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RIPW: The Ballad of Henry Lee

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Damn, has it really been four months already?! Goes to show how important the divas are :o


To be fair, though, Jaime Quine is my favorite of all the women in RIPW.


Yeah I had to look it up, I actually thought it was longer than that.


Eventually I would like to create a title for them but I only have six of them on the roster and I really do not want to hire more. However, six is not enough in my opinion to have a champion. So the division really has nothing to fight for because the male side of the promotion is beyond bloated, roster wise.

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The following video is on RIPW.com


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=RIPW.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/RIPW.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


[The pre-show begins with George Wolfe sitting in a locker room lacing up his boots. He looks up at the camera and begins to speak.]




George Wolfe: I was born to be successful in this sport, my very DNA deems that I become one of the most dominate men to enter that ring. I don’t need to prove my greatness as it is already apparent to anyone who has had the pleasure of watching me wrestle.


Tonight I have to face off against Sunburst in the finals of The Young Gun Tournament. Everyone knows that match is a mere formality and that I will win it without breaking a sweat. Sunburst I feel sorry for you, I truly do, but tonight I have a date with destiny and you are the little Mexican jumping bean in my way.


[George looks back down and continues lacing up his boots.]


[We now cut to another locker room where we see Sunburst standing by himself. He looks into the camera and begins to speak English. (He does have a heavy accent but what he is saying understandable. )]




Sunburst: Tonight I fight for my country, I fight for myself, but mostly of importance, I fight for my fans. Tonight George Lobo you find out that Sunburst is not so easy to be beaten.


[Next, we cut to a hallway where Brendan Idol walks around a blind corner only to bump into Waylon Walls. Waylon looks at Mister Three Hundred with complete disdain.]




Waylon Walls: Hey man, watch were you be walking nephew!


[brendan smiles at Waylon nervously hoping that the smile would diffuse Waylon‘s anger.]




Brendan Idol: Sorry about that and I assure you that I am not your nephew. At least I do not believe you are my uncle…I don’t remember having an uncle that looks like…err…you…




Waylon Walls: What you be talkin about son…is you bein a racist?




Brendan Idol: No, no, I assure you that is the last thing I was trying to be. I actually have wanted to meet you because I wanted to welcome you to RIPW. After all, there are not many of us members of the Tribe of Judah in this sport so we should all stick together or at least be on friendly terms with one another.




Waylon Walls: What the hell you be talkin about nephew? I don’t know nothing about no Tribe of Judah. Are they like the Bloods and the Crips? There be only two tribes that I know, the Cleveland Indians and A Tribe Called Quest.




Brendan Idol: Your name Waylon Walls…I thought…well…I thought you were Jewish like me. Forgive me for my presumptuous way of thinking.




Waylon Walls: Man I ain’t no Jew…nah nephew I be named after Waylon Jennings. My mother be a big Country music fan son.




Brendan Idol: Ah…very interesting… not many African Americans like Country music. I would have never made that connection. I thought you were more like Sammy Davis Junior than Waylon Jennings. Well shalom my gentile friend and I wish you the best of luck in your match tonight.


[brendan walks away as Waylon just stands there completely confused over the conversation he just had.]


[We now head out to the announce table where Rob L. Miskovsky is sitting alone at said table.]




Rob L. Miskovsky: Hello and welcome wrestling fans, I am so glad you could join us for the final match in the RIPW Young Guns Tournament. Tonight we shall see Sunburst taking on George Wolfe, the winner of this match will be crowned the winner of the Young Guns Tournament and will receive a shot at the RIPW North American Championship, which is currently held by my broadcast partner for this match, Brian Fletcher.


[brian Fletcher walks on camera wearing his official t-shirt, which says, “Stop cheering for me!”. Brian sits down next to Rob, puts a headset on and begins to talk.]




Brian Fletcher: I would say it is great to be here but it is not. The only reason why I am out here this month is because Henry Lee is forcing me to do this.


I just want it to be perfectly clear because I have a feeling that after the fans hear me on color commentary they are going to want to cheer for me even more because they will hear the quality of my work. That is something this announce team sorely needs, a quality color commentator. After all, I will not subject the fans to oh yeah and dig it at the end of everyone of my sentences.


[Rob is trying to suppress the urge to laugh over the last comment.]




Rob L. Miskovsky: Let us (pauses to chuckle)…let us just go down to the ring for the match…


The Finals for the Young Gun Tournament:




Sunburst vs. George Wolfe




Match: George was just oozing with confidence when he entered into the ring. He was so sure that this match was going to be a cakewalk for him as he towered over his much smaller opponent. He also outweighed Sunburst by 128 pounds. It was very easy to see why this was the match-up that George wanted.


What George did not take into account was Sunburst’s tenacity. This never say die attitude served Sunburst well through out the match as he was able to move around the ring like a speed demon. Sunburst used hit and run tactics on George throughout the opening portion of the match.


This style of wrestling frustrated the big man from Edmonton, so much, so that George left the ring and started to head to the locker room. That was not meant to be as Syd Collier met George in the aisle, George tried to go around Syd but Syd just stepped in front of him again. Syd started yelling something at George, which made George head back to the ring.


Upon reentering the ring, George was able to turn the momentum in his favor. George then started to dominate Sunburst hitting him with powerful strikes to the face. This would not last, George managed to get Sunburst down to the mat. He then started to jaw with the crowd, while Referee David Poker was checking on Sunburst. It was at this time that Syd Collier entered the ring and Super kicked George.


David Poker turned around and was utterly confused as he saw George Wolfe knocked out on the mat. David knew Syd must have done something to George but because he did not witness the actual offense, he could not call for the disqualification. Sunburst slowly got up and saw his opponent lying on the mat out cold. The young Mexican went over and covered George for the pin and the victory.


Winner of the Young Gun Tournament: Sunburst

Time: 7:23


[After the match was over with Brian Fletcher ran into the ring and attacked Sunburst. He continued to brutally beat down Sunburst until RIPW security pulled him away and forcibly escorted him to the locker room.]




Rob L. Miskovsky: Well folks there you have it, the winner of the Young Gun Tournament is Sunburst. Although he hardly had a chance to enjoy, it thanks to my broadcast partner Brian Fletcher. Thank you for joining me for tonight’s pre-card show I hope you stick around for the main show, which will be starting in just a few minutes.



ooc: A couple of nights ago I realized that I have Atlas under John Nash when his real name is actually Josh Nash. Well it is too late to change it now so I guess he will be John Nash for this diary.
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I thought you were gone from the site to be honest because you no longer play Mafia.:( I shall give you an update after I post my next show, which should be either later on tonight or tomorrow.


Fear not BHK! I am still here, just lurking occassionally. School is killing me :(:p

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RIPW Presents: Collision Course 2012




Saturday, April 28, 2012

Twin River Event Center, Lincoln, Rhode Island

Attendance: 300

Show Rating: E+


[The show begins with Hollywood Hank, Stuart Ferdinand, and Brian Cash-Man standing in the ring. The fans are booing very loud at the trio in the ring.]




Stuart Ferdinand: Kentucky Bill…oh I mean the Wildcat, last month you beat me. Fair enough, every dog has their day and…well you and I both know your win last month was a fluke. I mean come on, do you really think you have what it takes to beat an International Superstar such as myself?


Earlier today I was informed that I needed to find a tag team partner because you and I would face off against each other in a tag match. Well I went out and found a tag team partner that knows you very well. Together, Hollywood Hank and I are going to give you the beating that you so justly deserve. When we’re done with you, we are going to finally rip that stupid blue mask off and expose you as the fraud that you really are.




Hollywood Hank: I have been out of the main event scene for too long so when Stuart asked me to be his tag team partner, I jumped at the opportunity. You see no offense to you Stuart, but I am the greatest wrestler in this company today! I held the RIPW Championship longer than anyone else in the history of this crappy company. When you step into the ring with me you are stepping into the ring with greatness…


[The Wildcat comes down to the ring by himself, he walks over to RIPW Ring Announcer Tony Lopez and asks for a microphone. The champion enters the ring, belt draped over his left shoulder.]




The Wildcat: Well guys it looks like we’re bout to have some fun here tonight. When they told me that I had a tag team match tonight, I will admit that I was not too thrilled. Just cuz most of my friends were already booked in a match tonight…


[brian Cash-Man interrupts the champion.]




Brian Cash-Man: Is this going to be your excuse? I lost in a handicap match because none of my little friends could help me out. Too Hot has a match, Frank Fernandes has a match, Leftie Wilkes has a match…poor Wildcat…you can’t find anyone that wants to help you out…




The Wildcat: Now wait right here Brian…




Brian Cash-Man: That’s Mister Cash-Man to you…




The Wildcat: As I was about to say Brian before you interrupted me, it’s true most of my friends have matches tonight. But not all of em do and my partner tonight is someone who is very familiar with Stuart…




Stuart Ferdinand: Look Wildcat I don’t care what dime store jobber you found to team with you the bottom line is we’re going to kick your ass. There ain’t nothing you are going to do about it either.


[Just then we hear a familiar voice over the sound system but we do not see him.]




Desmond McGuinness: I beg to differ sunshine…


[The crowd goes nuts as Desmond McGuinness emerges from behind the backstage curtain. Desmond begins to walk down to the ring while he continues talking.]




Desmond McGuinness: So you two wankers think you’re gonna to kick our asses…not bloody likely mate…


[Desmond hops into the ring and goes right at Hollywood Hank. All four men begin to brawl in the middle of the ring (Brian left the ring not wanting to have any bodily harm caused to himself.). This brawl went on for about a minute until RIPW officials came and broke up the brawl. All four men, plus Brian Cash-Man were escorted to the back as we are sent over to the announcer‘s table for the opening of the show.]




Rob L. Miskovsky: Hello and welcome wrestling fans to Collision Course 2012! We are coming to you live form the Twin River Event Center here in Lincoln, Rhode Island! I am Rob L. Miskovsky and I am sitting along side my broadcasting partner Mayhem Midden.


Mayhem we just found out that our main event this evening will be a tag team match and we will see the team of Stuart Ferdinand and Hollywood Hank taking on the team of The Wildcat and Desmond McGuinness. What are your thoughts on this great main event?




Mayhem Midden: Hank and Stuart are gonna kick some major league ass tonight…oh yeah…dig it! For the life of me I don’t understand why the champ would choose Desmond to be his tag team partner…dig it. Desmond is gonna be the weakest link and that match tonight and he is gonna cause his team to lose…oh yeah…dig it!




Rob L. Miskovsky: Well I am not sure I agree with that Mayhem but we are all entitled to our opinions. Anyway, tonight we have on the docket two qualifying matches for the Win, Lose, or Draw match. One of those matches is about to get underway, let us go to the ring for the first match of the evening.


Qualifying Match for the Win, Lose, or Draw Match:




Sonic S. Thompson vs. Waylon Walls




Match: Waylon started the match off hitting Sonic with vicious strikes to the legs. However, Sonic was able to weather the storm and he put Waylon down with a Sonic Boom and pin him for the victory.


Winner and advancing into the Win, Lose, or Draw Match: Sonic S. Thompson

Time: 3:36


Qualifying Match for the Win, Lose, or Draw Match:




John Nash vs. Morgan Malone




Match: Morgan Malone was not prepared for the fury that John Nash unleashed on him. John fought like a man possessed. In fact, the only time Morgan got any offense in, is when John was busy jawing with the crowd and Morgan hit him with a dropkick from behind. In the end John finished Morgan off with a Kronus Bomb and covered Morgan for the pin and the victory.


Winner and advancing into the Win, Lose, or Draw Match: John Nash

Time: 5:47


[The Young Braves are shown entering the arena; all of a sudden, they are attacked from behind by the Evil Empire members Crusher and Sky King. The Evil Empire proceeds to beat the Braves down, leaving the Braves a bloody mess on the floor.]




Alexis Lee Little feather & Faith McGee & Jaime Quine vs. Kathy Neptune & Mary Beth Chase & Miss Masterson




Match: Faith and Kathy start the match and both women getting an equal amount of offense in. That is until the heels trap Faith in their corner. The heels keep Faith in their corner doing everything they can to prevent Faith from getting to her corner and tagging out.


Finally, Faith was able to tag Jaime into the match and Miss Masterson (who was the legal woman for her team) quickly tagged MBC into the match because she was clearly afraid of Jaime. Jaime nailed MBC with a K.O. Kick right away and MBC fell to the mat out cold. Neither Kathy nor Miss Masterson wanted to get into the ring with Jaime. Therefore, both women stood on the ring apron and watched as Jaime pinned MBC for the victory.


Winners: Alexis Lee Littlefeather, Faith McGee, and Jaime Quine

Time: 6:42


[We once again head to the back where the Young Braves are standing by in the interview area. Both Running Bear and Running Wolf have their foreheads bandaged up.]




Running Wolf: I am not a man of many words, I usually use my fists to do my talking for me. Sky King, Crusher you two made a huge mistake when you jumped Running Bear and I. In just a few short minutes Running Bear is going to go out there and beat the holy hell out of you Sky King. I hope you are prepared for a match that will surely shorten your career.




Running Bear: Sky King, Crusher…do you really think a little sneak attack is going to keep us down! So what you jumped us…you are not the first team to do that to us and you won’t be the last. What doesn’t kill Running Wolf and myself will only make us stronger.


You see we are not cowards that have to hit people from behind. It is as plain as day that we got you two running scared and when we finally get another shot at those titles you are going to feel the entire wrath of our Warrior Nation!


Sky King you and I will meet in that ring in just a few short minutes…I hope you are ready to get your ass kicked!


http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/RogerMonteiro.jpg with http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/RunningWolf.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/vs6.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/SkyKing.jpg with http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/CrusherVonSteinberg.jpg and http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/HerbStately_jhdBHK.jpg


Running Bear with Running Wolf vs. Sky King with Crusher and Brian Cash-Man




Match: This match starts out as a straight out brawl, one that Sky King comes out on top of thanks in part to interference from Brian Cash-Man. This enrages Running Wolf and he and Crusher begin to brawl at ringside. Referee David Poker is having none of this and orders Running Wolf, Crusher, and Brian to the back.


All three men comply, well Running Wolf and Crusher just continued brawling their way to the back while Brian yelled at David Poker for a moment before reluctantly heading to the back.


Once the outside distractions were gone Running Bear and Sky King both managed to get an equal amount of offense in on each other. Finally, Running Bear was able to get control of the match. He hit Sky King with an Eagle Chop and then covered him for the pin and the victory.


Winner: Running Bear

Time: 9:55


[The cameras cut to the back where we see Jake Havok and Frank Fernandes engaged in a brawl. Jake gets the upper hand in this encounter and he manages to get Frank on the floor. Jake then proceeds to kick Frank‘s back until Morgan Malone comes along. Jake takes one look at Morgan and leaves, satisfied with what he has just done to his former friend.]


For the RIPW New England Heritage Championship:






Leftie Wilkes vs. Brian Fletcher ©


[For once Brian did not berate the fans this month for cheering for him while he made his way down to the ring. We soon found out why, he had earplugs in his ears. Referee David Poker demanded that he remove them from his ears while wrestling. Brian refused to do so until David Poker informed him that if he did not remove the earplugs he would be disqualified. Brian, not wanting a blemish on his record, acquiesced and took the earplugs out.]




Match: During the opening moments of the match both men seemed to get an equal amount of offense in on their opponent. Leftie actually gained the advantage early on in the match and he was in firm control of the match. Leftie managed to get a couple of near falls much to the delight of the crowd.


It was at this point that Dutch Wilkes made his way down to the ring to a chorus of boos. Leftie became distracted by the appearance of his older brother who just stood at ringside emotionless with his arms folded. Leftie continued wrestling his match but it was as clear as day that he was distracted by the presence of his older brother.


After every move he would turn and look at his brother to see if his brother was going to attack him or not. Finally, this paranoia caught up to him as Leftie turned his back to Brian and Brian bulldogged Leftie onto the mat. Brian then covered Leftie for the pin and the victory.


Winner and still RIPW New England Heritage Champion: Brian Fletcher

Time: 7:53


[After the match was done Dutch had a sadistic smile on his face as he entered the ring. Dutch then proceeded to put the boots (or sneakers as it were) to Leftie who was still lying on the mat. Dutch then slid a pair of brass knuckles onto his right hand and he began punching his little brother in the forehead. This caused a cut to open up on Leftie‘s forehead and blood began to pour out of said cut. After Dutch felt he had proved his point (whatever that point was) he got up, spit on his brother, and left the ring.]


http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/Frankie-BoyFernandes.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/vs6.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/JakeIdol.jpg with http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/HerbStately_jhdBHK.jpg


Frank Fernandes vs. Jake Havok with Brian Cash-Man




Match: Frank is noticeably hurt from his altercation with Jake earlier on in the show. Jake notices this and uses this to his advantage as he uses moves that will further hurt Frank’s back. At one point Jake suplexed Frank four times in a row!


Jake then decided to have a little fun, knowing full well that Frank would not be able to fight back, Jake kept on pinning Frank and then breaking up the pin so that he could dish out more punishment to Frank’s back. The fans were none to pleased about this and they let Jake know it. Rowdy Roger even tried to get over the guardrail to get at Jake but he was too fat to do so.


Jake finally put an end to was seemed to be the longest squash match in the history of wrestling when he hit Frank with a Reality Check and covered him for the pin.


Winner: Jake Havok

Time: 11:57


[Once again we head to the back where Sue Danes is standing by with Too Hot.]




Sue Danes: Too Hot in like a few short minutes, you are totally going to take on Gabe Goren in an Old School Rules match. Are you like totally nervous about fighting him in his specialty match?




Too Hot: Baby girl does Too Hot look nervous to you? No, Too Hot ain’t nervous about nothing…in fact you could say Too Hot is as cool as a cucumber right now. Why sweat the small stuff baby girl?


In a few minutes Too Hot is gonna go out there and fight Gabe Goren in an Old School Rules match. Too Hot isn’t just goona fight Gabe…nah…Too Hot is gonna beat em. Gabe Goren, Too Hot is sick and tired of you going around beating people up just cuz they don’t follow some rules you made up.


So tonight Too Hot is gonna get in that ring with ya and we’re gonna see what’s up. Too Hot will abide by your rules and Too Hot will still come out with the victory. Cuz if you don’t know, now you know.


Old School Rules Match:




Too Hot vs. Gabe Goren




Match: Too Hot seemed out of his element in this match because he is used to working a fast paced, high-flying match. Most of this match took place on the mat, due to the special rules of the match. This of course gave Gabe a heavy advantage, as he managed to get Too Hot in a headlock that seemed to last forever.


The fans were really chanting “Boring !“, as Gabe transitioned from one rest hold to another. Of course Gabe thought the fans were chanting “Goren!”, so he smiled with glee as he applied more pressure on Too Hot via the headlock.


Finally, Too Hot was able to fight back and he began hitting Gabe with every non high-flying move he had in his arsenal. This onslaught was too much for Gabe to handle and he finally fell to the mat. Too Hot, realizing that he had a chance to end this match, climbed to the top rope. Referee David Poker informed him that if he jumped off the top rope, he would have to disqualify him.


Too Hot did not head David’s warning. Instead a visibly tired Too Hot, leapt off the top rope and nailed Gabe with a flying elbow. David Poker had no choice but to disqualify Too Hot and award the victory to Gabe Goren.


Winner by disqualification: Gabe Goren

Time: 16:42



http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/WildCat_3.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/EdwardCornell.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/vs6.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/StuartFerdinand_jhdBHK.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/OscarOzymandias.jpg with http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/HerbStately_jhdBHK.jpg


The Wildcat & Desmond McGuinness vs. Stuart Ferdinand & Hollywood Hank with Brian Cash-Man




Match: The match had a very chaotic beginning as all four men were in the ring at once. Finally, Referee David Poker managed to get The Wildcat and Stuart out of the ring and into their respective corners. Thus, Desmond and Hollywood Hank were the two legal men in the ring. Desmond had the advantage during the opening moments but that would not last long as Brian Cash-Man distracted David Poker, which led to Stuart entering the ring and attacking Desmond. The Wildcat tried to enter into the ring to protect his partner but David Poker would not allow it.


The heels then cut off the ring and kept Desmond in their corner. What followed was a lot of quick tags by the heels in order to keep Desmond down in their corner. The crowd started to really get behind Desmond and they started to chant his name. This cheering by the fans seemed to motivate the young Englishman to fight his way out of the heel’s corner.


Desmond was about to make the hot tag when all of a sudden Brian Cash-Man once again distracted David Poker. Desmond did make the tag but the referee did not see it and therefore would not allow it. This seemed to deflate the crowd a bit as they were so sure that The Wildcat was about to come into the ring and clean house. Instead, Hollywood Hank dragged Desmond back into the heel’s corner where they repeated the tactics they preformed earlier.


Once again the fans get behind Desmond and once again he fights out of the heel’s corner. This time he is able to tag the RIPW Champion into the match. The Wildcat then proceed to do what the fans expected him to do earlier and that is clean house. He managed to knock Stuart out of the ring with a vicious clothesline. Wildcat then whipped Hollywood Hank into a corner and he nailed Hank with a Kentucky Splash. The Wildcat then dragged Hank into the center of the ring and covered him for the pin and the victory.


Winners: The Wildcat & Desmond McGuinness

Time: 17:27


[The show ends with the winners standing in the center of the ring with their arms being held up by David Poker. On the outside of the ring, Brian Cash-Man and Hollywood Hank are having a few choice words with each other.]
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How's my promotion doing Bookerman?


Here is AAAA:










AAAA Champion:




AAAA TV Champion:




AAAA Tag Team Champions:





Post Show Thoughts:


There are no post show thoughts. This show took forever to write and it was mostly due to the way I booked the show. I just was not happy with this card and if you were to ask me why, I honestly could not tell you why I just am. Posting the show lessened it a little, as it did not turn out nearly as bad as I thought it was when I wrote it.


I did not hold a prediction contest for this show for two reasons. One, by the time I finished writing this I just wanted to post the show and not have to wait a day for predictions to come in. Two, I usually only get three people picking on each show and while I appreciate them doing that, having a picks contest is hardly worth the time. I mean I can never think of a decent prize, so I often do not have anything to give them after the show is done. In addition, there have been a couple of times when people have won and they never bothered to claim their prize. Therefore, I am leaning towards getting rid of the picks thing all together.


The only thing that might hold me back from doing so is seeing the picks. I always like seeing whom the readers pick as the winner even if they do not leave a comment. That is not me complaining either because most of the time I pick in diaries without leaving a comment as well. The way that I look at it is the picks are the comment/feedback.

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The following video is on RIPW.com


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=RIPW.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/RIPW.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


[At the start of the video, we see an extreme close-up on Jerry Martin’s face. Jerry begins to speak into the camera.]




Jerry Martin: Hi everyone, I bought this camera to document my first meeting with Barrister Burchil Gowon and Prince Rahabad! I am so excited about this, as I have never met real royalty before…


[Jerry pauses for a moment and thinks about something.]




Jerry Martin: No wait that is not true…I did meet the Burger King one time at a Pawtucket Red Sox game…okay this will be my second time meeting royalty! Oh wait I think they’re here!


[A rusted white, 1975 Mercury Bobcat pulls into a parking spot, “Nigerian Royal Car” is written on the passenger side door in green paint. The drivers side door opens and out steps a young wiry framed man wearing a cheap suit, a tattered fedora, and a white dress shirt that is clearly two sizes, too big for him.


This young man walks quickly over to the passenger side door and opens it. The passenger is a huge man in complete contrast to his wiry traveling companion.



Prince Rahabad


This man has a military beret on, no shirt, a pair of ripped blue jeans, and Chuck Taylor sneakers with holes in them.


Jerry goes running over to the two gentlemen with a look of excitement on his face. The big man looks at Jerry rather dismissively, while the wiry man pauses to talk to Jerry.]




Jerry Martin: Are you Barrister Burchil Gowon?




Barrister Burchil Gowon: That be me my brother. How you be doing my man?




Jerry Martin: I’m doing great! I is such an honor to meet you…


[Jerry turns to the big man and asks him a question.]




Jerry Martin: That must make you Prince Rahabad! Let me say it is a pleasure to meet you, your highness!


[The big man does not even bother to look at Jerry; instead, he looks angrily over at Burchil.]




Barrister Burchil Gowon: Brother Jerry, you are not allowed to address Prince Rahabad directly due to him being a Prince and all. If you want to address him, you will have to direct what you want to say to him to me. Sorry but the Prince just can’t be seen talking to commoners my brother.




Jerry Martin: Oh, that’s cool I understand…I was just so happy to meet him. This might be the best day of my life…actually the second best day of my life. The best day was when I carved into Henry Lee’s forehead like it was a Christmas ham.


So you guys wanted to check out the Twin River Casino well let’s go in…


[The three men make their way towards the entrance of the Twin River Casino, when a security guard walks over to them.]




Security Guard: Whoa gentlemen stop right there. You can’t come into the Casino with out no shirt on.




Jerry Martin: But he is Prince Rahabad, prince of Nigeria…




Security Guard: I don’t care if he’s Prince Charles, if he ain’t got no shirt on. He ain’t gonna come in here. Sorry about that pal.


[Prince Rahabad is clearly angry over this and his balls his fists in anger. Jerry picks up his gym bag and begins rummaging around inside of it. After a few moments, he pulls out his official RIPW t-shirt that read, “Jerry Martin: I’m Hardcore!” Jerry looks at the prince and hands him the shirt. He then looks over at Burchil and says to him.]




Jerry Martin: Tell the prince that I wanted this to be a surprise for him but seeing how we are in this situation, I thought I would just give him his gift right now. It is an official RIPW Jerry Martin t-shirt available at RIPW shows and on RIPW.com.


[Prince Rahabad leans over and whispers something into Burchil’s ear. Burchil nods his head in agreement before relaying what the prince said to him.]




Barrister Burchil Gowon: Honorable Prince Rahabad wanted me to tell you that your cheap gift is not fit for a king to wear.




Jerry Martin: What? Why is that? I mean he is wearing jeans with rips in them and sneakers with holes in them. Plus it is not like he has much of a choice, after all if we want to get into the casino he has to have a shirt on. There is any debating on that subject.


[Prince Rahabad rolls his eyes before conceding the fact that he should put a shirt on. He puts the shirt on and it does not fit him at all. It is very tight on him and looks almost like a woman‘s belly tee.


Jerry turns and looks at Burchil and says:]




Jerry Martin: See that wasn’t so bad. Now shall we hit the slot machines?


[The Prince once again whispers something to Burchil, which Burchil relays to Jerry.]




Barrister Burchil Gowon: Honorable Prince Rahabad wants me to inform you that both he and I are short on cash. Therefore, we will require you to give us the necessary funds to gamble. The Prince will pay you back as soon as he speaks to his father the King of Nigeria.




Jerry Martin: Okay cool, it’s time to hit the slots!


[The three men walk into the casino as the video ends.]

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Sue’s Superstar of the Month!




[The following interview took place after Collision Course 2012. We see Sue, with her back to the camera, walking down a corridor. She turns around to face the camera in order to speak to the audience.]


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=SueDanes_alt1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/SueDanes_alt1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Sue Danes: Wud up RIPW fans! It’s your girl Sue Danes here and it is that time of the month again, you know when I interview an RIPW superstar! My guest this month was supposed to be Dutch Wilkes. But he totally blew me off, so I going to go look for him.


The last I heard was that he is in his locker room. So that is totally, where I am heading now.


[sue begins to walk down the corridor; she stops at a door and puts her hand up. We here two people in conversation but it is faint and muffled. Sue turns around and looks at her cameraman, she motions for her cameraman to come closer.]


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=SueDanes_alt1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/SueDanes_alt1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Sue Danes (Whispering): Dude do you hear that? Is the audio totally picking that up?


[The cameraman gets closer to the door and we can now hear what the people in the room are saying. One voice is unmistakable it is that of Dutch Wilkes. There is a very odd sounding voice, almost demonic sounding.]




Dutch Wilkes: I did what cha told me to do; I took care of my brother. That loser ain’t gonna be no problem for us anymore.




Demonic Voice: Good…I will not allow failure to engulf you. I promised you glory and I shall give it to you. Now that you have vanquished your brother, you will be able to attain that glory that I promised you.




Dutch Wilkes: Cool beans bro, I can’t wait for all the power and glory that you are going to heap on me bro.




Demonic Voice: I will make you a god among mortals; you will never have to play second fiddle to your brother or anyone else again.


[sue peaks into the room where Dutch is sitting; Sue turns around with a terrified look on her face. She then quickly runs off camera. The cameraman, wanting to see what made Sue so terrified looks into the room with his camera.


The only person in the room is Dutch Wilkes who is sitting in a chair staring at a mask, which he is holding in his right hand. The moment Dutch realizes that there is a camera filming him, he slowly turns and looks at the camera. He has an odd look on his face; one might say he looks possessed. Dutch smiles at the camera for a moment before returning his attention towards the mask he is holding in his right hand.


The video then ends.]

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The following video is on RIPW.com


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=RIPW.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/RIPW.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


[The following video takes place immediately after Collision Course.


The video begins and we see Brian Cash-Man and the rest of the Evil Empire (Jake Havock, Hollywood Hank, Sky King, and Crusher Von Steinberg) in the dressing room of the Evil Empire. Crusher who is not engaged in conversation with anyone keeps on shouting out, “I lift things up and put them down.”]




Brian Cash-Man: Hank…I am going to be perfectly honest with you. Your performance out there tonight was sub-par, I know you don’t want to hear this but I do not think you are worthy of being called the MVP of this franchise.




Hollywood Hank: Now wait just a second Brian, yeah I was pinned tonight but that happens all of the time in wrestling. You win some, you lose some…hopefully you win more than you lose…




Jake Havock: You see Brian…what kind of attitude is that. You win some; you lose some…that sounds so defeatist. A true high caliber athlete would never dream of saying something like that…maybe that is why you are a shell of your former self…




Hollywood Hank: Why don’t you do me a favor kid and shut the hell up! Heck you ain’t even an official member of this group. The only reason why I don’t kick your ass right here and now is out of respect to Brian…


[Jake gets right up into Hank‘s face and just as he is about to say something, Brian gets in between them.]




Brian Cash-Man: Now hold up Hank…what Jake is saying is actually right. You’ve lost your edge out there. You no longer have the talent to be the MVP of this franchise. Now there is nothing to be ashamed of and there is nothing wrong with what has happened to you.


Age has a funny way of catching up to us all and over the past few months father time has given you a personal ass kicking. That is not to say that you are no longer a valuable member of this franchise because you still are. It is just you are now going to have to step aside and take a diminished role on our team…




Jake Havock: Yeah cuz there ain’t nothing sorrier in professional sports than an athlete who doesn’t know when to quit. Right now, you are like Willie Mays when he played on the Mets, a broken down old man who can no longer hang with the big boys.




Hollywood Hank: You know what; I don’t have the time to listen to this crap. I am far from a broken down has been, I was RIPW Champion for over a year! Just how many championships do you have to your name Jake?


Oh that’s right you don’t have any because you are not good enough to have any. I have nothing to prove to anyone in this room…I’ll let my work in the ring prove just how good I am. Now if you guys will excuse me I have to get out of here…


[Hank leaves the room as Brian Cash-Man looks at Jake Havock.]




Brian Cash-Man: I guess we will have to wait to tell him about how you are now a full member of our franchise.


[The video ends.]

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I'm loving these backstage segments :D


I'm partial to Jerry Martin, myself, but the Wilkes' Saga took a surprising turn, and I'm really interested to see where you go with the Evil Empire. I'm wondering whether Hollywood Hank can play the face, though. How does, "The Immortal Hank Hogan" sound? :rolleyes:

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I'm loving these backstage segments :D


I'm partial to Jerry Martin, myself, but the Wilkes' Saga took a surprising turn, and I'm really interested to see where you go with the Evil Empire. I'm wondering whether Hollywood Hank can play the face, though. How does, "The Immortal Hank Hogan" sound? :rolleyes:


Thanks, I never know if anyone actually enjoys these segments or not.:o


I just saw this thread and read a few pages of it. Jerry Martin is a laugh. I liked the Sue Danes segment as well. Good stuff.


Thank you for checking this out.

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RIPW Presents: End of Days 2012




Saturday, May 26, 2012

Biker’s Paradise, Boston, Massachusetts

Attendance: 300

Show Rating: E+


[The show beings with Dutch Wilkes and Heather B. standing in the center of the ring. The crowd is booing Dutch and Heather unmercifully and a good portion of the crowd our chanting derogatory comments at Heather.]




Dutch Wilkes: Over da past two months I’ve had fans comin up to me asking me why I turned on my little brother at March Mayhem. Well da simple answer to dat would be, cuz my brother ain’t nuttin but a loser. Every single match that me and my brother lost was cuz of him. I needed to turn on my brother cuz I needed to become a winner again.


Now for da more complex answer…for da first four years of my life I was the apple of my parent’s eyes. Then Dutch came along, da cute little baby who got whatever he wanted. I was pushed aside as my family gushed ovah my little brother. As we got older my parents would punish me for every little thing dat I did wrong, while Dutch got away with everything.


Growing up all I had to hear about was how great my little brother was. He always did great in sports, got good grades in school, and dated the hottest chicks. While I was treated like I did not exist…for most of my life I have lived in the shadow of my little brother and at March Mayhem I put an end to dat…


[The crowds starts chanting, “You are Fredo…You are Fredo!” This does not please Dutch at all.]




Dutch Wilkes: Shut up! Shut up right now! I ain’t no Fredo Corleone! Fredo Corleone was nuttin but a dumb loser who couldn’t score with girls. As you can see I ain’t no loser that can’t score with girls…tell em Heather.




Heather B.: Leftie you brother and I tried to get you on the winning track but you refused to be helped. There is one thing in my life that I will not tolerate and that is being around a loser. Anyone with a pair of eyes can attest that I am a beautiful woman and therefore I should never saddle myself with a loser. Now that I am with your brother…well let me say that he is a major upgrade from you…


[Heather and Dutch laugh as they walk out of the ring.]


[We now head up to the announcer’s table, which is perched in a balcony high above the arena floor, where we see Rob and Mayhem standing in front of said table.]




Rob L. Miskovsky: Hello and welcome wrestling fans to End of Days 2012! We are coming to you live form Biker’s Paradise here in Boston, Massachusetts! I am Rob L. Miskovsky and I am sitting along side my broadcasting partner Mayhem Midden.


Mayhem do we have a humdinger of a card tonight! In the main event of the evening we shall see RIPW Champion the Wildcat once again team up with Desmond McGuinness. They will be taken on the team of Cowboy Stuart Ferdinand and Jake Havock. So Mayhem what are your thoughts on the main event tonight?




Mayhem Midden: Well, last month Hollywood Hank couldn’t hack it in the ring with Stuart as his tag team partner. So Brian Cash-Man offered Jake Havock’s assistance to Stuart in order to make up for last month’s loss. I think if Jake and Stuart can gel together as a team they got this match in the bag…oh yeah, dig it!




Rob L. Miskovsky: Oddly enough I tend to agree with you, in a sense that if Jake and Stuart can gel as a team they will be a formidable team. One that will pose a serious threat to Desmond and The Wildcat. However, I do think that Desmond and The Wildcat do have enough to pull off the win I guess we shall see. As of right now, let us head down to the ring for the first match of the evening.




Devyn Reynaud vs. John Nash




Match: This was a squash match pure and simple. John destroyed the young Canadian and then Kronus Bombed him and pinned him for the victory.


Winner: John Nash

Time: 2:28


[it is now time to head to the back where Sue Danes is standing by with Too Hot.]




Sue Danes: Wud up peeps! It’s ya girl Sue and I standing by here with Too Hot. Too Hot last month you totally intentionally got yourself disqualified in your match against Gabe Goren. I guess people would like to know why you did that.




Too Hot: Well baby girl, first things first Too Hot think you be looking fine tonight.


[sue smiles and blushes.]




Too Hot: Now onto your question, last month wasn’t about no wins or losses. Nah, last month was about how much punishment Too Hot could dole out to Gabe Goren. Too Hot did just that, he took that lil bitch out.


Now Too Hot don’t know if the war between him and Too Hot is over, but Too Hot don’t care cuz tonight Too Hot has to focus on beating Syd Collier.




Sue Danes: Okay cool, I am totally glad you brought up Syd Collier. Tonight you have to take him on and the winner of the match will totally get a spot in the Win, Lose, or Draw match. What are your feeling about Syd?




Too Hot: Too Hot don’t know Syd Collier from a hole in the wall. The only thing Too Hot does know is that Syd Collier has been talking crap about Too Hot. Saying he’s gonna make Too Hot tap the hell out. Syd Collier, Too Hot has a question for your. Is you insane?


Look at Too Hot’s track record, Too Hot took out Blackjack Robbins, Too Hot forced Rudy Velasquez to respect him, you name any tough guy that has walked through those doors and Too Hot has beaten them. Too Hot ain’t sweatin no punk! Syd Collier, Too Hot knows you are tough, there ain’t no diggity…no doubt about that.


But tonight your gonna be stepping into the ring with Too Hot and you’re gonna find out what many others have found out. Too Hot just don’t play and if you don’t know, now you know.


For the RIPW New England Heritage Championship:






Sunburst vs. Brian Fletcher ©


[brian did not pay much attention to his adoring fans this month but that might have been due to the fact that he was once again wearing earplugs as he made his way into the ring.]




Match: The opening minutes of this match sees both men get an equal amount of offense in. Sunburst soon takes control of the match and gets in a couple of near falls on the champion. The fans were really into Sunburst and were on the verge of their seats every time Sunburst got a near fall.


However, Brian was able to quash the fans enthusiasm as he took control of the match and did not look back. Brian pinned Sunburst, while using the bottom ropes for extra leverage, for the victory.


Winner and still RIPW New England Heritage Champion: Brian Fletcher

Time: 7:09


[We now head to the back where we see Brian Cash-Man handing Miss Masterson some money. Brian speaks to Miss Masterson in a low voice.]




Brian Cash-Man: That’s five hundred dollars; I want you to take her out at all costs. I want Running Wolf to be fully aware that his family can be gotten to. This should put the fear of god into him and his partner.




Miss Masterson: Well have no fear Mister Cash-Man, my girls and I will take care of it. Heck we would have done this for free.




Brian Cash-Man: Good, good…just make sure that she and her cousin know who was behind what you do to her.


Qualifying Match for the Win, Lose, or Draw Match:




Too Hot vs. Syd Collier




Match: This match was a sharp contrast in styles. When Too Hot was in control of the match it was a fast-paced match with Too Hot flying all over the place. However, when Syd was in control of the match, the match was very much a ground based match.


Syd did everything he could to force Too Hot to tap out, catching Too Hot in submission hold after submission hold, only to have Too Hot get to the ropes and force a break in the hold.


Frustrated by this, Syd decided to match Too Hot in the stand-up game, which was a big mistake on his part. Simply put Syd was unable to hang with Too Hot in the stand-up department and he ate a Heat Seeking Missile for his troubles. Too Hot then covered Syd for the victory.


Winner and advancing into The Win, Lose, or Draw match: Too Hot

Time: 10:18


[brian Cash-Man, Stuart Ferdinand and Jake Havok are in the locker room of the Evil Empire.]




Brian Cash-Man: Cowboy, I want to express how sorry I am that Hollywood Hank underperformed last month. I am not even sure why I had him team with you last month. The guy is on his last leg and it is as clear as day that he is not up to par in the ring anymore.


Unlike you, Hank has not aged gracefully and he is no longer the high caliber talent he once was. Rest assure that Jake will not let you down. This young man is a star in the making...he is a stud. He is not some broken down has been that needs to be put out to pasture.




Stuart Ferdinand: Well Hank let me down last month no doubt, that being said I am very happy to be teaming with a future RIPW Champion in Jake Havok. Jake, tonight I want you to go out there with me and beat the ever-living crap out of The Wildcat and his limey friend.


I want the RIPW Championship committee to see that I am worthy of one more crack at the championship.




Jake Havok: Well Mister Ferdinand, you don’t have to worry about anything tonight. I am definitely an upgrade over old man river. After watching your match last month, one thing became abundantly clear to me and that is Hollywood Hank can’t cut it anymore. On behalf of the Evil Empire, I too would like to apologize for his performance last month.


Tonight is a new night, we are going to mop the floor with those two and you will get your shot at the RIPW Championship. Just promise me one thing, when you win the title I want to be the first person to challenge you for it.




Stuart Ferdinand: You got yourself a deal son…


[Alexis Littlefeather is walking down a hallway in the backstage area when she runs into Miss Masterson, Kathy Neptune, and Mary Beth Chase. Miss Masterson and her associates begin to triple-team Alexis beating her down to the floor. Once down on the floor Miss Masterson starts kicking Alexis’ back.


Miss Masterson then tells MBC to put Alexis through a table, which has so conveniently been setup in the area that they are in. MBC lifts Alexis up and throws her through the table as Miss Masterson and Kathy cheer her on.


Alexis is completely out of it as Miss Masterson lifts up her head and yells at her.]




Miss Masterson: Mister Cash-Man wants you to know that this is what you get when your cousin messes with the wrong people. You stupid bitch…


[Miss Masterson slaps the unconscious Alexis in the face and then runs off with her associates as Jaime Quine and Faith McGee arrive on the scene.]


For the RIPW Tag Team Championships:




http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/RogerMonteiro.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/RunningWolf.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/vs6.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/SkyKing.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/CrusherVonSteinberg.jpg with http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/HerbStately_jhdBHK.jpg


The Young Braves vs. The Evil Empire © with Brian Cash-Man




Match: The match started out with Running Wolf going after Brian Cash-Man because he knew Brian was responsible for the attack on his cousin, which occurred a few minutes before. While chasing after the surprisingly fleet footed Brian, Running Wolf was nailed with a hard-hitting clothesline by Crusher.


Crusher brought Running Wolf back into the ring and he and Sky King began using double team tactics in order to keep Running Wolf in their corner. Running Wolf is finally able to fight his way out of the heel’s corner and hot-tag Running Bear in. This causes both Sky King and Crusher to enter the ring and the match completely breaks down.


Both teams begin to brawl with each other and all four men spill out onto the floor. Referee David Poker begins to slowly count to ten as both teams are brawling at ringside. Finally, David Poker reaches ten and has no choice but to call this match due to both teams getting counted-out.


Winners: None

Still RIPW Tag Team Champions: The Evil Empire

Time: 8:39


[While RIPW officials separate both teams, we once again go to the back where Sue Danes is standing by with Brendan Idol in the interview area.]




Sue Danes: Brendan it has totally been like seven months since you stepped into an RIPW ring, are you…um…ready for your match tonight.




Brendan Idol: Am I ready? Sue I was born ready! Tonight I get to go out there and prove myself once again. If I pick up that elusive win that I have been seeking, I will earn a chance to be in the Win, Lose, or Draw match.


So Sue, what I plan on doing is going out there and beating Gabe Goren. I am not even going to be thinking about losing…the thought of picking up my three hundred and second loss in a row has not even crossed my mind…well it has crossed my mind now…I guess I shouldn’t have thought of that…oy vey…here I go again…I have to think positive…


[Mister Three Hundred wanders, off camera muttering positive affirmations to himself.]




Sue Danes: Well…ah…I guess it is back to you Rob.


[Rob and Mayhem have left the announcer‘s table that is in the balcony and have now taken up residence at an announcer‘s table that is at ringside.]




Faith McGee and Jaime Quine vs. Miss Masterson, Mary Beth Chase, and Kathy Neptune




Match: This match was originally supposed to be a six-woman match. However, due to Alexis being taken out earlier, this match has become a handicap match. The theme of this match is very similar to every time Kathy and Miss Masterson step into the ring with Jaime, meaning they do everything they can possibly do to avoid have to fight her.


Tonight was not different, whenever Jaime was in the ring Kathy and Miss Masterson would tag Mary into the match. It was very lucky for Kathy and Miss Masterson that Faith was in the ring for her team for the majority of this match. In fact the heels made it a point to keep Faith in the ring just because they did not want to face Jaime. The heels took turns beating on Faith while a desperate Jaime waited impatiently on the ring apron, trying to extend her arm in order to make the tag.


Finally, Faith was able to muster up enough strength to fight off her opponents. She hot-tagged Jaime into the match, at that point both Kathy and Miss Masterson jumped off the ring apron and onto the arena floor. Leaving MBC to fend for herself against the fresh Jaime Quine. MBC turned around to face Jaime and ate a K.O. Kick right to the face. Jaime then pinned MBC for the victory.


Winners: Jaime Quine and Faith McGee

Time: 7:56


[After the match Kathy and Miss Masterson begin verbally lambasting Mary Beth Chase due to the fact that she caused them to lose a handicap match. MBC tries to explain that it wasn‘t her fault but the other two women are having none of it as they both continue on yelling at MBC.


Finally, Kathy musters up some courage and slaps MBC in the face. MBC just stands there shocked at what Kathy has just done to her. Kathy, feeling embolden by the fact that MBC did not in response to the previous slap, attempts to slap MBC once again.


This time she is not so fortunate as MBC grabs Kathy‘s wrist and begins to squeeze it. Miss Masterson clips MBC’s left leg from behind taking Mary down. At this point Kathy and Miss Masterson go to work on the downed MBC. Soon RIPW officials come from the back and they manage to get the girls to stop attacking MBC.]




Sonic S. Thompson vs. Hollywood Hank




Match: Conspicuous by his absence was Brian Cash-Man who was not in Hank’s corner for this match. The first few minutes of this match saw both men get in an equal amount of offense in. Both men soon took the fight to the arena floor as Referee David Poker began his ten count.


Hank soon began to dominate Sonic on the outside of the ring, whipping Sonic into the guardrail. Whenever David Poker would get close to counting both men out, Hank would roll back into the ring and break-up the count. While Sonic lay motionless on the arena floor, Hank took the time to get into an argument with Rowdy Roger, who was sitting in his customary front row seat.


This argument led helped give Sonic the time he needed to recover and he grabbed Hank from behind and shoved him back into the ring. Sonic was now in firm control of the match getting some very close near-falls, which had the crowd going bonkers.


However, tonight was not meant to be Sonic’s night. Sonic was about to dropkick Hank when Hank, showing great ring awareness, moved out of his way. Sonic instead unintentionally nailed Referee David Poker with the dropkick knocking David to the canvass. Immediately Sonic rushed over to check on David to see if he was all right. Hank used this to his advantage as he hit Sonic with a vicious low blow from behind.


Hank then nailed Sonic with the MVP. With Sonic out on the mat, Hank rushed over to revive the fallen David Poker. Hank then covered Sonic as David Poker groggily made the three count.


Winner: Hollywood Hank

Time: 12:44




Brendan Idol vs. Gabe Goren




Match: One would think that Brendan Idol would be rusty in the ring with all of that time off. He was not simply because as any fan who attended a live RIPW show could tell you, Brendan has been in dark matches since he was taken off the main show.


This match stayed on the mat for the most part, despite the fact that Brendan usually incorporates a lot of highflying move into his offensive arsenal. The crowd was none to pleased about this being a ground based match as there were rest holds galore during the match.


Soon the crowd began to chant “Boring” and this time it was not just directed at Gabe Goren, though he thought it was and ate it up because he still thinks they are chanting “Goren”. Finally, Brendan managed to stand up, forcing Gabe to stand up as well and the pace of the match began to pick up a bit. It was at this point that Justin Sensitive came down to ringside to “watch” the match.


Upon seeing Justin at ringside, Gabe decided to argue some minor point with Referee David Poker. With the referee distracted Justin Sensitive entered the ring and nailed Brendan in the back of the head with a vicious forearm. Brendan fell to the canvas and Justin slid out of the ring and made his way to the dressing room area.


At this point, Gabe felt his point was made and he stopped arguing with David Poker. Gabe then went over and covered Brendan for the pinfall and the victory.


Winner and advancing into The Win, Lose, or Draw match: Gabe Goren

Time: 14:23


http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/WildCat_2.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/EdwardCornell.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/vs6.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/StuartFerdinand_jhdBHK.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/JakeIdol.jpg with http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/HerbStately_jhdBHK.jpg


The Wildcat & Desmond McGuinness vs. Cowboy Stuart Ferdinand & Jake Havock with Brian Cash-Man




Match: Desmond and Jake start the match off for their respective teams. Desmond get the upper hand early on and he and the Wildcat manage to work on the arm of Jake. Jake is soon able to overpower Desmond and back him up into the heels corner.


It is at this point that heels go to work on Desmond, not allowing the young man from England to make a tag. Stuart and Jake do such a great job at cutting the ring off that they even manage to make a couple of near falls. These falls are only just broken up by the champion.


Jake then underhooked Desmond’s arms from outside of the ring. Stuart came charging at Desmond with the intentions of hitting him with a lariat, but Desmond managed to wiggle free and Stuart hit Jake with a lariat instead, knocking his partner to the floor. Desmond used this confusion to tag in the Wildcat.


The Wildcat and Stuart began to hit each other with strikes in the center of the ring. The Wildcat got the upper hand in this exchange and he began to work on Stuart’s right leg. At this point Brian Cash-Man hopped up onto the ring apron and began to argue with Referee David Poker. This caused the Wildcat to go over and see what the commotion was all about.


Jake reentered the ring and hit The Wildcat in his back causing the champion to fall down. Stuart, who had recovered from the beating he was getting earlier on, grabbed The Wildcat and Fisherman Suplexed him onto the mat. He then covered the champion for the pin and the victory.


Winners: Cowboy Stuart Ferdinand & Jake Havock

Time: 14:27


[After the main event is over we see Rob L. Miskovsky and Professor Nero standing in the center of the ring waiting to address the crowd.]




Professor Nero: Ladies and gentlemen before you all leave for the evening, I would like to request that you all remain seated. I would also like for all the wrestler’s in the back to come out to ringside a join us.


[The entire RIPW roster comes back out, some dressed in their street clothes, and they surround the ringside area.]




Professor Nero: I am not sure how many of you are aware of this but tonight was Mayhem Midden’s final show as the Color Commentator for RIPW. Mayhem has decided to put an end to his forty-seven year professional wrestling career.


Kenny, I known you since I was an eighteen year old rookie, you have been one of my closest friends for the past forty some odd years. Last month when you informed me of your intentions to retire…I will admit to being a little sad. After all it is always great to come into work and see one of your closest friends there.


Time goes by I suppose and I know there is no talking you out of this decision. Kenny I hope you, Jenny, you kids, and your grandkids have nothing but joy in your lives. If you ever get sick of retirement…you can always come back here.


[Nero hands Rob the microphone as he wipes a tear from his eye.]




Rob L. Miskovsky: Ken, on screen you and I have had a love hate relationship. You and I love to hate each other…however, in real life that could not be further from the truth. Fact of the matter is you are one of my closest friends and you are my mentor.


When I first started with this company five years ago I was very green. I was so bad that I even thought about quitting the business and going back to work at the Providence Journal. Professor Nero told me to stay with the company for a few more months because he was going to get me a new Color Commentator and it was going to be Mayhem Midden.


Well I was both thrilled and scared, thrilled because I was going to work with a legend in the industry. Scared because…well I saw you wrestle when I was a kid and you were one violent guy. Anyway, you joined me in the booth and you were hands down one of the nicest people I have ever met. You took the time to help me improve my announcing skills, something that you did not have to do.


Ken I am truly proud to call you a mentor and a friend. It is very sad to see you go but all good things must come to an end and brother working with you was a great thing. Now please come up and join us in the ring one last time…


[Mayhem, who was still sitting at the ringside announcer‘s table, stands up and enters the ring. While he is doing this the members of the RIPW roster are clapping for him while the fans chant, “Please don‘t go!” Mayhem hugs Professor Nero, he then goes over to Rob and gives him a hug as well. Rob then hands him the microphone. Mayhem removes his trademark sunglasses before he begins to speak.]




Mayhem Midden: Wow…I don’t know…I don’t know what to say…I can’t believe that I am actually at a loss for words. For most of my career I have played the bad guy and for those who knew me in real life that was not that much of a stretch. I did a lot things in my younger years that I ain’t proud of.


However, as I got older the one thing that helped me stay grounded was wrestling. It gave me a purpose and made me into the elder statesman that I am today (chuckles to himself). In a few short minutes I’m gonna walk out of this arena and that is going to be it for me.


There will be both joy and sorrow in my heart, but these are my golden years and I gotta enjoy em while I still can. With that being said I would like to thank my wife of thirty-five years Jenny whose support and love have made me the man I am today. My daughter Emily and her husband Kyle, my son Ken Junior and his wife Vanessa, my grandkids Ken the third; Austin, Robin, and Jon…you all mean the world to me.


I would also like to thank Rob for being such a great friend and so easy to work with. Kid we might argue on screen all of the time but you know that you are one of my closest friends.


I would like to thank Professor Nero for not only being my best friend but for also giving me this wonderful job that has been a big part of my life for the past four years. I have never had a bad day during my time here in RIPW and for that I thank you.


I would also like to thank the members of the RIPW roster, you talented guys and gals have made my job a whole hell of a lot easier. I always enjoy going into the locker room and shooting the breeze with you all.


Finally, I would like to thank the fans. As corny as this may sound…without y’all there would be know Mayhem Midden. Now I know I have been a bad guy for most of my career but that don’t mean that I did not appreciate each and everyone of you. So from the bottom of my heart…thank you…oh yeah…dig it!


[The fans go nuts as we see one final image of Mayhem standing in the center of the ring.]


ooc: I will post my Post-Show thoughts later. Not because I want to get a cheap bump but because I do not want to spend another hour typing in this diary.
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Will Sue Danes get promoted to the desk? :eek: Sad to see Mayhem go, but I know how it is with that danged age limit. :rolleyes:


I'm a bit surprised that Wildcat got pinned, I was all but sure that D-McG was gonna take the fall, if ever.


Interesting to see the ladies of RIPW getting some love story-wise, though I was NOT expecting MBC to turn so soon.


Great show, overall, kinda bummed you didn't do the picks contest again.


Oh, and I'm loving this Hollywood Hank-Evil Empire implosion :D

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Sorry to sort of cheap bump this, it is just I was not home most of the day yesterday because I went to the Dragon Gate USA show last night. Which by the way there is a dude that wrestles there that has future star written all over him in my opinion. His name is Uhaa Nation (Will probably need a new name.), the guy looks a lot like Ahmed Johnson but he is way more talented than Ahmed could have ever dreamed of being.


Post-Show Thoughts

That show took forever to write, it was mostly the main event that took so long because I kept on rewriting it. I hate doing match write-ups mainly because I stink at them and mainly because every single match write-up I do ends up being nearly exactly the same. I am not sure how TFC, Tigerkinney, michgcs, Eisen-verse and Oldschool (Not trying to name drop, I honestly think they are the best match writers on the board.) manage to constantly write quality matches and make them so different from their other matches. That is a talent that I just do not have and I never will.


Heck, I sometimes watch matches on Youtube for inspiration and I still can only do decent at best match write-ups. Like I said, I must have written the main event five times and at the end, I just settled for what I wrote. I was not happy with it at all but it is what it is I suppose.


Will Sue Danes get promoted to the desk? :eek: Sad to see Mayhem go, but I know how it is with that danged age limit. :rolleyes:


I'm a bit surprised that Wildcat got pinned, I was all but sure that D-McG was gonna take the fall, if ever.


Interesting to see the ladies of RIPW getting some love story-wise, though I was NOT expecting MBC to turn so soon.


Great show, overall, kinda bummed you didn't do the picks contest again.


Oh, and I'm loving this Hollywood Hank-Evil Empire implosion :D


Sue does not get a promotion, it will be Brian Cash-Man taken over for Mayhem. Mainly because he a Rob have excellent chemistry when calling matches together. Also, he was my main Color Commentator in my NYCW diary so he back in that spot again. When he has to manage a member of his stable, then I will have Sue call those matches with Brian.


I write, or at least try to write, Sue as a bit of a ditzy Valley Girl type character. Therefore, I think the fake fans of the C-Verse (Not the readers of this diary but the actual fans inside the game.) would not be to happy listening to her on commentary.


Yeah Mayhem turned 65 and would not let me re-sign his contract. I always thought he would retire first but it never happened. Which means once a wrestler’s contract is up and they are over 65, they will no longer be willing to work. Well maybe if my promotion was larger they might hang around.


I know the Mayhem thing might have come across as a bit hokey but I thought I should do some sort of sendoff to such a major character in the company. No, I did not actually book the segment in-game. I just decided to add it on at the end of the show.


Well MBC did not exactly turn, she retired so I let her out of her contract (She only had two months left anyway.). I have never really been a fan of hers and I thought about cutting her a couple of times before because I believe she was my highest paid female wrestler. When she retired, I was happy to send her on her way.


Well you know why I did not run a picks contest once again. I am not sure if I will ever bring it back or not. I would like to make a request for any readers that would like to help me out. The Brendan Idol render that I have is pretty…bad. This is not meant as a slight to the artist who did it but I just do not like it. I like the new default render of him but his skin is too dark. Brendan is supposed to be white but the render makes him look black.


Therefore, I have asked MJStark if I could use one of his renders(From the mod that we worked on together, which will sadly probably not see the light of day. Despite all the great renders he, Kobe, and London did for that mode.) for the new official render of Brendan Idol. He has given me permission to do so. That is where you the readers come in. I have picked out five renders from his thread that I think would fit Brendan Idol. What I would like is for any readers to either PM me or vote in my thread for which picture they like the best for Mr. 300. These are the pictures:


A. http://img593.imageshack.us/img593/5576/m185.jpg


B. http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/3848/m089.jpg


C. http://img689.imageshack.us/img689/5268/m079.jpg


D. http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/3815/m025c.jpg


E. http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/9126/m014alt1.jpg


Once again, I would like to thank everyone who takes the time to comment and read this diary.

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The only knock I have about these new potential renders is that I'm now picturing Brendan Idol as a scrawny Zach Gowen-type character, and these new choices almost seem too good for Mr. 300 :D


Still, I'd say Option D looks good for him. He's even holding up a (sort of) "3" sign, to signify the 300 straight losses :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

The following video is on RIPW.com


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=RIPW.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/RIPW.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


[The video begins in the office of Doctor Bill McGraw. Jerry is sitting on the couch holding his trusty kendo stick in his right hand. Sitting across from him is Doctor Bill McGraw.]


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=CoyoteDynamite.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/CoyoteDynamite.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Dr. Bill McGraw: Okay Jerry I saw the video of ya posted on RIPW.com last month when ya met with the Prince and the Barrister. Upon viewing that video, I got one question for ya son. What’s wrong with you?


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=JerryMartin.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/JerryMartin.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Jerry Martin: Well there are a multitude of things wrong with me…oh yes indeed there are. You are just talking aboot my official state meeting with Prince Rahabad…correct?


[Doctor Bill nods his head in agreement and Jerry continues to speak.]


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=JerryMartin.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/JerryMartin.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Jerry Martin: Well Doc I don’t see anything wrong with me. I am now a man with powerful allies. After all, I have the ear of the Prince of Nigeria! I understand with great power comes great sacrifice and so I just bought a goat…


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=CoyoteDynamite.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/CoyoteDynamite.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Dr. Bill McGraw: A goat? What the hell are ya gonna do with a goat?


[Jerry Martin looks at Doctor Bill with amusement over the fact that he cannot understand what the goat is for.]


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=JerryMartin.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/JerryMartin.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Jerry Martin: If Barrister Gowon or Prince Rahabad request me to make a great sacrifice, I will sacrifice the goat. Like I said with great power comes great sacrifice.


[Doctor Bill just rolls his eyes over this comment before he begins to address Jerry again.]


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=CoyoteDynamite.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/CoyoteDynamite.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Doctor Bill McGraw: What’s wrong with you? Ya not gonna sacrifice a goat, if you did then it would be a changing day in your life. And not in a good way as both PETA and the Police would come after ya.


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=JerryMartin.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/JerryMartin.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Jerry Martin: PETA? Who’s PETA? I’ve never met him before…oh and I am not scared of the Police. After all Sting has to be pushing, sixty and I would put him in a coma. If that geek Andy Summers thinks he will get anywhere near me I will crack his forehead open with Deanna. Stewart Copeland is the only one that I am worried about, there is something unsettling about an American who is in a band with all English dudes. He might be a tough one to fight…


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=CoyoteDynamite.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/CoyoteDynamite.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Doctor Bill McGraw: Whut in the hell are ya talkin about? Look let us focus on your meeting. When ya went to Twin River Casino with the Prince and the Barrister, it wasn’t no state meeting.


No, they were trying to swindle ya out of more money and by the looks of the video; it looks like they did scam ya. How much money did they scam ya for?


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=JerryMartin.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/JerryMartin.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Jerry Martin: Oh it was not a scam, I assure you of that. Once the Prince gets his fortune back from the Germans, he has agreed to pay me back in full.


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=CoyoteDynamite.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/CoyoteDynamite.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Doctor Bill McGraw: Look this ain’t my first rodeo. Bottom line is ya were scammed. That money ani’t comin back to ya. Ya might as well have put that money in a pile and set it on fire because that would’ve been a more productive way to use it.


Also, I wanted to inform ya that Nigeria has an elected President. They don’t have a King and therefore they don’t have a Prince. It looks like you have been scammed faster than the turtle on a hot August night.


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=JerryMartin.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/JerryMartin.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Jerry Martin: I have not been scammed because when I ask the prince if he is really a prince he said through Barrister Gowon that he is. Why would he tell me that he is a prince unless he really is one…


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=CoyoteDynamite.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/CoyoteDynamite.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Doctor Bill McGraw: To con ya out of ya life savings. If ya keep on giving all your money to the prince, it will truly be a changing day in your life. Why? Cuz you’ll be homeless!


[Just then, Sonic S. Thompson wanders into the office looking befuddled (when does he not look befuddled).]


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=SuperSonic_alt2.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/SuperSonic_alt2.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Sonic S. Thompson: Doctor Bill, I saw a man who looked like a man but said he was an ant. He said he was an Ant-Man and that he was up in Canada but he is coming back stateside. Could this be…are these ant men working with the Wall Monster? Could they be the ones out to get Rex Ryan and Boy George?


[The video ends on that note.]



ooc: Okay I am sorry this has not been updated in over a week. I have been writing the next show and it is taking forever to do. These two-hour shows are killing me, but my roster is bloated so I have to have two-hour shows in order to get a good portion of the roster work.


As for the new face of Mr. 300, well it is going to be option D., as all three voters (:(:D) who voted chose D. Thank you Jingo, Michgcs and MJStark for voting.

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I'm really loving these Doctor Bill segments <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> Dr. Bill and Jerry versus the Nigerian Prince Rahabad and Barrister Gowon in a tag team match! Never before! Never again! <img alt=":cool:" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/cool.png.f00d2562b2c1d873a09323753efdb041.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="michgcs" data-cite="michgcs" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="27878" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I'm really loving these Doctor Bill segments <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> Dr. Bill and Jerry versus the Nigerian Prince Rahabad and Barrister Gowon in a tag team match! Never before! Never again! <img alt=":cool:" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/cool.png.f00d2562b2c1d873a09323753efdb041.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> That match would bomb as Doctor Bill is retired and Barrister Gowon has no in ring stats to speak of. All that said, I may try it because it is not like my cards get good ratings in the game any way.<img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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<p>No special write-up for this, I am doing this to hopefully motivate myself to finish writing the show. I still have the co-main and main event left to write and it is taking a long time to do so.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="27878" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:18px;"><span style="color:#008000;"><strong>RIPW Presents: Live and Let Die 2012</strong></span></span> </p><p> </p><p> Desmond McGuinness vs. Waylon Walls</p><p> </p><p> <strong>For the RIPW Tag Team Championships: </strong></p><p> The Young Guns (Elliot Thomas and Devyn Reynaud) vs. The Evil Empire © </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Win, Lose, or Draw Qualifying Match:</strong></p><p> Jebediah vs. Justin Sensitive</p><p> </p><p> Faith McGee & Jaime Quine vs. Miss Masterson & Kathy Neptune</p><p> </p><p> Sunburst vs. Rudy Velasquez</p><p> </p><p> International Superstar Stuart Ferdinand vs. ??? (Current member of the RIPW roster)</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Win, Lose, or Draw Qualifying Match:</strong></p><p> Frank Fernandes vs. Jake Havock</p><p> </p><p> <strong>In a Non-Title Match:</strong></p><p> The Wildcat © vs. ??? (Current member of the RIPW roster.)</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p></div></blockquote>
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<p>YEAH! Prediction contest!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Desmond McGuinness</strong> vs. Waylon Walls</p><p>

<em>D-McG gets this one.</em></p><p> </p><p>

For the RIPW Tag Team Championships: </p><p>

The Young Guns (Elliot Thomas and Devyn Reynaud) vs. <strong>The Evil Empire © </strong></p><p>

<em>Pretty self-explanatory, I think.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Win, Lose, or Draw Qualifying Match:</p><p>

Jebediah vs. <strong>Justin Sensitive</strong></p><p>

<em>I'm thinking Justin reverses Mr. 300's spell and turns it loose on poor Jebediah</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Faith McGee & Jaime Quine</strong> vs. Miss Masterson & Kathy Neptune</p><p>

<em>All things equal, the faces win</em></p><p> </p><p>

Sunburst vs. <strong>Rudy Velasquez</strong></p><p>

<em>Gotta get some momentum back, holmes (homes? ese? yeah, you know what I'm talkin' 'bout, vato.)</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>International Superstar Stuart Ferdinand</strong> vs. ??? (Current member of the RIPW roster)</p><p>

<em>Doubt he's losing this one</em></p><p> </p><p>

Win, Lose, or Draw Qualifying Match:</p><p>

Frank Fernandes vs. <strong>Jake Havock</strong></p><p>

<em>The new top guy for the Evil Empire (potentially) needs a big win, right?</em></p><p> </p><p>

In a Non-Title Match:</p><p>

The Wildcat © vs. <strong>???</strong> (Current member of the RIPW roster.)</p><p>

<em>I'm hoping this is Hank and he gets the win</em></p>

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<p>RIPW Presents: Live and Let Die 2012 </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Desmond McGuinness</strong> vs. Waylon Walls</p><p> </p><p>

For the RIPW Tag Team Championships: </p><p>

The Young Guns (Elliot Thomas and Devyn Reynaud) vs. <strong>The Evil Empire ©</strong> </p><p> </p><p>

Win, Lose, or Draw Qualifying Match:</p><p>

Jebediah vs. <strong>Justin Sensitive</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Faith McGee & Jaime Quine vs. <strong>Miss Masterson & Kathy Neptune</strong></p><p>

don't care.</p><p> </p><p>

Sunburst vs. <strong>Rudy Velasquez</strong></p><p>

see above.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>International Superstar Stuart Ferdinand</strong> vs. ??? (Current member of the RIPW roster)</p><p>

One of the mystery men will win but not in this match.</p><p> </p><p>

Win, Lose, or Draw Qualifying Match:</p><p>

Frank Fernandes vs. <strong>Jake Havock</strong></p><p>

I helped you with his name so that is why I am picking him.</p><p> </p><p>

In a Non-Title Match:</p><p>

The Wildcat © vs. <strong>???</strong> (Current member of the RIPW roster.) </p><p>

Whoever the mystery man is will most likely win the match and as a result gain a match for the title vs. the Wildcat at a future show. That's the logical way of thinking though, you could also use this match to give Wildcat a win to build him up to a title defense but it would work better if the mystery man won and then got a title match as a result of it.</p>

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><a href="</p><a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=RIPW.jpg" rel="external nofollow">http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=RIPW.jpg"</a> target="_blank"><img src="<a href="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/RIPW.jpg" rel="external nofollow">http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/RIPW.jpg"</a> border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="font-size:18px;">Sue’s Superstar of the Month!</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="27878" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>[The following interview took place before Live and Let Die 2012. We see Sue Danes standing alongside the subject of her interview this month Running Wolf. Running Wolf’s tag team partner Running Bear can be seen sitting on a wooden bench in the background.]<p> </p><p> <span>http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/SueDanes_alt1.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Sue Danes</strong>: Wud up RIPW fans! It’s your girl Sue Danes here and it is that time of the month again, you know when I interview an RIPW superstar! My guest this month is Running Wolf.</p><p> </p><p> Now Running Wolf, this is something I have never done before in my monthly interview segment. That is interviewing someone before a show…but um…due to what happened last month you were like…ah…totally not in the mood to be interviewed and that is totally understandable. I am just glad you want to be interviewed today…</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/RunningWolf.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Running Wolf:</strong> Well Sue I’m still not in a good frame of mind right now but I did promise you an interview and I am a man of my word. </p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/SueDanes_alt1.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Sue Danes:</strong> Cool, I guess my first question is how is Alexis doing?</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/RunningWolf.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Running Wolf:</strong> Well…she doing fine…she…ah…she might be out of action for a month or two but all and all she is doing good…</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> That’s actually, why I wanted to do this interview; I wanted Brian Cash-Man, Crusher Von Steinberg, Sky King, and Miss Masterson to be aware that I am not the type of person that looks the other way when harm comes to a member of my family. Alexis is more than capable of handling herself, in fact, she helped to train me for the ring, but that still doesn’t give Brian Cash-Man the right to pay someone to attack her.</p><p> </p><p> You see there are two things that I value most in my life and they are my friends and family. If harm comes to either of them, then I can’t be held accountable for my actions towards the perpetrators. Brian Cash-Man, I want you and all of your little cronies to realize that this Native American is about to go on the Warpath and you all will be lucky if all I come after is your scalps! </p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/SueDanes_alt1.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Sue Danes: </strong> Well that is all the time we have for this month. I would totally like to thank my guest this month Running Wolf for taking the time to talk to me.</p><p> </p><p> I hope you tune in next month when I interview my next superstar of the month. Until then, I hope you all have a kick ass month! See you all laters!</p><p> </p><p> [sue blows a kiss at the camera and leaves the locker room of the Braves. The camera keeps rolling after Sue leaves.]</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/RogerMonteiro.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Running Bear: </strong> Hey man, I’m going to go over to craft services and get a bite to eat. You want to come.</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/RunningWolf.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Running Wolf: </strong> Nah man my stomach ain’t feeling so good. Must have been those Tacos I had from Taco Bell last night. I’ve been in and out of the craper all day…</p><p> </p><p> I’ll tell you what, let me take care of business in the bathroom and after I’m done, I’ll meet up with you.</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/RogerMonteiro.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Running Bear: </strong> Cool man…</p><p> </p><p> [Running Bear leaves the locker room and at that point, Running Wolf walks into the adjoining restroom.</p><p> </p><p> A few moments later Sky King walks on camera and he takes a steel folding chair and lodges against the handle to the restroom. This causes Running Wolf to be locked in the restroom.</p><p> </p><p> Sky King walks away proud of what he had just done.] </p></div></blockquote>
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