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I can't seem to get this right, but I am relatively new to trying out the default data. Their product settings rate performance more than popularity, TCW have good performers yet I can't seem to put on enough matches above the 60's, before the main event - which keeps bringing down my overall show rating and hence reducing my pop.


Any tips on how to book them well or is it advisable being new to trying the data, to first of all try to run a smaller fed?


Thank you very much.

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The dirt sheet is your friend lolz. Also remember that eventhough they are performance heavy pop always factors into things. The small questions thread and the official tip thread here and in 08 are also great resources. Also try searching for threads that start with TCW if possible there will probably be some dedicated ones around.


In general this game has a steep learning curve but by reading a lot and by practising a lot you can quickly get the hang of it. If I had more time I could go a bit more step by step. But this is a rich game and has plenty of facets.


Good luck and enjoy.

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What kind of matches are you booking to get those 60s? I try to limt the number of matches on each card where a midcarder is going to be the "top guy". I maybe have one match like that - the rest are using upper midcarders or main eventers as the top guy. With the guys that TCW have who are capable of the mic, you can get pretty strong angles as well - I put the match-angle ratio to 80% to take a bit better advantage of it. Strong angles will help the show grade, but also help build overness and keep storylines hot.
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What kind of matches are you booking to get those 60s? I try to limt the number of matches on each card where a midcarder is going to be the "top guy". I maybe have one match like that - the rest are using upper midcarders or main eventers as the top guy. With the guys that TCW have who are capable of the mic, you can get pretty strong angles as well - I put the match-angle ratio to 80% to take a bit better advantage of it. Strong angles will help the show grade, but also help build overness and keep storylines hot.



Yes, I have the match - angle ratio adjusted to 80% like you. I do book matches on the card involving lower guys to try and build them up abit, as well as booking quite alot of matches. I think the problem might lie with what you alluded to - booking too many matches and not enough angles.


I will try booking less matches and most of the matches I do book with midcarders upwards. Also incorporate some more angles and see how it goes.


Thanks for the advice.

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I was going to make a lengthy post on how I book... then I figured a cheap plug of my TCW diary would work just as well. If you want to see how I book - and typically get B+ or A show grades - take a look. In terms of match booking, I use minimal Road Agent Notes.
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