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The Swanton825

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My brother has been following the game since the beginning pretty much and according to him the developers say it has local multiplayer. He thinks it's only two player for the same console, but online up to four people can play the game.
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I'm also on board after playing the demo since it came out, I've been waiting for a decent alternative to Madden for what seems like an eternity now. While I'm sure this game will have some kinks being their first football game, the engine is leaps and bounds ahead of Madden in it's ability to simulate football. Something nobody has touched on yet here is the fact that the team creation and custimization on this game is suppose to be ridiculously in depth, that and the ability to custimize the default teams already in the game... man I can't wait.


And yes though it isn't in the demo the game is said to have split screen multiplayer locally, which should really be pretty cool since you basically play a position on each side of the ball. Meaning one guy could lead block with the fullback on running plays and such.


Now if only somebody would make a good wrestling game

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Fire Pro Wrestling Returns wants a word with you. It's FANTASTIC.


The gameplay looks smooth, and the animation doesn't seem to have any major glitches, but on the other hand...


The collision detection, even from the promo video I watched, leaves something to be desired. The character animation hasn't been modern since the mid-90s. The characters don't seem to know where they are in the ring, and I saw numerous pins sitting an inch away from the rope.


I mean, I know we're a niche market, but can't someone come out with a serious, proper 3D game for the 7th gen systems?

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Fire Pro Wrestling Returns wants a word with you. It's FANTASTIC.


I love Firepro... hell I have Firepro Z and Firepro Returns, I've even got Spike's last 3D game King of Colloseum 2 which I had to import. Their all great games but the problem is that Spike doesn't seem to be making anymore wrestling games so that pretty much leaves nothing worthwhile on the horizon. Just Madden's equivalent in tights, Raw vs. Smackdown. Which is kind of what led me to that thought.

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Well, got Backbreaker yesterday. Definite learning curve.


Everything is mapped to the right stick (though you can switch it to the more traditional button controls). The camera will take some getting used to, especially on defense, since it doesn't automatically switch to the closest player to the ball. At least now if you only want to control the MLB, you can. No announcers, just the PA guy. Limited stadiums, and regardless of who is playing at home, there are some giveaways as to where the stadium is located (i.e. sign that says "Miami, Florida" on the sidelines, a big "DALLAS" sign over a scoreboard, etc). Not all stadiums are like that, but I'm sure there are other signs in each.


Overall, VERY impressed with how the game turned out, now I'll just have to get used to the new camera/controls.


EDIT: The customization is like Forza; it gives you 50 layers when creating logos. Will take some practice, but that should be fun to try as well.

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Most "official" reviews have given it a poor score (from 50-70). I personally LOVE the game.


Metacritic only has 3 reviews posted (50-50-70). I think I saw one out there that had it at 57. BUT, user score on Metacritic is an 8.0. You're on the 360 right? How did you like the demo?


There are two different types of Franchise modes:


32 team league and Road to Backbreaker.


I believe the 32 team leagues have a draft, while RTBB you upgrade your team through free agency. (From what I remember in the booklet).


RTTB consists of creating a team, and taking them from Division 3 (8 teams) to Division 2 (16 teams) to Division 1 (32 teams). Haven't tried the modes out yet though.


EDIT: I guess I wasn't too far off. From the IGN review:


The season mode allows you to customize a 32-team season, complete with stat tracking and a bare bones scouting tool to shore up your roster in a postseason draft. With no free agency, trades, or contracts to worry about, this is your only way of making the team better. The other mode, Road to Backbreaker, borrows heavily from the British soccer leagues. Your team starts you at the bottom of a multi-tiered league, with the goal of climbing the ranks beating increasingly better teams on the way to the top. You can sign new players as you rack up credits similar to the transfer system in the Premiership.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Got this Friday from Gamefly and have been working on creating my 32 custom teams. Just now finished and I am pretty happy with most. The editor definitely gets easier to use as you go along, but I still try and keep it simple.



If I can figure out a way to snap some pics of my teams, I'll post them.

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