hit Squad handled them. Look at the ease at which the beat those losers to the ground. Do you really want to be associated with two losers like that?



Donte Dunn: Well brotha, I guess what you are saying makes a little sense. I mean since I joined RIPW, I have done nothing but lose. I am beginning to think I am the next Brendan Idol…


Brian Cash-Man: You see what they the Wilkes Brothers have done to you? They have given you a loser’s mindset. Because you associate with them, you take on their way of thinking. Which is just like the rest of the scum up here is this godforsaken part of the country.


They know they have no class, they know that they are stupid, and most of all they know that they are losers. I mean look at them, they are typical New Englanders. I bet after every loss they suffer they blame said losses on Bill Buckner or the ghost of Babe Ruth. These people are sad, pathetic, superstitious people, who cannot admit to their own failure at life.


The thing is Donte, I see you going down that road. Each month I see you following the Wilkes Brothers down the road of failure and that hurts me. I know you are a future champion, I know you will do great things in this industry. However, you will not be able to attain these things if you hang around the likes of Heather B. and the Wilkes Brothers.


I guess what I am saying is, Donte you have a destiny that needs to be fulfilled and I am the person that will help guide you to where you need to go, with a twenty percent take of your money of course…I am a proven winner look at my track record here in this mom and pop promotion. I have guided Hollywood Hank to an RIPW Championship. I have guided The Canadian Hit Squad to the tag team championships. I can do wonders for your career, but only if you let me.


You need to cut ties with Heather B. and the Wilkes Brothers before they take you down with them. The sooner you do that the better off your career will be. So what do you say Donte, do you want to join a winning franchise or do you want to continue to be the Zack Greinke to the Wilkes Brothers Kansas City Royals.


Donte Dunn: Can I have a little more time to tink about it brother?


Brian Cash-Man: Take all the time you need, just no this I would get as far away from them as I possibly could because you do not want them to soil your career as well…


[brian walks off camera and Donte just stands there stroking his chin. And we go back to the announcers table.]


Segment Rating: D


Rob L. Miskovsky: Well it would appear that Brian Cash-Man has not given up on recruiting Donte Dunn. I really hope that Donte thinks this over before he makes a rash decision. I would hate to see the young man from Barbados corrupted by the leader of the Evil Empire.


Mayhem Midden: Rob that has to be one of the dumbest things I have ever heard ya say…dig it! Brian Cash-Man is the very definition of a great leader. The man has already guided Hollywood Hank and The Canadian Hit Squad to championship titles, I think he will do wonders for Donte…dig it!


Rob L. Miskovsky: You mean he has paid for Hank and The Hit Squad to get their championships…anyway that is a topic for another day. Let us talk about the next match, which will see Too Hot taking on Blackjack Robbins. Now you all know the history, Blackjack Robbins was paid by Brian Cash-Man to make sure Too Hot was unable to fight in the RIPW Championship match back at March Mayhem.


This brutal attack left Too Hot unable to compete for a month. Too Hot returned at End of Days only to have Professor Nero refuse to give him a match against Blackjack. Instead, he was put in a match where he and Brimstone took on The Kings of Federal Hill. Blackjack once again beat Too Hot down.


At Live and Let Die, Too Hot and Blackjack Robbins finally had their first encounter in the ring when they were place in a tag team match. There was wild brawling throughout the arena, Too Hot even placed a garbage can over Blackjack’s head, and he hit said garbage can with a steel chair. After a hit to the head like that, Blackjack was advised by his doctor to take a month off.


And that brings us to tonight’s match, which should be a brutal affair. These two men hate each other with a passion so I will be interesting and a little scary to see what these two men will do to each other. We shall find out next who will win this battle, let us go down to the ring…





[Renegade by Styx starts to play over the arena‘s sound system and a, “You can’t wrestle.” chant starts up as the fans know full well who is about to come out from behind the backstage curtain and a few moments later Blackjack Robbins does indeed step out from behind the backstage curtain.


Upon seeing Blackjack, the crowd starts to boo rather loudly. Some fans hurl garbage at Blackjack as he walks down to the ring. Blackjack pays no attention to what the fans are saying to him or throwing at him for that matter. Instead, he slowly walks down the aisle never once acknowledging anyone of the fans remarks. Finally, he enters the ring and stares at referee Michael Bull for a moment before turning his animalistic gaze towards the wrester‘s entrance area.]


[Let Me Clear My Throat by DJ Kool starts to play and out from behind the backstage curtain comes Too Hot. The fans go absolutely ape crap over Too Hot, who walks down the ring looking like a man on a mission. Too Hot slides underneath the bottom rope when he enters the ring, which was a big mistake because Blackjack starts stomping on his back and this forces referee Michael Bull to begin the match.]


Match: The first few minutes of the match were absolutely dominated by Blackjack as he continued his all out assault on Too Hot. However, Too Hot was able to draw on the positive energy that the crowd was sending his way and he made a come back. Soon the match spilled out onto the arena’s floor and these two men started brawling at ringside. Referee Michael Bull was very lenient on his count, fully understanding that the fans did not pay to see a double count out happen in such a grudge match.


Finally, the two men made it back into the ring and both did there finishing move on each other. And both men managed to kick out of the other’s finisher (way to make the finishing moves look weak). The ring announcer reminds everyone that there are five minutes left in the match.


That announcement seemed to have lit a fire underneath Too Hot’s ass, as he picks up the pace. Blackjack is beyond exhausted at this point and one would question why he was allowed to fight in such a long match (well long for him). The last five minutes of the match consist of Too Hot going for pinfall after pinfall only to have Blackjack kick out. The final pinfall by Too Hot became a beat the clock scenario. A scenario that Too Hot would not beat on this night, as the timekeeper rang the bell before referee Michael Bull could count to three. Thus leaving this match to end in a draw.


Outcome: This match went to a time limit draw

Time: 15:00

Match Rating: E


[After the match is done the fans chant for five more minutes (The fans must really hate Blackjack Robbins because if he had to fight for five more minutes, the poor guy might die of exhaustion.), this chant falls upon deaf ears as neither man is in any condition to go for another five minutes.]


Rob L. Miskovsky: It looks like that match did not settle anything. The only thing each man got out of it was the chance to beat the stuffing out of the other.


Mayhem Midden: Well if this was Boxing or MMA, I would have given the match to Blackjack Robbins because of his effective striking…oh yeah…dig it!


Rob L. Miskovsky: Effective striking…I…, I just do not know how to respond to that…Let us talk about tonight’s main event which will see RIPW Champion Hollywood Hank take on Raphael. Now I find this match interesting in that Hank claimed not to be ready to fight Kentucky Bill tonight, which is why Professor Nero canceled that match. However, he is more than ready to face Raphael…


Mayhem Midden: Raphael and Hollywood Hank have a similar skill-set. So it is much easier for Hank to train for a match against Raphael.


Rob L. Miskovsky: Either that or Hank is afraid to fight Bill and he feels that he had a better shot at beating Raphael. Anyway, we shall see who has the upper hand in our main event as the competitors are about to make their way down to the ring.



For the RIPW Championship:


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=RIPW_Championship.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/RIPW_Championship.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=Raphael.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/Raphael.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=vs.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/vs.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=OscarOzymandias.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/OscarOzymandias.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a> with <a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=HerbStately_jhdBHK.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/HerbStately_jhdBHK.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Raphael vs. Hollywood Hank with Brian Cash-Man


[i Want It That Way by The Backstreet Boys starts to play over the arena‘s sound system and much like every other month the fans, who are mostly male, start to boo rather loudly.


Raphael has a wireless headset microphone on and he sings along with the Backstreet Boys as he makes his way down to the ring. The fans boo even more loudly as Raphael has a god-awful voice. Raphael tries to get the fans to slap his hands as he makes his way down to the ring. However, most fans just pull away and want nothing to do with him. A guy who looks like David Crosby tells Raphael he sucks.


Raphael high fives his biggest fan Rowdy Roger, who is seen dancing in the front row with a huge smile on, is face, his stomach jiggling back and forth. Raphael then enters the ring, takes off his wireless headset microphone, and hands it to the ring attendant.]


[The lights in the arena go down and a spotlight shines on the backstage curtain. Simply the Best by Tina Turner begins to play as Brian Cash-Man and the RIPW Champion Hollywood Hank step out from behind the backstage curtain.


Various insults are shouted at the pair as they make their way down to the ring, but not one insult was dominate enough to make out. Both men also have garbage hurled at them as they walk to the ring. Rowdy Roger for some reason has left his seat when Hollywood Hank walks by. Perhaps he did not want Hank making fun of his weight problem once again this month.]


[before the start of the match referee Michael Bull walks over to the center of the ring. He then holds up his right arm as the ring announcer (who is standing behind him) holds the microphone up to Michael‘s mouth. Michael motions for both fighters to join him in the center of the ring. Both men comply and Michael says the following:]


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=MichaelBull.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/MichaelBull.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Michael Bull: Okay gentlemen this match is for the RIPW Championship, I expect a good clean fight. Any questions?


Both fighters shake their heads no; as they keep their opponent’s stare.


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=MichaelBull.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/MichaelBull.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Michael Bull: Okay then shake hands and return to your respective corners.


[Neither men shake hands. Instead, they both return to their respective corners and wait for the bell to ring.]



Match: This match was the best in the history of RIPW (which in all fairness does not mean much because it is RIPW.). But men came out with their A-game in this match. And for those of you who were expecting a squash, well this match was anything but.


Surprisingly, Raphael got in a good deal of offense in on the champion. And the weird thing is the fans seemed to really respond to this doing a total 180 on how they normally react to him. Raphael was eating this up and was really playing for the crowd.


The ending of the match came when Raphael, who was on offense, was distracted by Jared Johnson who had come out to watch the match. Jared took yet another picture of Raphael and tore it up. This caused Raphael to turn his attention away from Hank, as he tried to go after Jared.


This was a huge mistake on Raphael’s part as this gave Hank the time he need to regain his composure and he nailed Raphael with the MVP. Hank proceed to cover Raphael for the pin and the victory. All while a very happy Jared Johnson stood in the aisle way, cheering the fact that Raphael just lost.


Winner and still RIPW Champion: Hollywood Hank

Time: 15:12

Match Rating: E +


[The fans were clearly not pleased with this outcome as Brian Cash-Man, Hollywood Hank, and Jared Johnson were all pelted with garbage.]


Rob L. Miskovsky: What a snake in the grass Jared Johnson is. I hope that Raphael gets his revenge next month. Fans I hoped you all enjoyed the show tonight as much as I did! For my broadcast partner Mayhem Midden, I’m Rob L. Miskovsky wishing you all a good night!

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Once again I would just like to thank everyone that has taken the time to predict, read, and post in this diary it just passed the 5,000 view mark which is huge for me (maybe not to others but this is a semi-active diary so to get that many views to me is amazing).


Here are the results for this show:



Congratulations go out to both michgcs and TakerNGN74 who had a perfect score for this show!


As for a prize for this show, I have one weird one for the two of you and one normal one. If you want to claim your prize either PM me or post what you want on here. The first person to claim a prize will get the prize they choose, the other can claim the other prize. The prizes are:


1. Normal prize: You can ask a question of any superstar on the RIPW roster.


2. Weird prize: Jared Johnson will be wrestling on the next show and he needs entrance music. He is going to be doing a Rick Rude type gimmick. I would like one of the following songs to be his entrance song:


A.) Sexual Healing by Marvin Gaye


B.) Let's Get It on by Marvin Gaye


C.) Some Like it Hot by The Power Station


D.) What a Man by Salt-n-Pepa and En Vogue


E.) A song not listed on here. If you can think of a good song to match him I might use it. However, I reserve the right to refuse it and you will get another prize.:D


I am sorry for the extra long opening interview. Once I started writing it, I just kept on going. I understand if nobody wants to read it because truth be told I would not read it if it were not written by me.:p


I am toying with the idea of doing what TakerNGN does in his diary and just cut and paste the match results directly into the diary. The main reason is because I suck at match write-ups but also it would save a lot of time. I am not sure if I will do that or not.

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