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WWE 2010: The NXT Great Revolution

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I have never really followed a diary before....They are good but this one has just drawn me in because well i would love to see how you play it out. You have a follower ;)


John Cena, Randy Orton and Evan Bourne vs. Edge, Sheamus and Chris Jericho


No contest: I see the next guys coming in and destroying everyone and basicly this match going to a no finish


The Miz vs. John Morrison

As much as i hate the guy some times i think the miz is the man to run with right now.


The Hart Dynasty vs. Goldust and Yoshi Tatsu

No question here. The harts to look strong.

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John Cena, Randy Orton and Evan Bourne vs. Edge, Sheamus and Chris Jericho

NXT rookies run-in, "Sports Entertainment" finish


The Miz vs. John Morrison



The Hart Dynasty vs. Goldust and Yoshi Tatsu

As Awesome as Tatsu is I don't see it happening.

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WWE Raw Results (June 14, 2010)


All Will Be Revealed...: Raw definitely started out with a bang as WWE Champion John Cena made his way to the ring to address the shocking situation last week with the NXT Season One Rookies. Cena firstly announced that he is hurt, but not hurt enough that he won't leave Fatal 4 Way as WWE Champion. However he then moved onto the NXT situation, he called the gang a bunch of cowards and that if they were real men they'd at least attempt to face him rather than simply jump him. Suddenly from both sides of the isles came in the NXT group who entered the ring after Cena waved off security. After a brief stare down, Cena straight up asked Wade Barrett and his entire crew the question everyone has been asking "Why". Barrett began to chuckle, as his fellow NXT'ers also had visible smiles on their faces. Barrett would announce that if Cena and the fans wanted answers, they would get them later tonight. As sudden as their arrival, the NXT crew would then leave through the crowd.


The Plot Thickens: As Cena looked on as the NXT group hits, out came Sheamus who got in Cena's face about never beating him for the WWE Title and never beating him in general and that he would once again become WWE Champion. This prompted Edge to hit the ring, who immediately says that he's still the Rated R Superstar and he always has something up his sleeve and it's called the Spear and on Sunday it will once again put hi on the top of the WWE ladder and send Cena, Sheamus and especially Randy Orton plummeting down it. This leads to Randy Orton coming out. Orton slid into the ring and after a brief stare down with all 3 competitors, he out of nowhere nailed Edge with an RKO. Suddenly a huge brawl would break out with all 4 men. Sheamus would go after Cena and then turn his attention on Orton. After some team work by Cena and Orton on Sheamus, the 2 most popular stars in the WWE stared each other down and the fists were then thrown. But then out of nowhere, came Edge with a vicious chair shot to Orton's injured shoulder. As Cena was about to react, Sheamus nailed Cena with his vicious pump kick. Edge then began to wail on Orton's injured shoulder with the chair, ripping his sling off and several times wrapping the chair around Orton's shoulder as Shemaus put the boots to Cena. As Edge and Sheamus stopped, the 2 smiled at each other, impressed at each others work, this would promptly change as Edge nailed Sheamus with a chair shot. Edge then posed over his 3 fallen opponents as EMT's would quickly storm the ring to check on Randy Orton.


The Miz defeated John Morrison: The former Double Champion would win this battle of the Dirt Sheet, but not by the most honest means. With Morrison doing an excellent job on his former partner, The Miz would turn the tables on Morrison with a low blow, which would quickly lead to a Skull Crushing Finale. Following the match, The Miz formally challenged the man he claims to have stolen his title R-Truth at Fatal 4 Way and proclaimed that there he would once again prove that he's the Miz and he's AWESOME (done to the tune of What's Up).


Girl Fight: Backstage at the guest host Mark Feuerstein's office, in already is Maryse who is apparently trying to talk her way into a role on "Royal Pains" when in walks in Eve who tells Mark she's a big fan. Maryse immediately gets in her face and speaks of how she won the battle royal last week featuring all the Divas and how she can beat her at anytime. After further bickering Feuerstein announces he spoke with Raw GM Bret Hart and because Bret is in Toronto scouting new talent for Raw, he wanted to through him announce that at Fatal 4 Way, we would see a Fatal 4 Way match for the Divas Title as it would be Eve defending against Alicia Fox, Gail Kim and Maryse, but tonight we'd see Maryse and Alicia take on Eve and Gail.


Vladimir Kozlov defeated William Regal by DQ: The Moscow Mauler would take on his former associate in William Regal and had the match entirely in hand until Regal blasted the big Russian in the face with a pair of brass knuckles. Regal continued his attack as he was promptly disqualified. Then from the back ran down Santino Marella who would quickly nail Regal with his feared new maneuver The Cobra. As Regal retreated, Santino helped up Kozlov. A seemingly angry Kozlov then extended his hand to Santino who quickly shook it and then celebrated as he had won the lottery.


Taken Out: Josh Matthews cuts into the Kozlov/Marella post match celebration to announce breaking news that Randy Orton had suffered a fracture of the shoulder and as a result of this would be OUT of Fatal 4 Way and tonight's main event.


Eve and Gail Kim defeated Maryse and Alicia Fox: The four competing Divas at Fatal 4 Way would be partners tonight and once again the red hot Eve would bring her team a victory with a quick facebuster on Alicia.


He Deserves Respect: Chris Jericho with Josh Matthews voiced his very set opinions about why he wasn't in the Fatal 4 Way main event and isn't being treated like the Icon he is since returning on Raw. In walks Evan Bourne who says he hasn't gotten any respect because he hasn't earned any. Jericho then runs down his record to Bourne and wonders how Bourne could even talk to Jericho like that. Bourne then announces because he'll be beating Jericho tonight.


Million Dollar Challenge..: Ted Dibase and Virgil would bring back something very reminiscent of his father, challenging anybody from the audience to come into the ring and do 20 push ups in one minute. A young man who come in begin to do them and as he reached 19 and about to hit 20 with 10 seconds left, Virgil would would trip the fan's foot, causing them to slip. Dibase mocked the fan, who looked somewhat sad. Dibase laughed it off but suddenly from the back came Mark Henry to confront Dibase. Henry claimed Dibase had no right to do that to fans and how money can't buy class. Dibase countered with it can buy dominance, which led to Virgil nailing Henry with the Million Dollar Belt. But Henry didn't flinch, which quickly caused Dibase and Virgil to bail out of the ring as Henry raised the hand of the fan.


The Hart Dynasty defeated Goldust and Yoshi Tatsu: The Unified Tag Champs again showed off their dominance by quickly dispatching the duo of Tatsu and Goldust with a Hart Attack. However again from the back ran down the Usos and Tamina to attack the Harts and Natayla. The Harts would clear the ring and then formally challenge the Usos to a 6 person tag match at Fatal 4 Way.


Rebound and Hype The SmackDown rebound focused on both the World Title situation and what happened with the second NXT attack. They then went down the line up for this Sunday's Fatal 4 Way PPV.


John Cena, Evan Bourne and The Big Show defeated Edge, Sheamus and Chris Jericho: It seemed as though this would very well be a handicapped match with Orton's injury at the hands of Edge but guest host Mark Feuerstein came out to announce he had found a replacement, in his co-star in this week's episode, The Big Show. In a very back and forth contest. It would come down to Cena and Show clearing the ring of Edge and Sheamus, who would eventually begin to fight each other and go back up the ramp, leaving Jericho by himself. Jericho charged at his former partner the Big Show, only to walk into the big knockout punch. Cena then raised Jericho and hit him with the Attitude Adjustment and then tagged in Evan Bourne who climbed up onto the Big Show's shoulder and nailed Air Boune for the victory.


It's All About Respect: As Cena, Bourne and Show celebrated, from behind the announcer's position ran in the NXT Group. They blindsided Cena, Show and Bourne wih chairs, quickly taking all thee down. In a vicious display of power, Sheffield gorilla pressed Bourne to the outside, where he bounced off the steel ramp walkway. The rookies then began to put the boots to Chris Jericho. The Rookies then took Cena, Show and Jericho each to the ropes and tied their arms up into the ropes so they couldn't move. The rookies guarded the 3 stars as Barrett and Slater exited the ring. Barrett would take a microphone as Slater seemingly served as watch on the outside of the ring. Barrett slid into the ring to address the WWE Universe. Barrett reiterated how everyone was wondering "Why" why did the NXT rookies do this why did they shock the world. Everyone was asking, the fans, superstars and especially them and points to Jerry Lawler and Michael Cole. Barrett and Slater then drag Cole and Lawler into the ring. Slater makes Cole and Lawler stand before Barrett, who then asks them why they think they did what they did. Barrett goes to Lawler first, who says because they all got eliminated maybe and how he's not sure. Barrett laughs along with all the NXTers. Barrett then stops and says wrong, which leads to Slater nailing Lawler in the back with a chair. Barrett then turns to a clearly nervous Cole. He then asks Cole if he knew, he referenced Cole's time on the show and how hard he was on them and then grabbed Cole by the throat, sending him down to his knees and shouted "WHY?" and put the mic to Cole's mouth and before he could even answer, Slater blasted Cole in the back with the chair, who upon impact rolls in pain to the outside. Barrett then said he'll tell everyone why. He claimed he knew how the WWE worked and that NXT and that the WWE was using them for ratings and that was it, they had no use for them, they would be chewed up and thrown out and if they were to stay they would be treated as meat to be thrown to men like Triple H, Jericho, Cena and others. He claimed these 7 men (himself included) were the most talented men he had ever seen and they would not take how the WWE treats people and take what's theirs. So all throughout NXT, all the hostilities, all the matches and challenges, they were all on the same page and that page was to be the men who would be the next logical step in the evolution of sports entertainment. They would take out all the WWE's stars and become the new standards. Barrett claimed this revolution is only just beginning and it will only get bigger and bigger and will soon take over the entire WWE and that it officially begins tonight...the NXT REVOLuTion has begun and that the first casualties were in this ring. This then leads to one by one, Jericho, Lawler, Show and Cena getting trashed with chair shots and the finishing manuevers of all 7 men, ending with Barrett spiking Cena with his finished on 2 open chairs. Barrett then takes the mic and holds the fallen head of Cena and says "John, I heard there's an opening at Fatal 4 Way....consider it filled". Barrett then kicks Cena in the ribs as the 7 NXTers embrace and raise hands as fans are in shock and begin to liter the ring as Raw comes to a close.


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WWE NXT Preview


This week on NXT, the competition kicks off as the rookies will be in official action and the new and improved rules of NXT will be revealed. This week our main event will see a special Fatal 4 Way match between the 4 winners of last week's introduction matches as the ever arrogant Alex Riley, the ultra intense Kaval, the gigantic maniac Eli Cottonwood, and the man susposedly brining Ruthless Aggression back to the WWE Michael McGillicutty will clash in a match with major repercussions to the competition.


We will also see 2 other NXT rookie bouts as the ever charasmatic Percy Watson takes on the youngster Lucky Cannon and in a battle of the big men as the former AFL player Titus O'Neil takes on the near 300 pounds Husky Harris. All this and more on this week's edition of NXT.


Confirmed Matches


Fatal Four Way: Kaval vs. Michael McGillicutty vs. Alex Riley vs. Eli Cottonwood


Percy Watson vs. Lucky Cannon


Husky Harris vs. Titus O'Neil

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Fatal Four Way: Kaval vs. Michael McGillicutty vs. Alex Riley vs. Eli Cottonwood

While i am a huge HUGE kaval fight i am going with riley on this one. I think he is the break out star right now. That is alot from me lol


Percy Watson vs. Lucky Cannon

Oercy watson is such a unique talent and i really hope he is pushed. He is a intresting guy.


Husky Harris vs. Titus O'Neil

I am going with harris on this one. I want to see the rightly named husky get the win.

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WWE NXT Results June 15, 2010


New Season: New Rules: Following a video res howing the end of last week's episode, Matt Striker brought out the Rookies and Pros and after a blurb about quelling a mutiny he announced the new rules for competition in NXT. He announced that up until the first pro's poll in 2 weeks, the Rookies will ONLY face the other rookies. After the pro's poll, the Rookies will begin to face both Rookies and Pros and even some "special opponents".


Lucky Cannon: Blue Chipper Defined: A brief video introduction on Lucky Cannon aired, documenting his standout sports career in his native Florida and his supposed "good luck". Cannon claimed his winning NXT would be from skill, not luck.


Husky Harris defeated Titus O'Neil: In a battle of two of the bigger members of the NXT roster, the near 300 pounds Husky Harris would pick up a victory over the former AFL star O'Neil after telegraphing an O'Neil leapfrog and nailing him with a big powerbomb and then nailing a spectacular Moonsault Press onto O'Neil. Following the match, Harris' pro Cody Rhodes raised Harris' hand half heartedly while Titus' pro Zack Ryder berated Titus, even shoving him, which set O'Neil off who then shoved Ryder outside the ring. Ryder looked shocked as the mild mannered O'Neil seemingly unleashed just a taste of another possibly dangerous side of him.


Eli Cottonwood: Just A Bit...Off: A brief video was shown introducing Eli Cottonwood. Eli didn't do much talking, rather his "doctor" did. It highlighted Cottonwood's former career playing basketball internationally, but then speaks of how he ended up in the Kellogg Sanitarium, how during his time playing in Lithuania he was giving a "mind altering substance" which threw his serotonin levels off permanently. The doctor claims Cottonwood has the potential to be the most gifted athlete in the WWE, but also the most vicious, and the video ends with a maniacal smile by Cottonwood.


Percy Watson defeated Lucky Cannon: It seemed as though luck wasn't with the man they call Lucky as the ever charismatic Percy Watson picked up a big victory, nailing Cannon with a float over DDT for the win. MVP applauded Watson, who soaked it in, rather too much possible. Mark Henry checked on a disgruntled Cannon, and seemingly gave him advice.


Recaps and Hype: The Raw Rebound played, documenting the ending of Raw yesterday with the NXT Season 1 Rookies laying out everyone again, the injury to Randy Orton and Wade Barrett's apparent involvement in the main event of Fatal 4 Way. Cole and Matthews hyped Fatal 4 Way, now referencing that Randy Orton was out and Wade Barrett was now in.


Kaval: Intensity Personified: Introduction video for Kaval. It documents Kaval's martial arts and mixed marital arts trainings along with his long independent record, wining titles all over the world and such. Kaval says unlike the last "internet darling", he plans to win NXT with no problem.


Kaval defeated Eli Cottonwood, Michael McGillicutty and Alex Riley in a Fatal 4 Way: The four winners of last week's debut matches would face off in a four way here which would definitely have an effect on the rest of the competition. The biggest competitor in NXT would be the first man eliminated via DQ as Eli Cottonwood was disqualified after refusing to let go of a chokehold on Kaval. As he exited the ring, Alex Riley mocked Cottonwood, which resulted in Eli nailing a vicious choke toss suplex. Being ever the vet or at least son of a veteran McGillicutty would instantly pounce on both the injured Kaval and Riley. Riley and McGillicutty took their turns double teaming Kaval. Riley signaled for his finisher, but out of nowhere McGillicutty would nail Riley in the gut with a boot and nailed him with a vertical suplex into a stunner he has called the McGillicutter for the second elimination. A PISSED Riley got in Mike's face who smirked before going back to work on Kaval. However Kaval would come back eventually, throwing the son of Mr Perfect off the top rope and nailing a vicious double stomp to the chest called The Warrior's Way for the win. Kaval's Pros Team LayCool hit the ring again celebrating as if they had won the match and yet again Kaval walked to the back by himself.


What Could This Mean?: Striker is standing by backstage as Kaval walks through the curtains. He asks Kaval what it's like to beat 3 of his fellow rookies. Kaval claims hurting people is his way, the way of the warrior and a way he'll make religion in the WWE. Suddenly, Striker is blindsided by a boot, the camera pans to see Season One Rookie Darren Young being responsible. Young and Kaval stare each other down before Young smirks and runs away as WWE security runs down the corridor. NXT ends with Kaval looking back at Young with Striker out cold on the floor.


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WWE SmackDown Preview


This week on SmackDown, we are less than 48 hours away from WWE Fatal 4 Way and the 4 competitors in the World Heavyweight title match will face off one last time before it is everyone for themselves in the big Fatal 4 Way match as all 4 men will face off in a very interesting tag team match as World Champ Jack Swagger teams with the man who has been chasing him for his title, The Big Show as they take on the leader of the Straight Edge Society, CM Punk as he teams with the man who shaved his head and resulted in him wearing a mask, Rey Mysterio. How will these 4 men coexist with those who they are feuding with?


Last week, we learned that Drew McIntyre would indeed get his rematch against Intercontinental Champion Kofi Kingston via a letter by Mr. McMahon. However Teddy Long refused to cater to McIntyre and vetoed McIntyre's shot, which was promptly countered by McIntyre that if Long vetoed it he would have to face McIntyre or be fired. Long, at the urging of Kofi, did not back down and will face McIntyre with Drew's shot on the line. Will the SmackDown GM do the impossible or will "The Chosen One" have an express track to a IC Title shot.


Christian felt the wrath of Vicky Guerrero last week as her new "associate" Dolph Ziggler and the duo of Curt Hawkins and Vance Archer took "Captain Charisma" apart. However this week, the odds will be even when, in 6 man action we will see Ziggler, Hawkins and Archer take on the team of Christian, JTG and a mystery partner.


We'll also see a Divas contest as Kelly Kelly takes on one half of the "co" WWE Womens Champions in Michele McCool.


All this and more on this week's edition of SmackDown!


Confirmed Matches


Jack Swagger & The Big Show vs. CM Punk & Rey Mysterio


Drew McIntyre vs. Teddy Long


Dolph Ziggler, Vance Archer & Curt Hawkins vs. Christian, JTG & Mystery Partner


Kelly Kelly vs. Michele McCool

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Jack Swagger & The Big Show vs. CM Punk & Rey Mysterio


Drew McIntyre vs. Teddy Long


Dolph Ziggler, Vance Archer & Curt Hawkins vs. Christian, JTG & Mystery Partner


Kelly Kelly vs. Michele McCool

I love Kelly Kelly but realisticly Michelle will probably win this one.

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Jack Swagger & The Big Show vs. CM Punk & Rey Mysterio



Drew McIntyre vs. Teddy Long


Dolph Ziggler, Vance Archer & Curt Hawkins vs. Christian, JTG & Mystery Partner


Kelly Kelly vs. Michele McCool


Also, you wrote US champion, and not Intercontinental champion :p

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Jack Swagger & The Big Show vs. CM Punk & Rey Mysterio

I say the champ has to stay strong going into the ppv but with all four men being in the main event i am up in the air......i still say swagger for the win.


Drew McIntyre vs. Teddy Long

I say long wins by dq here. Mcintyre takes out long.


Dolph Ziggler, Vance Archer & Curt Hawkins vs. Christian, JTG & Mystery Partner

Never bet against a mystery partner ;)


Kelly Kelly vs. Michele McCool

mccool with the win with help from layla

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WWE SmackDown Results (June 11, 2010)


Underfaker...: CM Punk would open SmackDown in the ring claiming rather than speaking of his inevitable title victory on Sunday, he would speak of the status of the Undertaker as every week, Kane would attack him. Punk claimed he was happy the Undertaker was out and he wishes he had done it. Suddenly the lights went out and "The Deadman"'s music hit when the Undertaker would seemingly hit the ring. However this was proven false when he went face to face with Punk, he revealed himself to be Luke Gallows. Punk and Gallows embraced and had a hearty laugh, which would soon end as out came Kane. But as Kane hit the ring, so did the masked SES member and then Jack Swagger. It was a 4 on 1 attack until from the back came Big Show and Rey Mysterio to clear the ring.


Kelly Kelly defeated Michelle McCool: The co Women's Champions had a major set back as Kelly Kelly got some revenge for her friend Tiffany, defeating McCool by rolling out the FaithBreaker and nailing a roll up.


Well...that's....awkward...: Backstage in Vicki Guerrero's office, Chavo Guerrero speaks to his aunt about his upcoming match against Chris Masters, wondering if she can do anything to guarantee a win. She claims he's a Guerrero and shouldn't have problems. In suddenly walks in Archer and Hawkins to ask Vicky where Dolph Ziggler was to discuss their match later on. Vicky claimed he was out doing he "errands", when suddenly in came Ziggler wearing Daisy Dukes, a tool belt and a tanktop holding a photo of her, he asks her where she wants it hung. Vicky directs him and he begins to hammer it into the wall. Chavo, Archer and Hawkins have looks of absolute disgust as Vicky ogled over her new "associate".


Cody Rhodes defeated MVP: In a battle which was supposed to take place last week, the ever arrogant Cody Rhodes defeated the former IC champion after ducking under MVP's big corner kick and then nailing the Cross Roads for the win. Following the win, Rhodes stood over the fallen MVP mocking him before spitting on him.


Pride May Be A Bad Thing: A video recap of the Drew McIntyre/Teddy Long/Kofi Kingston situation from last week, we then see a split screen of Long and McIntyre walking to the ring with McIntyre sporting a look of confidence but Long nearly shaking of fear.


Drew McIntyre defeated Teddy Long: "The Chosen One" got his wish and will face IC Champ Kofi Kingston this Sunday at Fatal 4 Way. McIntyre told Long he had 2 options, he could either save himself and lie down or could get beaten to a level which would take him out of the WWE. After a long pause, Long proceeded to lay down for McIntyre who pinned long with one foot. As McIntyre celebrated, from the back ran down Kofi Kingston and the 2 began to brawl. Kofi had the edge until Drew stole Kofi's belt and then blasted the Jamaican Superstar in the face with it. As McIntyre stood over Kingston, from the back ran down Matt Hardy who again got into it with McIntyre. Hardy attempted a Twist of Fate but McIntyre slipped out of the ring. Hardy then went to check on Kofi, but Drew ran back into the ring and blindsided Hardy and nailed him with the Future Shock. McIntyre stood triumphantly over the fallen body of his 2 greatest foes.


Chris Masters defeated Chavo Guerrero: "The Masterpiece" reigned supreme over Guerrero, defeating him in a quick affair with the Masterlock.


They're Here: As Masters celebrates, we quickly cut to the parking lot where we see the camera man running fullspeed at the parking lot, where all 7 season one NXT rookies are attempting to enter the arena. However as they all begin to walk in, a vast group of both SmackDown wrestlers, agents and security guards block their entrance. As they jaw jack, GM Teddy Long emerges from the crowd and informs them they have been banned from the building and would not be let in under any circumstances. Wade Barrett called his men off and claimed it's fine, and that after Sunday, they'll be let in anywhere. The NXT'ers began to laugh and walk off.


Christian, JTG and Fit Finlay defeated Dolph Ziggler, Vance Archer and Curt Hawkins: Christian was able to get an ounce of revenge of Dolph Ziggler as he introduced the returning Fit Finaly back to SmackDown and back to his Fighting Irish attitude as his mystery partner against the new young duo of Archer and Hawkins and Vicki Guerrero's "boy toy". In a very back and forth match, after Ziggler nailed the Zig Zag on JTG (as Finlay took on both Hawkins and Archer on the outside), Christian would run in and nail a quick Killswitch for the victory. Vicki Guerrero would scream in horror as "Captain Charisma" celebrated with his peeps.


Rebound and Hype: The Raw Rebound played, documenting the ending of Raw yesterday with the NXT Season 1 Rookies laying out everyone again, the injury to Randy Orton and Wade Barrett's apparent involvement in the main event of Fatal 4 Way. Grisham and Striker hyped Fatal 4 Way.


Happy Father's Day?: Josh Matthews interviewed World Champ Jack Swagger on Fatal 4 Way. Swagger referenced a pep talk his dad gave to him when he was a kid at his first track and field event. He claimed he'll dedicate his win to his father on Sunday (Father's Day).


CM Punk and Rey Mysterio vs. Big Show and Jack Swagger Ended in a No Contest: The four feuding men involved in the World Heavyweight Title Fatal 4 Way would only intensify their hatred for each other. The duo of Show and Swagger would do a decent job of teaming together in taking it to Rey Mysterio for much of the match. When time came for a tag, CM Punk refused, leading to Mysterio turning on Punk and attacking him. This allowed for Swagger to attack Show. As all 4 men brawled, the fires of hell arose and out came Kane who proceeded to nail all 4 men with vicious chokeslams. Kane then claimed one of those 4 men had made a terrible mistake and on Sunday they will know what hell is like.

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Pro Wrestling Torch Newsweek


-The major story this week is the apparent release of Bryan Danielson from the WWE in the middle of the NXT invasion angle. As reported it's allegedly as a result of Danielson choking Justin Roberts with a tie. But many within the WWE are not sure of the legitimacy of the release, following John Cena's pro Danielson tweets and interviews this week. However, it has been announced that Danielson has accepted bookings with ROH, Dragon Gate and EVOLVE, all the 3 major promotions he formally wrestled with before going to the WWE.


-Randy Orton will be taking up to a month off to properly heal his injured shoulder. His being written out of the Fatal 4 Way decision was made when WWE doctors insisted on this.


-Fit Finlay made his return to SmackDown this week as "Fit Finlay" rather than Finlay. He's apparently gone back to his Irish toughman character he did when he first returned to the WWE.


-Shad Gaspard is currently being repackaged in FCW. He has gone back to a variation of his "HNIC" character he did in FCW.


-The NXT angle is getting good reviews backstage, many claiming it has rejuvinated much of the locker room. WWE management has managed to do a very good job in hiding it from the IWC.


-Major TNA news as we go to print with this is that Samoa Joe has allegedly asked for his release from the company. Joe recently made a very confusuing return to the company, initially taking out X Division wrestlers before attacking Matt Morgan and then getting written out of the feud as Morgan moved to feud with Hernandez.

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