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The Fearsome Bunsen in the UK - HIW

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W4 Feb 2005


Phoenix Nights nightclub – Manchester [The North]


Attendance: 58 [!!]





The fearsome Bunsen introduces the show in front of a less-than-packed house


“Once you’d never heard of microwaves. Once upon a time you were unaware of microchips. Once you’d never even heard of television. Now you can’t live without them. Ladies and gentlemen HIW is the next in a long line of indispensible inventions. Get ready to be amazed”








Of all people De Oranje Dieren addresses the crowd. Unfortunately he speaks in Dutch so its basically nonsense.


“niemand heeft echt dacht dat het uit nog niet, maar ik ben eigenlijk outreageously getalenteerd. One Day I'll ontdoen van dit masker en **** gimmick en stel de Britse scene in brand.”




Axl Grease vs. De Oranje Dieren




Axl is a big dirty hairy guy and clearly wants to smash someone’s head in but his ungainly old-fashioned style is particularly unsuited for facing the masked Dutch flier.


De Oranje Dieren hasn’t had a great deal of success in HIW but no one can deny his talent and he shows it off here with a series of daring attacks that end in a clean win over the newcomer.


Winner: De Oranje Dieren by pinfall









The Nadir (Ony Svoboda & Ioakim Nikolic) enter the ring to address the crowd, but before they get the chance two enormous shapes storm the ring.




One is bald and muscled, the other is hairy and tattooed. Both are well over 6 and a half feet and built like armoured cars.


They crash into the robed Russians from the Steppes and the bell is rung for the start of a match…




Heavy Metal (Beast & Menace) vs. The Nadir (Ony Svoboda & Ioakim Nikolic)




This is less of a match than a controlled destruction as Heavy Metal destroy the Russians with huge strikes and slams using their massive height and weight advantage to devastating effect.


The match is a matter of moments long before the bald man (Beast) hits a Savage Pounce for the win.


Winners: Heavy Metal by pinfall








Red Dragon (of Red & Jed [Red Dragon & Jed High]) talks to the crowd before the match:


“You know me. I’ve got the spirit of Neil Kinnock. I’m never one to stand for the status quo and I’m not afraid of taking the fight to The Man.


“So I went to see The Fearsome Bunsen and said @Boyo! I can’t manage to win freedom for the valleys if I don’t get the chance to win matches now can I? How’s about sorting me out a chance to make my case?


“And the old bugger just told me to stick with this poor buffoon. Yaki da.”




The Evil Henchmen vs. Red & Jed (Red Dragon & Jed High)




The Henchmen are making their HIW debut here but for such young men are quite experienced and a really slick team (they are identical twins of course). Unfortunately for them Red & Jed, whilst not having such great teamwork, are both clearly more impressive athletes as they fly around the ring and bamboozle the younger men.


The Henchmen manage to get their fair share of attacking moves in but the red-faced ones are a step above and Red Dragon wins this with an Angry Slam.


Winners: Red & Jed via pinfall








Danny Appleseed takes a moment before his match to talk to the fans:


“I’m becoming known around HIW as a boy who does well in London. But today I’m here to show you that it’s not a regional fing. I’m representing people on the streets. People who didn’t grow up with nuffink. People who couldn’t afford to go to some fancy technical centre of excellence or whatever. Tonight I’m showing solidarity with Manchester and keeping it real.”




Emerald Angel vs. Danny Appleseed vs. Phillip Cooper




All three men are quite obscure in HIW let alone in the North and so the crowd are a little withdrawn but that fades as they realise that Emerald Angel and Danny in particular have bags of enthusiasm and ability as the uncork some great moves and moments.


Poor Phillip Cooper isn’t quite in the same league though as he’s only appearing for the first time for a serious promotion and it shows as Danny manages to apply his patented Rasta Lock forcing the rookie to tap.


Winner: Danny Appleseed via submission








Ruud van Anger gets his chance to speak before his match


“Francish O’Brien has been making me laugh reshently. He and his Shortcut friends think they can theake Sharky george’s Death-Proof title away. Ha! When I heard this I laughed sho hard I almosht shoiled myshelf.


“Where I come from people are a bit more tolerant but shtill thish ish a very aggreshive challenge.


“I think that the Shortcuts are deluded. I think that Francish cannot beat me let alone someone like Sharky Geirge.”




Ruud van Anger vs Francis O’Brien




Francis is by some distance the weakest of the Shortcuts but he is still a force and has a decent background in brawling for a smaller man. Smaller is a relative term though as Ruud has never been intimidating.


Francis attempts to live the New Shortcut ethos by concentrating on brutal attacks whilst Ruud maintains his trademark hit-and-run tactics as he always seems to stay clear of being hauled in. And this is a confrontation that is only going to be won by one man.


Ruud van Anger may be small and fast but he knows how to pick his moments and launches a great missile dropkick that puts Francis down before waiting for him to get up and unleashing a textbook Dutch Courage before taking the pin.


Winner: Ruud van Anger by pinfall






Overall show rating: D-

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Well that show sucked donkeydick didn’t it?


Still – that’s why we have Spark. I get to build pop cheaply everywhere with our worst shows (The regions are about 18-22% for us), let our midcarders get some wins and mic time and try out possible new signings.

I’ve never handled the jump to cult before and I know that I don’t want to do it without a nestegg but we’re doing ok ($1.2m in the bank) and we’re a long way away from that jump.


Having shifted by product to slightly more based on pop we’re going to need to bring levels up a notch higher to crack on but I’m in no rush.




As always thanks everyone who reads and especially those who compete for the best merchandise in Coventry.


Zergon 4


MJStark 3


20Legend 4


MichiganHero 4+1 = 5


A first win for MichiganHero after he successfully guessed Menace would be debuting. I think we need more monsters so why not bring in two? Heavy Metal are both young but need a lot of work (as I’m sure you can guess from their match). There’s a couple of older ones kicking about but I’m loath to pay too much for guys who generally can’t manage the 15-20 minutes our top chaps are expected to go. Bedlam can struggle to about 10 which is why he’s been relegated from the main event scene even if he is purple and sparkly.


Anyway – MichiganHero please feel free to order merchandise for any HIW employee.




Thanks for reading everyone

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I'll take some De Oranje Dieren merchandise please.


Boltinho's choice.


Wowsers. Not expected. And not easy...




Next time from HIW:


Full Force



Sergei Kalashnov © vs. Geordie Jimmy Morris for the HIW UK Championship

Sergei will face his first opponent as champ. Geordie Jimmy is a bit of an older statesman at HIW but has a fine history of bringing toughness to the company.


Dolf Kernen vs. UK Dragon

UK Dragon will be steaming after losing his title to Sergei. Especially as Dragon was distracted by British Samurai. Can he take out his frustrations on Sergei’s tag partner?


Scottish Elemental vs. Sharky George © for the HIW Death-Proof title

Sharky is The Man with a weapon in his hand but you can never underestimate the toughness (or willingness to use a handy weapon) of a Scot. Must be all the wrestling bears in arctic tundra…


Youth Explosion © (Leigh Burton & Ricky Storm) vs. Double Dutch (Ruud van Anger & Frank de Pain) vs. The Melbourne Blondes (Blake Belushi & Rick Stantz) for the HIW tag titles

The champs take on two fast-rising teams. The Dutch have been winning new fans all over and the Aussies have been proven as extremely capable brawlers.


Os Falcoes (Dark Falcon & Super Falcon) vs. The Hustlers (Joey Beauchamp & Fred Murray) vs. Street Gang (Danny Appleseed & Russell Nixon)

On the other hand Youth Explosion’s chief title rivals also have a tough match including the current Velocity champ (Dark Falcon). Will Bedlam go after the Falcons again? Will Danny Appleseed galvanise the fan’s support?


British Samurai vs. Einar Karlsen

Samurai is still working to his own agenda and no-one’s really sure what it is. He seems to be squarely on Sergei’s side but surely someone like Samurai has his own objective?




Dolf Kernen vs. UK Dragon

Scottish Elemental vs. Sharky George

Sergei Kalashnov vs. Geordie Jimmy Morris

Youth Explosion vs. Double Dutch vs. The Melbourne Blondes

Os Falcoes vs. The Hustlers vs. Street Gang

British Samurai vs. Einar Karlsen




As always the best predictor will win their choice of amazing HIW merchandise.


Thanks everyone for taking the time to read

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I'll take some De Oranje Dieren merchandise please.


Boltinho's choice.


I'm not sure I like the concept but I dont pick this stuff! :o


Its a t-shirt for dogs. So your beloved pet is De Oranje Dieren (which I'm sure you know means The Orange Animal)


Might lead to some funny looks in the park. Lead? Geddit? HONK!




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Dolf Kernen vs. UK Dragon

Dragon is hunting either Sergei or Samurai (or both), either way he goes over Kernen here.


Scottish Elemental vs. Sharky George



Sergei Kalashnov vs. Geordie Jimmy Morris

Standard title defense for Kalashnov


Youth Explosion vs. Double Dutch vs. The Melbourne Blondes

Both Double Dutch and Blondes are capaple teams but I think that neither isn´t ready for title yet.


Os Falcoes vs. The Hustlers vs. Street Gang

Hustlers are the biggest names here.


British Samurai vs. Einar Karlsen

Samurai continues to build up his momentum.

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Dolf Kernen vs. UK Dragon

Scottish Elemental vs. Sharky George

Sergei Kalashnov vs. Geordie Jimmy Morris

Ever since you found that guy on University Challenge who looked like GJM I have to pick him.

Youth Explosion vs. Double Dutch vs. The Melbourne Blondes

Os Falcoes vs. The Hustlers vs. Street Gang

British Samurai vs. Einar Karlsen



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Full Force




W1 March 2005


HallGreen Cricket Club


Attendance: 2,000






The Fearsome Bunsen introduces the show:


“Tonight sees a new man with the HIW title for a long time. Unfortunately many fans have been telling me how unhappy they are and I tend to agree. Even the best laid plans come amiss sometimes and Sergei Kalashnov has flaunted all sense of decency by…”






As Bunsen uncharacteristically climbs off the fence he’s interrupted by our new champ Sergei.


“Listen to me old man. I’d not care about what you people think. How often can I tell you? In Belarus I am now a prince. In Birmingham? Who cares? I have the belt and your UK Dragon does not. I said I would win and I did. And now everyone here has scared. I laugh at your pitiful young men who do not know what it is to fight like man.”


At this point we see someone who most definitely WILL face a battle as Geordie Jimmy Morris turns up. The grizzled Loon-from-the-Toon seems determined and angry and gets straight in the ring calling for the bell.




Sergei Kalashnov © vs. Geordie Jimmy Morris




Geordie Jimmy is certainly determined and tough but it’s increasingly seeming like he has been left behind by the future as younger, faster and more athletic types come into HIW.


That’s the problem here of course as Sergei is firmly in that camp and shows it with a strong performance before hitting his patented Eastern Block to win the match.


Winner: Sergei Kalashnov








Sergei celebrates after the match in the ring and is joined by his associates Dolf Kernen and British Samurai.


The three men get soundly booed by the crowd and are confronted by an unlikely man – Einar Karlsen the crazy Norwegian.




“Scared of you? You seem to be forgetting there’s someone around here that is half Viking and half black metal fiend!”



“Seriously? Who the hell is this guy? Samurai: one for you I think.”




British Samurai vs. Einar Karlsen




The Samurai is a bit smaller than the big nut but this is still a fairly straight-forward match as Einar charges forward at all times only to be manipulated into moves. Samurai plays this very much like a matador with a bull as he goads the bigger man before applying his feared move – the Samurai Secret Stretch. It’s a bizarre and complicated hold and even the most experienced fans can’t really see what’s going on but it certainly seems to be effective as Einar taps out.


Winner : British Samurai by submission








Sharky George comes to the ring with his Death-Proof title


“G’day all. Darren White and the Shortcuts got lucky. At Do or Die they did manage to sneak a win over me and the Blondes but those boys are sneakier than a possum from Auckland. I’m a man of honour so I’m still going to face Darren. Daz – it’s you and me for my title at Scorch Comfort but I don’t trust you that much. Let’s see how much you can bend the rules in a CAGE MATCH.”




Sharky George vs. Scottish Elemental for the HIW Death-Proof title




Elemental is an up-and-comer and smarks are talking about him but Sharky is flat-out one of the toughest men in Britain and shows his experience here as he wins a short and dirty match with his patented Shark-Attack.


Winner: Sharky George via pinfall








Phoebe Plumridge and her team TNG enter the ring. The last time we saw them was at Do or Die when they unexpectedly helped save UK Dragon from an attack by Sergei, British Samurai and Dolf Kernen.


“HIW fans. People of Birmingham. Sergei Kalashnov. We owe you an explanation. No one expected us to come to the aid of UK Dragon but then – no one really understand who my boys are and who they can be.


“Adam Matravers is one of the world’s most talented fighters and is not the sort of man to stand by and watch someone get beaten down 3 on 1.


“Petey Barnes is so awesome his hair is white ALL THE TIME.


“It’s only a matter of time until we take some serious gold and to show we belong at the top table we decided we couldn’t stand by and watch Sergei run roughshod. Consider yourself warned.”






Joey Beauchamp and his partner Fred Murray enter the ring.


“Congratulations Leigh Burton. Congratulations for beating me in the mobile phone match last month. Congratulations for cheating. I thought I’d beaten you fair and square but I was prepared to accept defeat. Until I was told that someone had tampered with the phone and when I sent Fred the message it actually went somewhere else. To Anne Robinson at Points of View.


“If you beat me I can take it but if you have to cheat I’m not going to be happy. I demand another shot at the tag titles. I’ve spoken to Bunsen and he agrees cheating can’t be allowed. See you at Scorch Comfort.”




Os Falcoes (Dark Falcon & Super Falcon) vs. The Hustlers (Joey Beauchamp & Fred Murray) vs. Street Gang (Danny Appleseed & Russell Nixon)





Organised chaos.


And not all that organised. All 6 men are fast, daring and a little unbalanced to be doing the sort of moves they are and the HIW fans lap it up.

The Falcons are impressive but always looking over their shoulder for Bedlam and Joey in particular uses this distraction to start to dominate.


It’s not a procession at all but really this match is about Joey with a rightful anger and the ex-champ manages to hit a perfect belly-to-belly on Russell Nixon before taking the pin.


Winners: The Hustlers via pinfall








Bethany Hurst interrupts Joey and Fred’s celebrations.


“Did you accuse us of cheating Joey? Typical. Something goes wrong with technology and everyone claims the youngest person messed it up on purpose. Maybe if your fat old fingers could work a phone properly you wouldn’t have to make up excuses. You probably used the Points of View number as you spend all your time sending in complaints about Songs of Praise.


“You’ve got your match at Scorch Comfort. We’re not scared of you. We’re confident. So confident we’re going to make it interesting. Leigh and Ricky will face you in a ladder match.”




Youth Explosion (Leigh Burton & Ricky Storm) © vs. Double Dutch (Ruud van Anger & Frank de Pain) vs. The Melbourne Blondes (Blake Belushi & Rick Stantz)





Every man in the ring puts on a great show as the match spills all around the arena. The Blondes are powerful and tight as always and Double Dutch are rapidly becoming one of THE teams to watch with their speed and daring.


But Y.E are champs for a reason and the balance they show (Ricky is a flier, Leigh is an athletic brawler) is really tough to beat. Not to mention their experience has given them great double-team moves. That’s the key here as they combine for an Evolution Catapult on Rick Stantz that results in a lightning pin by Leigh.


Winners: Youth Explosion by pinfall








The UK Dragon talks to the crowd


“I think everyone knows that I didn’t deserve to lose my title last month. I strive, I fight and I suffer to live up to ideals that it appears no one else does around here. Sergei Kalashnov is a mercenary, a cheat and an embarrassment to his country. British Samurai doesn’t deserve to take the name. Dolf Kernen is a lackey – a hanger-on. I can beat any and all of you.


And I want my belt back.


Sergei and his associates interrupt at that point.


Sergei “What? You think this is some sort of show how honourable we all are? This is a fight my friend. Where I grew up everyone fights. If you win you get what you want and if you lose you go hungry.

“Look at me. I have everything I want. And I have everything you want. Your little friends Adam and Petey? They get a match with my friends. We see who is strongest.


“And you? You fight my partner Dolf. Beat him and then maybe I give you the honour of embarrassing you once more at Scorch Comfort.”




UK Dragon vs. Dolf Kernen




First off – Dolf Kernen is no slouch. He may not say much but the big German is agile, strong and skilled and has won a fair few matches in HIW.

Having said that – The UK Dragon is a legend for good reason. As we know he’s slogged around Japan picking up tricks, he’s worked with the Stones in Canada and he’s dominated HIW. The man can flat out scrap.


As a result this is a fascinating match and both men wow the crowd with smooth transitions blended with fearless wow moments.


But there can only be one winner and it’s the man who wants it most. UK Dragon spends most of the match with one eye on Sergei (who is commentating) but shows the sort of man he is by hitting the Dragon Drop on Dolf before pinning him with his back exposed to possible attack. UK Dragon puts his trust in Sergei’s honour and is rewarded by a somewhat surprising lack of interference and a clean pin.


Winner: UK Dragon






Overall show rating: C

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Well it took me a while to get that show up but I liked it. In the past we've had a couple of top guys and a gulf after them but I feel like we've got a much more level playing field now with a great midcard.




20Legend 2/6

MichiganHero 3/6

Zergon 6/6 !


Great work Zergon. You were the only one to ignore how awesome DOuble Ducth and Danny Appleseed are and go for Joey B and Leigh/Ricky to win.


As always you are the new owner of some great(ish) HIW merch. Please select away.


Hopefully I'll have time over the long weekend to get the next show up. Matches to go up ASAP

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DAMN!! Missed this completely :(


Sorry man!


Next time from HIW:


On Tour





Ricky Storm vs Fred Murray

The Hustkers are facing Youth Explosion at Scorch Comfort. Can a member of each team get an advantage?


Dark Falcon © vs. Bedlam for the HIW Velocity Title

Will Bedlam finally manage to get the belt from the Falcons?


The Foundation (Leo Price & Stevie Stoat) vs. Victor Hugo (Victor Rodriguez & Hugo Lopes)

The Foundation have been assaulting and trying to get rid of Pitbull Brown and Rolling Johnny Stones. Will they come together tonight?


Pitbull Brown vs. Jerome Lane

Pitbull may be the Man who Never Gives up but can he overcome the ex-Aussie marine who brings military determination?


Red & Jed (Red Dragon & Jed High) vs. TNG (Adam Matravers & Petey Barnes)

TNG have got mixed up with Sergei and UK Dragon. Will they pay for their ambition?


Ony Svoboda vs. Darren White

Darren has been granted a shot at Sharky at Scorch Comfort. Can he build himself up before taking on the Aussie brawler?




Ricky Storm vs Fred Murray


Dark Falcon © vs. Bedlam for the HIW Velocity Title


The Foundation (Leo Price & Stevie Stoat) vs. Victor Hugo (Victor Rodriguez & Hugo Lopes)


Pitbull Brown vs. Jerome Lane


Red & Jed (Red Dragon & Jed High) vs. TNG (Adam Matravers & Petey Barnes)


Ony Svoboda vs. Darren White

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I liked that dog T-shirt so I want another one, let´s say Sharky George one:eek:.


Ricky Storm vs Fred Murray

Murray gives his team some momentum by taking the win here


Dark Falcon © vs. Bedlam for the HIW Velocity Title

Purple man takes the win and the title here.


The Foundation (Leo Price & Stevie Stoat) vs. Victor Hugo (Victor Rodriguez & Hugo Lopes)

Foundation has more going on.


Pitbull Brown vs. Jerome Lane

Little bit of a coin flip so I go with younger guy.


Red & Jed (Red Dragon & Jed High) vs. TNG (Adam Matravers & Petey Barnes)

TNG is doing more at the moment and thus need the win more.


Ony Svoboda vs. Darren White

White gets his build up though beating Ony doesn´t exactly mean much, I mean has Ony won any singles match at all?

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Ricky Storm vs Fred Murray


Dark Falcon © vs. Bedlam for the HIW Velocity Title


The Foundation (Leo Price & Stevie Stoat) vs. Victor Hugo (Victor Rodriguez & Hugo Lopes)


Pitbull Brown vs. Jerome Lane


Red & Jed (Red Dragon & Jed High) vs. TNG (Adam Matravers & Petey Barnes)


Ony Svoboda vs. Darren White

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I liked that dog T-shirt so I want another one, let´s say Sharky George one:eek:.


Whose idea was this stupid dog thing anyway? :rolleyes:


This is what Sharky's dog actually does wear:



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On Tour




W2 March 2005

Caledonian Club – Scotland

Attendance: 121






The Fearsome Bunsen introduces the show briefly and hypes the matches taking place.


He also announces a change at Scorch Comfort. Instead of UK Dragon fighting Sergei again the Dragon has relinquished his claim in favour of fighting old enemy British Samurai.








The Purple Sparkly Welsh Monster Bedlam cuts a quick promo. He focuses on how angry he is at being led a merry chase by the Portuguese Falcons and how stupid it is that they can claim to be superheroes without fighting like men.




Dark Falcon vs. Bedlam for the HIW Velocity title




This is the first time Bedlam has had a clear run at the edgier, more successful Falcon and he makes the most of it. Dark Falcon uses speed and athleticism but is no real match for the monster one-on-one with his advantage in size, weight and strength.


Dark Falcon looks palpably surprised and angry when Super Falcon does NOT arrive to help him and resorts to desperate measures by eye-gouging Bedlam. The big man goes down clutching his face but the ref rings for the bell and awards the match to Bedlam by DQ.


Winner: Bedlam via DQ (title does not change hands)








Jerome Lane the Australian commando cuts a short promo mocking Pitbull for his self-awarded status as “The Man who Never Gives Up”.




Pitbull Brown vs. Jerome Lane




This is an HIW rarity as two big brawlers go toe to toe. The crowd do enjoy it though as neither is afraid to launch into an ill-conceived attack.


Pitbull establishes himself as the stronger man though and manages to hit his signature Doghouse Piledriver.


Winner: Pitbull by pinfall.








Phoebe Plumridge enters the ring with her team TNG (Adam Matravers & Petey Barnes). She hypes them as a team and reiterates the challenge laid down to Sergei Kalashnov and his underlings. Phoebe is happy that they’ve been awarded a match but states that they want the organ-grinder not the monkey. At Scorch Comfort it will be TNG vs Eastern Bloc.




Red & Jed (Red Dragon & Jed High) vs. TNG (Adam Matravers & Petey Barnes)




True to their word TNG are fired up and they need to be ahead of their big match with current HIW champ Sergei.


They pull out all the stops here and win a short match after a trademark Tomorrow on Jed High.


Winners: TNG via pinfall








Darren White the Essex wide boy cuts a promo hyping his chances when he takes on Sharky George at Scorch Comfort for the HIW Death-Proof belt.

Darren acknowledges he’s the underdog but promises the match will be close.




Ony Svoboda vs. Darren White




Darren shows why he’s always a threat here with some blatant cheating against the hapless Ony. A handful of sand in the eyes, a kick to the crotch, a poke in the eye… Darren does all these and finishes the match with a blatant handful of robes to make the pin.


Winner: Darren White via pinfall








Bunsen quickly interviews Kathleen Lee and Victor Rodriguez ahead of the next match.


Kathleen takes the opportunity to mock Pitbull and Rolling Johnny Stones. Stones has been seemingly dodging their encounters recently and is openly called cowardly here.


Victor states his own case and complains loudly that they have been overlooked in recent tag title shakeups. Don’t people know that he is the Gypsy Prince? The future of HIW?




The Foundation (Leo Price & Stevie Stoat) vs. Victor Hugo (Victor Rodriguez & Hugo Lopes)




Not much destiny is shown here however as Victor performs far below his best. The problem with Victor Hugo is that on an off-day they don’t have much of a plan B. Hugo is a capable flyer but not really one to take a match by the scruff of its neck.


On the other hand Leo and Stevie are both experienced and merciless fighters and tend to seize on any weakness. Leo has no hesitation hitting his Pipe Dream on Hugo for the win.


Winners: The Foundation







Fred Murray enters the ring first ahead of the main event.


He loudly complains about Youth Explosion’s recent behaviour and the manner of Leigh’s recent win over Joey at Do or Die. Fred claims that the younger men don’t know how to behave as adults and they need to be shown a lesson.




Fred Murray vs. Ricky Storm




Which is basically what happens in the ring. Fred is in the best form we’ve seen for many months here as he dominates the wiry Ricky Storm with a clinic in close-up technical holds and counters.


It’s looking like a hugely one-sided match which is bizarre but suddenly Ricky signals to the stage door and we get a big surprise:


The new team we saw last month enter the ring at double speed.




Heavy Metal (Beast & Menace) proceed to beat Fred viciously as Ricky stands back and laughs. The ref rings the bell for a stoppage but Storm doesn’t seem to care as he saunters off with Beast and Menace leaving Fred badly beaten.


Winner: Draw after stoppage






Overall show rating: D+

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Thanks again for reading folks.


Sorry about the erratic schedule.




MJStark 4/6

Zergon 4/6


And that was with a draw thrown in to mess everyone around.


MJStark wins on the countback rule (if its a tie the person who hasnt won for longest comes first) and can select any HIW tat that he wants to see.


Thanks all

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Jerome Lane ironing board cover please :D


Your wish is my command. In a crap way.






Next time from HIW:


Scorch Comfort




Eastern Bloc (Sergei Kalashnov & Dolf Kernen) vs. TNG (Adam Matravers & Petey Barnes)

TNG are standing up against Sergei and his domination of UK Dragon. What's in it for them? Can thery beat the current champ?


British Samurai vs. UK Dragon

This rivalry goes back years. We still dont know why Samurai is really fighting. Does he want the title himself?


The Foundation (Leo Price & Stevie Stoat) vs. Pitbull Brown & Rolling Johnny Stones

Will Johnny finally turn up for this match? Will we see a clear winner to this feud?


Sharky George vs. Darren White for the HIW Death-Proof title

Darren has been gathering momentum but Sharky is SHARKY. Can the Shortcut come up with a trick dirty enough to beat the tough Aussie?


Youth Explosion (Leigh Burton & Ricky Storm) vs. The Hustlers (Joey Beauchamp & Fred Murray) for the HIW Tag Titles

Bad blood all over this. Leigh is the man on top but Joey is an ex-champ. Are Heavy Metal working for the Explosion? Will they be here?


Double Dutch (Ruud van Anger & Frank de Pain) vs. Victor Hugo (Victor Rodriguez & Hugo Lopes) vs. The Melbourne Blondes (Blake Belushi & Rick Stantz) vs. ??

Standard tag extravaganza. The winner will get a title shot next month...






Eastern Bloc vs. TNG


British Samurai vs. UK Dragon


The Foundation vs. Pitbull Brown & Rolling Johnny Stones


Sharky George vs. Darren White for the HIW Death-Proof title


Youth Explosion vs. The Hustlers for the HIW Tag Titles


Double Ducth vs. Victor Hugo vs. The Melbourne Blondes vs. ??

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Eastern Bloc vs. TBG

Sergei is the biggest name here


British Samurai vs. UK Dragon

Samurai takes the first encounter via cheating.


The Foundation vs. Pitbull Brown & Rolling Johnny Stones

I think it´s their turn to get a win.


Sharky George vs. Darren White for the HIW Death-Proof title

No way Sharky loses here


Youth Explosion vs. The Hustlers for the HIW Tag Titles

Explosion manages to find a way to hold their belts.


Double Ducth vs. Victor Hugo vs. The Melbourne Blondes vs. ??

Personal preference

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Eastern Bloc vs. TNG


British Samurai vs. UK Dragon


The Foundation vs. Pitbull Brown & Rolling Johnny Stones


Sharky George vs. Darren White for the HIW Death-Proof title


Youth Explosion vs. The Hustlers for the HIW Tag Titles


Double Ducth vs. Victor Hugo vs. The Melbourne Blondes vs. ??

Double Dutch are awesome.

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Your wish is my command. In a crap way.




I like it :D


Eastern Bloc vs. TNG


British Samurai vs. UK Dragon


The Foundation vs. Pitbull Brown & Rolling Johnny Stones


Sharky George vs. Darren White for the HIW Death-Proof title


Youth Explosion vs. The Hustlers for the HIW Tag Titles


Double Ducth vs. Victor Hugo vs. The Melbourne Blondes vs. Heavy Metal

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<p><strong>Scorch Comfort</strong> </p><p> </p><p> <span>http://img535.imageshack.us/img535/6853/hiwscorchcomfort.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> Week 3 March 2005</p><p> Hall Green Cricket Club (Midlands)</p><p> Attendance: 1,601</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://img716.imageshack.us/img716/7529/hiwf.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> <span>http://img291.imageshack.us/img291/8106/thefearsomebunsen.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> The Fearsome Bunsen introduces the show from the ring.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4B0082;">“Splitting the atom is still one of the most destructive processes humankind have ever glimpsed. Simply breaking bonds can create a catastrophic amount of energy. As Oppenheimer quoted ‘I am become death – the destroyer of worlds.’ </span></p><p><span style="color:#4B0082;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#4B0082;"> “We’ve seen UK Dragon lose his title, British Samurai turn traitor, Sergei Kalashnov seize the belt and TNG get embroiled. Could HIW be torn apart too?”</span></p><p> </p><p> C+</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://img716.imageshack.us/img716/7529/hiwf.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> <span>http://img46.imageshack.us/img46/5420/sergeikalashnovalt.jpg</span><span>http://img97.imageshack.us/img97/1475/dolfkernen.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> HIW champ Sergei Kalashnov is joined in the ring before by his partner Dolf Kernen.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#FF0000;">“I am HIW champion. I am biggest and best name in company. Why do I fight little TNG men? Is because all English are scared. You see Dolf and I represent magnificent parts of Europe you’ve never even heard of and you know you have been left behind. You watch. I win easy match tonight and prove no one can take my title.”</span></p><p> </p><p> C-</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28478" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>Sergei Kalashnov & Dolf Kernen vs. TNG (Adam Amatravers & Petey Barnes)</strong><p> </p><p> <span>http://img46.imageshack.us/img46/5420/sergeikalashnovalt.jpg</span><span>http://img97.imageshack.us/img97/1475/dolfkernen.jpg</span><span>http://img545.imageshack.us/img545/894/58339651.jpg</span><span>http://a.imageshack.us/img96/9586/adammatravers.jpg</span><span>http://a.imageshack.us/img714/7719/peteybarnes.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> In the HIW-favoured way this is a daredevil match featuring loads of crazy moves, dives and risks.</p><p> </p><p> Sergei is impressive but not dominant but he hasn’t teamed with Dolf for a little while and the rustiness shows.</p><p> </p><p> On the other hand TNG are smooth and slick and show great bravery to take on the big names here.</p><p> </p><p> The end comes as Adam pins Dolf. Sergei looks to make a routine breakup but as he attempts it Petey flys in separately from the top rope to knock the champ away.</p><p> </p><p> Winners: TNG</p><p> </p><p> C+</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <span>http://img716.imageshack.us/img716/7529/hiwf.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> <span>http://img291.imageshack.us/img291/8106/thefearsomebunsen.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> Bunsen gathers the participants of the next match in the ring together (Double Dutch, Victor Hugo and the Blondes) and announces he has selected a random team to join the match tonight from those currently not fighting – it will be Red and Jed.</p><p> </p><p> C</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28478" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>Double Dutch (Ruud van Anger & Frank de Pain)vs. Victor Hugo (Victor Rodriguez & Hugo Lopes) vs. The Melbourne Blondes (Blake Belushi & Rick Stantz) vs. Red & Jed (Red Dragon & Jed High)</strong><p> </p><p> <span>http://img291.imageshack.us/img291/5366/ruudvananger1.jpg</span><span>http://img199.imageshack.us/img199/2843/frankdepain1.jpg</span><span>http://img545.imageshack.us/img545/894/58339651.jpg</span><span>http://img269.imageshack.us/img269/1802/victorrodriguez.jpg</span><span>http://img6.imageshack.us/img6/7886/hugolopes.jpg</span><span>http://img545.imageshack.us/img545/894/58339651.jpg</span></p><p> <span>http://img825.imageshack.us/img825/562/rickstantz.jpg</span><span>http://img534.imageshack.us/img534/6572/blakebelushi.jpg</span><span>http://img545.imageshack.us/img545/894/58339651.jpg</span><span>http://a.imageshack.us/img709/4193/reddragonself3.jpg</span><span>http://img194.imageshack.us/img194/9586/jasecolealt1tad5.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> Chaos reigns supreme here as all four teams attempt to impose themselves. </p><p> Victor Rodriguez is especially strong on his own but Re Dragon’s craft, the Blondes power and Ruud van Angers daring all stand out too.</p><p> </p><p> The end comes with a bang as Double Dutch manage to hit their famous Orange Wave double team allowing Ruud to pin Belushi of the Blondes.</p><p> </p><p> Winners: Double Dutch via pinfall</p><p> </p><p> C</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <span>http://img716.imageshack.us/img716/7529/hiwf.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> <span>http://img824.imageshack.us/img824/664/kathleenlee.jpg</span><span>http://img4.imageshack.us/img4/8251/leoprice.jpg</span><span>http://img820.imageshack.us/img820/8900/steviestoat.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> Kathleen Lee accompanies her team The Foundation (Leo Price & Stevie Stoat)to the ring.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#000080;">“This has been so easy Pitbull. We thought we’d have to seriously wage war against you to force you out of HIW but Rolling Johnny Stones has basically done it for us by refusing to turn up and fight. I almost feel sorry for you.”</span></p><p> </p><p> <span>http://img810.imageshack.us/img810/1876/pitbullbrownalt2.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> Pitbull looks uncharacteristically downcast and resigned to defeat but suddenly we hear ‘Tumblin Dice’ blare out and Stones enters the arena!</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/8650/johnnystones.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> RJS</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#FF0000;">“Not so fast Kathleen. As you well know I’ve been locked up for the last 6 weeks under your instructions. I always knew you were a bitch but I didn’t think you’d stop to this. Unfortunately for you I finally got out and you won’t be able to claim I’m a splitter any more.</span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"> “Pitbull – I’m sorry I let you down. If I could have been with you I would have. Lets show them we mean business.”</span></p><p> </p><p> D+</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28478" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>The Foundation (Leo Price & Stevie Stoat) vs. Rolling Johnny Stones & Pitbull Brown</strong><p> </p><p> <span>http://img4.imageshack.us/img4/8251/leoprice.jpg</span><span>http://img820.imageshack.us/img820/8900/steviestoat.jpg</span><span>http://img545.imageshack.us/img545/894/58339651.jpg</span><span>http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/8650/johnnystones.jpg</span><span>http://img810.imageshack.us/img810/1876/pitbullbrownalt2.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> Leo and Stevie are visibly shocked and perturbed to be in a fair fight when they thought they would again have a mismatch and they can’t quite click as a result. Stones is obviously tired but Pitbull is re-energised and super-hot in this match.</p><p> </p><p> Kathleen tries to interfere but it’s clear that Stones and Pitbull will not be stopped and Pitbull hits his Doghouse Piledriver on Stoat for the win.</p><p> </p><p> Winners: Stones & Brown via pinfall</p><p> </p><p> C</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <span>http://img716.imageshack.us/img716/7529/hiwf.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> <span>http://img4.imageshack.us/img4/5797/darrenwhite2.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> Darren White addresses the crowd before his crunch match with Sharky George.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#FF0000;">“Myself and the other Shortcuts haven’t had the best record in HIW. I know that. But tonight represents a new chapter. This is a chance for us to get our hands on serious gold and show that we can do anything. </span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"> “Sharky – I know you’re confident but you don’t know what you’re in for.”</span></p><p> </p><p> B-</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28478" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>Sharky George vs. Darren White for the HIW Death-Proof title</strong><p> </p><p> <span>http://img690.imageshack.us/img690/6013/sharkygeorge.jpg</span><span>http://img545.imageshack.us/img545/894/58339651.jpg</span><span>http://img4.imageshack.us/img4/5797/darrenwhite2.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> This match looks ridiculous. Sharky is the much bigger man with a history of titles and wins. Darren is slight (but athletic) and hasn’t set the world alight.</p><p> </p><p> In a death-proof match (No-DQ) Sharky is the serious favourite and shows it by unleashing a dominat series of attacks on poor Darren. White takes these just about but looks creaky and Sharky brings out his secret weapon – his trusty cricket bat. </p><p> </p><p> A few hits of the bat and Darren is on his knees clutching his gut when the unexpected happens. </p><p> </p><p> Darren stands up looking totally unharmed. He laughs at Sharky’s confused expression before Darren’s fellow Shortcut Jay B throws him another cricket bat. A REAL one.</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://img692.imageshack.us/img692/4156/jaybr.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> Sharky realises he has been sold a dup and attacks anyway but receives a dose of his own medicine in several bat-shots the the body and head allowing Darren to make the pin.</p><p> </p><p> Winner: Darren White win the Death-Proof title via pinfall</p><p> </p><p> B-</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <span>http://img716.imageshack.us/img716/7529/hiwf.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> <span>http://img191.imageshack.us/img191/3743/bethanyhurstalt2.jpg</span><span>http://img9.imageshack.us/img9/3493/leighburton.jpg</span><span>http://img27.imageshack.us/img27/1640/rickystorm.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> Bethany Hurst leads her team Youth Explosion (Leigh Burton & Ricky Storm) to the ring.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#800080;">“I can’t stand a sore loser. Fred and Joey have been whining about fake phones and all sorts of thing but the real problem here is obvious. They can’t win a match against my boys. Enough already – tonight we’ll prove that there is no debate. Youth Explosion are the greatest team in HIW.”</span></p><p> </p><p> D</p><p> </p><p> The Hustlers (Joey Beauchamp & Fred Murray) enter the ring to have their own say.</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://img132.imageshack.us/img132/2596/joeybeauchamp.jpg</span><span>http://img401.imageshack.us/img401/9711/fredmurray.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> Joey</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#006400;">“Whining? We’ve been attacked by two great lumps of thug. We’ve been cheated out of rightful wins. We’ve been denied the tag belts we deserve. How about a fair fight? How about two-on-two winners-take-all?</span></p><p><span style="color:#006400;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#006400;"> “How about tonight we ram those words down your throat and everyone in HIW cheer us along?”</span></p><p> </p><p> C-</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28478" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>Youth Explosion (Leigh Burton & Ricky Storm) © vs. The Hustlers (Joey Beauchamp & Fred Murray) for the HIW tag titles</strong><p> </p><p> <span>http://img9.imageshack.us/img9/3493/leighburton.jpg</span><span>http://img27.imageshack.us/img27/1640/rickystorm.jpg</span><span>http://img545.imageshack.us/img545/894/58339651.jpg</span><span>http://img132.imageshack.us/img132/2596/joeybeauchamp.jpg</span><span>http://img401.imageshack.us/img401/9711/fredmurray.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> The hatred in the air is palpable as Leigh and Joey go at each other at 100mph. Normally these teams are skilled athletes but today this is a nasty brawl. </p><p> </p><p> Slowly but surely the Hustlers take advantage of this by using their experience and it looks like they might get the win they crave but disaster strikes.</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://img155.imageshack.us/img155/7109/beastbantomalt.jpg</span><span>http://img810.imageshack.us/img810/438/menace1.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> Heavy metal again assault the ring and The Hustlers. With a 5-2 advantage it’s not a match any more. It’s a beatdown and Youth Explosion take their time in destroying Joey and Fred before desultorily taking the win.</p><p> </p><p> Winners: Youth Explosion via pinfall</p><p> </p><p> C</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <span>http://img716.imageshack.us/img716/7529/hiwf.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> <span>http://img291.imageshack.us/img291/8106/thefearsomebunsen.jpg</span><span>http://img694.imageshack.us/img694/48/ukdragonalt1jt.jpg</span><span>http://img171.imageshack.us/img171/7439/britishsamurai1.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> The Fearsome Bunsen introduces the last match of the night from the ring. He focuses on the long history and friendship of The UK Dragon and British Samurai and the recent turn of Samurai.</p><p> </p><p> Bunsen acknowledges this isn’t a title match but sometimes you get a fight that means more to people than belts and glory. Sometimes its <em>personal…</em></p><p> </p><p> C+</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28478" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>British Samurai vs. UK Dragon</strong><p> </p><p> <span>http://img171.imageshack.us/img171/7439/britishsamurai1.jpg</span><span>http://img545.imageshack.us/img545/894/58339651.jpg</span><span>http://img694.imageshack.us/img694/48/ukdragonalt1jt.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> This is cagy for an HIW match as both men know each other so well. Samurai will struggle to apply his Secret Stretch to the man he developed it with in Japanese hotel rooms and UK Dragon cant quite catch Samurai unawares of his own lightning attacks.</p><p> </p><p> The match veers in terms of momentum but somehow UK Dragon does the unthinkable – he manages to trap Samurai in his own Secret Stretch! Sergei Kalashnov at that point enters the ring and Samurai gestures wildly for help but Sergei just stands there leaving the Samurai no option but to tap out to his own hold.</p><p> </p><p> Winner: UK Dragon via submission</p><p> </p><p> C-</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <span>http://img694.imageshack.us/img694/48/ukdragonalt1jt.jpg</span><span>http://img171.imageshack.us/img171/7439/britishsamurai1.jpg</span><span>http://img46.imageshack.us/img46/5420/sergeikalashnovalt.jpg</span><span>http://a.imageshack.us/img96/9586/adammatravers.jpg</span><span>http://a.imageshack.us/img714/7719/peteybarnes.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> After the match UK Dragon staggers off in victory and is helped by new allies Adam Matravers and Petey Barnes. Meanwhile British Samurai gestures to Sergei Kalashnov who only turns on his heel and stalks off.</p><p> </p><p> C-</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://img716.imageshack.us/img716/7529/hiwf.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> Overall rating: C</p>
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