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RIPW: The Ballad of Henry Lee

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For the RIPW Championship:

Desmond McGuinness vs. Hollywood Hank ©


Jaime Quine vs. Miss Masterson


Running Bear vs. Jebediah


Leftie Wilkes vs. Gabe Goren


Win, Lose, or Draw:

Donte Dunn vs. Frank Fernandes vs. Stuart Ferdinand vs. The Wildcat vs. Sonic S. Thompson vs. Running Wolf vs. Jerry Martin vs. Rudy Velasquez vs. Jared Johnson vs. Too Hot


Who will get the shot at the RIPW Championship? Jared Johnson


Who will get the shot at the RIPW Tag Team Championships? Running Wolf


Who will be fired from RIPW? Sonic S. Thompson

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For the RIPW Championship:

Desmond McGuinness vs. Hollywood Hank ©


Jaime Quine vs. Miss Masterson


Running Bear vs. Jebediah


Leftie Wilkes vs. Gabe Goren


Win, Lose, or Draw:

Donte Dunn vs. Frank Fernandes vs. Stuart Ferdinand vs. The Wildcat vs. Sonic S. Thompson vs. Running Wolf vs. Jerry Martin vs. Rudy Velasquez vs. Jared Johnson vs. Too Hot


Who will get the shot at the RIPW Championship? Wolf


Who will get the shot at the RIPW Tag Team Championships? Rudy


Who will be fired from RIPW? Frank

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For the RIPW Championship:

Desmond McGuinness vs. Hollywood Hank ©


Jaime Quine vs. Miss Masterson


Running Bear vs. Jebediah


Leftie Wilkes vs. Gabe Goren


Win, Lose, or Draw:

Donte Dunn vs. Frank Fernandes vs. Stuart Ferdinand vs. The Wildcat vs. Sonic S. Thompson vs. Running Wolf vs. Jerry Martin vs. Rudy Velasquez vs. Jared Johnson vs. Too Hot


Who will get the shot at the RIPW Championship? Jared


Who will get the shot at the RIPW Tag Team Championships? Running Wolf


Who will be fired from RIPW? Donte Dunn

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For the RIPW Championship:

Desmond McGuinness vs. Hollywood Hank ©


Jaime Quine vs. Miss Masterson


Running Bear vs. Jebediah


Leftie Wilkes vs. Gabe Goren


Win, Lose, or Draw:

Donte Dunn vs. Frank Fernandes vs. Stuart Ferdinand vs. The Wildcat vs. Sonic S. Thompson vs. Running Wolf vs. Jerry Martin vs. Rudy Velasquez vs. Jared Johnson vs. Too Hot


Who will get the shot at the RIPW Championship? Wildcat


Who will get the shot at the RIPW Tag Team Championships? Jerry Martin


Who will be fired from RIPW? Running Wolf

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For the RIPW Championship:

Desmond McGuinness vs. Hollywood Hank ©

For tea and crumpets!


Jaime Quine vs. Miss Masterson



Running Bear vs. Jebediah

Or as I shall call him "The Big Bad Jeb Daddy".


Leftie Wilkes vs. Gabe Goren

Dem high flyers are ruining the business!


Win, Lose, or Draw:

Donte Dunn vs. Frank Fernandes vs. Stuart Ferdinand vs. The Wildcat vs. Sonic S. Thompson vs. Running Wolf vs. Jerry Martin vs. Rudy Velasquez vs. Jared Johnson vs. Too Hot


Who will get the shot at the RIPW Championship? Donte Dunn - For the Empire! *cue Imperial March-ing*


Who will get the shot at the RIPW Tag Team Championships? Frank Fernandes - Cause I like his name.


Who will be fired from RIPW? The Wildcat, only to rip off his mask and reveal himself as Zachay Inc., the commentators will pick up on the fact that there is another Wildcat, and Kentucky Billy will run out, kiss babies, beat down Nero and generally save the day!

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For the RIPW Championship:

Desmond McGuinness vs. Hollywood Hank ©

Not a fan of the name Desmond McGuinness so I am voting for Hank to retain.


Jaime Quine vs. Miss Masterson

Don't Care but Jaime is better than Miss Masterson


Running Bear vs. Jebediah


Leftie Wilkes vs. Gabe Goren


Win, Lose, or Draw:

Donte Dunn vs. Frank Fernandes vs. Stuart Ferdinand vs. The Wildcat vs. Sonic S. Thompson vs. Running Wolf vs. Jerry Martin vs. Rudy Velasquez vs. Jared Johnson vs. Too Hot


Who will get the shot at the RIPW Championship? Too Hot


Who will get the shot at the RIPW Tag Team Championships? Jerry Martin


Who will be fired from RIPW? The Wildcat

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RIPW Presents: March Mayhem 2011


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Saturday, March 5, 2011

Biker’s Paradise, Boston, Massachusetts

Attendance: 60

Show Rating: E+


[The show begins in a locker room, inside the locker room we see Justin Sensitive and Johnny Boy talking, while their new member Jebediah stands in the background. This inane conversation soon ends when Brian Cash-Man walks on camera and interrupts them.]


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Brian Cash-Man: Gentlemen, may I have a minute of your time?


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Johnny Boy: Sure thing bro, what’s up my dude?


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Brian Cash-Man: Well I have a proposal that I think will be lucrative for the both of you and for me as well.


[Justin and Johnny look at each other with uneasy looks on their respective faces.]


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Johnny Boy: Ah…this ain’t one of them Robert Redford, Demi Moore proposals is it. Cuz if it is my dude, Justin and I ain’t down with that. But the big man might be.


[Jebediah looks confused because being Amish he has no frame of reference for what this conversation is all about. Brian Cash-Man however knows exactly what they are talking about and he lets out a laugh and shakes his head.]


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Brian Cash-Man: You have nothing to worry about on that front, as I do not go that way. Anyway, my proposal will make you two some money and you really do not have to do anything. So are you guys interested in hearing my proposal?


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Justin Sensitive: Yeah bro we be down with hearing what you gotta say for yourself.


[brian Cash-Man smiles, claps his hands together and begins to speak again.]


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Brian Cash-Man: Good…good…as you know last month I tasked Donte Dunn to win his match so that he would be able to take part in the Win, Lose, or Draw match tonight. Well he failed to do so and therefore not one member of my franchise is in that match later on tonight.


That is were my proposal comes into play. You see, I still need to get Donte into that match tonight and you two young men seem to be smart enterprising young men. So my proposal is this, I shall give you both five thousand dollars. In return, I would ask that you Justin give your spot in the match later on tonight to Donte.


Think about it gentlemen, you both get five thousand dollars for doing absolutely nothing. Where else are you going to get an offer like that?


[Justin and Johnny Boy talk about it in a hushed tone that cannot be heard. Finally, Johnny Boy turns and looks at Brian.]


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Johnny Boy: Bro, not to look a gift horse in da mouth, but why would ya give me five thousands dollars?


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Brian Cash-Man: Well quite simply put, by me buying Justin’s spot in the match you could be potentially missing a chance to fight for the tag team titles. Therefore, I felt it prudent to offer you monetary compensation for your future loss of income.


[Justin looks at Johnny Boy who nods his head. Justin then sticks out his hand and offers it to Brian.]


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Justin Sensitive: Ya got yaself a deal bro.


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Brian Cash-Man: Good…


[brian hands over a stack of cash to both Justin and Johnny Boy.]


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Brian Cash-Man: Gentlemen it was a pleasure doing business with you…


[We are now taken to another area backstage where we see Running Bear. He is pacing back and forth waiting to speak.]


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Running Bear: Jebediah, last month you made a deal with the devils when you joined forces with the Kings of Federal Hill. I am not even sure why you did what you did to me man. Why did you beat me down? I have no beef or ill will towards you.


I guess the why no longer matters because later tonight you and I will meet in the ring. Once that happens, once I get you into that ring, I am going to make you wish you never joined up with those two Guidos. Tonight I can’t be held responsible for what I am going to do to you. And I can’t be held responsible for how my nation of warriors treat you. Jebediah, you made your bed and now you must lie in it.



We now head out to the arena that is pitch black save for a few lighters being lit in the crowd. A spotlight comes on and begins to circle the arena, we then see Rob and Mayhem standing at the announcer‘s desk which is perched in a balcony high above the arena floor.]


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Rob L. Miskovsky: Hello and welcome wrestling fans to March Mayhem 2011! We are coming to you live from Biker’s Paradise in Boston, Massachusetts! I’m Rob Miskovsky and as always, I am standing along side my broadcast partner Mayhem Midden!


Mayhem we have a stacked card tonight, however looking over the card one match looms over all others and that is the Win, Lose, or Draw match! Once that match is over with, RIPW’s roster will be short a member…


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Mayhem Midden: That’s right Rob, and I’ll tell ya something, the locker room was very tense today. You could just tell that in the back of every wrestler’s mind that is gonna compete in the Win, Lose, or Draw is the idea that they might be looking for work after tonight. And with this economy, it’s gonna be tough, oh yeah…dig it!


Rob L. Miskovsky: Indeed, it shall be I do not envy the loser of our Win, Lose, or Draw match. Well it looks like our first match is about to begin. Let us go down to the ring for our opening match of the evening…


[both Leftie and Gabe are already in the ring; having come out to the ring during the announcer’s opening introductions. For those of you who do not recognize either man the RIPW producers give us a graphic telling you who is in the match.]



<a href="

http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=LeftieWilkes.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/LeftieWilkes.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a> with <a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=HeatherB.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/HeatherB.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=vs6.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/vs6.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=RemmyHoneyman_alt1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/RemmyHoneyman_alt1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Leftie Wilkes with Heather B. vs. Gabe Goren



Match: Leftie dominated the early portions of this match. Gabe seemed really out of his element as Leftie mixed in an array of moves, some of which were definitely not old school. Things started to change when Leftie climbed the ropes and was preparing to jump off the ropes and onto a seemingly dazed Gabe.


This however was a very bad idea as Gabe was playing possum and he quickly got to his feet before Leftie could jump off the top rope. Leftie being caught in limbo, no really able to jump off the top rope but not able to climb down and defend himself, awkwardly tries to punch Gabe, who is trying to knock Leftie off the top rope. Leftie is unsuccessful in his bid and Gabe is able to knock Leftie off the top rope and onto the arena floor.


As referee David Poker begins the ten count, Gabe begins verbally lambasting David for allowing Leftie to jump off the top ropes earlier. While this is going on Leftie gets to his feet and he enters the ring by sliding under the bottom rope. However, upon entering the ring he is met with a boot to the back. Gabe continues to lay the boots down on Leftie. He then proceeds to lock Leftie’s leg in a figure four grapevine, and Leftie has no choice but to tap out. Gabe once again refuses to relinquish his leg lock, despite David Poker telling him he will reverse the decision. Finally, Gabe breaks the hold when frantic Heather B. throws in a white towel on behalf of her boyfriend (Why she had said towel in the first place is not known).


Winner: Gabe Goren


[Gabe leaves the ring and walks over to the ring announcer he gets the microphone and begins to address the crowd.]


Gabe Goren: Did you fans see what I did? I broke the hold when Heather threw in the white towel! That is what old school wrestling is all about…


[Just then a limping Morgan Malone shows up and hits Gabe in the back of the head. Gabe and Morgan being to brawl at ringside until various RIPW officials separate them.]


[After the brief brawl, we head to the back where Sue Danes is standing by with Desmond McGuinness.]


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Sue Danes: Wud up peeps, it’s ya girl Sue here and right now I am here with RIPW newcomer Desmond McGuinness. Desmond tonight in only your second match here in RIPW, you are going to face RIPW Champion Hollywood Hank. Hank has said the reason for this match is because you totally need to be taught respect and Hank is going to be the one to teach you this lesson in respect.


[Desmond looks at the camera with an arrogant smirk on his face before he begins to speak.]


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Desmond McGuinness: You know Sue, is Hollywood Hank having a laugh when he says he is going to teach me respect? What are you gonna teach me sunshine? You might be the RIPW Champion but you are nothing but a coward. You only seem to defend your title against people you think you can beat. Moreover, when you realize that you can beat your opponent you resort to using underhanded tactics.


Well tonight Hank it is going to be you and me out there in the ring, and I am not gonna lay down for nobody you silly wanker! So be ready for the match of your life because I highly doubt you have ever faced a challenger like me mate!


[Desmond winks at the camera and walks off screen.]


[sue is about to speak when she sees Jaime Quine walking in the background.]


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Sue Danes: Jaime could you come over here for a sec and tell the viewers about your match later tonight against Miss Masterson. After all, you are totally making history tonight, as it is the first ever singles match involving two women wrestlers here in RIPW.


[Jaime walks over to Sue and beings to speak.]


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Jaime Quine: Yeah Sue before I speak on the match itself I just want to thank Henry Lee and Professor Nero for allowing me to take part in the first women’s singles match in the history of this company. I am both humbled and honored to be taking part in a match that is going to be a historical footnote for this company.


Now onto the match itself, last month Miss Masterson you had to cheat to win. Your scrawny ass couldn’t hack it in the ring with me so you had to spray my ass with mace. That’s all good if that’s what ya need to do to beat me. You see I know you’re super girly and you can’t actually defend yourself. And tonight I’m gonna prove that once again when I gore your ass to the mat and unleash my hammer fists on you. They don’t call me the Queen of the ground and pound for nothing…


[Just then, Miss Masterson runs up behind Jaime and hits Jaime in the head with a pocketbook. Jaime falls to the ground writhing in pain, Sue frantically calls out for medics to come assist Jaime. Miss Masterson grabs the microphone from Sue and yells at Jaime.]


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Miss Masterson: Hey man beast, I might be scrawny but I can still take you down. See you in the ring later tonight!


[Miss Masterson gives Jaime a parting kick to the ribs and then walks away as Sue looks on in terror.]


[We now head over to the locker room of Jerry Martin who is talking with his advisor The Wolverine.]


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The Wolverine: Ya know kid, ya making me proud with the amount of restraint you’ve been showing out there. Now tonight you’ve gotta be focused, this is da biggest match of your career. Think about it kid, you could earn a tag title shot or even an RIPW Championship shot. All ya gotta to is focus on the task at hand.


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Jerry Martin: I could also end up being fired…but I must not think that way. I must think happy thoughts…I must think about kitties, butterflies, and rainbows…


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The Wolverine: That’s right kid, whatever takes you outta you’re dark place and brings ya to ya happy place that is what ya need to be thinking about.


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=JerryMartin.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/JerryMartin.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Jerry Martin: What if I get the urge to bash Too Hot in the head with a steel chair? Or how about if I decide to ram a fork into the head of Donte Dunn and make him bleed like a stuck pig?


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The Wolverine: Think about kitties and puppies, you don’t need to resort to any of that hardcore crap tonight.


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=JerryMartin.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/JerryMartin.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Jerry Martin: Okay if I get the urge to hit Running Wolf in the head with a frying pan I will sing Shiny Happy People by R.E.M. to myself. This sounds like a great plan! One quick question though, may I bring Deanna down to the ring with me tonight?


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The Wolverine: No!


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Jerry Martin: Geez, you don’t have to get all mad, it was only a question…


[With that remark, we head back to ringside for our next match.]



[Jebediah is already standing in the ring having come out during the previous interview segments. Run to the Hills by Iron Maiden begins to play over the arena‘s sound system and out from the backstage curtain comes Running Bear. Running Bear runs down to the ring and immediately begins to brawl with Jebediah not even allowing the timekeeper the chance to ring the bell to begin the match.]



Match: This match was bad and there is just no way around that. Running Bear got the advantage at the start of the match and was in firm control of the match until The Kings of Federal Hill came down to ringside and started taunting Running Bear. Jebediah picked Running Bear up and heaved him over the top rope and onto the arena floor. At this point, the Kings started to beat on Running Bear while Jebediah was busy keeping the referee distracted.


The Kings “helped” Running Bear back into the ring and from then on it was academic as Jebediah picked up Running Bear and slammed him to the canvas. Jeb then proceeded to pin Running Bear for the victory.


Winner: Jebediah


[Post-match, The Kings of Federal Hill join their enforcer in the ring and they begin to beat down Running Bear. This lasts for about two minutes, it ends when Running Bear‘s Young Braves partner Running Wolf comes down to the ring wielding a steel chair. The Kings and Jebediah want no part of being on the receiving end of a chair shot so the trio leave the ring and head backstage as Running Wolf checks to see if his tag team partner is all right.]

[We now go to the locker room of the RIPW Champion Hollywood Hank who is with his General Manager Brian Cash-Man.]


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Brian Cash-Man: Desmond McGuinness I am not sure why you think you have any chance on god’s green earth of beating Hollywood Hank tonight. You see Desmond, you might think you are tough because of who your uncle is. But Uncle Tommy isn’t going to be here to protect you.


No tonight mate you’re gonna have to compete in a match against the best wrestler in this god forsaken company. You are going to have to face off against the greatest RIPW Champion of all time, now granted that does not mean much because the level of competition in this company is clearly two steps down from the man standing next to me. However, it is what it is and he is the greatest champion this mom and pop company has ever seen. Let me ask you this Desmond…are you really ready for this match?


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Hollywood Hank: I bet when you came over to America you thought you were going to live in the lap of luxury. Nah, that ain’t going to happen you limey bastard! You see Desmond, in order to make it big here in the States you need talent, something that you lack.


I have talent galore; in fact, some may say I ooze talent. Now you might have a fancy pedigree, but that doesn’t mean a damn thing. Because tonight you step into the ring with me Hollywood Hank and maybe just maybe I will let you leave the ring without you taking too much damage. That is if you learn to respect me like you should!


[We are now sent back to the ring for our next match.]



[Don‘t Cha by the Pu$$ycat Dolls begins playing over the arena‘s sound system and out steps Miss Masterson in here typical schoolgirl uniform. The men in the crowd yell out lewd stuff to her as she makes her way into the ring.]


[stupid Girls by Pink begins to play and moments later Jaime Quine steps out from behind the backstage curtain. Jaime is noticeably struggling to walk, clutching her side, due to the earlier attack by Miss Masterson.]



Match: Miss Masterson took an early advantage in this match as she focused all of her attention on Jaime’s ribs. Jaime was hit with plenty of kicks and punches to the ribs and she seemed to be in very rough shape. Miss Masterson began taunting both Jaime and the crowd. Twice Miss Masterson pinned Jaime and looked like she was going to win and twice she lifted Jaime’s shoulders up so that she could continue to beat on Jaime.


The fans really got behind Jaime and started chanting her name repeatedly, despite Miss Masterson’s pleas for them to shut up. Perhaps due to the energy of the fans Jaime was able to get her power back and mount a comeback. She managed to gore Miss Masterson and she then mounted her (Stop thinking those dirty thoughts!). Jaime then proceeded to drop the hammer fists down on Miss Masterson. Referee David Poker soon calls for the bell when he realizes that Miss Masterson can no longer defend herself. Jaime is awarded the victory via T.K.O.


Winner: Jaime Quine


Win, Lose, or Draw:


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Donte Dunn vs. Frank Fernandes vs. Stuart Ferdinand vs. The Wildcat vs. Sonic S. Thompson vs. Running Wolf vs. Jerry Martin vs. Rudy Velasquez vs. Jared Johnson vs. Too Hot


[Okay only a sadist would be willing to type out ten individual entrances. Suffice it to say, all ten men made their way down to the ring and Rowdy Roger and the David Crosby look a like yelled various stuff at the wrestler‘s that they did not like.]



Match: This match is a complete and utter cluster you know what. There are wrestlers fighting all over the place. At about the three-minute mark Sonic S. Thompson is the first wrestler to try to get his hands on a briefcase. He climbs to the top rope and he tries desperately to get the briefcase down. However, it was all for naught as Stuart pushes Sonic off the top rope and onto the arena floor. Stuart is about to go for the case when Running Bear pulls him off the top rope and back into the ring.


Too Hot and Rudy Velasquez spend the entire time fighting, almost oblivious to their surroundings. In fact, the two men spill out onto the floor and they brawl all the way back to the locker room and that is the last we see of them for the entire night. Their hatred for each other is enough for them to forget that they could conceivably earn an RIPW title shot with this match.


The first person to get a briefcase is Frank Fernandes. It was not an easy thing for Frank to do, as he got the briefcase but he did not want to risk jumping down to the arena floor. Therefore, he jumped into the ring and he was immediately attacked by both Stuart Ferdinand and Jared Johnson (Who were the only two wrestlers inside the ring at that time, the rest of the wrestlers were in one big brawl at ringside.).


At one point Jared Johnson came into possession of the case but he was quickly met with a short clothesline that was delivered by Stuart Ferdinand. Jared dropped the briefcase and Stuart quickly snatched it up. However, when Stuart turned around to leave the ring, Frank nailed Stuart with a dropkick, which knocked Stuart onto the canvas. Frank picked up the briefcase and quickly existed the ring. Both of his feet hit the ground and he was awarded the briefcase.


Running Wolf was the next person to take down a briefcase. However, he was not the person to claim it. As he was getting ready to leave the ring, Jerry Martin and Sonic attacked him. Running Wolf dropped the case near the outer edge of the ring and began to fight back.


Jerry and Sonic managed to take the big man down, and then the two of them began to bicker with each other as to who should claim the case. While the two of them were busy arguing with each other, Donte Dunn (who was already outside of the ring) snapped the case and seeing how his feet were already outside of the ring he was awarded the second case.


At this point only Stuart, The Wildcat, Sonic, Running Wolf, Jerry, and Jared were left in the ring. Jared and Stuart began beating on The Wildcat, while Sonic and Jerry were trying to keep Running Wolf down. Never one to miss an opportunity, Jared backs away from helping Stuart beat down The Wildcat, and he makes his way over to the last case. Jared climbs to the top rope and he begins to struggle trying to get the case down. Both Sonic and Jerry notice this and they head over to Jared grabbing him by the legs and forcing him to step off the ropes in order to fight them off.


Jared/Sonic/Jerry brawl spills out onto the ringside floor, and a few moments later Running Wolf joins the fracas. This left Stuart and The Wildcat as the only two competitors still left in the ring. The Wildcat, who had Stuart beating on him for the last two minutes or so, began to mount a comeback at this point in the match. He started to trade punches with Stuart in the center of the ring.


After a few moments, The Wildcat gained the upper hand and manages to nail Stuart with a wicked left uppercut. That punch appears to knock Stuart out. With Stuart out cold on the canvas, The Wildcat heads over to the corner where the last briefcase is. He climbs up the rope and brings the briefcase down. The Wildcat sees Jared Johnson, who just reentered the ring again, seeing how Jared is advancing on his position, The Wildcat decides to jump off the top rope and onto the arena floor. He does just that before Jared can reach him, which means that The Wildcat is the final person to claim a briefcase.


[Post-match Commissioner Henry Lee comes down to ringside to officiate over the opening of the briefcases. Standing with him are the three men (Donte, Frank, and The Wildcat) that were able to secure briefcase during the match.]


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Henry Lee: Gentlemen, I would like to congratulate each of you on a job well done. The three of you were able to secure the briefcases and in the process of doing so you put on a fantastic match. Now before I ask each of you to open your respective briefcases, I do have an offer for you. I have three checks here for five thousand dollars each, the reason for this is I am willing to buy the briefcases off each you.


If you take, the five thousand dollars that means you could be potentially giving up the chance to fight for the tag team titles or the RIPW Championship. It also means you could be giving up the chance to be fired right here on the spot. I will give each of you a moment to think over this potential career-changing move.


[Donte is overheard saying to Brian Cash-Man that he would like to take the money. Brian Cash-Man reminds him that he must not take the cash because he must protect the RIPW Championship.]


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Henry Lee: Okay gentlemen do anyone of you want to take my offer?


[All three men decline and Henry smiles, he then continues to speak.]


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Henry Lee: Well then, gentlemen shall we see look inside the briefcases and see what is going to be your fate? Mister Fernandes, seeing how you are standing the closest to me, will you kindly open up your briefcase first?


[Frank nervously opens up his briefcase; he looks down at the large piece of paper that is in the briefcase. It says, Congratulations, you and a tag team partner of your choosing have earned a shot at the tag team titles! Underneath the large piece of paper is a contract for the title match.


Upon seeing this, Frank is elated that he is not going to be fired. Donte and The Wildcat do not share such thoughts of happiness because both men know that one of them is going to be the one that is fired.]


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Henry Lee: Well Mister Fernandes, it would appear that you have earned a shot at the RIPW Tag Team Championships. Remember, you can cash this contract anytime that you wish to do so.


Okay Mister Dunn and Mister Wildcat, it would seem one of you has a shot at the RIPW Championship and the other will walk out of here without a job. Seeing how neither one of you wanted to take my earlier offer, I must now ask the both of you to open up your respective briefcases.


[both men hesitantly open up their respective briefcases. A smile creeps across the masked face of The Wildcat as a depressed look comes across the face of Donte. That is right folks Donte Dunn has been given his walking papers.]


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Henry Lee: Well it looks like a congratulation is in order for The Wildcat! You have earned the right to challenge the RIPW Champion at the time of your choosing!


Donte, I am sorry to inform you that you are no longer a member of the RIPW roster…


[brian Cash-Man is livid; he walks over to Henry Lee and starts yelling at him.]


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Brian Cash-Man: This is a conspiracy Henry Lee and you know it! You hate the fact that the members of the Evil Empire have done nothing but dominate this promotion, and this is your way of destroying us!


I will not allow my rookie of the year to be fired in such a manner! After this show is over with, I am going straight to Professor Nero and demand that he rescind this firing!


Furthermore, how can you allow Kentucky Bill, a man that has already been fired from this company, a chance to fight for the RIPW Championship! I guess Donte you can show up next month with a mask on and you will be given a title shot! I can’t…I can’t deal with this right now because I have a championship match that is about to take place but rest assured Henry Lee, you have not heard the last from me on this subject!


[brian and Donte head to the back while Henry Lee shakes the hands of the two men that have earned title shots. We then cut back to the announcer‘s who talk about tonight‘s main event.]


For the RIPW Championship:


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Desmond McGuinness vs. Hollywood Hank © with Brian Cash-Man

[London Calling by The Clash begins to play over the arena‘s sound system and out steps Desmond McGuinness he gets a lot of cheers as he makes his way down to the ring.]


[simply the Best by Tina Turner begins to play and the fans begin to boo as they know who is about to come down to the ring. It is almost as if they have been conditioned to boo much like Pavlov’s dogs. Anyway, the crowd starts to throw all manner of garbage at Brain and Hank as they make their way down to the ring.]


[before the start of the match RIPW Head referee David Poker walks over to the center of the ring. He then holds up his right arm as the ring announcer (who is standing behind him) holds the microphone up to David‘s mouth. David motions for both fighters to join him in the center of the ring. Both men comply and David says the following:]


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David Poker: Okay gentlemen this match is for the RIPW Championship, I expect a good clean fight. Any questions?


Both fighters shake their heads no; Hollywood Hank keeps his eyes locked on the challenger’s eyes. Desmond is not the least bit intimidated by the champion as he stares back at Hank.


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David Poker: Okay then shake hands and return to your respective corners.


[Hank actually puts his hand out for Desmond to shake, and the moment Desmond goes to shake Hank‘s hand, Hank pulls his hand away. This draws some boos from the crowd.]



Match: This match was actually very good by RIPW standards. The crowd was really behind Desmond and during the start of the match; he had some very close pinfalls. Hank was getting frustrated that this young English worker was taking it to him. A couple of times during the match, Hank would slide out of the ring and would get advice from Brian Cash-Man as to what he should do. Brian was overheard saying, “I got this champ trust me!”


Upon reentering the ring Desmond and Hank, take part in a test of strength, a test that Desmond wins as he brings Hank down to his knees. At that moment, Brian Cash-Man hops up on the outer part of the ring and begins to yell some stuff at referee David Poker. David Poker goes over to where Brian is so that he can calm him down and get him off the outer part of the ring. At this point Desmond is distracted as well but the interference of Brian. He looks over to see what Brian is saying, which is a mistake as Hank nails the distracted Desmond with a low blow.


Hank slowly get up and stares at Desmond, who is on the mat doubled over in pain. A smirk slowly creeps across Hank’s face as he decides to add insult to injury by kicking the downed Desmond in the nether regions once again. Finally, Brian goes back to the floor and David Poker is able to turn his attention back to the match.


Hank then lifts up Desmond and finishes him off with an MVP. Hank then cover Desmond for the victory.


Winner and still RIPW Champion: Hollywood Hank


[before the show goes off the air, we cut back to Rob L. Miskovsky who is standing by himself at the announcer‘s table.]


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Rob L. Miskovsky: That was one wild and crazy show wrestling fans. I would like to send my congratulations out to The Wildcat and Frank Fernandes for being the winners in the Win, Lose, or Draw match! I would also like to say I am sorry to see Donte Dunn end up on the short end of the stick in that match. It is never good to see someone lose their job, even if they have done some unscrupulous things in the past.


That being said…I hoped you all enjoyed the show tonight as much as I did! For my broadcast, partner Mayhem Midden, I’m Rob L. Miskovsky wishing you all a safe and happy evening, good night!

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Good Show BHK!


Thanks Taker glad you liked it!


Desmond McGuinness vs. Hollywood Hank ©

Not a fan of the name Desmond McGuinness so I am voting for Hank to retain.


Yes the name is meant to be stupid, it is an homage to all of those second generation stars on NXT who were given stupid sounding names. Plus I based Eddie on Nigel McGuinness/Desmond Wolfe so his name was going to be either Desmond McGuinness or Nigel Wolfe and I thought Desmond McGuinness sounded the worst out of the two names.


Once again, I would just like to thank everyone that has taken the time to predict, read, and post in this diary.


Here are the total results after this show:


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MichiganHero, if you have a question for any member of the RIPW roster you can ask them a question. Other than that I have no cool prizes this month for you.


A few things about this show that I feel the need to address:


1. What happened to the match time?


Well I screwed up when I was writing this, which is why this took so long to write. You see usually I book the card in game and I copy the results straight out of the game after I run it. I did it this time but for some odd reason I forgot to save the data. Therefore, when I went back nothing was saved and I had to go back into the game and look at the history screen to see what happened for this card. Therefore, I had no clue how long the matches were, I was going to guess but I decided not to do that.


2. Why was Donte Dunn fired?


Okay originally I was going to fire Zachary Inc., and then I changed it to Sonic S. Thompson. It was going to be Sonic until Donte signed a contract with Michigan Hero’s AAAA promotion (which I will give a roster rundown of in one of my next posts.). Anyway, Donte’s contract was running out with me and I lost the negotiations with AAAA. That was why I had Justin Sensitive sell his spot to Donte because Donte did not earn his spot in the match. I made a mistake when I did the picks list by including Donte as part of the match when he was not at that time. I am just glad nobody paid attention to it.


I also wanted to say that I let AAAA have him because he was asking for too much and he has never moved up the card. Which is my fault, I could have moved him up the card with a couple of wins and what not but his popularity was so low it was hard to do that. I did have plans for him but they were way down the line so it did not hurt anything that I was planning to do in the immediate future.


3. Why did you spell Pu$$ycat Dolls that way?


No, it was not one of the multiple typos that I make on a frequent basis. The censor would not allow me to spell it correctly. Oddly enough, it did allow wanker to pass by censorship. Which over here in the States that term is not all offensive at all. However, for the people across the pond it is. Now don’t get me wrong I can understand why that is but it is still somewhat stupid if you ask me.

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Sue’s Superstar of the Month!


[This month‘s interview is coming directly from the backstage area of the Biker‘s Paradise.]


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Sue Danes: Wud up RIPW fans! It’s your girl Sue Danes here and it is that time of the month again, you know when I interview an RIPW superstar! My guest this month is Frank Fernandes.


Um…like before I get into the totally important stuff in this interview. I’ve got a question for our female fans out there. Is a good-looking guy like you currently single?


[Frank chuckles and then blushes before giving his response.]


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Frank Fernandes: Well…at this time I am currently single Sue.


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Sue Danes: Cool maybe we can talk about changing that after this interview is over with…


[sue winks at Frank and he once again laughs and blushes.]


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=SueDanes_alt1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/SueDanes_alt1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Sue Danes: Okay now for the serious questions, tonight you took part in what was totally the biggest match of your career. What was it like to be co-winner of the match and to have earned a shot at the RIPW Tag Team Championships?


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=Frankie-BoyFernandes.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/Frankie-BoyFernandes.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Frank Fernandes: It was great Sue! This was only my second win in RIPW, so this was huge! It’s funny going into the match the thought had crossed my mind that I might win a shot at the RIPW Title or the Tag Team Championships, but I quickly pushed it out of my head because I did not want to go into the match overly confident.


And it was just luck that I happened to pick the right briefcase. I could have very well picked the briefcase that Donte did and then I would have ended up being fired. I am just glad that everything went well on that front.


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=SueDanes_alt1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/SueDanes_alt1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Sue Danes: We have a question from our Twitter page from @MichiganHero. The question that they asked was: “Who will be your tag team partner once you decide to cash in your contract to fight for the titles?”


[Frank carefully thinks over his answer before giving it.]


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=Frankie-BoyFernandes.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/Frankie-BoyFernandes.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Frank Fernandes: Hmm…very good question…to be honest at this point I’m not really sure. The match just ended twenty minutes ago and I have not really put much thought into which wrestler I am going to ask to help me out. Plus even if I had someone in mind, I am not sure it would be wise to say who it is. Only because I want there to be a bit of a surprise element when it comes to that match. The last thing I want is for the Canadian Hit Squad or whomever is holding the belts at the time to have the advantage of scouting their opponents out ahead of time.


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=SueDanes_alt1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/SueDanes_alt1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Sue Danes: Now over the past couple of months you and Gabe Goren have been having problems. It all started after he took issue with you jumping off the top rope during your match against Hollywood Hank. He whipped you with his belt to teach you a lesson in old school wrestling. You then came after him when he didn’t want to break the figure four that he had on Morgan Malone. What is up with that dude and why do you think you are one of the two people that he has it out for?


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=Frankie-BoyFernandes.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/Frankie-BoyFernandes.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Frank Fernandes: That dude is a freak straight up. I’m not sure what’s up with him to be honest with you. He speaks about trying to bring RIPW back to the old school but that isn’t possible. The genie has been let out of the bottle thirty years ago and there is not way to put it back in. The sport has evolved and Gabe Goren needs to respect that.


I will say this, I am not going to allow him to bully other and humiliate them like he humiliated me when he whipped me with his belt. In my life, there has only been one person that whipped me with a belt and that was my father. And now that I am a man, he wouldn’t even try it. Gabe, I do not have respect for you or your agenda and you are not my father so you best believe that I am going to get payback for that whipping.


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=SueDanes_alt1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/SueDanes_alt1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Sue Danes: Okay one final question is your last name spelt Fernandez or Fernandes? Because I have seen it both ways.


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=Frankie-BoyFernandes.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/Frankie-BoyFernandes.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Frank Fernandes: It is spelt Fernandes, people often confuse it with Fernandez but there is no Z in the name.


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=SueDanes_alt1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/SueDanes_alt1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Sue Danes: Okay then I know you have had a totally long day so I guess that is it. I would like to thank my guest Frank Fernandes with an S, for joining me this month. I hope you tune in next month when I interview my next superstar of the month. Until then, I hope you all have a kick ass month! See you all laters!


[sue blows a kiss at the camera as the screen fades to black.]

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Okay MichiganHero won the right to create his own promotion in the game. He decided to name it Amazing American Athletics Association. Here is a brief rundown of the promotion:


AAAA Overview:


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/?action=view&current=AAAAOverview.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/AAAAOverview.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>



AAAA Roster:


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/?action=view&current=AAAARoster.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/AAAARoster.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


AAAA Main Event Title Holder:


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/?action=view&current=AAAABigGoldBelt.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/AAAABigGoldBelt.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


AAAA Tag Team Champions:


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/?action=view&current=AAAATagTeamChampions.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/AAAATagTeamChampions.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


AAAA First Show:


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/?action=view&current=AAAAFirstCard.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/AAAAFirstCard.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Sadly for me MH decided he wanted the promotion to be New England based, which means not only do they have the better roster and are putting on better shows. They are already beating me in the promotional battle.

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The following video is on RIPW.com


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[The video begins and we see Leftie Wilkes sitting on a wooden bench in a locker room. He is tying is left sneaker when all of a sudden Donte Dunn comes on screen he pats Leftie on the back. A startled Leftie turns and sees the man who was once his friend and is now his enemy standing behind him.]


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=LeftieWilkes.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/LeftieWilkes.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Leftie Wilkes: What the hell do you want?


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=DonteDunn.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/DonteDunn.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Donte Dunn: Well my brotha, dis be me last match here in RIPW. I came back here to tell you that you be…that you be right, I shouldn’t have taken the fast road. Is what got me fired from here…


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=LeftieWilkes.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/LeftieWilkes.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Leftie Wilkes: Look man, I ain’t feeling sorry that your ass got canned tonight. Actually, my only advice for you is to not let the door hit you on da way out.


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=DonteDunn.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/DonteDunn.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Donte Dunn: Fair enough my brotha, our past is our past. I do regret what I did to you and before I leave, I wanted you to know that. Living da rich life, wasn’t all its cracked up to be my brotha.


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=LeftieWilkes.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/LeftieWilkes.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Leftie Wilkes: Well I ain’t the forgiving type dude. What you did to me and my brother was the ultimate betrayal…and there can never be a time again where you and I are good with each other, brotha…


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=DonteDunn.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/DonteDunn.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Donte Dunn: I understand dat and if dat be da way you feel, well so be it. But if you my brotha think what I did to you was the ultimate betrayal, you got another ting comin. Let me just say that there is nothing stronger in dis world than blood but da betrayal of a love one hurts da worst.


I wanna warn you my brotha, that Dutch ain’t all what he seems to be. Why do ya think he in Heather are always hanging around with each other? When he got hurt and had to go to da hospital, who went in da ambulance with him?


Ya have two eyes my brotha use them. See da truth before its too late. Often times ya worst enemy is da person ya in love with. And dat person is getting very familiar with your brotha. Dat’s all I’m gonna say to ya, think of it as my last act of friendship to ya before I go.


[Donte pats Leftie on the back once again and walks off camera. Leftie just sits on the bench for a moment not sure if Donte was telling the truth or if this was Donte‘s last chance to screw with him. The video ends.]

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NOOOOOO! It was me, Donte, it was me all along! I was the one sleeping with Heather! Hahaha ah, well, at least the Wilkes Brothers are in a storyline :D


The thing that sucks about them is that Dutch is a midcard wrestler and Leftie is a low midcard wrestler and they never seem to gain popularity. So as much as I would love to push them more, I find it hard to put them over others who are much more popular than they are.

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The following video is on RIPW.com


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[This video begins with the members of The Evil Empire sitting around a conference table in what appears to be a boardroom. Sitting at the head of the table is Brian Cash-Man. To his left sits Kintaro and Sky King the RIPW Tag Team Champions, to the right of him sits Hollywood Hank the RIPW Champion.]


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=HerbStately_jhdBHK.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/HerbStately_jhdBHK.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Brian Cash-Man: Gentlemen, I asked you all here today to discuss the departure of Donte from our illustrious group. As you all know, Mister Dunn was fired last week due to him picking the briefcase with the pink slip in it during the Win, Lose, or Draw match. Now I was fully prepared to fight for Donte to keep his job, after all his firing was blatant discrimination against us. Henry Lee must figure if he cannot dismantle us by conventional means, he will use dirty tricks to achieve his goals.


Anyway, as I was saying I was fully prepared to fight for Donte’s job, however after speaking to the boss I was informed that we no longer require Mister Dunn’s services. The boss informed me of a new prospect that he had his eyes on. A prospect that is a raving madman, a certifiable lunatic. Now as you know in baseball when one wants to find the next hot prospect all they have to do is look in one of the Latin American countries.


Well in wrestling when one wants to find the next great prospect they must go to Europe. And that is exactly where the boss sent me. I went to Vienna to be exact, and there I saw a man who was so brutal, so certifiable, so dangerous. I knew right away that I had found the perfect replacement for Donte. He speaks very little English therefore I have to communicate with him in what little German I know. Shall I bring him in?


[The members of The Evil Empire shake their heads in unison, eagerly awaiting their vicious new comrade. Brian pushes the button on the intercom on his desk.]


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Brain Cash-Man: Mister Houle, can you bring our friend into the office?


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/kobe%20mod/?action=view&current=BruceGlazer.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/kobe%20mod/BruceGlazer.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Mister Houle: Right away Mister Cash-Man.


[A man of average height enters the room; a giant of a man that is easily six feet seven if not taller follows him. The tall feral looking man has a crazed look on his face as he walks over and stands behind Brian along with Mister Houle.]


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=HerbStately_jhdBHK.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/HerbStately_jhdBHK.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Brian Cash-Man: Gentlemen, I would like to introduce you to the newest member of our franchise Crusher Von Steinberg…


[The members of The Evil Empire stare at Crusher in awe, as he has a very intimidating presence.]


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=HerbStately_jhdBHK.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/HerbStately_jhdBHK.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Brian Cash-Man: Herr Crusher, I would like to introduce you to your…ah…allies…


[Crusher slowly nods his head, Brian does not know if Crusher understands what he is saying but at least Crusher seems to acknowledge that he might understand what he is saying.]


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=HerbStately_jhdBHK.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/HerbStately_jhdBHK.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Brian Cash-Man: Okay well this is Herr Hank…


[He points to Hollywood Hank, who stands up and puts his hand out for Crusher to shake. Crusher‘s huge hand dwarfs that of the RIPW Champion as they shake hands. Crusher then smiles a very eerie and says to Hank in a Schwarzenegger-esque voice:]


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=CrusherVonSteinberg.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/CrusherVonSteinberg.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Crusher Von Steinberg: I lift things up and put them down.


[Hank just nods his head and for the first time it would seem the RIPW Champion is speechless. Brian Cash-Man then points at Sky King.]


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=HerbStately_jhdBHK.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/HerbStately_jhdBHK.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Brian Cash-Man: Herr Crusher this is Himmel-König…


[sky King gets up from his seat and walks over to Crusher. He and Crusher then shake hands and Crusher once again says:]


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=CrusherVonSteinberg.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/CrusherVonSteinberg.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Crusher Von Steinberg: I lift things up and put them down.


[sky King sits back down and Brian points at Kintaro, who is already out of his seat and walking towards Crusher, and says:]


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=HerbStately_jhdBHK.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/HerbStately_jhdBHK.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Brian Cash-Man: This is Herr Kintaro…


[The two men shake hands and once again, Crusher says:]


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=CrusherVonSteinberg.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/CrusherVonSteinberg.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Crusher Von Steinberg: I lift things up and put the down.


[Kintaro smiles and looks at Brian Cash-Man and says:]


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=FrankieDee.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/FrankieDee.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Kintaro: Is that all this mighty warrior says?


[sky King laughs and says:]


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=SkyKing.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/SkyKing.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Sky King: Well at least he only speaks a few words. Unlike you who constantly yammers on about nothing…


[brian Cash-Man looks at Crusher for a moment before continuing to speak.]


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=HerbStately_jhdBHK.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/HerbStately_jhdBHK.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Brian Cash-Man: Well gentlemen I hope you are impressed with the newest member of our roster. He is such a find physical specimen, who may also be very insane. Sanity matters not to me, all I want is results and this is the man that will provide our franchise with much-needed muscle.


Well gentlemen that is all for now, I thank you all for coming down here to meet Herr Crusher.


[The members of The Evil Empire stand up and start to leave the boardroom before Brian calls out to them.]


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=HerbStately_jhdBHK.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/HerbStately_jhdBHK.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Brian Cash-Man: Oh, there is one more thing that I would like to show you gentlemen before you leave.


[brian gazes up at the tall, crazed Crusher and says:]


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=HerbStately_jhdBHK.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/HerbStately_jhdBHK.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Brian Cash-Man: Herr Crusher angreifen Herr Houle…


[Crusher looks at Brian nods his head, he then gleefully grabs Mister Houle’s head and applies the Mind Crusher (Iron Claw) on Mister Houle’s skull. Mister Houle’s screams out in pain but it is to no avail because Crusher is like a dog with a bone, he will not let go of it. Finally, Brian Cash-Man calls out:]


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=HerbStately_jhdBHK.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/HerbStately_jhdBHK.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Brian Cash-Man: Genug!


[This causes Crusher to relinquish the claw and Mister Houle, who has already passed out due to pain, falls to the floor.]


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=HerbStately_jhdBHK.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/HerbStately_jhdBHK.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Brian Cash-Man: See gentlemen, he truly does lift things up and puts them down…


[The video ends with a shot of the three members of The Evil Empire looking on in shock due to what Crusher had just done.]


occ: I would just like to bring up a couple of things about this post.


1. I do not speak German, therefore if the words are not translated correctly or they are not put in the right context I am sorry for that.


2. Sky King talking about Kintaro constantly talking is a bit of a joke because those were the first words by Kintaro in this entire diary.


3. I would like to thank Kobe for that awesome render of John Simm that she did for me some time ago. It was supposed to be in the mod that we are working on but she decided to go in a different direction with the renders.

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  • 2 weeks later...

First off, I would just like to say thank you to all of the readers and posters as this diary has just passed the 10,000 view mark! I know that may not seem like a lot but that was my main goal when I started this dairy so thank you all very much for making that happen.


Now I was going to do the normal pre-show write-up but I am once again lazy so I shall not. Plus, the show has been written for the past two days so I just want to post it.


RIPW Presents: Collision Course 2011


Too Hot vs. Hollywood Hank © with Brian Cash-Man in a no disqualification, non-title match.


Jaime Quine vs. Miss Masterson and ???


Jebediah vs. Running Wolf


The Wildcat vs. Crusher Von Steinberg


Morgan Malone & Frank Fernandes vs. Cowboy Stuart Ferdinand & Gabe Goren


Desmond McGuinness vs. Jerry Martin


I will probably put this up on Wednesday or Thursday at the latest.

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Finally. :D


RIPW Presents: Collision Course 2011


Too Hot vs. Hollywood Hank © with Brian Cash-Man in a no disqualification, non-title match.

(can anyone say Wildcat?)


Jaime Quine vs. Miss Masterson and ???

(2 > 1)


Jebediah vs. Running Wolf


The Wildcat vs. Crusher Von Steinberg


Morgan Malone & Frank Fernandes vs. Cowboy Stuart Ferdinand & Gabe Goren


Desmond McGuinness vs. Jerry Martin

(hard to choose, but Desmond McGuinness is this diary's Richard Blood/Kayin Puro)

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Right lets see .. Can i get more than 1 this time.


Too Hot vs. Hollywood Hank © with Brian Cash-Man in a no disqualification, non-title match.


Jaime Quine vs. Miss Masterson and ???

Jebediah vs. Running Wolf


The Wildcat vs. Crusher Von Steinberg


Morgan Malone & Frank Fernandes vs. Cowboy Stuart Ferdinand & Gabe Goren


Desmond McGuinness vs. Jerry Martin

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Too Hot vs. Hollywood Hank © with Brian Cash-Man in a no disqualification, non-title match.


Jaime Quine vs. Miss Masterson and ???


Jebediah vs. Running Wolf


The Wildcat vs. Crusher Von Steinberg


Morgan Malone & Frank Fernandes vs. Cowboy Stuart Ferdinand & Gabe Goren


Desmond McGuinness vs. Jerry Martin

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Too Hot vs. Hollywood Hank © with Brian Cash-Man in a no disqualification, non-title match.


Jaime Quine vs. Miss Masterson and ???


Jebediah vs. Running Wolf


The Wildcat vs. Crusher Von Steinberg


Morgan Malone & Frank Fernandes vs. Cowboy Stuart Ferdinand & Gabe Goren


Desmond McGuinness vs. Jerry Martin

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