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RIPW: The Ballad of Henry Lee

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I was the best! Yay for me!


Yes you are, but will it be enough to win?:D


Cool show really liked it, my favourites in this dairy have to be the Evil Empire


I am glad to hear that! Also, I am a bit surprised to see that to some extent. The reason why I say that is Kintaro and Sky King never talk so I always think will readers not be able to relate to them because Kintaro has never uttered a word in the diary thus far and Sky King has had a grand total of I think two lines (if that).


Kintaro is not supposed to talk, ever. Sky King might get to talk more down the line but right now both are happy being the silent members of The Evil Empire.

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The following video is on RIPW.com


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[The video begins in what appears to be the locker room of The Evil Empire. We see Brian Cash-Man, RIPW Champion Hollywood Hank, RIPW Tag Team Champions the Canadian Hit Squad (Kintaro and Sky King), and the newest member of the faction Donte Dunn standing in front of the camera.


This video was apparently shot directly after Donte turned on The Wilkes Brothers as the members of The Evil Empire still have their wrestling clothes on.]


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Brian Cash-Man: Throughout the course of human history, there have been certain events that have gone down in history as major turning points. These events are often referred to as shots heard ‘round the world. The start of the American Revolution, the Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand are considered shots heard ‘round the world. In professional sports, you have Bobby Thompson’s walk-off home run against the Brooklyn Dodgers that is an event which is often referred to under this moniker.


Well tonight, you fans witnessed your very own shot heard ‘round the world when Mister Dunn nailed Leftie Wilkes with a nasty left hook. It was truly a thing of beauty, if I must say so myself. That one shot put the rest of the RIPW roster on notice. I want every one of you jobbers to take a lot at the men standing next to me.


Just realize that these men are the most elite collection of talent in the history of professional wrestling. Now that we have Donte, nobody in this backwater piss ant promotion shall stop us from being the most dominate franchise in the history of professional wrestling.


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Hollywood Hank: You know a constant theme I hear from other wrestlers is loyalty. How we wrestlers should be loyal to one another and watch our fellow wrestler’s back. Well in this business, it does not behoove someone to be loyal. The Wilkes Brothers found that out tonight. The only reason why we exist as a group is not because we are loyal to each other; it is because we are loyal to the all mighty dollar.


Wilkes Brothers you should have saw this coming. You two are so moronic that you did not understand that Donte did not want to live the rest of his life in abject poverty. He wanted to live in the lap of luxury, and now that he has joined The Evil Empire, he shall live the good life.


Oh and man in the blue mask, do not think you cleverly disguised yourself. It is painfully obvious who you are and if you ever involve yourself in Evil Empire business again we will put an end to your career you trailer park living swill.


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Donte Dunn: For da past few months, I’ve been sleeping on Leftie Wilkes’ couch. Don’t get me wrong my brotha I appreciated it. What I did to you my brotha was not personal. It was strictly business. You see I was tired of being poor, I was tired of losing night after night, and I was tired of not knowing when I was going to eat.


So I took my fate in my own hands. I had to get mine for once in my life and if it had to be at da expense of you and your brotha, well that is just the way it is. Brian Cash-Man has shown me da way and he made me realize that this business is a what have you done for me lately business. Leftie, Dutch, what have you done for me lately? Da answer is nothing!


From here on out, I will not be sleeping on you couch, I will be sleeping in five-star hotel rooms. I will not be hooking up with your ring rats; I will be spending my time with da finest women on da planet. Most importantly, I will finally be getting paid some serious cash! And that my brothas is the American Dream working at its best.


[The video abruptly ends there.]





Man compared to last show, I did horrible when predicting for this one. Good Job On the results BHK Keep up the good work.


Nothing to be worried about, you still have two shows left so you still have a chance of catching Michigan Hero. And thank you, I am always glad that you are around to give me feedback.

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Sue’s Superstar of the Month!


[This month‘s interview is coming directly from the backstage area of Biker’s Paradise. Sue has the same clothes on that she was wearing at Halloween Hell. Leftie Wilkes is there sans big brother Dutch. He is standing to the left of Sue (which makes sense).]


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Sue Danes: Wud up RIPW fans! It’s your girl Sue Danes here and it is that time of the month again, you know when I interview an RIPW superstar! My guest this month is Leftie Wilkes.


Leftie, I wish I was talking to you under better circumstances but like after what you went through tonight, well this is like a totally bad time for you. Um…I guess my first question for you is how is your brother doing? I saw him leaving the arena in an ambulance; I hope he is all right.


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Leftie Wilkes: I don’t know what was wrong with my brother or if he is all right. Heather…she went with him to the hospital. I just stayed around to get our gear and I will be heading over to the hospital soon…


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Sue Danes: If you want to go I like totally have no problem with it and I am sure the RIPW fans will totally understand…


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=LeftieWilkes.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/LeftieWilkes.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Leftie Wilkes: Nah Sue it’s all good. I’m gonna stick around for this interview cuz I got something I wanna get off my chest. Do you mind if I do it?


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Sue Danes: Go ahead…


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Leftie Wilkes: Donte you were my boy. You were like another brother to me man. Just a few months ago, you were living in that fleabag motel on route seven. You came to me complaining about how there were drug addicts and prostitutes at that motel and you weren’t comfortable living there. So I asked if you wanted to crash at my place until you could find a place to live. You gladly took me up on my offer and you moved in.


When you didn’t have enough money to eat, I loaned you some money just so you wouldn’t have to go hungry. Hell I even gave you the shirt off of my back. And how did you repay me? By punching me with a left hook!


You ain’t nothing but a Judas, Donte! Don’t get me wrong brotha, I know why you did. You turned your back on me and my brother cuz you wanted to take the easy way out. You didn’t want to work for things; you wanted things handed to you.


Well I’ll tell you this brotha, when I get a chance to take you on in the ring you will get something handed to you but you ain’t gonna like it. Oh and if you have the balls to come by and pick up your crap from my apartment, don’t. I called my mom up and told her to throw your crap out! I’m outta here, I gotta go see my brother in the hospital!


[Leftie then walks off screen, Sue has a smirk on her face of that last bit because to her it seems more like a lovers quarrel than two dudes who hate each other.]


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Sue Danes: Well I guess that is it for this month, I hope you tune in next month when I interview my next superstar of the month. Until then, I hope you all have a kick ass month! See you all laters!


[sue blows a kiss at the camera as the screen fades to black.]

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  • 2 weeks later...
I have to say I really like the Sues Superstar of the month columns that you write up. It really spotlights RIPW and lets you get to know some of the younger talent so great job on that.


Thanks, I always liked it when Marcel Fromage (who by the way needs to come back and do another diary A.S.A.P.) did it in his old diary. He used to just have his readers ask individual questions. With this I thought I would have the winner of the picks contest ask one question. I think it helps get the reader more familiar with the characters. Or at least I hope it does.


Also, I am sorry I have not updated this in a while. It is just I am playing in two mafia games (Which if you have never played in one you should try it out, they are fun.) right now and real life stuff has cause me to slow down again on this. I do have the next show written out fully, I am just trying to get the following show in the can before I post the next one.

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RIPW presents: Boston Brawl II



<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=RobLMiskovsky_alt1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/RobLMiskovsky_alt1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a> By Rob L. Miskovsky


Well RIPW fans we are going to have one fantastic show for you when we return to Boston, Massachusetts at Biker’s Paradise on Thursday, November 25, 2010. That is right wrestling fans we here at RIPW wrestling are going to continue our tradition of holding an event on Thanksgiving night. The event this year is going to be called Boston Brawl II. And boy do we have a stacked lineup for you fans!


On this night, the RIPW Tag Team champions The Canadian Hit Squad will be taking on The Young Braves in what is sure to be one heck of a match. I recently caught up with Running Bear and asked him how he and Running Wolf felt about getting the opportunity to fight for the titles. Here is what he had to say:


“This is a tremendous opportunity for Running Wolf and me. We are both completely honored that we are getting a shot to fight for the championship. Also, the fact that it is on Thanksgiving night is not lost on us either. As we are both very thankful to the RIPW championship committee for giving us this chance.”


I wonder if The Young Braves are going to make the most out of this opportunity. Because as everyone knows, title shots are hard to come by here in RIPW.


Also, on the card we shall see a tag team match between the team of Rudy Velasquez & International Superstar Cowboy Stuart Ferdinand they will be taking on the team of Too Hot & Brendan Idol. This match stems from last month when Stuart and Rudy jumped Too Hot after Too Hot’s match with Stuart. If Brendan Idol had not come to the aid of his friend who knows what Stuart and Rudy would have do to Too Hot. I caught up with Too Hot and this is what he had to say about the match:


“Jason Evans would much rather get his hands on Rudy in a one-on-one match. But if Jason Evans has to be in a tag team match…well so be it. And it is cool that I got a tag team partner that I know is gonna watch my back. So Rudy, Stuart, I hope you all are gonna bring you A games, cuz Jason Evans and Brendan Idol are gonna kick you asses from here to Roxbury and back again. And if you don’t know, now you know.”


It sounds like Too Hot has revenge on his mind and I for one hope he gets it. And yes, I know I am supposed to be impartial but it is very hard to have any form of impartiality when you see your friend get jumped month in and month out.


Finally, we shall see the debut of the man who dubs himself The Leader of the Old School Revolution his name is Gabe Goren. He will be taking on Morgan Malone in what should be an interesting match. I was unable to reach Gabe Goren for a comment about his up coming match so I asked his opponent Morgan Malone what his thoughts are going into this contest. Here is what Morgan had to say:


“Honestly man…I have no clue as to what to expect when I take on Gabe Goren. This dude calls himself The Leader of the Old School Revolution. I don’t even know what the hell that means. All I know is I’m going to go out there and give the fans one hundred percent and I hope I can put on a good show for them in the process.”


Well I hope you fans in Massachusetts and the surrounding states can come out to support our show on Thanksgiving night. Because as you can see it is going to be one humdinger of a card!


That is it for this month so come on down to Biker’s Paradise in Boston, Massachusetts and witness what is sure to be another great RIPW event! The show starts at 8:00 p.m. and doors open at 7:00 p.m. So come early and make sure enjoy the show!



For the RIPW Tag Team Championships:

The Young Braves vs. The Canadian Hit Squad©


Raphael vs. Jared Johnson in an In the Dark Match (both men shall be wearing black hoods during the match)


??? and Leftie Wilkes vs. The Evil Empire (Hollywood Hank and Donte Dunn)


Morgan Malone vs. Gabe Goren


Rudy Velasquez & International Superstar Cowboy Stuart Ferdinand vs. Too Hot & Brendan Idol

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For the RIPW Tag Team Championships:

The Young Braves vs. The Canadian Hit Squad©

(by DQ, methinks)


Raphael vs. Jared Johnson in an In the Dark Match (both men shall be wearing black hoods during the match)


??? and Leftie Wilkes vs. The Evil Empire (Hollywood Hank and Donte Dunn)

(always go for the mystery man? check.)


Morgan Malone vs. Gabe Goren


Rudy Velasquez & International Superstar Cowboy Stuart Ferdinand vs. Too Hot & Brendan Idol

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The Young Braves vs. The Canadian Hit Squad©

As much as i'd like the braves to win .. I dont think they will be taking th belts!!

Raphael vs. Jared Johnson in an In the Dark Match (both men shall be wearing black hoods during the match)

Double J's the man!

??? and Leftie Wilkes vs. The Evil Empire (Hollywood Hank and Donte Dunn)

Like Dunn and Hank ... But mystery man wins ...

Morgan Malone vs. Gabe Goren

Rudy Velasquez & International Superstar Cowboy Stuart Ferdinand vs. Too Hot & Brendan Idol

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The Young Braves vs. The Canadian Hit Squad©


Raphael vs. Jared Johnson in an In the Dark Match (both men shall be wearing black hoods during the match)


??? and Leftie Wilkes vs. The Evil Empire (Hollywood Hank and Donte Dunn)


Morgan Malone vs. Gabe Goren


Rudy Velasquez & International Superstar Cowboy Stuart Ferdinand vs. Too Hot & Brendan Idol

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The Young Braves vs. The Canadian Hit Squad©


Raphael vs. Jared Johnson in an In the Dark Match (both men shall be wearing black hoods during the match)


??? and Leftie Wilkes vs. The Evil Empire (Hollywood Hank and Donte Dunn)


Morgan Malone vs. Gabe Goren


Rudy Velasquez & International Superstar Cowboy Stuart Ferdinand vs. Too Hot & Brendan Idol

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The Young Braves vs. The Canadian Hit Squad©

Raphael vs. Jared Johnson in an In the Dark Match (both men shall be wearing black hoods during the match)

??? and Leftie Wilkes vs. The Evil Empire (Hollywood Hank and Donte Dunn)

Morgan Malone vs. Gabe Goren

Rudy Velasquez & International Superstar Cowboy Stuart Ferdinand vs. Too Hot & Brendan Idol

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For the RIPW Tag Team Championships:

The Young Braves vs. The Canadian Hit Squad©


Raphael vs. Jared Johnson in an In the Dark Match (both men shall be wearing black hoods during the match)


??? and Leftie Wilkes vs. The Evil Empire (Hollywood Hank and Donte Dunn)

can never bring myself to go against a mystery opponent.


Morgan Malone vs. Gabe Goren


Rudy Velasquez & International Superstar Cowboy Stuart Ferdinand vs. Too Hot & Brendan Idol

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For the RIPW Tag Team Championships:

The Young Braves vs. The Canadian Hit Squad©


Raphael vs. Jared Johnson in an In the Dark Match (both men shall be wearing black hoods during the match)


??? and Leftie Wilkes vs. The Evil Empire (Hollywood Hank and Donte Dunn)


Morgan Malone vs. Gabe Goren


Rudy Velasquez & International Superstar Cowboy Stuart Ferdinand vs. Too Hot & Brendan Idol

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For the RIPW Tag Team Championships:

The Young Braves vs. The Canadian Hit Squad©


Raphael vs. Jared Johnson in an In the Dark Match (both men shall be wearing black hoods during the match)


??? and Leftie Wilkes vs. The Evil Empire (Hollywood Hank and Donte Dunn)


Morgan Malone vs. Gabe Goren


Rudy Velasquez & International Superstar Cowboy Stuart Ferdinand vs. Too Hot & Brendan Idol

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RIPW Presents: Boston Brawl II


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Thursday, November 25, 2010

Biker’s Paradise, Boston, Massachusetts

Attendance: 129

Show Rating: E



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Rob L. Miskovsky: Hello and welcome wrestling fans first and foremost we here in RIPW would like to wish each and every one of our fans a happy Thanksgiving. It means a lot to us that you have decided to join us on this holiday for Boston Brawl II! Tonight we have a humdinger of a card, and we are coming to you live from Boston, Massachusetts! I’m Rob L. Miskovsky and I am standing along side my broadcasting partner Mayhem Midden.


I am told that RIPW commissioner Henry Lee has asked for some time to speak. So let us go down to the ring and hear what the man formerly known, as the Icon of Insanity has to say…


[Henry Lee is standing in the center of the RIPW ring. The crowd is chanting, “RIPW! RIPW!” Henry has a huge smile on his face.]


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Henry Lee: I have requested some time to speak to you our loyal RIPW fans before we start the show tonight. I would like to thank each one of you in the audience tonight for showing your support for RIPW by coming to this show on Thanksgiving night. We here at RIPW really appreciate the fact that you have chosen to spend some of your holiday with us. So thank you very much!


[The crowd starts to cheer as they appreciate the fact that RIPW appreciates them. Henry pauses for a moment and waits for the cheers to die down before he continues to speak.]


Henry Lee: Due to the fact that tonight is a holiday, RIPW owner Professor Nero has informed me that he will not be here tonight…


[The fans go nuts upon hearing this, and Henry Lee starts to chuckle and says:]


Henry Lee: Wow, I guess you all are really going to miss him tonight. Anyway, due to the fact that Professor Nero is not here tonight, I am the sole person in charge. Meaning tonight I will make the matches that in my opinion will best reflect fairness and objectivity. Therefore, I would like to call out Hollywood Hank and Donte Dunn.


[Hank and Donte come out from behind the backstage curtain to a chorus of heavy boos. “You sold out chant!” is heard throughout the arena and Donte is aware that it is directed at him as he just shakes his head. The two men walk down the aisle towards the ring. Rowdy Roger is jawing at Hank as Hank walks past him and Hank just gives him an arrogant smirk.]


Henry Lee: Gentlemen I see that tonight you two are scheduled to take on the Wilkes Brothers. As you are fully aware, Dutch Wilkes is unable to compete this month, due to the vicious attack that you Hank and your friends The Canadian Hit Squad gave to the Wilkes Brothers. Now according to the card rundown that Professor Nero handed to me earlier this week, he has you and Donte taking on Leftie in a handicap match.


[The RIPW Champion and his new associate nod their heads in agreement. Henry Lee shakes his head in disgust.]


Henry Lee: Now that does not seem like a fair or an objective match at all. Heck, I would consider that a rather one-sided affair. Therefore, seeing how that goes against the promise I made to the fans just a few moments earlier…I would like to request that Leftie Wilkes come out here and joins us in the ring because I have some news concerning his match with you gentlemen later on tonight. In addition, if either of you two lay a hand on him, you shall be suspended. Got that?


[Hank and Donte look at each other and then at Henry Lee and they both nod their heads in compliance. Leftie Wilkes and Heather B. come out from behind the backstage curtain and the crowd goes nuts for the local boy. The two of them slap the fans hands as they make their way into the ring.


Upon entering the ring, Leftie gives his former friend Donte a look of extreme hate. Donte just shoots Leftie a rather smug smile.]


Henry Lee: As I said before, tonight I have made a promise to the fans that all of the matches will be as objective and fair as I can possibly make them. Therefore, tonight you shall not be wrestling these two men alone, as that is not fair to you.


I want you to go to the back and find someone that is willing to watch your back and is willing to take on these two men in a tag team match.


[Leftie has a huge smile on his face. Donte shakes his head in disbelief; the RIPW Champion Hollywood Hank walks over to one of the members of the ring crew and asks for a microphone.]


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Hollywood Hank: Hold up, hold up, hold up! You say that tonight you are going to take the fair and objective approach. How is it either fair or objective to Donte and myself putting us in this tag team match?


I have been training for the past week, with the knowledge that I would be taking part in a handicap match. Now you come out here and flip the script on Donte and myself. That is neither fair, nor is it objective.


And while I am out here, I would like to say that I do not appreciate having to wrestle in front of these pitiful peons on Thanksgiving. Today is supposed to be a day when I am supposed to reflect on what I am thankful for, and I am not thankful about having to wrestle in this dump of a building, in front of these inbred fans!


Henry Lee: You know Hank, you can bitch all you want about having the script flipped on you. And I know that I will be hearing from your General Manager Brian Cash-Man about how he is going to sue me and what not. However, I do not care! I do not care if you are not prepared for a tag team match tonight! You have an hour at the very least to get ready!


Hollywood Hank: But…but I’m the RIPW Champion! I need at the very least two weeks notice as to who I am fighting, because I need to mentally prepare for who I am going to fight. Also, who is his tag team partner going to be tonight?


Henry Lee: You shall find out when everyone else does, and that is when he comes out to the ring for your match!


Hollywood Hank: You know what? Screw you Henry! Donte and I are leaving this ring in protest, because you a trying to screw us! Come on Donte, let’s go!


[Donte and Hank leave the ring and head back to the backstage area. Leftie walks over to Commissioner Lee and shakes his hand and thanks him.]


[And we are taking to the back were Sue Danes is standing by with Raphael who is still sporting a patch over his left eye.]


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Sue Danes: Wud up RIPW fans, it is ya girl Sue, and right now I am hear with Raphael. Now Raphael, two months ago Miss Masterson jabbed you in your left eye with what is now being called the room key of doom. I gotta ask you, besides totally rocking that eye patch, how is your eye.


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Raphael: It still hurts and my vision is very weak in that eye. But I have to show the kids out there that in life you are going to come across bullies and you have to stand up to them. Jared Johnson, what you and Miss Masterson did to me two months ago was not cool and it hurt very badly. And I am not sure why the two of you took out such aggression on me. But you know what; I don’t need to know because tonight I am going to take out some aggression on you.


Sue Danes: Speaking of tonight, like you totally just said you and Jared will be fighting in a match tonight. And because Commissioner Lee wanted to make it a fair match for everyone, both you and Jared have to wear black hoods over your heads.


Raphael: Yes, that was very righteous of Mr. Lee to do that for me. Because now Jared and I are on the same playing field. Neither one of us are able to see and I think that is going to be very fair. Jared Johnson, you made me angry and trust me you aren’t going to like me now that I am angry. And remember kids don’t do drugs.


Sue Danes: Well I totally wish you good luck in your match tonight. Let’s like go up to the ring for our first match of the night.


For the RIPW Tag Team Championships:


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The Young Braves vs. The Canadian Hit Squad © with Brian Cash-Man


[Run to the Hills by Iron Maiden begins to play over the arena‘s sound system as The Young Braves make their way down to the ring. Both men slap the hands of the fans as they run down to the ring. When they get in front of Rowdy Roger, he yells Whoo…Whoo at them, Running Bear laughs and gives Roger the thumbs up.]


[The theme music from Halloween begins to play and moments later The Canadian Hit Squad walks out from behind the backstage curtain, they are followed by manager Brian Cash-Man. The fans are clearly not happy to see the RIPW Tag Team champions as they shower Sky King and Kintaro with boos as they walk down the aisle. Also, some fans decide to hurl garbage in the general direction of the champs as they head towards the ring.]


[before the match begins referee David Poker takes the RIPW Tag Team titles and shows them to the challengers. He then walks around the four sides of the ring holding the titles over his head.]


Match: This is your typical tag team match. The Braves got in the offense in the first few minutes of the match. The crowd was super into the match and much to the dismay of Brian Cash-Man the fans started to do the tomahawk chop and the war cry that accompanies it. The war cry was very loud and it was pretty much all you could hear during the opening stages of the match.


The war cry soon died down, when Kintaro and Sky King gained control of the match. They isolated Running Bear making sure that he stayed in their corner. While Brian Cash-Man distracted the referee, Sky King and Kintaro would double-team Running Bear. Running Wolf would try to enter the ring to help his tag team partner out. However, it was to no avail as the referee would see him trying to come into the ring and would order him out.


Finally, Running Bear was able to make the hot tag and Running Wolf entered the ring and cleaned house. There were various close pins during this part of the match and the fans are on the edges of their seats because they really wanted to see the Braves win the titles.


However, it was not meant to be. Running Wolf and Kintaro began brawling on the outside of the ring, while Running Bear and Sky King were the legal men and they were fighting inside of the ring. While referee David Poker was busy paying attention to the action on the outside of the ring, Running Bear has Sky King covered for the pin. Running Bear slaps his hand on the mat, but David Poker is still trying to restore order on the outside of the ring. At is at this point that The Kings of Federal Hill run down to the ring and begin to beat on Running Bear.


After the brief beating, Johnny Boy takes Sky King and drapes his arm over the semi-conscious Running Bear. The Kings then leave the ring and squat down so David Poker does not see them. David Poker turns around and makes the three count.


Winners and still RIPW Tag Team Champions: Canadian Hit Squad

Time: 9:49


[After the match is over with, the Kings reenter the ring and begin to put the boots to Running Bear. The Canadian Hit Squad and Brian Cash-Man walk back to the locker room, while this is going on. After about a minute or so of this, Johnny Boy asks for the microphone.


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Johnny Boy: I want everyone to see what we’ve just done. You see on da Hill this is what we call justice! In fact you could call what we’ve just done Federal Hill justice! Aint know flea market lurking scumbags gonna beat me up and live to brag about it…


Well it looks as if Johnny spoke to soon as Running Wolf reenters the ring. However, before Running Wolf could get his hands on Justin or Johnny Boy they high tailed it out of the ring and ran into the crowd. Running Wolf did not pursue, instead he checked on his partner to make sure he was all right.]


[We now go to the back where we see Jared Johnson, whose back is to the camera, staring lovingly at his reflection in a full-length mirror. He turns around and faces the camera and smiles. He then starts to sing.]


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Jared Johnson: Who can take a sunrise, sprinkle it with dew

Cover it with chocolate and a miracle or two

The Candy Man, oh the Candy Man can


Now you people might be wondering why I allowed you to hear my golden voice. A voice that rivals that of the choirs in heaven. I shall tell you why, I sang that song because it is a fitting theme song for Raphael. I say that because Raphael and Sammy Davis junior have a lot more in common than Raphael does with the Backstreet Boys.


How so? Well two months ago, the lovely Miss Masterson nearly carved up that pretty boy face of Raphael’s. Now he is blind in one eye, much like Sammy Davis junior was. And I could not be happier.


Now let us talk about our little match later on tonight. You and I shall take part in probably the worst conceived match in the history of wrestling. I am not sure why anyone would want to put a hood over my face. This is a face of a living god! Why would anyone want to rip these fans off? They paid good money to see me and now they will be severely disappointed because my face will be covered.


Not that any of this matters, because once again like we did last time we met I am going to beat you within an inch of your life. And then I will stand over you in a triumphant manner as the women in the arena throw themselves at my feet. Because I am Jared Johnson and I am Simply Amazing...


[Jared turns his back to the camera again and begins to admire himself. The camera soon fades to black.]


[Next, we see Henry Lee walking down a hallway. He is soon blocked by Jerry Martin.]


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Jerry Martin: Mister Lee, last month you told me to impress you by not beating anyone with Deanna. But you left me off the card tonight. How can I impress you, if I am not allowed to fight?


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Henry Lee: Ah yes…well I am sorry about that Jerry but I just could not find room on the card for you tonight. Sometimes those are the breaks…I am very sorry about this. Maybe next month, I can fit you on the card.


Jerry Martin: I am a very sad panda right now. How am I supposed to impress you with my non-hardcore work ethic if I am not booked?


Henry Lee: Um, you just asked me that same question just a second ago…only this time you reworded it. As I said kid next month. Now if you will excuse me I have business I need to attend to.


[Henry Lee walks away and Jerry watches him and says:]


Jerry Martin: I need you to show me the way, everyday. Oh yes you, show me the way…


[We are now shown a pre-taped interview that looks like it would fit right in on a local public access station. There is a rather plain looking man standing in front of the camera.]


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Gabe Goren: Hello my name is Gabe Goren. For the past few months, I have been watching this promotion. I know some of you consider it a wrestling promotion. Calling it that is a very big stretch to make.


You see the kind of crap that this promotion calls wrestling is not. What you watch is sports entertainment. There is no art form in hitting someone in the back of the head with a kendo stick repeatedly. There is not art in trying to carve someone’s eye out with a hotel key. You will never see me jump off the ropes, where I am from that is an automatic disqualification.


This is not the sport that I love...this is all just crap! That is why I have come here to RIPW. I am here to save you from this trash. I will make you all into true fans of the sport that I love, one headlock at a time.


[The pre-taped interview ends and we are taken down to ringside for our next match.]


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Jared Johnson with Miss Masterson vs. Raphael in an In the Dark Match


[We now go back to the ring, inside the ring standing in the center of the ring is Miss Masterson who is once again wearing a schoolgirl outfit, much to the delight of every straight man in the arena and some of the women as well. She has the microphone in her right hand and she begins to speak.]


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Miss Masterson: Ladies and gentlemen, it is my honor to present to you the man that every man wants to be and every woman wants to be with. The embodiment of a walking god, prepare to feast your eyes on Simply Amazing Jared Johnson!


[What a Man by Salt-n-Pepa and En Vogue begins to play over the arena‘s sound system and a few moments later Jared Johnson steps out from behind the backstage curtain to a chorus of boos. Jared just looks at the crowd and smiles as he struts down to the ring.


Finally, when he gets to ringside, he orders Miss Masterson to hold open the ropes for him so that he may enter the ring. Miss Masterson complies, and Jared enters the ring. He then walks to the center of the ring and stands there for a moment. The smile on his face just exudes arrogance. Jared then proceeds to take the microphone from Miss Masterson and begins to address the crowd.]


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Jared Johnson: What I would like to have right now is for all you fat, out of shape, Boston blockheads to keep the noise down while I show you what a living god looks like.


[Miss Masterson gets behind Jared and removes his ring robe. The fans really boo over this; some fans even throw various forms of garbage towards the ring. Jared covers up the microphone for a minute and asks Miss Masterson for the key to his hotel room. She proceeds to take the key out from in between her breasts. Miss Masterson then hands the key over to Jared.]


Jared Johnson: This right here in my left hand is a key to my hotel room. Tonight one of you lucky ladies in the audience is going to get this key. That is right ladies; you will be flying high on cloud nine. And when I am through with you, you can tell all your friends what it was like to be in the presence of a god! Let me see…


[Jared puts his hand up to his forehead and searches the crowd. He then turns to Miss Masterson and says:]


Jared Johnson: Hmm…there might be a woman in the audience tonight that is key worthy. Looks like I will have to get a better look…


[Jared points at a rather attractive brunette in the front row.



Jared gets out of the ring and heads over to where the brunette is sitting. She seems thrilled that Jared is walking towards her. Jared looks her over and then promptly heads back into the ring.


Upon reentering the ring, he turns to Miss Masterson and says:]


Jared Johnson: What was I thinking going over to the god-awful creature? I should have known that this arena would have poor lighting…after all there is no better way of making an ugly woman pretty than bad lighting.


[The camera pans to the brunette in the crowd, she starts yelling obscenities at Jared, and she chucks him the bird.]


Jared Johnson: Once again, this Boston audience is filled with nothing but ugly women. Women who should not even be allowed in my presence! That means that you Miss Masterson have earned this key tonight once again…


[Miss Masterson giggles with delight and starts to clap her hands as she jumps up and down upon hearing the news that she is key worthy on this night.


T.N.T. by AC/DC begins to play over the arena‘s sound system and a few moments later Raphael steps out from behind the backstage curtain. The crowd does not really know how to react over Raphael not coming out to the Backstreet Boys theme song.


Before entering the ring Raphael walks over to the brunette that Jared Johnson just humiliated a few minutes earlier and gives her a hug. She gives him a kiss on the cheek and Raphael has a huge smile on his face as he enters the ring.]


Match: The match takes awhile to start because Jared Johnson outright refuses to put the hood over his head. Telling referee David Poker that he does not want to hide his beauty from the fans. David Poker informs him that if he does not put the hood over his head, he will forfeit the match. Finally, after much hemming and hawing Jared reluctantly allows the hood to be put over his head by Miss Masterson.


This match was actually not that bad considering the gimmick of the match usually means that there is not going to be a lot of action. Yes during the start of the match, there was a lot of fumbling around by both competitors. It was due to this that Miss Masterson began barking directions to Jared so that he could gain an advantage in the match.


And her directions did just that, as Jared gained the upper hand in the match during the mid-way point in the match. During the latter portions of the match, Raphael somehow managed to mount a come back. It was at this point that Miss Masterson hopped up on the outer edge of the ring and started yelling at referee David Poker.


David Poker turned his back to the action in the ring so that he could focus his attention on getting Miss Masterson off the outer edge of the ring. At was at this point that Jared Johnson, who seemed to have a sense that David Poker’s back was turned, lifted his hood up and he hit Raphael with a low blow. Raphael fell in pain and Jared Johnson covered his head again with the hood and then pinned Raphael. It was at this point that Miss Masterson feverishly pointed at David Poker to turn around so he could make the count. David Poker did just that and Jared Johnson got the victory.


Winner: Jared Johnson

Time: 10:52


[Post match Miss Masterson pulls out the room key of doom and hands it to Jared Johnson. Referee David Poker tries to intervene on behalf of Raphael but it is to no avail as Jared just shoves him to the ground. Jared yanks the hood off of Raphael‘s head and he begins to jam the key into Raphael‘s forehead.


Just then, the brunette that Jared had made fun of earlier hops the guardrail and enters the ring. She starts pounding on Jared‘s back. Miss Masterson, not wanting her living god touched, slaps the other women in the face. They then begin a catfight in the center of the ring. This only lasts for a few seconds as various RIPW officials enter the ring and break up the fight.]



[We now go to the backstage locker room of The Evil Empire. Where we see Brian Cash-Man, Donte Dunn, Kintaro, Sky King and Hollywood Hank standing.]


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Brian Cash-Man: Before you stand the greatest collection of wrestling talent in the history of the sport. Each one of these men are champions in their own right. This is the greatest franchise in the history of the sport. Tonight, our illustrious Commissioner Henry Lee decided that he wanted to be fair. Therefore, he took what was going to be a handicap match between these two men…


[He points with both hands at Donte and Hollywood Hank.]


Brian Cash-Man: And turned it into a tag team match. Well you might have done that in the interest of fairness. Nevertheless, life is not fair and neither should this have been. It should have remained a handicap match, that is what my men trained for and that is what it should have been.


Either way I highly doubt it will matter because I have inside information that Leftie Wilkes has yet to find a tag team partner dumb enough to tag with him tonight. After all everyone in this dump of a promotion knows not to mess with greatness. So good luck in finding a tag team partner Leftie I know you are going to need it.


[brian and the rest of the members of The Evil Empire laugh.]


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Hollywood Hank: Tick tock, tick tock! You know what that is Leftie. My Rolex is making that sound as it counts down your demise later on tonight. No one in their right mind would be dumb enough to be your tag team partner tonight. It must be a very scary feeling to know that you are going to have to enter into the ring a fight against Donte Dunn and the RIPW Champion me!


Don’t worry Leftie, when we are done with you, we will make sure that that dirt squirrel you call a girlfriend will be taken care of…if you know what I mean.


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Donte Dunn: Leftie, for the past month all I have heard from ya brotha, is how betrayed you felt when I turned my back on ya. Well cry me a river, I was never a friend of yours brotha. I just used you and your family to get ahead. I was loyal to ya, until something better came along my brotha. Isn’t that the American way?


Brian Cash-Man: Right you are Donte, right you are. So Leftie, tonight I know you are going to be filled with rage and fury. Your blind hatred of Donte shall be on full display tonight. But the thing is Leftie it shall do you know good. Fore you shall be unable to find a partner tonight and you will still have to show up and fight. Once you do, you shall be on the receiving end of one of the worst beatings of your entire, uneducated, loser life. Come on men let us go to the ring…


[The Evil Empire walk off camera and we are taken back to the announcer‘s table.]


Rob L. Miskovsky: Well Mayhem our next match should be pretty interesting, as we will see two members of The Evil Empire in Donte Dunn and RIPW Champion Hollywood Hank taking on Leftie Wilkes. Now nobody knows if the match we are about to see is a tag team match or a handicap match. I have yet to receive word from that back informing me whether or not Leftie has been able to find a tag team partner for our next match. So you and I are just as much in the dark as the fans are.


Mayhem Midden: Personally, I hope he didn’t find a partner and ends up having to take his beating like a man. After all Hank and Donte signed up for and trained for a handicap match, they did not know they were going to end up in a tag team match…oh yeah…dig it!


Rob L. Miskovsky: I hardly see how that matters. How is adding one more wrestler into the match a hindrance to their training regime?


Mayhem Midden: You aint ever been inside that ring as a wrestler so you don’t know the work that goes behind putting a game plan together.


Rob L. Miskovsky: Well okay then…um…let us go down to the ring for our next match…


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The Evil Empire (Hollywood Hank and Donte Dunn) with Brian Cash-Man vs. ??? and Leftie Wilkes with Heather B.


[The theme from New York, New York by Frank Sinatra begins to play over the sound system and out steps Brian Cash-Man wearing his trademark New York Yankees windbreaker. Upon seeing Brian the fans immediately begin the “Yankees Sucks!”, Brian is quickly followed by the two members of The Evil Empire that are taking part in this match tonight (Hollywood Hank and Donte Dunn) the three men are showered with boos as they make their way down towards the ring.


Rowdy Roger holds up a sign that says: “Why Donte? Why?”. Donte points at the sign and he, Cash-Man and Hank laugh at it. A, “You sold out chant”, which is directed at Donte is the predominant chant heard as Cash-Man and company enter the ring. Brian Cash-Man walks over to the ring announcer and asks for the microphone.]


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Brian Cash-Man: You inbred Boston drunkards might be chanting you sold out to this fine gentlemen to my left. And you know what? For once in your collective miserable lives, you are all correct. He did sell out and now he is going to be paid and paid very well for taking out your heroes one at a time.


Now onto the matter at hand, Leftie come on out here. We know that you do not have a tag partner for tonight and that is just fine. I have instructed my clients to take it easy on you.


[No music is played for Leftie Wilkes as he and Heather B. step out from behind the backstage curtain. Leftie has a microphone in his right hand as he and Heather slowly walk towards the ring. Heather and Leftie stop halfway down the aisle.]


Brian Cash-Man: Well it looks like you don’t have a tag team partner tonight Leftie, just like I thought. There is nobody in the locker room that have the stones to stand up to the two talented men standing on either side of me. I guess I underestimated the guys in the back; they might not be as dumb as I think they are. Okay Leftie, time to come down to the ring and take your beating like a man…


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Leftie Wilkes: Just cuz I came out here without a tag team partner, don’t mean I aint got one. In fact, this guy came to me; I didn’t even have to look for him.


[Hollywood Hank takes the microphone from Brian Cash-Man.]


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Hollywood Hank: Oh yeah, you got yourself a partner! Well as the RIPW Champion, I demand to know who it is!


[Just then, American Badass by Kid Rock starts to play and the crowd goes wild. The camera focus on a man in a generic blue mask, who is walking down the stairs from the concourse area of the arena.



The fans mob him as he makes his way towards the ring.


Meanwhile in the ring Hollywood Hank is livid. As he, along with everyone else in the crowd, knows exactly who the man in the blue mask is. In addition, he wants no part of him.]


Hollywood Hank: No! No! Damn it! This is not fair! I refuse to fight against him! He’s been fired!


[Hollywood Hank drops the microphone on the mat and promptly exit’s the ring. He does not get far as Leftie Wilkes is still standing in the middle of the aisle. Leftie starts to run at Hank and Hank screams and goes back into the ring. Finally, the man in the blue mask makes it to the front row and he hops the guardrail and enters the ring.]


Match: The moment Blue Mask hops the guardrail he is met with a left hook from Donte. Hank and Leftie are already fighting in the ring, so referee David Poker tells the timekeeper to ring the bell and begin the match.


The main storyline in this match was Hollywood Hank avoiding Blue Mask, and the Donte and Leftie never being in the ring at the same time. Therefore, what the fans ended up seeing was Donte in the ring with Blue Mask, and Hank in the ring with Leftie.


Finally, after Donte did all of the work to beat down Blue Mask, Hank feels confident enough to get in the ring with him. This is short lived, as Blue Mask seems to power-up and a scared Hank tags out right away. Blue Mask then looks out to the crowd to see if they want him to tag in Leftie. The crowd approves and Leftie and Donte slug it out in the center of the ring. In fact, for about a minute there it looks like a boxing match and not a wrestling match. Donte gets the upper hand in this encounter as he and Hank being to isolate Leftie working on his right leg.


Leftie somehow manages to make the hot tag and Blue Mask enters the ring. Hank, who is in the ring at the time, tries to tag out but it is to no avail as Blue Mask stops him. Blue Mask then proceeds to beat the ever-living crap out of the RIPW Champion. Blue Mask makes a pin attempt but it is broken up by Donte.


Leftie then enters the ring and he and Donte start to duke it out, they then both end up out of the ring and fighting on the floor. Brian Cash-Man then gets up onto the outside of the ring and starts complaining to referee David Poker about something. Blue Mask goes over and pushes Cash-Man off of the outside of the ring. Before, Blue Mask can turn around Hollywood Hank grabs him and hit him with the MVP. Hank then proceeds to pin Blue Mask much to the chagrin of the fans.


Winners: The Evil Empire (Donte Dunn and Hollywood Hank)

Time: 11:02


Rob L. Miskovsky: Yet another cheap victory for Hollywood Hank! I can’t believe it; our quote unquote champion never defends his belt against anyone that he feels has a shot at beating him. Then when he does have to fight against someone who has a chance to beat him…well he has to hit him from behind.


Mayhem Midden: I aint sure what you are droning on about, a win is a win…dig it! Plus everyone knows who Blue Mask is and seeing how he was canned from this company, he has no reason to be in an RIPW ring in the first place!


Rob L. Miskovsky: What happened to innocent until proven guilty? Until that mask comes off and it is proven to be Kentucky Bill, I shall have my doubts. Anyway, let us go down to the ring for our next match.



[both participants are already in the ring having come down to the ring while the announcer‘s were talking. Gabe came down to the ring sans music, because he wants to honor old school wresting and not many wrestler’s used music back before the 1980’s.]


Match: Morgan Malone got in some offense during the early portion of this match. At one point during the match, he climbed the ropes hoping to hit a dazed Gabe with a flying clothesline. However, Gabe saw this coming and left the ring. He then went over to the ring announcer, asked for the microphone, and said:


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Gabe Goren: Referee, if at any point in this match my opponent jumps off the top rope, it shall be an automatic disqualification.


Match (continued): David Poker shook his head no and informed Gabe that this was not cause for an automatic disqualification. Upon hearing David Poker’s ruling, Gabe became livid. Morgan then jumped off the top rope and landed on top of Gabe who was still on the outside of the ring. With both men dazed on the outside of the ring, referee David Poker begins a slow ten count. Gabe is actually the first to get to his feet and he picks up Morgan and throws him back into the ring.


What follows is Gabe putting Morgan into a long series of rest holds much like one would see if they were watching the SWF circa 1979. A ticked off crowd begins calling out boring. However, Gabe thinks they are calling out his last name and because of this; a huge smile comes across his face.


Finally, to the delight of the fans because it meant the match was probably going to end soon, Gabe locked the figure four grapevine (figure four leg lock) onto Morgan’s right leg. Morgan had no choice but to tap out. Gabe kept the figure four on for a moment after Morgan tapped out because a tap out is not recognized as an old school form of submission. The only way someone can quit in an old school fashion is to either say I Quit or have a corner man throw in the towel. The only reason why Gabe relinquished the hold was because referee David Poker told him if he did not the decision would be reverse and Morgan would win by disqualification.


Winner: Gabe Goren

Time: 7:54


[We are now shown a quick video recapping Rudy and Stuart‘s attack on Too Hot and Brendan Idol’s subsequent rescue of Too Hot from said attack during the previous month‘s show. ]


<a href="

http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=RudyVelasquez_alt.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/RudyVelasquez_alt.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=StuartFerdinand_jhdBHK.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/StuartFerdinand_jhdBHK.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=vs6.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/vs6.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=TooHot.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/TooHot.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=BrendanIdol.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/BrendanIdol.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Rudy Velasquez & International Superstar Cowboy Stuart Ferdinand vs. Too Hot & Brendan Idol


[How I Could Just Kill a Man by Cypress Hill begins to play over the arena‘s sound system and seconds later Rudy Velasquez and Stuart Ferdinand step out from behind the backstage curtain. Once again, Rudy has the flag of Puerto Rico draped over his shoulders and he is wearing a New York Mets hat. He flashes some gang signs towards the camera for a minute and then he and Stuart slowly walks down to the right, while the crowd showers him with boos. Stuart walks over to the ring announcer and takes the microphone from him.]


Stuart Ferdinand: Brendan Idol you are just as stupid as you are dorky looking. Last month you should have left well enough alone kiddo. But you need to be the hero, well after tonight, you will get the worst beating of your life and you will walk out of this arena with your two hundred and ninety eighth losses in a row. Hope it was worth in Brendan…


[stuart looks to see if Rudy wants to speak and Rudy shakes his head no. Stuart hands the microphone back to the referee.]


[Let Me Clear My Throat by DJ Kool starts to play and out from behind the backstage curtain comes Too Hot and Brendan Idol. The fans go absolutely wild for this duo, whom both run towards the ring.]


Match: Much like last month’s meeting between Stuart and Too Hot, the opening stanza of this match is nothing more than a brawl inside the ring. With each man fighting their major foe in the match (meaning Rudy/Too Hot and Stuart/Brendan). Finally, the match got some semblance of order when Rudy and Brendan stood in their respective corners.


It should be noted that Stuart and Rudy did not work all that well together as a tag team. One could not really pinpoint why this was, it just seemed that their timing was all over the place. No team really dominated the other and this was a very open match.


Towards the end of the match, Too Hot and Rudy started brawling outside of the ring and the two of them went to the backstage area, never to be seen for the rest of the evening. That in effect made this match as singles match between Stuart and Brendan, with Brendan actually having the upper hand in the match.


However, this was not meant to last. Brendan went to clothesline Stuart, unfortunately for Brendan, Stuart ducked and Brendan ended up hitting referee David Poker with the clothesline instead. A distraught Brendan went over to check on David. It was at this point that Stuart pulled some sort of foreign object out of his trunks (And no, I do mean what you are thinking. Get your minds out of the gutter people!) and he hit Brendan with whatever it was. Stuart then quickly dispatched said object onto the arena floor and he went over to revive David Poker.


Once he was sure, David Poker was all right, Stuart promptly pinned Brendan. And David Poker counted 1, 2, and 3 for the victory. Meaning poor Brendan has just suffered his two hundred and ninety-eighth losses in a row.


Winners: Rudy Velasquez and Cowboy Stuart Ferdinand

Time: 12:33



Rob L. Miskovsky: Well, it looks like Stuart Ferdinand and Rudy Velasquez just handed Brendan Idol his two hundred and ninety-eighth losses in a row.


Anyway, I hoped you all enjoyed the show tonight as much as I did! And I would like to thank you for watching us on Thanksgiving night; it means a lot to us that you have taken the time to watch us. So from the RIPW family, we wish each and every one of you a happy Thanksgiving! Also, for my broadcast partner Mayhem Midden, I’m Rob L. Miskovsky wishing you all a good night!

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Once again, I would just like to thank everyone that has taken the time to predict, read, and post in this diary. Also, I would like to say welcome to and thank you to BarneyGreen for being a first time predictor in this diary and a general welcome to the boards as well. I would be remiss if I also did not thank Purple Cowboy who used to make predictions in my old NYCW diary.


Here are the total results after this show:



As you can see our Hero of Michigan is leading the pack managing a perfect score (it has to be because you are Destiny‘s GDS Rookie).


Sorry, about the heel centric show this time around. I had not even realized that all of the heels won on this show until I was going through the wins and losses for the prediction table. That is just bad booking on my part that all of these matches happened to fall on the same show. It is not the first time I have done this and it probably will not be the last.

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Sue’s Superstar of the Month!



[This month‘s interview is coming directly from the backstage area of Biker’s Paradise. Standing to the right of Sue is RIPW Commissioner Henry Lee.]


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Sue Danes: Wud up RIPW fans! It’s your girl Sue Danes here and it is that time of the month again, you know when I interview an RIPW superstar! My guest this month is none other than the RIPW Commissioner Henry Lee!


Mister Lee it is totally cool that you are like um…totally letting me interview you this month. Sorry if I totally sound like a ditz, it is just I have never had the chance to interview you before.


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Henry Lee: No problem Sue, and please call me Henry. This mister Lee stuff is way too formal for me. I mean you are talking to the guy who once used a cheese grater on Larry Wood’s forehead. Therefore, I hardly think I am deserving of being addressed in a formal manner.


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Sue Danes: Okay cool, so Henry…um…you told me earlier that you had an announcement to make. Would you like to make it now?


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Henry Lee: Ah, yes now is as good of a time as any I suppose. Over the next couple of shows, we are going to be holding qualifying matches for a new match that will be held in March. The new match shall be called Win, Lose, or Draw. Now as I said just a second ago, starting in January, we are going to be holding three qualifying matches per card and the winners of those matches will advance into the Win, Lose, or Draw match.


The concept of the Win, Lose, or Draw match is a simple one. We shall have ten wrestlers take part in the Win, Lose, or Draw match, in the match we will have, three ringposts will have poles attached to them. A briefcase will hang from each pole. The object of the match is to gain possession of one of these three briefcases and upon doing so you must exist the ring and have both feet touch the ground. That is the key right there both feet must hit the ground in order for the wrestler to have official possession of the briefcase. Inside the briefcases are contracts.


In one briefcase, there will be a contract to fight the RIPW Champion at anytime of the briefcase holder’s choosing. In one briefcase, there will be a contract to fight for the RIPW Tag Team Championships at anytime of the briefcase holder’s choosing. And in the other briefcase there will be a pink slip, meaning the holder of that briefcase will be fired right on the spot. Therefore, as you can see we have two winners in that match, one loser, and the rest of the wrestlers just get a draw.


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Sue Danes: Um…now…like I am not the totally smartest person in the world and my math skills suck. But you said there would be three qualifying matches for this match. If I am like totally doing my math correctly, that would be six people advancing into the final match. So who fills up the four extra spots?


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Henry Lee: That is a good question, one that I shall address right now. The four extra spots will be decided on by a fan vote here on RIPW.com. The four wrestlers with the highest vote totals will get automatic bids into the main match.


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=SueDanes_alt1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/SueDanes_alt1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Sue Danes: That sounds totally awesome! Before you go, I have to ask you, what is up with Jerry Martin. It is like he follows you around like a lost puppy dog or something.


[Henry chuckles for a moment before he answers.]


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Henry Lee: Jerry is just a….hmm…how to say this in a diplomatic way…he is a lost soul. I think Jerry is a good kind and he has a chance to become a good wrestler. However, for some misguided reason he believes that wrestling a hardcore style is the key to his success.


Now I know I have been looking like a bit of a hypocrite over the last couple of months by telling him to stop wrestling that style. Because as we all know, it was the hardcore wrestling style that made my career. However, I am telling him this for his own good. As someone who as been in exploding barbwire death matches, as someone who has chronic back pain, I know that the quickest way to have a short career in this industry is by wrestling a hardcore style.


He has come to me for advice because he looks up to me. Therefore, I feel that it is my duty to make him understand that the body can only tolerate so much before it goes out on you. And the last thing I want to see is Jerry in a wheelchair before he turns forty.


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Sue Danes: That is very cool of you. Well I guess that is it for this month, I hope you tune in next month when I interview my next superstar of the month. Until then, I hope you all have a kick ass month! See you all laters!


[sue blows a kiss at the camera as the screen fades to black.]

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Nothing fancy here, just a Survey Monkey poll:


<div id="surveyMonkeyInfo"><div><script src="http://www.surveymonkey.com/jsEmbed.aspx?sm=uJWEMdABVrR5V7ZuTjMZdA_3d_3d"> </script></div>Create your <a href="http://www.surveymonkey.com/">free online surveys</a> with SurveyMonkey, the world's leading questionnaire tool.</div>


And for anyone that takes part in the above poll I thank you in advance. I just hope I set it up right.:D


The poll will be closed on February the 7th. The four wrestlers with the most votes will get a bye into the Win, Lose, or Draw match. If there is a tie in the vote I will decide out of the wrestlers that tie which one I would like. So that makes me the tie breaker.

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I closed the above poll a day early because I had not gotten any responses in three days. Pretty much anyone who was going to vote, voted so I did not see the point of keeping the poll open for an extra day. Here are the results of the poll:


Too Hot 12 pts

Jerry Martin 8 pts

Jared Johnson 8 pts

Rudy Velasquez 6 pts

Donte Dunn 5 pts

Stuart Ferdinand 4 pts

Gabe Goren 4pts

Jebediah 4 pts

The Wildcat 3 pts

Raphael 2 pts

Justin Sensitive 1 pts

Running Wolf 1pts

Sonic S. Thompson 1pts

Dutch Wilkes 1pts


Too Hot, Jerry Martin, Jared Johnson, and Rudy Velasquez all get automatic bids into the main match. The point breakdown was for every first place vote that worker got four points. Too Hot had three first place votes, therefore he has twelve points.


Now I understand that were some joke votes (or at least I think they were) as someone gave Jebediah a first place vote. Now I want to be clear, if he would have gotten two or three more votes I would have given him the automatic bid as I was going with whatever the voters wanted and nothing would throw me off. Also, if someone were to put up a similar poll, I probably would have done the same thing (meaning I would vote the jobber in if it was an option).:D


Also, I would like to thank everyone that took the time to vote. As I was telling michgcs when I normally do these polls only two people vote in them. This time I had six, which may not seem a lot but for me it is so thank you.

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