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World Championship Wrestling 2000 Fixing Russo's Mess

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It’s been almost a year since WCW was set on a track to disaster the savior of one company is turning out to be the murder for another. Vince Russo is the man that I speak of in WWF Russo was the man that is credited for some of the attitude eras greatest moments so when he became a free agent it was only natural that the number 2 company and arch rivals of WWF, WCW would jump on him and make him the head booker of WCW. What WCW didn’t know and would soon find out is that Russo with a filter equals good Russo by himself equals what WCW has gotten themselves into. I guess that is why I am here.



My name is James Tyson known simply as JT. Last week I got a phone call from the billionaire Ted Turner, who told me that he usally is not the one to make decisions when it comes to creative because he likes to leave that to the pros but he needed to get Russo out of WCW and he needs a new head booker because Bischoff don’t want to book the mess that Russo has created. He went on to tell me how he has seen some of the stuff I have booked and that he wants me as the new booker of WCW.



I was shocked to say the least, me, booker of Border City Wrestling and protégé of Paul Heyman getting a chance at the big time? I have always been involved in wrestling since Paul is my uncle on my moms side and my mom and Paul were real close so I spent a lot of time backstage at ECW event and even WCW event when Uncle Paul worked for them. I like to think that I have inherited the mind of my uncle when it comes to wrestling but I guess we’ll have to wait and see when I start to book my shows. I have a meeting with Ted next week.


OOC: I have been reading alot of these dynasties and I thought I would try one so give feed back good or bad tell me what I need to work on:)

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Well the meeting with Ted went pretty good this morning all it was, was to sign the contract and talk about some things. One thing me and Ted talked about was loyalty he wanted to make sure that I was going to put my all into this company since it was going to take a good amount of work to get the ship floating again. I told him that I was which I am 100% I love challenges and this is a pretty big one. He then let me go and told me that I was booking the second Nitro of June and I have complete control of everything starting now. This is going to be fun.

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Ok I have made some cuts from WCW as the following workers have been fired


Dale Torborg

Vince Russo

Kaz Hayashi

Mike Jones

Ron and Don Harris

Van Hammer

Brad Armstrong

Brian Knobbs

Ed Ferrara


Scott Hudson


I have also cancelled the contract to WCW Saturday Night. First Card will be up soon.

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WCW Nitro Card


To start off the show we will have a match to determine the new cruiserweight champion as Daffney has been stripped of the title as Rey Mysterio will face off against Lt. Loco. Speaking of Daffney she will get a chance to be crown the first WCW Women’s champion as she will face the veteran Madusa. The Mamalukes will face off against KroniK for the number one contender of the Tag Team Championship. The Main Event will be a ten man battle royal for number one contender for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship.

Quick Picks

Rey Mysterio V. Lt. Loco

Daffney V. Madusa

The Mamalukes V. KroniK

DDP V. Goldberg V. Nash V. Mike Awesome V. Ric Flair V. Scott Steiner V. Sting V. Shane Douglas V. Hulk Hogan V. Booker T

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Not a bad backstory


Have a couple of questions. (hopefully it will be explained in later entries)


Is Bischoff still there? If he is, that might cause a rift between you and your "Uncle Paul", due to the fact he HATES bischoff. But then again that could be a basis of your story....just a thought


What mod is this and what year? That way we can know what "era" this is in. Also if its an alternate reality, be sure to specify that too.


Otherwise..not a bad start. I will be reading.



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Not a bad backstory


Have a couple of questions. (hopefully it will be explained in later entries)


Is Bischoff still there? If he is, that might cause a rift between you and your "Uncle Paul", due to the fact he HATES bischoff. But then again that could be a basis of your story....just a thought


What mod is this and what year? That way we can know what "era" this is in. Also if its an alternate reality, be sure to specify that too.


Otherwise..not a bad start. I will be reading.




It's Futurelegends June 2000 mod which is based on history no alternate reality and TBH I didn't think about the Paul/Eric relashionship but I did have something planed with Uncle Paul that I could clear things ou a bit.


Thanks for the feed back:)

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Ok I have made some cuts from WCW as the following workers have been fired


Dale Torborg

Vince Russo

Kaz Hayashi

Mike Jones

Ron and Don Harris

Van Hammer

Brad Armstrong

Brian Knobbs

Ed Ferrara


Scott Hudson


Technically speaking Malice was never in WCW, he was known as The Wall. :p He was entertaining but expendable, but Kaz? Kaz was - no, IS - awesome. How could you, man? :(

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Monday Nitro


We Open Nitro with Ric Flair coming down to the ring.


Flair: WOOOOO, I’m back baby


The crowd goes crazy.


Flair: The Nature Boy is back in the position I was three years ago, in a position were I can be in the chase for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship. See the word around town is that tonight marks a new era in WCW history as the cancer that is Russo has been removed from WCW and there’s a new guy in charge, and hell I like him already WOOOOOO. See I’ve been mocked these last 15 months on TV and off and the Ric Flair legacy has been treated like crap but starting tonight I’m going to show why I put WCW on the map and why-



DDP comes out and interrupts Flair mid sentence.


DDP: What a minute there Mr. Nature Boy, you may be a legend of the business and I’m not saying your not but don’t you think its time to retire? I mean Ric you in your fifties and to be honest your about twenty years past you prime and trust me you want win that battle royal tonight, I I’m.


Flair: Page you will never ever be on the same level as me no matter how old I am and as far as me being past my prime, Ha you cant last five minutes in the ring with me. WOOOOO if you want to see come and try me.


Page makes his way to the ring were Flair jumps on the attack and hits with lefts and right and then locks in the figure four, as Page screams and taps in the middle of the ring but Flair wont let go Finally Flair is forced off by security. (89)




Tenay: Well that’s one heck of a way to kick off a brand new era of WCW as tonight marks the era of Entertainment but a new entertainment as we are being told.


Zbyszko: That’s right Mike no more powers that be, tonight marks what I will call the era of excellence.


Tenay: And we will start off this era with the brand new women’s division for the brand new women’s title.


Madusa V. Daffney

In an awful match that was completely devoid of heat, Madusa defeated Daffney in a 1 vs. 1 match in 8:17 by pinfall. Madusa wins the WCW Women’s title. It is going to take the WCW viewers to get used to the Women’s division and the ratings will hopefully pick up as we get the overness up and get better in ring workers. (32)


Tenay: Well there you have it Madusa is the new WCW Women’s Champion.


Zbyszko: And Madusa is the one to beat know, the bar has been set in WCW now not only is it were the bad boys play it’s were the big girls play.


Tenay: I understand that we have Mean Gene in the back with Kevin Nash off to yo u Gene.


We cut to Mean Gene standing beside “Big Sexy” Kevin Nash.

Gene: Thanks Mike, I’m here with Kevin Nash and Nash tonight your in the Main Event to crown a new number one contender for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship whats your thoughts.


Nash: My thoughts? Well being the champ means getting a 45% raise which means more money for “Big Sexy”, and that’s not including the merchandise.


Gene: So, you just want the money.


Nash: Gene, you’ve known me for a long time man you know that I could care less about fans liking me or if they pay to see me, truth is as long as I get buy multi million dollar pay check in the mail I’m fine.


Gene: What do you think your chances are in this match.


Nash: I’m going to win.


Gene: Well you’ve heard here, back to you Mike. (79)




The Mamalukes V. KroniK

In a match that had some good action and average heat, KroniK defeated The Mamalukes in 13:14 when Brian Adams defeated Johnny The Bull by pinfall with a High Times. Brian Adams is improving in Rumble skills. Brian Adams is improving in Performance skills. Bryan Clark is improving in Rumble skills. Bryan Clark is improving in Technical skills. Bryan Clark is improving in Performance skills. (61)


Tenay: KroniK will face The Perfect evnt for the Tag Title at Bash at The Beach.


Zbyszko: And it’s well desvered if you ask me these two guys have been held down for so long they deserve to get a shot.



Mark Jindrak makes his way to the ring with a new entrance theme and grabs a mic.


Jindrak: Cut the music,


The crowd is booing loudly


Jindrak: Shut up! I came out here to put everyone on notice, all of you, and all of the people in the back. See I’m not taking any more crap from anyone tonight a star is born in Florida, and next week will be the first Picture Perfect Challenge as any one in the back can try to beat me. I will quite WCW if anyone beats me in a Picture Perfect Challenge because no one can beat “Picture Perfect” Mark Jindrak. (41)


Tenay: Well, this young guy is very confident and is putting his career on the line next week in and open challenge.


Zbyszko: Well, if he’s going to talk at least he’ll back it up.




Rey Mysterio Jr. V. Lt. Loco

In a bout that featured great action and average heat, Rey Mysterio Jr. defeated Lieutenant Loco in a 1 vs 1 match in 11:40 by pinfall with a Springboard Seated Senton. Rey Mysterio Jr. wins the WCW Cruiserweight title.Rey Mysterio Jr. and Lieutenant Loco have pretty good chemistry, and it lifted the match. Rey Mysterio Jr. is improving in Performance skills. Lieutenant Loco is improving in Rumble skills. Lieutenant Loco is improving in Performance skills. ( 70)


Tenay: There you have it Mysterio is the new Cruiserweight champion.


Zbyszko: Well it’s bout time a deserving person get the Cruiserweight championship.


Tenay: I agree it’s nice to see the division back on track.




We come back from commercial with Mean Gene standing with Chris Candido and Shawn Stasiak


Gene: Welcome back to Nitro, I’m here with Chris Candido and Shawn Stasiak who have something to say.


Candido: That’s right Gene, tonight Shawn and I have found out that we have a lot in common, we don’t like The Perfect Event, as matter of fact we cant stand them and tonight we begin a force to kill them.


Stasiak: That’s right, tonight is the birth of The X Revolution and we will run WCW. (58)





Main Event ten man battle royal

In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Goldberg won a 10 Man Battle Royal in 19:37. The final four competitors also included Hollywood Hulk Hogan, Diamond Dallas Page and Kevin Nash, with Hollywood Hulk Hogan being the final elimination. This match lifted the crowd. Booker T. is improving in Rumble skills. Booker T. is improving in Technical skills. Booker T. is improving in Performance skills. Diamond Dallas Page is improving in Rumble skills. Diamond Dallas Page is improving in Technical skills. Diamond Dallas Page is improving in Flying skills. Diamond Dallas Page is improving in Performance skills. (82)


Goldberg stands in the ring celebrating as the show goes off the air (92


Final Rating: 70

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Well that show went down ok, I’m trying to make new stars but slowly not just having a young guy beat a top guy you get no were like that. The things that brought the show down in my opinion was the first women’s match it will take the fans some time to warm up to the women’s division but they will soon, and the Candido/Stasiak segment along with the Jindrak promo but that was because of lack of overness. I have already made the Thunder card and here it is.


Goldberg will face Disqo


The X Revolution will face 3 Count ( Helms and Moore)


Rey Mysterio face his tag partner Billy Kidman


Booker T faces Johnny The Bull


Quick Picks

Goldberg V. Disqo

The X Revolution V. 3 Count

Mysterio V. Kidman

Booker T V. Johnny the Bull

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