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The Fearsome Bunsen in the UK - HIW

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Friday week 2 December 2004

Phoenix Nights – Manchester – England.

Attendance: 105




The Fearsome Bunsen introduces the show from the ring. As normal he trails the big(ish) names present tonight and some of the current rivalries and issues between fighters.


He explains that after Bedlam’s attack on UK Dragon last week the Welshman has been banned from the building tonight but will still be present next week to defend his Deathproof title against Sharky George at No Sympathy.


On the other hand the UK Dragon has chosen to again fight tonight even after the nasty concussion he received. As everyone knows the Dragon may be small but no one has more heart.


D 42




Following his introduction Bunsen is joined in the ring by the Australian ex-commando Jerome Lane. Buoyed by his victory last week (with the Melbourne Blondes) Jerome is in confident form and explains that he has challenged Rolling Johnny Stones to prove he is ready to step into the HIW big time.


D 42


Rolling Johnny Stones vs. Jerome Lane




Normally Stones is full of bluster and swagger but tonight he declines the chance to talk to the crowd and instead seems all business. The two men are both excellent technically but the match isn’t as fast or full of excitement as the HIW fans would like.


Nonetheless it’s very open and it seems as though Jerome really is on the verge of stepping into the big time. Unfortunately the Aussie grows overconfident and Rolling Johnny manages to reverse Jerome into position for the skullbuster…


At which point Jerome’s ally and mentor Sharky George attacks his old foe Stones from nowhere.


Jerome was clearly about to be beaten but the ref is forced to ring the bell for an abandoned match.


Winner: Controversial draw


D+ 51






After the match Sharky is shown backstage (on the HIW OHP). The big outbacker is clearly enraged and randomly attacks the nearest person who happens to be De Oranje Dieren. The poor young Dutchman doesn’t know what hit him and is left in a heap by the furious, big Australian.


D 43






Joey Beauchamp comes to the ring with a mic and his partner Fred Murray. Joey is full of confidence ahead of his HIW Championship match with the UK Dragon next week.


Joey acknowledges the fact that Dragon is hurt and is showing incredible strength to fight tonight but nothing less is expected of him as the belt-wearer. Nevertheless Joey seems full of determination.


“As everyone know I am cool. I am the breeze but next week I’ll be so much more. I’ll be the hurricane and I will be champion again.”


The Hustlers (Joey Beauchamp & Fred Murray) vs. The Nadir( Ony Svoboda & Ioakim Nokolic)





Both teams are somewhat hampered by no one really knowing who they are in Manchester but in the case of the Nadir this is nothing to be expected, their gimmick portrays them as a pair of Russian Steppe mercenaries behind their robes.


Unfortunately it’s clear that the Hustlers are individually far more skilled and this match doesn’t provide the drama the HIW fans love so much.


The match is ended by Joey Beauchamp (who was particularly impressive) hitting the Breeze Block on Ioakim.


Winners: The Hustlers


D 41




Kathleen Lee and Leo Price of The Foundation come to the ring to deliver a promo. Kathleen takes the lead and talks about their upcoming grudge match at No Sympathy with the Shortcuts.


Kathleen reiterates that The Foundation’s aim is to prove they are the most skilled wrestlers in the company without any of the ridiculous gimmicks of other, less secure fighters. As a result they were disappointed the Shortcuts lost their match with the Melbourne Blondes last week. In an effort to prove their superiority they have decided to make things a little more difficult…


By offering the Blondes a space in the match as well. The No Sympathy match will now be a 3-way tag match.


D 45






The Fearsome Bunsen comes back to the ring to give the crowd a rundown on the Velocity title. As they know Dark Falcon is the current champ but has been facing numerous challenges from multiple challengers. And tonight is no exception as young Japanese flier Emerald Angel has been granted a chance to compete.


D 41


Dark Falcon vs. Emerald Angel for the HIW Velocity title




As expected both young guys show off some great aerial ability here. Both young men are hugely athletic and show jaw-dropping ability to fly as though on wires.


Unfortunately for the challenger Dark Falcon has another side to him though and is far more driven to win by his inner demons. As a result the Portuguese gives in to temptation and applies a swift boot to the back of Emerald Angel’s head. Not in the spirit of the velocity division but very effective as he follows up with a swift pin on the groggy Japanese.


Winner: Dark Falcon retains the Velocity title


C- 55






Phoebe Plumridge accompanies her tag-team TNG to the ring before their match and pauses to deliver a promo. It turns out that they have news about No Sympathy too. They’ve been told by The Fearsome Bunsen that if they win tonight they will be granted a match with their hated rivals Youth Explosion (Leigh Burton & Ricky Storm).


D- 38


TNG (Adam Matravers & Petey Barnes) vs. Red & Jed (Red Dragon & Jed High)




This is a match notable primarily for bizarreness (for the UK at least). Adam must be the only guy in England who thinks bandannas are cool whilst Red & Jed deserve a psychological paper all of their own. Red Dragon is a Welsh separatist campaigner but Jed High thinks he’s a Sith lord and has pledged allegiance to his Unending Evilness.


In terms of the match it’s very well balanced as all four men flash ability and athleticism leaving multiple chances to win for both teams.


The deciding moment however comes from the extra person. Phoebe manages to distract the somewhat simple Jed High and the TNG boys double team Red Dragon for the pin.


Winners: TNG by pinfall after a Tomorrow


C- 55






Sharky George has calmed down slightly but is still in a bad mood after his interference didn’t succeed in sealing the win for Jerome earlier. Sharky tells the crowd that he’s going to take his frustrations out on Darren White tonight as ideal preparation for Bedlam next week at No Sympathy.


D 46


Sharky George vs. Darren White




Darren White is a crowd favourite at HIW due to his funny manner and local roots (He’s from Essex). He’s also very talented and has beaten some big names.


None of that makes him remotely ready to come up against Sharky George in a bad mood.


The former champ is on no mood to *****foot around and comes at Darren like a TANK. This isn’t about holds, counters and attrition – this is about a pure physical onslaught.


Suffice to say the end comes quite quickly and in favour of the Aussie.


Winner: Sharky George by Shark Attack


D 44






Sergei Kalashnov comes to the ring before his match with UK Dragon.


“Boohoo. Your champion took a blow to the head. Where I come from children are beaten almost to death by bears in the woods and we don’t complain. I see the same faces in HIW given the same opportunities. Joey Beauchamp. Sharky George. Even Rolling Johnny Stones! And I – the most exciting fighter in the country – am given a tag belt and told to be happy and make no trouble.


“I laugh at you and pity you. Tonight I take on your UK Dragon and do so with a smile on my face. Will I go easy on him due to bad head? No. Will I help him up from dirty mat? No. Will I use awesome power of Hiphop to secure victory for glorious Belarus? YES!


“A simple wager. If I win tonight I will fight Dragon again next month for title. If I lose then tag titles go on the line at No Sympathy next week. Against anyone your Bunsen picks. Я не думаю, я буду шкадаваць аб гэтым.”


D+ 42


The UK Dragon vs. Sergei Kalashnov




The Dragon makes his way to the ring gingerly but defiantly and receives a huge cheer as he lifts his championship belt. He’s quite well-known in the North so the fans feel they have someone to cheer for already.

These two men have fought before but not for over a year and the backstage curtain twitches as everyone crowds to see the match.

Both men are again fast and athletic (even with Dragon weakened) and the match is never dull.


Unfortunately for the champ he isn’t at 100% whilst Kalashnov is and Sergei is the dominant fighter finally locking the Dragon into a nasty looking sleeper hold. Never a sensible thing to do to a concussed man.


However – unbelievably this is when the Dragon shows his true strength as he remains conscious and strong and forces Sergei’s arms away. The Belarusian rapper is taken aback by this awesome display of bravery and power from the small champion and is briefly frozen in shock.


Which is all the Dragon needs as he manages to seize Sergei and execute his Dragon Drop before sealing the pinfall.


Winner: UK Dragon by pinfall in a very close match

C 65




After the match a visibly shaken and exhausted UK dragon grabs a microphone to address the crowd. He thanks them for their support and says he couldn’t have won without them.


He also gives Sergei credit for a great battle and says he’ll be proud to give him a title shot. But not until the threat of Joey Beauchamp has finally been put to rest at No Sympathy.


D 46


Overall rating: C- 55

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As always thanks for reading and paying attention and apologies to everyone whose ideas I've stolen and artwork I've sullied by using here.


Especial thanks for the nice comments and predictions:


MJStark 4/6

20Legend 5/6

Zergon 4/6


The Jerome/RJS draw was a tricky one but I do have quite a few draws.


The grades were particularly low here but we did run the show in the North which we VERY rarely do. We're strong in the midlands but I want to boost everywhere up a bit to have some chance of someday getting a TV deal. Not prudent of course but hey. It's my game!


Running this publicly is again forcing me to think of reasons for teams being in matches rather than just throwing them in there even if my reasons are particularly weak...


Matches are sealed for the last show of 2004. I'll post them tomorrow.


Cheers all


The Brian Cox of Grappling



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Next time from HIW:


No Sympathy




No Sympathy is our traditional year-end shindig so we have a full 3 titles on the line with an awful lot of workers involved. In the past we've seen this time of year as a changing of the guard, but this year the established names seem very strong. Tune in!


UK Dragon © vs. Joey Beauchamp for the HIW Championship

The Dragon has shown how tough he is but are the continual challenges wearing him down? Joey has done it before and also has the advantage of a partner. And knowing the Hustlers a large amount of moeny riding ion this match...


Bedlam © vs. Sharky George for the HIW Deathproof title

The Welsh monster Bedlam is seemingly unstoppable but we all know Sharky is the toughest of cookies. Will hardcore rules favour the monster or the man with a cricket bat?


Eastern Bloc (Sergei Kalashnov & Dolf Kernen) © vs. Youth Explosion (Leigh Burton & Ricky Storm) vs. TNG (Adam Matravers & Petey Barnes) for the HIW Tag titles

Sergei Kalashnov has been getting a bit big for his boots recently but needs to back it up in the ring. Will Youth Explosion and TNG concentrate on each other and ignore the belts?


Rolling Johnny Stones & Pitbull Brown vs. Victor Hugo (Victor Rodriguez & Hugo Lopes)

Stones and Pitbull are still an uneasy partnership but have the individual pedigree. In contrast Victor Hugo are an experienced team.


The Foundation (Leo Price & Stevie Stoat) vs. The Shortcuts (Jay B & Francis O'Brien) vs. The Melbourne Blondes (Blake Belushi & Rick Stantz)

The Foundation see themselves as being tougher than the young athletic punks in HIW. The Shortcuts are trying to ckling to Darren's coat-tails as he takes off and the Blondes have been exceptional so far.


Jerome Lane vs. Fred Murray

Jerome has fallen into the habit of losing to bona fide top-dogs. Fred has enjoyed success with Joey Beauchamp as his partner but hasnt done much on his own.





UK Dragon © vs. Joey Beauchamp for the HIW Championship

Bedlam © vs. Sharky George for the HIW Deathproof title

Eastern Bloc © vs. Youth Explosion vs. TNG for the HIW Tag titles

Rolling Johnny Stones & Pitbull Brown vs. Victor Hugo

The Foundation vs. The Shortcuts vs. The Melbourne Blondes

Jerome Lane vs. Fred Murray



No Sympathy is probably my favourite logo. Its supposed to be the green eyes of envy. Just blowing my own trumpet a little :o

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UK Dragon © vs. Joey Beauchamp for the HIW Championship

Bedlam © vs. Sharky George for the HIW Deathproof title

Eastern Bloc © vs. Youth Explosion vs. TNG for the HIW Tag titles

Rolling Johnny Stones & Pitbull Brown vs. Victor Hugo

The Foundation vs. The Shortcuts vs. The Melbourne Blondes

Jerome Lane vs. Fred Murray

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Who are?



The Shortcuts


The Shortcuts are three young men with different backgrounds who first came together as a tagteam consisting of Jay B and Francis O'Brien. Darren White later joined and all three members wereaffiliated with leo Price's Foundation until it imploded. All 3 members have worked together in tagteams and enjoyed varying levels of individual success.


Darren White




"What? You've never seen a wrestler in a sarong before?

"Listen people get the wrong idea bout me all the time. They say I'm fame-hungry. I'm more interested in making a name than concentrating on what i do in the ring. All that is b@ll#cks. I'm as proffessional as they come which is why I've been so succesful. Anyway who thinks otherwise is just jealous."


Darren is an Essex boy with a flair for style and PR. He's very ambitious and seems to think the world is his to conquer.


Dazza has now been with HIW since June 2001 winning 29 matches in that time. He's been the mouthpiece of his group The Shortcuts for much of that time and as a bunch of cheats he's a guy the crowd love to hate.


Jay B




"I've been here for 7 years man. 7 years and what do I get? treated like crap. Noone respects me. Noone beleives in me. Guess what? I'm a Shortcut. I'll find a way to make you all sorry you doubted me."


Jay has been with HIW since the beginning in 97. He's won 36 out of 111 matches (Mostly through cheating) but has proved himself a natural fit with a willingness to compete in hardcore and high-flying matches on a regular basis.


He actually held the HIW Velocity title earlier in 2004 and made 5 succesful defences before dropping the belt to current holder Dark Falcon


Francis O'Brien




"Be up front. Fight like a man. Take it on the chin. Just get on with things. That's how we think in New Zealand.


"Not me though mate. Those mugs can bleat on about being the best but how often have the All-Blacks won the world cup? Bunch of chokers if you ask me.


"I'm different. Couldn't wait to get off that rainy rock in the middle of nowhere so I can start making a name."


Francis is now into his third stint at HIW. He had one match in 1999, a longer run between 2001-03 and returned in 2004. In that time he's not been succesful but has started to gain a reputation as a hard worker and a talented guy. Especially when teaming with Darren.

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UK Dragon © vs. Joey Beauchamp for the HIW Championship

Bedlam © vs. Sharky George for the HIW Deathproof title

Eastern Bloc © vs. Youth Explosion vs. TNG for the HIW Tag titles

Rolling Johnny Stones & Pitbull Brown vs. Victor Hugo

The Foundation vs. The Shortcuts vs. The Melbourne Blondes

Jerome Lane vs. Fred Murray

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No Sympathy




Week 3 December 2004

Aston University

Attendance: 971






The Fearsome Bunsen as usual introduces the show from the centre of the ring.


He’s (slightly) more serious than normal and hypes the two big title matches tonight – Bedlam/Sharky George and UK Dragon/Joey Beauchamp.


C+ 71




Bunsen is then joined in the ring by representatives of the three teams in tonight’s first match. Phoebe Plumridge (TNG’s manager) Bethany (Youth Explosions manager) and Sergei Kalashnov (half of tag champs Eastern Bloc).


Phoebe hypes TNG as underdogs who can cause an upset. They’ve also got an additional incentive as past team-members of Youth Explosion.


Bethany claims Youth Explosion are the rightful champs and have proved themselves more talented and exciting than anyone else in HIW many times over.


Sergei Kalashnov points out that he almost became HIW champ last week and no one in the ring can stay with him. He’s clearly the finest worker here today.


C+ 68


Eastern Bloc (Sergei Kalashnov & Dolf Kernen) © vs. Youth Explosion (Leigh Burton & Ricky Storm) vs. TNG (Adam Matravers & Petey Barnes)for the HIW Tag titles




This could loosely be termed organised chaos. Loosely because it wasn’t really organised. All the men in the ring have history so there were a great deal of grudges to be settled.


Sergei backed up his words by seeming particularly effective but the teamwork wasn’t as slick from Eastern Bloc as we’ve come to expect. In contrast the two English teams worked super-hard for each other and showed great timing.


In the end Adam Matravers managed to put Dolf Kernen down hard but before he could take advantage was blindsided by Ricky Storm allowing Leigh to seal the win.


Winner: Youth Explosion win the HIW tag titles


C 65






Darren White addresses the crowd before the match. He’s very much an upstart and seems to honestly not understand why the crowd laugh at his self-obsessed, shallow musings.


It doesn’t stop him though as he claims that The Foundation are a pair of dinosaurs who have been bypassed by younger men who have more will to win and prettier faces.


Darren doesn’t even give the Melbourne Blondes the satisfaction of slagging them off – just dismisses them as Aussie airheads.


C- 57


The Shortcuts (Darren White & Francis O’Brien) vs. The Foundation (Leo Price & Stevie Stoat) vs. The Melbourne Blondes (Rick Stantz & Blake Belushi)




This is a clash between style and ideology. The Foundation are old-school stretchers who try to slow things down and use technique whilst the Shortcuts are very much new-school energy and speed. With the Blondes of course being young and unpolished but hugely physical and powerful.


Leo from The Foundation is the most influential individual in this match but the setup is biased against him. There aren’t that many chances to work on someone when there’s always another team to break things up. As a result the Leo and Stoat spend much of the match marginalised.


Fortunately for them they have one important advantage – Kathleen Lee.

The Foundation’s rock-chick manager tends to stay out of things but this is an exception as a judicious bit of posing causes the ref, the other teams and most of the building to be totally distracted allowing Leo to pin Francis O’Brien after a low blow.


Winner: The Foundation


C+ 67






Ahead of their match together the Australian ex-commando Jerome Lane and Irish gambler Fred Murray argue together in the ring.

Jerome accuses the feckless Fred of having no discipline and being a cash-draining waste of money and time.


Fred meanwhile decries Jerome for Australia’s dependency on Britain and the queen. Why – he asks- haven’t they managed to gain some real independence yet?


C 63


Jerome Lane vs. Fred Murray




Jerome is in some ways the brightest new star of HIW as he’s achieved quite a lot in his short time here but Fred Murray is not to be taken for granted.


The two men took this brawl out of the ring and into the crowd but that’s when Jerome found the going tough. The fans don’t like his arrogant, anti-UK stance at all and the pressure gave Fred an advantage allowing him to wear the bigger Lane down before re-entering the ring where a Termination Slam sealed the win.


Winner: Fred Murray by Termination Slam


C 63






The Fearsome Bunsen enters the ring before the next match to make an announcement. Pitbull Brown’s partner Rolling Johnny Stones has not showed up tonight.


Victor Hugo (who are already in the ring) are understandably delighted and look eager of r a handicap match but Bunsen announces he has already picked a new partner using his amazing statistical model of team chemistry and psychology. Pitbull’s partner tonight will be Danny Appleseed!


The new team make their way to the ring and needless to say Pitbull does not look happy to be teaming with the untested rookie.


C 62


Victor Hugo (Victor Rodriguez & Hugo Lopes) vs. Pitbull Brown & Danny Appleseed




Victor Hugo have been teaming a long time and are ex-champs. Pitbull and Danny have barely met before tonight.


Strangely though this is pretty even. Danny shows some great power and athleticism and of course Pitbull’s resilience and willpower are legendary.


All four men see plenty of action but of course an inexperienced team rarely beats one with timing and chemistry. One mix-up is all it takes and with Pitbull thinking he was the legal man Victor seals a sneaky pin on Danny.

Pitbull protests furiously but the ref is adamant the result stands.


Winner: Victor Hugo


C 62






Sharky George enters the ring ahead of his challenge for Bedlam’s Death-proof title. The big Australian is as confident, competitive and combative as always as he addresses the crowd with cricket bat in hand:


“Bedlam is a Welshman they say. When was the last time there was an Olympic Games in Cardiff? When did the Welsh win the Rugby World Cup? When did anything good come from Wales?


“I’m from New South Wales mate and it’s a whole different world. We’ve got beaches, sunshine and some real tough bastards.


“Tonight I take the shackles off and show everyone just how Death-proof I am.”


C+ 69




We see a video (on the OHP of course) showing a day in the life of the Welsh monster Bedlam.


Apparently he spends his days screaming whilst down mines, beating up Rugby players, pushing bloody great boulders up small hills and looking moody in the drizzle.


C+ 71


Bedlam © vs. Sharky George for the HIW Death-proof title




A Death-proof match is always a bit close to the knuckle and this is no exception. Sharky uses his cricket bat early and often and Bedlam isn’t averse to using anything he can grab. Bells, chairs, a crutch from a disabled fan…


It’s a short match but a bloody one and both men are visibly weakened by the brawl when Bedlam locks his feared Mind-Strangler hold onto Sharky. Amazingly the Australian doesn’t submit but holds on for a good couple of minutes before sagging unconscious.


Even then the Welsh monster doesn’t release the hold but keeps squeezing Sharky’s limp form until the ref is forced to ring the bell.


Winner: Bedlam wins after Sharky is DQed


C- 57






The Fearsome Bunsen asks HIW champ the UK Dragon about his upcoming grudge match with Joey Beauchamp.


Bunsen ”Does this match mean more to you than other defences?”


Dragon “Of course it does boss. Joey and his cowardly ‘friend’ Fred Murray have launched attacks on me and my friends and shown a lack of honour in their pursuit of this belt. The one thing I cannot and will not stand for is cheating and these two have thrown that into my face with their actions. Tonight I finish this with a clean victory right in the centre of the ring.”


C 64




Joey Beauchamp comes to the ring for the match. He is notably accompanied by Fred Murray.


Joey “Cheating? I think you’re mistaking HIW with something else Dragon. The Scrabble club at your library maybe? Or Fifteen to one? You know something you old people like to do that people like us will never stoop to.

“Around here there’s one way to behave and it’s to win. We’ve gone easy on you so far but I say again. Tonight I am cool. I am A HURRICANE!”


C 62


UK Dragon vs. Joey Beauchamp for the JIW Championship




The two cruiserweight-sized fighters come out at 100% tonight as they’re both clearly riled. The match is in true HIW style which showcases death-defying aerial attacks and full use of innovative moves.


The Dragon is the more impressive but is thwarted time and again by interference from Fred Murray. Not bad enough to draw the ref’s ire but certainly enough to keep the Dragon off-balance.


And that’s when the champ snaps.


Normally a mild-mannered fighter Dragon has enough of the ankle-biting and SNAPS. He finds another gear to engage and somehow finds the strength to fight both Hustlers leaving Fred down outside the ring and as promised hitting the Dragon Drop on Joey in the centre of the ring to retain.


Winner: UK Dragon by Dragon Drop


C+ 70




Overall rating: C+ 67

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And that ends the year of 2004!


Thanks to everyone who has read, taken an interest or predicted here.


20Legend 3/6

MJStark 4/6


20Legend went for Eastern Bloc to retain. They could have done but Sergei has his mind on other matters...


MJStark picked the Shortcuts to win after the little biog. They do cheat but they dont win much. Dazza is over due to his awesome mic work but none of them have a great record in the ring.


I have 2 questions for all readers:


Danny Appleseed (Daniel Black Francis) is part of a sometime team with Russel Nixon. Any ideas for a team name?


Danny is a South-London boy. Half-yardy and half-streetwise.

Russel is a home-trained backyard type. if you dont know his biog I'd recommend it as funny.


I find my 3rd show of the month is poorly attended. The predictions (even in the booking screen) say 1,700-ish which is what we get for Full Force but only 1,000ish turn up. Any ideas why?


As always thanks for paying attention. All critical appraisals, tips and feedback is welcome.


Prof. Bunsen

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I have 2 questions for all readers:


Danny Appleseed (Daniel Black Francis) is part of a sometime team with Russel Nixon. Any ideas for a team name?


Danny is a South-London boy. Half-yardy and half-streetwise.

Russel is a home-trained backyard type. if you dont know his biog I'd recommend it as funny.


I find my 3rd show of the month is poorly attended. The predictions (even in the booking screen) say 1,700-ish which is what we get for Full Force but only 1,000ish turn up. Any ideas why?


Prof. Bunsen


Darn, I somehow managed to miss predictions. Well actually I do know how, I did them once but got server error when tried to send them (I would have done pretty badly by the way.) and just forgot to do it again later:o.


I´m totally horrible at naming teams but with one being half-streetwise guy and other being backyard wrestler something like Backyard boyz or Street Gang are first things that come to my mind.


No idea about addentance drop either only thing that I can think is that another company had an event on the same day.

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Darn, I somehow managed to miss predictions. Well actually I do know how, I did them once but got server error when tried to send them (I would have done pretty badly by the way.) and just forgot to do it again later:o.


I´m totally horrible at naming teams but with one being half-streetwise guy and other being backyard wrestler something like Backyard boyz or Street Gang are first things that come to my mind.


No idea about addentance drop either only thing that I can think is that another company had an event on the same day.


I did wonder where you were...:mad:


No worries sir. Im just keeping this going as I missed it.


I quite like Street Gang. Lets go with that. Thanks for the help.


Its not competitive shows. Noone is anywhere near me calendar-wise or geographically. I think it might be show size so Im going to experiment.

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Next time from HIW:


Full Force




W1 January 2005


UK Dragon vs. Rolling Johnny Stones vs. Leo Price

Will Rolling Johnny actually turn up this week? Where was the rock'n'roller for No Sympathy? Why is Leo in this match? Has Pitbull forgiven Stones?


Mystery (Scottish Elemental & English Avenger)vs. Double Dutch (Ruud van Anger & Frank de Pain)

Does this mean Ruud van Anger is fit again? And just who are those Mystery boys? Does anyone in this match weigh more than 9 stone? Will any of these guys touch the floor of the ring?


Eastern Bloc (Sergei Kalashnov & Dolf Kernen) vs. Street Gang (Danny Appleseed & Russell Nixon)

How will Eastern Bloc react to having lost their tag belts? Will Danny maintain his new momentum? Will anyone come up with a good name for this team? What does a Belarusian rapper sound like anyway?


Dark Falcon © vs. Jay B for the HIW Velocity Title

Falcon has been on the edge of sane for a while now with his dark superhero stylings. Will he trip over it? Will a Shortcut actually manage to cheat properly and win rather than look stupid? Will Jay's pals Darren White and Francis O'Brien make themselves felt?


Pitbull Brown vs. Einar Karlsen vs. Darren White vs. De Oranje Dieren

A Norwegian mastermind, an Essex dreamer, a Dutch silent man-beast and the Man who Never Gives In? Does this match belong in SAW? Pitbull isnt happy after being let down by Stones at No Sympathy. Einar always thinks he should be a bigger dog. Darren thinks he's destined for greateness. And who knows what De Oranje Dieren thinks?


Aussie Invasion (Sharky George & Jerome Lane) vs. Welsh Alliance (Bedlam & Red Dragon)

Can Bedlam play nicely with others? Does he even understand the concept of a team? Can Sharky get over his defeat by Bedlam when he was DQed in a supposedly no-DQ match? How the hell will high-flyer Red Dragon cope with 3 brawlers? When did Wales last beat Australia?*


Find out the answers to all these questions and more at HIW Full Force!



UK Dragon vs. Rolling Johnny Stones vs. Leo Price

Mystery vs. Double Dutch

Eastern Bloc vs. Danny Appleseed & Russell Nixon

Dark Falcon © vs. Jay B for the HIW Velocity Title

Pitbull Brown vs. Einar Karlsen vs. Darren White vs. De Oranje Dieren

Aussie Invasion (Sharky George & Jerome Lane) vs. Bedlam & Red Dragon



*November 2008. Shane Williams scored a cracker

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UK Dragon vs. Rolling Johnny Stones vs. Leo Price

No idea really so I just go with the champ


Mystery vs. Double Dutch

Personal preferense


Eastern Bloc vs. Danny Appleseed & Russell Nixon

Seems to be bigger names at this point.

Dark Falcon © vs. Jay B for the HIW Velocity Title

36 wins in 111 matches tells me that Jay B isn´t all that high on ladders so I go with champ retaining.


Pitbull Brown vs. Einar Karlsen vs. Darren White vs. De Oranje Dieren

Not much idea here so I jsut go with the guy who I know best.


Aussie Invasion (Sharky George & Jerome Lane) vs. Bedlam & Red Dragon

Sadly as much as I like Red Dragon he seems like the weak link here plus Sharky will likely get some momentum back by beating Bedlam in tag match.

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UK Dragon vs. Rolling Johnny Stones vs. Leo Price

Mystery vs. Double Dutch

Eastern Bloc vs. Danny Appleseed & Russell Nixon

Dark Falcon © vs. Jay B for the HIW Velocity Title

Pitbull Brown vs. Einar Karlsen vs. Darren White vs. De Oranje Dieren

Aussie Invasion (Sharky George & Jerome Lane) vs. Bedlam & Red Dragon


2/3 times since this came back I have picked all the left side :p

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UK Dragon vs. Rolling Johnny Stones vs. Leo Price

Mystery vs. Double Dutch

Eastern Bloc vs. Danny Appleseed & Russell Nixon

Dark Falcon © vs. Jay B for the HIW Velocity Title

Pitbull Brown vs. Einar Karlsen vs. Darren White vs. De Oranje Dieren

Aussie Invasion (Sharky George & Jerome Lane) vs. Bedlam & Red Dragon

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Thanks for reading and paying attention everyon.


Next show up in a day or two.




HIW in 2005




HIW fans around the world – we’ve got good news. We go into 2005 as the biggest and best wrestling company in Britain. As a result we’re going to share some of our plans with you.




As you know we run a pretty fixed schedule in HIW.




W1 - Full Force.


Held right here in the Midlands Full Force is the show you’ve come to know and love.




W2 - On Tour.


HIW visits the rest of the country giving everyone the chance to see our fabulous athletes. As always loyal followers can watch On Tour online.


W3 - Showtime.


Every month we run one of our extravaganza shows. Details are below.




W4 - Spark


New in 2005 we’ll be hosting Spark to show off the stars of tomorrow




Our titles here at HIW will remain unchanged for now.


UK Championship - Our top title. Open to everyone.


Current champ: UK Dragon


Death-proof title - Our hard-core title. Anything is legal. No DQs.


Current champ: Bedlam


Tag titles - Open for the top teams only. Standard rules apply


Current champs: Youth Explosion (Leigh Burton & Ricky Storm)


Velocity belt - Open to our younger fighters and not for heavyweights.


Current champ: Dark Falcon






January New Beginnings

As in the title NB gives everyone the chance to reinvent themselves. It’s a clean slate for the year.




February Do or Die


Traditionally we’ve seen submission, cage and ironman matches. DoD is for serious grudge matches.




March Scorch Comfort


SC is about getting out of the comfort zone and going it alone. Singles matches only.




April Northern Lights


The only Extravaganza show held outside the Midlands when we decamp towards colder climes.




May Western Battle


We’ve been known to hold battle royales here…




June Summer Falls


Our party event. Where everyone gets the chance to loosen up for once.




July Bleed Forever


Traditionally this was a hard-core event. Now HIW has the Death-proof title this will be even more bloodthirsty.




August International Language of Screaming


Home-grown fighters take on their foreign counterparts.




September Broken Promises


Back in the early days this was a pirate event in Solihull where the police used to try and shut us down. Things are slightly more civilised now…




October The Undefeated


Home to the HIW Undefeated series. Each match lasts 30 minutes and the winner is the man who avoids being pinned.




November Sex, war and robots


Basically everything your average HIW fan could ever want. Apart from beer of course!




December No Sympathy


And to finish the year we give everyone the opportunity to right wrongs against them. This is not the time for forgiveness.

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HIW Full Force




Week 1 January 2005

Hull Green Cricket Club. Attendance: 1,908




The Fearsome Bunsen salutes HIW’s largest-ever crowd to the Cricket club with aplomb.


“Ladies and gentlemen – welcome to a brand new year and a brand new HIW. Some old grudges were settled at No Sympathy and tonight we see a chance to air grievances for everyone.


“In that vein I’m giving some deserving men a shot at UK Dragon tonight. Leo price and Rolling Johnny Stones have been hugely successful in HIW but didn’t have great 2004s. Tonight they’ll get their chance to show their mettle.”


C+ 71






Sergei Kalashnov heads to the ring with his German partner Dolf Kernen. In the past the two men have worn dull, uniform khaki jumpsuits in honour of their Communist ideals but Sergei is now wearing a brand new western-style T-Shirt as he raps to the crowd in his hilarious accent.


“I’ve proved that I’m worth it

And the title? I deserve it.

Stones and Price are surplus

Eastern Bloc are perfect

It’s clear that I can take the champ

Even if I only use one hand

So we’re challenging the Dragon-man

If any team can beat him…

We can”


C- 57


Eastern Bloc (Sergei Kalashnov & Dolf Kernen) vs. Street gang (Danny Appleseed & Russell Nixon)




Sergei is conceited and embarrassingly out of touch with what’s cool in England but he’s right about one thing. He is a classy fighter.


The small Belarusian takes this opportunity to showcase his wide variety of moves against the young and raw Street Gang whilst Dolf backs him up his German brand of raw power to keep things interesting.


The younger men are certainly in the match and don’t get embarrassed but the win is never in doubt.


Winners: Eastern Bloc by Iron Curtain (Sergei pinned Russell)


C 60






The Fearsome Bunsen again enters the ring to introduce the next match. The reason being that Mystery almost never speak (to retain their secret identity) and no one can understand what the Double Dutch boys say.


Bunsen focuses on both teams being exciting high-fliers who go into the New Year looking for an upturn in fortunes. As we know Mystery are a strange alliance of an Englishman and a Scot who both idolise Japanese and Mexican wrestlers. On the other hand Double Dutch are cheerful, happy go lucky Dutch boys who are hampered by being the size of small children.


Either way – the crowd think both teams are pretty funny and enjoy the chance to lighten up a little.


C+ 68


Double Dutch (Ruud van Anger & Frank de Pain) vs. Mystery (English Avenger & Scottish Elemental)




As always with HIW’s flying tag-teams these 4 men put on a veritable clinic of diving moves.


The Dutch boys spend the match trying to avoid being reeled in closer (due to being physically weaker) whilst the Mysterious ones don’t have the speed to quite match them.


Ruud van Anger looks back to full health after his injury and gains a decent amount of support and it’s him who seals the win after a sweet double team move on Scottish Elemental.


Winners: Double Dutch via Dutch Courage (Ruud pinned Scottish Elemental)


C 60






Dark Falcon cuts a promo from the ring where he concentrates on just how tormented a soul he is as he tries to right wrongs and beat bad guys without stooping to their level.


He brings up high concepts such as morals, justice and conscience but actually manages to sound even more self-consciously teenage than Youth Explosion!


C 65




Darren White bursts into the ring with fellow Shortcuts Jay B and Francis O’Brien half way through and rudely interrupts.


“Get off your high horse. I can’t believe someone like you can talk so much crap! You’re a nobody – you’re inconsequential. If you were as important as me with the future of our group I could understand but this is ridiculous.


“Enjoy your limelight whilst it lasts Ronaldo as Jay is going to take your belt tonight.)


C 65


Dark Falcon vs. Jay B for the HIW Velocity Title




The match commences with Darren and Francis an ever-present threat in the corner. With a potential 3-on-1 disadvantage Dark Falcon is understandably nervous and only enters the fight cagily.


That’s plenty enough though as the Portuguese at 50% is still a hell of an athlete. Unfortunately The Shortcuts realise this as well and as expected storm the ring to interfere on Jay B’s behalf bearing the champ down to the floor where he huddles under his cape.


When everyone is stunned by events. A huge white firework EXPLODES above the ring and suddenly Super Falcon swoops into the ring from a rope from the rafters.




The white-suited SuperFalcon takes advantage of surprise and the noise/light and manages to hurl Darren and Francis from the ring whereupon Dark Falcon has recovered sufficiently to hit a picture-perfect Falcon Flight on Jay B.


Winner: Dark Falcon via Falcon Flight


C- 58






Einar Karlsen makes his way to the ring after the events of the last match.

The Norwegian ex-child-star is in a pugnacious mood as he sticks his jaw out and points fingers at the crowd.


He complains heartily that he never got the chance in 2004 that he deserved as a future-HIW champion and that there is an anti-Scandinavian bigotry in the company.


Einar explains that he asked Bunsen for a match tonight to start showing the HIW fans who the man of 2005 will be.


C+ 67


De Oranje Dieren vs. Pitbull Brown vs. Einar Karlsen vs. Darren White




There some very different styles in this match. Einar and Pitbull are big and powerful, and Darran and Dieren are smaller, athletic chaps. As a result we get to see lots of interesting matches but it is quite hard to follow.


Einar seems very up for the match and manages to impose himself on the others but stupidly attempts to lock in a submission move on Pitbull.

It’s not for nothing he’s known as The Man Who Never Gives In and Pitbull again shows great willpower by dragging the big Norwegian to the ropes to break the hold. After that Pitbull has momentum and manages to hit his feared Doghouse Piledriver on De Oranje Biesten for the win.


Winner: Pitbull Brown defeated De Oranje Dieren via Doghouse Piledriver


C 61






Sharky George comes to the ring accompanied by ex-Commando and fellow Australian Jerome Lane.


“6 months I waited for the chance to get my hands on Bedlam. There was no way I was ever going to tap out to that moron after waiting so long. And there was certainly no way I was going to be pinned by some bloke who’s barely even human.


“The ref may say he was looking after me when he rang the bell but it takes a damn sight more than a sleeper-hold to finish me off. If I’m in a no-DQ match I don’t want to be DQed. Conscious or not.


“Bedlam – you and me have issues. Australia and Wales have issues. Come down here and fight me again. I win – we have another match at New Beginnings for the Death-proof title. You win – I’ll never ask again.”


C+ 67




Bedlam of course doesn’t respond well to ultimatums, threats or deals. In fact he responds in the only way he knows; full frontal, all-out attack.

He may be a barely human monster but he knows the sound of his name and immediately rushes the ring. Bunsen (on commentary of course) immediately calls for security in the shape of other wrestlers but it takes a good 5 of them to hold the Welsh monster.


Bunsen realises that a fight is going to take place somehow so selects one of the restrainers as Bedlams nominal partner – Red Dragon.


C 65


Bedlam & Red Dragon vs. Sharky George & Jerome Lane




As soon as the bell is rung Bedlam goes straight for Sharky with huge punches and kicks. Even the experienced Aussie is surprised at the ferocity and the match spills out of the ring.


The two men literally fight like savages as Jerome and Red Dragon stand, stare and try to not get involved. That changes however as Bedlam bumps into red Dragon in a particularly violent moment.


This is what the Aussies were waiting for and as soon as it happens Sharky runs over to tag Jerome in. Sharky and Bedlam continue to brawl outside the ring but neither are now the legal man.


Instead Jerome takes his opportunity to shine and swiftly dismantles the much smaller Red Dragon before pinning him as the other brawl rages on.


Winners: Jerome Lane pins Red Dragon


D+ 52






As the chaos from Bedlam and Sharky is cleared away Rolling Johnny Stones takes the opportunity to talk to the fans.


He apologises for his no-show at No Sympathy where he let Pitbull Brown down. Stones doesn’t seem particularly sincere but promises to make it up to his old pal when he can.


C- 57




Halfway through Leo Price interrupts with Kathleen Lee. The veterans complain that no one cares where Stones was as he was never a real HIW man. Even when he was the champion.


In contrast no one has ever doubted Price’s commitment and he’s going to show the world that old-fashioned technique and skill can always trump new-fangled hijinks and unnecessary showiness when Leo ties UK Dragon up in knots tonight.


C- 57


UK Dragon vs. Leo Price vs. Rolling Johnny Stones




UK Dragon enters the ring silently tonight and looks full of confidence without his title on the line. In fact he doesn’t even get much involved early-on as Rolling Johnny Stones goes after Leo. The two men are amongst the best technical wrestlers in HIW and so we see a slower-paced match than normal.


Of course that can’t last and the Dragon gets more involved as he breaks up near-falls from both the other men.


All three men get good chances to win after that but the best is broken up when Stevie Stoat (Leo’s Foundation partner) attacks Rolling Johnny Stones after a 2-count.




Stoat and Leo immediately give Stones a bit of a shoeing and get quite into it. So into it that UK Dragon manages to sneak up and execute a surprise attack for the win.


Winner: UK Dragon via Dragon Drop on Leo Price


C 60




Overall rating: C 60

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Once again - thanks everyone for reading and paying attention. I appreciate your time


Sadly as much as I like Red Dragon he seems like the weak link here plus Sharky will likely get some momentum back by beating Bedlam in tag match.


Awesome logic sir. That gets you a 6/6 full marks


2/3 times since this came back I have picked all the left side :p


Hmm thats not a bad tactic is it? From now I think I'll go champs first and everyone else in alphabetic order.

5/6 correct - good cleverness.



Not quite there with the others this time but a creditable 3/6 given my awful choices and booking.


I've decided it's awful of me to offer no sort of prize at all so from now on the best predictor for each show will be awarded an item of HIW merchandise.


Feel free to ask for any character, team or group's version of a basic item (T-Shirt, Mug, Poster, etc).


Zergon - feel free to request away and I'll get on the line to HIWs dedicated factory (read 6th form design student looking for beer money).


As a starter here's Sergei Kalashnov's new t-shirt:



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Next time from HIW:


On Tour




HIW is coming to you from the Northern wastes of Scotland.



UK Dragon & Red Dragon vs. Victor Hugo (Victor Rodriguez & Hugo Lopes)

Our champ teams up with an underacheiver to take on an experienced team. Will individual brilliance trump teamwork?


The Hustlers (Joey Beauchamp & Fred Murray) vs. The Shortcuts (Darren White & Jay B)

Joey has been disappointing recently but Darren and co haven't been able to find their groove either. Will Joey manage to find some form or will this loose team have their own issues?


Bedlam vs. Rick Stantz

The Welsh Monster takes on one half of the Melbourne Blondes after losing to two more Australians last week. Will this be a fair fight? Has Rick Stantz ever been to Scotland? Doesnt he know what it's like up there?


Emerald Angel vs. Sergei Kalashnov vs. Adam Matravers

Sergei is not happy he lost the tag titles and has been angling for a bigger prize. Angel and Matravers are two of the more talented members of the roster.


Youth Explosion (Leigh Burton & Ricky Storm) vs. Triple Dutch (Ruud van Anger, Frank de Pain & De Oranje Dieren)

Youth Explosion are new tag champs but haven't really experienced much of a challenge yet. Will the come unstuck against a numerical disadvantage?


Os Falcoes (Dark & Super Falcon) vs. The Foundation (Leo Price & Stevie Stoat) vs. The Nadir (Ony Svoboda & Ioakim Nikolic)

The Foundation spoiled last week's main event when Stevie interfered to attack Rolling Johnny Stones. Will they be able to beat two teams fairly? Will Stones be back for revenge? Has he mended his issues with Pitbull Brown yet?




UK Dragon & Red Dragon vs. Victor Hugo (Victor Rodriguez & Hugo Lopes)

The Hustlers (Joey Beauchamp & Fred Murray) vs. The Shortcuts (Darren White & Jay B)

Bedlam vs. Rick Stantz

Emerald Angel vs. Sergei Kalashnov vs. Adam Matravers

Youth Explosion (Leigh Burton & Ricky Storm) vs. Triple Dutch (Ruud van Anger, Frank de Pain & De Oranje Dieren)

The Foundation (Leo Price & Stevie Stoat) vs. Os Falcoes (Dark & Super Falcon) vs. The Nadir (Ony Svoboda & Ioakim Nikolic)

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I've decided it's awful of me to offer no sort of prize at all so from now on the best predictor for each show will be awarded an item of HIW merchandise.


Feel free to ask for any character, team or group's version of a basic item (T-Shirt, Mug, Poster, etc).


Zergon - feel free to request away and I'll get on the line to HIWs dedicated factory (read 6th form design student looking for beer money).



Heh, there is so many guys that I like here that it´s hard to make the decision, but let´s say Red Dragon poster, just because I had to go against him to get this prize.


UK Dragon & Red Dragon vs. Victor Hugo (Victor Rodriguez & Hugo Lopes)

Double Dragon doesn´t lose it´s simple as that.


The Hustlers (Joey Beauchamp & Fred Murray) vs. The Shortcuts (Darren White & Jay B)

Bigger names.


Bedlam vs. Rick Stantz

Ouch, sorry Stantz but you will take the beating here.


Emerald Angel vs. Sergei Kalashnov vs. Adam Matravers

Little bit of a coin flip between Sergei and Adam but I expect Eastern Bloc to get their title re-match before TNG gets their change.


Youth Explosion (Leigh Burton & Ricky Storm) vs. Triple Dutch (Ruud van Anger, Frank de Pain & De Oranje Dieren)

I really hate to go against Double Dutch but Oranje Dieren seems to be a jobber so I expect him to eat the pin even in handicap match.


The Foundation (Leo Price & Stevie Stoat) vs. Os Falcoes (Dark & Super Falcon) vs. The Nadir (Ony Svoboda & Ioakim Nikolic)

Again just a personal preference.

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Heh, there is so many guys that I like here that it´s hard to make the decision, but let´s say Red Dragon poster, just because I had to go against him to get this prize.


Sorry Ive been out of the loop. Work a nightmare!


Meanwhile, the first ever HIW poster...



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UK Dragon & Red Dragon vs. Victor Hugo (Victor Rodriguez & Hugo Lopes)

The Hustlers (Joey Beauchamp & Fred Murray) vs. The Shortcuts (Darren White & Jay B)

Bedlam vs. Rick Stantz

Emerald Angel vs. Sergei Kalashnov vs. Adam Matravers

Youth Explosion (Leigh Burton & Ricky Storm) vs. Triple Dutch (Ruud van Anger, Frank de Pain & De Oranje Dieren)

The Foundation (Leo Price & Stevie Stoat) vs. Os Falcoes (Dark & Super Falcon) vs. The Nadir (Ony Svoboda & Ioakim Nikolic)

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UK Dragon & Red Dragon vs. Victor Hugo (Victor Rodriguez & Hugo Lopes)

The Hustlers (Joey Beauchamp & Fred Murray) vs. The Shortcuts (Darren White & Jay B)

Bedlam vs. Rick Stantz

Emerald Angel vs. Sergei Kalashnov vs. Adam Matravers

Youth Explosion (Leigh Burton & Ricky Storm) vs. Triple Dutch (Ruud van Anger, Frank de Pain & De Oranje Dieren)

The Foundation (Leo Price & Stevie Stoat) vs. Os Falcoes (Dark & Super Falcon) vs. The Nadir (Ony Svoboda & Ioakim Nikolic)

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HIW On tour




Thursday Week 2 January 2005

Caledonian Club – Scotland

Attendance: 151






The Fearsome Bunsen introduces the show from the ring. Some of his jokes fall flat on the Scottish crowd who are unfamiliar with him but he does gain points by praising Robert Brown, John Logie Baird, Graham Alexander Bell and John Napier.


D 45




After Bunsen primes the crowd (much less so than usual) Bethany Hurst (manager of Youth Explosion) comes to the ring with her team.


Bethany explains that after winning the tag titles back at No Sympathy her and the boys have been celebrating although most of the HIW workers were in bed by the time they went out at night.


She’s not happy that they’ve been forced to come up to Scotland but are willing to defend their titles in a handicap match due to extreme confidence.


E+ 35


Youth Explosion (Leigh Burton & Ricky Storm) vs. Triple Dutch (Ruud van Anger, Frank de Pain & Die Oranje Dieren)




And it’s almost overconfidence that’s the downfall of Leigh and Ricky as they start slowly against a team eager to cause an upset,


The two main Dutch fighters (Ruud and Frank) look especially ready for this. Almost as if they’ve been… refreshed.


As you’d expect it’s a bit of a spotfest but all the men involved have skill and energy and it’s a close, exciting match.


As some expected the more experienced and accomplished team wins out when Leigh manages to isolate the weak Dutch link (the masked Orange Animal) and take the win.


Winners: Youth Explosion by pinfall


C- 59






The Fearsome Bunsen comes back to the ring to interview Aussie Rick Stantz (one half of the Melbourne Blondes) about the next match.


Rick is facing Bedlam – the Welsh monster that has proven too much for even Australian top man Sharky George.


Rick is confident and explains that he asked for the match to prove his worth in his compatriots eyes.


He does however look much less confident when the huge, Welsh maniac steams into the ring in a cloud of spit, rage and bulging biceps…


D+ 51


Bedlam vs. Rick Stantz




Like the Aussies playing football this is equal parts admiration and pity from the crowd.


Everyone likes a trier and it’s easy to feel proud of Rick for getting himself in this match.


Unfortunately he never really stands a chance and takes what looks to be a seriously painful beating right from the off.


Stantz tries to stand up but crumbles quickly in the face of Bedlam’s power before being locked into the Mind Strangler and tapping out quickly.


Winner: Bedlam by submission after a Mind Strangler


D+ 51






Kathleen Lee and her team The Foundation come to the ring and address the crowd.


She mainly slates Rolling Johnny Stones and Pitbull Brown who Kathleen used to be in the band The Richmond Mafia with.


Kathleen tells everyone she never liked the band and always wanted to see everyone in it destroyed. Danny Patterson and The Damned have been forced out of HIW and Stones and Pitbull are at each other’s throats with The Foundation costing Stones his match against UK Dragon last week.


As Kathleen says “It’s almost too easy”


D 46


Os Falcoes (Dark & Super Falcon) vs. The Foundation (Leo Price & Stevie Stoat) vs. The Nadir (Ony Svoboda & Ioakim Nikolic)




Multi-team matches often present a clash of styles in HIW and this is no exception.


The Foundation are old-school technical guys.


Os Falcoes are flashy fliers with both Portuguese superheroes flying through the air..


The Nadir are Russian brawlers as harsh as the desert they come from.


Both falcons look very strong and get a decent reaction but their showboating lets them down as The Foundation concentrate on business and bully the Nadir into submission. Both Dark and Super Falcon attempt heroic rescues on the behalf of their opponents but Stoat and Price manage to fend them off until Nikolic taps out.


Winners: The Foundation by submission


D 43






Sergei Kalashnov – the Fresh prince of Belarus makes his way to The Fearsome Bunsen at his announcing desk and uncharacteristically falls to his knees.


“Ever since we lost the tag titles last month something’s been eating me up. I haven’t been that hurt, I don’t feel like I’ve lost anything and I’m not sad. And the reason’s simple:


"I know I can do better than them. Everyone here has always known I could be a star and the time has come to prove it. I almost beat UK Dragon last year but I wasn’t prepared for a title match. Now I am. Please professor Bunsen – give me the match the fans want to see.”


Bunsen doesn’t look sure but a big crowd response actually helps him.


“You lost your titles in December Sergei. I can’t give you a title shot.


The crowd boo


“…Unless you achieve something else. You’ll get a match with the Dragon. Next week at New Beginnings everyone gets to make them a new identity. If you and Dolf Kernen can beat UK Dragon in a tag match you can have your title shot. And UK Dragon’s partner? I’ll let you know.”


D 46


Emerald Angel vs. Sergei Kalashnov vs. Adam Matravers




What the hell is up with Sergei being polite? It doesn’t matter as it doesn’t last past the bell of this match. The Belarusian is a hurricane as he takes on both his opponents at the same time seemingly everywhere in the ring.


Adam is a very accomplished fighter and Emerald Angel an extraordinary talent but Sergei is simply on fire as he seals a win by pinning Emerald Angel after a spectacular double missile dropkick from the turnbuckle.


Winner: Sergei Kalashnov by pinfall


D+ 50




After Adam’s loss his manager Phoebe Plumridge hypes her team TNG (Adam Matravers & Petey Barnes). She isn’t happy that they haven’t been given a tag match this year since losing their title match against Eastern Bloc and Youth Explosion when so many other poor teams have fought tonight.


Phoebe thus challenges Victor Hugo, Double Dutch and the Melbourne Blondes to a match at New Beginnings to prove that TNG deserve more respect, airtime and glory.


D- 32






The Hustlers cut a promo from the ring where Joey complains bitterly about losing to UK Dragon at No Sympathy. However the two men have dedicated themselves to performing as a team again and want to challenge for the tag titles at New Beginnings.


Eastern Bloc now have a match with UK Dragon, Joey & Fred have been former champs and everyone knows they’ve had issues with Youth Explosion so no one deserves a shot more than them.


D- 38




The Hustlers (Joey Beauchamp & Fred Murray) vs. Shortcuts (Darren White & Jay B)




The Shortcuts have been on a bit of a dismal run recently but they start off well here as the wiry pair of Jay and Darren start to outmanoeuvre Joey and Darren.


Neither of the Hustlers is a big man either though and they soon adjust. This is high-impact stuff and all 4 men end up out of the ring as the match spills out into a brawl. The most experienced man in the match shows his experience here as Joey heads back inside and cold****s Jay as he re-enters behind him. One Breeze Block later and the Hustlers have the win.


Winners: Hustlers win by pinfall


D+ 52




Before the main event of the night Bunsen gathers both teams in the ring and interviews them.


UK Dragon talks about how proud he is to stand alongside another Dragon warrior and how willing he is to fight anyone in the name of honour, integrity and bravery.


Victor Rodriguez pooh-poohs this quite comprehensively and laughs in Dragons face. In Latin culture honour and fair play are flexible terms. Whatever you can get away is ok. For example Diego Maradona was just using street smarts (the crowd gets a big cheer for this) and deserves the respect for the Hand of God.


Victor also again insists that his Gypsy clan have seen greatness in his future. Basically all he needs to do is turn up and HIW will be his own private party.


D 43


UK Dragon & Red Dragon vs. Victor Hugo




Last week Red Dragon showed awful chemistry with Bedlam as the Welsh monster totally ignored him but UK Dragon is such a thoughtful guy he could team with anyone and does so here taking advantage of Red Dragon’s speed and athleticism to battle Hugo whilst the champ takes on the muscular Victor.


Speaking of Victor – he is of course an ex-HIW champ himself and shows why here with some great moves. In fact the Iberian team manage to almost connect their patented Paella surprise on Red Dragon but UK Dragon snatches the Welsh flier out of harm’s way.


It seems like this costs Victor Hugo a lot of momentum and shortly after UK Dragon smashes Hugo with a Dragon Drop for the pin.


Winners: Team Dragon win via pinfall


D+ 53




Overall show rating: D+ 48

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