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RIPW: The Ballad of Henry Lee

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Bottom Five

-I'll count the tag champs as one

-Stuart Ferdinand (but only because you don't give him stuff to say anymore)

-Jebediah (ehh.)


Okay just wanted to comment on your comments.


To be honest with you my tag team division is destroyed. I really only have the Braves and the Champions. So the champions are hardly featured on the main card. I am hoping to make new teams out of my undercard workers.


The problem with Stuart is, in the back of my mind I always think he is going to retire on me. I just re-upped his contract for another nine months and he is 47 year old (at least I believe that is his age). Like I said in the past I am iffy about doing too much with him because I do not want him to up and retire.


1PWfan said that Lee Wright hangs on forever in NYCW and he is right because Lee seems to stay on in every NYCW game that I have played. Part me is wondering if Stuart is the same case. He did just lose his lucrative job in Japan, so that makes me think that he might be more apt to retire.


I know how you feel about Jebediah, I thought he would be an interesting character when I began the diary. Problem is I never know what the heck to do with him. I actually just signed him again as well but I did think about getting rid of him.


I've never really been able to get into the CornellVerse much, but I've always enjoyed your writing and you always read my stuff, so I've started reading this from the beginning. Might be a little bit before I catch up enough to do predictions, but just wanted you to know that I'm looking forward to reading it all.


Thank you for taking the time to read this!

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Sue’s Superstar of the Month!



[The following interview took place after The Making of Legends II. The subject of Sue‘s interview this month is John Nash who is dressed in his street clothes.]


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Sue Danes: Wud up RIPW fans! It’s your girl Sue Danes here and it is that time of the month again, you know when I interview an RIPW superstar! My guest this month is former RIPW Champion John Nash.


Now John I’ve got to ask you, why did you totally beat up Jaime Quine tonight? I mean you totally did not take it easy on her at all. In fact, the E.M.T.’s had to take her out on a stretcher…


[John nods and smiles the entire time Sue talks about his handy work.]


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John Nash: Why should I have taken it easier on her? Just because she is a woman doesn’t mean I gonna coddle her in the ring and let her beat me. If she wants to wrestle men, then she is gonna learn that not every man is gonna take it easy on her.


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Sue Danes: But dude…you weren’t even remotely taking it easy on her. If fact you um…like…brutalized her…


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=Atlas.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/Atlas.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


John Nash: You’re absolutely right and if I had to do it all over again…I would have done nothing different. You see Professor Nero gave me an objective and I fulfilled that objective. What I did out there was pure business and not personal. I have no problems with Jaime but in this economy, I need this job badly so if the boss tells me to do something I do it. No questions asked…


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Sue Danes: Well um…like two people you do have problems with are the Wilkes Brothers…


[John clenches his fists at the mere mention of the Wilkes Brothers.]


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John Nash: Yeah you could say I have problems with them…I got big problems with them. I don’t appreciate them jobbers thinking they can get over on me. Yeah one of them drugged my water and whichever one it was is gonna pay. It is as simple as that!


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=SueDanes_alt1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/SueDanes_alt1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Sue Danes: Okay well it is now time for our fan question of the month. This question comes from DenDogg76 from Exeter, Rhode Island asks, “John what are your goals now that you have returned to RIPW?”


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John Nash: Well I am a simple man with a simple goal. I am gonna kick the ass of anyone that is thrown at me until I get a shot at winning the RIPW Championship back. That is my sole purpose for being in the promotion.


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Sue Danes: Okay…well…um…I would like to thank my guest this month John Nash for taking the time to chat with me.


Well fans I guess that is it for this month. I hope you tune in next month when I interview my next superstar of the month. Until then, I hope you all have a kick ass month! See you all laters!


[sue blows a kiss at the camera and the video ends.]

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It's a bit hard for me to get behind Nash, especially since I'm not too fond of his render. It's the hair, I think. No guy should have hair that straight :rolleyes:


You know the funny thing is I was looking at the render after I posted this segment and I was thinking the same thing. That is some horrible hair John has.:D I am not sure if he was ever giving a re-render, I guess I could check it out.

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You know the funny thing is I was looking at the render after I posted this segment and I was thinking the same thing. That is some horrible hair John has.:D I am not sure if he was ever giving a re-render, I guess I could check it out.


It's not horrible, but I don't think a bad-a** like John Nash would go out and have his hair straightened. Maybe a metrosexual John Nash :D

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RIPW Presents: Christmas Clash 2011





<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=RobLMiskovsky_alt1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/RobLMiskovsky_alt1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a> By Rob L. Miskovsky



Well RIPW fans we are going to have one fantastic show for you when we return to the PAL Hall in Fall River, Massachusetts. The name of the event is Christmas Clash 2011 and it will take place on Saturday, December 24, 2011. Yes, this is taking place on Christmas Eve, but folks let me tell you, we have one humdinger of a card lined up for you!


One match that should be very good at Christmas Clash is the handicap match between Dutch Wilkes who will have to face off against John Nash and Sonic S. Thompson. Now everyone knows that Dutch was the one who drugged both John Nash and Sonic’s water because he wanted his brother to beat both men. Now he has to pay for his crimes so to speak. I caught up with John Nash and asked him about his thoughts on the upcoming match. Here is what he had to say:


“Dutch Wilkes, I always knew you were a dumb bastard. But I didn’t know just how dumb you were. You think you can put drugs in my water and get away with it! Son I will destroy you!


And if you don‘t think I will ask Jaime Quine what it is like to feel the full extent of my wrath. It doesn‘t matter if you are a man, woman, cat, or alien. If you do me wrong I will end you!”


Well I for one do not envy Dutch’s position. After all a pissed off John Nash is probably the last person, I would want to fight in the ring.


Another great match on the card will be Rudy Velasquez challenging The Wildcat for the RIPW Championship. Rudy recently earned the right to be called the number one contender at The Making of Legends II and the young man from Brooklyn is ready to claim the RIPW championship for his own. Here is what the challenger had to say about his match against The Wildcat.


“Wildcat I ain’t got no problems with you Holmes. You just be a roadblock in my way. I don’t care about your damn championship; I just want the money that comes with being the champion. So Wildcat come Christmas Clash you gonna enter the ring as the RIPW Champion and your gonna leave the ring in a body bag. Viva la raza!


Well those are some fighting words right there but I have no doubt in my mind that the champion is not up to the challenge. It promises to be a great championship match and I have a funny feeling we might see some blood in that match.


Speaking of matches were there will be blood, our main event of the evening will probably see a lot of blood spilt. That is because Jerry Martin will be taking on Henry Lee. Last month Henry Lee vanquished Jerry Martin’s mentor from RIPW. This month Henry will have to face off against the man that once looked up to the Icon of Insanity.


The stipulation for this match is, if Jerry wins the match he will be allowed to lash Henry ten times with his kendo stick. However, if Henry wins Jerry must begin therapy with RIPW‘s Psychologist Doctor Bill McGraw and he will not be allowed to wrestle in RIPW until Doctor Bill okays him to do so. Jerry Martin had this to say about his match and the stipulation.


“Henry Lee, last month you took something away from me. At Christmas Clash, I fully intend to have Deanna take something away from you. Namely the flesh that is on your back. It will be a glorious day indeed when I show you just how hardcore I am.


Now if I lose I will not be allowed to wrestle until Doctor Bill gives me the thumbs up. Well that is not right, I am not crazy…well I don’t think I’m crazy…Deanna doesn’t think I’m crazy and Celo Green and Patsy Cline never wrote songs about me being crazy. Ergo I should not be forced to see Doctor Bill. Because I’m hardcore! I’m hardcore! I’ hardcore!”


I am not one to say if someone is crazy or not. That being said it seems like Jerry might be just a little coo coo bananas.


Well I hope you fans in Fall River and the surrounding areas come out to support our show. Because as you can see it is going to be one humdinger of a card! And by the way, a ticket to Christmas Clash would make the perfect holiday gift for the RIPW fan in your life.


That is it for this month folks, so come on down to the PAL Hall in Fall River, Massachusetts and witness what is sure to be another great RIPW event! The show starts at 6:00 p.m. and doors open at 5:00p.m. So come early and make sure enjoy the show!



If Jerry wins he gets to lash Henry’s back ten times with his Kendo Stick.

If Henry wins Jerry must begin therapy sessions with Doctor Bill.

Henry Lee vs. Jerry Martin


For the RIPW Championship:

The Wildcat © vs. Rudy Velasquez


For the RIPW New England Heritage Championship:

Running Wolf vs. Brian Fletcher ©


For the RIPW Tag Team Championships:

Morgan Malone and Sunburst vs. The Evil Empire ©


Too Hot vs. International Superstar Cowboy Stuart Ferdinand


Frank Fernandes & his mystery tag partner vs. Jebediah & Justin Sensitive


Running Bear vs. Hollywood Hank


John Nash & Sonic S. Thompson vs. Dutch Wilkes

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If Jerry wins he gets to lash Henry’s back ten times with his Kendo Stick.

If Henry wins Jerry must begin therapy sessions with Doctor Bill.

Henry Lee vs. Jerry Martin

helpful therapy or horendus pain? PAIN... no I want to see Lee put the guy over. PS Jerry IS crazy, but that is part of the charm

For the RIPW Championship:

The Wildcat © vs. Rudy Velasquez

One of the best champions ever.

For the RIPW New England Heritage Championship:

Running Wolf vs. Brian Fletcher ©

I'll take the easier option of champ to retain

For the RIPW Tag Team Championships:

Morgan Malone and Sunburst vs. The Evil Empire ©

They are a better team

Too Hot vs. International Superstar Cowboy Stuart Ferdinand

How do you pick between these two, both have great hats, but the International Superstar gets the nod

Frank Fernandes & his mystery tag partner vs. Jebediah & Justin Sensitive

Mystery Partners get me excited, so I have to pick them

Running Bear vs. Hollywood Hank

Hank is entertaining and a former champ.

John Nash & Sonic S. Thompson vs. Dutch Wilkes

John Nash is evil. Dutch was trying to help his bro out :) DQ maybe?


Just reading back through this. I noticed Kentucky Bill was the guy who lost the tournament final to Hank for the first new champion. And The Wildcat won it off him. Not that Bill and The Wildcat are in anyway related it's just something I found interesting...

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If Jerry wins he gets to lash Henry’s back ten times with his Kendo Stick.

If Henry wins Jerry must begin therapy sessions with Doctor Bill.

Henry Lee vs. Jerry Martin

(I'd much rather see Henry win :p )


For the RIPW Championship:

The Wildcat © vs. Rudy Velasquez


For the RIPW New England Heritage Championship:

Running Wolf vs. Brian Fletcher ©


For the RIPW Tag Team Championships:

Morgan Malone and Sunburst vs. The Evil Empire ©


(Don't see any of the titles changing hands)


Too Hot vs. International Superstar Cowboy Stuart Ferdinand


Frank Fernandes & his mystery tag partner vs. Jebediah & Justin Sensitive


Running Bear vs. Hollywood Hank


John Nash & Sonic S. Thompson vs. Dutch Wilkes

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Okay, I'm all caught up. It was a very entertaining read up to this point. I'm excited to get to start predicting.


If Jerry wins he gets to lash Henry’s back ten times with his Kendo Stick.

If Henry wins Jerry must begin therapy sessions with Doctor Bill.

Henry Lee vs. Jerry Martin


For the RIPW Championship:

The Wildcat © vs. Rudy Velasquez


For the RIPW New England Heritage Championship:

Running Wolf vs. Brian Fletcher ©


For the RIPW Tag Team Championships:

Morgan Malone and Sunburst vs. The Evil Empire ©


Too Hot vs. International Superstar Cowboy Stuart Ferdinand


Frank Fernandes & his mystery tag partner vs. Jebediah & Justin Sensitive


Running Bear vs. Hollywood Hank


John Nash & Sonic S. Thompson vs. Dutch Wilkes

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If Jerry wins he gets to lash Henry’s back ten times with his Kendo Stick.

If Henry wins Jerry must begin therapy sessions with Doctor Bill.

Henry Lee vs. Jerry Martin

Just because therapy sessions will be waaaay more fun than back lashings!

For the RIPW Championship:

The Wildcat © vs. Rudy Velasquez


For the RIPW New England Heritage Championship:

Running Wolf vs. Brian Fletcher ©


For the RIPW Tag Team Championships:

Morgan Malone and Sunburst vs. The Evil Empire ©


Too Hot vs. International Superstar Cowboy Stuart Ferdinand


Frank Fernandes & his mystery tag partner vs. Jebediah & Justin Sensitive

Running Bear vs. Hollywood Hank

John Nash & Sonic S. Thompson vs. Dutch Wilkes

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If Jerry wins he gets to lash Henry’s back ten times with his Kendo Stick.

If Henry wins Jerry must begin therapy sessions with Doctor Bill.

Henry Lee vs. Jerry Martin


For the RIPW Championship:

The Wildcat © vs. Rudy Velasquez


For the RIPW New England Heritage Championship:

Running Wolf vs. Brian Fletcher ©


For the RIPW Tag Team Championships:

Morgan Malone and Sunburst vs. The Evil Empire ©


Too Hot vs. International Superstar Cowboy Stuart Ferdinand


Frank Fernandes & his mystery tag partner vs. Jebediah & Justin Sensitive


Running Bear vs. Hollywood Hank


John Nash & Sonic S. Thompson vs. Dutch Wilkes

For some reason I think Dutch will pull this one out even though he is outnumbered.

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RIPW Presents: Christmas Clash 2011



Saturday, December 24, 2011

PAL Hall, Fall River, Massachusetts

Attendance: 230

Show Rating: E+



[The show begins with the area being pitch black. There is a huge spotlight circling the arena, the lights then come up and we see Rob and Mayhem at the announcer’s table, which is at ringside.]


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Rob L. Miskovsky: Hello and welcome wrestling fans to Christmas Clash 2011! We are coming to you live form the PAL Hall in here in Fall River, Massachusetts! I am Rob L. Miskovsky and I am sitting along side my broadcasting partner Mayhem Midden.


Mayhem, tonight in our semi-main event we will see the RIPW Champion The Wildcat taking on Rudy Velasquez. What are your opinions of that match?


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Mayhem Midden: I think that Rudy is gonna finally get that title off of that coward Kentucky Bill…oh I mean The Wildcat…oh yeah…dig it! And with Christmas being tomorrow I think that would be the ultimate Christmas gift Rudy could give us, getting that title off Kentucky Bill…


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Rob L. Miskovsky: Okay moving on, what are your thoughts on our main event match between Henry Lee and Jerry Martin?


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Mayhem Midden: I think that Jerry is going to win and when he does, Henry is going to have to take his caning like a man. Tonight Jerry Martin is going to prove to Henry that he was a worthy protégé…oh yeah…dig it!


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Rob L. Miskovsky: Well we shall see about that, right now let us head to the ring for our opening match of the night.



For the RIPW Tag Team Championships


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Morgan Malone and Sunburst vs. The Evil Empire © with Brain Cash-Man


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Match: The random duo of Morgan Malone and Sunburst got out to a fast start once the bell rang. In fact Crusher Von Steinberg seemed ill-equip to deal with the pace that these two young men wrestled at. However, Sky King was able to slow things down and he and Crusher did not look back as they racked up a victory in the opening match after Crusher pinned Sunburst.


Winners and still RIPW Tag Team Champions: The Evil Empire

Time: 6:26


For the RIPW New England Heritage Championship:


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Running Wolf vs. Brian Fletcher ©


[Pre-match Brian Fletcher once again informed the fans to stop cheering for him, which caused the fans to cheer for him even more.]



Match: Brian Fletcher hits Running Wolf from behind while Wolf is handing his headdress (yes he has a new one) to the ring attendant. Brian then proceeds to put the boots to the back of the big man. This causes Brian’s cheering section to go wild. Which in turn sees Brian roll out of the ring, agitated by the fact that the fans are cheering for him. He gets his title and starts walking to the dressing room as Referee David Poker begins his ten count.


The ten count does not deter Brian as he continues to walk to the back, perfectly willing to let this match end in a count-out. Running Wolf was not fine with this outcome and he goes after Brian. After a brief brawl, Running Wolf manages to get Brian back into the ring.


Running Wolf dominates the champion for a short stretch of time before a well place rake to the eyes allows Brian to get back into the match. Brian finally is able to get the big man down and he covers him for the pin and the victory.


Winner and still RIPW New England Heritage Champion: Brian Fletcher

Time: 11:15


[For the first time tonight we head to the backstage interview area where Sue Danes is standing by with Jerry Martin.]


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Sue Danes: Wud up peeps! It’s ya girl Sue and I standing by here with Jerry Martin who late on tonight will totally be taking on Henry Lee. Now Jerry what do you think about the stipulations for your match tonight?


If you win you get to cane Henry’s back ten times, if you lose you have to go to RIPW psychologist Doctor Bill McGraw for therapy sessions and you like totally can’t wrestle again until Doctor Bill gives the okay…


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=JerryMartin.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/JerryMartin.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Jerry Martin: Sue do I look like I’m crazy?


[sue shrugs her shoulders knowing full well there is no good answer to that question.]


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=JerryMartin.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/JerryMartin.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Jerry Martin: I do not have mental health problems, all I want to do is beat the crap out of people in the most hardcore ways. That does not make me crazy…at least I do not believe that makes me crazy. And what makes someone the judge of who is crazy and who is not?


Henry Lee has already taken my mentor The Wolverine away from me. He will not take wrestling away from me. Tonight when all is said and done Deanna is going to be feasting on the flesh of Henry Lee and I will prove once and for all that I am an Icon of Hardcore Wrestling. Because, I’m Hardcore! I’m Hardcore! I’m Hardcore!


[Jerry walks off camera and Sue just smiles at the camera and says:]


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Sue Danes: Well I guess this interview is totally over so…um…back to you Rob.


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John Nash & Sonic S. Thompson vs. Dutch Wilkes with Heather B.


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Match: This match was not really a match so to speak. This match was more of an organized beat down, as an angry John Nash beat the tar out of Dutch. Sonic spent the entire time standing on the ring apron pacing back and forth. One has to wonder if he even realized he was in a match. The match mercifully came to and end after John, Kronus Bombed Dutch and covered him for the victory.


Winner: John Nash

Time: 5:54


[After the match is over with Sonic hops off the ring apron and walks to the dressing room still seemingly unaware that he was just in a match and that he won said match. John Nash however was far from done as he began to brutally beat down Dutch. Heather B. entered the ring and pleaded with John to stop but John was having none of that and he simply pushed Heather aside.


It was at this point that Leftie came out with a steel chair and entered the ring. John‘s rage with Dutch was all consuming so much that he did not realize that Leftie was behind him. Leftie nailed John in the back with the steel chair and the big man fell to the mat in pain. At this point Heather and Leftie helped Dutch up and the three of them headed to the back.]


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Running Bear vs. Hollywood Hank with Brian Cash-Man


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Match: Before the match started Hollywood Hank mocked Running Bear’s heritage claiming all Indians were drunks and horse thieves. Of course this did not go over well with Running Bear or the members of his family that were sitting at ringside.


Running Bear had the upper hand throughout the early portions of this match and he even managed to get in a couple of near falls but Hank always managed to kick out. Brian Cash-Man realizing that he needed to do something to get Hank back into the match, did what he does best…he started an argument with the members of Running Bear’s family who were sitting at ringside.


Running Bear became distracted by Brian and quickly exited the ring to confront Brian. Running Bear menacingly walked towards Brian and he told Brian to leave his family alone. While this was going on Hank was able to get a much needed break and the former RIPW Champion then left the ring to go after Running Bear.


The two men brawled for a short period of time before going back into the ring. Once they got back into the ring Running Bear went right back on offense. Once again Brian Cash-Man caused a distraction, this time he began to yell at Referee David Poker about something. This caused David Poker to turn his attention away from the match. Running Bear also went over to see what Cash-Man was complaining about. It was at this point that Hank hit Running Bear with a low blow he then pinned Running Bear and David Poker was there to make the three count.


Winner: Hollywood Hank

Time: 8:51


[Once again we go to the back where Sue Danes is standing by with RIPW Champion The Wildcat.]


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Sue Danes: Wud up peeps! I’m standing here with the RIPW Champion The Wildcat. Now Wildcat tonight you are going to totally have to face Rudy Velasquez. You have faced him in the past and have beaten him. So like…what do you think you…ah…totally need to do in order to win tonight and keep your title?


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The Wildcat: You know me Sue, I am going to go out there and give Rudy everything I have. This right here (pats the RIPW Championship which he has draped over his left shoulder) means the world to me and I don’t plan on losing this, not to Rudy or anyone else. So Rudy you better come out there and fight your ass off because there ain’t no way I’m losing this gold tonight. Oh my grav…I mean oh my baby!”


[We now switch over to a very shaky camera feed, clearly this feed is being shot by a handheld camera. In the bottom corner of the screen there is a graphic that says Idol cam. Sure enough Brendan Idol turns the camera onto himself and begins to speak in a whisper.]


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=BrendanIdol.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/BrendanIdol.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Brendan Idol: Hey folks, it’s me Brendan Idol...Mister three hundred himself. I am here in the backstage area hoping to get some juicy footage for you all to see.


[brendan walks down the hallway for a bit before he comes across a door that is conveniently halfway open. Inside the room is Justin Sensitive and Jebediah.]


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Justin Sensitive: Bro I know you and me ain’t talked a lot since Johnny Boy left but tonight we’re gonna have to communicate well if we wanna win our match against Frank and Jake. If we win tonight I’m gonna bring you to the Hill we’ll have some good pasta and we’ll find us some hot chicks to chat up and everything will be right in the world again.


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Jebediah: I have no desire to even gaze at any woman, unless that woman is Miss Masterson. For she is the true love of my life…


[Justin rolls his eyes and shakes his head.]


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Justin Sensitive: Whatever my dude, look I’ve been racking up the losses since Johnny Boy left. I need dis win…badly. So I need you to be focused on dis match cuz we gotta go out there in a few minutes…


[Justin notices Brendan filming his conversation, Justin walks over to the door and gives Brendan a dirty look.]


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Justin Sensitive: Get the hell outta here you damn jinx…great now we really are gonna lose tonight!


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Frank Fernandes & Jake Havok vs. Jebediah & Justin Sensitive


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Match: This match was pretty one sided as Frank and Jake dominated their opponents. Justin spent the vast majority of the time in the ring for his team as Jebediah seemed to be lovelorn as he stood on the ring apron. So much so that he was a detriment to his team as even when he was in the ring he was only fighting half-heartedly. Finally, Jake brought an end to this match when he hit Justin with a Reality Check (Full nelson face buster.) and covered him for the pin and the victory.


Winners: Frank Fernandes & Jake Havoc

Time: 7:04


[After the match was done Frank looked right into the camera and said, “Sky King…Crusher…we‘re coming for you next month.”]


[We now head to the backstage area where we see Rudy Velasquez standing in the RIPW interview area alone.]


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Rudy Velasquez: Wildcat earlier tonight you be saying that I need to be ready to fight my ass off when I fight you later on tonight. Are you serious ese? That’s all I be doing when I get into that ring, I beat vato’s asses. Tonight’s not gonna be any different ese.


I truly feel bad for you ese, because tonight you’re going step into the ring with one loco son of a bitc…witch. And I ain’t gonna hold anything back, you are gonna walk into that ring as champion and you’re gonna leave that ring in a body bag. Viva la raza!


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Too Hot vs. International Superstar Cowboy Stuart Ferdinand


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Match: These two men have fought each other so many times over the past two years that they both knew what the other guy was going to do before it happened. This led to a bit of a stalemate in the match as they both tired to outthink their opponent.


Finally, Too Hot gained control of the match and he started hitting Stuart with all of his high flying offensive moves. It was at that point that Gabe Goren made his presence known at ringside. Too Hot, who turned his back on his opponent, began jawing at Gabe, telling him to leave. It was at this point that Stuart came up from behind Too Hot and forcibly brought him down. He then pinned Too Hot while holding Too Hot’s tights.


Winner: Stuart Ferdinand

Time: 16:11


[Post-match Gabe Goren slides into the ring, with a microphone in his hand. He goes over to Stuart and shakes Stuart‘s hand he then begins to speak in his monotone Ben Stein-like voice.]


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Gabe Goren: Hello my name is Gabe Goren. I just want to congratulate you Stuart on a well earned victory. As for you Too Hot…well it would seem that you once again broke multiple Old School rules. First off you should never turn your back on your opponent, secondly you jumped off the top rope multiple times which should be grounds for an automatic disqualification if David Poker would do his job right, thirdly…hey where are you going…


[Too Hot goes to leave the ring but is blocked by Stuart. Too Hot takes one look at Stuart then takes a quick look at Gabe and then takes a deep breath and he nails Stuart with a left hook. Stuart and Too Hot brawl for a brief moment before Gabe joins up with Stuart and the two of them start beating the crap out of Too Hot.


This beating goes on for at least a minute before Desmond McGuinness comes to the aid of Too Hot. The heels quickly leave the ring because they do not want any part of the steel chair that Desmond has in his hand.]


For the RIPW Championship:


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Rudy Velasquez vs. The Wildcat ©


[Pre-match RIPW Head referee David Poker walks over to the center of the ring. He then holds up his right arm as Ring Announcer Tony Lopez (who is standing behind him) holds the microphone up to David‘s mouth. David motions for both fighters to join him in the center of the ring. Both men comply and David says the following:]


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David Poker: Okay gentlemen this match is for the RIPW Championship, I went over the instructions for this match in the locker room. I expect a good clean fight. Any questions?


[both fighters shake their heads no; Rudy starts talking smack to The Wildcat. The champion just looks at the challenger with no emotion what so ever.]


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David Poker: Okay then shake hands if you would like to do so and return to your respective corners.


[The Wildcat puts his hand out for Rudy to shake and Rudy slaps that champ‘s hand away before walking back to his corner.]



Match: The crowd was really behind the Wildcat during this match as they went wild for every move that he executed. This match was very good for RIPW standards and it was obvious to all that both men were trying their hardest to put on the best match possible.


The opening minutes of the match saw both men getting in an equal amount of offense in. It was not until the middle portion of the match that Rudy began gaining momentum. Rudy then began to dominate the Wildcat and he even managed to make a couple of near falls.


At this point Brian Cash-Man made his way down to the ring. Rudy did not look pleased by this but he still remained focused on his opponent. Rudy clotheslined The Wildcat and the momentum from the clothesline carried both men over the top rope and onto the arena floor. Referee David Poker started his ten count as Brian Cash-Man went over to Rudy to help him up.


An agitated Rudy shoved Brian away and this caused David Poker to turn his attention towards Cash-Man and Rudy who were having words. With both the referee and Rudy distracted, Hollywood Hank came down to ringside hit the groggy Wildcat from behind. This knocked the Wildcat right back down, Hank then ran off before Rudy or David Poker could see him. As soon as Hank was gone from ringside Brian Cash-Man threw up his hands and headed back to the dressing room as well.


David Poker started to make his ten count once again, as Rudy tried to pick up The Wildcat’s seemingly lifeless body. He was unable to move the Wildcat and so not wanting to take the loss on his record he reentered the ring just in time to avoid the count-out. The champ was not so lucky as he was unable to make it back inside the ring. Therefore, David Poker had no choice but to count him out and award the victory to Rudy via count-out.


Winner by way of count-out: Rudy Velasquez

Note: The Wildcat is still retains the RIPW Championship title.

Time: 14:45


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Henry Lee vs. Jerry Martin


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Match: The fans were ready to see some blood in this match. In fact, Rowdy Roger held up a sign that read, “There will be blood!” And Rowdy Roger was right in his Nostradamus like prediction as both men were cut up within mere minutes of the opening bell.


This match was very much like the match Henry had with Wolverine during the previous month as there was very little actual wrestling and lots of weapons being used. By the six minute mark of the match both men were bleeding profusely, this did not slow either man down as their blood was the price of battle.


The highlight of the latter moments of the match was when Jerry was handed a cheese grater by one of the fans in the crowd. Jerry proceeded to use said cheese grater on Henry’s forehead. Finally Henry, showing true intestinal fortitude, was able to regain momentum and despite being visibly tired, hit Jerry with an Asylum Buster and pinned him for the victory.


Winner: Henry Lee

Time: 11:50



[before the show goes off the air, we cut back to Rob L. Miskovsky who is standing by himself at the announcer‘s table.]


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Rob L. Miskovsky: Well wrestling fans that was one humdinger of a show! I hoped you all enjoyed the show tonight as much as I did! For my broadcast, partner Mayhem Midden, I’m Rob L. Miskovsky wishing you all a safe and happy holiday season. Good night folks!

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Once again, I would just like to thank everyone that has taken the time to predict, read, and post in this diary. In addition, special thanks go out to SHaynes23 for picking in this diary for the first time and Jingo and 20LEgend for returning to the picks competition for this show.


Here are the total results after this show:


Jingo 7/8

SHaynes23 7/8

michgcs 6/8

TakerNGN74 6/8

20LEgend 5/8


And here are the overall standings:


michgcs 24/31

TakerNGN74 22/31

Jingo 18/23

Olivier le Fou 7/8

SHaynes23 7/8

20LEgend 5/8


Congratulation goes out to both Jingo and SHaynes23 for getting the most matches right for this show! As you, all know there is not going to be a prize this month, instead over the next couple of shows (Decided it would be 5 shows in total so that means there is just one more shows left.) I am going to keep a running tally of your picks and at the end; the first place winner will get to create their own wrestler to be added into my RIPW game world. The Standing are above.



Post show thoughts:


Not many post show thoughts for this show. I guess one would be that I changed Jake Idol’s name to Jake Havok (Which was suggested by TakerNGN.). The reason for doing this was because obviously, I already have an Idol on the roster and I do not plan on making them storyline brothers or relatives for that matter at this time.


Looking back on this card there were a ton of throwaway matches because I suck at feuds I guess. I mean there are not many major feuds going on right now in this diary so that means you will be seeing cards like this where you already know what the outcome is going to be. Part me is always hesitant to start long term feuds in this diary because having only one show a month the feuds could last a long time. Also, I never know when one of my wrestlers is going to be poached.


Finally, with this being the last show in the game year, I plan on having a lot of posts between this show and the next. I am thinking about doing another roster re-cap but I am not sure if I will go as in-depth as I did the last time because that took forever to do. I actually have the next show after this one already written and ready to go but like I said it will not go up until I do all of the in between posts that I had planned to do.

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One thing I would suggest if you want to start storylines is to have them be unchained. I have been doing unchained storylines during my entire 26 year run with MSWA and they always seem to work out the way I want them too. Yeah since you only have one show a month feuds could go for a long time but in my MSWA game I usually limit feuds to 3 or 5 matches before they are ended. Just a suggestion but yeah that is what I do and it seems to work just fine.
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One thing I would suggest if you want to start storylines is to have them be unchained. I have been doing unchained storylines during my entire 26 year run with MSWA and they always seem to work out the way I want them too. Yeah since you only have one show a month feuds could go for a long time but in my MSWA game I usually limit feuds to 3 or 5 matches before they are ended. Just a suggestion but yeah that is what I do and it seems to work just fine.


I use unchained storylines in my personal games. However, when I do a diary I like to have some sort of structure. Now granted I do not follow that rule but I try to. My main problem is how to keep feuds going so that they seem interesting. I find myself thinking how am I going to keep this feud going so that it makes sense to everyone. Oh well I guess I will just keep up my bad booking to go along with my bad match write-ups.:D

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I tend ask myself that question a lot in my dynasty as well but like I have said before do what you want because in the end that's what matters. If someone doesn't like it and stops reading your dynasty or any other dynasty on this board then that is their choice and there isn't a lot that you can do about it.
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The following video is on RIPW.com


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[This video beings with Henry Lee sitting at a desk in what appears to be an office at RIPW “Corporate Offices“. In all actuality, it is just an office that RIPW rented out for this video. Henry Lee‘s forehead is bandaged up due to the wounds he suffered in his match against Jerry Martin.]


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Henry Lee: Hello wrestling fans, as you know for the past few months I have been embroiled in a feud with Jerry Martin. Due to this, Professor Nero felt that I could not be impartial while being an active wrestler. Therefore, Professor Nero stripped me of all of my duties as Commissioner while I remained as an active wrestler on the roster.


As you, all know my feud with Jerry Martin concluded last month and Jerry is now getting the help that he needs to get in order to become a more productive member of society. With the feud coming to an end, Professor Nero has restored me as Commissioner of RIPW. Therefore, with 2012 just beginning three days ago I decided that this would be the perfect time to give a state of RIPW address.


There are a few changes that I will be implementing over the next couple of months. First is the Women’s division, the RIPW Women’s division, as we know it right now is in complete and utter shambles. Professor Nero has frequently voiced his opinion of not being in favor of a Women’s division.


In my absence, the Women’s division that I was trying to build before I had to step down has really not made the impact that I had hoped it would. In order to remedy this problem I have decided that from here on out there must be at least one Women’s match on each RIPW show from here on out. No I do not mean mixed matches either, I mean proper Women’s matches. I have already sent out offers to various female wrestlers from around the country about coming to RIPW and so there will be fresh blood pumped into our dying Women’s division over the next couple of months.


The second change I would like to address is our lack of a tag team division. We have lost a lot of valuable tag team wrestlers over the past couple of months. Therefore, the RIPW tag team division has been depleted. In order to rectify that I am going to offer any member of the RIPW roster a one time bonus in their pay if they decided to form a tag team. I am also going to be on the look out for new wrestlers who will come in and boost the ranks of our tag team division. Fans I do ask you to show some patience as rebuilding our tag team roster will be a long process.


Finally, I have decided to hold a tournament that will take place over the next couple of months. The name of the tournament will be The Young Guns Tournament. This tournament will feature five young wrestlers from around North America, along with the relatively new RIPW wrestler Sunburst. This tournament will be a point-based tournament with the two lowest scoring wrestlers being eliminated after each round.


The final two wrestlers in the tournament will compete in a final match. The winner of the final match will challenge the current RIPW New England Heritage Champion.


There you have fans those are my plans for RIPW wrestling going into 2012. I hope that each and every one of you has a safe and happy new year.

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Getting to know the participants of the Young Guns Tournament.



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Waylon Walls


Hometown: South Central, Los Angeles, California

Weight: 245 lbs

Height: 6’2

Entrance Theme: Deep Cover by Dr. Dre featuring Snoop Dogg


Waylon Walls is a recent graduate of the Costal Resort wrestling school. Waylon is known as a vicious brawler who loves to beat the holy hell out of people with his awesome striking ability.


Waylon had the following to say about being in the Young Guns Tournament:


My whole life I be fighting for everything. Ain’t nothing given to you in this life, if you want something bad enough you gotta go out there and grab it.


In this tournament, there are five buster ass marks in my way. I gonna get mine and they’re gonna be afterthoughts. I gonna show them how it’s done in South Central.


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Hometown:Providence, Rhode Island by way of Mexico City, Mexico

Weight: 139 lbs

Height: 5’6

Entrance Theme: He still can’t speak English so it is whatever the sound guy decides to play. Most recently, it has been Here Comes the Sun by the Beatles (And we really hope that Paul McCartney does not get wind of this because we do not want our asses sued.).


Not much has changed since the last time this young man from Mexico was featured on this website. Sunburst has yet to get a win on the RIPW main show (He does have one dark match win.). This young luchador is looking to make a name for himself in this tournament.


Through an interpreter, here is what Sunburst had to say about taking part in the Young Guns Tournament:


I feel that this is a tremendous honor that RIPW has bestowed upon me by allowing me to compete in this tournament. I am the only established RIPW wrestler in this tournament and I hope that I can go out there and prove to the fans and the management of RIPW that I belong in this tournament.


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George Wolfe


Hometown: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Weight: 267 lbs

Height: 6’3

Entrance Theme: Hungry like the Wolf by Duran Duran


George Wolfe is a second-generation wrestler (his father is Canadian superstar wrestler Ed Monton) who does not take crap form anyone. George is known for his animalistic raw strength and his devastating power moves that he uses to destroy all those he faces inside the ring.


George had the following to say about competing in the Young Guns Tournament:


I was bred to be a wrestler; professional wrestling greatness is in my DNA. Some may ask if I feel the need to prove anything because of who my father is. And the answer is no. I am going to go into this Young Gun Tournament and destroy anyone that is foolish enough to get in my way.


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Elliot Thomas


Hometown: Albany, New York

Weight: 210 lbs.

Height: 5’9

Entrance Theme:


Elliot Thomas is a flashy cruiserweight who recently graduated from the TCW School of Pro Wrestling. Elliot has a wealth of talent in the ring and he is able to work a fast-paced style as well as a slowed down technical style. The sky seems to be the limit for this young man from Albany.


Elliot had the following to say about his participation in the Young Guns Tournament:


This tournament is an awesome way to display my talent. I can’t wait to step into the RIPW ring and face off against some of the best young talent in North America today. I am going to give it my all out there and that should be enough for me to come out on top in this tournament.


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Syd Collier


Hometown: Boston, Massachusetts

Weight: 235 lbs.

Height: 6’1

Entrance Theme: Paint it Black by The Rolling Stones


Syd Collier is a 2010 graduate of the Mid Atlantic Boot Camp wrestling school. Upon graduating, he has become a very valuable member of the Mid Atlantic Wrestling roster. In fact, he is held in such high regard by MAW owner Rip Chord that when he heard about this tournament he put Syd’s name forward as a possible participant in the tournament.


Syd is known for his technical prowess in the ring not only can he wrestle you on the ground; he also knows multiple ways of submitting you as well. One might say that this young man from Boston would have been just as comfortable in the ring 35 years ago as he is right now because he definitely wrestles an old school style.


Syd had the following to say about competing in the Young Guns Tournament:


I am not sure if RIPW is ready to deal with a wrestler of my caliber. After conquering the Mid Atlantic, it feels good to come back to New England. Now that I am back in New England, I am going to do what I do best and that is to make people tap the hell out.


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Devyn Reynaud


Hometown: Port Colborne, Ontario, Canada

Weight: 167

Height: 5’7

Entrance Theme:


Devyn Reynaud is a 2011 graduate of the House of Stone wrestling school. Devyn tends to work a style that is very fast paced and he loves to fly off the ropes. Devyn might not be the tallest or most muscular wrestler in the world but what he does have is a never say die attitude.


Here is what Devyn had to say about the Young Guns Tournament:


Man I am so psyched about be included in this Young Guns Tournament. Wrestling here in RIPW is exactly the boost that my career needs right now. Growing up I was always the runt of any group that I was a part of. I was picked on and beat up a lot but now that I am all grown up I want to prove to the kids that were bullied as kids that they can achieve and attain greatness. I can’t wait to go out there and show everyone what I am made of.



ooc: Warning some of the lyrics in the music that is posted in this post might not be suitable for all readers.
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Interesting. I like all the new guys, can't wait for the tournament :p




Really like the fact that you spotlighted the workers you did that way when they are in matches we won't be like WTF who the hell is this guy.


Besides Syd (Which I am going to have to force myself to remember it is Syd and not Sid) and Sunburst most of these guys have never been in a diary that I know of. That was the point of this tournament to take people that nobody knows about and put them in this tournament and see which will become a star.


That is why I felt I needed to highlight these wrestlers. In fact I have never even come across Devyn, Elliot, or Waylon in any games that I have played before. So three out of the six are just as new to me as they are to anyone else. I will say this Waylon's stats are pretty bad and the fans hate him (it says so in the booking notes) so I might try to find a way to put that into the diary.


I got the idea for this from when TNA was doing the X Division Tournament. They brought in a lot of wrestlers I had never heard of before and I thought that would be a cool concept for here.


The only problem is my roster is way beyond bloated and adding five new members, plus two new women (I should probably do a feature on them as well.), has really made this a monster of a roster size wise. My main problem is that I can't bring myself to fire anyone. If I am being honest there are a ton of people who probably should have been fired by now. I just keep on thinking of things I can do with them so I keep them around.


Syd Collier for the win (I like his theme song :o)


Funny, I changed his song at the last minute, which is why I edited the post. At first I had Boston's Peace of Mind as his song but let's face facts The Rolling Stones are far better than Boston so I changed the song.


Nice way to profile the tournament guys, if we're picking by theme songs i'm going with George Wolfe or Elliot Thomas!


You know as sad as this is about to sound I have been waiting to give someone a Duran Duran theme song. Hungry like the Wolf matched up nicely with George's last name. I also thought it would work because he is hungry to prove himself and to set himself apart from his father (Granted his father is not all that great.).


Elliot's first song was going to be REM's It's the End of the World as we Know It. However, I just liked Mad World better and the Gary Jules version is leaps and bounds better than the other versions of that song.

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The following video is on RIPW.com


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[This video begins in a small office; we see Jerry Martin sitting on a couch, propped up next to him is his trusty kendo stick Deanna. A few moments later a man in his early 40‘s enters the room via a doorway that is to the right of the couch that Jerry is sitting on. This man is completely bald and for some odd reason he is not wearing a shirt. He walks in front of Jerry and extends his hand, Jerry shakes his hand and the other man sits down in a nice plush chair that is facing Jerry. The balding man begins to speak in a tick Southern accent.]


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Dr. Bill McGraw: Jerry as ya know I’m Doctor Bill McGraw and what we’re gonna be doin here is changing your life. This is truly gonna be a changing day in your life. I know ya had some problems in the past with violence well I’m a gonna get to da root of those problems cuz there is more dan one-way to skin a cat. Now do ya have any questions before we start?


[Jerry looks quizzically at the good doctor for a moment before he begins to speak.]


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Jerry Martin: You are a psychologist, correct?


[Dr. Bill nods his head in affirmation.]


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Jerry Martin: If you’re a psychologist, why are you not wearing a shirt?


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Dr. Bill McGraw: Well Jerry my pa once told me to speak to a horse you’ve gotta talk like a horse. Cuz there ain’t no way you’re gonna understand a horse unless of course the horse is the famous Mister Ed.


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Jerry Martin: Forgive me Doctor Bill but I have no clue as to what you are talking about. My urge to beat you down with my kendo stick is very strong right now. Very strong indeed.


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Dr. Bill McGraw: Now it wouldn’t be wise to do that son. After all, ya don’t poke a beehive with a chainsaw.


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Jerry Martin: Ah…You don't tug on Superman's cape you don't spit into the wind, you don’t pull the mask off that old Lone Ranger and you don’t mess around with Jim. I fully understand what you are trying to say now. And the urge to beat the crap out of you is subsiding.


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Dr. Bill McGraw: Ya see, ya gotta stop being a right fighter, cuz today’s gonna be a changing day in ya life. Ya don’t like a squid and expect to become a millionaire. I ain’t here to be ya best friend, I’m here so that today can be a changing day in ya life.


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Jerry Martin: Yes I know because you have said that already. And I feel like I understand you more now. I get what you are trying to tell me and what you are all a-bout. Today is going to be a changing day in my life.


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Dr. Bill McGraw: Exactly, ya see there are more than one way to beat a lion into submission and what ya need to do is get that sum of a gun and grab him by the horns and tell him to stop being a right fighter. Cuz today’s gonna be a changing day in your life.


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Jerry Martin: Oh goodie I think you and I are going to get along well. I need a new mentor and you might be the perfect replacement for the Wolverine.


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Dr. Bill McGraw: Ya see that is one of the places you’re going wrong. You lost touch with reality son; ya can’t look to comic book characters to give you guidance. I don’t care how good they are, ain’t no comic book character out there that can help ya and make ya realize that today’s gonna be a changing day in your life.


[sadly the video cuts out there and we do not get to see the rest of the session but one can assume there were multiple mentions of the phrase, “Today’s gonna be a changing day in your life.” peppered throughout the rest of the session.]

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