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ECW: The Protege

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I would honestly suggest putting shows up in one post instead of spreading them out, because of the single reason that if this were to happen where you can't post shows for a few days, which is definitely understandable with your line of work, people would have to go back and look at what happened before, where if you put them up in one post, people can get a better feel of the show.
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Living Dangerously Part 3





Living Dangerously: Hour 3


The EXTREME 16 Finals!

For the ECW Television Championship

The Latin Legacy” Chavo Guererro vs “The Insane Luchadore” Super Crazy vs Shane “The Hurrincane” Helms vs ???


It was supposed to start with 16 men (wound up being 12), and now it only being down to 4. Three of the men we know about, and all of them are trying to make a name for themselves. Chavo Guererro is trying to live up to his legacy cemented by his late uncle Eddy Guererro. Super Crazy is planning on becoming a two time ECW Champion. And Shane Helms, who probably has the most to prove out of everyone, because he was associated with WCW and WWE. All 3 are in the ring looking at the title and the ladder is outside, when Teddy Long comes out and interrupts the 3 in the ring and starts to speak.


Long: “Execuse me, you cannot start this contest without the 4<SUP>th</SUP> participant who I have pulled some MAJOR strings to get here! He is the other half of the mystery signing for ECW, and he is the FUTURE ECW T.V. Champion. Playas and Playa-ettes I bring to you, Rico Dinero!!!!


Out of the curtain comes none other than the wrestler formerly known as “Elijiah Burke!!” So when Burke comes into the ring, everyone goes and tries to attack each other and go for the ladders early on in the match! There were high points and serious HOLY SH*T moments in the match, it was impossible to determined who was going to be the winner of this match! Chavo got on top of the ladder and delivered the “Ode to Eddie” Frog Splash from the top rope down to Super Crazy thru the table on the outside of the ring! Helms made his “Impact” by hitting the “Nightmare on Helm’s Street” Spinning Headlock drop on Dinero onto a chair! Super Crazy got some sort of revenge on Chavo by hitting a “Loco-Motive Slam” (Rolling moonsault side slam) on to both Dinero and Helms below on the outside the ring!! Dinero did his “extreme” moment when he Irish Whipped Helms into the rope (where the ladder was placed) and Dinero did his finisher move “The Dinero Express” (Running Double Knee Press on to the back) on to Helms while holding a chair! At the conclusion of the match, two ladders side by side, Super Crazy and Dinero and Chavo and Helms on the other! All four men were up on the ladder trying to fight for position and get the coveted ECW T.V. Title! Dinero took out Chavo by hitting him with the “Near Death Experience” (Front Russian Legsweep) off the middle of the ladder, while Helms hit Super Crazy with a Cutter off the ladder as well! Both Dinero and Helms tried to climb up on the ladder while performing their moves on the other two. As both men reached the top, both men were fighting each other off, and Helms knocked Dinero back a little bit, when Teddy Long ran down to the ring, and started to grab on Helms leg, distracting him. Helms tried to start kicking him off, when Dinero grabbed a trash can lid that was on the ground and smacked him on the head causing to crash to the ground below! Dinero grabbed the T.V. title, signifying his newest reign, in his very first match!!<O:p</O:p


Winner and New ECW T.V. Champion: Rico Dinero<O:p></O:p>

Rating: 78<O:p</O:p


Hype Video:

Hyping up and telling the storyline between the Rob Van Dam, Dave Finlay and the current ECW Heavyweight Champion, Antonio Banks. <O:p></O:p>

Rating: 71


No Disqualifications Match: <O:p</O:p

“The Outlaw” Tyler Douglas vs “The Innovator of Violence” Tommy Dreamer<O:p</O:p


Dreamer came out to this match, this time WITHOUT his wife, concern for her safety. This match would be deadly, violent and not for the faint of heart. The only way to win this match was by Pinfall or Submission, and the referee was only there to enforce that, and for good reason, because both men took each other to the limits, both inside and outside of the ring! Dreamer made Douglas pay all through the match, coming up with various ways of hurting his opponent! He went so far as to do a Piledriver on to a chair, and a drop toe hold onto a chair, softening up Douglas’s neck for his finishers the “Dreamer DDT” and The “Dreamer Driver”. (A move made famous by his rival, Raven) But Dreamer wasnt the only one being calculating in attacking his opponent. Douglas not only focused on Dreamer’s neck, but also on Dreamer’s left arm and shoulder! It didn’t take long before weapons were brought into the ring and utilized. Dreamer even went so far as to deliver a “Dreamer Driver” (Death Valley Driver) from the apron on to the Announce table below!!! (Prompting a “OH MY GOD” from Joey Styles)! But Dreamer wasn’t done! Dreamer grabbed the ladder from the previous match, and laid it out below, as he was going to go for the Dreamer Driver again, but Douglas countered and hit the “Dead or Alive” (TKO) off the top rope on the Ladder below! But Dreamer kicked out!! Douglas clearly was upset! Douglas tried to go for the “Dead or Alive” again, this time with a chair underneath, but Dreamer countered with the Dreamer DDT on to the chair! But he look clearly as hurt as Douglas was, due to the fact that Douglas was working on Dreamer’s shoulder and arm the majority of the match. The finish of the match, no one, not even Dreamer. Dreamer tried to go for another Dreamer DDT, but Douglas pushed him into the ropes and he hit his shoulder on the turnbuckle. Then Douglas hit Dreamer with a chair in the shoulder again and delievered a very sickening “Shoulder Breaker” on Dreamer. It was revealed why Douglas was working on the shoulder, because he debuted his new finisher, The Fujiwara Armbar which he calls “The Long Arm of the OUT-LAW”. He had it locked in the center of the ring and Dreamer was screaming in pain, but he WOULDN’T SUBMIT! Then Beulah ran down the ring with a towel and thru in the ring prompting for the referee to stop the match. After the match, Beulah went to tend to her husband while Douglas stood there laughing, and then he did the unthinkable, he did the “Dead or Alive” on Beulah!!! Dreamer is filled with Horror and Rage as Dreamer has just witness his wife get attacked how has a history of neck problems (since the 3D from the Dudleys). Douglas kicks Dreamer in the face and delivers the “Dead or Alive” once again to him for good measure.


Winner by Submission: Tyler Douglas

Rating: 73


Best of 3 Falls Match

“The Japanese Buzzsaw” Yoshihiro Tajiri w/Dawn Marie vs Carlito Colon


The crowd has been hot after the last two matches..and they were not going to be let down for this one! Colon wasted no time in attacking Tajiri from behind, but Tajiri snap back with a back kick and started to do the Tajiri Rush on him very early in the match! Also in this match, we seen Carlito go to the air a lot more often than usual, taking it Tajiri several times in the match. The first fall came from Carlito , when Tajiri tried to go for a back round house kick on to Carlito, in which he ducked and he hit his new finisher, “The Carlito’s Way” (Snapmare Driver) on to Tajiri for the first pinfall. As the rules stipulate, after a pinfall has occurred, the opponent must wait 10 seconds for the pinned opponent to get his “bearings” in order to continue. Carlito wasted little time attacking Tajiri, but Tajiri played possum in the turnbuckle and waiting for Carlito to charge him, when he moved out of the way and locked in the Tarantula! Tajiri had to be careful to release the hold by 5, or he would be disqualified, and Carlito would be awarded the fall and the match. The second fall would this time go to Tajiri, as both men would battle on the top rope, Carlito would go for a Sunset Flip Powerbomb, only for Tajiri to roll thru and execute the “Buzzsaw Kick” out of nowhere for the pinfall! After Carlito tried to get his senses back after the painful “Buzzsaw Kick” from Tajiri, both men went back and forth to each other with signature moves and near falls! In fact, Tajiri did the “Handspring Elbow” on Carlito, and later in the match, Carlito returned the favor with one of his own! The finish of the match came when both Carlito and Tajiri went back and forth, and Dawn Marie got on the apron to distract the referee. Marie was right behind Carlito and while she was distracting the referee, Tajiri tried to “spray” green mist in the eyes of Carlito, but he ducked and hit Dawn Marie instead! Tajiri went to tend to Dawn Marie and it was the opening that Carlito needed, as he hit the “Backstabber” on Tajiri to pick up the 2<SUP>nd</SUP> Fall and the match.


Winner, 2 Falls to 1: Carlito

Rating: 80



For the ECW Heavyweight Title!! A Triple Threat STAIRWAY TO HELL LADDER MATCH!!!

“The Whole F’N Show” Rob Van Dam w/Bill Alfonso vs “The Belfast Brawler” Dave Finlay vs “The Miami MVP” Antonio Banks w/ Teddy Long ©


This battle has been brewing ever since the conclusion of the last Pay Per View “Guilty as Charged”, crowning Antonio Banks as the ECW Champion. Both of these men were trying to get the title from him. One, a man “synonymous” with Extreme Championship Wrestling, being a triple crown champion in the promotion. The other, looking to win his first ever World Title ever, but he knows he has time and these two men against him! When the bell rang it seem as if that Van Dam and Finlay were going to work together to make Banks a living hell, especially when Finlay did a Rolling Firemans Carry, while RVD did a Rolling Thunder on top of Banks! And they also performed a Stereo Roaring Elbow (Finlay)/Legsweep (RVD) combo on Banks to knock him down! Unfortunately that’s where the “partnership” ended, as both RVD and Finlay started to go after each other! There were both exchanging blows when Banks came to, and attacked them both! Banks collapsed the ladder and used it as a battering ram type weapon, knocking both men out of the ring! Instead of using the ladder to climb up and get the title, he threw it at both RVD and Finlay on the outside of the ring! And then we saw something that Banks never normally does, he performed a Plancha on the outside to both men while they were holding the ladder, prompting the crowd to give him a pop! All of these men went all out to get the title, so much so that they even did EACH OTHERS FINISHERS! At one point, Van Dam did the Celtic Crash (Air Raid Crash) on Finlay himself! Finlay did the “U D.I.E IN M.I.A.” Chokebreaker on Banks! And Banks did the ultimate insult by doing his “version” of the 5 Star Frog Splash on both Finlay and RVD thru a table!! At one point, RVD was in control of the match, when he delivered the “Van Daminator” on Finlay first, then to Banks, when he tried hit RVD with a chairshot after hitting Finlay with the Van Daminator, only to have him duck and hit him with one as well!” RVD then went to finish them both off, as he sat both of them in the corner and had Alfonso hold the chair as RVD delivered the VAN TERMINATOR with Finlay getting taking the most of it, busting him open!! RVD was going to secure the title from the ladder to once again become ECW Champion, when all of a sudden, the ECW TV Champion and Long’s newest client RICO DINERO comes down and starts attacking RVD, preventing him from getting the title! RVD tried to hit the Van Daminator on him, but Rico ducks and BLASTS him with the chair! He then hits the “Near Death Experience” on RVD with a chair, busting him open, while getting cheered on from Long. It seems that Banks was going to steal this one, when all of a sudden, Shane Helms comes down and fights off Dinero and hits him with a “Shining Wizard”, knocking him out of the ring! He then pushes Banks off of the ladder and hits him with the “Verterbreaker” knocking out the ECW Champion! All three men are out cold in the ring, as the crowd is getting rowdy with the violence being played out tonight. The end of the match was truly and EPIC one as at first both RVD and Banks started to brawl and RVD tried do a Roundhouse kick, but Banks ducked and he did a running Big Boot to RVD, which kicked him out of the ring and thru the table on the outside below! When Banks realized what he had done, he went to set up the ladder and climb for the title, but regaining his strength, Finlay set up a ladder, beside him, fighting with him! They were throwing some hard elbows and fist at each other, but Finlay thru a huge haymaker on Banks! Finlay then had Banks on his shoulders and he delivered an CELTIC CRASH from the middle of the Ladder prompting a HOLY SH*T chant! But Finlay wasn’t done, because he wanted to make Banks pay, so he grabbed two chairs and placed them facing each other and while still holding Banks over his shoulders, he delivered the “TOMBSTONE PILEDRIVER ON BOTH OF THE CHAIRS!!”




Banks wasn’t moving after that Tombstone Piledriver to both of the chairs and it took what was remaining out of Finlay. Finlay began to climb slowly up the ladder to the title, but RVD climbed up out of the wreckage that he went thru being put thru the table! RVD almost caught and stopped Finlay but he was too late to stop him, as he got the title down at 23:45 becoming the NEW ECW HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION! The crowd gave all 3 men a standing ovation and a very bloody Finlay looked to appear he was sobbing and bleeding over his newly won title.


Winner and New ECW Champion: Dave Finlay

Rating: 82

**Match of the Night**


Match recap:

Noble/Hart def. Backseat Boyz (dark match)

Straight Thuggin def Hackin and Jackin and Granier and Rougeau (dark match)

Rookie Veterans def. Lords of the Ring

The Damaja def. The Sandman

EKMO def. Spike Dudley

Kid Kash def. Cheerleader Melissa

Monty Brown def Sabu

The Miz def “American Dragon” Bryan Danielson

Rico Dinero def. Shane Helms, Chavo Guererro and Super Crazy to become the New ECW TV Champion.

“The Outlaw” Tyler Douglas def Tommy Dreamer

Carlito Colon def Yoshihiro Tajiri in a best of 3 falls.

Dave Finlay def Antonio Banks and Rob Van Dam to become the ECW Heavyweight Champion


Prediction Results:

Lo-Drew: 5/11

Smurphy1014: 5/11

Shadowflame: 4/11 (gave you half credit, because you were right about the “Mystery guy” winning, wrong that it was Rhino.)

Rabbitman: 9/11

Kijar: 4/11


And the winner of this show’s PPV prediction is RABBITMAN!! With almost a perfect score! So what is his prize? He picks the type of match for the main event at the next Pay Per View, (which I believe is BARELY LEGAL!)

Also I apologize for taking too long to post this show up, as you can see it is LONG. So I am going to be condensing these shows in the future. Thank you very much for reading. Please Comment or whatever and thanks again.

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ECW Report and Rumors

April 2nd

by Joey Styles


"Successful 'Living"


- ECW's Living Dangerously scored a .98 on the Pay Per View Buyrate. Considering that it was going up against WWE's Wrestlemania on the same night and the current state of the Wrestling Industry, it safe to say that ECW has cranked out another successful pay per view! Thanks to all the fans that order the pay per view.


"Off the Deep End"


- It seems that the "American Dragon" Bryan Danielson is "unrepentant" to what he did to the referee back at the pay per view! In fact he says that hes going to be more "intense" and if the referees or anyone gets in his way, they will "pay the price". It sounds like Danielson is becoming like a "certain ECW Legend" of old....


"Injury Report"


-Despite the fact that there was alot of intensity in the Living Dangerously PPV, the injuries were minimal! Sabu and Monty Brown have been cleared to wrestle, even though they pulled off that "INSANE" spot from the balcony to the table where the fans where below! Also RVD, Finlay and Banks who were in the Main Event are also cleared to wrestle, but its more likely they are going to take it easy instead of going all out! The new ECW T.V. Champion has been extremely fatigued as of late, despite going thru four men and winning his first singles title in ECW the very first night! He will be resting up, however he is rumored to be on the very next show....


"Crossing the Line"


- "The Outlaw" Tyler Douglas clearly crossed the line when he not only beat Tommy Dreamer in a NO DQ match, but he also DESTROYED Beulah with the "D.O.A" (Dead or Alive)! Doctors have reported that Beaulah will be ok, but as far as Tommy Dreamer goes, he has not been available for comment. After beating Dreamer, it has also been rumored that Douglas has earned a shot against the New ECW Champion, Dave Finlay on the next episode of "Extreme Measures".


"New Alliances"


- Extreme Championship Wrestling is happy to report that we have finalized a working agreement with California based promotion Pro Wrestling Guerilla (PWG), and wresling power hosues from Japan, Pro Wrestling NOAH and All Japan Pro Wrestling! So dont be surprised if you see some new and possibly "familiar" faces in the future.


"Possible Additions"


- It has been speculated for weeks that ECW's "rival", Ring of Honor was going to make some serious cut backs on the talent roster. Well you heard it here first, as of 9:00 am on the first, ROH has released the following talent and they are now "Free Agents" :


Alex "Sugarfoot" Payne

"Scrap Iron" Adam Pearce

"A Double" Austin Aries

Eddie Edwards

Matt "M-Dogg 20" Cross

Jimmy Rave

Chad (Collyer) Malenko

Tom Howard

"Messiah of the Backbreaker" Roderick Strong

"The Prince of Parkland" Jack Evans

Davey Richards

When asked about this, Logan Anthony had this to say.


Anthony: "It no secret that I have been following this rumor for a while now, and as unfortunate as these talented wrestlers are, Heyman and I have no problem giving them a shot here at ECW. Now dont get me wrong. I am not saying we are going to offer a contract to each one of those that were mentioned. But dont be surprised if we bring a little "honor" to the land of Extreme. And the guys in the back should REALLY take notice. They need to step thier "game" up if they want to be STILL EMPLOYED with this company! That means NO SLOUCHING in the ring! NO POLITICS! And NO HEAD GAMES! Here at the NEW ECW, we only keep people who WANT TO BE HERE! If not, dont let the door hit you in the [beep] on the way out!!"

More as this story develops.....




Fate Question:

-Who should (if not all) Anthony sign or try to sign with ECW? Who should he release from the roster to supplement them?


- Who would you like to see come to ECW from PWG, AJPW or NOAH?


- For Rabbitman, What match would you like to be in the Main Event for Barely Legal?

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-Who should (if not all) Anthony sign or try to sign with ECW? Who should he release from the roster to supplement them?

Personally, I would love to see A-Double, Strong, Richards and Edwards in ECW as a form of GenNext.

To leave, Teddy Hart, The Backstreet Boyz and Spike Dudley. I hate 'em all.

The others I cannot answer.

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ECW Tag Team Title Match


Fun little bout and it makes both teams look strong. Scorpio came off looking amazing hitting his finisher after taking all that punishment.


The Damaja vs The Sandman


Great little typical ECW style match. The Sandman doesn't lose any heat but this victory should give the Damaja quite a boost.


-Great little interview there, with you really capturing the essence of the RVD character.




Spike does his usual tremendous job of bumping for a big guy and actually comes off looking like he could have won the match at a few points(which was a nice touch). Ekmo comes out looking all the more like a sadistic beast, which is what you were presumably aiming for, so well done on that.


The “Notorious” Kid Kash vs Cheerleader Melissa


Holy crud, did not see that coming!!!! I love it though!!! Melissa is one tough lady and this worked so beautifuly in putting over her toughness and never say die attitude and making Kash look even more like a dick the way he carried on after getting the w.


-Nice little segment with Dreamer putting over Douglas as a threat. Tommy's good for things like that, because he's so believable.


Falls count ANYWHERE !!!


Amazing match, with several killer spots and both men came off very well. However the right man won and I look forward to seeing where you can take the master of the pounce.


-Carlito cuts a nice promo, props for going that extra mile by him threatening Dawn Marie, that added a lot to his character.


“The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson vs Mike “The Miz’ Mizanin.


Dragon is a guy that could always be a threat, so the Miz needed this and duly got it. Great ending though and may we see it in real life, lol.


The EXTREME 16 Finals!


Aww hell yeah! One of my faves debuting and being heavily pushed right out of the gate. Depending on how long this diary goes, I am betting we will eventually see Dinero with the big belt.


No Disqualifications Match:


Wow so much going on. Tommy looks like a beast for not quitting, Beulah proves her love by ending the pain(or so she thought) but Douglas comes out the best by not only getting the win but also laying his hands on the T-man's wife!!! This feud is really heating up!!!


Best of 3 Falls Match


Tajiri does not come off looking weak but Carlito gets a great win and just like Douglas in the last match, looks even more the dick by laying his hands on his opponents woman.




All 3 men look good and you even worked in continuation of one of your lower card feuds, nice work! The emotion surrounding the veteran Finlay finally winning the big one and proving the doubters wrong was a special moment.



Great PPV and long may this diary continue.

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"Messiah of the Backbreaker" Roderick Strong

"The Prince of Parkland" Jack Evans

"A Double" Austin Aries


Alex "Sugarfoot" Payne

"Scrap Iron" Adam Pearce

Eddie Edwards

Matt "M-Dogg 20" Cross

Jimmy Rave

Chad (Collyer) Malenko

Tom Howard

Davey Richards


The top 3 are definite pick-ups. As for the rest, I'm confident you know what you are doing and that you will be able to sift through and pick those that will improve your product.



As for the match.......how about an ECW version of an iron man match.


I figure Finlay has proved he can still be a top guy and now he can prove he can still go as long and hard as anyone on the roster.

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Chopping Block


(This portion of the entry will be entirely done in “blog/journal format” as it will be in Logan Anthony’s train of thoughts.)


April 2, Wednesday, 2 days before “Extreme Measures: Episode V”


“I have always been told by my father the most ancient proverb when it comes to business. ‘Never make friends with a Pig, if you just so happen to be a Butcher. Because when it comes to work, it’s going to be very hard to have your friend for dinner’. Or something along those lines. I realize now what that means. Try to separate business and friendship, because when it comes to releasing them, it will be very hard to do. So I was going over the books, and we made a profit of over $800,000 this month, bringing us to about $11.2 Million dollars, which was very good, considering we started off around about $10 million when Paul and I started this. Now it gets to the point that it getting difficult that I am going to have to get rid of some guys now that I got some released talent from Ring of Honor. I mean I would have to be a fool to pass that up. I already got my first “signing” in CHAD COLLYER, who will be wrestling as Chad Malenko’. Malenko is already a legend in ECW, and I could possibly see a Chavo vs ‘Malenko’ fued in the future. I also got surprised today and found out that RODERICK STRONG wanted to sign with me as well. I wasted no time drawing up the contracts, signing them both to exclusive Pay Per Appearance contracts. The one person that I thought signing to this promotion that would be highly doubtful, is JACK EVANS. I was planning on having a reunion with Teddy Hart and kinda boost our Tag Team Division vs the Backseat Boyz. WCW got to him early, but it wasn’t like I wasn’t anticipating it. Dealing with guys like WCW and ROH, you have to sense that they have a predatory mindset in which they take people from you before you get to them. Another person I had my mind on, was PAUL BURCHILL. Burchill was unique as I was watching his Indy videos on youtube, he was a big man that could pull off insane cruiserweight moves! The only other wrestler I have ever seen do this was Ruckus from CZW. But that would have to wait right now, because I had bigger priorities to deal with.


I look at all the tapes of the PPV tapings we did over the past few months at Extreme Measure shows and the past 2 Pay Per Views and I came up with a list of who was in danger of getting ‘axed’:



Position: Upper Midcarder


Pros for Keeping Him: He is Ekmo’s family member, and the less talented of the two. So I don’t wanna anger Ekmo by releasing him. Possibly could be in a tag team with EKMO (if I didn’t have plans for him already). Possibly could use him to get up and coming talent over.


Cons for Keeping Him: The fans clearly DON’T want to see him wrestle. Had only one match, and that was with Spike Dudley and brought the crowds rating WAY down. He’s not menacing enough to be a body guard either. (tried that with The Miz in a dark match. Miz didn’t want him as a Bodyguard).


Chances of getting released: 8/10


The Damaja (Danny Hollie)

Position: Main Eventer


Pros: He isn’t ENTIRELY bad in the ring, especially having a good match with Tommy Dreamer at Extreme Measures, episode # 1. He is capable of having a decent match, and he has no problem putting people over, like Sandman and L.A. Gates (me.).


Cons: His momentum has stalled severely. It’s like going thru the motions when putting him on a show. Its very difficult trying to put him on a show, (unlike his one-time tag team partner, Tyler Douglas who is having an EXPLOSIVE feud with Tommy Dreamer). The best thing I can think of is transitioning the feud from Dreamer versus Douglas to Dreamer versus Hollie. So my best bet is to have a few guys lower on the card go over him, until I figure out what to do with him.


Chances of him getting released: 4/10


Teddy Hart

Position: Opener


Pros: Coming from the legendary Hart family, Teddy Hart has the perfect balance between high flying and technical skills, but what really impresses about this kid, is that his “reputation” for being a locker room nuisance has been few and far in between, if at all! I see good things for this guy, I need just to book him in the right match or fued to get him out of “opener hell”


Cons: See above, stuck in “Opener Ville”, his momentum is ungodly low. Usually being squashed by Main Eventers.


Chances of him getting released: 3/10


Super Crazy

Position: Upper Midcarder


Pros: Super Crazy is a solid, I repeat SOLID performer! This guy is probably in NO danger of getting released! He’s gotten Match of the Night with three different people in the promotion (Tajiri –Guilty as Charged, Jerry Lynn at Extreme Measures ep. 2, and Rob Van Dam on episode 4). He was almost the person I wanted to win the T.V. Title at Living Dangerously (but that was before I signed Burke), but that doesn’t mean he won’t win some sort of title in the near future.


Cons: He doesn’t speak English, so hes not charismatic, but then again he does his "talking" in the ring, we will see how that plays out.


Chances of him getting released: (YEAH RIGHT!) 0.5/10


The Lords of the Ring

(Nick Dinsmore/Rob Conway)

Position: Midcarder


Pros: Dinsmore and Conway have Tag Teaming experience stemming back to the days in Ohio Valley Wrestilng. And since they were both former WWE guys, they can be utilized as natural heels against the ECW roster. Also they haven’t really done any hardcore stuff. So we might be able to pull something off. And plus with the addition with Cyrus, their luck MIGHT turn around. Besides I am thinking about taking the straps off Scorpio and Lynn, giving them the titles have “served its purpose”.


Cons: Like Teddy Hart, they are stuck in lower card limbo. Right now, I am going to change the Tag Team Titles in to a floating title, but they are going to have to try and go all out, if I can make a storyline or something big for them. I signed both of these two to build up the ECW Tag Team Division. Time will time. Also Dinsmore has had a history of drug problems, although they haven’t came up….yet.


Chances of them getting released: 5/10


“Mr. Ray-tings” Ray Gonzales

Position: Lower Midcarder


Pros: Gonzales is competent in the ring and very charismatic. And he can bust out the occasional solid opener match. He could possibly get pushed to Midcarder…but…..


Cons: Let’s see where should I start? Gets in a fight with our (now) World Champion, Dave Finlay, which he clearly started! Punishment for that? He gets in a squash match with Logan Anthony Gates (me). Then a few days later he gets in a fight with a Fan!! Punishment for that? Get SQUASHED by Cheerleader Melissa! Already have two strikes against him. So he has very little latitude.


Chances of getting released: 9/10


Sylvan Granier

Position: Midcarder


Pros: A tag team with Rene Rougeau. To be honest….they AINT all that great, but they are in my Tag Team division.


Cons: Attitude problem. Still upset that didn’t give him and his partner the tag team titles, instead giving them to Lynn and Scorpio. That was 2 months ago. Still I tried to feed him a few victories, STILL IS UPSET. Don’t like prima donnas. If he keeps this up, he might be out the door, faster than Ray Gonzales! Which would be a shame, because I would have to get rid of Rougeau too….


Chances of getting realeased: Granier- 8.5/10, Rougeau: 6/10


Logan Anthony Gates (me)

Position: Upper Midcarder/Booker/50% Owner


Pros: Learning the ropes of the wrestling world. And is willing to sacrifice my overness to get guys who deserve to be over, and higher up on the card. Also is in a good tag team with Shad Gaspard.


Cons: Still lacking in the endurance and the basics, which sometimes makes the match suffer. Also if the roster gets too full, Gates can be sacrificed, to free up a slot. Aint like he can get fired…;)


Chances of getting taken off the active roster: 6/10



(Ok, this is a new, experimental format for me, the "blogging" thing. Let me know what you think about this. Thanks again. Comments are appreciated. Good or bad..)

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"Booking Meeting"


Synopsis: Its the day before the Extreme Measures show, and there is a booking meeting going on. Sitting in the meeting is Paul Heyman and Logan Anthony, co-owners of Extreme Championship Wrestling. Also there is Tommy Dreamer, Road Agents, Marc Le Grizzley and Wrestling Legend and Hall of Famer, Roddy Piper.


Heyman: "I would like to thank everyone for coming to this staff meeting. Both Logan and I have alot to discuss so with out further ado, heres Logan.


Anthony gets up out of his chair and heads to the front of his table.


Anthony: Good morning all. First off, I went over the books for the month of March, and we made a profit of over $800,000 dollars this month, which is always good. So the first order of business is that Paul and I discussed it, and we would like to make "the Extreme Sixteen" an annual tournament. I feel that would be a good way to emphasize our "indy" talent in the promotion. Its worked when ECWA did a Super 8 Tournament, and there was the Ted Petty Invitational and then CZW Best of the Best tournaments. With these tournaments, they have put guys out on the map. What do you guys think Roddy and Marc?


Marc: I agree. It could put some guys on "rising star' status. Maybe put a name to a face, and they have guys talking.


Paul: Thats a good idea by the way Logan. So whats the next order of business?


Logan: The next order of business is the possible recent addition with several of former Ring of Honor stars. But this brings us to getting rid of the dead weight. I have already signed Strong and Collyer, but I dont want to debut them on the very next show. That would be too obvious. So right now, I need to know who is definately need to go?


Roddy: Well I saw the list, and I was thinking, some of these guys you are going to make enemies with, especially with Edward (Fatu aka Ekmo). I mean hes happy right now, but once he finds out you about to axe his cousin, hes gonna be pissed!


Paul: "So what do you suggest we do Roddy"?


Roddy: "Give him a probation match, if he tanks that one, have him put over up and coming talent. I mean lord knows we are chocked full of em!"


Logan: "Ok, but whose the guy that we put him against for his probation match?"


Marc: "Danielson! I mean we are doing the 'Taz' gimmick on him right now, and this might put another dimension to the AmDrag/Miz storyline! Besides Danielson is so technically talented, he could WRESTLE A SOCK, and make the sock look like CHRIS BENOIT!!"


The room begins to laugh.


Logan: "Ok, we will keep the guys on the 'axe list' around for now."


Paul: "Next order of business, is storylines..."


Logan: "Roddy, the Spike/Ekmo storyline, now even though Spike is 0-2 vs Ekmo, should we have them go one more time or just kill it off? "


Roddy: "I think we should kill it off, besides I think we should focus on Spike possibly being a tag team with Sabu. They have good chemistry together, and since the Tag Titles are "floating" titles, maybe it could breathe some life in our already floundering tag team division."


Logan: "Ok, so the EKMO/Spike storyline is dead. Next one, is the Miz/AmDrag."


Marc: "I was actually surprised how good that match came out at 'Dangerously"


Logan: "I agree. I have a storyline in mind for Miz. If everything works out the way I wanted too, he could be this generations 'Steve Corino', only more of a Ego Maniac."


Paul: "Ok so the Miz/Danielson storylines stays. And the final one. RVD/Banks/Finlay."


Logan: "Well I was thinking of changing things up a bit."


Paul: "Oh? And what would that consists of?"


Logan: "Well, I think that we should take RVD out of this fued picture and have it focused solely on Banks and Finlay. Its extremely personal between these two. At 'Guilty', Banks prevented Finlay from winning the title in the first place. At 'Dangerously, Finlay won the title from Banks, in a ladder match, which he was not really pinned. RVD was there, kinda as a 3rd wheel. "


Roddy: "So your saying take RVD out of the Main Event storyline all together?"


Logan: "Yes, but no. You see, last month, RVD was attacked and no one knew who it was, it wasnt Banks. So basically if I can sign "this guy" to the promotion, he can join Bank's "Stable" in the making! Originally, was going to have Burke (Dinero) be the guy that attacked RVD, but his fued is taking off with Helms. So basically split the two fueds and we can get alot of guys over, even blend two fueds together so everyone benifits!"


Paul: "Thats actually not a bad idea, anything else? No? Logan you got anything? "


Logan: "No, there isnt. You want me to book for this week, or do you wanna do it?"


Paul: "You can do it, it seems your gettina knack for it anyway! Roddy, Marc, get with Logan and see if you have any ideas on booking for this episode of Extreme Measures!"



Paul starts to leave the room, while Logan, Paul and Roddy start to plan and book for the next show....



1. Who do you think the signing might be ? (The guy who attacked RVD at last months show)


2. Do you think Danielson could get Kimo over possibly?


3. For the Miz stable, who do you think his first member will be?

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1. Who do you think the signing might be ? (The guy who attacked RVD at last months show)

Why not Collyer? idk


2. Do you think Danielson could get Kimo over possibly?

Not really...


3. For the Miz stable, who do you think his first member will be?



Nice job though, you should keep up with booking meetings like that. It was amazingly entertaining.

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ECW Report and Rumors

April 4th

by Joey Styles





Ring of Honor star and resident Deathmatch enthusiast, NECRO BUTCHER has been released from Ring of Honor! No one in the wrestling internet has seen this coming, due to the fact that Butcher had signed a written deal with ROH, leaving behind such promotions as Combat Zone Wrestling, Pro Wrestling Guerrilla and Jersey All Pro Wrestling, just to name a few, only to have been released from the company not even a week later! ECW staff and executives are very tightlipped about this situation, and they are not even CONFIRMING or DENYING if they are in negotiations with the star! More as this develops....


(Dumb) Fate Question:

Signing Necro Butcher....Yes or no?

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Extreme Championship Wrestling


“Extreme Measures, Episode V: Aftermath”


Synopsis: Its been weeks leading up to Living Dangerously, and it certainly lived up to its namesake! There were grudges to be settled, battles to be fought, and new rivalries that began on this Pay Per View, but when the smoke cleared, we had 2 new champions, Rico Dinero winning the ECW TV Title and Dave Finlay having a hard fought battle versus both Rob Van Dam and the former ECW Heavyweight Champion, Antonio Banks! But like everyone knows, it’s not the night of the PPV that people want to make the most impact, it’s usually the NIGHT AFTER!


“The Iron Man” Rob Conway w/Don Callis vs Scorpio


The Lords of the Ring fell a little short in trying to win the Tag Team titles from the Champions, the Rookie Legends team of Scorpio and Jerry Lynn. Now, it seems that Conway might have a second shot of trying to get his team into Tag Team Title contention, by facing Scorpio, but he isn’t the only one that has his eyes on the tag team titles….


Jerry Lynn vs “The King of Diamonds” Eddie Kingston


The team of Straight Thuggin consisting of Eddie Kingston and B-Boy won a 3 way tag team dark match in Living Dangerously. And to say that this team is “hungry” is an understatement, because Kingston challenged Lynn straight out right after Living Dangerously! Now, with The Lords still wanting another shot at the Tag champs its needless to say that this will get “interesting” .


EKMO vs James Gibson


So EKMO pretty much DESTROYED Spike Dudley at the pay per view, not though to lack of effort. And now the Samoan War Machine is going to find the next target in his way. The next target, is none other James Gibson! Gibson says that he reverted back to his real name, due to the fact that he didn’t want known as a “mockery” back in WCW and WWE, now that he is in ECW! Will Gibson’s name change bring him luck? Or will he just be another “casuality” at the hands of Ekmo?


The Damaja vs Black Tiger


Speaking of “riding a wave of momentum”, the Damaja came off a big win versus the Sandman at Living Dangerously! Now he goes against his next task against the man who is next in line for the legendary “Tiger Mask” lineage, Black Tiger!!


ECW TV #1 Contenders Match

“The Insane Luchadore” Super Crazy vs “The Latino Legacy” Chavo Guererro vs Shane “Hurracane” Helms!


These 3 men put on a hell of a show at Living Dangerously, putting their bodies and their sanity on the line! But in the end it was the ECW Newcomer, Rico Dinero who won the ECW TV Title. However, he wasn’t met without scrutiny from the fans! He was called a “paper champion” who was given a “bye” to the finals, where the other entrants had to fight their way to the finals, especially Helms who had to fight TWICE! Well, since Rico Dinero is the new Television Champion, it now poses a new problem, who is the #1 Contender? This match will answer that question!


And the Main Events


The Whole F’N Show” Rob Van Dam w/Bill Alfonso vs Carlito Colon


RVD has been having a string of bad luck lately. He almost won the ECW Heavyweight title, but it was eventually won by Dave Finlay, but to make matters worse, is that he never found out who attacked him last month, which Antonio Banks said he never did, so the person who attacked RVD is still out there. However, Carlito luck has changed. He did what he promised at Living Dangerously and defeated Tajiri in a best of 3 falls match. Now he’s going to try and take advantage of RVD’s bad luck and get noticed so he can get an ECW Title Shot.


ECW Heavyweight Title Match!!

The Belfast Brawler” Dave Finlay vs “The Outlaw” Tyler Douglas


These two had a very good momentous night at Living Dangerously. For Douglas, he beat his nemesis, Tommy Dreamer in a No Disqualifications match by Submission, even though Beulah had to stop the match, when he locked in his devastating “new finisher”, “the long arm of the OUT-Law” Armbar! Dave Finlay on the other hand had a very long and hard journey to finally win his first Heavyweight title, not just in ECW, but ANYWHERE! He had to go thru two other men and weeks of countless battles just to win the title! He won the Stairway to Hell triple threat match! Most people say that the odds are on Douglas’s side due to the fact that Dreamer nor his wife Beulah will be at this week’s Extreme Measure show! So will Finlay fight to retain his title or will Douglas be responsible for making Finlay have one of the shortest title reigns in ECW History?


All this and so much more on Extreme Measures!

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“The Iron Man” Rob Conway w/Don Callis vs Scorpio


Jerry Lynn vs “The King of Diamonds” Eddie Kingston


EKMO vs James Gibson


The Damaja vs Black Tiger


ECW TV #1 Contenders Match

“The Insane Luchadore” Super Crazy vs “The Latino Legacy” Chavo Guererro vs Shane “Hurracane” Helms!

This one is too hard for me to decide... but I'm thinking Super Crazy, so as not to pick favorites.


And the Main Events


“The Whole F’N Show” Rob Van Dam w/Bill Alfonso vs Carlito Colon


ECW Heavyweight Title Match!!

“The Belfast Brawler” Dave Finlay vs “The Outlaw” Tyler Douglas

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"The Iron Man” Rob Conway w/Don Callis vs Scorpio


Jerry Lynn vs “The King of Diamonds” Eddie Kingston


EKMO vs James Gibson


The Damaja vs Black Tiger


ECW TV #1 Contenders Match

“The Insane Luchadore” Super Crazy vs “The Latino Legacy” Chavo Guererro vs Shane “Hurracane” Helms!


And the Main Events


“The Whole F’N Show” Rob Van Dam w/Bill Alfonso vs Carlito Colon


ECW Heavyweight Title Match!!

“The Belfast Brawler” Dave Finlay vs “The Outlaw” Tyler Douglas


question, though-- any reason you don't do quick picks?

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