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A Brand New Day [WWE Diary]

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This is my first diary, so please bear with me as I sort out some how I'm going to present this material. This diary takes places on the 20th of May, although nothing major happens between now and then, unless I happen to mention it. There may be spelling mistakes but i tried to keep those few and far between. Please enjoy and comment away.



A Brand New Day...

A WWE 2010 Diary



Tragedy Strikes...

On the morning of May 20, 2010, Vincent K. McMahon and loving wife Linda McMahon, while driving home from a dinner held in their honor, were the unfortunate victims of a deadly alcohol related accident. McMahon was pronounced dead at the scene while wife Linda passed away en route to the hospital. The other driver, Dennis Seffert of Newberry, Connecticut, was left in critical condition, sustaining blunt force trauma to the head and a C4 spinal cord injury. Shane McMahon, the couple’s surviving son, was traveling behind them at the time, and barely escaped injury himself.


Stephanie McMahon-Levesque, daughter of the McMahon's and Executive Vice President of the WWE, quickly declined the position of CEO and Chairman of the WWE, rather offering the position to her Shane. Still in shock over his parent's death, reluctantly took up the seat on the Board of the Directors, establishing himself as the new figure head and corporate face of the World Wrestling Entertainment.





May 23, 2010

Over the Limit

LIVE from Joe Louis Arena in Detroit, Michigan<o></o>


Determined to continue on in this father’s footsteps; Shane continued with the Over the Limit pay-per-view, presenting a 20 minute tribute to his father and detailing his journey through the business.


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·Michelle McCool d. Beth Phoenix for the WWE Woman’s Championship. With a little help from the rest of Simply Flawless, McCool pulled out a another championship win over Phoenix.
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·Rey Mysterio d. CM Punk in a SES Pledge vs. Hair Match. Post match, Punk refused to have his hair shaved, resulting in an impromptu cu by fellow SES members Gallows and Young, forcing Punk into the barber’s chair. Having lost faith in his leader, Gallows declared himself the new Straight Edge Society Messiah, with the rest of SES in tow.
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·Natalya d. Eve for the WWE Diva’s Championship. In an impromptu match set up by Shane, Natalya defeated Eve for her first taste of singles gold. Bret Hart, already in a wheel chair as a result of an attack by The Miz on the 5/17 edition of Raw, was once again ambushed post match by “The Awesome One”, resulting in the Hitman being taken by ambulance.
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·Edge d. Randy Orton in a Street Match. Before the match, Shane himself made an appearance, declaring the match a Street Fight; the winner earning the Number One Contender’s spot for Cena’s WWE Championship. Fighting off 3 RKOs and implementing 4 Spears of his own, Edge bested Orton in the match which culminated in the Joe Louis parking garage.
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·WWE Unified Tag Team Champions The Hart Dynasty d. Chris Jericho & The Miz. With a beleaguered Diva’s Champion in Natalya looking on, the young heir-apparents to Hart Legacy over came the best efforts of Jericho and The Miz to retain their titles. After the match, Jericho and Miz came to blows, each blaming the other for the loss. However, both men were attacked when recently crowned US Champion Bryan Danielson, who had defeated The Miz on the 5/17 edition of Raw to capture the title, made his way from the back, laying waste to his former NXT Pro and Jericho.
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·WWE Champion John Cena d. Bautista in an I Quit Match. Following the match Cena and Bautista exchange handshakes and Bautista said his farewells to the fans and the WWE Universe.

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·Big Show d. World Heavyweight Champion Jack Swagger via DQ. A crazed fan, later revealed to be none other than Bob “Hardcore” Holly, viciously attacked Show, resulting in a DQ loss for Swagger. Swagger, outraged by Holly’s actions confronted, confronted the “Alabama Slamma” resulting in a vicious attack of his own.
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May 24, 2010

WWE Raw<o></o>


Following the success to Over the Limit, Shane once again decides to shuffle the WWE Universe, declaring the WWE Championship and the World Heavyweight Championship are to be unified in a Six-Man tournament with the current title holders receiving a first round bye. Edge, having earned the Number One Contender’s honors for the WWE Championship would face Randy Orton once again in a Steel Cage Match later in the evening. The second match would consist of two Smackdown Superstars to be revealed on Smackdown.


Shane goes on to introduce the night’s Celebrity Guest Host, whose identity had been withheld the previous week. To the shock of the fans and the WWE Universe as a whole, the guest host was none other than 9-time World Champion, The Rock.


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·Ted DiBiase d. Carlito. Before the match, DiBiase introduced his newest acquisition to the reformed Money Inc., former WWE NXT rookie, Michael Tarver. Using his new found wealth, DiBiase explained he was able to obtain a 90 contract for Tarver. However, within those 90 days, Tarver would assume the role of DiBiase’s own “Virgil”, following in the footsteps of his father, Ted Sr. With Tarver’s interference, DiBiase secured the win.
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·Shane cancels the WWE NXT program. Having seen 3 of the former 8 contestants dismissed the previous week, Shane decides his father’s “little experiment in reality television” has become, what he deemed, the laughing stock of the Sport’s Entertainment industry. Deciding each remaining contestant would receive a contract for their efforts, he sent Darren Young, Heath Slater, and Wade Barrett to Smackdown while Raw would welcome David Otunga and Justin Gabriel into the fold. This did not sit well with Skip Sheffield, who confronted the WWE Owner.


Sheffield demanded a contract as well, stating he had been wrongfully dismissed the week prior. Shane offered the “Cornfed Meathead” a deal. If he won a match against an opponent of Shane’s choosing, Sheffield would earn a contract to Raw.

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·Triple H d. Sheamus & Hardcore Holly via DQ. In a match devised by Special Guest Host The Rock & Shane McMahon, Triple was secured a victory when Sheamus attacked the “Cerebral Assassin” with his own trademark sledgehammer. The Rock looked on from the commentator’s table with an almost sadistic glee as both men continued their assault before being restrained by WWE Security.
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·Skip Sheffield d. The Great Khali to earn WWE contract. Khali, having quickly returned from a knee injury, unexpectedly dominated most of the match until WWE US Champion Bryan Danielson provided Sheffield with a distraction, allowing Sheffield to level the “Punjabi Playboy” with a pair of brass knuckles. After the match, Danielson attempted to shake Sheffield’s hand but was meet with the same brass fate as Khali.
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·A Tribute to VKM. Another tribute is aired, recognizing the impact Vince McMahon has had on the industry, with various interview segments from WWE superstars, past and present. A special message from TNA is shown, represented by Jeff Jarrett and Hulk Hogan, lending their condolences and praise for all he had done for their careers and those of all wrestlers, great and small.
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·Natalya d. Eve. In a non-title rematch, Natalya defeated Eve. Post match, Tyson Kidd wished Bret a speedy recovery before being attacked by The Miz. The other half of the WWE Unified Tag Champions quickly made the save, driving off the Miz before he could inflict any greater damage to his partner.
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·The Rock becomes new Raw GM. In a stunning turn of events, Shane McMahon announces the Rock will be taking over duties as the new General Manager of Raw for the next 90 days.
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·Edge d. Randy Orton to advance to the Semi-Finals of the Unified Heavyweight Tournament. Able to escape the confines of the Steel Cage, Edge moved himself one step closer to being the next Unified Heavyweight Champion. However, this victory did come at a cost, as Edge had to be helped from the ring by the WWE medical staff, after falling from the top of the cage to earn his victory.




</o> May 25, 2010

WWE NXT<o></o>


Having cancelled the NXT program the night previous, the WWE used the time to air a collection of Vincent McMahon Moments chosen by the WWE Superstars and staff. A special vignette was shown following, hinted towards a possible new program to fill the void left by NXT’s departure.





</o> May 28, 2010

WWE Friday Night Smackdown<o>


</o> Once again, Shane O’Mac opens the show, reminding the fans and the WWE Universe of the upcoming Unified Heavyweight Championship tournament. A brief clip of Edge’s win over Orton is shown and the injury he sustained. McMahon then announces the second match; The Big Show will take on the Undertaker in a Hell in a Cell match later on in the show.


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·Vance Archer d. Chris Masters via DQ. Dolph Ziggler attacked Archer, applying his infamous sleeper hold, granting the Smackdown superstar a win. After the match Ziggler was ambushed by a prowling Kofi Kingston while celebrating on the ramp.
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·Teddy Long declares Matt Hardy Number One Contender for the Intercontinental Championship. On the heels of his forced reinstatement two weeks before, McIntyre confronts Long, declaring no man is worthy of facing him for his IC title. Both men are interrupted by Hardy who challenges McIntyre to a match right then and there, stating if he loses, he can never challenge for the Intercontinental Championship again. McIntyre accepted, however, Long announced the match be a Ladder match, citing he will not allow McIntyre to escape this match with a simple disqualification.
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·Matt Hardy d. Drew McIntyre to become WWE Intercontinental Champion. In a see-saw battle that saw both superstars just inches away from victory, Matt Hardy was able to seal the win with a devastating Twist of Fate through two stacked tables, knocking out the champ. Hardy’s victory was short lived as he was viciously attacked by the ever opportunistic Christian, displaying his hunger for the IC Championship.
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·A Straight Edge Society Divided. Following the events of Over the Limit, CM Punk confronted his former SES teammates, revealing his fully intact hair. Having fooled Mysterio by wearing a wig, Punk questioned what kind of loyalty any of them could really have if they could so easily betray their Messiah like they had.


Gallows explained Punk had become weak, showing fear in losing what they each had so willingly given up for him. Referring to himself as their NEW Messiah, Gallows ordered his troops to finish the job Mysterio had started. Before they could act, however, Punk was saved by former TNA superstar, Samoa Joe, who proceeded to clear the ring of SES’ presence.

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·Kofi Kingston d. Dolph Ziggler. In a match ordered by GM Teddy Long, Kofi once again breaks Ziggler’s sleeper hold to hit Trouble in Paradise and pick up the victory.
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·Undertaker d. The Big Show in a Hell in a Cell Match to advance to the Semi-Finals of the Unified Heavyweight tournament. In what could only be considered epic, both men were left battered and bruised following their Hell in a Cell Match. The Big Show, having sent the Undertaker crashing through the top of the steel construct late in the match up, quickly followed as the remainder of the steel framing gave way to his cumbersome being.


Drawing what little energy he had left, Undertaker managed to sling one arm over the “World’s Largest Athlete” to pick up the win and advance to the next round. Following the match, Shane appeared atop the runway, with World Heavyweight Champion Jack Swagger by his side.


McMahon reminded the Undertaker that he still had to face Swagger if he were to advance to the final. He ordered the match to commence, as Swagger quickly rolled up the clearly injured Deadman. As the ref attempted the quick three count, he was pulled from the ring, as a hidden Jeff hardy emerged from underneath the ring apron. Nailing Swagger with a Reverse of Fate, he rolled ‘Takers motionless body over the champ and ordered the three count.


Shane simply looked on in awe as Hardy tented to the Undertaker, who was still unaware of what had just transpired.


Industry News

McMahon Buys out Panda Energy International’s TNA Shares<o></o>


In a stunning move, it is revealed that Shane McMahon, in an unprecedented move to corner the market on the industry once again, has purchased Panda Energy International’s TNA shares. This gives him a controlling interest (72%) in the company. It is reported that McMahon intends to simply build a working agreement between the two companies, realizing the need for healthy competition; something his father could not see.


This has led to speculation this deal has been in the works prior to Monday’s Raw taping, thus allowing the appearance of Jarrett and Hogan, as well as the appearance of Samoa Joe and Jeff Hardy during the Smackdown tapings.


It is unclear if WWE talent will be used on TNA programming as the McMahon tradition has always been to protect its own product.



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May 31, 2010

WWE Monday Night RAW


AUSTIN, TX – With the unexpected acquisition of PEI’s TNA shares, and the subsequent talent influx on Smackdown, the WWE Universe has been turned on its ear.


The Rock addresses the WWE Universe

Newly appointed Raw GM, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson opened the show, explaining his actions last week against Triple H. Calling it a “wake up call”, the Hollywood megastar urged Trips to see the big picture and realize that times are changing and he’s no longer a string chicken. People have grown tired of seeing him and the same old shtick. He explains that he got out while “the getting’ was good”, and he has never looked back.


This did not sit well with the “King of Kings”, who confronted The Rock. Referencing such “blockbusters” as “Doom” and “Walking Tall”, Trips went on to question whom has really had the better career since the Rock’s departure. The Rock, unwilling to listen to any more of Triple H’s rant, leveled the former champ with a right cross, quickly calling for his backup in the form of Sheamus.



Sheamus def. Triple H

Declaring it an impromptu match by the Raw GM, Sheamus easily defeated Trips with the Crucifix Bomb, laying waste to the former World champ. The attack didn’t end there, as Sheamus continued the assault long after the bell as The Rock looked on from atop the ramp.



Edge to undergo reconstructive knee surgery

Having earned his spot in the Unified Heavyweight Semi-Finals, Edge certainly was not about to let a simple knee injury stop him from acquiring the most coveted prize in the WWE. However, while addressing the fans, he regretted to inform them that his career is more important than one match and his day would come.


Not to be left out, Chris Jericho soon interrupted Edge’s speech, citing that he was far more deserving than Edge ever was in a quest for the Unified Heavyweight title. He reminded the fans that he was the first WWE Undisputed champion, still resting on those old laurels. This quickly brought out Shane, who, under advisement from this new WWE Executive Council, decided that Jericho would replace the injured Edge tonight in his bout against WWE Champion John Cena.



DiBiase & Mike DiBiase (w/ Michael Carver) def. Skip Sheffield & Yoshi Tatsu in a Tag Team match

Before the match began, Ted DiBiase introduced the newest member of Money Inc., his own brother Mike. Along with Michael Tarver, DiBiase claimed that they soon would be unstoppable, hinting at yet another member yet to be unnamed.


The action was intense as Sheffield was quick to establish his legitimacy on the Raw brand, overwhelming the Million Dollar champ. However, The Cornfed Meathead’s luck would quickly change as his partner, Tatsu, leveled him with spinning heel kick. DiBiase covered and reminded Sheffield that “everybody has a price”, and raised Tatsu’s hand, welcoming the newest member of Money Inc. into the fold.



Bryan Danielson def. John Morrison in Non-title Match

Still sporting a bad eye received at the hands Sheffield the week early, Danielson wasted little time in defeating the “Rock and Roll Guru”, forcing him to tap out. Danielson then addressed the crowd, stating that no man on the entire Raw roster could defeat him, and unlike his tenure on NXT, he intends to keep winning, and win he shall.



Hulk Hogan to act as final special guest host next week on Raw

The Red and Yellow Express will roll into Miami. Seeking to capitalize on his latest acquisition, McMahon delighted the fans by telling them that the final special guest host on next week’s edition of Raw will be none other than Hulk Hogan.



Melina def. Alicia Fox to become Number One Contender for the WWE Diva’s Championship

In a match that saw an attempted interference by former champion Maryse, a returning Melina has become the Number One Contender for Natalya’s Diva’s Championship. After the match Maryse continued to harass the new Number One, assaulting her until a quick save was made by current champ Natalya.



Unified Tag Team Champion David Hart Smith def. Evan Bourne (w/ Gail Kim)

“Air” Bourne attempted use his speed, quickness, and a little from Gail Kim, to defeat ½ of the Unified Tag Team champs, but his efforts were no effort for the sheer power of Hart. After the match, Zack Ryder stormed the ring to exact revenge for his loss the week prior. However, Gail Kim had plans of her own, making the save with a low blow, sending the “Long Island Lothario” scampering back stage.



John Cena attacked by Hardcore Holly

In an effort to preserve his win, Jericho persuaded Hardcore Holly to ambush the champ in the dressing room. Using everything from a steel chair to a trash can, Holly laid waste to the “Chain Gang Soldier” as Jericho looked on from the doorway.



Mark Henry def. Santino Marella by Disqualification

Who can stop the “World’s Strongest Man” asked Mark Henry? Santino believed he could. However, Santino bit off a bit more than he could chew, serving as a rag doll to Henry. Henry dominated the “Uni-brow” before Marella gained access to a steel chair via Raw GM The Rock, who was sitting at the commentator’s table. Leveling the playing field and Mark Henry in the process, Marella earned himself a DQ for his efforts.



Chris Jericho def. John Cena to advance to the Unified Heavyweight tournament finals

Before the match could begin, Shane McMahon announced there would be a Special Guest Referee for the bout in the form of Hardcore Holly. With the deck stacked against him, Cena refused to quit. Nailing Jericho with an Attitude Adjustment and slapping on a the STF, Cena looked to score the upset. However, Holly refused to acknowledge Jericho’s frantic tapping, instead nailing the champ with the title belt.


Regaining the upper hand, Jericho locked on the Walls of Jericho and forced Cena to tap sending him into the finals against the Undertaker on June 20<sup>th</sup> at Fatal Four Way.

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June 4, 2010

Smackdown Preview

American Airlines Center - Dallas, TX<o>


</o> Intercontinental Championship Match: Matt Hardy © vs. Drew McIntyre<o>


</o> Team LayCool vs. Beth Phoenix & TNA Knockouts Champion Angelina Love<o>


</o> The Big Show & Kane vs. Jeff Hardy & The Undertaker<o>


</o> MVP vs. Shad<o>


</o> 2 on 1 Match: CM Punk & Samoa Joe vs. Luke Gallows<o>


</o> Dolph Ziggler vs. Chris Masters<o>


</o> Number One Contenders Match for the Intercontinental Championship: Kofi Kingston vs. Christian<o>



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June 4, 2010

WWE Thursday Night Adrenaline, Formally WWE NXT<o></o>


Replacing the failed experiment known as NXT, Adrenaline hopes to showcase not only new talent, but add a new element to the WWE Universe; the WWE World Television Championship. Conceived by the WWE Executive Council, the World Television Championship will be unique in the WWE Universe as it will be defended on each and every WWE program, week in and week out.


Shane O’Mac introduces the World Television title and Adrenaline’s GM

Marking the debut of Adrenaline, Shane delights the fans by introducing the first Adrenaline GM in the form of “Mr. ECW” himself, Paul Heyman. Heyman wastes no time getting down to brass tacks, ordering a match between two former WWE NXT stars, Skip Sheffield and Justin Gabriel later that night for the vacant title.


R-Truth def. Yoshi Tatsu (w/ Michael Carver) by Disqualification

In as many weeks, Money Inc. again made an example of R-Truth as Tatsu and Carver man handled the Raw superstar, earning Tatsu the DQ. However, the message had been sent as R-Truth seems to have a crosshair on him in the shape of Ted DiBiase.


Joey Mercury def. Tyler Reks

With the SES at his side, the ring rust on Mercury was hardly noticeable as he every trick in his arsenal to defeat Reks. Mercury’s celebration was short lived though, as CM Punk and Samoa Joe emerged from the crowd and cleared the ring of his motley crew.


Heath Slater in action

In his first match since getting a contract on Smackdown, Slater made short work of local competitor before taking the mic to address the WWE Universe. Stating that Sheffield couldn’t even hold his own and NXT, and he was a much more worthy opponent against Gabriel. His comments didn’t fall on deaf ears, as Adrenaline GM Heyman granted the youngsters wish and turned the one on one contest into a three-way dance.


Wade Barrett def. David Otunga

The former leader in the NXT Polls battled Otunga quickly out of the gate, scoring a near pin fall minutes into the match up. Try as he may, Otunga never managed to gain the upper hand in this bout, falling victim to a fireman’s slam and roll up for the loss.


Justin Gabriel def. Skip Sheffield and Heath Slater to become World Television Champion

The main event of the evening featured three of the former NXT competitions brightest stars, as Slater and Gabriel joined forces against the larger Sheffield. With Sheffield seeming out of the way, the two turned on each other, battling from post to post, with neither getting a leg up on the other. Sheffield however was not out, and managed to toss Slater from the ring before receiving a massive DDT from Gabriel. Hitting a 450 splash on the fallen Cornfed Meathead, Gabriel covered for the win and the championship.

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