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God Bless Texas - 1977 C-Verse

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From the Notebook of Referee Billy


Who Is...


The Night Rider?


Jesse Grissom, better known as his alter ego "The Night Rider," is a huge man, standing six and a half feet tall and weighing over three hundred pounds. Grissom debuted in 1967 and bounced around the independent scene for a few years playing a generic monster heel. In 1973, he got his big break when he began teaming with Derek Barnes as the Motorheads, a leather-clad biker gang. The duo took the TWL by storm, winning the tag team titles in December of that year from Chief Two Eagles and Rick Rumble. They held the belts until March of 1974 before dropping them to the Texas Outlaw team of Mean Mark Green and Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman. The Motorheads regained the titles in September 1974 and held them until February of 1975, when they lost to the team of Mean Mark Green and the Trailer Park Kid.


Grissom left the TWL in 1975 and debuted for SWF later that year, teaming with Mayhem Midden in a rip-off of the Motorheads, named the One-Percenters. The duo just won the SWF Tag Team Titles in November 1977.


In the past several years, Grissom has worked extensively on submission wrestling, using his menacing bulk to twist opponents in pretzels, giving him an added dimension to set him apart from other huge, menacing brutes.


Oh, and one last thing of note, The Night Rider is not Mayhem Midden!


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TWL Dangerous Ground

War Memorial Auditorium (Midwest)

December 1977

Attendance: 1,845


http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/JohnnyBoyTucker.jpg w/http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/ShannonKelly.jpg

VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/LuisMontero1977.jpg


‘American Made’ Johnny Boy Tucker w/Shannon v. Luis Reyes

Billy’s Take: Tucker came out first, Shannon a half-step behind. Somewhat surprisingly, Luis Reyes came out alone and I missed out on ordering the rest of the Reyes clan to return to the backstage area. Oh well. The match was a basic back-and-forth, with Luis showing off tremendous athleticism and Tucker relying on his fists to pummel his foe. In mid-match, Don Juan Reyes walked slickly to the ring, his eyes focused intently on the lovely Shannon. Tucker immediately jumped down to the floor to head-off the Latin Lothario. Don Juan put his hands up in mock surrender and took a few steps back. Johnny Boy slid back into the ring, but seemed distracted. With Tucker grounded, Don Juan sidled over toward Shannon. Once again, Tucker put himself between the duo. Shannon pulled off a pump and made a threatening gesture at Don Juan…and then smashed Johnny Boy Tucker across the back of the head. A laughing Don Juan slid Tucker back into the ring where he was easy pickings for little brother Luis, who ended the match with a jumping piledriver.

Luis Reyes d. Johnny Boy Tucker via Jumping Piledriver

Match Rating: B-




Still rubbing his head, Johnny Boy Tucker took the ring microphone. “Why Shannon? Why?” he mumbled into the microphone, still trying to get rid of the cobwebs. Don Juan Reyes and Shannon continued to back down the aisle before Shannon stopped, whispering to her new beau and approaching Tucker. “You want to know why Johnny? Do you really need to ask? Ok, I’ll tell you. You’re too good, too nice. Don Juan isn’t sickly sweet like cotton candy. He’s bad…and I like that. He kissed me even when he knew you’d try to beat him up. He fought the Executioner even when you begged Floyd not to. He isn’t afraid to fight for me. Sorry, Johnny, it’s over between us.” Instead of leaning on Don Juan’s arm, like she had with Johnny, Shannon let the Latin Lothario drape his arm right on her hip and let him pull her backstage. Johnny stood in stunned silence, though he seemed to be silently stewing. C



http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/ErnieTurner_alt2.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/WileySteinway_alt3.jpg VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/Rampage.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/Machete_alt.jpg


No Holds Barred: The Executioners v. Painted Paranoia (Rampage/Machete)

Billy’s Take: The newly-created team of Rampage and Machete, apparently dubbed ‘Painted Paranoia’ looked impressive in this no holds barred matchup. At one point, Rampage pulled off his shoe and began grinding the bottom into the face of one of the Executioners while Machete used a pair of brass knuckles on the other. Finally finished with administering such a brutal beating, Machete pinned one of the Executioners to pick up the win.

Painted Paranoia d. The Executioners

Match Rating: D+



http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/Cobra1977.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/Viper.jpg VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/CarlosReyes.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/DonJuanMartinez.jpg


Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) v. Border Runners (Carlos Reyes/Don Juan Reyes) w/Shannon

Billy’s Take: The newly-reborn Crimson Serpent Cult got a half-hearted cheer when they entered the ring as neither Cobra nor Viper is a very convincing babyface. But I suppose (and hope) that will change as fans begin to associate the duo with their ultra-popular ‘leader’ Chief Two Eagles. When the Reyes’ came out with Shannon, having changed into a skimpy leather mini-skirt, they also got a mixed reaction (boos for them, cheers and catcalls for Shannon). The match was good, if formulaic – the heels tried to cheat and stall while the Cult used their tremendous skills and power to ground their opponents. In the end, it was a Snakebite Roundhouse Kick to Carlos that ended it, giving the Cult an important win.

Crimson Serpent Cult d. Border Runners via Snakebite Roundhouse Kick

Match Rating: C





After the match, the Prophet and Chief Two Eagles came to the ring, to both congratulate the Crimson Serpent Cult and for the Chief to prepare for his upcoming match. The Prophet did announce for the Chief that, at the Year’s End Spectacular, Chief Two Eagles would be receiving a ceremonial headdress from his native Comanche tribe in honor of his spirit journey and rebirth. C+



http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/ChiefTwoEagles1977_alt.jpg VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/TimberWolf.jpg w/http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/ProfessorNero1977.jpg


Chief Two Eagles v. TimberWolf w/Professor Nero

Billy’s Take: TimberWolf came out to the ring with Nero in tow, the Professor seemingly still upset at his canine protégé. At first, TimberWolf refused to lock up with Chief Two Eagles, but Nero swatted him on the snout. TimberWolf whimpered but finally did engage the Chief. Bad idea. Chief beat him all around the ring, laying into him with his trademark chops to the chest. In the end, the Tomahawk Chop from the second rope mercifully ended this one.

Chief Two Eagles d. TimberWolf via Tomahawk Chop

Match Rating: B-





Rip Chord came out by himself with a microphone. “Rip Chord has something to clear up. Rip’s been hearin’ that the Night Rider is nothin’ more than a cheap knock-off of Mayhem,” Rip spat in disgust on the ring floor, “Midden. Couldn’t be further from the truth. That’s like comparin’ Chrissy from Three’s Company to that nasty broad Edith from Archie Bunker. Or the Six-Million Dollar Man to the Skipper from Gilligan’s Island. No comparison. Plus the Night Rider don’t work for Rip Chord…permanently. He’s more of what you’d call a freelancer.” Rip switched gears. “But Rip Chord didn’t come out here to explain things to you dumb, redneck, inbred hillbillies. No, Rip Chord came out here to call out Mark Krogan. Get your geriatric *** out here old man!” The curtain to the backstage area opened and a masked Executioner came out, making his way slowly to the ring. “No, no way!” Rip screamed into the microphone. “Drop the damned act. The charade is over you sonofa*****. Take that mask off!” The masked Executioner shrugged then pulled off the yellow and black mask. And it was Mayhem Midden! No, not really. It was, as Rip charged, Mark ‘The Lariat’ Krogan. He spat some tobacco juice [OOC: Read Stennick’s awesome California Dreamin’ dynasty for a seriously different take on ‘The Lariat’!] on the floor and walked up to Rip, standing nose-to-nose with the champion before taking the microphone. “Ya’ got me Rip, ya’ knew it was me all along, didn’tchya? Well Rip, I weren’t tryin’ real hard to hide it.” “But Rip Chord beat you, he beat you right in the ring, made you leave Texas.” Krogan chortled, “No way in hell I was leavin’ town boy. Not without takin’ a piece of your hide first. I heard you want a shot at me at Year’s End Spectacular. And the way I figure it, it’ll give us both what we want. You get your chance to beat a living legend of this sport, and I get a chance to take a chunk outta your ***!” C-



http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/MarkKrogan.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/PatDeacon1977.jpg w/http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/MajorWGReginald.jpg VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/RipChord1977.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/ProfessorNero1977.jpg


Mark ‘The Lariat’ Krogan/‘Perfect’ Pat Deacon w/Major W.G. Reginald III v. Rip Chord/Professor Nero

Billy’s Take: After some more bantering back and forth, Rip and Krogan agreed to a tag team match to take place right now. The match was an excellent back and forth as all four men have tremendous in-ring skills and psychology. A few basic principles dictated the direction of the match. Nero wanted nothing to do with Deacon and couldn’t work together with Rip, both distrusting the other. Krogan looked sharp after his time away and he and Rip put on a brawling clinic. Soon, however, the action spilled to the floor. Despite my repeated attempts to corral the competitors and get them back into the ring, there was too much hatred between the four men and I had to call for the bell, ruling the match a double countout.

Deacon/Krogan drew with Chord/Nero after both teams were counted out

Match Rating: B





Mark ‘The Lariat’ Krogan and Rip Chord continued their brawl backstage, leaving just Professor Nero and ‘Perfect’ Pat Deacon in the ring. Deacon had Nero cornered when, from the backstage area, the Lords of War (Warlord Agony and Warlord Pain) made their way to the ring. They stood beside Pat Deacon, all three men glaring menacingly at Professor Nero. Nero broke down and grabbed the house microphone. “You win, all of you. I’m beaten, a shell of a man. What else do you want from me? My body is broken, my spirit despaired, my Lords of War, my friends, deserted me in my time of greatest need. All I have are these trinkets,” he whispered, reaching almost spontaneously for his ever-present pouch of treasures still stored at ringside. “I…have…nothing…left…to…give.”

For a moment, Deacon’s expression softened and he turned to the Lords of War, clapping each on the shoulder apparently signaling for them to leave the Professor alone in his misery. Then suddenly the Lords of War each threw a wicked clothesline at Pat Deacon, nearly decapitating him and causing him to do a full flip as he bounced off the canvas. Professor Nero suddenly came alive, cackling at the top of his lungs and urging the Lords of War on. Apparently their ‘hatred’ of the Professor was a cleverly played ruse as the Lords of War pummeled Pat Deacon until blood flowed freely from his forehead and broken nose (perhaps creating a cosmetic improvement!). Nero wiped up some of the blood onto the towel already caked with Deacon’s blood and, laughing hideously, led the Lords of War backstage while a concerned Major Reginald hunched over Deacon and called for paramedics. C

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'American Made' Johnny Boy Tucker w/Shannon v. Luis Reyes

No Holds Barred: The Executioners v. Painted Paranoia (Machete/Rampage)

Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) v. Border Runners (Carlos Reyes/Don Juan Reyes)

Chief Two Eagles v. TimberWolf w/Professor Nero

'Perfect' Pat Deacon/Mark Krogan v. Rip Chord/Professor Nero


Only one predictor this time and bgbuff correctly picked 3/5 (although the final match was a draw. A rarity for me - especially compared to someone like Dragonmack who seems to regularly do time-limit draws...I may need to copy, erm, borrow, that tactic!)

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From the Notebook of Referee Billy




TWL Year End Spectacular is shaping up to be one of the strongest cards of the year. The Lone Star Stampeder has personally guaranteed that there will be surprises galore as the Texas Wrestling League winds down the year. The advertised matches on the card include:


Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman v. TimberWolf

Once again TimberWolf takes on a popular TWL face. Will he be able to rise to the occasion this time?


Crimson Serpent Cult v. Double Disaster

The Crimson Serpent Cult underwent a huge transformation. Will it be enough to upend the powerful young Islanders team?


Johnny Boy Tucker v. Carlos Reyes

Johnny Boy was hurt and embarassed when Don Juan Reyes took his lady love, Shannon, from him last show. Will he gain retribution against the leader of the Reyes clan, or do the Mexican trio have his number?


Battle Royal Featuring: Archie Judge, Chief Two Eagles, Trailer Park Kid, Lone Star Stampeder, Mean Mark Green, Don Juan Reyes, The Night Rider, Giant Grimsley, Prophet, Rampage, Machete, The Executioners, Red Falcon, and Captain USA

At the big battle royal in August, Giant Grimsley showed why he is known as the 'King of the Battle Royal.' Will he prevail again? Or will one of TWL's finest dethrone the king?


Cage Match: 'Perfect' Pat Deacon v. Professor Nero

After months of begging off, Professor Nero has finally agreed to a rematch against Pat Deacon. Last time we saw Pat, he was face down in a pool of his own blood. Will he recover in time to secure the win or will the 'Intelligent Monster' continue his rampage in TWL?


TWL Title: Mark 'The Lariat' Krogan v. Rip Chord ©

Rip Chord has held the TWL Title for 18 months, successfully defending against all comers. Does Mark Krogan still have enough in his tank to upend the champion or will Rip Chord remain at the top of the heap here in TWL?




Quick Picks:

  • Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman v. TimberWolf
  • Crimson Serpent Cult v. Double Disaster
  • Johnny Boy Tucker v. Carlos Reyes
  • Battle Royal Featuring: Archie Judge, Chief Two Eagles, Trailer Park Kid, Lone Star Stampeder, Mean Mark Green, Don Juan Reyes, The Night Rider, Giant Grimsley, Prophet, Rampage, Machete, The Executioners, Red Falcon, and Captain USA
  • Cage Match: 'Perfect' Pat Deacon v. Professor Nero
  • TWL Title: Mark 'The Lariat' Krogan v. Rip Chord ©

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Sorry about that AJ I think everything got pushed a bit farther back due to the DOTM predictions. I had missed that you had a show coming up :( Anyway I'm not missing this time here we go.


Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman v. TimberWolf

I like Floyd even if it seems like he's been on the losing end of things way more than I expect. :(


Crimson Serpent Cult v. Double Disaster

CSC baby!


Johnny Boy Tucker v. Carlos Reyes

Normally I'd go with Tucker but everytime I predict against Reyes I'm wrong


Battle Royal Featuring: Archie Judge, Chief Two Eagles, Trailer Park Kid, Lone Star Stampeder, Mean Mark Green, Don Juan Reyes, The Night Rider, Giant Grimsley, Prophet, Rampage, Machete, The Executioners, Red Falcon, and Captain USA

I haven't seen Giant Grimsley in the show so I'm thinking this is a good way to introduce him.


Cage Match: 'Perfect' Pat Deacon v. Professor Nero

I don't see Perfect Pat winning


TWL Title: Mark 'The Lariat' Krogan v. Rip Chord ©

Krogan isn't beating Chord for the title I don't see it happening

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Sorry about that AJ I think everything got pushed a bit farther back due to the DOTM predictions. I had missed that you had a show coming up :( Anyway I'm not missing this time here we go.


Thanks Sten. And no worries on missing the last round...this is the big one! Let's just say that my original plans changed considerably once I signed some people and lost some people as the event drew nearer.

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I know you said this was one of your bigger shows of the year so lets hope it lives up to it, although I'm kind of shocked that guys like Two Birds are in a battle royal on such a big show but you'll make it work I'm fairly confident :D


Yeah, Two Birds is *just* in the battle royal. The AI Instructions for Year End Spectacular includes a battle royal, so it is a bigger deal than just your average run-of-the-mill battle royal. Think of it like the Royal Rumble...without the Wrestlemania title shot.

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Drat. I missed predicting for the last show too.


Loved Rip Chord's big promo on that one.


Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman v. TimberWolf

Wolf doesnt beat the big boys


Crimson Serpent Cult v. Double Disaster

Not losing the straps yet


Johnny Boy Tucker v. Carlos Reyes

I agree with Stennick this is a knife-edge one


Battle Royal Featuring: Archie Judge, Chief Two Eagles, Trailer Park Kid, Lone Star Stampeder, Mean Mark Green, Don Juan Reyes, The Night Rider, Giant Grimsley, Prophet, Rampage, Machete, The Executioners, Red Falcon, and Captain USA

Chief could be a big name for you. I get the idea hes pretty over


Cage Match: 'Perfect' Pat Deacon v. Professor Nero

Nero is resurgent


TWL Title: Mark 'The Lariat' Krogan v. Rip Chord ©

I dont really see Big Rip losing the title, but after such a long Executioner storyline there needs to be a big payoff...

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Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman v. TimberWolf

Crimson Serpent Cult v. Double Disaster

•Johnny Boy Tucker v. Carlos Reyes

•Battle Royal Featuring: Archie Judge, Chief Two Eagles, Trailer Park Kid, Lone Star Stampeder, Mean Mark Green, Don Juan Reyes, The Night Rider, Giant Grimsley, Prophet, Rampage, Machete, The Executioners, Red Falcon, and Captain USA

•Cage Match: 'Perfect' Pat Deacon v. Professor Nero

•TWL Title: Mark 'The Lariat' Krogan v. Rip Chord ©


This is a great card and I'm looking forward to it.....

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TWL Year End Spectacular

Irvine Hall (Midsouth)

December 1977

Attendance: 2,806


http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/FloydBowmn.jpg VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/TimberWolf.jpg w/http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/ProfessorNero1977.jpg


Floyd ‘F-Bomb’ Bowman v. TimberWolf w/Professor Nero

Billy’s Take: Bowman came out first and, much to the delight of the raucous Irvine Hall crowd, took a microphone. “Well **** me, what a ****in’ fantastic crowd tonight! Let’s get this mother****er started Outlaw style!” He raised one hand with his typical one-finger salute and the other in the ‘hook ‘em horns’ hand sign of the Texas Outlaws. TimberWolf, on the other hand, slunk to the ring looking already beaten, his ‘master’ Professor Nero shooting him threatening looks to keep his canine protégé moving forward. In the ring, this was a rather one-sided encounter with TimberWolf unable to keep up with Bowman’s fast-flying-fists. Bowman pummeled TimberWolf into a corner and then began punching him in the throat, flipping him double birds and then continuing his assault until I interjected myself between F-Bomb and T-Wolf. Shortly thereafter, Bowman threw TimberWolf off of the ropes and connected with a vicious Salute ‘n Boot to secure the victory in this opening bout.

Bowman d. TimberWolf via Salute ‘n Boot

Match Rating: C+




‘American Made’ Johnny Boy Tucker came down to the ring to congratulate Floyd ‘F-Bomb’ Bowman and keep Professor Nero at bay. After Nero and TimberWolf exited backstage, Tucker and Bowman began to follow when, suddenly, a new face emerged from the back. Bowman and Tucker stood in stunned silence (a rarity for Tucker and a near-impossibility for F-Bomb) as the newcomer slowly raised his left hand in the ‘hook ‘em horns’ hand sign of the Texas Outlaws.




Blackheart Jones had arrived in TWL. C




VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/Eruption.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/Tsunami.jpg


Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) v. Double Disaster (Eruption/Tsunami)

Billy’s Take: The Crimson Serpent Cult received a little stronger reaction than last time as apparently the fans are picking up on the fact that they are supposed to be babyfaces. For their part, Double Disaster got very little reaction as the crowd is somewhat ambivalent about a tough team of Samoan badasses that lose every match they’re in and seem to lack direction…

The Crimson Serpent Cult made short work of their opponents, using their tremendous tag team experience and veteran wiles to overwhelm the obscenely powerful youngsters. In the end, Viper connected with a Solid Snake Stunner to give the CSC another important win.

Crimson Serpent Cult d. Double Disaster via Solid Snake Stunner

Match Rating: C+




For the second time tonight, ‘American Made’ Johnny Boy Tucker came out to the ring, this time alone, and grabbed the microphone. “Shannon, I’ve been thinking,” he began, speaking haltingly into the mic. “And you were right. You always are,” the fans started to boo a little, concerned that their All-American, wholesome Johnny Boy was spineless. “But there’s something else you should know, darlin’. I took your little speech to heart. You said that I’m not bad enough, not passionate enough. You want bad? You need passion? Tonight I’m gonna show you the meaning of passionate badness when I kick Carlos Reyes’ teeth down his ****ing throat! Oh, and Shannon? Don’t worry, I’m not doing this to try and win you back. This isn’t about love or even lust. It’s about me kicking the **** out of anyone who stands in my way.” C-


http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/JohnnyBoyTucker.jpg VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/CarlosReyes.jpg


‘American Made’ Johnny Boy Tucker v. Carlos Reyes

Billy’s Take: Wow, Tucker showed a new side of himself tonight, not pandering to the crowd or even acknowledging when Don Juan Reyes and Shannon made their way to ringside to try and serve as distractions. Tucker remained incredibly focused on his task at hand, beating Carlos Reyes into a bloody pulp. Even when he had Reyes beaten after connecting with a Power Lariat, he set him up for a second, and then a third, finally pinning him for the three count after the final Power Lariat nearly decapitated the head of the Reyes clan. After the match, Don Juan Reyes looked like he was considering sliding in to attack Tucker but then thought better of it, grabbing a handful of Shannon’s ass instead and pulling her backstage as she leaned into him, kissing him on the cheek.

Tucker d. Reyes via Power Lariat

Match Rating: D+





Year End Battle Royal: Archie Judge, Chief Two Eagles, Trailer Park Kid, Lone Star Stampeder, Mean Mark Green, Don Juan Reyes, The Night Rider, Giant Grimsley, Prophet, Rampage, Machete, The Executioners, Red Falcon, and Captain USA

Billy’s Take: The Year End Battle Royal has a long tradition in TWL as past winners include Rocky Streets, George DeColt, and Dale Christian. This one started off much as the August Battle Royal had, with several wrestlers trying to push Giant Grimsley out of the ring. And just like his victory in August proved, he is nearly impossible to put over the top. Instead, the seven-foot tall giant tossed Red Falcon and Captain USA out with relative ease. There were several exciting moments in this one, highlighted by the Lone Star Stampeder tossing Machete and Rampage from the ring after Rampage had thrown out Stampy’s tag team partner Archie Judge. Later in the match, The Night Rider cleared out Prophet, Trailer Park Kid, and one of the Executioners before Mean Mark Green managed to use Night Rider’s momentum to carry him over the top. The final four soon emerged as Mean Mark Green, Giant Grimsley, Chief Two Eagles, and, somewhat surprisingly, one of the Executioners. The remaining Executioner made a mistake in attacking Grimsley and found himself quickly deposited on the floor. That left just three men. Interesting, three men in the ring at one time, all against one another. Too bad that would never work in a regular match! Anyways, Mean Mark was the next man to fall to the power of Giant Grimsley and, once again, it looked like the Giant would emerge victorious. He powered Chief Two Eagles to the ropes and pushed him over, inch by inch. But Two Eagles suddenly seemed reenergized and fought back with a series of crushing knife-edge chops. Giant Grimsley staggered backwards. Chief Two Eagles went to the second rope and delivered a skull-crushing Tomahawk Chop directly between Giant Grimsley’s eyes. The huge man stumbled and then fell, unceremoniously, over the top rope and out of the ring, giving Chief Two Eagles the somewhat surprising win.

Chief Two Eagles won the Battle Royal, last defeating Giant Grimsley

Match Rating: C+





Chief Two Eagles remained in the ring, joined by the Prophet and the Crimson Serpent Cult. Then a contingent of Comanche Indians, dressed completely in traditional attire, came from the backstage area, beating drums and carrying, at their head, a resplendent war bonnet covered in eagle feathers. Chief Two Eagles bowed his head as the procession made its way into the ring. One of the Indians motioned for the Chief to kneel, which he did. Then they placed the ceremonial headdress atop Chief Two Eagles’ head. The Chief let out an ear-splitting war whoop and the crowd cheered wildly. B+



http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/PatDeacon1977.jpg w/http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/MajorWGReginald.jpg VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/ProfessorNero1977.jpg


Cage Match: ‘Perfect’ Pat Deacon w/Major W.G. Reginald III v. Professor Nero

Billy’s Take: Professor Nero came out first, the reviled heel showered with boos. When ‘Perfect’ Pat Deacon emerged, wearing a bandage on his forehead where the Disciples of Evilness had attacked him the show previous, the crowd exploded. Deacon went into the cage first, standing in the center of the ring with his arms raised in triumph. Nero entered the cage with a chair in his hands. I told him to drop it, but instead he threw it over my head at Deacon. As I went to pick up the chair, Nero grabbed Deacon’s legs and pulled him to the outside, driving his head into the steel cage. I called for the bell, threw the chair out of the cage, and pulled the cage door shut as the match began. This was a brutal affair as Deacon relished the opportunity to finally exact his revenge on the nefarious Nero. He raked Nero’s forehead against the cage, drawing blood from the ‘Intelligent Monster’ before tossing him back into the ring to exact more punishment. But Nero also had his moments, using his tremendous intellect to bait Deacon into attacking only to use a thumb to the eye or kick to the shin to temporarily distract Perfect Pat and give him an opportunity to counterattack. Back and forth the match went as the crowd cheered the roller coaster ride. Unsurprisingly, Nero’s minions, the turncoat Lords of War, made their way to the ring midmatch. Agony tried to unlock the cage door, but was unsuccessful. Amazingly, Warlord Pain took hold of a section of the chainlink fence and bent it in his hands, but was unable to break through entirely, instead leaving some dangerous-looking barbs. Nero took advantage and dragged Deacon to the small cage opening, raking Deacon’s forehead across the barbs until crimson blood flowed from the open wound. With both men spurting blood, Nero pulled Deacon back into the ring and looked to have the match won when he locked in the Descent into Madness. But Deacon had enough wherewithals to slam Nero back-first into the ringpost and knock the wind out of the Professor. Deacon recovered enough to connect with a huge Deacon Driver to pick up the win. 1…2…3.

Deacon d. Nero via Deacon Driver

Match Rating: B-





Suddenly the lights of the auditorium dimmed and a scratchy sound like an LP beginning to play echoed through Irvine Hall. Then a guitar riff hit and the song ‘Midnight Rider’ from the Allman Brothers pounded through the arena speakers.


<OBJECT width=480 height=385>



<embed src="

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K7A2acBVENA?fs=1&hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></OBJECT>

I’ve never heard anything like this before in my life! Why was music playing in a wrestling arena? As if on cue, Mark ‘The Lariat’ Krogan pulled back the curtain separating the arena from the backstage area and strode to the ring in time with the music while the crowd erupted in cheers. B-



http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/MarkKrogan.jpg VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/RipChord1977.jpg


TWL Title Match: Mark ‘The Lariat’ Krogan v. Rip Chord ©

Billy’s Take: Rip Chord entered the ring next, but seemed a little cowed by the tremendous entrance of his opponent. This momentary indecision was all Krogan needed to seize the early advantage, powerfully clubbing Chord around the ring, forcing the champion to escape to the floor. Rip grew increasingly frustrated with Krogan’s determination and started to get a little reckless, taking chances he probably wouldn’t normally take. Out of one such exchange, Krogan went for a running double axe handle off of the ropes, but Rip ducked under and kicked Krogan in the hamstrings from behind. This doubled over the challenger and Rip Chord connected with a Rip Chord DDT. Rip arrogantly covered Krogan. 1…2…no, wait. Krogan kicked out! A shocked Rip Chord went for a second Rip Chord DDT, but Krogan pushed Rip away. Krogan ran full-on at Chord and connected with a brutal-looking Power Lariat, covering Rip as I, along with nearly three thousand fans in the stands, counted 1…2…3. We have a new TWL champion!

Krogan d. Chord via Power Lariat to win the TWL Title!

Match Rating: B




Mark ‘The Lariat’ Krogan stood weak-kneed, holding the TWL Title aloft for the crowd to see. Johnny Boy Tucker ran down to the ring, his tag team belt perched atop his right shoulder. He stopped a few feet from Krogan and the two exchanged a brief look of iciness. Each man grabbed his title perhaps bit tighter. But then Tucker warmly embraced his mentor, holding Krogan’s hand up high to celebrate Krogan’s first ever major singles title as the crowd roared its approval. C+

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Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman v. TimberWolf

Crimson Serpent Cult v. Double Disaster

Johnny Boy Tucker v. Carlos Reyes

Battle Royal Featuring: Archie Judge, Chief Two Eagles, Trailer Park Kid, Lone Star Stampeder, Mean Mark Green, Don Juan Reyes, The Night Rider, Giant Grimsley, Prophet, Rampage, Machete, The Executioners, Red Falcon, and Captain USA

Cage Match: 'Perfect' Pat Deacon v. Professor Nero

TWL Title: Mark 'The Lariat' Krogan v. Rip Chord ©


2/6. Looks like I managed to trip you up Sten!


Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman v. TimberWolf

Crimson Serpent Cult v. Double Disaster

Johnny Boy Tucker v. Carlos Reyes

Battle Royal Featuring: Archie Judge, Chief Two Eagles, Trailer Park Kid, Lone Star Stampeder, Mean Mark Green, Don Juan Reyes, The Night Rider, Giant Grimsley, Prophet, Rampage, Machete, The Executioners, Red Falcon, and Captain USA

Cage Match: 'Perfect' Pat Deacon v. Professor Nero

TWL Title: Mark 'The Lariat' Krogan v. Rip Chord ©


5/6. Nice work! Only missed the Deacon/Nero match. They needed to finish off their feud.


Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman v. TimberWolf

Crimson Serpent Cult v. Double Disaster

Johnny Boy Tucker v. Carlos Reyes

Battle Royal Featuring: Archie Judge, Chief Two Eagles, Trailer Park Kid, Lone Star Stampeder, Mean Mark Green, Don Juan Reyes, The Night Rider, Giant Grimsley, Prophet, Rampage, Machete, The Executioners, Red Falcon, and Captain USA

Cage Match: 'Perfect' Pat Deacon v. Professor Nero

TWL Title: Mark 'The Lariat' Krogan v. Rip Chord ©


4/6. Nice work bgbuff!



Next up...some end of the year housekeeping.

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Guest cmdrsam
Still reading following it. Like what you are dong with Bowman. Think that the music you picked for Krogan fits and worked well for you. Krogan winning the title is good, but cant help to wonder if its a transitional title reign. Either way still a fine read sir.
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From the Notebook of Referee Billy


Who is…


Blackheart Jones?


In 1974, Samuel Stragavelli, then a 25 year-old bodybuilder, met a man named Michael Wilmington almost by accident, in a gymnasium owned by Mr. Wilmington. Soon these two similarly-driven, powerfully-built young men became close friends. Wilmington, better known by his ring-name Micky Starr, convinced Samuel to become a professional wrestler. In August, 1975, Stragavelli debuted for the American Pro Wrestling Federation and…was destroyed by Gorgeous George DeColt, one of the promotion’s top stars, in around 10 minutes. Despite this initial setback, Stragavelli has slowly learned the ropes of the wrestling business, carefully studying at the knee of former SWF champion Micky Starr and avoiding the rampant politics of the dastardly Lambert Family running APWF. In October 1976, Stragavelli won his first professional title, collecting the APWF Tri State title after defeating Giant Grimsley. He lost the belt to Brutus McBride in January 1977, but regained it four months later before again relinquishing the belt in July 1977 to McBride. Stragavelli has also found success in the tag team division, partnering with the Masked Patriot to capture the tag team straps, holding the belts from February until August 1977 when they were defeated by Mighty Thor and The Crusher.


In November 1977, Stragavelli’s career took an interesting twist. In the Western film “Blackhearts,” Sam played a villainous character named Outlaw Jones, terrorizing fellow co-star Gene Gentry. His performance so impressed TWL owner Erick Campbell, aka The Lone Star Stampeder, that Stampy sent a contract offer to Stragavelli instantly and received a positive response just a few days before Year End Spectacular. Stragavelli, who has spent his entire three-year career as a babyface, seems excited to play the heelish Blackheart Jones, a character based loosely on Outlaw Jones.

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Still reading following it. Like what you are dong with Bowman. Think that the music you picked for Krogan fits and worked well for you. Krogan winning the title is good, but cant help to wonder if its a transitional title reign. Either way still a fine read sir.


Thanks for reading and glad you like what I'm doing with Bowman. Again, he's easy to write for and one of my top guys.


Krogan's title reign should be...interesting. Certainly not as dominant in the ring as Rip's, but hopefully with some more drama.

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From the Notebook of Referee Billy


January 1978



I stood outside the office of the Lone Star Stampeder, tapping my foot against the ground impatiently. A few feet away, Stampy’s newest signing,Samuel Stragavelli, leaned against the wall, a coolly-bemused expression on his face. “Just chill, bro” Stragavelli advised, “I’m sure Mr. Campbell will see us in just a minute.” As if on cue, the door to Stampy’s office swung open violently. I jumped back half a step when Rip Chord nearly fell out, smelling like an ashtray dumped in a stale beer. “**** you, Stampy. You’ll regret this you ****in’ b*stard!” Rip slurred his words together, creating one nearly-incomprehensible sentence that sounded like F-Bomb ordering Chinese food after a three-day bender. “And who…in…the…****…are…you?” Rip spat at Stragavelli. “Sam Stragavelli,” the big man offered a *strong* handshake. “Sammy Spaghetti?” Rip snorted and staggered toward the newcomer. “No, Mr. Chord. Stragavelli,” his voice was suddenly ice cold. Rip seemed taken aback. “Well Rip Chord don’t…give…a…****…who…you…think…you…” Rip puked all over Stragavelli’s shoes and then used the back of his hand to wipe his mouth. “Think you need new shoes Spaghetti,” Rip mumbled as he stumbled away, using the walls in the hallway to support his weight. “Rip’s done here,” the Lone Star Stampeder declared as he walked into the foul-smelling hallway. “Told him to clean up or ship out. He told me…well, you heard what he told me. He’ll be one hell of a loss, but he never was the same after Austin di…well, you know.” I shook my head. “Sorry for keeping you boys waiting. Sam Stragavelli, have you met our referee, Billy? Billy, this is Sam Stragavelli. There’s a *strong* likelihood that he’s about to change the wrestling industry…”

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swapping Chord for... Stragavelli should make your promo a much nicer place.


Interesting to see how his push goes. Hold him back!


I'll try and hold him back. But since I'm pretty sure someone (SWF or BHOTWG) will swoop in and pick him up within a few months I also want to get some mileage out of him (and his storyline). Definately a balancing act.

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1977: A Year in Review


January 1977

Comings and Goings:

Signed – Shannon Kelly, Kenny Maynard (The Executioner I), Tsunami, Eruption

Lost – Nathan Crosby (superfluous road agent)



Chief Two Eagles and Rip Chord started a short feud that saw Rip mock the Chief incessantly. Mark Krogan put his protégé, Johnny Boy Tucker, through the paces, demonstrating Tucker’s tremendous athleticism and bestowing the nickname ‘American Made’ on young Johnny Boy. Meanwhile, the Disciples of Evilness (Professor Nero, TimberWolf, the Lords of War, and Rampage) squared off with the Texas Outlaws (Floyd Bowman, Mean Mark Green, Trailer Park Kid, Austin McCoy) in a series of singles and tag team encounters.



In Super Bowl XI, the Oakland Raiders defeated the Minnesota Vikings 32-14

Jimmy Carter was inaugurated as the 39th President of the United States

Roots was shown on television and was roundly praised as the greatest show of the generation


February 1977

Comings and Goings:

Signed – Luis Montero (Luis Reyes)



Rip Chord and Chief Two Eagles continued their rivalry, with Rip cheating to prevail in their only singles encounter. Pat Deacon remained on a roll, going over most of the TWL undercard while Professor Nero oddly began collecting trinkets, first nabbing Trailer Park Kid’s pack of cigarettes. The feud between the Texas Outlaws and Disciples of Evilness continued, culminating in a challenge for a 4-on-4 match laid down by Austin McCoy.


Wrestling World:

The APWF Heavyweight Title switched hands as Terry Lambert took the belt off Marcus McKing.


March 1977

Comings and Goings:

Signed – Mayhem Midden, Babyface Dave (The Texas Outlaw, Executioner II)

Lost – Dean Davis



Mayhem Midden introduced himself as Rip Chord’s mystery partner in a match against Krogan and Tucker and remained by Rip’s side for the next eight months. Nero continued his thieving ways, taking a tin star from a child at ringside after the Lone Star Stampeder had given it to the boy. After the first show of the month, Austin McCoy overdosed, apparently misusing prescription drugs. He retired from active competition a few days later. The second TWL show of the month, entitled High Noon, served as a tribute to Austin, as the Texas Outlaws dedicated their match (now a 3-on-4 handicap match) against the Disciples of Evilness to their fallen comrade. Several other wrestlers gave heartfelt tributes, but Rip Chord ruined the intended tone for the evening, belittling Austin and accusing him of being an addict. In the main event, Professor Nero ran into a masked man dressed like the Texas Outlaw (originator of the Texas Outlaw stable).


Wrestling World:

In CPW, Preston Hold took the CPW Championship off Fujiyama the Samurai.


April 1977

Comings and Goings:

Signed – Cobra, Viper



After losing a title match against Rip Chord in March, Mark Krogan told Johnny Boy Tucker how important it was to make every shot count. In response, Johnny made it his mission to gain championship gold in TWL. Meanwhile, after losing Austin McCoy and realizing that the substitute Texas Outlaw was no Jackson Andrews, the Texas Outlaws slid into a feud with the newly-debuted Black Serpent Cult, who won the tag team titles from Mean Mark Green and Trailer Park Kid in their debut match. Nero continued his trophy collecting, grabbing a bloodied towel belonging to Pat Deacon after the two had a bloodbath of a match at TWL Texas Two Step.



The Toronto Blue Jays and Seattle Mariners played their first-ever games of baseball as expansion teams.

The punk band “The Clash” released its debut self-titled album in the UK.


May 1977

Comings and Goings:

Signed – Heinz Getwellvet (Road Agent)



The feud between the Outlaws and Black Serpent Cult hit a boiling point as the two engaged in a Texas Tornado Mayhem match for the belts. The Black Serpent Cult, using a fireball finisher, prevailed, retaining the belts in a brutal match. Also, Pat Deacon got a shot at Rip Chord’s title and won the match but not the title after Professor Nero interfered. Chief Two Eagles, after failing to defeat Rip Chord, slid into a rivalry with the debuting Shaman (on loan from AAWF) and his associates, the Black Serpent Cult.



Star Wars opened and became the highest-grossing movie of all time. This set off an epidemic of nerds everywhere saying “May the Force Be With You” to everyone.


June 1977


This month saw several feuds continue and a few important ones heat up. Rip Chord beat Johnny Boy Tucker in a title match and, after administering a post-match beating, was challenged by Mark Krogan to a loser-leaves-town match. At Showdown, the second card of the month, Chord defeated Krogan and forced him to leave TWL. Meanwhile, Chief Two Eagles defeated the Shaman, but mysteriously disappeared in a cloud of smoke after the match, also leaving TWL for several months. Pat Deacon and Professor Nero ramped up their rivalry as Deacon defeated Nero by disqualification after the Lords of War interfered on behalf of their leader.


Wrestling World:

Marcus McKing regained the APWF Heavyweight Title over Terry Lambert, after 16 successful defenses.



Apple II computers were first sold

The Portland Trail Blazers, led by Bill Walton, won the NBA Title over the Philadelphia 76ers

Spain had its first democratic elections after 41 years under the rule of Francisco Franco


July 1977

Comings and Goings:

Signed – Red Falcon, Brad Kelley (Mr. Excitement), Don Juan Martinez (Don Juan Reyes)

Lost – Larry Vessey



With Chief Two Eagles and Mark Krogan gone, Rip Chord expected to have an easy time plowing through challengers. But on the first show of the month, a mysterious masked man known simply as “The Executioner” arrived to make Rip’s life a living hell. In an attempt to help Johnny Boy Tucker get over the loss of his mentor, the Texas Outlaws, and Floyd Bowman in particular, took Tucker under their wings, despite Johnny Boy’s girlfriend Shannon trying to keep her beau away from the Outlaws.



The Johnstown Flood (in Pennsylvania) killed at least 75 people and caused billions of dollars in damage.


August 1977

Comings and Goings:

Signed – Captain USA, Cherokee Hawk (Prophet)



Rip Chord continued his assault on masked men, first beating up an Executioner (the wrong one) and then the Texas Outlaw, who needed a reason to beat a hasty exit from the angle involving the Texas Outlaws. At Wanted: Dead or Alive, one of TWL’s signature events, Pat Deacon and Professor Nero continued their on-again, off-again feud as Deacon demanded, and got, an ‘I Quit’ match against the nefarious Professor. In that match, Nero informed Deacon that his family was in danger, giving Nero an underhanded victory and evincing that Nero would play mind games with ‘Perfect Pat.’ Also on that card, the mysterious Prophet arrived proclaiming that ‘He’ was coming, Mad Man McMannus defeated RJ Danzig in a brutal match, Giant Grimsley won a battle royal, and Rip Chord put a bounty on the ‘real’ Executioner after being assailed by at least four phony versions of the masked man.

Also in August, Austin McCoy passed away, causing the locker room and the wrestling world at large, to mourn his loss.


Wrestling World:

In AAFW, Wade Morris upset Crippler Ray Kingman for the AAFW title, surprising many industry insiders as the two had not been feuding.



Elvis Presley died

David Berkowitz (aka Son of Sam) was captured


September 1977

Comings and Goings:

Lost – Pavel Landis



Professor Nero continued his mind games with Deacon and informed ‘Perfect Pat’ that, in order to get a one-on-one with the Professor, Deacon had to run the gauntlet of Nero’s Disciples of Evilness. In a No Holds Barred Match, Deacon defeated Rampage. The next show, Deacon defeated TimberWolf in a Dog Collar Match, apparently putting him 2/3 of the way toward his desired rematch. Mayhem Midden and Mean Mark Green engaged in a mini-feud, culminating in Green losing to Rip Chord in a surprisingly tough title match. Floyd Bowman was the second man to try and collect Rip Chord’s masked man bounty, much to the consternation of Johnny Boy Tucker, who realized that it was most likely Mark Krogan under the mask. The Prophet continued to foretell ‘His’ coming while the Black Serpent Cult began attacking this mysterious messenger.


Wrestling World:

Angus McCloud shocked the wrestling world when he challenged, and defeated, Marcus McKing for the APWF Title. Only later did we learn that McKing was leaving APWF and refused to drop the belt back to Terry Lambert. The Masked Patriot defeated Angus McCloud later in the month to gain the title.

After fifteen successful title defenses, Preston Holt lost the CPW Championship to Mad Man McMannus.

Hagar Erickson ended Micky Starr’s five year title reign with a shocking upset over Starr at SWF Uproar that rated as just their 10th best of the year (falling far short of Starr defeating Teddy Flame at The Challenge in July).


October 1977


Rip Chord, frustrated that no one could unmask the Executioner, decided to take it upon himself to reveal the identity of the masked man (who by now was widely known to be Mark Krogan himself). Rip defeated the ‘real’ Executioner by countout, but couldn’t unmask him, thanks to Mayhem Midden’s apparent clumsiness. The Black Serpent Cult continued to try and quiet the Prophet, but he persisted and even scared the Cult with his resilience and apparent inability to burn. Pat Deacon ‘failed’ in Nero’s gauntlet as the Professor interfered in a match between the Lords of War and Deacon/Lone Star Stampeder by hitting his own Lords of War with his cane to give them the DQ win over Deacon and his partner. Afterwards, the Lords of War seemingly turned on Nero, leaving the Professor alone but Deacon without his revenge.


Wrestling World:

Mad Man McMannus’ reign with the CPW title was short-lived as he dropped the belt to The Crusher after just three defenses.



The Atari 2600 was released. Nerds everywhere that could afford the $200 price tag took a break from talking about The Force to discuss the game Combat.

The New York Yankees defeated the Los Angeles Dodgers in the World Series, led by Reggie Jackson (dubbed Mr. October)


November 1977

Comings and Goings:

Signed – Machete, The Night Rider

Lost – Mayhem Midden



Rip Chord defeated the Executioner, but pulled off his mask to reveal a man other than Mark Krogan. A frustrated Chord demanded a match against Krogan, ban be damned, at the Year’s End Spectacular. The relationship between Johnny Boy Tucker and Shannon soured as Tucker continued hanging out with the Texas Outlaws, winning the TWL Tag Team Titles with Floyd Bowman, and Shannon faced the advances of Don Juan Reyes (of the Reyes Brothers/Border Runners). Meanwhile the ‘He’ referred to by the Prophet turned out to be a reborn Chief Two Eagles, who promptly convinced the Black Serpent Cult to turn babyface and join him. Professor Nero turned into a cheerleader of Pat Deacon, infuriating Perfect Pat to an unforeseen degree. And finally, Mayhem Midden was revealed to be a spy, an SWF plant, who cost Rip the chance to unmask the Executioner and was ousted from TWL, on the same night that the vigilante Night Rider appeared.


Wrestling World:

SWF grew to national size and began signing talent on written contracts. Among their first hires were Romeo Heartthrob, Magnum Johnson, Tyson Lang, and Marcus McKing.

In AAFW, Ray Kingman regained his title from Wade Morris, after only two defenses and is the current holder of the belt.

In APWF, the belt-passing continued as The Brooklyn Punk defeated the Masked Patriot for the APWF title.

The CPW Championship also continued its hot-potato run as Preston Holt regained the belt from the Crusher after just a one-month reign.



Harvey Milk, the first openly gay elected official in a large American city, was elected City Supervisor of San Francisco.


December 1977

Comings and Goings:

Signed – Samuel Stragavelli

Lost – Rip Chord



This was all about building to the big year-end show. The Lords of War ‘turned’ on Perfect Pat Deacon and Professor Nero finally granted a bloodied Deacon’s wish for a one-on-one encounter in a steel cage. Deacon won the match, providing closure (maybe) for this long-running feud. Shannon finally turned on Johnny Boy Tucker, aligning with Don Juan Reyes, citing that she needed a bad boy. Johnny took out his frustrations on Carlos Reyes, showing a new mean streak. A new face appeared in TWL as ‘Blackheart Jones,’ aka Sam Stragavelli, aka Sam Strong, debuted at Year’s End, shocking Floyd Bowman and Johnny Boy Tucker by hoisting the Texas Outlaws hand sign. Chief Two Eagles won the Year End Battle Royal, last eliminating Giant Grimsley, and was then awarded a ceremonial headdress by fellow members of the Comanche tribe. In the main event of that show, Mark Krogan finally won the TWL Title, after becoming the (first?) wrestler to enter the ring with his own personal musical accompaniment. At the end of the show, his former protégé Johnny Boy Tucker embraced him warmly, but the two exchanged a brief look that seemed to indicate that all may not be well between Master and Apprentice…


Wrestling World:

Wild Man Sullivan is still the CWB champion, having successfully defended it thirteen times this year.


1977 Pop Culture

Top television shows included Laverne & Shirley, Happy Days, Three’s Company, and M*A*S*H.

Top movies included Star Wars, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Smokey and the Bandit, and Saturday Night Fever.

Top music singles included The Eagles’ “Hotel California,” and Donna Summer’s “I Feel Love.”

The top music album was Fleetwood Mac’s “Rumours”

Gallon of Gas: Cost 65 cents

25” Color Television: Cost $599

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1977: A Year in Review

Best of the Year

Wrestler of the Year: Master Kitozon

Young Wrestler: Corporal Doom

Veteran Wrestler: Connor Thompson

Female Wrestler: Nakamura Miharu

Top Promotion: SWF

Most Improved Promotion: CWF

Match of the Year: A BHOTWG match

Show of the Year: BHOTWG Inferno of Purity (June)


TWL in Power 100:

#57 – Rip Chord

#65 – Mark Krogan

#68 – Pat Deacon

#91 – Mayhem Midden

#93 – Cobra


TWL Top Ten Matches:

1 – Chord d. Krogan at The Showdown B+

2 – Deacon d. Nero at The Showdown – B+

3 – Krogan/Tucker/Deacon d. Chord/Midden/Nero at Hoedown – B

4 – Deacon d. Chord at Stampede – B

5 – Deacon d. Nero at Texas Two Step – B

6 – Chord d. Krogan at Fight to the Finish – B

7 – Krogan d. Chord at Year End Spectacular – B

8 – Chord d. The Executioner II at 6 Feet Under – B

9 – Deacon/Krogan drew with Chord/Nero at Dangerous Ground – B

10 – Nero d. Deacon at Wanted Dead or Alive - B

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Man AJ I really suck when it comes to predicting your shows but thats a testament to how balanced things are. Seriously even matches that I think are a lock wind up surprising me.


As great as that show is and trust me I'm a pretty big Krogan fan (not that anybody could tell ha ha) that bit with Chord and Strong was the best thing you've done so far. Sam Spaghetti, looks like you need new shoes, ha ha. Sucks to see Rip go was he picked up by the SWF or what exactly happened? I need some dirt sheetz when it comes to my wrasslin news dammit!

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From the Notebook of Referee Billy




TWL's first event of 1978, Back in the Saddle is rapidly approaching. So far, the card looks like this:


TWL Tag Team Titles: Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman/Johnny Boy Tucker © v. Border Runners (Carlos/Don Juan Reyes)

Johnny Boy has had recent issues with the Reyes'. Can he and his sometimes partner Bowman retain the titles against the fast-rising Reyes duo?


Archie 'The Governor' Judge v. ???

Judge takes on a mystery man. Word has it that this man is not too fond of Texas...


The Lone Star Stampeder v. Blackheart Jones

Jones is a recent debutant in TWL while Stampy is the owner and one of the top draws in Texas.


Prophet/Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) v. TimberWolf/Lords of War (Warlord Agony/Warlord Pain)

Nero's minions have been on a roll as of late. Can they keep it up against Chief Two Eagles' buddies?


No Holds Barred: 'Perfect' Pat Deacon v. Machete

Machete is a psychotic machine. Can Pat Deacon overcome the sadism of the painted newcomer?


Master & Apprentice (Mark 'The Lariat' Krogan/Johnny Boy Tucker) v. The Night Rider/Luis Reyes

Can Tucker (doing double duty) and Krogan stay on the same page or will they fall to the randomly thrown together duo of Luis Reyes and the Night Rider?

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Man AJ I really suck when it comes to predicting your shows but thats a testament to how balanced things are. Seriously even matches that I think are a lock wind up surprising me.


I swear I don't just change shows to screw up your predicitons. Honest... :D


As great as that show is and trust me I'm a pretty big Krogan fan (not that anybody could tell ha ha) that bit with Chord and Strong was the best thing you've done so far. Sam Spaghetti, looks like you need new shoes, ha ha. Sucks to see Rip go was he picked up by the SWF or what exactly happened? I need some dirt sheetz when it comes to my wrasslin news dammit!


Glad you enjoyed that bit...it was very fun to write. I have to say that your interpretation of Krogan has given him new life in my eyes. He was about to get lost in the shuffle before you brought us CPW's resident redneck tobacco-juice spitting bad ass!


And yes, Rip Chord joined the Evil Empire of SWF after he refused to negotiate with me (erm, I mean Stampy) because we're too small of a fed. Bastard!

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