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The Fearsome Bunsen in the UK - HIW

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="MJStark" data-cite="MJStark" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28478" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I feel the HIW clothing line could do with a new addition so I'd like a double sided Heavy Metal Tshirt <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Sorry about the delay... Busy in the real world.</p><p> </p><p> Your Heavy Metal t-shirt has arrived. It really reminds me of the sort of thing I loved to wear when I was 15. Good times...</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://img696.imageshack.us/img696/9062/heavymetaltshirtv2.jpg</span></p>
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<p>Next time from HIW:</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:24px;"><span style="color:#0000FF;">Northern Lites</span></span></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://img59.imageshack.us/img59/2606/hiwnorthernlights.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Semifinal A</p><p>

<strong>Great Britain [Adam Matravers] vs. Ireland [Joey Beauchamp]</strong></p><p>

Adam represents the new face of HIW. Joey is an old veteran at only 28. Obviously Britian vs. Ireland can be incendiary too…</p><p> </p><p>

Semifinal B</p><p>

<strong>Spain [Victor Rodriguez] vs. Belarus [sergei Kalashnov]</strong></p><p>

Old Europe vs. New Europe. Ex-champion vs. current champion. Superstition of the Gypsy Prince vs. the pragmatism of the Eastern Bloc.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Eurovision final</strong> </p><p>

Winner of semifinal A vs. Winner of semifinal B</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Darren White vs. Sharky George for the HIW Death-Proof title</strong></p><p>

Darren surprised lots of people by beating Sharky using a fake cricket-bat and having Jay B interfere as well. Can he repeat a trick like that?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>UK Dragon vs. Bedlam</strong></p><p>

Huge clash of styles. The Dragon is very much a junior-style guy. Bedlam is raw power and purple sparkles. Either way it will be explosive.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Youth Explosion vs. Pitbull Brown & Rolling Johnny Stones for the HIW tag titles</strong></p><p>

Y.E have held the titles with an iron grip recently with their enforcers Heavy Metal being used often. Pitbull and RJS have just come off a huge win over The Foundation. Can they keep the momentum going?</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://img716.imageshack.us/img716/7529/hiwf.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

As always the best predictor will claim his or her choice of bespoke HIW merchandise.</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://img716.imageshack.us/img716/7529/hiwf.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:10px;">Quick picks:</span></p><p> </p><p>

Great Britain [Adam Matravers] vs. Ireland [Joey Beauchamp]</p><p>

Spain [Victor Rodriguez] vs. Belarus [sergei Kalashnov]</p><p>

Eurovision final - Winner of semi-final A vs. Winner of semi-final B</p><p>

Darren White vs. Sharky George for the HIW Death-Proof title</p><p>

UK Dragon vs. Bedlam</p><p>

Youth Explosion vs. Pitbull Brown & Rolling Johnny Stones for the HIW tag titles</p>

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<p>Sorry I've missed a few, exams and stuff taking my time up <img alt=":(" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/frown.png.e6b571745a30fe6a6f2e918994141a47.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Great Britain [Adam Matravers]</strong> vs. Ireland [Joey Beauchamp]</p><p>

Spain [Victor Rodriguez] vs. <strong>Belarus [sergei Kalashnov]</strong></p><p>

<strong>Eurovision final - Winner of semi-final A </strong>vs. Winner of semi-final B</p><p>

<strong>Darren White </strong>vs. Sharky George for the HIW Death-Proof title</p><p>

<strong>UK Dragon vs. Bedlam</strong></p><p>

Youth Explosion vs. <strong>Pitbull Brown & Rolling Johnny Stones for the HIW tag titles</strong></p>

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<p><strong>Great Britain [Adam Matravers]</strong> vs. Ireland [Joey Beauchamp]</p><p>

Spain [Victor Rodriguez] vs. <strong>Belarus [sergei Kalashnov]</strong></p><p>

Eurovision final - Winner of semi-final A vs. <strong>Winner of semi-final B</strong></p><p>

<strong>Darren White</strong> vs. Sharky George for the HIW Death-Proof title</p><p>

UK Dragon vs. <strong>Bedlam</strong></p><p>

Youth Explosion vs. <strong>Pitbull Brown & Rolling Johnny Stones</strong> for the HIW tag titles</p>

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<p>Great Britain [Adam Matravers] vs. <strong>Ireland [Joey Beauchamp]</strong></p><p>

<em>I know I said that UK should be in finals but I pick Joey anyway</em></p><p> </p><p>

Spain [Victor Rodriguez] vs. <strong>Belarus [sergei Kalashnov]</strong></p><p>

<em>Kalashnov is step above Victor</em></p><p> </p><p>

Eurovision final - <strong>Ireland [Joey Beauchamp] </strong>vs. Belarus [sergei Kalashnov]</p><p>

<em>Joey gets a win and a title shot.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Darren White </strong>vs. Sharky George for the HIW Death-Proof title</p><p>

<em>Interesting to see how Darren manages to pull a win out of this but I don´t see much point of giving the title back to Sharky already.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>UK Dragon</strong> vs. Bedlam</p><p>

<em>UK Dragon is one of your top guys while Bedlam seems to be spinning he´s wheels a little right now.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Youth Explosion vs. <strong>Pitbull Brown & Rolling Johnny Stones</strong> for the HIW tag titles</p><p>

<em>Time for a title change</em></p>

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Northern Lites




Thursday week 3 April 2005

Hall Green Cricket Club

Attendance: 1,617






The Fearsome Bunsen introduces the show tonight from the ring.


“We hope you’ve all enjoyed the Eurovision tournament so far. We’ve seen some grudge matches and some surprises but now we’re left with the best fighters in England competing for a nice shiny prize.


“In addition we’ll see the tag titles and Death-Proof title on the line tonight so it should be a cracking show.


“But before that we have a dark day in HIW. Last month Rolling Johnny Stones and Pitbull Brown won a match that guaranteed them 5 minutes in the ring with The Foundation. With no rules. I’m not a fan of unfair violence so it pains me to allow this but a bet’s a bet.”







The Foundation (Leo price and Stevie Stoat with Kathleen Lee) enter the ring looking suitably worried. They’ve been beaten and they know it and now they will have to pay the forfeit. Kathleen in particular seems terrified.


As they cower Pitbull and Stones enter with chairs in hand and start to brutally beat Price and Stoat only stopping when they are bleeding in the ring.


At that point the two aggressors make to also attack Kathleen – but when she drops to her knees begging they show mercy and leave the group broken in the ring.








Joey Beauchamp takes the mic:


“You know what you people are? Jealous. You’re jealous that I’ve got a varied and interesting Irish heritage and all of you are just turnip-eating Saxon peasants. That’s’ why you’ve been complaining I’m not really Irish.


“Well who cares? I feel English as well of course but tonight it’s not important. I’m two matches from victory and I’d pin my own mother to win this tournament. And she grew up in Dublin.”






Great Britain [Adam Matravers] vs. Ireland [Joey Beauchamp]




A match like this could headline any other show in England. Both men compete flat out with a great range of abilities. There are several near-falls, some death-defying moves and ample skill.


Joey ends it by surreptitiously using a set of knuckles on Adam’s kidney.


Winner: Joey Beauchamp (pinfall)








UK Dragon talks to the crowd:


“Sergei Kalashnov – See how I’m beating everyone in my path? You can keep running but I’ve told you. You owe me and I will collect what I deserve.”




Bedlam vs. UK Dragon




Bedlam comes really close to winning this in the first minute as he unleashes his awesome strength but the Dragon uses his technical skills to just about wriggle out of the loss.


As the match goes on the tables turn as Bedlam tires. Even with his supercharged electric powers he’s not the fittest guy around and he stumbles into a Dragon Drop that wins it for the smaller man.


Winner: UK Dragon (Dragon Drop)








Victor Rodriguez addresses the crowd ahead of the second Eurovision semi-final:


“My clan have foretold this in their dreams. Me winning the Eurovision trophy is simply the start as I retake the HIW belt and establish dominance over all these other losers. Sergei Kalashnov – you are a wannabe. New Europe cannot ever stand up to a glorious country like Spain.”




Belarus [sergei Kalashnov] vs. Spain [Victor Rodriguez]




It’s easy to forget what a big guy Victor is. When he’s in the ring with Sergei it’s especially noticeable. Again this is a great match. The two men have a history of them and had a great series back when Victor was HIW champ and Sergei the pretender.


Victor is clearly resurgent these days and Sergei has to fight hard to win this. And when I say Sergei I mean Dolf Kernen. The Belarusian’s partner storms the ring and attacks Victor leading to an easy win for the Fresh prince.


Winner: Sergei Kalashnov (Eastern Block)








Darren White (supported by Jay B) talks to the crowd ahead of his match with Sharky George. Dazza is wearing his Death-proof title very proudly.


“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Boo all you want. This isn’t a belt for vanilla crowd favourites like UK Dragon or Sam Strong or Captain Hero. This is a belt for people who do whatever it takes. For people who go the extra mile. For people who push the envelope and then keep on going. Sharky George is an old Australian gentleman. Polite to ‘Sheilas’, nice to his mates and tough in the ring. Plenty of people might respect that but I think it’s old. Old and boring. Being a Shortcut is about knowing what you’ve got to do and then doing it. And that’s why I’m wearing this belt and he’s not.”




Darren White vs. Sharky George for the HIW Death-proof title




Sharky isn’t such a gentleman today. The two men here go after each other like wild dogs and Jay B interferes liberally. There are no real rules in a Death-proof match so the ref can’t do much about it.


The match looks like it can go any way until a 4th man climbs into the ring:




Scottish Elemental has brought a steel pipe with him and with Darren and Sharky locked together uses it liberally on both of them before Jay B is sent running as well.


Elemental calmly drops the pipe onto the battered bodies and smears his hand through his face-paint leaving a clear patch. His features are vaguely familiar but without saying a word Elemental walks off backstage.


Winner: Darren White retains (both men incapacitated)








Rolling Johnny Stones and Pitbull Brown enter the ring



“It gave me no pleasure to give Leo and Stevie that beating earlier but to be fair they did lock me up in a basement for 3 weeks. In any other profession they’d be in prison but as a wrestler you just have to live with this sort of thing.




“But we’re not animals. I may fight for a living but I’m not the sort of guy that hits women. Kathleen is a bitch and a cheap slut but I’m not going to be the guy that puts her down. I’m more interested in opportunities. Tonight we’ve got the chance to win HIW gold.”


“I held this belt back in 2002 with Danny Patterson.”


“And I was champ with The Damned back in 2002.”


“So we know what we’re doing. And now it’s time to take them back from a pair of snivelling over-privileged little girls.”






Youth Explosion (Leigh Burton & Ricky Storm) vs. Rolling Johnny Stones and Pitbull Brown for the HIW tag titles




The tag titles in HIW are very well respected with a great history of matches for them but this is impressive even so.


Leigh and Ricky have been getting somewhat complacent but there’s no danger of that with a pair of old enemies like this. Johnny appears back to his strongest after his ordeals and Pitbull as always is implacable and focused.

It looks a little too close but of course Youth Explosion’s ace in the hole is their new allies/underlings:




Heavy Metal (Beast and Menace) storm the ring and Menace goes for a vicious clothesline that would have taken Pitbull’s head off… If he hadn’t ducked and let Ricky Storm take the hit instead.


Ricky went down hard after the blow from the giant and in the confusion Pitbull made the cover for the win.


Winners: Rolling Johnny Stones and Pitbull Brown






Sergei Kalashnov and Joey Beauchamp both enter the ring before the final of the Eurovision tournament for an extended stare-down. For once the HIW fans are quiet as they gear up for the huge clash and all is still…

Before Sergei spits in Joey’s face.




Belarus [sergei Kalashnov] vs. Ireland [Joey Beauchamp]




With saliva still dripping down Joey’s face the spell is broken and the two men fly at each other. The match zooms around and outside the ring and the fans are treated to almost 20 minutes of non-stop action as both men seem desperate to win.


Joey seems to be getting the better of things but when Sergei’s allies (Dolf Kernen and British Samurai) come to ringside things look bleak. Except they don’t do anything. This is the second time they haven’t helped Sergei out and as he gestures to them to get involved Joey gathers his strength before spending his last energy on a last desperate Breeze Block that just manages to connect giving him the win as Dolf and Samurai watch on.


Winner: Joey Beauchamp (Breeze Block)






Overall show rating: C+

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Really happy with that show.


I spent too long just playing this save so I got a bit caught up in developing loads of guys rather than actually growing.


After a stint with USPW Im a little more focused now on using my top guys to drive growth so hopefully we'll see that happen.






20Legend 4/6

MJStark 3/6

Zergon 6/6


Great work sir. And excellent reasoning as well. Please feel free to select any item you would like from the ever-growing HIW merchandise catalogue.




Thanks very much everyone who is reading and especially predicting and commenting. As always all feedback, suggestions and requests are welcome.

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<p>Next time from HIW:</p><p> </p><p>

Spark</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://img195.imageshack.us/img195/933/hiwspark.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Dark Falcon vs. Jay B for the HIW Velocity Title</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Falcon has been struggling recently with Bedlam and his craziness. Can he get back to winning ways?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Melbourne Blondes [blake Belushi & Rick Stantz] vs. De Oranje Dieren & Red Dragon</strong></p><p> </p><p>

The Blondes have proven theyre good but can they overcome a fan favourite like Red Dragon?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Evil Henchmen vs. Heavy Metal [beast & Menace] vs. The Nadir [Ony Svoboda & Ioakim Nikolic]</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Heavy Metal have been on a roll but costing Youth Explosion the tag titles wont have gone down well. Can they recover?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jed High vs. Scottish Elemental</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Scottish Elemental made himself known by attacking Sharky and Dazza last week. He better have something up his sleeve...</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Double Dutch [Ruud van Anger & Frank de Pain] vs Einar Karlsen & Emerald Angel</strong></p><p> </p><p>

The Dutch are a good team but Einar is a dangerous guy and Emerald Angel has glory in his future. Is this his time to shine?</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://img716.imageshack.us/img716/7529/hiwf.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

As always the finest predictor will receive their choice of merchandise...</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://img716.imageshack.us/img716/7529/hiwf.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>QUICK PICKS</strong></p><p>

Dark Falcon vs. Jay B</p><p>

Melbourne Blondes vs. De Oranje Dieren & Red Dragon</p><p>

The Evil Henchmen vs. Heavy Metal vs. The Nadir</p><p>

Jed High vs. Scottish Elemental</p><p>

Doube Dutch vs Einar Karlsen & Emerald Angel</p>

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I take some Jed High mercandise this time.


Dark Falcon vs. Jay B

Jay B gets his own belt as Shortcut push continues


Melbourne Blondes vs. De Oranje Dieren & Red Dragon

Named team over random pairing even if that random pairing includes the totally awasome (but not really that good:rolleyes:) Red Dragon


The Evil Henchmen vs. Heavy Metal vs. The Nadir

This will be a close fight... or MAYBE not.


Jed High vs. Scottish Elemental

Elemental better win this one if he wants to have anykind of push like his last angle hinted.


Double Dutch vs Einar Karlsen & Emerald Angel

Named team over random jobbers.

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Dark Falcon vs. Jay B

Melbourne Blondes vs. De Oranje Dieren & Red Dragon

The Evil Henchmen vs. Heavy Metal vs. The Nadir

Jed High vs. Scottish Elemental

He's a good worker

Doube Dutch vs Einar Karlsen & Emerald Angel

They're awesome

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Thursday Week 4 April 2005

Silver Dollar Billiards Room, Dublin, Ireland

Att: 538






The Fearsome Bunsen introduces tonight’s showcase of HIW’s lesser lights (or as he says “The Catalysts of tomorrow’s exothermic conflagrations”).

He reveals that Darren White and Sharky George were both hospitalised and seriously injured by Scottish Elemental’s attack at Northern Lites.






The Melbourne Blondes (Blake Belushi & Rick Stantz) vs. De Oranje Dieren & Red Dragon




The Blondes attempt to bludgeon the much smaller Dutchman and Welshman but find it hard going. Red Dragon is fast and agile and manages to avoid serious troubles until the Australians are worn down allowing him to seal the win after a Hurricanrana.


Winners: De Oranje Dieren & Red Dragon








Heavy Metal (Beast & Menace) enter the ring first. They pose flexing their muscles and showing off their tattoos and Beast even gets in a fans face on the walk to the ring. They’re fearsome.




The Evil Henchmen vs. Heavy Metal (Beast & Menace) vs. The Nadir (Ony Svoboda & Ioakim Nikolic)




The Henchmen and Nadir quickly band together to try and defeat the far bigger Heavy Metal boys here but it’s no real use. Even with a 2:1 advantage the monsters simply toss bodies around the ring like two bears fighting dogs.


The match is mercifully short until Beast hits a powerbomb on Svoboda.


Winners: Heavy Metal








The Fearsome Bunsen interviews Double Dutch (Ruud van Anger & Frank de Pain) in the ring. The two Dutchmen claim that they were inspired at Northern Lites. For a long time Youth Explosion have been lording it over everyone and using their hired muscle (Heavy Metal) to stack the odds.


Now Pitbull and Rolling Johnny Stones have finally given them the beating they deserve and it opens everything up. And the Dutchmen think that they’re in a great position to challenge.




Double Dutch (Ruud van Anger & Frank de Pain) vs. Einar Karlsen & Emerald Angel




Einar is a bit of a sore thumb here as the muscled Norwegian is surrounded by small, flying athletes.


Again Emerald Angel performs some great stunts but doesn’t look like actually pinning down Ruud and Frank. In contrast they seem especially dangerous as slick tags outclass their inexperienced opponents and the confusion allows Frank to win with an Orange Wave.


Winners: Double Dutch








Scottish Elemental enters the ring with a microphone. As he speaks he wipes away the facepaint.


“I’m sure some of you were shocked by what happened at Northern Lites. You may have expected someone else in the ring but not me. Not half a tag-team that’s never done nothing.


“It’s that lack of respect that has pissed me off. I’ve never wanted to use my family name to gain an advantage but something needs to change. I’ve got the talent, the skill and the bloodline to be a big name. I don’t need a mask any more. I put down two big names and now theyre in hospital. And I’m not going to stop there. I’ll be here until you fans realise who I am.


“My real name is Jeffrey McPeterson. You’ve probably heard my surname before. My dad’s better known as The Highland Warrior.”




Jed High vs. Jeffrey McPeterson




Poor Jed. He’s a little short of a fully functional sense of reality anyway and that’s when he’s supported (reluctantly) by a man who paints his face red and sings rugby songs for a living.


Coming up against a fired up McPeterson he doesn’t really know what hit him. Jeff showed some of his power last week and picks up again there with a series of great aerial and technical moves that quickly reduce Jed to jelly before hitting his Highland Fling.


Winner: Jeffrey McPeterson








The Fearsome Bunsen interviews Dark Falcon & Jay B ahead of their Velocity title showdown.


Dark Falcon is proud of how he has stood up to the Purple Monster Bedlam and Jay B talks about how he and Darren have vanquished Sharky George




Dark Falcon vs. Jay B for the HIW Velocity title




This is typical stuff for a Velocity match. Both men cover a lot of ground at high speeds and aren’t afraid to take to the skies.


Unfortunately for Falcon Jay has come in a bad mood and produces a set of knuckles that he surreptitiously produces and uses to hit Falcon in the kidneys. Dark Falcon goes down hard and Jay B looks set for the pin when we get an intruder:




Super Falcon and Dark Falcon have been increasingly fractious over their disagreement of methods recently but the more honourable Falcon doesn’t get in the ring. He just stands by which causes Jay B to pause. This of course is all Dark Falcon needs and he pulls Jay into a flash pin to retain the belt.


Winner: Dark Falcon






Overall show rating: D

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Thanks again for reading chaps.


Firstly - Zergon - I havent forgotten your prize! Jed High merch is on its way to you as we speak.






Zergon 3/5

MJStark 4/5

20legend 4/5


With a tie MJStark was the most recent winner so 20Legend gets his pick of stuff.

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I take some Jed High mercandise this time.



Wow - that really was fast. Well done me.


One Jed High t-shirt sir:




Although we might be seeing him too much in the near future...

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Next time from HIW:


Full Force




Double Dutch (Ruud van Anger & Frank de Pain) vs. The Melbourne Blondes (Blake Belushi & Rick Stantz)

The Dutchmen think they're tough enough to go for a title shot. Are they dreaming? Can they get through the tough underrated Aussies first?


Eastern Bloc (Sergei Kalashnov & Dolf Kernen) vs. British Samurai & UK Dragon

British Samurai was allied with the champ Sergei but now appears to be on his own. He and UK Dragon have issues and last time they fought together Samurai turned on Dragon. What's changed now?


Rolling Johnny Stones & Pitbull Brown © vs. Heavy Metal (Beast & Menace) for the HIW Tag Titles

Our new tag champs face a tough first ask. Heavy Metal are undefeated in HIW and some say undefeatable. Are they still working for Youth Explosion?


Geordie Jimmy Morris vs. Jeffrey McPeterson

Jeffrey revealed who he really is last week and looks to be a new hardcore sensation. Can the old brawler Jimmy tame the young man?


Bedlam vs. Petey Barnes

Petey has been beating big names with Adam Matravers as part of TNG. Bedlam is still pretty crazy but of course is a purple Welsh monster...


Danny Appleseed vs. Joey Beauchamp vs. Red Dragon

A hot young talent, an ex-champ and a cult hero. This is more about who will team up rather than whos the best. A bit like The Weakest Link.





Double Dutch vs. The Melbourne Blondes

Eastern Bloc vs. British Samurai & UK Dragon

Rolling Johnny Stones & Pitbull Brown vs. Heavy Metal for the HIW Tag Titles

Geordie Jimmy Morris vs. Jeffrey McPeterson

Bedlam vs. Petey Barnes

Danny Appleseed vs. Joey Beuchamp vs. Red Dragon




As always the best predictor will win an item of HIW merchandise of their choice. Last week's prize is on its way.


Thanks for reading and predicting everyone. As always all feedback is greatly appreciated

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Piece of Joey Beauchamp merch please, something to show of his Irish-ness.


Here you are sir - a limited edition poster celebrating the vile product that idiots from around the world claim is somehow better when drunk in a nasty little city full of stag-dos ;)




Full force going up in next 18 hours

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Here you are sir - a limited edition poster celebrating the vile product that idiots from around the world claim is somehow better when drunk in a nasty little city full of stag-dos ;)




Full force going up in next 18 hours


:D That's awesome!


Double Dutch vs. The Melbourne Blondes

The bright orange makes me want to pick them, all the time :D

Eastern Bloc vs. British Samurai & UK Dragon

I don't know with this one but I think UK Dragon might have to win this one in his own

Rolling Johnny Stones & Pitbull Brown vs. Heavy Metal for the HIW Tag Titles

New champs retain!

Geordie Jimmy Morris vs. Jeffrey McPeterson

Bedlam vs. Petey Barnes

Monster squash

Danny Appleseed vs. Joey Beuchamp vs. Red Dragon

No way he loses after ^ that amazing peice of art made for him.


The logo for full force is one of my favourites as well

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Double Dutch vs. The Melbourne Blondes

Eastern Bloc vs. British Samurai & UK Dragon

Rolling Johnny Stones & Pitbull Brown vs. Heavy Metal for the HIW Tag Titles via DQ or something

Geordie Jimmy Morris vs. Jeffrey McPeterson

Bedlam vs. Petey Barnes

Danny Appleseed vs. Joey Beuchamp vs. Red Dragon

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Full Force May 2005




Hall Green Cricket Club

Attendance: 1,834






Geordie Jimmy Morris opens the show tonight:


“Alreeet! I’ve been HIW for a long time now and there have been very few guys who have really wound me up. I had my differences with Sharky George. I never got on with The Steamroller. But mostly it’s been fine. What I can’t stand though is people trading off their family name.


“Scottish Elemental was a good worker. He had skill, pace, bravery and toughness. Jeffrey McPeterson is just another kid using his daddy’s legacy to get a leg up.


“I don’t fight much anymore. But tonight I’m going to show Jeffrey that’s not what we are in HIW. This is a company about standing on your own. Let’s see if you can handle that Daddy’s boy.”




Geordie Jimmy Morris vs. Jeffery McPeterson




Of course Jeffrey isn’t going to take that and comes piling down into the ring in his kilt with his lead pipe in hand.


The two men put together a fairly standard brawl but it’s intensity lifts it up. It’s easy to see that although Jeffrey is a high-flier he’s inherited a lot of his dad’s skills. Jimmy of course is a classic street fighter anyway.

Jimmy gives it all he can but he’s a lot older and his energy fails allowing Jeffrey to hit his Highland Fling.


Winner: Jeffrey McPeterson








Rolling Johnny Stones and Pitbull Brown cut a promo together.



“We only won these tag belts last month and its all kicking off. Just when we thought we’d earned some breathing room it turns out Youth Explosion have brought in some giant metal-heads to go after us, Leigh and Ricky want another shot and even Double Dutch think they can have a go.”



“Is there anyone that doesn’t want a run at us? Maybe the Genocide Agents? The UK Wrecking crew? It doesn’t matter. We’re fighting champs so we’ll be making sure we fulfil all our obligations by taking on all-comers. Starting with Heavy Metal tonight.”




Rolling Johnny Stones and Pitbull Brown © vs. Heavy Metal (Beast & Menace)




Everyone knows that you can’t go head to head with the Heavy Metal boys. They’re just too big and powerful. Certainly a couple of guys with the brains and experience of Stones and Brown wouldn’t try that so this match is a cat-and-mouse of tactics.


Unfortunately no one told Beast and Menace that this would be the tactic and they seem a bit bewildered. The two big men take it quite personally and end up getting in each other’s faces.


Of course that’s what the champs were waiting for and a swift double team ends in a flash pin for Pitbull.


Winners: Rolling Johnny Stones and Pitbull Brown






After the match an enraged Heavy Metal assault Stones and Pitbull. As they stick the boot in they’re joined by Youth Explosion (Leigh Burton & Ricky Storm).








The Welsh Purple Monster Bedlam grabs a mic. He tries to talk but basically all that happens is a few sparks and zaps. Clearly sometimes the big freak can’t even master basic actions.


After a few minutes of this the crowd are getting restless until Petey Barnes also appears.


“This is stupid. I can’t believe I have to do this but I’m not sitting around watching crap like this. You! Bedlam! In the ring now.”




Bedlam vs Petey Barnes




Well he may be a zapping electrical freak who glows in the dark but he can still fight. Bedlam shows everyone what they’ve been missing here as he shows off his awesome power. Of course Petey is a tag wrestler and not really at home in singles but he is a telented and accomplished fighter and gets in a great share of action before Bedlam applies one of the most feared submission holds in the UK: the Mind Strangler.


Winner: Bedlam by submission








Double Dutch (Ruud van Anger & Frank de Pain) talk before their match.


“So Pitbull and Johnny… Everyone gets a turn do they? In that case we’re stepping up. We’re not going to attack you guys after matches, or get our pals involved or cheat but we do think we deserve a chance. And the Fearsome Bunsen agrees.


”We talked to him earlier and he gave us that chance. If we beat the Blondes tonight we’ll get a title shot in two weeks at Bleed Forever.”




Double Dutch (Ruud van Anger & Frank de Pain) vs. Melbourne Blondes (Blake Belushi & Rick Stantz)




The Blondes are slick and very talented but they’ve been on a shocking streak of losses recently and this match never looked like anything else.

The smaller Dutch men are far quicker and cleverer and it’s only a matter of time before Frank takes advantage of a perfect Orange Wave.


Winners: Double Dutch (receive a title shot at Bleed Forever)








Joey Beauchamp comes to the ring brandishing his Eurovision trophy:


“It’s with great pride that I can appear before you all with this trophy. It wasn’t easy fighting my way past all comers in the tournament but I like to think that cream rises to the top.


“I’ve beaten almost everyone in HIW before. I’ve worn the belt and I want more. I’m a good looking man but with that shiny strap everything comes so much easier. Women, money, success, fame. Once you’ve been there you can never go back to just being an ordinary person.


“And so I’m making a demand. Sergei Kalashnov: Last month I beat you fair and square in the centre of the ring and somehow you’re still the champ. Consider this your final warning.”




Joey Beauchamp vs. The Red Dragon




The Dragon showed last month at Spark what a competitor he is especially when Jed High isn’t hauling him down but that was strictly b-level. In a match against someone with the diversity of Joey Beauchamp it’s a different story.


The Eurovision champ doesn’t take this for granted and it’s always a struggle to get a win in HIW but even so this is a clear case of a superior fighter before Joey hits his Breeze Block to win.


Winner: Joey Beauchamp








British Samurai accompanies UK Dragon who addresses the crowd:


“Extraordinary circumstances call for extraordinary measures. It was only recently that I counted Samurai amongst my oldest friends. Until he betrayed me over a few quid of dirty money from Sergei Kalashnov. And how did that work out for you Samurai?


“You saw that the Fresh Prince of Belarus is a liar and a cheat and you never should have listened to him. It’s too late for our friendship now. You already threw that away but you can make things right. I’ve sworn to go after my belt and win it back but I can’t do it on my own.


“We’ll never be friends again but I think I can trust your for one night.”






Sergei comes out to respond with his henchman Dolf Kernen.


“What lovely scene. Old friends stand shoulder to shoulder. Ha ha ha. I know what you two really are. Samurai – you betrayed your oldest friend for cash. Dragon – you think you have the high ground but really you are just like me.


“Everyone tonight wants a shot at my title. Everyone thinks he has some reason to be big champion.


“You want me in the ring? Fine. You got me. Dolf and I will teach you why you are mistaken.”




Eastern Bloc (Sergei Kalashnov & Dolf Kernen) vs. British Samurai & UK Dragon




For someone who has just talked about it Sergei actually doesn’t spend a lot of time in the ring here as Dolf is left to do most of the heavy lifting.

Samurai and Dragon only team together very grudgingly and both men look wary of each other at all times.


Meanwhile Dolf and Sergei are also fractious and bad tempered.

The match proceeds quite jerkily with everyone watching themselves but it’s not long until all four men are fighting openly with each other.


At this point all the other men with a grudge to settle get involved also attack the ring. Joey Beauchamp and Bedlam appear, but so do Leigh Burton and Ricky Storm.


With 8 men brawling all around the ring the ref has no choice but to ring the bell.


Winners: None – match abandoned






Overall show rating: C-

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The logo for full force is one of my favourites as well


Thankyou sir




Bit of a strange show today as we get used to


a) having a much smaller roster than we have for a while




b) the big bit of news that will be announced soon by Dr Bunsen...






20Legend 4/6


MJStark 5/6


Sorry 20Legend - you missed the Bedlam/Petey match out.


MJStark - please feel free to request anything you'd like as a prize. Maybe this one will even have some sort of graphical work rather than text...




Apologies for the sports entertainment finish in the main event. I try to avoid them wherever possible but the fans dont mind and sometimes theyre necessay.


Once again thanks everyone for reading, paying attention, thinking hard and commenting on my little story.

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Next time from HIW:


On Tour




Sergei Kalashnov vs. Geordie Jimmy Morris

The champ takes on the gnarled, tough, old-timer. Sergei seems to be increasingly on his own. Can he win with less support?


Victor Hugo (Victor Rodriguez & Hugo Lopes) vs. Youth Explosion (Leigh Burton & Ricky Storm)

The Explosion boys think they can get the tag belts back. Victor thinks he can win any match he enters. Who’s right?


De Oranje Dieren vs. UK Dragon

Two masked men face off. UK Dragon is more motivated than ever but the Orange Animal brings an edge of crazy intensity. Can he cause an upset?


English Avenger vs. Jeffrey McPeterson

Two tag partners battle. Now Jeffrey has unmasked himself do these two have a future? Who’s under the Avenger’s mask anyway?


Os Falcoes (Dark & Super Falcon) vs. TNG (Adam Matravers & Petey Barnes)

Adam Matravers needs a win but Dark Falcon is still the Velocity title holder. Who can make ther team work hardest?


Heavy Metal (Beast & Menace) vs. The Melbourne Blondes (Blake Belushi & Rick Stantz)

Heavy Metal were beaten for the first time last week by the tag champs (Stones and Pitbull). Can they recover or will the talented Aussies pull themselves together?




As always the best predictor will win their choice of rubbish HIW merch. Thanks everyone for paying attention.





Sergei Kalashnov vs. Geordie Jimmy Morris

Victor Hugo vs. Youth Explosion

De Oranje Dieren vs. UK Dragon

English Avenger vs. Jeffrey McPeterson

Os Falcoes vs. TNG

Heavy Metal vs. The Melbourne Blondes

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Sergei Kalashnov vs. Geordie Jimmy Morris

Sergei is cool and GJM has good performance skills (IIRC) so can put someone over

Victor Hugo vs. Youth Explosion

I'd like Youth Explosion to win but don't think they will

De Oranje Dieren vs. UK Dragon

He is better

English Avenger vs. Jeffrey McPeterson

Jeff is a star in the making!

Os Falcoes vs. TNG

Heavy Metal vs. The Melbourne Blondes

Can't lose again

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