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The Fearsome Bunsen in the UK - HIW

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<p>Thanks for reading chaps and sorry for the long gap...</p><p> </p><p>

That was a great show for us. Leigh and Joey put on our best ever match and we hit our finest ever show. </p><p> </p><p>

The 3way hardcore match was better than expected, and Ricky/Pitbull and Foundation/Eastern Bloc impressed me too.</p><p> </p><p>

Predictions:</p><p> </p><p>

Zergon 5/6</p><p>

Stennick 3/6</p><p>

Nightshadeex 4/6</p><p>

ajcrible 3/6</p><p> </p><p>

Im going to offer two prizes from now on. </p><p> </p><p>

1) I love the current "ask a wrestler a question thing" so each shows winner will get to do so if they choose. Zergon - let me know</p><p> </p><p>

2) The year's cumulative champ will get to turn one of our events into a themed show. For 2002 this will be the first show of January "New Beginnings". Thinking caps on.</p><p> </p><p>

Anyway I'm having a blast with this game so thanks for reading everyone. </p><p> </p><p>

Next time on HIW:</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Zoom!</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://a.imageshack.us/img694/4025/hiwzoom.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Hustlers (Joey Beauchamp & Fred Murray) vs. Youth Explosion (Leigh Burton & Ricky Storm) vs. Aussie Invasion (Sharky George & Jon Harrow)</strong></p><p>

Joey and Fred have had issues the last few weeks with Youth Explosion. And of course Joey and Sharky are old foes. 6 men in the ring - anything could happen</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Steamroller vs. Victor Rodriguez</strong></p><p>

Victor has been quiet but has a great record. Steamroller will be furious after getting suckerpunched by Sharky last week.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Hugo Lopes vs. Rolling Johnny Stones </strong></p><p>

Stones has been battling Hugo and Victor for the tag titles. Who will win the singls match?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Foundation (Leo Price & Stevie Stoat) vs. The Rejects (Pitbull Brown & The Damned)</strong></p><p>

Leo and Stoat have been on fire but the Rejects are a proper team. And prone to attacks with the backing of Rolling Johnny Stones and Danny Patterson...</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Darren White vs. Sergei Kalashnov (Velocity League)</strong></p><p>

Darren has had an awful career in tag action but this is hiw solo debut. Sergei almost claimed this belt but lost last week in a tag match.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Adam Matravers vs. Jay B (Velocity League)</strong></p><p>

Adam is a hot young thing. Jay has the backing of The Foundation</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Quick predictions:</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Hustlers vs. Youth Explosion vs. Ausie Invasion</p><p>

Steamroller vs. Victor Rodriguez</p><p>

Hugo Lopes vs. Rolling Johnny Stones</p><p>

Foundation vs. Rejects</p><p>

Darren White vs. Sergei Kalashnov</p><p>

Adam Matravers vs. Jay B</p>

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<p>Hustlers vs. Youth Explosion vs. <strong>Aussie Invasion</strong></p><p>

<strong>Steamroller </strong>vs. Victor Rodriguez</p><p>

Hugo Lopes vs.<strong> Rolling Johnny Stones</strong></p><p>

<strong>Foundation</strong> vs. Rejects</p><p>

Darren White vs. <strong>Sergei Kalashnov</strong></p><p>

Adam Matravers vs. <strong>Jay B</strong></p>

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<p>Hustlers vs. <strong>Youth Explosio</strong>n vs. Ausie Invasion</p><p>

<em>Either one of the Hustlers will turn heel soon if all signs are correct and either way they have too big troubles with each others to win this one</em></p><p>


Steamroller</strong> vs. Victor Rodriguez</p><p>

<em>I´m guessing Steamroller gets the monster heel treatment</em></p><p> </p><p>

Hugo Lopes vs. <strong>Rolling Johnny Stones</strong></p><p>

<em>No idea just picking the guy who I like more</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Foundation</strong> vs. Rejects</p><p>

<em>Same, picking the team who I like more</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Darren White</strong> vs. Sergei Kalashnov</p><p>

<em>I´m guessing that you plan to break up the Shortcut team and in order to that to happen White needs to pick some singles wins in order for him to say that he´s partner is dragging him down</em></p><p> </p><p>

Adam Matravers vs. <strong>Jay B</strong></p><p>

<em>I have liked Jay B ever since I used him in my 2008 diary so I just have to pick him here even though I actually expect Matravers to win</em></p><p> </p><p>

I´m going to skip that question thing. Sorry, but I just can´t think anything right now.<img alt=":o" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/redface.png.900245280682ef18c5d82399a93c5827.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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<p>Hustlers vs. <strong>Youth Explosion </strong>vs. Ausie Invasion</p><p>

<em>Burton needs a 'W' after last show.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Steamroller</strong> vs. Victor Rodriguez</p><p>

<em>Steamroller could use a domination win to build momentum. Plus I'm a mark for talentless hosses.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Hugo Lopes vs. <strong>Rolling Johnny Stones</strong></p><p>

<em>I like his render?</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Foundation</strong> vs. Rejects</p><p>

<em>On a roll.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Darren White vs. <strong>Sergei Kalashnov</strong></p><p>

<em>All I can hear is the Fresh Prince theme song when I make this pick.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Adam Matravers </strong>vs. Jay B</p><p>

<em>I hate Jay B.</em></p>

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<p>Who is:</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="font-size:14px;">Victor Rodriguez</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://img269.imageshack.us/img269/1802/victorrodriguez.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Victor is a 22 year old Spanish light heavyweight.</p><p> </p><p>

He has spent most of his career working for HIW in the UK and UCR in Europe as a tag worker. He is a two-time tag champ in HIW (with Hugo Lopes) and a long-time tag champ in UCR with Herschel the Hammer under the name Mach 2. What a bizarre team.</p><p> </p><p>

Storywise he plays The Gypsy Prince. An old-fashioned Romany clan traditionalist who tends to have a large chip on his shoulder and a belief in unspecified mystic powers. Of course these tend not to materialise and so Victor has no problem with a few underhand techniques to make up for his malfunctioning lucky heather. Victor has a love/hate relationship with Hugo his Portuguese partner and their trans-Iberian relationship is surely set for a histrionic Hispanic meltdown some day soon...</p><p> </p><p>

A fantastic technical worker with no shortage of mic skills Victor would appear to be a star waiting to happen but he’s never quite gotten over in either market as he should have done.</p><p> </p><p>


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<p>Hustlers vs. <strong>Youth Explosion</strong> vs. Ausie Invasion</p><p>

<em>This could be a breakout spot for Youth Explosion, although I could see the aussie's taking it</em></p><p> </p><p>

Steamroller vs. <strong>Victor Rodriguez</strong></p><p>

<em>Because I just saw his statline</em></p><p> </p><p>

Hugo Lopes vs. <strong>Rolling Johnny Stones</strong></p><p>

<em>Johnny's one of the stronger competitors in the company right now, and Lopes is definitely the junior partner is Victor Hugo</em></p><p> </p><p>

Foundation vs. <strong>Rejects</strong></p><p>

<em>For my money, Rejects are the stronger unit</em></p><p> </p><p>

Darren White vs. <strong>Sergei Kalashnov</strong></p><p>

<em>Sergei's just better</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Adam Matravers</strong> vs. Jay B</p><p>

<em>Again, this seems a little one sided</em></p>

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Who is...


Darren White




Darren is a 20 year old Essex boy with a strange mix of abilities. He's a pretty average worker in the ring, but has amazing skill on the microphone and connecting with the crowd that comes from spending his formative years as a door-to-door salesman flogging white stillettos and hair bleach in Southend.


He's a middleweight and has such good athleticism and stamina that he can keep up with the true fliers in HIW pretty well.


His record is 3 wins, a draw and 21 losses so far (including dark matches) but given that the crowd are starting to warm to him and he has held a couple of suprisingly good matches we might expect that to improve sooner rather than later.



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Friday week 4 June 2002

Attendance: 1,000






The Fearsome Bunsen introduces the show from his backstage lab where chemicals bubble and obscure machines clank away. Bunsen hypes the main event where Joey Beauchamp and Sharky George will be in the ring together for the first time since February. Also in the match are Ricky Storm and Leigh Burton who are again looking to embarrass The Breeze and Fred Murray.


"A creature will find a way to adapt to it's surroundings and Sharky has done that. Life will find a way to succeed. With a cricket bat."


C- 54






Richmond Mafia manager Kathleen Lee enters the ring with The Rejects. She claims that the Foundation are average fighters who have been bribing people to lose to them and are the dullest team in HIW. Which is why her boys will be taking them down a peg or two.

D 44


The Foundation (Leo Price & Stevie Stoat) vs. The Rejects (Pitbull Brown & The Damned)




A real contrast in styles with Price and Stoat the superior technicians and the Rejects brawlers. It's very open but the difference is Kathleen Lee who distracts Leo Price long enough to keep him from helping Stoat who is pinned by Pitbull.


Winners: Rejects


D+ 50






The Fearsome Bunsen enters the ring and talks about the Velocity League. Tonight again sees two matches (Adam Matravers vs. Jay B & Sergei Kalashnov vs. Darren White)


D+ 48


Adam Matravers vs. Jay B (Velocity League)




This is what we like in HIW. A couple of wiry chaps fighting until they're hamburger and doing stuff normal people wouldn't dream of. Jay is a bit of a revalation as a singles fighter here.


However, Adam is on a wave of confidence and manages to hit his brilliant signature "Mile-High Moonsault" for the win.


Winner: Adam Matravers


D+ 51




Ricky Storm, Petey Barnes and Leigh Burton join Adam Matravers in the ring and all 4 members of Youth Explosion claim they are going to reinvent themselves as not just winners but dominant players in HIW. Adam thinks he can win the Velocity League, but Ricky and Leigh say they have bigger fish to fry. They're going to win the main event tonight, finish off the Rejects once and for all and then start coming for more gold.

C- 54




Darren White and Sergei Kalashnov bother enter the ring and start jawing with each other on microphones before their match. Both men are funny, over the top and very rude about each other whilst claiming they are Velocity contenders.


D 44


Sergei Kalashnov vs. Darren White (Velocity League)




Again, this is right up the HIW fans' alley. Sergei has been putting on great stuff recently and is maybe our most consistent fighter outside the top stars. Darren is improving fast too, now the fans know him a little bit.


The key moment is a typically underhand one involving these men, but it is Darren's partner Francis O'Brien who runs in rather than Sergei's partner Dolf Kernen. Franics steams into the ring with a chair behind Sergei only for the Ukrainian to duck. Wherupon Francis nails Darren in the face, allowing Sergei to hit his Eastern Block on a dazed White as Francis watches stunned.




Winner: Sergei Kalashnov


C- 55






The Hustlers are backstage and are overheard bickering. Fred isn't happy that Joey has been blaming him as the weak link, but The Breeze is unrepentant. They'll be equal partners when both men can be trusted not to lose matches...


C- 58






Rolling Johnny Stones enters the ring with his partner/bodyguard Danny Patterson. Both men carry their tag belts. Stones claims that no other team can come close to them with a dominant man like Danny and a master wrestler like Stones himself in control. Tonight's opponent Hugo Lopes can't even seem to get his partner Vitor Rodriguez interested as he's nowhere to be seen. Nevertheless Johnny is formally agreeing to a title match between the two teams in a fortnight's time at Summer Falls to prove their superiority.


D+ 48


Hugo Lopes vs. Rolling Johnny Stones




Wow. Another breakout singles match here as Hugo seems like a man posessed as he goes toe-to-toe with a 2-time HIW champ. Johnny is far more dangerous as the bigger man up close, but Hugo's speed, agility and athleticism help him keep from getting locked up. In fact, Hugo manages a couple of big splashes and works the whip well before setting Johnny up for the Man o' War Splash.


Which is when Danny Patterson takes matters into his own hands and seizes the much, much smaller man. This allows Johnny enough time to recover and together the champions sticvk the boot into Hugo before Johny hits him with a brainbuster.


Winner: Rolling Johnny Stones


C- 58






The Gypsy Prince Victor Rodriguez grabs a microphone and slates Danny and Johnny for fighting unfairly. This is hypocrisy, but the crow lap it up. Victor claims that his elderly Romany grandmother has seen his cards and his future holds victory. Which is why he has asked to fight the monster Steamroller tonight. And after that he's going to be ready to take back his tag titles at Summer Falls.


D 46




The Steamroller enters and takes exception to this though. Steamroller is pretty scary and intense as he details just how annoyed he is about Sharky George and his loss to him a fortnight ago at Guntrip. Steamroller challenges Sharky to the match he has wanted for a long time. 1 on 1. No DQs. Anything goes.


D+ 50


Victor Rodrigues vs. Steamroller




Victor isn't a small man, but the Steamroller still towers above him and continually tries to grab the Spaniard. Strangely though, Victor doesn't seem too perturbed as he uses his array of reversals to manipulate the Steamroller into a frustrated rage.


The match turns into a more straightfroward one where Steamroller slams Rodriguez a few times, but as he starts to look strong Steamtroller gets a surprise. To the back of the head. In the shape of Sharky George's trusty cricket bat. The big man goes down heavily and Victor wastes no time in applying his patented Spanish Ankle lock forcing the big man to tap out.


Winner: Victor Rodriguez by submission


C- 55






Sharky George and Jon Harrow talk to the crowd ahead of their showdown. Sharky knows he can't have another title shot until September, but is going to make sure Joey has something to think about in the ring tonight. Sharky again claims to be far more hardcore than any puny Limey and he's going to spend the next 3 months proving it by destroying everyone stupid enough to fight him. Including Steamroller any time he wants. Challenge accepted.


C- 55




HIW champion Joey Beachamp and his partner Fred Murray also enter the ring. Joey takes the lead by claiming that Sharky had chances to take his belt and failed. That's why he's now a 2nd level player. Joey reminds the crowd that he's beaten everyone in the ring in singles matches and isn't worried as he and Fred are the strongest team on show tonight.


C 65


Aussie Invasion vs. The Hustlers vs. Youth Explosion




This match is helped by Jon Harrow being in it, He's not a flashy, lean-forward fighter, but he does such a good job of managing a difficult match like this that the more extravagant guys (Joey and Ricky in particular) can shine. Add in Leigh Burtons ultra-smooth, no-mistakes style and Sharky George's shocking brand of high-octane violence and you have a recipe for HIW.


Sharky is pretty unstoppable here tonight and looks set for the big win, but as he gets into stride karma comes back to haunt him. As the Steamroller clobbers him with a brick. Honestly, it's an actual brick and it cuts Sharky badly.


With Sharky pretty much out on his feet the match gets a lot more open with everyone looking pretty equal, but Youth Explosion's smooth teamwork comes to the fore as they unleash their Evolution Catapult on Fred Murray and Leigh manages the flash pin for a surprise win as Joey Beachamp looks on in disgust and horror.


Winners: Youth Explosion (Leigh Burton pinned Fred Murray)


C 62




Overall show rating: C- 55

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Thanks for reading everyone.


Varying results from Zoom:


(Zoom results first, ytd second)

1PWfan 6/6 6/6

ajcrible 5/6 8/12

zergon 3/6 8/12

nightshadeex 4/6 8/12


1PWfan - if you choose to then please feel free to interrogate any of the HIW staff.


Hustlers vs. Youth Explosion vs. Ausie Invasion

Either one of the Hustlers will turn heel soon if all signs are correct and either way they have too big troubles with each others to win this one


We dont actually have a face/heel divide. The theory is everyones an antihero to some degree and will sacrifice certain morals to win even if some guys are naturally more facey (Joey) or Heely (Sharky). However, that doesnt stop friends turning on each other...


Adam Matravers vs. Jay B

I hate Jay B.


I used to agree, but that 58 he pulled out with RJS has made me sit up and take notice :D


Steamroller vs. Victor Rodriguez

Because I just saw his statline


Actually I hadn't looked too closely recently. He's pretty good isnt he? I'm amazed that more people arent interested in him working for them.

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Next time on HIW:




Summer Falls


Joey Beauchamp vs. Fred Murray for the HIW UK title

The two friends have been pretty tense recently with a couple of tag losses that Joey has blamed Fred for. Will this clear the air?


Rolling Johnny Stones & Danny Patterson vs. Victor Hugo for the HIW tag titles

Victor is desperate to get his belt back, Hugo came very close to beating Stones in singles action. BUT, Danny is a monster and Johnny is not a 2-time champ for nothing. Can the Iberians claim the titles for the 3rd time?


Ricky Storm vs. The Damned

The next chapter in the Youth Explosion/Rejects rivalry. The Damned tends to stay in the background but Ricky has called him out.


Leo Price vs. Sharky George - Hardcore rules

Sharky is challenging anyone around to hardcore matches. Leo is really starting to get over even with his non-HIW style. Can he perform in a hardcore match?


Arjen van der Bilt vs. SuperFalcon (Velocity league)

Arjen has lost to Leon Harrison, but this is SuperFalcons Velocity debut. Whoever wins will need to win their final match to top the group over Leon H.


The Red Dragon vs. Ruud van Anger (Velocity league)

The Dragon beat Francis O'Brien in his first match. van Anger will need to win to have a chance at making the semifinals.



Joey Beauchamp vs. Fred Murray for the HIW UK title

Rolling Johnny Stones & Danny Patterson vs. Victor Hugo for the HIW tag titles

Ricky Storm vs. The Damned

Leo Price vs. Sharky George - Hardcore rules

Arjen van der Bilt vs. SuperFalcon (Velocity league)

The Red Dragon vs. Ruud van Anger (Velocity league)

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Joey Beauchamp vs. Fred Murray for the HIW UK title

Rolling Johnny Stones & Danny Patterson vs. Victor Hugo for the HIW tag titles

Ricky Storm vs. The Damned

Leo Price vs. Sharky George - Hardcore rules

Arjen van der Bilt vs. SuperFalcon (Velocity league)

The Red Dragon vs. Ruud van Anger (Velocity league)

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Joey Beauchamp vs. Fred Murray for the HIW UK title

I don´t see Murray taking the title here but it will be a good fight


Rolling Johnny Stones & Danny Patterson vs. Victor Hugo for the HIW tag titles

Victor Hugo might be desperate to get their tag titles back but they will still fall short

Ricky Storm vs. The Damned

With win in main event under his belt from last month I doubt Ricky is losing this one


Leo Price vs. Sharky George - Hardcore rules

Sharky shows just how dangerous he is


Arjen van der Bilt vs. SuperFalcon (Velocity league)

Falcon wins here in order to make the match against Harrison more important


The Red Dragon vs. Ruud van Anger (Velocity league)

Since Dragon has a win already a win here would make the Anger vs. O´Brian match meaningless so Anger picks the win here in order to keep some interest on this groups next match

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Joey Beauchamp vs. Fred Murray for the HIW UK title

Joey's one of your best, although Fred could maybe take this if this is the time for his hinted turn


Rolling Johnny Stones & Danny Patterson vs. Victor Hugo for the HIW tag titles

I like Victor Hugo, but The Richmond Mafia are the stronger team


Ricky Storm vs. The Damned

The Damned's okay, but Ricky's been pushed as a bigger deal thus far


Leo Price vs. Sharky George - Hardcore rules

Leo's a solid hand, but if Sharky loses is what is essentially his home ground then his cred is completely gone


Arjen van der Bilt vs. SuperFalcon (Velocity league)

Van der Bilt's a solid hand, and Falcon's not as good as he thinks he is


The Red Dragon vs. Ruud van Anger (Velocity league)

Completely illogical, but I've a lasting soft spot for the Dragon


And for my question:


To Joey Beauchamp: You're noted as one of the first high fliers in the UK- who would you say was your major influence in taking up that style?

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You're noted as one of the first high fliers in the UK- who would you say was your major influence in taking up that style?




"Great question. When I was growing up not so long ago all the guys around in England were pretty much standard brawlers. People like Melvin the Fantastic and later on my boss Geordie Jimmy Morris. Those guys have some great skill, but that style has always been a bit samey for me so I started looking further afield and really go into the Mexican luchador scene and after that Japanese junior wrestling.


"And that's where I firt saw Cliff Wilson (in BHOTWG). Most people know him as Dark Angel now of course. Cliff was always the most exciting guy around and I loved the way he was always using new moves. I'm pretty much a self-taught guy so in my teenage years I was wearing out old imported videos trying to copy what he did from the top bunk at home.


"As everyone knows he's ben working for HGC for a couple of years but I still hope one day I'll be good enough to get in the ring with the great man.


"Thanks for the question. If you like my sort of fighting then make sure you keep watching HIW. A load of the younger guys are really picking up flying well so the future's in safe hands."




Who is...


Dolf Kernen




Dolf is a light heavyweight from Germany who has been an HIW stalwart fo a couple of years. In fact he even held the tag titles with partner Sergei Kalashnov back in 2001.


In the ring Dolf is one of those bigger guys who shows more agility than you'd expect. He uses quite a few aerial moves which are more impressive than normal as he's so bulky. He's also got a very high pain-tolerance level, so expect to see him in hardcore action at some point.


Character-wise Dolf has always ben the silent backup to Sergei's motormouth Euro-rapper. In fact Dolf's lines up until now pretty much consist of "Ja", "Nein" and "Wasserspiel". Nevertheless its a pretty funny act as the whole East Germany thing clashes with new European values. Think Antoine de Caunes interviewing a fat mustachioed guy painting with poo.



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Joey Beauchamp vs. Fred Murray for the HIW UK title

Rolling Johnny Stones & Danny Patterson vs. Victor Hugo for the HIW tag titles

Ricky Storm vs. The Damned

Leo Price vs. Sharky George - Hardcore rules

Arjen van der Bilt vs. SuperFalcon (Velocity league)

The Red Dragon vs. Ruud van Anger (Velocity league)

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Summer Falls




Friday Week 2 July 2002


Attendance: 1,000






The Fearsome Bunsen introduces the show from the ring. He’s had-to-toe in his full lab regalia a usual and for the first time in a while has an awesome explosive entrance with his old green test-tube of Bangyness.


Tonight he focuses on:


The Joey Beauchamp/Fred Murray clear-the-air match


The tag title match between Rolling Johnny Stones & Danny Patterson vs. Victor Hugo


Sharky George vs. Leo Price in a hardcore match


The Steamroller. Apparently he was seriously injured by Sharky last week and will not be present


D 47






Fred Murray comes to the ring first for his match with The Breeze. He claims that Joey has forgotten how much of a help he has been in getting Joey to where he is now and is pretty angry. He reminds everyone he’s a pretty decent fighter himself and will prove it tonight.


D 42




Joey enters the ring to respond before the match. He claims that he hasn’t forgotten Fred’s help and he’s still his best friend, but the pressures of being the champ mean never making a mistake. And Fred has made a few...


C 64


Joey Beauchamp vs. Fred Murray




Ouch! Turns out that Fred and Joey have stinking chemistry together and this match is a rotter. Oops.


For what it’s worth, Fred loos pretty strong and certainly comes across as someone who could conceivably challenge for honours without Joey beside him, but Joey mercifully puts this to a finish by reversing a missile drop kick from Fred into a pin fall.


After the match both men shake hands in the ring with smiles on their faces.


Winner: Joey


D- 34







The Fearsome Bunsen gives a quick rundown on the state of play in the Velocity League. He makes sure that the crowd know what open matches guys like this tend to produce...


D+ 48


Arjen van der Bilt vs. Super Falcon




Arjen is pretty athletic but bland, and although Super Falcon is a hugely exciting worker, he does pose a fair amount which the HIW fans don’t love.

Still, the two guys are athletic and fast and manage to cram a few decent moments into this match before Falcon seals the win after a Hurricanrana.


Winner: Super Falcon


D- 38




Darren White cuts a very short promo about how angry he is after losing to Sergei Kalashnov in the Velocity league. He promises that it’s not the last Sergei sees of him.


D+ 52


Ruud van Anger vs. The Red Dragon




Sometimes Dragon can’t quite show off his admirable skills for some reason or other, but here he meshes nicely with van Anger as both men get loads of offense in. Dragon seems very fired up and uses more impact moves than normal as he can sometimes hang back and wait for his opportunity.


The match escalates in violence and desperation until The Dragon launches a huge splash over the top rope to Ruud who was outside of the ring. It was spectacular, but so High Impact that neither man could get up and into the ring to beat the 10-count.


Winner: Draw


D 47






All 4 members of Youth Explosion (Leigh Burton, Ricky Storm, Adam Matravers and Petey Barnes) come to the ring to hype themselves. They again claim that Adam will win the Velocity title. In addition they reveal that after the match between Ricky and Leigh and the Rejects they will be attempting to win the tag belts back.


D 47




Rolling Johnny Stones and his band The Richmond Mafia (Pitbull Brown, The Damned, Danny Patterson and Kathleen Lee) perform a song where they slate their opponents tonight. For a bunch of wrestlers they’re getting pretty good. And don’t forget this is Birmingham in 2002. They’re not up against great stuff. Were Pop Will Eat Itself still going then?


C 63


The Damned vs. Ricky Storm




This start off quite low key as Ricky tries his best not to get reeled in by the Damned. The Damned is not the biggest guy, but the young Norwegian has a dead-eyed stare that is pretty chilling and some badass tattoos so no one can blame the much slighter Storm for keeping out of his clutches.


The two men trade attacks cagily as neither wants to give much away ahead of their big showdown in a fortnight at No Sense Of Home. Especially as Ricky has recently beaten Pitbull Brown one-on-one. Both are pretty skilled guys and the match seems tense and balanced with some nice action.


And it’s Pitbull that gets this moving as he takes it upon himself to try and get things resolved. A sneaky grab of Storm’s ankle from the floor lets The Damned get hold of the smaller guy and it looks dark, but Ricky’s partner Leigh also decides to get involved and all four men end up brawling around the arena ending with Leigh down clutching his shoulder in agony.


The match is resumed by the ref with the legal men back inside the ring, but Ricky seems invigorated and he manages to hit his notorious finishing move the Stormbringer out of the blue.


Winner: Ricky Storm by pinfall


D 45




Rolling Johnny Stones and his partner Danny Patterson come to the ring as Ricky helps Leigh stagger backstage after the match. They’re carrying their tag belts and laughing at the Youth Explosion boys (who earlier talked about winning the belts) as they pass.


Stones promptly tells the crowd that no one is going to take the belts and Leigh and Ricky are just a couple of kids who are so stupid they don’t even know how stupid they are. Not to mention Victor Hugo; a pair of foreigners who don’t know their place in the world. Stones promptly runs over their history of battles and belts which has been pretty even (although Stones and Patterson did win the tag belts from the Iberians).


C- 54




Victor Hugo also enter the ring and Victor grabs a mic to respond. He claims that he may be foreign, but he’s seen the English tourists on holiday in their football shirts and sunburn and it’s obvious that the whole country is living on faded glories. Having said that, his own Romany roots are frowned on by some and so he wants to decide this matter of honour as gentlemen should – in the ring.


C- 55


Rolling Johnny Stones & Danny Patterson vs. Victor Hugo for the HIW tag titles




This is a real clash of styles. Danny is a giant brawler, Hugo is an HIW-style flier and Johnny and Victor are all-rounders. It means everyone gets a chance to show off their signatures so the crowd love it.


Danny is one of the most difficult men to face one-on-one in HIW and he makes a great start here throwing the Iberians around in impressive style as Stones directs his rage from the corner. However, the big man is inconsistent and Victor in particular starts to use Patterson’s weight against him with some clever technical stuff before allowing Hugo to unleash some long range attacks. Eventually Danny taps out and we see Johnny face off with Victor.


Which is where it gets interesting as both men put on a show of intelligent, but very violent wrestling. Victor clearly starts getting the upper hand so Danny again has to charge out of his corner to help...


...only to clatter Stones by mistake leaving Victor the easy pin to win the titles back.


Winner: Victor Hugo win the HIW tag titles


C 60






Sharky George and his partner Jon Harrow come out to crow to the crowd about Sharky’s success in injuring the Steamroller. Sharky is annoyed that Steamroller interfered in his own match (causing a loss to Youth Explosion) but seems pleased to have shown how tough an Aussie SOB he is.


Sharky also brandishes his cricket bat a lot to make his point before offering Steamroller the chance to have their match as soon as the big ex-con is fit again.


D+ 52


Sharky George vs. Leo Price (Hardcore rules)




Leo, although known as a polished worker rather than a brutal one is surprisingly effective here as he brings a snooker cue with him for the match. Leo is clearly out to make a name for himself.


Both men go at each other pretty hard and Sharky has to resort to increasingly nasty attacks to encounter the machine-like Leo and even the HIW fans make some noises that show they are a little put off by all the blood.


The end comes as Sharky does the unthinkable and crosses one line no man wants to see. He smacks Leo with his cricket bat in a very tender and very male area. Leo goes down hard and Sharky celebrates like he did nothing wrong.


Winner: Sharky George


C 60






After the match Joey Beauchamp comes to the ring with Fred. The Breeze claims that after their match the two of them are back on the same page and working together, and both men are expecting excellence from each other and no more mistakes.


In the meantime Joey is aware that Sharky will be back in the UK title scene in September and so he wanted to watch the Australian’s match. And he was sickened by such a display of cowardice and bad manners.

There’s a reason Joey doesn’t fight in hardcore matches and it’s because he has morals and honour so if Sharky wants the belt he will have to come fight fair.


D+ 53




Overall show rating: D+ 53

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Thanks for predicting and just for reading everyone. Writing this has helped me see what a great job the other diary writers do. If you havent already go see my current favourites The Minor Annoyance: RY-RAW (Jaded) and NYCW: Old School til We Die (1PWfan)


Most of you were pretty good with the last show apart from noone going for RJS & Danny to drop the tag belts to Victor Hugo. It was a bit out of the blue I admit...


And of course the Velocity matches are hard to guess as most of the guys involved havent had much push or info about them given. The reason Im running them is just to give all the young fliers I have some exposure. Long-term I want more guys at the top in the HIW skinny, wiry and suicidal mould so people like Double Dutch, Red Dragon and Adam Matravers are our future.


Zergon 4/6 12/18

1PWfan 4/6 10/12

Nightshadeex 5/6 13/18

ajcrible 4/6 12/18


Nightshadeex is the champ this fortnight - please ask away with anything for any member of the HIW staff if you choose.

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Next time from HIW...






Sharky George vs. The Steamroller - Hardcore rules

These guys have been smashing each other up for weeks as Sharky has tried to prove he's the toughest guy in HIW. Can Steamroller pull himself together in their forst one-on-one?


The Hustlers vs. Rolling Johnny Stones & Danny Patterson

Joey and Fred have cleared the air but are they ok together? Danny and Stones lost their tag titles last week and are looking to prove they haven't 'lost it'


Victor Hugo (Victor Rodriguez & Hugo Lopes) vs. The Foundation (Leo Price & Stevie Stoat) for the HIW tag titles

The Iberian Explosion just won their titles back but Leo and Stoat have been on fire. Can their money overcome Victor's Gypsy leanings?


Youth Explosion (Leigh Burton & Ricky Storm) vs. The Rejects (Pitbull Brown & The Damned)

This is the final showdown between these teams who have hated each other forever. Youth Explosion claim they want tag gold, but can they finish the dead-eyed brawlers?


Petey Barnes vs/ Jay B - Velocity League

Jay B looked great in losing narrowly to Matravers. Can he carry that momentum over to Adam's partner and fellow Youth Explosion member?


Darren White vs. Frank de Pain

Darren has been giving it to everyone on the mic, but lost to Sergei in the ring. Can he get back on track?


Sharky George vs. The Steamroller - Hardcore rules

The Hustlers vs. Rolling Johnny Stones & Danny Patterson

Victor Hugo vs. The Foundation for the HIW tag titles

Youth Explosion vs. The Rejects

Petey Barnes vs/ Jay B - Velocity League

Darren White vs. Frank de Pain

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Who is?


Hugo Lopes




Hugo is a 27-year old Portuguese lightweight who has been kicking around HIW for 5 years now.


In that time he has primarily seen action as Victor Rodriguez' partner in the awesomely named team Victor Hugo. They are now the first 3-time HIW tag champs, so they must have done something right together.


Hugo has traditionally been a less-than-stellar singls performance but recently had an excellent and very close match against Rolling Johnny Stones that suggests that might change.


He's a decent aerial worker who looks good getting beaten up, but is certainly not on the level of some other workers at HIW.


Storywise, he's the quiet straightman to Victor's extravagant Gypsy Prince, but Hugo does embody that peculiar modern mix of sensibilities in Portugal. A very progressive and liberal youth movement trying to break away from a conservative catholic tradition.



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I also love the team name Victor Hugo!


Sharky George vs. The Steamroller - Hardcore rules

Never bet against Sharky.

The Hustlers vs. Rolling Johnny Stones & Danny Patterson

RJS and D-Pat need their heat back.

Victor Hugo vs. The Foundation for the HIW tag titles

They ain't losin' the titles yet.

Youth Explosion vs. The Rejects

I love the team of Storm and Burton

Petey Barnes vs/ Jay B - Velocity League

Still hate Jay B

Darren White vs. Frank de Pain

Not a huge Double Dutch fan either.

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Sharky George vs. The Steamroller - Hardcore rules

Sharky rarely loses and I doubt he will lose here either


The Hustlers vs. Rolling Johnny Stones & Danny Patterson

Hustlers are going to win here Unless there is still some issues between them


Victor Hugo vs. The Foundation for the HIW tag titles

No hotshotting the titles here


Youth Explosion vs. The Rejects

Youth Explosion continues to get wins here


Petey Barnes vs/ Jay B - Velocity League

I still like Jay B but I´m not convinced that he can get the win here either


Darren White vs. Frank de Pain

White haden´t exactly impressed me so far

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Who is...


Leon Harrison




Leon is a 27-year-old English lightweight. He's been at HIW since the start and is the current holder of the HIW Velocity belt. Which makes him a bit awesome.


He's a decent all-rounder with some aerial skills, but the good thing about him should be his off-the-charts star quality and entertainment skills.


Unfortunately these are hampered by his alternative lifestyle. Leon is a Brighton native for one reason: he like casual adult relationships with any lady or chap he can get hold of and he has a soft spot for drink and drugs in the great clubs down there. As a result he's pretty unreliable and just doesnt seem to have the necessary drive to push on.


Having said that he's put in some decent shifts for HIW, and is a great guy to have backstage.


Storywise - Leon's on-show character is pretty close to his real one. He always wants to be clubbing and picking up a friendly admirer rather than fighting. He's a bit cowardly and does tend to avoid confrontation if he can.


Leon's been a good worker, but as HIW grows the more serious and committed wrestlers may well start moving ahead of him...



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Nightshadeex: "Hey there, how ya doin'?"


Leon Harrison



"Always good to hear from a fan Nightshadeex. I'm doing great thanks but always better with a friendly admirer on the line. In fact I've been meaning to say - I've seen you at our shows. That beard, those piercing eyes, that dark hood and menacing glower... You really know how to impress your favourite cruiserweight HIW excitment-merchant don't you? Next time you're down in Brighton come see me. I'm generally to be found in the Pink Fist club. Just ask for RuBella Campari and tell her... him... it that Leon sent you"



HIW presents:






Friday week 4 July 2002

Attendance: 1,000






The Fearsome Bunsen introduces the show from his ‘lab’ out back. This week it looks suspiciously like he’s been spending his time investigating half eaten pizzas and bottles of beer...


Tonight’s major topics are:


Joey Beauchamp and Fred Murray seemingly back on track as a team


The Rejects and Youth Explosion’s long-running feud


Shark George and The Steamroller’s hardcore battle


C 64




Joey Beauchamp takes the opportunity to come and talk to the crowd . He seems very confident (he is cool you know. He is the breeze). He compliments Fred Murray on his good showing and take a moment to comment on the other top names in HIW.


“Sharky is trying too hard, Leo Price is all cash and no heart, The Steamroller is a wannabe, Victor Hugo is a deluded tarot-reader and Rolling Johnny Stones has a mullet. A mullet!”


C 64






Youth Explosion (Leigh Burton & Ricky Storm) talk about their violent history with The Rejects (Pitbull Brown & The Damned) and all the battles they’ve had. Tonight they promise will be the end of this feud as they two teams have resolved to end it one way or another in the ring.


C- 54


The Rejects (Pitbull Brown & The Damned) vs. Youth Explosion (Leigh Burton & Ricky Storm)




These two teams have had a history of great matches and this is no exception as all four men bring their A-game. As usual Youth Explosion are more slick, but the brutality of The Damned and Pitbulls refusal to give in to pain are enthralling.


The two teams put absolutely everything into this and both escape what seem certain losing positions, but this one has to end and Leigh is the man to break the deadlock as he manages to get Pitbull one-on-one before hitting a piledriver on the big guy. Pitbull would crawl over broken glass rather than give in, but this is too big a move for him and Leigh manages to secure the victory.


Winners: Youth Explosion


C+ 66




All four members of Youth Explosion (Leigh Burton, Ricky Storm, Adam Matravers & Petey Barnes) celebrate and proclaim their own awesomeness. Again they promise that the group are coming for gold in HIW now with Adam running for the velocity title and Leigh & Ricky attempting to win the tag titles.


C- 56




The Fearsome Bunsen runs everyone down on the latest happenings in the Velocity League.


C 64


Frank de Pain vs. Darren White (Velocity League)




Darren has been giving himself a lot of props recently but this is far from a convincing win. The Dutch guys in HIW are a pretty fearless bunch and Frank certainly gets involved here with some high-impact work.


Unfortunately Darren actually has some decent skills to back his mouth up and wins this with a nice cradle roll-up.


Winner: Darren White


D 46




Darren cuts a short promo after the match and claims momentum is on his side as he's been receiving some specialised coaching. HIW might see a surprise or two from him and his partner Francis O'Brien in the near future...


C 62


Jay B vs. Petey Barnes (Velocity League)




Petey is still very green in HIW and Jay has actually seen a lot of action (even if most of them have been losses). Petey is accompanied by his partner and fellow Youth Explosion member Adam Matravers (who is the thirnd participant in this Velocity group) but the distraction actually seems to put Petey off giving Jay the opportunity to hit a nice bulldog and pin Petey.


Winner: Jay B


D 45




The Gypsy Prince Victor Rodriguez comes to the ring with his partner Hugo Lopes. The two men proudly carry their newly-won tag titles and Victor proceeds to tell everyone that his mystic Romany aunt was right all along. His future held victory over Rolling Johnny Stones and Danny Patterson. A pair of lumpy, untalented brawlers who have no right to be here.


Victor promises to fight anyone worthy of competing for these titles as his destiny is clearly to hold on to them. And tonight their first defence will be against a team The Fearsome Bunsen has allowed a shot - The Foundation.


C 62


Victor Hugo (Victor Rodriguez & Hugo Lopes) vs. The Foundation (Leo Price & Stevie Stoat) for the HIW tag titles




This is a great match. As usual Price and Stoat are just a no-nonsense team who have a great knowledge of technical wrestling and can put consistent pressure on other wrestlers. In HIW we often see more 'High Impact' stuff so the art of stretching is sometimes a welcome change.


Stoat and Price look pretty good here, but the new champs and Victor in particular are outstanding. They zoom around the ring at 100mph and generally show the crowd how excited they are to have the titles back. Leo fights back and almsot manages to hi the Price Drop on Hugo, but the champs recover to hit their Paella Surprise (a double DDT after a whip) for their first defence.


Winner: Victor Hugo


C 62




The Fearsome Bunsen enters the ring to congratulate all 4 contestants after the match. He congratulates The Foundation on a close match and promises that Victor Hugo will keep fighting to show how important the tag titles are to HIW. He also mentions that the recently deposed champs need amatch tonight and he's giving them one. Against the man who badmouthed the eariler tonight. Joey Beauchamp and Fred Murray.


C+ 66






Joey Beauchamp heads to the ring. He's not happy that Bunsen has launched him into a match but is happy to fight anyone - even Danny Patterson who is about 3 times his size.


"Stones and his flunky Patterson lost their tag titles last week so let’s see if they even have any pride. The two EX-tag champs tonight might find a current champ much tougher work.”


C 65


The Hustlers vs. RJS/Danny




Danny is pretty unstoppable here as he is so much bigger than everyone else involved but he tires easily and Stones has to take up the slack. This is much more fascinating stuff as he has a close battle with first Fred and then Joey. By the time Danny is tagged back in the Hustlers have found their stride a little and Danny looks less impressive but the Tower of London is still powerful enough to throw Fred from the ring - only to turn around into a missile dropkick from Joey that knocks the big man down hard.


All four men get involved in a wild brawl after that but the ref calms things down sufficiently to continue. Danny is riled though and the big fella gets suckered into a nice tag move (a 3-card trick) from the Hustlers before Joey pins him.


Winner: The Hustlers


C- 58






A video plays of Sharky George and The Steamroller's recent history (on the trusty HIW Overhead Projector of course. Cutting edge tech people!)

It's basically a litany of cricket bats, bricks and blood involving a fair amount of Geordie Jimmy Morris too.


D 46




Sharky George cuts a promo about why he's so desperate to beat Steamroller. Sharky is absolutely convinced he's tougher and more committed than anyone else in HIW and deserves the belt back when he's eligible again in a couple of months. That's why he showed such drive in smacking Leo Price in the unmentionabkes last week. Sheer desire to win

He is super-intense here and cuts a pretty scary figure.


C- 58


Sharky George vs. The Steamroller




Nasty. Just nasty. Both men come wading in with no pretense at subtlety, but with weapons already in hand and are soon busted open dripping claret all over the ring, arena and crowd. This is brutal, no-holds barred stuff and Steamroller gets the early upper hand due to his size as the match develops into a wild brawl that goes all over the arena.


Unfortunately for him Sharky is as good as his word and will do anything to win. Including another cricket-bat low-blow. Men in the crowd are visibly wiping tears away after this move but Steamroller is a tough SOB and only goes down to one knee.


Before Sharky does it again. There's no resisting that and the ex-con crumples in agony allowing Sharky to pin him.


Winner: Sharky George


C- 55




Overall match rating: C- 56

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