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RIPW: The Ballad of Henry Lee

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Win, Lose, or Draw Qualifying Match:

Sonic S. Thompson vs. Leftie Wilkes

Win, Lose, or Draw Qualifying Match:

Johnny Boy vs. Running Wolf


Win, Lose, or Draw Qualifying Match:

Jebediah vs. Justin Sensitive

Non-Qualifying Matches:


Morgan Malone vs. Gabe Goren


Rudy Velasquez & Jared Johnson vs. Too Hot & Raphael


For the RIPW Championship:

Dutch Wilkes vs. Hollywood Hank ©

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Win, Lose, or Draw Qualifying Match:

Sonic S. Thompson vs. Leftie Wilkes


Win, Lose, or Draw Qualifying Match:

Johnny Boy vs. Running Wolf


Win, Lose, or Draw Qualifying Match:

Jebediah vs. Justin Sensitive


Non-Qualifying Matches:


Morgan Malone vs. Gabe Goren


Rudy Velasquez & Jared Johnson vs. Too Hot & Raphael


For the RIPW Championship:

Dutch Wilkes vs. Hollywood Hank ©

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I have been so horrible at my predictions thus far I'm going to have to start getting hot soon. :)


Win, Lose, or Draw Qualifying Match:

Sonic S. Thompson vs. Leftie Wilkes


Win, Lose, or Draw Qualifying Match:

Johnny Boy vs. Running Wolf


Win, Lose, or Draw Qualifying Match:

Jebediah vs. Justin Sensitive


Non-Qualifying Matches:


Morgan Malone vs. Gabe Goren


Rudy Velasquez & Jared Johnson vs. Too Hot & Raphael


For the RIPW Championship:

Dutch Wilkes vs. Hollywood Hank ©

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Win, Lose, or Draw Qualifying Match:

Sonic S. Thompson vs. Leftie Wilkes


Win, Lose, or Draw Qualifying Match:

Johnny Boy vs. Running Wolf

Win, Lose, or Draw Qualifying Match:

Jebediah vs. Justin Sensitive


Non-Qualifying Matches:


Morgan Malone vs. Gabe Goren


Rudy Velasquez & Jared Johnson vs. Too Hot & Raphael


For the RIPW Championship:

Dutch Wilkes vs. Hollywood Hank ©

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Win, Lose, or Draw Qualifying Match:

Sonic S. Thompson vs. Leftie Wilkes

Win, Lose, or Draw Qualifying Match:

Johnny Boy vs. Running Wolf

Win, Lose, or Draw Qualifying Match:

Jebediah vs. Justin Sensitive

Non-Qualifying Matches:


Morgan Malone vs. Gabe Goren


Rudy Velasquez & Jared Johnson vs. Too Hot & Raphael

For the RIPW Championship:

Dutch Wilkes vs. Hollywood Hank ©

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Win, Lose, or Draw Qualifying Match:

Sonic S. Thompson vs. Leftie Wilkes


Win, Lose, or Draw Qualifying Match:

Johnny Boy vs. Running Wolf


Win, Lose, or Draw Qualifying Match:

Jebediah vs. Justin Sensitive


Non-Qualifying Matches:


Morgan Malone vs. Gabe Goren


Rudy Velasquez & Jared Johnson vs. Too Hot & Raphael

Jared = win

For the RIPW Championship:

Dutch Wilkes vs. Hollywood Hank ©

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RIPW: Wrestling Extravaganza 2011


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Sunday, January 16, 2011

Twin River Event Center, Lincoln, Rhode Island

Attendance: 122

Show Rating: E




[The show beings in the backstage area of the Twin River Event Center. We see Too Hot walking down a hallway, he turns the corner and standing there before him is none other than his archrival Rudy Velasquez. Neither man says a word to the other instead, they begin to brawl. The brawl goes on for a bit until Raphael tries to separate them, and he eats a left hook from Rudy for his troubles.


Then, seemingly out of nowhere, Jared Johnson joins the fray and start pounding on Raphael. All four men end up entering the main portion of the arena, much to the delight of the fans. Finally, various backstage officials manage to separate the four men and the brawl ends.]



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Rob L. Miskovsky: Hello and welcome wrestling fans to our first show of the New Year, Wrestling Extravaganza 2011! We have a humdinger of a card for you tonight, as we are coming to you live from Lincoln, Rhode Island! I’m Rob L. Miskovsky and I am standing along side my broadcasting partner Mayhem Midden.


I got to say wrestling fans that was one humdinger of a brawl, we just witnessed to start the show off. It would seem the time for talking between Rudy and Too Hot has now passed. These two men hate each other so much, that they will just fight each other at the drop of a hat. And poor Raphael was just trying to play the peacemaker in that situation and he got Pearl Harbored by that sneaky, no-good, snake in the grass, Jared Johnson.


Well Mayhem, the temperature outside might be just above freezing, but as we already saw, the action we are going to see tonight is going to be red hot; in fact, some might say it is Too Hot…


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Mayhem Midden: I’m gonna pretend you just didn’t make that lame ass joke, oh yeah…dig it! What words need to be said between Rudy and Too Hot? These two men hate each other so of course they are going to go at it every time they see each other.


I gotta say that I did laugh when Raphael got jumped. That teaches him to stay out of other people’s business or your business might come after you…oh yeah…dig it!


[Rob looks at Mayhem for a moment with a look of confusion on his face. He then glances back at the camera.]


Rob L. Miskovsky: At any rate, tonight we are going to see three matches that are qualifying matches for our Win, Lose, or Draw match. Who ever wins those matches will be in the Win, Lose, or Draw match in March! I can’t wait to see who is going to qualify tonight! So let us go to the ring for our opening match of the evening.




[People Are Strange by The Doors begins to play over the arena‘s sound system and a few moments later Sonic S. Thompson comes out from behind the backstage curtain. A portion of the crowd actually cheers him, as it seems due to the wacky nature of his character, he has become somewhat of a cult hero to the fans.


While he walks down to the ring, he mutters stuff to himself and he keeps looking around in an exaggerated manner. He seems almost paranoid that someone is out to get him. When he enters the ring, he walks over to the ring announcer and asks for the microphone.]


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Sonic S. Thompson: Why are you damn dirty apes watching me? You shall not capture me Dr. Zaius!


[He then looks around for a minute and hands the microphone back to the ring announcer. A few seconds Dirty Water by The Standells begins to play on the arena‘s sound system and the crowd goes nuts. The crowd begins to sing along with the song as Heather B. steps out from behind the backstage curtain. Tonight the lovely Ms. B. is wearing a tight pair of blue jeans and an oversized Cam Neely, Boston Bruins jersey. Heather is followed shortly thereafter by her boyfriend Leftie.


As they make their way down to the ring, they slap the fans hands. When they get to ringside, Heather blows a kiss at Rowdy Roger. She then gives Leftie a kiss on his cheek for good luck and Leftie enters the ring.]



Match: No need to lie here folks, this match was horrible. Sonic seemed to be having an off night as he messed up in the ring a couple of times. Both he and Leftie got in an equal amount of offense in. One thing that was very noticeable was that as the match went on Sonic was huffing and puffing (I guess his tag team partner‘s lack of stamina is rubbing off on him as well.).


Despite the fact that Sonic got tired just wrestling for eight minutes, he managed to get the win after he hit the Sonic Boom on Leftie and pinned him for the victory.



Winner and advancing into the Win, Lose, or Draw Match: Sonic S. Thompson

Time: 8:14




[Volare by Dean Martin starts to play over the arena‘s sound system. A few seconds later Johnny Boy steps out from behind the backstage curtain. The fans immediately greet him with boos. The very familiar chant of “You are Guidos!” also begins as the Johnny Boy makes his way down to the ring.


Upon getting to ringside, Johnny Boy gets into a brief shouting match with Rowdy Roger. Johnny Boy then enters the ring and gives the fans of Lincoln, Rhode Island the under the chin salute.]


[Run to the Hills by Iron Maiden begins to play over the arena‘s sound system and out from the backstage curtain comes Running Wolf. The crowd has really taken to this young man over the past couple of months and he gets a decent cheer from the crowd.]



Match: This match was brawl city for these two men. One thing that really stood out was the height difference between the two of them; Running Wolf is just three inches shy of being a foot taller than Johnny Boy.


Despite the height disadvantage, Johnny Boy managed to dominate throughout most of this match getting plenty of offense in on Running Wolf. At one point Johnny wowed the crowed with his strength as he actually picked up and body slammed Running Wolf.


Soon the war cry begins to echo throughout the arena and the fans start to do the tomahawk chop (Some fans have the new foam tomahawks that are now being sold at the merchandise stand.), this provides Running Wolf with the power to mount a come back. From then on, he no sells Johnny Boy’s offense. He then proceeds to hit Johnny Boy with the Wolf Tamer and covers him for the victory. Running Wolf has earned his spot in the Win, Lose, or Draw match with this victory.


Winner and advancing into the Win, Lose, or Draw Match: Running Wolf

Time: 9:24


[We go to the backstage area in what appears to be the craft services area (there is a table with various foods on it). Standing in this area is Jerry Martin and Henry Lee.]


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Henry Lee: Well Jerry, I am sorry that I had to have you join me right now. I mean I have not eaten since the morning and I really need to get something to eat.


[Henry picks up a small ham sandwich off a tray and puts it on the plate that he is holding in his right hand.]


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Jerry Martin: No problem, as your hardcore protégé I and at your beckon call. Whenever you call me I’ll be there, I’ll be around.


[Henry, who was busy putting slices of pepperoni on his plate, turns and looks at Jerry and says:]


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Henry Lee: First of all, you are not my protégé, unless you want to work in an office that is. And for some reason the thought of you wearing a suit and tie all day makes me laugh.


Also, you have to stop quoting songs, every time you do that we have to pay the damn person that wrote the song. And that is costing us a pretty penny, so you have to stop doing that…


Anyway, the reason why I asked you to join me is…hold on…


[Henry looks at the craft service woman and says:]


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Henry Lee: Do you have regular mustard Donna? I hate this brown mustard…


[The woman hands Henry a mustard bottle and he proceeds to put the mustard on his ham sandwich. He then turns his attention back to Jerry and continues his conversation with him.]


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Henry Lee: Where was I…ah yes, the reason why I asked you to join me right now is because there is someone that I would like you to meet.


[Henry makes a gesture with his hand and moments later former DAVE worker and current PSW worker Wolverine walks over and joins Henry and Jerry.]


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Henry Lee: Jerry I would like you to meet a good friend of mine Wolverine. This man is one of the toughest son of a guns I have ever had the pleasure to wrestle against.


[Jerry looks extremely happy to meet The Wolverine; he has a huge smile on his face.]


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Jerry Martin: You are an Icon of Hardcore wrestling! It is an honor to stand in your presence.


[Wolverine looks at Henry for a moment, smirks at him and proceeds to roll his eyes. Henry gives him a knowing head nod. Wolverine turns back to Jerry and says:]


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The Wolverine: Nice to meet ya kid. Hank has told me that you wanna be his student. That ya wanna learn at da feet of da Icon of Insanity…


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Jerry Martin: That is oh so very right mister Wolverine, I want to prove to Mister Lee that I am worthy of being the next hardcore wrestling superstar. I want to prove that I’m Hardcore!


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The Wolverine: Well that is all well and good kid, but Hank brought me here because he feels that you might be a tad bit reckless in your approach to wrestling.


[Jerry turns and looks at Henry with a betrayed look on his face. Henry, who is not paying attention to the conversation anymore, is busy eating his ham sandwich. When he sees Jerry look at him, he smiles and nods his head.]


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Jerry Martin: Is it wrong to want to take my kendo stick and beat the ever-living crap out of someone? Because if it mister Wolverine, I don’t want to be right…


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The Wolverine: Fair enough, kid. Look I was brought here by Hank today to show you what years and years of hardcore wrestling can do to you. I am forty-five years old and I can hardly walk as my legs are shot, I have scars all over my body from taking unnecessary hits from various weapons, it hurts when I have to take a leak, and worst of all the docs told me that I’m one concussion away from dementia.


Now son, I gotta ask ya does this sound like something you wanna deal with in twenty years. Hell, I would’ve retired five years ago if I could afford to do so, but I couldn’t cuz my medical bills were so high. And the reason is because I chose to wrestle in a hardcore style.


Do ya self a favor son, stop with the hardcore wrestling style before ya end up like me. I’m forty-five years old and my body feels like that of a sixty-five year old. Do ya really want that son?


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Jerry Martin: Hardcore wrestling is all that I have ever known. As a kid growing up in Ottawa, Canada, I used to be the oddball. Everyone watched the DeColts or the Stones, but I did not watch that crap, I watched DAVE. I watched you two carve each other’s heads up. I watched Eddie Peak drive his opponents through panes of glass. And it was blissful to watch it; it brought me to a happy place.


When I bash the likes of Raphael and Morgan Malone in the head with Deanna I feel that bliss rush across my body. So yes, I am willing to risk permanent injury just as long as I can be hardcore!


[And with that, Jerry Marin walks off screen. Wolverine turns to Henry Lee and shakes his head.]


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The Wolverine: That is one screwed up twisted young man Hank.


[Henry Lee puts down his sandwich and laughs.]


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Henry Lee: If you say he is screwed up, then he must be really screwed up.


[both men laugh and we then cut to Professor Nero‘s office.]


[Nero is sitting at his desk with his feet propped up on said desk; standing behind Nero is his bodyguard Zachary Inc. He is reading the Providence Journal sports section (The Journal is a sponsor after all.). Moments later Too Hot and Raphael enter the office and you can hear the crowd cheer in the background.]


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Zachary Inc: Ah boss, you got (takes a deep breath) visitors…


[Professor Nero puts down the newspaper and peers over his glasses at Raphael and Too Hot.]


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Professor Nero: Well, well, well what do we have here? Jolly Roger himself and the moron that talks in the third person, what can I do for you two? And make it quick because I have important stuff to do, like reading the sports section…


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=TooHot.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/TooHot.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Too Hot: Jason Evans and Raphael want to take on Rudy Velasquez and Jared Johnson tonight.


[Professor Nero rolls his eyes before a coy smile creeps across his face.]


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Professor Nero: Do you now…and just why pray tell would I grant you such a match? Why would it behoove me to give you two buffoons this match? What is in it for me?


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Raphael: Whoa man, why the hostility towards us? Why are you calling Jay and I buffoons? We just want our chance to fight against the people that jumped us earlier. Oh and kids, just say no to drugs.


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Too Hot: That’s right; Jason Evans just wants the chance to crack some skulls. You wanna know what you’re gonna get out of it? Jason Evans will tell you what you’re gonna get out of it.


If you put Raphael and Jason Evans in a match against Rudy Velasquez and Jared Johnson, you will be giving the fans what they want. As owner of the company, you know you have to do what the fans want.


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Professor Nero: Do I now? Hmm, I am not so sure about that. I am not the type of person who gives into the demands of others. However, I really would like to finish reading the sports section, so if it will get you two out of my office you shall have your tag team match later on tonight. Now shoo get out…


[Too Hot and Raphael leave Nero‘s office. Sonic S. Thompson enters the office and Nero lets out a very deep sigh of disgust.]


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Professor Nero: What the hell do you want?


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Sonic S. Thompson: My good man I seek your aid in fighting the wall monster. It is my arch-nemesis and follows me wherever I go. Dr. Bill says it is not real…but it is I tell you!


[sonic then leaves the office as well and Nero turns and looks at Zachary Inc. Zachary just shrugs his shoulders and laughs. Nero mumbles something incoherent to himself and picks up the newspaper again. We are then sent back to the ring for our next match.]



[both Jebediah and Justin are already in the ring having come out during the previous two interview segments.]



Match: This is your typical Jebediah match, meaning he got in enough offense to look like a threat but not enough to pull off the victory. In fact, the boring catcalls were heard throughout the entire match. Finally, Justin hits Jebediah with the Forgetaboutit and that is all she wrote. Justin picks up the victory and advances to the Win, Lose, or Draw match.


Winner and advancing into the Win, Lose, or Draw Match: Justin Sensitive

Time: 7:38



[somewhere I Belong by Linkin Park begins to play and a few moments later Morgan Malone steps out from behind the backstage curtain. Much like last month, the fans seem to be cheering for Morgan even more.]


[After Morgan enters the ring, Gabe Goren comes out from behind the backstage curtain. Of course, he does not have any music playing because that would be against the rules of old school. Gabe enters the ring and asks for the microphone. Gabe begins to read the rules and the crowd boos the hell out of him. Gabe‘s voice sounds a lot like Ben Stein‘s voice.]


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Gabe Goren: The following match will be fought under old school rules. Referee David Poker shall follow these rules to the letter. The rules are as follows, old school rule number one states that if at anytime during the match a wrestler jumps off the top rope that will be cause for an automatic disqualification. Old school rule number two states that if a wrestler throws his opponent over the top rope that will be cause for an automatic disqualification. Old school rule number three states…


[The fans start chanting, “Boring” at Gabe. This causes Gabe to have a huge smile on his face as he believes they are chanting, “Goren“.]


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Gabe Goren: Thank you very much, I appreciate the support…now as I was saying old school rule number three states that there are only two ways for a wrestler to submit during a match. The first way is for the wrestler’s corner man to throw in the towel. The second way is for the wrestler to inform the referee that he quits. A quote, un-quote tap-out is not a recognized form of submission and therefore the referee shall not consider a tap-out as grounds for a proper submission. Old school rule number four states…





Match: Gabe does not get the chance to enlighten us as to what old school rule number four is. That is because Morgan Malone attacked him before he could finish reading. In the opening stanza of the match, Morgan got a ton of offense in.


During the middle portion of the match, Gabe went on the offense. He “treats” the RIPW fans to a long string of rest holds that had many ‘o’ fan taking a pee break due to the sheer boredom of the match.


Finally, Morgan got back on offense and he decided to climb to the top rope. Seeing this Gabe slides out of the ring and takes the microphone from the ring announcer.


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Gabe Goren: David Poker, if you allow him to jump off the top rope, I demand you to disqualify him.


David Poker tells him he will not and an infuriated Gabe Goren reenters the ring. Gabe seems to have had some sort of psychotic break as he begins to attack Morgan like a man possessed. Finally, Gabe puts Morgan in the figure four grapevine (figure four leg lock). Morgan had no choice but to tap out after all he does not want a broken leg. Gabe Goren has won the match via submission.


Despite the fact that Morgan tapped out, Gabe keeps the figure four on Morgan’s leg and he even begins to apply more pressure. RIPW senior official David Poker tells Gabe to relinquish the hold or he is going to reverse his decision and award Morgan the victory by way of disqualification.


Gabe, who still has a wild look on his face, pays no attention to David Poker and does not accept Morgan’s submission because he did not say he quit and no corner man threw in the white towel for him. This leaves David Poker no choice, he has to reverse his decision and award Morgan the victory.

Winner by disqualification: Morgan Malone

Time: 7:30


[After the reversal of the decision, David Poker pleads with Gabe to release Morgan from the figure four. Gabe refuses to do so, just then Frank Fernandes comes running down the ring with a belt in his right hand.


Gabe sees Frank coming and relinquishes the figure four and high-tails it out of the ring. Gabe then hops the guardrail and runs into the crowd. Frank chooses not to pursue Gabe. Instead, he checks on Morgan who is clutching his leg in pain. A few seconds later Morgan is able to get up, and with the help of Frank and David Poker, is able to hobble back to the backstage area.]


For the RIPW Championship:


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=RIPW_Championship.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/RIPW_Championship.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


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Dutch Wilkes with Heather B. vs. Hollywood Hank © with Brian Cash-Man


[Dirty Water by The Standells begins to play on the arena‘s sound system and the crowd goes nuts. The crowd begins to sing along with the song as Heather B. steps out from behind the backstage curtain. Tonight the lovely Ms. B. is wearing a short jean skirt and a Bernie Carbo, Boston Red Sox jersey (Yes she changed her clothes from earlier). Heather is followed shortly thereafter by Dutch Wilkes the challenger in tonight‘s championship match.


As they make their way down to the ring, they slap the fans hands. Heather stops in front of Rowdy Roger who is hold up a sign that says, “Hey BP, I sit in da front row not da third. Thanks for noticing me though!”. Heather laughs and she and Dutch enter the ring.]


[The lights in the arena go down and a spotlight shines on the backstage curtain. Simply the Best by Tina Turner begins to play as Brian Cash-Man and the RIPW Champion Hollywood Hank steps out from behind the backstage curtain.


Various insults are shouted at the pair as they make their way down to the ring, but not one insult was dominate enough to make out. The garbage is really being thrown at these two men tonight and for a brief moment the cameraman catches a fan being escorted out of the building by security. That scene is quickly cut away from as Brian and Hank have now entered the ring. Hank walks over to the ring announcer and takes the microphone.]


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=OscarOzymandias.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/OscarOzymandias.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Hollywood Hank: You know, you pitiful peons should show your RIPW Champion a little more respect. After all, I have been the best wrestler in this mom and pop promotion for nearly a year.


[The crowd really starts to boo and Hank‘s arrogant smile grows really large, it is almost as if their boos are feeding him to be an even bigger arrogant tool.]


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=OscarOzymandias.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/OscarOzymandias.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Hollywood Hank: Ah my opponent tonight is Dutch Wilkes probably one of the dumbest people in RIPW, if not the dumbest person. Oh and look he brought his brother’s little dirt squirrel with him…





Match: Hank did was unable to finish his insults of Dutch and Heather, as Dutch went right after him. David Poker, unable to give his normal pre-match instructions for a championship bout, told the timekeeper to ring the bell and start the match.


Dutch had the early advantage in this match and was in control of the match for a good two minutes. However, a well-placed low blow by Hollywood Hank would allow Hank to get the advantage. Through the middle portion of the match, Hank would pin Dutch at various times, only to pick Dutch’s shoulders up so that he could beat on Dutch even more.


Hank also taunted the crowd a lot during this match shouting out various insults at the crowd. It was during one such tirade where Hank had his back turned away from Dutch, Hank was jawing with an old lady in the front row and Dutch came up from behind and schoolboy pinned Hank.


A livid Hank was able to kick out but this was the momentum Dutch needed to regain control of the match. For the next two minutes or so Dutch had many close pinfalls on the RIPW Champion and the crowd was really getting behind this.


However, this was all for naught as Donte Dunn made his way down to the ring and he began to creep towards Heather B., this drew the attention of both Dutch and referee David Poker. Dutch was about to exit the ring when Hank once again hit him with a low blow. Hank then decides to finish off Dutch with the MVP he then covers him for the pin.


Winner and still RIPW Champion: Hollywood Hank

Time: 9:15


[Post-match, Hank and Donte decide that Dutch has not received enough of a beating. They begin to attack him while Brian Cash-Man holds Heather B. back. This does not last all that long as The Wildcat and Dutch‘s brother Leftie come to Dutch‘s aid.


Hank, Donte, and Brian leave the ring as quickly as possible and head back to the dressing room as Leftie and The Wildcat check on Dutch and Heather.]


<a href="

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Rudy Velasquez & Jared Johnson with Miss Masterson vs. Too Hot & Raphael


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Match: Shortly after Heather, Wildcat and The Wilkes Brothers leave the ringside area there is a buzz in the crowd. The cameras pick up Rudy, Jared, Too Hot, and Raphael brawling near the concession stand. This brawl is a bit more violent than the standard RIPW fare.


Now I am not saying this brawl was great because truth be told Too Hot is totally out of his element when it comes to brawling but it was a brawl never the less. Finally, the four men manage to make it to ringside and Rudy and Too Hot manage to make it into the ring. It is at this point that David Poker officially starts the match.


Too Hot manages to take it too Rudy during the first two minutes of the match. Rudy does mange to get over to his own corner and he tags in Jared. Once Jared tags in Too Hot tags in Raphael much to the delight of the crowd. Jared and Raphael both get in an equal amount of offense in for about a minute. However, Jared manages to gain the advantage.


With the advantage in hand, Jared and Rudy make a series of quick tags. They also always manage to keep Raphael on their side of the ring. Never allowing Raphael to get remotely close to his corner.


Both men focus on Raphael’s left arm as a point of attack throughout this middle portion of the match. Rudy and Jared look like they have been a team before as they really gel well together. Their dominance continues well through the middle portion on the match.


Finally, Raphael manages to tag in Too Hot who proceeds to clean house, tossing Rudy out onto the floor and beating the crap out of Jared. Too Hot manages to make a couple of close pins on Jared but he is never able to get to the count of three. On his last attempt, Rudy reentered the ring and broke up the pin attempt. This brought Raphael into the ring and the match broke down into a big brawl once again.


The four men spilled back out onto the arena floor. Referee David Poker began his typical slow ten count (By the way, he does it; one might consider it a thirty count.). However, this slow count was all for nil as none of the four men entered the ring in time, thus this match ended in a count-out.


Winners: None, match ended in a double count-out.

Time: 12:33


[Post-match the four men are still brawling all over the arena. At one point Miss Masterson gets in on the action when she jumps on Raphael‘s back and begins to dig her acrylic nails into his forehead. Moments later Jamie Quine enters the fray as she manages to get Miss Masterson off Raphael‘s back. The two women begin to go at it.


This arena-wide brawl lasts for a good five minutes before RIPW backstage officials and RIPW security manage to break up the brawl and separate the participants in the brawl.]


[before the show ends, we cut back to Rob L. Miskovsky who is standing by himself at ringside.]


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Rob L. Miskovsky: That was one crazy brawl my friends. And even the women got involved in that one! Golly!


Well fans I hoped you all enjoyed the show tonight as much as I did! For my broadcast partner Mayhem Midden, I’m Rob L. Miskovsky wishing you all a safe and happy two thousand and eleven and a good night!

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Once again, I would just like to thank everyone that has taken the time to predict, read, and post in this diary. Now onto the picks board:



As far as prizes go, I have nothing this month. It is tough to make a prize when there is a four-way tie at the top. I guess if any of the winners want to plug something in the thread (a diary or whatever you want) you are more than welcome to do so. And if any of you want to ask a wrestler a question, you could do that as well.


I really do not have much to say about the show, other than I was surprised at how many people chose Morgan to win. It was has first win in the diary and it was a huge upset in the game for him to pick up a win over Gabe. However, nobody was privy to that information but me so I guess that is why I was shocked.


I have to give props to Midnightnick for being the only one to pick Sonic for the win. Believe it or not, Sonic is a midcarder in the game, and Leftie is a lower midcarder guy. I know it might not seem that way but it is true.


Nobody got the double count-out and I was not expecting anyone to. I for one never expect it to happen in other diaries so why should anyone ever expect it.


I would like to send a special thank you to 20LEgend and TakerNGN74 for nominating me for DOTM. I know I have a better shot of being elected Pope than winning it but I still appreciate the nod. And that is it, I would just like to once again thank everyone who has taken the time to read, lurk, and predict in this diary.

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i thoroughly enjoyed the jerry martin speech, makes me wanna cheer him on as he bashes someone's head in with a kendo stick :D


Glad someone enjoyed that segment. I thought people would hate it (well others might) because it was so long. Jerry just enjoys beating the crap out of people with his Kendo Stick, there is nothing wrong with that...

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Sue’s Superstar of the Month!



[This month‘s interview is taking place in the backstage area of the Twin River Event Center. Rob L. Miskovsky is conducting this month’s interview and the subject of this month’s interview is Morgan Malone.]


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Rob L. Miskovsky: Hello RIPW fans, I am Rob L. Miskovsky or to some the voice of RIPW. Now I know you were probably expecting to see the lovely Sue Danes conducting this interview this month, I am sorry to say Sue was not able to make the show this month. She is all right, she is just feeling under the weather this month, but she sends her regards to all of you fans out there and she wants you all to know she will be back next month.


Now fans as you can see standing next to me is Morgan Malone. Morgan I am glad you hung around to take part in this interview tonight.


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Morgan Malone: No problem Rob…


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Rob L. Miskovsky: Okay, now onto the questions I suppose. First of all, I have to ask you, how does your leg feel after what that dastardly, no good, snake in the grass Gabe Goren did to you tonight?


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=MorganMalone.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/MorganMalone.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Morgan Malone: It hurts…a lot, but the pain will go away. All I need to do is put some ice packs on it and not walk on it too much for the next couple of days and it should be all good.


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=RobLMiskovsky_alt2.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/RobLMiskovsky_alt2.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Rob L. Miskovsky: Are you saying the injury is not as serious as it looked? Because from where I was sitting at the announcer’s table it looked like you were hurt pretty bad. After all, you needed two men to help you to the back…


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Morgan Malone: No, it was a serious, as it looks, no doubt about it. In fact, for the next few days or so I will be using this cane right here to help me get around. My leg is still throbbing in pain, but the doctor said nothing was broken and I should be all right so I am just going to take his word on it and see how it plays out.


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Rob L. Miskovsky: Well one good thing did come out of tonight, you picked up your first win here in RIPW!


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=MorganMalone.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/MorganMalone.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Morgan Malone: Yes, you’re right! Not only was it my first win here in RIPW, it was the first win of my professional career. Granted, I would have rather had it happen under better circumstances but a win is a win I suppose…


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Rob L. Miskovsky: What are your feelings towards Gabe Goren? After all this is the second time you two met in a match, and this is the second time he has refused to relinquish the figure four leg-lock that he has applied onto you.


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=MorganMalone.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/MorganMalone.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Morgan Malone: Man I don’t know…I think the guy is a bit of a psycho to be honest with you. Here is a guy who calls himself the leader of the Old School Revolution but does anyone really know what the hell he is talking about. He claims he wants RIPW to return to pure wrestling like it was in the 1970’s. Yet this dude is only twenty-three years old!


What the hell could someone that is only a couple of years older than me, possibly know about old school wrestling? All I know is the next time I get a chance to fight him, I am going to take him out. Let’s see how he likes hobbling around on one leg.


And before I forget, I would like to thank Frank for coming to my aid. He knows first hand what it is like dealing with Gabe and I am very thankful that he and David Poker helped me out and were looking out for my well being.


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Rob L. Miskovsky: Now you just brought up the subject of age. Many of our fans might be shocked to find out that you are only eighteen years old. And that you have only been wrestling professionally for six months! How does it feel to be one of the youngest wrestlers here in RIPW?


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Morgan Malone: It feels great and I am very grateful to Professor Nero and Henry Lee for giving me this opportunity to wrestle here in RIPW. I know I am just a kid to many people and many might think of me as being green in the ring.


However, I vow to keep on working to make myself a better wrestler and I hope to continue to wow and entertain the fans. After all, the fans are the ones that spend their hard earned cash to see me and the other men and women of this promotion perform and without them, I would not be able to have the best job in the world!


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Rob L. Miskovsky: Well I don’t think many could have said it any better. Morgan, I want to thank you for taking the time to let me interview you and also I hope your leg has a speedy recovery.


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Morgan Malone: Thanks Rob! Oh before I go, I would just like to give a shot out to my mom, my dad, my girlfriend Audra, and my little brother Tim…


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Rob L. Miskovsky: Okay…well on that note this is Rob L. Miskovsky bidding you all out there on the World Wide Web, a fond farewell. And I hope you join us next month when Sue returns to interview the superstar of the month.


[The camera fades to black, the audio is still on and you can here the following before the video ends.]


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Morgan Malone: How did I do Rob?


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=RobLMiskovsky_alt2.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/RobLMiskovsky_alt2.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Rob L. Miskovsky: You did fine Morgan, I think you did a great job selling your leg injury…


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/myalbum/?action=view&current=TheGrandAvatar.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/myalbum/TheGrandAvatar.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


RIPW Director: Guys your audio is still on…


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=RobLMiskovsky_alt2.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/RobLMiskovsky_alt2.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Rob L. Miskovsky: Damn it to Hades, why didn’t anyone tell me my audio was still on!


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/myalbum/?action=view&current=TheGrandAvatar.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/myalbum/TheGrandAvatar.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


RIPW Director: Rob stop talking…


[The video officially ends at this point.]


Good show man keep up the great work!


Thanks Taker, I am glad you enjoyed it!


occ: Just wanted to say the reason why Sue did not do the interview is because I forgot to book her on the actual show. Therefore, I could hardly have her do a post-show interview, so I just said she was sick.


Also, I got the idea for the last part from a copy of the first Clash of the Champions which I own. The copy that I have, has Tony Schiavone and I believe Bob Caudle (Might have not been Bob or Tony for that matter. I think it was Tony, I have not watched it in a while so I really do not remember.) going over the pre-show notes while the screen is black. I always found that to be cool.

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Great stuff BHK! I'm especially pleased I got three correct this week, after having gone 2/16 previously. The hot streak has begun! :)


Thanks, I will freely admit that I am probably one of the worst bookers on this site. And if this was real, it would probably be considered Wrestlecrap, so don't feel bad if you can't figure out how I book because it will probably drive you mad.:D

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The following video is on RIPW.com


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[This video begins in a locker room; we see Johnny Boy dressed in his street clothes sitting on a bench tying his sneakers. A moment later Justin Sensitive comes on camera, dressed in his wrestling gear, this is apparently taking place right after Justin’s match with Jebediah.]



Johnny Boy: Good match tonight bro! Looks like you’re gonna be da one dat is gonna fight in dat Win, Lose, or Draw match. Which is all good bro, it means you gotta get us the briefcase with a shot at da tag team titles.



Justin Sensitive: Yeah my dude it was an epic win for me! But bro I gotta ask ya, what’s up with losing to Chief Wooden Nickel?



Johnny Boy: Bro, I don’t know…it’s like da dude went supernatural on my ass tonight. Dem fans started doing that Atlanta Braves chant and from there on out it was like forgetaboutit bro, that dude could not be stopped.


But dat loss tonight gave me an idea bro. It got me thinking what are we missing my dude?



Justin Sensitive: I don’t know bro, we got da hair gel, da sunglasses, da gold chains, da wife beater t-shirts, da anti-grenade repellant…I just not sure bro, it looks like we got everything we could possibly need for a night out on da Hill…



Johnny Boy: Bro, I’m not talkin about going to da Hill. It is a given dat we have everything to make us look fly enough when we go to da Hill. Nah my dude, what I was talking about is we need a third member of our crew my dude.



Justin Sensitive: A third member...how’s dat gonna work? If we get a third member, who is going to be da wingman? Who is gonna take one for da team and hook up with da grenade?



Johnny Boy: That’s just it bro, da guy I’m thinking about would be da guy that gets da grenades. And when we be doing our RIPW thing, dis guy will be watching our backs. He will be our muscle, think of him as our own personal Luca Brasi. Dis guy could be da guy dat we need to finally put dem Indians back on da reservation. Plus think about how all good things come in threes…



Justin Sensitive: True you got Destiny’s Child, you got Da Three Tenors, you got Frank, Dean, and Sammy, and you got da Godfather movies…



Johnny Boy: Well most of dem our good examples but da Godfather movies? Come on my dude, what’s up with dat third one? What does Pope John Paul da first got to do with Al Pacino?



Justin Sensitive: Nobody knows bro, nobody knows…



Johnny Boy: True, so what do ya think? Does a third member sound good to ya?



Justin Sensitive: Ya know what bro, it does.



Johnny Boy: Good, I know da perfect person for da spot…

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  • 2 weeks later...
Just wanted to say this is not dead, I am just having a hard time writing the next show. After I booked it, I was not happy with what I had done. However, it is what it is and I am slowly writing it. I have no clue when it shall be done but it will be done soonish (Is that even a word?).
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Just wanted to say this is not dead, I am just having a hard time writing the next show. After I booked it, I was not happy with what I had done. However, it is what it is and I am slowly writing it. I have no clue when it shall be done but it will be done soonish (Is that even a word?).


Good to hear that this is still alive :D

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RIPW presents: A New Day 2011


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Saturday, February 12, 2011

Twin River Event Center, Lincoln, Rhode Island

Attendance: 69

Show Rating: E


[The show begins outside at the entrance of the Twin River Casino in Lincoln, Rhode Island. We are informed that this was shot earlier in the day via the graphic on the bottom of the screen (Also, the show is starting at 8:00 pm and it is currently light out side so it is clearly earlier in the day.) A white stretched limousine pulls up and a valet opens the door. Brian Cash-Man steps out of the limo; he is followed by Kintaro, Donte Dunn, Sky King and finally RIPW Champion Hollywood Hank. All five men are wearing suits this month.


Brian Cash-Man has a huge smile on his face as the members of The Evil Empire follow him into the casino. The sound of video slots permeate the casino as Brian walks besides Hollywood Hank, he pats Hank on the back and says:]


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Brian Cash-Man: Champ, next month will your official one-year anniversary as the RIPW Champion. Now I know that trinket does not mean that much to you but I was looking for a reason to get you a night off and your almost anniversary is good enough for me.


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Hollywood Hank: So that means I have the entire night off.


[brian nods his head yes, as the five men walk through a door that has restricted area written on it. They are now in the backstage area of Twin River‘s Event Center.]


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Hollywood Hank: Not to look a gift horse in the mouth, but why am I getting this month off and not next month?


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Brian Cash-Man: I requested next month but I couldn’t manage to swing it. Both Nero and Lee said they needed you to defend your title next month because of the fact that half the roster is going to be taking part in the Win, Lose, or Draw match.


[After walking down the hallway while talking, the members of The Evil Empire enter their locker room.]


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Hollywood Hank: Well you win some, you lose some I suppose. Therefore, with the night off does that means we are going to have a celebration. A tribute to my greatness?


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Brian Cash-Man: Why yes we shall, I have ordered some champagne, if you want, you can go out to that dump they call a casino and gamble a bit, I have even order some women…


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Hollywood Hank: Are they typical dirt squirrels that live here in Rhode Island? If so, you can send them back. I do not need to be contracting a disease on my special night…


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Brian Cash-Man: Oh, come on now Hank, you know I would never bring in any local women. No, I am flying in the finest women from Los Angles to come and join us for this evening.


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Hollywood Hank: That sounds fantastic Brian! I can’t believe I am actually looking forward to spending time in this dump tonight. Well I will be back in a few minutes; I have to take a leak…


[Hank leaves the locker room and Brian turns his attention to the other members of The Evil Empire.]


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Brian Cash-Man: Sadly, none of you three have the night off. Kintaro, Sky King you are going to be defending your titles against the Wilkes Brothers. You should handle those two mental midgets with ease so I am not stressed out over your match.


Donte, I am a bit stressed out about your match. You see tonight you are going to be taking on Frank Fernandes, if you win, you will earn a spot in the Win, Lose, or Draw match next month. Now I know you will be able to beat that chump Fernandes. However, I am a bit stressed out because you are the only member of our franchise that will be allowed to compete in the Win, Lose, or Draw match.


I asked for both Sky King and Kintaro to be allowed qualifying matches, but I was rebuffed by Henry Lee. He said it would not be fair to the other wrestlers in the match if the tag team champions won the right to face themselves. I told him it was very fair because if one of you were to get a shot at the tag titles, you could use it to take a month off. Well Henry Lee was having none of that.


Therefore, it all rests on you Donte. Tonight is the biggest night of your career, I know you are going to win and then that means next month’s match shall be the biggest match of your career. Think about it if you were to get the briefcase with a shot at the RIPW Championship, you could face Hollywood Hank. And if that were to happen, you would do the right thing and protect the champ. Meaning you would have to take a dive…


That is your goal you must get into the Win, Lose, or Draw match by any means necessary. You are our only hope, you must protect the champ. After all, the last thing I want is that masked freak or that wanna be street thug earning a right to face the champ.


[We then cut to Hollywood Hank walking down the hallway once again. He is returning from taking his leak when he runs into a young man who is in street clothes. Hank looks at this young man for a minute and a smile comes across his face.]


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Hollywood Hank: Hey, I know you…you’re Tommy Cornell’s nephew Edward…right?


[The young man looks at Hollywood Hank for a minute and then replies.]


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Desmond McGuinness: Yeah mate, but now that I am in the States I’m not going by that name. I’m calling myself Desmond McGuiness.


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Hollywood Hank: Desmond McGuinness! Desmond McGuinness! What the hell kind of stupid name is that?


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Desmond McGuinness: Well mate, I wanna make a name for myself over here in the states. I don’t wanna be labeled Tommy Cornell’s nephew…


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Hollywood Hank: Yeah I don’t really care about that. What I do want to talk to you about is…I sent your uncle a tape of my greatest matches a couple of months ago and...well…he has yet to get back to me. My stuff obviously must have been lost in the mail, because clearly, if he had a chance to watch it he would have offered me a job. So I was wondering if he mentioned anything about me…


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Desmond McGuinness: Look mate, I got nothing to do with that. My uncle has his business and I have mine. Plus you know we got USPW DVD’s over in England right? So I’m not sure what career highlights you’re talking about. Unless you’re talking about one of the million times, you got your ass handed to you by Captain USA. Now if you will excuse me mate I got to get to the locker room I got a match to prepare for. Cheers mate…


[Hank just stands there, dumbfounded by the fact that this nobody had the audacity to talk to him like that. Hank wants desperately to attack Desmond just for the Captain USA comment alone. However, he shows restraint because after all this is his big night and that is Tommy Cornell‘s nephew and he would not want to ruin his chance to get into TCW.]


[We now go live to the actual show. The arena is pitched black, save for a few lighters that dot the arena. A spotlight comes on and begins to circle the arena floor and the crowd (all 69 of them) begin to cheer wildly. Finally the houselights come on and we see Mayhem Midden and Rob L. Miskovsky at the announcer‘s table which is at ringside.]


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Rob L. Miskovsky: Hello and welcome wrestling fans! We have a humdinger of a card for you tonight, as we are coming to you live from Lincoln, Rhode Island! I’m Rob L. Miskovsky and I am standing along side my broadcasting partner Mayhem Midden.


Mayhem, after tonight we are going to know who all of the competitors are in next month’s Win, Lose, or Draw match! This is going to be one heck of a night don’t you agree?


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Mayhem Midden: Oh yeah…dig it! This is gonna be a great night as Zachary Inc. is gonna finally unmask that fraud known as The Wildcat!


Rob L. Miskovsky: Well the possibility is there as The Wildcat and Zachary are scheduled to meet tonight. However, I highly doubt that The Wildcat is really Kentucky Bill like you claim. Well I guess it is time to go to the ring for our first match of the evening!


Win, Lose, or Draw Qualifying Match:


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Frank Fernandes vs. Donte Dunn with Brian Cash-Man


[Californication by The Red Hot Chili Peppers begins to play and moments later, Frank Fernandes comes out from behind the backstage curtain. Frank is getting his fair share of cheers from the rather emaciated crowd in Lincoln. Frank enters the ring and waits for his opponent Donte.]


[Run This Town by Jay Z featuring Rihanna & Kanye West begins to play over the arena’s sound system and a few seconds later Donte Dunn and Brian Cash-Man step out from behind the backstage curtain. Both men are immediately greeted with a chorus of boos.


While walking to the ring Brian keeps reminding Donte that he is there only hope and he must win this match in order to get into the main match.]



Match: To say that the fans did not really care about this match would be kind. One could literally drop a pin and everyone in the arena would be able to hear it. Donte kept on messing up in the ring and he seemed to be very much off his game tonight. Despite interference by Brian Cash-Man, Frank managed to get the victory after he nailed Donte with the Dirt Nap and then proceeded to cover Donte for the win.


Winner and advancing into the Win, Lose, or Draw Match: Frank Fernandes

Time: 8:23



[Post-Match, Frank is celebrating his first victory in RIPW, while outside the ring Brian Cash-Man is chastising Donte for not winning the match. Donte and Brian head down the aisle and back to the backstage area while Frank stays in the ring soaking up the cheers for his hard-earned victory.


Moments later Gabe Goren runs into the ring and hits Frank in the back of the head. Frank, who was not prepared for the attack, fell to the mat. Gabe then took off his belt and proceed to whip Frank’s back with it. After about a minute of this various RIPW officials enter the ring and Gabe slides out of the ring and walks over to the ring announcer. He takes the microphone and with a crazed look on his face says:


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Gabe Goren: My name is Gabe Goren and I just whipped you like a government mule! That is what you get when you interfere in my affairs!


Gabe then drops the microphone on the ground and heads to the back, while paramedics check on the condition of Frank.]



[We are now brought into the backstage area, more specifically Professor Nero‘s office. Nero is standing there with his bodyguard Zachary Inc talking to Zachary about his match later on with The Wildcat.]


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Professor Nero: Tonight is your redemption; tonight you shall earn your money. I don’t even care if you win or lose tonight…you just have one objective and that is to get that mask off of The Wildcat! I want to prove to the world that The Wildcat and Kentucky Bill are one in the same.


I am sick and tired of having the man who assaulted me, still working for my company. And he taunts me by hiding behind that mask, like he is some sort of superhero. Yeah he is a superhero all right…he is Captain Trailer Park!


So you know your objective in tonight’s match, get the mask of The Wildcat by hook or by crook. Okay you may leave now…


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Zachary Inc: Sure thing…(takes a deep breath) boss.


[Zachary leaves the office and in walks Sonic S. Thompson. A look of extreme anger races across Professor Nero‘s face when he sees Sonic.]


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Professor Nero: What the hell do you want?


[sonic pays no attention to Nero, instead he presses his right ear up against the wall and slowly pulls away. He then looks over at Nero and says:]


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Sonic S. Thompson: Good news for us, the wall monster seems to have not followed me here this month. However, that is just dreadful news for John Boehner, I say that because I fear that the wall monster is coming after him…I must talk to Dr. Bill about this…


[sonic leaves the office and Nero just shakes his head in disgust.]



[We now head on over to Sue who is also in the backstage area. Along side Sue is Jerry Martin and The Wolverine.]


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Sue Danes: Wud up peeps, it’s ya girl Sue here, and I just want to give a major shot out to all you fans out there that wished me well on Facebook over the last month. It was totally just a bad cold but I’m all right now.


Anyways, I am standing here with The Wolverine and Jerry Martin. Now before we went live with this interview, you were um…like…totally getting Jerry read for his match against Desmond McGuinness. What were you saying to him if you don’t totally mind me asking.


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The Wolverine: I don’t mind at all. All I was saying to the kid is, I want him going out there with a calm head on his shoulders. I don’t wanna see him go out there and lose his self-control.


You see, for the past month me and Jerry, we’ve been hanging out together. He has worked out with me and he has even come over my house and hung out with my wife and kids. This kid is a good kid, he just need guidance and that’s what my friend Henry Lee brought me here. To provide guidance for this kid so that he can learn other ways to release his pent up hardcore rage.


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Sue Danes: Um…like is that working Jerry?


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Jerry Martin: Oh yes Sue it is working just fine…just fine indeed. Mister The Wolverine has told me every time I feel the urge to bash one of my opponent’s heads him with Deanna, I must try and take myself to a happy place.


A place were puppies and kitties roam, a place where there is no need to beat someone down in a hardcore fashion. So tonight I am going to try and not use Deanna, I will take her to the ring with me just incase I feel the urge to bash Desmond in the head…


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The Wolverine: You ain’t gonna do nothing of the sort. You’re gonna leave Deanna back here, so you don’t get the urge to bash anyone’s brains in. You gotta go cold turkey friend, it’s the only way to go.


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Sue Danes: All righty then…um…I guess let’s go back to the ring for our next match which will actually be your match Jerry. You guys better totally hurry up and get ready…



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Desmond McGuinness vs. Jerry Martin with The Wolverine


[London Calling by The Clash begins to play over the arena‘s sound system and out steps Desmond McGuinness who gets a warm welcome by the fans because he has been wrestling in dark matches with the company over the last few months.]


[As part of his newfound happiness Jerry Martin has chosen Don't Worry, Be Happy by Bobby McFerrin as his new theme song. A few moments after his new entrance theme begins to play Jerry Martin and The Wolverine step out from behind the backstage curtain. A portion of the crowd is chanting, “Jerry! Jerry!”, as the self-proclaimed future hardcore icon makes his way down to the ring.]



Match: This was yet another match that the fans did not get behind. The match itself was a back and forth affair with each man getting an equal amount of offense in. The main theme of the match was Jerry’s urge to go hardcore on Desmond.


At multiple times during the match Jerry would slide out of the ring and pick up various weapons. However, each time The Wolverine would talk him out of using these weapons. Jerry would slide out of the ring one last time to get a metal folding chair to use on Desmond. The Wolverine would talk him out of using it again. While this was going on Desmond, who had been lying on the mat dazed, got up and exited the ring and started to brawl with Jerry at ringside.


Desmond got the upper hand in this brief battle as he pushed Jerry back into the ring. Desmond then proceeded to lock Jerry’s arm into a grounded top-wrist lock which he calls the Blackpool Lock, once applied Jerry has not choice but to say I quit.


Winner: Desmond McGuinness

Time: 8:28



[Jerry and The Wolverine leave the ring and Desmond is about to follow suit. However, just as Desmond starts to walk down the ring steps, RIPW champion Hollywood Hank comes out from behind the backstage curtain. The champ is carrying a microphone in his hand and he begins to speak.]


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Hollywood Hank: Good match there chap…


[Hank begins to mockingly clap his hands as if he was truly impressed with Desmond‘s victory.]


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Hollywood Hank: Now before you go back to the dressing room and make a big deal about your victory tonight, you and I are going to have a little bit of a chat. You see, tonight is my night! Tonight is a celebration of my greatness! A celebration of me being the champion of this flea market company for an entire year!


When I came to this arena this afternoon I was on cloud nine. After all…


[The fans start yelling boring at the champ, this enrages Hank.]


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Hollywood Hank: Shut the hell up you pitiful peons! I am your champion and this is my day and I demand respect!


Anyway, as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted by these pitiful peons, my day was going great. I found out I had the day off, Brian told me he was flying in the finest women from Los Angeles to um service me… and to top it all off Brian and the boys bought me a cake!


So I was in a great mood for once, in fact I was in such a great mood that I forgot that I was in the armpit of America or what the locals like to call Lincoln, Rhode Island…


[Hollywood Hank pauses for a moment and soaks in the rage of the crowd as his last comments did not endear him to the crowd. In fact, the fans really start booing him and tossing garbage at him.]


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Hollywood Hank: Boo me all you like you stupid inbred peons, you know I speak the truth!


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Desmond McGuinness: Hey mate you gonna get to the point, because I really would like to shower and get out of here for the evening…


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Hollywood Hank: Excuse me! You do not address me, unless I tell you to address me! As I was saying, my afternoon was going great until I met you. You had the audacity to insult me on my special day!


Never once in my professional career did I lose a match to Captain Jobber, and because you disrespected me on my day you are going to get the beating of a lifetime you stupid limey bastard!


[Hank drops the microphone and runs towards Desmond. The two men begin to brawl in the aisle-way after a short while Hollywood Hank gets the upper hand and manages to get Desmond to the ground. He then proceeds to put the boots to Desmond before the Wildcat comes to Desmond‘s rescue.


Hank, realizing that now was not the time to engage in a fight with the Wildcat, flees to the backstage while Wildcat checks to see if Desmond is all right.]



For the RIPW Tag Team Championships:


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The Wilkes Brothers with Heather B. vs. The Canadian Hit Squad © with Brian Cash-Man


[Dirty Water by The Standells begins to play on the arena‘s sound system and the crowd goes nuts. The crowd begins to sing along with the song as Heather B. steps out from behind the backstage curtain. Tonight the lovely Ms. B. is wearing a tight pair of blue jeans and a David Ortiz, Boston Red Sox jersey. Heather is followed shortly thereafter by her boyfriend Leftie and his older brother Dutch.


As Heather and the brothers make their way down to the ring they slap the hands of the fans. The brothers are not aware that the Canadian Hit Squad have just come out from the backstage area. The champions attack the challengers from behind and there is a brief brawl as both teams make get into the ring. After a few moments the champs overpower the challengers and Sky King and Dutch are in the ring. Referee David Poker calls for the bell to start the match.]



Match: This was one of the better matches of the night and a match that the fans actually seemed to be into somewhat. The first few minutes of the match saw the CHS doing what they do best, isolating Dutch so he could not tag his brother in. CHS main focus was keeping Dutch grounded so he could not hurt them with any of his flying moves.


At the mid-way point of the match, Dutch somehow managed to tag in Leftie, who proceed to clean house. Leftie knocked both Sky King and Kintaro onto the floor. While CHS were out on the floor trying to regroup, Dutch jumped over the top rope and he landed on both members of CHS. The fans went wild for this because while something like that might be commonplace in other promotions, it hardly ever happens in RIPW.


Upon reentering the ring, Leftie and Sky King are now the legal men, with Leftie controlling the action. This goes on for a few minutes before Sky King regains control of the match with a well-timed low blow (While referee David Poker was distracted by Brian Cash-Man.). From that point forward the outcome of the match was academic as Sky King threw Leftie into the ropes and hit Leftie with a Sky King Splash. Leftie then feel to the canvas and Sky King covered him for the victory.


Winners and still RIPW Tag Team Champions: The Canadian Hit Squad

Time: 6:19 when Sky King



[We now go to the back where Sue is standing by with Too Hot, Raphael, and Jaime Quine.]


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Sue Danes: In tonight’s main event we are going to see Jared Johnson, Miss Masterson, and Rudy Velasquez take on the group that is totally standing around me right now. First off I want to say that it is totally cool that you have had the patch taken off your eye Raph, you are looking good…


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Raphael: That is a very righteous thing for you to say Sue. Yeah my eye is feeling mad better now and my vision is like righteously perfect now, so the doctor told me I could take off the patch. I will say this though, just because the patch is gone, that doesn’t mean that I have forgiving you for what you had Miss Masterson do to me. That was totally not cool and a very un-righteous thing for her to do. Oh and kids, just say no to drugs.


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Sue Danes: I totally agree with you on that. Now Jaime tonight you are going to totally get another chance to beat up Miss Masterson, and you get to do it while tagging with two cute guys. Tell me how that feel.


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Jaime Quine: It feels great! You know, I have heard all the crap that Miss Masterson has said about me for the past two months. She calls me a thing, she has called me a beast. Well she is right about me being a beast, because that is exactly what I am. I am filled with a pent-up animalistic fury the likes of which have never been seen in this promotion.


And tonight I plan to unleash this animalistic fury all over your scrawny ass Miss Masterson. I am going to snap you in two. You wanna say that Jared Johnson is a living god, well that is fine because I am a hellhound and I am coming for you Miss Masterson and I am baring my fangs. And the only time this hellhound bares her fangs is when I wanna take a pound of flesh out a scrawny bitch like you.


[sue has no idea what to say in response to that bizarre rant. She just turns to Too Hot and puts the microphone in front of him without asking a question.]


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Too Hot: Sue, to Jason Evans would like to quote Phil Collins for a second, “I can feel in the air tonight!” See Sue, Jason Evans can feel it in the air tonight, he can feel that hate with which my tag partners have for our opponents. Jason Evans can also feel that rage building up in him as well. A rage that is gonna be showcased to its full effect later on tonight.


Rudy, you want to clown around about Jason Evans not being street, not being a thug, well that’s cool with Jason Evans. No this Rudy, come tonight when you step into the ring with Jason Evans and his crew, you ain’t gonna come out of the ring at one hundred percent. Nah bro, you gonna get hurt tonight ese, and if ya don’t know, now ya know!


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Sue Danes: Well all righty then, let’s go back to the ring for our next match.



Win, Lose, or Draw Qualifying Match:


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International Superstar Cowboy Stuart Ferdinand vs. Running Bear


[Having come out to the ring during the previous interview segment, Stuart Ferdinand stands in the center of the ring with microphone in hand. One of the crew cues him that they are back live and he begins to speak.]


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Stuart Ferdinand: Well it looks like the powers that be done give me a month off from fighting that loser Brendan Idol. Well you don’t have to worry, cuz I will hand him his three hundredth loss in a row soon. Maybe then you will show me the respect that I deserve…hey what the…


[Run to the Hills by Iron Maiden begins to play over the arena‘s sound system and out from the backstage curtain comes Running Bear. There are a few fans in the crowd with the foam tomahawks (mostly little kids and Rowdy Roger). Running Bear enters the ring and waits for the opening bell to ring.]



Match: This was a very sloppy affair as both Stuart and Running Bear seemed to be off their respective games on this night. Both men kept on messing up and the crowd let them know it. Stuart pretty much dominated this match from the start and Running Bear never really seemed to get anything going.


Finally, Running Bear mounted a comeback and it seemed like he had a chance to win. He even managed to get a couple of near pins. However, tonight was not meant to be his night as Stuart, Fisherman Suplexed him and then covered him up for the win.


Winner and advancing into the Win, Lose, or Draw Match: Cowboy Stuart Ferdinand

Time: 9:57


[The Kings of Federal Hill come running out and they begin to put the boots to their hated rival. A few seconds later the Amish big man Jebediah comes out assumingly to aid Running Bear. However, one knows what they say when one assumes.


And that is exactly what happened here as Jebediah entered the ring and began helping the Kings out in their savage beat down of Running Bear. After about a minute, Running Bear‘s tag team partner Running Wolf comes running down to the ring with a steel chair in his right hand. Not wanting to deal with this the Kings and Jebediah leave the ring and run backstage. Running Wolf does not pursue, instead he checks on his tag team partner to make sure he is all right.


The paramedics come out to check on Running Bear and they are about to put him on a stretcher, when he slowly sits up and refuses their aid. He tells them he wants to leave the ring under his on volition. Which he does much to the delight of the cheering crowd.]




[Zachary Inc has decided that For Your Love by the Yardbirds is not the kind of song that inspires fear so he comes down to the ring with a new song playing. That song is Murder Was the Case by Snoop Dogg. The fans boo the crap out of Zachary as he enters the ring, not because he is a hell and they are supposed to hate him. It is more because they actually hate his guts because he is so bad in the ring.]


[American Badass begins to play over the arena‘s sound system and a few seconds later The Wildcat steps out from behind the backstage curtain. The fans go nuts at the sight of the masked man, and they continue to cheer his as he makes his way into the ring.]



Match: A big part of having a good match in pro wrestling is having good chemistry with your opponent. Sadly for Zachary and The Wildcat the exact opposite held true with them. They just did not seem to click at all in the ring and it made for a rather sub-par awkward match.


This match followed a pattern, every time Zachary Inc would get The Wildcat down he would try to take The Wildcat’s mask off. And every time he would fail to do so. Despite the fact that this match was on the short side, Zachary Inc looked like he was going to die of exhaustion. The dude was huffing and puffing at about the five-minute mark. Thankfully, The Wildcat put him (and the crowd for that matter) out of his misery, as he pinned Zachary for the victory.


Winner and advancing into the Win, Lose, or Draw Match: The Wildcat

Time: 7:04



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Miss Masterson, Jared Johnson, and Rudy Velasquez vs. Jaime Quine, Raphael, and Too Hot


[it is now time for our main event of the evening, the match is a six-person tag team match. Jared Johnson and Miss Masterson come out first to What a Man by Salt-n-Pepa and En Vogue. The fans are chanting some very nasty comments directed at Miss Masterson.


When Jared and Miss Masterson arrive at ringside, Miss Masterson walks up the ring steps followed by Jared. Miss Masterson proceeds to hold open the ring ropes for Jared so he can enter the ring. Jared does not do his normal pre-match spiel this month. Instead, he and Miss Masterson stand in their corner waiting for Rudy to join them.


How I Could Just Kill a Man by Cypress Hill begins to play over the arena‘s sound system and seconds later Rudy Velasquez steps out from behind the backstage curtain.


Rudy has the flag of Puerto Rico draped over his shoulders. He stands at the wrestler’s entrance for a minute, he then flashes some gang signs towards the camera and he then slowly walks down to the right, while the crowd showers him with boos.]


[T.N.T by AC/DC starts to play and the crowd’s new found love for Raphael is on display once again as they cheer him and Jaime Quine as they come out from the backstage curtain.


Let Me Clear My Throat by DJ Kool starts to play and out from behind the backstage curtain comes Too Hot. The fans once again go absolutely ape crap over Too Hot, Too Hot ran down to the ring and immediately attacked Rudy before the timekeeper could ring the opening bell.]



Match: The start of the match had all six competitors fighting in one big massive brawl in the ring. Finally, referee David Poker was able to get some order in the ring as Raphael and Rudy were the first two legal competitors in the ring. During the first five minutes of the match Rudy and Jared tagged in and out as they doled out punishment to Raphael. Both men kept on punching Raphael in the same spot, which opened a small cut on his forehead. The blood began to trickle down the face of Raphael as his opponents continued to beat him up.


Finally, Raphael managed to fight his way back to his corner and he was able to tag in Too Hot, who proceed to clean house, tossing both Jared and Rudy over the top rope and onto the floor below. At this point Miss Masterson pulled on Too Hot’s arm. Too Hot turned around to face her and she started yelling in his face. She then slapped the taste out of Too Hot’s mouth.


As one can imagine this action did not sit well with Too Hot who forcibly picked up Miss Masterson, place her over his knee and began spanking her behind much to the delight of the fans. As soon as he was done Miss Masterson rolled out of the ring and was crying. She yelled at Jared to, “Go get him!”, Jared Johnson entered the ring and proceed to get beat up by Too Hot.


Jared, wanting nothing further to do with Too Hot, tagged Rudy in. Rudy and Too Hot began slugging it out in the middle of the ring. One might have thought that they were watching a boxing match as that is all these two men did while in the ring with each other. Rudy managed to gain the upper hand in this boxing encounter and he and Jared began to follow the same game plan that they used on Raphael earlier on in the match, isolated Too Hot from his corner and make quick tags in and out.


However, this strategy ended when Miss Masterson tagged herself in when Rudy got close to the ropes. This meant that Too Hot could not longer be the legal competitor for his team and Jaime had to take his place. Rudy was livid at Miss Masterson’s actions because he and Jared had Too Hot right where they wanted him. Rudy was so pissed off that he began yelling at Miss Masterson, who was facing Rudy and yelling back at him. Jaime charged at Miss Masterson, who turned around at the last second, and gored her.


Jaime then stood up and dragged Miss Masterson to the center of the ring so that Miss Masterson would not be able to tag out. Jaime proceed to mount Miss Masterson (no this is not a porno) and started to lay down the hammer fists on Miss Masterson. Referee David Poker kept on checking to see if Miss Masterson was in any condition to continue. Jared, realizing that it was Jaime’s intention to knock Miss Masterson out, entered the ring a knocked Jaime off Miss Masterson. This prompted Raphael to enter the ring and he and Jared began going at it. Soon Rudy and Too Hot reentered the fray and they began to go at it again.


While the men were fighting in the ring, Miss Masterson rolled out of the ring and onto the arena floor. She went underneath the ring for a moment. Jaime seeing this decided to go after her. When Jaime lifted up the ring awning Miss Masterson sprayed something in Jaime’s eyes. This blinded Jaime, and Miss Masterson took full advantage of this as she rolled Jaime back into the ring and covered her for the victory.


Winners: Jared Johnson, Rudy Velasquez and Miss Masterson

Time: 11:45


[The show ends with Rudy, Miss Masterson, and Jared walking back to the backstage area reveling in their victory. While Raphael and Too Hot check on Jaime to see if she is all right.]

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Good Show BHK keep up the good work!


You read this in four minutes! You must be a speed reader.:p Seriously though thank you for taking the time to read this Taker.


Post show thoughts:


Okay so there was no picks contest for this show. That was done for a couple of reasons.


1. This show took me so long to write, that once I finished it I just did not feel like doing a picks contest.


2. I lack ideas for prizes. I used to give the person who won a chance to ask a wrestler a question. However, the winners never ask any questions so I hardly see the point of doing that. Besides that I really cannot think of a decent prize. I actually have a good one but I am going to hold off on it.


About the show, for some odd reason I had a very hard time writing this show. After I booked the show and ran it through the game, I just was not happy with the way I booked it. I am not sure why I was not happy, there just seemed to be something off about the show.


The Desmond McGuinness name was obviously an homage to Nigel McGuinness/Desmond Wolfe and also to the way the WWF comes up with the ridiculous names for the NXT wrestlers. Come on Husky Harris, what the hell king of name is that? Just call him by his real name and if you do not want to go that way, just call him Mike Rotunda Jr. or something like that.


There were way too many run-ins on this show. I think that was part of the reason why I disliked it after I booked it. However, at the time I was having a hard time trying to figure out how to involve all of the wrestler's that I wanted to involve in this show. Often I leave wrestler's off the show like The Wildcat, when because he is a main eventer, he should be on every show. Yes I have him in dark matches but that does not help the overall show.


Finally, I would like to thank all of the readers as this has just passed the 9000 veiw mark. I know to some people that might not mean a lot, but for me it does mean something.

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The following video is on RIPW.com


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[We are in the locker room of The Kings of Federal Hill. Johnny Boy, Justin, and their new “associate” Jebediah are talking about their beat down of Running Bear.]


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Johnny Boy: Man did it feel good to get dat Indian and beat his ass down!


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Justin Sensitive: For realz bro! Chief gets pinned a lot, ain’t gonna be selling no crap at the flea market anytime soon. Bro, we just took a major part of his income away from him. High five on dat bro!


[Justin and Johnny Boy high five, while Jebediah is just standing there not really understanding what they are talking about.]


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Johnny Boy: And da look of hope on Chief gets pinned a lot’s face when Jeb came out there…well dat was priceless. The dude really thought good old Jeb was out der to help em. Stupid Indian…


[Justin turns and looks at Jebediah.]


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Justin Sensitive: Yeah Jeb, youz done good out there bro. It was so cool to see Running Bear getting got.


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Johnny Boy: Hells to the yeah! When Jeb entered da ring he was all boom, boom, pow! Man it was so good to see dat Indian being taught a lesson.


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Jebediah: It was my pleasure to forsake that godless heathen. You promised me that I would meet women if I were to smite your enemy.


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Johnny Boy: Ah…yeah about dat bro…um…you can’t go to da Hill lookin like dat.


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Justin Sensitive: Yeah my dude, ya need new clothes if ya wanna go to da hill. I know ya doing ya Jerry Springer thing and all…


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Jebediah: That is Rumspringa not Jerry Springer…


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Justin Sensitive: Yeah whatevea bro…like I was saying if ya go to da hill looking like dat, chicks ain’t gonna give ya da time of day.


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Johnny Boy: Yeah my dude and it would be guilt by association, cuz chicks won’t come up to us either. They’ll take one look at you and wonder why we be chilling with a hick dat speaks funny.


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Jebediah: I was promised women; you do not want to go back on your word English…


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=Ant-Man.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/Ant-Man.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Johnny Boy: Whoa…I ain’t English my dude, I’m Italian! Look we’ll get ya women bro, ya just have to change into something more Hill worthy. I’ll see if my uncle Tony has any clothes that fit ya. Cuz once we put ya in new clothes ya gonna be swimming in women.


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Jebediah: Fine I shall try on these new clothes if it will help me meet English women. But know this, as much as I enjoyed beating that godless heathen, if I do not get any women like you promised me I will no longer smite your enemies…


[Jebediah walks off screen and Johnny Boy and Justin look at each other.]


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Justin Sensitive: Bro, I think you made a mistake about making him our third member.


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Johnny Boy: I’m starting to see dat now…

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Sue’s Superstar of the Month!



[This month‘s interview is coming directly from the backstage area of the Twin River Event Center.]


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Sue Danes: Wud up RIPW fans! It’s your girl Sue Danes here and it is that time of the month again, you know when I interview an RIPW superstar! My guest this month is Gabe Goren.


Now Gabe, you are totally calling yourself the leader of the old school revolution. Many people are wondering what is up with that. What are you like trying to do here in RIPW?


[Gabe begins to speak in a monotone Ben Stein like voice that would put anyone to sleep out of sheer boredom.]


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Gabe Goren: First and foremost, I would like to thank you for providing me with this format, so that I can explain my agenda here in RIPW. I have come here to RIPW to usher in a new era, an era of old school. The fans here in RIPW have been conditioned to believe that hitting someone with a kendo stick is good wrestling. They are conditioned to believe that men and women jumping off the top rope is good wrestling. They have been led to believe that a wrestler can quit a match by hitting his hand on the mat repeatedly.


Well I am here to inform them, that what they are watching is not wrestling. What they are watching is something so foul that I cannot even think about it without disdain. Moreover, it is not the fans fault; they are not to blame for the way they were brought up. It is hardly their fault that they were reared on the teat of such garbage as DAVE.


They were conditioned to enjoy these blood fests that promoters called matches. Well the fans shall no longer be subjected to this crap; fore I am here to wean them away from this. In addition, it is as clear as day to me that the fans have already embraced my style of wrestling. After all, during all of my matches the chant of Goren can be heard echoing throughout the arena…


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Sue Danes: Um dude…like…I’m not sure how to tell you this…but the fans aren’t chanting your last name. They are totally chanting boring, because your matches are kinda boring…


[Gabe looks appalled at what Sue has just said to him. He then waves his hand at Sue in a dismissive manner and says:]


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Gabe Goren: Nonsense! The fans clearly are embracing the new era, which I am trying to usher in here in RIPW. How can they be saying boring? There is nothing boring about putting someone in a headlock for five minutes straight. In fact, it is quite the opposite; it is very exhilarating to see that.


[sue rolls her eyes and says:]


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Sue Danes: Okay dude, whateve…now I have to ask you what is your beef with Morgan Malone and Frank Fernandes? Why do you feel the need to attack them every month?


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Gabe Goren: I have no qualms with either of those two men. However, I am vehemently against the way that they wrestle. They jump off the ropes often, and where I am from that is cause for an automatic disqualification. However, nobody enforces that rule…instead they are reward with cheers from the fans for breaking the rules.


As the protector of the old school, I am obligated to teach these two men the rules of the old school. Now if these two men choose not to head my advice to follow these rules…well then I have to teach them these rules through other more brutal methods.


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Sue Danes: Um yeah, we totally saw your other more brutal methods, when you whipped Frank Fernandes with your belt. Doesn’t that go against what you are preaching? After all beating someone with a belt is totally hardcore.


[Gabe looks incensed because Sue called him hardcore.]


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Gabe Goren: How dare you call say what I did was hardcore! What I did was punish someone who failed to recognize the rules of the old school. There have been plenty of strap matches throughout the history of wrestling, so when someone needs to be taught a lesson a good old belt to the back will do the charm every time.


[sue, clearly not wanting to continue this interview because Gabe has a psychotic look on his face, looks down at the watch on her right wrist.]


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Sue Danes: Oh…um…look at the time…ah…we’re totally out of time. So I guess that is it for this month, I hope you tune in next month when I interview my next superstar of the month. Until then, I hope you all have a kick ass month! See you all laters!


[sue blows a kiss at the camera as the screen fades to black.]


occ: I am going to be co-mod of the next mafia game and we are looking for players. So if you ever wanted to try a mafia game out now is your chance. Here is a link to the sign-up thread http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=397672.
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  • 3 weeks later...

RIPW Presents: March Mayhem 2011


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=RobLMiskovsky_alt1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/RobLMiskovsky_alt1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a> By Rob L. Miskovsky


Well RIPW fans we are going to have one fantastic show for you when we return to the Biker’s Paradise in Boston, Massachusetts on Saturday, March 5, 2011. The event this year is going to be called March Mayhem 2011! And boy do we have a stacked lineup for you fans!


As you fans are well aware on this night you will see the first ever Win, Lose, or Draw match. Two wrestlers will walk out of this match as winners, one will walk out without a job and the rest will have gotten nothing out of the match. It seems like a very interesting concept for a match. I recently caught up with The Wildcat, Sonic S. Thompson, and Running Wolf who are just a couple of participants in the match here is what each of them had to say:


The Wildcat: Oh my grav…I mean oh my baby am I hyped up about this Win, Lose, or Draw match coming up on March the fifth! Sure there is a chance I may end up being fired but I have been fired by this company in the past…um…I have been fired by other companies in the past so it isn’t a big deal.


I will tell you what will be a big deal, me earning the right to fight the RIPW Champion Hollywood Hank. It is time the people get an RIPW Champion that they can be proud of again. I think we are all sick of that bald headed prick as the champion. But there I go again; I’m a getting ahead of myself. We shall see if I will walk out with the shot at the title. I’ll tell you what; I’m a going to try my hardest to do so.


Sonic S. Thompson: Am I in a match where I could potentially get fired? I wasn’t aware of this dire situation. Nobody informed me of this, I’m gonna have to find someone else to fight the wall monster on that night. If not who knows who it is gonna go after, it could be targeting Glenn Beck next for all I know.


Running Wolf: I am completely honored to take part in this match with such great competitors. I want to test my merit against the best this company has to off and on this night I shall. I just hope I can walk out with one of the contracts to fight a champion.


Well like I have said in the past that is going to be a great match! Another great match on the card is going to be the first ever all female singles match in the history of the RIPW. In that match we will see Miss Masterson taking on Jaime Quine. Miss Masterson had the following to say about being apart of the historic encounter:


“How are your eyes doing man beast? Did they hurt after I sprayed your face with mace last month? You see Jaime just because I take the time to look good and look like a lady, doesn’t mean I still can’t kick your ass. On March the fifth you are going to have to find that out the hard way. Don’t hate me cuz I’m beautiful.”


Finally, we will see RIPW newcomer Desmond McGuinness challenge the RIPW Champion Hollywood Hank. This match stems from their altercation during last month’s show. I asked Hollywood Hank what he thought about the upcoming match. Here is what he had to say:


“Desmond you little limey bastard, you think you can disrespect me on my day and get away with it! The day that was set aside to celebrate my one-year reign as RIPW Champion! Well if you thought you could, you are sadly mistaken! Come March the fifth at March Mayhem, I’m gonna teach you a lesson you should have learned a long time ago. That is, you must respect people that are clearly better than you. When I’m through with you they’re gonna have to send you back to England in a body bag…mate!”


Well I hope you fans in Boston and the surrounding area come out to support our show. Because as you can see it is going to be one humdinger of a card!


That is it for this month so come on down to the Biker’s Paradise in Boston, Massachusetts and witness what is sure to be another great RIPW event! The show starts at 8:00 p.m. and doors open at 7:00 p.m. So come early and make sure enjoy the show!


For the RIPW Championship:

Desmond McGuinness vs. Hollywood Hank ©


Jaime Quine vs. Miss Masterson


Running Bear vs. Jebediah


Leftie Wilkes vs. Gabe Goren


Win, Lose, or Draw:

Donte Dunn vs. Frank Fernandes vs. Stuart Ferdinand vs. The Wildcat vs. Sonic S. Thompson vs. Running Wolf vs. Jerry Martin vs. Rudy Velasquez vs. Jared Johnson vs. Too Hot


Who will get the shot at the RIPW Championship?


Who will get the shot at the RIPW Tag Team Championships?


Who will be fired from RIPW?

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Looks like I'm back just in timeto do some predicting.


For the RIPW Championship:

Desmond McGuinness vs. Hollywood Hank ©


Jaime Quine vs. Miss Masterson


Running Bear vs. Jebediah


Leftie Wilkes vs. Gabe Goren


Win, Lose, or Draw:

Donte Dunn vs. Frank Fernandes vs. Stuart Ferdinand vs. The Wildcat vs. Sonic S. Thompson vs. Running Wolf vs. Jerry Martin vs. Rudy Velasquez vs. Jared Johnson vs. Too Hot


Who will get the shot at the RIPW Championship? Wildcat

Who will get the shot at the RIPW Tag Team Championships? Rudy Rudy Rudy Rudy

Who will be fired from RIPW? Sonic. He will go on to form an awesome tag team with Knuckles in the future.

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