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D.O.T.T - Georgia in my rearview mirror

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This has got to be the single greatest dynasty in any game ever, please keep it up. I was unfortunate in being too young to experience wrestling when it was at its peak territorially, I grew up in the early 90s when everything was cartoonish and stupid. Yet, your dynasty gives me a chance to live what I missed, and I thank you for that. Keep up the GREAT work.
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February 8th 1983 [B]TBS Towers - Atlanta, GA[/B] I am summoned to a meeting in Ted Turners office in the TBS Towers. As I am shown into the Conference Room Mr. Turner and Jim Barnett greet me. Ole and Paul Ellering arrive before Barnett has released my Handshake and he directs us all to take a seat. [B]Jim:[/B] “Thanks for coming, I am afraid we have some bad news.” [B]Me:[/B] “What’s going on?” [B]Ted:[/B] “We have been faced with a changing Demographic in terms of the core audience on TBS. The problem this presents, is that Wrestling does not draw well in that demographic, who tends to enjoy a more classic type of Television” Out of the corner of my Eye I see something that resembles a smile crease Ole’s large Skull…..Turner continues….. [B]Ted:[/B] “Though the numbers have risen slightly since you came on board…..this decision was made for the most part, 2 weeks prior to you being hired, as ratings had been in decline for some time. Because of this we will be dropping Georgia Championship Wrestling from our Television schedule.” Suddenly, Ole’s smile is gone…..…and if only on the inside that makes me smile. We still just lost our Show though and it feels like my guts were just torn out. [B]Ted:[/B] “Despite the fact that we are heavily vested in GCW as an entity, it does not override the need to do what is best for TBS, which is considerably higher on the food chain than Wrestling at the current time.” The conversation drags on, but I don’t hear a great deal of what is said after that. In a nutshell, despite owning a portion of GCW, Turner thinks he will make more money off another show in our slot. I wonder secretly if he just wants to use GCW as a tax write-off for his other ventures. Whatever the reason, we are now without a TV show and if I don’t find a replacement quick we stand to lose a lot of talent and a lot of money in the coming Months!! If there is a redeeming factor here, it is that I was in the same room as Ole for an hour and he didn’t make a peep.
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Don't Panic! It's a blow, but one that can be lessened in the long haul. Get the creative people together and start pitching ideas to other networks. The southern market is crowded, but you can weather the storm. I've just finished my first year in my GCW game and can assure you there will be light at the end of the tunnel. Good luck!
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February 14, 1983 [SIZE=4][FONT=Georgia][B]Event-Parade of Champions[/B] [B]Nashville Fairgrounds, Nashville, TN[/B][/FONT][/SIZE][B] Attendance[/B] 1130 Though all of the workers have heard the news about TBS dropping us, this is still the first chance I have to meet with them all. The mood is somber, but I reveal that since our cancellation on TBS I have secured a spot with a local Network in the Great Lakes area. [B]Me:[/B] “The new show will be called ‘Superstars of Wrestling’ and will be telecast Saturday nights in the Great Lakes region at 11:00 PM. The show will be an hour long and I have also sent out feelers to several Networks in the South and I think we have some good Prospects there” [B]Ole:[/B] “Great, maybe we can come on even later…Like after one of those Thigh Master advertisements that bitch from Three’s company does.” Snickers are heard from various corners of the room. [B]Me:[/B] “Her name is Suzanne Somers Ole” Not the greatest of comebacks but my Head hurts already and I just don’t have the energy…….. Jim Barnett walks to the Ring to start the Show [B]Barnett:[/B] “Ladies and Gentlemen, due to a current conflict between the co-holders of the National Tag Team belts….The Championship committee of Georgia Championship Wrestling has no choice, but to strip Ole Anderson and Tommy Rich…And declare the Titles vacant.” [B]Rating: B[/B] Suddenly the Sheepherders appear from the back and walk to the Ring…. [B]Butch:[/B] “Oye!!!! Mr. Barnett…..I’m thinking me mate ere, and me self, might ave a solution for ya. “ Luke Williams sneers in a maniacal fashion as Barnett looks puzzled. [B]Butch:[/B] “The Sheep’erders would be honored to wallop those ponces the Fabulous ones….And take yer bloody Tag Titles for our own Mate!!!” [B]Barnett:[/B] “If the Fabulous ones accept…..You have a Match” [B]Rating: C-[/B] Puttin on the Ritz blares over the Arena Speakers as Keirn and Lane step through the curtain. [B]Lane:[/B] “You filthy piece of New Zealand crap….you want us???? [B]Keirn:[/B] “You got us!!” We have a match for the Tag Titles folks [B]Rating: C+[/B] [B]Charlie Fulton vs Scott Armstrong[/B] The veteran Fulton schools the youngest of the Armstrong clan early. As Scott begins to fight back, Fulton goes down and hurls him through the ropes with a hand full of Tights where Armstrong is counted out in 6:49 after hitting his head on the Cement. Winner, Charlie Fulton. [B]Rating: D[/B] [B]The Fabulous ones[/B] are seen sitting on a Bench talking Match strategy, when the Sheepherders appear out of nowhere….in the brutality that follows, Keirn is put through a Table and Lane is battered with a 50 gallon Steel drum. [B]Rating: C[/B] [B]Arn Anderson vs Tim Horner[/B] Horner fights gallantly, but Anderson is much too strong, working on the youngsters back throughout to soften him up. As Horner attempts to rally, JJ Dillon brings down the wrath of the loaded Shoe and Anderson secures the pin in 7:53, before adding injury to insult with a camel clutch after the Bell. [B]Rating: C[/B] [B]Gordon Solie:[/B] “Ladies and Gentlemen, I have just been handed a note from the back that Ronnie Garvin is here and has been given a Match with Buzz Sawyers new ‘Bodyguard’ Austin Idol. Two stipulations insisted on by Ronnie Garvin and approved by Mr. Barnett are…No Buzz Sawyer at Ringside and……...It will be an Indian Strap match!!” [B]Rating: B[/B] [B]The Fabulous ones vs the Sheepherders-National Tag Team Titles[/B] A violent encounter with both teams in the Ring at the start in a free for all that sees all four Men bloodied. As the Match progresses the effects of the earlier ambush by the Sheepherders begins to show. The end comes when Luke Williams chokes Steve Keirn unconscious with the Tag strap as Scrappy McGowen tries to get Miller and Lane out of the Ring. When the chaos subsides Williams covers Keirn for the pin in 16:05, the winners and new National Tag Champions….The Sheepherders. [B]Rating: C+[/B] Buzz Sawyer and Austin Idol appear with Solie…….A sneering Sawyer is in rare form. [B]Buzz:[/B] “GARVIN!!!!......arrrrrrhhhhh….You have rules…….SAWYER RULES!!! You…..You…..DROOL GARVIN!!!.....arrhhhhhhhh.” Idol chuckles and flexes as Sawyer continues….. [B]Buzz:[/B] “You see Garvin….you see what you are going to get……this is my bodyguard and your IDOL!!!!..............arrrhhhhhhh…..Austin Idol…..GARVIN…tonight you die!!!!! Strap match…..Indians….arrrhhhh…He Doesn’t care…..Sawyer won’t be there……You still DIE!!!!.......GARVIN!!!!” [B]Idol:[/B] “Take a look big Daddy……take a lonnnngggg look” Idol poses as the crowd hisses derisively. [B]Rating: B[/B] Backstage Wrestling II rounds the corner on his way to dress and bumps into…The Spoiler! [B]Spoiler:[/B] “Old man……watch yourself…and watch your Title, because I have not gone away, nor will I until that TV belt rests once more around my waist!!” [B]Wrestling II:[/B] “You’ve followed me from town to town…and you are wearing on me like a bad set of Tires Spoiler…….back up…or back it up!!!!” The two Wrestlers go nose to nose exchanging insults as security scrambles to separate them. [B]Rating: A[/B] [B]Tommy “Wildfire” Rich vs Les Thornton-National Heavyweight Title[/B] Rich has to contend not only with the savvy Thornton, but the meddling JJ Dillon, who interjects himself constantly into the Match. Taking Dillon’s loaded Shoe, Rich decks JJ, then drops Thornton, before hitting a vertical Splash to retain the National Heavyweight Title in 11:35. [B]Rating: B+[/B] [B]As Rich plays to[/B] the Fans, Ole Anderson charges in from the back, dropping Rich with a clothesline, then invites Dillon and Thornton to join in the mugging as crowd showers the Ring with debris, that actually includes someone’s false Teeth!!! Dillon picks up the Dentures, yells "Bite ME!" and hurls them back into the crowd. [B]Rating: A[/B] [B]Ronnie Garvin vs Austin Idol-Indian Strap Match[/B] Both men wear the crimson mask early as they find a variety of ingenious ways to use the strap as a weapon. Idol undoes Garvin’s arm then attempts to strangle Ronnie with the Strap as Garvin flails away desperately. Finally driving Idol into the Turnbuckles, Garvin escapes and drops Idol with the “Big Right Hand” Following up with the Garvin Stomp, Ronnie steals the win in 16:44. [B]Rating: B[/B] [B]With Buzz Sawyer[/B] nowhere in sight, Garvin now goes berserk……flinging Idol over the top Rope, but hanging onto the strap, which pulls Idol’s arm back as he goes to the Floor and appears to dislocate his Shoulder. [B]Rating: B[/B] [B]Wrestling II vs The Spoiler-National TV Title[/B] Another close match in this series as both of the well studied veterans go move for move, punch for punch. Spoiler gets careless at the 11 minute mark trading barbs with a particularly volatile group at Ringside and II drops him with a leg sweep, as the Spoiler rises, II charges, and lands the Million Dollar Knee!!!! Before he can cover Orndorff hits the Ring and clobbers II from behind….all hell breaks loose as Bronco Lubich calls for the Bell…Winner by DQ at 11:34…and still National TV Champion…Mr. Wrestling II! [B]Rating: B+[/B] [B]Wrestling II[/B] has no chance to celebrate as now both Orndorff and The Spoiler continue to beat him with anything they can get their hands on. With II battered and dazed face up on the Mat, the Spoiler spits on the TV belt and hurls at forcefully on Wrestling II’s head. Two men in the crowd try and get at Spoiler and are thrown to the ground by security….one takes a kick to the Head from Orndorff for his troubles. [B]Rating: A[/B] [B]Overall Show Rating: B[/B] [B]Backstage[/B] A successful show and everyone worked hard, despite the current issues with the TV situation…….Hopefully one of the Southern channels comes through for as happy as I am to get the Great lakes show, it just seems like it would be death if we couldn’t telecast in our core area. Ole is showered and out early tonight to make an appearance in Marietta in the Morning and I count my blessings that I do not have to interact with him any further tonight….. As I leave though I see a note under my Windshield wiper. “Great job on losing the TV show Jackoff…..I would have left you a twenty to get a Whore for consolation, but I didn’t know if you would have enough room in your wallet for the change she would give you back after you screwed that up too!!!” “PS…..Go to Hell ……..Ole” Wonder what Ole will do with that twenty ;)
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Monthly Overview

[SIZE=4][B]Monthly Report March 1st 1983[/B][/SIZE]
[B]Upcoming Shows[/B] Superstars of Wrestling TV Taping-Saturday March 5th Superstars of Wrestling TV Taping-Saturday March 12th March Madness-Friday March 18th Superstars of Wrestling TV Taping-Saturday March 19th Superstars of Wrestling TV Taping-Saturday March 26th [B]Champions[/B] [B]National Heavyweight[/B]-Tommy Rich [B]National Tag Team[/B]-The Sheepherders [B]National Television[/B]-Mr. Wrestling II [B]GCW Light-Heavyweight[/B]-Les Thornton

[B]Hiring’s[/B]		                     [B]Terminations[/B]		
Austin Idol			The Italian Stallion
??-Mystery Singles Star	

[B]Injuries[/B]			[B]Discipline[/B]
None			Tommy Rich-Verbal warning for Tardiness
Balance: $134,673.00		Last Month: -$22,786.00
[B]Memos[/B] One positive about losing the TBS Show is it saved us some money  The new Show is ready to go and I need to find a couple more local stations to carry it in the South as we have already felt the sting of no TV exposure with attendance down nearly 50% at “Parade of Champions” Austin Idol was mystery signing one, and there is still another to be revealed very soon…….Someone Idol will not want to see. The Stallion did nothing wrong, he was just plain ……well plain and there was just no place for him on our Roster…..Or as Ole put it so eloquently put it in a booking meeting…”The Italian Stallion couldn’t draw flies to a steaming heap of Cow dung!” I am entering negotiations with some mid level talent and will start negotiations with more Networks as soon as possible.
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March 5th, 1983 [SIZE=4][FONT=Georgia][B]Event-TV Taping-Superstars of Wrestling[/B] [B]Davis Arena, Louisville, KY[/B][/FONT][/SIZE] [B]Attendance[/B] 1,000 Our initial effort on local TV in the Great Lakes area and I want to start strong, not so much for this area, put to interest other Networks in our product. [B]Gordon Solie:[/B] “Well Freddy, we have just been advised that tonight’s rematch of the savage Ronnie Garvin/Austin Idol encounter from Parade of Champions will not be happening. Apparently Idol suffered a dislocated shoulder at the hands of Garvin and is unable to Wrestle tonight” Groans come from the studio audience at this revelation [B]Freddy Miller:[/B] “Big news Gordon and I can sense the Fans disappointment” [B]Solie:[/B] “Right on top of that one Freddy, however I have been told that Ronnie Garvin has issued a challenge to Buzz Sawyer to take Idol’s place, who as we all know was using Idol to keep Ronnie at bay” [B]Freddy:[/B] “We will have to see how that develops Gordon” [B]Rating: C[/B] [B]The Road Warriors vs Mike Starbuck and Joe Lightfoot[/B] A brutal squash that was hardly more than a sanctioned mugging. Animal ends the carnage in mercifully quick fashion driving Starbuck through the Mat with a Shoulder mounted Suplex, scoring the pin in 3:31. [B]Rating: C-[/B] Buzz Sawyer joins Solie and Miller in the announce area, much to their dismay. [B]Buzz:[/B] “GARVIN…..arrrhhhhhhh….You hurt Idol….you’re crazy Garvin!!!.....arrrhhhh….You’re crazy?.....I’m crazy!!!!.....I’M THE MADDOG!!!...arrrrhhhhh……you’re from Canada……I’m crazy!!!! Tonight……..Idols hurt but Buzz Sawyer isn’t……Buzz…..CRAZY…..Me and you….GARVIN…..DOG COLLAR!!!” [B]Solie:[/B] “I think Buzz Sawyer has accepted the challenge and requested a Dog Collar match …….is there a language Professor in the house?” [B]Rating: B-[/B] The crowd erupts as Mr. Wrestling II makes his way to the Ring…. [B]Wrestling II:[/B] “Spoiler, a Man gets to the point where he is sick of looking over his back, peeking under his Car…A point were he is fed up with someone sticking their Nose in his business every time he turns around……Tonight Spoiler, I am that Man……so if you are a Man??? Get a hold of your Crony Orndorff, because tonight, I brought someone to watch my back……and we would both like to get a piece of you two” The crowd chants “2, 2, 2, 2” as Wrestling II makes his way to the back…. [B]Solie:[/B] “Let the speculation begin Ladies and Gentlemen, it appears as though Mr. Wrestling II is determined to take down Spoiler and Orndorff for good, the question is….who is his partner going to be?” [B]Rating: C+[/B] [B]Arn Anderson vs Rick McGraw[/B] Anderson continues his swath of destruction, disposing of Rick McGraw with the Anderson DDT in 5:38….After the match Arn continued to work on the youngsters neck as JJ Dillon spurred him on. McGraw did not move afterward and was borne out on a Stretcher after being fitted with a Neck brace as the concerned crowd looked on. [B]Rating: C-[/B] The Spoiler and Paul Orndorff are now in the Ring……. [B]Spoiler:[/B] “Wrestling II, you think your desperate ramblings concern two athletes of our expertise? We are finely tuned Machines and are beyond reproach when it comes to the technical aspects of the sport” [B]Orndorff:[/B] “And if that isn’t enough we can just clobber you if we feel like it old man!! So you want a match, we’ll give that and much more you don’t want!!” The two of them congratulate themselves on their greatness as a spotlight pans to the backstage curtain. [B]Rating: C+[/B] Wrestling II appears from behind the curtain………….. [B]Wrestling II:[/B] “Spoiler, Orndorff, you two can carry on like a couple of School girls at a Rick Springfield concert all you want……but before you start counting your Chickens…..let me introduce a friend of mine………” Out from back steps……. [B]Solie:[/B] “It’s Mr. Wrestling!!!” [B]Wrestling I:[/B] “Spoiler….you look like you’ve seen a Ghost……reports of my retirement…have been greatly exaggerated!! The crowd, though not as crazy as they would be in Georgia, is still on their feet as Spoiler and Orndorff are beside themselves in the Ring. [B]Rating: C[/B] [B]Buzz Sawyer vs Ronnie Garvin-Dog Collar Match[/B] It takes both Scrappy McGowen and Bronco Lubich several minutes to get the Collar around both men….but as soon as they do….all Hell breaks loose!! Both men attempt to hang the other over the top Rope at various points, as well as taking turns pummeling each other with the Chain……..Both Men are reduced to a bloody mess as they brawl in and out of the Ring…..finally Garvin drags Sawyer into the audience and on to the Balcony where they attempt to throw each other over the rail……McGowen is finally forced to ring the bell, declaring the bout No Contest at 14:51 as security and several Wrestlers run to break up the brawl. [B]Rating: A[/B] [B]Mr. Wrestling I and II vs The Spoiler and Paul Orndorff[/B] Wrestling I and II start off in control and frustrate the Heels with their technical expertise. As the brawl escalates all four combatants enter the Ring and the Spoiler hurls Wrestling I to the Floor, where Orndorff applies the Boots. Wrestling II follows to assist but is blindsided with a Chair by the Spoiler…..Suddenly The Spoiler whips out Handcuffs and shackles II to the Ringside Barrier…..I is then double teamed and The Spoiler steals the win by pinning him with his feet on the Ropes at the 12:08 mark. [B]Rating: C+[/B] [B]Wrestling II is going[/B] berserk trying to free himself from the Handcuffs as Spoiler taunts him from the Ring…….He and Orndorff are finally run off when Wrestling I recovers and comes at them with a Chair. [B]Rating: C+[/B] [B]Overall Show Rating: C+[/B] [B]Backstage[/B] I learn a hard lesson as I count on the Spoiler/II feud being as hot here as it is in Georgia and the surrounding areas and it is not….Only Sawyer and Garvin save the card with their brutal bout. Ole is quick to point this out…. [B]Ole:[/B] “Look at you……you’re the drizzling Craps son…….Did you even bother to call your Momma to check how popular II was in Kentucky, or was she too busy with your Uncle Artie?” [B]Me:[/B] “You seem to know a lot about incest Ole” I am surprised at how loud I say this…. [B]Ole:[/B] “You son of a Bitch, I’ll stomp a Mud hole in you and piss through the center of it!!!” [B]Me:[/B] “Well why didn’t you speak up and we could have switched the Match order?” [B]Ole:[/B] “Cause you’re the boy genius, Mr. big shot smart guy, hell, you’re a bigger hit than a Bowl full of condoms at a Redneck Family reunion, you’d think you would have figured it out!…….TBS in two months now you’re going to get us cancelled on the Kentucky Poultry Channel” [B]Me:[/B] “Yeah, the Poultry Channel…….” I lower my voice as I head for the exit “The equivalent of Porn in the Anderson household” [B]Ole:[/B] “Speak up you Panty waste!!! I’ll knock your fu…” I am already out the Door to the parking lot….
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  • 2 weeks later...
March 12th, 1983 [SIZE=4][FONT=Georgia][B]Event-TV Taping-Superstars of Wrestling[/B] [B]Showplace Arena, Memphis, TN [/B][/FONT][/SIZE] [B]Attendance[/B] 2,000 As we make a return to the South for a TV taping, I have been busy. We need to bring in some top talent to get back on TV and to do so means stepping on some toes. I cancel non-aggression pacts with Maple Leaf Wrestling and the WWF. Maple Leaf is fine with this, but the WWF vows to make us regret our decision, basically declaring war on us. I now have a decision to make….do I go after some of their stars before they can grab mine??? The weeks ahead will hold the answer….. [B]Gordon Solie:[/B] “Welcome, ladies and gentleman…to Superstars of Wrestling, the finest……Wait a moment, I am being told there is a commotion in the parking lot….I am being told we have a camera outside…….Oh no!!!!” The Camera pans to the parking lot, just in time to catch a bloodied Ronnie Garvin struggling to his feet…..suddenly a Car appears and clips Garvin, sending him sprawling to the asphalt like a rag Doll…….The crowd is in shock as the Car stops and Buzz Sawyer, laughing maniacally sticks his head out of the Window…. [B]Sawyer:[/B] “GARVIN….arrrrhhhhhh…Why did the Chicken cross the road??…..arrrrhhhh…..I don’t know…..GARVIN…..at least the Chicken made it…..CHICKEN….GARVIN….ROADKILL…..arrrhhhhh” [B]Solie:[/B] “God help us….somebody call an Ambulance….ladies and Gentlemen..oh my….we need help out there!!” [B]Rating: B[/B] [B]Solie:[/B] “Ladies and Gentlemen, I want to stress how deeply disturbing what we just witnessed was…..Ronnie Garvin is now being attended to and I am told he may be hurt seriously…On behalf of the entire Georgia Championship wrestling family….we send our prayers to Ronnie Garvin. Buzz Sawyer will have to answer for this heinous act!” [B]Rating: B[/B] [B]Brett Wayne vs Mike Starbuck[/B] Young Wayne shows potential with a potent mat wrestling display, putting Starbuck away with a side Slam at the 5:03 mark to score the win. [B]Rating: D[/B] The crowd erupts as Tommy Rich makes his way to interview area ….. [B]Rich:[/B] “Howdy Gordon…..I tell ya, I’m as excited as a Hound in a Coon hunt…We got us a rowdy crowd right here in the home of the King…Memphis, Tenne…” Rich is interrupted mid sentence by a vicious right hand to the back of the head from Ole Anderson…..Gordon Solie scrambles for cover as Ole picks up a stunned Rich and Pile drives him onto the concrete floor as an audible gasp escapes from the crowd…..Anderson spits on Rich and storms off, threatening to punch belligerent members of the audience as he goes……. [B]Solie:[/B] “I am speechless folks…we are in need of assistance again, I have never seen so much carnage, oh the humanity” [B]Rating: A[/B] Rich is now in a Neck brace and is being placed on a stretcher. He pushes the Medics away and rolls off the Stretcher, staggering to the Podium, he struggles not to fall as he grabs the Mic. [B]Rich:[/B] “Daggummit Anderson…..I ain’t gonna take this anymore….today, broke, crippled or crazy, I don’t care…..I am going to get my hands on you and yall wanna shot at my Title……it’s on the line Baby” The crowd cheers wildly as their hero pushes off assistance and makes his way to the back, swaying like a drunken Sailor. [B]Rating: A[/B] [B]Les Thornton vs Scott Armstrong-National Junior Heavyweight Title[/B] The youngest of the Armstrong boys comes out on fire against the reigning Junior Champ, but a constant stream of interference from both JJ Dillon and Arn Anderson does him in quickly…..Thornton capitalizes as Dillon distracts Bronco Lubich and Anderson hits the Gourd buster. Thornton covers for the win, retaining his Title in 3:52 [B]Rating: C-[/B] Backstage a grinning JJ Dillon stands with Ole Anderson… [B]Dillon:[/B] “Perfect….absolutely perfect. One Title retained and a second soon to be added. Rich, we have you just where we want you and the Triad is one step closer to total annexation of all the National Titles” [B]Anderson:[/B] “Ma, Pa, lil’ Tommy, I feel like I have just walked into deliverance, your whining like the illiterate Red neck punk that you are, while your relatives in the crowd flap their toothless gums together….Well get this straight, there will be no joy around the old Barnyard tonight, because I’m taking your title! And there’s not a damn thing you or any of your inbred cousins here in Memphis can do about it!!” [B]Dillon:[/B] “Hey Ole…name something a Redneck from Memphis will never say..” [B]Ole:[/B] “I’ll take Shakespeare for $1000.00 Alex???” [B]Dillon:[/B] In a mock southern accent “Shakes Beer??? I thunked ‘Shakes Beer’ tis what cousin Elmer did to makum that can of Pabst blue Ribbon blowed up when Pa opened it” Ole and JJ walk off laughing as an increasingly hostile crowd launch debris at the TV monitors. [B]Rating: B[/B] Don Carson has entered the Ringside area and demanded the Microphone… [B]Carson:[/B] “Before you ask what I am doing here in Georgia Championship Wrestling Solie….Let me ease your fears…and the Fears of all these..ahem…intelligent, upstanding Memphis folk…..We all know that the National Tag Titles are among the most prestigious in Wrestling. I think it is also fair to say…that nobody here, right now, deserves the honor of holding them….THAT, is about the change, without further adieu, I present to you……The Oriental Assassins!!!” A shocked crowd is speechless as Mr. Saito and the menacing Killer Kahn make there way to the Ring. [B]Solie:[/B] “I am shocked, Mr. Saito and Killer Khan, here in Georgia Championship Wrestling!!” [B]Rating: B[/B] [B]The Oriental Assassins vs The Lightning express[/B] Khan and Saito beat the hell out of Brad Armstrong and Tim Horner, pulling Horner up from potential pins no fewer than 4 times. Khan finally ends the slaughter with a brutal diving Knee Drop. Saito and Khan take the win in 6:53. [B]Rating: C[/B] [B]Tommy Rich:[/B] “Anderson!!! Enough of all the insults, enough of yall running down me, Memphis, hell the entire damn South!!! They say I have a concussion, I don’t care much for what they say though boy….cause tonight me and you are gonna go to the woodshed and yur gonna think the entire south is hitting ya, every time I put my foot in yur Ass!! Lets get it on!!!” The crowd goes crazy for good ol’ Wildfire as he runs to the Ring…. [B]Rating: A[/B] [B]Tommy Rich vs Ole Anderson-National Heavyweight Title[/B] Anderson tries to exacerbate Rich’s head injuries with a brutal assault…Tommy fights back gallantly as the crowd spurs him on and Dillon begins to interject himself early on. Tommy’s Head wound is reopened and he is bleeding like a stuck Pig, groggy from Anderson’s relentless pummeling, Rich is thrown into Ref McGowen and knocks him from the Ring. Anderson and Dillon now go nuts and Rich is out on his feet. Ole holds him in the center of the Ring as Dillon takes off the loaded shoe and winds up…….Rich ducks and Ole is knocked cold!!!! Rich collapses on top of Ole and McGowen climbs back in the Ring and counts 1, 2, 3!!!! Rich retains the Title in 7:40 and Dillon is beside himself as the crowd goes absolutely nuts!!! [B]Rating: B+[/B] [B]Rich is still groggy[/B] as Dillon revives Ole…..Ole goes berserk, putting the Boots to Rich, sending security and Jobbers who try and break up the attack flying in all directions. [B]Rating: A[/B] [B]Ole, his Bloodlust finally quenched, leaves the Ring[/B] and stops at the Timekeepers table as he goes……smirking he picks up the National Title belt, spits toward Rich and leaves with the belt!!! The crowd is now ready to riot over Ole’s actions, though no one dares come over the rail to retrieve their heroes belt…. [B]Rating: A[/B] Austin Idol now joins Gordon Solie at Ringside as he prepares to close the show.. [B]Gordon Solie:[/B] “You Mr. Idol, have some explaining to do on behalf of your so called employer, Buzz Sawyer…” [B]Voice over the PA system:[/B] “Gordon…..Let me explain” From behind the curtain steps……………. [B]Solie:[/B] “It’s the Boston Battler, Kevin Sullivan!!!!” Idol’s Jaw drops like it just came off the hinges…. [B]Sullivan:[/B] “When Idol came to Georgia Championship wrestling, he came with an unpaid debt…….with what he and Sawyer did to Garvin tonight, that debt just grew!!” Idol backs away as Sullivan approaches……Suddenly Buzz Sawyer runs in from the back, decking Sullivan with a Clothesline…..Idol, recovers his courage and joins the attack, as they both kick the prone Sullivan with bad intentions as the show ends. [B]Rating: B-[/B] [B]Overall Show rating: B-[/B] [B]Backstage:[/B] I have to give credit where it is due, Ole really helped carry the show tonight and as I run into him I let him know. [B]Me:[/B] “You really pulled the show up tonight Ole…great job!” I put my hand out. Ole looks at it……and hands me his wet towel as he turns and finishes dressing. [B]Ole:[/B] “One of us has to keep things from becoming the drizzling craps kid” [B]Me:[/B] “You’re welcome” under my breath “Prick”
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Friday, March 18th, 1983 [SIZE=4][FONT=Georgia][B]Event-March Madness[/B] [B]Miami Beach Auditorium, Miami, FL[/B][/FONT][/SIZE] [B]Attendance:[/B] 1847 Our big March event and we have a full show, I will be busy today as we jump right into the action. [B]Duke of Dorchester vs Mike Starbuck[/B] The venerable Duke makes his debut cleaning up Jobber Starbuck at the 4:39 after using a set of Brass knuckles….The crowd was pretty dead for this one. [B]Rating: F[/B] Don Carson stands in the Ring with his ever-present smirk…. [B]Carson:[/B] “You thought that I may stop with the Oriental Assassins? Well think again, to insure that I control the National Tag Team belts, being the savvy investor that I am ……I have acquired a little caveat…The Champions themselves!!! Come on down mates!!!” The Sheepherders make their way to the Ring and embrace Carson……. [B]Luke:[/B] “Oy….all for one and one fer all Mate, what’s our's is there fer you….as long as yer keeping the ‘erders happy.” [B]Carson:[/B] flashing a wad of cash “Oh, I see quite a few reasons for you to be happy.” [B]Rating: C[/B] [B]Butch:[/B] “Right! We are as happy as we can be knowing that the bloody fabulous ones don’t ave these!” Holding up the Belts….. [B]Luke:[/B] “Fabbos…you may as well go pack a bloody sad, cause we’ll ave yer guts fer garters if yer thinking of coming fer the straps Blokes.” [B]Rating: C[/B] [B]Pez Whatley vs Rick McGraw[/B] Pistol Pez batted the game but overmatched McGraw around the ring, throwing Quickdraw onto the floor and then ramming him headfirst into the Ring post. Whatley then preened for the crowd as McGraw was counted out at the 6:36 mark. [B]Rating: D[/B] [B]As the Sheepherders are walking[/B] toward the parking lot they pass two stage hands moving lights, the workers throw off their hats and coats to reveal the Fabulous ones!!! Lane and Keirn gain revenge by leaving the Herders lying in a heap. [B]Rating: C[/B] Back to the Ring we see the Spoiler has returned….and he has a Microphone. [B]Spoiler:[/B] “Wrestling II, you think resurrecting that fossil of a partner is going to deter my quest for what you wear around your waist……Nonsense, please proceed to the Ring and I will be more than to show you….man to man, that only fate allows you to still wear the TV title, and that after a certain point in time….even that will not be enough!” To the delight of the crowd Wrestling II makes his way to the Ring and climbs up on the apron to confront Spoiler…..as he does Paul Orndorff emerges from beneath the Ring and suplexes II to the floor. Spoiler and Orndorff then lay a beating on the masked man, before taking leave through an emergency exit. [B]Rating: A[/B] [B]Up on the video board the Arena is greeted[/B] by the laughing faces of Buzz Sawyer and Austin Idol as an 8 millimeter Movie projector whirls away over their Shoulder. Panning around the room the crowd sees that they are watching a tape of Sawyer running Ronnie Garvin down in the Parking lot at the last TV taping, bringing a chorus of boos and catcalls from those at the Arena. [B]Rating: B+[/B] Sawyer and Idol now turn off the Projector and address the camera….. [B]Idol:[/B] “Sullivan…..Listen to this baby, straight from the mouth of the universal Heartthrob.. rich, sexy & mean....the women's pet...and the men's regret….bruised and confused is all you get………..When you stick your nose where it don’t belong” [B]Sawyer:[/B] “Arrrrrhhhh....beautiful poem Austin……Buzz writes poems.....SULLIVAN!!!........Roses are red, violets are blue! Now I am going to break your legs!!!......That's a poem!!!!....arrrrhhhh…..….SULLIVAN, GARVIN……I hate poems!!!!......I hate YOU!!!!!” [B]Idol:[/B] “What a team, me so Sexy and you so eloquent…..hahahahaha” [B]Rating: B+[/B] [B]The Road Warriors vs Johnny Rich and Brett Wayne[/B] Another Road Warrior squash as they annihilate the youngster Wayne and the journeyman Rich, drawing gasps on more than one occasion after high impact moves. The end comes with a flying Shoulder tackle by Animal on Rich at the 6:09 mark. [B]Rating: C-[/B] Kevin Sullivan is at the podium……………. [B]Sullivan:[/B] “I’m wicked mad Gahdon!! Sawyah, you take the Cah and rundown Ronnie Gahvin!! You hit the Bahston battler from behind and take the bahds to him….you wanna go? Gahdon, make no mistake….in the ring, in the Cah Pahk, behind the arena….ah’ll get yah, and when it happens……Wicked bad….for the both of yahs” [B]Rating: B[/B] [B]Stan Lane vs Butch Miller[/B] The Sheepherders and Fabs go at in singles matches and this one sees the much quicker Lane frustrate Miller throughout with brilliant counters that make the plodding new Zealander look foolish……Don Carson finally jumps in to help and gets caught whacking Lane with his Cane, earning the DQ win for Sweet Stan in 11:20 [B]Rating: C+[/B] [B]Mr. Wrestling arrives and pauses[/B] by a dressing room door that has a piece of paper taped to it with his name written on it….entering the room and turning on the light he is immediately jumped the Spoiler and Paul Orndorff who administer a very efficient beating and take leave in separate directions after they are discovered by Gene Anderson. [B]Rating: B[/B] [B]Orndorff is seen weaving through[/B] the bowels of the Miami Beach auditorium. He runs around a corner near the boiler room and runs smack into Wrestling II, none the worse for wear after his earlier beatdown. II plants him with a hard right and hammers Mr. Wonderful with a trash can, finally finishing him off with the Million Dollar Knee lift to leave him laying on his back. [B]Rating: A[/B] [B]Steve Keirn vs Luke Williams[/B] Part 2 of the Fabs/Sheepherders singles series……this one is much like the first match with the younger, quicker Keirn holding a slight edge throughout. Carson once again tries to get involved, and slaps Keirn………as Scrappy McGowen tries vainly to get Carson away from Ringside while containing Steve Keirn, Luke Williams taps Keirns shoulder and throws a mysterious white powder in his face when he turns, blinding him, and allowing Williams to steal the win in 9:42. [B]Rating: B[/B] Backstage my favorite assistant Booker has the stick.... [B]Ole Anderson:[/B] “Rich, you ignorant little punk…..you remind me of that little worm with the Book” If I didn’t know better I would think Ole just did a shoot on me “the little weasel we all picked on in school cause you were weak, ugly and stupid!!! Well now you have all these ignorant rednecks in your corner….and you feel special. It doesn’t matter cause inside, you are still that skinny little punk that was always on my last nerve. Well I have your precious belt now……you Wrestle my cousin Arn tonight…..and with my last breath, I promise, the Champion I give this belt back to……will be an ANDERSON!” [B]Rating: A[/B] [B]Ole goes to Ringside[/B] taunting the crowd with Rich’s National Heavyweight Title belt…….and becomes especially cruel with an 80 something woman near the arena entrance….Tommy Rich runs out and nails Ole with a beautiful drop kick on the Cement….taking off his own leather belt, Rich whips Anderson unmercifully, finally retrieving his title strap and fleeing through the crowd as JJ Dillon leads the rest of the Triad out to save Ole. [B]Rating: A[/B] [B]Buzz Sawyer and Austin Idol arrive [/B]and immediately head to the announcers area….as they get there Thunderbolt Patterson is in the Ring and about to be introduced for his Match…..Sawyer and Idol go nuts believing they should be the center of attention…knocking the Ring announcer down and jumping Thunderbolt, putting the boots to him furiously……Kevin Sullivan comes flying into the Ring and cleans house in a whirlwind of wicked hard punches, sending Idol and Sawyer scrambling for cover. [B]Rating: B-[/B] [B]Thunderbolt Patterson vs Jake Roberts[/B] A weakened Patterson gives it a gallant go against the bizarre Roberts, but the wily Snake, coupled with the beating at the hands of Idol and Sawyer is too much to overcome as Roberts nails Thunderbolt with a violent DDT to capture the win in 7:56. Solid match. [B]Rating: B[/B] [B]Gordon Solie:[/B] “Well Freddy, we have Tommy Rich’s National Title defense coming up against Arn Anderson, and after the earlier encounter between Rich and the Triad, I am curious as to how this will unfold” [B]Freddy Miller:[/B] “Should be a barnburner Gordon!!” [B]Solie:[/B] “Agreed, and speaking of Arn Anderson” [B]Rating: B[/B] [B]Arn:[/B] “Speak of the Devil if you like Solie, but speak in reverence when you speak of an Anderson!......Let me make this perfectly clear…..I am done cleaning up on the never where’s and never will be’s around this place…..Tonight I have an opportunity I intend to take full advantage of……Rich, let me tell you son, I have watched you shuck and jive around here like some type of snake in the grass and it’s time somebody burned the fields, someone like me! Son, one thing you better know about an Anderson…..You may get away here and there, but sooner or later one of us is going to get you…..and when an Anderson gets you….You stay got!” [B]Rating: B+[/B] Wrestling II is now in the Ring and not too happy… [B]Wrestling II:[/B] “Well Spoiler, once again you show what a coward you are……you and Orndorff are tough together……You take my partner out, but I am still standing and that's the only mistake you need to make……Now we are even Spoiler…….It’s just the two of us, and I want you in the Ring, no DQ, fight to the finish…..and to get you out there, I am putting my Mask on the line!!!” The crowd is suddenly delirious with excitement. “That’s right Spoiler, you beat me, you can take off my Mask!!! Are you man enough?” [B]Solie:[/B] “Wow…..Wrestling II is laying it all on the line to get his hands on the Spoiler!!” [B]Rating: A[/B] Before II can leave the Ring, Spoiler appears…. [B]Spoiler:[/B] “Well if I hadn’t of heard it with my own Ears, I wouldn’t have believed it!” The crowd gets on the Spoiler quickly…..”Once again I have demonstrated the ability to claw at the very heart of your mind…..and I will be more than happy to now claw that moth eaten Mask from your ugly face…..you have your match II, this Saturday on Superstars of Wrestling, Mask vs Mask!!!” [B]Rating: A[/B] [B]Backstage the Arena Camera[/B] catches Ole and Arn Anderson huddled in a corner speaking in an animated fashion…..as soon as Ole sees the Camera he explodes and shoves the operator to the ground as Arn quickly heads to the Ring. [B]Rating: A[/B] [B]Tommy Rich vs Arn Anderson-National Heavyweight Championship[/B] Tommy takes early advantage of a fired up Arn, using a variety of high flying moves to stay on top of Anderson. Arn for his part tries to work Rich’s knee to ground Wildfire’s attack and wear him down. JJ Dillon finally attempts to interfere but Scrappy McGowen shoves him back and orders him out of the Ring…..Rich seeing the commotion goes to drop kick Dillon, who pulls McGowen in front of him at the last second and Scrappy goes down…..Rich now cleans house on Dillon and Arn Anderson, then catches Les Thornton with the flying Head Scissors, taking him from the Ring apron to the Floor. Rich now re-enters the Ring and slaps the Sleeper hold on Arn…..As Arn begins to fade, Ole suddenly appears, grabs the Belt from Ringside and drives it into the back of Rich’s Head with a sickening thud. Ole then drags his semi-conscious cousin onto to Rich and dives from the Ring as McGowen recovers to render the three count…..the winner in 12:31 [B]and new National Heavyweight Champion[/B] Arn Anderson!!!! The crowd is ready to riot and all members of the Triad beat a hasty retreat. [B]Rating: A[/B] [B]Overall Rating: B+[/B] [B]Backstage[/B] I am ecstatic with how strong the Show finishes and I believe we are on the verge of really breaking out…..Then I spot Ole…. [B]Ole:[/B] “Hey Kid!! You booked a good show tonight….” [B]Me:[/B] “Really…well, wow, thanks Ole” [B]Ole:[/B] laughing….”No not really you goddamn idiot….The boys PUT on a good show…..I just bet Sawyer $20 you would wet your pants if I gave you a compliment…..easiest $20 I ever made you sorry waste of a stained sheet, hahahaha!!” I am speechless, Ole is a prick!!!
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Damn is Sawyer ever gullable. Poor poor boy. I meen, poor poor big evil yet loveable man. I meen... Eh, I'll give up on that. Your Arn Anderson promo on this show kicks so much arse. As does Oles.... and of course Buzz's..... Idol aint too bad.. least he sides with Buzz. Buzz ARGH!! Much Buzz Love! Stupid Tommy, your no match for the triad. Kevin better see the light soon, or else Buzz is gonna halft to kill him. Come on Devil man! Join the team! Awesome stuff man. My favorite diary by far. Love the promos, and the matches... and the after show talk with Ole.
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  • 2 years later...
Monday, March 21st 1983 As I arrive the GCW offices I am immediately taken by the silence, broken only sporadically by the gentle staccato rythym of the slender fingers of my favorite southern seductress disguised, as always, as a mild manneres secretary, as she types some cookie cutter memo. Or, perhaps it is a great and noble proclamation....."Now and forever, let it be known that Ole Anderson is a complete Horses Ass" I smile at the thought as we exchange greetings as I pass her desk. As I walk down the hall to my office it is almost unsettling how magnified and solitary my footsteps sound as they echo through the empty corridor. As I open my door I am greeted by Ole and Jim Barnett, settled comfortably on the couch against the wall. At last it is clear what my feeling of intrepidation is.........I have been cursed to gaze upon the scowling Melon of Ole, without so much as a sniff of my morning Coffee.....Oh it is a cruel and heartless world we live in. [B]Ole:[/B] What the hell are you staring at you round mouth sonofabitch?!?! [B]Barnett:[/B] Please Ole, lets conduct this business as professionals.. [B]Me:[/B] What business?? [B]Barnett:[/B] Son, we need to have a serious talk about the happenings backstage.....And I am afraid you may not like the direction it takes. I can only imagine what kind of BS Ole has been feeding Barnett now, oh well, how bad can it be. Ole lies, I expose Ole, Jim Barnett scolds Ole, I smile inside, Ole wants to choke me, back to business............Surely it can't be any worse than that...........Can it?
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The work As I get settled in I notice the sneer that creases Ole's mouth. It doesn't take long to understand the evil that lies behind it. [B]Barnett:[/B] Larry Zbysko called me about the reasons you let him go... [B]Me:[/B] Right, we discussed this. [B]Barnett:[/B] Well, I got your side of the story..... [B]Me:[/B] Which pretty much sums up all sides sir. [B]Ole:[/B] I told you the little weasel would get defensive and deny everything!! [B]Me:[/B] What the...Deny what? [B]Ole:[/B] The drugs you sneaky piece of ****!! [B]Barnett:[/B] Ole please! [B]Me:[/B] Yes Ole please...what the hell are you talking about? [B]Barnett:[/B] Larry said that at the last show he attended....Well, that he stumbled upon you in the bathroom...........With a white powder before the show and that.. [B]Me: [/B]Whoa!!!! Wait a minute!!! [B]Ole:[/B] I told you Jim, this peckerhead will never admit to a thing, but the way he has booked some shows lately he has to be on something....He's got Saito babbling about Jello, killing all the heat, firing anyone who suspects him of.. [B]Me:[/B] Ole you are full fo crap, Me Barnett, I don't know what the hell this is about, but I promise you he (pointing to Ole) is somehow behind it. [B]Ole:[/B] (now yelling) Paranoid!!! Trying to blame me, I ought to drive my show up your ass!! It was now a scene of verbal chaos, Ole and I screaming over each other, Barnett trying to calm us down, people gathering outside the office with looks ranging from terror to amusement adorning their faces......Was this really happening? [B]Barnett:[/B] BOTH OF YOU SHUT THE HELL UP!!!! (I had never heard Jim yell like that and from the frozen silence of Ole, neither had he) I can not tolerate another day of this bickering and shady behaviour. If you are doing drugs and firing Wrestlers to keep them quiet we have a problem....If you aren't, then somebody else is going to have a bigger one (glancing at Ole) [B]Me:[/B] Mr. Barnett I can assure you I am not under the influence of anything, at any time, either at an event or in the privacy of my own home.....It is not what I do! I challenge you to find anything....anything at all that says otherwise...Here... I stand up and empty my pockets, pull the top drawer out of my desk and empty it on the top of my desk, grab my jacket from the rack in the corner and shake it upside down as a small bag of white powder fell at Jim Barnett's feet................... [B]Me:[/B] Wha... There is silence as all eyes are transfixed on the bag...I try to speak but my words freeze and I can only stammer... [B]Barnett:[/B] Son, you are fired.... [B]Me:[/B] Ole!!!!! I lunge at Anderson from across the room and even before his heavy right hand crashes against my Jaw, I know it won't end well for me.....It is the last thought I have as my head explodes in a fuzzy white light. I awaken as I am being loaded into an Ambulance, pounding head, fractured pride and no longer employed by Georgia Championship Wrestling.
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The Swerve The first and probably smartest thing I do upon my arrival at the Hospital is ask the Nurse to take both a blood and urine sample and test them for drugs.....She is puzzled and tries to tell me they can not do that at my request. After lengthy discourse with her and the ER Doctor, which includes barely muted legal overtones they comply. Surely anyone with any type of subtance in their pockets would have it in their system, at least in some amount. It takes four days and a dozen calls but I am at last told the results are in...NEGATIVE. I pick them up, again holding the Hospital as a litigation hostage, but I have my proof. I call Barnett and let him know what I have. [B]Me:[/B] "Jim, you know as well as I do that there is something shady afoot here and I now have proof.....That crap was planted in my coat and it could have been done at anytime as that coat only leaves my office when it rains. You and I both know who was behind it as well!" [B]Barnett:[/B] "We don't want to be too hasty.." [B]Me:[/B] "TOO HASTY" (Now I am pissed) "I don't have a job!!! YOU, fired me based on a load of crap and now you know it!!! TOO HASTY, grab a mirror and then tell ME, who was hasty!" [B]Barnett:[/B] "Son, I am sorry, lets see if we can come to some kind of agreement. We don't have any proof it was planted and your test doesn't mean it didn't happen, I mean I have Larry and now another Wrestler.." [B]Me:[/B] "Who is probably also one of Ole's damn friends, this is BS and you know it Jim!!! I was wrongfully fired and it better get rightfully fixed or I will own your ass and everyone elses there!!!" With that I slam down the phone........Inside of 2 hours it is ringing again....This time it is a sultry womens voice with that slight twang I have grown to love, ah it is amazing how the soft accent of a Southern Belle can make the worlds injustices seem a little less, well, a little less unjust. [B]Belle:[/B] "Sir, Mr. Turner has requested you drive down to the offices...before 5 today.....He looks forward to seeing you then." (The phone then goes dead) WTF??? No, does that work for you? Or maybe, can we send a Car? Suddenly that voice belongs less to a Belle and more to another B word! I arrive at the GCW offices at 4:45, I am escorted by two security guards to Jim Barnett's offices. He is not there and neither is Ole, in fact I am alone........with Ted Turner. [B]Ted:[/B] "Listen Mr. Lee, I know we have a minor misunderstanding here.." [B]Me:[/B] "Minor?" (A raised hand from Turner and the hand of a security guard on my Shoulder insure I do not finish the sentance) [B]Ted:[/B] "I am sorry for what has happened, and while I agree the circumstances are now a bit muddled to say the least, I do not feel it is a good idea to reinstate you employment here. Now first, let me say that I have taken care of your Hospital bills and reprimanded Ole." [B]Me:[/B] "Reprimanded?" (Another raised hand) [B]Ted:[/B] "That is not your concern, only mine. Another concern of mine is that, as you are not employed at the moment, you have some "get by" money. (Turner reaches under the desk and hands me a satchel) A rather generous severance package for your trouble...I also understand you are from Salt Lake City." [B]Me:[/B] "Yes Sir...." [B]Ted:[/B] "Good, you are probably home sick (He hands me an envelope) first class ticket to Salt Lake, you can probably still catch some ski time." Before I can even speak he thrusts some papers in front of me. [B]Ted:[/B] "I will just need this signed to indicate you are accepting this severance and hold GCW, Turner enterprises, etc etc harmless of any and all obligations future forward" [B]Me:[/B] "With all due respect are you kidding me...and this is only for $30,000.00 Dollars." [B]Ted:[/B] "A tidy sum for your service time here, don't you think?" [B]Me:[/B] "No, no I don't..." (That damn hand again, plus the security guard again touching me way too much) Turner waives the guards away and asks them to shut the door. [B]Ted:[/B] "Listen, whatever the hell happened I don't care....I only care that I should now be getting ready for dinner and instead I am here, cleaning the asses of grown men who can not get along and do god knows what in their free time. Let me put it this way. Sign this damn paper, take your cash and go start life anew somewhere. I deal with things that are truly improtant day after day and this.....you, are not! You can take this, use it to prop yourself up while you find a new career and forget Georgia Championship Wrestling was ever part of your life. Or....you can play noble, drag me to court and watch this play out over the next 5-6 years while attornies you could never afford make sure it never see's the inside of a courtroom. At least until you are broke, demoralized and representing yourself cause you can't afford to pay anyone else to do it.....Do you really think you will win in that situation? It is you word against Ole's, no hard evidence, no clear facts, just two stubborn sonsabitches that hate each other. In a way that has now put my businesses in peril, hell I may even counter sue!!! Now what do ya say?" I am already scanning the settlement before he finishes talking....The on point I am looking for is nowhere to be found. This is only to protect Tutner and everything associated with Turner. It is merely a clean seperation. No restrictions on where I go of what I do...as long as it does not involve him or my former position with GCW........Perfect! [B]Me:[/B] "Mr. Turner, I will take you up on your generous offer (as I sign the paperwork) and your advice to start anew." As I rise, take my money and turn to leave [B]Me:[/B] "Yes I will definitely start something new" Whispering as I open the door "my own wrestling company" [B]Ted:[/B] "What was that? [B]Me:[/B] "I said thanks for your company" The Door slams on one dream and opens on another.....one that I hope will someday bite both Ted and Ole on their collective asses!
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Birth of MSCW Taking my 30 thousand Dollars I head back west, determined to make Ole and GCW pay for this railroading. I am on the phone non-stop for 3 days, securing permits, contacting local promoters and calling Wrestlers. I am in a rush to get this thing up and running if for no other reason than to show that prick Ole that he has only helped me with his underhanded debauchery. I also hear from several GCW Wrestlers, who express a mixture of shock and outrage at my firing.....It is no secret that Ole is not popular with everyone on the roster as he plays favorites and has that minor issue with his disposition. As I work away trying to get set for an April release the phone rings... [B]Me[/B]: Hello [B]Wrestling II[/B]: Hey kid, how are swimming? [B]Me[/B]: Hey Johnny, great to hear from you! (Johnny Walker AKA Wrestling II was always one of my favorites, a true professional and a total class act.) [B]Wrestling II[/B]: Tell you what, I truly can't believe all that I am hearing from Ole, give me the scoop kid, you aren't dirty are you? We have a long talk and I explained the meeting with Jim and Ole and my subsequent efforts to vindicate myself, which fell on two very deaf Ears attached to Ted Turners head. Walker is pissed and wants to slap Ole 6 ways to Sunday, but I offer him an alternative plan. [B]Me:[/B] If you want to get a dig in at Ole, I think the best way to do it is a stint with Mountain States Championship Wrestling. [B]Wrestling II[/B]: I never heard of 'em?? [B]Me[/B]: Thats because I haven't launched it yet...But I would love to have you join the roster when we get off the ground next week... [B]Wrestling II[/B]: The boy wonder in business for himself.....It would be a pleasure!! I go on to explain that we will only be running 2 shows a month to start, and if we get a TV deal I will cut it to one to save some money for production costs. We have an agreement before the call ends. Two of my favorite jobbers from Georgia, the Mulkey brothers sign on next. As word gets out unemployed and disenfranchised wrestlers join the fold. One of the biggest signings in my mind is The Sensational Destroyer. With him in the fold I now have a big time masked heel in the fold and I can run him in a feud with II, similar to the run he was enjoying against The Spoiler at the time of my dismissal.
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MSCW - April 1983 [SIZE=4][FONT=Georgia][B]Beginning Overview-Mountain States Championship Wrestling -1983[/B][/FONT][/SIZE]

[B]Current Roster[/B]
[B]Main Event[/B]
[B]Face[/B]			[B]Heel[/B]
Mr. Wrestling 2		Dino Bravo
Jimmy Valiant		Sensational Destroyer
Eddie Gilbert

[B]Upper Mid-Card[/B]
[B]Face[/B]			[B]Heel[/B]
Bobby Fulton		Great Kabuki
Atsushi Onita		Bad News Brown
Davey Boy Smith

[B]Face[/B]			[B]Heel[/B]
Tracy Smothers	                     Tony Anthony
Sean O'Reilly	                     Brickhouse Brown
Terry Daniels                                    Tommy Lane 
		                     Ali Bey
[B]Lower Mid-Card[/B]
[B]Face[/B]			[B]Heel[/B]
Rocky Stone		John Tatum
Shane Douglas		Maniac Mike Shaw

Bill and Randy Mulkey (Faces)
Steve Lombardi (Heel)

[B]Booking Team[/B]	             [B]Road Agents[/B]                        
Anthony Lee	             Don Fargo
Wrestling II	             Boris Malenko		
Don Fargo		

[B]Managers[/B]		[B]Announcers[/B]	           [B]Referees[/B]
JJ Dillon		                     Gary Cappetta	           Dave Hebner
Lanny Poffo		Boris Malenko
[B]Popularity[/B] Southwest: D Northwest and Mid South: F All other regions are F- [B]Annual Finance Report[/B] Balance $35,000.00 Profit/Loss N/A Not quite as strong of a crew as I had in Georgia and I will need II and the Destroyer to carry the promotion from the jump. I was also able to get working relationships with the AWA, PNW and PCCW. There is also open hostility between MSCW and GCW, a real shocker there. I will use my inroads with the AWA to bring in some talent and give my guys a rub as early as possible as we will be struggling to stay afloat....it will be a gamble, but I have to take it. The hot feud off the bat will be Wrestling II and The Destroyer. I will also look to do something with Valiant, Gilbert and Dino Bravo.
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[CENTER][SIZE=5][B][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=#000080]Mountain States Championship Wrestling[/COLOR] [/FONT][/B][/SIZE][/CENTER]
[CENTER][B][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=#000080]Evolution '83 - Sunday April 17th, 1983 - Riviera Hotel and Casino - Las Vegas, NV[/COLOR][/FONT][/B][/CENTER]
[SIZE=2][B]Brickhouse Brown vs Bill Mulkey[/B] Brown lays a good old fashion beatdown on Mulkey, before quickly submitting him with a Camel clutch in 4:53. [B]Rating: F+[/B] [B]Gary Michael Cappetta[/B] is at the podium. "Folks just a reminder that we will be seeing Dino Bravo and Jimmy Valiant squaring off today for the vacant MSCW Heavyweight Championship, this is going to set the bells on the slot machines a ringing folks, you won't want to miss it!!" Polite applause is heard, which is a better response than his lame gambling reference got. [B]Rating: E [/B] [B]Tracy Smothers vs Steve Lombardi[/B] The crowd was really against Smothers, who was not at his best in this one. Decent back and forth action with Tracy pulling a miracle finish out, nailing Lombardi with a Southern kick to get the pin in 6:38. Both men leave the arena to chants of "Don't come back!" Brutal! [B]Rating: F+[/B] [B]I approach the ring[/B] and prepare to deliver the first surprise of the MSCW era. "Ladies and Gentlemen, in this sport you will travel down many roads and meet many faces. Many of which will fade away and be forgotten. But in introducing this next man I promise you, he will neither fade away or be forgotten.........Please welcome to MSCW......[B]Mr. Wrestling II!!!![/B] II comes out to the first real pop of the night, not on the level of a Georgia pop, but decent just the same. Shaking hands and exchanging small talk as he makes his way to the Ring, II soon has the crowd in the palm of his hand. [B]Rating: D[/B] [B]Terry Daniels vs John Tatum[/B] These two fairly blow what heat had just been generated in a sloppy match that sees Daniels control most of the action, putting a merciful end to the affair in 7:53 by rolling Tatum up with a sunset flip. [B]Rating: F[/B] [B]Tony Anthony[/B] is on his way to the the ring for hios match and takes umbarage with Daniels malingering to play to the crowd. Grabbing the stick Anthony cuts loose. " Daniels, you sorry excuse for an athlete, I've seen better physiques on a trash dumpster, and trust me. If the Dirty White Boy knows about anything...it's trash!!" Anthony seems puzzled as the crowd tears into him with chants of "You live in a trailer" furious Anthony tells the crowd to shut up, and then advises them to fix their there Eyes on a real physique as he strikes a double bicep pose. "There is a lot more of where this came from and in fact, we can go head to head Daniels.....in a pose down, loser licks the others boots!!!!" [B]Rating: E+[/B] [B]Daniels[/B] heads to the announcing area and pics up a Mic. "Boy, I'm 25 pushups away from making you look like Ric Ocasek!!! I accept and I will even give you until next month to put a little meat on those bones!!" [B]Rating: E[/B] [B]Tony Anthony vs Shane Douglas[/B] Anthony is Furious and takes it out on a young Shane Douglas. Blasting him from post to post with the help of manager Lanny Poffo, who grabs Douglas' feet as he prepares to slam Anthony, giving his charge the win in 6:44. [B]Rating: E[/B] [B]Dino Bravo[/B] is standing with the Great Malenko. "I tell you eh Boris, tonight, I'm going to be knocking Valiant all aboot the ring eh! The belt will reside on the waist of the Canada's greatest athlete and the world strongest man. Valiant!! Bonne nuit ma chérie!! [B]Malenko: "[/B]Kiss me Sweetheart???" [B]Rating: D-[/B] [B]Mr. Wrestling II vs Mike Shaw[/B] The Maniac stay in the match with dirty tricks and cowardice, but II will not be denied in his MSCW debut, hoping over a back drop attempt, II drives the Million Dollar Knee lift home to snatch the win in 9:05. [B]Rating: D-[/B] [B]Jimmy Valiant[/B] takes the stage shucking and jiving to the strains of Boogie Woogie bugle boy. "Bravo...The Boogie....Woogie.......Man!!! Is here to say and here to stay baby, I'm a simple man.....That's what I am baby and I don't care if you said you missed me or you wanted to kiss me, just please don't dismiss me....When I take the MSCW Heavyweight Title tonight....and boogie on home with it!" A few in the crowd shake it with the boogie woogie man, though other actually seem frightened by the wild one. [B]Rating: E+[/B] [B]The Sensational Destroyer vs Sean O'Reilly[/B] A stiff match that sees the Destroyer pull up O'Reilly on several occasions before almost losing on a roll up. Angered, the intellectual one stomps a mudhole in O'Reilly and pins him in 9:50 with his feet on the ropes. [B]Rating: D-[/B] [B]The Destroyer[/B] then celebrates in the ring be pulling out a copy of Charles Darwins "Ascent of Man" from the timekeepers table and reading a passage to the crowd. [B]Rating: C+[/B] [B]The Sensational Destroyer[/B] becomes livid at the crowds booing. "This is why you should cease your vociferous bantering and pay attention cretins!! It is then and only then that you would realize, that like primates...You, are all stuck in the first chapter of this book!" Someone throws a shoe, but the Destroyer evades it. "I would expect someone of your intelligence to throw your only shoe and be stuck barefoot....How do I know it is your only shoe? Because you thought a 'pair' of shoes was fruit and ate the other one!!!" Two people get in a fight because one laughs and the other doesn't get it. His work done the Destroyer struts to the back. [B]Rating: C+[/B] [B]Eddie Gilbert and Davey Boy Smith vs Bad News Brown and Great Kabuki[/B] A wild brawl that shows very little in technical expertise and the crowd seems lost in the chaos. The end comes in 11:37 when Great Kabuki is disqualified for spitting his vile green mist in the face of Eddie Gilbert and getting caught. [B]Rating: E[/B] A video plays hyping [B]Dino Bravo vs. Jimmy Valiant[/B] for the MSCW HW Title as the two prepare to come to the ring. [B]Rating: E[/B] [B]Dino Bravo vs Jimmy Valiant - MSCW Heavyweight Title[/B] Valiant is at a disadvantage from the get go as JJ Dillon, ruler of the MSCA Foreign Legion (Bravo, Kabuki and Ali Bey) is constantly disrupting the action. Just as it seems the Boogie Woogie man will stage a comeback, Dillon takes a queue from the fan in socks and clocks Valiant with his loaded Penny loafer, allowing Bravo to submit him with a Bearhug in 15:58. [B]Dino Bravo wins the MSCW Heavyweight Title title.[/B] [B]Rating: E[/B] [B]Overall E- Attendance 1,000 (Sell out)[/B] The only good thing about this card is not having to hear Ole's cracks after it is over. I knew it would be tough with a new promotion in a new area but this was beyond what I thought. We are going to be barely scraping by for quite some time. With negotiations coming up in less than 2 weeks we need a TV deal bad. One high spot was the heat generated by the Sensational Destroyer.....he was in rare form cutting up the crowd. The feud with he and II will carry this promotion once it gets rolling. [/SIZE]
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[CENTER][B][COLOR=#ffffff][FONT=Engravers MT][SIZE=7][SIZE=6]MSCW Wrestle rag[/SIZE] [/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][/B][/CENTER]
[B]MSCW News[/B] After their opening show in Las Vegas Jimmy Valiant argued with a fan and had to be restrained in the parking lot. He was apparently censured by MCSW officers, though it is not believed any punishment was given. Valiant acknowledged he was wrong and apologized. Speaking of their opening show, the reviews were not at all good for this fledgling promotion as the the crowd was dead throughout....Word for the bookerman...you ain't in Georgia anymore Dorothy!! It is said that the MSCW locker room has an extremely positive attitude as the new promotion looks to grow. Jimmy Valiant has been known to have a little attitude here and there and it is said that rookie Shane Douglas is an absolute poison. In addition Bad News Brown and Onita were known to be involved in friction from time to time. Leaders mentioned were Wrestling II, Kabuki and Mike Shaw. Wrestling II is an especially positive force, who is respected by all. Injuries: None [B]Around the World[/B] Unemployed youngster Larry Cameron will likely stay that was after begin caught at a New York club with Steroids. He was apparently looking to catch on with the WWF, but it is doubtful there will be any interest in him now....unless his steroids are of good quality...wink! Central States Wrestling hits May on the upswing as they have now reached cult status in the Wrestling World, rivaling the big boys. Manny Fernandez was gracious enough to take credit for this. Larry Zybysko has been rehired by GCW, appraently after head booker Ole Anderson pulled some strings, or maybe something else???
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[CENTER][SIZE=5][B][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=#000080]Mountain States Championship Wrestling[/COLOR] [/FONT][/B][/SIZE][/CENTER]
[CENTER][B][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=#000080]MSCW Road Wars - Monday May 2nd, 1983 - Santa Barbara Theater - Santa Barbara, CA[/COLOR][/FONT][/B][/CENTER]
[B]Gary Michael Cappetta [/B]welcomes the crowd to Road Wars. "Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen, tonight you become the second crowd to witness the revolution that is Mountain States Championship Wrestling, and one of the legends you will be seeing tonight is Mr. Wrestling II!!" The crowd pops, this is a much more savvy group than the Vegas crowd and the energy is easily at another level. [B]Rating: C-[/B] [B]Boris Malenko[/B]: "And don't forget, we have an exciting tag match tonight featuring the sissy boy Hot Stuff Eddie Gilbert and Limey Boy Smith vs. Dino Bravo and Bad News Brown, two of the great ones favorites!!" [B]Cappetta[/B]: "Spoken with true impartiality." [B]Malenko[/B]: "As always my youthful stooge" [B]Rating: E[/B] [B]The Dirty White Boys vs The Mulkey's[/B] DWB is ruthless swarming the outclassed JTTS' and capturing the win in 4:40 when Tony Anthony defeated Randy Mulkey by pinfall with a brutal Piledriver. [B]Rating: E[/B] (good chemistry by the DWB) A music video is shown to promote the upcoming pose down between [B]Terry Daniels and Tony Anthony.[/B] [B]Rating: E-[/B] A second video is shown to promote the training habits of [B]Terry Daniels[/B]; roadwork, mat work, cardiovascular and weight training all make up the intensive program. [B]Tony Anthony[/B] just watches, shakes his head, then flexes and spits at some fans that give him the business. [B]Rating: E+[/B] [B]Cappetta[/B]: "Well folks, as mentioned we have a special treat tonight. A one time appearance by one of the true greats. I could go on and on about this man, but how about we give you some video as he arrives in the parking lot?" The board lights up and there in the parking lot, from the AWA......[B]Baron Von Raschke!!!! [/B]The crowds cheers soon turn to cries of alarm as a hulking figure appears behind Von Raschke. Then from out of nowhere he is attacked by.... [B]Capetta:[/B] "[B]Buzz Sawyer[/B]!!! What the heck, he doesn't wrestle for us or the AWA!!!!" [B]Malenko[/B]: (Laughing maniacally) "I believe the Mad Dog comes from Georgia Gary, how do you suppose he ended up here...ehhhh?" [B]Capetta[/B]: "The bigger question is, WHO SENT HIM?" The crowd watches stunned as Sawyer lays the boots to the Baron....As he finishes the hulking figure now emerges from out of the darkness....eyes wild, face adorned by a twisted smile. [B]Capetta[/B]: "[B]Abdullah the Butcher[/B]!!! This can't be safe." Capetta vaishes as Malenko continues to laugh as the screen goes black. [B]Rating: C-[/B] [B]The Sensational Destroyer[/B] [B]vs Tracy Smothers[/B] The Destroyer again defeats a MSCW young lion, countering Smothers rallies with every dirty trick in the book, finally ending it with a Figure Four Leglock in 7:31, holding the lock as long as possible for emphasis. [B]Rating: D- [/B] Having picked up yet another victory, [B]The Sensational Destroyer[/B] celebrates in the ring quoting Shakespeare to the less than receptive crowd. [B]Rating: C+[/B] [B]The Sensational Destroyer[/B] claims that he is so good that he cannot be defeated by anyone. "Whether in be in the ring, in the debate halls of Cambridge or over a game of Chess. Intellect, when coupled with physical prowess equals dominance and that is a fact!! I would like to honor my fellow Wrestlers in the MSCW, by offering a challenge. Show me any wrestler that can beat me in a match, be it brains or brawn and I will show you the definition of impossible....To be or not to be, that question has only one answer." [B]Rating: B- [/B](The Destroyer has serious heat, our first B segment) [B]Bobby Fulton[/B] comes out and says that he will take the open challenge that [B]The Sensational Destroyer[/B] issued. "You may be smart and big, but ya have the mask for a reason, I beat you, you show the world that yer nothing but an ugly cur!!" [B]Destroyer[/B]: "A successful parlay, for your demise!" [B]Rating: D+[/B] [B]Mr. Wrestling II vs Ali Bey[/B] Bey is frustrated through out the match and generates little outside of Eye gouges and hidden chokes, Wrestling II goes ballistic after an attempted groin kick and wins in 6:54 by pinfall with his patented Million Dollar Knee Lift. [B]Rating: D-[/B] The cameras catch [B]Jimmy Valiant and Eddie Gilbert[/B] backstage discussing the upcoming tag match. Valiant can be heard to say that Gilbert has boogie rythm and can't be denied.....An odd friendship to say the least [B]Rating: E[/B] [B]Dino Bravo and Bad News Brown[/B] stop on their way to the ring to chat with Malenko. [B]Bravo[/B]: "Gilbert, Smith, two young punks, for you..Je battrai vous aime un chien" [B]Brown[/B]: That means sombodies gettin their ass kicked...Ghetto style!! [B]Rating: E[/B] [B]Eddie Gilbert & Davey Boy Smith vs Dino Bravo & Bad News Brown[/B] The heels overpower the youngsters, battering them, yet Smith and Gilbert hang tough avoiding several close falls. At 11:47 Brown goes for the Ghetto Blaster and Eddie Gilbert counters catching his leg, spinning him and scoring the pin with a backslide. Bravo is furious at Brown! [B]Rating: E+[/B] [B]Baron Von Raschke[/B] comes to the ring, head bandaged and still a little unsteady. "Sawyer, vat did you tink...dat the Baron would just crawl avay? Sawyer.....The Baron is shall not be beaten...by a slimy dog (Von Raschke raises the claw) and dat is all da people need to know!" [B]Rating: D-[/B] [B]Buzz Sawyer[/B] comes out literally foaming. "Baron arrrhhhhh, Claw master....eeeeeee, Bald heads bleed better, blood arrrhhhhhh, blood feeds dogs, sharks see red....CLAW" With that Sawyer charges the ring and we have a match!! [B]Rating: E+[/B] [B]Baron Von Raschke vs Buzz Sawyer[/B] The Baron is in bad shape and takes a beatdown. Sawyer, foams, sneers and growls at the crowd as out of desperation the Baron lands the claw!!! Sawyer is on the verge of being out, when Abdullah appears and attacks Von Raschke with a fork, busting him open again. Sawyer is DQ'd and the Baron gets the win in 11:22 [B]Rating: D+[/B] [B]Baron Von Raschke[/B] lies prone in the ring as Abdullah and Sawyer continue the attack, beating Von Raschke senseless. Several fans appear poised to jump the rail, but literally freeze in fear as Sawyer charges them. The locker room empties as the villians leave through the service entrance. [B]Rating: D[/B] [B]Overall Rating: D - Attendance 930[/B] Not a bad show, I was extremely pleased with the Destroyers ability to draw heat. When he and II finally hook up it will be electric. I roll the dice and make deals with the AWA and PNW (Sawyer works there too and it allows me to circumvent Georgia, though his connection to GWA is certainly helpful) I needed a boost tonight and the loan workers give it to me. I get Sawyer and Baron for two more shows and Abdullah is here for 3 months, his usual stint. I am not happy with Valiant and Bravo. Hell these guys are on top and they are not going to be staying there long if they don't start drawing some better resoect from the fans. Overall I am happy as we got better.
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TV Time I get offers from the NW regional I network and one from SW regional II. The Northwest network serves both the Northwest and Southwest, while SW II is Southwest only. I go for NW I first and after 3 rounds we agree on a late night, one hour slot on Friday to be called MSCW - Heros of the Ring. I am ecstatic, though we will not get alot of exposure it will get us out to two areas on a weekly basis and should help the the monthly event attendance. In order to run the TV Tapings I will also cut back the schedule to a single medium monthly event. No more Road Warriors tour on the 1st Monday of the Month. It will now just be TV and our signature Monthly shows. I also enter a request for closed circuit PPV, a novel idea that nobody has tried yet, it would be like duplicating a live event so I am told. I break the news to the locker room and the reaction is good. We have very good backstage chemisty right now and this can only enhance it.
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[CENTER][B][COLOR=#ffffff][FONT=Engravers MT][SIZE=6]MSCW Wrestle rag[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][/B][/CENTER]
[B]MSCW News[/B] Word is MSCW has hired a popular wrestler from the south, you can bet if it turns out to be a worker from GCW there will be hell to pay. Rumors circulating at press time tag [B]The Spoiler, Tommy Rich, Terry Taylor, Ted Dibiase and Ronnie Garvin[/B] as possibilities. [B]Terry Daniels[/B] was on the radio and revealed his first match in a new promotion is always his favorite, which hopefully doesn't mean it is all down hill after. It has been alleged that [B]Baron Von Raschke[/B] - on a talent trade deal from AWA was upset at his workload at the last MSCW show, forcing some changes that did not make management happy with der legend. [B]Around the World[/B] [B]HCW Owner Paul Boesch[/B] has retired. A respected man, he nonoe the less leaves the promotion in flux. There is much speculation as to who can/will take his place. [B]CWA [/B]is struggling financially it would appear as they have fired the following workers. Robert Gibson Sabu the Wildman Bobby Eaton Phil Hickerson Koko B ware King Cobra Terry Taylor [B]TV Troubles[/B] [B]ICW[/B] (International Championship Wrestling and [B]WWA[/B] (Wrold Wrestling Association) were both axed for ratings from their respective channels. ICW was with WTVQ TV, while WWA was previsously seen on Local Great Lakes Station 3. [B]Ric Flair[/B] was voted in a readers poll as the best Wrestler in the world, the Nature Boy truly is stylin' and profilin'.
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Calling all promoters - What would you do? It is pretty obvious at this point and from my last show (which I haven't posted yet) that Jimmy Valiant is not contributing to the program as I think he should be. The bad part is he is tied up in a long term angle that also includes several other wrestlers in small to moderate roles. With my promotion already strapped for cash due to the talent trades and some of the guys I have in full time, I need to make a choice. 1-Continue the Storyline and hope it gains steam 2-Evolve it to something more simple and short term 3-Scrap it completely and use Valiant to put over up and comers. 4-Same as 3, but release Valiant as well since he is just not getting over. There is no doubt that the Wrestling II / Destroyer storyline, which just started to ramp up on the show I haven't posted yet is the hottest thing going in MSCW. At 51 years old, Destroyer is still a heat Machine and as an occasional Wrestler our schedule is perfect for him. Wrestling II will always get over, so this is a good pairing (Plus I have a twist in store for II coming up) so this part is a no brainer. Help a Booker out here :)
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[CENTER][SIZE=5][B][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=#000080]Mountain States Championship Wrestling[/COLOR] [/FONT][/B][/SIZE][/CENTER]
[CENTER][B][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=#000080]MSCW Road Wars - Sunday May 15th, 1983 - Phoenix Travel Lodge Theater - Phoenix, AZ[/COLOR][/FONT][/B][/CENTER]
[/LEFT] [FONT=Arial][B]Brickhouse Brown vs Shane Douglas[/B] [/FONT] [FONT=Arial]Brown stretches the rules at every opportunity against the rookie, finally securing the Camel clutch after a low blow to win in 5:58 by submission.[/FONT] [FONT=Arial][B]Rating: F+[/B][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][B]Rating: E-[/FONT] [FONT=Arial][B]Rating: E
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