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Friday Week 2 February 2010


Charles made it to the office where Mitch was already waiting for him. Both men climbed into Mitch’s car without speaking to each other. Charles continued to look over his notes on the trip. Once at the hotel, Charles got out of the car, only to have Mitch drive off. Charles walked into the hotel lobby and found a room. Once settled in the room, Charles made a call to Little Bill Lebowski.


Little: Hello?


Charles: Mr. Lebowski, it’s Charles Zulas. How are you?


Little: Doing ok.


Charles: Listen we know your contract is coming up and we would like to know if you want to resign with us.


Little: My time has been fun in Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling, but if I resign I want at least one win.


Charles: I could do that


Little: I think at 35 years old, I deserve more then I am making now. Currently I make $350 per show. I think that should be increased to $500 per show.


Charles pauses for a bit


Charles: $500 just for one win, sorry I can’t do that.


Little: Then I can’t resign with you. I have to look out for my family.


Charles: We will just let your contract run its course and that will be it


Charles ends the call


Saturday Week 2 February 2010


Charles wakes up and grabs his bags before checking out of the hotel. As Charles walks outside he notices a man with a sign that has his name on it. Charles walks up to the man.


Charles: Hello I am Mr. Zulas


Man: I am to drive you to the show, please get in


Charles pauses before getting into the car. Once at the Ministry Charles thanks the driver and walks into the building. As he gets to the main room, Charles notices Mitch standing and talking with some of the wrestlers. Mitch looks up as Charles and Mitch notice each other without saying anything. Charles walks to the front of the room and begins to speak.


Charles: Hello all we had a good show last week in beginning our build up to Counter Culture. Tonight I expect that to continue, here is tonight’s layout.


Video Recap of Parker & Company attack on the champion

New alliance

Champion issued a challenge

Rick Sanders vs. Steven Parker

Dragon vs. Slim V

New Generation speaks

Good Ol Boys vs. New Generation

Grandmaster Phunk explains his actions

Alex Braun vs. Primal Rage

T-shirt time

Grandmaster Phunk vs. Teddy Powell

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Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling

Write up by Mystic

Week 2 February 2010


Hello Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling fans, Mystic here at The Ministry. Even though ticket prices are still higher then normal we had a packed house. If you were with us last week you witnessed our Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling champion, Johnny Martin come under attack from Steven Parker, Cameron Vessey and Davis Wayne Newton. As the show started we went to the announce table where Doc Messing said that because of last week’s attack on the P.S.W. champion, Mitch Naess was not here tonight. We watched a recap of this attack on the video screen and then went to the ring where Parker, Vessey and Newton stood. Parker had the microphone as he taunted the fans and the champion saying how Martin did not deserve to be the P.S.W. title holder as he time has passed him by. Parker then went on to say issue a challenge to Martin for his title at Counter Culture because the “Young Guns” were taking over Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling.


Vessey and Newton then left the ring and headed to the back as Parker stayed in the ring. Moments later Rick Sanders came to the ring for the opening match of the night. As the bell sounded Parker laughed at his opponent who walked to meet him in the center. Parker laughed again and was met with a right hand for his trouble. Parker went to grab Sanders but Sanders ducked and dropped down, tripping Parker and causing him to fall on his face. Sanders stomped on the left knee before pulling Parker to his feet and sending him into the ropes. Sanders with a high backdrop on Parker before Parker quickly rolled out of the ring. Sanders followed to the outside but was met with a thumb to the eye as he turned Parker around to face him. Parker then pulled Sanders forward and drove him face first into the ring post as the crowd booed. Parker taunted the fans at ringside before pulling Sanders to his feet and throwing him back into the ring. Parker laughed and pulled Sanders to his feet but Sanders answered back with a right to the jaw followed by a kick to the gut and a snap suplex as the crowd cheer. Sanders went back to Parker’s legs and dropped a couple of elbows on the left knee before applying the single leg crab to the delight of the fans. Parker screamed and clawed his way to the ropes finally making it just as it looked as if he was going to tap. Sanders pulled a wounded Parker to his feet and attempted to whip him into the corner but instead Parker reversed the whip and sent Sanders right into the referee! Sanders stumbled around and walked right into the Future Shock, but no ref to make the count! As Parker walked over to try and revive the referee out of nowhere Johnny Martin appeared a clipped him in the back of the left knee causing Parker to fall in obvious pain as Martin threw water in Sanders face before sliding out of the ring. Sanders now up surveyed the ring and applied the figure four to Parker’s bad leg as Martin grabbed another bottle of water and threw it in the referee’s face. As the ref came to, Parker was in so much pain he had nowhere to go and immediately tapped out.


As Martin cheered on his friend, the man who Doc claimed was not here in Mitch Naess came out to the ring with microphone in hand and told the crowd that no one blindsides the P.S.W. champion and gets away with it. All three left the ring as Parker managed to get to his feet glaring at the champion as he walked to the back.


Next on the show was Dragon vs. Slim V. First Dragon came out to the ring to zero reaction from the crowd. Next SlimV who usually tags with Sayeed Ali came out to the same reaction from the crowd and that being none at all. As the bell sounded both men tied up with Dragon sending Slim V into the ropes, Dragon dropped down allowing V to skip over him but Slim’s right foot stepped on the back of Dragon causing him to slip. Which the crowd voiced their disproval at, Dragon quickly scrambled to his feet and hit a standing dropkick sending V to the mat. At this point the crowd was chanting boring and to be honest I would not disagree. Dragon bounced against the ropes and hit V with a flying forearm just as V was trying to make it to his feet. Dragon then went to the apron and climbed to the top rope before coming off with a flying body press right into a pin, picking up the 1, 2, 3 and the victory in a match I wish never happened.


After Dragon and V cleared the ring to a round of boos from the crowd. Matthew Keith and Greg Gauge came to the ring. Keith called for a microphone and began to speak. He proceeded to talk about how brother Greg is a much better representation of the New Generation then his former partner Ash Campbell even was and at Counter Culture they are going to prove that the New Generation is far superior to the old washed up hacks that currently are the tag team champions (Deadly Alliance). To show that they are better they said that they were going to put on a little demonstration tonight. Keith handed the microphone to the time keeper and waited for their opponents as the Good Ol Boys came out to the ring.


Matthew Keith and Wooton Fitzpaine began the match as they tied up in the center of the ring. To Keith’s surprise Wooton shoved him back into the corner, and as Keith attempted to tie up with Wooton, he did it for a second time. Having none of this Keith tagged in his brother Greg Gauge who immediately delivered a kick to the gut of Wooton before delivering a forearm to the back, quickly followed up by a bodyslam. Gauge dropped an elbow to the chest of Wooton as the crowd began to boo the action in the ring. Gauge brought Wooton to his feet and sent him into the ropes, Gauge missed with a clothesline but Wooton did not as he dropped Gauge to the mat. Wooton fell to the mat and slowly made the crawl to Thimbleby Langton as Gauge attempted to grab a leg but Wooton kicked his opponent off and mad the tag to Langton. Langton entered the ring in classic tag team fashion striking both Gauge and an incoming Keith until Keith was able to get a thumb to the eye. Gauge and Keith then took over and hit a double suplex on Langton as the crowd booed. Wooton who was now back to his feet on the apron wanted to get back in but could not as the Keith dragged Gauge into the corner where Keith then taunted Wooton, allowing Gauge to choke out Thimbleby as Wooton attempted to come in the ring drawing the attention away from the corner. As the referee guided Wooton back to his corner Gauge pulled something out of his tights and blasted an unsuspecting Thimbleby in the back of the head in the corner. Thimbleby stumbled forward allowing Keith to kick him in the gut and drop him with a DDT just in time for the ref to come back and make count allowing New Generation to pick up the victory.


After the tag match Grandmaster Phunk, the one who cost Frankie Future the P.S.W. title at Back In Black entered the ring with microphone in hand. Once in the ring Phunk began talking about the tag team he was in with Future and how good they were. Phunk then said that all changed as Future began caring more about himself and less about the team. Phunk told the crowd that Future let the title get to him and that Future thought he became too big for title and the company, so it was up to him to show him who is boss. Phunk then ended the promo and left the ring.


After Phunk left the ring it was time for the next match as Alex Braun took on Primal Rage in a battle of veterans. Primal Rage came out to the ring first getting a decent response from the crowd. As Rage waited it the ring Braun came down the entrance and received a nice response from the Ministry crowd in attendance. As the bell sounded both men locked up in the center with Rage getting the advantage with a headbutt causing Braun to stagger back, Rage charged forward and attempted a clothesline but was met with a backdrop as the crowd cheered. Braun pulled Rage to his feet and put Rage to the mat with a bodyslam before delivering to kicks to the chest. Rage struggled to his feet and was hit with a discus clothesline for his troubles. Braun played to the crowd a bit before pulling Rage to his feet. As Braun pulled Rage to his feet Rage raked the eyes of his opponent before whipping him into the ropes and connecting on a boot to the face. Rage pulled Braun to his feet before connecting with a belly to belly suplex. Rage bounced off the ropes and leaped in the air but Braun rolled out of the way as Rage missed with the leg drop. Braun made it to his feet and bounced against the ropes as Rage struggle to a vertical base just in time to get nailed with a Braun axe kick to the back of the head. Braun rolled Rage on to his back and went for the cover getting the three count and the victory. The crowd was cheering as Braun made his way to the back, but I don’t know if that was because of Alex or because Krissy Angelle had come from the back with T-shirts for the crowd.


After the ring had cleared it was time for the main event of the night. First out to the ring was Teddy Powell was received a small reaction from the crowd tonight. As Powell waited in the ring his opponent Grandmaster Phunk came to the ring getting a better reaction but not by much. As the bell sounded Phunk and Powell shook hands, (how nice). Phunk and Powell then tied up with Phunk getting the early advantage scooping Powell up for a quick bodyslam. Phunk went for a elbow drop but Powell was able to roll out of the way. “Constant Motion” quickly sprang up to his feet and nailed Phunk with a series of three knife edge chops in a row surprising Phunk with a nice thrust kick to end the combination. Powell played to the crowd and then pulled Phunk to his feet before sending him into the ropes and sending Phunk off his feet with a nice hip toss. Powell wanted for Phunk to get to his feet, before hitting a nice standing dropkick and sending Phunk stumbling to the outside of the ring to a mixed reaction from the crowd. Powell followed outside but Phunk was able to get to his feet and kick Powell in the stomach as he came off the apron with a double axe handle. Phunk then grabbed Powell and whipped him into the guardrail to a mixed reaction. Phunk charged at Powell but Powell moved at the last second causing Phunk to run into the guardrail. As Phunk rested on the guardrail, Powell set him up and hit a snap suplex on the outside. Powell graded Phunk to his feet and rolled him into the ring. Powell went for the cover but only managed a two count as Phunk was able to get his right foot on the bottom rope at the last second to the dismay of some in the crowd. Powell pulled Phunk to his feet and whipped him into the ropes, missing a clothesline as Phunk ducked under to hit a running shoulder block sending Powell to the mat. Phunk immediately mounted Powell and began raining punches down on Powell’s face as the tempers got to him. Phunk then released Powell and stood up as the crowd cheered. Phunk yelled at Powell to get to his feet, who did only to stumble into a Death Valley Driver. Phunk immediately went for the cover and watched the referee count 1, 2, 3.

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Sunday Week 2 February 2010


Charles: You told me, he was in the hospital! What in the hell was that?


Mitch: He was in the hospital, Charles.


Charles: And what were you doing out there!


Mitch: Helping to tell a story.


Charles: What!?


Mitch: You changed the story when you had Parker and his group attack Martin after the cage match. I only added what I thought was necessary.


Mitch sits down at his desk and goes to the P.S.W. website


Charles: Change the story? It’s my job to write the story.


Mitch continues reading the news


Charles: Are you listening!


Mitch: It may be your “job” to write the stories, but remember whose “job” it is to run the company.


Mitch continues reading


Greedy P.S.W.

Written by Mystic


It seems that even after getting negative reaction from the writers. Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling’s price gouge is still going on. One insider is calling for a boycott of Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling until there prices return to “normal” levels. Only time will tell if the fans agree.


Positive reviews for North of the Border Pro Wrestling

Written by Mystic


It seems that North of the Border Pro Wrestling has put on another fine performance. Wrestling insiders have said that “Clash Classic” in front of a sold out Canadian Air Centre had a hot crowd all night with Jeremy Stone defeating Johnny Bloodstone and Steve Decolt retaining the Canadian title over Dark Angel to be the matches of the night.


Charles is busy looking over notes when his cell phone rings


Charles: Yes?...Oh hello…I know, sorry…It’s just been a crazy last few days. Ok get back to me.


Charles hangs up his cell


Mitch: So who was that?


Charles: Personal call…Listen it has been a rough couple of days so I am going to head out.


Charles grabs his jacket and leaves for the day


Monday Week 3 February 2010


Charles gets to the office and notices that Mitch is not in. Charles immediately begins working on the card. After spending some time on the show Charles comes up with this card.


Video Recap of Martin’s return

Johnny Martin accepts challenge for Counter Culture

Cameron Vessey vs. Little Bill Lebowski

Greg Gauge vs. The Punisher

Frankie Future challenges Grandmaster Phunk to match at Counter Culture

Grandmaster Phunk accepts match

Ash Campbell vs. Sayeed Ali

Alex Braun vs. Dead Bolt

Newton attack Braun post match


After the card is done, Charles makes a call to Steven Parker


Charles: Hello Steven, Charles Zulas here. Listen Mitch is out for the day so I was thinking of the package I mailed to you…Sure great, come down to the office and we can discuss it.


Charles hangs up the phone and makes a pot of coffee while waiting around for Steven Parker. While Charles waits he makes up some plans for March Into Battle, until he hears a knock on the door.


Charles: Enter


Steven Parker walks in, package in hand


Charles: Welcome. Coffee is there if you want some, please sit.


Parker sits down


Parker: Thank you, but no coffee.


There is a brief pause in the room before Charles speaks


Charles: So you mentioned that you have read the idea.


Parker: I have. Looking over it though I am concerned, I mean are you sure this is the right way to do something like this.


Charles: With a job this big, it is a work in progress and trust me, this first part is going to be the hardest.


Parker: Do you have any idea when you want this plan to take place?


Charles: I do.


Parker: I noticed in the file, you have some other names listed. How do you know that they will be up to this idea?


Charles: I don’t.


Parker: What about the others not listed on here?


Charles: They are of no concern.


Parker: If I do this what do I get out of it?


Charles: You would be my right hand, a title run, the ability to finally show off your true talents.


Parker sits back and is deep in thought


Charles: Take your time.


After looking back over the paperwork in his hands, Parker speaks


Parker: I am counting on you to come through.


Charles: So that’s a yes?


Parker smiles


Parker: Yes


Charles and Steven get up and walk out of the office.


Tuesday Week 3 February 2010


Charles gets to the office and notices Mitch at his desk.


Charles: Hello Mitch, noticed you were not in yesterday.


Mitch: I had some business to take care of


Charles: Ok, listen yesterday I came up with the card for the next show and I left it on your desk.


Mitch: Speaking of the next show. In looking at the recent reports I have decided to book the show myself.


Charles is stunned by this news


Charles: Mitch I have plans for the show, remember we have Counter Culture to build up to.


Mitch: And you plans are not working.


Charles: What do you mean, not working?


Mitch: The fans are not receptive to your shows


Charles: Not receptive, we get a sold out show every week.


Mitch: And yet the shows are not up to my standards.


Charles rolls his eyes at Mitch


Charles: Fine if you want to write up this week’s show be my guest. I will see you Saturday then.


Charles walks out the door.

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<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Wednesday Week 3 February 2010</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> Charles is sitting at home talking to Steven Parker on speaker phone</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Parker:</strong> <span style="color:#008000;">He just decided to make the show?</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Charles:</strong> <span style="color:#0000FF;">He said the fans are “not receptive” to my shows.</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Parker:</strong> <span style="color:#008000;">Did he tell you what he was going to do?</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Charles</strong>: <span style="color:#0000FF;">No, my guess is you won’t find out until right before the show.</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Parker:</strong> <span style="color:#008000;">How do you think it will affect “Counter Culture?”</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Charles:</strong> <span style="color:#0000FF;">I don’t know Steven. If he only wants to do this one show, I can just move on and treat it as if nothing happened</span>. </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Parker:</strong> <span style="color:#008000;">I was at the gym and I ran across a poster that said a show was going to be done at Stanley Hall tomorrow. Do you know anything about it?</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Charles:</strong> <span style="color:#0000FF;">It’s some unknown putting on a show, it’s in partnership with the wrestling council. I am thinking of going to it.</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Parker:</strong> <span style="color:#008000;">Have fun then, listen I have to go so see you on Saturday?</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Charles:</strong> <span style="color:#0000FF;">Maybe</span></p><p> </p><p> Charles hangs up </p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Thursday Week 3 February 2010</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> Charles decided to go to the show at Stanley Hall and noticed a few suprises on the card. Overall Charles had a good time at the show. When Charles made it home he e-mailed Mike a list of the results.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28142" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Roger Monterio & Elwood defeated Paradigm & Sonic<p> Carol Singer defeated Amber Allen</p><p> Brimstone defeated Jebediah</p><p> Crash Lewis defeated Daredevil Aero</p><p> Willie York & Grunt defeated Steadyfast & Griffith </p><p> Ford Gumble & Hopkirk defeated Idol & Ozymandias</p><p> Extreme Deluxe & Graham defeated Williams & Mad Dog</p><p> Mark Smart defeated Rex Reeves</p><p> Paradox defeated Ant-Man</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Friday Week 3 February 2010</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> Charles wakes up the next morning and immediately sends an e-mail to Mitch</p><p> </p><p> TO: Mitch Naess</p><p> RE: Saturday’s Show</p><p> </p><p> Hello Mitch</p><p> This is Charles. Considering the fact that we have had some recent disagreements over the direction of Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling I have decided that I will not be at the next show. This coupled with the fact that you have decided to plan the show because you believe that I am “not connecting” with the fans makes this decision the correct one for the future of Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling.</p><p> </p><p> Once the e-mail is sent Charles pulls out his notes and makes a call to Davis Wayne Newton</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Newton:</strong> <span style="color:#008000;">Hello?</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Charles:</strong> <span style="color:#0000FF;">Hello, Mr. Newton this is Charles Zulas.</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Newton: </strong><span style="color:#008000;">Hello sir</span>.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Charles:</strong> <span style="color:#0000FF;">Listen I am calling because I am going to be sending you a package. I also wanted to tell you that I will not be at the show tomorrow.</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Newton:</strong> <span style="color:#008000;">Why sir?</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Charles:</strong> <span style="color:#0000FF;">Mitch wanted the chance to put together a show, so I think its best that I give him complete and total freedom by not being there.</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Newton:</strong> <span style="color:#008000;">Ok sir?</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Charles:</strong> <span style="color:#0000FF;">I will see you next week then.</span></p><p> </p><p> Charles hangs up </p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Saturday Week 3 February 2010</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> Mitch Naess is at the Ministry and waiting for the roster to arrive. As he waits he puts the final touches on the card. As Mitch finalizes the card the roster begins to show up. When the roster is ready Mitch heads to the front of the room, but before he can speak Steven Parker speaks up.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Parker:</strong> <span style="color:#008000;">Mr. Naess where is Mr. Zulas?</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Mitch:</strong> <span style="color:#FF0000;">Mr. Zulas had some personal issues to attend to so he will not be here tonight.</span></p><p> </p><p> Mitch pulls the lineup from his back pocket</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Mitch:</strong> <span style="color:#FF0000;">No matter, Charles was nice enough to fax me the lineup for the week. With next week being the final show before Counter Culture tonight is going to be heavy on hyping up for the pay per view through backstage interviews.</span></p><p> </p><p> Mitch puts up the roster on the board behind him</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28142" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>JD Morgan talks about the National Champion<p> Ash Campbell talks about his challenger</p><p> Ash Campbell vs. Davis Wayne Newton</p><p> Frankie Future talks about Grandmaster Phunk</p><p> Grandmaster Phunk talks about Frankie Future</p><p> Frankie Future vs. Nelson Callum</p><p> Davis Wayne Newton talks about Alex Braun</p><p> Alex Braun talks about Davis Wayne Newton</p><p> Alex Braun vs. JD Morgan</p><p> Steven Parker talks about the P.S.W. Champion</p><p> The P.S.W. Champion talks about his challenger</p><p> Grandmaster Phunk vs. Steven Parker</p></div></blockquote>
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Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling

Write up by Mystic

Week 3 February 2010


Hello wrestling fans, Mystic here with your weekly report from the sold out Ministry. With just two weeks to go until Counter Culture what could we expect from Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling. Tonight’s show opened in the back where JD Morgan, the man who will face Ash Campbell for the National title had a microphone. Morgan proceeded to tell the crowd that even though he thought Ash Campbell was an ok champion, Campbell was no match for him. Morgan stated that at Counter Culture he was going to take the National title and their was nothing the champion could do about it. Once Morgan was done with his interview the scene changed to the National champion, Ash Campbell. Campbell who also had a microphone responded by saying that he was not going to let Morgan’s attempt to get under his skin and get the advantage before their match for his title. He said that Morgan better watch tonight because he will show Jeff Daniel (yes he said that) what kind of a champion he can be.


With that Campbell walked to the ring for his non-title match against Davis Wayne Newton. Campbell received a few cheers but not as many as one would think a champion should get as he waited for Newton to arrive. Newton came out to no reaction as the two stared at each other when the bell sounded. Newton walked up to Newton and started talking but the champion would have none of it as he slapped Newton in the face. Newton fired back with a right hand but missed as Campbell ducked and caught Newton with a standing dropkick sending Newton to the outside. Newton walked around outside before climbing back into the ring with no interference from Ash. The two locked up as Campbell applied an arm wringer to the right arm of Newton before moving into a back suplex dropping Newton on his head. Campbell dropped a quick elbow and then another before pulling Newton to his feet and hitting a snap suplex. Campbell brought Newton to his feet and whipped Newton into the ropes sending him high into the air with a backdrop. Newton again rolled out of the ring to regroup, and again no interference from Campbell as he came back into the ring. The two locked up as Campbell again sent Newton into the ropes, but this time Newton was able to reverse the whip sending the champion in, when out of nowhere Cameron Vessey popped up and blasted Campbell in the back with a steel chair! Campbell stumbled forward as Newton hit a fisherman suplex on the champion picking up the 1, 2, 3.


After the match we went backstage again where this time it was Frankie Future with the microphone. Frankie proceeded to say how it was the Grandmaster’s fault that the team fell apart and that it was Phunk who was jealous of Future. Next the scene moved to Phunk who was also backstage who laughed at Future’s insane comments and told the crowd that Future was paranoid and all the success Future had went to his head. Phunk told Future that he was going to knock Future off his perch at Counter Culture.


After Phunk got off the microphone it was time for the next match as Phunk’s opponent at Counter Culture, Frankie Future came to the ring to take on Nelson Callum. Frankie Future came out first to a smattering of boos from the crowd. While the former champ waited in the ring Callum came out to little if no reaction from the crowd. As the referee was checking Callum’s pads Future took the opportunity to sneak over and blast Nelson with a cheap right hand to the jaw, getting boos from the crowd. The referee yelled at Future and as the ref was administering the riot act to the former champion this allowed Callum to retaliate with a right hand of his own. Callum continued throwing rights forcing Frankie to the ropes. Callum then whipped Future across the ring and scooped Future for sweet powerslam getting a two count. Callum then pulled Future to his feet and connected on a bodyslam, elbow drop combination. Callum then bounced off the ropes only to miss a knee drop as Future rolled out of the way. Future slowly climbed to his feet and grabbed Nelson’s right leg before dropping an elbow to the right knee and taunting the fans at ringside. Future pulled Nelson to his feet and tossed him to the outside. Future went to the outside and pulled Callum to his feet before driving him back first into the ring apron. As Callum grabbed his back Future climbed back into the ring and continued to taunt the crowd. As Future taunted the fans Callum climbed onto the ring apron. Future then lifted Callum for a suplex back into the ring but Callum somehow floated over. Callum then quickly cradled Future with a schoolboy and picked up a two count. As Future kicked out both men made it back to their feet allowing Future to kick Callum low, unseen by the referee. Future lifted Nelson Callum on his shoulders and connected with a Death Valley Driver to pick up the one, two, three.


After the match we went back to the back again, where Davis Wayne Newton was standing with a microphone. Newton talked about how much he respected the things that Braun had done in his career, but Braun’s time was over. After Newton’s speech we went back to the ring where Braun was standing with his own microphone. Braun laughed off the comments saying that if Newton’s performance earlier tonight was the future of Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling, P.S.W. was in trouble. Braun then told Newton to sit in the back and watch how its done. With that Braun handed his microphone off and his opponent for the night, JD Morgan walked to the ring.


Morgan and Braun shook hands in the middle of the ring as the bell sounded before circling each other and tying up. Morgan sent Braun into the ropes and dropped Braun with a clothesline. Braun got to his feet and stared down Morgan before locking back up, this time it was Braun sending Morgan into the ropes and connecting with his own clothesline. Morgan got back to his feet and got in Braun’s face who just stood there smiling until JD slapped him in the face to boos in the crowd. Braun immediately responded with a hard right to the face knocking Morgan to the mat. This time Braun grabbed Morgan and pulled him to his feet before slamming him to the mat with a hard bodyslam. Braun then runs to the ropes and bounces off before hitting Morgan in the back with a high knee as he gets to his feet. Morgan stumbles forward and falls out of the ring to the arena floor. Braun climbs to the top rope and drops down on Morgan connecting with a double axe handle sending him face first into the guardrail to a few cheers from the crowd. Braun grabs Morgan from behind and connects with a back suplex dropping Morgan on the back of his head. Braun pulled Morgan to his feet and rolled him back into the ring. Braun climbed back into the ring and pulled Morgan to his feet only to have Morgan rake the eyes. Morgan then whipped Braun into the corner only to charge in and missed Braun with a corner clothesline. Braun capitalized on the miss on rolled up a stunned Morgan for the quick 1, 2, 3.


After the match we went backstage AGAIN, where the number 1 contender to the PSW title had a microphone and told the crowd that Johnny Martin was soft and that he was undeserving of being the face of Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling and that it was his time. Next we went to the champion where he said that Parker was nothing more then a punk and that blinding him in the cage was not the way a champion should act. Martin ended by saying that if Parker wanted to try and take the title away at Counter Culture he would be there.


After the words from the champion, it was time for the main event as Steven Parker came to the ring to face Grandmaster Phunk. Parker received a few boos from the crowd coming to the ring. Phunk who faces Frankie Future came out next to face Parker. The two tied up in the center as the referee sounded the bell. Phunk with a right to the face of Parker before pushing him to the ropes, while in the ropes Phunk drove a knee into Parker’s gut before sending Parker with an irish whip. Parker ducked a Phunk clothesline attempt before bouncing off the ropes and connecting with a running knee, knocking Phunk to the mat. Parker pulls Phunk to his feet and hit a nice double underhook suplex. Parker waits for Phunk to get to his feet and connected with a nice dropkick to boos from the crowd. Parker connects with a elbow drop to the chest before attempting a pin. Phunk still had gas in the tank as he kicked out at 2. Parker attempted another elbow drop but this time Phunk rolled out of the way. Phunk made it back to his feet and connected with a series of rights and lefts to the face and chest of Parker. Phunk with a nice scoop slam as Parker made it to his feet. Parker climbed to his feet only to be driven to the mat with a nice double arm DDT. Phunk when for the cover but could not get the win as Parker kicked out just before the three to boos from the crowd. Phunk pulled Parker to his feet and connects with a pumphandle slam before attempting another pin. Phunk was still only able to get a two count as Parker got his right shoulder off the mat. Phunk stared at the referee before bringing Parker to his feet only to get a thumb to the left eye for good measure. Parker lifted Phunk onto his shoulders and hit Grandmaster with a Future Shock to boos from the crowd as Parker covered Phunk for the 1,2,3.

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<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Sunday Week 3 February 2010</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Mitch Naess is at the office when Charles Zulas calls.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Mitch:</strong> <span style="color:#FF0000;">Hello?</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Charles: </strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">Hello Mitch</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Mitch:</strong> <span style="color:#FF0000;">Hello Charles. How are you?</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Charles:</strong> <span style="color:#0000FF;">Doing ok. How’d the show go?</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Mitch:</strong> <span style="color:#FF0000;">I think it went well, we had another sell out. I can have Mike send you a copy of the show.</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Charles:</strong> <span style="color:#0000FF;">I would like that.</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Mitch:</strong> <span style="color:#FF0000;">Ok then. Well I have to get back to work.</span></p><p> </p><p>

There is a pause on the other end</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Charles:</strong> <span style="color:#0000FF;">I will be in the office tomorrow</span></p><p> </p><p>

Charles ends the call. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Monday Week 4 February 2010</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Charles walks into the office in the late afternoon with a tape of the show where Mitch is busy reading news.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Charles: </strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">Hello Mitch</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Mitch:</strong> <span style="color:#FF0000;">Hello Charles</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Charles: </strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">Mitch I watched the show and honestly I must say I was a little underwhelmed. With you demanding to run the show I thought you would go back to old school D.A.V.E. tactics.</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Mitch:</strong> <span style="color:#FF0000;">We were fine.</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Charles:</strong> <span style="color:#0000FF;">And what was with all the interviews? Boring.</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Mitch:</strong> <span style="color:#FF0000;">Listen we have a pay per view to set up for.</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Charles: </strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">Ok whatever. I read that the fans were pissed off about the ticket prices again.</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Mitch:</strong> <span style="color:#FF0000;">We need the money…Listen I’ve been busy all day, I am going to take off.</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Charles:</strong> <span style="color:#0000FF;">Ok</span></p><p> </p><p>

Mitch leaves the office. When Mitch is out the door, Charles picks up his cell phone and makes a call.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Charles:</strong> <span style="color:#0000FF;">It’s me, I am sick of this. Lets push the plan forward.</span></p><p> </p><p>

Charles hangs up and smiles as he heads out the door.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Tuesday Week 4 February 2010</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Charles walks into the office and goes to his desk. Charles pulls out his paper work and begins setting up for the show. As Charles is working, Mitch walks in and goes to Charles.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Mitch:</strong> <span style="color:#FF0000;">So what are you up to?</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Charles:</strong> <span style="color:#0000FF;">I was making the line up for this week’s show</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Mitch:</strong> <span style="color:#FF0000;">Ok?</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Charles:</strong> <span style="color:#0000FF;">I was thinking of making a tag main event of Johnny Martin and Alex Braun vs. Steven Parker and Davis Wayne Newton for this week.</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Mitch</strong>: <span style="color:#FF0000;">Sounds good</span></p><p> </p><p>

Charles puts the finishing touches on the card</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Charles: </strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">Well the card is done, here is a copy for you. I am going to head out.</span></p><p> </p><p>

Charles walks towards the door</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Mitch:</strong> <span style="color:#FF0000;">Ok, Charles…glad to have you back</span></p><p> </p><p>

Charles pauses and smiles without looking at Mitch before heading out the door</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Wednesday Week 4 February 2010</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Instead of heading to the office, Charles heads to the Ministry. Once there the owner of the building meets Charles outside in the parking lot.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Owner:</strong> <span style="color:#008000;">Hello Mr. Zulas. How is P.S.W. doing?</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Charles:</strong> <span style="color:#0000FF;">Ok sir.</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Owner:</strong> <span style="color:#008000;">What can I do for you today?</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Charles:</strong> <span style="color:#0000FF;">Can we talk inside.</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Owner:</strong> <span style="color:#008000;">Ok? Is Mr. Naess with you?</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Charles</strong>: <span style="color:#0000FF;">Not today sir.</span></p><p> </p><p>

Once inside both men go to a side office and sit at the table</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Owner:</strong> <span style="color:#008000;">So what brings you in today?</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Charles:</strong> <span style="color:#0000FF;">I am looking at booking more shows here.</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Owner:</strong> <span style="color:#008000;">That’s great, are they needed this week?</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Charles:</strong> <span style="color:#0000FF;">No, these are for down the road</span></p><p> </p><p>

At this point Charles pulls out an envelope and slides it across the table </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Owner</strong>: <span style="color:#008000;">What is this?</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Charles:</strong> <span style="color:#0000FF;">Take your time and read it, if you like the idea call me back and we can set something up.</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Owner:</strong> <span style="color:#008000;">Ok. Is this it?</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Charles:</strong> <span style="color:#0000FF;">Yes, sir</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Owner:</strong> <span style="color:#008000;">Give my best regards to Mr. Naess and I will see you this weekend.</span></p><p> </p><p>

Charles stands up from the table</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Charles:</strong> <span style="color:#0000FF;">See you this weekend</span></p><p> </p><p>

Charles leaves the Ministry and heads home.</p>

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Thursday Week 4 February 2010


Contract Talks for Matthew Keith and Grandmaster Phunk


Rumor has it that Matthew Keith and Grandmaster Phunk are looking for new deals.

Neither Matthew Keith or Grandmaster Phunk could be reached for comment.


Charles calls Mitch from home who is already at the office


Mitch: Hello?


Charles: Hello Mitch, this is Charles. I have some things I have to do, so I will not be in today or tomorrow.


Mitch: Well then, I will see you at the shows.


Charles: I gave you a copy of this week’s show and you know what Counter Culture is so their really is nothing left to do.


Mitch: Ok, hey before you hang up have you heard anything about contract talks for Matthew Keith or Grandmaster Phunk.


There is a short pause on the other hand


Charles: No sir, I have not.


Charles hangs up the phone


Friday Week 4 February 2010


With nothing to do, Charles stays home and finishes up some personal business


Saturday Week 4 February 2010


Charles wakes up the next morning and immediately begins driving to the Ministry. Charles makes it to the building after the rest of the roster, and as Charles is walking in Mitch is waiting for him.


Mitch: Charles, I was beginning to wonder where you were.


Charles: I told you I was going to be here, now shall we get started?


Charles walks up to the front of the room as the roster is talking amongst themselves.


Charles: Hello everyone, this weekend is a big weekend for us, we have today’s show and then tomorrow we have Counter Culture.


Mitch: Also, I want everyone to stay in the area after Counter Culture as I want to speak with you all Monday.


Charles: Ok everyone; here is the lineup for today’s show.


Lineup for P.S.W. Week 4 February 2010 Show

Alex Braun & Johnny Martin open the show

Ash Campbell vs. Lazy Joe

JD Morgan has words for the champ

Greg Gauge vs. The Punisher

Matthew Keith vs. The Wolverine

Bulldozer Brandon Smith & Grandmaster Phunk vs. Cameron Vessey and Frankie Future

Alex Braun & Johnny Martin vs. Davis Wayne Newton vs. Steven Parker

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  • 4 weeks later...

Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling

Write up by Mystic

Week 4 February 2010


Hello fans, Mystic here from another sold out Ministry as we celebrate Counter Culture weekend. Who would tonight we will find out who walks into Counter Culture with the upper hand. Will the number one contender to the P.S.W. title be able to maintain his roll? Tonight we started off in the ring as Alex Braun and P.S.W. champion, Johnny Martin who was accompanied by P.S.W. Owner Mitch Naess were standing in the ring. Alex Braun told the crowd how he loved performing for the fans and how much they mean to him. Martin then took the microphone and told the crowd how much the title means in Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling. At this point, they were interrupted by the voices of Davis Wayne Newton and P.S.W. number one contender Steven Parker as they stood at the entrance ramp. Parker proceeded to mock the two elder statesmen in the ring about how much they care for the business. And this point Braun responded saying that Parker only cared about himself, to which Parker responded with a “no ****”. The four continued to trade verbal insults until Johnny Martin spoke up and challenged the two to a tag match for later tonight, Martin and Braun vs. Parker and Newton.


After the opening segment it was time for the first match of the night as National champion Ash Campbell took on Lazy Joe, twenty four hours before having to face JD Morgan and defending his title. Even with Morgan on the horizon, Campbell did not look past his opponent tonight. The crowd showed their displeasure with Lazy Joe right from the start as the Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling champion, showed why he was carrying the belt. Campbell took Joe apart quickly and easily defeating Joe with a Shooting Star Press. Even with that quick victory, Campbell’s opponent at Counter Culture was not impressed as JD Morgan came out to the entrance and proceeded to taunt the champ saying that he better enjoy his title because in 24 hours the title would be leaving the building with the true champion, to which the crowd booed.


Tomorrow they have a tag team title showdown but tonight they faced off in one on one action as Greg Gauge took on one half of the tag team champions The Punisher. Both men received little reaction coming to the ring, and the crowd reaction failed to increase during the match as The Punisher looked like his age was getting to him, while Gauge showed his inexperience in the ring. Gauge looked to control the match early on being able to out quick the veteran but Gauge missed a splash off the top rope, allowing The Punisher took advantage with slams and power moves until he finished off the young Gauge with a pile driver for the victory.


Hoping to see a better match the other two in tomorrow’s tag title match faced off one on one as Matthew Keith took on The Wolverine. Much like his partner Wolverine tonight looked his age, and this time Keith took advantage of it as the two traded blows until the former National champion went to work on Wolverine’s back and legs, Wolverine tried to fight back Keith was just to strong tonight as he moved from one hold to the next keeping control of the match until it was time to end it with a Boston crab in the center of the ring. With each team getting a win tonight it should be interesting to see if youth or experience wins out tomorrow when the titles are on the line.


After the match we went backstage where Ash Campbell who defeated Lazy Joe earlier in the night was talking to Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling’s Head Booker Charles Zulas telling him that the was not going to take the “deal”. The camera left them and went back to the ring as they were talking.


While Cameron Vessey takes on Brandon Smith and Grandmaster takes on Frankie Future tomorrow at Counter Culture, tonight Smith and Phunk teamed up to take on Future and Vessey. Vessey and Future came to the ring first to boos from the sold out crowd and waited in the ring for Smith and Phunk. Future and Vessey did not have to wait long as Smith and Phunk came out charging to the ring. Phunk and Smith began throwing rights and lefts as Phunk went after Future and Smith paired off with Vessey, until Vessey and Future bailed out of the ring to boos from the crowd. Vessey and Future both taunted the crowd at ringside before climbing back in as Vessey and Phunk started the match. Phunk started off hot as he controlled the early part of the match over the younger Vessey, showing great tag team work with Smith trading tags smoothly and working over Cameron as the crowd cheered. Midway through the match Cameron was able to fight back and get free to tag in Future who used his went to the legs of Smith working taking advantage of Smith’s weaknesses resulting from his days in football. Smith though would not let that stop him and fought back long enough to get to Phunk, but thanks to Vessey could not get the tag as the referee was distracted and did not see the tag. As the crowd booed Smith began another comeback slamming Future in the corner but as Smith came charging in Future side stepped him allowing Smith to run shoulder first into the post. The former champ took advantage of it, because as Smith was holding his shoulder Future rolled him up and with help of the tights picked up the win for his team to boos from the crowd.


After the match we went to a video package detailing the tag team main event as Alex Braun and P.S.W. Champion Johnny Martin were scheduled to face Davis Wayne Newton and Steven Parker.


After the package it was time for the main event as Parker and Newton came out first to boos from the crowd, followed by Martin and Braun who were cheered by the sold out crowd tonight. As the bell sounded Parker and Martin, the two men who meet tomorrow for the P.S.W. Championship stood in the ring, under Parker slowly reached out to Newton and tagged out getting boos from the crowd. Martin and Newton started out quickly using his youth to his advantage, taking the champ out of his game. Newton looked to be on a roll until he missed a missile dropkick off the top rope as the champ used his experience to move out of the way. Martin worked over his young opponent along with his partner they had Newton in trouble midway through the match. In a surprising move Newton looked to tag in his partner but his partner, Steven Parker refused to tag leaving Newton to fend off the challenge of the veterans. Once Martin and Braun noticed what was going on they both looked at each other and smiled as they took apart Newton quickly allowing Martin to finish off Newton with a Twist on the Rocks to pick up the victory to end the show and lead into Counter Culture with the momentum.

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Sunday Week 4 February 2010


Charles and Mitch are at the Ministry before Counter Culture. Charles is pacing the room with papers in his hand.


Mitch: You ok Charles? You look nervous.


Charles: I’m good Mitch, I just am excited for the show, as this will be a show nobody forgets.


The roster begins to file in as Charles and Mitch head to the front of the room.


Mitch: Hello everyone, tonight is Counter Culture 2010, as Johnny Martin will put the P.S.W. title up against number one contender Steven Parker. I look for that to be a good match. Lastly before I hand things over, I want to remind you that I want to see everyone here tomorrow.


Charles: Hello everyone, I look for tonight to be a good night as I believe we have done well to build up tonight’s show. Here is the lineup tonight.


Charles puts the lineup on the board


Alex Braun vs. Davis Wayne Newton

Tag Title Match: New Generation vs. The Deadly Alliance

National Title Match: Ash Campbell vs. JD Morgan

Frankie Future vs. Grandmaster Phunk

P.S.W. Title: Johnny Martin vs. Steven Parker


Charles: Brandon Smith, Cameron Vessey, Davis Wayne Newton and Steven Parker will you wait here for a bit.


Mitch looks at Charles but keeps on walking as the roster leaves the room. Once the room is empty, Charles walks up to the four wrestlers in the room and hands them each a sheet of paper.


Charles: This will be a night to remember

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Counter Culture 2010

Write up by Mystic

Week 4 February 2010


Hello Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling fans, Mystic here with your Counter Culture 2010 report. It looks like P.S.W. has finally started to drive some people away with their increase in ticket prices as we do not have a sell out here at the Ministry tonight. Tonight of course Johnny Martin is facing Steven Parker for the P.S.W. Championship, but that’s later. Tonight’s opening bout was Alex Braun vs. Davis Wayne Newton. Now these two faced off in a tag team match with Martin and Parker as their partners respectively just twenty four hours ago how would that play into tonight’s match?


Alex Braun came to the ring first tonight getting a decent reaction from the crowd as one of the men the crowd respects. Braun waited in the ring and talked a little with the referee as his opponent Davis Wayne Newton came to the ring to virtually no reaction, which is sad because I think this guy has potential. As the bell sounded the two locked up with Braun getting the early advantage, pushing Newton back to the ropes, but Newton delivered a thumb to the eye, drawing the referee’s attention for a stern yell. Newton then attempted to pick up the pace trying to take advantage of his conditioning and his opponent’s advancing age. Newton decided to go after Braun’s legs figuring that this would be his weak point but this plan had no effect as Braun was able to counter a spinning toe hold and use his free leg to push Newton away and into the corner causing Newton to bounce off and right into a devastating spinebuster allowing Alex Braun to get the 1, 2, 3 and the victory.


Next it was time for the P.S.W. Tag Team titles to be defended as current champions, Punisher and Wolverine “The Deadly Alliance”, (I’ve always hated when wrestlers put “The” in front of their names) taking on New Generation. This would be an interesting one as each team has one win in singles action, and just like our opening contest it was youth versus experience tonight. Out first were the challengers Greg Gauge and Matthew Keith and for being related to the legendary Sam Keith neither of these guys garnered much reaction from the crowd tonight. Next the Tag Team Champions came out to the ring, and for being champions they failed to get much of a reaction either. Wolverine and Matthew Keith started the match out with Wolverine getting the early advantage using his experience to work over the right arm of Keith. Wolverine worked Keith in the Deadly Alliance corner making quick tags with Punisher, keeping control of the match as Gauge yelled at his brother to get out of the corner. The champs went for a double team clothesline but missed as Keith ducked and dove for his brother to make the well needed tag. As Gauge started reigning down lefts and rights to both, while the crowd started to cheer the challengers. Keith rested on the apron as Gauge took control and then dropped to the floor as he went to look for something under the ring. Keith climbed back on to the apron as Greg pushed Wolverine back into the New Generation corner. Greg delivered a couple of chops to the chest of Wolverine, but they seemed to have no effect as Wolverine shrugged them off, Greg backed away slowly as Wolverine looked like he was going to charge out of the corner, until when from behind Keith nailed him in the back of the head and then put something back into his tights as Wolverine fell with a thud. Greg Gauge made the cover and picked up the 1, 2, 3 as the crowd booed the new Tag Team champions.


Next it was time for another championship match as Ash Campbell was set to defend the National Title, against JD Morgan. First came out JD Morgan to the ring, as the man from the United Kingdom received a decent reaction from the crowd tonight. Next Ash Campbell came to the ring and handed the belt off to the referee as Morgan just waited in the corner. Both men locked up with Campbell hitting a nice body slam, elbow drop combination. This match wasn’t much of one as Campbell outclassed Morgan from bell to bell, maybe the back called for the match early because Ash Campbell hit the shooting star press for the win at the four minute mark.


Next we went to a video package previewing the fallout between Frankie Future and Grandmaster Phunk. Once the package was over Phunk came out first to cheers from the crowd. Phunk looked to be ready for the match because as Future made it about half way down the ramp before Phunk sprinted out of the ring and began attacking Future who tried to get away but could not. The crowd seemed to be enjoying the hot start from Phunk who whipped Future into the guardrail and hit a bodyslam on the floor before dragging Future back to the ringside area and throwing him into the ring. Future immediately backed off and pleaded for time, and as Phunk pulled Future to his feet, Future drove a thumb into Phunk’s left eye. Future took control of the match throwing Phunk out of the ring, before taunting the fans. Phunk climbed back into the ring and they tied up again with Future sending Phunk into the ropes and connecting with a clothesline to drop the Grandmaster. Future then picked up Phunk and throttled his neck across the top rope as he screamed at his former partner while the crowd booed. The referee was forced to get in between the two as Future was dangerously close to being DQed and as the referee broke the two up Grandmaster was able to sneak in a right foot to the gut doubling over Future. Grandmaster went for a small package but Future reversed it to get the 1, 2, 3 and quickly slide out of the ring as Phunk looked pissed.


Before the main event of the night, Krissy Angelle came out and fired t-shirts into the crowd to get them ready for the main event. By this time the show needed it as it felt kind of flat for a special show. After Krissy left it was time for the main event Steven Parker challenging Johnny Martin for the P.S.W. Championship. Steven Parker came to the ring first getting boos from the crowd, Parker looked focused tonight as he waited in the ring for the champion, who received plenty of cheers from the crowd tonight. As the bell sounded the two stood nose to nose and started talking until Parker slapped the champion, who then retaliated with a slap of his own. Martin sent Parker into the ropes and hip tossed the challenger down. Parker quickly got back to his feet and stood in front of the champion, who leveled him with a right hand. (serves him right for just standing in front of the champ). Martin went to work on Parker’s legs and lower back throughout the match as the crowd enjoyed what they were seeing. Martin whipped Parker into the ropes, but Parker held on stopping his momentum. No matter, Martin charged at his challenger and clotheslined him sending both men over the ropes and to the outside. Martin grabbed Parker by the hair and slammed his head into the ring apron and then chopped him down with a nice chop to the chest. Martin pulled Parker back up but was met with a thumb to the eye, as Martin walked away to regroup. Parker picked up a chair and blasted the champ in the head as he walked right into the chair shot! The crowd booed as the champion was now busted open! Parker laughed as he tossed Martin back into the ring and went for the pin. As the referee was making the count he slapped the mat once, twice but not a third time as Martin was able to get his shoulder up at the last second to the delight of the crowd. Parker slapped `the mat and then began punching Martin in the head repeatedly. Parker pulled Martin up and attempted to whip the champ into the ropes but Martin reversed it and sent “The Future” into the lights with a nice backdrop. Martin pulled Parker to his feet and dropped him with a nice ddt, before going for the cover, but only getting a long two count. Martin pulled Parker back to his feet and set up for the Twist on the Rocks when out of nowhere Davis Wayne Netwon came down to the ring and blasted the champ with the P.S.W. title causing Martin to fall in a heap. Parker slowly smiled as he picked up Martin and connected on a Future Shock to pick up the 1, 2, 3 and become the new P.S.W. champion to the boos of the crowd.


As Parker was posing with the title, Davis Wayne Newton slid into the ring and began stomping away on the former champion. After a good three solid minutes of Newton attacking Martin, cheers erupted from the crowd, as Alex Braun came running to the ring and jumped Newton forcing him from the ring. Seeing this Parker who was still taunting the fans jumped to the floor and asked for a microphone. After some back and forth taunting from the two Parker shockingly offered Braun a title shot right then and there, which Braun accepted to the cheers of the crowd.


The referee climbed back into the ring and called for the bell as Braun started off fast with two running clotheslines before Parker bailed out and started heading to the back. Not to be cheated, Braun immediately gave chase and pulled the champion back to the ring and continued pounding away on Parker. Braun posed for the fans before lifting Parker onto his shoulder for what looked to be a running powerslam but as Braun went to the corner to give himself room to dump Parker in the center, surprisingly and most of all I think to Mitch Naess sitting at the table, Charles Zulas came to the ring, and threw powder into Braun’s face allowing Parker to climb of the challengers shoulders and roll him up for the quick one, two, three.


After the referee made the three count, P.S.W. Head Booker climbed into the ring and watched as Steven Parker and Davis Wayne Newton attacked Alex Braun while he taunted Mitch Naess who just stood at the table in shock as the show ended.

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Monday Week 1 March 2010


Mitch Naess arrived at the Ministry before anyone else. After seeing what had transpired at Counter Culture, Mitch had many questions but no answers. After an hour of waiting, the roster finally started to roll in. As Mitch continued to wait he noted that Bulldozer Brandon Smith, Cameron Vessey, Davis Wayne Newton, new Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling champion Steven Parker or Charles Zulas had yet to arrive. Not wanting to waste anymore time Mitch went to the front of the room and started to speak.


Mitch: “Hello everyone, and thank you for coming in. As I look at the room it seems that we are missing a few people. Even so, I know you want to get back home so I will just say a couple of things. First I want to say that Counter Culture did not go as planed and Johnny I will have a discussion with Charles about the night’s events”.


As Mitch talked a man with a package that looked like a video tape walked into the room. On the tape there a was a note “Watch Me”. The man handed Mitch the tape and left without saying a word. Mitch went back to speaking to the group.


Mitch: Before you all leave I just want to tell you all how proud I was of each of you last night. That is all, I will see you back here Saturday.


The roster stood up and filed out the door. Once the room was empty, Mitch looked down at the tape, before turning and putting the tape into the player. As Mitch sat to watch the tape, the video came into focus, Charles Zulas appeared on screen. He was standing in what appeared to be the Ministry.


Charles: “Hello, Mitch”. I know I am not with you tonight, and I know you have a lot of questions you would like to ask me”.


Mitch looked at the video and was confused by what he was witnessing as Charles continued to speak.


“Let me try and put your mind at ease. Your ways are over, hardcore wrestling is dead; Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling is going to die just like D.A.V.E.”.


Mitch’s confusion at the message was now turning to anger as he continued to watch the tape. At this point, Charles stopped speaking as the camera zoomed out to show Bulldozer Brandon Smith, Cameron Vessey, Davis Wayne Newton, and Steven Parker standing behind Charles. As the camera continued to zoom out a shot of the back wall comes into view with the letters W.C.W. on it. Charles started to speak again,


“You talk about a revolution, and I ask you how you can start a revolution when all you have is a group of washed up losers who don’t know when their time has past. We are the future of wrestling…We are World Class Wrestling”.


The video cuts out as Mitch just stared at the screen.

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<p>Meanwhile at the new offices of World Class Wrestling, Charles Zulas was sitting with Steven Parker looking at paperwork. </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Charles:</strong> “<span style="color:#0000FF;">Well, they should be getting the tape right about now”.</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Steven: </strong>“<span style="color:#FF0000;">So the game has begun”.</span> </p><p> </p><p> Steven responded not looking up from his numbers. Charles put his paperwork down on the table and looked at Steven. </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Charles:</strong> <span style="color:#0000FF;">“We have the four of you but we need to decide on the direction of the company”</span>. </p><p> </p><p> Steven put his paperwork down. </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Steven:</strong> <span style="color:#FF0000;">“What’s first?”</span> </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Charles:</strong> <span style="color:#0000FF;">“I was thinking that since we are starting from scratch, to save some money I could pull double duty as a road agent and as the announcer. We still need a referee and a color commentator though”. </span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Steven:</strong> <span style="color:#FF0000;">“According to the figures I read Charles, we have a bank balance of $50,000”.</span> </p><p> </p><p> As Charles and Steven continued talking the office phone in the center of the table began to ring. On the third ring, Charles picked up the phone. On the other end was a whispering, Mike.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Mike:</strong> <span style="color:#008000;">“What the hell is going on?”</span> </p><p> .</p><p> <strong>Charles</strong> <span style="color:#0000FF;">“What do you mean, Mike? Charles sarcastically responded.</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Mike:</strong> <span style="color:#008000;">“A tape gets here and you have started a new company”.</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Charles:</strong> “<span style="color:#0000FF;">You mean, World Class Wrestling, Mike.” Charles said to Mike trying not to laugh.</span></p><p> </p><p> Mike spoke a little louder now</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Mike:</strong> <span style="color:#008000;">“Yes, World Class Wrestling”.</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Charles:</strong> <span style="color:#0000FF;">“Mitch has lost his way and I am going to give the fans what they want. Would you like to help?” </span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Mike:</strong> “<span style="color:#008000;">Are you insane? Mitch would kill me.” </span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Charles:</strong> <span style="color:#0000FF;">“Well the offer stands if you change your mind”. </span></p><p> </p><p> Charles ended the call and began to laugh.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Charles:</strong> <span style="color:#0000FF;">“Mitch is unhappy with us”.</span> </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Steven:</strong> <span style="color:#FF0000;">“Really, Charles. I was looking on line while you were on the phone and the word of your defection is out.</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28142" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">WCW Falls to Charles Zulas</span></strong><p> Charles Zulas became the new owner of WCW last night, somehow managing to grab the reigns of power in one lightning fast move. Insiders and investors alike are said to be bewildered, with one leading analyst being over heard to remark “What the **** just happened?”</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <strong>Charles:</strong> <span style="color:#0000FF;">“That’s great news, Steven that will only help us get new people”. </span></p><p> </p><p> Charles looked at his watch. </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Charles:</strong><span style="color:#0000FF;"> “Well Steven, I think today has been a good day, so I am going to head out”.</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Steven:</strong> <span style="color:#FF0000;">“See you tomorrow then, Charles”.</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Tuesday Week 1 March 2010</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> Charles made it to the office and went directly to his computer, to check the news around the wrestling world.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28142" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Coastal Zone holds Uprising 2010</span></strong><p> CZCW was at a sold out Grissom Auditorium last night for Uprising 2010. Last night champions were able to retain the gold as Masked Cougar retained the Xtreme title over Snap Dragon, while Fox Mask took down Donnie J to keep the Coastal Zone Championship.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> After looking for news, Charles opened up a new page and began writing an announcement </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28142" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Are you looking for the next big thing in professional wrestling?</span></strong><p> Are you a young wrestler looking for your opportunity? Are you a young wrestler looking to showcase your talents? Are you a veteran looking for a fresh start? Are you a veteran looking to help the build the next great company? If you answered yes to any of these questions please come to the Weston Gymnasium this Saturday to get in on the ground floor of World Class Wrestling.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> As Charles finished up writing the announcement, Steven Parker walked into the office and towards the coffee maker. As Steven poured himself a cup, he spoke.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Steven:</strong> <span style="color:#FF0000;">Now that the world knows are you sure we can do this?</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Charles:</strong> <span style="color:#0000FF;">Wrestling fans are missing great in ring action. As I told Mitch in the video, he still has not learned from the mistakes of Danger and Violence Extreme. Hardcore wrestling is dead and companies focusing on great in ring work are the next big thing in professional wrestling.</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Steven:</strong> <span style="color:#FF0000;">Let’s get started then.</span></p><p> </p><p> Charles and Steven sit at the table in the center of the ring.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Charles:</strong> <span style="color:#0000FF;">As of today we have you, Cameron Vessey, Brandon Smith, Davis Wayne Newton and myself. I can split time as a road agent and an announcer to save money.</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Steven:</strong> <span style="color:#FF0000;">How many wrestlers do we want to sign?</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Charles:</strong> <span style="color:#0000FF;">I am thinking that we can use twenty wrestlers.</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Steven:</strong> <span style="color:#FF0000;">Twenty?</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Charles:</strong> <span style="color:#0000FF;">That leaves as ten men to focus on and another ten to use as jobbers and possible tag teams. We will have a main singles title and then once we get our feet under us, I am thinking of a set of tag titles as well.</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Steven:</strong> <span style="color:#FF0000;">Ok?</span> </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Charles:</strong><span style="color:#0000FF;"> I want World Class Wrestling to really be a place for the overlooked and under utilized to come and show their craft. In doing so I want to take a trip to tomorrow’s Rhode Island Pro Wrestling show.</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Steven:</strong><span style="color:#FF0000;"> I like that plan.</span> </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Charles:</strong> <span style="color:#0000FF;">I am going to take off, so we can head to the show tomorrow.</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Steven:</strong> <span style="color:#FF0000;">See you tomorrow then</span>.</p><p> </p><p> Charles stood up from the table and left the building.</p>
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Wednesday Week 1 March 2010


Charles made it to the office and turned on his computer to check e-mails. Not seeing any e-mails he tuned off his computer as Steven walked in.


Steven: Ready to go, Charles.


Charles: RIPW is being held at Biker’s Paradise tonight.


Steven and Charles left for the show as they drove to the show they talked about random items including the announcement Charles made.


Steven: I read that you scheduled a show for Saturday at The Weston Gymnasium?


Charles: That is correct, we need to get our name out and the faster we do it the better.


Steven: Any plans for the show?


Charles: If we get anyone at the show we can give them a tryout. If not we can just do two singles matches and let you guys do promos introducing yourselves.


Steven: Ok Charles.


Charles and Steven make it to the show thirty minutes before the first bell. They paid for their tickets and took their seats along with the sold out crowd. Rhode Island Pro Wrestling called their show “Night of Mayhem”. Charles and Steven watched the show intently as Lassana Makutsi defeated Cheetah Boy to retain the RIPW Championship in the main event of the evening. As the show ended and the crowd filed out, the two waited out back for wrestlers to start leaving the building when one wrestler walked out.


Charles: Excuse me sir, your Primus Allen right?


Allen looked at Charles and Steven


Allen: Yes


Charles: I just wanted to introduce myself. The name is Charles Zulas and I am the Owner of World Class Wrestling out of New York and I just wanted to that you were great out there tonight and we would love to have you join us.


Allen rubbed his neck before he spoke


Allen: Listen, man tonight has been a long tonight. I just want to get home at rest.


Charles: No problem, just wanted to give you my card.


Charles handed Allen a card, as Allen walked off towards his car


Charles: Do you think, he will take us seriously?


Steven: Who knows?


Charles and Steven head back to the office driving through the night. Once back at the office Charles gets into his car, drives off and heads home


Thursday Week 1 March 2010


Charles made it to the office and checked his e-mail. In the e-mail he found one message from Mike.


TO: Charles Zulas

RE: P.S.W.


Hello Charles, this is Mike. Please call me.


Charles picked up the phone to dial Mike. As he was dialing Steven entered the office.


Steven: Hello Charles


Charles: Hello Steven….Mike…this is Charles.


Mike: Hello Charles. I wanted to talk to you before Mitch walked in.


Charles: Ok? What’s up.


Mike: I just wanted to give you an update as to what is happening around P.S.W. since you left.


Charles: I really don’t care, but what’s going on.


Mike: Well, Mitch has decided treat it as if you never worked for Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling. All title have been returned to their original owners, and the next show will be next Thursday.


Charles: Thanks for the update, I have things to do.


Mike: I will offer my assistance.


Charles: I will keep that in mind.


Charles hangs up the phone


Steven: So, what did Mike want?


Charles: He just wanted to give me an update on Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling


Charles paused before he spoke again


Charles: Ok Steven, with our first show coming up this Saturday we still do not have any new names to the company.


Steven: No we don’t


Charles: With just the four of you, who do you think would go well with each other?


Steven: Brandon Smith is the “big guy” who can play both the “good guy” and “bad guy”. He is one who can be a traditional heavyweight champion. Cameron Vessey of course has the “name value” following Larry and Bryan. At the moment is a “jack of all trades, master of none” and because of that I would think he would be better paired with a more experience wrestler in a tag team. For Davis Wayne Newton the sky is the limit for him. My only is that while in the ring I think he is the best of the three, he is also the least popular.


Charles: Since we are a brand new company and I think popularity will not play too much of a factor yet, based on what you have said I will put you against Newton, while Vessey takes on Smith. With only having the four of you, I just want to see how you do in the ring, no creations of storylines yet.


Steven: Works for me…Now Charles in the ring, we will be ok, but outside of the ring what kind of rules do we want to have on the books?


Charles: First of all while we are not a big enough and profitable enough company to have a strict drug testing policy. We need to make it known from the start, drugs will not be tolerated, if you are caught you will be fired. A second rule I want is no alcohol will be allowed backstage. I don’t care what you do on your own time but we can not risk having a drunk wrestler in the ring.


Steven: Some wrestlers may be unhappy with the no alcohol policy, but I thing it’s a necessary move for the company.


Charles: I would like to have the rest of the gang here tomorrow, but at the moment I have nothing else for today.


Steven: Ok, Charles, I am going to head out then


Steven stood up from the table and left the office, while Charles opened up his e-mail account and e-mailed Cameron Vessey, Davis Wayne Newton, and Brandon Smith.


TO: Cameron Vessey, Davis Wayne Newton, Brandon Smith

RE: World Class Wrestling


Hello Vessey, Newton and Smith


This is Charles Zulas, can you please be here tomorrow so we can discuss Saturday’s show . Thanks.


Charles Zulas

World Class Wrestling Owner


Once the e-mail was completed Charles turned off his computer and left the office.

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Friday Week 1 March 2010


Charles made it to the office where Steven was talking with a young man


Charles: Hello Steven.


Steven: Hello Charles, this is Phonse Lockett. He heard about the announcement you made and decided to make the trip down.


Charles: Hello Mr. Lockett, why don’t you tell me about yourself


Phonse: I have a degree in Communications and Media Studies, which I believe has helped me in my recent work with the local news.


Steven: Why do you want to get into professional wrestling?


Phonse: As a lot of people in this profession, I grew up a fan of professional wrestling. I enjoyed Total Championship Wrestling and Supreme Wrestling Federation like everyone else. Even with my love of pro wrestling, I know I do not have the body to be a pro wrestler, so the next best thing is to become an announcer.


Charles: Do you have a backup plan if your announcer plan does not work out?


Phonse: Being a major sports fan, I have thought of trying to become a GM of an N.F.L. team.


Charles: Well, let me tell you about World Class Wrestling. W.C.W. was created as a alternative to Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling after I became annoyed and angered with their direction. Reading the fans complaints about the current wrestling landscape I want W.C.W. to lead the way for these fans.


Phonse Lockett smiles and nods his head at this information


Charles: As a brand new company we can not offer giant contracts to worker. All of our contracts in World Class Wrestling will be nine months and based on your degree I believe you would be best as a color commentator along side me at the table.


Phonse: Sure


Charles: Will you accept a contract of $100 per show?


Phonse: I know you’re a new company but I have student loans to pay off.


Charles: $150 per show?


Phonse Lockett smiles


Phonse: Ok, I will sign with you.


Steven: Sign here please and welcome aboard.


Charles: Phonse, please stay in the area. We have a show tomorrow and we would like you to start right away.


Phonse takes a deep breath


Phonse: Sounds good


Phonse Locket walks out the door, as Davis Wayne Newton walks in


Steven: Hello Newton


Davis: Hello guys, there are a few guys standing outside saying they heard about our company and want to see about getting a position here.


Steven: Send them in


Davis Wayne Newton opens the door and waves the three men in


Charles: Hello guys, please sit down


The three men sit at the table.


Charles: Thank you for your interest in World Class Wrestling, let me tell you about it. W.C.W. was created as a alternative to Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling after I became annoyed and angered with their direction. Reading the fans complaints about the current wrestling landscape I want W.C.W. to lead the way for these fans.


Steven: Why don’t we start with you


Happy: Hello, my name is Patrick Cudelli. I graduated from the United States Pro Wrestling training camp in 2004 and worked for them until 2009 when I asked for my release.


Charles: I don’t recall you in U.S.P.W.


Happy: I went by the name Happy Elwood while I was there


Davis: Why do you want to join World Class Wrestling?


Happy: At my size I was pushed down the ladder, and looking at the people at the top I cam to realize that I would never be a champion and I don’t want to be work for a company where I know I have no shot at being a champion.


Charles: Mr. Cudelli, here at World Class Wrestling if your talents in the ring impress us as well the fans we see no reason why you can not be a champion.


Steven: Our first show is tomorrow, would you be willing to sign for $400 per appearance?


Happy: Being a wrestler with United States Pro Wrestling I think at least my travel expenses should be paid.


Steven: How much did it cost you to get here?


Happy: $219


Charles leaned back in his chair before he spoke


Charles: Mr. Cudelli, I am sure you will be a fine wrestler one day but at our stage right now we really can not pay for travel expenses of $219 each time we have a show.


Steven: I’m sorry


Patrick Cudelli stood up and shook Charles and Steven’s hands before leaving the office


Charles: How about you


Jared: My name is Jared Johnson. I am nineteen and I have spent the early part of my training with Johnny Bloodstone.


Davis: Bloodstone impressive.


Charles: Well you heard everything about our company, so why don’t we just get to the particulars of your contract. Would you be willing to sign for $400 per show?


Jared: Much like Cudelli was asking, I think my travel expenses should be paid


Charles leaned back in his chair before he spoke


Charles: And how much did it cost you to get here?


Jared: $136


Charles paused


Charles: Now Jared, I know we just told Mr.Cudelli we could not pay for his travel, but with you being trained by Johnny Bloodstone we believe that can get you to great success. Welcome aboard.


Jared: Thank you sir


Steven: Sign here please


Jared signed the contact and stood up


Jared: I will see you tomorrow then.


Jared Johnson waved and left the office leaving one in the office


Charles: And last you are?


Mad: The name is Mad Dog Mortimer, I was sitting at home and came across your announcement.


Steven: Tell me about yourself


Mad: I have spent my career in the south. If a company needs someone to fill in they call me. I really don’t stay with a company for more then a couple of months with a company.


Charles: Would you be willing to do the same for us?


Mad: Might as well


Charles: Would you be willing to sign for $100 per show?


Mad: As long as I have a constant paycheck, sure.


Steven: Great, sign here and we will see you tomorrow.


Mad Dog signed the contract and left the building leaving Steven and Charles as the only two left.


Steven: That was great, we have three new members to the roster.


Charles: I think tomorrow will turn out well.


Davis: Speaking of tomorrow, how much are we looking at charging for tickets.


Charles: I think we can start at $5 a ticket and see how that does.


Steven: Any word from Cameron or Brandon?


Charles: No but I am sure they will be here.


Charles stood up to stretch


Charles: Well I am going to get out of here, and I think you both should as well.


Steven & Davis: Ok.


Steven and Davis stood up at the same time and all three men walked out of the office and went their separate ways.


Saturday Week 1 March 2010


Charles made it to the office early in the morning to find a line of people standing at the door. As Charles got out of his car Steven pulled up next to him.


Steven: We have a show tonight, Charles. If we want to make it, we have to go now.


Charles shook his head and went to the front door.


Charles: Listen everyone, I would love to stay and get all of you officially signed to World Class Wrestling but Mr. Parker and I need to get to the Weston Gymnasium for tonight’s show. If you would like to join us, we can use you tonight and sign you to contracts tomorrow.


A few grumbles and moans could be heard from the line as Charles made his way to Steven’s car. As the two left they could see a long line of wrestlers following them.


Steven: I hope this works


Charles: Me to


Later that day the long caravan made it to the Weston Gymnasium. Steven and Charles got out of the car and were soon surrounded by the potential signings. As the men stood around Brandon Smith, Cameron Vessey and Davis Wayne Newton came out.


Davis: We have been waiting for you here.


Steven: Is the building set up


Cameron: Yes. The ring, seats and the connection.


Charles: Will you please show these guys to the locker room, we will be in shortly.


Cameron: Guys follow me.


As Cameron Vessey, Brandon Smith and Davis Wayne Newton and the potential signings left, Charles and Steven stood outside and discussed last minute details.


Steven: Connection?


Charles: The A.V. department of the local school was so excited to have us in the area they agreed to stream the show on their website.


Steven: Ok? Well should we just draw names out of a hat to see who wrestles tonight?


Charles: Well I want the four of you in matches for sure and we can decide based on the time we have.


Steven: How long did you want this to go on?


Charles: We can see how an hour does and adjust from their.


Steven: Ok, we should get this over with


Charles and Steven walked into the Weston Gymnasium and into the World Class Wrestling locker room where the signed World Class Wrestling talent and the other guys were sitting around waiting for their next order. Charles noticed this and immediately went to the front of the room.


Charles: Hello guys and thanks for being a part of the new World Class Wrestling. My four pillars are standing in the back.


Parker, Vessey, Smith, and Newton wave to the others.


Charles: Tonight I just want to lay out the frame work for the next few days. Not knowing who was going to be here when myself and Mr. Parker made tonight’s card we are really just going to throw you guys out there and see what you can do. Tonight just wrestle don’t worry about storylines, if you’re a good guy or not, or if you are following your correct gimmick. We can discuss that tomorrow. Tonight Phonse Lockett and myself will be working the table…Steven Parker will be our referee when not in matches.


At this point a man who looked to be in this mid-thirties spoke up


Taylor: Sir if you need a referee for the show, I have some experience working for the old Southern Championship Class Wrestling promotion.


Charles: And you are?


Taylor: Jonathan Taylor sir. I was just saying that if you needed a referee for tonight’s show I would be more then happy to do it. My brother Kevin is also here tonight.


Charles: Thanks, you will be the referee then. Ok here is the line up for tonight’s show. Jared Johnson you will face Mad Dog Mortimer.


Charles looks around the room and points to two guys


Charles: You two will be in a match against each other. After that Brandon Smith you will come out to challenge Cameron Vessey, Vessey you accept and then have your match. After that Davis Wayne Newton you challenge Steven Parker, Parker you accept and then you two close out the show with your match.


At this point, Steven Parker went around to the front of the room


Steven: After the show, we ask that you all stay in the area because we want to discuss your roles here in the company tomorrow morning. Now before we go out there, we need to tell you about a couple of ground rules for World Class Wrestling. One no alcohol allowed backstage, and two no drugs backstage either. If it comes out that you are using drugs you will be fired.


Charles: Everyone have a good night and once again thank you for joining World Class Wrestling.


With these final words Charles took his position in the sparse crowd to watch the show.

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World Class Wrestling

Week 1 March 2010


Tonight’s show opened at the Weston Gymnasium with Jared Johnson taking on Mad Dog Mortimer in the first match of World Class Wrestling history. Jared and Mad Dog both came to the ring to zero reaction from the fans in the building. As the bell sounded both men were cautious not wanting to screw up in front of the fans. As the match continued Double J, took control of the match and proceed to ware down the Mad Dog. In the end the Mad Dog was no match for Jared Johnson as he locked in the Carolina Crossface to secure the first victory in World Class Wrestling.


As the ring cleared out it was time for the next match as Donte Dunn faced off against Paranoia. If their was a match to show that World Class Wrestling was a new federation this match was it. Dunn and Paranoia started of slowly and never really went anywhere as the crowd was dead for the match. The two just seemed to go through the motions, as Dunn leaned on his athletic ability while Paranoia really just hung on for the ride until it painfully ended with a Donte Dunn victory.


The crowd was dead, as Brandon Smith came to the ring and asked for a microphone. Smith then proceeded to call out Cameron Vessey saying that while Vessey was a good prospect for wrestling, he was better and could prove it. There was a small cheer for the promo as Cameron Vessey came out to the ring to say that Smith was just a dumb jock who was only in wrestling because he could not cut it as a football star. Smith was hot as he came into the ring and immediately started in with the rights and lefts to the head of the “Second Generation” wrestler as Vessey attempted to take cover. Smith was in control early until Vessey took the low road with a thumb to the right eye. Vessey looked to have the match won after a well executed Vessey Driver, but Smith was able to kick out just before the three. Vessey attempted to keep Smith down, but Smith fought back to hit a Backdrop Driver and picked up the victory.


After the Brandon Smith and Cameron Vessey left the ring, Davis Wayne Newton came to the ring and began telling the crowd how he is the best wrestler in World Class Wrestling and that nobody is better. At this declaration, Steven “The Future” Parker, came out to the ring and laughed at Newton saying that Newton was dreaming and that he was the future of wrestling, not him. Newton’s response to Parker was to slap him, as the referee ran into the ring. Parker responded to the slap with a right hand to the jaw of Newton knocking him to the mat. For a brand new company this was a good main event as Parker and Newton went back and forth trading counters and taunts. Midway through the match Parker gained control of the match and began to work on Newton’s neck and look as if he was in complete control. Newton tried hard to come back, even gaining the upper hand for a short time but as Parker blocked a Newton bulldog, pushing him into the ropes, Parker caught his opponent with the Future Shock and picked up the 1, 2, 3 to bring an end to the first World Class Wrestling show.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sunday Week 1 March 2010


While Davis and Cameron went back to the office Steven and Charles went to the Weston Gymnasium from the hotel room for the meetings with the roster. When they arrived some of the guys from the show were in the locker room waiting. As Charles and Steven waited for the rest of the guys to arrive they discussed the show.


Steven: As Owner, how do you think the first show went?


Charles: Lets be honest Steven, the show was basically the four of you with the other guys thrown in to waste time.


Steven was smiling knowing that was the answer Charles was going to give.


Steven: No really what did you think of the show?


Charles: For what it was it was ok. I really did not expect much from the others because we just threw them in to see if they could work together.


Steven: Time to get these contracts signed?


Charles: I see Taylor here so lets start with him.


Steven and Charles walk to where Jonathan Taylor is sitting


Charles: Hello Mr. Taylor will you come with us so we can discuss your contract.


Taylor looks up and Steven and Charles

Taylor: Sure.


The three walk to the small room off to the side and sit down


Steven: First of all thank you for volunteering to be the referee last night, you did a fine job.


Taylor: Thank you.


Charles: We would be honored to have you as our full time referee.


Steven: All of our contracts are nine months in length and we would like to offer you 200 per appearance.


Taylor: I enjoyed my time here, I would like to continue it.


Steven slides the contract over for Taylor to sign


Charles: Now Jon we don’t have a date for our next show but we will keep you informed.


Taylor: Thank you


Taylor gets up and leaves the Weston Gymnasium. Moments later Steven and Charles get up and walk out of the room and notice that the rest of the roster has arrived.


Charles: Ben Williams will you follow us please


Ben Williams looks around at the mention of his name, gets up and walks over to Charles and Steve.


Steven: Right this way, sir.


Steven, Charles and Ben sit down at the table


Charles: So Ben I noticed that you were in the group that we brought over but we did not get a chance to use you. Why don’t you tell me about yourself.


Ben: Well sir, there is really not much to tell. I have been traveling around and get picked up by a company if they need someone to fill in. I’m in and out of a company in a matter of a show. Usually the guy who called just pays me out of his own pocket, so I don’t show up on the books.


Charles: Well Ben we would like you to come on for a more then a couple of shows. How does a nine month contract at $150 per show sound?


Ben is almost speechless at the offer

Ben: That would be great.


Steven: Sign here please.


Ben signs the contract


Charles: Now let me tell you now, being a small company we have yet to decide on a date for a second show. We will keep you informed as to what is going on.


Ben: Ok, thanks for the opportunity.


Ben shakes Charles and Steven’s hands before all three walk out of the office. As Ben leaves Steven calls for the next wrestler.


Steven: Mr. Aero?


Daredevil Aero looks up and right at Charles, before standing and walking over to the two in the doorway to the office.


Charles: Hello Mr. Aero, right this way.


All three sit at the table


Steven: So Mr. Aero it states here that you were in Xtreme Danger Wrestling. Tell us about it.


Aero: Well myself and Fearless Blue out there, were in X.D.W. as a small company with a really core group of fans that came to the shows.


Charles is not impressed, which Steven notices


Charles: So, did you guys, use bouncy castles for rings and counted steel chair shots like headlocks?


Steven: You have to forgive my boss’s reaction, World Class Wrestling is wanting to show what good action is in the ring. Not focusing on the chair shots and the barbed wire of Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling or other companies like X.D.W.


Aero: None taken, but no sir we did not use bouncy castles for the ring.


Charles: If you want to work with us, we need you to pick up your training quickly.


Aero: Ok sir.


Charles: To work with us, how does a nine month contract at $150 sound?


Aero: I’ll take it.


Steven: Great…sign here.


Steven passes the contract over for Aero to sign


Aero gets up from his chair


Aero: Thanks again.


Charles: I’m serious, this is not a place for over the top violence that passes off for wrestling.


Steven: Can you please send in Kris Turkleton?


Areo: Fearless Blue, sure.


Aero walks out of the office and motions for Fearless Blue to come to the office. Blue gets up and walks over.


Blue: You wanted to speak with me?


Charles: Yes, Mr. Turkleton sit. Now we have heard a little bit about X.D.W. from your friend there. I will tell you what was told to him, I am really not a fan of the X.D.W. style. Along with that, you need to pick up for game, to be able to stay here in World Class Wrestling. Here at World Class Wrestling we don’t use light tubes and plate glass windows just because we need something to distract the audience from our wrestling ability.


Blue: Ok sir


Charles: With that said, I will offer you the same offer I gave to Aero, $150 per show.


Blue: Ok. any chance of us tagging together?


Steven: We will have to think about that one, sign here please.


Steven slides the contract over to Kris to sign. Kris signs the contract, gets up and leaves the office. After sitting there for a few moments, Steven speaks up.


Steven: Even though we have people waiting, I think we should call it a day.


Charles: I have zero problem with that.


Charles and Steven walk out to where the rest of the roster is sitting.


Charles: Hello gentlemen, we are going to call it a day.


A few groans can be heard


Charles: If you want to work for us you will come back tomorrow and get your contracts then.


Steven and Charles leave the gym


Charles: So do you want to drive back to the offices are just get a room here?


Steven: I’m too tired to think


Charles: I’ll get us a room


Charles and Steven drive to the local hotel and get a room. Once Charles gets the room key they head to the room where Steven immediately collapses on the bed. As Steven snores, Charles goes and takes a shower, after which Charles climbs into bed and falls asleep.


Monday Week 2 March 2010


Charles and Steven wake up the next morning. After grabbing a quick breakfast the two check out of the room and head to the Weston Gym where the unsigned wrestlers in World Class Wrestling are standing.


Charles: Hello everyone, welcome back. Please come in.


Charles and Steven lead the wrestlers into the gym


Charles: Will Donte Dunn follow us


Donte: Here.


Donte, Charles and Steven walk into the small room off the main room


Charles: Please sit down


Steven: Mr. Dunn thank you for coming back.


Donte: no problem


Charles: Now Donte, we had you in the show Saturday against Paranoia and I have to be honest. Their really was nothing there.


Steven: It’s not that you were bad, coming from the Decolt Power House we expect good things out of you…


Charles: It’s just that Paranoia’s performance was a little weak.


Donte: Thank you, I guess.


Charles: Donte, we want you to be a part of World Class Wrestling. Will you accept a nine month appearance contract for $100?


Donte: For me to accept a contract at that price, I would like my travel to be picked up.


Steven: How much would that cost us?


Donte: I found a plane ticket for $44


Charles: That’s cheap, I have no problem with it.


Steven: Sign here please


Steven slides the contact over for Donte to sign. Donte Dunn leaves the gym as Charles and Steven call for the next name


Charles: Kevin Taylor


Kevin Taylor stands up and walks over to Charles and Steven


Steven: You are related to Jonathan right?


Kevin: He is my brother


Charles: I’m sure he has had a chance to tell you about our company then


Kevin: He has


Charles: So lets get right to the contract then, would you be willing to sign for $400?


Kevin: $450 and you have a deal


Charles leans back to think to himself


Charles: Ok


Kevin: Thanks


Steven slides the contract over for Kevin to sign

Kevin signs the contract and stands up


Charles: Tell Jonathan hi


Kevin: I will


Kevin leaves the gym as Charles calls for the next name


Charles: Paranoia please step forward


Paranoia stands up and walks to Steven and Charles


Steven: Hello Paranoia.


Paranoia: Hello


Charles: lets sit down


Steven: In my notes it has that you worked one match for Coastal Zone.


Paranoia: Yes, it was a six man tag. I teamed with Paradigm, and Paradox as the Paratroopers.


Charles: How’d you do?


Paranoia: We lost


Charles: Would you be willing to sign for $100 per appearance?


Paranoia : Sure


Steven slides the contract over to Paranoia to sign


Charles: If you can get Paradigm and Paradox to sign with us that would be great.


Paranoia: I’ll talk with them and tell them about it.


Charles: That would be great


Steven, Charles and Paranoia stand up and walk out of the office and towards the door and show Paranoia out. With Paranoia out of the gym, the building is empty except for Charles and Steven.


Charles: Ready to head out?


Steven: Lets get back to the office.

Charles and Steven climb in the car and take the drive back to the office. They get back to an empty office late at night. Charles gets out of the car and goes to his.


Charles: We have had a good last few days


Steven: See you tomorrow


Charles: See you tomorrow


Charles starts his car and leaves

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Tuesday Week 2 March 2010


Charles gets to the office where Steven, and Davis are sitting around


Davis: So Steven tells me we signed a nice group.


Charles: Those who were at the show signed, so it was a great weekend.


As the three were sitting around there is a knock on the door


Charles: Come in.


The door opens as two young men walk in


Steven: Hello gentlemen


Paradigm: Hi, I was told by my friend Andy that you are looking for wrestlers?


Davis: Andy?


Paradox: Paranoia


Steven: Yes…so you guys must be Paradigm and Paradox.


Paradox: Yes.


Charles: Welcome, would you be willing to work with us.


Paradigm: From what Paranoia has told us this sounds like a good company.


Steven: Well he signed for $100…


Paradigm & Paradox: $150


Charles: I think we can make it work with the three of you, accepted.

Paradigm & Paradox: Great


Charles: We don’t know when the next show will be but you will be informed.


Paradigm & Paradox leave the building.


Charles and Steven are sitting around with everyone signed trying to decide on their next move.


Steven: I think tomorrow we should try and set up the roster…


As Steven is talking a large man walks into the office. Steven just stare but Charles smiles and laughs.


Charles: Welcome to World Class Wrestling.


Wednesday Week 2 March 2010


Charles walks into the office where Steven is busy typing away.


Steven: I can believe you signed him.


Charles: We go back awhile…Listen I know you wanted to discuss how the roster should be set but I believe it would be benefit us to get letter out to the other promotions as a peace offering. Tell them that our goal is to take out Pittsburgh Steel and it would really be in good faith that they stay away from our talent and we won’t sign their talent away.


Steven: Sound good and all but are you sure the other owners will go for that idea?


Charles: Can’t hurt to try


With that Charles sends out a letter to the top wrestling site in the industry, Wrestling World News


TO: Wrestling World News

RE: Peace offering from World Class Wrestling


Hello writers of Wrestling World News. This is Charles Zulas, Owner of World Class Wrestling. I am writing you today because I am asking for your help. As a new wrestling company we want to do what is best for the wrestling industry. I believe that involves being a place that wrestlers new and old can come and do what they love. For that to happen though World Class Wrestling needs to be a valuable option for wrestlers to come and work for. For this to be the case I can not have my best and brightest stars being taken away from me. This is where you come in, I am wanting to make a formal peace offering to the owners of the various wrestling companies throughout the world. I am hoping that through your site and your trusted ability to get the news out, this message will reach the audience I need to make this world a better place.


Charles Zulas

Owner of World Class Wrestling


Charles: It’s done


Charles and Steven sit back and think about what to do next


Steven: Well as far as the roster goes, I think myself, Cameron and Brandon should be the focus.


Charles: Sounds ok, I want you and Cameron to be heels while Brandon plays a face role.


Steven: Fine by me, I hate being the good guy anyway…How do we want to set up the rest of the roster then?


Charles: Well, first we have Ben Williams. I don’t think he should be high on the card, considering his body of work really leaves a lot to be desired. That being said I think he should be a face in World Class Wrestling.


Steven: I don’t have any issue with that. Next we have Daredevil Aero?


Charles: One of the X.D.W. guys. Much like Williams I really don’t think he has shown anything, and much like Williams I think he would do well as a face in the company….Same for his partner in crime, Fearless.


Steven: Ok? How about Newton then?


Charles: He has all the ability to be a great star I think, and because of that I think he definitely needs to be a heel in W.C.W.


Steven: I agree with that. What do you think of Donte Dunn?


Charles: If we can find a way to keep him he will help us out nicely as a face here.


Steven: Next would be Double J, Jared Johnson?


Charles: I think he will be good. If Bloodstone, sees something in him, he will be a good one. As far as which side of the fence he is on, I think he could make a nice foil for Dunn as a heel.


Steven: Johnson versus Dunn we will have to try it then.


Steven yawns as he leans back


Steven: I think that is a good place to stop for the night. We should come back tomorrow and continue this.


Charles: Sounds good, hopefully we will get feedback from the other companies on our offer.


Charles turns to his computer and checks the news. As he checks the news a smile comes across his face.


Charles: Well, Well, Well…Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling is having a show tomorrow. I think I am going to go.


Steven: You serious?


Charles: You want to join me?


Steven: Yeah sure.


Charles stands up from his desk


Charles: I will see you early tomorrow then and we can leave for the show.


Charles gets up and walks out of the office


Thursday Week 2 March 2010


Charles made it to the office shortly followed by Steven.


Steven: Where is the show tonight?


Charles: Pittsburgh Steel’s End of the World is taking place at the Ministry


Steven: At least they have one thing right, as it will be the end of their world tonight.


Charles and Steven climb into Steven’s car and head off to the show. Once there they purchase their tickets and walk around outside for a bit. While outside they talk with fans about World Class Wrestling. As the show draws closer, Charles and Steven take their seats.


Charles: This should be fun


The show opens with Little Bill versus Lazy Joe. Bill gets the easy win tonight as the crowd seemed dead for the match.


Steven: That sucked


Once the Little Bill and Lazy Joe match ended, Pittsburgh Steel continued with Dead Bolt versus Primal Rage in another match that had very little crowd reaction. Dead Bolt picked up the win tonight.


Steven: Didn’t you have them as a tag team?


Charles: Yes


The next match of the night was The Wolverine versus Thimbleby Langton.


Charles: I am going to get a drink


Charles gets up as the match starts missing the match. As Charles gets back Johnny Martin is hitting a Twist on the Rocks on Nelson Callum.


Charles: What did I miss?


Steven: Nothing really Wolverine beat Langton, while Punisher beat Fitzpaine and was declared the National champion.


Charles just shakes his head in disbelief, as it was announced that the next match was for the Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling Championship.


Steven: This should be fun


JD Morgan and Frankie Future came out to the ring for the match, which saw Future claim the title


Steven: You have to be kidding me.


Finally it was time for the main event as the New Jersey Devils took on Ash Campbell and Teddy Powell. As the Devils came to the ring a small W.C.W. chant broke out in the sold out crowd as the match got under way the chant continued. Charles and Steven looked at Mitch Naess and could tell that he could hear the chants as he attempted to call the main event. In the end Powell and Campbell picked up the victory over the Devils to end the show. After the show Charles and Steven left the show unseen by Mitch or Doc and went back to the office. Once back at the office Charles went to his car and left for home.


Friday Week 2 March 2010


Charles walks into the office where Steven is looking over paperwork


Charles: What do you have there?


Steven: Nothing, it’s just a typed list of what we complied yesterday


Charles goes to his computer and checks his e-mail where he finds a few responses about his letter to Wrestling World News.


TO: Charles Zulas

RE: Peace Offering


Hello Mr. Zulas this is Tetsuzan Kaneko of Burning Hammer. Yesterday I was alerted to your letter on Wrestling World News. After talking with my associates about your offer, I have agreed to your Non-Aggression idea. Because you are in the United States I don’t believe you will be much of an issue to my company anyway.


Tetsuzan Kaneko



TO: Charles Zulas

RE: Non – Aggression pact


Hello Mr. Zulas this is Dan Stone of North of the Border Pro Wrestling. As I was sitting at my desk yesterday, one of my wrestlers Johnny Bloodstone came to me with your letter. After discussing your letter we have decided to make you a counter offer that I think will benefit both of our companies. We here at North of the Border, believe in ability for wrestlers to apply their trade where ever they see fit. This can only happen if wrestlers are allowed if multiple companies are successful. We would like to work with your wrestlers at World Class Wrestling to help show them and you what it takes to run a successful company in today’s environment. Please look at this as a way to learn from us and not as a slam against your company.


Dan Stone



TO: Charles Zulas

RE: Non – Aggression pact


Hello Mr. Zulas this is Richard Eisen. I was on the road yesterday and came across your letter on World Wrestling News. To be honest I have never heard of you, but in researching you I was reminded of how much I enjoyed building Supreme Wrestling Federation to the level it is today. For this reason I have decided to agree to your pact in hopes that you can one day improve World Class Wrestling to great heights and one day join us in being the big two of professional wrestling in America.


Richard Eisen

SWF Owner


TO: Charles Zulas

RE: Non Aggression pact


Hello Mr. Zulas, yesterday one of my wrestlers Chris Caulfield, came to me after reading your offer on World Wrestling News. Even though your offer was to a Non Aggression pact, Mr. Caulfield has told me about your time in Danger and Violence Extreme and how well you worked there. Mr. Caulfield has asked me to send you an offer to work together, so that is what I am doing today. Please respond with your answer.


Sam Strong

USPW Owner


After reading the responses, Charles sent responses to Dan Stone and Sam Strong


TO: Dan Stone

RE: Working Agreement


Hello, Mr. Stone this is Charles Zulas Owner of World Class Wrestling. I received your e-mail about a potential working agreement between our two companies. I must first say what an honor it is to read your words as it pertains to our great business. As your offer goes, I accept your offer for a working agreement between the World Class Wrestling and North of the Border Pro Wrestling. Again thank you for the opportunity to work with a great mind such as yours.


Charles Zulas

World Class Wrestling Owner


TO: Sam Strong

RE: Working Agreement


Hello, Mr. Stone this is Charles Zulas Owner of World Class Wrestling. I received your e-mail about a potential working agreement between our two companies. I must first say what an honor it is to read your words as it pertains to our great business. As your offer goes, I accept your offer for a working agreement between the World Class Wrestling and United States Pro Wrestling. Again thank you for the opportunity to work with a great mind such as yours.

Charles Zulas

World Class Wrestling Owner


After sending the e-mails off, Charles turned turned to Steven


Steven: So any news on your offer?


Charles: Burning Hammer and Supreme Wrestling Federation accepted the non aggression pact while United States Pro Wrestling and North of the Border counter offered with working agreements.


Steven: So what did you tell them?


Charles: I accepted both


Steven: Great news.


Charles: Steven I was sitting at home thinking last night and I have decided to call the Weston Gym for another show on Monday.


Steven: Monday, do you think we have enough time to get everyone together?


Charles: I’ll just send out a mass e-mail to the roster and have them meet as there while we decide how to proceed with the show.


Steven: Ok then?


Charles immediately went back to his computer and began typing an e-mail to the roster


TO: World Class Wrestling employees

RE: Next W.C.W. show this Monday


Hello, World Class Wrestling. This is your boss, Charles Zulas. I know this is short notice but I have called Weston Gymnasium about having a show there this Monday. If you can make it please do so in your gear. We look forward to seeing you all there as we continue getting the World Class Wrestling name out to the fans.


Charles Zulas

World Class Wrestling


Steven: So what do you want to do Monday?


Charles: Well first, I thought the last show went well


Steven: Ok…


Charles: Next I think we should start building our company storylines, including crowning our first champion.


Steven: Who will wrestle for it?


Charles: You versus Brandon was my idea


Steven smiles


Steven: Thanks


Charles: I was thinking a best of three


Steven stops smiling


Steven: Fine, anything else?


Charles: Your comment about Johnson versus Dunn got me thinking and maybe we should attempt to build them up and have them face off down the road.


Steven: Do you think we have a decent enough roster to give them the chance to build them up successfully?


Charles: I do.


Steven looks at his watch


Steven: Well I am going to head out for the day.


Charles: Ok Steven.


Charles checks Wrestling World News one last time before leaving and notices a piece entitled Chaos at P.S.W. show. Charles opens it and begins to read.


Chaos at P.S.W. show

Courtesy of Wrestling World News


If you were at Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling’s last show at the Ministry, you may have noticed some chants of W.C.W. during the main event of the show. For those of you living under a rock, W.C.W. is the new promotion that was started by Charles Zulas after he shockingly left P.S.W. as their Head Booker after Counter Culture. We here have yet to get word from P.S.W. Owner Mitch Naess but the word flying around the locker room is that he could hear the chants from the sold out crowd during the show. More on this story if anything else develops. .


After reading the story, Charles powers down his computer and leaves for the night

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