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The Fearsome Bunsen in the UK - HIW

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Thanks for reading everyone


Well that show stank up the joint didnt it?


Thats the downside of going to Scotland I guess, but with no TV deals for UK promotions we have a great shot at dominating the market if we can expand beyond the Midlands.


Zergon 6/6

MJStark 4/6

20Legend 4/6


Perfect from Zergon. Someone has worked out the On Tour formula...


MJStark and 20Legend - you both went for Matravers and the Dutchmen. In 2010 that would be right but although those guys have the talent theyre not there yet with the fans. I cant see them waiting forever though as all of them are perfect HIW-style guys


Zergon - feel free to select merchandise for anyone on the roster. It will be crap but fun to do and it certainly helps character.


[i'm doing it in homage to JSilver's classic Jim Force tshirt in Where over 65s get in free]


Thanks everyone



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Next time from HIW:


New Beginnings



UK Dragon & tbc vs. Eastern Bloc (Sergei Kalashnov & Dolf Kernen)


Sergei is angling for a proper title shot at UK Dragon but the Dragon feels he’s already beaten Sergei comfortably. Nevertheless Sergei will be looking to force things and it all depends on who UK Dragon can line up to support him.


Bedlam © vs. Sharky George for the HIW Death-Proof title


Last time out these two had a bloody and violent match that ended in Sharky being DQed in a no-DQ match as the ref thought he could be seriously maimed. Can Sharky come good this time? What has caused him to think he can? Can anyone stop Bedlam?


The Richmond Mafia (Rolling Johnny Stones & Pitbull Brown) vs. The Foundation (Leo Price & Stevie Stoat)


Kathleen Lee has promised to bring down the remnants of her old band The Richmond Mafia. Stones and Pitbull are an uneasy pair at the best of times. Can they band together?


Youth Explosion © (Leigh Burton & Ricky Storm) vs. The Hustlers (Joey Beauchamp & Fred Murray) for the HIW Tag titles


This will be Youth Explosion’s first defence (this stint) of the tag titles. The Hustlers are dismissive of Ricky and Leigh’s maturity and seem very confident of themselves.


Dark Falcon © vs. Scottish Elemental for the HIW Velocity title


Dark Falcon has been doing really well as a singles competitor but his relationship with long-term crime-fighting partner Super Falcon is becoming more fractious as Dark Falcon gets more determined to fight fire with fire rather than remain unsullied. Can the young Scot take advantage of the emotional turmoil?


Double Dutch (Ruud van Anger & Frank de Pain) vs. The Melbourne Blondes (Rick Stantz & Blake Belushi) vs. TNG (Adam Matravers & Petey Barnes) vs.

Victor Hugo (Victor Rodriguez & Hugo Lopes)


Phoebe Plumridge and TNG have expressed annoyance that they haven’t been more featured as a team. Adam and Petey have both had great results and skillwise are clearly talented enough to go on a run. However the other teams they’ve challenged here aren’t to be trifled with. Victor Hugo did well against UK and Red Dragon last week. The Melbourne Blondes have been great as a pair. And Double Dutch are always wildcards.




UK Dragon & tbc vs. Eastern Bloc

Bedlam © vs. Sharky George

The Richmond Mafia vs. The Foundation

Youth Explosion © vs. The Hustlers

Dark Falcon © vs. Scottish Elemental

Double Dutch vs. The Melbourne Blondes vs. TNG vs. Victor Hugo




As is now the rule best predictions will win their choice of HIW merchandise. Personally I’d go for a Sharky George branded cricket bat. Or maybe a Dark Falcon t-shirt but what do I know ?


Thanks everyone for reading and your time.

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UK Dragon & tbc vs. Eastern Bloc

Bedlam © vs. Sharky George

The Richmond Mafia vs. The Foundation

Youth Explosion © vs. The Hustlers

Dark Falcon © vs. Scottish Elemental

Double Dutch vs. The Melbourne Blondes vs. TNG vs. Victor Hugo

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I go with Double Dutch T-shirt this time as they are one of my favorite tag teams.


UK Dragon & tbc vs. Eastern Bloc

I assume that Sergei will get another shot on the title and that means that he has to win here


Bedlam © vs. Sharky George

Not sure about this one so I make the safer pick and go with the champ.


The Richmond Mafia vs. The Foundation

Coin flip, I go with Foundation mainly because you mentioned that there are some tension between RJS and Brown.


Youth Explosion © vs. The Hustlers

I knoe you like Youth Explosion so I doubt that you would hotshot the titles away from them so early. Hustlers are dangerous team though and they might well get the titles eventually.


Dark Falcon © vs. Scottish Elemental

Unless I remember wrong Elemental haven´t got a single victory since this diary came back so it´s hard to see him winning here.


Double Dutch vs. The Melbourne Blondes vs. TNG vs. Victor Hugo

Double Dutch might be my favorite team here but they have no cahnge winning this one so I go with TNG mainly because their promo in last show.

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Trying to catch up on this, these are probably way out of whack. Pure guesswork here, unless it's a homerism pick..


UK Dragon & tbc vs. Eastern Bloc - Although I wouldn't normally vote against a TBC..

Bedlam © vs. Sharky George

The Richmond Mafia vs. The Foundation

Youth Explosion © vs. The Hustlers

Dark Falcon © vs. Scottish Elemental

Double Dutch vs. The Melbourne Blondes vs. TNG vs. Victor Hugo - LET'S GO BLONDES

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I go with Double Dutch T-shirt this time as they are one of my favorite tag teams.


Your wish is [kind of] my command.


Went for a take on Dutch Masters in an HIW style (ie a bit scuffed up to say the least)




Thanks for paying attention everyone. If this stuff isnt an inspiration and enticement I dont know what is!

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UK Dragon & tbc vs. Eastern Bloc

tbc draws me in

Bedlam © vs. Sharky George

Stick w/ the champ

The Richmond Mafia vs. The Foundation

Uneasy pair, I think they'll win still :p

Youth Explosion © vs. The Hustlers

Dark Falcon © vs. Scottish Elemental

Easy option

Double Dutch vs. The Melbourne Blondes vs. TNG vs. Victor Hugo

I love the t shirt [Anger Pain]:D

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New Beginnings




Week 3 January 2005

Hall County Cricket Club – Midlands

Attendance: 1,542






The Fearsome Bunsen introduces the show from the ring:


“Evolution gives species the chance to find their own niche. The Big Bang provided all the myriad wonders of the universe. Every element starts from a single particle.


“And New Beginnings is a time for every British fighter to stake his claim for where he wants to be. Tonight we’ll see new stars seize glory and old stars fall from grace. Welcome to HIW”


C+ 69






Sharky George talks to the crowd ahead of his rematch with Bedlam.


“Last time I fought Bedlam he almost strangled me to death. The Mind Strangler is truly one of the nastiest moves in wrestling.


“But I didn’t give up did I?


“As far as I’m concerned that match never ended and I’m here tonight to finish the job. Pin me or make me give in Bedlam. Otherwise…




D+ 52


Bedlam vs. Sharky George for the HIW Death-proof title




Just as last time these two fought and indeed in every Death-Proof match at HIW this is an old-fashioned, no-nonsense brawl.


Bedlam of course only knows all-out attack and even Sharky (normally an exercise in controlled fury) seems particularly destructive.


A match like this can never be drawn out and it very quickly spills out of the ring and into the seats where people, chairs and pints are sent flying in every direction.


Both me give as good as they get and for the first time ever in HIW the match heads outside. Given that we’re at a cricket club outdoors has plenty of room for brawling and a decent amount of fans spill out to watch.


And it’s outside where the match gets really nasty. Bedlam tries a couple of times to go for the Mind Strangler but Sharky is ready and slips away. As Bedlam gets more angry it becomes clear that Sharky is manoeuvring him and the Australian’s disgusting plan becomes clear as he goads Bedlam into a charge and steps out of the way…


To send the Welsh monster directly into a floodlight generator unit. There’s an almighty flash and a loud bang and Bedlam goes down hard and twitching violently.


Sharky seems pleased and callously steps on Bedlam’s chest with his boot taking care to avoid electrocuting himself.


Winner: Sharky George via pinfall


C- 57






Dark Falcon talks to the crowd before his match:


“When I came here the UK was a glorious place. Full of money and honour and truth. And then I started to see more of the country. I saw the crime and the lies and the selfishness. I saw marginalisation, prejudice and Scotland.


“My friend Super Falcon thinks there is still good here. I think it has been buried beneath layer upon layer of evil.


“And you know how you defeat evil? You don’t ask nicely. You climb down into the pit with it and don’t stop swinging until the job’s done.”


D 44


Dark Falcon © vs. Scottish Elemental for the HIW Velocity title




Elemental is pretty annoyed here after the Portuguese crime fighter’s comments on Scotland and really takes the match to him.


Elemental shows more than he really has for HIW before and in particular brings out a couple of big dives that the crowd here love.


It’s not enough though and Dark Falcon gradually takes control with his own trademark flashy moves before nailing a 450 splash for a tough win.


Winner: Dark Falcon via pinfall


C- 54






Kathleen Lee comes to the ring with The Foundation (Leo Price and Stevie Stoat).


“I’ve been hearing a lot of the old Richmond Mafia tunes this past week. It seems people have dug out the CDs out of nostalgia. So I’ve had time to re-evaluate what we did. And it was crap. Rolling Johnny Stones thought we were breaking the mould but really it was tired, dull and uninspiring.


“Just more reasons to make sure that everyone in that band is driven from HIW. Johnny? Pitbull? It was crap then and you’re no better now. And The Foundation will prove it in the ring.”


C 62


The Foundation vs. Rolling Johnny Stones & Pitbull Brown




Kathleen is clearly emotional at this match and is very aggressive in trying to put Stones and Pitbull off as they take on probably the finest technical wrestlers in HIW.


It also doesn’t help that Pitbull clearly doesn’t trust anyone else around the ring and tries to avoid showing anyone his back.


Nevertheless the ex-Richmond Mafia boys start strongly and are dominating the match when Kathleen takes matters into her own hands.


First she strikes the ref in the back of his head with a set of brass knuckles putting him on the floor and then gives them to Leo who uses the unfair advantage they give to lay out Rolling Johnny Stones. He’s in the process of stalking Pitbull to do likewise when the ref stirs and gets up. Immediately Leo throws the knuckles at Pitbull’s feet and crashes to the floor clutching his head.


The ref (jumping to the wrong conclusion) calls for the bell and DQs Stones and Pitbull.


Winners: The Foundation via DQ


C- 54






Phoebe Plumridge (manager of TNG) accompanies her team (Adam Matravers & Petey Barnes) to the ring.


“People have accused us of arrogance this last week but I wanted to clarify. TNG are about standing up for everyone to have their chance and that’s what New Beginnings is about. Adam and Petey have served their apprenticeships. And this year they’ll be arriving as major players in the UK.


“It won’t be easy taking on 3 other teams tonight but if it was easy everyone would do it.”


C 61


Double Dutch (Ruud van Anger & Frank de Pain) vs. The Melbourne Blondes (Rick Stantz & Blake Belushi) vs. TNG (Adam Matravers & Petey Barnes)vs. Victor Hugo (Victor Rodriguez & Hugo Lopes)




Wow. This is pure adrenaline as all 8 men desperately go for the win pulling out some extraordinary moments.


Ruud van Anger elbow drops Hugo Lopes from the turnbuckle onto the floor of the arena.


Blake Belushi hits a beautiful double-clothesline on Frank de Pain and Petey Barnes.


Victor Hugo throws Rick Stantz over the ropes straight onto his back.


Adam Matravers saves the best for last though and takes advantage of battered and bruised bodies to hit his Mile-High Moonsault on Hugo. The bandanaed Englishman is the first man to recover and seizes the opportunity to take the 3-count.


Winners: TNG via pinfall


B- 72






Joey Beauchamp addresses the crowd ahead of the Hustlers’ championship match):


“New Beginnings? This should have been my new beginning as the HIW champion. Everyone knows that I was the greatest champ we’ve ever had and that UK Dragon is a phoney and a wannabe. Well I’m not interested in being treated like a second wheel. I’m a champion and a winner and I expect to be treated as such.


“So Fred and I will be taking the tag belts. Leigh Burton and Ricky Storm are spoiled children. They bang on about how they’re the new breed and ever so exciting but they’ll soon stop that. Once they grow up. I used to be full of vim and vinegar as well and then I became a grown up. Get over yourselves boys. And prepare to respect your elders.”


C 63




Youth Explosion (Leigh Burton and Ricky Storm) accompany their manager Bethany Hurst as she responds:


“Respect your elders? This isn’t about age Joey. This is about change. New Beginnings is about establishing your identity and at least we have one. You and your ilk all claim you’ve improved somehow and its crap.


“You didn’t get wise and better. You got tired and dull. You stopped caring about what you can do and what you can be and got used to your two bedroom house in Surbiton.


“We’re the champions. We’re winning matches. How about some respect for your betters?”


D+ 53


Youth Explosion (Leigh Burton and Ricky Storm) © vs. The Hustlers (Joey Beauchamp & Fred Murray)




These two teams have got serious history as they’ve been battling each other for 7 years. They haven’t been in the ring for almost a year though and both teams want to re-establish superiority double quick.


Leigh uses his more physical style to attack directly but Joey’s speed and risk-taking are always great to see. The battle sways each way but eventually is decided by Bethany getting involved with a low-blow on Fred allowing the boys to hit a textbook Evolution Catapult for the win.


Winners: Youth Explosion via pinfall


C+ 69






Sergei Kalashnov enters the ring with his partner Dolf Kernen looking very pleased with himself.


“Finally the wrestling world begins to understand who great fighter is. I – Sergei – am champion elect of HIW and will prove it as beat silly UK Dragon tonight.


“Fearsome Bunsen – you think you punish me with more matches? You make me laugh. I LOVE more matches. More time in ring shows everyone that Sergei is greatest fighter in country.


“I win tonight and get title match at Do or Die in February. And everyone will rap with me!”


C 62




The UK Dragon enters the ring ahead of the match with Eastern Bloc.


“I searched high and wide for a partner tonight Sergei. You smile and you wear fancy clothes but I don’t trust you. I know you’ve been offering bribes to turn against me so I had to be really careful.


“I talked to Jerome Lane to be a partner but no one really understands what the Aussies are up to.


“I talked to Geordie Jimmy Morris but he hasn’t forgiven me for beating him yet.


“So I recruited an old face from my past. I spent years travelling around Japan in tiny hotel rooms trying to prove myself and I had only a couple of friends. One man above all others. A fellow Englishman with skills from the East. An honourable man who understands Bushido.


“My partner tonight is…


British Samurai.”




C 65


UK Dragon & British Samurai vs. Eastern Bloc (Sergei Kalashnov & Dolf Kernen)




British Samurai hasn’t been seen in HIW for some years but the fans remember him very clearly after his epic championship feud with Razor Valentine back in the day.


The Dragon is clearly very on board with Samurai after their Japanese adventures but Eastern Bloc are a super-tight team with Sergei especially impressive yet again.


The decisive moment comes when UK Dragon takes the advantage over Dolf when the unthinkable happens…


British Samurai boots UK Dragon in the back of his head!


After that Sergei, Dolf and Samurai all deliver a kicking to the champ and Sergei takes the easy win over our prone champ.


Winners: Eastern Bloc via pinfall


C 60




After the match Sergei lifts British Samurai’s hand in victory.


“You stupid English did not see that coming eh?


“UK Dragon right about some things. I do want to win. And I will seek every advantage.


“He was also a little bit wrong. Samurai is not friend. Is employee. Of mine.


“And now I go into February as clear favourite for title with all advantages.


“How is this for New Beginning?”


C- 59




Overall show rating: C- 59

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Thanks again for taking the time to pay attention everyone.


I loved this show. It's just a shame that the fans didnt as much... My product is really starting to favour midcard teams over my top names so I might do some tweaking. The 4-way tag match buried in the midcard of that show was our 8th best match of all time even coming in ahead of Sharky Georges run at UK Dragon's title last June.




In our record 4-person prediction competition this time:


Rathen4 2/6

Welcome to HIW sir. I really wanted you to win but this was a tricky event to pick for :rolleyes:


MJStark 4/6

missed on UK Dragon and Bedlam losing. Both hard ones.


Zergon 5/6

Man you've got me sussed out... ;)


20Legend 2/6

Great logic. Just turns out my booking sucks


As per normal Zergon can claim anything he wants from the merchandise stall. And threadbare goods manufactured in off-time by a William/Kate plate company will wing their way towards you.




The next show will be the first ever edition of Spark. It's basically a B-show so it will be low on detail. I will try and use lots of new workers though - so if you want anyone featured fire away.


Thanks again everyone who's reading.



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The Big Bang provided all the myriad wonders of the universe. Every element starts from a single particle.


The Bunsen awesome!


I saw marginalisation, prejudice and Scotland.




The Samuri turn was great and all the promos are sweet, nice show!


EDIT: Again no merch for me :(

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The Bunsen awesome!






The Samuri turn was great and all the promos are sweet, nice show!


EDIT: Again no merch for me :(


Sorry man! Im sure it will come. Our secondary level shows are a bit easier to predict...


Next time from HIW:






The first ever Spark will be held in London.


Emerald Angel vs. De Oranje Dieren vs. Super Falcon

A Japanese rookie, a Dutch gimp and a Portuguese crimefighter walk into a bar...


Danny Appleseed vs. Jay B

The South London yardy takes on the Shortcut ex-Velocity champ in his own backyard. Can home advantage overcome inexperience?


Einar Karlsen vs. Russell Nixon

The Scandinavian ingrate takes on the Backgarden Brawler. Einar thinks he should be a star. Can he take care of business?


The Nadir vs. Red&Jed (Red Dragon & Jed High)

Red Dragon has had a couple of big matches recently and we know he's friends with UK Dragon. Can he lay a beatin on the Russian desert warriors?



Emerald Angel vs. De Oranje Dieren vs. Super Falcon

Danny Appleseed vs. Jay B

Einar Karlsen vs. Russell Nixon

The Nadir vs. Red&Jed (Red Dragon & Jed High)

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I like to have Dark Falcon poster this time, goes nicely with the Red Dragon one I already have.


Emerald Angel vs. De Oranje Dieren vs. Super Falcon

Super Falcon is likely the biggest name here


Danny Appleseed vs. Jay B

Coin flip


Einar Karlsen vs. Russell Nixon

Honestly I have no idea here, Karlsen´s name sounds more familiar so I go with him.


The Nadir vs. Red&Jed (Red Dragon & Jed High)

Surely Red&Jed have to win here?

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I like to have Dark Falcon poster this time, goes nicely with the Red Dragon one I already have.


Your bedroom wall must be a shrine to shoddy mementos to mediocre wrestlers...


This didnt turn out exactly as I wanted it - it's obviously far too blocky and scrappy but I never promised quality.


And actually props and merch is really helping me to flesh guys out in my head



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W4 January 2005

Paddington Club, London

Attendance: 132




The fearsome Bunsen talks to the crowd from the ring. With only 132 people present he’s pretty sure that they’re mostly familiar with HIW and aren’t going to be put off at the lack of big names present tonight.


Bunsen explains that Spark is going to be used as an opportunity to give some of tomorrow’s stars some exposure rather than the other UK companies that just use up and spit out all potential talent in favour of pushing people like Steamroller and Psycho (who happen to be big in London company 21CW right now).


D+ 49






Einar Karlsen the Norwegian ex-child star addresses the crowd first. As usual he’s in a disgruntled mood and furious that he’s been asked to appear on Spark.


“I was starring in major films when I was 7. I’ve been wrestling here in HIW since 1999. I’ve teamed with Dark Angel. Once. This company is full of little girls and whining English that can’t get on big shows and you send me- the finest Norwegian alive here for c-show?


“I’m better than Spark – it’s for wannabes and bitches.”


D 44


Einar Karlsen vs. Russell Nixon





Russell [The Backgarden Wrestler] is willing as always but has no real answer to Einar. The Norwegian is bigger, stronger and more experienced and manages to fend off Russell’s suicidal aerial attacks before taking the win after a big powerbomb.


Winner: Einar Karlsen via pinfall


D 44






Bunsen interviews The Red Dragon before the next match.


“It’s been great to be in some big matches in HIW and I’m proud that we finally sold one of my posters.


“But I’m here in HIW for a cause and I haven’t been doing it justice. I want the world to see that Wales is it’s own country – not just a part of the English-invented Great Britain.


“I want the world to see that we deserve freedom and independence and I need to do better. When I start winning matches people will see that it’s possible to throw off the yoke of oppression and make our own life in the rolling green valleys.


“Now who is this freak with a red face that keeps calling me Darth Dragon?”


D 46


Red & Jed (Red Dragon & Jed High) vs. The Nadir (Ony Svoboda & Ioakim Nikolic)




The Nadir are very physical and aggressive as usual but Red Dragon is inspired form and uses his speed, technical skills and aerial flair to dominate this match before hitting his Angry Slam on Ony.


Winners: Red & Jed via pinfall


D- 40






The Fearsome Bunsen introduces the next two competitors in the ring:




Danny Appleseed:


“Finally I’ve got the chance to fight in HIW on my own turf. I was born and bred in South London. It’s not like the West-End where I’m from. There aren’t and tourists, there aren’t any tube stations and there sure aren’t any Old Bill.


“You fight me down here and you’re in for a whole different experience.”




Jay B:


“London? I don’t care where you come from pal – you’re still another shandy-drinking Southern fairy. Come to Sheffield and see how long you last.


“I’ve been in HIW since the start. I’ve won titles and forgotten more than you’ve ever known. I’m a Shortcut and we don’t go down easy.”


D 41


Danny Appleseed vs. Jay B



True to his word Danny is more fired up than we’ve seen him as the London fans get solidly behind him.


Unfortunately his partner Russell took a nasty beating from Einar Karlsen earlier and is thus unavailable when Jay’s fellow Shortcuts Francis O’Brien and Darren White assault Danny with chairs allowing Jay to make an easy pin.


Winner: Jay B via pinfall


D 43






Super Falcon is introduced and talks to the crowd:


“People of London – I can only apologise for some of the things you’ve seen tonight. I have travelled around the world to help you. Word has spread of your trials and fight with the evil of crime and bullies. People like Danny Appleseed and the Shortcuts who we’ve already seen are dishonourable.


“Rest easy though. I am Super Falcon and I will fight the good fight on your behalf.”


With that [as is now normal for Super Falcon] bright white fireworks explode. Ooh. Aah.


D+ 49


Emerald Angel vs. De Oranje Dieren vs. Super Falcon




The London fans aren’t very familiar with any of these masked weirdoes but it doesn’t matter as they pull out some great moves and all three men seem dangerous, exciting and fearless.


The match is settled when Super Falcon launches his Falcon Splash against both opponents simultaneously before pinning Emerald Angel.


Winner: Super Falcon via pinfall


C- 56




Overall show rating: D- 40

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Thanks again for following everyone


Spark is really only a way for me to get some exposure in non-core areas so we're not offering anything big.


As such these were all pretty obvious results (I thought) and I'm not too distraught at the low ratings. indeed I was very pleasantly surprised by the main event (C- 56) which was really good in an area where we have a pop of about 17.




MJStark 3/4. Didnt go for Red Dragon


Zergon 4/4.


20Legend 4/4.


Zergon has been tearing it up in the stash runnings so 20Legend wins an item of his choice for anyone on the HIW roster.




Matches for the first show in February (Full Force) will be up tonight or tomorrow. It should be a good month as we see a new alt for an old character debut (butchered by me of course).


Thanks everyone

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Next time from HIW:


Full Force




Sergei Kalashnov vs. Rolling Johnny Stones


The Belarusian now has his title match at Do or Die lined up. Can he use his allies to take on all-comers and flaunt HIW rules?


British Samurai vs. Geordie Jimmy Morris


Samurai appeared last month and immediately turned on one of his oldest friends. Why is he working for Sergei Kalashnov? With old friends turning against him where can UK Dragon find allies?


The Hustlers (Joey Beauchamp & Fred Murray) vs. Double Dutch (Ruud van Anger & Frank de Pain)


The Hustlers couldn’t quite beat Youth Explosion for the tag titles but knowing them they won’t leave it at that.


TNG (Adam Matravers & Petey Barnes) vs. Victor Hugo (Victor Rodriguez & Hugo Lopes)


TNG are staking a claim for big matches and big money with some great wins. Can they beat the multiple-times tag champs Victor Hugo.


Jerome Lane vs. Leigh Burton


The Australian ex-commando Jerome has been impressive in HIW so far but Leigh is current tag champ and has a successful singles pedigree too. Is this a step too far for Lane?


The Shortcuts (Darren White, Jay B & Francis O’Brien) vs. Mystery (Scottish Elemental & English Avenger) & Emerald Angel


The Shortcuts are desperate for success and may be willing to go even further to cheat for victory. However in Mystery and Emerald Angel they face 3 of the more fast, unpredictable and mysterious workers in the UK.




Sergei Kalashnov vs. Rolling Johnny Stones

British Samurai vs. Geordie Jimmy Morris

The Hustlers vs. Double Dutch

TNG vs. Victor Hugo

Jerome Lane vs. Leigh Burton

The Shortcuts vs. Mystery & Emerald Angel

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Sergei Kalashnov vs. Rolling Johnny Stones

Sergei has a title match coming so he needs to stay strong.


British Samurai vs. Geordie Jimmy Morris

Samurai gets some momentum after his turn by beating Morris here.


The Hustlers vs. Double Dutch

I do like Double Dutch but I just don´t have much faith for them to get a win here.


TNG vs. Victor Hugo

TNG seems to be more important right now, while Victor Hugo are spinning their wheels doing...well pretty much nothing right now.


Jerome Lane vs. Leigh Burton

Could go either way but Burton is mainly tag guy while Lane seems to be singles guy and that´s enough for me to go with Lane.


The Shortcuts vs. Mystery & Emerald Angel

Coin flip, I go with Mystery and Angel simply to avoid having all picks on the left side, yes I know, not exactly great reasoning, but it´s something, right?

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Show up sometime today so last chance if anyone wants to guess...


Sergei Kalashnov vs. Rolling Johnny Stones

British Samurai vs. Geordie Jimmy Morris

The Hustlers vs. Double Dutch

TNG vs. Victor Hugo

Jerome Lane vs. Leigh Burton

The Shortcuts vs. Mystery & Emerald Angel

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Can I have for the prediction prize an Emerald Angel T Shirt


Sergei Kalashnov vs. Rolling Johnny Stones

British Samurai vs. Geordie Jimmy Morris

The Hustlers vs. Double Dutch

I like them

TNG vs. Victor Hugo

Jerome Lane vs. Leigh Burton

The Shortcuts vs. Mystery & Emerald Angel

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Can I have for the prediction prize an Emerald Angel T Shirt


Absolutely sir.


Angel is a very talented young chap and Im amazed that he hasnt been signed by one fo the Japanese companies. If he had an updated render and could speak English he might be doing a bit better in HIW...


Hope you enjoy the Tshirt.



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Full Force




Week 1 February 2005

Hall Green Cricket Club (Midlands)

Attendance: 1,905






The Fearsome Bunsen introduces tonight’s show in front of an almost capacity crowd.




“Brownian motion can define many things in this universe. Particle movement, financial fluctuations, big crowds of people… Or the careers of great fighters.


“UK Dragon has been champ for a while but it looks like Sergei Kalashnov is putting real pressure on him. I know I can’t wait to see them settle things at Do or Die.”





As Bunsen is talking away he’s blindsided by a huge shape. He’s wearing a blanket over himself so we can’t see who it is but there’s a hint of sparkling purple under there.


The Big Man knocks our host and commentator to the ground and kicks him before storming off.








Joey Beauchamp heads to the ring with his partner Fred Murray. The last we saw of them was losing to long-time rivals Youth Explosion at New Beginnings.


“Typical of Leigh and Ricky to have to cheat a win using their manager Bethany. Why can’t those whining little girls just stand up and fight? I’ve been fighting those two for years and it’s getting beyond the tag titles now. Its personal and I want to show the world just what they are.


“I hereby challenge Leigh Burton to a one-on-one match at Do or Die. Any type of match you want. Whatever it is I’ll be there and I’ll beat you.”




The Hustlers (Joey Beauchamp & Fred Murray) vs. Double Dutch (Ruud van Anger & Frank de Pain)




Filled with (fairly justifiable) frustration the Hustlers are full of aggression but a little stymied but Double Dutch being so hard to catch. The two men in orange are pretty much the smallest men on the roster but they’re great at not being dragged into punching matches with bigger chaps.


Against Joey today this isn’t sustainable though and the Hustlers manage to hit their 3-card Trick allowing Joey to pin Frank de Pain.


Winners: The Hustlers via pinfall








Darren White of the Shortcuts leads his pals (Jay B & Francis O’Brien) to the ring before their match.


“New beginnings? Not for us it wasn’t. We didn’t even get invited and that’s hit home just where we are at the moment. Not taken seriously. A laughing stock. Also-rans.


“Well all that changes this year. I hereby pronounce that one way or another this is the year when the Shortcuts win titles. And to show how serious I am the first title I’ll be going after is the most deadly serious of all. Sharky George may have only just won the Death-proof belt but I’m still going to take it off him.”




The Shortcuts (Darren White, Jay B & Francis O’Brien) vs Mystery (Scottish Elemental & English Avenger) & Emerald Angel




Darren is right. All 3 Shortcuts seem newly determined here. We’re used to seeing them cheat (leverage, low blows, ref distraction, etc.) but they’re starting to ally that to real ability too.


The 3 masked men are all great athletes and don’t get steamrollered but Darren seals this by smacking Emerald Angel with a truncheon of all things and taking the 3-count.


Winners: The Shortcuts via pinfall








Phoebe Plumridge comes to the ring with her team TNG.


“I’m not going to waste your time with bragging. We took on all-comers at New Beginnings and won.


“Adam and Petey showed that they’re man enough to stand up to anyone in HIW and hold their own. And in contrast to some teams they did it without cheating, or bragging or whining.


“Unlike Victor Hugo. For a team named after such a great man they sure do complain a lot. They demanded another match so they’ve got it.”




TNG (Adam Matravers & Petey Barnes) vs. Victor Hugo (Victor Rodriguez & Hugo Lopes)




As some fans have pointed out victor Hugo are spinning their wheels a little but shouldn’t be underestimated. They are of course 3-time ex tag champions. The Gypsy Prince Victor is pretty impressive here. He really does believe he’s fated to be lord of everything he surveys and is certainly a gifted athlete.


In some ways it’s very unlucky of him to lose this match but he can’t do it all alone and TNG show better determination and teamwork to hit their Tomorrow on Hugo before taking the pin,


Winners: TNG via pinfall








Sergei Kalashnov accompanies his seeming new ally to the ring – British Samurai.


“Pretty funny eh? All you silly people thought Samurai was some best friend of Dragon and all along he was working for me. Samurai was in those hotel rooms for long years of Japanese travel but this was not some lover-lover holiday as Dragon said.


“All the time Dragon was having big fun Samurai was resenting him more. No room for Dragon, Samurai and Dragon’s ego it seems.


“And so we see Samurai here looking to help make new champion in HIW. Real champion that the people can get behind.


“Champion like me.”




British Samurai vs. Geordie Jimmy Morris




This is almost certainly the oldest match ever held in HIW with both men the wrong side of 30. (And Samurai looks about 50)


Geordie Jimmy is mainly a brawler with a liking for weapons but British Samurai shows what we was doing all those years in Japan with a display of technique and energy that’s pretty impressive for an older chap.


As such Morris can’t really stay in this and the Samurai dominates before winning the match with a Fishermans Suplex.


Winner: British Samurai via pinfall








Ex-commando Jerome Lane addresses the crowd before his match:


“Leigh Burton! Youth Explosion! Where I come from we don’t whine about respect or complain about other people. We take what we’ve got and run with it.


“I was born in a tiny town where we had nothing. I could barely feed myself and now look at me. I don’t want to hear about how no one really likes you. I want to put you in your place.”






Bethany Hurst accompanies Leigh to the ring:


Beth “Shushy-time Jerome. We’ve all heard about your background and how tough you are.”


Leigh “But where’s that go you? You’ve never won a title in the UK. You’re just a minion for Sharky George.”


“You know our boss is? No-one. We do what we want…”


“When we want. And right now I want to beat you.”




Leigh Burton vs. Jerome Lane




This is a contrast between power (Jerome has it in spades) and athleticism (Leigh is one of the fittest men in wrestling) as we get a more close and physical match than normal in HIW.


Jerome is the more explosive and impressive but Leigh has the nous to drag the match out until the big Aussie starts to tire.


And that’s when Leigh shows that [slight as he may be] there’s more than one man in the ring with great strength as he hits a big powerbomb for the win.


Winner: Leigh Burton by pinfall








Sergei Kalashnov and Rolling Johnny Stones confront each other in the ring before their match


Rolling Johnny Stones

“I was the first ever HIW champion and I didn’t blaze a trail for this company just to watch people like you try and take the glory. I was there when it first started maaaaaaan.”


Sergei Kalashnov

“Is easy to tell you are here for long time. You are old and creaky. You are history like Keith Jagger. The future is Belarus.”


“Oh no. You’re not disrespecting the greatest band there’s ever been are you? I was annoyed before. Now I’m angry. Get ready to be taught a lesson Russkie.”


“What is this? Am not Russian! You old man are living back in the cold war still. Wake up and smell the Ovaltine granddad.”




Sergei vs RJS



This is pretty fascinating stuff as both men are very similar in terms of athleticism, style and ability.


Unfortunately for Johnny Sergei has one great advantage: friends.

After 10 minutes of tussling Dolf Kernen and British Samurai both assault the ring and attack Stones. They’re sent out by the ref but only after they manage to hit the English rocker for 6. And then the damage is done.

Sergei hits his Eastern Block for the win.


Winner: Sergei Kalashnov via pinfall









After the match the robed man who attacked The Fearsome Bunsen earlier comes to the ring.


He slowly drops the cloak/blanket that is covering his face to reveal someone we know well:




It’s Bedlam but not as we know him. He appears to be purple from head to toe and is strangely sparkling…







Overall show rating: C

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Phew! Came very, very close to losing the whole doc after writing it up...




Thanks again for reading and predictions gang. There was lots of love for Double Dutch and Emerald Angel. They're all are a bit young for a true push but I love them too so they wont be just jobbers this year.


Zergon 4/6

20Legend 3/6

MJStark 4/6


So seeing as he hasnt had the chance yet MJStark gets the win and free Hi-Qual merchandise of his choice. please feel free to select away.




MJStark is also the man for renders and thanks again for the Dread/Bedlam one.


Hope you're not too insulted that I've modified it a bit.

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