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Storyline idea, need help

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I created a storyline where Triple H (a heel) is refusing to fight rookies (Evan Bourne, development wrestlers, etc..), In the middle of the story, I have Triple H and Dolph Zigler (another heel rookie) teaming up to fight two development guys (both faces), Well, Triple H refuses to tag Zigler into the match and wins by himself, after the match he attacks Zigler and the two face rookies. Then Triple H challenges me (myself, a non wrestling authority figure who is a heel) to a match at the next PPV. which I accept on one condition, that there is a special guest referee, (one of the rookies, Zigler or Evan Bourne, haven't decided. even thought about Shawn Michaels and bringing back DX.) and this is where I need help. How would you end this storyline? Should the guest referee screw HHH and turn face? Should I, the authority figure, turn face? or should Triple H turn face and reform DX? Triple H will probably win the match due to his creative control. Just wanted to see what ideas everyone has? Thanks.
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my choice


If it's was my storyline, I let myself made a face turn. I will not face turne HHH since he was the one who screw everyone. I will let HBK be the guest referee and end this storyline with a new one... a war begin between HBK and HHH.

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Because this angle begins with HHH burying the new guys, so it must resolve itself with HHH putting over a new(ish) guy. You have the match wwith someone you want to push as ref, for the moment let's say Bryan Danielson is the guy. HHH beats your character in short order, with a clean win, but tries to pillmanise your character post match. Danielson steps in, and you go into HHH vs Danielson.


Of course it could be anyone instead of Danielson just as long as they're young and you realy want to launch them.

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