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ECW: The Protege

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ECW World Title Bracket


Here is the Break down of the Tournament for ECW Guilty as Charged for the opener rounds


Round 1:


Chavo Guererro


Carlito Colon


Round 2:


"The Outlaw" Tyler Douglas


"The Innovator of Violence" Tommy Dreamer


Round 3:


"The Miami MVP" Antonio Banks




Round 4:


EKMO (formerly Umaga)


Mystery Entrant


Round 5:


The Damaja


The Sandman


Round 6:


"The Alpha Male" Monty Brown


"The Homicidal, Suicidal, Genocial" Sabu with Bill Alfonso


Round 7:


"The Japanese Buzzsaw" Yoshihiro Tajiri


Super Crazy


Rob Van Dam recieves a Bye, since he was the last "recognized" champion for ECW.


You may feel free to predict comment or CRAP YOUR PANTS!! :)

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Here is the Break down of the Tournament for ECW Guilty as Charged for the opener rounds


Round 1:


Chavo Guererro


Carlito Colon


Round 2:


"The Outlaw" Tyler Douglas


"The Innovator of Violence" Tommy Dreamer


Round 3:


"The Miami MVP" Antonio Banks




Round 4:


EKMO (formerly Umaga)


Mystery Entrant


Round 5:


The Damaja


The Sandman


Round 6:


"The Alpha Male" Monty Brown


"The Homicidal, Suicidal, Genocial" Sabu with Bill Alfonso


Round 7:


"The Japanese Buzzsaw" Yoshihiro Tajiri


Super Crazy


Rob Van Dam recieves a Bye, since he was the last "recognized" champion for ECW.


You may feel free to predict comment or CRAP YOUR PANTS!! :)



Tommy Dreamer

Antonio Banks

Mystery Entrant





I have RVD winning the whole thing. Can't wait for the first show

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Tommy Dreamer- Mainly because I have no idea who Tyler Douglas is

Antonio Banks

Mystery entrant- I was going to go with Umaga strictly because he's one of my favorites...but mystery opponents almost always win


Monty Brown- I have a feeling Sabu is going to be the popular pick, but I'm going with the Alpha Male....POOOUUUNNNCCEEE....PERIOD!


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Dark Match:


"MR. Ray-Tings" Ray Gonzales vs Logan Anthony Gates

This was a strong dark match by the two men, Gonzales doing his egotistical gimmick while Gates doing the "unique gimmick" of a Computer Hacker from the movie "Hackers". Gonzales played heel heat to the crowd, doing several shortcuts against Gates but in the end Gates was too strong when he did not one but 2 of his finishers against him. The first was called the "Gate-Crasher" (Powerbomb into a Lungblower) and then the second one was called the "Death By Powerpoint" (Reverse Russian Legsweep) for the pinfall @ 11:27.


Winner: Logan Anthony Gates via Pinfall

Rating: 72/B-


Notes: L.A. Gates is improving in Performance, Rumble and Technical skills. The Annoucning gave the match a boost.


ECW Presents:



Location: Madison Square Garden

Attendance: 15,000 (SOLD OUT)

Announcers: Thomas Campbell, Joel Gertner


Before the show began, the crowd was on fire, chanting ECW repeatedly. After the theme song of ECW "This is EXTREME" by Harry Slash and the Slashtones, Paul Heyman comes out to the ring being greeted by the crowd chanting "Thank you Paul'.


At this point, Paul is almost brought to tears and thanks everyone for coming, and he starts to run down all the other companies like CZW, WCW and WWE for basically stealing his style, saying that they are going to PAY...WITH INTEREST.


Before he can go on with his "Shoot" promo, one of his "surprises" that he was told about earlier in the month.....he heres a sudden familiar EXCLAIMATION thru the P.A.


'OH MY GOD!!!!!'


And thru the curtain comes out ECW's ORIGINAL PLAY BY PLAY Commentator,



Styles comes down to the ring slapping hands and gets in the ring and finally HUGS Heyman in the ring! The crowd is clearly eating this up chanting "WELCOME BACK!"


He goes to the announce table with Campbell and Gertner and starts to call the first match of the PPV.



Match 1:


Teddy Hart vs "American Dragon" Bryan Danielson


This was the first match of the evening, and it was providing enough action to warm everyone up for the begining of the show. Both men had equal amout of offense and Hart took the the air a few times to living up the crowd but at the end of the match, it was Danielson who was victorious with a "Roaring Elbow" and finished him off with the "Arm Across America" (aka Cattle Mutillation) for the win at 8:00.


Winner: Bryan Danielson via Submission

Rating: 70/C+


Notes: Bryan Danielson looked good out there.


Match 2:

Tag Team Fatal 4 Way for the ECW Tag Team Titles


The Backseat Boyz (Acid/Kashmere) vs Lords of the Ring (Dinsmore/Conway) vs Granier/Rougeau and Lynn/2 Cold Scorpio


This match was the first title contested this evening, and it was contested under ECW RULES! Which was fine by the competitors in the ring. The Backseat Boyz definately had the experience factor down, in fact all 3 heel teams were experience due to teaming before, but the face team of Scorpio and Lynn this was the first time teaming together, but never the less they held thier own. The finish of the match came when Backseat Boyz hit the "T-Gimmick" on Lynn, then Grainier and Rougeau hit the "French Toast" (Assisted Powerbomb/Neckbreaker) on Acid. As they were bout to go to for the pin, Dinsmore broke it up and both him and Conway did the Lariat/German Suplex combo. As Dinsmore was about to go for the pinfall, Scorpio broke up the count with a 450 splash on Dinsmore and Acid! Lynn grabbed a chair from outside and laid out an already groggy Dinsmore and delievered the "Cradle Piledriver" for the pinfall and the win!!


Winner and NEW ECW Tag Team Champions: 2 Cold Scorpio and Jerry Lynn

Rating: C-/57


Styles: "Well looks like the make shift team of Scorpio and Lynn have defied the odds and won the Tag Team titles!!"


Gertner: "Yeah but Lynn had to use a chair to secure the victory!"


Campbell: "That is true, but you didnt say anything else when the other teams were doing it"


Gertner: "Thats BESIDE the point!!"


Angle: "Who the Hell is THE DAMAJA"?


The Sandman is backstage with Joel Gertner, and he is hyping up his Qualifying match with the "Damaja". He is discounting him, saying that he has fought ECW like Dreamer, Sabu, Taz, even FUNK. But who in the HELL is this "Damaja"? He even goes to ask Gertner if the management was DRUNK? Its one thing for HIM to be drunk, but for the management to book him against a NOBODY with a Stupid name like that! And he says that it will be an EASY win into the Battle Royal tonight.


Rating: C-/54



Match 3:


Cheerleader Mellisa and "Black Tiger" vs Eddie Kingston and B-Boy


Kingston and B-Boy were upset at management that they were not entered in the Tag Team match from earlier tonight and they laid down an OPEN CHALLENGED to the anyone in the back that came down to the ring. The first person that came down to the ring wasnt a he, BUT A SHE! Indy superstar CHEERLEADER MELLISA! Kingston dismissed her saying he didnt want to get a BJ, but someone to fight. So she slapped Kingston dead in the face! Originally it was both B-Boy and Kingston vs Mellisa until the numbers game overcame Mellisa. Then a superstar which NO ONE KNOWS only known as "Black Tiger" in a Tiger Mask came down and helped out Mellisa. Both teams gotten in good offense, but the finish came when Tiger and Kingston started to brawl on the outside and Kingston hit a "low blow" on Tiger, while on the inside, Mellisa hit a vicious looking STO, and was going to go for the Kudoh Driver on B-Boy, but Kingston came in and kicked her in the gut and delievered a devastating Royal Flush DDT on Mellisa for the win.


Winners: B-Boy and Kingston

Rating: B-/76


Note: Mellisa is Improving in Rumble Skills, B-Boy is Improving in Tech. Skills


Match 4:

ECW Battle Royal Qualifier


Carlito Colon vs Chavo Guererro


Both latin men shook hands before the match and Carlito grabbed the mike and says that we dont need to fight like Barbarians and appease to these "hooligans". Guererro agreed, and after they shook hands again, Carlito kicked him in the "lower region". Carlito clearly wanted to win this match and took whatever short cut he could even going so far as to put his foot on the ropes, but the ref saw it. Carlito went to work on Chavo's back for the duration of the match, but when he realize that Chavo wouldnt stay down for the pinfall, Colon started to get a little "EXTREME" he started to get a chair from underneath the ring and as soon as Chavo got up, he PLASTERED Chavo with the chair! Carlito then tried to go for the pin again, but at the last possible second, Chavo put his foot on the ropes, breaking up the count. Carlito at this point is getting upset, and goes outside the ring again, this time getting a table. Carlito then tried to Suplex Chavo, but he slipped out of it and performed the "3 Amigo's" with the last one being a vicious BRAINBUSTER on the chair! The finish came when Chavo gave Carlito a vicious chair shot, laying Carlito out on the table, and Chavo goes and gets a ladder underneath the Table and performs the "ODE TO EDDY" FROG SPLASH, for the pinfall! Both men get a standing ovation from the ECW Crowd!


Winner and Moves on to the ECW Battle Royal: Chavo Guerrerro

Rating: B-/75


Angle: Dreamer with Beulah hypes his match


Dreamer tells "The Outlaw" Tyler Douglas "welcome" to ECW, the bad news? He gets to face the Heart and Soul of ECW, Tommy Dreamer. And he will soon learn first hand, why he is the "Innovator of Violence".


Rating: C/65


Match 5:

ECW Battle Royal Qualifier


EKMO vs Mystery Opponent


Paul Heyman says that his next opponent, is a former ECW Tag Team Champion, and not to take him lightly, or he we will be BEATEN.


"Highway to Hell" by AC/DC begins to play throughout the arena and then a familar face start to appear thru the curtain...


Styles: " Am I tripping or is that....SPIKE DUDLEY???"


Gertner: "Out of all the Dudleys, and all that Heyman could afford was the RUNT?"


Campbell: "Maybe he got him at HALF PRICE?"


Gertner: "Ok..now that was ACTUALLY funny!"


The crowd once again chants a mixture of "Welcome Back" and "LSD" cheering on Spike, however EKMO takes exception to this and LEVELS Spike with a vicious clothesline before the bell even RINGS!! EKMO pretty much dominates this match trying to make short work of Spike. In fact he tried to replicate what Bam Bam Biegelow did to Spike a few years ago and throw him into the crowd, but Spike countered, kicking him in the head! Taking the chair left from the last match and he blasted EKMO over the head with the chair 3 TIMES busting EKMO open and making him groggy! He then tried to finish him off with the ACID DROP onto the chair, but EKMO was playing possom and counter with a Uranage type side slam on to the chair, putting Spike away for the win.


Winner and advancing to the Battle Royal: EKMO

Rating: C+/68


I will put up Part 2 of this tommorow.

its almost 11pm here and I have to go to work in the morning!!



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Guilty as Charged pt. 2


Match 6:

ECW Battle Royal Qualifier

"The Alpha Male" Monty Brown vs "The Suicidal, Homcidal, Genocidal" Sabu w/Bill Alfonso



This was a classic "Student vs Teacher" match, because little did people know that Monty Brown was technically TRAINED by the man he is facing tonight, Sabu!! Sabu was clearly faster of the two men, hitting several fast pace moves including a beautiful "Air Sabu". Brown went out side to regroup, but Sabu then did the Triple Jump Moonsault to the outside on Sabu! Later in the match, Sabu tried for another Air Sabu, but this time he was greeted by a SPEAR! Sabu was in serious trouble, after Monty Brown hit power move after power move, including a Thunderous POWERBOMB! Brown could have had the match won, but instead he tried to capitilze and hit the "POUNCE" on Sabu! Fonzie intervened and hit Brown with a chair doing no damage to him! Brown grabbed Fonzie, but Sabu took advantage and cracked him 2 times over the head and one "down south"! Sabu then place the chair over his face and Fonzie threw him another chair and delivered the "Arabian Facebuster" for the win!


Winner: Sabu

Rating: C+/66


Angle: "The MVP from M.I.A"


The "Miami MVP" Antonio Banks is hyping up his qualifying match with the "Fighting Irishman" Dave Finlay tonight, and he says this isnt going to be some "WWE" type match tonight, he says it going to be a knock down, drag out, Durty South Brawl, and he says to remember his name, because it aint gonna first time you hear it.


Rating: C+/69


Match 7:

ECW Qualifier


The Damaja vs The Sandman


The Damaja didnt back down from the Sandman one bit! And he actually got respected from the ECW crowd because he gave it as good as he got! The match actually suffered due to the fact that Sandman was drunk before the match (of course that is to be expected), and he was visibily tiring during the closing minutes of the match. The finish came when a very bloody Damaja got a hold of Sandman's cane and started to beat him and bust him open. He then whipped Sandman into the ropes, and dodge the cane shot, which opened him up for the "White Russian Legsweep" for the win.


Winner: The Sandman

Rating: C/60


Match 8

ECW Qualifier


"The Innovator of Violence" Tommy Dreamer w/Beulah vs "The Outlaw" Tyler Douglas


Douglas came out to the song "Wanted: Dead or Alive" by Bon Jovi, drawing heel heat from crowd. Dreamer extended his hand out for respect to Douglas, but Douglas took a cheap shot and slapped him! Douglas made this match more into a Hardcore match than anything! Using all types of weapons like crutches, chairs and etc! But Dreamer wasnt called the Innovator of Violence cause he needed another nickname! He took it to Douglas when he hit him with a cookie sheet and put him the tree of woe position and did a running drop kick to his face with an IRONING BOARD over his face, busting him open! The finish came when Douglas did his finisher "Dead or Alive" (firemans carry into a stunner) and then he started to mock Dreamer with his "Crucifix pose". He then tried to go after Dreamers valet and real life wife, Beulah! He drug her in the ring and tried to kiss her, but she slapped him and gave him a "south of the border" kick, which Dreamer had just recovered long enough to hit the Dreamer DDT on a chair in the ring for the win!


Winner: Tommy Dreamer

Rating: B-/73



"RVD is still going to be the champ"


Rob Van Dam cuts a promo saying it doesnt matter if all these guys does a marathon of matches, because the outcome is going to be the same, and the title is going to belong to the guy it belong to before ...RVD!!


Rating: C-/69



Match 9

ECW Qualifier


"The Fighting Irishman" Finlay vs "The Miami MVP' Antonio Banks

To say that these two had something to prove was an understatement ! Both these guy got booed at first, because they were both WWE guys, but at the end of the match, they had recieved the respect of the fans! Banks played heel to perfection trying to not only cheat a victory out of Finlay, but he almost beat up a fan ala "Dudley Boyz"! The action not only stayed in the ring but went out side the ring as well! Finlay took it hardcore with a chair shot right to Banks face when he was down on the ground! But Banks returned the favor by doing the "Drive By" to Finlay while he was laid against the Guard Rail! The finish came when Banks tried to hit a DDT, but was countered into a "Celtic Cross" (Air Raid Crash), and BANKS KICKED OUT! Frustrated, Finlay got a piece of a table and delievered a TOMBSTONE PILEDRIVER on Banks, knocking him out cold!!!


Winner: Finlay

Rating: B-/76



(Its getting late, I am going to have part 3 of this up in a few days)

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Guilty As Charged part 3


Match 10

ECW Qualifier:


"The Japanese Buzzsaw" Tajiri vs "The Suicadal Luchadore" Super Crazy


To say this match was the match of the night was a complete and TOTAL understatement! This was clearly a 5 Star Match! Before the match even began, Tajiri bowed to his rival, while Crazy, extended his hand out to Tajiri to take it. That would be the ONLY time in this match that both men would be "CIVILIZED" in this match! Tajiri met Crazy with some of the sickiest chops and kicks ever heard! But Crazy met him with some quick lucha moves to take him down! Tajiri did the Tajiri rush, assaulting Crazy with a fast flurry of punches and kicks, knocking Crazy out of the ring! But later on, Crazy got his revenge, doing a picture perfect moonsault from the top of the announcing position to the crowd below on to TAJIRI, prompting a HOLY SH*T chant! Super Crazy wound up fighting Tajiri back to the ring and tried to do a running clothesline to the corner, but Tajiri dodged it, and locked in the Taratula for a 4 count. Tajiri tried to take advantage of a down Crazy, and tried to execute a "M.Bison" Head stomp, but Crazy delievered a sick looking "Crazy Bomb" for a 2 count! The of the match came when for the "Trifecta Moonsault' and got to "dos", but when he tried for the "tres", Tajiri put his knees up, hurting Crazy and Tajiri hit not just one, but THREE BUZZSAW KICKS for the win!


Winner and Advancing to the finals: Tajiri

Rating: B/82


Notes: This match lifted the crowd!



Main Event:

ECW Battle Royal for the ECW Title


Rob Van Dam vs The Sandman vs Sabu vs Finlay vs Chavo vs Tajiri vs EKMO vs Tommy Dreamer vs ???


The rules of the match are simple. It will start as a regular battle royal, with every minute, there will be a new man that enters. No Eliminations will take place until all competitors enter the ring! After there are only 4 Men left in the ring, the match then becomes a fatal 4 way, which whoever scores the first pinfall becomes the new ECW Champion! There are tables, ladders, chairs and all sorts of weapons scattered outside the ring. The first two entrants in the ring were Chavo Guererro and The Sandman start to square off in the ring..but before they start...the ECW theme plays thru the arena, and Paul Heyman comes out!!


Heyman: "Hey, look since this night is themed on "second chances", I thought about making a little changes in the rules tonight...in the battle royal, you will see guys in there who LOST the tournament, that will have a second chance tonight..so GOOD LUCK BOYS!"


Chavo and Sandman start to brawl against each other, which they are both tired from the wars that they had earlier in the match! After a minute, "Wanted: Dead or Alive" plays thru the P.A. signifying that Tyler Douglas has entered the fray, and immediately goes after Sandman, whose a friend of Dreamer. After Chavo starts to attack Douglas, another minute has passed. "Man in the Box" by Alice in Chains plays and Dreamer starts to bolt down the ring. Dreamer and Douglas go at each other like he was facing "Raven" back in the day. Dreamer goes and gets a Kendo Stick under the ring and BLASTS Douglas out of the ring! After a minute, some Samoan Music plays and EKMO comes down to the ring and starts taking out EVERYONE in the ring, Dreamer, Sandman, and Chavo, showing his dominance! After a minute of showing off, "Hulka Blues" starts to play and Sabu goes down to the ring and goes toe to toe with EKMO! He dodges all the attacks that EKMO does and attacks him with a chair, knocking him down. He tries to go for a Triple Jump Moonsault but EKMO catches him in midair and does a VICIOUS SAMOAN drop! A minute passes, and "Walk" by Pantera starts to play prompting the return of ROB VAN DAM!! But Van Dam, doesnt go thru the walkway, where EKMO expects him, he comes thru the crowd, and greets EKMO with a VAN DAMINATOR to the face! He then wakes up his tag team partner and they go for a Arabian Facebuster, followed by a 5 STAR FROG SPLASH!!!! The crowd is heated up chanting ECW! ECW! ECW!

After a minute, "Down with the Sickness" plays and Monty Brown storms down to the ring and goes after his trainer Sabu! He hits him with a vicious Alpha Bomb and then finishes him off with a POUNCE!! Rob Van Dam goes toe to toe with Brown, but he then give him a vicious Spinebuster! Dreamer hits Brown with a STOP SIGN, and and Sandman blasts him with a CANE. Dreamer then kicks Brown and does the Dreamer DDT on the sign. Dreamer then puts the stop sign on Browns face Sandman (already drunk at this point) goes to the top rope...pulls out a beer, swigs it and does the "ROLLING ROCK" SENTON on Brown's face, busting him open!! Little do people realize, that a minute has already passed and the "Braveheart" theme has already played, showing that Finlay has entered the ring. He takes advantage of everyone attacking Brown, and he hits RVD with a Chair and does a deadly Tombstone Piledriver on RVD! He then goes after everyone else in the ring, brawling with the Sandman, and ducking his cane shot, and blasting him with one of his own! "Japanese Music" plays and Tajri sprints down to the ring! He starts to deliever kicks to both Sandman and Finlay. They both kick him in the gut and whip him to the ropes but he counters and does a handspring DOUBLE ELBOW to both Sandman and Finlay! EKMO goes and grabs Tajiri and goes for a Chokebomb, but Tajiri spits mist in his eyes blinding EKMO! A minute has passed and the final entrant is played....


Styles: "I wonder who the final entrant is? I mean its gotten crazy so far!!"


"Push it" by Rick Ross plays ..and instead of wrestling clothes, out comes ANTONIO BANKS in street clothes! He starts to immediately go after Finlay, those two start to Brawl and Finlay tries to hit a clothesline on the MVP from M.I.A. but he dodged it and hit is finisher "You D.I.E. in M.I.A.!!" (Chokebreaker) on Finlay. Everyone went after Banks and he faught as hard as he could, til the numbers game got to him. The first elimination came when everyone was going after Banks, when Douglas from outside earlier, took advantage and thru Dreamer over the Ropes!! (TOMMY DREAMER IS ELIMINATED!!). The next elimination came a few minutes later when Sabu and Brown were brawling in the ring. Sabu dodge a clothlesline from Brown and he tried to go for the Air Sabu, but Brown caught him! He tried to throw him over the ropes, but Sabu caught Brown with a head scisscor, with the momentum taking them BOTH OUT!! They continue to brawl out of the ring! (SABU AND MONTY BROWN ARE BOTH ELIMINATED!!). The next elimintation came when Tyler Douglas went to hit the "Dead or Alive" on Chavo, but Tajiri hit the Buzzsaw kick on Douglas...and BOTH MEN dropkicked Douglas out the ring! Douglas tried to hang on to the apron, but Dreamer came out of the crowd and CANED Douglas right in the legs, making him fall to the floor! (TYLER DOUGLAS IS ELIMINATED!) The next elimination came by EKMO. EKMO was destroying EVERYONE at this point. And everyone came and tried to eliminate him!, but then KIMO (aka Jamal) came out the back and started to help his team mate!!! Then everyone tried to fight off Kimo! EKMO tried to do a running clothesline to eliminate Finlay, but he moved and held down the ropes...almost causing EKMO to fall...but he held on. Finlay and EKMO brawled on the apron, til EKMO go the best of Finlay, knocking him down., but underneath the ring, SPIKE DUDLEY came out from underneath and surprised the Samoan Giant and hit him with the ACID DROP out side of the ring thru the table propting another HOLY SH*T and LSD CHANT!!! (EKMO IS ELIMINATED!!) The Next Elmination came by Chavo Guererro, when he tried to suplex Sandman over the top rope only to have him land on the apron. Sandman tried to suplex Chavo over, but RVD helped his buddy by doing a Springboard Jump Kick, knocking Chavo out of the ring. But he also Eliminated Sandman but doing a jumpkick on him, knocking him off the Apron. (CHAVO AND SANDMAN ARE ELIMINATED!!!)


The final 4 are Tajiri, Finlay, Banks and RVD, and all 4 men are tired after the gauntlet, and there was teams in this final portion of the match. All 3 men went after Banks in the begining, until Finlay started to attack RVD and Tajiri. After it was all said and and done all 4 men were bleeding at the end of the match. Rob Van Dam even went so far to the the VAN TERMINATOR on Banks, busting him open again and making him roll out of the ring!!!! The finish of the match came when Tajiri did the Buzzsaw kick on Finlay and went for the pin, but it was broken up by RVD, doing the 5 STAR FROG SPLASH on both Tajiri and Finlay! And he went for the pinfall when out of NOWHERE, Banks hit the "DRIVE BY KICK" (running boot) on RVD, knocking him out, and then did the "SPINE SPLITTA" Jumping Piledriver (the same piledriver that Taker did on Shawn Micheals this past Wrestlemania!!! Yeah..that one!!!)on Finlay for the WIN!!!!




Rating: C+/70


Final Rating: C+/70


Ok... this first show took a long time to write. So...please if you like it or not, just say what you feel. And thanks to everyone for making this new diary surpass 1000 views in a such a short time!!



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Chapter 6: "The Aftermath"


Chapter 6: "The Aftermath"


3 Days after the "Guilty as Charged" Pay Per View


The internet was buzzing over the successful return of the ECW pay per view, and everyone took notice. Both fan and rival alike. Heyman for once was happy about the result as he hated to admitted, but Logan Anthony was right. In fact he was a "Hardcore Godsend". He almost didnt want to take his share of the promotion and have him out of 5 million bucks in his mind, a deal is a deal. Its a rainy, Tuesday afternoon and Anthony drives up in his Chrysler 300.


Anthony: Hello Paul, so we have some good news and some bad news.


Heyman wasnt expecting all "good news" but he wasnt expecting bad news this early. He actually thought that the PPV did quite well.


Heyman: "Oh well, let me guess, we didnt make much of a profit as you thought?"


Anthony: "No not that at all... I just got the PPV numbers back, we scored a buy rate of 1.35. I got a call today from Dish Network and DirecTV, that they aint happy about the rating. However, inDemand and Videotron in Canada is happy about the ratings."


Heyman let loose a sigh of relief.


Heyman: So whats the good news?


Anthony: "Well after tabulating the costs of all the workers, set up, renting out MSG, production, show costs and other expenses like that roughly came out to roughly $580,000 dollars"


Heyman was happy and sad at the same time. He actually thought that the same fate that fell on him a few years ago was about to fall on the Logan Anthony.


Heyman: "And what about the profits from the show"?


Anthony :" Between the PPV Revenue, ticket sales, which by the way WE SOLD OUT!!! And the sponsors and merchandise we came out to close to $970,000 dollars! So we almost made a profit of $400,000 dollars!"


Heyman at this point was happy that he helped put on a show where he didnt have to worry about owing talent money. He was truly happy about the second chance.


Heyman: "Well Anthony, congrats you kept your word about making a profit, now I am going to keep mine. You will REMAIN as half owner and half booker of Extreme Championship Wrestling. But now you have some more problems"


Anthony: "Like what?"


Heyman: "Well we have a few unhappy talent. For example that Sylvan Grenier wasnt happy that his team wasnt victorious in the tag team match which went to Jerry Lynn and Scorpio."


Anthony: "Did you talk to Lynn and Scorpio about that?"


Heyman: "Lynn dont have a problem having the strap, but Scorpio feels he might be a little bit "over" for the Tag Team Titles. He actually hinted about going after the vacated TV Title."


Anthony: "Who else is upset?"


Heyman: "Finlay is PISSED. Hes not happy that not only did he not win the title, but hes upset that Banks pinned him. I wanted to know why you gave Banks the strap and not RVD?"


Anthony: "Simple. It was TOO PREDICTABLE.I mean lets face it. Van Dam is so over he doesnt NEED a title! Every order the Pay Per View expecting him to win, but they didnt expect him to lose...especially not to MVP! I mean trust me on this, this is a start of a storyline between RVD, Banks and Finlay. And if it plays out, ALL 3 OF THEM ARE GOING TO BE SO OVER ITS NOT GONNA BE FUNNY!"


Heyman: "Well so far you a batting a 1000 on things, so I trust ya on this. If you have any questions or concerns, let me know, and I will help you out."


Anthony: "Well, now that you mentioned it, since trying to book the show, I kinda "missed" the deadline for trying to get a show. So I was wondering, should we try to do a weekly PPV? or do a monthly?"


Heyman: "I honestly dont know. We have to see what the fans think of this one...."

To Be Continued:

Next: The ECW Report


(I told everyone that all reader will have a "role" to play in this diary. And here it goes...Which one should Anthony/Heyman do? A weekly PPV? or a Montly? whatever gets the most votes, that is what will happen.)


?Question Time!


1. How do you think the situation will play out with Lynn/Scorpio being the Tag Team titles?


2. Who do you think will be the outcome with the upcoming RVD/MVP/Finlay Fued?


3. Do you think that putting the title on Banks was a good idea?


4. Who do you think should have the T.V. Title and what type of match should determine it?



Thanks again...and enjoy!!


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1. I love Lynn, but I've never been big on Scorpio. I'd rather an established tag team hold the titles.


2. MVP and RVD are two of my favorites and Finlay is extremely underrated. I'm looking forward to seeing how it pans out. I predict MVP holding the title in the end making him immensely over.


3. This guy was once hailed as the new "Rock". Great on the mic and was above average in the ring. WWE really dropped the ball with him. I'm glad you went out on a limb to give him the strap and IMO a great idea.


4. I'm going to be a rarity, but I'd give the TV title to Chavo. I think a six way stairway to hell match would be an awesome way to crown the champion. ECW's TV title was able to become a main event caliber title, so I think giving it to Chavo and letting him run with it would raise his stock and the title's stock at the same time.

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