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Angry Gilmore v Gregory Black


Did you know: Remembering that Angry Gilmore infact hates Adam Sandler films, did you know that he is a big Richard Pryor fan. Pryor's comic styling has a lot more to do with the way Angry presents himself in a high powered promos. As such, Angry took two weeks of leave in December of 2005, openly mourning the loss of Richard.



Big Smack Scott v Lobster Warrior


Did you know: Big Smack Scott has not been seen on Supreme TV of late, due to what Supreme Wrestling Federation have euphemistically termed personal leave.



'The Masterdon of Sexiness' Joe Sexy v 'Smooth' Roger Cage


Did you know: The Crusade to End Inhumanity was a concept Joe Sexy wanted to run with before he was turned babyface in 2009. He enjoys the far edgier heel role and gets nervous, off edge, when asked to do a babyface role.



The Incredibles (Captain Atomic and American Machine) v Death Row (Shady K and Knuckles)


Did you know: Knuckles got his name from a mean street-fight in his teenage years, where he broke two of his knuckles fighting off two grown men. Against all odds Knuckles won the match.



'The Dark Destroyer' Steve Frehley v John 'Squeeky' McClean


Did you know: John McClean is a rabid Chicago Bulls fan. But, his favourite Bull is not Scottie Pippen, Michael Jordan or Dennis Rodman. No, his favourite Bull is believe it or not, Steve Kerr. Why? Because of Steve's ridiculous ability from beyond the arc. At one stage when creative had nothing for him to do, he went to them asking to be transformed into a basketball maniac. His inspiration was the glut of outlandish golf gimmicks that have been part of professional wrestling for the past twenty years. Creative renegged on the idea, and McClean sat at home for six more months before creative had a plan for him.



Vengeance v 'The Living Legend' Christian Faith


Did you know: One of Christian Faith's ancestors is believed to be Andrew Johnson, who famously, defied political pressure to begin America's reconstruction by refusing to punish the former Confederate states beyond recognition as unionist gloaters wanted him to do.




SWF World Heavyweight Championship

'The Lone Wolf' Rich Money v Remo


Did you know: Many would believe that one of Runaway Train or Marat Khoklov hold the bench pressing record in the SWF Gymnasium. But they would be wrong, as Remo Richardson has the largest recorded bench press in the gymnasium.



Quick Picks


Angry Gilmore v Gregory Black

Big Smack Scott v Lobster Warrior

Joe Sexy v Roger Cage

The Incredibles v Death Row

Steve Frehley v Squeeky McClean

Vengeance v Christian Faith

SWF World Heavyweight Championship Match: Rich Money v Remo

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Angry Gilmore v Gregory Black


I feel his Pryor pain, man! TOO SOON!


Big Smack Scott v Lobster Warrior


Scott wins by locking Lobster in a freezer, then throwing him into boiling hot water. Did you know: This is the most humane way to beat a Lobster Warrior.

Joe Sexy v Roger Cage


I was going to go for sexy...but there's just something hypnotic about the way Cage is winking at me.

The Incredibles v Death Row


Did you know: Knuckles actually got his name from being a huge sonic the hedgehog fan?

Steve Frehley v Squeeky McClean


Only because I hope he becomes the basketball loving fool we all know he is. God knows there were not enough basketballers involved in wrestling back in the day, especially not in WCW.



Vengeance v Christian Faith


If his ancestors can defy political pressure, surely faith can defy Vengeance?

SWF World Heavyweight Championship Match: Rich Money v Remo


Bench press? Rich money can bench a yak! With mind bullets!

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Guest cmdrsam

Been away for awhile and come back to see you have come to the dark side. :p



Who is your favourite wrestler in the diary: Rich Money. He just could be put in so many different situations and still be believable.



RE: The slightly pesky, immature approach commentary from Jerry Eisen, do you enjoy it or is it something you'd like to see less of: Like it.



Rich Money as the Champion. Obviously most tipped Runaway Train to hold onto it, two questions, firstly, do you think Rich Money is a good option as champion: Yes.



Secondly, do you buy him winning the championship the way he did: Yes.



What is your favourite storyline at the moment: World Title picture.



Who do you want to see more of: Vengence. I Don't know why, when I play with SWF he is always used in some compacity and I just kinda like him.



Is there anyone you want to see less of: My ex wife.



Do you like the way the card is written up, or is it too long: Yes.



Do you like the out-of-card segments such as the strategic report, the arena report, the Hank Cornwallis moments: Yes.

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Been away for awhile and come back to see you have come to the dark side. :p



Who is your favourite wrestler in the diary: Rich Money. He just could be put in so many different situations and still be believable.



RE: The slightly pesky, immature approach commentary from Jerry Eisen, do you enjoy it or is it something you'd like to see less of: Like it.



Rich Money as the Champion. Obviously most tipped Runaway Train to hold onto it, two questions, firstly, do you think Rich Money is a good option as champion: Yes.



Secondly, do you buy him winning the championship the way he did: Yes.



What is your favourite storyline at the moment: World Title picture.



Who do you want to see more of: Vengence. I Don't know why, when I play with SWF he is always used in some compacity and I just kinda like him.



Is there anyone you want to see less of: My ex wife.



Do you like the way the card is written up, or is it too long: Yes.



Do you like the out-of-card segments such as the strategic report, the arena report, the Hank Cornwallis moments: Yes.


She is in the game :o

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Welcome to the first official newsletter of the C.I.E. We are your hook-up for truth, liberty and justice. We are the official professional wrestling arm of the United States Government working separately to other well known triple acronyms, the F.B.I. and C.I.A. We are most definitely not the M.I.B, but we, like all three of this distinguished governmental groups are designed to keep America safe by securely deposing of corrupt despots like Gregory Black, Lobster Warrior and Jungle Lord.


Many people do not believe the United States' has a problem with fraud, with undercover operatives, and believe that the sinister motives that we are associated with remain in the past. Some people believed in the 40s that communism could not spread, but then like a chain reaction realised it was nearly knocking on our door steps with nuclear warheads ready for launching in Cuba. We do not urge you to remain on the side of caution, rather we are here to inform you of the very real dangers that lie within these three men, who sit now in the C.I.E's top three list of America's Most Dangerous Frauds. These men are armed, and in some cases, shelled, and are dangerous, but we, the good folk of C.I.E, and your loyal friends have created the following list to be aware of, because awareness is the first step towards safety. Often it is your own naivity and indeed stupidity that prevents you from seeing these dangerous operatives at work, but fortunately the C.I.E is a global council headed by the three wise men of the 21st century and we are here to help, as long as you are smart enough to ring 555-FREAK. If you are not, all hope is indeed lost.


- If your husband returns home from a lunch dinner with the smell of fish on his breath and a mornay sauce smeared to his business shirt, it is highly likely he has been infiltrated, brain washed, and is now working in a covert operation in liaison with your unknown enemy.

- If your child has either a Lobster Warrior Mask ® or a Lobster Warrior Action Figure ®, seek help for that child, for the innocent minds of the young can be the lava for future unknown enemy operatives.

- A loved one changes their surname, we call this Bling-O-Blackitis. The only person in the world who can get away with that is Cassius 'El Zues, El God, El He-Man to All Men' Clay.

- Be aware of any members of the Rudyard Kipling book-club. These people are dangerous.

- If your husband stops dressing you up like a nurse and instead asks you to be his Jane, this is cause for alarm.

- If your husband asks you to dress up as something other than a nurse or a school-teacher such as a mail-women or salon-hairdresser, you should immediately divorce him and seek witness protection as your husband is an imbecile. Be aware of any man not keen on the 'nurse' outfit.



We urge you to be aware of these sinister individuals:




The situation is not hopeless. The C.I.E, every Tuesday will be trying to vanquish the unknown enemy and continuing to publish safety alerts. You simply have to remain aware. If you feel your home is being invaded by covert infidels, ring 555-FREAK, and a trained operator will talk you through a safe evacuation and if necessary, witness protection for you and your unaffected kin. We will aim to capture and rehabilitate these unknown enemy freaks, because we believe no man is a foregone conclusion. Doses of professional wrestling punishment may be the cure, but be warned, this should only be administered by trained professionals. Do not try this at home!

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Guest cmdrsam
Ouch, are you imploring me to write her into a storyline there, sammy? :D Tastefully of course (or as tastefully as I can do...!)


Only of it envolves explosives.:D

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Angry Gilmore v Gregory Black

This one is hard but I go with Gilmore though I cannot really give any good reason why.


Big Smack Scott v Lobster Warrior

No win for BSS here


Joe Sexy v Roger Cage

Cage is still new while Sexy feels like more established guy


The Incredibles v Death Row

This goes to just a guess department


Steve Frehley v Squeeky McClean

Frehley is more important right now


Vengeance v Christian Faith

Another I have no idea pick (I seem to have a lot of those for some reason:p)


SWF World Heavyweight Championship Match: Rich Money v Remo

Standard title defense

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<embed src="

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Location: Evanovich Theatre, Trenton

Attendance: 10,000

Your commentators:


Peter Michaels, Jerry Eisen and Duane Fry

SWF Supreme TV Episode #: 6

Episode Title: In which the C.I.E operative takes force




Almost somberly, we do not start off with the usual calvacade of pyros, instead, with almost a pin-drop in the arena, we zoom into the three wise men, Peter Michaels, Jerry Eisen and Duane Fry. Michaels and Fry have a somewhat morbid look on their face, as Michaels starts the show.


Peter Michaels: Fans... I... I... Look, I... in all the years I have been here in Supreme Wrestling Federation and involved with professional wrestling in general I... No, scrap that. In all the years I have been on this Earth, from the moment I remember my daddy taking me to an arena of 200 people to watch my first ever professional wrestling contest, there has been a certain line that should not be crossed. It's man against man, colourful characters against monsters, surprises, betrayals, and the pursuit of legacies. That's professional wrestling. Fans, what happened last Tuesday night in Providence is a chapter of our sport, and this sports legacy that I'd rather forget. Duane, Jerry, I'm sure I talk for the both of you when I air my feelings on the grievious bodily harm caused in one of the heinous assaults I have ever witnessed, I speak of course of the Russian Bear Marat Khoklov attacking former three time Supreme Wrestling Federation World Heavyweight Champion, Runaway Train. It was cold, calculated, it was malevolent and miscreant, it was dangerous and disturbed. Duane?


Duane Fry: That's right Peter, at a time like this we usually watch a recap video to open the show up to highlight something like this, but... what happened at Providence is so disturbing that tonight.. we simply will not do so.


Peter Michaels: It has left Runaway Train, a gallant former World Heavyweight Champion, and a cornerstone of the Supreme Wrestling Federation locker-room horribly disfigured, and there is every possibility that Runaway Train will not return to professional wrestling. Fans, what happened last Tuesday has cost a great man... a great career.


Jerry Eisen: But you know what Peter, it's created a legacy.


Peter Michaels: Well, that is true, what a legacy Train leaves behind...


Jerry Eisen: No you fool. It highlights just how far Marat Khoklov will go to being the Supreme being. It was brutal, it was demonic, and you know what Peter, you speak of sitting on your daddies chaps at the fairground attraction watching the Strangler wrestling the Decombobulator in a three hour catch-as-you-can contest, and you would have been there in your denim he-ha slacks along with the other tractor riding yokels of the day, but this is 2010. This is a new generation. Whether you like it or not, professional wrestling has more to it, and you know why? Because any man who does not take up arms to do his all to fight for their legacy, for their right to the World Heavyweight Champion is walking like a faded ghost waiting for their pink card out of professional wrestling. That's the truth of the matter, Peter.


Peter Michaels: Jerry, I'm going to ignore those comments...



<embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ArQPao868BA&hl=en_US&fs=1&rel=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" height="25" width="27"></object>


Two of the remaining legends of the Supreme Wrestling Federation faction, fighting for dear life against the corrupt empire led by Richard and Eric Eisen step forth through the curtain. A parade of pyros bursts around them as they pose at the bottom of the ramp, and proceed towards the ring. There was an extra intensity in Jack Bruce who runs to the ring, slides under the bottom rope and starts shadow boxing, lefts, rights, and of course the boxing bounce of the feet. He walks over to the corner and strums an air guitar for the fans, before Christian Faith beckons him back to the middle of the ring, raising a microphone.


Christian Faith: They say it's just a matter of faith. That's all it is. Just a matter of faith. And in many cases, they're right. But when I left Providence, Rhode Island last Wednesday morning, having learned of the enormous physical injuries sustained by Runaway Train, a burst of venomous vile like vomit ran up my throat. Here I was, standing at the airport for an early flight to help Make-A-Wish come true for one young man, and all I could think about on the one hand was the cruel twist of fate that had struck both Train, and from birth, Jonny. You see, little Jonny has been struck down by a rare form of cancer. The doctor's say he is unlikely to reach the age of 10. And yet all Jonny wanted was a visit by both Runaway Train and Christian Faith....








It's a matter of faith.


It's a matter of faith.






It's JUST A MATTER OF FAITH?! HUH? What sort of faith can you have when the wrestling world contrives to ruin that child's one remaining wish? You see, I got to Los Angeles that day and spent the rest of the afternoon and evening with Jonny, and I tried my best to cheer him up, but the emotions were clearly tearing inside of him. To him, it's not a matter of faith, it's a matter of professional wrestling reality fusing with life's horrible reality.


I made a promise right there and then, Marat Khoklov, you come into these United States of America, where dreams come true, the country wherey ou can have an endless pursuit of liberty and justice, and step by step you try to destroy every bastion that these United States are built upon. But you know what, Marat? Many have tried before you. And I'm sure many will try again. But the Warriors of America, two of which you're looking at right now, will always prevail, as does the flame of lady Liberty herself.


Jack Bruce raises a microphone.


Jack Bruce: WOOO! Yeah, livin on the edge of a lightning bolt, baby! People of the world, reach out in television land, reach out brothers, sisters, moms and daddies, because sweet lord of mercy, Jack Bruce is in the house! And baby, I'm gliding down Electric Avenue, and I'm getting ready to take it higher. Oh YEAH, testify sweet mother of mercy, Marat Khoklov baby, let me tell you something... Instant Karma's going to get you. Going drop you right on your head. You better get yourself. Because pretty soon you're going to be...


Jack Bruce lowers the microphone and smiles, pacing backwards and forth shaking his head, before raising the microphone again.


...Made famous!


And it all starts here tonight, in Trenton baby. YEAH, TRENTON, NEW JERSEY! You see, these small town blues, they have melted away. And Christian and I, we're going to make a brand new start of it... Trenton, New Jersey! If we can make it here, we can make it anywhere... come on come true, TRENTON JERSEY!


And you know wh..



<embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kTVJl_iFjuI&hl=en_US&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" height="25" width="27"></object>


The ever cute, ever deceptive lady of the night Emma Chase strolls through the curtain, holding the microphone aloft at the top of the stage, highlighting her legs that on go on longer than Heaven, waiting for the crowd to intensify their boos before she raises the microphone.


Emma Chase: You see this?


Emma points out her index finger, and outlines her hour glass figure tot the joy of the predominantly male crowd, settling on her upper chest, before shaking her head with disgust and moving her finger to her ear.


Emma Chase: This is precious, Jack. This thing here gives me the indiscriminatory power to hear. And if I wanted to hear to hits from the 30s and 40s, I'd get that old geyser Peter Michaels to hit the karaoke bar. As Peter Michaels well knows, and I'm sure would tell you, the closest Peter Michaels would ever come to being in the same bar as me is if...


Jack Bruce: He had a wad of fiddies?


Emma Chase: What?


Jack Bruce: If he had a handful of Ullyses S Grant's..?


Emma Chase: What on earth are you talking about?


Jack Bruce: You said the only chance Peter Michaels has of being in the same bar with you is if...


Emma Chase: If what?


Jack Bruce: He had a pile of $50 notes to slip into your thong you dirty bottom feeding HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-bag!


Emma Chase: I don't have to take this... I don't have to take this at all...


Jack Bruce: Yeah, you'd be a giver, not a taker. That's how selfish you are...


Emma Chase: Selfish? You know what, Jack, I am a bit selfish. You see, I have desires that need to be fulfilled too. I have things ni my life that make me ... well, giddy like a school girl. Maybe even a nurse...


The crowd, predominantly male, have kind of gone silent, getting very interested in what Emma has to say.


Emma Chase: But none of you sick freaks or pervs would ever be man enough to satisfy any of THOSE needs. However, one need I do have that can be fulfilled is going to be fulfilled right now. Say hello, to my lil' friend!



<embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FtmNOaG1KBA&hl=en_US&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" height="25" width="27"></object>


As the spotlight dazzles near Emma Chase at the entrance, Christian Faith and Jack Bruce look up, crouched, almost daring Remo to come and attack them.


Which he does, but unfortunately for them, they are both clotheslined from behind! Remo has come through the crowd and laid out both men with a clothesline. Faith slowly gets up... uh oh... DESTROYER! Faith is motionless. Jack Bruce staggers up.... and Remo looks to drop him, but before he can...




The World Heavyweight Champion arrives down the aisle, slides into the ring, causing Remo to back-track out of the ring! Money points to him and dares him... What? He's.. He's challenging him for tonight. Is he crazy? Remo accepts! He's nodding coldly!


Money slowly pulls Jack Bruce to his feet, as Remo looks on with a look of surprise on his face.


Jerry Eisen: That man is crazy! Crazier than bat sh..


Peter Michaels: Don't go there, Jerry.


Duane Fry: I'll tell you what though Peter, for once I agree with Jerry. Remo is pound for pound the most powerful man in professional wrestling today, and there is no doubt whatsoever in my mind that he is a World Heavyweight Champion in the making. If Rich Money isn't careful, he could make it all happen tonight.


Peter Michaels: No doubt, what a slobber-knocker that promises to be. Fans, don't go away, for after the break, Angry Gilmore will be in action against Gregory Black.



Angry Gilmore v Gregory Black


This is a very effective opening match. You have the youth and exuberance of the ever-improving Gregory Black against the methodical yet explosive Angry Gilmore, toe to toe, man to man.


The bout was a very even bout, that was at least until Gregory Black lost concentration.




And who can blame him, as his arch enemies, the Crusade to End Inhumanity walk down the aisle. They go to different corners, and pounce on the apron, before sliding away, but all the time causing Gregory distraction. Angry Gilmore for his part smiles, knowing the endless possibilities in front of him. Gregory turns around to face the music but is blasted by a crisp clothesline. Gilmore taunts the crowd as they roar their disapproval.


Gilmore then paint brushes Gregory before bringing him back to his feet and sending him into the ropes. Black rebounds and leap frogs Gilmore but on his return his foot is clipped by Joe Sexy and he loses balance, going head first into a raised knee by Angry Gilmore. Slowly Black comes back up... Snap Suplex. Gilmore starts verbally abusing him while standing above him, before he eventually walks over and climbs the turnbuckle... Sky High Elbow! He hit perfectly!


Gilmore slowly gets up, and brings forward the near paralytic Black... Anger Management! Goodnight, what a bunch of cowards C.I.E are!


Result: Your winner at 8:31, Angry Gilmore


Grade: B


Peter Michaels: Why! Why! I just don't get it... Why!


Jerry Eisen: It's the letter that comes before zed.


Peter Michaels: Look at them, how arrogant!


Jerry Eisen: How effective more like it. They knew what they were doing and got the job done.


Duane Fry: Maybe we're going to find out why, Peter, because after the break, Ana Garcia will be standing by with Joe Sexy and his chronies.




Backstage, the petite interviewer Ana Garcia is standing by with the leader of the Crusade to End Inhumanity, Joe Sexy. He is of course flanked by James Prudence and Frederique Antonio Garcia.


Ana Garcia: Joe Sexy, earlier tonight the word legacy was bandied around.


Joe Sexy smiles as he strokes his chin.


Ana Garcia: A truly great legacy. A marvellous legacy.


The smile widens.


Ana Garcia: The legacy of Runaway Train. I wonder Joe, with the cowardly acts of C.I.E, what sort of legacy will you leave?


Sexy looks firstly perplexed, and then angered by Ana's line of questioning.


Ana Garcia: Joe?


Joe takes in a deep breath, and seems to enjoy it.


Joe Sexy: My word, you must be wearing the sweet smell of Chanel Number... Number... Number.....







Chanel Hooch! And I love it. Ana, They say the best sex is angry sex, and frankly, you're making me angrier by the minute. But I am the modern day casanova, I am the Masterdon of Sexiness, and you will one day will be sexified. That will be exhibit A of my legacy... although, if there was a homicide involved I doubt you'd have enough chalk to outline exhibit A, if you know what I mean.


Ana Garcia: Can't say as I do?


Joe Sexy: Nevermind, in due course, you will. Your nativity is part of your sex appeal. It's the whole school girl routine. Nice.


Now, as for exhibit B of the evidence of my legacy, it will be the telling effects of Crusade to End Inhumanity. The C.I.E. It will be the evolution of Frederique and James into two of the best wrestlers on the face of the planet. And it will be the eradication of the unknown enemies. The covert warriors of moronia. I speak of Gregory Black, Jungle Lord and... and... and... and... the biggest freak of them all.... Lobster Warrior. Being a fake, being a fraud, being a danger to society, and a menace to the new order of liberty and justice is not sexy, and thus it will be eradicated.


You saw step one tonight. Gregory Black will walk out of this arena a beaten man. But by the time we're finished with him Ana, he won't be walking out. That's not a threat, it's not even a promise, it's a guarantee. Don't be alarmed fellow citizens, the C.I.E is here to protect you.


Ana baby, we're doing J. Edgar Hoover proud. C'mon boys, to the C.I.E Council!


The three men walk off, as Ana shakes her head.



Big Smack Scott v Lobster Warrior


This is a disastrous match. This is Big Smack Scott's first match in over a month due to personal issues, and frankly, he wrestles as if he's just knocked back a full bottle of Tequila followed by Smirnoff. It's not a good situation. Lobster Warrior tries his best to keep the quality of the match up somewhat, but the fans completely turn on Big Smack Scott and boo him out of the arena. The referee looks a bit perplexed, and seems to quickly call the ball, as out of nowhere Lobster Warrior hits the Lobster Trap into the pinfall for the victory.


Result: Your winner at 4:26, Lobster Warrior


Grade: D+


Peter Michaels: It's another win for Lobster Warrior. Take that, C.I.E!


Jerry Eisen: You fool, if you think that's going to stop C.I.E you have another thing coming.


Peter Michaels: Speaking of C.I.E, after the break, their leader Joe Sexy will be in action against Smooth Roger Cage. Don't go away!



'The Masterdon of Sexiness' Joe Sexy v 'Smooth' Roger Cage


The only thing that kept Roger Cage in the match was Joe Sexy's massive arrogance. Several times he stopped to pose to the crowd, and even at one stage to blow kisses to a twenty something blond bimbo in the crowd. Roger tried to take advantage of these moments to regather this breath, and then at the six minute mark put on an inside cradle. Joe rolled through, but it was the first time he had been threatened following a brutal brawling assault on Cage.


This seemed to steady Joe, who then dropped Cage with a shin breaker, followed by a tough right hand to the head. Cage slowly gets up... and there it is, One Night Stand.


Result: Your winner at 6:31, Joe Sexy


Grade: B-






The shriek of a young lady is heard, and here come her saviours Valiant and Jack Geidroyc...




They check up on her, but it's very evident that the tears on her face are fake, as a sinister grin runs across her mouth.






What the heck? This must be a set up! The Amazing Bumfholes are now irish-whipping Jack Geidroyc and Valiant into the steel locker room doors. What punishment! Who is this little harlot, and why are the Bumfholes doing this?


Peter Michaels: What kind of sick set up was that? Who the hell was that with them?


Jerry Eisen: Answer A, a great set up. Answer B, I'm really not sure.


Duane Fry: She's some kind of beautiful enigma.


Jerry Eisen: Wait. When did the memo go out that we could use that name again?


Duane Fry: You know what I mean.


Peter Michaels: The World Tag Team Champions were merely trying to be chivalrous, and look what happened.


Jerry Eisen: I've told you before Peter, chivalry is dead. It's about the money, gold and the broads.


Peter Michaels: Speaking of chivalry, we're going to see the Incredibles in action!



The Incredibles (Captain Atomic and American Machine) v Death Row (Shady K and Knuckles)


This turns into disorganised anarchy very early on, as the two very opposing mind sets clash with vigour. The Incredibles stand valiantly against breaking rules and wag their finger in anger as Death Row go through their Thuggery Playbook (no joke, a genuine book they brought with them to ringside, alongside their brass knucks and a couple of other seedy weapons). And so it was that the much more vigorous approach of Death Row took a large chunk of momentum, brawling all over the Incredibles as well as Dr J used to dunk over opponents. Finally, Shady K went to the weapons loot bag, but this caused Captain Atomic to sit up from a beat down, place his hands on his hips, and wag his finger. The wagging finger of doom. Oh no. This can't be good. Or can it? No, of course it can't you idiot, what was I thinking! Shady K tried punching his way out of trouble, but it was no use, Captain Atomic no sold it before eventually laying Shady K in custody with the Mushroom Cloud for the pinfall.


Overall, a very ordinary bout.


Result: Your winners at 5:46, The Incredibles


Grade: D+


Peter Michaels: I told you there was a place for chivalry!


Jerry Eisen: We wuz robbed!


Duane Fry: Quit your whining.


Jerry Eisen: Quit being a geek.


Peter Michaels: Quite you two!



'The Dark Destroyer' Steve Frehley v John 'Squeeky' McClean


Thankfully, this was a decidedly better match. At least, I say that given that I was planning to exit the arena and buy a hot-dog and go watch some girl on girl action. That wouldn't have been an entirely bad ending to the night, but I came here to see wrasslin, man.


This match was broken up into three distinct parts. Firstly, Steve Frehley gained the initial ascendency with his superior power breaking down Squeeky, driving him into the corner and working him over.


The second part of the match came when Squeeky landed a devious low blow, and feigned innocence to the referee. He was then able to take Steve out of the ring and use his devious tactics to their fullest extent, working over the shoulder of Steve Frehley.


He then rolled Frehley back in, but unusually for Squeeky made a tactical error, slowly getting back on the apron and allowing Frehley to bring him in the hard way, suspending him in mid air with a high vertical suplex. Frehley clutched at his shoulder but wrung off the cobwebs before setting Squeeky up for the Dark Destroyer Spear. Squeeky could not avoid it. This left him prone then for Frehley's Comet, and as Bugs would say...that's all folks!


Result: Your winner at 5:50, Steve Frehley


Grade: C+


Peter Michaels: No man gets up from that.


Duane Fry: Peter, an elephant wouldn't get up from that. That's the class of Steve Frehley, the ability to take a beating, legal or illegal, and then end the match with pure devastation.




Backstage, it is as if we were in a shrine to Supreme Wrestling Federation. Some kind of shrine. On the wall hangs gold framed paintings of Micky Starr, Runaway Train, Sam Strong, Dread and Corporal Doom.


Hanging on the wall in black framed portraits are framed autographed Pay-Per-View posters for all of the Supreme Challenge Pay-Per-Views. Various great faces illuminate them, including the man pacing backwards and forth, the Living Legend Christian Faith.


Christian Faith: It's all ...



















They say it's just a matter of ...









Having faith in one's ability, having faith in being able to overcome the perils of societal decay. They say it was the core element that defined all these men and made them legends. They defied brutality, they built their legacies, and they became undeniable legends.


Tonight, one of those legends has their career, their livelihood, hanging in the balance. Because a Russian infidel decided to try to change the course of history. Much like Kruschev attempted to make Cuba a launching site of disaster, Marat Khoklov is trying to use Supreme Wrestling Federation as a communist backed red-army battlefield. And one of the great American's of our era lies in a hospital with glass shrapnel splintered in various facial orifices, the situation is gloom...


The situation is...








It's despicable...




It's futile...




It's hopeless...




There is no tomorrow for Runaway Train they say. What sort of faith can one give to Runaway Train? A man who has given his life and soul to this industry? What sort of faith can Runaway Train have in professional wrestling, the business he gave his very being for?


The only faith Runaway Train can have is ...


The cameras glance up at a yet unseen gold framed painting, that of Christian Faith.


Christian Faith: Christian. And this faith tonight Runaway, it goes out to you.


It's just a matter of...








Vengeance, tonight you meet retribution. You meet salvation. You meet defiance. You meet ...




Eternal Faith.


Christian tries to give a smile, but instead his eyes narrow, as we fade out.




Vengeance v 'The Living Legend' Christian Faith


Even Christian Faith gulps as the most stunning immortal on earth stalks his way to the ring. There is just a presence about this man. I don't know what it is. Is he some kind of satanic ritualist? Is he from another world? Is he even some kind of worldly? Is there anyway you can define Vengeance at all? Is he the warrior of the dead? Even for a living legend like Christian Faith who has seen it all, opposing such a great warrior as Vengeance is the most imposing sight possible. The look of doom that comes from the masked face of Vengeance gives you the cold shivers. And while the cold mask of Vengeance gives a fearful insight into the deadly warrior he is, the fear of what lurks behind the mask itself is truly worrying.


So it came as no surprise when Vengeance took immediate control of the match. He started using arm-wringing moves to force Faith to his knees, forcing him into a hammer lock, which he then used to love Faith up and drive him stomach first into the corner. Vengeance then turned Faith around and exploded with a truly demonic display of torturous power.


For the next four minutes, Vengeance, in an awesome display almost whittled Christian down to mere peasantry with a display of brutality that had to be seen to be believed. Everything was so precise, so deliberate, so powerful. Sure, Christian Faith sells amazingly well, but the look of fear in his eyes was out of this world. Christian Faith fears no one, but right here, right now, there was no worrying about Runaway Train's legacy, it was all about mere survival.


Finally, Christian got some semblence of control after turning momentum during an irish whip spot. This allowed Christian to cut Vengeance out from under his knees and try to use a succession of quick snappy drops to the legs of Vengeance to try and slow down his awesomeness.


Faith got the shock of his life though after somehow putting Vengeance down with a nice, snappy neckbreaker, to see the immortal ungodly Vengeance sit up and then stand up completely unaffected. When Faith turned around, it was like he'd seen a million ghosts. Vengeance no sold three or four punches, but then Faith, from nowhere, and certainly not from his regular repoitoire delivered a cutting standing side kick to the head of Vengeance. Vengeance dropped to his knees, it was great work from Faith, and its efforts like this beyond your normal mortal bounds that are needed to stop a menace like Vengeance.


Vengeance rolled out of the ring, as Faith started to clap to get the fans hot. Vengeance grabbed a steel chair and slid back into the ring. The referee tried to stop him, but Vengeance laid out the referee cold with a snapping shot to the head. Christian Faith ran into Vengeance.. BANG! Steel chair to the head! Faith was out cold, as Vengeance held aloft the steel chair, looking down on his handy work. A replacement referee scrambled ring-side and quickly called for the bell for a disqualification win for Faith.


Result: Your winner at 7:15, Christian Faith


Grade: B+




Backstage, the Lone Wolf, the SWF World Heavyweight Champion is walking towards the gorilla position when he is stopped by the manipulative slime ball that is Eric Eisen. Eisen has a chuckle on his face, and Money raises an eyebrow feigning interest in Eisen's chuckle.


Eventually Money spits on the ground and shakes his head and continues to walk on.


Eric Eisen: You'll see, you son of a [beep]. You are only a paper champion. A paper champion with money.


Money stops in his tracks, turns around, but is stopped by an SWF official.


Chief Two Eagles: Come on now Rich, you've got a match right now...


Rich Money: No Chief, I've got something I've got to take care of.


Money turns around, but Chief Two Eagles but his hand on his chest.


Rich Money: What are you doing?


Chief Two Eagles: Please don't do this Rich, I've... I'v... I've been mandated that if you strike Mr Eisen tonight, I will be forced to strip you of the Championship.


Eric Eisen: Come on you loser, lay one on me! Come on, I dare ya.


Money looks at Eisen, hucks as if he's ready to spit at him, but instead looks down at the nameplate on the SWF World Heavyweight Championship, nods his head and smiles contentedly before walking off.


Eric Eisen: Fine, then I'll take that belt off you through Remo!




SWF World Heavyweight Championship

'The Lone Wolf' Rich Money v Remo


What an enormous opportunity here for Remo. There is absolutely no denying his power, his talent, and his focus. Sure, he may yet be a couple of years away from being the ultimate version of Remo, but the Remo of 2010, still with some edges to be ironed out for sure, is still freakishly devastating.


The master of these types of matches, where everything is on the line, and the audacities of eagarness gives the opponent a fire in his belly that is hard to sustain. A great World Heavyweight Champion has to know how to endure the ferocities these types of opponents can provide and then, after being beaten to a pulp, find a way to be clinical in the execution of their go-home sequence, or any alternative arrangement that opens up a chance for a successful defence.


Money circled the ring, skipping away at the first two attempts by Remo to hook-up in the middle of the ring. Remo put his hands on his hips, and raised his eyebrows cynically at Money, which drew an irate response from the crowd. Remo turned and responded in like with a tirade on the paying patrons. This gave Money his chance as he raced in with a elbow to the neck of Remo from behind, startling the big man to his knees. Money quickly picked Remo up, and guided him into the corner with a quick irish whip. Money ran in, but Remo was alert, moving out of the way and letting Money ram his shoulder into the corner post. Remo then took this opportunity to wear down the Champion, focusing some tough physical blows of a brawling nature into the ribs and sternum area of Money. This started to win the defendant, causing him to drop to his knees. Remo followed in with a choke hold on the ground, causing Money to gag like a sputtering carp who has just been taken out of the water.


The referee instructed Remo to stop, but he turned menacingly at the referee and then proceeded to continue anyway. He then picked Money up into a gorilla press position, and dropped him ribs first onto his bent knee. Money seemed to be practically snapped in half, his eyes glazed, wide, staring at the unmerciful oncoming assault of the challenger. The commentators began to surmise that this was an epic error on the part of Rich Money, that his reign made be notoriously short lived should he not find a way to overcome the sheer brutality of Remo.


The brutality for what its worth continued for the next three minutes, with Rich Money trying to withstand various onslaughts followed by desperate pinfall attempts by the challenger. As well as brutally tearing Money apart, Remo wanted, if he could, to come out of the match the champion. And who could blame him? This is the most prestigious belt in the game, brother. And no matter Remo's allegiances to the manipulative swindler that is Eric Eisen, winning this belt would mean so much more than any entourage or financial liberty that Eisen could provide.


Suddenly, almost out of desperation and nothing else, Money, prone on the ground, showed his cerebral awareness and put Remo into an inside cradle. Remo quickly dispatched Money, but it gave Money the chance to roll into the corner to try to catch his breath. Remo smiled cynically, and laughed as the crowd booed him as he backed up to the opposite corner. Remo came charging in but the absolutely desperate Money was able to deceive the deranged Remo by stepping out of the corner. Remo hit the turnbuckle chest first, and stepped back into Money's body, fallen over him for an impromptu pinfall attempt. Remo managed to kick out with ease.


Money slowly got back to his feet and ducked a lariat from Remo, before dropping to his knees and landing a quick flurry of punches at the right hamstring of Remo, lowering the powerful challenger chest first to the mat as he cringed at the pain caused by Money. It seemed to be nothing more than a brief second wind by Rich, as he dropped to the mat and stayed there as the referee made a standing ten count. Only at the last second did Money and Remo get back up.


Remo whipped Money into the ropes, but Money ducked what looked to be a head decapitating clothesline and came back with a nicely executed cross body block. Money held on and rolled through for another attempt at pinfall, but Remo thrust him out with such power that Money got tangled in the ropes. This allowed Remo to collect his thoughts and come charging in with an attempted bronco buster, but Money was playing possum, and moved, causing Remo to get entangled in the ropes! This allowed Money to race back across the ring and come back, stepping up the back of Remo and then dropping over the top rope to the outside, grabbing the head, causing a massive amount of pressure on the skull of Remo.


Money slid back in, gingerly grabbing at his ribs, and then sent Remo into the corner. Money raced in but Remo moved. The cerebral artisan though noticed in time, smiled and nodded and then retreated to the middle of the ring. Again the dance ensued before Remo attempted to lock up, but Money ducked underneath and used his footwork to get into a go behind position. He then put on a wrist lock to keep himself close to Remo, and then used his leg strength to drive Remo into the corner. Money then dropped down and used the momentum off the corner to schoolboy Remo for another close pinfall.


Remo got up, and tried a huge lariat, but Money weaved, and stung him with an European Uppercut. Remo wobbled. Money then hit a kick to the gut, causing Remo to double over.


To a thunderous round of boos...




Eric Eisen walked to the ring. This distracted Money, but as Remo went for an inside cradle, Money stabilised his weight transfer and then stomped on the right hand of Remo. Eisen got on the apron, but Money quickly raced over and knocked him off with a drop kick! Eisen went head first into the guardrail!


Remo came charging at Money who ducked again, and lowered him with a drop toe hold. The clearly frustrated challenger got up, and Money hit a nice side kick to the throat area, causing Remo to wobble, allowing Money the opportunity to hit the Bank Roll! And he hit it with perfection.


Here's the cover...








Result: Your winner at 9:01, and STILL SWF World Heavyweight Champion, Rich Money


Grade: B


Peter Michaels: My god! What a win! Not only defying Remo, but defying Eric Eisen also!


Duane Fry: No matter what the Corporate Supremacists throw at the Champion, they can't seem to stop him.


Jerry Eisen: They will! They will! It's the Eisen spirit to win! Just like me, Eric is a winner.


Peter Michaels: Sure, Jerry, sure. What a night, we are out of time, join us again next week!


Grade: B

Show TV Rating: 6.5

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Great show once again, buddy. Your Faith promo's are brilliant, both were exceptional this show.


I love how Marat has maintained his monster status despite losing to Faith. The heinous attack on Train has worked well and I don't really think he'd be too missed from the company if he's out for a significant period of time.


I like the divides you've got going on with sort of like a lower card heels versus lower card faces and something similar going on in the main event. Looking forward to see how both transpire.


Oh yeah, loved the John Lennon line aswell. :D Seems like your making it a little recurring part.

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Just want to agree with the masses, that was some awesome promo writing for Faith. Wasn't too sure about Jack Bruce's part in the opening promo but after just re-reading it is even better than before ott Bruce promo adds to the impact. Also loving the C.I.E.
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Great show once again, buddy. Your Faith promo's are brilliant, both were exceptional this show.


I love how Marat has maintained his monster status despite losing to Faith. The heinous attack on Train has worked well and I don't really think he'd be too missed from the company if he's out for a significant period of time.


I like the divides you've got going on with sort of like a lower card heels versus lower card faces and something similar going on in the main event. Looking forward to see how both transpire.


Oh yeah, loved the John Lennon line aswell. :D Seems like your making it a little recurring part.


Well thanks, mate. I appreciate the views there. You're definitely grabbing onto some very deliberate booking there and the intentions it has behind it.


Long live John Lennon, LLLOVVEEEEEE Instant Karma. Also, found myself getting into the song Watching the Wheels, once I read his biography that song started to make so much sense and for the purpose it served it was a really well done song. Obviously songs like Imagine, Just Like Starting Over, Happy Christmas and his Beatles classics like I am the Walrus, Revolution, Norweigan Wood are the big-time remembered ones, but I just find so much out about artists by going a bit deeper than the big hits and into the ones that really mean something to the artist. I was in NYC last year outside the Dakota Building and was morbidly sad to be standing where the world lost a very brilliant, very controversial, and certainly very peculiar man. Very tragic. Also, done Penny Lane and Strawberry Fields in Liverpool... just have a mad fascination with John Lennon and the Beatles.


Another great show, Tristram. Agree with Totti that the promos stood out to me, especially the two Faith ones. Liked seeing Money taking on Remo as well.


Well thanks mate, I always try to differentiate my promos so that they either promote the character's idiosyncrasies or the nature and intent of the storyline, so that is my aim and I'm glad it's coming through. :D


Just want to agree with the masses, that was some awesome promo writing for Faith. Wasn't too sure about Jack Bruce's part in the opening promo but after just re-reading it is even better than before ott Bruce promo adds to the impact. Also loving the C.I.E.


I'm glad to see the C.I.E getting a bit of love too. Truth be told, when I have booked this in TEW and wrote it with my dot point notes, C.I.E were actually nameless. It wasn't until I came to writing their first segment that it finally hit me.


I give it 2 fruit booties!


YAY! A Stevie Ray reference! To the Harlem-Heat Mobile!

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Proudly Presents





Jack Bruce v Remo


Did you know: Jack Bruce is currently involved with executive production in sprucing up the CD, Supreme Wrestling - The Themes. Jack is not only interested in acting, guitarin', but also a future career in post production in entertainment.



Gregory Black v 'The Masterdon of Sexiness' Joe Sexy


Did you know: There was a rumour going around that Ana Garcia tried to 'call' Joe Sexy on his offer last week, but when she rang his hotel room found what appeared to be a young woman gasping for air answering the phone. She quickly hung up and started crying. What we didn't also know is that Ana Garcia, Ms Goody-Too-Shoes has a major crush on Joe.



The Amazing Bumfholes v The Biggz Boyz


Did you know: The lovely lady friend introduced to us by the Amazing Bumfholes last week, who is of yet nameless on Supreme TV, is also nameless on SWF.com. However, despite that, her profile had the most hits in the last week. All that we know is that she is hot, she is a fox, and she is mischievious.




SWF North American Championship

'Big Cat' Brandon James © v 'Smooth' Roger Cage


Did you know: Most people have a closet full of jackets or shoes... Brandon James has a closet full of barb wired baseball bats and kendo sticks. He's just that hardcore.



Enforcer Roberts v 'The Dark Destroyer' Steve Frehley


Did you know: Enforcer Roberts looks and seems like a quiet, placid, homely type of man - with an extraordinary professional wrestling ability. But you couldn't be further from the truth. He is a massive fan of the Extreme Games, he believe it or not skateboards to a highly proficient level, and his level of extremism knows no bounds, including in 2006 while off with a kayfabe injury going inside a cage off Cape Town, South Africa, to face up to a pack of great white sharks.



'The Living Legend' Christian Faith and SWF World Heavyweight Champion 'Lone Wolf' Rich Money v Angry Gilmore and Vengeance


Did you know: Angry Gilmore recently hosted a Richard Pryor Video-Night including the legendary See No Evil, Hear No Evil. We wonder whether Angry was taking notes of Richard's 'vocabulary' to add to his own 'vocabulary' for future promos?



Quick Picks


Jack Bruce v Remo

Gregory Black v Joe Sexy

The Amazing Bumfholes v The Biggz Boyz

SWF North American Championship: Big Cat Brandon James v Roger Smooth

Enforcer Roberts v Steve Frehley

Christian Faith and Rich Money v Vengeance and Angry Gilmore

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Jack Bruce v Remo

Gregory Black v Joe Sexy

The Amazing Bumfholes v The Biggz Boyz

SWF North American Championship: Big Cat Brandon James v Roger Smooth

Enforcer Roberts v Steve Frehley

Christian Faith and Rich Money v Vengeance and Angry Gilmore

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Jack Bruce v Remo

Gregory Black v Joe Sexy

The Amazing Bumfholes v The Biggz Boyz

SWF North American Championship: Big Cat Brandon James v Roger Smooth

Enforcer Roberts v Steve Frehley

Christian Faith and Rich Money v Vengeance and Angry Gilmore

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Lennon was truly brilliant. I have The Very Best of John Lennon album and it's just gold.



Jack Bruce v Remo

I so want Remo to go over here, but Bruce is involved in the title picture and is one of the biggest stars in the business.


Gregory Black v Joe Sexy

Black lost to Gilmore last week and Sexy picked up the win so that's my logic in this one.


The Amazing Bumfholes v The Biggz Boyz

Your building them up to face the Champions and a win here after the attack last week will help make them look like real contenders.


SWF North American Championship: Big Cat Brandon James v Roger Smooth

I don't think it's the right time or person to lose the belt to. A good run with this belt for James could really help elevate him to main event status.


Enforcer Roberts v Steve Frehley

I've been enjoying what you've been doing with Frehley so I'm hoping he can keep it up.


Christian Faith and Rich Money v Vengeance and Angry Gilmore

Faith is on fire at the moment and he's teaming with the Champion. Can't look past those two here; unless Eisen gets involved that is...

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By SWF.com chief editor, I.T Pennywise


Over the past 28 years of Supreme Wrestling Federation, the fairer sex has increasingly undertaken a significant role within professional wrestling as we know it. Once upon a time there was a view that women were backstage merely making sandwiches, nowadays, they are amongst the most powerful political maneuverer's in the world of professional wrestling. On an almost nightly basis, the fairer sex within the hallowed halls of Supreme Wrestling Federation are influencing and indeed changing the direction of professional wrestling as we know it.


For example, take a look at these facts:


- In the past six years, there has been a 300% increase in women involved within Supreme Wrestling Federation.

- As it stands, two of the traditional bastions of male non-wrestlers is completely dominated by women; managers and interviewers.

- In the past twelve months, the most commonly viewed SWF.com/starsite has been that of Emma Chase.


Last Tuesday night, as Supreme Wrestling Federation aired it's much acclaimed Supreme TV, a new vixen arrived on our screens. She came with little fanfare, but as of this week, her un-named profile on SWF.com is the most clicked on profile. She has not wrestled a single match here, nor has she even been to ringside, but this week, this dazzling sultress is unrivaled as far as interest goes.


"She's a lot smarter than what some I'm sure are giving her credit for, dude," Randy Bumfhole said when he spoke exclusively to SWF.com this Wednesday. "She came to us and sounded us out with a plan, dude. A plan that will help the Amazing Bumfhole achieve the mass-hysteria we know we are capable of. ... [The days] of women merely standing at ringside and looking good are over, dude, she's a revolutionary mind capable of propelling us to the top of the tag team division. Dude, we'd walk a mile for her, and we had no problems whatsoever changing our view from loving the fans, the heartless fans who gave us nothing dude, to being narrow minded and focused on achieving that all important Pay-Per-View title shot contract."


Randy made it very clear that his new leader had created a vision that could not be ignored, and cleared the path for the Amazing Bumfholes to focus on the important task at hand, winning the prestigious SWF World Tag Team Championships off the team of Jack Geidroyc and Valiant. It helped identify why there is such an exponential proliferation of women in professional wrestling - they have gone from being purely eye candy to being smart, decisive, and single minded in their pursuit of glory.


"Having someone like her at ringside can only help us, dude," Randy went onto explain. "In the past, a male manager may have been the only way to go as the chicks, and the babes, they tended to be just that. But the likes of Emma Chase have begun to change that. They know when and how to get involved, dude. And that's what Ms... Look, dude, I'm not going to give out her identity, that will all become clear, but let's just say she is somewhat of a bombshell."


And what a bombshell she is. Without a known name, without being to ringside, without having wrestled a match, refereed a match, commentated on a match, this young vixen was heavily commented on by some of our male, and a small percentage of our female, viewers after Tuesday night on our forum. She quickly picked up various comments like:


- "She's at least a stone cold 9 bro" - Posted by BigMamasandthePapas59

- "Going to watch for her, hot as hell yo" - Posted by TottenhamHotSpurs

- "Can't wait for her SWF Mag centrefold" - Posted by tristram-transformer-freak.


On twitter, a twitter login of SWF Princess of Pain which we can only attribute to her has said that last Tuesday was just the start. And she promised that by Nothing to Lose everyone would know her name, and she would be the centre of every man's dream. She said not only for her beauty, but for her level of execution.


I'm I.T Pennywise, and this has been an exclusive SWF.com feature. In the coming weeks, we will give you the inside story on Emma Chase and we go back to the beaches of Hawaii with B.J. O'Neill, with Women in Wrestling.

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Jack Bruce v Remo

Bruce is on the title picture, Remo well even though he just had a shot I don´t think he is really considered as a challenger

Gregory Black v Joe Sexy

Could go either way but I go with Black getting some revenge on Sexy though some kind of interference from either Sexy´s partners or their other targets (Lobster, Jungle Lord) seems likely here.


The Amazing Bumfholes v The Biggz Boyz

Bumfholes seems to be going aginst tag champs so they should pick up a win here since Biggz Boyz aren´t doing anything important roght now.


SWF North American Championship: Big Cat Brandon James v Roger Smooth

Standard title defense


Enforcer Roberts v Steve Frehley

Frehley seems to have little bit more going on right now

Christian Faith and Rich Money v Vengeance and Angry Gilmore

Money is champ and Faith is icon so it´s hard to go against these two. Maybe a DQ win for them so that Vengeage will still look good?

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Proudly Presents




<embed src="

type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" height="25" width="27"></object>


Location: Cow Palace, San Francisco, California

Attendance: 10,000

Your commentators:


Peter Michaels, Jerry Eisen and Duane Fry

SWF Supreme TV Episode #: 7

Episode Title: In which the Ungodly Warrior is manipulated into coercion




After the theme song fades out, and a red and gold pyro show bellows an extravaganza into the upper realms of the Cow Palace, we fade into the commentary table to hear the oh-so-familiar tidings of Peter Michaels with his two colleagues, Duane Fry and Jerry Eisen.


Peter Michaels: Wow, will you listen to the sound of this sold out crowd here in San Francisco, the home of the final frontier in the quest for gold, and how fitting is tonight that the quest for gold continues on its labyrinth like journey toward the Nevada State Armoury, where in just two weeks time at the aptly named Nothing To Lose, Rich Money has everything to lose as he defends the World Heavyweight Championship against the master of manipulation, Eric Eisen.


Hello everybody, I'm Peter Michaels, and with me as always for Supreme TV on C.A.N.N is Duane Fry and Jerry Eisen, and what a show we have in store for you, including former World Heavyweight Champion Jack Bruce taking on Remo of the Corporate Supremacists.


Duane Fry: And Peter, there is no doubt in my mind whatsoever that when we look at Remo we are indeed looking at a future World Heavyweight Champion, and tonight, he looks to start his road to his endearing legacy by running all over Jack Bruce. What a match it promises to be!


Peter Michaels: Also tonight, the Amazing Bumfholes and the Biggz Boyz will get their opportunity to display their wares for a chance to compete for the heralded SWF World Tag Team Championships against Jack Geidroyc and Valiant in Nevada.


Jerry Eisen: The Biggz Boyz are a good young team Peter, and it pains me to say that but one cannot down their position in the tag ranks given how often they've held the championships.


Duane Fry: That would be four times, Jerry.


Jerry Eisen: Do you mind? I was just getting to that. And that serves my point. The Biggz Boyz are like snakes that come out of nowhere and strike, but they will have to be at their best as a very much newly modeled Amazing Bumfholes look for their shot at glory, under the wise leadership of... uh... umm... errr....






DAMN YOU DUANE! Why didn't you help me out then?


Duane Fry: You told me not to interrupt!


Peter Michaels: Well, you raise a very good point there, who was that beauty, and what is this so called new direction the Bumfholes are going to undertake? Ok... Sorry g.. Ok.. Yep, ok guys, I've just been getting word in my ear piece...


Jerry Eisen: How come I don't have one of those!


Peter Michaels: Do you want mine?


Jerry Eisen: No thanks! I don't know where your ear has been!


Peter Michaels: Back to what I was saying, we are heading backstage to the Oval Office, the home of the Corporate Supremacists.




Backstage, in the Oval Office, Eric Eisen sits decked out in a suit behind a well polished oak desk seemingly signing documents. There is a gold plate name panel across the front of the desk reassuring us that it is indeed Eric Eisen.


We hear the click of a door knob, and walking along the polished wood floor is none other than Angry Gilmore and Vengeance, who stand opposite the desk. Eisen looks up and smiles.


Eric Eisen: Gentlemen! Gentlemen! I'm glad you could make it. Please, please take a seat.


Gilmore and Vengeance look at each, but stay standing.


Eric Eisen: Or... or stand. Some of us like to stand, some of us like to sit, and then you have others like Rich Money who prefer to squat like a lady. But that's ok, we're all different.


Angry Gilmore: What the [beep] do you want you son of a [beep]?


Eric Eisen: Oh, I can assure you I'm not one of those. My mother is a saint. It's not really what I want, you see, there's something we all want. Money, fame, and the chance at glory. And boy, what a shot at glory I have for you two fine men. You see, you have the chance to take out the World Heavyweight Champion and Christian Faith. How good is that?


Angry Gilmore: Again, you pencil neck freak, what the hell is it in for us?


Eric Eisen: Ok, I've heard your view on matters, what about you, Vengeance?


Vengeance stands there motionless, we can hear deep methodical breathing.


Eric Eisen: Very well, it looks like you have your I'm Buff and Tough Poopy Pants on, I respect that. I want you to take a look inside this file...


Eisen produces a manila file for Angry to read.


Eric Eisen: I think you'll find all the answers you need here.


Gilmore opens it, and reads over a line or two, and his frown turns to a smile.


Eric Eisen: I knew you'd see it my way... they ALWAYS do....


Peter Michaels: I don't know what kind of promises Eric Eisen just made, but I don't like it.


Jerry Eisen: You wouldn't understand, you have your gruff and not so tough poopy pants on.



Jack Bruce v Remo


Remo has such a piercing, menacing look. Such a great physique, and very good brawling skills. It's quite clear that he has the all around package to go a very long way. And here tonight he faced a man not unlike himself except he relied more on speed, charismatic quick pop moves, and that he had already made it to the top of the SWF mountain. But like Remo, he was ambitious, and still aspired to the top. And the ascent to the top could start for either men tonight.


It was a rather rugged encounter in many respects. It certainly was no classic mat-match, or a particularly quick match. If anything, it was more a case of the cat chasing the mouse. Remo was vigorous in his single minded approach to level Jack with a series of clubbing blows, lariats, power slams and suplexes. Jack seemed to be constantly on the back foot, except for a couple of quick, trademark spine busters out of chain wrestling spots, one in which left both men planted on the mat staring at the ceiling.


The referee started to make the mandatory ten count, but both men slowly rose to their feet. Remo sent Jack hurtling into the corner, and came charging in with a shoulder block, but Jack moved at the last second, and used the chance to roll up Remo. It was a quick two fall before Remo used his disparaging power to kick out.


Both men rose quickly, and from nowhere, Jack Bruce attempted to hit the New York Minute, but Remo's impressive trapesiuz helped him power him off with ease. Remo came charging with a lariat, but Jack ducked, and pulled Remo back... inverted DDT! He spiked his head well. Jack picked Remo up and sent him across into the ropes, Remo ducked a clothesline, Jack criss crossed to the close side of the ring as Remo came charging back, but Jack raised himself off the middle steel rope... NEW YORK MINUTE! There it is, and there's the win!



Result: Your winner at 7:47, Jack Bruce


Grade: B-




We cut straight to the backstage arena near the Gorilla position, where Vengeance whips Christian Faith into a rubbish dumpster. The veteran clutches at his ribs. Vengeance makes out that he is going to kick him straight to the skull...




But before he can lay on the final, devastating blow, Jack Bruce arrives on the scene. The sadistic monster looks up at Jack Bruce, and laughs sadistically as he walks away, revealing the shattering destruction of Christian Faith in his wake.


Peter Michaels: That is outlandish! What a deceptive plan surely concocted by Eric Eisen.


Jerry Eisen: You can't prove it was him.


Peter Michaels: Are you willing to put your career on the line that it wasn't him?


Jerry Eisen: Did any of you see the last Angelina Jolie flick..?


Duane Fry: What?


Peter Michaels: Just ignore him Duane, he's trying to avoid the reality of what just happened.



Gregory Black v 'The Masterdon of Sexiness' Joe Sexy


Like a howling bat of the night, Joe Sexy pursued Gregory Black with the very clear vendetta he has against him. Joe lowered Gregory to the mat and attempted a punch flurry, but much to the joy of the fans, Gregory turned him over quickly and mounted an audacious punch flurry assault of his own.


Joe Sexy rose to his feet, dazed, and quickly flopped face first to the mat, much to the enjoyment of the crowd, who popped further at the charismatic urges of Black. Black though made an error in judgement as he attempted to go airborne straight after that, and found that as Joe Sexy lay in the middle of the ring, as Gregory came tumbling down with a twisting moonsault that Joe Sexy was playing possum, raising his boot to the throat of Gregory who stumbled, and fell over the top rope to the floor outside.


This allowed Joe to slow the match down by waiting for the referee to make a ten count. When it appeared that Gregory would come back within the time constraints, Joe went to the outside and took the fight to Black. The two went toe to toe in front of a rabid crowd, who were enthralled when Gregory Black was able to reverse an irish whip sending Joe back first into the unforgiving steel guardrail. The crowd at ringside gave Joe a piece of their mind as Gregory unraveled a collection of rasping reverse knife edge chops before pulling him back into the ring.


Joe slowly got up, and by the time Gregory had gone in the ring more conventionally, Joe was able to hit a thrusting punch into the neck of Black, knocking the number one target of the C.I.E into the corner. Joe slowly got up and followed Gregory in. He started mounting a flurry of punches, but again, Black pulled Sexy in by the head, reversing the position and blasted a couple of seering knife edge chops, before raising above Joe and mounting a collection of ten punches, which the crowd counted in with him.


Joe stumbled, and fell to the floor. Black urged the crowd on and went to the top rope, but Joe got up quickly and threw Black off the top rope, but not inside, outside the ring! Black landed tremendously hard against the guardrail! Holy hell! There is no way Gregory will get up from that, and despite the urges of the crowd, he was unable to get free before the ten count was made, meaning Joe Sexy won a contentious decision by count out.


Result: Your winner at 6:34, Joe Sexy


Grade: B-


Peter Michaels: Well, that certainly won't help tensions, will it?


Duane Fry: It won't, but I can assure you, it won't stop Gregory Black either. He'll fight to come back another day. I'm sure Joe Sexy wanted something entirely more decisive than that.


Peter Michaels: Oh, I agree. I'm not sure if anything has been resolved there, Duane. But what a match we have for you after the break, the four time tag team champions the Biggz Boyz take on the Amazing Bumfholes, and indeed, their secret vixen.



The Amazing Bumfholes v The Biggz Boyz


The Biggz Boyz show-cased their main strength - their ability to utilise their tag experience, very well. They controlled for the first two minutes the pace of the tags well, but then the newcoming vervacious beauty stood on the apron, distracting Brett Biggz and giving Randy Bumfhole a chance to scramble to the corner to tag in Zimmy Bumfhole.


Bumfhole came charging in and Brett charged at him before being dropped by a sunset flip. Zimmy began gouging at Brett's eyes while the referee told the young lady off, and this hurt the Biggz immeasurably. For everytime Brett tried to scramble to the corner he seemed to be blinded and struggled to get any sense of direction. Smart? Yep, it simply ruined the Biggz Boyz main skill.


And this caused their ultimate demise. Anytime Bart tried to make a save, Randy would charge in and the referee would admonish Bart for it. Some times when Bart threatened to come in, the referee would prematurely admonish Bart, giving the Bumfholes the chance to double team and tag without tagging to speak. And so it came to be, Zimmy was able to go up above and hit the Bumfhole in One. The young vixen walked around the ring's perimeter and delivered a crippling low blow to Bart to prevent him from making the save, giving Zimmy a very easy cover.


Result: Your winners at 5:48, The Amazing Bumfholes


Grade: C-


Peter Michaels: Who the hell is she? What an impact!


Jerry Eisen: What a babe!


Duane Fry: Look at the Biggz Boyz, they cannot believe what just happened.


Peter Michaels: In all their years tagging together I doubt they've never been.... well, you know...


Jerry Eisen: Whipped?


Duane Fry: I think that's the word he was looking for, Jerry.


Peter Michaels: Fans, don't go away, I've just received word that tonight, Enforcer Roberts will take on Steve Frehley.


Duane Fry: Enforcer Roberts is probably the premier mat technician in professional wrestling, Peter. This will be a difficult assignment for Steve Frehley...


Peter Michaels: Wow! Wow, that's inter.. Ok, yep, understand. Fans, we are just being told that that match came about by request by Angry Gilmore in exchange for accepting his match for tonight.


Duane Fry: I don't understand, why would Angry Gilmore do that? Enforcer is his partner?


Jerry Eisen: Trouble in paradise, maybe?




Women in Wrestling: Profile, Secret Agent Bumfhole



A quick video plays airing further details on this secret assassin, the yet to be named member of the Bumfholes. Like an old school dot matrix printer, the following stats flick up about our new diva.


Age: 25


Favourite movie character: Catwoman


Ambition: To lead the Amazing Bumfholes to World Tag Team supremacy, any which way but how


Qualifications: Martial arts training, one on one training with the legendary Rip Chord, academic qualifications in biology and chemistry


Favourite saying: "Pain is the price you pay for perverting beauty"




SWF North American Championship

'Big Cat' Brandon James © v 'Smooth' Roger Cage


Brandon James is one of the most sadistic characters on the face of the planet. He revels in doing whatever it takes to retain the North American Championship, utilising his DaVE experience wisely to cripple his opponents with moves that simply are not trademark stylings of the SWF roster.


This made Roger Cage's hot-shot at the Championship extremely difficult. Many were picking this would be over in a couple of minutes. But the cagey, excuse the pun, Roger Cage was able to withstand an enormous early onslaught from Brandon. Infact, Roger was able to pop up and hit a few innovative quick moves and continue a hit and run regime to gather up his chances. He however made a fatal mistake when he popped up for a neckbreaker on Brandon, who not only caught him before he could execute it, but he threw him to the outside, and thus they entered the Big Cat Domain.


And this would be Roger's undoing. For outside the ring, this DaVE extremist took it upon himself to destroy Cage using the variety of tools available to him. Some of the bracing blows Cage took would make a billy-goat puke. And when Cage was taken back into the ring, despite a couple of slaps and punches, you could see that he was spent. This is the step up factor - the step up to the premier wrestling promotion in the world where the biggest and baddest wait without mercy for any newcomer to feast on.


Brandon quickly, and savagely ended the bout with a brutal Brandon Bomb Drop for the victory.


Result: Your winner at 7:12, and STILL SWF North American Champion, Brandon James


Grade: C


Peter Michaels: I feel for Roger Cage, what pain he just endured!


Duane Fry: What an effort to last as long as he did, Peter. It's quite clear to me already that this Roger Cage is a very plucky character.




Backstage, Rich Money enters the dressing room of Christian Faith. Faith is lying on a sofa, wincing, as the doctor applies a major layer of tape around the battered ribs of Christian Faith.


Rich Money: The Corporate Supremacists did this?


Christian Faith slowly shakes his head.


Christian Faith: It wa.. wa..


You can see he is even struggling to speak as his lungs expand around his ribs.


Christian Faith: Ven... Ven...


Rich Money: Venn-diagram?


Christian Faith: Venge.. Venge...


Rich Money: Vengeance. I got you. The Ungodly Warrior. We've seen this all too often, Christian. I guess I'll have to take them down on my own tonight...


Christian Faith: HELL NO!


Faith winces and then screams a shuddering scream.


Christian Faith: This... is.....













Enforcer Roberts v 'The Dark Destroyer' Steve Frehley


One of the premier technicians in the world of professional wrestling against one of the toughest, most devastating performers in the game. Peter Michaels announced that the match had infact been set up courtesy of the quid-pro-quo agreement earlier in the evening, saying that Angry Gilmore had agreed to Eric Eisen setting up the match to toughen Enforcer Roberts up after their rather unfortunate tag team championship loss at When Hell Freezes Over.


Enforcer Roberts twinged at the hamstring of Steve Frehley, almost pinching a nerve to bring the powerhouse down. The crowd booed at the move, but it was a crucial maneuver giving Enforcer the ascendancy to work over Steve on the mat with a succession of pin point technical submission holds, all grapevining on the thighs and hamstring of Frehley, trying to take out Steve Frehley's enormous leg strength. Enforcer would then stand up and stomp away at the knee and ankle joints, forcing Steve Frehley to scream and shake off the pain. Enforcer slid to the outside holding the right leg of Frehley, and with a sinister grin looked to wrap it around the ring post, but instead Frehley found a burst of energy to kick his powerful leg in the face of Roberts, forcing him back into the guardrail.


Steve Frehley rolled back into the middle of the ring and clutched in particular at his left leg. As he got up he let out a loud scream. He began to walk on in it with immense pain as he tried to get the blood circulating through the joints to bring back some composure to the joints. Enforcer Roberts slid back into the ring and the two men jostled by circling the ring. Frehley tried to hook up but Roberts would find a way to skip like a boxer and keep Frehley moving. The more Frehley kept moving, the more pain he seemed to be in. He tried charging in again, but again Roberts skipped away, smiling all the while.


Frehley then screamed in agony and grabbed at the back of his hamstring so Roberts came charging in with a baseball slide, but Frehley was playing possum and caught Roberts feet first. Unlike typical Frehley work, he tried to apply a boston crab, but as he tried to turn over on Roberts, Roberts was able to use his superior technical knowledge to kick Frehley into the padded turnbuckle, Frehley fell back into an inside cradle, but kicked out. Roberts picked Frehley up, but Frehley had him where he wanted, and in the ensuing toe to toe encounter took immediate control. The power was intense from Frehley, before he rolled Roberts into the corner and hit a raised elbow to the skull of Roberts. Frehley then rose above and hit a mounted ten count, much to the joy of the fans, before dropping him with a spinning elbow to the head.


Frehley then whipped Roberts across the ring... DARK DESTROYER SPEAR! Frehley popped up and screamed to the crowd who popped in behind him, and then he dropped Roberts with the brutal Frehley's Comet. Goodnight Enforcer!


Result: Your winner at 7:46, Steve Frehley


Grade: B


Peter Michaels: Enforcer Roberts was fooled, he was lured into the trap by Steve Frehley. That shows the growth in Steve, not only a devastating performer, but he is starting to think more in the ring and it's paying dividends.


Duane Fry: And he out thought the fox himself Peter, Enforcer Roberts is not only a veteran, but he has a reputation for cerebral thuggery.




Backstage, the World Heavyweight Champion Rich Money is gulping back a paper cup of water.




My god, who or what the hell was that?


It was none other than Vengeance with a shuddering steel chair to the head of Money. He continues to stamp the chair into the exposed ankle of Rich Money, before finally, finally, finally, Chief Two Eagles and Security arrives to separate the carnage.


Mercy, what the hell is that all about?



'The Living Legend' Christian Faith and SWF World Heavyweight Champion 'Lone Wolf' Rich Money v Angry Gilmore and Vengeance


Vengeance is oh so kind enough to carry Rich Money to ringside, and up onto the apron, with Money barely able to stand. The short turnaround from the chaotic lamb to the slaughters routine backstage has left Money without any hope of getting through this one.


Anyhow, this is the way it should be. The premier match of the night in the main event slot. A solid round of applause for the competitors, because with Money, Gilmore and Faith holding the drama of the tale well, and Faith's ability to sell like a trojan for Vengeance's sadistic power moves, this bout turned out to be very well received here in San Fran. The crowd interacted very well with all the characters, particularly the legendary Christian Faith and the very angry, Angry Gilmore. Gilmore picked up a lot of heat and continued simply to tell the crowd to shut up in usual Gilmore fashion.


Somehow, Rich Money was able to take his place in the match, albeit clearly struggling with serious injuries. This though shows the bravado of the man who has risen to the top to lead the Supreme Wrestling Federation revolution as their World Heavyweight Champion. Christian Faith himself was holding his ribs, trying to keep them together somehow. The torment Vengeance showed earlier in the evening to both these two men would have an immediate impact on this match. Collectively, the two men stood no chance, but with the adoration of the fans behind them, perhaps the "David" story could be told just one more time?


Vengeance and Gilmore utilised the injuries to their advantage, cutting off the ring and tormenting Faith's ribcage. When Money was allowed in almost willingly by Vengeance and Gilmore they would attack the ankle ligaments, and force the World Heavyweight Champion to the mat. This was the most brutal and sinister type of situation for these two to be in off the back of such a heinous, obviously co-ordinated and masterminded attack. Sure, the attack had the face of Vengeance all over it, but it had the pen-stroke of one Eric Eisen in behind it. It was a manipulative master piece.


Faith and Money never really mounted any type of comeback in the first six or seven minutes, but at no stage would they lie down for a submission hold from the masterful Angry Gilmore, or cower when Gilmore would get stroppy and stomp a mudhole in them. Indeed, at one stage, Rich Money, who had just withstood eye gouging on top of a brutal assault from Gilmore merely propped to his knees and flipped Gilmore the bird. Gilmore flew in with a baseball slide to the face, but Money popped up again and dared Gilmore for some more.


But Money's bravado again was wistfully short lived as Vengeance tagged in and with his sadistic power was able to destroy Money and leave him prone, showing absolutely no mercy. Money was basically doubled over and motionless, but despite various attempts, Money simply would not surrender to a pinfall. Eventually he was able to rake the demonic eyes of Vengeance and slowly, but surely, ever so slowly with the crowd on the edge of their seat, get to the corner to tag in Faith.


Faith came charging in but Vengeance met him with a body punch under the rib cage. Faith seemed to be gagging for air, almost looked like he was ready to cough up blood. Vengeance then rolled him into the corner and continued to punch and assault the rib cage. The quick savage punches into the solar plex of Christian Faith was doing him a lot of harm. Faith walked forward and fell to the mat, before Vengeance picked him up into a gorilla position and dropped him across his knee. Vengeance then stomped a mudhole into the chest of Christian Faith.


As Vengeance looked to the heavens (or the hells, whatever it is up there), Gilmore clapped on. The crowd booed Gilmore who again gave them a piece of his mind. Somehow, Christian Faith got back up, but Vengeance knocked him down with a tough lariat. Again, Faith got back up, and Vengeance knocked him down. Vengeance turned to the crowd and held his arms aloft, what he didn't know was that behind him, Faith had scrambled back up again, and was daring Vengeance. Vengeance turned around and charged at him, but Faith ducked a lariat, and instinctively, from nowhere, hit the Stalling Atomic Drop. Faith's second wind deserted him, and both men lay on the mat.


Finally, both men got up. Vengeance went to irish whip Faith, but Faith came back and ducked a clothesline, before returning with a high cross body block. Faith urged the crowd to get in behind him, which they did. Vengeance got up, and Faith whipped Vengeance into the corner, knocking Gilmore accidentally off the apron. Faith then had time to tag in Rich Money, who limped over to Vengeance. He pulled him out of the corner and dropped him with a short arm clothesline.


Money began to get excited, but Vengeance... Vengeance...




Holy hell! Money turned around, but instinctively he ducked a lariat, and another swinging haymaker, and another, he ducked, he weaved, this was classic defensive wrestling from Money, he blocked some more, ducked again, this was amazing! Vengeance was getting frustrated as Money dared him on. Finally, he hit one, and Money dropped.


Vengeance, clearly frustrated went to the corner. Un-Vengeance like, he climbed the ropes, and came flying off with a high cross body block, but Money caught him, and rolled through.... he's in a pinning predicament, count it!








The win from hell! The win from hell! How in the heck did they do that? MY GOD!


Result: Your winners at 10:12, Christian Faith and Rich Money


Grade: B+


Peter Michaels: I can't believe it! I can't believe it!


Jerry Eisen: Brother won't be happy. Efforts must be doubled!


Duane Fry: How did they withstand that?


Peter Michaels: It became survival of the fittest, Duane.. Wait a minute, what's this?




We cut to a haunting, blood red grained video of Marat Khoklov's heinous car park attack on Runaway Train. We see in slo-motion the cryptic moment when Marat smashed Runaway's head through the car window.


When blood covers the screen, in a gold writing the following words appear.


Rest In Peace: The Career of Runaway Train.....


Grade: B+

TV Rating: 6.43

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Jack Bruce v Remo

Gregory Black v Joe Sexy

The Amazing Bumfholes v The Biggz Boyz

SWF North American Championship: Big Cat Brandon James v Roger Smooth

Enforcer Roberts v Steve Frehley

Christian Faith and Rich Money v Vengeance and Angry Gilmore


Jack Bruce v Remo

Gregory Black v Joe Sexy

The Amazing Bumfholes v The Biggz Boyz

SWF North American Championship: Big Cat Brandon James v Roger Smooth

Enforcer Roberts v Steve Frehley

Christian Faith and Rich Money v Vengeance and Angry Gilmore


Lennon was truly brilliant. I have The Very Best of John Lennon album and it's just gold.



Jack Bruce v Remo

I so want Remo to go over here, but Bruce is involved in the title picture and is one of the biggest stars in the business.


Gregory Black v Joe Sexy

Black lost to Gilmore last week and Sexy picked up the win so that's my logic in this one.


The Amazing Bumfholes v The Biggz Boyz

Your building them up to face the Champions and a win here after the attack last week will help make them look like real contenders.


SWF North American Championship: Big Cat Brandon James v Roger Smooth

I don't think it's the right time or person to lose the belt to. A good run with this belt for James could really help elevate him to main event status.


Enforcer Roberts v Steve Frehley

I've been enjoying what you've been doing with Frehley so I'm hoping he can keep it up.


Christian Faith and Rich Money v Vengeance and Angry Gilmore

Faith is on fire at the moment and he's teaming with the Champion. Can't look past those two here; unless Eisen gets involved that is...


Jack Bruce v Remo

Bruce is on the title picture, Remo well even though he just had a shot I don´t think he is really considered as a challenger

Gregory Black v Joe Sexy

Could go either way but I go with Black getting some revenge on Sexy though some kind of interference from either Sexy´s partners or their other targets (Lobster, Jungle Lord) seems likely here.


The Amazing Bumfholes v The Biggz Boyz

Bumfholes seems to be going aginst tag champs so they should pick up a win here since Biggz Boyz aren´t doing anything important roght now.


SWF North American Championship: Big Cat Brandon James v Roger Smooth

Standard title defense


Enforcer Roberts v Steve Frehley

Frehley seems to have little bit more going on right now

Christian Faith and Rich Money v Vengeance and Angry Gilmore

Money is champ and Faith is icon so it´s hard to go against these two. Maybe a DQ win for them so that Vengeage will still look good?


Thanks very much for your tips, lads.


I do have some questions, a penny for your thoughts so to speak on a few of the issues of the show.


The Secret Agent Bumfhole: Obviously those who know the CV well will know who the Secret Agent Bumfhole is, but the question I have is, how do you rate her importance and do you think it helps the Bumfholes progress out?


The main event: I tossed and turned over how to write that one as I wanted to keep Vengeance's momentum high, without obviously crippling the Champions. The question I have is, do you think Vengeance's monster-heel look is hurt by a convoluted overbooked loss like that?


Look forward to your feedback, it obviously helps me out as I can then learn to write better shows.

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The Secret Agent Bumfhole: Obviously those who know the CV well will know who the Secret Agent Bumfhole is, but the question I have is, how do you rate her importance and do you think it helps the Bumfholes progress out?


Well, she's Jessie's little sister, so it immediately makes for some interesting possible storylines. She's relatively unnknown to mainstream audiences in the C-verse, so she wouldn't come in with name value in that sense. The Bumfholes are not a team I necessariliy think need a manager, as they can talk well enough. But it does add a new dimension to them, especially as a heel team.


The main event: I tossed and turned over how to write that one as I wanted to keep Vengeance's momentum high, without obviously crippling the Champions. The question I have is, do you think Vengeance's monster-heel look is hurt by a convoluted overbooked loss like that?


Even monster heels have to lose sometimes. Doing something like that protects him better than simply taking a straight loss. Unless you are trying to present Vengenace as unbeatable, then it works. I would usually have Gilmore take the loss there to protect Vengeance, but I am guessing there is a specific reason you had Vengenace get pinned.

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