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Live and Let Die 2010



<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=RobLMiskovsky_alt1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/RobLMiskovsky_alt1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a> By Rob L. Miskovsky



Well RIPW fans we are going to have one fantastic show for you when we return to the birthplace of freedom Boston, Massachusetts at Biker’s Paradise on Saturday, June 19, 2010. The event is going to be called Live and Let Die 2010 and let me tell you folks we are going to have one humdinger of a card!


On that night, we shall see the team of Donte Dunn and The Wilkes Brothers take on Jerry Martin and two partners of his choice. The match will take place inside of a steel cage! I caught up with Jerry Martin and asked him what his thoughts were about this up coming match. This is what he had to say:


“You can reach me by rail way, You can reach me by trail way, You can reach me on an airplane, You can reach me with your mind, You can reach me by caravan, Across the desert like a Arab man, I don’t care how you get here, Just get here if you can.


That is how I feel about facing Donte Dunn and The Wilkes Brothers in a steel cage. Those three are stupid; they want to lock me up in a cage to fight them! That is my element, that is where I thrive, that is where I can be hardcore! Donte Dunn and The Wilkes Brothers, on June the nineteenth in our year lord two thousand and ten, I am going to enter the steel cage and go all sorts of hardcore on you!”


Well I those comments prove anything; they prove that Jerry has a lot of screws loose. We will also see Kentucky Bill take on Brimstone. Kentucky Bill is going to have a tough time getting through this tough roadblock but he is going to have to in order to get another RIPW title shot against Hollywood Hank. I caught up with Kentucky Bill and he gave me his thoughts about taking on Brimstone.


“Oh my gravy, Brimstone is one tough S.O.B. there aint no doubt about that. And I am not gonna overlook him at all. I know that Brimstone is fully capable of beating me in that ring, so I’m gonna have to go out there and give it my all to beat him and with a victory against Brimstone, I hope it will take me one step closer to my re-match for the RIPW Championship.”


Speaking of the RIPW Champion, he will also be in action taking on Jebediah. I recently talked to the champion about this match and his opponent for the night. Here is what Hollywood Hank had to say:


“I may not want to fight in this minor league promotion. However, I am here and I am your champion so I feel the need to grace each and every one of your shows with my presence. I want it to be known that I am a fighting champion and I only defend this thing you call a title, I have seen better looking titles being sold at flea markets, against the toughest competition. And Jebediah is one such individual, his win loss record here in RIPW is what really impressed me. I am going to have a rough night in the ring with that farmer.”


I am sure that our champion is talking about his challenger in jest, and he is not really all that concerned about Jebediah. However, if that is the case he may actually be in for a long night as the young man from Lancaster, Pennsylvania is not one to be taken lightly.


Well I hope you fans in Massachusetts and the surrounding states can come out to support our show. Because as you can see it is going to be one humdinger of a card!


That is it for this month so come on down to Biker’s Paradise in Boston, Massachusetts and witness what is sure to be another great RIPW event! The show starts at 8:00 p.m. and doors open at 7:15p.m. So come early and make sure enjoy the show!



[Faces on the left/Heels on the right.]


In a Six Man Steel Cage Match:


Donte Dunn & The Wilkes Brothers vs. Jerry Martin & ??? & ???


The Young Braves vs. The Kings of Federal Hill


Kentucky Bill vs. Brimstone


RIPW Championship Match:


Jebediah vs. Hollywood Hank ©


occ: I am not sure as to when this show will go up. It should be within the next couple of days as I only have four more segments left to write. However, do not hold me to that because I might not be able to put it up that quickly.

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In a Six Man Steel Cage Match:


Donte Dunn & The Wilkes Brothers vs. Jerry Martin & ??? & ???


it doesn't matter if martin's two partners are a steel chair and deanna, he's f*cking hardcore, man!


The Young Braves vs. The Kings of Federal Hill


this could go either way... aww, who am i kidding? this is probably filler :rolleyes:


Kentucky Bill vs. Brimstone


too much momentum to lose...


RIPW Championship Match:


Jebediah vs. Hollywood Hank ©


no way hank loses this one :D

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RIPW presents: Live and Let Die 2010


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Saturday, June 19, 2010

Biker’s Paradise, Boston, Massachusetts

Attendance: 73

Show Rating: E-


[The show does not start out as normal; instead, we are in an office where Henry Lee (who got a huge pop when he showed up on screen) is sitting at a desk going over some paper work. Too Hot walks into the office (who got an equally huge pop upon coming on screen). Henry looks at Too Hot and smiles; he gestures at the seat in front of his desk.]



Henry Lee: Have a seat Jay.


[Henry waits for Too Hot to sit down before he continues to speak.]


Henry Lee: Well I have good news and bad news for you. Which would you like first?


[Too Hot looks down at Henry's desk for a moment, thinks, and then says:]



Too Hot: Well I guess I would like to hear the bad news first just to get that crap out of the way.


Henry Lee: Okay, well the bad news tonight is that Professor Nero has decreed that you will be fighting in yet another tag match this month.


[Too Hot does not looked pleased with this and he pounds his fist on Henry‘s desk.]


Too Hot: What the hell Henry! Aren’t you the commissioner?


Henry Lee: I am, but remember he is the owner and therefore my hands are tied…


Too Hot: Yeah…yeah man, Jay Evans knows that you are nothing but a puppet. So why don’t you just get on with the good news…


[Henry Lee clearly does not seem pleased at being called a puppet by Too Hot. And for a brief moment, we see a flash of the old hardcore Henry Lee, as his scared face looks at Too Hot with a cold almost psychopathic stare. He begins to speak and by the tone of his voice, he is clearly trying to suppress his anger.]


Henry Lee: Son, I am not a puppet and it would be wise not to refer to me as such. In fact, I went to bat for you and convinced Professor Nero to put you into a tag match against Blackjack Robbins! That was the good news…


[upon hearing the news, Too Hot smiles, clearly happy that he will get a chance to get at Blackjack.]


Too Hot: Jay Evans is pleased with this news! Who else will be in the match tonight?


Henry Lee: You partner will be Raphael and you will be facing Blackjack and Stuart Ferdinand.


[Too Hot nods his head and stands up from his seat.]


Too Hot: Jay Evans is pleased with this match! Because after tonight Jay Evans is gonna end Blackjack Robbins career! And if you don’t know now you know.


Segment Rating: E+


[We now cut to Sue Danes who is standing in between The Young Braves. Running Bear is on Sue‘s left hand side and he is pacing back and forth. While Running Wolf is standing on Sue‘s right hand side. Running Wolf has an angry look on his face and he keeps on pounding his right fist into the palm of his left hand.]



Sue Danes: Wud up RIPW fans! This is your girl Sue Danes here and at this time, right now I am standing in between The Young Braves. These are two men who are like totally not happy.


[sue turns and faces Running Bear, who has stopped pacing and is now standing next to Sue. His body language tells you he is not to happy as he has his arms folded and he has a solemn look on his face.]


Sue Danes: Running Bear, we all totally witnessed what The Kings of Federal Hill did to Running Wolf’s personal property. Why do you think they did this?



Running Bear: Why do weak-minded people do anything? Look Johnny Boy and Justin we have stood by as you made fun of us, as you made fun of our heritage. However, what you did to Running Bear’s headdress was just malicious. That headdress was very sacred to Running Bear it had been in his family for generations and for you to do what you did to it shows me exactly what kind of people you are.


[sue brings the microphone over to Running Wolf who is still standing there pounding his right fist into the palm of his left hand.]



Running Wolf: Johnny Boy I am a man who is very slow to anger. Much like Running Bear has said over the past couple of months I have had to standby and listen to you as you not only mocked me but you mocked my culture as well. I was willing to let you do this, as I understand that you suffer from little man syndrome. Therefore, you feel the need to compensate for your inadequacies by being a loud, disrespectful, obnoxious, piece of human feces.


And even though I am a man who is proud of his heritage…proud to be a Native American, I was willing to let slide your stupid comments. However, once you took the headdress that was handed down from generation to generation of my family, threw it in a garbage can, and set it on fire, well…I can no longer sit by.


I once heard a saying, “Beware of the man who is slow to anger, for when angered that man’s rage will burn hotter than the pits of hell.” Well Johnny Boy and Justin, you two have just lit that fire in me! And tonight Running Bear and I will send you two straight to hell!


[And with that, The Young Braves walk off camera and Sue Danes looks at the camera and says:]


Sue Danes: Well I will tell you one thing; I would not want to be The Kings of Federal Hill tonight…take it away Rob!


Segment Rating: F+


[The show starts with the arena in complete darkness. The multi-colored house lights come one and they start to move along the arena. The regular house lights come on and we see Rob L. Miskovsky and Mayhem Midden sitting at a table, which is on a balcony above the ring.]



Rob L. Miskovsky: Hello and welcome wrestling fans to Live and Let Die! We have a hum-dinger of a card for you tonight, as we are coming to you live from Boston, Massachusetts! I’m Rob L. Miskovsky and I am standing along side my broadcasting partner Mayhem Midden.


Well Mayhem, I got to say that tonight’s card has a bit of a theme. And that theme is revenge, as tonight we shall see Too Hot and The Young Braves seek revenge against people that have wronged them in the past. How do you feel about this?



Mayhem Midden: Revenge is a weird thing…dig it! You can become so blinded by your need for revenge, and that blind rage may end up only hurting you in the long run…oh yeah…dig it!


Rob L. Miskovsky: That may be true and tonight we shall see if your theory is right. We shall actually find out if you are right in our very first match, as we will see the team of Too Hot and Raphael taking on the team of Cowboy Stuart Ferdinand and Blackjack Robbins. What our your thoughts on our first match of the evening?


Mayhem Midden: Well my thoughts are that Too Hot won’t be getting his revenge tonight…oh yeah!


Rob L. Miskovsky: Well there you have it folks, my broadcast partner insightful as ever…let us go down to the ring for our first match of the night.


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Cowboy Stuart Ferdinand & Blackjack Robbins vs. Too Hot & Raphael


[This Life by Curtis Stigers & The Forest Rangers begins to play over the arena’s sound system and out steps Stuart Ferdinand. The very moment he comes out from behind the backstage curtain, the crowd (Lead by Rowdy Roger who has made the hour-long trek to Boston just to jeer the bad guys.) breaks out into a Y-M-C-A chant. Stuart talks to himself as he makes his way down the aisle and enters the ring.


Stuart looks pissed off once again, due to the lack of respect that the crowd is showing towards him. He walks over to the ring announcer and takes the microphone right out of the ring announcer‘s hand.]


Stuart Ferdinand: I see you worthless pieces of crap did not miss me. In case you were wondering, I was wrestling in Japan last month. That is right I would rather wrestle in Japan where the people respect me, than come back here and be booed by you people.


[Just then, Rowdy Roger yells out:]



Rowdy Roger: Then why don’t cha go back to Japan!


Stuart Ferdinand: Shut up fat man! Why don’t you set up a meeting with Jenny Craig, and maybe then you will be able to fit your disgusting body into that chair without spilling over into the chair next to you.


[Rowdy Roger stands up and is yelling something at Stuart that nobody can make out. Stuart just laughs and hands over the microphone back to the ring announcer.]


[Renegade by Styx starts to play over the arena‘s sound system and a, “You can’t wrestle.” chant starts up as the fans know full well who is about to come out from behind the backstage curtain and a few moments later Blackjack Robbins does indeed step out from behind the backstage curtain.


Upon seeing Blackjack, the crowd starts to boo rather loudly. Some fans hurl garbage at Blackjack as he walks down to the ring. Blackjack pays no attention to what the fans are saying to him or throwing at him for that matter. Instead, he slowly walks down the aisle. Finally, he enters the ring and stares at Stuart Ferdinand for a moment before turning his animalistic gaze towards the wrester‘s entrance area.]


[Let Me Clear My Throat by DJ Kool starts to play and out from behind the backstage curtain comes Too Hot followed by Raphael. The fans go absolutely ape crap over Too Hot (Also, I am sure that quite a few of the fans are happy that they do not have to endure Raphael‘s intro this month.) as he and Raphael make their way down to the ring. Too Hot is once again sans microphone this month and he looks all business as he makes his way to the ring. The minute Too Hot and Raphael hit the ring they are jumped by Stuart and Blackjack.]


Match: Referee David Poker had a hard time gaining control of this match for the first few minutes. Finally, things settled down and it became a regular tag match. Blackjack Robbins did his best to avoid being in the ring with Too Hot, often tagging out whenever Too Hot was tagged in. The only time Blackjack would enter the ring with Too Hot was when Too Hot was already beaten down by Stuart Ferdinand.


There were plenty of, “You can’t wrestle!” chants directed at Blackjack every time he entered the ring. And the dominate chant directed at Stuart Ferdinand was, “Y-M-C-A” every time he entered the ring. The fans seemed to be really into this match as an opener.


This match became an all out brawl once again and it spilled out onto the arena fall at the 8:18 mark. After David Poker counted to ten, he informed the ring announcer that the match had ended in a double count-out. Neither the fans nor the wrestlers seemed to care as the wrestlers were busy brawling all over the arena and the fans were busy watching said brawl.


Outcome: No outcome for this match as it ended in a double count-out.

Time: 8:28

Match Rating: E


[After the match was officially ended by RIPW Senior Official (and well their only official for that matter) David Poker, all four men continued to brawl all over the arena. With Too Hot and Blackjack going at it near the concession stand. And Raphael and Stuart Ferdinand brawling at ring side.


The highlight of this brawl was when Too Hot took an empty popcorn box and put it on Blackjack’s enormous head (Yes we are all surprised that there was a popcorn box big enough to fit on Blackjack’s head. I guess when they soak you for $6.50 for popcorn you may be actually getting your money’s worth.) and then nailed Blackjack’s head with a steel chair. The sicken thud reverberated throughout the arena and the crowd let out a collective “ooohhh” when they heard and saw it happen. The brawl finally ended when various RIPW officials managed to separate all the participants in the brawl.]


Segment Rating: F+


[After the brawl is over, we go back up to the announcer’s area where Rob has a shocked look on his face.]


Rob L. Miskovsky: Wrestling fans in all my years in this profession, I have never heard such a sickening sound like I just heard when Too Hot hit Blackjack in the head with the chair. His brains have to be scrambled after that…


Mayhem Midden: Jason Evans…Too Hot…or whatever the hell he is calling himself this month, should be suspended for what he just did…oh yeah…dig it!


Rob L. Miskovsky: Not that I condone in any way, shape, or form what Too Hot just did. However, turn about is fair play. After all Blackjack did put Too Hot on the shelf following the brutal beat down he gave Too Hot.


Mayhem Midden: But this is different…dig it! This was a direct shot to Blackjack’s head with a blunt instrument…oh yeah! That could lead to brain damage…dig it!


Rob L. Miskovsky: Well like I said Mayhem, you will get no argument from me. That shot was very brutal and I think even Too Hot may find a hard time justifying it. Moving on, earlier today Jerry Martin and RIPW cameraman Orson Yates shot this footage of Jerry introducing his army, which he calls Jerry’s Kids to the fans of RIPW nation. And folks I am sorry if that name offends anyone…ah lets just role the footage…


[We are now shown footage of an empty parking lot. The wind is rustling making the audio hard to hear. Jerry Martin marches on screen dressed in a white t-shirt that has his face on it and on the back of the shirt it says, “I’m Hardcore!”, he is also wearing camouflage shorts and a camouflage army helmet. He looks at the camera and salutes it before his typical maniacal grin creep slowly across his face.]



Jerry Martin: Wilkes Brothers…Donte Dunn…you laid down a challenge to me last month. You told me to find two partners who were sick and twisted enough to join me in battle. I looked far and wide, roses are red my love violets are blue…ah and I found two men that will help me to eradicate you three from RIPW!


The first man I found in Foxwoods, he was standing at the bar talking gibberish. I asked him if he was hardcore…he said no but he loves to watch it when Cinemax shows it at night. When I informed him that I was talking about wrestling he nodded his head. So without any further ado, let me introduce to you the first member of my newly formed alliance, an alliance that I am going to call Jerry’s Kids…I now give to you all Sonic S. Thompson…


[A man very short in stature comes walking out. He is wearing a visor on his head, he has on a rather loud Hawaiian style t-shirt, white dress pants, and a cigarette holder which dangles out of his mouth with a lit cigarette in the holder. He walks over to Jerry and salutes him; he then stands next to Jerry.]


Jerry Martin: Now Mr. Thompson, before I bring out the other member of our group, I would like to ask you why you have joined me in my crusade to rid the RIPW of non-hardcore wrestlers.



Sonic S. Thompson: My attorney has informed me that I need to get golf shoes or we will never get out of this place alive! After all it is impossible to walk in this muck…there is no footing at all!


[Jerry smiles and claps his hands together.]


Jerry Martin: Truer words have never been spoken…and if you are hardcore tonight you will get your golf shoes! Now I would like to bring out my other new hardcore associate. This man is a mercenary, he works for the highest bidding, and he is a great bowler as well. Let me introduce to you Zachary Inc…


[Zachary Inc walks on screen huffing and puffing as if he had just run in the Boston Marathon. Truthfully, he got winded just by walking a few steps. He stands next to Sonic and salutes Jerry.]


Jerry Martin: It cost me quite a bit of money to acquire the services of mister Inc. However, I have heard you are worth your weight in gold inside that ring. And you have no problem what so ever with the type of match we are in tonight.



Zachary Inc: That’s right my services don’t come cheap (he takes a deep breath because he has become winded just from talking for that little bit). But if you can afford my services…(takes another deep breath) well then you have the finest muscle on this planet fighting (takes another deep breath) on your side.


[Jerry Martin faces the camera with a huge grin on his face. While he is looking at the camera, Sonic S. Thompson stands directly behind him. Sonic‘s hands hover over Jerry‘s head, Sonic is make some sort of weird motion with his hands, almost like he is massaging Jerry‘s head without actually touching it.


The minute Jerry begins to turn around Sonic hops back in line. Jerry smiles at his “troops” and says:]


Jerry Martin: I have prepared a little speech for you two. I want you two to be motivated in the war that we are about to partake in. This shall be a very hardcore war and I want you to be up to my hardcore standards.


[Jerry goes into the right pocket of his shorts and pulls out a yellow lined paper. He then proceeds to read the speech that George C. Scott gave in the movie Patton. Jerry changed it around a bit but it is never the less that speech.]


Jerry Martin: Now, I want you to remember that no bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country. Men, all this stuff you’ve heard about Jerry Martin not wanting to fight, wanting to stay out of the steel cage match with Donte Dunn and the Wilkes Brothers is a lot of horse dung. Jerry Martin traditionally loves to fight. All real future hardcore icons love the sting of battle.


When you were kids, you all admired the champion marble shooter, the fastest runner, the big league ball player, the toughest boxer. Americans love a winner and will not tolerate a loser. Jerry Martin plays to win all the time. I wouldn’t give a hoot in hell for a man who lost and laughed. That’s why Jerry Martin has never lost and will never lose a hardcore steel cage match. Because the very thought of losing is hateful to Jerry Martin.


Now, an Army is a team. It lives, eats, sleeps, fights as a team. This individuality stuff is a bunch of crap. The bilious bastards who wrote that stuff about individuality for the Saturday Evening Post don’t know anything more about real battle than they do about fornicating.


Now Sonic and Zachary Inc, let us go to the field of battle and vanquish our enemies in a most extreme hardcore fashion! Let’s win one for the gipper!


[sonic blurts out:]


Sonic S. Thompson: This is a very ominous assignment - with overtones of extreme personal danger.


Jerry Martin: And that is why I’m hardcore!


[Jerry beings to laugh and we go back to the announcer‘s table where Rob is smiling and just shaking his head back and forth.]


Segment Rating: F+


Rob L. Miskovsky: Well I am not sure what to make of that…it looks like Jerry Martin has found two people that are just as crazy as he is…


Mayhem Midden: Jerry is not crazy, he is just hardcore…dig it!


Rob L. Miskovsky: Speaking of crazy, up next we are about to see a match between two tag teams that have crazy hatred for each other. It all stems from when The Kings of Federal Hill took it upon themselves to burn the headdress that Running Wolf wore to the ring. This headdress was a sacred family heirloom that had been passed down through generations of Running Wolf’s family. Therefore, this should be a very interesting match. Let us go back down to the ring and we will see what happens…


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The Young Braves vs. The Kings of Federal Hill


[Run to the Hills by Iron Maiden begins to play over the arena‘s sound system as The Young Braves make their way down to the ring. Both men slap the hands of the fans as they run down to the ring. Out of respect for his partner, Running Bear is not wearing his Native American headdress. When they get in front of Rowdy Roger, he yells Whoo…Whoo at them.]


[Volare by Dean Martin starts to play over the arena‘s sound system. A few seconds later The Kings of Federal Hill step out from behind the backstage curtain. The fans immediately greeted them with boos. A chant of “You are Guidos!” also begins as the two men make their way down to the ring.


The Young Braves do not wait for their foes to enter the ring as they rush towards The Kings of Federal Hill and all four men brawl in the aisle. After about a minute of brawling in the aisle the teams enter the ring a referee David Poker tells to timekeeper to ring the bell to signify the start of the match.]


Match: The fans never really got into this bout, maybe because The Braves are thought of as jobbers and they were probably going to lose. Yes, there was a smattering of cheers here and there but for the most part the fans remained quiet.


This match was your standard tag team fare, with The Kings of Federal Hill dominating for most of the match. In fact, Running Bear spent most of the time in the ring for his team and he spent most of the match getting his ass kicked while Johnny Boy and Justin made quick tags in and out. The Kings did a rather effective job in cutting off the ring and it looked like they had this match in the bag.


However, looks can be deceiving, as Running Bear managed to muster up some power (after being manhandled in the ring for nearly five minutes straight) and make the hot tag to bring in his partner Running Wolf. Running Wolf, using his awesome raw strength, picked up Justin and hurled him outside to the arena floor. Running Wolf then turned his attention to Johnny Boy who got on his knees and pleaded with the massive Native American for mercy.


Wolf was having none of it; he goes over to Johnny Boy and proceeds to clobber him with fists of fury. Running Wolf then backs up a bit and runs towards the dazed Johnny Boy nailing him with a Wolf Tamer (Running Neck breaker). Running Wolf then proceeds to pin Johnny Boy for the upset victory.


Winners: The Young Braves

Time: 8:24

Match Rating: E-


[After the win The Young Braves feel on top of the world having just beaten a team that has constantly tormented them. The crowd even gets behind this shocking win as they begin to do the tomahawk chop and they start to do the war chant that usually accompanies the chop. While The Young Braves bask in their victory, their opponents decide to attack the Braves from behind.


Johnny Boy boot stomps Running Bear while Justin repeatedly punches a downed Running Wolf. Finally, some RIPW security comes out and pulls The Kings of Federal Hill away from their fallen opponents. This was not before Johnny Boy spit on the chest of Running Bear. The Kings of Federal Hill walk back to the locker room with their hands above their heads, pleased at the carnage they have just unleashed on the Braves.]


Segment Rating: F


Rob L. Miskovsky: What despicable pieces of trash The Kings of Federal Hill are! The Young Braves were having a great moment with the fans, celebrating their first win in this company. And what do The Kings of Federal Hill do? They Pearl Harbor the Braves and then if that was not enough, Johnny Boy decides to add insult to injury and spits on the chest of Running Bear! The Kings of Federal Hill are just two vile young men in this commentator’s opinion! Let us got to the back where Donte Dunn, Heather B. and the Wilkes Brothers are standing by waiting to talk about their match against Jerry Martin and his associates Jerry’s Kids.


[We cut to the same place that Sue Danes had interviewed The Young Braves earlier. Heather B. is sporting a Boston Red Sox hat, a Tom Brady jersey, and a pair of tight fitting jeans. Standing to the left of her is Donte Dunn and standing to the right of her are Leftie and Dutch Wilkes.]



Donte Dunn: Tonight Jerry Martin we will be locked inside of a steel cage. You got your boys brotha and I got mine.


[Donte looks over at the Wilkes Brothers who look downright determined to kick some major league ass.]


Donte Dunn: So I guess the question is brotha, who has the better team backing em? I think I do cuz those two misfits that ya picked up will not be able to hang in the ring with the elite tag team of RIPW.



Heather B.: That’s right Donte! You see Jerry; you bit off a little more than you could chew. You messed with the wrong people when you messed with my man, his brother, and Donte. You are always running around claiming to be hardcore, well tonight these three men standing next to me will put that statement to the test! Tell em hun…



Leftie Wilkes: Jerry Martin, you are one dumb crazy ass dude! You bring out a team that aint gonna be much of a challenge from Donte, me and my brother to beat. You got one guy who gets out of breath from talking and the other guy thinks he is Johnny Depp. Tonight Jerry Martin you’re gonna get an answer as to who is hardcore. But I don’t think it is an answer that you wanna here.



Dutch Wilkes: Jerry Martin, I don’t like your crazy ass! In fact, after what you did to my little brother, well let me say that I wanna retire you from this industry. You wanna go out and hire two people to watch cha back, well that is fine with me. But tonight those two dudes are gonna be in for a rude awakening, cuz me, my brother, and Donte Dunn are gonna beat you all to a bloody pulp!


Heather B.: Come on boys let’s go out there and kick some asses and take some names!


[Heather, Donte, and The Wilkes Brothers walk off camera and we go back to ringside. There is now a steel cage placed over the ring.]


Segment Rating: F


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=JerryMartin.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/JerryMartin.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=ZacharyInc.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/ZacharyInc.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=SuperSonic_alt2.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/SuperSonic_alt2.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=vs.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/vs.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=DonteDunn.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/DonteDunn.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=LeftieWilkes.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/LeftieWilkes.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=DuberryExcess.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/DuberryExcess.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a> with <a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=HeatherB.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/HeatherB.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Jerry Martin & Zachary Inc & Sonic S. Thompson vs. Donte Dunn & The Wilkes Brothers with Heather B.


[Psycho Killer by The Talking Heads starts to play on the arena‘s sound system, and a few seconds later Jerry Martin steps out from behind the backstage curtain. He is closely followed by Zachary Inc, who is breathing rather heavily just walking down to the ring, and Sonic S. Thompson who has his cigarette holder dangling from his month (there is no cigarette in the holder). Jerry is carrying his kendo stick, which he named Deanna, with him in his left hand and he has his typical maniacal smile on his face as he walks down to the ring.


There is a portion of the crowd that is actually cheering Jerry and his associates. Upon walking up to, the steel cage Jerry head butts the cage until he busts open his own forehead. He then turns and faces the camera. He takes his right hand and rubs some of the blood from his forehead onto his hand. After doing that, he proceeds to lick his right hand. Following that disgusting act, Jerry and Jerry‘s Kids then enter the steel cage.]


[Run This Town by Jay Z featuring Rihanna and Kanye West begins to play over the arena’s sound system and a few seconds later Donte Dunn steps out from behind the backstage curtain smiling. As he makes his way down to the ring, he slaps the fans hands. When he gets to ringside, he looks at Rowdy Roger and smiles. He then looks at the steel cage; his gaze then becomes fixated on Jerry Martin. Jerry Martin is yelling something at Donte and wants Donte to enter into the ring. Donte decides to hold off and wait for the Wilkes Brothers to come down to the ring before he enters the cage.]


[Dirty Water by The Standells begins to play on the arena‘s sound system and the crowd goes nuts. The crowd begins to sing along with the song as Heather B. steps out from behind the backstage curtain. Heather is followed shortly thereafter by her boyfriend Leftie and his older brother Dutch.


Upon getting to ringside, Donte and the Wilkes Brothers enter the ring and the match begins.]


Match: This match was a complete and utter cluster you know what. What made this match so hard to follow was the fact the rules for this match allowed all six men to be inside the ring at once. After about the two-minute mark Zachary Inc was breathing so heavy that one might think that he was making crank calls and not wrestling in a match.


This bloody brawl went on for ten minutes and by the five minutes mark everyone in the match was busted open. The ring mat looked more like the scene of a homicide than a wrestling ring match. The match came to an end when Jerry Martin nailed Donte Dunn with a Discus Punch, knocking Donte clean out. Jerry then proceeds to pin Donte for the victory. And yes for you fans that are worrying, there was an oxygen tank provided for Zachary Inc after the watch was done.


Winners: Jerry Martin, Zachary Inc, Sonic S. Thompson

Time: 10:14

Match Rating: E-


[instead of going back to the announcer‘s table we go to the backstage area (this is partly because the ring crew is taking down the steel cage and therefore this would be seen from the announcer‘s table) where Brian Cash-Man is standing by in what looks to be a lounge type area. He is talking on his cell phone when the camera first shows him.]



Brian Cash-Man: Yes sir, Professor Nero did indeed get your donation. Yes due to your generous donation, he made sure that Hank got a quote un-quote tough opponent tonight.


[brian nods his head and laughs at whatever his boss is saying to him on the phone.]


Brian Cash-Man: Yes sir he is fighting that hick Jebediah. The guy has a record of like O for life that is how bad he is. We are hyping him up as a serious challenger but I am not sure how much longer either Hank or I can do it with a straight face. I mean come one everyone knows this match is a sham, even these dumb Massachusetts fans know it is fake. And these idiots will believe anything, heck they even seem to believe that the Red Sox might win another World Series.


[brian once again nods his head as he listens to what his boss has to say.]


Brian Cash-Man: Okay sir will do, give Kay my best wishes…good-bye sir.


[brian hangs up the phone and he then realizes that the cameraman had been taping him the entire time (yes suspend reality for a moment because in real life he would clearly see a cameraman taping him).]


Brian Cash-Man: What the hell are you doing here? I was trying to have a private conversation with my boss! Jeez, is there no place in this crappy arena that I can get some privacy! Get out of here!


[And with that, Brian Cash-Man slams the door to the room that he is in.]


Segment Rating: E-



[instead of going back to the announcer‘s desk to listen to Rob drone on and on about how evil Brain Cash-Man is, we go back to the ring where Brimstone is standing waiting for his opponent Kentucky Bill.]


[We next hear a sound bite of Kentucky Bill saying, “Oh my gravy!” right after that American Badass by Kid Rock starts to play over the arena’s sound system and the crowd goes wild! Kentucky Bill soon steps out from behind the backstage curtain and the fans get even louder. Bill slowly makes his way down to the ring slapping the hands of the fans along the way.


Bill takes off his infamous Kentucky Wildcats hat and hands it to a little boy who is sitting at ringside. The little boy looks very happy at receiving hat; he gives Bill thumbs up. Bill finally enters the ring and stands in his corner waiting for the match to start.]


Match: This match was bad; there is just no way around this. Bill and Brimstone just did not seem to click at all in this match and both men were blowing spots left and right. It was mainly Brimstone’s fault as he was really off his game.


Despite this match being total horse crap to watch, the fans were super into whatever Kentucky Bill did. A new chant started tonight, whenever Kentucky Bill would punch Brimstone he would do it in threes and yell out, “Oh” which would correspond with the first punch, “My” which would correspond with the second punch, and “Gravy” which would correspond with the third punch. The crowd ate this up and every time he would punch Brimstone in threes they would yell it.


This match seemingly went on forever and towards the end of the match, Brimstone was visibly tired. Finally, and one might say mercifully, the match ended when Bill pinned Brimstone for the victory.


Winner: Kentucky Bill

Time: 13:11

Match Rating: F+


[After the match is down, Kentucky Bill asks for the microphone from the ring announcer and says:]


Kentucky Bill: Another one bites the dust Hank! I’m a coming for ya Hank, and when I finally get my rematch, I will walk out of the ring as the new RIPW Champion!


[upon hearing, what Bill has to say the crowd goes nuts! We then brought back to the announcer‘s table.]


Rob L. Miskovsky: Well I am not sure how much longer the RIPW Champion Hollywood Hank can duck Kentucky Bill. I mean Bill has just been a man possessed, and eventually Professor Nero and the championship committee will have to recognize that.


Mayhem Midden: Bill is going to have to work his way up just like everybody else has to in this promotion…dig it! To challenge for the RIPW Championship you have to be at the top of your game, you have to have a winning record and you have to prove that you deserve to fight for the gold…oh yeah!


Rob L. Miskovsky: Well everything that you have just said would be right if we were talking about the past. However, currently we have a coward as a champion who just does not want to face Kentucky Bill. Speaking of our champion, he is about to face off with Jebediah in our main event of the evening which is about to happen. Let us go back down to the ring for our main event…


For the RIPW Championship:


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=RIPW_Championship.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/RIPW_Championship.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=Jebediah.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/Jebediah.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=vs.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/vs.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=OscarOzymandias.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/OscarOzymandias.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a> with <a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=HerbStately_jhdBHK.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/HerbStately_jhdBHK.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Jebediah vs. Hollywood Hank with Brian Cash-Man


[You would think with Jebediah being in the main event this month his ring entrance would be shown on screen. Well if you thought that, you thought wrong as Jebediah is already standing in the ring having come out to the ring while Rob and Mayhem were talking.]


[The lights in the arena go down and a spotlight shines on the backstage curtain. Simply the Best by Tina Turner begins to play as Brian Cash-Man and the RIPW Champion Hollywood Hank steps out from behind the backstage curtain.


Both Brian and Hank are pelted by various forms of garbage as they walk down to the ring, neither one seems to be phased by this. When Hank gets in front of Rowdy Roger he takes one look at Roger and says,

“You need to talk to Jenny Craig dude“. Rowdy Roger is shocked for a moment and does not know what to say in response to this.


Upon entering the ring, Brian Cash-Man walks over to the ring announcer and takes the microphone from the ring announcer. He then looks out at the crowd and says:]


Brian Cash-Man: I bet each and every one of you was wondering where I was last month because I know you all missed me so much.


[The crowd starts to boo very loud when Brian says that.]


Brian Cash-Man: Well I shall tell you where I was. I was out scouting talent to join this man (What really happened was I booked my previous show on the same night as NYCW and Herb decided to work for them instead.), your RIPW Champion. I have yet to find anyone that has the talent that Hank has. However, the boss wants more players on this team so that we can continue our domination of this crappy promotion.


[brian gives the microphone back to the ring announcer. Before the start of the match RIPW Head referee David Poker walks over to the center of the ring. He then holds up his right arm as the ring announcer (who is standing behind him) holds the microphone up to David‘s mouth. David motions for both fighters to join him in the center of the ring. Both men comply and David says the following:]


<a href="

http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=DavidPoker.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/DavidPoker.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


David Poker: Okay gentlemen this match is for the RIPW Championship, I expect a good clean fight. Any questions?


Both fighters shake their heads no; as they keep their opponent’s stare.


David Poker: Okay then shake hands and return to your respective corners.


[Neither men shake hands. Instead, they both return to their respective corners and wait for the bell to ring.]


Match: This match was bad not as bad as the previous match was mind you, but it was still very bad. Jebediah is extremely green and that fact was shown in this match. Despite this being a championship match the fans just did not care. The boring catcall reared its ugly head throughout this match, a match that went on for far too long. This match finally ended when Hollywood Hank hit Jebediah with the MVP (Full nelson face buster) and then covered Jebediah for the pin and the victory.


Winner and still RIPW Champion: Hollywood Hank

Time: 12:59

Match Rating: E-


[After the match is over with we see Brian Cash-man and Hollywood Hank, who standing in the center of the ring holding the RIPW Championship up with his right hand, basking in the boos of the crowd. Various forms of garbage are being hurled at them from the fans. We then hear Rob L. Miskovsky say:]


Rob L. Miskovsky: Well fans I hoped you all enjoyed the show tonight as much as I did! For my broadcast partner Mayhem Midden, I’m Rob L. Miskovsky wishing you all a good night!

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Once again I would just like to thank everyone that has taken the time to predict, read, and post in this diary.


Here are the results for this show:


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/Picks%20Album/?action=view&current=Picks3.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/Picks%20Album/Picks3.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Congratulations goes out to Dragonmack who had a perfect score for this show!


Prize wise I have two options (sorry I tried but could not think of better options) for you if you want to take me up on the offer:


A.) You can ask anybody on the RIPW roster a question (Well not anybody, because Sue interviews the people so you cannot ask her.:D).


B.) You can name the next RIPW show.


Just to explain some stuff on the show:


Why did The Young Braves beat The Kings of Federal Hill?


The reason why I had The Young Braves go over The Kings of Federal Hill was because in the actual game I am running a storyline (I believe it is one of the default storylines), and the team slated to get the first victory was The Young Braves. And that match was actually a huge upset in the game as Justin was in the main event and Ant-Man aka Johnny Boy was an Upper Mid-Card guy. While Runnig Bear was a Lower Mid-Card, and Running Wolf was an opener.


It ended up killing Justin's popularity in New England (Which was fine with me because I did not want him in the main event any way.) and it destroyed his momentum. Oddly enough I did not do anything to Ant-Man as his popularity in New England was only one or two points above both members of the Braves.


Why is Super Sonic and Zachary Inc here?


I signed Zachary because that is who eayragt wanted me to sign when he won last show's pick contest. Zachary just suck cardio wise and Nero told me that I should not have him in matches that last this long.


Super Sonic was added in because I loved Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, and I thought it might be cool to use that awsome alt render by crumplepuppet in a diary.


What is up with the new format?


The Henry Lee's Thoughts were getting very redundant for me to write. Plus, I usually do the post show thoughts that says exactly what I had previously said in show. Therefore, I am going to do a brief summary of the matches from here on out. Well that is if people want me to, if any readers liked the old way better I will gladly go back to that.


My biggest problem is I love to write promos and I hate to write match write-ups (mostly because I suck at them). I understand that it turns readers off from reading this because I do not do match write-ups. I try to give the diary more life by writing about the various chants and what not during the wrestler's introductions. However, even that has become a bit redundant, as you can only explain how a wrestler walks down to the ring in so many ways.


Why is Jebediah in the main event?


After the show I asked myself that question. I firmly believe that he is the reason why the main event scored so low. Because let us face the facts, the dude sucks. I put him in the main event as part of Hank's storyline where he faces jobbers, but he hypes them as if they are superstars. I thought that maybe Jeb would put on a decent match for me but I thought wrong.


Another one who killed me was Brimstone. I now wished that I did not re-sign him. He totally wrecked the semi-main event, because he is so horrible in the ring. Never again will he get that high on the card.:D

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LOL well that sure sealed brimstone's fate in the RIPW... (more like RIP brimstone's career, am i right? :D i'm here all night, folks! wahahaha)


it's cool that there's an added storyline (dynasty-wise), and the first tag team one (if you don't count jerry martin vs. the wilkes boys). the funny thing about it is that running wolf looks kinda old to be a "young" brave :rolleyes:


i like jerry's kids, though. their characterization (a clueless guy and an out-of-shape guy) fits right in with jerry's out-of-his-mind persona ;)


good show, didn't expect you to finish this early (not complaining though! :))


the match formats i think were okay, because you mixed in some of your/henry's thoughts and comments along the way, so it's all good :cool:

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For some reason I too like the name RIPW Making of Legends it might be Cliche but it works, especially for a fed that is all about making future stars.


Sadly with the roster that I have, I highly doubt any of them will be future stars. Damn you Jebediah!:D

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don't forget brimstone! :rolleyes:


Brimstone might not be employed much longer...


It is werid but I have a hard time firing people in these games. I am not sure why that is the case. However, the promblem with that is you end up with roster bloat and with a small promotion like this that is not a good thing.

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Brimstone might not be employed much longer...


It is werid but I have a hard time firing people in these games. I am not sure why that is the case. However, the promblem with that is you end up with roster bloat and with a small promotion like this that is not a good thing.


LOL well maybe it's because Henry Lee is such a softie... he's a shell of his former hardcore self!

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LOL well maybe it's because Henry Lee is such a softie... he's a shell of his former hardcore self!


I would be a shell of my former self too if I was that hardcore. He's Hardcore! He's Hardcore! He's Hardcore!


Maybe his brain is a little off from taking to many shots to the head with a garbage can.:D

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RIPW is pleased to announce the signing of Brendan Idol. Mr. Idol has previously worked for the company up until his release in 2009. We here at RIPW.com a glad to see the return of Mr. Idol to RIPW and we look forward to seeing what he can do for our company.

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RIPW is pleased to announce the signing of Brendan Idol. Mr. Idol has previously worked for the company up until his release in 2009. We here at RIPW.com a glad to see the return of Mr. Idol to RIPW and we look forward to seeing what he can do for our company.



Brendan's a good signing- solid worker, decent talker and not a c*ckhead. You might want to replace the picture you're using, though- the original one's kinda rubbish, and there's a new one knocking around the re-render thread somewhere.

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Brendan's a good signing- solid worker, decent talker and not a c*ckhead. You might want to replace the picture you're using, though- the original one's kinda rubbish, and there's a new one knocking around the re-render thread somewhere.


I had him in my 2008 NYCW diary and he did good in his feud with Land Mass (I did not do a good job writing said feud but that is another story). My thought process was, he used to be in RIPW so why not bring him back. Plus I think I have a decent story for him.

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The following video is on RIPW.com


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=RIPW.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/RIPW.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


[The video begins with Brian Cash-Man walking with a purpose in a hallway after Live and Let Die has ended. He motions with his hand towards the camera.]


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=HerbStately_jhdBHK.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/HerbStately_jhdBHK.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Brian Cash-Man: Come on keep up, time is money and when you work for The Boss, you do not want to waste his money.


[brian approaches a door he knocks on it and from the other side of the door we hear Donte Dunn say:]


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=DonteDunn.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/DonteDunn.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Donte Dunn (Sounding muffled because he is on the other side of a closed door.): Who is it?


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=HerbStately_jhdBHK.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/HerbStately_jhdBHK.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Brian Cash-Man: It’s Brian Cash-Man; may I have a few moments of your time?


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=DonteDunn.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/DonteDunn.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Donte Dunn: Sure, come on in brotha…


[Cash-Man opens the door and we see Donte sitting in a metal folding chair. Donte is dressed in his street clothes and he has a huge bandage on his forehead covering up the gash that he got on his forehead from earlier in the night.


Cash-Man walks over to Donte and extends his hand.]


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=HerbStately_jhdBHK.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/HerbStately_jhdBHK.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Brian Cash-Man: Hello mister Dunn it is a pleasure to finally have the chance to meet you. My name is Brian Cash-Man and I am the manager of the RIPW Champion Hollywood Hank.


[Donte shakes Brian‘s hand, and Brian proceeds to sit down in a metal folding chair which is next to the chair that Donte is sitting in.]


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=HerbStately_jhdBHK.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/HerbStately_jhdBHK.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Brian Cash-Man: Now mister Dunn, I am well aware of your story. You had it rough growing up and it was always your dream to become a professional wrestler here in the United States.


It is a very Horatio Alger-esque story. I mean you are here wrestling professionally in the United States. You are living the dream…


[From the expression on Donte‘s face it is clear that he is not totally comfortable talking to the sleazy manager.]


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=DonteDunn.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/DonteDunn.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Donte Dunn: Yes brotha, I am living the dream. And I am enjoying every minute of it!


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=HerbStately_jhdBHK.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/HerbStately_jhdBHK.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Brian Cash-Man: That is all well and good, that you enjoy what you do for a living. Most people go their entire life wishing they could enjoy what they do. That being said…I was ah…wondering if you truly enjoy what you do for a living.


I mean your win loss record since joining RIPW has been less than impressive. And thus far, you have had to fight that psychopath Jerry Martin, in every single match that you have had in this company…well except for the match where you were his tag team partner.


What I am getting at is do you truly enjoy losing night after night? Do you truly enjoy having to fight a psychopath month in and month out, who takes pleasure in beating you with his kendo stick? Do you really enjoy hanging around with those two loser brothers, who cannot not even speak correctly, and their skank of a manager?


[Donte does not look pleased at Brian for calling his friends names. Donte leans close to Brian and says:]


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=DonteDunn.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/DonteDunn.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Donte Dunn: Look brotha, I have sat here and listened to your spiel. However, brotha if you want to continue to talk to me, I would appreciate that when you talk about my friends you do so with respect.


[brian does not look all that comfortable with Donte in his face. Brian leans back and puts his hands up.]


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=HerbStately_jhdBHK.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/HerbStately_jhdBHK.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Brian Cash-Man: Look mister Dunn, I meant no disrespect towards you. I was just trying to prove a point, and the point being that your friendship with Heather B. and the Wilkes Brothers has become an albatross to your career. Due to your friendship with them, your win loss record is horrible here in RIPW. Thus, you are making less money. Also due to them, you are engaged in a silly war with a crazy man.


Well I am here to tell you that not all that I have just said needs to be true. You do not have to lose matches, you do not have to have mentally deranged individuals beating you with a kendo stick, and you do not have to hang out with losers…and I mean that with no disrespect intended towards your friends.


You see, I have scouted you and you have all the potential in the world. You have the chance to become the next big superstar in this industry. You have all of the tools to become very successful and very rich, and all you need is a little guidance to reach those goals.


That is where I come in; my boss and I are building a team here in RIPW. We want the best of the best on this team. We already have the franchise player, our Alex Rodriguez if you will, in Hollywood Hank. Now we need the hot young prospect, the Robinson Cano of our team, the young man that will take our team into the next decade and beyond.


My boss and I have agreed that you are that prospect. So what do you say, do you want to become rich beyond your wildest dreams? Or do you want to fight in six men tag matches with two people who could quite possibly be the dumbest two people to walk the earth and their manager who is a walking STD?


[Donte does not seem so aggravated at Brian this time, even though Brian has just insulted his friends big time.]


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=DonteDunn.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/DonteDunn.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Donte Dunn: Let me tink about it brotha…


[brian Cash-Man stands up and Donte follows suit. Brian extends his hand and he and Donte shake hands.]


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=HerbStately_jhdBHK.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/HerbStately_jhdBHK.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Brian Cash-Man: Well mister Dunn, the offer is there. If you choose to take it, you will not regret it. It was nice talking to you and I hope this will be the first of many conversations that we have.


[brian walks out of the room and the video ends.]

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Sue’s Superstar of the Month!






Sue Danes: Wud up RIPW fans! It’s your girl Sue Danes here and it is that time of the month again, you know when I interview an RIPW superstar! My guest this month is the newest addition to the RIPW roster, Brendan Idol! Come on in Brendan…


[As Brendan comes walking on the screen it is apparent to anyone that is watching this video that it is not taking place in an arena. This interview is in fact taking place in Professor Nero‘s finished basement.]


Sue Danes: First, I gotta say it is good to have you back here in RIPW dude!


[brendan smiles at Sue for a moment and then looks into the camera.]



Brendan Idol: It is good to be back Sue! Actually, I can’t believe it has been almost an entire year since I have been with the company. How times flies…


Sue Danes: It totally does. Anyways, you are one of the RIPW originals, meaning you were with the company since the beginning. What do you think was your biggest accomplishment here in RIPW?


Brendan Idol: My biggest accomplishment here in RIPW would have to be when Kentucky Bill and I won the RIPW Tag Team Championships back in May of two thousand and seven. Our reign was not as long as we would have liked it to be but it was a great experience being one-half of the tag team champions.


Sue Danes: You and Bill ended your team shortly after you two lost the belts. Were their any hard feelings involved?


Brendan Idol: Nope, there were no hard feelings at all. Both Bill and I wanted to test our merits in singles competition and see if we had what it took to win the RIPW Championship. And Bill did have that something extra that helped him win the RIPW Championship. I however did not and I think the fans of RIPW know all to well about that.


Sue Danes: Are you talking about your streak?


[brendan nods his head in shame, knowing full well if he did not bring up his streak, Sue would.]


Sue Danes: You are talking about your now infamous losing streak, which has seen you lose an RIPW record of two hundred and ninety-five matches in a row. Do you think that number will totally mess with your mind now that you have come back to RIPW?


Brendan Idol: That is a good question…one that I am not sure about. I mean of course it will always be in the back of my mind. Especially with loss number three hundred looming over the horizon. However, this is a new day for RIPW and it shall be a new day for Brendan Idol. I plan on winning and erasing from the minds of the fans my dreadful losing streak.


Sue Danes: Cool beans, now I have one more question for you. Do you think that there will be a chance that you and Kentucky Bill will team up again in the near future?


[brendan strokes his chin for a minute and then responds to the answer.]


Brendan Idol: I think it is up to Bill. Right now, he is doing his own thing and he has to win his way back to the top. So I am not sure at this point in his career he would want to rejoin the tag team ranks. That be said, if he ever needs someone to watch his back I will be there.


Sue Danes: Totally cool, well that is all for this month, I would like to thank my guest Brendan Idol for joining me this month. Also, I hope you all tune in next month when I interview my next superstar of the month. Until then, this is Sue Danes wishing that each and every one of you have a kick ass month! See you all laters!


[sue blows a kiss at the camera and Brendan just stands next to her giving the camera a thumbs up.]

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