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How to actually play this game.

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Ok, I am a causal wrestling fan, my obsessive days with the sport were left back in the early 90s, Hogan, Hart etc..


Anyway I am a keen simulation gamer and I have tried to get my head around TEW since the 2005 days. I just can't seem to play a successful game or get anything out of it, why? to be honest I don't really know what I am supposed to do.


So can you guys give me some friendly advice, I just bought 2010 version yesterday and downloaded a mod that has old and present wrestler mixed together (sorry fergot the name of the mod), I chose to be the head booker of WWF Classic, because I am more familair with the wrestlers that work for it. So Hogan is my current champ, now although I was a fan of him, I was a fan of Mr Perfect too, and thought about pushing him much more than the WWF(E) ever did back then.


So what are my first steps, what exactly am I supposed to do?

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Depending on where Mr Perfect is in relation to Hogan, you could put him straight over Hogan after a short feud - but chances are that he's down the card a bit.


Basically, the most simple way of having him get over to the point where he can take on Hogan and win (especially if Hogan has creative control) is to have Perfect going over people a little bit above him in the rankings. Two or three successful months will get his momentum and popularity up where he'd be a successful threat to Hogan, especially if throughout that time he's cutting promos on Hulk and anyone else popular enough to result in a high segment rating.


Be careful, though - too fast a push can spoil a worker's personality, and leave you with a problem champion who'll hate you when it's time to end the push you've so graciously given him :p

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Thanks for the response, quite complicated lol.


Ok so I have this promotion, I want to push Perfect ahead of Hogan by using the method stated above, what if there is no-one higher ranked than Hogan? I mean he is top of the top in the company right?


Also, is there any point to it? I mean what's the reason? is it as simple as just cause I want it to happen? or is there a benefical thing, like will I get more points or something?


Also what do I do with the rest of the Roster? thats what I mean, I see the Ultimate Warrior is part of the company, do I send him on a non stop run of wins till he challenges Hogan or Perfect? see I just don't have a clue what I am really supposed to do.

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Thanks for the response, quite complicated lol.


Ok so I have this promotion, I want to push Perfect ahead of Hogan by using the method stated above, what if there is no-one higher ranked than Hogan? I mean he is top of the top in the company right?


Also, is there any point to it? I mean what's the reason? is it as simple as just cause I want it to happen? or is there a benefical thing, like will I get more points or something?


Also what do I do with the rest of the Roster? thats what I mean, I see the Ultimate Warrior is part of the company, do I send him on a non stop run of wins till he challenges Hogan or Perfect? see I just don't have a clue what I am really supposed to do.


I believe what he meant was give Mr Perfect wins over guys just slightly higher than himself - not Hogan.


Your motivation behind things are really just your own goals (as well as owner goals, if you have them turned on). I personally play with the aim to grow whatever promotion I'm playing in popularity and size - try to move into different areas, get better tv shows, make tons of cash. I also play with the goal of making superstars out of talentless nobodies.


And as for the rest of the roster, do whatever you want! Replicate the booking from 1990's WWF. Give Jim Niedhart a run at the intercontinental championship. Have Andre the Giant turn face and team with Hogan against Piper. Whatever! If you have a vision of what you think the WWF SHOULD have done with somebody, run with it!

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My main goal is to always grow the company. I usually start with Local/Small/Regional companies and try to make them more popular by putting on good shows. That's what I aim to do. It's a sim- you have a lot of choices, and there's nothing in particular that you're supposed to do. It's frightening yet liberating. :)


So, putting on good shows... doing this depends on what kind of company you're running. Check your Product (company tab, business button, product button). It should tell you what workers are rated on: performance or popularity. This is important!


For performance, I tend to get the wrestlers who have the best in-ring skills up to the top of the pecking order as quickly as possible, though I do try to do things gradually so they don't get arrogant. This way, my main eventers will be fantastic, fantastic, fantastic at putting on memorable main event matches. This will help my company grow.


For popularity, it's a little different. Guys who can have good in-ring skills are still important, but it's really all about who is the most popular, yeah? Wrestlers can become popular in many ways... think about The Rock's interviews or Goldberg's "DESTROY PEOPLE IN MATCHES" winning streak. Think about The Undertaker's vicious attacks. The Rock is the go-to example for someone with high charisma and mic skills... so he was used on the mic. Goldberg, well, he didn't have much going for him... but he was given a brute-ish gimmick, and hedid crush everybody he fought during the 'winning streak' days... that made him look legitimately dangerous. The Undertaker, of course, has buckets of menace... so his vicious attacks on people were believable, and also made him look legitimately dangerous.


That's the idea. Find out what your fans want first of all (product settings), then try to put together shows that they would care about. You're free to do whatever you want. If you want Marty Janetty to throw Shawn Michaels through a plate glass window and then rise to superstardom while Shawn Michaels flounders in obscurity, you're free to do so.

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Also 1. Read the help file, 2. Read the small questions and help threads from 08 and 10. Play, play, play, play. This is an intricate game but once you get the hang of it you can really do a lot of things and still be a success. Just like booking in real life, it ain't easy cheezy.
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I was wondering, say you are WWE, and for example you decide to give someone the world title who is not 'popular' enough, does this have serious ramifications? (sp? lol). In other words do they screw over it?


What is more important out of popularity and momentum? Are the two linked at all?

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If you want to build perfect i would sugest doing it the way wwf did it. Put a low level title on him...have him win all the time and he will gain popularity. have him loose the title to some one because a upper mid level guy with a mid card title will hurt the title and will not do him any good any more. Have him in main event matches but not always winning. Build his momentum *that is the important part* and have him face hogan. You don't want to kill hogan as he is your main star....you need him for raitings...but you can still have henning go over him with a little bit of work.
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Also 1. Read the help file, 2. Read the small questions and help threads from 08 and 10. Play, play, play, play. This is an intricate game but once you get the hang of it you can really do a lot of things and still be a success. Just like booking in real life, it ain't easy cheezy.




I bought 2005, didn't get it, so I ignored that I bought it.


I bought 2007, didn't get it, so I ignored that I bought it...


I bought 2008, didn't get it, so I... Kept playing, I read the help files and read the Dynasties. In some ways, they helped me more than the help files because you could see what does and doesn't work.


Honestly, as much as you like to book "Real World" one of the biggest helps for me was to play Cornellverse. It takes a lot of getting used to but it's BUILT so that if you get it right you'll be successful. The problem with *some* RW mods is that it can be too easy or too hard. Why? Because of over or underselling the way that the Real World works. I think mods have gotten better in the last couple of games, more realistic as the makers seem to understand how the real world translates into TEW instead of trying to make a "Carbon Copy".


But all else fails, trial and error. Give it a go, if you screw it up? So what, start again, learn from your mistakes. That's how I'm learning... Because trust me, no-one REALLY knows it all except Adam.


On a side point, I wonder if and how often Adam plays the game except to test it? I'd love to see an Adam Ryland dynasty... That would be awesome.

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