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RIPW: The Ballad of Henry Lee

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It's going to be a nice feud, but I wonder how you're going to do the matches.


*shrugs* pretty easy, Heather keeps bring in muscle and Wilkes keeps kicking ass.


Nice update man. I've been reading occasionally since it started, but it's been pretty fun reading throughout. :)

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It was a great, heartfelt promo from Hank, I think. The only problem is his last name is Mudd.


Nice show and don't worry about the opening segment, I thought it was rather good. I'll agree with mich though, Mudd is not exactly a very flattering last name :p


That is his real name according to the game Hank Mudd. Even his bio in the game makes a joke about how bad his name is.


Wow i got 5/5 can you believe that!? ... I cant.


Good to see an Ant pop up, looking forward to see where thats going.


Well your SAW diary (which I miss by the way.) was the reason why I brought in one of the Ants.


Nice update man. I've been reading occasionally since it started, but it's been pretty fun reading throughout. :)


Thank you for checking this out!

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Well your SAW diary (which I miss by the way.) was the reason why I brought in one of the Ants.


Always good to see crazy characters ... SAW is on hiatus (and should be back soon) i've had alot of bad juju lately and haven't been in a massive writing mood.

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Really liked your last show and I am really liking how you used Jake Havok on the show as well. Sorry I missed out on predictions but hopefully I can catch the next one.


Thank you and it is no big deal if you miss shows.


Always good to see crazy characters ... SAW is on hiatus (and should be back soon) i've had alot of bad juju lately and haven't been in a massive writing mood.


To be honest with you I am not sure just how crazy he will be. I am trying to think if I am going to have him talk or just be silent.


Glad to hear that SAW is coming back, if anyone who reads this has had a chance to check it out please do so.


I hear you about not being in the mood to write, that happens to me a lot which is why there are such long periods between my shows.

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RIPW Head Referee David Poker is headed to NOTBPW!


We here at Totalextremewrestling.com have just learned that RIPW Referee David Poker has signed a contract to work exclusively for North Of The Border Pro Wrestling. Details on the length of the contract were not revealed. It is understood that David will work for RIPW for another seven days and then he will be heading up north to Canada.


RIPW Head Booker Henry Lee had the following to say when we asked him about his thoughts on this topic, “David Poker is a great referee and I am very happy to that he now has a chance to ply his trade in the biggest wrestling company in Canada. David‘s tireless efforts and loyalty will be missed here in RIPW but we understand and respect that David had to do what was best for his career. David has been here since the company started back in 2006, so it will be tough to see him go but we here at RIPW wish him the best of luck in the future.”


Rumors have circulated that RIPW has hired Royce Greig the Head Referee of ACPW as David Poker’s replacement.



ooc: Yeah so I lost a referee with a grade of 77 in his ref skill for a referee who only has a 55 in his ref skill. Not the best of trades but to be honest, Royce was the best hire I could have made out of the referee's that were not tied down to a major promotion. I could have signed a USPW ref but I did not want to deal with trying to figure out when the could and could not work for me.

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The following video is on RIPW.com


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=RIPW.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/RIPW.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


[The following footage was shot during Showdown in September 2012. Syd Collier enters the backstage area after he and Sunburst failed to advance in the Wild Card Tag Team Tournament. Kathy Neptune greets Syd as soon as he enters the backstage area.]




Kathy Neptune: Hi there, I just saw your match that was a tough break being put in a team with an incompetent wrestler like Sunburst. I guess that was the luck of the draw but it still doesn’t mean it was fair to you.




Syd Collier: You’re telling me about it, when I saw that my tag partner tonight was going to be that Mexican jumping bean Sunburst, my first reaction was great I have just lost another match. My second reaction was to call I.N.S. and maybe get his ass deported. That way Henry Lee would have been forced to find me a new partner. Maybe then, I would’ve had a chance at winning tonight.


[Kathy starts rubbing Syd‘s chest with her left hand.]




Kathy Neptune: Well that is my main reason for talking to right now, your win, loss record could be better. I’ve noticed that you have been racking up a lot of losses lately. The thing is, I see your potential and I think you have what it takes to make it big. You are a good-looking guy who knows his way around the ring but one thing I’ve noticed about you is you are lacking one thing that will make you a champion.


[syd fully aware of where this is going coyly smiles at Kathy and says.]




Syd Collier: What would that one thing be Kathy?


[Kathy smiles seductively at Syd then bites her lower lip before giving him an answer.]




Kathy Neptune: That one thing would be me, you see Syd I have the mindset of a champion and so I am offering you my managerial services. If you decided to take me up on said offer, I will take you to places you’ve only dreamed of going to.


So what do you say Syd, would you be willing to take me on as your manager?


[syd thinks over the proposition put in front of him for a moment before replying.]




Syd Collier: Sure why not…




Kathy Neptune: Good, I am glad we could come to an arrangement.


[At that point, the video ends.]

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Sue’s Superstar of the Month!


[The following interview took place directly after Showdown in September 2012. Sue Danes is standing next to Too Hot who is wearing his street clothes.]




Sue Danes: Wud up RIPW fans! It’s your girl Sue Danes here and it is that time of the month again, you know when I interview an RIPW superstar! My guest this month Too Hot.


Too Hot, earlier tonight you totally took part in a triangle match for the New England Heritage Championship. Sadly, you didn’t win, what are your thoughts on that match?




Too Hot: Too Hot was robbed in that match and the thief didn’t even use a gun. Those are Too Hot’s thoughts on that match.




Sue Danes: You’re talking about how Brian Fletcher like totally left the match to go on commentary.




Too Hot: Yeah that’s exactly what Too Hot is talking about. Brian Fletcher sat down at the announcer’s table and did commentary on a match he was actually in. Too Hot understands why you did what you did, you found a way to game the system. Too Hot isn't impressed, in fact Too Hot thinks what you did was whack.


Brian Fletcher, Too Hot knows that you are a coward who wanted no part of Too Hot or Morgan Malone. You stole from Too Hot and where Too Hot is from, we don’t take to kindly to thieves.




Sue Danes: Well RIPW Commissioner Henry Lee just totally informed me that next month at Halloween Hell you and Morgan will face off to find out who will face Brian for his title in November. So you have to be totally stoked about that.




Too Hot: No doubt baby girl, no doubt. Too Hot can’t wait to get in the ring with Brian Fletcher again. Don’t take this as Too Hot looking past Morgan Malone because the last thing Too Hot would do is overlook an opponent. Too Hot is just extremely motivated to beat Morgan Malone so that Too Hot can face Brian Fletcher.


Too Hot’s career has been on the backburner for some time here in RIPW. That is why Too Hot wants the New England Heritage Championship, so that Too Hot can give an injection into Too Hot’s career. Having a title will make Too Hot a relative player in the RIPW Championship scene once again and that be a place where Too Hot hasn’t been for some time.




Sue Danes: Well Too Hot I know you totally have to catch a flight out of T.F. Green tonight so with that said it looks like we are out of time, so I would like to thank my guest this month Too Hot for taking the time to talk to me.


I hope you tune in next month when I interview my next superstar of the month. Until then, I hope you all have a kick ass month! See you all laters!


[sue blows a kiss at the camera and the video fades to black.]

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I obviously got to this late, but I've been trying to get into the swing of things here and read your last few shows. I'll be following, and I'm on my phone so I might not be commenting a lot, but I'll be reading.


Thank you, I am glad you are checking it out!

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The following video is on RIPW.com


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=RIPW.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/RIPW.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


[The video begins in the office of Doctor Bill McGraw. We see Sonic S. Thompson sitting on the couch talking to Doctor Bill McGraw who is sitting in a chair directly across from him.]




Sonic S. Thompson: You saw him right? I told you he was real…half man…half ant…an Ant-Man. He brings messages from Canada yet he is an American.




Dr. Bill McGraw: I saw em, but Sonic whut ya need to do is calm down. We all know that the Ant-Man ain’t a figment of your imagination. Now whut ya got to do is figure out whut exactly is he donin here and whut does it have to do with you. Maybe he is here cuz he wants to make today a changing day in yer life.




Sonic S. Thompson: I tired to question him about his thoughts on Rex Ryan but he did not answer me. Now I know there is no way that he is an agent of the wall monster but he must drink pig’s blood. We all drink pig’s blood to help our bladders out.




Dr. Bill McGraw: Sonic, yer goin off inta different world rights now so whut I’m gonna suggest ya do is talk to the Ant-Man. It looks like our time is up, so we’re gonna have to talk about this next time. I’ll see ya next week.


[sonic gets up off the couch and leaves Doctor Bill‘s office. Shortly thereafter Prince Rahabad and Barrister Burchil Gowon walk into Doctor Bill’s office. Doctor looks at the two of them with an annoyed look on his face.]




Dr. Bill McGraw: Whut in the world do the two of ya want?




Barrister Burchil Gowon: Well my brother what we wanted was for you to keep your mouth shut about us. You obviously didn’t understand that we weren’t trying to make a request we were telling you what to do my brother. You did not comply and so now, you must pay the price.


[With that, Prince Rahabad nails Doctor Bill with a right hook to the jaw. The Prince and Doctor begin a short brawl in the confines of Doctor Bill‘s office. Doctor Bill is actually holding his own with the much younger man that is until Barrister Gowon jumps into the fray.


Now Barrister Gowon would not be much of a challenge on his own but couple him with Prince Rahabad and Doctor Bill just could not fend them off. The two men leave the Doctor in a pool of his own blood as the video ends.]

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RIPW Presents: Halloween Hell 2012


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=RobLMiskovsky_alt1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/RobLMiskovsky_alt1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a> By Rob L. Miskovsky


Well RIPW fans we are going to have one fantastic show for you when we return to Twin River Event Center in Lincoln, Rhode Island on Saturday, October 27, 2012. The name of the event is Halloween Hell 2012 and it looks like we have one humdinger of a card lined up for you!


On this night, we shall see Morgan Malone taking on Too Hot to decide who is the number one contender to the RIPW New England Heritage Championship. Both me want so desperately to win this match in order to get their hands on Brian Fletcher. I caught up with Morgan Malone and asked him about his thoughts on his upcoming match. He had the following to say:


“This match with Too Hot is going to be a challenge; there are no ifs, ands, or butts about it. I plan on rising to the occasion and beating Too Hot because failure is not an option in this match. During my time here in RIPW, I have become a faceless guy who seems to get brushed aside while others are given plenty of opportunity to shine. Well come October 27th, I will be my time to shine and I plan on doing just that.”


Well we shall see if the young Canadian wrestler can do just that against Too Hot. It will truly be a test for Morgan and one he will have to pass in order to become an elite member of our roster.


Another match that should be very interesting is the match between Jerry Martin and Prince Rahabad. This match was brought about after the Prince and his, for lack of a better term, attorney attacked Jerry’s psychiatrist Doctor Bill McGraw. From his hospital bed, Doctor Bill has told RIPW Commissioner Henry Lee that Jerry Martin is now ready to return to the ring. I caught up with Barrister Gowon, Prince Rahabad’s attorney, to get his feelings about Jerry’s return to the ring.


“It matters not that Jerry Martin is returning to the ring. His Royal Highness Prince Rahabad will be fully prepared to deal with that psycho midget. In Nigeria, the prince would simply have Jerry shot but because we are here in America, we are going to have to deal with this situation in a more humane way. Maybe the prince will just cripple Jerry for life.”


I have heard Prince Rahabad is one tough cookie but if he taking Jerry lightly due to Jerry’s mental problems. Well the Prince is probably in for a very tough night.


Finally, in our main event we will see RIPW Champion the Wildcat defending his title against John Nash in a steel cage. These two men have faced off against each other on our previous two shows with John intentionally getting himself disqualified in the first match and some may argue getting himself intentionally count-out in his second match. Now if John wants his title back he is going to have to do it in the confines of a steel cage. John had the following to say about his big match for the RIPW Championship.


“Ya know if you remove the W from the name of this company you will get a term that is actually very apropos to what is going to happen to your title reign. Because at Halloween Hell I plan on making your title reign come to an end so let me send my condolences to your right now.”


It looks like the challenger is very confident, I am not sure if I would be that confident if I were stepping into a steel cage with the RIPW Champion. I guess that is why I am an announcer and not a wrestler.


Well I hope you fans in Lincoln and the surrounding area can come out to support our show. Because as you can see it is going to be one humdinger of a card!


That is it for this month folks, so come on down to the Twin River Event Center in Lincoln, Rhode Island and witness what is sure to be another great RIPW event! The show starts at 8:00 p.m. and doors open at 7:00p.m. So come early and make sure enjoy the show!


Steel Cage Match for the RIPW Championship:

The Wildcat © vs. John Nash


For the RIPW New England Heritage Championship:

Sonic S. Thompson vs. Brian Fletcher ©


Match to see who will be the number one contender for the New England Heritage Championship:

Too Hot vs. Morgan Malone


Hank Mudd, ???, ??? vs. The Evil Empire (Jake Havok, Sky King, Crusher Von Steinberg)


Finals in the Wild Card Tag Team Tournament:

Justin Sensitive & Brendan Idol vs. Frank Fernandes & George Wolfe


Jerry Martin vs. Prince Rahabad


Sunburst vs. Gabe Goren


Leftie Wilkes vs. Waylon Walls


Devyn Reynaud vs. Syd Collier

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Wow, I'm looking back from the beginning and really liking what I see so far. One of the things that I thought was hilarious was when you started putting Jaime Quinn in matches against guys. That was great! I've probably commented before but something tells me I should really start doing it regularly... anyways, BHK, just wanted to let you know that you got another reader!


Steel Cage Match for the RIPW Championship:

The Wildcat © vs. John Nash


For the RIPW New England Heritage Championship:

Sonic S. Thompson vs. Brian Fletcher ©


Match to see who will be the number one contender for the New England Heritage Championship:

Too Hot vs. Morgan Malone

Hank Mudd, ???, ??? vs. The Evil Empire (Jake Havok, Sky King, Crusher Von Steinberg)


Finals in the Wild Card Tag Team Tournament:

Justin Sensitive & Brendan Idol vs. Frank Fernandes & George Wolfe


Jerry Martin vs. Prince Rahabad


Sunburst vs. Gabe Goren


Leftie Wilkes vs. Waylon Walls


Devyn Reynaud vs. Syd Collier

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Steel Cage Match for the RIPW Championship:

The Wildcat © vs. John Nash

Month after month I keep thinking, Wildcat's gonna lose. Well I think he wins here.


For the RIPW New England Heritage Championship:

Sonic S. Thompson vs. Brian Fletcher ©

Sonic S. = Santino, in my eyes.


Match to see who will be the number one contender for the New England Heritage Championship:

Too Hot vs. Morgan Malone

Just to make it heel vs face


Hank Mudd, ???, ??? vs. The Evil Empire (Jake Havok, Sky King, Crusher Von Steinberg)

I don't see Hank getting two good guys here, maybe just the Kings of Federal Hill? Ehh.


Finals in the Wild Card Tag Team Tournament:

Justin Sensitive & Brendan Idol vs. Frank Fernandes & George Wolfe

I would love for these two to get the titles :D


Jerry Martin vs. Prince Rahabad

To keep the story going.


Sunburst vs. Gabe Goren

Leftie Wilkes vs. Waylon Walls

These two look like filler matches


Devyn Reynaud vs. Syd Collier

Is it just me or are there more matches than usual?

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Steel Cage Match for the RIPW Championship:

The Wildcat © vs. John Nash


For the RIPW New England Heritage Championship:

Sonic S. Thompson vs. Brian Fletcher ©


Match to see who will be the number one contender for the New England Heritage Championship:

Too Hot vs. Morgan Malone


Hank Mudd, ???, ??? vs. The Evil Empire (Jake Havok, Sky King, Crusher Von Steinberg)


Finals in the Wild Card Tag Team Tournament:

Justin Sensitive & Brendan Idol vs. Frank Fernandes & George Wolfe

George Wolfe is awesome


Jerry Martin vs. Prince Rahabad


Sunburst vs. Gabe Goren


Leftie Wilkes vs. Waylon Walls


Devyn Reynaud vs. Syd Collier

Syd's gonna win cuz he just got a new manager, but push Devyn!

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Steel Cage Match for the RIPW Championship:

The Wildcat © vs. John Nash


For the RIPW New England Heritage Championship:

Sonic S. Thompson vs. Brian Fletcher ©


Match to see who will be the number one contender for the New England Heritage Championship:

Too Hot vs. Morgan Malone

Hank Mudd, ???, ??? vs. The Evil Empire (Jake Havok, Sky King, Crusher Von Steinberg)

Too many squiggles to not pickem'

Finals in the Wild Card Tag Team Tournament:

Justin Sensitive & Brendan Idol vs. Frank Fernandes & George Wolfe


Jerry Martin vs. Prince Rahabad


Sunburst vs. Gabe Goren


Leftie Wilkes vs. Waylon Walls


Devyn Reynaud vs. Syd Collier

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Steel Cage Match for the RIPW Championship:

The Wildcat © vs. John Nash


For the RIPW New England Heritage Championship:

Sonic S. Thompson vs. Brian Fletcher ©


Match to see who will be the number one contender for the New England Heritage Championship:

Too Hot vs. Morgan Malone


Hank Mudd, ???, ??? vs. The Evil Empire (Jake Havok, Sky King, Crusher Von Steinberg)


Finals in the Wild Card Tag Team Tournament:

Justin Sensitive & Brendan Idol vs. Frank Fernandes & George Wolfe


Jerry Martin vs. Prince Rahabad


Sunburst vs. Gabe Goren


Leftie Wilkes vs. Waylon Walls


Devyn Reynaud vs. Syd Collier

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Steel Cage Match for the RIPW Championship:

The Wildcat © vs. John Nash

The Wildcat


For the RIPW New England Heritage Championship:

Sonic S. Thompson vs. Brian Fletcher ©

Brian Fletcher


Match to see who will be the number one contender for the New England Heritage Championship:

Too Hot vs. Morgan Malone

Too Hot


Hank Mudd, ???, ??? vs. The Evil Empire (Jake Havok, Sky King, Crusher Von Steinberg)

The Evil Empire


Finals in the Wild Card Tag Team Tournament:

Justin Sensitive & Brendan Idol vs. Frank Fernandes & George Wolfe

Idol and Sensitive


Jerry Martin vs. Prince Rahabad



Sunburst vs. Gabe Goren



Leftie Wilkes vs. Waylon Walls

Leftie Wilkes


Devyn Reynaud vs. Syd Collier

Syd Collier

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RIPW Presents: Halloween Hell 2012




Saturday, October 27, 2012

Twin River Event Center, Lincoln, Rhode Island

Attendance: 300

Show Rating: D-


[The show starts with the members of the Evil Empire standing in the backstage interview area, per the graphic on the bottom of the screen we are informed that this promo was shot earlier in the day.]




Jake Havock: Hank, Hank, Hank, poor lonely defenseless Hank. I truly take pity on you old man, last month I beat you like the loser that you are. If I am being honest with you, I was afraid I would be arrested for elder abuse after the beating I gave you.


Hank I thought my victory would have put to rest any flights of fancy that you might have had in regards to beating me. I guess I was sadly mistaken in that thought process because I was just informed a little while ago that you have thrown out a challenge for me and my two associates here to take you on in a match.


Now what I find funny about the challenge is you do not have any tag team partners listed as our opponents. This must mean you intend on taking the three of us on in a three on one handicap match. I know that not even you are foolish enough to think you can win against the three of us.


Therefore, I have to wonder if you actually have found two people who are willing to fight at your side. I am not sure who would possibly be that dumb after all you have no friends here in RIPW. Nobody in the locker room would be willing to help you out because you alienated all of them.


So tonight, we shall gladly take you on in a three on one handicap match and beat the ever-living crap out of you. Maybe then you will finally do what you should have done a long time ago…retire.


[Jake laughs at his last comment as Sky King stands next to him with no emotion on his face.]




Crusher Von Steinberg: I lift things up and put them down!




Rob L. Miskovsky: Hello and welcome wrestling fans to Halloween Hell 2012! We are coming to you live from the Twin River Event Center in Lincoln, Rhode Island! I am Rob L. Miskovsky and as always, I am sitting here with my broadcast partner Brian Cash-Man!


Now Brian I couldn’t help but notice that you were not with your quote, unquote franchise, as you call it in that opening video.




Brian Cash-Man: I wouldn’t be reading too much into that Rob, I was talking to Henry Lee at the time. I was thanking him for putting my franchise in a handicap match against Hank Mudd. Henry Lee insisted it was not a handicap match but a six-man tag but I highly doubt Hank will be able to find anyone that is willing to join him in his foolish crusade.




Rob L. Miskovsky: Well that may or may not be true, I know a lot of the wrestlers in the back are skeptical about Hank turning over a new leaf. Therefore, you and I are actually in agreement here, I am just not sure Hank will be able to find anyone who will help him out. We shall see if that is the case, right now let us head to the ring for our first match of the evening.


http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/DevynReynaud.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/vs6.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/SydCollier.jpg with http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/KathyNeptune.jpg


Devyn Reynaud vs. Syd Collier with Kathy Neptune




Match: This match was a complete clash of styles with the high flying Devyn wanting to keep the match standing and the technical minded Syd wanting to keep the match on the mat. Syd managed to be the one who won out, as he was able to keep Devyn on the mat, which forced the young Canadian to wrestle a match that was not his forte. In the end, Syd was able to pick up the victory when he locked Devyn into the Texas Cloverleaf. It would seem that having Kathy as his manager is already paying off.


Winner: Syd Collier

Time: 5:06


[it is now time to head to the backstage interview area where Sue Danes is standing by with Justin Sensitive and Brendan Idol.]




Sue Danes: Wud up peeps! It’s ya girl Sue and I am totally standing here with the oddest tag team in the history of RIPW, Brendan Idol and Justin Sensitive.


Now guys, you totally managed to advance into the finals of the Wild Card Tag Team Tournament despite the fact that you don’t like each other…




Brendan Idol: Now Sue that is simply not true, I have no qualms with my gentile friend. He might not be a fan of me but I have nothing but respect for him.




Sue Danes: Are you like saying that there isn’t friction between the two of you?




Justin Sensitive: Sue, I don’t have to like this loser jinx and I don’t wanna be teamin with em. But in order to do good in this tournament I gotta be willing to work with him. Ya see Sue; chances to challenge for da tag belts don’t just grow on trees. Ya gotta earn em and tonight me and Brendan plan on doin just that…earning da right to fight for da gold. I that not I’m outta here…


[Justin leaves the interview area as Brendan just shakes his head in amusement.]




Brendan Idol: Sue that old saying applies to Justin and I politics make strange bedfellows. Vell it vould seem that the RIPW booking committee likes to make odd pairings for their tag teams as well.


[sue has no clue what Brendan is talking about and she just looks at him with a spaced out look on her face before replying.]




Sue Danes: What the hell is a bedfellow? Back to you Rob…




Leftie Wilkes vs. Waylon Walls




Match: The fans truly hate Waylon Walls as they booed him the minute he came down to the ring and throughout this match a, “You can’t wrestle!” chat was directed at him. Despite the fans hate of Waylon, he and Leftie managed to pull out a decent match by RIPW standards. Both men got in their offensive moves but in the end, Leftie was able to pick up the win after he finished Waylon off with a Boston Whiplash.


Winner: Leftie Wilkes

Time: 6:07


[Leftie goes to leave the ring after his victory when he sees the man formerly known as...



Giant Brody,


here in RIPW, standing on the ring steps staring menacingly at Leftie. Leftie asks Brody what he wants but the big man does not reply.





All of a sudden, another behemoth of a man enters the ring and deals a crushing blow to the back of Leftie.


Leftie collapses to the mat in pain as these two giants begin kicking at the downed Leftie. Moments later Heather B. enters the ring with a huge smile on her face. She begins to clap in delight as the two giants still beat on Leftie. Finally, Heather B., tells them to stop and they comply with her request.


Heather then goes over to RIPW Ring Announcer Tony Lopez and asks for a microphone.]




Heather B.: Last month I did something very foolish, I thought with my heart and not with my brain. I tried to rekindle something with you that had died long ago.


After you humiliated me last month, I realized just why I dumped your ass in the first place. Simply put Leftie, you are and always have been a loser and there is just no doubt a-boot that. I told you, that you were going to pay for humiliating me last month and I am a woman of my words.


Boys hold him up…


[The two big men hold up a barely conscious Leftie.]




Heather B.: Think of this as the first part of an installment plan of pain.


[Heather slaps Leftie with her right hand and then gleefully commands her men.]




Heather B.: Boys it’s time to go to town!


[The two big men then continue to beat on Leftie, until RIPW security pulls them off him.]


Match to see who will be the number one contender for the New England Heritage Championship:




Too Hot vs. Morgan Malone


[before the match began New England Heritage Champion, Brian Fletcher joined Brain Cash-Man and Rob on commentary for this match. He told Rob that he did not care who won this match, as he would easily beat either of them.]




Match: As a show of sportsmanship, Too Hot and Morgan shook hands before the bell sounded. This match was very fast paced, as both men seemed to try to outdo the other. It seemed like they took turns on offense with Too Hot getting in some moves and then Morgan taking over and getting in his moves. Too Hot was finally able to put Morgan away after he hit Morgan with a Heat Seeking Missile and then covered him for the pin and the victory.


Winner and new number one contender for the New England Heritage Championship: Too Hot

Time: 8:04


[Once again, we head to the backstage interview area where we see Jerry Martin pacing back and forth with a crazed look on his face.]




Jerry Martin: The late, great George Harrison once sang a song in which he said, “I got my mind set on you.” Well Prince Rahabad, those lyrics apply to how I feel a-boot you. The only problem for you is when George sang those lyrics he did it out of a place of love. When I just spoke those lyrics, I did so out of a place of pure hatred.


You see I am not sure if you are a prince or not but I know one thing and that one thing is you hurt someone who showed me kindness. Someone that was actually trying to help me be less screwed up. Because of your transgressions, you will now feel the power of my fury tonight. Because, I’m hardcore! I’m hardcore! I…am…hard…core!


[Jerry smiles crazily at the camera as he tilts his head much like Michael Meyers would do after he kills someone in a Halloween movie.]


Finals in the Wild Card Tag Team Tournament:




Justin Sensitive & Brendan Idol vs. Frank Fernandes & George Wolfe




Match: It was clear as snow is white (Well most snow is white, there is yellow snow after a dog pisses on it…) that none of the wrestlers in this match trusted their respective partners all that much. All four men realized they had to work with their partner but none of them were thrilled over that fact.


Once again, Brendan and Justin seemed to be willing to work together more than Frank and George. In the end, Justin and Brendan were able to pick up the victory as Justin finished George off with his finishing move Grace Landing.


Winner of the Wild Card Tag Team Tournament: Justin Sensitive & Brendan Idol

Time: 7:05


[Hank Mudd stands by himself in the backstage interview area.]




Hank Mudd: Trust and faith are a hard thing to come by in professional wrestling. For two years, I have done nothing to earn either trust or faith from the fans or the guys in the back. Therefore, in a sense you are completely right Jake, I have no allies. There is nobody in this locker room that is clamoring to help me out.


Earlier I heard Brendan Idol say that wrestling is much like politics in that people you would never expect to help you out will. You see Jake, tonight is not going to be a handicap match. No, far from it tonight is going to be a good old fashion six-man tag because I have found two others who hate you three just as much as I hate you. Guys come on in…


[The RIPW Tag Team Champions the Young Braves walk on screen along with Alexis. Hank has a broad smile on his face as he nods at them and shakes their hands.]




Hank Mudd: You see Jake, I may have alienated the entire locker room but there are people who have the same common goal as I have. That goal is to kick the crap out of you and your associates.




Running Bear: That is absolutely right Hank. Running Wolf and I don’t trust Hank as far as we can throw him but we appreciate the fact that he is trying to turn over a new leaf. That he is trying to right past wrongs that he has done. Yes, this could all be lip service from him but at the end of the day, we’re willing to put some trust in him.




Running Wolf: As the old saying goes, the enemy of my enemy is my ally. Well that is the truth tonight, as Bear just said we don’t have to trust Hank, we just have to trust in Hank’s hatred for the three of you. In my life, I have done plenty of bad things that I am ashamed of, I was given a second, third and in some cases fourth chance so it would be wrong for me to not do the same for Hank. Tonight I will proudly stand by the side of Hank as the three of us shut the three of you up for good.


http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/JerryMartin.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/vs6.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/RahabadLawal.jpg with http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/Streetz.jpg


Jerry Martin vs. Prince Rahabad with Barrister Burchil Gowon




Match: Jerry wasted no time in getting at the Prince, as soon as the bell rang Jerry and the Price began to trade punches in the center of the ring. Every time Jerry would punch the Prince, the fans would cheer, every time the Prince would punch Jerry the fans would boo.


There was not really much action in this match; this match resembled a boxing match much more than a wrestling match. Finally, Jerry decided to actually do a little wresting, as he was able to take down the Prince with a clothesline. Jerry went for the pin, which caused Barrister Gowon to jump up on the ring apron and yell at referee Royce Greig about how a member of the royal family of Nigeria is not allowed to be pinned.


Jerry is having none of this and he nails Barrister Gowon with a right jab, knocking the slender Barrister off the ring apron. Jerry turns around and his face is met by the boot of Prince Rahabad, which knocks Jerry down to the mat. The prince then covers Jerry for the pin and the victory.


Winner: Prince Rahabad

Time: 6:58


For the RIPW New England Heritage Championship:






Sonic S. Thompson vs. Brian Fletcher ©


[Prior to the match Brian verbally ran down his opponent saying how he wants a real challenge and Sonic does not deserve to be in this match.]


Match: This was not much of a match in terms of length of the match, but it was plain to see that Sonic and Brian had great in ring chemistry. Sonic actually was on offense for most of the match and got in one near fall.


However, shortly after that near fall Sonic once again spotted the man dressed up as an ant wandering through the crowd. Sonic simply left the ring and ran out into the crowd, desperately trying to catch up with this Ant-Man. Referee Royce Greig had no choice but to count Sonic out and award the victory to Brian via count-out.


Winner and still RIPW New England Heritage Champion: Brian Fletcher

Time: 3:26




Sunburst vs. Gabe Goren




Match: This was pretty much a long squash match. Sunburst did get some offense in early on in the match but it was nothing major. Gabe took control of the match after an old school rake to Sunburst’s eyes. Now one may ask how is an old school rake to the eyes different from a regular rake to the eyes. Well the answer is they are the exact same thing, just one has old school in front of it.


Once Gabe took control of the match, he turned the match into a typical Gabe Goren match. There were a ton of rest holds and once again, the fans were bored to tears. The “boring” catcalls could be heard throughout the arena but as always they did not bother Gabe because in his mind they were saying, “Goren”. Gabe finally put an end to this match when he locked Sunburst into a Figure Four Grapevine and Sunburst has no other choice but to tap out.


Winner: Gabe Goren

Time: 7:16


[usually Gabe refuses to relinquish his finisher if his opponent taps out, this time is different. Gabe readily lets go of the hold after Sunburst taps out. Goren then slides out of the ring and gets a microphone from RIPW Ring Announcer Tony Lopez and he reenters the ring. Gabe begins to speak in his Ben Stein like voice.]




Gabe Goren: Hello my name is Gabe Goren and I just wanted to say how disappointed I was that you chose to tap out instead of saying I quit. Now I understand that you are from Mexico and therefore due to the language barrier you may not know how to say I quit and thus the only way you are able to convey your feeling is by tapping out.


That is completely understandable but ignorance of the language is inexcusable. You are in the United States friendo and therefore you must learn our language and you must adhere to the old school rules of wrestling. I am so sorry to do this but you have left me no choice…

[Gabe whacks Sunburst in the head with the microphone; he then proceeds to beat the young man from Mexico down. Finally, Gabe once again locks Sunburst in the Figure Four Grapevine and despite the pleas of Referee Royce Greig; Gabe refuses to relinquish the hold.


Moments later Desmond McGuinness comes running down to the ring, which causes Gabe to relinquish the hold. Desmond nails Gabe with a right hook, which makes Gabe fall down to the mat. Desmond then picks up the microphone and begins to speak.]




Desmond McGuinness: Oi, I am sick and tired of you beating on people for no apparent reason you stupid wankner. How about next month you and I meet right here in the ring so that I can teach you a lesson you bloody fool.


[Gabe, who had rolled out of the ring while Desmond was talking, shakes his head yes before heading back to the locker room.]


[Once again, we go to the backstage interview area where Sue Danes is standing by with the RIPW Champion the Wildcat.]




Sue Danes: Tonight you and John Nash are totally going to meet in a steel cage match. Are you um…like ready for this?




The Wildcat: Of course, I’m ready Sue! I was born ready! You see Sue I don’t know how to go out there in front of those fans and not be able to give it my all. Tonight is no different Sue; yeah wrestling in a cage can be a daunting task.


But nobody ever said being the champion would be easy. Tonight I am fully prepared to go to war and I expect John Nash to feel the same way. It is just this time Nash can’t get the match thrown out intentionally, this time he has to man up and earn the ring to be called the RIPW Champion again. I’m gonna do everything I can to stop him from taking my belt! Oh my baby!


http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/OscarOzymandias.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/RogerMonteiro.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/RunningWolf.jpg with http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/AlexisLeeLittlefeather.jpg


http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/JakeIdol.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/CrusherVonSteinberg.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/SkyKing.jpg with http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/HerbStately_jhdBHK.jpg


Hank Mudd & The Young Braves with Alexis Lee Littlefeather vs. The Evil Empire with Brian Cash-Man




Match: This was hardly a match, it was actually just one giant brawl that happened to break into a proper match every once and awhile. It almost seemed like new RIPW Referee Royce Greig was too intimidated to install order in this match, which meant that the wrestlers were doing whatever they pleased to each other.


Finally, all six men started brawling at ringside. Royce Greig began his conservative ten count and by the finished the count nobody from either team had reentered the ring. Therefore, Royce had not other choice but to throw the match out and call it a double count-out.


No winners match ended in a double count-out

Time: 8:07


[After the match was done, all six men continued to brawl throughout the arena until they disappeared into the backstage area.]


Steel Cage Match for the RIPW Championship:






The Wildcat © vs. John Nash


[Pre-match the new RIPW Head referee Royce Greig walks over to the center of the ring. He then holds up his right arm as Ring Announcer Tony Lopez (who is standing behind him) holds the microphone up to Royce‘s mouth. Royce motions for both fighters to join him in the center of the ring. Both men comply and Royce, who lets out a deep breath and looks very nervous, says the following:]




Royce Greig: Gentlemen the following match is for the RIPW Championship, earlier in the day I went over the instructions for this match with each of you in the locker room. I want the two of you to have a good clean fight. Do either of you have any questions?


[both fighters shake their heads no; neither man has much of a reaction on their respective faces as they stare at each other from across the ring.]




Royce Greig: Okay then, if you would like to shake hands do so now and then return to your corner.


[Neither the Wildcat nor John put their hands out to shake; they instead head back to their corner waiting for the bell to ring. The door to the cage is shut and then locked and the bell rings thus signifying the start of the match.]




Match: John tries to rush right at the Wildcat, but this month the Wildcat is ready for it and he simply moves out of the way. Making John look like a charging bull who has missed his target. The Wildcat moves on the offensive pretty quickly learning from his previous two matches with John that he has to be the one that dictates the flow of the match.


Despite his best efforts, the champion was unable to keep up this rapid offense and soon it was John who was in full control. John began to do what he does best, which is to use his fists to clobber the crap out of his opponent. He also used plenty of power moves to make sure the champion would not be able to mount his comeback like he tends to do in every match.


John seems to be taking this match much more seriously as he does not even take the time to taunt the crowd. Instead, he is completely focused on trying to keep the Wildcat down. John has a couple of close pin attempts but nothing comes out of them as the champion manages to kick out each time. As in the previous matches, John becomes increasingly frustrated after each time Wildcat kicks out. This is mainly because the visibly tired John realizes he is in an almost beat the clock situation and at any moment, momentum could swing the other way.


It does swing the other way, as once again the crowd begins to show support for the champion. This support gives the Wildcat the adrenaline he needs to fight back against the much larger challenger. The Wildcat is back in control when he whips John Nash into one of the corners, he then charges at Nash and nails him with the Kentucky Splash. The Wildcat somehow manages to muster up enough strength to pull John into the center of the ring and pin him for the victory.


Winner and still RIPW Champion: The Wildcat

Time: 11:18


[After the match is done, the Wildcat slowly begins to make his way out of the cage. That is, until he notices Rudy Velasquez walking down the aisle with his Win, Lose, or Draw briefcase in his hand. Rudy gets a microphone from one of the ring attendants and he begins to speak.]




Rudy Velasquez: Hey homie, I going to cash in my contract that I got for winning the Win, Lose, or Draw match.


[With that, Rudy walks through the cage door as the crowd boos very loud. Thus begins our second RIPW Championship match of the night.]


Steel Cage Match for the RIPW Championship:






The Wildcat © vs. Rudy Velasquez




Match: The Wildcat looks absolutely exhausted by this point as he and Rudy lock up to start the match. Rudy takes full advantage of this exhaustion as he quickly moves around the champion and takes him down. With the Wildcat on the mat Rudy makes pinfall attempt after pinfall attempt, only to have the Wildcat kick out at the last second each time. Rudy soon stands up and looks down at the champion, wondering exactly what he has to do to put him away.


The challenger soon begins to viciously kick the downed Wildcat; he then drags the champion over to the cage and begins to run the Wildcat’s masked head against the cage. After he felt like he had done a substantial amount of damage, Rudy once again tries to pin the Wildcat. Once again, the champion kicks out at the last second. Rudy begins yelling out cuss words in frustration over not being able to win.


It is at this point that the crowd begins to clap their hands and stomp their feet in the hopes that this will somehow bring the Wildcat back to life. Rudy is not too pleased by this and he yells at the crowd to shut the hell up. The Wildcat does begin to fight back, once again showcasing his never say die attitude. However, Rudy is not going to be denied his title victory tonight as he hits the Wildcat with a Street Cutter. He then covered the champion for the pin and the victory. Rudy Velasquez is the new RIPW Champion!


Winner and new RIPW Champion: Rudy Velasquez

Time: 10:15


[After the match is done, the Wildcat slowly leaves the ring under his own volition, refusing medical aid from the doctor on hand. As the former champion leaves the ring, Rudy is presented the RIPW Champion by a smiling Professor Nero. That is the last image we see as the show goes off the air.]
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Okay yes this is a cheap bump, I was going to put this in the place that I set aside but because michgcs won the contest I wanted him to see this. I never do the 24 hour thing in my diary so think of this post as something like that.


Once again, I would just like to thank everyone that has taken the time to predict, read, and post in this diary. A special thank you goes out to Rayelek and ThriceP86 for making their first picks in this diary.


Here are the results for the show:


michgcs 8/9

hellboy2 7/9

Harmor 6/9

Jingo 6/9

Rayelek 6/9

ThriceP86 5/9


I would like to congratulate michgcs for getting the most right for this show! I have a prize for this show, which is to name yet another new tag team that I am going to bring in for the next show. I would like you to name them, if you are interested in the prize please PM me.


Post Show Thoughts


1. It was time the title came off The Wildcat, he had held it for over a year and while I still could have done a feud with him and Gabe Goren, I just felt it was time for him to lose. Now I guess the question is why Rudy won the title.


Well simply put he has the highest popularity over anyone on the roster. I believe his performance stats are only behind Sky King. Therefore, I felt he was the best bet to have the title next. I toyed with giving it to John Nash but the fact of the matter is his popularity just is not high enough to become champion.


The problem I face now is besides Too Hot, Desmond, and The Wildcat there are no faces with high enough popularity to face Rudy as the champion. My Main Event and Upper Midcard scene is full of heels for the most part. So Rudy might have to become more of a tweener and fight heels as well as faces.


2. I have to admit that I was surprised that Jerry Martin did not have a problem losing to the prince. Sure, it was a tremendous blow to his popularity but he was not even angry over it. I wish more of the wrestlers were like that.


3. I was surprised that nobody guessed that the Young Braves were going to be the partners of Hank in the six-man tag match. I guess they really do not make much of an impression on the readers.


4. I would really like to push George Wolfe more because he was not brought in to be a jobber, neither was Waylon Walls for that matter but Waylon’s stats suck so much I can’t do anything but job him. The thing with George is his popularity just does not seem to grow. Heck, he has picked up plenty of dark match wins with Stuart Ferdinand as his tag partner (Yes he is still on the roster, he was only “fired“ for the purpose of the diary.) and he still does not seem to pick up popularity.



Match to see who will be the number one contender for the New England Heritage Championship:

Too Hot vs. Morgan Malone

Just to make it heel vs face


Um...Morgan Malone is a face. It would have ended up face vs. heel no matter who won that match. I guess Morgan Malone is not someone who sticks out ot you.:D


Hank Mudd, ???, ??? vs. The Evil Empire (Jake Havok, Sky King, Crusher Von Steinberg)

I don't see Hank getting two good guys here, maybe just the Kings of Federal Hill? Ehh.


Well the KOFH haven't been a team in over a year game time. Justin Sensitive was one-half of that team but well you know what he has been doing. Johnny Boy aka Ant-Man is in Canada right now...yeah that's the ticket...


Devyn Reynaud vs. Syd Collier

Is it just me or are there more matches than usual?


No it was not you, I am not sure why that was the case. I guess a lot of the matches ran on the short side for this show as a lot of the workers on the roster have crappy stamina. Not as bad as Zachary INC but bad nevertheless.


Wow, I'm looking back from the beginning and really liking what I see so far. One of the things that I thought was hilarious was when you started putting Jaime Quinn in matches against guys. That was great! I've probably commented before but something tells me I should really start doing it regularly... anyways, BHK, just wanted to let you know that you got another reader!


Great to have you on board. Readers if you have a chance please check out ThriceP's WLW: The Impossible Tale of Jeremy Reed if you have not done so already. I am not a huge fan of Japanese wrestling but he makes it interesting.


Also, you can't do wrong if you check out Enter the Dragon Combat [C-Verse Future] by Rayelek. His diary has nice short to the point match write-ups which are always a plus. I know it sounds odd coming from me because my match write-ups are usually too long but I actually like shorter match write-ups.


Finally, Harmor has brought back his great TNA Dirary which you can find right here. This is a great real world diary and I am glad Harmor decided to bring it back.


Just so Jingo and michgcs do not feel slighted check out their diaries as well. I am not going to give you a link to them because unlike me, Jingo and michgcs actually update their respective diaries often and therefore they are usually on the front page so they are not hard to find.


I agree with mich, nice show and an enjoyable read. Thumbs up!




A very enjoyable show, my friend. Once again you're right on the money :)


Well I thought I quoted Taker as well but I guess I did not either way I would like to thank the three of you for the comments. I was not sure if people would like the title change or not.

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